#2000th post celebration!
fallensnowfan · 7 months
It's time for my 2000th post celebration!
It has been a lot of fun getting to this point! Thanks to those who have stuck around over the years and to newer followers as well.
Rather than making this purely focused on One Piece, I thought it may be fun to look back at the beginning of this blog, and give a bit of spotlight to the transitions it has been though up to this point.
I began this blog back in April of 2020, mainly out of an interest in keeping up with artists who were creating AU fan comics of Steven Universe, a show I began while it was in the middle of airing its fourth season, and caught up to soon after. Three fan comics I especially enjoyed reading were a White Diamond Steven AU by Chekhov, a comic where Steven has a sister(Twiniverse,) and a special shoutout to makingfriendos/court and snidy for being a great source of joy and whimsy with their SU art back then, being the creators of one of the first fan comics I really delved into.
The comic they worked on, Steven Universe B-Sides, focused on the trio of Lapis, Peridot, and Bismuth being Steven's guardians and is a joy to read. Captured the essence and humor of season one very well.
In fact, one of their drawings is the origin of the original name of this blog "showergelfan." Sourcing to a lovely doodle they drew of Peridot not understanding human cuisine and thinking that a shower gel recipe was acceptable for human consumption.
Moving forward a bit to September of 2020, Steven Universe had finished airing a few months ago and I shifted into mainly focusing on Amphibia and Owl House around the time, both shows having very active fan bases during their runs(shoutout to the-lone-witch-and-secret-room for being a cool and friendly presence within the Owl House fandom during the show's air.) Amphibia especially resonated with me for its humor, characters, and fun to explore world. Frogs being one of my favorite animals gave it a boost too.
A few other cartoons found their way into the mix as well, namely Hilda and Infinity Train. Both also good shows which I still recommend. I didn't explore fan works for these shows as much I did with Steven Universe, though enjoyed them all none the less.
Then finally, around August/September of 2021, I began the most recent and current focus towards One Piece from then on, with the name switch to fallensnowfan and greater attention to Kiku and friends happening in July of 2022. Being in part due to discovering the blog of cool friend basedkikuenjoyer around that time. Hi!
Going to conclude this celebration post with a small section dedicated to the much anticipated episode 1084, directed by Kenichi Takeshita, and the episodes he has worked on previously:
935 - Komurasaki's true identity is… 949 - Udon Prison liberated 965 - Whitebeard versus Roger 980 - Jinbei arrives 998 - Shinobu and Sanji rescue Momonosuke 1018 - Zoro scars Kaido with Enma 1039 - Tama flips the Beast Pirates to our side, and Who's Who backstory 1067 - Big Mom's fall
Tomorrow's episode, 1084 will be about an "untold story from before the Straw Hats' departure," and I am very excited to watch!
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pink-onyx-au · 11 months
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Meet Pink Onyx!
As celebration for our 2000th follower, here is Onyx’s "Guide to the Crystal Gems" fanon entry!
Feel free to use this post as a FAQ and I will answer most-anything about the character for all to see!
Thank you everyone for your continued support! Much love! 🧡💕♥️
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kirby-the-gorb · 6 months
it's almost kirb2k baybeee!!!
on december 17th, 2023, I will post my 2000th daily kirby drawing! that is so many days! (nearly 5.5 years!) to celebrate kirb2k, from december 10th to 17th there will be:
new merch! (digital, print-on-demand, and preorders for physical merch!)
commissions! (including a new Boy In Motion type!)
auctions! (a mixed media painting of The Gorb, and a finished piece I made of the cross stitch pattern!)
retrospective posts! (crowd favorites! my favorites! staff's favorites because they've featured the gorb that many times!)
finally adding music to the macarena gif! and blazing it >:3
it all starts december 10th!
need something from the regular pinned post? that's right over [here]
(look y'all I've had a really extra rough couple years. my wife should start getting paid again soon but we had to chew through all our savings moving across the country twice, and I've still got a pretty uncomfortable amount of credit card debt considering that my disability compensation appeal is on day 1050+ in the queue and I'm far too sick for typical work. I started on all this in july and I still almost didn't finish in time because my health unexpectedly tanked again.)
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marykk1990 · 7 months
My next post in support of Ukraine is:
Next site, The Monument to the Guardian Angel of Ukraine in Kropyvnytskyi, Kirovohrad Oblast. The sculpture is located on Nezalezhnosti Square, and it was erected in 2004 to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the city and the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Christ. The sculpture is a three-meter (almost 10 feet) tall bronze statue on top of a nine-meter (almost 30 feet) tall column. It has an inscription of "God, Bless Ukraine" inscribed on the monument.
#SlavaUkraïni 🇺🇦🌻
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And, here's another link to my Twitter thread for Ukraine with a tweet I posted on April 20, 2023, about another sculpture in Kharkiv. Known as The Violinist, or Fiddler, on the Roof sculpture.
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flowerbarrel-art · 1 month
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2000 posts!
That squirrel post was my 2000th post! Here some more squirrel photos I’ve taken to celebrate (from my DeviantArt).
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absolutelyzoned · 1 month
2000th post. here's val to celebrate :3
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Jimin told in his bday vlive that he don't count days until his bday. But then why we make theories about Jimin counting days from nov 8 2015 ?
Whose we? You better not be talking about me!
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Do I believe in the theory or disbelieve in it? Not too much in either direction. I DO find it sus, but I'm not all on board either. So idk why you are bitching to me about it! Anyway, here is the theory and all the collection of reasons why people believe in in a post here for those who are curious
And to play the other side for you anon, your point makes no more sense than those who claim that Jimin uses an anniversary calculator on run to find the 2000th day since run aired and it immediately occurred to him to check that for the date. Not saying it means anything necessarily, but it's a point in favor of the theory just as yours could be used as a point against it
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So its it necessarily counting days or is it plugging the date into a calculator and then writing those dates down in your calender?
And we could also say sure, he may not count days till his own birthday, but it seemed he was counting days until Jungkook's....
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And you know. I don't count days until my anniversary. My partner and I don't make a big deal out of it for us personally. But other people really do! I also don't count days until my own birthday, as it's not that important to me. I had other things going on that day and was up and out the door pretty early and didn't even realize it was my birthday until my husband called to wish me a happy birthday first and then multiple texts from friends started rolling in. But I DO count days until my children's birthdays and I do count days until my husband's birthday. Because those days matter to me more than my own birthday. And not doing big things for our anniversary or making a big deal out of them is a personal relationship choice that is going to be very different per every relationship. My SIL and her girlfriend celebrate the anniversary of their first kiss, their first date and when they first moved in to together as well as their anniversary of when they became "official." So it's different for EVERYONE and it's not *that* big of a deal. In the end anon, it's just a theory. Not worth getting too hinged on it in either direction.
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blushft · 7 months
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2000th post was celebrating cowboy calhoun. amen. peace and love.
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volterran-wine · 2 years
Do you think the Volturi (coven and guard) celebrate milestones, like birthdays? Obviously every year might be a bit rough but like, for example, did they celebrate Felix’ 2000th year? (Obviously this depends on how old you headcanon Felix but I digress.) Jane and Alec’s 1000th? Any other milestones?
• — 𝑉𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑠 & 𝐵𝑖𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠
I do believe vampires celebrate specific ‘birthdays’ through their years of immortality. Previously I released a post about the different ages and states of being vampires can enter, and you can read them right here. But on to milestones;
They're one hundredth year is celebrated because it marks the transition from fledglings to adult. A monumental age where they become more vampiric in nature.
Further, the older the vampire gets they may celebrate every fiftieth year and on to every hundred year as they get older. Some cling to celebrating every year, but seeing as though time moves differently for vampires; your fellow vampires may begin to accuse you of celebrating your birthday every day.
As an example; Santiago still celebrates his every fiftieth because he is ‘only’ 228 years old, while Felix celebrates his every five hundredth year because he is 2075 years old. And yes, his 2000th year was greatly celebrated by the entire coven. 
Athenodora has decided she will only be celebrating her thousandths at this point due to her being over 4500 years old
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yurinaoi · 5 years
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More Naoi & Yuri edits!
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scottsflow · 6 years
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Have this On Brand Post to say thank you for 1,000 followers x
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h0riz0nstuff · 2 years
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Aloy blue pen doodle to celebrate reaching 2000 subs !! (is it a doodle when you spend like one hour or so to draw stuff anyway ?) Thanks to everybody who follows this tumblr, the occasional shitposting, the many photomode pics, the too numerous tideripper pics (at least it’s not rockbreakers anymore…), the occasional obsessed meta, and all the weird stuff around Horizon that I put up on here. xD … this is a bit of an arbitrary milestone, but sometimes I need some incentive do draw stuff, and i was watching that count go up and then last week it went up super fast and then two days ago I thought “shoot ! I wanted to post something for the 2000th sub but it’s going to happen soon ! I must do something and not, you know, wait half a year or more, like last time I did this ! >.> “ And since I’ve been doodling cats for a month straight with a random blue gel pen (on my main), I just thought I’d try this, not expecting much, honestly. But it did turn out well. The cat doodles taught me much ! Conclusion : always be doodling cats. At least this fanart looks more like Aloy than my previous ones. And now i wrote a novel about it.
So here. *Throws fanart at screen* *flees*
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kirby-the-gorb · 6 months
it's kirb2k!!!
last updated dec 17, 12:09pm pst
on sunday december 17th I posted my 2000th daily kirby! to celebrate I did a whole bunch of extra stuff all week long! this is an easy hub to see it all, or you can check the tag [kirb2k] for everything that's gone up and some preview posts as well!
we've got:
commissions are now closed!
the [shop] is open on kofi, with a couple digital goods! but preorders for the merch boxes are now closed!
there's a new [print] on redbubble that contains over 1000 kirbies!!!
the auctions are now closed, but you can still see the photos! a [cross-stitch] and a [painting].
retrospective posts went up over the course of the week! [here] is the most popular gorbs by note count, [here] is all the staff-promoted gorbs, and [here] is my personal favorites!
a [reply roundup] too!
the macarena! with music! [at last]!
the 2000th gorb himself is now [here]!
need the regular pinned post? it's right over [here].
(I'll copy and paste the little disclaimer from the preview post here as well: I've had a really extra rough couple years. my wife should start getting paid again soon but we had to chew through all our savings moving across the country twice, and I've still got a pretty uncomfortable amount of credit card debt considering that my disability compensation appeal is on day 1050+ in the queue. I started on all this in july and I still almost didn't finish in time because my health unexpectedly tanked again.)
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arofili · 2 years
with 14 more works, we’re going to reach 2000 works in the Fingon/Maedhros tag on ao3 and I feel like this is something we need to celebrate somehow
omg exciting!!! now to see how I can fanangle things so I can post the 2000th fic.... ;)
for a celebration, here's an idea: I made a Russingon tropes bingo card for b2mem - maybe people could use that to inspire us to get to 2000 even sooner? :D
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image transcript:
Line 1: Size kink || Post-Thangorodrim recovery || Maedhros gives Fingon his gold ribbons/wire || Gift-giving (Dragon-helm, Green Stone of Fëanor, etc) || Marriage bond
Line 2: Fingon names Maedhros “Russandol” || Post-Angband nightmare (with comfort) || Political drama in Valinor || Aredhel is Fingon’s confidante || Fingon visits Himring
Line 3: Sauron takes Fingon’s form to torment Maedhros in Angband || Maedhros visits Hithlum || FREE SPACE || Secret relationship || Stump-fucking (aka Wristing)
Line 4: Gil-gaDads || Maedhros finds Fingon’s dead body || Hair kink || Fingon rescues Maedhros from the Void || Reembodiment and reunion
Line 5: Maglor is Maedhros’ confidante || Fealty kink || Maedhros ties a gold ribbon around his stump post-Nirnaeth || Maedhros names Fingon “the Valiant” || Post-Nirnaeth nightmare (no comfort)
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translatedvixx · 4 years
200809 Hyuk Fancafe Post
VIXX’s 3000th day❤️
Hello Starlights!! I’m VIXX’s maknae Hyuk. It’s been a while, right?! Are you all doing well? You’re not sick, right?ㅠㅠ I’m healthy and doing well. I’ve been exercising, writing songs, and taking lessons! I’m doing my best preparing to have a better time with everyone and make happy memories soon!! That’s how I’m spending my days. And, more than anything, today is VIXX’s 3000th day~!! The numbers for the 1000th day and 2000th day felt big, but 3000 days.. I came here because I wanted to say thank you again to our Starlights who used their precious time to celebrate and congratulate us on 3000 days. Recently there’s been Corona and monsoons, even floods.. I’m filled with worry about whether all of you are hurt or sick and if you’re getting through this difficult time okay, and I feel like we let you all hear some bad news, so my heart is heavy. I’m going to be more responsible and do my best with activities as VIXX’s maknae Hyuk to repay you all with a better me, so the number 3000 won’t be wasted!! For sure!! I’ll stop here and say goodbye with the hope that soon we can have happy memories and time (together)! Our Starlights should always take care of their health. Bye!! (Ps. From Hyuk who loves Starlights as much as 3000)
빅스의 3000일❤️
안녕하세요, 별빛 여러분!! 빅스의 막내 혁입니다. 오랜만이죠?! 다들 잘 지내고 계신가요? 아픈 데는 없고?ㅠㅠ 저는 건강히 잘 지내고 있어요. 운동도 하고 곡 작업도 하고 레슨도 받으면서! 머지않아 여러분들과 더 좋은 시간과 행복한 추억을 만들 수 있게 찾아뵈려고 열심히 준비하면서!! 그러면서 지내고 있답니다. 그리고 무엇보다 오늘이 빅스 3000일이래요~!! 1000일 2000일도 많다고 느껴지는 숫자인데 3000일이라니.. 소중한 시간을 내어 3000일을 기념하고 축하해 주신 우리 별빛 여러분께 다시 한번 감사드린단 말 전하고 싶어서 이렇게 찾아왔어요. 요즘 코로나도 그렇고 장마와 홍수까지..다들 다치거나 아픈데는 없는지, 힘든 시기를 잘 이겨내고 계시는지 걱정이 가득한데 좋지 않은 소식을 여러분들에게 들려드린 것 같아 마음이 무겁습니다. 3000이라는 숫자가 결코 헛되지 않게 빅스의 막내 혁으로 더욱 책임감 갖고 열심히 활동해서 여러분들께 좋은 모습으로 보답해 드릴게요!! 꼭!! 그럼 머지않아 우리 또 행복한 추억과 시간들을 마주하기를 바라며 이만 인사드릴게요! 우리 별빛들 항상 건강 잘 챙기기. 안녕!! (Ps.3000만큼 별빛을 사랑하는 혁이가)
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