#12x06: celebrating the life of asa fox
bvtchcas · 2 years
Season 12
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arcanespillo · 6 months
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caslesbo · 1 year
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“i mean, guys like us, we're not exactly the type of people they write about in history books, you know? but the people we saved, they're our legacy, and they'll remember us, and we'll eventually fade away, too. that's fine, because we left the world better than we found it.”
supernatural - season 12
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✨12x06 Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox✨
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shallowseeker · 6 months
Jody: Huh. Is that why you spent the entire ride up here telling me in extreme, excruciating detail how you killed Hitler, but, uh, you neglected to mention the fact that your mom is back from the dead? Dean: Yeah, no big deal. Jody: That’s a lie. Dean: Jody… Jody: Look, maybe this isn't my place, and this is epic stuff, but, you know, if I could have my son and my husband back? I mean really back? I would give anything, absolutely anything to have that. And it would scare the hell out of me.
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suncaptor · 1 year
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emotional about the fact that Mary used what Sam gave her and was inspired by his support as a way of coping with her trauma of being brought back to life.
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spnwin-reader · 4 months
Prime Dean gives Alt John the tools to unlock the truth and decide for himself if he will hunt
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Original run context: John's feelings of betrayal
In the original #SPNprime, John was not allowed to fight for or defend himself until it was already too late. This made the wound of Mary's death much, much deeper than it would have otherwise been.
Unlike with Sam keeping the truth from Jess out of shame, Mary's keeping the truth from John may stem from incredible fear, watching Azazel kill him in The Beginning.
(It's perhaps more akin to Dean symbolically blinding Lisa and Ben to the truth to keep them safe than how Sam was with Jess.)
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But the in The Song Remains the Same, John (temporarily) learns the truth, and he is (rightfully) frustrated by having been kept in the dark. He feels intense betrayal. He feels like a child.
JOHN: Monsters. Monsters? MARY: Yes. JOHN: Monsters are real. MARY: I'm sorry, I didn't know how— JOHN: And you fight them? All of you? SAM: Yeah. JOHN: How long? MARY: All my life. John, just try to understand— DEAN: She didn't exactly have a choice— JOHN: Shut up, all of you! Look, not another word, or so help me, I will turn this car around! Silence falls.
/// LATER ///
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JOHN: What? Y'all might have treated me like a fool, but I am not useless. I can draw a damn— (JOHN picks up the paper from next to a large knife.)—whatever it is—a sigil.
Original run context: Mary continued to hunt near/during the beginning of her marriage?
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In Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox, we learn that it could've been Mary who created much of the tension in their marriage by potentially stepping out on John to hunt, calling into question if the fight shown between them in Dark Side of the Moon.
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MARY: "No, John. We're not having this conversation again. Time to think? About what? You have two boys at home." DEAN: "I remember this. Mom and dad were fighting, and then he moved out for a couple of days." MARY: "Fine. Then don't. There's nothing more to talk about."
Now we wonder: Was this fight even John's fault to begin with? The stereotype of "angry husband" might lull you into thinking so, but it's equally possible that it was Mary that originated the fight--Mary who had a long, canon-supported history of lying. She's even the one shutting down the conversation here!
Mary would probably rather John think she's unfaithful than risk John being dragged into hunting, and she'd probably pivot to supporting their kids as an excuse to smooth things over. (Just as Cas would rather Dean assume anything so long as he's not dragged into the dangerous world of angelic Civil War).
Alternatively, the fight may have even been part of the normal ebb-and-flow of a marriage. It may have been that the fight looked a LOT bigger through the eyes of a sensitive four-year-old.
(A couple of days ain't even that long, but boy it sure does feel big when you're a kid. But just because their marriage wasn't "perfect" doesn't mean it wasn't good, and the Dean-Sam conversation completely misses on that front.)
One of the things post-season 12 in #SPNprime does so beautifully is calls into question everything we know about Mary, including the cartoonish idea of John as the root of all evil.
Mary's lies are given rich complexity, as is Dean's memory of her.
Everything in Dark Side of the Moon, from the idea of "Heaven" as the "perfect place you grow up" to being simplistically at peace with your siblings/"littermates" in the ideal childhood home forever is given more complexity by the narrative unfridging of Mary.
(It's why the gate to Heaven is always associated with a playground. "There's no place like home," is literal in SPN. Heaven can even be seen as the idealization of childhood, as sharing the same history.)
Dean helps John because Dean was also "locked out" during critical periods in his life, prevented from Danger "for his own good"
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Dean feels this pain acutely in season 6, when Samuel Campbell, his brother Sam, and Bobby Singer keep him out of the larger hunting plot in order to "keep him at peace."
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Despite their good intentions, this denied him the right to choose for himself if he'd meet The Fight head on.
Cas, too, does this with the angelic Civil War, with Kelly Kline, general "angel business," and The Empty deal, and Dean feels that as unintended rejection.
He feels, like John, coddled. Like a child. Not getting the chance to be an equal comrade or partner in the fight.
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Here, prime Dean is giving John the key to discover the truth about monsters and Henry's Men of Letters heritage.
Certainly John has a lot of emotional baggage and childhood abandonment trauma to work through, but at least this time he'll have more agency ahead of time, and he'll get to choose which path to prepare for rather than having the world of monsters thrust upon him in the midst of a grief-spiral.
Dean has handed that power of Choice back to John.
Perhaps prime Dean too is wounded from being kept in the dark. Perhaps he longs for a world were he's known about Cas's The Empty deal instead of, like John, being blindsided and struck dumb by grief.
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
Just saying, Mary's actions in s12e06 are hella suspicious. She shows up out of nowhere at the funeral of some random hunter she'd met once when he was a kid. And then, she disappears randomly in the middle of a demon attack to grab an angel blade (when she hadn't been there for the earlier conversation about it being there/being real, so how the hell did she know to go look for it???) And, when demon!Jody calls her on disappearing, she doesn't just say "I was getting the angel blade"; she looks vaguely guilty/nervous, and then she goes to kill the thing (and, thus, Jody)!
I understand why the boys aren't reading into this at all --- she's their mom and they just got her back --- but I'm increasingly not liking her, so I'm perfectly willing to be suspicious of her (and the above points are just objectively suspicious, I'm sorry).
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gh-0-stcup · 3 months
Just say Christo?
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seasononesam · 7 months
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Stackednatural- 110/327
Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox (12x06) November 17th, 2016
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pollsnatural · 4 months
As a fan of Steve Yockey's writing, I have to do this.
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cockworkangels · 1 year
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the best part of this episode is that they made sam smith in her late forties play mary in her mid 20s <3
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fuiabarcelos · 9 months
Sam Winchester: Fic Recs (August - 2023)
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This month I've read a lot of fantastic stories. Congratulations to all the authors who wrote these incredible stories!
Most of the stories posted here weren't published this month, but they're my favorite stories I've read this month.
1 - I Bet On Losing Dogs: By @slvtwh0re
The reader is hit by a spell that makes her feel a lot of pain, Sam is there to make sure she's okay.
Info: One Shot - 1700 Words
Warnings: "pain, crying, near-death experience" - Warnings described by the creator.
2 - 12x06 Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox: By @imagining-supernatural
Info: One shot - 1078 Words
3 - All Work, No Play: By @idreamofhazel
What happens when you see Sam shirtless and can't control your feelings?
Info: One shot - 1700 Words
Warnings: "Just fluff" - Warnings described by the creator.
4 - “You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”: By @sharonisantisocialimagines
Info: One shot - 1466 Words
5 - Doctors Orders /Part 2: By @plus-size-reader
"Ketch kidnapping you and brainwashing you, along with Mary, in an attempt to use you against the boys."
Info: One shot (2 parts) - 2650 Words
Warnings: "None" - Warnings and summary described by the creator.
6 - All this time...: By @thinkinghardhardlythinking
"Sam and Y/N have been best friends since they first met when they were 15 years old. Now, Sam needs her help with a case and old feelings start to flare."
Info: Serie - 4 chapters
Warnings: "Angst and fluff and in the last part only, smut (you can just not read that part if smut is not for you, or go straight to it if it’s all you want)" - Warnings and summary described by the creator.
7 - The Perfect Date: By @queen-of-deans-booty
"You, Sam, and Dean have been through a lot and with Amara surfacing as a very serious threat, Sam just wants the perfect date for you to show you how much he loves you."
Info: One shot - 1469 Words
Warnings: "just some fluffy sammy" - Warnings and summary described by the creator.
8 - Car’s outside (but I don’t wanna go tonight): By @yourmomxx
"Sam feels bad because he’s always away on hunts. you reassure him."
Info: One shot - 1300 Words
Warnings: "Angst, fluff, insecure Sam" - Warnings and summary described by the creator.
9 - We're Endgame: By @kaleldobrev
"Although you’ve been out of the hunting game for years, Dean manages to suck you back in when you are recruited in pretending to date Sam for a case"
Info: One shot - 2900 Words
Warnings: "Fluff, Angst, Mutual Pining" - Warnings and summary described by the creator.
10 - Rainfall: By @67chevy-imagine
"A glimpse of how deep Sam’s affections truly are."
Info: One shot - 2521 Words.
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missjackil · 3 months
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!!
American Nightmare takes home an easy win against The One No One Asked For 😆 let's see how far this fan favorite can go!
Who's up Chuck? *snickers*
Chuck: tee hee I see what you did there 🤨
Ok next up we have Celebrating The Life of Asa Fox - When a fellow hunter, a friend of Jody's is killed on a hunt, Sam and Dean accompany her to his funeral. When mom and a demon show up, the drama begins!
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spnmarchmadness · 1 year
the official ranks are in. if you want to participate in the bracket contest (its free. the prize will be the valor that comes from a job well done), you can do so here. 
if you just want to make a bracket for funsies, here’s a google sheet with the intial match ups seeded. The full seeding list is below the cut!
1. 5x22: Swan Song 2. 5x08: Changing Channels 3. 6x15: The French Mistake 4. 13x16: ScoobyNatural 5. 3x11: Mystery Spot 6. 2x22: All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2 7. 4x01: Lazarus Rising 8. 10x05: Fan Fiction 9. 11x04: Baby 10. 11x20: Don't Call Me Shurley 11. 2x20: What Is and What Should Never Be 12. 3x12: Jus in Bello 13. 4x22: Lucifer Rising 14. 8x23: Sacrifice 15. 9x23: Do You Believe in Miracles? 16. 14x13: Lebanon 17. 14x20: Moriah 18. 1x22: Devil's Trap 19. 2x01: In My Time of Dying 20. 3x03: Bad Day at Black Rock 21. 3x16: No Rest for the Wicked 22. 4x18: The Monster at the End of This Book 23. 4x03: In the Beginning 24. 5x10: Abandon All Hope... 25. 5x21: Two Minutes to Midnight 26. 7x10: Death's Door 27. 11x09: O Brother Where Art Thou? 28. 2x15: Tall Tales 29. 2x21: All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 30. 4x16: On the Head of a Pin 31. 4x06: Yellow Fever 32. 5x04: The End 33. 6x20: The Man Who Would Be King 34. 8x17: Goodbye Stranger 35. 1x12: Faith 36. 12x10: Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets 37. 5x14: My Bloody Valentine 38. 5x03: Free to Be You and Me 39. 4x20: The Rapture 40. 13x06: Tombstone 41. 14x14: Ouroboros 42. 3x13: Ghostfacers 43. 7x17: The Born-Again Identity 44. 8x11: LARP and the Real Girl 45. 7x20: The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo 46. 15x09: The Trap 47. 12x11: Regarding Dean 48. 6x04: Weekend at Bobby's 49. 12x06: Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox 50. 8x08: Hunteri Heroici 51. 5x16: Dark Side of the Moon 52. 13x05: Advanced Thanatology 53. 1x06: Skin 54. 9x18: Meta Fiction 55. 10x22: The Prisoner 56. 15x18: Despair 57. 14x04: Mint Condition 58. 2x13: Houses of the Holy 59. 9x06: Heaven Can't Wait 60. 15x15: Gimme Shelter 61. 3x08: A Very Supernatural Christmas 62. 10x14: The Executioner's Song 63. 14x10: Nihilism 64. 11x14: The Vessel
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suncaptor · 1 year
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mood Billie </3
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