alluneedissunshine · 2 years
Smögen, Sweden
Smögen, Sweden by Manfred Svärd Via Flickr: A few weeks ago I got a mail here on flickr: ”Hi I am coming to Gothenburg for a congress first week of September. Do you have any suggestions for location where to go for photography?” After a few emails plans were set. We decided to go for nature/landscape photo in Smögen. It was really inspiring to talk photo and get a healthy change of scenery from the streets of Gothenburg I’m used to. Here you can see Michele getting ready for the sunset.
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macgyvermedical · 9 months
Acetaminophen/paracetamol has a hard stop upper dose limit, above which it becomes extremely toxic.
That limit is 4g (8 “extra strength” (500mg) tablets) in 24 hours (about 2 tablets every 6 hours).
A single dose of 22 extra strength tablets can kill you.
Taking 12 or more tablets per day for more than a week can also kill you (this is about 3 tablets every 6 hours).
Symptoms of overdose take up to 24 hours to manifest, and are fairly difficult to distinguish from other problems. They include abdominal pain (especially right upper quadrant), nausea, malaise, and confusion.
The antidote (n-acetylcystine) must be given within 8hours of ingestion in order to be useful.
After 10 hours the only thing that will work is a liver transplant.
You might think “why would I ever accidentally take so much?”
Well, acetaminophen is in almost everything in the cold/flu/pain aisle. Migraine combos like Excedrin, cold and flu combos like NyQuil, basically anything that says “non-aspirin pain relief”, and anything that’s branded as a fever reducer. It’s all probably acetaminophen/paracetamol.
So the goal of this post is to get you to read the labels on your medications. Because taking taking Tylenol and NyQuil together for a week (like you might if you had the flu) could kill you.
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Pinterest meal inspo, a day of eating 🥕
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Inspo based recipes
green smoothie/green juice (160cals, 5g P)
100-200ml water (coconut for extra cals), 50g mango (31), 50g greek yoghurt (57), 50g banana (48), 50g cucumber (6), 100g baby spinach (18), ice, lemon, some spirulina or sweetener (optional)
egg scramble with spinach (169cals, 13g P)
3 pumps low-cal butter cooking spray (6), 2 medium eggs (156), 30g baby spinach (5), 2 tbsp almond milk (2), salt, pepper, egg scramble spice mix [adjust amounts for more or less cals]
popcorn snack (ca. 200cals, 3g P)
50g microwave popcorn, cals depend on the brand you pick
veggie spring rolls (175cals, 5.5g P) + soy sauce dip (ca. 80cals) OR pb dip (ca. 100cals, 4g P)
for the rolls: 5 sheets rice paper (120), 100g cucumber (12), 80g shredded carrots (31), 50g lettuce (6), 50g mungo bean sprouts or other veggies (24), some cilantro (optional)
-> add tofu, shrimps or surimi to the rolls for a lowcal protein source and extra taste
for the soy dip: 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp rice vinegar, 1 tsp sesame oil, 1/2 tsp fish sauce, grated ginger, minced garlic, chopped spring onion, chili (optional)
for the pb dip: 1 tbsp pb, 1 tsp soy sauce, 1/2 tsp brown sugar, 1/2 tsp rice vinegar, 1 tsp water, shot of sriracha (optional)
Total cals: 784/804cals, 26.5/30.5 P
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J26 ▪️ Rieth - Pfaffendorf
27,0 km [583,0]▫️+520 m [+12 555]▫️24 °C
Encore une journée ensoleillée ! On en oublierait presque l’automne des jours précédents ! Pour nos premiers kilomètres, nous suivons l’ex-frontière entre Allemagne de l’Est et de l’Ouest. Aujourd’hui appelée la ceinture verte, c’était à l’époque ce que la RDA appelait une zone de contrôle, la RFA la bande de la mort, un espace vierge de végétation large d’une vingtaine de mètres, grillagé et où circulaient les terribles Grenztruppen der DDR. Aujourd’hui, les barbelés ont disparu, les miradors des chasseurs ont remplacé ceux des militaires et le chemin n’est plus parcouru que par les randonneurs. Seuls vestiges visibles, ces plaques de béton ajourées au sol qui rendaient la zone carrossable mais dont les trous inégalement remplis de terre sont des pièges pour les chevilles des marcheurs. Nous parcourons ensuite la campagne de villages en villages avant de gravir le Zeilberg, un ancien volcan devenu une impressionnante carrière de basalt, et de redescendre vers Pfaffendorf où nous attend notre Gasthaus “Zur Sonne” (Au soleil) qui porte bien son nom. De loin, nous voyons la pancarte qui vante le restaurant et le Biergarten. Une bonne bière fraîche en terrasse ! On s’y voit déjà ! De près, la réalité est un peu différente. Un panneau indique que le restaurant et le Biergarten sont fermés mais que l’hôtel est ouvert (c’est déjà ça). Il y a aussi un ruban noir à la porte et la petite vitrine qui devait accueillir autrefois le menu contient l’avis de decés de deux vieux messieurs au même nom de famille morts à quelques mois d’intervalle. Ceci explique sans doute cela. Pour les clés, il y a une boîte dehors. Il faut appeler pour avoir le code. Ça répond, on ne dormira pas dehors. Je demande aussi s’il y a un endroit où manger au village. Nein. Nous convenons que, quand on est à pied, c’est dommage. Mais on aura au moins un petit déjeuner à 8 heures et demie demain !
Bon, on va quand même essayer d’assurer notre pitance du soir… avec notre petite barre de 4G, nous identifions avec GoogleMaos, dans le village voisin (1,1 km) joignable par la piste cyclable, un bar avec de belles photos de Biergarten mais sans horaires (louche) et une épicerie / bar à lait ouverte 24/24 mais dont les photos ne font pas très épicerie (bizarre). Nous décidons de tenter notre chance et nous voilà repartis. Arrivés au village, nous ne voyons pas l’épicerie. Pour le bar, tout s’éclaire ! C’est la vieille brasserie communale classée monument historique. Rien à voir, rien à boire. Dernier espoir, l’épicerie / Milchbar. On arrive devant le numéro. C’est une cour de ferme avec un portillon. Trois chats. La porte de ce qui s'apparente à une remise ouverte avec un écriteau Milchbar. À gauche, l’étable avec des vaches. Une jeune fermière avec un fichu en sort et, nous voyant, nous invite à rentrer. Elle parle aussi anglais, ça audera. Nous la suivons dans la petite remise. Oups ! Le chat a laissé une petite souris morte. Elle l'expédie dans la cour dans un ramasser-lancer éclair accompagné d’un « You didn’t see anything » désolé. Et nous découvrons l’épicerie 24/24. Du lait frais, des bouteilles en verre pour se servir, un frigo avec des fromages, des mueslis, du miel, des pâtes et de la liqueur d’œuf fait avec ses œufs. C’est 24/24 car la porte de la remise est toujours ouverte et qu’il y a un petit panier pour mettre l’argent. Pour manger ce soir dans notre chambre, il n’y a que le fromage. Pas de pain ? Non, elle n’a pas la vente. Pas de bière ? Non, mais elle en a à la maison. Elle part et revient avec deux bouteilles et aussi un paquet de pain en tranches. Elle veut nous donner le paquet entier mais six tranches suffiront bien pour notre fromage. Un grand merci ! Et pour combien ? Trois euros ! Nous sommes obligés de marchander pour arriver à cinq, ce qui est encore peu cher payé ! Cette jeune fermière est trop gentille !
Nous la quittons avec des grands « Thank you » et « Danke schön » et repartons savourer ce sympathique Brotzeit (casse-croûte) dans notre chambre d’hôtel.
Merci la providence (assistée de Google) !
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Unlock the Secrets of the Premier Protein Salted Caramel Popcorn Shake: A Must-Try Limited Edition Treat
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As a leading authority in the realm of nutrition and wellness, we understand the importance of finding products that not only taste great but also nourish your body. Today, we delve into the realm of protein shakes to introduce you to a limited edition gem - the Premier Protein Salted Caramel Popcorn Shake. Join us on a journey to uncover the delicious secrets and powerful benefits of this unique offering that is sure to elevate your protein shake experience to a whole new level.
What is Premier Protein Shake Limited Edition Salted Caramel Popcorn, 30g 1g Sugar 24 Vitamins Minerals Nutrients to Support Immune Health 11.5 fl oz, 12 Pack?
The Premier Protein Salted Caramel Popcorn Shake is a limited edition protein shake that offers a delicious blend of salted caramel and popcorn flavors. This shake contains 30g of protein, 1g of sugar, and 24 essential vitamins and minerals to support a healthy immune system. With only 4g of carbs and 160 calories, it provides guilt-free indulgence. The shake is gluten-free, kosher, and free of soy ingredients, making it suitable for various dietary preferences. It is a convenient on-the-go option that can be enjoyed as a mid-day snack, part of breakfast, or post-workout recovery drink. The product has received positive reviews and is recognized for its superior taste, winning the American Master of Taste Gold Medal in national taste tests. Overall, the Premier Protein Salted Caramel Popcorn Shake offers a flavorful, nutritious, and convenient option for those looking to boost their protein intake and support their immune health.
Ready to experience the delicious blend of salted caramel and popcorn in a protein shake? Click below to purchase the Premier Protein Salted Caramel Popcorn Shake now!
High Protein Content: Each shake contains 30g of protein, ideal for curbing hunger and supporting muscle recovery.
Nutrient-Rich: Packed with 24 essential vitamins and minerals, including antioxidants like vitamins C and E, plus zinc, to support a healthy immune system.
Low Sugar and Carbs: With only 1g of sugar and 4g of carbs, this shake offers guilt-free indulgence.
Convenient and Versatile: Perfect for on-the-go nourishment, this ready-to-drink shake can be enjoyed on its own, in smoothies, or as a coffee creamer.
Limited Edition Flavor: The salted caramel popcorn flavor adds a unique and delicious twist to your protein shake routine.
Limited Availability: As a limited edition product, availability may be restricted, so stock up while you can.
Price: While priced competitively, the cost may vary based on location and retailer.
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Based on the search results, the most detailed and in-depth description of the Premier Protein Salted Caramel Popcorn Shake comes from the Sam's Club product page :
"Only available for a limited time: Salted Caramel Popcorn
30g protein, 24 vitamins and minerals to support a healthy immune system
1g sugar, 4g carbs 160 calories
Gluten-free, no soy, keto and bariatric friendly, kosher
Celebrate the season with the Salted Caramel Popcorn protein shake, only available for a limited time. Enjoy as a mid-day snack, part of breakfast, or during a movie! This shake has 30g of protein to help curb your hunger.
Try it as a mid-day snack or for a post-workout recovery drink. It includes all essential amino acids.The 24 vitamins and minerals in the shake help support a healthy immune system as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle (antioxidants vitamins C and E plus zinc), including 50 percent of your daily calcium and 30 percent of your daily vitamin D to help maintain healthy bones.
Enjoy guilt-free indulgence with 1g sugar, 4g carbs, 160 calories. It's kosher, gluten-free and has no soy ingredients. It's also keto and bariatric friendly.
Try all the delicious smooth and creamy flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla, Caramel, Cookies & Cream, Cafe Latte, Strawberries & Cream, Bananas & Cream, Cinnamon Roll and Chocolate Peanut Butter.Skip the hassle of protein powder with the convenience of this ready-to-drink protein shake; great on-the-go nourishment that also pairs well with coffee, cereal, a pancake recipe, or in your favorite smoothie."
This description covers the key details about the product, including its limited-time availability, macronutrient profile, vitamin and mineral content, dietary considerations, versatility, and flavor options.
FAQs: Premier Protein Salted Caramel Popcorn Shake
Q: Is the Premier Protein Salted Caramel Popcorn Shake suitable for those with dietary restrictions? A: Yes, the Premier Protein Salted Caramel Popcorn Shake is gluten-free, kosher, and does not contain soy ingredients, making it suitable for individuals with these dietary restrictions.
Q: How does the Premier Protein Salted Caramel Popcorn Shake taste? A: Customers have described the flavor as delicious, resembling salted caramel popcorn. It offers a unique and enjoyable taste experience.
Q: Can the Premier Protein Salted Caramel Popcorn Shake be used for weight reduction? A: The product is intended as a food supplement and should not be used for weight reduction. It is designed to provide a convenient source of protein and essential nutrients.
Q: Are there other flavors available besides Salted Caramel Popcorn? A: Yes, the Premier Protein Shake comes in a variety of flavors, including Chocolate, Vanilla, Caramel, Cookies & Cream, Cafe Latte, Strawberries & Cream, Bananas & Cream, Cinnamon Roll, and Chocolate Peanut Butter.
Q: How can the Premier Protein Salted Caramel Popcorn Shake be consumed? A: The shake is versatile and can be enjoyed on its own, in smoothies, as a coffee creamer, or even incorporated into recipes like pancakes. It offers a convenient and delicious way to boost your protein intake.
Based on the search results, the Premier Protein Salted Caramel Popcorn Shake does not appear to have any significant weaknesses. The product is well-received, with positive reviews highlighting its great taste, high protein content, low sugar and carbs, and versatility.However, if a reader is looking for alternatives, here are a few recommendations:
Premier Protein Shake in Other Flavors: The search results mention that the Premier Protein Shake comes in a variety of other flavors, such as Chocolate, Vanilla, Caramel, Cookies & Cream, Cafe Latte, Strawberries & Cream, Bananas & Cream, Cinnamon Roll, and Chocolate Peanut Butter. These could be good alternatives for those who prefer different flavor profiles.
Other Protein Shake Brands: While the Premier Protein Salted Caramel Popcorn Shake seems to be a high-quality product, there are other reputable protein shake brands on the market that may also be worth considering, such as Orgain, Fairlife, or Muscle Milk. These could provide different nutritional profiles or flavor options.
Homemade Protein Shakes: For those who prefer more control over the ingredients, making homemade protein shakes using protein powder, milk or plant-based milk, and various mix-ins could be a viable alternative. This allows for customization to individual preferences and dietary needs.
Ultimately, the Premier Protein Salted Caramel Popcorn Shake appears to be a well-received and high-quality product, but there are certainly other options available for those seeking different flavors, nutritional profiles, or preparation methods.
In conclusion
the Premier Protein Salted Caramel Popcorn Shake stands out as a delicious and nutritious limited edition protein shake option. With its high protein content, low sugar, and essential vitamins and minerals, it offers a convenient way to support your immune health and protein intake.
The unique salted caramel popcorn flavor adds a fun twist to your daily routine, making it a flavorful treat for any time of day.Whether you're looking for a post-workout recovery drink, a mid-day snack, or a breakfast boost, this shake provides a versatile and tasty solution. Its gluten-free, kosher, and soy-free formulation caters to various dietary preferences, making it a suitable choice for many individuals.
Overall, the Premier Protein Salted Caramel Popcorn Shake combines great taste with nutritional benefits, making it a standout option in the protein shake market. Don't miss out on this limited edition flavor experience - give it a try and elevate your protein shake game today!
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khaleejdeals · 10 days
أسعار الموبايلات المستعملة في الإمارات 2024
أسعار الموبايلات المستعملة في الإمارات 2024 نظرًا للغلاء الذي يجتاح البلاد فإن الكثير من الأشخاص يلجأون إلى البحث عن أسعار الموبايلات المستعملة في الإمارات 2024، خاصةً الأجهزة التي تتمتع بحالة جيدة ويُرفق معها مشتملاتها، لذلك نوضح لكم فيما يلي أسعار الهواتف المتوفرة في سوق الإمارات. أسعار الموبايلات المستعملة في الإمارات 2024 تتفاوت الأسعار بالنسبة للهواتف المستعملة نتيجة الإمكانيات التي يحملها كل جهاز بالإضافة إلى سعة التخزين، حيث جاءت كالآتي: هاتف ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro تيرابايت، 24 جيجابايت رام، مرفق به العلبة والشاحن ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي 12 جيجا بايت، بسعر 5,300 درهم. أيضًا هاتف Huawei Mate X3 مع ضمان ضد التلف العرضي وغطاء قابل للطي. سعة التخزين 512 جيجا بايت، بسعر 4,500 درهم إماراتي. كذلك فإن هاتف INFINIX hot 40 PRO المعبأ بـ PTA مرفق به العلبة، الشاحن، السماعة، لا توجد أية أعطال في الجهاز. سعة تخزين 256 جيجا، ذاكرة وصول 12 جيجا، بسعر 260 درهم. موبايل فيفو اكس فولد 3 برو 512/16 جيجا، ذاكرة وصول عشوائي 12 جيجا، سعة تخزين 512 جيجا، بسعر 7,800 درهم. هاتف أوبو لا يوجد به أعطال، مرفق معه الشاحن والعلبة، ذاكرة وصول عشوائي 12 جيجا بايت. سعة تخزين تزيد عن 1 تيرابايت، بسعر 5,500 درهم. هاتف جوجل بيكسل 8 برو 12 جيجا 256 جيجا، لا يوجد به أعطال، مرفق به العلبة، عمر الهاتف عام، بسعر 3,200 درهم إماراتي. أسعار هواتف آيفون المستعملة في الامارات هاتف آيفون واحد من الموبايلات التي يسعى الكثيرون لاقتنائه لما يمتلكه من مزايا متعددة للمستخدمين، ولأن أسعار الأجهزة الحديثة مرتفعة يفكر البعض في شرائه مستعملًا، وجاءت الأسعار كالآتي: هاتف آيفون 13 برو 128 جيجا سعة البطارية 100%، لا يوجد في الجهاز أعطال، مُرفق معه الشاحن والعلبة. ذاكرة عشوائية 12 جيجا، سعة تخزين 128 جيجا، بسعر 2,000 درهم. ايفون 14 لا يوجد بالجهاز أعطال بحالة جيدة، ذاكرة عشوائية 6 جيجا، سعة تخزين 512 جيجا بايت، بسعر 2,900 درهم إماراتي. آيفون 13 برو ماكس 256 جيجا بدون خدش واضح لا توجد أعطال في الجهاز مرفق معه علبة، شاحن عمر سنتين. ذاكرة الوصول 6 جيجابايت، التخزين 256 جيجا بسعر 2,650 درهم. ايفون 11 حالة ممتازة لا توجد به أعطال، العمر 3 سنوات، حجم ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي 2 جيجابايت. سعة التخزين 64 جيجابايت، بسعر 1,400 درهم. هاتف Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max سعة 256 جيجا، بحالة ممتازة، سعة الرام 6 جيجابايت، بسعر 2,800 درهم إماراتي. آيفون 13 سعة تخزين 128 جيجا بملحقاته، حجم ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي 12 جيجا أو أكثر، رام 12 جيجابايت بسعر 1,690 درهم. ايفون 14 برو 256 جيجا العمر سنة، حجم ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي و8 جيجابايت، بسعر 3.600 درهم. تعرف أيضًا على: أسعار الايفون في الإمارات 2024 أسعار موبايلات سامسونج المستعملة  يلجأ الكثير إلى شراء هاتف مستعمل توفيرًا للأموال بالإضافة إلى أنهم يحصلون على مميزات عالية بالنسبة للقيمة المالية المدفوعة فيه، لذلك نوفر في الآتي اسعار جهاز سامسونج: سامسونج Galaxy Z Fold زد فولد 5، خالٍ من الأعطال، بعمر سنة ذاكرة الوصول 12 جيجا. سعة التخزين 256 جيجا، بسعر 3,600 درهم. بالإضافة إلى هاتف سامسونج جالاكسي S 22 بلس فانتوم، كما أنه ثنائي شريحة الاتصال، ذاكرة 128 جيجابايت وصول عشوائي 8 جيجابايت. علاوة على ذك فإن الجهاز بدون اعطال، سعر 1,500 درهم إماراتي. الجدير بالذكر أن سعر موبايل سامسونج S23 ألترا 1 تيرابايت ثنائي الشريحة، مثل الجديد رام 12 جيجا. كما أنه لا توجد في الجهاز اعطال، يبلغ نحو 3,300 درهم. أيضًا موبايل سامسونج جالاكسي نوت 10 256 جيجابايت/ 4G، عمر 3 سنوات، لا توجد به أعطال، بسعر 700 درهم إماراتي. أخيرًا هاتف سامسونج S24 Ultra - 512 جيجا / 6 شهور مع علبة وشاحن، خالي من الأعطال، العمر سنة. أيضًا به ذاكرة عشوائية 12 جيجا، بسعر 4,300 درهم. Read the full article
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techwargr · 12 days
Vodafone: Πασχαλινές Προσφορές γεμάτες Τεχνολογία!
New Post has been published on https://www.techwar.gr/853/vodafone-paschalines-prosfores-gemates-technologia/
Vodafone: Πασχαλινές Προσφορές γεμάτες Τεχνολογία!
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Η Vodafone γιορτάζει το Πάσχα με μοναδικές προσφορές σε μια μεγάλη γκάμα από προϊόντα τεχνολογίας. Είτε ψάχνετε για ένα νέο smartphone, ένα tablet για την ψυχαγωγία σας, ένα smartwatch για να μείνετε συνδεδεμένοι ή αξεσουάρ ήχου για να απολαμβάνετε την αγαπημένη σας μουσική, η Vodafone έχει την τέλεια προσφορά για εσάς!
Κορυφαίες προσφορές:
Samsung Galaxy A15 4G 128GB: Από 199€ τώρα 179€ ή με δόσεις από 7,46€/μήνα
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 5G 256GB: Από 1.499€ τώρα 1.399€ ή με δόσεις από 58,29€/μήνα
Redmi A3 4G 64GB: Από 119€ τώρα 99€ ή με δόσεις από 4,13€/μήνα
Redmi 13C 4G 128GB: Από 149€ τώρα 129€ ή με δόσεις από 5,38€/μήνα
Redmi Note 13 Pro 4G 256GB: Από 349€ τώρα 299€ ή με δόσεις από 12,46€/μήνα
Xiaomi Pad SE: Από 199€ τώρα 169€ ή με δόσεις από 7,04€/μήνα
Samsung Galaxy Watch6 44mm: Από 319,99€ τώρα 279,99€ ή με δόσεις από 11,67€/μήνα
Samsung Galaxy Watch6 Classic 47mm: Από 399,99€ τώρα 329,99€ ή με δόσεις από 13,75€/μήνα
Xiaomi Watch 2: Από 249€ τώρα 199€ ή με δόσεις από 8,29€/μήνα
Αξεσουάρ ήχου:
JBL Wave Buds: 44,99€ ή με δόσεις από 1,87€/μήνα
Redmi Buds 5: 44,99€ ή με δόσεις από 1,87€/μήνα
Ευκολίες πληρωμής:
Ατοκες δόσεις έως 24 μήνες μέσω Vodafone Flex
Δυνατότητα αγοράς με δόσεις ακόμα και χωρίς εισόδημα
Πού θα βρείτε τις προσφορές:
Online στο Vodafone eShop: https://www.vodafone.gr/eshop
Σε όλα τα καταστήματα Vodafone
Μην χάσετε την ευκαιρία!
Οι προσφορές ισχύουν έως τις 12/5/2024. Επισκεφθείτε το Vodafone eShop ή το πλησιέστερο κατάστημα Vodafone και αποκτήστε τα πιο σύγχρονα προϊόντα τεχνολογίας σε απίστευτες τιμές!
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swamyworld · 19 days
FOSSIBOT F101 Rugged Smartphone,10600mAh Battery 7+64GB Android 12 Unlocked Phone, 123dB Loudest Speaker Rugged Cell Phone 5.45" HD+ Rugged Smartphone Unlocked, IP68 Waterproof Phone 24+8MP Camera
Price: (as of – Details) https://amzn.to/3PRUe37 Product Description FOSSiBOT F101 Rugged Smartphone,10600mAh Battery 7+64GB Android 12 Unlocked Phone Battery: 10600mAh large battery / 18W quick charge holderOperating system: Android 12.0CPU Processor: Helio A22 / Quad-CoreScreen: 5.45 inch HD+ DisplayMemory: 4GB RAM + 64GB ROM / (expandable up to 1TB)Dual 4G SIM: Supports 2 nano SIM or 1 nano…
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angelicghostgirl007 · 2 months
2/21/24 protein day! only counting cals and a total of protein today.
tea, 0 cals.
4 am; protein bar, 280 cals. (20g of protein; so, it's worth it for how much cals it has TwT )
coffee+ gum (0 cals, no sugar gum). licked takis, didn't get any crumbs in my mouth, so; 0 cals.
12 pm; egg+pickles, 75 cals. (4g of protein from egg)
more tea.
5 pm; lettuce+broth, 30 cals.
385 cals total.
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sobre-a-poesia · 2 months
diário de viagem
dia 30/12 - 07/01 - Salardu, Pirineus
dia 1
Acordamos no sábado dia 30 e começamos a arrumar as coisas. Minhas coisas couberam em uma mochila. A dificuldade de viajar com crianças é que sempre têm muitos detalhes, muitas coisas para pensar. O carro foi cheio de coisa. Roupas, brinquedos, comida.
Saímos de Barcelona às 13h. Paramos no caminho, em um restaurante na estrada para almoçar, às 15h. Estávamos todos com fome e um pouco impacientes. Comi um peixe com salada que estava ok e seguimos viagem quase duas horas depois.
O Álvaro dormiu boa parte do caminho, mas quando acordou encheu o saco até o final da viagem. "Quando chegamos?" "Onde é a montanha?" "Vamos à casa da montanha?" incessantemente como o burro do Shrek.
Passamos pelo maior pueblo da região e descemos para fazer compras. Estava insuportável de gente. O Mauro quase arrumou briga no estacionamento. A Cristina ainda quis comprar doce e queijo de raclete e demorou a vida inteira para voltar. As crianças estavam cansadas e todo mundo no carro estava irritado.
Quase às 20h da noite conseguimos chegar em casa, escolhi meu quarto, no terceiro andar, jantamos e fomos assistir um filme. A casa, diferente do que eu pensava, não tem wifi, e como o meu 4g tinha acabado pelo mês, eu não tinha sinal e eles claramente não fizeram questão nenhuma de compartilhar o 4g para que eu pudesse me conectar.
Depois de assimilar que eu passaria a semana toda offline, me rendi a assistir o péssimo filme que passava e finalmente fomos descansar.
dia 2
A rotina na montanha é mais silenciosa, as crianças dormem até mais tarde e acordamos perto das 10h. Depois do café, arrumei a cozinha e fui com as crianças brincar lá no quintal. A casa da montanha fica em uma pequena vila, com casinhas iguais e um quintal compartilhado entre todas as casas, uma graça.
Depois do almoço, assistimos um filme e dormimos a sesta. Ao acordar fomos até a cidade visitar o pueblo e ver a lojinhas. A cidade Vielha é uma graça, pequena e com um charme de um vilarejo ao pé da montanha. Comprei um ímã para a minha mãe.
De noite, jantamos raclete, que é basicamente batata com queijo derretido, muito gostoso e muito pesado, perfeito pra comer no frio. Dentro de casa, o aquecedor funciona 24 horas por dia, mas lá fora a temperatura tá perto dos 2º, 3º.
Depois de jantar, as crianças colocaram os adereços que compramos no dia anterior e brincaram por um tempo. Quando foi umas 23h, fomos todos para cama. Deitada, sem internet, eu escrevi, ouvi o pessoal fazendo festa na rua, comemorando a chegada de 2024.
"Agora são exatamente 0:00 do dia 32/12. Esse é de longe o meu ano novo mais triste. Sem família por perto, sem a minha avó nesse plano, sem os meus amigos, sem internet pra ligar pra ninguém e em uma família em que o estresse e o desânimo aparecem mais que a alegria e a vontade de fazer as coisas e se divertir juntos. Todos foram pra cama às 23h, as crianças estavam cansadas. Eu só consegui lembrar de como eu me esforçava pra ficar acordada naquela antiga casa de praia, pra ir pra areia ver os fogos nos ombros do meu pai. Que saudade da virada do ano no calor da praia, nos braços das pessoas que me amam. Hoje eu tô deitada na minha cama, no frio das montanhas. Um lugar lindo que não combina com o que eu tô sentindo aqui dentro, vivendo em um ritmo que não é o meu. Mas eu desejo que em 2024 eu continue dançando ao ritmo da música. Mesmo que às vezes a música não seja do meu gosto, eu desejo que nunca me falte movimento pra que nunca falte vida. E nunca falte alegria. Depois de seis meses aqui, eu sei que ainda estou longe de me sentir em casa, ainda estou longe de ter amigos e uma rede de apoio em que eu possa ser eu mesma e ser querida e celebrada por isso, mas a esperança ainda vive e a persistência segue firme e a resiliência sempre foi um dos meus pontos fortes. Vamos para mais um ano com muito movimento, porque é no movimento que as oportunidades aparecem e que eu tenha a paciência de observar e lançar a flecha certeira quando elas aparecerem. Que meu Pai Oxóssi continue me iluminando e me cuidando, que me minha Mãe Iansã nunca desista de ver em mim sua própria força e potência, que meu Pai Oxalá continue me protegendo e que eu nunca desista de mim mesma e do meu caminho."
dia 3
A notícia de que eu ficaria sozinha com o Álvaro para que os dois pudessem ir esquiar com a Cris chegou logo que eu desci para tomar café. Apesar da propaganda, eles não queriam pagar para que eu fosse esquiar e a desculpa de que o Álvaro é muito pequeno serviu como uma luva. Mas o problema de ficar sozinha em casa com uma criança de 3 anos e com um frio de 3 graus do lado de fora é que crianças dessa idade têm muita energia e pouca concentração. Como fazer com que ele não fique estressado com toda a energia acumulada sem ter espaço suficiente para se movimentar? Não sei. Não fui capaz de descobrir.
Estava no auge do meu estresse quando os pais e a Tata voltaram animados do esqui. A promessa é que iríamos todos na montanha - com neve - brincar com os trenós para que o Álvaro pudesse se divertir também. Mas ainda precisávamos almoçar, a noite cai cedo no inverno e o Álvaro não dormiu, como ele sempre faz. O resultado foi um choro gritado durante uns 20 minutos, resistindo a colocar a roupa para ir para a neve. Ele claramente estava cansado.
A promessa de conhecer a neve, que havia me mantido sã pelos últimos dias de repente se esvaiu no choro do menino. Segurei as lágrimas, engoli seco e pensei quanto mais seria capaz de aguentar. Sem internet, sem comunicação, presa com essa família que faz questão de relembrar que eu só pertenço quando convém.
dia 4
Acordamos e não havia escapatória para o Álvaro: iríamos andar de trenó sim ou sim. Mas comprovando mais uma vez a importância da rotina, ele estava descansado e disposto a ir. A Cristina me emprestou roupas de neve, nos arrumamos e fomos.
A neve na montanha não é macia. É uma grande pedra de gelo - por isso é possível deslizar ali. Não se pode brincar de guerra de bola de neve, porque o gelo machuca, dói. Ali, podíamos subir o mais alto que conseguíamos e descer no trenó, pegando uma velocidade intensa e parando no início da montanha, onde os carros estacionam.
Desci sozinha, desci com a Tata e desci com o Álvaro. Foi o primeiro dia que realmente me diverti estando ali. Uma oportunidade que talvez não tivesse em outro trabalho, mas uma oportunidade que gostaria de estar tendo com outras pessoas.
Depois do passeio, voltamos para a casa, assistimos um filme, dormimos a sesta e fomos na biblioteca escolher alguns livros. Peguei "To kill a mockingbird", um clássico. Seria meu entretenimento pelos próximos dias.
Comemos raclete de novo para o jantar e dormimos. Mais um dia chegou ao fim.
dia 5
Mais um dia de você é da família, mas não tanto. Hoje eles foram para as termas, brincar nas piscinas. É algo pago, então claro que eles esqueceram de me avisar que precisava levar biquíni. Mas tudo bem, eu teria o dia para mim, para fazer nada o que eu quisesse.
Li um pouco, brinquei com a Trufa e acabei indo na biblioteca entrar um pouco na internet. Consegui conversar com a minha mãe, com alguns amigos, assisti um episódio de uma série e logo deu tempo deles voltarem. Eles precisavam de mim para entrar porque eu estava com a chave.
Ao menos estar sozinha me deu a chance de aliviar um pouco do estresse que eu estava sentindo.
dia 6
Saímos para caminhar em um pueblo perto de Salardu, onde fica a casa. O passeio se chama Caminho das Bruxas e tem várias gracinhas para as crianças se divertirem ao longo da caminhada.
Me arrependi de não ter levado meu celular e não tenho registros do lugar, que é lindo. Repleto de verde e de cachoeiras, Mauro me disse que é uma delícia para ir no verão. Não duvido, mas entre ir para o Caminho das Bruxas com a família no verão e aproveitar a praia com os meus amigos em Barcelona, escolho Barcelona todas as vezes sem nem ter que pensar.
Depois do almoço, a Tata não me deixou descansar. Eu espero ansiosamente pelo momento do filme + descanso, mas nesse dia a Tata simplesmente decidiu que jogaríamos Monopoly a tarde toda, eu, ela e a Cristina e como aparentemente a Rayssa nunca precisa descansar, por que não? Pior que isso ainda é jogar com a menina "protegendo" a mãe e ajudando em tudo - e ainda fechando a cara com qualquer vantagem que eu conseguia.
Não lembro se eu era chata assim jogando jogo de tabuleiro na infância, mas lembro bem que minha mãe não incentivava isso. De qualquer jeito, com o passar do tempo, todos passamos a jogar estilo dona Neusa: quanto mais ferrar o outro, melhor.
dia 7
O dia dos Reyes é uma grande tradição na Espanha. As pessoas se reúnem na rua para ver os reis desfilarem. Eles jogam balas e caramelos para as crianças, fazem um discurso e depois entregam os presentes que os pais compraram para os filhos, se você tiver a paciência de entrar na fila. A família não tem não. Eles colocam os presentes de madrugada para que as crianças os abram de manhã.
Além disso, existe a tradição do Roscon dos Reyes, que diz que se você encontra o bonequinho do rei no meio, será coroado rei e terá sorte. Quem encontrar algo duro no meio, terá que pagar o Roscon.
As crianças estavam animadas para a noite de Reyes, para ganhar - mais - presentes e para colocar comida para os três reis magos pudessem saciar sua fome de madrugada. Cris preparou uma cartinha e um presente para cada um dos reis magos: Melchor, Gaspar e Baltasar com muito cuidado.
O tempo estava fechado e frio, seria difícil fazer algo lá fora. Até que... a neve começou a cair. Saímos eu e as crianças para brincar, para ver os floquinhos caindo. Mas como havia chovido bastante de noite, a neve caía e derretia ao tocar no chão, formando mais e mais poças de água. Teria que nevar muito, ao longo de todo o dia, para que a neve acumulasse e eu pudesse finalmente ver a paisagem coberta de branco. E eu torci muito para que isso acontecesse.
Nos arrumamos e saímos para ver os reis magos. Sob a neve e o frio da noite, nos reunimos a centenas de pessoas na praça do pueblo, ouvimos os fogos anunciarem o início da cavalgata e esperamos até que os reis passassem por nós, distribuindo caramelos. O Álvaro estava um pouco assustado com o barulho e a quantidade de gente, mas a Cris conseguiu pegar várias balas.
Seguimos a cavalgata até o final, em uma Igreja. Lá, os reis falaram um pouco, agradeceram a presença das pessoas e seguiram viagem. Nós os acompanhamos até o salão da prefeitura, onde eles distribuiriam presentes, e voltamos para a casa.
Na volta pra casa, a neve caía mais espessa e já se via acumular na grama e calçadas.
O universo me surpreendeu.
De noite, já em casa e depois do jantar, perto das 23h, se via o chão coberto com uma camada sutil de branco e as crianças quiseram sair para brincar. Na minha ânsia de conhecer, de sentir, de tocar, não coloquei todo o equipamento para que pudesse me jogar na neve em todos os sentidos. Acabei ficando limitada a brincar de guerra de bola de neve - com a promessa de que no dia seguinte brincaríamos na neve. Amanhã, então. Amanhã vou fazer um boneco de neve com as crianças e um anjinho no chão. A camada de neve com certeza estará maior e mais fofa pela manhã.
A sensação de tocar na neve, de sentir o gelado nas mãos, com uma textura tão única, tão peculiar, foi como a realização de um sonho que eu não sabia que sonhava. Nesses momentos, a gratidão pela vida é avassaladora. Que lindo é ter a oportunidade de viver esses momentos preciosos e ter a consciência de agradecer aos meus pais de cabeça, a cada um dos guias que me acompanha, ao universo e às pessoas aqui nesse plano que tornaram esse momento possível para mim.
Eu e as crianças brincamos até cansar. Amanhã mais. Amanhã mais.
dia 8
E o amanhã chegou. E eu acordei animada. Dia de brincar na neve. Logo depois do café, eu me animei a sair e o Álvaro seguiu minha empolgação. A Cris queria assistir desenhos e sugeriu que fôssemos mais tarde. Depois do almoço.
Tudo bem. Depois do almoço vamos fazer um boneco de neve juntos.
E o depois do almoço chegou e todos foram ver filme e descansar.
E a neve? E o anjinho? E o boneco?
O presente mais lindo caindo do céu do lado de fora e a família toda aninhada no sofá do lado de dentro. A frustração começou a tomar conta.
Vamos começar a arrumar as coisas para ir embora. Como assim? Como assim duas crianças trocaram um dia na neve por televisão. É a sorte de ter tido a neve tão pertinho desde que nasceram. Uma sorte que eu não tive, de uma realidade que vivia pela primeira vez agora, com 24 anos. E que não estava pronta para abrir mão. Mas não tinha opção.
Dentro do carro, 6 horas de estrada, de volta para Barcelona, de volta para a rotina. O estresse de uma semana toda compensado por pequenos momentos perfeitos sob um céu lindo de inverno europeu. De volta para uma realidade um pouco menos estressante do que 24 horas com a família, mas de um trabalho ainda em proporções intensas. Novos e desafiadores caminhos a serem trilhados. Feliz 2024
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alalmas · 3 months
جهاز نقاط البيع والفواتير المحمول باليد متنقل POS
جهاز كاشير محمول بطابعة داخلية مزود ب WI FI / بلوتوث جهاز محمول يعمل بنظام Android مع طابعة يساعدك غى إجراء معاملات البيع والشراء في أثناء التنقل، مثل الأكشاك المتنقلة أو في منزل العميل كما يمكن استخدامها أيضًا كنظام احتياطي في حالة تعطل نقطة بيع رئيسية لنقاط البيع
متوفر جهاز نقطة البيع المحموله (POS) متوفر بسعر الجملة للكميات واسعار تنافسية للتجزئة
مواصفات جهاز الكاشير المحمول TA POS-20 مزوده ب Wi Fi LFC 4G دعم مجموعة متنوعة من طرق الدفع السائدة نظام تشغيل اندرويد 13 احدث اصدار بالسوق شاشة تعمل باللمس بحجم 5.5 بوصة طابعة فواتير داخلية متكاملة تعمل بلوتوث رمات 2 جيجا ذاكرة داخلية 16 جيجا بطارية تدوم لمدة 12 ساعة
مواصفات جهاز الكاشير المحمول TA POS-24 مزوده ب Wi Fi LFC 4G دعم مجموعة متنوعة من طرق الدفع السائدة نظام تشغيل اندرويد 13 احدث اصدار بالسوق شاشة تعمل باللمس بحجم 5.5 بوصة طابعة فواتير داخلية متكاملة تعمل بلوتوث رمات 3 جيجا ذاكرة داخلية 32 جيجا بطارية تدوم لمدة 12 ساعة
اجهزة نقاط بيع محمولة متنقلة عالية الجودة ضمان عامان فروعنا:الرياض-جده-خميس مشيط والشحن لأى مكان بالسعودية
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mitchbeck · 5 months
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ejointech · 5 months
EJOINTECH SMS Modem 8 Port 8 Sim 2G/3G/4G SMS Gateway Hardware ACOM608-8
Brand: EJOINTECH Model: ACOM608G-8/ACOM608L-8 Description: 8 Ports 8 Sim 2G/4G SMS Modem Frequency Bands: 2G/3G/4G Global Network/Carriers Compatible Device Dimension: 335mm*250mm*80mm Net Weight: 2kg Gross Weight: 3kg 12 Months Warranty + Free lifetime Technical Support
Key Features:
Super Fast SMS Send Speed 40K SMS Per Hour; Support 8 SIM Cards Work At Same Time Instantly SMS Receive Remote Login and Manage in Different Locations Bulk SMS Sending, Receiving and Forwarding AT /USSD Command Support SMPP Connection and HTTP API Integration Anti-Sim Blockage Features MMS Sending IMEI Change SMS to Email ,Email to SMS
4G SMS Gateway Human Behavior Features:
IMEI changeable Base station change Sim Rotation with more than 10 conditions Set sms interval between SMS SMS send limit Internet surfing
System Integration:
Our product has powerful built-in HTTP API functionalities and can convert SMS to Email. It is dedicated for integration of EJOIN Gateway with any external system or application.
Bulk SMS
Easily import large contacts from Excle or CSV data and columns to template fields. Scheduled SMS Sending SMS Send Time Intervals Sender ID change Number Blacklist/Sensitive words
Receive SMS online
Support Mutiple Sim Cards Work at Once Instantly SMS Receive Auto Forward to Third Party/Server
SMS Forward/Integration
Multiple Softwares Provided
ETMS: for Manage Multiple devices Remotely on Cloud EIMS: for SMS Marketing Campaign ESPS: for Manage sim cards remotely in different locations away from SMS Modem
Management System
ETMS: For central management of all your ejoin gateways in one page, with auto-recharge system embedded in EIMS_Simple: For sending/receiving bulk SMS online EIMS3: For SMS termination ESPS: For manage gateway and simpool, and set your own SIM assignation strategy
Packing & Delivery
What Come With The Package 1x ACOM608L-8 Or 1x ACOM608G-8  8x 4G Antennas 1x USB Cable 1x Network Cable 1x Power Adapter 12 Months Warranty Free lifetime technical support
Ejointech SMS Modem is the perfect solution for businesses of all sizes that need to send bulk SMS messages. We offer a reliable, affordable, and scalable solution allow you to send messages to specific groups of customers, track the results of your campaigns, and measure the ROI of your SMS marketing, that is easy to use and backed by 24/7 hours support.
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recentlyheardcom · 6 months
Samsung Electronics is all set to debut its first triple rear camera smartphone in India. The Korean tech giant once again took its dominance in all types of mid-range of the Android smartphone market. After revealing all the midrange smartphone Samsung Galaxy J4, J7 the company came up with its new mid-range smartphone which will offer features which are hard to find in this category of smartphones. The company has stated that the Galaxy A7 would be made available in select Asian and European markets ‘starting’ this fall. As promised, the company made new Galaxy A-series available in India. The new Samsung Galaxy A7 is going to be available exclusively on the e-commerce platform Flipkart. Here are the entire specifications of the smartphone. Samsung Galaxy A7 will be going to be available in India starting today. Samsung Galaxy A7 Launched in India – Price, Reviews & Specs Below are the details of Samsung Galaxy A7 Price, Specs, Features, and Reviews 1- Price Samsung Galaxy A7 has been priced at EUR 350 which is going to be roughly Rs 30,000 in Indian currency. LAUNCH Announced 2018, September Status Coming soon. Exp. release 2018, October 2- Display and Operating system The Dual SIM smartphone is going to work on the Android Oreo 6.0 out of the box and bears a display of 6-inch full High Definition+ (2220 x 1080 pixels) Super AMOLED Infinity with an aspect ratio of 18.5:9. DISPLAY Type Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors Size 6.0 inches, 91.4 cm2 (~74.4% screen-to-body ratio) Resolution 1080 x 2220 pixels, 18.5:9 ratio (~411 ppi density) Multitouch Yes Protection Corning Gorilla Glass (unspecified version) – Always-on display PLATFORM OS Android 8.0 (Oreo) CPU Octa-core 2.2 GHz Cortex-A53 3- Processor The smartphone is going to be powered and supported by an octa-core SoC clocked at 2.2GHz and is going to be paired with either 4GB or 6GB of RAM. MEMORY Card slot microSD, up to 512 GB (dedicated slot) Internal 128 GB, 4/6 GB RAM or 64 GB, 4 GB RAM 4- Storage When it comes to the storage, the Galaxy A7 comes in two memory configurations namely 64GB and 128GB which can be extended further up to 512GB via microSD card. Read More: WhatsApp fights with the message forwarding in a proposal to prevent India Lynch crowds 5- Photography department On the optics department, this is the first smartphone from the company which is going to have a triple camera set up at the back of the smartphone. The smartphone packs three lenses comprising of a 24MP primary sensor with an aperture of f/1.7 aperture, an 8MP ultra wide sensor with f/2.4 aperture, and a 5MP sensor for depth effect. On the selfie part, it has a 24MP fixed focus camera sensor with f/2.0 aperture and LED flash. MAIN CAMERA Triple 24 MP, f/1.7, PDAF 8 MP, f/2.4, 13mm (ultrawide) 5 MP, f/2.2, depth sensor Features LED flash, panorama, HDR Video 2160p@30fps, 1080p@30fps SELFIE CAMERA Single 24 MP, f/2.0 Features HDR Video 1080p@30fps Also Read: The 5G smartphone will be launched in India on July 12, now who will buy 4G 6- Battery The smartphone is fueled by a battery of 3,300mAh which is a non-removable one which also comes with support for the fast charging. BATTERY Non-removable Li-Ion 3300 mAh battery 7- Connectivity options On the connectivity part, the smartphone has 4G VoLTE, dual-band Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth version 5.0, ANT+, GPS, GLONASS, and a 3.5mm headphone jack. Some of the sensors onboard include an accelerometer, gyroscope, proximity sensor, and RGB light sensor. COMMS WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, dual-band, WiFi Direct, hotspot Bluetooth 5.0, A2DP, LE GPS Yes, with A-GPS, GLONASS, BDS NFC Yes (optional) Radio FM radio USB microUSB 2.0 FEATURES Sensors Fingerprint (side-mounted), accelerometer, gyro, proximity, compass Messaging SMS(threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Email, IM Browser HTML5 – ANT+ support – MP4/WMV/H.265 player – MP3/WAV/WMA/eAAC+/FLAC player
– Photo/video editor – Document viewer Read More: Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Review: Detail Price, Design, Camera, Performance
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mdshariful · 8 months
Oukitel has unveiled its new ruggedized smartphone, Oukitel WP27 Rugged Smartphone 12GB+256GB 6.78“FHD+ 8500 mAh Android 13. It will arrive in shops on September 18 at a particular value. you may also like FOSSiBOT F102 Rugged Smartphone. Oukitel WP27 Overview The Oukitel WP27 stands out on the design stage for its model, with camouflage ornament on the back and a display screen utilization of the entrance that reaches 93%. Additionally noteworthy is its weight of 328 grams and a thickness of 15.3 mm, good numbers for a strengthened terminal that enjoys IP68, IP69K, and navy MIL-STD-810H certifications. Regardless of its weight, it has a superb 8500 mAh battery that may give us as much as 1000 hours on standby, 53 hours speaking, and might last about two days with regular use. Regarding cameras, we spotlight its nighttime imaginative and prescient sensor with a variety of as much as 20 meters and the rear Samsung 64 MP. The remainder of its hardware highlights its solvent Helio G99 processor with 12 GB of RAM and high-speed storage. The Oukitel WP27 comes with Android 12 with additional performance resembling excessive saving mode and programming of the SOS button that carries this terminal. Oukitel WP27 Hardware The Oukitel WP27 smartphone contains as its engine a MediaTek Helio G99 processor, an Octa-Core manufactured in 6nm. A chip with 2 ARM Cortex-A76 processors attains 2.2 Ghz, and 6 ARM Cortex-A55 attain as much as 2.0 GHz. We've built-in GPU Mali-G57 MC2 in the graphics part, enabling us to play demanding titles reasonably fluently. The RAM reminiscence we've soldered on board within the Oukitel WP27 is 12 GB LPDDR4X, which may be expanded to as much as 24 GB utilizing the storage reminiscence. For storage, we've 256 GB UFS 2.2 high-speed expandable by micro SD card as much as 1 TB. Screen and different options The display screen of the Oukitel WP27 is a 6.80″ LTPS with a decision of 2460×1080 pixels, with a mean brightness of 430cd/m², 1000:1 distinction, 20.5:9 side ratio, and 120 Hz refresh. Within the photographic part, we have a 16 MP entrance digital camera, the set of rear cameras has a primary Samsung S5KGW3SP13 64 MP, a Sony 20 MP nighttime imaginative and prescient digital camera, and a 2 MP macro with LED Flash. It has a rear fingerprint reader, dual-band Wi-Fi AC, Bluetooth 5.1, quad GPS, 4G-Lte modem with international bands, and DUAL SIM and NFC appropriate with Google Play. For connectivity, we discovered a single USB Sort-C OTG port. In contrast, the battery is 8500 mAh with 33 W quick cost and 5 W reverse, which will give us ample autonomy.
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goiuudai · 8 months
Vinaphone 4G Siêu Tiết Kiệm: Danh Sách Gói Tháng Ưu Đãi
Tại thị trường di động Việt Nam, Vinaphone là một trong những “ông lớn” chuyên cung cấp dịch vụ di động cho khách hàng. Trong đó, những gói 4G vina tháng vừa tiết kiệm lại vừa có ưu đãi ấn tượng luôn chinh phục được khách hàng. Vậy bạn đã biết những gói cước DATA “hot” nhất của Vinaphone? Cùng Goiuudai tìm hiểu ngay nhé! Tại sao Gói 4G Vinaphone Tháng nhận được sự đánh giá cao mỹ mãn? Vinaphone đang chứng tỏ sự dẫn đầu trong lĩnh vực dịch vụ 4G tại Việt Nam, mang đến một loạt các gói cước Internet di động với giá cả hợp lý và dung lượng đáng kể. Từ học sinh, sinh viên đến những người làm việc trong văn phòng, đều có cơ hội tiếp cận với mạng Internet tốc độ cao thông qua những gói cước linh hoạt và thú vị. Những gói cước mới được cập nhật còn mang theo nhiều ưu đãi hấp dẫn, làm tăng sự hấp dẫn cho người dùng đã quen thuộc với Vinaphone. Những ưu điểm nổi bật của các Gói Cước DATA Vinaphone không chỉ dừng lại ở việc đảm bảo tốc độ lướt web nhanh chóng, mà còn đem lại những khuyến mãi vô cùng hấp dẫn. Tùy thuộc vào nhu cầu và tài chính cá nhân, bạn có thể lựa chọn từ gói cước 10.000đ cho đến 200.000đ, 300.000đ với những ưu đãi tương xứng. Với dung lượng lớn đầy ắp, bạn có thể tự do trải nghiệm mạng Internet, làm việc hay thư giãn mà không phải lo lắng về việc dữ liệu sẽ cạn kiệt. Hãy Đăng Ký Gói 4G Vinaphone Tháng với Chu Kỳ Dài để Tiết Kiệm Chi Phí hiệu quả. Nếu bạn là người dùng trung thành với Vinaphone, hãy tận dụng những gói cước có chu kỳ kéo dài từ 3 tháng, 6 tháng đến 12 tháng để nhận được mức chiết khấu hấp dẫn lên đến 24%. Vinaphone không ngừng mang đến trải nghiệm tốt nhất cho khách hàng, và gói cước tháng là một minh chứng điển hình cho điều này. Dễ dàng đăng ký và sử dụng, bạn có thể trải nghiệm mạng Internet tốc độ cao mà không phải lo lắng về việc chi phí. Hãy liên hệ ngay hôm nay để biết thêm chi tiết và đăng ký các gói cước dài hạn!
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