#04 Casey
koolaidashley · 1 month
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Love is…….visually impaired !!! 😁
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chaos-potat · 6 days
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I drew some Jonatello, this is tmnt 04 by my bestest buddy ol pal @koolaidashley
Yeah, I know the hoodie probably wouldn't actually fit over his shell, I already drew it tho sooooo
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drawnaghht · 4 months
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Lineups and outfit ideas for my TMNT x USAGI mega-crossover! Pt 1!
Heyo! so this was done a while ago (summer and a bit of autumn) but I wasn't in the mood to post it yet as I was very busy this past year.
Here we have: Gen, Chizu, Kitsune and Usagi in undercover outfit ideas for when they find themselves in New York city in 2023, where they're found out by a few strange older turtles... and some of the 2003 cast from 2023! Don't worry, I have another sheet for Mikey and Donnie, they are not absent from this crossover :)
Hope you enjoy! These were very fun to draw and put together :) I'm particularly proud of that Gen and Kitsune!
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cbsidian · 2 years
→ Casey → @antiiromanticx​​​​
                 THINGS BETWEEN CASEY and Blake were now probably the most simple they had ever been, but she knew that wasn’t necessarily the best for them. She had asked him for space, and he had given her exactly that. Their relationship had been put on pause and during that time they allowed themselves to figure out how to co-parent in the best way they possibly could. But other than that, Blake wasn’t entirely sure what to call him other than Ollie’s father. A friend? An ex? That question still remained unanswered, and tightly wrapped in a box. 
“Hey you.” she greeted Casey with a warm smile. “I know you’re working tonight but, I haven’t seen you crack a smile once.” Blake teased gently. “C’mon, what’s on your mind?”  
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its-been-rose · 15 days
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So I spent like 2 hours on this
Anyways, let me explain:
Methodology: to make this map I watched an unedited playthrough of the game and marked down how long it took to get from one scripted event to the next. I then inserted in the known times/save points the game gives you at certain intervals. I then calculated at what time each event would take place given how long the game takes to actually play, and then put those numbers to correspond with the actual in- game clock. All times marked with a ~ are approximate.
What I found:
The game is actually pretty much in real time, with some exceptions. There are some timeskips. If you’re playing a speedrun, you’re gonna come in at like 3:30, and the game ends roughly at 4 am ish. This means that if you do everything super fast and don’t waste any time, the game timeskips about half an hour here and there. I tried to account for these timeskips where they occur in my map like adding two minutes when Roddy’s song is skipped. Some sections also take a bit longer than the in-game time. For example, the time from Maurice to Virginia to Eugene to Murphy is much longer irl than it is in-universe, meaning no matter who is doing what kill, they are BOOKING IT from victim to victim.
Who did what: so my choices of who did what kill rely on two things: one, proximity to the confirmed kills/scripted events, and two, my own personal headcanons for who did which. I will now put the game’s timeline in order as well as who did what. Please keep in mind anything happening within KFAM like ponty’s calls or the little Peggy q and an after Maurice or Forrest being the rizz king to Sandra are not included.
~11:40 pm: sheriff Matthews is killed (Marie) (I didn’t put an actual time on the map for this because i don’t know if it’s right or not but in my HEAD, Marie started her attack at George’s TOD)
~11:55 pm: whatever the opening cutscene is (Henry)
~12:04 am: Leslie is attacked (Marie)
-Marie recovers from being shot at by the Sherriff and tased by leslie
~12:25 am: Sandra is attacked (Marie) (Sandra’s excact location is unknown but I put her by what is presumably a parking lot by the football field near the river running route.) (Sandra is not seen getting into her car because Marie takes a longer time to actually get into the parking lot due to being injured)
~12:25 am: Henry slashes the fire engine tires and makes his way up to Maurice.
~12:47 am: Maurice reports a break in (Henry)
-Henry is locked in the archive for like 10 minutes
-Marie drops off the tape on her way to get Henry
-when she breaks him out, they hear Murphy acting a fool, but Marie tells henry to stick to his current target before going up to the maze.
~1:20 am: Marie calls Virginia because she has the phone and sends Henry on his way (Virginia’s location is also unknown so I just guessed)
~1:35 am: Henry goes to attack Virginia but is scared off by the frat. Immediately books it to Murphy.
~1:40 am: Eugene is attacked (Marie)
-marie, on her way to the graveyard, sees the teens going to the murder house and watches
~1:53 am: Murphy is attacked (Henry)
-Marie sees the prank unfolding and slips into the group
~2:15 am: the teens are attacked (Marie)
-Marie spends a few minutes at the graveyard visiting George and recovering from getting a bookshelf tipped over on top of her
~2:32 am: Forrest spots the whistling man outside KFAM when going to retrieve LRH (Henry)
~2:43 am: Marie and Henry meet outside the gas station to regroup (optional? Idk)
~2:45 am: the bomb is detonated (Marie)
-Henry goes back to KFAM to hang out outside as the last victims are personal to his mother.
~3:10 am: Ricky is attacked (Marie)
~3:18 am: Jason is stabbed in the woods (Marie)
~3:25 am: Casey calls KFAM now inside her house
-Marie kidnaps Teddy on her way to the school gym
~3:45 am: Henry enters KFAM and locks Forrest in the producer booth
~3:46 am: Interview with Teddy begins (Marie)
~3:58 am: Peggy confronts Marie
Thoughts? Do you agree or disagree? What would you change? Do you think this was a complete waste of my Sunday evening? I’d love to hear your thoughts!!
*edited to add: I changed Virginias location to make at least a little more sense lol
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tecontos · 1 month
Nosso segredo. (lesb)
By; Carol
Me chamo Carol, tenho 26 anos e sou casada.
Sempre tive uma educação rígida, séria e familiar. Casei “moça” e nunca pisei fora da faixa!
Aos 24 anos fui estagiar numa farmácia de manipulação. Com todos aqueles homens me devorando com os olhos, senti que seria melhor me aproximar de Patrícia, uma das bio-químicas do local, incrivelmente linda e muito desejada por todos.
Às vezes ficávamos sozinhas até tarde na loja conferindo produtos, notas fiscais, pedidos, essas coisas. A cada dia que passava, Patrícia tornava-se mais gentil e carinhosa comigo até que nos tornamos confidentes.
Num dia desses caiu um chuva monstruosa, um dilúvio! Telefonei para casa avisando que não teria como voltar e o meu marido, um valentão troglodita, avisou que iria me buscar! Só que seu cérebro não se desenvolveu igual seus músculos: com o carro coberto com a enchente vai ficou um bom tempo andando a pé. Sem problemas, afinal ferraduras não custam caro!
Assim que o animal retornou a ligação dizendo que estava ilhado, falei com Patrícia que teria que ficar lá. Ela pegou um papel e escreveu:
“Leia com cuidado! Aqui tem câmeras em todos os lugares, exceto no banheiro.”
Não entendi aquilo mas o recado foi dado. Continuamos nosso trabalho normalmente!
Poucas horas depois já dava para sair da loja. Patrícia falou:
- “Deve estar tudo engarrafado, não tem jeito de ir embora! É melhor irmos para um hotel”.
Aceitei prontamente. Há poucos quarteirões havia um e chegando lá pedimos um quarto com duas camas de solteiro. Patrícia foi para o chuveiro e não demorou muito. Depois, minha vez!
Ao sair do banheiro tomei um susto enorme: Patrícia estava nua na cama se masturbando com a carinha mais inocente do mundo. Fique petrificada. Eu não queria que ela percebesse mas aquilo me deu um tesão tão grande que a minha buceta estava até latejando. E o coração, a mil! Eu nunca tinha ficado com uma mulher…
Com maior inocência falei: - “quer ajuda?”
- Chupe meios seios!
E assim o fiz! Ah, que delícia!
- Quero chupar tua língua, agora!
Aquilo estava tão divertido que a essa altura já estávamos nuas e nos deliciando. Quando ela passou a língua quente no meu cuzinho, pensei:
“É hoje!”…
Tomei coragem e chupei a buceta deliciosa que estava ali, totalmente à minha disposição. Até então nunca tinha sequer beijado a boca de uma mulher mas aquele licor quentinho era delicioso, uma verdadeira pôrra dos deuses. A gente se beijava, dávamos chicotadas de língua e então ela me fez algo delicioso: mordeu levemente meu dedão do pé enquanto apertava meus mamilos. Foi maravilhoso. Cada segundo de carícias me tornariam cada vez mais mulher!
Fizemos chave de pernas, abraços, beijos, mordidinhas no pescoço e o mais gostoso: escutá-la me chamando de “putinha, vagabunda, safada, piranha, vadia…” enquanto sussurrava nos meus ouvidos.
Orgasmos? Era um atrás do outro onde sorvíamos com satisfação de cada gotinha que saía de nossas bucetas apaixonadas. Depois, fomos para o banho. Aí foi outro capítulo…
Juntamos as duas camas e dormimos juntinhas, peladas, abraçadas e …felizes!!!
Fizemos juras de amor eterno! No trabalho e na família somos discretas mas entre 04 paredes somos duas amantes famintas.
Temos dois anos de namoro. E também temos nosso mundinho particular: alugamos uma kitinet para nossos encontros libidinosos onde gozamos com frequência.
E ninguém sabe disso...
Enviado ao Te Contos por Carol
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hermit-searching · 5 days
Terrible Casey Jones HCs (from a hockey fan):
87 Casey:
-it actually makes sense this guy wears the old style hockey mask since the fiberglass helmets with face cages were only starting to become popular in the 80s. Friday the 13th also came out in the 80s so he totally uses the face hugger mask for those reasons.
-he literally only met the turtles twice so I think it'd be funny if he just. forgot they existed. like "who are you small weird cosplaying kids"
-he'd probably be loyal to the Rangers because the Islanders play too close to Jersey. no he isn't bitter the Islanders were better, shut up!
-mans built like a football player, he wouldn't play. he just has the equipment to be a menace.
03 Casey:
- both him and Raph are devastated during the 04-05 lockout. it's the hardest battle they've ever fought.
-Leo: what about all the times we fought the Shredder and almost died?
Raph and Casey: the lockout was harder.
-that man shares his entire half of a braincell with Raphael /affectionate
-he would pound his fist into the table seeing the Devil's go to the Finals in 2000, 01 and 03.
-he probably genuinely forgot Anaheim is owned by Disney.
-he WILL complain during off-season. There are 0 worthy sports to watch from June to October.
12 Casey:
-oh you thought he was a Rangers fan? Maybe the Islanders? Buffalo? nah he's a Bruins fan.
-despite being afraid of rats his favourite player is Marchand.
-he ABSOLUTELY got into Reddit arguments with Vancouver fans in 2011.
-probably the only Casey that has actually played hockey. bro has the missing front teeth drip
-he wanted to be goalie so bad but the second he stepped out wearing the face hugger they said no and made him a winger.
-he lost his front teeth because he doesn't wear a cage.
-he not only forgot Anaheim was owned by Disney, he forgot they existed. he only remembered because they won the Cup in 07.
Casey Jr:
-i like the concept he learns to play hockey after the Invasion but I think he'd get ragdolled around by the people his age. yeah he can kill a Krang with one hand. but he's so stringy and spindly that he'd get knocked over by accident while on skates
-Casey Sr teaches him how to skate, but the first time he tries he immediately faceplants because he never learned what ice is.
-none of the Rise characters have hockey fan vibes. like, they all like basketball (even if Donnie pretends not to know anything about it) Raph likes wrestling and football. Leo would have a shrine dedicated to Michael Jordan, and that's about it. Mikey probably would watch anything his brothers put on. hockey is still very much a white person's sport, we don't have many POC players in the League so it doesn't appeal as much to POC as other sports like basketball, football, or baseball which are more diverse. All this to say Casey wouldn't know there's a pro-league until he stumbles upon it on TV one night.
-he's probably not into it the way the other Casey's are but he'll casually watch a game if there's one on.
-I don't see Casey having many interests for a while post-invasion because his entire life was basically surviving the apocalypse. He'll learn to appreciate the small things gradually.
-he would probably pick up on Leo's....appreciation...for Michael Jordan though lol
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disneytva · 3 months
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February 2024 Programming Highlights
Friday, Feb. 2 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction “Pizza-struction/Baby Builders” (1-18) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EST on Disney Channel/9:00-9:30 a.m. EST on Disney Junior) “Pizza-struction” – The Pupstruction Crew helps Chef Bonetelli make a giant pizza for a big bunny birthday party!
“Baby Builders” – Pupstruction needs to create a daycare center fun enough to keep baby builders busy! TV-Y
Original Series – Season Two Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “The Great Beyond-er!” (2-01) (8:00-8:30 p.m. EST) When Moon Girl and The Beyonder become stranded on a desolate alien planet, the two set out to find a rumored black hole in hopes of getting home. *Edward James Olmos (“Battlestar Galactica”) guest stars as Molecule Man, and Laurence Fishburne (“The Matrix” trilogy) returns as The Beyonder. TV-Y7 FV
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “Suit Up!” (2-02) (8:30-9:00 p.m. EST) When Lunella tries to juice up her new super suit, she goes overboard and accidentally “juices up” a dangerous desert scorpion. *Jackée Harry (“Sister, Sister”) guest stars as Merle, and Ann Harada (“Avenue Q”) guest stars as Matsuye. TV-Y7 FV
Saturday, Feb. 3 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Kiff “Fun Uncle Pat/Kiff Escape!” (1-29) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EST) “Fun Uncle Pat” – Kiff’s favorite uncle visits.
“Kiff Escape!” – Kiff and the crew must solve an escape room. TV-Y7
Friday, Feb. 9 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Firebuds “Balancing Act/Monster Truck Piston” (2-14) (12:00-12:30 p.m. EST on Disney Channel/9:55-10:25 a.m. EST on Disney Junior) “Balancing Act” – Violet tries to impress her visiting birth mom, a circus acrobat. *Lea Salonga (“Mulan”) guest stars as Yolanda Yamada.
“Monster Truck Piston” – Piston gets new monster truck tires and helps the Firebuds stop a theft. *Adam Pally (“Happy Endings”) guest stars as Diamond Diesel Dave. TV-Y
Saturday, Feb. 10 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Kiff “Beach Day/Sun’s Out Buns Out” (1-30) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EST) “Beach Day” – Barry and the Chatterleys go to the beach.
“Sun’s Out Buns Out” – Barry learns to swim. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “Belly of the Beast” (2-03) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EST) When Devil Dinosaur eats a dangerous Moon Girl gadget, Lunella and Casey must shrink themselves to retrieve it. TV-Y7 FV
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “Ride or Die” (2-04) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EST) When Moon Girl must transport Quickwhip to S.H.I.E.L.D., keeping the criminal in custody becomes harder than she imagined. *Robin Thede (“A Black Lady Sketch Show”) guest stars as Quickwhip, Carol Kane  (Star Trek: Strange New Worlds) guest stars as Bube Bina and Cobie Smulders (Marvel’s “The Avengers” franchise) returns as Agent Hill. TV-Y7 FV
Wednesday, Feb. 14 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures “AfterShock/Feather Frenzy” (1:00-1:30 p.m. EST on Disney Channel and Disney XD/11:40 a.m.-12:10 p.m. EST on Disney Junior) “AfterShock” – The Jedi help a prince serve his people.
“Feather Frenzy” – Large creatures take over the landing pad at Nash’s garage. TV-Y
Friday, Feb. 16 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures “Best Friends/Happy Trails, Nubs” (1:00-1:30 p.m. EST on Disney Channel and Disney XD/11:40 a.m.-12:10 p.m. EST on Disney Junior) “Best Friends” – Kai and Nubs team up for a training exercise
“Happy Trails, Nubs” – Lys and Kai must rescue Nubs from the Ganguls. TV-Y
Saturday, Feb. 17 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “Kid Kree” (2-05) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EST) Moon Girl’s rivalry with a new teenage super-foe, Kid Kree, threatens her budding friendship with his human alter ego, Marvin. *Xolo Maridueña (“Cobra Kai”) guest stars as Mel-Varr, and Andy Gracia (“The Godfather Part III”) guest stars as Pad-Varr. TV-Y7 FV
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “Wish-Tar” (2-07) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EST) When The Beyonder gives an arcade machine the ability to grant wishes, Lunella is pumped to use it. *Ephraim Sykes (Broadway’s “Hamilton”) guest stars as Bobby the Myth, and Laurence Fishburne (“The Matrix” trilogy) returns as The Beyonder. TV-Y7 FV
Friday, Feb. 23 Original Series – Season Three Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Funhouse “Chickie Boo-Boo, Where Are You?/Playground Heroes!” (3-01) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EST on Disney Channel/9:30-10:00 a.m. EST on Disney Junior) “Chickie Boo-Boo, Where Are You?” – Mickey, Minnie and their pals picnic with Willie and Chickie Boo-Boo.
 “Playground Heroes!” – Clarabelle invites the gang and their gnome friends to help build the Herotropolis playground. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures “The Tale of the Short Spire/The Team Up” (1:00-1:30 p.m. EST on Disney Channel and Disney XD/11:40 a.m.-12:10 p.m. EST on Disney Junior) “The Tale of the Short Spire” – The Jedi investigate who is cutting down spires on Batuu.
“The Team Up” – Taborr and the Jedi must work together. TV-Y
Saturday, Feb. 24 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “Make It, Don’t Break It!” (2-08) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EST) When I.S. 833 gets an impressive science teacher, Lunella is so eager to impress her that her drive toward perfectionism starts doing more harm than good. *Cynthia Erivo (“Wicked”) guest stars as Dr. Akonam Ojo. TV-Y7 FV
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “The Devil You Know” (2-09) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EST) When Lunella and Devil Dinosaur spend the weekend apart after a disagreement, Devil Dino gets mixed up with a rag-tag group of ex-super-hero sidekicks. *Giancarlo Esposito (“Breaking Bad”) guest stars as Granite, and Alex Newell (“Glee”) guest stars as Pebble. TV-Y7 FV
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fromkenari · 8 months
A mass of fools and knaves
The full email exchange between Alex Claremont Diaz and Prince Henry Fox Mountchristen Windsor from Chapter Nine of Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston. Put here for my best friend to read.
A mass of fools and knaves A [email protected]                8/10/20 1:04 AM to Henry H, Have you ever read any of Alexander Hamilton’s letters to John Laurens? What am I saying? Of course you haven’t. You’d probably be disinherited for revolutionary sympathies. Well, since I got the boot from the campaign, there is literally nothing for me to do but watch cable news (diligently chipping away at my brain cells by the day) and sort through all my old shit from college. Just looking at papers, thinking: Excellent, yes, I’m so glad I stayed up all night writing this for a 98 in the class, only to get summarily fired from the first job I ever had and exiled to my bedroom! Great job, Alex! Is this how you feel in the palace all the time? It fucking sucks, man. So anyway, I’m going through my college stuff, and I find this analysis I did of Hamilton’s wartime correspondence, and hear me out: I think Hamilton could have been bi. His letters to Laurens are almost as romantic as his letters to his wife. Half of them are signed “Yours” or “Affectionately yrs,” and the last one before Laurens died is signed “Yrs for ever.” I can’t figure out why nobody talks about the possibility of a Founding Father being not straight (outside of Chernow’s biography, which is great btw, see attached bibliography). I mean, I know why, but. Anyway, I found this part of a letter he wrote to Laurens, and it made me think of you. And me, I guess: The truth is I am an unlucky honest man, that speak my sentiments to all and with emphasis. I say this to you because you know it and will not charge me with vanity. I hate Congress—I hate the army—I hate the world—I hate myself. The whole is a mass of fools and knaves; I could almost except you … Thinking about history makes me wonder how I’ll fit into it one day, I guess. And you too. I kinda wish people still wrote like that. History, huh? Bet we could make some. Affectionately yrs, slowly going insane, Alex, First Son of Founding Father Sacrilege
McQuiston, Casey. Red, White & Royal Blue: A Novel (pp. 239-241). St. Martin's Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Re: A mass of fools and knaves Henry [email protected]                8/10/20 4:18 AM to A Alex, First Son of Masturbatory Historical Readings: The phrase “see attached bibliography” is the single sexiest thing you have ever written to me. Every time you mention your slow decay inside the White House, I can’t help but feel it’s my fault, and I feel absolutely shit about it. I’m sorry. I should have known better than to turn up at a thing like that. I got carried away; I didn’t think. I know how much that job meant to you. I just want to … you know. Extend the option. If you wanted less of me, and more of that—the work, the uncomplicated things—I would understand. Truly. In any event … Believe it or not, I have actually done a bit of reading on Hamilton, for a number of reasons. First, he was a brilliant writer. Second, I knew you were named after him (the pair of you share an alarming number of traits, by the by: passionate determination, never knowing when to shut up, &c &c). And third, some saucy tart once tried to impugn my virtue against an oil painting of him, and in the halls of memory, some things demand context. Are you angling for a revolutionary soldier role-play scenario? I must inform you, any trace of King George III blood I have would curdle in my very veins and render me useless to you. Or are you suggesting you’d rather exchange passionate letters by candlelight? Should I tell you that when we’re apart, your body comes back to me in dreams? That when I sleep, I see you, the dip of your waist, the freckle above your hip, and when I wake up in the morning, it feels like I’ve just been with you, the phantom touch of your hand on the back of my neck fresh and not imagined? That I can feel your skin against mine, and it makes every bone in my body ache? That, for a few moments, I can hold my breath and be back there with you, in a dream, in a thousand rooms, nowhere at all? I think perhaps Hamilton said it better in a letter to Eliza: You engross my thoughts too intirely to allow me to think of any thing else—you not only employ my mind all day; but you intrude upon my sleep. I meet you in every dream—and when I wake I cannot close my eyes again for ruminating on your sweetness. If you did decide to take the option mentioned at the start of this email, I do hope you haven’t read the rest of this rubbish. Regards, Haplessly Romantic Heretic Prince Henry the Utterly Daft
McQuiston, Casey. Red, White & Royal Blue: A Novel (pp. 241-243). St. Martin's Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Re: A mass of fools and knaves A [email protected]                8/10/20 5:36 AM to Henry H, Please don’t be stupid. No part of any of this will ever be uncomplicated. Anyway, you should be a writer. You are a writer. Even after all this, I still always feel like I want to know more of you. Does that sound crazy? I just sit here and wonder, who is this person who knows stuff about Hamilton and writes like this? Where does someone like that even come from? How was I so wrong? It’s weird because I always know things about people, gut feelings that usually lead me in more or less the right direction. I do think I got a gut feeling with you, I just didn’t have what I needed in my head to understand it. But I kind of kept chasing it anyway, like I was just going blindly in a certain direction and hoping for the best. I guess that makes you the North Star? I wanna see you again and soon. I keep reading that one paragraph over and over again. You know which one. I want you back here with me. I want your body and I want the rest of you too. And I want to get the fuck out of this house. Watching June and Nora on TV doing appearances without me is torture. We have this annual thing at my dad’s lake house in Texas. Whole long weekend off the grid. There’s a lake with a pier, and my dad always cooks something fucking amazing. You wanna come? I kind of can’t stop thinking about you all sunburned and pretty sitting out there in the country. It’s the weekend after next. If Shaan can talk to Zahra or somebody about flying you into Austin, we can pick you up from there. Say yes? Yrs, Alex P.S. Allen Ginsberg to Peter Orlovsky—1958: Tho I long for the actual sunlight contact between us I miss you like a home. Shine back honey & think of me.
McQuiston, Casey. Red, White & Royal Blue: A Novel (pp. 243-245). St. Martin's Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Re: A mass of fools and knaves Henry [email protected]                8/10/20 8:22 PM to A Alex, If I’m north, I shudder to think where in God’s name we’re going. I’m ruminating on identity and your question about where a person like me comes from, and as best as I can explain it, here’s a story: Once, there was a young prince who was born in a castle. His mother was a princess scholar, and his father was the most handsome, feared knight in all the land. As a boy, people would bring him everything he could ever dream of wanting. The most beautiful silk clothes, ripe fruit from the orangery. At times, he was so happy, he felt he would never grow tired of being a prince. He came from a long, long line of princes, but never before had there been a prince quite like him: born with his heart on the outside of his body. When he was small, his family would smile and laugh and say he would grow out of it one day. But as he grew, it stayed where it was, red and visible and alive. He didn’t mind it very much, but every day, the family’s fear grew that the people of the kingdom would soon notice and turn their backs on the prince. His grandmother, the queen, lived in a high tower, where she spoke only of the other princes, past and present, who were born whole. Then, the prince’s father, the knight, was struck down in battle. The lance tore open his armor and his body and left him bleeding in the dust. And so, when the queen sent new clothes, armor for the prince to parcel his heart away safe, the prince’s mother did not stop her. For she was afraid, now: afraid of her son’s heart torn open too. So the prince wore it, and for many years, he believed it was right. Until he met the most devastatingly gorgeous peasant boy from a nearby village who said absolutely ghastly things to him that made him feel alive for the first time in years and who turned out to be the most mad sort of sorcerer, one who could conjure up things like gold and vodka shots and apricot tarts out of absolutely nothing, and the prince’s whole life went up in a puff of dazzling purple smoke, and the kingdom said, “I can’t believe we’re all so surprised.” I’m in for the lake house. I must admit, I’m glad you’re getting out of the house. I worry you may burn the thing down. Does this mean I’ll be meeting your father? I miss you. x Henry P.S. This is mortifying and maudlin and, honestly, I hope you forget it as soon as you’ve read it. P.P.S. From Henry James to Hendrik C. Andersen, 1899: May the terrific U.S.A. be meanwhile not a brute to you. I feel in you a confidence, dear Boy–which to show is a joy to me. My hopes and desires and sympathies right heartily and most firmly, go with you. So keep up your heart, and tell me, as it shapes itself, your (inevitably, I imagine, more or less weird) American story. May, at any rate, tutta quella gente be good to you.
McQuiston, Casey. Red, White & Royal Blue: A Novel (pp. 245-247). St. Martin's Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
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sarahsimmerxo · 6 months
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Serena’s Bob Hairstyles
♡ 01. Eve Hair by Arethabee
♡ 02. Deimos Hair by SimsTrouble
♡ 03. Eugena Hair by GOAmazons
♡ 04. Mabel Hair by Okruee
♡ 05. Sylvia Hair by Arethabee
♡ 06. Marjorie Hair by ClumsyAlien
♡ 07. Mari Hair by Saurus
♡ 08. Rose Hair by Oakiyo
♡ 09. Bismuth Hair by Greenllamas
♡ 10. Casey Hair by Greenllamas
♡ 11. Ami Hair by Miiko
♡ 12. Verity Hair by Arenetta
As always, thank you to all of the talented CC Creators!
@arethabee @simstrouble @goamazons @okruee @clumsyalienn @saurusness @oakiyo @greenllamas @miikocc @arenetta
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koolaidashley · 3 months
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Part 1!
Getting right on down to business 😼😼😼😼😼
Episode 1 | Next >>>
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linesandmarksonpaper · 7 months
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Warren Tufts - Casey Ruggles Sunday 04/12/1953
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picturejasper20 · 1 year
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur April episode summaries
04/01 - "Like Mother, Like Moon Girl" (already on Disney+) Moon Girl becomes the face of a new initiative to revitalize the Lower East Side, but the effort starts drastically changing her neighborhood for the worse. 04/08 - “Today, I Am A Woman”  Hoping to help Casey have an epic bat mitzvah, Lunella makes an appearance as Moon Girl, which ultimately brings out the worst in Casey and causes a rift in their friendship.  04/15 - "Devil On Her Shoulder" Feeling insecure about his size, Devil convinces Lunella to create a potion to make him temporarily small.  04/22 - "Coney Island, Baby!" Lunella must confront her childhood fear, the Coney Island Funhouse, to save Mimi from The Beyonder.  04/29 - "OMG Issue #1" Lunella uncovers the history of the Original Moon Girl as she struggles to thwart a powerful villain’s plan to use her portal for evil.
Source: https://www.dgepress.com/disneybrandedtelevision/shows/marvels-moon-girl-and-devil-dinosaur/episodes/
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fyeah-tmnt · 9 months
Welcome to my blog
("About me" can be found under the cut)
This blog is feminist, pro-queer/neurodivergence and is queer/autistic-owned, as well as being anti-terf and anti-racist
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TMNT 1987
TMNT 2003
TMNT 2012
Rise of the TMNT (includes the movie)
TMNT live actions (includes the TV serie)
TMNT 2007
TMNT 2009 (Turtles Forever)
TMNT Michael Bay Serie
TMNT and Batman
Rise of the TMNT Movie
TMNT: Mutant Mayhem
Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo
Splinter, April, Casey (cass and cj)
Donnie-Mikey duo
Donnie-Leo duo
Donnie-Raph duo
Raph-Mikey duo
Leo-Mikey duo
Raph-Leo duo
Turtle Tots (includes depiction of them as baby/kids/preteens) & Turtle Pile
Comics, Toys, Games, Merch, Headcanon, Fanart, Fanfic, Meme, Quotes, Mashup (crossovers), Cosplay, Recipes (believe it or not)
Fans' favourites: They are all queer, They are all neurodivergent, Donnie's autistic moments, Cain instinct (lmao)
Holidays: HALLOWEEN, Christmas, Valentine's, April Fools
Challenges: Risebruary, Risetober, whumptober, AI less whumptober, inktober, cringetober, goretober, TMNT-tober, comfortember, promptober, turtle-tober, Febuwhump, Platonic Affection , tMAYnt
Ramblings (mostly tmnt-related), Contribution (i either created or participated in these posts), funny tags (whenever i screenshots one of y'all's dumb tags that i find hilarious)
There's also ASKS for whenever i reply to your asks, or when i reblog asks i sent to people, but they also can be found under "my own posts" of course I use this tag for uncredited stuff. if you recognize the artist, please reach out
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You can call me Max or Mikan. i’m a french-canadian adult. i have a main blog called Libertea-and-Icedcoffee, if you want more details about me, it's on the pinned post of my main blog :) <3
i speak french (natively), english (advanced), my local sign language (intermediate), spanish (basic, still learning), and haitian kreyòl (basic, still learning).
please be aware that i never post/reblog s3x related content (on neither of my blogs). the closest i could get to nsfw would be swearing, violence or depiction of drugs (w33d, t0bacc0 and alc0h0l), mostly from fanarts, fanfictions or headcanons that i have or reblog about.
i refuse to use proper capitalization (especially on “i”) and grammar.
My pronouns page:
Français, English, Espanol.
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(Last updated: 2024/04/01) (YYYY/MM/DD)
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Gf x Senpai kiddo <33
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-ˏˋ Ayala ˎˊ˗
┊ 01 : basic
┊ 02 : personality
┊ 03 : relationships
┊ 04 : romance
┊ . ˚
✎﹏⁀➷ 💌
(insert image)
01. ✿ ·̩ BASIC  。 ❁
full name: 🌺Ayala Kun.AI🌺
first: Ayala
middle: N/A
last: Kun.AI
nicknames : Aya, Lala, Chun.
gender: Non-Binary
pronouns: She/He/They
age: 16 years old
birthday: 4/04
zodiac: Aries ! ♈️
birthplace: N/A
✎﹏⁀➷ 🌸
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02. ✼ ·̩ PERSONALITY  。 ⚘
(insert personality description:smile:
︶︶︶︶︶︶︶˗ˋ .*ೃ✧₊˚.❁ ↷
pet peeves: Pranksters, sore loser, mailboxes.
habits: sending threats, stalking, good memory, kicking feets when excited.
✎﹏⁀➷ 🍨
good: Loyal, Cunning, Brave, Good actor.
bad: Obsessive, Dangerous, Agressive, Remorseful, Violent, Stalkerish.
hobbies: doing braids with their sister hair, going around with a bat in the real world.
skills: Data corruption, mind reading, emotion feeling, pretty enough writing and strength.
likes: Weak minded people, Her sister and unfortunate partner, playing with hair, the sensation of blood on their hand.
dislikes: The real word, dating sims, ice cream.
favourites: Bakasey/j
✎﹏⁀➷ 🩰
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03. ☆ ·̩ RELATIONSHIPS  。 ❀
mother: Gf
name: Gf/Girlfriend
status: Alive
relationship strength: Weak.
father: Senpai
name: Senpai
status: Unknown
relationship strength: Weak.
sibling: Kawasan.Exe
name: Kawasan
status: Alive
relationship strength: Strong !
friendship: HoneyB.
name: Honey Boo
status: Alive
relationship strength: Best friends!!
✎﹏⁀➷ 🎟
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04. ❀ ·̩ ROMANCE  。 ✿
sexuality: Omnisexual
orientation: It doesn’t matter much.
comfortability: Sometimes over the top, at other times not enough.
ideal type: Handsome, Tall, Smart, Goody two shoes.
ideal date: Picnic 🧺 in the game they live in.
romantic interest: Casey by @oatsyterandco !
name: Casey
status: Alive and well
sexuality: N/A
relationship strength: A bit too strong on Ayala’s side.
⋆`❁ .° ⋆❀° . ✼´
⚘ . . ✿ . . ⚘ . . ⚘ . . ⚘
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firstprince-ao3feed · 5 months
false pretenses
false pretenses https://ift.tt/6PCHdmq by rizcriz Henry spins around, glaring at Alex. “For christs sake,” He hisses, holding a hand out between them. “Can we just not? I do not have the capacity to pretend to hate you today.” Alex splutters as Henry turns on his heel and starts to walk away. He stares after him helplessly. “Pretend?” After a beat, he starts to follow after him, “What the fuck do you mean pretend?” Three years of breathing down each others necks, fighting every time they come in contact with each other. And if Henry is saying every single thing on his end has been pretend, Alex Claremont-Diaz is going to have a fucking breakdown. Because he has been harboring this stupid fucking crush and burying it beneath false antagonism, meeting Henry where he’s at, for three years, and if Henry is implying that they’re both faking it— -- or, Alex learns better. Words: 3491, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Percy "Pez" Okonjo, Nora Holleran Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - College/University, Fluff, Flirting, Miscommunication via AO3 works tagged 'Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor' https://ift.tt/2ksajZf December 04, 2023 at 07:46PM
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