#10 different variations. most fics get like 1 or 2
zevraholics · 2 years
ZevWarden Week 2022
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What is it? A week (this year, September 4th - 10th) of creating new fan content, sharing it, and celebrating the wonderful relationships between your favourite Grey Warden(s) and Zevran Arainai. How to participate: Feel free to follow the daily prompts as inspiration for whatever ZevWarden-related content your heart desires. Fics, art, meta discussions - everything goes! Remember to tag your works appropriately (ie. #nsfw or #zevistair) and most of all, have fun!
Sunday, September 4: Culture
Monday, September 5: Gold
Tuesday, September 6: Fights and Reconciliation
Wednesday, September 7: Alternate Universes
Thursday, September 8: Promises
Friday, September 9: Death
Saturday, September 10: Seasons
Like previous years, we took each prompt and gave it two different spins. Choose whichever inspires you, or take the base prompts in your own direction!
Tag your content with #zevwarden week 2022 or tag us on your post and we’ll reblog it here. *Any art found to be whitewashing Zevran will not be shared.
Day 1 - Sunday, September 4 - Culture
Culture shock "Now, if it is all the same to you, I would prefer not to speak more of Antiva. It makes me wistful and hungry for a proper meal." What does Zevran think about life in Ferelden that we don't get to see in-game? If your Warden and Zevran ever travel anywhere else, what's familiar and what comes as a surprise?
Cultural exchange "Loving a place is not the same as never desiring to be elsewhere." Either at home or abroad, do the Warden and Zevran experience new foods, festivals, or traditions together? How do Zevran and the Warden deal with their cultural differences and similarities?
Day 2 - Monday, September 5 - Gold
Trinkets "You do seem to stumble onto treasure on a regular basis, somehow." Between the infamous earring and all the looting the Warden does over the course of the Blight, it’s easy for the pair of them to accumulate quite a few trinkets. Are there any things in particular they each collect? What kinds of things do they save for each other?
Money "Ah, the bustle of a market district! The pickpocket's home away from home!" We know a little bit about Zevran's relationship to money, but what about the Warden's? Do Zevran and the Warden have enough of it, post-Blight? Do they have more than they know what to do with? How do they make a living and how do they spend what they've got? Also fun for this prompt: stories about stealing or bartering.
Day 3 - Tuesday, September 6 - Fights and Reconciliation
Arguments "You are a very frustrating person to deal with, do you know that?" Do the Warden and Zevran ever fight, either verbally or with weapons? Perhaps your Warden or Zevran (or both) get into a disagreement with somebody else. How do they resolve it or fail to resolve it?
Kiss and make-up "Running a bit hot and cold, are we? Fair enough. Let's get back to business." What helps the Warden and Zevran deal with tension after a tough moment? Are they quick to forgive or does it take them a little longer to work things out? Do they prefer to work things out with conversation or more physically?
Day 4 - Wednesday, September 7 - Alternate Universes
Variations on DAO "Taliesen offered to come to the ambush with me and I said, 'Taliesen, I don't need any help. This Grey Warden is a new recruit. How hard could it be?' But then, if I had been more open-minded to his help, either you would be dead or I would be. So it was better I refused. Huh." What would happen if Zevran met your Warden before the contract? Does your Warden end the Blight in a way the game's endings don't allow? This version of the prompt is for reimagining the story of DAO in a new way.
Completely new setting "I feel like we've just entered a Grand Cleric's bedchambers, where no one has gone before." Got an idea for the characters as vampires, mermaids, or living in a painstakingly historically accurate Qing Dynasty, China? The crew playing D&D in a college AU? Go wild.
Day 5 - Thursday, September 8 - Promises
Promises kept "In truth, for the chance to be by your side, I would storm the Dark City itself." Which promises do Zevran and the Warden make to each other? How do they come to make those promises? Are there ever moments when there is a price to be paid for keeping a promise?
Promises broken "What are promises? There are many kinds, spoken and unspoken, and yet we break them all the same, yes? They do not matter." Do Zevran and the Warden ever break a promise made to each other? Why do they break it—is it for a good reason? How does the other party react?
Day 6 - Friday, September 9 - Death
Near-death experiences "I landed in the river and nearly drowned. I was fished out by some urchins who robbed me blind. Made off with my boots, too. At least they didn't cut my throat." Zevran and the Warden meet for the first time in a failed assassination attempt. Whether dramatic or humorous or some of both, Zevran and the Warden have had many brushes with death in their adventures. Share a moment from one of those times.
Laid to rest "It's unfortunate, but death comes to us all. If not me, then some wasting disease. Or a fall down the stairs.Or at the hands of a darkspawn. It's all relative, in the end." No one escapes death. This is the prompt to share a moment of triumph after a battle, complex feelings after a successful assassination, or offer a character a peaceful death at home.
Day 7 - Saturday, September 10 - Seaons
Seasons of the year "In Antiva it rains often, but the flowers are always in bloom... or so the saying goes." Do Zevran and the Warden celebrate holidays together? Which, and how? Does Zevran struggle with Fereldan winter, and the Warden with Antivan summer? What specific activities do they enjoy doing in each season?
Seasons of life "It's true. I live a charmed life. One of the prostitutes that raised me was a fortune teller. Said I wouldn't die young. She was rather startled by that." As characters hit new life milestones and grow older, what is a significant event that happens in their lives together? Did either of them expect or even wish for that milestone to happen in their life?
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brasideios · 2 months
Fanfic Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @aeide 🤍 fairly sure I did this a while back, but I have time so why not 😊
1. How many fics do you have on AO3? 19
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 481662
3. What fandoms do you write for? Have written for: AC Syndicate, AC Odyssey, AC Valhalla, Stardew Valley, Hades (game), Pyre, Ancient History RPF, and am tinkering with maybe something Minecraft. Maybe.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Snatched Moments (163) The Warmth of Home (122) Another Turn Around the Wheel (116) Unfinished Business (71) and the Good Spartan (53).
5. Do you respond to comments? Usually - unless someone replies to every chapter in quick succession, (and especially if the comments are only emojis) - then I tend to just reply to those that I have something worth responding with; or with the emojis situation, just the final one.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Rising to the Surface. No doubt about it. Or maybe the Good Spartan. That seems to get a lot of ‘this ended me’ type comments so yeah.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of my fics have some variation of a happy ending. I think the one I’m writing now (Another Life) will be the most definitively happy though.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really, no. Disappointment that they’re unfinished from time to time, but not hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yeah, mlm mostly. Very mild, vanilla really.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I’ve never written one. Just not my bag.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I’m aware of, unless you count AI scraping, in which case, almost certainly, probably all of them, up to and including all my original work.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic? No. I don’t do collaborative writing. Again, just not my bag.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship? I don’t have one. I’m a multishipper to my core, because it’s too fun putting characters together with different partners to see what the relationship brings out of them to go all-in on one pairing.
15. What’s a fic you’d like to finish but don’t think you ever will? Still Crawling Kingsnake. I love it but there’s just no ending. Not even a shadow of one.
16. What are your writing strengths? Fighting the urge to be self-deprecating here - I like to think I do a good job with dialogue and building a character. I feel less doubtful about that than the rest, anyway.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Everything else.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic? If I knew one, I’d do it. I read lots of things with this feature so why not. I would be certain to provide a translation for readers though (side-eyeing academic papers).
19. First fandom you wrote for? AC Odyssey.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? The Good Spartan or Shadow-Twin. I think they’re both decent, just in different ways. I also like Another Life so far, tentatively hopeful that it’ll be worth reading when it’s done.
Probably everyone has already been tagged, so sorry if I’m doubling up or you’ve done this recently and I missed it. Just a few with no pressure @findusinaweek @ainulindaelynn @krankittoeleven @softest-punk
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sixhours · 2 months
Twenty questions for fanfic writers
Ermagerd I love talking fanfic, thanks @numinousmysteries!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The X-Files and The Last of Us so far!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
All X-Files fics:
A Boy and His Fox
Morning Sickness
Waking Hours
We Aren't Meant to Sleep Alone
5. Do you respond to comments?
Most of the time, even if it's just a simple "Thank you!"
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
My Umbra Reverie series, by far. 😬 No regrets!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A Boy and His Fox or One Day at a Time. Two different fandoms, both baby fics. I originally envisioned One Day at a Time as a TLOU variation on A Boy and His Fox--a bunch of drabbles strung together--but it turned into a more cohesive story over time.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sure! If it serves the story, I'll write smut. I'm not big on writing porn without plot because I don't think smut is my strong suit. When I do write smut, it's pretty vanilla, nothing too kinky.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't, but I'm currently outlining a TLOU period fic that's based on Anne of Green Gables. Not quite a crossover, but boy it's fun to think about. 😆
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope, I'd be too afraid of letting my co-authors down. 😂
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Mulder and Scully are my OTP. ❤️
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
As of right now I don't have any. I tend to start fics with a lot of preparation, outlining, and research, and I usually wait until they're mostly finished to publish them. I also tend to work on one fic at a time and focus until it's mostly done.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I strive to make my characters as true to the source material and as believable as possible. I want the reader to be able to hear the character's voice in their head as they read, or be able to imagine them in a scene like it were on screen.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Editing while I write. 🙃 It's why I'm so slooooooow.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't speak any other languages and I'm uncomfortable leaning solely on translation software, but I'm not opposed to trying if it serves the story. My headcanon for TLOU is my Joel stays pretty true to the HBO series in that he's Latino, but he doesn't speak Spanish in regular conversation (I imagine he can, but he doesn't). (Trust that I noticed Tommy's "Adios, big brother" in episode 6, but then apparently Joel says that in the game, so...? I've thought about this too much.)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The X-Files, when I was 14. Those fics are still in .txt files somewhere on my computer. Someday I'll dig them out and have a good laugh.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Total recency bias, but The Ghosts of Babylon is my favorite right now. Mostly because I love the Reader character and it was my first foray into writing for a fandom other than The X-Files and I think I pulled it off. 🥹
🏷️ No pressure tags! Tell me about your fics! @frannyzooey, @wannab-urs, @bumblepony, @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin, @march-flowerr, @wildemaven and anyone else who wants to give this a whirl.
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xjumbled-up-brainx · 1 year
Saw you needed octonauts world headcanons so here’s some I’ve got
1. I think there are probably parallel cities and countries to our world since I’m pretty sure Tweak’s dad lives in Florida? So they have at least a US? Anyway the locations of their major cities and counties are all the same. Most animals live in places close to or in their natural habitat, but cities like London or New York probably have animals from all over the place mingling (but to a certain level of logic like you’re less likely to see a polar bear or reindeer living in South America or something). Cities probably also have slightly different designs to accommodate for the variety of species living in them
2. The world population is split between anthro and non-anthro animals, because the octonauts are clearly anthro but the animals they rescue aren’t. There used to be a lot of conflict between the two groups but now most places don’t care and are designed to accommodate both kinds of animals (Like Tweak and Sandy are friends)
3. Whether or not predation of other animals (especially the non-anthro) is okay is a heated debate in their society
4. It is possible for some non-anthro animals (most likely mammals) to learn to walk and use their paws (hands?) like anthro’s, but it’s very difficult (and vice versa if an anthro wants to learn to be more like a non-anthro)
5. There is a United Nations equivalent who are tasked with keeping peace between species. They have a representative for each major species of each biome, with groups such as rainforest or polar regions working as groups or having one collective vote on large scale issues (they are also the ones who fund the octonauts)
6. Like all things, the octonauts probably have a few haters and enemies (because even in this world there are bad people) and they sometimes have to watch their backs when at ports to resupply (I can see them getting into conflict with people who overfish like in that one fic or people who pollute the ocean or oil rig people)
7. Their world is just as, if not more technologically advanced in some areas than ours (I mean, they manage to hide whole helmets in small collars!)
8. Their world likely isn’t post apocalyptic. Instead, humans never existed and many animals evolved in almost identical ways to fill that niche
9. Most of, if not all, the world share a collective language (Called the universal wild language or something) that makes cross-species communication easier. Each genus likely shares a language (with species having slightly different versions (for example: wolves and dogs will slightly different pronunciations or slang, but sound very similar when compared to a fox)), but all animals are taught the universal language.
10. Most animals have extended lifespans that are closer in length to humans
11. Some objects we use that usually have simple handles will have grips or whole shaped loops for paws to make holding them easier
12. Coat colour possibility and variations are far greater than in our world (I mean, Tweak’s GREEN)
Ur ideas are pretty similar to mine so far and I will take all input into my little files ^^
All y’all else👁️👁️ follow suit (if u would like but I appreciate everything!)
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tantai-jin · 4 months
fic writer meme!
thank u rachel @fruitdaze for the tag!!! <3333333
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
23 since 2016 lmao,, i don't remember exactly how many i posted on lj from 2012-2015 but it wasn't a ton, probably 10-15 that were like 50k altogether
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
it's been all over the place since 2020 lol but p much only chinese media like danmei novels, movies, cdramas. used to write kpop rpf but prob won't return to that even tho i still like and follow many groups
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
给你给你 (yunfei)
换一世身份姓名; heaven to myself (canglan)
not-that-small talk (tell me honestly) (bts yoonkook LOL)
새벽 rush hour (yellow light, slow) (bts taegi LOL)
捡一个梦; reach for a dream (canglan)
5. Do you respond to comments?
i usually do, although i'm often quite late LOL i have a couple fics where i didn't reply to all the comments after a certain point and then i just stopped 😭 or if they are a guest user or only leave emojis as a comment then i don't reply? but ofc i see every comment
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
uhh i feel like the only thing i wrote that is complete and has an angsty ending is 捡一个梦; reach for a dream bc it was a missing scene from an angsty arc of the show. or lol jk same scenario applies to 余光 (remnants of light) bc it takes place before the end of yuwu and not in one of the happier moments
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
either 给你给你 or 换一世身份姓名; heaven to myself bc they're both disgustingly sweet and affectionate at the end
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope! either i am writing for tiny ass fandoms or like, my fics don't get enough traction to attract haters LMAO
9. Do you write smut?
not a lot... the incomplete bingqiu au i posted has the most explicit scenes so far but i am still too shy writing it. i have to practice so that i can write more than 3 sentences of sex in a single day and actually finish the wips i started 😭
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written?
i have before! nothing crazy tho bc it was just kpop rpf and it would be like, two idols from the same company that have interacted multiple times! lmao. sometimes i think abt crossovers for cdramas that are relatively tame such as: two actors that have been in the same drama multiple times are reincaranted and those 2+ dramas are their different lives... but it's so niche in eng speaking fandom and i haven't fully written one out yet. also does it count as a crossover if u put characters from story A into the setting/setup for story B bc i do that a lot but i think that is fairly common at least for ppl to imagine
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so... again, my fics do not get a lot of traction so i don't think it's likely lmaooo
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i think there was an exo one translated into russian a long time ago but i don't even remember which one lolllll it might have been on my livejournal
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not a whole fic yet but ive brainrotted a plethora of aus with friends before such as but not limited to mingqian actors au with lianzi (very intricate with multiple variations) and a Bunch of cdrama and yuwu stuff with another friend :')
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
i cannotttttt pick only one but ummm in the last yr-ish it's been a rotation of tantai jin/li susu + mingye/sang jiu from cyjm, mingqian from liu yao, xilian from yuwu (🤪)..... bingqiu from sv (always).... i should stop for now that's Tew Many. but i think once i finish spl, changgu will also be up there
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i feel like i'm cursing myself by typing this out but perhaps the bingqiu i posted one chapter of..... even if i could write all the p With p parts that i wanted to include, i was also a little stuck on the ending and idk if i would be able to write it in a way that doesn't feel like a cop out or just weak in general 😢 but i do like that au and i think my writing for it so far was p decent... so who knows...!
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i am pretty good at dialogue that sounds 1. natural and 2. true to the characters! i try really hard to make imagery sound original(ish) and evocative, and to make a character's Yearning palpable
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
intricate plot, action, sex (takes me forever to write and haven't done it in as much detail as i would like to tbh)
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics?
i love it! i did it a little in my yunfei fic and instead of directly translating the line of chinese right there i just included the meaning in the next line of dialogue, like "what do you mean [thing they just said]" + i did it like that bc the tone of it just felt so much more natural to me in mandarin for that specific convo. not that it was something untranslatable (it wasn't) but it just felt comfier to me. i also like the thing ppl do where you can hover over the text and it will show the translation but idk how that html works HAHA someday i would like to give it a go
19. First fandom you wrote for?
exo.......... lmao
20. Favorite fic you have written?
overall i think it would be typhoon season (my incomplete but not abandoned cisswap girls ximang in hk) ! i had it fermenting in my brain for like 8 months before i wrote it, which meant i had figured a lot of the stuff for the beginning out and it was much easier to write than normal since i was not deliberating so much in the moment. i think the pacing for it was good and the reveals of backstory were placed well, and i think i adapted the characters well too even if it's only a first chapter and they haven't done a lot yet. i wanna write them again but it's been rly hard for me to think abt that specific au for many months lol. i also think my recent yzy gegedidi fic had a lot of yummy scenes even if i see some flaws in some parts of the fic's progression... but i spent enough time on it already so i will not go and fix it anymore 😌 peace
i think all my writer friends were tagged already...... this tagline (like a bloodline) will end with me
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leatafandom · 14 days
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thank you so much for the tag @reallyreal-madeingold!! It was long, so I thought I'd make a new post I did not know you wrote a Willow/Spike, and I am going to have to check it out tonight I adore them.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? I have 122 works on my Ao3
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 887,007, which for some reason made me laugh really hard, seven little words.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Mostly for Supernatural, but I've written for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spider-man/Deadpool, Merthur, Arrowverse, and starting to write some more DC stories
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Distraction: Scars - One of my favorites of mine, a spideypool story.
This is a Bad Idea - This is just a little smut I wrote for spideypool
Waiting for the Perfect Time - A Merthur piece I wrote with some HC of mine
Distractions -Voice(s) - This is part two of the Spideypool Distraction series
Breakfast - Another Merthur smut piece.
5. Do you respond to comments? I do! I love comments, I normally respond to them whenever I'm updating a story or posting a new one anymore though so sometimes it takes me a bit to get back to people, but I do!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Umm I feel like I've answered this before, but I don't remember what I said and now I don't know what to say. Maybe Not Yet? It is a prequel to Waiting for the Perfect Time and without reading that one, it does not have a happy ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I feel like I write a lot of bittersweet and untraditional happy endings. I leave them in a better place than they were a lot of the times, but they are not always happy. Despite my want to always go for no happy endings I tend to write them anyway. But~ ah I think maybe Conversations in the Dark I feel like that one is pretty optimistic at the end.
8. Do you get hate on fics? No I wouldn't say hate maybe some discouraging comments but not hate, no.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Hahaha, I write porn, let's be clear. It's not sex there is a difference. Ah, I write a lot of rough stuff, some bloody stuff, some soft loving stuff, mmm, and I've been starting to write some more variations of bodies doing it. So that's fun
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I don't write crossovers, but I have done a crossover between two of my stories, and it was crazy. It was like two years in the making and it was so much fun. Taste of Cherry is a crossover between a very rom-com soul bond sabriel fic I wrote and a dark horror-themed version of sabriel. It was thrilling to have them meet and play off each other.
11. What's the craziest one you've written? Totally missed this one before but ah idk I write some weird stuff. Maybe Holy Hole? Since I made a world just so I could have a sabriel tentacle smut fic.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yup a few, I am always open to getting my fics translated so more people can enjoy them. I just ask that the translator asks first, tells me, and share the link to the translation so it's easy to find from the original. It's a joy whenever someone wants to.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have! It was very recently, and a wonderful experience! Freaks Like Us, is a Buffy verse fic featuring Dru, Spike, and Angelus and lots of smut. It was so fun to write with @aufredpratt and to get help and advice writing women.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Oh, this is so hard, I love so many ships from so many fandoms. I...I don't know especially since it's different when talking about who I'd love to write the most and who I like to read the most. I'm sorry I refuse to choose. x_x
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Once and Future Soulmates. It's an unpublished WIP that I just picked up again yesterday, but it is such a big Merthur project, and I'd love to finish it but also oh my god it's so much.
16. What are your writing strengths?  I'm bad at these kinds of questions. I think characterization and world-building. I like poking at stuff until it breaks and then making sure it won't do that. My worlds have many layers that never come up, but they're there.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Fight scenes (though I think I'm getting better... maybe), word choice, and conveying fear and some other emotions.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Unless its one I'm fluent in, or have someone who is helping me I probably won't and find another way to convey language being said in another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Lord of the Rings~~
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Still Distractions: The K-word/Distractions: The New Kid. They both overlap the same year in Spideypool's relationship. I love how it came out and I will always be happy to have written out my HC comic mass up of them. Maybe they're just still my all-time OTP....
No Pressure Tags: @idabbleincrazy @heavenssexiestangel, @michaelmilligan, @fantasticstoryteller, @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes, @incorrectcoldflashblog, @toutes-les-routes @angst-is-love-angst-is-life anyone else who would like to!
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bedlamsbard · 10 months
May ask 2, 6, and 12 from the fanfic asks, please?
2. What fanfic do you wish you got more response on?
The Horizon Line. I love Horizon, I think it's one of the best things I've written, but (by my standards) it's not very popular and didn't get a lot of response. I do know why -- it's a prequel in an established AU, it does something completely different than the other story in the series, it focuses on different characters, it's set during an awkward period in the canon; there's too much Loki for Cap or Widow fans and too much Cap and Widow for Loki fans. But it still makes me sad, and it has made me really hesitate on going back to the Yonderverse.
6. Have you written any fanfictions featuring OCs? If so, elaborate!
Yeah, most of them. Marvel's actually an outlier for me because I write very few OCs here, though Home has a bunch -- all the matryoshki but Lorraine and Dottie (who is showing up in 10), Kim Pantcheff and Hana Korematsu from the SSR cryptanalysts; technically the members of the Winter Guard are comics canon characters but that's just me tacking on canon names to OCs. Horizon's got a handful of Asgardian OCs -- Ullr, Forseti, Rota, Signy -- and of course the various Widows and Hulk-Widows are OCs.
Back in Star Wars, Backbone has some very major OC characters -- Alecto, Doriah, and the rest of the extended Syndulla clan being the main culprits, along with every other Twi'lek other than Cham and Hera. (Backbone was written before SW introduced Hera's mother in canon.) Roberto Beneke, Hera's ISB handler, is an OC; the bulk of the Inquisitors are OCs. (Backbone was also written before SW introduced the numbering system for the Inquisition.) Gambit also has a number of OCs, mostly in the Naboo military.
Back in Narnia the bulk of my characters were OCs. Writing in Marvel and Star Wars, there are a lot of background canon characters, both from the mainline canon (films, TV) and from comics and EU, and very often I can just pull someone from there. I only use OCs if there's no way around it. The trick, of course, is to write them without making them seem like OCs and like I am pulling them out of an obscure piece of canon. I've gotten a lot of comments in my day from people saying that they don't usually read fic that features OCs in main roles, so I am cautious about using them heavily; Backbone's a major outlier. (And back in the day I did not think that Star Wars would ever give Hera's mother a canon name.)
12. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Except on very rare occasions (usually for clarification), I only respond to direct questions in comments and even then I only do it about half the time.
About fifteen years ago, back in the LJ days, I lost my temper at someone who'd left a comment mixing my fic up with someone else's, and after that I instituted a strict 24-hour cooling off period between posting and replying to comments. Eventually, that changed to a week, and then to only replying to the comments on the last chapter just before the new chapter was going to be posted. I stuck to that for a really long time, I don't remember when exactly that changed, but I think it had to do with when I started getting a lot of hate on Gambit -- I don't respond to negative comments, period, but I felt weird about replying to every comment on a chapter but the negative ones, so often I wouldn't reply to any comments on that chapter. I used to also reply to comments on the first couple chapters of a story, and then just peter off answering comments on the rest of it -- I think I did this for Morning -- but it eventually has just turned into not responding to comments at all. I also don't like answering comments because (1) it messes up the comment numbers on a story and I'd rather that be an accurate reflection of how many comments people other than me have left and (2) I do reread my comments and I don't like rereading my own responses, since they tend to be variations on "thanks for reading, I'm glad you're enjoying the story!" If you want to come talk to me about my fic, do it off AO3; I'm happy to talk about it on Tumblr or Twitter, in person if you know me IRL, but I don't want to do it in my AO3 comment section.
I do respond to non-AO3 comments, i.e. if I'm posting concept writing on Tumblr, I'll respond to those comments. But I don't get that many of them.
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elavoria · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers
Tagged by @sylvienerevarine and @dirty-bosmer, thank you!
I tag @1helios1, @sheirukitriesfandom, and whoever wants to join. :3
Putting these under the cut~
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
10, and about half aren’t up to my current standards but I’m leaving them up for posterity.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
71,030, which does not remotely reflect how much I write. I wasn’t particularly inclined to answer these given the AO3 bias to the questions but then I was tagged twice so here we are.
I’m sitting on just about 401k words of unpublished fic. : )
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Dragon Age [all games], Pathfinder [mostly Wrath of the Righteous], and TES [Skyrim and Morrowind with a bit of Oblivion] are the biggest ones, but also Shadowrun, Mass Effect, Cyberpunk 2077, Fallout 4, Game of Thrones, Divinity: Original Sin II… if I get hooked into a story there is liable to be fic it seems.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I’m only giving you two—From Dreams to Deliverance [non-canon Nerevarine/Dagoth Ur] at 100, and The Adventures of Polyshep [post-canon Shep/Garrus/Tali OT3 + others having mostly fluffy fun] at 55.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Absolutely! And if we’re talking privately I WILL talk your ear off in response to any comments you make.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don’t go in for angsty endings but my Nerevarine’s fic will probably have a less happy / joyful / triumphant ending than the others, and my V’s ending will likewise be bittersweet.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm… hard to say. Perhaps a tossup between the Dragon Age fic and the Pathfinder fic… Ama and Isanna both get everything they ever wanted and more.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Ama’s AU fics get hate in the future for mage/templar shipping…
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, generally things that are descriptive but not terribly explicit, and most sexual intimacy is a bit glossed over. I find I tend to write at least one descriptive sex scene per pairing and then gloss over the other instances—partly because it isn’t necessary to the story, partly because writing sex scenes takes so much more effort for me and I have no interest in coming up with endless variations on that theme.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I’ve written exactly one very whack crossover and have no intention of doing that again—Skyrim/Drowtales.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I’d be honored if someone asked to translate something of mine.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I co-wrote a bit of unpublished Skyrim fic with spouse long enough ago that neither of us would be proud of it anymore, with each of us taking different POV chapters for our vampires that were going through the Dawnguard questline together. More recently I’ve been borrowing one of his WotR ladies for my Pathfinder fic and having him supply her dialogue if that counts. Amusingly, both instances of our characters interacting in this way involve his judging mine for their romantic interests lol.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Hmm… I get so deeply attached to most of the ships I write. I will cheat and say Ama/everyone I ship her with. ; p
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
At this point I doubt my TES fics will ever get finished, but it would be nice if they did… Rya’s story was too grand for my capabilities at the time, and Rendrasa’s I simply lost motivation on and with her playthrough finished, well… hm.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and characterization. Dialogue is my beloved and I’ve been told repeatedly that I capture canon characters well. Also romance, soft and tender things...
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Too many filler words and phrases that get repetitive… but I like them. So.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
If it fits and is understandable, sure. I sprinkled some German into my Shadowrun fic, but it was mostly pet names and I translated everything in the notes. As a reader I don’t want to be left with questions as to what was said, or have to look things up separately.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Good gods, probably H*rry P*tter ages and ages ago, before junior high, if I’m being honest, and not much of it. Not remotely interested in that fandom anymore. Then a tiny bit of Les Mis fic not too long after that. Terrible but at least some of the Les Mis concepts are… highly amusing, shall we say. Mermaid AU??? Younger self, what on earth…
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
My Dragon Age longfic-in-progress, Knight’s Star. I love Ama sooo so so much and I think her extended conversation with Samson is one of the best things I have ever written. The Pathfinder fic is shaping up to be a close second though. Learning many things about myself with that one hehe such as how desperately I want a gnome boyfriend.
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ussjellyfish · 1 year
Hello! For the Qs, can I ask 👖 and 📝? Thanks!!! You rock!
👖 Are you a planner, plantser, or pantser? Is it consistent?
I am a very vague plotter (so probably a plantser). I have an idea of what's happening, and I focus much more on what's happening for the characters than the overall plot.
In a short thing, like this time-travel kiss fic I just posted the arc was "Laira does not know what's going on and is out of her element -> Laira is exhausted and doing her best -> Laira is at the end of her ability to cope and Michael is the sun through the clouds -> happy ending." Build, release, rejoice for that one.
For longer things I have an overall arc (in Quantum Variations of a Love Theme it's they grow a baby). Babyfics are great because you have a clock. Some things have to happen.
Within that there are mini arcs -
Michael and Laira figure it out and what they're going to do. (chapters 1-4)
Michael and Laira figure out how to live together and tell their families. (chapters 5-8)
Michael and Laira go on a mission together and Michael hates not being a captain. How do they get that back? (Also what is it like for Laira to 'live' on the ship? (chapters 9-12)
They get married (13)
They solve a problem while apart. (14-17)
Laira helps Michael (18 - this took set up from earlier chapters, and I'm really proud of that. I started planting seeds in chapter 10, and they paid off here).
Politics and Laira's family, Michael and her mom, dealing with Laira's ex) (18-22).
Some arcs needed to go in order. They come to turns with the baby, then they meet (and like) each other's families, then they work together, then they decide they really want to be together (even if part of them is rushed for politics). Can they handle being apart (yes), are they thrilled to get back together, yes.
I wanted to wrap up the threads with their families before I do the next arc, which is "the galaxy dangerous and some people are a threat)." That's probably going to take about 4 chapters, and can start seeing the big threat for the climax.
I also want a blizzard in space, so that's the next arc.
The rough plan is - Small villain arc to set up villain and up the stakes a little. (probably chapters 23-25 ish)
Space blizzard arc. (probably 26-29)
Politics and family are back and complicated. (30-31).
Return of villain.
Return of helpful friends.
Space blizzard part 2? I'm not sure how it ends. Is the problem villain or spatial anomalies or the villain does what she thinks is right and it intersects with space blizzard to be a big problem?
There's also nasty virus, which should probably infect someone we care about so Keyla can save them.
It has to build up to something stressful, which is happening about the time Laira's so pregnant that she's just done with it, so having the baby is a release. I did this really well in Firefly, I think (by my standards) because there was all chaos, and then they had a baby and it was okay.
Babyfics have the fun part of a built in climax (the birth) but there needs to be (by my own weird standards) another climax that happens before, so they make it through that...and then baby.
I'm writing for fun, and usually the release of emotional tension. (I do not have wonderful supportive family and friends all the time, I do not get to be vulnerable in my life. There's no space for it right now. It's so calming to get to write about it).
📝 What is one growth area you have for your writing?
Plot! I'm not very good at it. I would like to work more on the plot of a thing, and how that builds on itself. I might enjoy it but I haven't tried yet. So it seeems fun to work on.
Though most of my motivations are emotional, soo there's probably a way to plot around that, but it's different than what so writing resources would talk about. Writing resources want to help you write a book/screenplay, etc. I just want to roll around in feelings and enjoy it. I'm not entirely sure what that looks like yet, and I'd like to understand it better.
fanfic ask game
Thank you so much for asking! this was fun to work out.
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honeyviscera · 2 years
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I posted 3,595 times in 2022
That's 2,566 more posts than 2021!
371 posts created (10%)
3,224 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,037 of my posts in 2022
Only 16% of my posts had no tags
#jujutsu kaisen - 613 posts
#caps - 340 posts
#fullmetal alchemist brotherhood - 299 posts
#haikyuu!! - 200 posts
#ocean asks - 160 posts
#my hero academia - 148 posts
#mob psycho 100 - 147 posts
#ocean.mp3 - 130 posts
#project sekai - 118 posts
#satosugu - 114 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
the amount of detail and effort that went into it. i just KNOW i have to rewatch it to really get it bc there was so much THERE it was so jam packed of stuff i LOVED it
36 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
Something I wish was like. Actually Covered in Dr. Stone that I think would have been super cool is like. linguistic differences.
Because like, okay. you have a mini society that's been living in complete isolation for over 3000 years, totally apart from everything else, and then you have characters like senkuu, gen, tsukasa, ukyo, hyoga etc. who are very much from 'our time', kept in stone for those 3000 years, retaining all memories and language from that era.
like. 3000 years is a SUPER long time. Even with the 100 Tales that got passed through the generations to Ruri, which I imagine would help in keeping the language the same for all that time, I'm surprised there's like. zero differences. that they're able to communicate seamlessly. that there is no variation, no slang, no new words, no thick accents, no nothing.
Like, as a real life example, Old English was used about 2000 years ago. And I bet most of you would have a Pretty Hard Time understanding it, and that's only from like 2/3 the amount of time that separates the Ishigami villagers and the other characters. it almost seems like another language.
I would have LOVED the first interaction between Kohaku and Senkuu to have been WILDLY confusing and surprising. Kohaku sees this random dude and attacks, and then he starts speaking this absolute gobbledygook that only sounds very very vaguely familiar and also sounds weirdly Proper. and then kohaku responds in confusion, and to senkuu she's speaking this weird weird language that is only barely recognisable and sounds super casual and fast. and they Can't Talk to each other, which makes the entire ordeal with getting the villagers to trust senkuu That Much Harder lmao. but finally, FINALLY when Senkuu is able to meet Ruri and she hears the way he talks is like hey wait a minute I Know This. and she tells him the 100 tales (still in the original language) that everyone else thought sounded like a series of weird incantations but senkuu is like Oh. Oh Okay also dad why did you put so many memes in this. (like in canon lmao) and just. the langauge barriers!!!!! I WISH THERE WAS A LANGUAGE BARRIER IN DR. STONE OKAY.
EDIT: some cool people showed me a really good fic and a more in-depth post on this concept!! I highly reccomend checking them out!
57 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
Tumblr media
what if i broke down. what if this was it huh.
86 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
it's. it's about human connection and the loss of it, it's about not fitting in and rejoicing in that uniqueness, it's about longing for something, having it, and mourning the loss of it, it's about searching for that person everywhere, once they're gone you see them in everything its about the confusion and ambiguity and panic that comes with a realistic dream, it's about dreaming and the strangeness of dreaming, it's about being a little in love with your best friend, it's about the fragility of our bonds, it's about missing people, it's about love.
125 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i get so emotional over non-human characters who are experiencing 'being human' and fundamentally are lonely and just want friends that all they'd ever want is friendship and company and that is the most important part of being human for them is to have friends..... god. GOD,, give me a moment here im. IM.
538 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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katzynia · 4 days
Thanks for the tag @bittercape <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
27 published, one of which is a WIP as of June 4th.
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
203,862 words (by June 4th 2024)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Batman corner of DC, and mostly even further corner of Slade Wilson/Jason Todd, with only a few exceptions.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Let it fade, let it linger Sound of falling trees First and then Let it build, let it settle Every piece of you
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes. I adore comments, each and everyone really makes my day. I will reply, though it might take a little. Typically I let them accumulate for a couple days (or to the nearest weekend) after publishing before replying to a whole bunch (time spend basking in the warmth of people liking what I wrote :D)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
..I don't really do that angsty endings. I am a softie at heart, so I don't care for hurt/no comfort fics much. Good bittersweet is great thought! With that in mind, I guess my angstiests would be Sound of falling trees (bittersweet is a good word for this ending I think) Turn your dream to shame (my angstiest/darkest fic, ambigous ending)
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my endings are happy. Let it build, let it settle is maybe the sweetest thing in general... Though I do have very sweet oneshots.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, not really. I think Slade/Jay for which I mostly write is still so much in its own corner, not popular enough to attract hate. At least not where I would run into it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
Yes. ;) Pairingwise M/M so far. Kinkwise, many kinds and I'm open to many more :D There aren't many kinks I would absolutely not write. I've found it a lot of fun to try out different things and Jayde Agenda discord server's Kink tag challenge has been loads of fun. I think my kinkiest is probably Straddling the line (in discord and rhyme) as I wrote it with "yes and":ing a whole bunch of kinks, starting with the tag challenge of "Possessive sex". Also Call me maybe, with dirty talk being the whole point of writing it
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
I have not written any cross-overs. I might if something strikes my fancy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I was asked once, but I said no. I don't like the idea of my work being translated so that I can't understand it. I'm writing in my second language anyway and I have thought a lot about how different I would say things if I was writing on my actual language. It's the connotations! Idk, I just felt... weird about it and didn't want to to happen.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Jayde is my current love and fave in DC, not surprisingly. I also like Jason/Roy Harper, and certain variations of Jason/Dick. In other fandoms, I used to read *a lot* of Steve/Bucky. Arthur/Eames is a lot of fun. I also had fairly intense phase of reading everything for Jyn/Cassian in Star Wars.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Well. I have kind written a Mummy AU for Jayde for about two years now... Hard to say if it ever sees the light of day, i periodically write some and then lose interest/get desperate that it's too complicated and write nothing. I honestly don't know if I get it finished or even if I'm wiling to put the work in.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at dropping information in interesting and not-exposition-y way, drip-drip-dripping it so that it's curiosity inducing. I am good at implying things. I also really like and think I'm good at playing with relative knowledge. I've been told I'm also pretty good at character voices. But honestly, it's hard for me to say what are the strengths, I'm too close to it. So I am in fact, open to feedback
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Grammar, stupid English. In all seriousness, I get pretentious. I usually catch most of it in editing, but I have a tendency to get too flowery and for example, say the same thing in too many ways in row which blunts the impact. As flipside of my information dropping skills, I sometimes get too stingy with information, so that I assume something is clear when it isn't. I'm not very good at narration further way from the POV character, I do very close POV and that doesn't always work for the story I'm trying to tell. Again, I am open to feedback. Could be interesting.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm on the fence about it. I do tend to get annoyed if there's no translation *very* easily available. I think it comes back to my preference for close narration, so if the character doesn't speak the language, I prefer sticking to "Somebody spoke in language he didn't recognize" or something like that. Singular words, especially for affectionate nicknames are cute though. I'm not a language person :D That said, I don't get annoyed in "nobody should ever do this" kind of way. I firmly believe that every writer can do what they want in their story. It's just a preference for me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Jayde. Surprise :D
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I am incredibly, excessively proud of Kindle and char, my pirate fic. I honestly think the concept is great and it turned out very close to what I wanted. It's the longest story I've written and I had so much fun doing it.
Tagging, very close pressure, but if you'd like to jump in @nonbinaryjaybird @notherdeadrobin
0 notes
siarrawrites · 4 years
Rating Various Star Wars Curses
a guide w much real swearing, inspired by a midnight convo with @kckenobi​
crink/crinking -- what the actual fuck is this supposed to be. Who came up with this??? We’re only a few letters away from ‘crinkled’ or even ‘tinkled’, god. No self respecting Space Adult is going to use this.---  -2/10 pls try again
sithspit-- a classic. can be found everywhere in fic. kind of sounds like you’re hissing, which the sith would probably appreciate actually. (do normal space ppl use this or is it just a jedi thing tho bc most star wars citizens dont seem to know abt the sith???) --- 9/10 very sssssssmooth
holy sith!-- again with the sith?? ok i guess. a pretty good alternative to ‘holy shit’ but lacks the pazzazz of sithspit which is 10x more fun to say ---6/10 reliable but uninspired
frizz/frizzled -- what is this, the magic school-bus? I love Ms. Frizzle with all my heart of course, which is why im disturbed by seeing her name used as an approximation of fucked (it kinda sounds like jizz too which I HATEE). I can maybe see it as a kiddie swear like frick though. ---3/10 what the frizz is this
dwang-- ...kind of strange but you know what I’ll accept it --5/10 haha dwang the rock johnson
e chu ta-- a solid fuck you. definitely sounds like a space language, and has a nice ring to it when said with passion. works for characters ages 9-->999, thank you kiddie anakin for this gem. --10/10, ‘a fine addition to my collection!!’
sleemo-- sounds like the word ‘sleazy’ and for once the real word association does it a favor. You hear this and just KNOW what kind of person it describes. ---8/10 honestly huttese curses can get it
farkled-- ...this is the name of a fucking dice game. also it sounds nasty                --0/10 get sued pls 
blast-- idk if this is actually a star wars curse or an irl thing, but it absolutely should be. you got BLASTers for cripes sake this shit writes itself -- 10/10 it just makes sense honey
son of a blaster-- ok we get it guns aren’t a thing in space. except they are. sob is great i guess but consider son of a slugthrower boom alliteration plus badass space guns lets go boys ---7/10 alliteration is key
kark/karking-- amazing. inspired. beautiful. I regularly forget this isn’t an actual thing and use it in everyday life. gotta love the hard consonants she is cathartic as kark to use. -- 50/10 she just hits different ok
kriff/kriffing-- basically ‘frick’. Actually sounds like a kid-ification of kark and I just really admire that about her. 10/10 all the cool initiates say kriff
bantha poodoo-- the one that started this whole discussion. listen, this is fine when you’re 9 year old anakin skywalker and say ‘yippee’ unironically but for anyone else this is just embarrassing -- 2/10 ok if you’re baby i guess
skrog/skrogging-- at first I was gonna rate this one low bc it sounds weird and is a synonym for fuck (which just ain’t it). but then I thought about it and realized that if you replace bantha poodoo with bantha skrog you actually have a somewhat decent word for space shit. --- 6/10 we done figured it out boys 
snark/snarking-- this is already a real word. why are you stealing actual live words out of the english dictionary sir that’s  i l l e g a l  --- 0/10 for plagiarism
druk-- a solid replacement for shit, and more serious than skrog (though bantha skrog sounds better than bantha druk imo). gotta love those consonants, and a ‘drukload’ of problems is a phrase that just works. 9/10 will always be there for you
krong-- I just... I dont... know? How i feel abt this. reminds me of king kong donkey kong AND kronk from emperors new groove. maybe thats my own brains fault but also where does this work?? ‘dont krong things up’ just use kark? ‘bantha krong’ just use skrog or druk. In conclusion? --4/10 ok but you can do better
schuta-- we’re branching out folks! finally, a twi’leki curse. she’s catchy and  very fun to say, but it does mean slut, and we respect women in this household. If you wanna make a very despicable character say it though it will help make us all want to beat ‘em up :) ---5/10 all women are QUEENS george
vape/vaping-- ... ill give u a pass bc I dont think vaping was a thing when this word was made, but this straight up doesn’t work in the blessed decade of 2020 ---1/10 you’re on thin fucking ice
shab/shabuir-- not to be confused w ‘shebs’ which is just mandalorian booty, this is mandalorian shit. Sounds like a real word, is mandalorian which automatically makes everything 10x more legit, and has that lovely insult variation! ---7/10 truly some shit I can get behind (heh)
vong-- we don’t mention the y**zhan v*ng in this household --- -∞/10 legends can get right tf outta here
shavit-- friends, I had to look this one up to make sure it wasn’t actually a real swear word. I think I’ve picked this one up through osmosis reading fic bc I’ve definitely used this in real life. that’s quality folks. --- 10000+/10, will unironically say this from now on
KC, I cried laughing at some of these I truly dont know where they come up with this stuff. 
there’s a lot more where these came from but i didnt feel like doing all of them, heres the link tho , knock yourselves out
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imperiuswrecked · 2 years
What do you think is the right amount of knowledge on comics to start writing fanfiction about particular characters? I want to write about a lot of Marvel things, but I'm afraid that I will get the characterization wrong. I'd like to make content for others, but I don't want to dissappoint them, or god forbid, make someone angry.
If I don't want to go deep diving into a character the minimum I'll read is their wiki, comic on their origins, and at least 10-20 issues of a comic they star in as lead (this is important, seeing a character in a minor or support role will be different than seeing them leading the story) and try to find out what point in time I'm going to set the fic. I feel getting the voice of the character right is more important than knowing every minor detail bc if they don't sound authentic or close to the character then details won't help if a writer chooses to ignore them.
Unlike movies, comics have a vast playground to pick from to choose when you want to set your timeline. I could literally write nothing but 90s or silver age set fics and never need to touch anything else because comics leave so much "What if?" room.
I personally like to read everything I can get my hands on before I start writing something long bc it's just how I do things. Though I like writing short fics to get a feel for the character. Or if I just want to see some smut or angst or fluff.
I think most people will be happy to have any content of their fave but at least getting the basics down is important to me.
1. Defining features?
2. Weaknesses? Strengths?
3. Motivation/origin story?
4. Character flaws?
5. Important connections?
6. Character traits?
There are easy comic reading guides to help. The worst thing a comic fanfic writer can do is simply "swap out" characters and put in stuff that makes no sense for the character to do or something another character would have done. There is alot of variations on characters over the years but it's up to the writer to decide what's important for their fic.
Remember to be mindful of racism/stereotypes which occur in comics alot and don't let bad comic writing influence your views on a character.
These are just some tips to help but if you find it overwhelming then just write whatever you please.
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sukirichi · 3 years
heeeey do you have any advice for newbie writers?
writing advice for newbies!
disclaimer: the advice i’m going to give (funnily enough) is not something that i always personally do. i’ve been writing both fiction and non-fiction for years, i only came to tumblr because i wasn’t satisfied with how i kept pressuring myself to write “high literature” after gaining awards and recognition for my stories. my fanfiction here in this blog...it’s unrefined, definitely not what i used to write before because i’m a lot less serious about it and i’m just writing freely. but the advice i’ll list below is personally some stuff that has helped me a lot in my entire writing journey! Some are technical, some are personal! down below will also list some tumblr related writing advice! 
1. Keep writing! No one is born a great writer. Before I actually started publishing/posting my stories, I remember I spent at least five years writing the most random crap just so I can get a feel for what my style is. Plus, the more you do things repeatedly, it’ll come eventually like second nature to you and you’ll find the words are flowing. Keep writing, keep writing, keep writing! Even if you’re not satisfied with your first work, that’s okay, just keep going on!
2. Be mindful of what tense you’re using. NOW I KNOW I DON’T REALLY FOLLOW THIS BUT THAT’S BECAUSE I DON’T EDIT MY FICS LMAO, but you could totally do this! So in writing, we have “voices.” The narration will always use tenses of whether the entire story will be past tense or present tense and it’s important this remains consistent in your entire story. This one is TECHNICAL, this just help improves the flow and formality of your story. As for me though, I don’t really care about the tenses anymore because like I said, I just write freely with no regards for “creative writing techniques.” an example of past tense is: Suki jumped to Naoya’s arms. “My love!” she called, wrapping her arms around him. (RIP EXAMPLES) and present tense is: Suki jumps to Naoya’s arms. “My love!” she calls and wraps her arms around him. (this could be real flexible tho, this is just an example ehehehe)
3. Be mindful of dialogue tags! There’s a huge difference between putting periods and commas after dialogues. Like for example, “Suki loves Naoya,” she declared. If it’s followed by an action, the comma is best. Or example, Suki said, “I really love Naoya.” If the statement can stand alone, then it can be “Suki really loves Naoya./I really love Naoya.” There’s better explanations here! And one more thing, you should put the commas/periods inside the quotation marks. There’s more variations/explanations here but generally, this way of writing,,,example: “Suki really loves Naoya”, LIKE??? if it’s a dialogue, put the commas/periods inside the quotation marks.
4. PARAGRAPH BREAKS. I cannot stress this enough. There should be a variety in the sizes of your paragraphs. Long paragraphs should be followed by smaller ones, varied with medium paragraphs and then so and so forth. There’s no formal sequence that it should be LONG – MEDIUM – SHORT – MEDIUM – LONG, writing is flexible, just make sure you’re varying the lengths because reading long, chunky paragraphs with no end is equally annoying as reading paragraphs that are always 1-2 sentences and then a paragraph break.
5. Outline, outline, outline! Whether it’s long fics or short ones (excluding drabbles, I don’t think you need them that much) outlines will help you have a more solid feel of your story, and you can easily track your story flow when you have your ideas plotted out. or me, my outlines is in the form of Dialogue Outline, where I write out all the dialogues first so my pages will be just conversations then I’ll add the monologues/actions later. That’s personally what works for me, you can discover your own writing style <3
6. Research! Now this is pretty funny for me to say this because I don’t really do research, at least not the “how to effectively write this type of role” or whatever. Of course it’s better if you try to learn more about the concept you’re going to write about (like if you wanna do a vampire AU then read Twiligh – JK THAT’S A BAD REFERENCE, SORRY NOT SORRY, love the memes tho!) or you can do my own way of researching, which is reading other people’s fanfics! Not only do you get a vibe of how this character is like, but you also get to support other content creators!
7. You don’t need verbs all the time. Sometimes I see stories wherein ALL dialogues have “said” “screamed” “explained” on EACH line and here’s the key: as long as the readers can understand which character is speaking, you don’t need dialogue cues all the time. 
8. PUT THE KEEP READING TAB. I cannot stress this enough, but please put the keep reading tab. Drabbles are fine without them, but if it exceeds maybe 400 words then you’re going to need that. Sure, it’s easy to scroll past a long text, but some fics are super long and without the keep reading tab that it can be quite a hassle to whoever sees it.
9. Have your own writing safe space. Now this could be more personal than technical, but I absolutely cannot write or focus when I’m in a public space or when I’m being bothered. So if you want to write, SHUT THE WORLD OUT and dive deep into your imaginations, let the noise of your fantasies be louder than distractions.
10. Take your time! I guess that would be my best advice. You don’t have to rush anything at all, and one more thing, DO NOT OVERTHINK! Maybe this is just me but I honestly don’t really try to dive too deep in the technicalities anymore :// I’ve been in Creative Writing class for years and it stressed me out that my writing teachers always told me “not to use big words because no one will understand that” or “don’t try to paint the picture too clearly because not everyone has that big of an imagination” and I was like ISN’T THAT THE POINT THOUGH, TO MAKE PEOPLE IMAGINE THINGS? but yeah anyways, maybe this is just me again, but I find that I write better when I’m not overthinking too much on how to write a “perfect” story. I don’t always have the prettiest words to use. I don’t always have the most intricate plot. I don’t always have the most poetic content that is “inspiring” or “moving.” Sometimes I write stupid shit that has no plot at all, and that’s okay. Just write whatever you want tbh, I’d say my biggest advice is to not worry too much about having the “perfect” story. It’s still great to do research and want to improve your writing skills, but hmm...I guess I’d say the most important thing is that you enjoy what you do!
11. “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” – Ernest Hemingway. This is one of my favourite quotes because it’s true, writing is both complicated and simple, but as for me, writing is something that I don’t want to stress too much about. There isn’t really an actual right or wrong, there isn’t a law, just some techniques that could help you improve, but at the end of the day, it should be about the steady state of progress or the “creation flow” that matters the most. Just write, that’s it. You’ll get there eventually and you’ll start creating magic before you know it. Just let the words flow and build, worry about quality later when you edit it. Or you know, if you’re lazy like me, just post it when you’re done LMAO. really though the BEST advice is to enjoy the process and not stress too much about it!
here is a previous ask i answered that may be of help too! 
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thran-duils · 3 years
Thran-duils’ heavily encouraged dark!character writing challenge
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I’ve wanted to host a writing/prompt challenge for a long time but I’ve always been too nervous (it’s a perpetual thing lmao). Well, I am taking the dive! Rules and all the information below the cut!
Credit to @santacarlahorrorshow for the lovely header! <3
1. This challenge is 18+. Seriously, don’t be a dick and ignore this rule.
2. Following that, all characters and reader insert are to be 18+
3. I really, really, really encourage dark!characters or dark!reader or both (soft!dark, dark, heavy!dark) for this but they do not have to be if that makes you uncomfortable. A lot of these prompts are going to be leaning towards dark but there are ways to not utilize them that way I’m sure!
4. These fics are to be reader insert.
5. Fandoms accepted are: Supernatural, Marvel, The Walking Dead, and Lord of the Rings verse (I’m begging for some Thranduil here lmao no shame).
6. All characters welcome! But please do not use real life actors for this!
7. Please do not write beastiality. That’s really the only thing I’m gonna be like “plz don’t” kink about.
8. The fics for this must be new, not adding to an already existing story. They can be drabbles, one shots, or a starting chapter for a new series.
9. I went back and forth about this but I think I am not going to put a limit on how many people can choose a prompt. This may come back to backfire on me but one prompt just might be popular and it would be fun to see what variations can come from it!
10. Send me an ask with your prompt you would like and character/s. I will tag you next to the prompt.
11. If you need to back out of the challenge, send me a DM and I will remove you. Things happen!
12. Make sure to tag your fics appropriately if they are dark! Not only does this help people avoid triggers but also you’ve done your due diligence to tell people to gtfo and if they don’t, well, then that’s on them.
13. You do not need to be following me to participate!
14. Please tag the fics as #thranduilswritingchallenge and also tag me to make sure I see it!
15. For lyrics and quotes, please use them in the fic! If there’s breaks in the lyric, feel free to break it up in the fic though. Situations are for encouragement. I did edit one lyric, Olivia O’Brien. I put the songs next to the lyrics in case you want to listen to the song.
16. The deadline for this challenge is September 4, 2021. I will make a masterpost and I will post it either 9/5 or 9/6!
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Lyric Prompts
01. “You right, I got my guy. But I, I can’t help it, I want you” (You Right by Doja Cat)
02. “Good girls don’t cry and good girls don’t lie” (Good Girls by CHVRCHES)
03. “But you keep breaking me apart” (Fabric by Half Waif)
04. “Dance like you’re not a liar” (Last Night of an Empire by Imogen Heap) 05. “Two nights in a row, now I know that it’s broken” (Two Nights by Lykke Li) 06. “I want my ring back, baby, that’s a diamond” (Violent by carolesdaughter) 07. “I’ll show you how revenge can taste so sweet” (King by Lilith Czar) 08. “It’s certified, I’m not the nice one” (The Devil by Banks) 09. “Learn to take a hint. I thought I fucking told [you]” (No More Friends by Olivia O’Brien) 10. “What have you been doing? Don’t forget I am your home” (Purge the Poison by MARINA) --> @phantomwarrior12 (Dark!Gabriel) 11. “If I ever gave you a good reason to say goodbye I would regret it” (Getaway by VINCINT) 12. “Find your way back to my bed again” (Tulsa Jesus Freak by Lana Del Rey)
13. “Stop defending me, we’ll go down together” (Night Sway by Dance Gavin Dance)
14. “Don’t apologize for things you really felt” (Love Somebody Else by lovelytheband)
15. “Feeling stuck is fucking up my sanity” (All Your Love by Sir Sly)
16. “You’re so perfect from the outside. I stalked and studied away” (Who I Am by Code Orange)
17. “I used to know you. I never got you back” (Sideways by The Anix)
18. “You show up when I’m all alone” (Numb by Kiiara)
19. “Look out the window, see what you could’ve had” (Weird Leisure by Biffy Clyro)
20. “I hope that I mean it. Doubt it, right? Yeah, so do I” (AWOL by Every Time I Die)
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Quote Prompts
01. “Hold out your tongue.”
02. “Can you keep a secret?”
03. “Temper, temper…”
04. “I don’t really feel like fighting.”
05. “Loving you was the most exquisite form of self destruction.” – David Jones
06. “Why are there weapons in my bathroom?”
07. “Go to hell!” “And leave you here all alone?”
08. “I love you.” “Don’t do that to yourself.”
09. “Here. Hold my morals.” --> @shadowshamrock (Dark!Sam Winchester)
10. “Hungry dogs are never loyal.” --> @mdemontespan1667​ (Dark!Jake Jensen)
11. “The girl I’ve heard so much about.”
12. “I was protecting you!”
13. “Just because you’re speaking in a different language doesn’t mean I don’t know you’re cursing me out.”
14. “Oh, don’t blame them. They did their best to try to kill me.”
15. “I don’t know how I would survive without you.”
16. “The whole world thinks you’re dead.”
17. “I wanted to see how you are doing.”
18. “How do we keep getting into these situations?”
19. “You stay awake, do you hear me?”
20. “I’ll hunt you down if I have to.”
21. “Do we have to do this game all over again?”
22. “I said I would be here when you need it.” ( @dollslayer​ -- Dark!Steve Rogers)
23. “You’re quite possibly the worst liar on Earth.”
25. “What is so urgent that you had to wake me up at 2:30am?”
26. “You know if you had just listened to me, we wouldn’t be in this situation!”
27.  “Could you stop being an asshole for just a moment?”
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Situation prompts
01. Reader accidentally stumbles upon character burying body and is kidnapped to keep them from talking.
02. Dom!Reader denies character multiple orgasms
03. Reader is a hired assassin and does not expect their target to thwart them with their own skills.
04. Reader and character stranded on the side of the road, night is coming.
05. Reader is ignoring character’s advances and character decides to break into their home to set up a romantic dinner.
06. Winter vacation with reader and character.
07. Mutual masturbation
08. Stormy night and the power goes out. Reader and character find a way to entertain themselves.
09. Reader keeps finding things missing from their apartment and eventually finds out who is taking them.
10. Reader and/or character are in an established relationship with someone else. Unfortunately for them, sex pollen gets in the mix. And oops, one of them let it out on purpose!
11. Reader is a in a dom/sub relationship with character. Ignores dom’s orders to not go out for the night and faces the punishment when they come home.
12. Uniform change turns into something naughty.
13. Reader runs into character, who happens to be their ex that they ghosted.
14. College AU where Reader is an RA and one of their residents is hell bent on getting them to break the rules.
15. Reader goes to the cops with evidence that character is stalking them.
16. Reader being hunted by character (or even more fun, characters!).
17. Pregnant sex
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Remember to have fun!!!
Tagging some people who may be interested in participating (please do not feel obligated!!): @sherrybaby14 @shadowshamrock @greenappleeyes @mcudarklibrary @mcnegan @afanofmanystuffs
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amaltheaz · 3 years
Fic writer review
I was tagged to do this by @spaceman-earthgirl. Thanks friend! ❤️
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
42, the meaning of life!
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
393,301 (pretty sure most of that was from my faberry fic lmao)
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
AO3 tells me 9 which feels... false 😂
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
did you mean it (when you said i was pretty)
pick a blossom and hold it to your breast (honey, you know that's my love bursting loud from inside)
our skin are silver shadows reflecting all the stars
we are one under a star
the altitude is dangerous but we ain't going home
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
I do! Sometimes it takes me awhile to respond but I do, even if it is just to say "thank you". I know how hard leaving comments can be, even when all you can think of to say is "thank you for writing/I look forward to the next chapter/etc" and I guess I always want to acknowledge that. It also helps me to recognize the readers that continue to come back and comment, even when there's so much time in between my updates.
The times I don't reply is when I see the same reader having commented on multiple stories so I'll reply to their latest to thank them for all the other comments (unless there's something story-specific that needed replying).
Oh! Also when the comment is particularly frustrating, which is rare, but it happens.
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending.
Ummm, the fic where I wrote reactions to Kara's fall after fighting Reign was pretty angsty I feel (I still remember @youngbloodbuzz telling me to go to jail 😂)
Another one would have been the one where I wrote of Kara and Alex going back home to Midvale in the time that Alex had the mind-wipe. That was particularly sad, I feel.
This tumblr prompt I filled for @pippytmi awhile ago was also deliciously angsty
7. Do you write crossovers?
I do! I've written Glee/South of Nowhere, Supergirl/LoT, Supergirl/Wonder Woman. Does Agents of SHIELD/MCU count as a crossover even though it's technically just a tv/movie crossover?? I'm counting it anyway, haha
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
I've thankfully been lucky enough not to get direct hate on a fic. I have gotten unnecessary comments, if that counts, most of which are usually in some variation of "I headcanon this character to be a bottom and I don't like that you made them a top" which has happened across TWO different fandoms.
9. Do you write smut?
I write a lot of flut (fluffy smut) though I have to say that after fwb au, I'm taking a break from the smut 'cause I'm all smut out y'all 😂
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, not that I know of anyway.
11. Ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Only in my dreams 😂
13. All time fav ship?
Oof, all time? That's a toughie. It's a toss-up between faberry and supercorp
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Too many, absolutely too many wips.
15. Writing strengths?
I work a lot and very hard on getting into a character's head. Since I like writing within canon, it's something I do often. There's a restricti...veness (is that a word? It is right? 😂) in working only with what you're given which can be a fun writing exercise. I think you learn a lot about yourself when you can so completely access another person's psyche... which I feel sounds weird but it has always worked for me, haha.
16. Writing weaknesses?
I would love to work more on building stronger plots within a story, more of everything else that exists outside of romance stories. I love having lived in the world of writing romance fics but I want to dive into a different world.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
Good??? I'm not too sure what this is trying to ask me, haha. If the scene calls for it, I'd happily write in a different language.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
I'm pretty sure it was Hannah Montana. Those were the days, haha.
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far?
Please don't ask me to choose one of my children 😂 I love them all in such different shades, it wouldn't be right to pick.
Let's see. I'ma tag @idontneedtobeforgiven, @myheartisbro-ken, @youngbloodbuzz, @swashbucklery and @cyclone-rachel.
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