solarisgod ยท 1 year
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๐Œ๐ˆ๐‚๐€๐‡ ๐‚๐Ž๐”๐‹๐ƒ ๐๐Ž๐“ ๐’๐“๐Ž๐ ๐“๐‡๐ˆ๐๐Š๐ˆ๐๐† ๐€๐๐Ž๐”๐“ ๐‹๐„๐„ ๐ƒ๐Ž๐๐†๐’๐ˆ๐Š . their small stay in beijing had not been the most pleasure that they got to have for a break โ€” it was not one by its core definition when more work had to be done, but it could count as getting to be far from a highly draining original work site. still, they never found find a moment of ease when the haunted horrors kept following them โ€” the soft thoughts about dongsik and vivid memories with him. ( on their business trip's final night, they dreamt of being him, and that they were both in peace at last. ) it was terrible being in an emotional distance with dongsik, and the physical addition had only made their state worst. it was a single step closer to madness.
" you keep thinking about him, " said someone who held their face โ€” cryael. micah gazed down with their hands shaken at the frightening reality of being haunted by dongsik. " better to think about him than what we're doing, " they said absently, not truly taking in their own words while they felt a part of them was floating off. cryael frowned, its demeanor cold and grim, but its gaze was full of only the most understanding. " we will return to manyang soon, " it reminded them, and micah cried in joy recalling the flight date to gyeongju that held manyang โ€”โ€”โ€” it's tomorrow. they missed him. they missed dongsik so much, like he was a home.
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yet, at the time that they returned to manyang and saw dongsik, they didn't hug him. while the sun gently left its warm blood to the sky in shame when dongsik was there as the brightest light of it all, something pulled them back; a fear that he was not real. they had not only seen adoniram in everything that they would see and interact with, but he was also everywhere that they would go, and this version that they soon found was a monstrous spirit who wanted to devour them in his twisted name and image. what if the dongsik who they were with now was the same, waiting just to hurt them? ( it happened several times on their business trip that they saw a false shape of him, staring and staring and staring at them before it would always leave, ABANDON. somehow, they thought being abandoned was worst than getting murdered by it. )
ใ€š whatcha even like about him? ใ€›philos' voice rang as micah was resting in their plane seat, staring through the window. ใ€š he must be a reaalllll special man if he's constantly taking up so much of our mental space. ใ€› micah's cheeks burnt deeply. [ he is special. ] they thought genuinely, remembering the specific details of him, in which philos was whining at them because this was the fifth time in a few minutes that micah would have dongsik on their mind. micah laughed, their head pressed against the cushion with eyes closed, heart forever open and raw to all. [ i like his stubbornness. i like that he tries to help manyang, even despite being distrusted by most of it. i really, truly do ใ€š okay, you can stop, i get it now โ€” ใ€›like his smiles. ] a giggles leaves them at philos' playful regret, but their joy quickly fades into solemn. [ i will prove it to manyang, ] they promised, [ that dongsik isn't terrible. a parasite. he's so much more. he tries despite everything, and that'll always be good enough. ]
micah still followed dongsik to his home so they could have dinner together, catch up in a way that they would treat their reunion like they didn't see each other for months when it was just the small days of heavy guilt and misery. ease slowly built over time in micah despite the lingering fear they were with a spirit that's imitating dongsik. when the moon and stars ruled over the sky of manyang, micah planned to leave to their home and sleep for the next daylight horrors, this time giving a warm goodbyeโ€”
dongsik stops them from leaving, with his unlovable hand in their lovable hand.
" donโ€™t go. please. "
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anxious, afraid, he sounds. from his whisper of plea, micah remembers their words : " you don't have to be scared all alone. not anymore now, " and nearly falls apart.
in a way, micah abandoned him, did they not? [ i did. ] on their business trip, they did think a lot about how dongsik was doing in manyang at the meantime, how he was living with having the endless phantoms and nightmares behind his eyelids and within his footsteps, heavy, shaky, all while micah was a country away from him, most haunted in thoughts and memories by the agonizing absence of his existence. no matter how much they would hope that he was okay by the time they return to manyang. they knew that this hope would never change the fact that they had still left him alone in the darkness after making an empty promise, and that is something they will find a way to redeem themself for the abandonment that was made more out of their fear, if he is still alive to witness it.
micah stares at @10tips, tries to search for something in his eyes that can remind them he is real and alive, truly telling them this that he does not want them to go โ€” not again, not again, not ever aga โ€” micah hugs dongsik then, having him be loved. part of them feel that they shouldn't because this will give him โ€” it a chance to hurt them, to kill them in the end. micah almost died from adoniram's metaeidos by being too close to him as they thought he was real; this can be the same fate with dongsik far away from them, existing as nothing more than just an empty, ruined corpse, a memory bound to be buried in the snow and never return as a new flower. forgotten, like they will be too now, embracing dongsik for the very first time โ€” but micah does not let go of dongsik, does not ever go away from him.
instead, they pull him closer to them, their heart that is slowly falling in soft serenity.
micah closes their eyes and opens their heart more, believes they are finally home.
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#10TIPS#///#//#/#๐“นโ€‚เผ‘โ€‚เฟเพ‚โ€‚โฉ‡โฉ‡โ€‚:โ€‚โฉ‡โฉ‡โ€‚โš ๏ธŽโ€‚[โ€‚๐™ด๐š‡๐™ธ(๐š‚)๐šƒโ€‚:โ€‚๐™ถ๐™พ๐™ณโ€‚]โ€‚*โ€‚โ€นโ€‚ICโ€‚.โ€‚โ€บ#๐“นโ€‚เผ‘โ€‚เฟเพ‚โ€‚โฉ‡โฉ‡โ€‚:โ€‚โฉ‡โฉ‡โ€‚โš ๏ธŽโ€‚[โ€‚๐™ด๐š‡๐™ธ(๐š‚)๐šƒโ€‚:โ€‚๐™ถ๐™พ๐™ณโ€‚]โ€‚*โ€‚โ€นโ€‚ANSWERSโ€‚.โ€‚โ€บ#๐“นโ€‚เผ‘โ€‚เฟเพ‚โ€‚โฉ‡โฉ‡โ€‚:โ€‚โฉ‡โฉ‡โ€‚โš ๏ธŽโ€‚[โ€‚๐™ด๐š‡๐™ธ(๐š‚)๐šƒโ€‚:โ€‚๐™ถ๐™พ๐™ณโ€‚]โ€‚*โ€‚โ€นโ€‚Vโ€‚:โ€‚BEโ€‚.โ€‚โ€บ#๐“นโ€‚เผ‘โ€‚เฟเพ‚โ€‚โฉ‡โฉ‡โ€‚:โ€‚โฉ‡โฉ‡โ€‚โš ๏ธŽโ€‚[โ€‚๐™ด๐š‡๐™ธ(๐š‚)๐šƒโ€‚:โ€‚๐™ถ๐™พ๐™ณโ€‚]โ€‚*โ€‚โ€นโ€‚MICAHโ€‚.โ€‚โ€บ#[ fellas is it gay ]#] to be constantly thinking about your business partner while you're a country away from them in a few days for work ]#[ after having a dispute and a terrible last moment with them before you have to go take the flight ]#[ to the point you can't focus work well and your system mates have to front to take care of it for you ]#[ JESUS. I'm so. okay fnjkBSNLBKLNSFJB hope you enjoy the 1k word response of pure and raw mental illness and brainrot Amata <3 <3 <3 o+< ]
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guttersniper ยท 1 year
@10tips said: " you're getting old, mutt. " the last time it was mutt's birthday, dong-sik had bought popsicles for the two of them to share. banana flavored, the artificial taste of a joyful childhood but nothing beats the rippling of the lake when it came to fishing. dong-sik's words were almost rushed, a cooler in hand and tucked under his arms were that of two fishing poles and bait held on for dear life, scared that if he dropped them that they'll go crawling back home; " a year older but make it about, hm, 55 years older... " and here dong-sik stands, bucket hat sliding back, rubber boots squeaking and gloves that just about had it. " do you have that note? i wrote it just for us so no one can go worrying. it was specifically made for ji-hwa but... you know how joo-won is--- oh! oh, i forgot, i made sandwiches for us. four. and four water bottles. i think that's it. " / they r going fishing for his birthday..... happy birthday mutt.
mutt's birthday.
a shard-thin shoulder lifts and drops a shrug. being a year older doesn't seem to concern him any. it's only another year of not dying, he always said. more accurately, thought, not wanting to deal with he's sure would be said in response to it. the life he was dispatched into with a kick taught him things those who hadn't weathered similar experiences would never understand, no matter how hard they sympathized.
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but there are days when mutt thinks dongsik might understand better than anyone. he watches his approach, dark-eyed but not troubled -- at least, not by dongsik. the shadowy things behind his eyes are real, but not connected to anything he's said or done.
his hand lifts from where he'd tucked it into his jacket pocket, aforementioned note held between his index and middle finger. a nod accompanies it. back into his pocket it goes, teeth nipped at his lower lip prompting a query of his own. " four? "
maybe he plans to spend more than one night lakeside. that wouldn't bother him. he likes fishing. he's used to sleeping outside. roughing it, someone might say. roughing it had been his entire life, therefore he finds the comforts associated with inside to be luxuries.
maybe he means two sandwiches each, cut into halves. his nose wrinkles briefly. " alright. s'go. "
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wscentre2022 ยท 4 months
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10 Tips to Write SEO-Friendly Content Ranking in 2024
Unlock the secrets to crafting SEO-friendly content that will soar to the top of search results in 2024. Discover 10 expert tips to boost your content's ranking and dominate the online landscape.
Source: https://websitedesigningcompanydelhi.co.in/blog/10-tips-to-write-seo-friendly-content-ranking-in-2024/
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gsgroupofficial ยท 6 months
10 Tips for Healthy Eating in Diabetes
Blood sugar control is a must for diabetic patients. Focusing on lifestyle modifications can work wonders in controlling diabetes levels. Uncontrolled diabetes can bring on many complications which can be a difficult task to deal with. Right from the skin, gut, eyes, nerves, and kidneys, diabetes can affect multiple systems of the body if not managed well.
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GS Hospital Hapur, one of the Best Kidney Hospitals in Delhi NCR, aims to spread awareness about controlling diabetes with healthy eating habits to keep complications at bay. The hospital is theBest Nephrologist Hospital in Delhi NCRthat has expertise in treating kidney issues related to diabetes under the care and guidance of the Best Nephrologists in Ghaziabad UP. Well, that's not all! If you have been dealing with diabetes complications, reach out to GS Hospital doctors and specialists who will help control the progression of the problem in the right manner by treating it and controlling diabetes.
It is important to remember that diabetes is a lifestyle and endocrine metabolic disorder which can be taken care of with lifestyle modifications. So, if you are suffering from diabetes, get started with 10 tips for healthy eating to control and manage diabetes in the right manner.
Why is healthy eating important for diabetes?
Just popping anti-diabetic pills is not enough to win over diabetes. You need to be proactive in controlling your eating and diet habits as well. Every type of diabetes needs a different strategic approach to control diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes are patients who are dependent mainly on insulin injections. Carb counting is very important for type I diabetic patients to control their sugar levels. The estimation of calories in the meals must match the insulin units you need to take. The best solution to type I diabetes is to switch over salads, veggies, and fruits with wholesome grains and go completely gluten and lactose-free
Type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes patients are generally overweight and find it very difficult to lose weight. Losing weight with a healthy diet and exercise is a must for type 2 diabetes to keep their sugar levels under control. Lower blood sugar levels can help in reducing the risk of complications for type 2 diabetic patients
10 Tips for Healthy Eating in Diabetes
1.ย ย  Choose healthier options
Majority of the diabetics have a sweet tooth and love food. Let us not forget the main symptom of diabetics which is โ€œpolyphagiaโ€ or excessive eating. These hunger pangs can be controlled by choosing the right kind of options and avoiding unhealthy food. It is important to choose healthier options that make you feel fuller to curb your hunger pangs. Here are some of the best choices.
Whole grains like millets, ragi, and nachni
Fruits and veggies
Protein-rich foods like chickpeas and lentils
Plant-based milk like almond milk instead of dairy
2.ย ย  Opt for a high-fiber diet with fruits and veggies
A high-fiber diet is a must for a healthy gut. Include salads in your every meal which works great for your tummy and bowel movements. You can also opt for healthy smoothies to include fruits and vegetables in your diet. This helps in sugar control in the right manner. Another form of high-fiber diet is oats. Yes, including oats in your breakfast can bring about instant energy.
3.ย ย  Choose healthy fats
Choose healthy fats for your diet instead of oily fatty and fried food. Avoid packaged foods that are high in sugar and salt. It is important to control fat intake especially if you are overweight. Weight management is a crucial part of diabetes. Healthy fats are important for the nervous system. Moreover, one of the complications of diabetes is neuropathy. Hence, healthy fats are a must in the diet.
4.ย ย  Consume less salt
A high intake of salt can put you at high risk of high blood pressure which increases the chances of heart issues and stroke. Moreover, if you have diabetes, you are doubling the risk of heart problems. Hence, it is important to control the intake of salt. Limit your intake to 6g/day. Avoid packaged foods that have a high content of salt.
Choose rock salt which is considered healthy for the diet. You can get innovative with different types of spices and herbs to add flavor to your food as you ditch the salt.
5.ย ย  Avoid processed meat
Red meat is high in calories which causes weight gain. Moreover, processed meat is quite difficult to digest by the gut. In such cases, it is important to consume lean meat which is high in protein and easy to be assimilated by the body. Protein-rich food helps in controlling sugar levels.
Processed meat is directly linked with heart problems as it directly affects sugar levels. Opt for fish which is high in omega-3 fatty acids which helps protect your heart in the long run.
6.ย ย  Cut down on sugar
For diabetics, cutting down on sugar can be quite a tedious task. However, you can start slowly tapering down your sugar intake by switching to healthier drinks such as fruit juices or coconut water. Avoiding sugar-added drinks can help manage blood glucose levels in the right manner. This in turn can help control weight. In the long term, switching over to healthy foods will help reduce the sugar cravings and thus help you cut down on sugar.
7.ย ย  Opt for smart snacks
Eating timely meals is very important for diabetics. If you get cravings for snacks, it is important to choose the right snack for yourself.ย  Keep some healthy munchies around like unsalted dry fruits, peanuts, seeds, and nuts instead of wafers, biscuits, and chocolates. You can also opt for a beetroot-carrot salad with humus or Greek yogurt which works wonders for your health. Along with this, it is important to keep an eye on your portion size and watch your weight to control blood sugar levels.
8.ย ย  Avoid alcohol and smoking
It is important to give up on alcohol and smoking addictions. Alcohol is high in calories which spikes the blood sugar levels immediately in the blood on consuming it. Cutting back on alcohol is a must to control blood sugar levels. Switch over to healthy drinks instead of alcohol. Smoking along with alcohol addiction can directly impact the heart.
9.ย ย  Opt for foods rich in vitamins and minerals
Nutrients are a must for controlling blood sugar levels which may be deposited in fat leading to obesity and putting you at high risk of diabetes. Opt for foods which are rich in vitamins and minerals which is a must for a healthy body. Check your vitamin B12 and vitamin D3 levels regularly.
10. Exercise regularly
Losing weight is one of the important parts of controlling blood sugar levels. Exercise regularly and sweat it out to lose weight. It is important to check how many calories a day are you consuming along with how many are burned per day. Exercising helps boost metabolism in the right manner to control blood sugar levels and convert food into energy which can be used up by the body.
Every diabetic patient is different and no two diabetic patients are the same. It is important to work out healthy eating habits with the right choices under the expertise of a diabetic specialist doctor who will provide you with the right guidance to control and manage diabetes to prevent future complications. Remember, diabetes cannot be cured but can be controlled and managed well.
GS Hospital Hapur, one of theBest Kidney Hospitals in Delhi NCR, provides comprehensive holistic treatment solutions to all its diabetic patients. The above-mentioned food hacks are great for diabetic patients. Jumpstart your healthy diet right away to win over diabetes.
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healthietips ยท 10 months
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Read full article : 10 tips for a healthy lifestyle
In todayโ€™s unhealthy environment, incorporating a healthy lifestyle is not a temporary commitment but a lifelong one. Hence, it becomes important to include simple yet powerful tips that are easy to follow and make an impactful change in your life. Let us dig deep into the 10 tips for a healthy lifestyle to achieve health and overall well-being.
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shilp1707 ยท 1 year
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10 Tips for Starting an Online Business in India read the full blog on our website, click the link below
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lubashivaya ยท 1 year
Alpha Vision | 10 Tips
O que as crianรงas alpha de 2023 esperam dos governos e dos serviรงos pรบblicos nos prรณximos 10 anos?
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divinefem333 ยท 21 days
10 MENSTRUAL TIPS FOR YOU #10tips #tipsforwomen #tipsforyou #menstruatio...
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solarisgod ยท 1 year
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๐๐”๐Œ๐๐๐„๐’๐’ ๐…๐Ž๐‘๐Œ๐’ ๐€๐’ ๐“๐‡๐„๐˜ ๐’๐“๐€๐‘๐„ ๐๐„๐˜๐Ž๐๐ƒ ๐‡๐ˆ๐’ ๐๐‘๐„๐’๐„๐๐‚๐„ . sick nihilism stares back at them with its terrible teeth, waiting to devour their mind, live within the ribcage and kill their celestial heart in the end. nihilism is familiar, a cutting memory, profound, when they can see it in many of all, since the day they had existed, and especially him. his words echo across their mind in quiet brutality, his tragedy never finding its end : " iโ€™m sorry. we know how it works. the world is no longer mysterious. ย " they find themself floating, distorted, the voices hold them โ€”
ใ€š he sounds so pathetic. i like him. ใ€›
ใ€˜ i don't. just leave him the fuck alone in his misery. ใ€™
ใ€” micah, please, micah, let me โ€” ใ€•
" n- no, " whoever micah is answering to now, whispering with a delicate denial, they are unsure. in their most certainty, however, they know that dongsik is wrong.
" the world is no longer mysterious... no longer magical... " nothing matters now.
micah shakes their head out of disbelief, then laughs. not once have they made eye contact with dongsik as part of them fear he may catch their tears if they do appear. because even when micah has been on earth nearly as many days as dongsik have, there is still so much about the world that they have yet to understand, remember. how is it fair for some like dongsik who can think they know all about the world, and then there is the rest like them who can be only more lost in the world's darkness?
it was amusing, most twisted.
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" not to me... never to me... " their voice raises, and while the tone does not slip into displeasure towards dongsik, exhaustion becomes clear and raw, nevertheless โ€” micah is so exhausted of having to be always told by the world : THIS IS HOW THE WORLD GOES โ€” and it is held out to them as the endless chaos [ ... ] why can't they just ever find anything to understand the world where they live in? there were only the untranslated bruises and riddles and blood and blood and replay.
then, there is the haunting horrors with their so called godtellers, following behind them in every steps and after every choices, being them and their dead loved ones โ€”
a tear falls down and micah falls back โ€”
they look at dongsik.
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" if you truly do know how this world works, then i'm glad for you, " phoebus says with calm genuineness to @10tips, painfully unsarcastic. " i still do not, but that's okay if people still find the world an enigma, even if they are at an age as ours. " it's a lie while phoebus does know how the world spin and live and slaughter, having to come to acknowledge and accept its natural and human ways of functioning since the darkest childhood, but it is at least right to make it be an explanation for micah.
" a pair will suffer the terrible similarities from the world, if not the exact same things, but one of them may not understand its works, like the other does already. it all comes down to how we exist that impacts our ability to grasp onto anything. "
with ease, phoebus wipes the streaks of tears away and stares blankly at dongsik, head tilting, gaze colder. " still, i will figure it all out in the end, and i will be sure to find that this world does not work with nothing but the afflictions and violence. " the last line, it is phoebus's own truth โ€” a promise made for micah and the system. phoebus will do everything to make the world mean more than the never ending grief and horrors for them. phoebus may know how the world goes, though its functions should not have to mean the same for any of the others, especially micah themself.
phoebus will find out, and the world will wish that it had never tormented all of them.
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#ASK TO TAG CW#10TIPS#///#//#/#๐“นโ€‚เผ‘โ€‚เฟเพ‚โ€‚โฉ‡โฉ‡โ€‚:โ€‚โฉ‡โฉ‡โ€‚โš ๏ธŽโ€‚[โ€‚๐™ด๐š‡๐™ธ(๐š‚)๐šƒโ€‚:โ€‚๐™ถ๐™พ๐™ณโ€‚]โ€‚*โ€‚โ€นโ€‚ICโ€‚.โ€‚โ€บ#๐“นโ€‚เผ‘โ€‚เฟเพ‚โ€‚โฉ‡โฉ‡โ€‚:โ€‚โฉ‡โฉ‡โ€‚โš ๏ธŽโ€‚[โ€‚๐™ด๐š‡๐™ธ(๐š‚)๐šƒโ€‚:โ€‚๐™ถ๐™พ๐™ณโ€‚]โ€‚*โ€‚โ€นโ€‚ANSWERSโ€‚.โ€‚โ€บ#๐“นโ€‚เผ‘โ€‚เฟเพ‚โ€‚โฉ‡โฉ‡โ€‚:โ€‚โฉ‡โฉ‡โ€‚โš ๏ธŽโ€‚[โ€‚๐™ด๐š‡๐™ธ(๐š‚)๐šƒโ€‚:โ€‚๐™ถ๐™พ๐™ณโ€‚]โ€‚*โ€‚โ€นโ€‚Vโ€‚:โ€‚BEโ€‚.โ€‚โ€บ#๐“นโ€‚เผ‘โ€‚เฟเพ‚โ€‚โฉ‡โฉ‡โ€‚:โ€‚โฉ‡โฉ‡โ€‚โš ๏ธŽโ€‚[โ€‚๐™ด๐š‡๐™ธ(๐š‚)๐šƒโ€‚:โ€‚๐™ถ๐™พ๐™ณโ€‚]โ€‚*โ€‚โ€นโ€‚MICAHโ€‚.โ€‚โ€บ#๐“นโ€‚เผ‘โ€‚เฟเพ‚โ€‚โฉ‡โฉ‡โ€‚:โ€‚โฉ‡โฉ‡โ€‚โš ๏ธŽโ€‚[โ€‚๐™ด๐š‡๐™ธ(๐š‚)๐šƒโ€‚:โ€‚๐™ถ๐™พ๐™ณโ€‚]โ€‚*โ€‚โ€นโ€‚PHOEBUSโ€‚.โ€‚โ€บ#[ I am genuinely soooooooooo ruined over this lmfaosdgjhjSKHBJ ]#[ head in hands... ]
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guttersniper ยท 1 year
@10tips said: you should be in bed, little fella.ย  <3
o brother, where art thou.
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" should be. couldn't. " it comes out, maybe, a little sharper than mutt means. his eyes, sharp and discerning, even in the half-gloom, move to meet dongsik's. he shrugs, somewhere around dismissive, somewhere just to the left of exhausted. " pot, kettle. "
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haugaardhead36 ยท 3 months
fake designer handbags 10Tips On How To Spot A Pretend Designer Handbag<br/>All of our favourite celebrities are sporting these luggage and so they run from tons of to thousands of dollars. As a preferred giant within the style world, Prada purses are among the most trendy equipment of a lifetime. While we all love Prada purses and canโ€™t say enough of their timelessness and epic chicness, the price of 1 genuine Prada bag is sufficient to cowl a quantity of monthโ€™s mortgages. Not all women will readily commit to spending all their monthly allowances on month-to-month installm...<br/>Look carefully at the stitching to see if it is sloppy. Sloppy, slanted, and uneven stitching is an indication of a poorly-made, fake bag. Designer bags will at all times have quality stitching as a result of it's part of the designer's status to produce a top quality merchandise. Alway entry the really helpful seller list for locating reproduction luggage.<br/>Common indicators that an item is not respectable are poor or uneven stitching, fragile material and logos that arenโ€™t the right size or that donโ€™t match the official model design, authorities said. Copyright ยฉ since 2005 BestReplicadesignerbags.com All Rights Reserved. Kaleeโ€™s work is rooted in science, style, and the understanding that โ€˜identity is destiny'. She uses her own methodology and Style To Success Strategy to create positive id shifts. Kalee is a style TV host and appears regularly on QVC UK sharing her style expertise. She additionally was appointed as the top choose and host of Fashion One Networkโ€™s 6-part TV show 'Design Genius.โ€™ This article has been seen 984,273 occasions.<br/>However, should you actually need to compliment your fashion, you will want to add a new purse to your collection. My lifestyle is certainly not funded by some type of belief fund. At this point, I was left between a rock and a hard place. I love high fashion and Iโ€™m not going to accept brands that everybody is aware of is reasonable. Iโ€™m sharing this painful personal monetary story with you as a outcome of Iโ€™m sure Iโ€™m not alone. A lot of people would love the very best brands, but they aren't in a monetary place to do it.<br/>From sketchy tariff-free objects smuggled throughout the border to blatant counterfeits, the e-commerce... Considered an epitome of opulence, high-end designer purses have given nice luxury to the customers. That luxurious is pretty much impossible to copy until the producers are Louis Vuitton, Coach, Hermes, Dior, Chanel, and many others themselves. But every business is infected with fraudulent retailers, attempting to sell out apparently similar copies of original merchandise.<br/>As you probably can properly imagine, since I simply received out of college, I donโ€™t have much of a finances for luxurious fashions. The Hacker Project was created by Balenciagaโ€™s inventive director Demna Gvasalia and Gucciโ€™s Alessandro Michele to pose questions about luxurious, authenticity and inspiration. Die-hards and confused pedestrians alike vied for a first have a glance at Gucci and Balenciagaโ€™s...<br/>In truth, our store is open to ladies all around the globe, together with Russia, USA, Canada, the United Kingdom and the Middle East. Natalie Wyll and Alexa Ridolfi, the sisters who run A Second Chance Resale, do this for a dwelling, because of a $600 billion counterfeit industry. <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia">wikipedia handbags</a> Along with their mom, who based the Upper East Side store earlier than expanding to Soho's West Broadway, they've turn out to be experts at authenticating and valuing designer handbagsโ€”especially for the Big Three brands. This DHGate store for reproduction luggage has a tremendous assortment of luxurious manufacturers duplicate purses like Dior, Chanel, Prada, Gucci, and Louis Vitton. One of the underrated luxurious luggage sellers is Lixiaojuan.<br/>The HEC store is a popular DHgate vendor that offers in baggage of all types. <a href="https://replicabags.to/best-fake-replica-handbags">aaa replica designer handbags</a> In their collection, they've wallets, shoulder bags, tote baggage, trend purses, backpacks, clutches, evening bags and more. They have 100+ designs and also stock amazing replicas of top manufacturers on the planet.
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ceekbee ยท 1 year
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choppersosa ยท 1 year
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shopises ยท 2 years
Ensemble de crayons รฉternels remplaรงables Lapiz, 14 piรจces, รฉcriture illimitรฉe pour croquis artistiques, papeterie fournitures scolaires mignonnes
Ensemble de crayons รฉternels remplaรงables Lapiz, 14 piรจces, รฉcriture illimitรฉe pour croquis artistiques, papeterie fournitures scolairesย mignonnes
Description du produit Nom ร‰ternelle Crayon Type Crayon Couleur Noir, vert, jaune, bleu, rose, blanc, Orange, violet Taille 14cm Quantitรฉ 2 crayon + 10tip + 2 gomme (1 gomme incluse dans le penholdle) Utile Writiing Matรฉriel Graphite, alliage, plastique Caractรฉristiques Crayon permanent Poids 55g Longueur 14cm
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