#5 is an honorary even number in this house lol
beefybluewerewolf · 8 months
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duplicitywrites · 1 year
thank you @joeys-piano for inviting me to do this! happy holidays and a happy new year to you 🌹🌹
post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular),
your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year,
your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year,
your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year,
and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year!
tagging: @cindle-writes @clarasghosts @crowcrowcrowthing @dividawrites @itsevanffs @latteloves @louveclaviere @phantomato @the-paper-monkey @vivantesopales or anyone else who wants to do this!
top five listed below, and everything else under the cut. nothing is in any particular order, but i do think the WIPs are probably the most interesting ones...
okay, this was a hard choice. if i spent some more time on it, i could probably change my answer a million times. but if i had to rescue five fics from a burning house, i hope it would be these ones(?)
the eternal flame (21,925 words) | WIP
Harry raising Tom is a dynamic i LOVE to explore, and this is my latest go at it. there will be another new one in 2023, you can bet on it
Fight Fire with Fire (14,275 words) | Complete
this is just chaotic fun LMAO and bottom tom, always a treat 😌💕
Terms and Conditions May Apply (16,822 words) | WIP
first person POV! retired voldemort! and some of the funniest jokes i've ever written. idk what is wrong with me when i write this story but i hope it happens again
We Still Have Time (9,053 words) | Complete
other people changed my mind about this one so it gets an honorary spot for that reason 💖 not to mention blood, sweat, and tears went into writing this 😭
sweet everything (1,360 words) | Complete
tomdric! beloved! i find myself really enamoured with them and with second person POV. this work has a lot of phrasing that i'm proud of.
have some WIP! some of these have proper summaries, some don't. we get what we get and we don't get upset, etc 😭
mary (working title) | fem!tom riddle x harry potter
Troubled young women have a tendency to marry men like their fathers. At least, that is what Tom had been told. What they never told her was how, exactly, the union of her parents had come to be. Or: Tom Riddle meets Harry Potter. She decides she has to have him, no matter the cost.
apotheosis | harrymort, pov draco malfoy
Growing up side by side with Harry, Draco learned two very important things: One, Voldemort was a god, terrifyingly monstrous and more powerful than any wizard on the planet. And two, Harry Potter was his.
tempered in darkness | harrymort, vee wins AU
working summary: harry is chosen from a lottery pool to have his dirty blood purged by lord voldemort
like his father (working title) | harrycest, mod!harry
“Are you—my dad?” You open your mouth to say no. You should say no. James Potter is long dead and not even time travel can fix that. But all your life, you’ve been told how much you look like your father. And now, looking into your own eyes, you couldn’t bear to see them disappointed. “You look like me,” Harry adds in a mumble, as if he’s trying to convince himself. “Yeah,” you croak, dropping to your knees and taking the boy’s tiny hands in your own. “Yeah, Harry, I’m your dad.” You sway closer, brushing the child’s messy bangs aside, and place a kiss to the left of your famous lightning scar. “You can call me James.”
i have learned to take my time with writing! i've done a lot more editing this year than i have in the past, painstakingly scrapping a lot more words than i used to. but i believe the end results are better and i'm happy with almost everything that has been posted this year 💕
i'm not sure if this can be stated as an improvement, though i'm sure some people will beg to differ, but i started writing more smut this year LOL
simply put, more writing = better 😌 practice doesn't make exactly perfect but it does produce visible results!
i don't like making resolutions, but here are some general ones i shall try to abide by
to write only what i am passionate about
finishing what i can, and accepting the rest as they are 😌
okay this one is just impossible lmao. i wrote so much and i have more that i haven't even posted, so i am going to list a bunch and maybe someone can tell me which one is the best
He has no urge to kill what has already been buried. (the eternal flame)
It feels fair, then, that Tom Riddle will be both the love of his life and the aching close of it. (Hallows, Not Horcruxes)
Comments like this reminded Harry why he sometimes had to pay attention to Tom even when he didn’t want to. (2 Tame 2 Boyfriend)
"[...] If someone came into this house to murder us, I would let the murderer kill you, and then, once I was sure that you were dead, I would kill the murderer." (Terms and Conditions May Apply)
For the first time in his cold, unfeeling life, Tom hoped that Dumbledore was right and there was an afterlife waiting for him so he could still rail Harry at least once. (Nevermind)
Lost in the richness of Tom Riddle’s gorgeously exceptional life, his world has never looked so bright. (resurfacing)
Tom Riddle was a hollow child turned hollow man; Harry was all the heart he had. (like angels put in hell by god)
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themerrypanda · 1 year
2022 Fanfic Review
(I was a little busy with the last few weeks of the year. Better late than never lol)
Number of stories posted (to AO3): 29 (plus 4 Stardew Valley fics since last year)
Published word count: All time: 239,748. Year 2022: 43,460. (Another 3,952 words can be added to both for fics published exclusively to Discord for now.)
2022 fic-writing goal: Publish at least ten more chapters of Rusalka before 2023.
Met?  No, but eight out of ten chapters published isn’t too bad.
Fandoms written for this year: Stardew Valley and Fire Emblem: Three Houses (no big surprise).
First fandom ever written for: Darkwing Duck, written over ten years ago and before I knew it had a fandom.
How many kudos total received this year: 180 (565 from 2021, 292 from 2020, and 157 from 2019, a total of 1,194 since starting in 2019).
Work with the most hits: Rusalka (FE3H) with 3,493 hits and Dinner Date (Stardew Valley) with 2,181 hits.
Work with the most comments: Rusalka (FE3H) with 41 comments, followed by I Was Your Man (Stardew Valley) with 8.
Most popular stories (this should be top five by kudos/likes, but to cover a work written this year, AO3′s top five, and the top five Stardew fics (across both sites), it’s a top eight this year):
That Summer, That Night (Stardew Valley) with 88 kudos and 139 likes.
Always. For All Time. (Loki TV Show) with 157 kudos.
Luau Mayhem (Stardew Valley) with 49 kudos and 82 likes.
Dinner Date (Stardew Valley) with 107 AO3 kudos and 20 Tumblr likes.
Rusalka (FE3H) with 96 AO3 kudos and 7 Tumblr-snippet likes.
Dearest Companion (FE3H) with 91 kudos and 8 likes.
I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues (Stardew Valley) with 22 kudos and 70 likes.
Home (Stardew Valley) with 28 kudos and 61 likes.
Quickest work to write: I Was Your Man (Stardew Valley), probably four days for writing and editing.
Longest work to write: Rusalka (FE3H), 29 months and counting lol.
Longest work of the year: Rusalka (FE3H) even with just the 35k words published this year, followed by As Ships Sailing Past At Night (Stardew Valley) at 3.8k words.
Shortest work of the year: I Was Your Man (Stardew Valley) at 1.5k words. From all time: Our Friend Linus (Stardew Valley) at 666 words. Of FE3H’s all time: Until The Bitter End at 1.8k words.
Work I am most proud of (regardless of hits/kudos): I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues (Stardew Valley) and Rusalka (FE3H).
Work with more feedback than expected: I Was Your Man (Stardew Valley). It turns out, lots of people like a girlboss-Marnie and Lewis-getting-what-he-deserves fic.
Pairing written the most for this year: Ferdinand/Dorothea (FE3H) and Harvey / a farmer OC (Stardew Valley). No new pairings this year beyond a brief Marnie/Marlon (Stardew Valley).
Favorite pairing written for this year: To my surprise, Seteth/Manuela (FE3H).
A pairing I wish to explore next year: Sebastian/Abigail and Harvey/my OC Kim (Stardew Valley), followed by Claude/Hilda (FE3H) if by some miracle I get around to it. Honorary mention to Twilight/Yor (Spy X Family) which I adore, but might not write.
Number of WIPs in docs for next year: At least five.
Rusalka (FE3H)
Thirteen Meetings (FE3H)
That Summer That Night Chapters 5-6 (Stardew Valley)
When You Come Back To Me Again (Stardew Valley)
Harvey/OC Kim story (Stardew Valley)
Favorite character to write this year: Hmm... Maru? (Stardew Valley). Ferdinand (FE3H) has been fun too.
Character who gave the most trouble in writing this year: Any characters in my years-old unpublished WIPs lol, so primarily Kim (Stardew Valley OC) and Ignatz (FE3H).
Any collaborative works this year: No. I haven’t ever co-written a fic before.
Written any gifts this year: Two gifts for Stardew Valley, each Harvey and Farmer OC fics. The farmers are word-ghost’s Peach and elleasinwoods’s Elle.
Received any gifts this year: One art and one fic (yet to be publicly published), both for Stardew Valley.
Most common category: Gen (19), followed by F/M (11). Lots of overlap erring into Gen.
Most common “Additional Tags” tag: Platonic Relationships (occasionally followed by can be romantic). It’s a low number though.
Ever written a crossover: The closest you get is video game characters (Stardew Valley’s Maru and Sebastian) in one game experiencing another video game together (Subnautica).
Ever received hate on a fic: Nothing with great vitriol. I’ve had occasional corrections when I mistakenly used an incorrect tag or an opinion on how I should have worded an idea, but nothing rude.
Ever had a fic stolen or translated: No and no. I’d faint from shock the day someone asks to translate a fic of mine into another language.
What I listen to while writing: Nothing; I prefer quiet and isolation. Sometimes I listen to music before I write to get in the mood, but usually I find music distracting.
Artists’ songs used most (if any at all): I don’t often use song lyrics, but I did use three this year; a couple chapter titles from musicals, one short fic title from Elton John, and another short fic title from Bruno Mars.
Own work I reread the most: Rusalka (FE3H). I reread and edited earlier chapters for polishing up and the sake of getting a word count of 69,420 after publishing Chapter 16.
Favorite fic written this year: Yes??? I love all five!
Favorite title used: I Was Your Man
Favorite line/passage written this year:
I Was Your Man (Stardew Valley): ‘ “Do you, Marina Cabrera Armenta, take Marlon Ward, to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Marnie didn’t even pause to glance to see him in the crowd. Her eyes were only for Marlon. Without hesitation, she said yes. “By the power vested in me as Pelican Town’s former mayor by the Ferngill Republic, I hereby declare you, Marlon, and you, Marina, husband and wife. Dear nephew… kiss your bride already.” The others in town laughed and cheered as Marnie removed her veil and Marlon brought a hand to her cheek and they kissed tenderly. Marnie never looked so happy. This Marnie was not the one he had known, but had he ever really known her at all? And now Lewis has his whole empty retirement to ponder this. ’
Honorary mention to a Rusalka (FE3H) excerpt published this year, but first drafted in 2021: ‘ Ferdinand craned his neck to better look at her face. There was only a trace of the tears that dried on her cheek. Again, his heart ached. That is enough, he chided himself. He must not fall under the delusion that someday Dorothea may grow to love him back. The woman under his arm is not one falling in love with him. No; this was a dear friend who is simply tired, tired of facing the great challenges life relentlessly gave her. A dear friend of whom he could only dream of being more than a friend. His own feelings were not worth compromising what has slowly become a wonderful friendship. She may never return his affection, and he already learned to accept that fact. The memory of her like this would forever haunt him, like a shadow burned into his side, but that did not matter. What is most important is that she feels comforted and safe. Ferdinand shifted ever so slightly in his seat, to make himself more comfortable. He managed to resist the urge to kiss her forehead, but chanced on brushing some strands of hair from her face, gently tucking it behind her ear. Dorothea exhaled deeply, and the ghost of a smile crossed her beautiful face. Who knew that a heart could feel so heavy and yet so light at the same time? With a puff of smoke, the candle beside them went out, casting them into darkness. Ferdinand closed his eyes, and allowed himself to drift to sleep. Come what may, he would protect the queen who many years ago won his heart. ’
Biggest surprise while writing this year: I hadn’t been too greatly attached to Manuela’s character when I first started writing Rusalka, but even with the little excerpts this year building up to a bigger moment yet to be published... dang. She has excellent angst potential.
Top scenes from anywhere you would choose to have illustrated(TM): I listed two last year. The Stardew Valley one came true in the form of a gift art. The other is a now published scene of Rusalka (Chapter 16) of Ferdithea dancing together at a masquerade ball.
Story I haven’t written yet, but intend to: For Stardew Valley, a Hallmark-esque Sebastian and Abigail story in which years later for a Winter Star, Abigail returns to Pelican Town from Grampleton divorced and with a son and reconnects with Sebastian, who had moved to Zuzu City and is visiting his family for the first time in years and just after a nasty breakup.
Writing strengths: I tend to apply grammar rules correctly on the first draft. I also enjoy doing research for my writing, and I like to think it shows in my stories if you’re looking for it. Character details briefly mentioned in its canon? Referenced. Character from a culture I am less familiar with? Culture researched so I get a better idea of the character’s upbringing and how it affects their personality and thought processes. Affliction I haven’t dealt with personally? I research the symptoms from a scientific standpoint as well as testimonies from fictional and real life people.
Writing weaknesses: I like to be as canon compliant as possible. If a story has not yet ended, then it is difficult to write my own ending. At best I can think of a scene that could plausibly take place with what has been established in mind. (Sorry Twiyor!)  Also, I err on being overly concise with my prose and occasionally mixing up verb tenses.
Fic-writing goal for 2023: Finish Rusalka (another ten or eleven chapters). For every Rusalka chapter not published in 2023, write and publish another short-story or a chapter of a new story from any fandom.
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rpsocsandcanonohmy · 3 years
A Fighting Chance
Note: This is part of an ongoing story that can be read on AO3 here. Reading previous installments is reccomended for context purposes but is not required. Posted here for Whumptober 2021 @whumptober-archive
Day 6: Bruises
-------- The next day, Lori was tasked with helping Abilene around the house. Despite the size of the house and how many people trekked through it on any given day, very little of the work centered around cleaning. No, today, Lori was going to be testing her patience with cooking and food prep.
Lori knew how to cook. In theory. She knew how to use an oven (electric, gas, and the occasional wood-burner). She knew how to heat up something in a pan or a pot. She could even make a few things from scratch, assuming she had the ingredients handy, mostly eggs and pasta.
Food prepping for a ranch was a much different story.
There was no experimenting to see if the temperature dial was accurate. There was no obsessively checking the clock in lieu of a timer. There was no double-checking the instructions written on the box. 
Nope. Abby’s kitchen was run with fresh ingredients that were either being prepped for a later meal or being used in a current one. Abby had (semi-correctly) assumed Lori didn’t have much experience with cooking like this and just put her in charge of cutting vegetables or stirring sauces. Technically she was also a Taste Tester but that seemed more like an honorary title than a useful role.
She was chopping some apples under Abby’s not-so-subtle watch when the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it,” she said, leaving Lori to her chopping. A few moments later, she heard giggling and the sound of loud footsteps coming near the kitchn. “Oh, Cordi’ll be so happy to see you! It’s been ages… Oh, Lori! Hoyt, this is Lori. She’s one of Stella’s friends from school; her dad’s out of town so she’s staying with us for a while.”
Lori smiled softly and waved. “Hi….”
Abby snorted and gently pet Lori’s back. “I’m gonna go check on Bonham and Liam. Will you two be alright alone?”
She turned back to her chopping. Hoyt came around the counter and grabbed a few pears to chop with her.
“So,” he started. “What happened?”
Hoyt chuckled. “You’re at home for the day on a school day, you’re working in the kitchen instead of being sick in bed, and I noticed that bandage. Something happened.”
Well. That was her caught. Lori shrugged, clearing away some apple chunks to make room for the next one. “I got into a fight. Some girl was being a bitch to Stella and August so I broke her nose.” There was no point in lying; it’d probably just come out later anyway.
“I can respect that,” Hoyt said. “Sounds like the kind of stuff I used to get into back in those days.”
Lori nodded, focusing on her chopping.
“You’re a good friend. Stella’s lucky she found you.”
She liked the way he said that, like she wasn’t some lucky charity case that got picked up out of pity. That didn’t make it any (potentially) less true, but still. Lori wondered if he had his own experience in a situation like that.
Lunch was miraculously uneventful. Hoyt didn't even ask her about why Liam was being careful around her, course he was likely too busy telling wild stories about whatever mess he’d gotten involved in while he was away. She was just glad not to be the topic of conversation at a meal for once.
She felt her phone vibrating in her pocket while she was putting away the last of the dishes. Checking to make sure no one was paying attention to her, Lori ducked into the next room and pulled out her phone. The text was from an unknown number, but she knew who it was. Only one person would text her out of the blue like this without an introduction.
[Text from: Unknown]: Hey boo. You still in Austin? There’s a tourney starting next week and I’d love to put your name in the ring. Withdrew your entry fee from my bank account today xo
[Text to: Unknown]: Hey. Yeah, I am. I’m not sure if I can compete though; I’m under a little surveillance atm
[Text from: Unknown]: When has that ever stopped you before lol xo
[Text to: Unknown]: It’s different
[Text from: Unknown]: Come onnnnnnn
[Text from: Unknown]: It’s a massive payout. Big city, big names, big tournament. It’s all monsters right now though. They’ll flip if they get a hunter in. Massive bucks sweetie 
[Text to: Unknown]: There’s always a massive payout
[Text from: Unknown]: Not like this. We’re talking almost 5 digits if you make it to the top
Okay, that was impressive. It would definitely come in handy when she met up with Dad again. They would definitely need the cash even if she didn’t have to pay bail this time.
[Text to: Unknown]: You know me so well
[Text from: Unknown]: Is that a yes?
[Text to: Unknown]: Duh
[Text to: Unknown]: Just get me the time and place
[Text from: Unknown]: I knew I could count on you xo
[Text from: Unknown]: I’ll get you the deets. Meet me in the locker room and we’ll discuss my cut
She wanted to respond but the number was blocked. Of course it was. That was how he operated. She’d never get used to that. He’d get her the address later, probably through email, and they’d just go from there. Like they always did.
All Lori had to do now was figure out how to sneak out….
One day, Lori was going to suggest the Walkers invest in a security system that wasn’t accessible through a smart device. She’d have to figure out how to bring that up without mentioning she’d been able to bypass the alarms on Cordell’s phone with relative ease first though.
Regardless, she was out and headed for her destination. Why are these things always held in the most out of the way place possible? she thought as she entered the abandoned warehouse. She worked her way through the crowd, holding her duffle bag with her gear close to her chest, and headed for the locker room area. Once she was there, she got dressed and checked her first aid supply while she waited
“I was afraid you might back out,” came the all too familiar voice.
“Like I’d ever squelch on a deal with you,” Lori replied with a grin. She turned around and there he was, standing uncomfortably close as usual. “How’s the crowd looking?”
Darian grinned. “Very good turnout. I worked the room a bit, lot of people looking forward to seeing you in the cage. And, get this, they put you against a Were for your first fight!”
Of course they did. Hunter v. Monster fights drew a crowd as it was. Pitting a Hunter against their Thing? Pure gold. “Do you know anything about them?”
He shrugged. “Just that he’s a small thing with a big temper. It’s not his first rodeo but he’s not as well known as you. A lot of people are betting on you to win.”
“I take it you tossed your hat into that ring too?”
Darian smirked. “Always. Don’t worry, you’ll get your cut of that once you get to the top.”
Classic Darian, working all the possible angles. He was a smart guy, for a shapeshifter. She was about to respond when the fighting bell rang and her name was called over the loudspeakers.
“Showtime, babygirl. Make me proud!” Darian waved her off as she headed for the arena.
Lori took a deep breath and her mind cleared as she entered the cage. The crowd roared and she let it all wash over her. The sounds, the lights, the smells, everything. This was it. In here, she wasn’t a pitiable soul taken in by a friend. She wasn’t a reminder of her mother. She wasn’t a forgotten soul in the wasteland of The System. Here, she was Lori fucking Graves, one of the best fighters in the ring and the youngest hunter in the system. She was a badass, an icon, the love-to-hate-em fave. And she owned it.
The bell rang and the fight was on. Werewolves were tricky because of their claws and teeth, especially when she didn’t have a weapon of her own. But she’d been in worse situations before. A swift kick to the nuts took him to his knees and gave her the chance to land a few solid punches to his face before he got back up. A part of her couldn’t wait to see the bruises later. The larger part of her was regretting she couldn't run away faster when he lifted her above his head and threw her at the chain-link wall. That was going to smart later. But she could handle it.
Punch, kick, jab, punch, dodge, swerve, punchkickjabdodgepunchkickswerve and on it and on it went. Once she got into a rhythm, she could work off muscle memory and fall into a state of near zen. This is why she loved the fights. This is why she’d never walk away. This is why the payout was always worth it. This is why working around the bruises and scrapes would always be worth it, no matter who she was with.
It felt glorious. 
Her opponent was tiring out and she took advantage of that to elbow him in the face and knock him to the ground with a kick to the shin. She pinned him down and spit in his face while the ref counted her. 
She won.
She was bloody and bruising and she was definitely sleeping in tomorrow. 
But she won.
“Excellent work, darling.” Darian smiled proudly and gently clapped her on the shoulder as she stepped out the ring. “Payout for tonight is $915. Well, minus my cut, of course….” He handed Lori the cash and she stuffed it in her bag.
“Thanks. When’s the next one?”
“They’re gonna finish out the first round over the next couple days. I’ll text you the morning of so you have time to figure out your excuses.”
Lori shouldered her duffle bag and made her way to the back exit. “Alright. I’ll see you then.” 
It was a long walk back home, but the bills she counted later were more than worth it. She just had to figure out how she was going to hide the evidence from the rest of the house…..
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thedeafprophet · 3 years
tagged by: @vonlipvig
nickname: Prophet is technically a nickname. People often shorten it to Proph (which i adore), and sometimes that becomes Prof (so i guess im a professor now :P ) 
zodiac: Scorpio
height: 5′7″ , theoretically supposed to be taller but scoliosis said no
last movie I saw: I have not had the focus for movies lately tbh. 
last thing i googled:  scoliosis, so i could check that i spelled it right lmao
favourite musician: Radical Face
song stuck in my head: I have had that,,,  H.Y.C.Y.BH? song by Tom Cardy stuck in my head,,,, for the past three days. 
other blogs: I’ve got a stardew valley blog @wanderlust-farm but im not that active right now as my fixations jump around. 
blogs following: 367
amount of sleep: idk i think i got 8 hours? idk when i feel asleep lol
lucky number: 5. its an odd number that’s an honorary even number. 
what am i wearing: I have my marvel superhero pajama pants on, with my marvel villain shirt on XD
dream job: i’d like to run a small bakery near the woods, with a little library attached to it.
dream trip: i just want to go anywhere at this point. pls just let me leave the house,,,,
favourite food: ooooh tough. Nachos, but like the good kind of nachos that are loaded with chicken, avacado, lettuce, cheese, etc. all the good stuff. not those kind that put fake cheese and pepper on and call it a day :/ 
play an instrument: .i can kinda sing, does that count? 
languages: Just english, and even that is debatable sometimes lmao. I dont word well. 
random fact: The universe gave me both a hearing disability and dyslexia, just sent me out and said “lmao good luck” 
describe yourself as aesthetic things: a lost stuffed animal found years later, an old polaroid picture of a group of friends, the quiet in the evening when everyone's gone inside for the night, a cup of tea with too much sugar, the meaning behind the last “see you later” 
Tagging: @hihereami @normandysr2s @zykaben @voiceless-terror if y’all wanna play, no pressure tho
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Top five scary movies of all time? Top five character ships (whether paired up in shows, fanfic, or just as a wishful daydream)? Top five songs from the 90's (Hell, go for top TEN!)? [How's that? LOL! Give ya some goods to work with. XD Love ya, darlin'! <333]
Top 5 scariest movies
Dude, this is hard! I love scary shit but I seldom get actually scared. It’s more like I get scared but in a fun way, not the bad way. Lol.
1. Get Out 2. The Shining 3. Alien 4. Nightmare on Elm Street (Maybe even scary in the bad way) 5. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Honorary mention of the most disturbing horror movies of all times: Rob Zombie’s House of 1000 Corpses and Devil’s Rejects.
 Top 5 Ships:
1. Javi x Steve :3 (mustache boyfriends) 2. Mr Numbers x Mr Wrench (wrenchers) 3. Omar Assarian x Patrick Leary 4. Finn x Poe Dameron (screw you Disney you know this is a thing) 5. Din Djarin and my rp partner’s OC Ellia :3
 FINALLY that Spotify playlist of my fave 90s songs comes in handy! :D How didja know?!
1. Green Day “Basket Case” 2. R.E.M. “Everybody Hurts” 3. Blur “Boys and Girls” 4. Beck “Loser” 5. Beastie Boys “Sabotage” 6. Bad Religion “Stranger than Fiction” 7. Daft Punk “Around the World” 8. Millencolin “Vulcan Ears” 9. Die Ärzte “Schunder Song” 10. Jamiroquai “Virtual Insanity”
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nicknellie · 3 years
Honestly that’s me, also kinda good night/morning again.
You should be so proud that you were able to finish your school work, that is such an accomplishment! Also cat 👀🥺, but I hope that your kitten didn’t cause too much of a mess! Imagine if we made tallies though, that would be hilarious (also adding yes)
Box stuff
1. Yes, you have described them so well! Reggie is organized but at the same time very chaotic which frustrates Alex so much. (Even more so due to the fact that Luke is just chaotic not organized at all, I mean have you seen his writing) Also agreed, Bobby is middle and I love the drum idea that’s amazing!
2. The baby is an honorary member of the band is amazing, I love that like so much.
3. That is precisely what happens, also because Reggie was going to give it to Alex for food however he needed to put it somewhere and completely forgot
Board games and Jam stuff
1. I love the little detail that you added of matching pajamas because that’s exactly how their game nights go a majority of the time. Yes to all of these, Bobby is the one who flipped a table once during Pictionary and since then the game has been banned. (Also points if Alex did the same during Cluedo because Reggie just kept on saying that he was suspicious) ‘Reggie we are not playing about us, it’s a mystery game with clues’
(Also bring me up suspicious, I remember reading some thing about where the boys play among us and that’s all I can think about. Because they do and the boys just keep calling each other out, i’m not going on a tangent right now but I may in the future 😂)
I haven’t played Articulate before however yes they do! (Also for some reason the fact that the box has a circle which makes me think of the game of life, for I don’t know why reasons, so I’m going to offer that up)
You’re absolutely right they definitely do go to thrift shops and just find random cool stuff. (Alex joins them later on)
I love the detail that you added that Luke on Julie’s team won’t win which is mostly because he won’t stop staring at her throughout the entire game. Reggie is definitely the master, except for in scramble because Luke shines in that game. After people started taking sides and stuff monopoly was banned very quickly, you’re so right.
2. I really wish I could explain why I thought of this but legitimately this all became a thing from me looking at some random thing of strawberry jam. That is so clever and that is the ultimate pun for Reggie. (Since you mentioned different versionsc all I can think about is this song actually starting out with Reggie talking about how much he loves etc. jam and how all the rest of the boys have problems)
Number stuff
2. Yes, (eventually) in the end everyone has a couples jumper as well. Also The fact that Luke stretches Alex‘s hoodie is hilarious, especially because he was doing it to make Julie jealous basically. Also adding on, Willie and Alex are cuddling under a blanket during this whole thing.
3. Yes, Luke just wants to make Julie happy in life and that’s everything to be honest.
4. You know those shows you have where you put it on a watch later and you’re like I’m genuinely interested in this however procrastination is my best friend and suddenly it’s like three years later, well Merlin may be that show for me. I support that AU idea so much, we need that in our lives. (Honestly whenever I think of two halves of a whole I think of yin and yang and I can’t explain why). And I love how this made you think of a fanfic, because I’ve had similar thoughts as well during our conversations.
(Wait yes, Alex is definitely Merlin he has that oh I’m wise so you need to listen to me kind of style. Also definitely takes Luke, Arthur, under his wing to make sure that he is not dumb/dies)
5. I just want more Alex and Julie to be honest, I don’t feel as thought we got to see a lot of that in season one. Thank you, yes my thoughts exactly. (Honestly I like to think that he came out to her as well however at the same time due to the fact that people in the 90s weren’t as accepting I feel like he just doesn’t know how she’s going to react and is kind of saving that for a later date🥺)
6. Exactly, so Bobby has no way that they could technically be out there (how Julie kind of draw strength from the fact that her mom is watching over her which is why she believes that she got the flower during that exact moment) also things would be much different if they had been able to send some kind of sign down to him. Even if it’s something little just to show that they are still there for him and even death couldn’t come between them.
8. I think I now know how you feel when I mentioned him writing ‘we were going to be legends’ on the back of that photo. Because ouch, and you are so right it’s not even funny. Nothing is the same without the boys because they all have little personality things that make simple tasks even better. Luke is able to do the Rubiks cube because he fidgets a lot with his hands, Alex is able to do the puzzles because he has really great concentration and it helps him feel more focused, also same for Reggie he’s able to do crosswords and sudokus because he’s able to focus on the more also he’s really great with numbers. (Also I totally didn’t say that Bobby doesn’t understand sudokus, because I don’t understand them)
That last sentence, you are correct but whoa that is painful.
10. Gotta love our random tangents
Yes, and the boys know that Bobby went on the logflume however they just don’t talk about it. Reggie has so many scrapbooks it’s not even funny legitimately once he realizes that he can take 1000 pictures and they can be stored in one place he kind of explodes (doesn’t stop him from making scrapbook though)
Alex just loves having people be happy, (also I didn’t think about an AU situation in which he does run into someone who has a skateboard )
I cannot describe that ride either however I know exactly what you’re talking about and Alex being impatient to go on rides is legitimately everyone who has ever been in a theme park. Reggie doesn’t talk to Luke for a good amount of time because Luke is the one who said that the ride wouldn’t be so bad, ‘I mean what’s the worst that can happen’ (also I did not say that just so I can reply, famous last words)
(Same energy as ‘street dogs haven’t killed us yet’)
Toffee nut- I’m glad you like the theory because I legitimately have no explanation for why Bobby is allergic to gluten but it just fits. Alex loves baking gluten-free stuff because not only is he reassured that Bobby has some thing that he can eat but in general it’s always nice to find new recipes.
Also random thought but every once in a while the boys will go somewhere go to bakeries and if they have gluten-free options they will try whatever they can.
Once again Alex just cannot say no to Luke and Reggie and they definitely eat the gluten-free food.
11. I love that for us 😂, even if there’s no possible way that I can happen it somehow did. (Also Reggie has a picture with the queen and I have no clue if there is even a way of having photoshop back then however Reggie is crazy enough to pull it off so they just think that it’s Photoshop)
13. Fairytale princess Luke is everything we need in our life. (This is also a band photo that is stored somewhere, because of course Luke wouldn’t do this alone)
14. His fists are like clenched tightly however he’s trying to pretend like he isn’t angry. I love that line with everything I have, that needs to be in season 2. Also the fact that someone who is very tall is trying to pretend to be someone who isn’t as tall is very humorous to me and I cannot explain why.
16. I love how determined Luke and Reggie are in this little scenario that you have painted, which they definitely are. One time Bobby is out and it’s just Alex with them two and he has no clue what to do because they can’t be in the kitchen however he cannot resist their puppy dog eyes.
17. Wait I love this (also Reggie finds baby photos of Willie that are actually baby Willie and shows them to Alex) (no one knows how but to be honest I could definitely see Reggie going to Caleb just ask for baby photos)
Also Willie finds it adorable that Alex is pretending to be embarrassed and definitely teases him about it. Bonus points if there’s a picture of Little Alex with a hotdog shirt and Willie is like ‘I knew there was another reason why I called you hot dog’
19. Water fights all the time, also during winter they have snowball fights all the time as well. (Also they always have water balloons on hand and it is very common for someone to throw it at another person‘s back and or down their shirt)
Yes, I love this theme as well, (despite being a very competitive person) Luke is just not competitive)
20. Same lol, honestly all Alex quotes and just Alex is everything and part of the reason why I love him so much.
(Also sidenote the fact that Owen Joyner performs these lines so beautifully. Maybe this is just me geeking out but the delivery and the pacing and the changing of voices from either high pitch to low pitch or whatever the line needs is just fantastic. Well if you can tell someone has been in any kind of music/acting field it’s that last sentence right there)
Alex is just happy that his friends are bonding with the guy that he likes. Especially because they are all the type of person that if their partner and or one of the boys doesn’t like each other then there is no way that they will be together. Also yes, Alex has a love hate relationship with Willie and Reggie bonding over puns.
Luke is very well practiced at egging houses, anyone who has ever made fun of the boys can confirm, and he is very torn between I want Flynn to like me but this is Julie’s house. Also yes, in the end he does egg her house.
Hear me out, she would’ve won mother of the year for being supportive towards Alex however I don’t feel like she would’ve for Luke because it didn’t really feel like she was supportive of the band which is basically Luke’s entire being. But aside from that yes. (But it got us unsaid Emily so I mean is that really a flaw 😂)
21. Yes, adding onto what you said honestly one thing that I keep thinking about which is the only thing he’s never told Luke is that he actually saw Emily and Mitch one time after Luke ran away.
Honestly for some reason I keep saying to myself he got arrested. Just because for being a person who basically freaked out at breaking into a museum it would be hilarious that he’s actually been in trouble with cops before, but anyways Emily and Mitch are his emergency contact so they have to pick him up and then that’s where they talk about Luke and everything. (I really wish I can explain this, also the fact that I’ve said this like 3 times already is concerning 😂😂)
But going back to what you said, he struggles with that so much because he loves Luke so much but at the same time due to the fact that Alex has such a bad relationship with his parents he doesn’t want Luke to end up on that note.
Mitch having a conversation with Ray is everything I needed and I did not think I would. (Imagine if Kenny Ortega had a secret Tumblr though 😂😂)
24. I want to see Flynn’s reaction to flying solo now it’s what we do deserve. Yes, it’s like you read my mind because that is exactly what happened, I feel like we can kind of see it in all eyes on me, with her face kind of being a tiny bit upset with Julie talking to the boys but she isn’t able to see what’s going on. (Even though the boys have only had one interaction with her they are very devastated, all they want is to be her friend as well)
Love how you meant Carrie, also why am I now thinking about Flynn joining dirty candy just to spite Julie, (I need to stop) also yess this is how the reaction song comes. Possibly maybe even a sad song because Flynn is talking about how much she loves Julie but she’s been feeling so disconnected from her lately. Yes, Jadah Maris is so talent.
Honestly I only know that video because one of my friends was singing the lyrics and I was very concerned 😂. Yes, you should be proud, maybe it’s because I cannot remember titles for the life of me but that is a very accomplishing thing.
25. Ahhh, dad Alex is everything. Also due to the fact that he has quick wit for a bit it would just be him and Carrie joking around with each other. Also I feel like the show does kind of show that although Trevor is supportive he is really bad at discipline 😂. (Honest Reggie wouldn’t be able to able to tell her off at all because he is afraid of somehow becoming like his parents, even though the boys keep reassuring him that will never happen)
26. Honestly the boys are kind of just holding a grudge at this point but it’s Trevor making the hats that has them go into a big group hug and burst into tears also the actual forgiving.
Also going along with the fact that Willie wears a beanie, he also wears a bandanna. I’m glad that’s stuck in your head to be honest.
28. Yes, what if the final product of Reggie raging at Bobby is Now or Never (however this has been re-make and has switch genres by Luke) (I have reasoning)
32. I love just thinking about some fans randomly bumping into sunset Curve. Legitimately they bring stickers and fanart everywhere because Alex is definitely the type of person to go to a grocery store at 3 AM just to look for a particular ingredient (for an example)
Honestly I had no reasoning for Alex being a hedgehog except for the fact that hedgehogs are cute so I most definitely agree and you are entirely correct
Yes, and once Alex finishes the puzzle it’s framed just because not only can he not take it apart but he’s afraid of it being ruined and it is so amazing
34. Yes, precisely and there’s only one photo of Luke that works and it’s him glaring and crossing his arms like an upset puppy (still stuck)
35. (Honestly Ray just adopts all of them, Luke, Reggie,Alex, Flynn, Willie all of them) I legitimately said this for just someone however instead of collecting stray cats Ray takes in stray children. Also, yes just best father of the year goes to Ray for the past 15 years. That is a very good theory because this entire time I’ve just been thinking of Reggie taking pictures.
Also the fact that technically Willie can’t show up on camera I didn’t think about but for the purpose of him looking absolutely amazing in these photo shoots I’m going to ignore that.
37. Yes, and Alex does have to make rules because otherwise he won’t have any clothes. The only reason Willie is allowed to get away with it is because he looks fantastic in the hoodie and Alex just has heart eyes.
39. Yes, she always talks out loud to herself and Trevor just silently encourages her and then he replies this one time and she is absolutely shocked but because the idea so so brilliant she immediately jumps on it.
40. Seeing Alex dance with Luke to dirty dancing with this particular dance in mind is what I need to see in season 2. Also yes, Reggie as well, honestly it just becomes a band thing because
Lol that is so relatable, also 10 out of 10 songs to be stuck in your head.
(Sorry for like the four notifications you got from me liking this post, because of course I just accidentally kept double tapping this and then letting out a gasp because it unliked the post)
Also the fact that this started from jigsaws and now we have three categories is everything
Good morning/night/afternoon/whatever time you’re reading this!
Ok so before I start I realised when I was trying to sleep that I left out a few things. I wanted to include a photo of a couples jumper and also the link to my Mitch headcanons, which I think I mentioned and then just didn’t include.
The only pics coming up were Christmas ones but this is the style I was in envisaging! Two heads holes, comfy, not just a random hoodie like Luke and Reggie try and use!
Tumblr media
So here’s the link lol
1. Ajskfnskfo I love this like Luke’s writing is terrible can you imagine the state of his bedroom??
Actually, mentioning his bedroom, it was probably a mess and still is because Emily and Mitch didn’t tidy it when he went away in case he came back and then didn’t want to change anything after he died
3. YES definitely Alex being the designated chef of the group and Reggie bringing him recipes, except that’s the one he just totally forgets about, I love it
1. I love that so much omg they all have one game they just can’t play 😂 Bobby did that in Pictionary because he was doing his drawing and thought he’d made it really obvious, but the others were purposely guessing wrong and it pissed him off. And yes lmao Alex trying to explain to Reggie that it wasn’t him it was a random character for gods sake Reggie can you just read the damn rules?!
Omg PLEASE go on that tangent 😂😂
Oh yes totally they play game of life! It’s the only one Alex is really really bad at
Yessss Alex joining them is everything!
Omg yeah Luke is just watching Julie the whole time and she’s trying to help so they can win and he just doesn’t concentrate so they lose. Julie gets mad at him for it but he thinks it’s worth it
Lmao I can just imagine them playing monopoly - Alex is in charge of money and stuff and when Luke lands on one of Reggie’s spaces he can’t pay. Alex wants to just let him off (because he’s doing terribly and can’t win the game anyway) but Reggie is competitive and wants him to pay and Julie is backing him up because she likes playing by the rules. It’s two vs two, ends up in a big argument, and like you say it’s immediately banned 😂
2. Absjdldlajkd yes like the song actually started out about that, they figured out the tune was really catchy and then turned it into an entire song
2. Yes lol Alex and Willie just snuggled under the blanket like “guys there are easier ways to cuddle y’know” meanwhile Reggie got uncomfortable and tried to wriggle out the hoodie and they all just heard a ripping sound from the hoodie and Alex looked like he would have killed them if they weren’t already dead
4. YES even if you haven’t seen the show yet that’s literally perfect. Alex being one of the only ones who can get away with telling Prince Luke how dumb he is like Merlin and Arthur and keeping him safe. But somehow Luke still ends up dying from eating a bad hotdog
And I totally see where you get yin and yang from tbh!
5. Yes I can totally see that as well! I’ve read quite a few fics where he comes out to her and honestly it’s so cute every time because his reaction to her being immediately accepting of him is amazing. (Also I love it when she accepts him by immediately coming out to him as well - usually it’s bi Julie which I do love but I really strongly headcanon asexual Julie (best when she’s both tbh) and I realise that’s off-topic but yeah)
6. Yes omg now I kind of want to write that AU too 😂 Bobby somehow getting a sign from his friends to tell him that they’re okay and they’re still there. Like they could still come back to Julie, but in the dark room they get a glimpse of Bobby being sad and get to help him, therefore he doesn’t make so many mistakes
8. Absabskksksbf yeah omg 🥺 they all have their strengths and Bobby can’t build his own up to match them after they’re gone. And yes lol tbh I have literally no clue about sudokus either so I relate to not being able to do them, and props to Reggie for being amazing at them 😂
10. Awww yes Reggie just getting super excited when he finds out how much technology has progressed and how many pics he can take 🥺 also I can’t remember what they’re called but Reggie gets one of those portable printer things that’s kind of like a Polaroid but you can print them off your phone? Idk if I described that well but Julie gets him one and he loves it. Also at theme parks he always buys the photos the ride automatically takes
Oh my god oh my god oh my god yes! I love that so much omgggg your mind! It’s the one time Bobby doesn’t manage to pull him out of the way in time and it’s literally the best thing he could ever have done
Lmaooo yes that’s perfect Luke convincing them to go on it is definitely street dog energy. Reggie just refuses to even look at him because he’s that childish lmao
Ooooh yes and whenever they go to bakeries either Alex or Reggie will ask for the recipes of stuff they like (usually Reggie because no one can say no to him, but also Alex because he can be persuasive)
Yes lol eventually Bobby has to have a special like box or container to put his gluten-free stuff in otherwise Luke and Reggie will eat it all.
11. Yes definitely! Idk if they had photoshop either but they’re all convinced that’s what it is but he’s just really innocently like “no I swear I did” and it’s normally Luke who rolls his eyes like “ok sure buddy”
13. I swear if I was better at art I’d draw Cowboy Sunset Curve and Fairytale Princess Sunset Curve but alas no 😂 maybe I’ll just do it anyway lol
14. No I totally get that, it’s the sort of thing that’s funny for no reason lmaooo
16. Yes I love that like he is just moments away from opening the door and letting them back in but then he shakes his head like “no, focus” and the cycle keeps repeating. Also I love how in the scenario they keep moving but all they’re doing apart from that is puppy-dog eyes and that’s enough to nearly break Alex
17. YES. Willie has no idea where he got the photos from but doesn’t really question it either. And I can sooo see him asking Caleb for baby photos - like, he wants a Caleb scrapbook because like it or not he’s been a major part of their afterlives since he wants to remember him! So Caleb is confronting them after he stops possessing Nick and is doing this grand speech and when he’s done Reggie just raises his hand and goes “sorry but do you have any baby photos of you?” and Caleb just doesn’t question it and hands them over the next time they see each other. (Reggie also has Nick’s baby photos. Reggie has literally everyone’s baby photos.)
Ajsbskldl I love that! Little Alex in a hotdog shirt and Willie pretending to have some sort of psychic power like “yeah I totally knew about that it’s the other reason I call you hotdog!”
19. Omg Sunset Curve/Julie and the Phantoms snowball fights yessss and the water balloons are perfect - Luke’s preferred method is to sneak up behind someone and slam it on the top of their head so they’re totally drenched
20. Yes exactly!!! I definitely think Owen is one of the best actors in the show and one of the best in anything I’ve seen recently, he just plays Alex so perfectly and everything you said is 100% right I couldn’t have put it better myself
Yes that’s exactly their relationship! Like as sad as he would have been Alex would have dropped Willie if the guys hated him (and let’s be honest, seeing as Willie accidentally played a big part in the thing with Caleb they definitely could have hated him)
Yeah and Luke isn’t really sure if Julie being so mad at him for egging her house is worth it but he had fun so he goes with it
Oh yeah that makes so much more sense you’re totally right, but yeah it got us Unsaid Emily so in the end it was a good thing lmao
21. Ooooh yes! They share everything but that’s the one thing he has never told him
Lmaoooo yes but then what would he have been arrested for?? I feel like some sort of misunderstanding - like someone dropped something, he tried to be helpful and pick it up but then they accused him of theft and called the cops on him. Or he actually did do something illegal, knowing it was illegal. Aww yes Emily and Mitch picking him up and finally getting to see him and find out about Luke again 🥺
And yes exactly took the words right out of my mouth
If Kenny had a secret Tumblr and saw all this I would die laughing. Especially if he somehow included some of it in the show that would be the funniest thing. Sadly it’s very unlikely 😂😭
24. Yesss I agree we can totally see it then! I feel like it’s the really predictable scenario for her to be left out but I also think it would work really well
Oooooh Flynn joining Dirty Candi could be really interesting! I feel like it would only be for one song and then she’d feel bad but I’d actually love to see that.
I can totally see it being a sad song and also I think it would just be her and Julie there, the boys are nowhere to be seen and it’d give them a chance to make up before the boys are let in on it
25. Yes definitely! Because Carrie has such quick wit too their banter would be brilliant. Yeah you’re definitely right about Trevor, he’d do anything for her except discipline her well, and omg Reggie 🥺🥺 you’re so right, he’d be terrified, so he wouldn’t get involved at all when she’s being told off by Alex
26. I feel like maybe that was Bobby’s way of settling arguments back in the nineties (“Luke’s mad at me, guess I’d better make him a hat”) which is why it finally convinces them to forgive him
Omg bandana Willie might be even better than beanie Willie... maybe it’s just any time Willie has headwear, because I love Willie wearing his helmet too lol
28. Oh yes I love that! Originally the lyrics were “pack up your yarn Bobby, now or never” and Luke was like hmmm I like that
32. Omg that’s literally perfect I love that so much. Alex in his pyjamas (and a hoodie) staring at flour trying to remember which kind he needed to buy at 3 o’clock in the morning and the shop assistant is like omg you’re Alex Mercer then hands him a sticker
Yes definitely!!! He frames all his favourite puzzles and has them hanging up around the studio, but that’s his ultimate favourite and he makes sure to clean the frame of dust twice a week
35. Omfg yes that’s brilliant. Ray has two biological kids but actually he has four ghosts and his daughters best friend too (and maybe some other we don’t see, like Carlos’s best friend??) the comparison to stray cats is amazing - they just come in for food and maybe a hug then they’ll be on their way again.
Yeah same lmao I realised as I was writing that they wouldn’t show up but that’s a tiny detail and for this we can disregard it completely 😂😂 (or maybe he does show up sometimes, and even when he doesn’t there’s a golden orb there like in Ray’s photos and it actually looks really good somehow)
37. I live for heart eyes Alex tbh. And yes the other rules include: you must wash it if you get it dirty, if I find any rips I will literally kill you (because Luke once ripped one of his nicest hoodies), and for the love of god don’t lose it
39. Yes I feel like they’d be such a Father-Daughter-Dream-Team you know?? Like they’re really close and they know each other really well and the little things like that are the best part of their relationship!
40. Ahajdnsls yes I need it!
Lol the notifications were fine I literally do that so often bc I forget that’s how tumblr works 😂
Yes I was literally going to mention how we have categories now!!! I honestly find this so funny like how did we get all this from a jigsaw 😂😂😂
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sybright · 4 years
Ask Tag Thing 2: Electric Boogaloo
I saved this to my drafts to edit later and then completely forgot about it, whoops. Anyway, we’re doing another one. I didn’t reblog because the chain was very long and it was mostly people I don’t know. Thank you to @nothinginterestingh for the tag, I only did it because of the accusatory “yes you” at the end, I felt very called out. 
Nicknames: None.
Zodiac: Aries.
Height: 5′0″ or 5'1″ idk. 
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor I think? I took the test several years ago and it was only because everybody else was doing it and I like personality quizzes, I’ve never even read Harry Potter lol. 
(I watched the movies when I was really little though, but I hardly remember anything. I re-watched the phoenix one at a sleepover but that was still several years ago. More recently, I watched A Very Harry Potter Musical from Starkid and that’s the closest I’ve ever gotten to grasping the plot of HP.)
Last Thing I Googled: “is sometime two words” lol (apparently it being one or two words all depends on the meaning, if you mean “at some point” it’s one word, but if you mean “a passage of time,” it’s two words). 
Song Stuck in My Head: Somebody Told Me by the Killers.
Number of Followers: 25 (well, it says 30 but I only count 25, so I guess I got five spooky followers lol. Please know that I love you all even though I have no idea why you’re following me).
Amount of Sleep: It’s been pretty steady lately, around 6-8 hours, but that is also me going to bed at like 3 am and getting up at like 10 or 11 am asnajknsakjnsak
Lucky Number: Bold of you to assume I keep track of a lucky number, I have no idea. 
Dream Job: I don’t knooooooow.
Wearing: Dark navy blue socks, purple tie dye shorts, and a pale pink bicycling tee shirt with a hippie rabbit on it with text saying “FOLKS ON SPOKES” 
Favorite Song: It changes everyday, idk.
Favorite Instrument: Theremin, I don’t know how to play it nor do I own one, but it’s super weird and I love it. (Honorary mentions include tenor saxophone, which I also don’t know how to play nor do I own one, and electric guitar, which I do own and sort of know how to play). 
Aesthetic: The randomize option on the sims I guess. 
Favorite Author: I read from a mixture of authors so idk. 
Favorite Animal Noise: Godzilla roar, yeah I know that’s not a real animal, fuck off. 
Random: I should really go to bed, I need to pick up my approval form tomorrow so I can get my driver’s permit ashajksajknak
You’re tagged if you read this, or not tagged, I can’t make you do anything lol. 
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Soft asks prime numbers?
Goodness, y’all and your prime numbers. Okay
2. what’s your feel-good movie?
Everything that’s coming to mind is campy sci-fi. That’s genuinely the majority of what I choose for myself to watch. Jurassic Park is good. Sharkboy and Lava Girl is like, genuinely imprtant to me. War Games is one of the rare movies I consistently think of when asked to list favorites so I think I ought to include it... This isn’t a movie but I’ve spent a lot of idle time watching Star Trek.
The handful of like, mid-2000s kids movies starring Dwayne the rock Johnson are also probably a safe bet. Journey, The Game Plan, that sort of thing. You bet i’ll watch those.
3. what’s your favorite candle scent?
I have a couple of delightful candles given to me by friends (or bartered for from them), one being Green Apple and the other being a little Pumpkin Pie scented tea candle. I’m a big fan of those.
Other than that I tend to go for earthier smells over floral or “fresh” ones. More wood and peat and coffee type smells, and less “ocean breeze” or “spring meadow” kind of scents — not even so much because those aren’t scents I like, as because lighter scents never quite smell like what they’re named for. I do love earthy smells in generall, but candles specifically make smells heavier, so I think I tend to favor already heavier smells. Spices are good for that as well.
5. who do you feel most you around?
People I know i can sit with and not talk, or be in a room together doing different things comfortably. Which is not to suggest that these are more valuable than relationships built in mutual experiences or interests. I wouldn’t change the nature of my existing friendships, they exist as they are and I cherish them as they exist. It’s just that I feel very at home in a relationship based on reciprocal inaction, and i feel a bit more ‘in public’ and outside of my resting state when a gathering is centered around having a purpose for meeting, even if it’s just to Hang Out. There’s a difference between Hanging Out and just being in a room together without expectations, which I find hard to elaborate on. It’s rare that I spend time with a person who both shares this preference and with whom i have enough mutual comfort to reach that point, though
7. what color brings you peace?
Green. Color of outside. Just drop a pile of leaves on me thank you
11. what’s your ideal date?
Honestly I can’t imagine a context for spending time with someone that isn’t also just how I most enjoy spending time with my friends. Walking together, or going to a museum, or seeing a movie, or getting some coffee, or going out stargazing. That sort of thing. I have done all of the above in a platonic context and most of it in a romantic context except for meeting up for coffee, for no reason other than lack of convenience.
I would do this with a friend but I do really like thematic hangouts. Dates that prompt you to dress up, maybe. I’m not one for putting a lot of thought into my outfits but I’m a lot more into it if there’s a character and mannerisms that go along with it. I like dressing up to be silly. Going to a nice restaurant and dressing up and just embodying the fine dining experience. Going to a zoo dressed like you’re exploring unknown wilds. Going to a museum and posing like the statues, maybe wear a layered outfit or bring some colorful scarves, and try to match your wardrobe to as many paintings as you can. Wearing all your most fluttery clothes and going out to fly kites.
There’s a restaurant near me with salads that have names like “pink lady” or “fisherman” or “ceo” or “super greens” something, i dont know exactly, but since I saw the menu the first time I always wanted to get a group of friends together, look at the menu ahead of time, and then all dress the part of one of the salad names, and then order the one we were dressed as. The Pink Lady would wear a dress and a feathered hat and like, a fake string of pearls. The CEO would be in a suit, pretending to take an Important Business phonecall, and say “ok i gotta go” and hang up to order the salad. That sort of thing. I think it would be really fun. Though if you didnt have a big group, you could just do the two of you and make a regular habit of it. The salad place is across from a theater. You could make it, like, your date night tradition to dress as the name of a salad and go to dinner before the movie. I think that’d be fun.
13. what’s your comfort food?
Ice cream. Pasta is good if i need like... actual sustenance first too. Fries maybe.
17. fairy lights or LED lights?
Fairy lights I think. I like a more diffuse light, whereas LEDs are more... direct, isolated, intense. They’ve got a more sort of commanding presence that draws my attention, whereas fairy lights I notice initially and then they fade to a pleasant backdrop.
19. most important thing in your life?
Having something to be curious about
23. favorite piece of clothing?
I always have a handful of these but right now a notable one is, I’ve got a hoodie I got myself at university that’s really soft. I only wear it around the house or gardening now because I’ve worn a hole in the elbow, but it’s very comfortable and it has a good roomy pocket on the front, at a comfortable height to rest my hands in.
29. morning, afternoon or night?
I talked about this a bit, but afternoon. Really, evening. The part of the day where the sun is no longer visible and it’s just light enough to still comfortably navigate the ground by — “civil twilight” is what that’s called, but it’s probably coincidence that one of my favorite times of day shares a name with one of my favorite bands. I also find the light level of a full or near-full moon very comfortable and very comforting to be out in. And i love the stars and the lateness of staying up. So night is a strong contender as well.
Honorary-not-really-prime bonus question
1.what song makes you feel better?
My current wake-up song is Sabotage by The Beastie Boys, my current mood reset song for when I’ve had a stressful workday and don’t want to bring it home or when i watch/listen to something unsettling and want to clear it away is Love On Top by Beyonce, and my current evening restful mood song is Northern Ballad by Andrey Vinogradov; though I tend to let it play into other songs on the album too, I list that one because it’s the one I first heard by him (and also the one i actually know the name of off the top of my head lol). These are all good
Thanks for asking!!
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majesticmarais · 6 years
Home For the Holidays: Your childhood best friend, Jonah, comes home for the holidays
Skin Deep: Jonah comforts you about your strongest insecurity
Hollywood:  Corbyn’s twin sister comes to live with him and the wdw boys for the summer, and a certain boy takes a liking to her
Chips & Ice Cream: y/n and Jonah get a late night craving and decide to go shopping
Falling Apart:  Jonah has to leave for tour but is dealing with the heartache that comes along with it
Falling for You: Y/n and Jonah have been best friends for a while but have never actually met. After deciding to surprise Jonah on tour, the night does not end the way that y/n had planned
Number One Fan:  Y/n is a talented baseball payer who become nervous at the thought of having to impress coaches scouting her out so Jonah helps calm her nerves
Little One: Corbyn’s younger sister has a strong hopeless crush on Jonah
Nothing’s Going to Happen: Y/N’s fate takes an unexpected turn on a night alone, leaving Jonah in shambles
After The Show: After managing to sneak into a Why Don’t We show with her best friend, an unexpected turn of events leads Y/n to sparking a new connection
Someone Else: Y/n worries that Jonah’s suspicious behavior is the result of him having feelings for someone else.
Brother Bear:  Y/n’s new boyfriend meets her brother, Jonah for the first time, who is very protective of his little sibling
Just A Joke: Y/n pulls a fake hickey prank on Jonah and earns a more intense reaction than expected
Here For You (personal fav):  y/n starts seeing her dead boyfriend, Jonah, everywhere she goes, and eventually figures out why Part 2
Fear and Comfort : Y/n and Jonah are forced to watch a horror movie despite their hatred for it
Family: Jack’s wife and kids are disappointed when Jack cancels on a night together.
Happiest Place on Earth (II): Y/N runs into Isla while visiting Disney world with her brother, which then leads her back to Jack
Perfect: Jack and Y/n spend a romantic night together and pour out all their feelings (Based off Perfect by Ed Sheeran)
Traffic Jams:  Jack and y/n get stuck in traffic so y/n takes entertainment into her own hands
Puddles: Y/n drags Jack outside on a rainy day
Why Rice?: Jack and Y/m attempt to take pictures together before a small disaster strikes
Skate Park Confessions: Jack and Y/n go out skateboarding and Jack finally gets the nerve to say something he’s been dying to say for ages
Pinky Promise: Y/n and Jack get in an argument after Jack continues to distance himself
Wrong: When Jack goes to Y/n’s house after being met with nothing but silence, he is faced with a painful discovery.
Hoodie:  Y/n runs into her ex boyfriend at one of her concerts after he has moved on
Birthday: Y/n thinks Daniel forgot her birthday
Naked pt.1 & 2: You’re dating your best friend Daniel but find it difficult to give your whole heart to him due to your last relationship, which causes a fight to erupt (based off of Naked by James Arthur)
Brightest Star:  Y/n receives bad news and spends her final moments with Daniel
Best Friend’s Brother (II):  Y/n has been best friends with Anna for years, but has hidden feelings for Daniel
Stress Reliever: Y/n has a bad day at school due to stress building up and runs to Daniel for comfort
Invitation: Invitation video irl LOL
Crash and Burn: Y/n goes out for a night without Daniel, but instead of coming home to Daniel’s arms, ends up in the hospital
Safe and Sound: After getting an overwhelming amount of hate on a video, Y/n tries to excape everything but is comforted by Daniel
A Little Too Late: Zach’s feelings for his best friend have been held back and his opportunity is taken away from him by his best friend
Manipulation: When Daniel gets a girlfriend, Y/n finds herself distancing from him due to threats from his new girlfriend and the weight of her feelings
Dancer: Zach surprises Y/n at a dance performance
2018: Y/n and Zach opt for a relaxing night together on New Years Eve
Caught: Y/n is Jonah’s younger sister and has feelings for Zach
Dork:  Y/n and Zach use lame pick up lines on each other even though they’re already dating
For You: Zach doesn’t know what to get y/n for their anniversary until 4 other little birds let it slip
Jealous: Y/n has a night out to try and forget about being upset with Zach, but ends up needing his comforting in the end anyway
Fanboy: Zach brings Reese to see her favorite band for her birthday and ends up falling for one of the members
Protective (II): Ava’s best friend, Y/n, has a crush on Zach, but her honorary big brother Jack has something to say about it
Darkroom: Zach asks Y/n for help with a photography project
And Now You’re Naked: Y/n pulls a prank on Zach by taking all his clothes away, which leads to a hilarious conclusion
Cuddle Bun: After not having a day alone with Y/n in a while, Zach becomes very clingy and needy
Separation:  Y/n’s parents divorce leads her to her questioning the future of her own relationship
Not the One to Blame: Zach tries to move on from a tragedy that will forever alter his life
Happier: Y/n runs into Corbyn following their break up, and realizes how happy he is without her
Picture Perfect: Y/n is the boys personal photographer and becomes a topic of interest for all 5 of them, but only has eyes for one
Rich Kids: Y/n and Corbyn are tired of being tormented and hurt by the rich kids, and decide to take their revenge (high school AU)
Definitely, Maybe:  Y/N has a pregnancy scare which inherits a positive reaction between her and her boyfriend
Blood is Not Always Thicker Than Water: Zach’s sister comes home after a hard day at school and finally admits to her brother and the boys what’s been going on
Grief (Jeff Atkins): Y/n’s world is completely altered after the life changing events of a single night
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tothepit · 7 years
So the lovely @sevdawn tagged me in this lil thing ages ago. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get round to this! I’ll stick it under a read more! 
Nicknames: Iz, Pit, Izziah, Margaret (me and my friend Maria have “old lady names” for each other haha)
Height: I dunno tbh.. like 5”2? Smol, anyway.
Time right now: 21:41
Last thing I googled: “Mophie juice pack air pros and cons”
Fave music artist: Gaaaahhh narrowing it down to one individual artist is difficult. I’d have to say Rob Swire because then that accounts for both Pendulum and Knife Party. Honorary mentions to Niels Nielsen (of course), and Simon Soderberg, as I have loved every band he’s been affiliated with, so.
Song stuck in my head: Right now, there’s nothing stuck in my head, but earlier today I had the chorus hook from Per Aspera stuck in my head for hours. At least three times a week, I swear to god.
Last movie I watched: Dancer In The Dark. Do not watch this if you don’t enjoy depressing things.
Last TV show I watched: Hahaha I am so not a TV person, but K & G were watching Peep Show earlier and I love that, so we watched that whilst we had dinner.
What I’m wearing now: Fuzzy white pyjama bottoms and my Blackcraftcult “cats, coffee, satan, and spells” T-shirt. When I created this blog:  Oooh, well I’ve had tumblr since 2010, but this blog was born in 2012, I believe. However, from early 2014-late 2016, it lay abandoned, so I’ve been active on here since October 2016, I believe!
The kind of stuff I post: I’m a fuckin’ Ghost blog. I mean, who am I kidding. They are my life now, no going back lol (I also sometimes post other bands, and lots of pretty nature scenery… sometimes)
Do I have other blogs: No, but I have a handful of glorious hoarded URLs for side blogs that I’m probably never going to make.
Do I get asks regularly: Ehhh, from time to time!
Why did I choose my URL: I wanted something kinda Ghost related but kinda not Ghost related at the same time. I was playing around with lyrics from Pinnacle to the Pit and I just thought “heh, ‘tothepit’” and typed it in, KNOWING it wouldn’t be free, because it’s genius…and … it was free and thus I became a Pit.
Gender: Female.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw… or, according to me in the group chat earlier, I am a “Racenclse”
Pokemon team: Instinct, although I haven’t even LOOKED at the app for months.
Fave colours: Any shade of grey; pale, minty/jade green; pastel lilac; black; copper-y tones…
Average hours of sleep: About 5/6?
Lucky number: I don’t actually have one
Favourite characters: Narcissa Black bc we were discussing her earlier and just… holy shit, what a woman, tbh
Dream job: Niels Nielsen’s PA
Number of blankets I sleep with: 2, one duvet, and then a thick, fluffy white blanket on top of that.
Following: 155
Thank you so much for tagging me! Here, @spoonriverrat, @diascordium, @metalhat, @thunder-lightning-strike, @raspberrysnuggles, @arch-angel, and @ukuleleghoul     If any of you lovely lot want to do this, then here you go! ✨💖
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