#20 qs
qs-art · 1 year
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 2 months
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silly and goofy
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hiskillingjar · 2 months
we want to know about your murder boys !!!!!
YAYYYYY thank you for the murder boy support!!!! (cw my bad art lol)
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meet charlie and edgar!! they're my edgy goth murder boy ocs and i love them. they are so silly.
edgar is the one who does murders tho (he's also a snuff movie creator because i'm SoOoOoOoO oRiGiNaL!!!! but it's because he couldn't get into art school so it's different) while charlie is his clueless enabler (though he gets his final boy moment!) charlie also has a lesbian ex girlfriend called dahlia and edgar has a toxic FWB relationship with the cop trying to catch him! drama!!!
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honking and shooing and mee-mee-meeing (also charlie is catholic booooo boo this man)
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junovyradish · 9 months
absolutely destroyed to know shidou was childhood friends with his wife
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mishapen-dear · 2 months
see im starting to get the appeal of a fandom only blog now. sometimes i DO want to spitball nonsense and then not tag it with fandom tags but still be able to find it later. the dream
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hallowpen · 3 months
Didn't they announce The Loyal Pin was going to be over 20 episodes? And now it's 16? What happened and should we be worried?
I don't recall them ever actually confirming the series to be 20 episodes, that was mostly fan speculation given the number of set queues that had been announced (If there's legitimate evidence otherwise, please let me know!)
In my opinion, I don't think it would be feasible to stretch the novel's story into over 20+ episodes without dragging it out. Sixteen episodes is perfectly fine to get the necessary plot points across...and that still makes The Loyal Pin the longest running IDOL series thus far, so I don't think there's anything to worry about 🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾
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the-king-of-lemons · 3 months
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userblaney · 1 year
that was AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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gaytobymeres · 10 months
ooooh there is such a cool masters that i think would be really interesting
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twinkubus · 2 years
As many odds on the book ask list as you feel interested in doing!
sick let's see how far this goes
book you’ve reread the most times?
okay so if we counted most times IN MY LIFE it would be something like hitchhiker's guide or maybe a geel naiman. i don't reread books AS often anymore but if i do it is any gay/trans book that i own. also the end of the affair by graham greene and mariette in ecstacy by ron hansen.
3. what is your favorite genre?
man...in my HEART it's fantasy but the books i have enjoyed the most recently have been contemporary fiction or horror!!
5. where do you buy books?
mostly i procure them from the library. but i have recently been gettign into (checks to make sure there isn't a guilty pleasure ask down the line) wh40k novels which are NOT at my library and many of them are even out of print, so those have been sourced from ebay/abebooks/thriftbooks.
7. is there a series/book that got you into reading?
i definitely don't remember back that far. but i also don't remember a time i wasn't "into" reading so it'd be like, one of those board books for 2 year olds.
9. when do you tend to read most?
on public transpo/at meals/before bed
11. what non-fiction books do you like if any?
the "if any" on this Q is so sad, RIP. can't really do an "all timer" on this one but recently have been reading about 1) eunuchs (a cultural history), eunuchs (in the byzantine empire); 2) tibetan buddhism; 3) permaculture/DIY home ec stuff; & 4) just picked up an ILL on mortuary and memorial practice in contemporary russia.
13. do you have a goodreads?
technically but i only track books via excel spreadsheet
skipping 15 bc i just did a lot of book recs here
17. top 5 children’s books?
was almost going to skip this one too but I must stan
The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede
anything by Bruce Coville (love a bi king)
...okay it has been a long time since I've read any children's books so I am going to stop there while I am still convinced of the quality of my recs
19. most disliked popular books?
this one will get me kicked off tumblr. you might have seen me post abt them on twitter a little bit? maybe? i don't HATE them hate them and reading some of the posts about it are fun. but i have several problems with the sf book series written by a certain homestuck bnf :P
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
73%. If your character could go back and choose their sex at birth, what would they choose?
HMMMMM. kind of a tricky one for any of em really! pretty much any of my characters are some flavor of GNC one way or another so i dont think their birth sex would change much 🤔
altho now that i think about it more, my gnome dude nanjuul? i think he'd be happy in any body and would just have fun w/dressing up however he feels. which i guess doesnt really answer the question but i think if you asked him what he'd like at birth he'd just go "Surprise me :)"
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piratespencil · 2 years
20 and 9 for the book ask?
9. when do you tend to read most?
I do like 90% of my reading on the bus going to/from work. I try to read at least a little bit every day though, so on weekends I usually read a bit in the morning! Sometimes evenings too.
20. what are things you look for in a book?
Good characters!!! A mediocre plot with good characters is so much better than an interesting plot with flat characters… That said, my favourite books do tend to be fantasy or sci-fi stories with some sort of weird/unique plot or world building… I like good characters doing weird shit!
(Still answering these if anyone wants to send more!)
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heartyearning · 2 years
I'm lady luck's favourite I truly do believe that
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dhakaservice24 · 3 months
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gaewaren · 1 year
hii youuu hi lovee x 13 19 & 20 pls<3
hi layla how r you how's ur day goin
13: one of your favourite 80's songs -> call me, blondie OR nebraska, bruce springsteen
19: a song that makes you think about life -> wots...uh the deal, pink floyd
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sanchoyo · 1 year
the problem with me wanting to write out a whole entire fic with all ocs (like, my tmm next gen fic, or my fangan ronpa series) is that ppl read fic for the established charas and getting into smth new requires SO much more attention and energy imo (which is why /i/ struggle to watch/read new stuff all the time! so I get it!) and I guess maybe not a lot of ppl want to even click oc-only or oc-heavy type of fics so they don't even give it a chance! which again i GET but. but also its like. pspsps this story is fun and good if I do say so myself u want to read abt my ocs sooo bad *enticing u with treats*
#i was talking abt this w a friend and idk what the solution is still#just talk abt the ocs more publicly??#???#even then#its very hard to get ppl interested not including friends who indulge me KJSHKDS THEY R OUTLIERS. EXCEPTIONS.#bc they hear the Details more n we already kno we got similiar tastes u know. i would like to entice STRANGERS to be interested as well#madam cherie is a fucking outlier too and does NOT COUNT dp fandom is wild for being that nice abt an oc that does NOT happen in most#other fandoms HHKJHSDKF#sanchoyorambles#i guess this is also why ive been dragging my feet abt posting or even writing tm2#i HAVE a full notebook abt it! all the lore!#and i have FUN working on it but like...#idk i feel like all creatives like attention on their stuff right TwT;;#tmm fandom is actually kinda small but when posts get popular u see ppl be like#'oh i loved this show as a kid/teen!' but the ACTIVE CURRENT FANDOM who has consistently liked it for a while and regularly interacts w pos#posts- or makes their own- is actually kinda smallish#like u see the same 10-20 ppl which is kinda cozy but also. pspsps look at my ocs#but also i always feel like. weird posting my ocs in the main tag too...brain prablem....#anyway all of this to say ocs are fun and good to make i think eberyone should make lil ocs and insert them into ur fav series#tbh tm2 is like. i had SO many unanswered qs with tmm that i wanted to try to answer them myself#with fanon stuff or whatever#so yes its oc centric BUT it dives into lore and world building in a way the og series did not which i think is good#i like a fan series that can add onto the original#actually if anyone gen wants to read abt my ocs check my pinned post i have a directory for them and a page for them on my webbed site :)#uhh only the tmm ones are on there rn tho#i plan to make sections for the other ones but have not yet#<- procrastinator#i still wanna update the ekleipsis website too uggggh but i havent done the chapter illus yet or the chara pagessss or the spellcheck#clawing my own eyes out#too
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