#12x17: the british invasion
bvtchcas · 2 years
Season 12
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littlebluejaydraws · 4 months
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<3 her wiggles <3
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caslesbo · 1 year
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“i mean, guys like us, we're not exactly the type of people they write about in history books, you know? but the people we saved, they're our legacy, and they'll remember us, and we'll eventually fade away, too. that's fine, because we left the world better than we found it.”
supernatural - season 12
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shallowseeker · 10 months
Oh, my GOD, Cas. Dean was so stupidly worried about you, you dumbass. (12x17-12x19)
After 12x12 Stuck in the Middle (with You), wherein Cas experienced his worst nightmare (watching his human family die while they fought to protect him), dude freaked out and bailed his ass to Heaven. And Dean...
Here, have a long-ass super-post of all the worried Dean moments I snipped out from the episodes:
In 12x17 The British Invasion, Dean's anxiety is amping up, and he's visibly and verbally disappointed when Cas isn't at the hunting rendezvous.
From the episode transcript: Dean is on the phone, listening to a message. Cas [voicemail]: This is my voicemail. Make your voice a mail. Dean [into phone]: Come on, Cas. I've called you three times now. Will you call me back? We've got a line on Dagon. We need your help.
They get into the Impala and drive to the junkyard where Sam, Eileen, Mick and Renny are waiting. It is now night-time. Dean: This everyone? Sam: Yeah. Still no word from Cas. Dean: Right. Great. 
Dean enters the library. Sam is sitting at the table looking at his laptop. Dean: Mornin'. Sam: Mornin'. Hey, you, uh, you hear anything from Cas yet? Dean: Mm. No. Still MIA. Sam: You think he's all right? Dean: I don't know. [Looking around worriedly] 
Notably, in the script, Cas was perhaps actively lying to Dean, saying he's working on "getting here," and saying he's "half a day out." In the episode, they adjusted it to better explain Cas's absence, crank up Dean's worry, and ramp up the tension (a good change).
In 12x18 The Memory Remains episode (and script) Dean is pacing the hallways and stress-cleaning his guns:
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From the script: DEAN: Come on... CAS (voicemail): This is my voicemail, make your voice a mail. DEAN (on the beep): Okay, screw this. I've been calling for days, Cas, I-- we found Dagon, and we got our asses handed to us, even though we had the Colt. (then) Really coulda used some backup, but-- guess you were too busy ignoring my damn calls, right? He hangs up. Equal parts worried and pissed. *** SAM: Any luck with Cas? DEAN: Still AWOL. SAM: Okay, so let's find him. DEAN: Already tried. The GPS on his phone's switched off-- and there's nothing in the system about a weird dude in a trenchcoat getting arrested... or turning up dead, so... He's worried. They both are. SAM: Dean, it's Cas-- this isn't the first time he's dropped off the map, and whatever's happening, he'll be fine. He always is. On Dean, wanting to believe that.
Hello! CAS SWITCHED OFF HIS GPS SO DEAN COULDN'T EVEN TRACK HIS LAST KNOWN LOCATION (the playground entrance to Heaven, no doubt). Dean is now beside himself with worry, calling to mind the looming threat of the cosmic consequences from Billie. He fears that Cas is dead.
And from the episode transcipt: At the bunker, Dean is still trying to reach Castiel on the phone and leaves him yet another message. DEAN: Come on. Cas, it's me. I've been trying to get ahold of you for days. I don't know what's going on, but we got a line on Dagon...And we got our asses handed to us, even with the Colt. So...Could really use the backup. Call me back. *** SAM: So no luck with Cas, huh? DEAN: Yeah, still AWOL. SAM: All right, so let's find him. DEAN: I've been trying, Sam. The GPS on his phone is turned off, and there's nothing in the system about some weird guy in a trench coat getting arrested or turning up dead. SAM: Right. Dean, it's Cas. I mean, this isn't the first time he's dropped off the map, you know? And whatever's happening, he'll be fine. He always is. DEAN: Yeah. Dean is unconvinced and continues cleaning his guns.
Also, aw. Sam may not always understand WHY, but when it comes to Cas, he handles Dean clumsily-but-trying-to-be-gentle, same as he and Bobby did way back in season 6. When it comes to Cas, Sam knows that Dean is pretty, erm, combustible.
In 12x19 The Future (and script), Dean is so angry and incredibly hurt about being ignored. Then, Cas tries to return the damn Led Zeppelin mixtape.
The mixtape looks very new, and given the events of 12x12 Stuck in the Middle (with You), it is very likely an item that Dean gifted specifically to try and feel out Cas's "I love you, I love all of you." Unfortunately, here, it feels like rejection. Dean takes it in stride.
From the episode transcipt: (Bunker Door opens) SAM: Cas. CAS: Hello. SAM: Hey. You're all right. Um – Where have you been? DEAN: Let me rephrase that for Sam. Where the hell have you been? And why have you ignored our phone calls? CAS: Where I was, the – the reception was, uh, poor. DEAN: No bars? No bars. That's his excuse. Wow. CAS: I was in Heaven. I was working with the angels. When I saw Dagon had captured Kelly, I-I thought they could help. SAM: And? CAS: Nothing. SAM: Well, at least you're back. We're glad you're back. DEAN: Really? No, I'm sorry. Okay, 'cause while you were striking out in Heaven, we had a shot at Dagon, and we lost. CAS: I know. I received your messages. DEAN: Oh, you did – you did receive the messages? Okay, that's good. CAS: Dean. DEAN: So not only were you ditching us, but you were also ignoring us? That's great. 'Cause we really could've used the backup. But, uh, you were too busy with, um (Clicks tongue) What was it? Nothing? CAS: Dean, I – DEAN: What the hell is wrong with you, man? You know, whatever. That's-- (chuckles painfully) Yeah. Welcome back. (walks away) SAM: Dean, y—
So, Dean senses (rightfully, mind you) that Cas is being secretive. Cas got his messages, and he didn't call him back while he was on the road or anything. And all that time, Dean though Cas was dead. I'd be pretty mad, too. Dean softens quickly and tries to express his desire for Cas keeping in contact:
(Dean on laptop in his room) (Knock on door) (Door opens) CAS: Sorry, Dean. Um I just wanted to return this. (hands Dean a cassette) DEAN: (woodenly, without looking at Cas. He extends the tape): It's a gift. You keep those. CAS: Oh. DEAN: Cas, you can't – (breaks) With everything that's going on, you can't just go dark like that. We didn't know what happened to you. We were worried. That's not okay. CAS: Well, I didn't mean to add to your distress.
The thing about this scene is...Cas knows the mixtape represents something emotional, and he knows that Dean's distressed. So, here he comes, and he plays on Dean's emotions to get him to lower his guard. It's...hm. Dishonest.
But later in the episode, because Dean knows Cas is doing all this tomfoolery to protect them, he forgives Cas remarkably easily. He even resolves to try to get on the same page as Cas, to "not let him walk away again."
CAS: I – Dean, I just keep failing. Again and again. When you were taken, I searched for months and I couldn't find you. And then Kelly escaped on my watch, and I couldn't find her. And I just wanted I needed to come back here with a win for you. For myself. DEAN: You think you're the only one rolling snake eyes here? Me and Sam, we had her. We had Kelly and we lost her. CAS: And if you find her again? DEAN: Sam's working on it. Of course, he's hell-bent on finding something that doesn't mean killing her or her kid. CAS: Right. And if he doesn't find something? If you run out of time, could either of you kill an innocent? DEAN: We will find a better way. CAS: You mean, we? DEAN: Yes, dumbass.
Dean's distress is even more apparent in the 12x19 script draft:
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From the script (above): BANG! THE DOOR OPENS. Sam and Dean look up to see--CASTIEL. He pauses-- regards them sheepishly-- CAS: Hello. Sam and Dean are stunned. They haven't seen Cas since "Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell," when he left for Heaven without telling them. (Aside//He also disabled his GPS before he even left for Heaven, or they'd have known where he went!) SAM: Uh, hey Cas. (then) Where've you been? DEAN: Let me rephrase that for Sam-- "where the HELL have you been?" (then) Why didn't you return our calls? CAS: Where I was-- the reception was...poor. DEAN: No bars? That's your excuse? On Cas. A beat, then-- CAS: I've...I've been in Heaven. And that brings Sam and Dean up short. CAS: I was working with the angels. They're looking for Kelly Kline, too. The boys trade a look. SAM: And? Push in on Cas, a loaded beat. He shakes his head. CAS: Nothing. He seems ashamed. We'll realize later: Cas is lying. He does in fact have an active plan with the angels-- but one he must keep secret from the boys for now. Sam catches the dejection in Cas's voice, softens. SAM: We're just glad you're back. But Dean's not satisfied. DEAN: (to Sam) Really? (to Cas) Well, while your were striking out in Heaven, we got a shot at Dagon. CAS: I know-- I received your messages. DEAN: Ah. So you ditched us and you're been icing us out-- great. Cas looks away-- DEAN: Just saying, it would’ve been nice to have some back up-- you, like a super strong dude, in a trenchcoat. (dripping disdain) But hey, you were busy, you know-- with all that nothing.
Knowing the root of the issue--that Dean's emotional and "distressed," Cas doesn't even wait that long to go after him. Plus, Dean flashes the Colt, so Cas follows him to his room with the intent of acquiring it. Cas knows he's probably about to hurt Dean's feelings again, but for Dean's safety, it's worth the risk.
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From the script (above): SAM: Dean-- But Dean ignores him-- stepping forward-- to Cas-- DEAN: Seriously-- what the Hell's wrong with you? On Cas. Not sure how to answer that. A beat then-- Dean turns-- grabs the Colt-- DEAN: Whatever. Welcome home.
Okay, so I'm sensing a SPNwin Millie parallel here, that no matter how mad they are at each other, no matter how mad Dean is at Cas, Dean is scripted to tell Cas WELCOME HOME. Gahhhhh!
Dean bails to his room, taking the Colt with him. Of Sam and Cas. Cas, torn... LATER... Dean's on his laptop, trying to bury himself in the Kelly Kline search. A knock on the door. He ignores it. After a beat, Cas steps in. Awkwardly-- CAS: Dean-- I'm sorry. Dean doesn't even look up. A long, awkward beat, then Cas places a MIXED TAPE on Dean's dresser. CAS: I--wanted to return this. We see a homemade label: "Dean's Top 13 Zepp Traxx." Dean still doesn't look up. Cas moves for the door-- DEAN: That was a gift. To keep. CAS: Oh. Dean turns to Cas-- softening a bit-- DEAN: Cas, you can't-- with everything that's going on, you can't just go dark. For weeks. (off Cas's look) We were worried, okay? On Cas. He's still cagey, keeping the weight of a (yet to be revealed) secret. Attempting to make peace... CAS: It wasn't my intention to add to your distress, I... On Cas, desperate to make things clear to Dean-- but he can't reveal too much. So he tells his emotional truth. CAS: Dean, I keep...failing. Again and again. When you and Sam were taken, I search for months-- I couldn't find you, Kelly escaped, on my watch-- and I couldn't find her. (beat) I just wanted-- needed to come back with a win. For you. For myself. And Dean gets that. DEAN: Look-- you're not the only one rolling snake eyes here. Me and Sam, we just had Kelly-- we lost her, too. CAS: And if you do find her...do you really think you can kill a pregnant women? Dean looks away-- the idea of doing that...it's his nightmare. And Cas notices. A beat, then-- Dean shakes his head, so wanting to believe... DEAN: Not gonna have to. We'll find a better way. CAS: We? DEAN: Yeah. We. (then) You ever think the reason we keep striking out is 'cause we're all off in our own corners? I mean-- when has that ever worked, right?
Later in the episode, it's clear that Cas isn't working with Heaven for his reputation. And Dean's mad about Cas lying and not communicating, sure, but he isn't really that mad about the theft of the Colt:
CAS: I...I wanted to keep you out of this-- to keep you safe. ***
(Dean working on Castiel's truck) (Dog barking in distance) SAM: How did this happen? DEAN: (Scoffs) What? The lying? The Heaven plan? Or the fact that I'm working on this stupid truck? SAM: No, I mean, what's wrong with Cas? DEAN: Well, he hasn't exactly had a banner year. I mean, think about it. Between Lucifer (Blows air) killing Billie, Ramiel, everything's been blowing up in his face. And he's so desperate for a win right now, he can't even see straight. (gestures to truck) Go ahead and give it a try. (Sam climbs in truck)
And later, Dean gets to watch his nightmare scenario play out— the thing he's been freaking out about all season since Billie warned of the cosmic consequences. Cas's impending death.
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From above: WHAM! Cas falls to the group-- eyes glazed, face a bloody mash. Beaten. Dagon looks to Kelly-- DAGON: Look at him, your-- (with a sneer) Angelic defender. Heh. You really thought he could save you? This sad, fluttering, aimless little moth? Dagon reaches down, grabbing the front of Cas's shirt-- he tries to fight, but he's too weak, as-- Dagon hoists Cas up. His feet dangling in the air.
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From above: And as Sam, Dean, and Kelly stare-- oh fucking no-- the bullet drops to the grass. Dagon looks to Dean-- DAGON: Cool, right? Before Dean can respond, the camera whips right-- and Dagon is behind him! Sam notices-- point-- SAM: Dean! Dean spins-- and Dagon grabs the colt with one hand, and strike with the other. Snapping a fist into Dean's elbow--BREAKING HIS ARM! With a sickening SNAP! Dean drops to the ground-- in AGONY-- leaving Dagon holding the Colt-- DAGON: Yeah...time to take this little bitch off the board. And the Colt goes lava-hot red in her hand. Sizzling-- On Dean. Can't believe what he's seeing-- DEAN: No! But it's too late. The Colt melts in Dagon's hand. Barrel and cylinder collapsing-- Camera moves to Cas, injured on the ground looking around-- At Kelly, helpless and cowering--- At Sam, injured by the bench-- At Dean, hurt and one his knees, in front of Dagon-- His worst nightmare-- everyone he tried to protect in pain and mortal danger. Dagon tosses what's left of the colt away.
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From above: Dagon charges up her glowing, angel-smiting fist and swings-- SAM: Cas! DEAN: No! Cas stares death in the eye. Then-- GOLD LIGHT pulses up Kelly's arm (the same gold as Kelly's eyes in Act 2), rushing through Cas's arm-- we zoom into Cas's eyes--
And after Jack defeats Dagon, and Cas avoids death, it's still...strange. Gentle. Scary? Cas heals Dean but he seems serene, as if he's in a trance.
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Sam and Dean stare at Cas-- Dean cradling his broken arm. He swaps a glance with Sam-- both in awe of Cas, but also shaken by his display of power.
In the last moment, we see Dean make up his mind. Dean decides that yeah, he's fighting FOR Cas. He's not going to let him walk away.
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From above: He turns away-- Dean grabs Cas's arm-- DEAN: Cas, no-- whatever that thing did to you-- we're not gonna just let you walk away. Not again. (then, emotional) That's not happening. CAS: Yes. It is. It has to.
Because the unfortunate reality is...Dean can't stop him.
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youre-only-gay-once · 2 years
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Supernatural » 12×17 » The British Invasion
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cockworkangels · 1 year
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Honestly, I wasn't surprised. I was hurt but I knew it was coming. (Ranting Again)
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Why? Because if she's willing to do this than why wouldn't she do that? As Mick said "the code is what makes a young boy kill his best friend". Except it extends much further than that. As proven:
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Now, tell me (I dare you), that these scenes are not the axact same occurrence, just years later. Why do you think that Ketch is so reluctant to admit that he cares about someone? Because he knows this corrupt sadistic bitch would make him kill them. She doesn't like her Hunters getting too close to anyone. And, especially, doesn't want them to see the error of her ways. Not that TFW is much better because, frankly they aren't. In comparison (AKA to Mick and Ketch) they'd seem damn near like saints but we're not talking about that, are we? Not only was Mick slipping from her iron grasp, so was Ketch. So, she felt the need to correct them. It's no different. And if the fantheory is right about a Mick x Ketch relationship in there later years of Kendricks is correct, I'm surprised she didn't do it sooner. Because I know she's the reason they broke up. Fuck her. Miss against happiness and anything decent. She took away Mick's childhood friend, Ketch's twin, and then she wanted one to kill the other. Reasons like this is why I hate her.
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There should be a support group for the British Men of Letters because of the shit she put them through and made them commit. And don't even try to say she wasn't forcing there hand. There's only one way out and that's death. Also, did you ever think the reason why Ketch went along with it is because he knew Toni and Mick (his ex-lover and best friend) were safer dead than alive.
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Which goes to show the truth about Dr. Hess and the fact that she had that whole thing planned before she ever contacted Mick to return to HQ. Ketch said he didn't do it and he doesn't straight up lie (only withholds information, not exactly the same thing). So, she made it look like Ketch had texted him, knowing far well that Mick (the caring soul that he is) would respond almost immediately, thinking Ketch was hurt or something. He did seem genuinely concerned and you know it. I wanted Ketch to kill her. Not then (that would make everything worse for them), but later. Like when Jody killed her. Ketch had every right and Jody didn't even know her. And then Team Free Will treating Ketch like he's a worse dick than they are when he was the only one who gave a genuine fuck about Mick. Might I remind you that it's Sam who sent him to his death? Which put Ketch in the worst situation possible. He had two choices: kill his best friend to save him from the code or let Dr. Hess do whatever she wants to him and knowing her, she'd make Ketch do whatever she decided on. He did the right thing. He saved him from the code by obeying the code. It was his only option that would save Mick and not make him just as sadistic as Dr. Hess. Sam nor Cas will never have the capability to care about Mick the way Ketch did and still does. Evidence? Tell me that this does not look familiar?
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Can't get a good view of the suit but you can claerly see who he modeled it after. So, please, Ketch haters, tell me I'm wrong.
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spnexploration · 1 year
British Men of Letters
Just as I was finally getting a tiny bit interested in Mick Davies...
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Bah bow.
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heartbroken-fangirl · 2 years
Mick & Ketch are Soulmates
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Convince me, otherwise. Besides, they were literally born in the same month and their actors' birthdays are only days apart (different year but whatever). Ketch only killed Mick because he knew what Dr. Hess would have done to him and that she would make him do it. As she made him murder his twin as a child. It was a mercy kill. He loved Mick more than anything but knew he couldn't act on his feelings due to the consequences. The only people the British Men of Letters (as a whole) is meaner to than the paranormals are their own Agents. And Ketch knows that better than anybody.
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seasononesam · 2 months
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Stackednatural- 252/327
The British Invasion (12x17) April 6th, 2017
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stellernorth · 4 months
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dagon & kelly... 12x15 "somewhere between heaven and hell"; 12x17 “the british invasion”; 12x19 “the future”; 12x22 “who we are” cut scene
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castiellesbian · 1 year
Buckner and Leming:
1x13 Route 666
7x05 Shut Up, Dr. Phil
7x13 The Slice Girls
7x19 Of Grave Importance
8x03 Heartache
8x07 A Little Slice of Kevin
8x15 Man's Best Friend with Benefits
8x19 Taxi Driver
9x03 I'm No Angel
9x09 Holy Terror
9x16 Blade Runners
9x21 King of the Damned
10x03 Soul Survivor
10x10 The Hunter Games
10x16 Paint It Black
10x21 Dark Dynasty
11x03 The Bad Seed
11x09 O Brother Where Art Thou?
11x18 Hell's Angel
11x21 All in the Family
12x02 Mamma Mia
12x08 LOTUS
12x13 Family Feud
12x17 The British Invasion
12x21 There's Something About Mary
13x02 The Rising Son
13x07 War of the Worlds
13x13 Devil's Bargain
13x18 Bring 'em Back Alive
13x22 Exodus
14x02 Gods and Monsters
14x07 Unhuman Nature
14x12 Prophet and Loss
14x19 Jack in the Box
15x02 Raising Hell
15x08 Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven
15x13 Destiny's Child
15x19 Inherit the Earth
Robert Berens:
9x06 Heaven Can't Wait
9x14 Captives
9x19 Alex Annie Alexis Ann
10x07 Girls, Girls, Girls
10x14 The Executioner's Song
10x19 The Werther Project
11x06 Our Little World
11x14 The Vessel
11x17 Red Meat (with Andrew Dabb)
11x22 We Happy Few
12x03 The Foundry
12x07 Rock Never Dies
12x14 The Raid
12x19 The Future (with Meredith Glynn)
12x22 Who We Are
13x03 Patience
13x09 The Bad Place
13x10 Wayward Sisters (with Andrew Dabb)
13x21 Beat the Devil
14x03 The Scar
14x09 The Spear
14x18 Absence
15x03 The Rupture
15x09 The Trap
15x12 Galaxy Brain
15x18 Despair
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missjackil · 3 months
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!!
As expected, The Raid crushed Ladies Drink Free! Another likely win is packed and ready to go!
Who is it Chuck?
Chuck: Today's episode is The British Invasion - Mick drops by unexpectedly to tell the bros about Kelly being pregnant with Lucifer's son, but of course, they already know. They bring Eileen along to help find Kelly and Prince of Hell Daigon, but she accidentally kills a BMOL instead 🫣
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 12x17 The British Invasion
“Which one is Ketch? I assume that’s what we’re dealing with here” “what kind of weird hazing is this?” “trying to make us feel bad for this shitter?” “we should learn sign language” “I don’t know what just happened” “cuz you’re an asshole” “but the princes are like a level below Lucifer, right?” They’re like the first demons “she hasn’t aged a day. It’s magic” “hell of a watermelon” “is that true, or is it a story he just tells himself?” “how do you not smell bullshit in all of that?” “what the hell” “m a l e” laughter
“When is this all going to go horribly wrong?” “I assume they’re going to keep the colt forever now” “I mean she was getting sketched out by Dagon so might as well” “well he’s fkn dead” “so Mick is going to become a shitter then” laughter “what a fkn weirdo” “doctor’s orders” “oopsie hee see” “saw that coming. Just didn’t know when” “don’t dry fire it. He didn’t so it’s ok” “that didn’t last very long. I thought we got more of Mr. Nice Guy before he went all postal”
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shallowseeker · 10 months
EILEEN: Lillian--the Hunter who raised me--told me stories about the British Men of Letters. SAM: Yeah? EILEEN: They weren't good stories.
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youre-only-gay-once · 2 years
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Eileen Leahy » 12×17 » The British Invasion
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