wecandoit · 2 years
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Day 30/30! 🎉
17.06.2022 // Despite semi-stuffing up my last final today, I am in high spirits! Finishing this challenge I thought I'd be excited for a break but more than ever I feel excited to push myself even more. Alas, I only have a week to do that before I go overseas for the break (!!) Sidenote but this yt video made me feel so nice inside.
🎧: Some Kind of Disaster - All Time Low 🌊
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rustbeltjessie · 2 months
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Big news, everyone! This April, I will be doing a 30/30 on the Tupelo Press website!
I almost always participate in a 30/30 during the month of April—but I don't always post each poem publicly, and the poems I do post wind up on my personal blog. This year, I decided to recommit to my poetry practice and to sharing my 30/30 publicly, and helping Tupelo Press while I'm at it.
This month, I, alongside several other fine poets, am writing thirty poems in thirty days, and sharing them on the Tupelo Press website. After the month is over, these poems are ours to edit and submit as we wish (meaning: they won't be up on the site forever, so read them while they're 'hot off the press!'). We are doing this both to share our own works and practices with the world, and also to ensure Tupelo Press can keep publishing beautiful books featuring an impressive array of diverse poets.
My goal is to raise $350 this month, though any amount beyond that would be even better. I am offering some incentives for those who donate:
For any donation $10-$35, I will send you a postcard featuring an original tanka (written by me) + my original artwork.
For any donation $36-50, you will receive the postcard + have the opportunity to help select one of my poems each week, which I will then incorporate into a video featuring a reading/performance of said poem.
For any donation $51 and above, you will receive the postcard, the input on the videos, and at the end of the month I will send you a mini-zine/chapbook featuring a selection of my poems from throughout the month.
I will make a new post on April 1, with a link to where you can read my poems. I will also post regular updates on this project (and others) throughout the month. In the meantime, please consider helping me kickstart my fundraiser. Every dollar gives me confidence to write more, and helps the press place more poems in gorgeous books. Help me to help this distinguished press, and to recommit to my poetry practice. Thank you, and I'll see you again in April!
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lookingfornoonat2pm · 1 month
under a crystal chandelier of stars,
strewn like rice for a wedding,
suspended in invisible wires,
held by tittering spirits,
sponsored by dead titans,
there is the streetlight,
and under it,
the rotting camelia petals,
their faces upturned
in bloated, sallow,
dying bliss
the wet evening clears, and,
under a starlight
that almost blends
with the city's,
plump yellow stamen,
gazing upward,
still ripe
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sucrosette · 5 months
★— ⋆。˚ [Blood]
For Day 30 of Carry on Countdown 23, Crack. @carryon-countdown
In which Simon is an actual half-dragon and he's found himself in a bit of a situation with a certain human mage. His mage is... worrying.
This is rated T, mostly just for the language.
Prior Parts: 9, 15, 18, & 24
Baz’s head hit the ground with a sickening crack.
It had happened so fast that Simon couldn’t react in time, couldn’t move his little body quickly enough to catch Baz’s head. He’d tried to shift back to his human shape but in the moment, he lost the capacity for it, apparently, too distracted by the whole… falling human in his vicinity suddenly bleeding from his face to focus on that orb of energy he’d been grasping just moments before.
Simon couldn’t stop himself from circling Baz’s head in his smaller shape, headbutting him lightly in an effort to bring the mage around… and then he headbutted again, not so lightly. He did manage to stop himself from biting Baz back awake. He sort of figured that even if Baz should be awake he probably wouldn’t appreciate that method, and if he wasn’t going to appreciate fangs, he probably wasn’t going to appreciate fire either.
Simon leaned back on his haunches, huffing out his annoyance. He checked Basil’s breath (again) and, well, at least he was breathing, and there didn’t appear to be a growing pool of blood under Baz’s head, but he couldn’t exactly check like they were. Fuck, he hated needing hands and not having them when he needed them most.
He made a sort of shrill shout in the back of his throat, swatting Baz in the face with his tail, but that didn’t do it either, and then apparently the stress had caught up with him enough that he was human again.
Well, at least he had hands again.
It took Simon almost two whole hours to carry Baz’s unconscious body back to his tiny house in the middle of nowhere. It might’ve been faster if he could’ve been a bigger dragon, but no, he was tiny, human, or somewhere between the two, and between the two didn’t particularly add much inhuman strength or weirdness to him that might help carrying someone a good few inches taller than he was home.
If he’d had a cell phone, he’d’ve called emergency, but he didn’t. Simon was flat fucking broke. Basil might’ve had one, but if he did, it wasn’t on his person when he’d passed out (stupid, Simon thinks, he’s a sodding numpty and he’s going to bring it up as soon as Baz wakes his concussed arse back up). Or, if not emergency, whoever Baz’s go to contact was for situations like this.
Did Baz have a go to contact for this kind of thing? If he doesn’t, he’s that much more a numpty. At least Simon was even able to get Baz back in his house, safe on his couch, and check out his head properly. Did Simon know anything about how to deal with head injuries? No. Did he have much choice about how to go about it. He still can’t find a phone to contact anyone, landline or cell either, and the nearest neighbors aren’t exactly near.
Fortunately for Basil, he was still bloody breathing and his nose stopped bleeding and the knot on the back of his head seemed… well, mostly mild. Simon kept checking his eyes. He wasn’t really sure why he kept doing it or what he was looking for when he did, but he’d seen nurses do it in medical dramas and so he was doing it too.
All he could really do was hope. Well, hope and wait.
At some point, apparently Simon had fallen asleep while waiting for Baz to wake up. He’d curled himself up at the end of the couch he’d laid Baz out on and his head was resting on the armrest and then just passed out like that.
So Simon woke up to Baz poking him in the cheek.
“Bwuh,” Simon announced, mostly still fully asleep.
“Eloquent,” Baz answered, as if he had any room to judge.
Simon shot him a scowl that rivaled the size of Australia, and also any Baz had ever delivered. Impressive, should the man say so himself. “You literally almost died, you have no room to judge me waking up.”
“I did not,” Baz protested, “And if I had, I’d say nearly dying gives me extra leeway in the judgment department.”
“Okay, well, you started spewing blood and hit your head on the way out,” Simon said with a small flick to Baz’s nose, “I’d say that full well counts towards near death experiences.”
“Or,” Baz hummed, “It was just another day in the life of an experimental, exponentially gifted mage.”
“Excuse you?!” Simon nearly shouted, loud enough that Baz sat himself up properly and winced, “Just a day in the life? This is your normal?”
“Quiet,” Baz muttered, his hands going to his temples immediately, “That bump did a number on my head.”
“Deserved.” Simon crossed his arms and scowled harder at the mage he’d unwittingly contracted with.
“Okay, well, bloody rude. But no, I admit, today wasn’t my normal experience. I thought I was banishing a specific demon causing a problem for another mage I know, but when I drew from you, this one showed up instead. It was more… well, just more than I was expecting, so yes, I did end up overworking myself. The smaller would’ve been fine though.”
“How…” Simon looked entirely unconvinced, “Just bloody how do you know that?”
“Because I’ve done it before, for this person, but they seem to have a bit of a thing with accidentally bringing it back. Anyway, it’s neither here nor there. We can do it again, now that I know what working with you feels like,” Basil answered, already thinking about the possibilities.
“Did you… just bloody say we’d do it a-bloody-gain?”
“Well, of course,” Baz said it as if it were obvious, “We can’t just let demons go about unchecked.”
“I mean we bloody well could,” Simon scoffed, “Most people aren’t even aware of demons. I bloody wasn’t.”
“Simon Snow, you are literally a dragon.”
“Half of one,” he corrected, “And that doesn’t matter, dragons don’t just cavort with demons. I think.”
“Just bloody how do you know that?” Baz echoed his phrasing, making Simon scowl harder.
“Well, because I don’t.”
Basil outright laughed at him. “You know you’re not all dragons, right?”
“Of course I know that!” Simon snarled, just a little, his nose curling, “Anyway we’re off course, we’re not doing that again. You nearly died.”
“We’re doing it again,” Baz reaffirmed, “I have to. I can’t reneg on an agreement I already made. And I didn’t nearly die.”
“You passed out for hours. You were bleeding, you’re probably still concussed. How–” Simon nearly shouted it again, making Baz wince slightly, and Simon immediately lowered his voice to a hush at the realization, “–is that not nearly dying, you prick?”
“Oh, well, you were fine, weren’t you?” Baz asked, again, as if it were obvious.
Simon gestured down his unscathed body, waving Baz off in the same gesture. “Well, yes, clearly.”
“Are you sure you read the contract?” It was asked like half a tease, that annoying little smirk back yet again.
“Of bloody course I read the contract,” Simon huffed out, his hands falling to the side and picking instinctively at the stray bits of the couch, “I said that already.”
“Well,” Baz said with that all too superior air about him, “Then you should know that if I had nearly died you’d have been aware immediately. And besides, you being fine kept me alive. It’s like… a blood bond, you could say. You being fine keeps me fine. Now, you won’t die if I do or vice versa, that’d be… a bit much, I think, though some people do make those kinds of contracts, but you would just know if I was about to die or in the process of dying to dead.”
“Does that somehow exclude brain damage, because you’re sounding incredibly brain damaged right now.”
“I don’t think I sound particularly outside of my norm…” Baz’s hand ran over his chin, gaze wandering off and away to some unknown corner of the room, or more likely some memory Simon wouldn’t be able to follow him to.
Simon’s hands twisted up in the couch, the poor furniture taking the brunt of his inability to stay still and also his inability not to be utterly incessed by Baz. “Oh, so you’re always insane then?”
Baz shrugged, hands coming away from his temples at last, “I suppose I might be. They say I’m rather like my mother. They say she was revolutionary. The revolutionary are often misken for mentally unsound.”
“You are infuriating,” Simon declared simply, standing with a huff. He wasn’t exactly sure where he was going or why he’d stood, but he was standing now, so that was what he was doing.
“You can leave the contract if you like,” Baz offered, “It was an accident for you to end up here in the first place.”
If Baz wasn’t so sincere about it, Simon might have been more offended. “Why would you jump to that conclusion?”
“I’m notoriously hard to work with, and I seem to have worried you,” Baz smirked, but it wasn’t a confident sort of smirk, rather a sort of self-depricative one, a sort of knowing the parts of you that others were uncomfortable with all too well. That feeling? That was one Simon could relate to all too well.
“I’m not going to bloody leave because you worried me. That is the opposite of what you should do if you’re worried about someone,” Simon turned to point accusatorily at Basil, “You’re stuck with me now. I’m getting you water. Also I’m glad you’re not dead. You seem… alright.”
Baz huffed a small laugh, not quite his normal, but still a laugh. That much was relieving as Simon left to fetch that glass of water. When he came back, it seemed Baz was already thinking thoughts that Simon couldn’t comprehend. A notebook had appeared on the coffee table from… well, only Crowley knew where, and Baz was scribbling rapidly inside of it, formulae and languages well beyond Simon’s grasp.
Simon plopped the glass of water down loudly just next to Baz’s notebook. “Drink.”
Baz did with no protest, nearly finishing it and returning to his insane scribbling. Simon shrugged and went to get his own glass of water. When he returned again, Basil had shifted yet again, leaning back into the couch.
“You said you didn’t know your father?” Baz asked with a sort of look about him that Simon could just tell meant trouble. Trouble capitalized, even.
“Yes…” Simon answered hesitantly.
“And he was a dragon, yes?”
“Yes,” came the same reluctant answer.
Basil asked just one more question, “What would you say if I said that I think I could find him?”
“Oh,” Simon answered simply. That would… open a lot of opportunities, he supposed, maybe even answer some questions he’d never been able to ask… or even conceptualize properly. He didn’t say that though. He just stared. He blinked. He hadn’t really considered it ever. He nodded. He then shook his head. His head wobbled a little as he thought about it. He quirked his lips and reinforced his initial answer. “Oh,” he said again. “‘Oh’ is what I would say, apparently.”
“Apparently,” Baz repeated.
“Yes,” Simon chewed over his own lip, “Apparently.”
“So,” Baz tried again, leaning forward onto his elbows, “Should we?”
“I don’t know,” Simon answered, all too honestly. “I really don’t know.”
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sandralovesyou · 9 months
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💕 30/30 edits of Jun 💕
                                      💕 お誕生日おめでとう潤ーくん 💕
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joshay98 · 1 year
Day 509 - 515 (1 year, 145 - 151 days)
Heya! How are we doing today? Just a quick update today, for this weeks traveling spirit.
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So, new thursday, new traveling spirit. Today is the Snoozing Carpenter from the Season of Enchantment. Gotta love Enchantment, they always have such good cosmetics. And that sleeping emote is really adorable. ^^
Also rather cheap, only costing 112 candles in total. I guess this is necessary considering the Nature cape being so expensive. Also with them I have 185 winged lights. I'm slowly getting there. :D
So onto the cosmetics. They only have two, a hairstyle and a cape.
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The hair are medium to long with a bun and have a thin headband. They do look really nice, even if a bit unconventional. What I like about them is how much volume they have. They are just pretty fun to walk around with. I'm a fan of all the wiggle physics this game has. ^^
The cape is thick, light orange to brown and has small bobbles hanging from it. The bottom trim also has a pixel style pattern. I get heavy Journey vibes from this cape. Might just be the pattern but it does look really nice. If I make someting that needs lighter colors, I might just consider this.
Overall really nice cosmetics plus emote. Just what I expect from Enchantment. But that's all for today. Nothing really out of the ordinary, outside the usual grind. Hope you all have great day. See ya on monday for the next quest. ^^
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t3rr3nc3 · 9 months
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30/30 was that nigga
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doodledust · 1 year
30/30 (!!)
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tsatsuma69 · 20 days
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epoxyconfetti · 3 months
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bumblebeebats · 4 months
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OP turned off reblogs so this is my post now. Behold, the "Objective quality vs. degree of ferality" scale
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Here are a few of my own personal datapoints:
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james-p-sullivan · 4 months
the older i get and the closer i am to reaching 30, the more the people around me try to deny me my age. it’s a constant ‘oh you’re just turning 29 again teehee 🤭’ or ‘dont tell your SO that, he’ll leave you for a younger model 😉’ and i just???? hate it?????????
i spent my entire teenaged years fighting for my life. i crawled through the deepest pits of my depression to cling to the promise of a life beyond that pain. i was so convinced that i was going to die young, that i would never see the grace of my age starting with a 2, let alone 3.
so im going to turn 30, and there’s not a damn thing anyone can do to stop me from loving it.
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ithappensoffstage · 2 months
I am genuinely so worried for all the young horny dykes going into adulthood thinking there's something "problematic" / "wrong" with them for being horny because fucking tiktok lesbians think any horny dyke content is "male gaze fetishitic"
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noelledeltarune · 8 months
EVERY SINGLE DAY there are MILLIONS of characters in their late 20s who get falsely accused of being father figures to teenagers when in reality the description of "weird older cousin" or "step-sibling that moved out before you were born" is 1000000x more apt
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sandralovesyou · 2 years
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💕 30/30 edits of Jun 💕
                                      💕 お誕生日おめでとう潤ーくん 💕
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joshay98 · 2 years
Day 226 - 232 of Anniversary in Sky.
Heya, how you doing? Ate something today? Drank something? Yed? Good! ^^
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It's been a while since the last time I visited this place.
So the Days of Sky started. The third anniversary for the game. I'm so happy to get to participate in this. I hope all people have a great time during the event.
The event has a guide in the office who sells some stuff. All of the items in total cost 76 candles and 26 hearts and it's mostly props, a music sheet and a hair accessory. Just lot of festivities. ^^
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The cannon is is nice tho since it spews lots of confetti when you ignite it. I've seen so many people just put those near flame sources so they keep firing. X]
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The hair accessory is a blue crown with three tips. It's cute but sadly clips through my cap. Shame but I will wear it for the event. ^^
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Oh did you also know that Krills wear party hats? They look so genuinely goofy with them. It's not like I completely lost all my fear since the prop update but now I just adore them. ^^
Now you might wonder where the season update is, well...
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For some reason the entire quest tree is gone. And it's not just on my end because I've seen other people complain about this. Showing again that Sky is a flawless masterpiece with no bugs whatsoever. Let's just hope that it will be fixed soon. I will make the update on the day it gets fixed, hopefully tomorrow.
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Sanctuary Island looks impressive when both the sunset and shard event happen at the same time.
But this has been the update for today. Mostly the event but at least this way the post won't be eternally long with both the event and the season update. I hope you have an awesome day! :D
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