nocternalrandomness · 7 months
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USMC CH-53K approaching a tanker
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fabbyf1 · 1 year
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Breathe You In (Like a Vapor)
"I'm not so drunk that I don't know what I'm asking you," Max said. Charles swallowed the lump in his throat. "Me either." "So, is that a yes?" "Are you sure about this?" Charles asked instead, laughing unbelievably and shaking his head. "This is not something we do, mate." "It could be something we do," Max said, grinning at him. His fingers flexed on Charles' hip, and it did something weird to Charles' brain. When he looked back on this moment later, he would blame Max's big hand on his hip for what he did next. Because for some reason... Charles kissed him. He wasn't sure why. OR: the self-indulgent story of how Charles and Max fell in love over winter break 2022, in a classic Enemies to Friends With Benefits to Lovers fic that nobody asked for.
Charles Leclerc/Max Verstappen | 53k | Read on AO3
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simplykorra · 1 year
let me photograph you in this light (in case this is the last time) - final chapter
 It’s been four months since Ava’s been back, yet she’s still not used to waking up in pain.
 It’s disheartening, to open her eyes every morning and feel the first ache of the day. Like each night might magically make everything go away.
 She can still remember waking up in the morning, twelve years old and forgetting she was paralyzed. She never was in her dreams. She could run, jump, swim, sometimes even fly. She’d dream of playing with kids who had no faces. Riding on bikes and climbing on jungle gyms - laughing and being a child.
 She would wake up each day and for thirty seconds or so, she was still that little girl in her dreams. Happy, healthy and able to do whatever she wanted.
 Then the room would suddenly become familiar and she couldn’t reach up to wipe the sleep from her eyes.
 So many mornings were spent crying. Trying to stay as quiet as she could. So she didn't wake her roommate, so she didn’t get any of the nun’s attention. They would never offer her pity - no. She was lucky, according to them. Fortunate to have their time at all - to have anyone putting in any effort to keep her alive.
 She would cry, then turn her head to brush her cheeks on the pillows and dry her tears.
 If any of them ever noticed how red her eyes were on those mornings, they never said anything.
 Now, she’s here and she isn’t paralyzed, but her body is still not right. It’s different and somehow entirely the same.
 That same thirty seconds exists where she’s okay, before reality sets in and another hard day lies ahead of her.
 At least here she can move, and it isn’t Sister Frances waiting for her each morning.
 Instead, it’s Bea, who is already out of bed and shuffling through their apartment.
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senseoftheday · 4 months
out of context & unedited snippets from the WIP Not Quite Shining/Ren Faire AU companion fic where also BoE is a punk band:
All of this bullshit is on top of the fact that the suit is fucking gold. It hurts to look at. When Gideon twists, it reflects on the walls. The leather bow-tie is at least pretty snazzy, and Gideon reminds herself that it’s far better than the suit with the flippy sequins that her father made her wear when she was twenty-one and impressionable. (That had been before Cytherea hauled ass to Barcelona to go cougar some impressionable Spanish girls, and she’d used it as an excuse to run her hands up Gideon’s back and arms to draw patterns on it. Twenty-one-year-old Gideon had been horrifyingly into it, but then Ianthe had drawn a dick on her back and things had only gone downhill from there.)
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100blocks-archived · 4 months
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throughtrialbyfire · 9 months
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finally finished the basic refs of my Dragonborn Trio, aka the main cast of my Skyrim longfic, "Cycle of the Serpent"!! i made these mostly to have dress up dolls of the characters for my own future use, like when they obtain new armor or clothing for guilds and factions, and wanted to share them here!
emeros uses he/him, wyndrelis uses he/him, and athenath uses they/he!
more information about them can be found on my OCs page!
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e-louise-bates · 1 month
I'm not saying I'll never write another series after I finish Whitney & Davies, but ...
I have learned over the last ten years that when I am done with a story, I am done with a story, and trying to keep part of it alive enough to continue into another story, and another, is not my style, no matter how much I might love the characters and the world.
Which is why, I think, I've struggled so much to stick to W&D over the years and have branched off so frequently into other projects in between books (much to the detriment of the series--it's not great when there are over ten years between Books 1 and 4 and you still have one more book in the series to go), and why I've never been able to make a sequel to From the Shadows work despite the many, many times I've tried, and why I abruptly decided the Pauline Gray series was done with three-novellas-turned-into-one-omnibus rather than an ongoing series as originally planned.
It's a valuable lesson to have learned about myself as a writer! Not helping me get through Book 4 of W&D, however. Especially not with the prospect of Book 5 looming on the horizon once this one is finished.
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brianskangs · 5 months
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at this rate,,, im selling my kidneys.......... 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
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gorgynei · 4 months
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HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!
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nemo-duspy-writes · 7 months
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rainia · 8 months
i log onto this site for the first time in weeks just to look at some Ashey Winters fanart as one does, and that one post has gotten like 10k more notes wtfffff gurl rip my notifs hahahahah anyways I hope you’re all doing good on here,,I partied too close to the sun it would appear, turns out 4 parties in 10 days is too much for my weak lil self and I’ve spent the last few days sick in bed o7 on the mend but goddamn. Also I was gonna post about the pd epilogue because it was perfect in every way but yeee I was too sick to post hahaha in my past life i think I was a sickly victorian child who died of the mild cold or perhaps i was a hedgehog too sleepy and content for capitalism and its dastardly ways
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nocternalrandomness · 4 months
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Ironhorse 4 preparing to depart Deer Valley, Az to head to Nellis AFB, Nevada
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luckycharms1701 · 6 months
just thinking about these turtles man
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altschmerzes · 9 months
IT'S DONE (part 1 of the torture fic) (it's 36.7k) (i think i need to split this into multiple chapters instead of just the original three i planned lmfao it is All gonna be like this)
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shmothman · 11 months
remember 2 months ago when someone saw that I had started watching tri/gun and asked if I was gonna write for vash and I said “idk maybe we’ll see” and now he’s my second most written for character of all time.
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shashinee · 7 months
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