dizyarasi · 1 year
“70’ lerde olsak bir sürü plak alırdım sana, 80’lerde açık hava sinemasına götürür, izledikten sonra muhallebi ısmarlardım, 90’larda olsak mahallenin bütün güzel misketlerini kazanır dökerdim avuçlarına, 21. yüzyılda nasıl sevilir inan ki bilmiyorum, içim ısınmadı bu yüzyıla, bağışla.”
Çetin Balanuye | Spinoza
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fish-ler · 5 months
don't be shy, greedy, i can tell oncie you like him on your behalf :3
Greed-ler: Oh really? Amazing idea!
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Greed-ler: yeah, i would like to, please tell him on my behalf.
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Greed-ler: I can't wait for the answer...
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awakefor48hours · 1 year
Say it with me: Korrasami is actually a good relationship. The only reason why it didn't develop in the same way that other relationships in the show is because gay marriage was illegal and showing any signs that a "good" character was queer in any way, shape, or form would have your show completely pulled
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veryblushyswitch · 2 years
🌸 Robin ~ (tickle hcs) 🌸
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Tagging a couple mutuals 💖 @twordyfluffytrash @chandlersgiggle @sugars-fluffy-escapes @ticklishraspberries @nhasablogg @totallynoteddie @happyandticklish
*Says she isn’t ticklish and is lying.
*As we saw in season 4, heavily ADHD/Autistic and it also shows that she was most likely masking a lot in season 3 with Steve.
*After getting more comfortable with him and herself, she lets herself be her. That also means letting tickling be a big part of her life without being too scared about it. 
*Steve loves tickling her. He does it a lot when she gets on his nerves, but it’s mostly because he enjoys being playful with her and making her laugh.
*Her laugh is full of snorts. I think we’ve all agreed on that as a fandom 💖 (if you don’t think that that’s fine I’ve just seen a lot of blogs say that and I agree)
*She also screams a lot. But mainly when she’s surprised with tickles.
*Random squeezes to her sides and pokes to her neck will make her quietly, or in some cases very loudly, scream out of surprise and ticklishness.
*Has a very adorable ticklish neck that Nancy loves to kiss and blow raspberries on. (yes we ship Ronance here)
*Also has a really ticklish section of ribs where her back meets them. As well as really ticklish sides and has really sensitive arms.
*Steve likes to hold down one of her hands on the counter of the video store while the other traces up her arm to make her squeal as she’s trying not to make a scene.
*Nancy does this too but tells her to keep her arms up. Robin fails every time she can’t help it.
*Eddie and Robin have the most competitive tickle fights since they’re considered the most ticklish out of the four.
*Steve and Nancy will have competitions on who can make Robin laugh the loudest. Spoiler alert, Nancy wins. ✨
*Eddie and Robin bond over their love for tickling. Eddie is more of a ler- leaning and Robin more of a lee-leaning.
*Steve and Nancy enjoy the act, but Eddie and Robin have a deep love for it which they introduced and talked about with their partners.
*Robin gets into lee moods mostly for Nancy now that they started dating. But when she’s feel extra playful and wanting to fight back a lot, she’ll go to Steve or Eddie.
*Steve and Eddie both tickling Robin to cheer her up and Nancy tickling her to reassure she loves her. 🥺
*Loves tickle fights. It’s one of her highest ways to show she loves you as a friend or romantic partner.
*Sneaks pokes at Nancy to make her smile. She knows she needs it every now and then.
*Merciless with Steve-
*She will take any and all opportunities to tickle her best friend to make sure he remembers how ticklish he is.
*Once she found out Eddie was ticklish as well, it was over for him. He’s just as ticklish as her if not more and spills the beans to Nancy.
*She likes whispering teases into Nancy’s ears because it makes Nancy all red and giggly.
*The type to giggle along with whoever she’s tickling.
*Laughter is so contagious to her and even hearing one of her friends laugh makes her smile and giggle.
*Sassy teases. And what I mean by that is that she’s really sweet, but will also be really sarcastic.
“What’s that, Harrington? Oh it tickles? That’s a shame.”
“Eddie, Eddie, Eddie… How can someone be this ticklish?! And I thought I was sensitive.”
“Aww, Nance~ This is what you get for yesterday. Of course I was gonna get you back, plus I love hearing that sweet little giggle.” 💖 She’s so gay y’all. (and so am I-) Robin marry me please
*Has helped tickle Dustin with Steve and Eddie’s help. She wouldn’t initiate it on her own because she doesn’t really know many of the kids that well other than being a little close with Dustin.
*Will give a small maniacal laugh and a little smirk before pouncing and tickling.
*She happy stims at the end of tickle fights sometimes when she’s feeling really happy 😭✨
*Nancy thinks it’s the cutest thing which helped Robin become more comfortable about it.
*Overall, I love her please marry me Robin 💖
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disdaidal · 2 years
Sometimes I see gif makers complain that they don’t want their gifs linked into any character x reader stuff.
It doesn’t bother me though? I don’t read that kind of stuff, but if people want to link my gifs into their thirst stuff then go off I guess.
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kutercinarsworld · 2 months
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Bizim çocuklar
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Qardaşlarım dua edin. Bismillah.
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Apesar do nome, o quadrinho não tem nada de sobrenatural, fala de um humano que desperta confuso e que descobre que sua mão esquerda foi substituída por uma mão robótica que vai pouco a pouco respondendo suas dúvidas.
O rapaz conhece uma latina, e juntos se descobrem perseguidos por pessoas que depois descobrem ser alienígenas.
A medida em que ele vai desvendando o mistério, sua mão vai pouco a pouco apresentando o que ele é.
O final é melancólico. O rapaz descobre que não é humano, a sua nova e única amiga foge dele assustada.
A história termina que para salvar a humanidade, ele viverá por mais 1000 anos, provavelmente sozinho.
Apesar de ser um robô, ao ser programado inicialmente para acreditar que era um humano, ele se vê devastado, atormentado pelo sentimento da solidão e da horrível missão que lhe imputaram.
Vale a pena ler.
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fantasmaz-arc · 2 years
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#   FANTASMAZ   :   a mutuals - only multi - muse, inspired by metal, horror, dungeons & dragons, and hockey   ...   for some reason. with canon   &&   original muses from stranger things, topgun, deadly class   +   more                   loved by dee.
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battlestarkelektika · 2 years
Demir Tekerlekli Araba
Şimdi sahneyi hayal edin. Birkaç çocuk yürüyorlar. Güneş arkalarında. Yüzlerinde büyük bir kararlılık ve heyecan. Ellerinde keser, çekiç, çivi gibi alet edevat. Fonda da George Thorogood'dan Bad To The Bone çalıyor. Sanırsın Ocean's Eleven. Öyle bir maceranın başlangıcı ve istekle yürüyoruz bilinmeyen tehlikelerin içine. Değil ama işte. Okul bitmiş. Marangozdan gerekli olan tahtalar kişisel isteğe göre ölçülü kestirilip alınmış. Rulmanlar bulunmuş. Yaz eğlencesinin başlaması için her şey hazır gibi. Çocukken sık sık kullandığımız, yaz aylarının acayip şekilde keyifli geçmesini sağlayan oyuncaklarımızdan biriydi bu da. Daha sonraları başka başka yerlerde farklı isimlerle anıldığını da öğrendim. Bizdeki demir tekerlekli araba, rulmanlı araba, bilyeli tahta araba gibi isimlerle de biliniyordu.
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imninahchan · 1 month
Nina, como seria os meninos com uma leitora que tem espírito de velha? Que adora costurar, ver filmes/novelas, usas casacos de lã, ficar em casa, dormir cedo, ler livros a torta e a direita, cozinhar tudo que der na telha (especialmente doces, biscoitos e bolos) e ouvir músicas românticas (tipo Can’t help falling in love do Elvis e put your head on my shoulder do paul anka)?
literalmente tudo que o enzo quer, né? ele é bastante caseiro e reservado, trocaria qualquer rolê pra ficar em casa mesmo contigo e fazer coisa de gente velha igual ver novela e falar mal dos personagens como se eles fossem gente. super te ajuda a cozinhar as receitas, mas prefere ficar na parte de ler as instruções pra ti e depois lavar a louça. antes de dormir, estão vocês dois deitadinhos na cama, lendo cada um um livrinho, ou compartilhando o mesmo, ele fazendo carinho no seu joelho até o sono chegar.
às vezes, por causa da rotina corrida, não dá pra fazer um café da tarde todo dia, mas pelo menos aos finais de semana vocês gostam de ir pra um cafézinho superfaturado só pra tirar fotinhas e fofocar. se tem uma coisa que mais combina com o enzo é ouvir música antiga e dançar naquele balançar simples sabe? que move os pezinhos pra lá e pra cá, sem muita coisa. adora ir contigo à sebos, lojas de antiguidades e de discos.
agora, o matías pode surpreender. quando você conhece ele, acha que seu jeito mais caseiro poderia confrontar a personalidade dele, afinal se conheceram numa baladinha, entre os amigos, mas o argentino é bastante caseiro também. festinha é uma vez a cada trinta dias e olhe lá, tem que ser algo muito especial pra dar vontade de tirar o pijama dele. é mais daquele de só ler as instruções das receitinhas que você quer fazer e encher a barriga, porque não leva jeito pra cozinha e morre de preguiça. não acha muita graça em ficar colecionando discos de "música chata e velha", mas fala que é um rap ou rock dos anos 80/90 aí pra tu ver se ele não compra até o último exemplar. imagino muito ele com o braço no seu ombro, segurando um cervejinha na outra mão, enquanto vocês dois assistem um slam na pracinha, depois o pessoal fuma um e fica conversando, andando de skate.
vocês tem noite do filminho. é sempre no mesmo dia, fixo, mesmo horário. cada semana um escolhe o filme do dia, e o matí passa no mercado, compra pizza e algo pra beber.
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fish-ler · 7 months
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BOO! ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ I know its not halloween yet, but i couldn't wait to upload this masterpiece ᓚᘏᗢ (❁´◡`❁)
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fluffomatic · 3 months
Do you have any particular Hazbin Hotel tickle headcanons? 👀
Also, what was your favorite moment in the show (if you can pick just one lol)?
Not too many at the moment 😅 Other then like lee/ler/switch headcanons. I'll slap em here
Charlie: Ler-leaning Switch (bout 30% lee, 70% ler)
Vaggie: Ler
Angel Dust: Switch (bout 50/50)
Husk: Lee-leaning Switch (bout 60% lee, 40% ler)
Alastor: Lee!! (He's my favorite lee but can be a ler sometimes)
Nifty: Ler
Sir Pentious: Lee
Lucifer: Lee-leaning Switch (bout 70% lee, 30% ler)
Emily: Switch
Velvette: Ler
Vox: Ler-leaning Switch (bout 40% lee, 60% ler)
Carmilla: Ler
Rosie: Ler-leaning Switch (bout 20% lee, 80% ler)
These are all the ones I have right now lol.
As for my favorite moment in the show, it's hard to say. Any scene with Carmilla I love, Charlie and Vaggie's kiss is the sweetest, Alastors part in the Finale, EVERYTHING IN CANNIBAL TOWN?? It's all so good!
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valentinoslover · 3 months
Part two of tickle hazbin hotel tickle fanfics!;D
Enjoy little ones!
100% lee!
•There’s so many reasons to catch this guy off guard omg..He gets distracted easily so that’ll make him so much easier to tickle!
•He would squirm and beg for mercy as you are tickling him..sometimes he Kicks the people off him!, but if he’s restrained..He will be terrified.
•Once you find his weak spot, he will start to squeal immediately !, making his mask glitch a bit as he does~
•He’s such a huge victim to tickling it’s ridiculous;D
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30% Ler 60% Lee!
•Charlie tickles people when they aren’t in such a good mood..She tries to use this to make them feel better about themselves.
•Vaggie always tickles Charlie just to hear her Adorable laugh, as Charlie and Vaggie always have a great bonding time this way!
•When she tickles you she makes sure she isn’t hurting you or going overboard, Especially if her demon side comes out!
50% Lee 50% ler!
•Vaggie only tickles Charlie when they are hanging out together alone, She finds her laugh pretty cute and blushes when she laughs
•She gets flushed when Charlie calls her a good Ler!, it makes her want to tickle Charlie more.
•She is very gentle with Charlie~ She never tickles her in public as she wants to keep her adorable laugh to herself ~
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70% lee 20% Ler!
•Even though husk doesn’t like too much Lovey Dovey things, He tends to tickle Angel sometimes if he gets on his nerves enough.
•He tickles pretty roughly as he uses both his wings and tail to absolutely destroy you.
•He tickled Alastor ONCE and it didn’t go well..Making Alastor tickle torture him for an hour or more.
•He will tickle dust in a private room..Just so he wouldn’t get too embarrassed!
Angel dust
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40% Lee 60% Ler!
•This guy absolutely obliterates people in tickling!, I mean come on he has four arms! How much more can you get since he can grow more!
•When he tickles people (especially husk.) He will have a whole flood of teases while he’s doing it to make you extra flushed;D
•He will usually sneak up on husk behind the bar..Embarrassing him in front of everyone at the hotel.
Miss Zilla 100% Ler
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•This Jurassic Girl is a beast in tickling itself!, She’s tall enough and fast enough to chase you down and snag you up!;D
•When she tickles you, she will tease you with light pokes and nibbles, Then she will go all out on you, Making you literally squeal in her Dino grasp!
•She Usually uses her Claws,Tail, and tongue to tickle her helpless victims!
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10% Ler 80% Lee
•Despite her being a cannibal, she actually enjoys tickling a lot!, Sometimes she tickles her victims before eating them for the extra “Flavor”
•When she’s tickled she will have that charming loud laugh a lot of people usually have!, If you sneak up on her she will squeak because it was VERY unexpected!
•Her and Alastor usually had some tickle fights, but Alastor always won by cheating with his magic!
Razzle and Dazzle!
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Razzle and Dazzle are equally 50% Lees! And 50% Lers!
•As razzle and dazzle are the body Guards of Charlie, it is their goal to protect her no matter what!, even during feelings!..They figured out she was ticklish as one of them nuzzled her neck and she made a very loud giggle! Giving it away!
•They Both have even Tickled Lucifer himself, since they are his favorites they Can get a pass from tickling Lucifer..They just have to make sure he’s in a good mood first of course!
•In their full Dragon Forms, They become Sadistic Lers!, Once they find you it is game over..Exploring everywhere to find your ticklish spot and use it against you!, They will use their Tails,Tongues etc.
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mah-t-wordblog · 2 months
Demon Slayers Headcanons
~ Demon slayer - the nine hashiras ~
This headcanon is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them 💛💛
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Muichiro Tokito 🌫️😐🌫️😐🌫️😐🌫️ 😐🌫️
10% lee / 90% lee
- 10% is not zero
- Muichiro tickles without much emotion, but he does
- He thinks it's cute to see people laughing, and he says so, but he doesn't show it, unfortunately
- Some people have already caught him smiling while tickling someone
- After recovering his memories he provokes a lot
- And smiles a lot while attacking
- Jumps on top of the person, arrests them and celebrates
- Favorite Lees: Tanjiro, Genya and Tomioka
- “Your smile is really considerable, and it’s certainly not a waste of time, how beautiful”
- Look at that baby face, it's obvious that he's the one who feels the most ticklish 100/100
- Remembers his brother tickling him
- Yes, he likes it, usually the most sensitive ones love it
- He is a grumpy little boy who has to smile, and for that everyone attacks him
- Obviously he's been smiling more lately but that doesn't stop anyone from tickling him
- Every, EVERY, Hashira attacks him as soon as he arrives
- Weak points: belly and belly button
- Teasing that catches him “for a strong boy like you to feel that much ticklish, it must be really bad”
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Gyuu Tomioka 💦🌊💦🌊💦🌊💦 🌊💦 🌊
30% ler / 70% lee
- Gyuu tickles whoever tickles him, damn it
- Imagine him attacking Tanjiro after becoming friends
- Tickling is a game for him, attacking others makes him happy
- Cold and direct, makes you apologize and really won't stop until you ask, won't stop even if you cry
- Cute tickle fights with Sanemi, just, of course
- He loved tickling Sabito, when he remember that, you can catch him laughing alone
- Favorites lees: Tanjiro, Sanemi and Muichiro (Sabito 😭)
- “You better apologize or you’ll die”
- his personality hides a very sensitive inner self 100/100
- The only way to make him hang up and smile is to tickle him, for sure
- He tries to hold back his smile until he is defeated and starts laughing
- He shakes himself a lot, but he will never apologize for the kicks he gave in the face of his friends
- Reaching his knees and squeezing makes him scream and he is very ashamed of it
- Weak points: knees, I just said bro
- Teasing that gets him: “finally you opened that little smile”
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Shinobu Kochou 🦋🐛🦋🐛🦋🐛 🦋🐛 🦋
95% ler / 5% lee
- Shinobu is a great ler
- She makes her lee scream and beg for mercy muahahahaha
- Seriously, don't play with her if you don't want to get crushed
- Don't be fooled by that cute face
- His passion is to make it clear how weak and despicable his lee is
- Man, that sounded really mean, sorry skskksksks.
- But she's really evil
- There's only a little mercy, at least when someone is on the verge of tears she releases them unlike Tomioka
- Favorite Lees: Gyuu and Kanao (Kanae 😭)
- “You are extremely weak, what a shame”
- No
- Just no
- Don't tickle her
- She's going to kick you in the face
- Maybe Tomioka tried a few times and probably got a good slap
- Weak points: neck
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Kyojuro Rengoku 🔥😋🔥😋🔥😋 🔥😋
80% ler / 20% lee
- Kyojuro is very smiley when he is tickling someone
- Laugh with the person and stuff
- And it's also super obvious that you can't run away from him or try to wriggle away, he can simply trap your arms and attack you even more for trying to escape him
- I think he's the kind of guy who would scream “TIKLE FIGHT” and throw everyone to the ground and kill everyone lol
- Observing him, I imagine that the greatest prize of all is to make the frowning people open a big smile, like Tomioka and Tokito
- Tickling others is a passion for him
- Favorite Lees: those with the most ass faces Gyuu, Muichiro, Sanemi and Obanai and extra Uzui
- “Yes, young, your destiny is fixed”
- Rengoku is ticklish to a considerable amount 80/100
- Doesn't care about others attacking him actually
- Gonna get them later kskskskksksks
- In the that fights he -clearly- has with Uzui, he usually loses because of the two he is the more sensitive
- These are the best tickles for him
- Weak points: feet and sides
- Teasing that get him: “it looks like today you won’t be the winner”
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Uzui Tengen 🔊✨🔊✨🔊✨🔊✨ 🔊✨
90% ler / 10% lee
- Obviously ruthless
- Everything in the greatest extravagance, that’s obvious
- This man's tickles are extraordinarily strong
- Like, he comes up behind someone super silently, there's no way to hear him
- Tickle fights are his favorite, where he can laugh and play with the other hashiras and such
- He screams “TICKLE FIGHT” too, ksksksksksksks
- He especially likes to finish off Rengoku, it's his life goal
- Favorite Lees: Rengoku
- “Your laugh is almost as extravagant as me”
- Uzui feels almost no tickles 40/100
- But if he feels it and where he feels it, at that point he feels a lot, you know?
- The 10% only exists in excess of tickle fights with Kyojuro, in which he is sometimes defeated
- At his specific weak point, he bursts into loud, loud laughter
- Weak points: armpits
- Teasing that get him: “your laugh is still too low for someone so extravagant”
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Mitsuri Kanroji 🩷💚🩷💚🩷💚🩷💚🩷💚
60% ler / 40% lee
- Kanroji is one of the best lers, she is objective and doesn't give up on a target until she catches it
- She doesn't really like interrogating people until they suffer, like some people out there
- She likes to make his lees admit that they like it
- She finds it super cute to see people laughing and falls in love with it
- Mitsuri is one of the worst because of her giant strength that will pin anyone to the ground and won't let them escape
- Tickles Muichiro just because he's cute and Obanai because she's definitely in love with him, kskskskskskskksksks
- Favorite Lees: Muichiro and Obanai, 🥹 and Nezuko
- “How beautiful and attractive you look when you are tickled!”
- She is considerably ticklish 80/100
- Loves physical contact, because it's one of her love languages ​​(she has all the possible ones) so she doesn't really mind being tickled
- Bubbly giggles without many complaints I would say
- Weak points: Sides and thighs (Obanai must be embarrassed to squeeze her thighs lol)
-Teases that get her: “so beautiful, so sensitive”
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Obanai Igoru 🐍😒🐍😒🐍😒🐍😒 🐍😒
50% ler / 50% lee
- Igoru is definitely the type to provoke, but in a calm way that makes you go crazy
- Despite teasing you for being in that situation, his touch is light and calm, as if he doesn't want you to die
- But sometimes light tickles are the worst, so he'll break you and brag about it
- He's totally the type to chase you with an evil laugh lol
- Your snake can trap your arms :)
- He tickles Mitsuri, but he's embarrassed because he's obviously in love with her
- Favorite Lees: Mitsuri
- “You look like you’re on the verge of death and I haven’t even started yet”
- He really feels ticklish
- 90/100, they are always the provocateurs and the shy ones
- His laughs are low but bubbly
- He says he hates tickling and wants to get out of there NOW, but deep down he doesn't mind laughing every now and then, you know
- Does not admit that he feels ticklish
- He has a face like someone who gets hiccups after being attacked, that would be funny lol and those who would laugh at his face would be Tengen and Sanemi
- Mitsuri also tickles him, she is naughty and he likes it
- He can scream a lot when his weak point is hit, despite being always well protected by the snake wrapped around him
- Weak points: neck
- Teasing that gets him: “and despite all that laughter, you don’t feel ticklish, right?”
- Bonus: the snake tickles when wrapped around him
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Sanemi Shinazugawa 💨🌬️💨🌬️ 💨🌬️ 💨
80% ler / 20% lee
- Sanemi provokes a lot
- I was really crazy
- Look at that boy's demonic face
- His tickles are not as strong as Mitsuri's or Uzui's or as effective as Shinobu's, but slowly the lee dies inside
- Loves to see his target squirming
- When he catches Tomioka, he says he has a thirst for revenge because Gyuu probably tickled him and kills him
- He tickles Genya really cute when they get closer again ainnn
- He's a bit aggressive but he never wanted to hurt any of his fellow Hashiras during tickling, sorry
- Favorite Lees: Tomioka and Genya (siblings 🥹)
- “I’m going to kill you~”
- Now he's the one who dies skskksksksks
- Very sensitive 90/100, however, no one really wants to tickle him if not for revenge, so only Tomioka would know his worst points
- Also, like Obanai, he doesn't admit that he feels ticklish
- He only likes it when it's Tomioka, and then he doesn't complain so much
- But when it's someone else he screams and kicks like a baby
- His laugh is shrill and bubbly, very loud
- Curling himself into a ball is him defense against any sneaky hand
- Surprise attacks catch him more
- Running a single finger across all his scars is enough for him to die
- Weak points: ribs and scars
- Provocations that get him: “Being completely defeated must be humiliating for you, right?”
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Gyomei Himejima 🪨✝️🪨✝️🪨✝️🪨✝️🪨
95% ler / 5% lee
- Gyomei tickles someone when he feels that person's aura is a little shaken
- He doesn't usually do much, but for some people he does this little favor
- Like mainly his students, Muichiro and Genya
- He likes to feel like the two grumpy kids are having fun
- Favorite Lees: Muichiro and Genya obviously
- “May Buddha have mercy on your poor soul”
- The 5% is left for some time when Muichiro and Genya have already tickled him back
- And for a few times that the Hashira boy lay on his lap and caressed him without meaning to
- Weak points: neck (but no one can reach it lol)
- Teasing that gets him: he doesn't deserve to be teased, he's cute (teasing doesn't work on him)
Thanks for reading 💛💛💛, I’m in love whit my muichiro Headcanons 🥹🥹
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lerchicken · 5 months
I've noticed that no one writes tkl headcans on Smiling Critters.
So I decided to fix the situation!
Lee:40% Ler:60%
°Will tease you.
°Lee will wrap himself in his tail (Or in a blanket) And you will be tickled.
°Will tickle Lee until lee cries.
°Favorite Lee:DogDay, Bubba Bubbaphant and Bobby BearHug.
°Has hysterical laughter
°Will try to push Ler away
°Will spin like a caterpillar
°Ticklish areas: legs, sides, neck and ears.
Lee:50% Ler:50%
°Usually tickles Lee when he/she doesn't want to wake up.
°Will play with Lee by bouncing on him/her.
°Loves tickling very much
°Usually tickles if someone is scared.
°Will beg for mercy from Ler.
°CatNap likes to tickle VERY DogDay.
°He has a heavenly laugh.
°Ticklish areas: Belly, legs, tail and back.
Lee:70% Ler:30%
°Be very embarrassed to tickle Lee.
°Doesn't tickle well, but still tickles well
°She likes to paint on Lee's body.
°Quickly find ticklish spots Lee
°Blushes quickly
°Has a very loud laugh
°Tries try to run away.
°Ticklish areas: Ears, horn, chest, hooves and thighs.
Lee:60% Ler:40%
°Usually tickles when Lee is sad
°Can hug and tickle Lee
°Merciless Ler.
°Will run after Lee
°Her laughter is very cute.
°Quickly turn into a giggling ball.
°A little tail wags.
°Ticklish areas: Ears, Ribs and neck.
Lee:20% Ler:80%
°Less ticklish
°But it's still ticklish
°Tickles with the trunk
°Loves tickling
°Has a quiet but heavenly laugh
°Will run from the Ler
°It will turn into a giggling mass.
°Ticklish areas: Ears, tail, knees, and thighs.
Lee:90% Ler:10%
°Usually tickles to humiliate Lee
°Won't miss a pun
°It will always remind you that Lee is afraid of being tickled.
°But he is very afraid of being tickled.
°Blushes quickly
°His laughter looks more like a cackle (Logical).
°He has an INCREDIBLY ticklish belly! Even the slightest touch makes him laugh loudly.
°Ticklish areas: Belly, navel, legs and ribs.
Lee:60% Ler:40%
° Believes that tickling is only for children.
°Usually tickles to humiliate or to take the ball.
°Giggles evilly while tickling Lee.
°But in fact she is very afraid of tickling.
°Instantly turns into a giggling puddle.
°Her laughter ranges from giggles to screams to tears in her eyes.
° He will press his ears back and beat his paws on the floor. (BITCH THIS LOOKS SO CUTE!).
° Ticklish areas: Belly, paws, ears and ribs.
Lee:40% Ler:60%.
°Will tickle Lee everywhere.
°Loves to poke Lee's stomach with his snout. (IT'S SO CUTE!).
°Kisses often, causing tickling.
°He will run around Lee and squeal joyfully.
°Always hides her face or closes her mouth.
°He will roll on the floor and squeal loudly with laughter.
°He will beg for mercy and even bribe Ler.
°Ticklish areas: tail, chin, legs and sides.
(Sorry for the English, if you see this post, please make art, fanfiction and headcanons!)
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