#12h mercury
chrisadew · 2 months
People born with Mercury Rx or Mercury in the 12H can find that they have to repeat themselves a lot because what they intentionally communicate is sometimes either completely ignored or overlooked, and in some cases stolen or duplicated; then what they unintentionally communicate can come under intense scrutiny.
You can see this in action with ghostwriters, authors who write all their lives then become famous after a scandal (or death), editors and proofreaders (that can make or break the flow of a book), people who tweet and get 3 likes, but someone else copies it word for word and it goes viral, making them look like the originator, or a throwaway blog post that gets lots of attention vs a meticulously planned newsletter that gets heavily critiqued.
When learning new things, people with these placements may have to revisit the material a few times in alternate ways to help it sink in.
Mercury 12th housers can also sometimes be a little clumsy when walking (e.g. tripping over air) but excellent skateboarders/skaters, dancers etc.
When you see Mercury Rx in a business chart, it isn’t necessarily a bad thing because depending on what else is going on in the chart, it can actually show opportunities for repeated success in the business areas represented by the sign/house/aspects - LinkedIn, Twitter and Tumblr all have Mercury Rx in their founded and/or launching charts.
© 2024 chrisadew. All rights reserved.
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claireverything · 2 years
12th housers struggle the most around people who don’t own their shit. People who leave parts of themselves at the edge of their aura. There, but not acknowledged. Present, but not seen
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malachiteclouds · 8 months
🌟natal astrology observations part 2 🌟
thank you guys for being patient! if y'all wanna follow me on insta @eudaimonia.o i don't post astro stuff but i'd love to make some friends :)
jupiter conjunct mars people can have extremely inflated egos. they are very argumentative and can't stand being wrong
moon opposite pluto have such intense feelings but they feel so far removed from them. they have a really difficult time processing their own emotions. they can repress feelings, then revisit the topic and not even realize they felt so strongly about it
1H pluto/conjunct asc love masks. they're spectacular at hiding and going unseen. they are masters at stealth and reservation which is why they intrigue people because they have complete control over who gets to see what and how much
aries rising/moon x being called "hot headed" all the time. they can physically get red in the face a lot/while mad or have really bad headaches/migraines
pisces placements have a specific look and are easy to spot. it's in their teeth , i can't explain it
7H saturn most loyal placement ever. they are devoted to understanding you and themselves through you. they can see their partners blind spots really well and they tend to be very genuine in their attempts to better themselves as an individual and the relationship as a whole. when they decide to commit, they will stick by your side through whatever it is you're going through
mercury chiron aspects, you guys NEED to write and/or speak. i know you feel its your weakness but really it is your superpower
women with lilith conjunct/opposite/square venus can have a habit of competing with other women. they can also put blame on women and think women are constantly jealous of them. they can have an itch for male validation that they really need to do some inner work to dismantle, as a lot of it comes from a past where THEY felt/feel insecure in their femininity or they felt/feel othered by women
moon north node aspects can be known for their mom or for being a mom. disharmonious aspects(squares/oppositions) can be notorious or infamous for being a "bad mom". can be extremely ridiculed for parenting style
12H stelliums live in quiet. in basements. in small apartments with lots of books and messy papers everywhere. they live in silence. they live in solitude. they live in stillness. they live in seclusion. they live in isolation. they were put on this earth in this lifetime for deep introspection and exploration of singularity.
5H moons are amazing in early childhood education. talk about thinking on your feet. it's basically like "hmm it would be fun to dip some yarn in some paint and drag it on the paper... oh and these 3 year olds happen to be here"
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8hsaturn · 1 year
astro observations #3
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Pisces moon coupled with earth, especially Capricorn, are unrivaled when it comes to philosophical and social breakthroughs. they have the spiritual awareness and collective vision of Pisces hand in hand with the objectivity and discipline of earth signs, and they can therefore be masters at deconstructing the functioning of society and the psyche. it’s such a consistent pattern with notable examples such as Joan of Arc (Cap Sun and Mercury), Benjamin Franklin (Taurus Saturn, Cap Venus & Sun), Henry Dunant who founded the red cross movement (Taurus Sun and Mercury, Cap stellium), Edgar Allan Poe considered to have invented the detective fiction genre and one of the earliest contributors to the genre of sci-fi (cap sun and mercury, Pisces stellium).
Venus conjunct Mercury could purchase books just because they look pretty and aesthetically pleasing lol. The type to look for the prettiest hardcover of a book to get.
Pisces stelliums with mercury, especially if it's retrograde, have such a hard time staying focused during a conversation, other people might think they're actively ignoring them but they just can't stay attentive for too long unless it's something they wanna know more about 😭 lowkey adorable when it’s not annoying lol.
A Virgo/gemini moon is a common placement amongst rappers known for being fast. Whether it's Doja Cat, Busta Rhymes, Min Yoongi, or Dizzee Rascal… after all, the moon (emotions and the inner mind) is ruled by fast-paced mercury (an exception would be if natal mercury was deeply afflicted). Jupiter conjunct Mercury as well can indicate the same.
5h moon transits are the times when you start to develop a crush or meet up with friends, decide to practice a particular hobby, binge tv shows/movies or read books, etc… one of my fave transits particularly because my 5h is in Pisces so I spend this transit often reading and consuming/creating art, and being delusional 🤭.
3h Pluto transit can indicate a gradual shift in your mindset, gradual because it’s a very long transit. It can either be positive or negative depending on how both your natal and transit pluto aspect your natal chart + transits. As my 3rd house is in Capricorn squaring my Aries moon, I spent this transit working on my work ethic and long-time consistency, as well as my self-esteem being dependent on how much I achieve and not my thoughts and core beliefs as a person (natal 2h pluto is in Sagittarius).
12h Leo can be such a humble bragger, and very obviously so… the type to complain about how being pretty sucks because guys like them too fast, or about how being rich isn’t easy, etc… I have six friends with this placement and only one isn’t like this but they’re also far older and more mature.
9th house in cancer people are very likely to be feminists or just very passionate about gender equality if the moon is well-aspected. If not, and if Venus and IC were not well-aspected, they could be deeply misogynistic and against gender emancipation.
that's it for today, thank you for reading my observations, and don't hesitate to ask and/or comment about anything!
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yourstardarling · 6 months
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This is literally the mind of:
- Sun in Pisces, Libra, Taurus, Leo
- 12h Mercury, Moon, Sun, Venus and Mars
- Mercury in Pisces, Aquarius, Libra, Taurus, Leo
- Moon in Pisces, Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Virgo
- Neptune 1st house and especially conjunct ascendant
Mainly because the nature of these placements make you fantasize a lot about an ideal reality. They tend to project this ideal fantasy out into reality.
However, they may sometimes get saddened by how experiences they dreamed of don't match the realistic outcome. To cope with this they create their own worlds in their mind that eventually pours out into reality. So creating their own world through art, music, writing, fashion, gaming, design, and creative pursuits to bring their inner world outside.
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Venus signs at different degrees 💕 pt 2
Requests 🫦
This picture is from Pinterest.
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Sagittarius venus at 9° or 21° (sagittarius degree)
OMG you’re a wave, a leaf in the air -so poetic😣😩-: no one can stop you. You like to not knowing what’s gonna happen in the future or what happened in the past. You live in the MOMENT, if you look something or someone you want, you go for it: straightforward. They don’t like it when love -relationships- takes all their energy, when they’re too focus on it, and it doesn't let them go on with their life as before. Throughout their life they experience different type of relationships, they would love to. One of the things that Jupiter represents is expansion, in this case is about living them, trying new things. Expanding their knowledge -in this field as well-. People with this combo is wise and have street knowledge. This people have SO MUCH LOVE TO GIVE -and that they want to-. But they don’t do it yet. I always say the same fucking shit, but they know their value. If you don’t fit in their box, they’re not wasting their time with you. They’re selective. As they look like they’re fantasizing with traveling and knowing new people, people always forget what is in front of them: how intelligent this placement + degree is. They secretly, so secretly wish for some stability in their life, around all the chaos. With this double energy they could be so egocentric and narcissist, thinking no one is at their level, SO FUCKING GOD PLEASE AT THIS POINT YOU’RE GOING TO BE WITH NO ONE BUT IT’S NOT EVEN ABOUT THAT, IT’S ABOUT TO FUCKING LIVE, TO GIVE A CHANCE TO THE OTHER AND LEARN ABOUT IT. YOU’RE RESTRICTING YOURSELF FROM YOUR OWN BELIEVES. My theory is that if it’s exaggerated, it’s going to make the inicial energy opposite.
Earth venus at 7° or 19° (libra degree)
Ok, at first glance 🤓, you’re the example when it comes to form commitment and grounded relationships, -so pretty and cute and perfect and blablabla-, and with the libra degree, this fucking shit looks too perfect: with their charming nature and balance that they always carry with them. Too fucking perfect, I don’t believe that bullshit. So here we go 😈 -exposing placements 🥺-. They would do anything to stay in the comfort of maintaining their life balanced -including their relationships-. They don’t like anything that would fuck this harmonious ideal. Because they have put a LOT of effort into it, to maintain it. Controlling the environment and relationships in a subtle way, that no one would imagine😇. They’re willing to be presented in a way that adapts how the new people in their life would like the most. They prefer their relationship to be sinking than confronting their own problems -and with the earth venus the desire of comfort is gonna double-, without saying anything, keeping it calm, without disagreement… And when they want to discuss what bothers them, they’re not direct. They could be passive aggressive, wanting the other to know what bothers them without telling them, like if their partner were a psychic🤗. Everything is going to hell and with their fucking soul, they don’t want to, they don’t want this -the relationships- to end. They’re going to maintain a superficial environment if they get carried away by their desire. Manipulating -or wathever- the ones that destroy their ideal world. Being selfish -this is in exaggerate case-. Without the traits that I mentioned, the earth venus makes this people let their partner know that they’re there for them. But for the ones that have the honor to know that vulnerable side of these ones. At first, they’re not going to rush, they’re PRETTY cautious, they don’t want something fast and superficial -like they always said about them🙄-, but why? They prefer this grounded energy in relationships. Like other earth placements, they take their time, -they know how to, when, every fucking thing- they calculate EVERYTHING, they want to make it in the correct way, perfect. Because you’re so special to them. They may seem too practical, too “yes, we have to do this and this and this”, could not be seen as emotional or imaginative. But with this degree, the last part it’s the opposite: they’re so creative, loving the little stuff that have to do with art, not even with art -they could love something that has nothing to do with it, but with their creativity they put it in another level-. They need to be loved, they need to be cared; or knowing that their effort of being and act what others in their surrounding think is the best, it’s worth it. They have a high social intelligence, just think about it 😳…but they would like to stay in their thing, looking for the drama in a third plane.
Air venus at 8° or 20° (scorpio degree)
They look so independent, in their thing, but with a strong control in their relationships. I imagine them so happy, analyzing the situation while talking and then someone mentions their partner, and all of a sudden, their attention goes towards it -looks like a wattpad situation🤪-. One moment you’re -this placement at this degree- thinking and explaining how people should act logically, leaving their emotions behind “because it blurs their vision of things and way of acting” -that’s what they would say-. And then you end up being taken by your emotions. LAIK🤯 You’re being counterproductive. Make your dictations of how the other should act, make sense, including you. You are depth -don’t take me wrong🌚- , people meet you and know you hide something, could be your nature, a trauma or the way you treat people you’re most intimate -that’s the opposite of how you treat “common” people-. This degree makes the person DIE FOR YOU. Even live for you -so dramatic, I’m seeing a shoujo manga character here-. They desire you, in every aspect 😏 -unless exemptions-. But I think the air venus makes them seem like they don’t care. They communicate, about their feelings, intentions towards you, etc. -and they would like you to do the same- with a misterious spice. Affirmations and compliments are always present. Like every scorpio placements, they show vulnerability when you show them that you’re trustworthy. You’re going to be IMPRESSED of how they’re with you -they show love in an obvious way, giving you meaningful gifts, physical contact…-, and the way they act with others. If you are the one that only see that facet of them, you’re lucky. They have the power of hypnotize people, they know the effect they have on others, the type of energy they give that throws others into them, but only few people can enter in their lives.
•This is based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
•English is not my first language.
•I’m not a profesional astrologer, I just love astrology and I’m willing to learn.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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rucow · 2 years
✨ some mad ramblings cuz i have nothing better to do ✨ ~ i've met quite a few capricorn women in my life and it always blows me away how FRIENDLY and open and talkative they are??? i don't know where (tropical) capricorn suns get the reputation of being cold/reserved, because from what i've seen they're THE chattiest people ever haha i love them! though i have no idea how they have the energy to talk so much, it's impressive!
~ maybe its because of my leo rising, but i noticed i always befriend leo suns. i love these big cats to bits, i love how attentive and loving they are (and honestly i think it's super cute how they can be needy for attention/affection sometimes<3)
~ sometimes when speaking to a pisces mercury, you could say something in the most direct and clear way possible, and they'll still misunderstand you and think you meant something else, or they'll imagine you said something else entirely. our minds are a hazy maze hahahaha
~ air moons aren't unemotional or unfeeling, no moon sign is. we all just have different ways of expressing what we're feeling, and some express their emotions more openly than others
~ some people might relate more to their sidereal chart, and others may not relate to it at all. i think it really depends on each person, but also i think it's important to remember that our charts don't exist only to describe our personalities, they describe our entire lives and experiences. astrology isn't like a silly little personality quiz (though it's fun to view it that way sometimes)
~ house placements are just as important as sign placements! always read up on what planets/signs you have in each house, it can all be very interesting and surprising :)
~ libra moons have the prettiest smiles, it doesn't even matter whether they're sidereal or tropical, they have the brightest faces and im obsessed. literal sunshines
~ all virgo sun guys i've met have looked and acted the same, they can be so wacky and goofy as well. lovely fellas, i always feel protective of them hahaha
~ i feel like regardless of your sun sign, if you have a scorpio moon, it will always overpower your sun somehow, people might tell you you don't act like your sun sign at all. the same thing goes for 8H stelliums
~ speaking of scorpios, u guys are literal angels. so understanding and accepting and nonjudgmental, ily<3
~ good luck trying to get to know people with 12H or 8H placements, you'll need it 👍
~ 7H placements (especially sun/moon)... how does it feel to always depend on other people's opinion of you and always seek to please the public? remember to do things for yourself too honey 💛 especially if you're an artist/creator!
~ earth risings are SO beautiful. capricorn risings especially, i just. wow. i am looking respectfully 😳
alright that's all, remember these are just personal observations of mine so don't take them too seriously pls! byeee<3
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rabiosantologia · 7 months
12H placements coded
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spirit-of-phantom · 8 months
astro observations 🤍🎧🍂🕸️
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- gemini moons are so funny and the best friend to have but y’all seriously need to learn how to read a room
- capricorn moons are the best mediators but not for their own issues
- y’all think pisces moons are manipulative? have y’all ever met a cancer moon?
…. cancer moons know how to manipulate their loved ones so well because no one knows them better than a cancer moon.
- speaking of pisces moons,, they are very similar to leo moons because they both have “me” centred emotions but there’s the difference:
leo moons: chases attention to breathe
pisces moons: receives attention without having to chase it
- cancer mercuries are the sweetest unless you fuck with their family / loved ones
- taurus mercuries voices are so slow and soft like silk
- gemini in any placement is neurotic…. bless their hearts
- pisces moons are literal princesses
- aquarius moons are so detached with their emotions until someone is attacking them
- speaking of air moons…. let us water moons cry around you without being annoyed by our emotions !!!!!!
- aquarius / 12H mercuries are in a whole different dimension so when they speak it sounds alien
- aries mercury,
you’re not always right.
- mercury 11H take your own advice for once.
- scorpio mercuries are destined to be lawyers.
- sagittarius mercuries are so blunt and upfront but y’all need to learn to not shout every little thought that comes to mind
- virgo mercuries are so smart but are so critical in their native language
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© spirit-of-phantom
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elysiansparadise · 2 years
Hello! Your posts are so lovely. I’ve asked a question in the past which you were nice enough to answer. I’m hoping it’s ok to ask another question. I’ve been wondering what your thoughts are on Mercury in the 12th house. Thank you for your time. ♥︎
Hello love, thank you so much for your words, and of course you can ask again [even after this as long as the ask box is open].
Mercury in the 12th house
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These people are usually quite restless mentally, they are very curious people, especially for what is not easily perceptible to the average person. These natives can know a lot about many things but some of them tend to doubt their own intellectual capacity and intelligence. They are people who are either very quiet and choose to keep all their important/personal comments or opinions to themselves, or when they were younger they were forced to keep quiet or were not made to feel free enough to be able to deliberately speak their minds. They find it difficult to find a person with whom to talk in depth, with whom to open their minds, ironically they tend to prefer deep conversations and may have problems maintaining a casual conversation. They can be somewhat anxious people, especially in the social field, since although they have a unique understanding of others, they find it difficult to open up or feel that they can speak much or be understood by the people around them. Your mind is a great place, but many times intrusive thoughts and anxiety or restlessness can make your mind feel like a double-edged sword. This placement indicates that the native may have felt lonely or that they preferred to isolate themselves from the people around them.
They have a unique ability to understand people easily, people can feel that the native is someone trustworthy, who knows how to listen and who understands them like no one else. They are excellent advisors who sometimes give advice that could benefit them if they took it themselves, they have a very unique way of seeing things and perceiving what is happening around them. They may have talents or abilities for art such as drawing, singing or even writing, they have artistic and multi-talented minds. They can express themselves better through art, and often more effectively than they feel they do verbally. They have a very deep way of speaking and expressing their thoughts, their mind is complex and beautiful, a paradise that not many have the fortune to explore. Their way of speaking is soft and often has this healing quality to it. It is very common for these natives to have diaries or write a lot about their experiences, journaling can be very healing for them. Their imagination is a very strong point of theirs and a talent that can be very remarkable.
They are people who guard a giving and generous nature with caution, for fear of being treated unfairly. Many times they feel that they listen more than others listen to them or pay attention, they want to find friends or people to make bonds with that give them the fair treatment they deserve. These people make decisions based on experiences that they have had frequently, but there are times when they have many ideas about the possible outcome of a situation, which can lead them to "just know" what will happen later. They may have trouble falling asleep or sleeping for long periods. It favors the learning of topics such as esotericism, astrology and even psychology. These natives can have a unique way of intuiting things, so it's no surprise that they are curious about tarot or other forms of prediction. They are very dreamy people, but they fear not being rational or becoming "too idealistic". This placement favors traveling a lot, it is an indicator of traveling abroad and getting a lot of inspiration through them.
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hallucie · 1 year
The 12th House
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Whatever is placed in the 12H is subject to rejection from others and one’s self. This is because the natives placements in the 12H have been rejected throughout their whole lives. So they believe that others mustn’t express what they were never allowed or ✨what they have yet to master✨ Thus, they are subject to undergo transformation after transformation until they are able to heal instead of hurt.
The thought of the native is simple and Piscean in nature— openly ignore it and maybe it will go away. This is due to a life long coping mechanism brought on by the caretakers neglect of the 12H native. When the adult shuts out or openly ignores the child’s 12H placement, the child then learns to avoid it themselves.
Yes, the house of secret enemies, but these enemies are hidden inside the native. A shadow seen by everyone else but it’s keeper. It is only alone when one is able to see their demons unveiled.
As the 12H native matures they are forced to shed their old habits and use their untouched utensils. But because the dusty gifts have been sitting in a junk drawer for so long, the first time in action is not always the easiest— or most comfortable. Over time, with space and solitude, the native gains more insight on themselves and others. In the end the native learns to heal through conscious awareness and open vulnerability.
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sunshiine69 · 8 months
Celebrities who share my natal placements ₃
▸▹ female edition ◂◃
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Sun 12h ➟
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Moon 1h ➟
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Mercury 12h ➟
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Venus 1h ➟
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Mars 12h ➟
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North Node 1h ➟
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Lilith 5h ➟
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claireverything · 1 year
as a 12th house mercury you are so rarely having the kind of conversation you want to have. 
that’s where the 12th house isolation theme comes in: isolation of the mind.
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eatingfood · 2 years
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das6 · 2 years
12h mercury - loss of speech, symbolic dream, 3h pluto- discerning, agent of ghosts
if you have the placements:
-mercury in the 12th house
-pluto in 3rd house
do you struggle with communicating, especially forming verbal words? the frustration sometimes to just get my words out is unreal. writing things down is easier, but still i have a long ways to go as for my communication blockages .
after a time in my life where i was extremely social, interacting with hundreds of people, my mercury really showed me how draining others presences can be, meeting tons of people every day, constant performance-based conversations, all the energies, emotions, reflections of other people, noticing lots of things people don't see, the fall showed me forcing myself to match other peoples energy levels would never work out well, 12h mercury need to maintain its own pace and expression.
it can be used positively with meditative practice, with writing and non-verbal expression.
12h mercury feels like the mind needs extra rest to recharge. this mercury needs meditation .it needs to materialize expression because it cannot verbalize its thoughts. these are messages from the 12th house after all. 12h placements are prone to influence of energy for sure, manipulation to naivety, think of cults. this mercury didn't download all of the software lol . sometimes it cannot tell even if it is its own mind. the psyche stretches out like infinite minecraft world .
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mercury in 12h combined with pluto 3h also feels like i frequently run into corrupt, shady peoples. especially in religious places like temples, in political scenes, people doing backwards shit. i often caught people in their malicious acts, in lies also. rip
this combination is looking in the dark room with no light switch. the lama passed through home lands long ago to key in the alphabets; the languages of ghosts. like still black water in the upside down. its a tongue-tied situation; a detective of spirits. the prying hands in the dark, gripping, searching for something to flip. it is unable to look away.
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barelymaddy · 1 year
Little astro note:A thing that many people with mercury in the 12h might experience is having that particular interest that people seem to pick on you on when you want to talk about it/engage in,no matter how harmless it is(and see how is usually a 12h theme also) saying you're either obssesed or dellusional for liking it.This plays very well into the 12h "taboo,having to keep it a secret" thing.For me,personally,is astrology.Whenever i try to talk about it i get weird looks,mean comments or people generally are very desinterested and i always felt i needed to keep quiet about it or learn about it "in secret".Or maybe i just need to surround myself with better people🥲.Either way,let me know if you also have similar experiences!
PS:Remember to treat people with kindness,and even if they have very different hobbies or interests from you,that doesn't give you the right to bully them!
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