#.gabor convo.
best2daynews · 1 year
Prince Harry Diagnosed with ADD, PTSD in Sit-Down with Dr. Gabor Maté - best news
Prince Harry has broken open the cookie jar of his life — even more so than he already had — and let a doctor dig in deep during an hour-plus sit-down … who even diagnosed him. The Duke of Sussex had a long convo with Dr. Gabor Maté Saturday, where they dove into his book, ‘Spare,’ and the benefits of Harry living his true, authentic life … while breaking away from the Royal Family, which he…
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labelleperfumery · 1 year
Prince Harry Diagnosed with ADD, PTSD in Sit Down with Dr. Gabor Maté
Prince Harry has broken open the cookie jar of his life — even more so than he already had — and let a doctor dig in deep during an hour-plus sitdown … who also diagnosed him. The Duke of Sussex had a long convo with Dr. Gabor Maté Saturday,… from TMZ.com https://www.tmz.com/2023/03/04/prince-harry-diagnosed-add-ptsd-trauma-dr-gabor-mate-spare/
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adventuresinqueue · 2 years
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☄ — Some people say that Gabor "Gabe" Pete Erdös could be Darce Montgomery ’s doppelgänger, but is really a 28 year old Owner & Manager of Pine Hallow . They mainly identified as a Bisexual Cis-Male , and described to be an overachiever, diligent, protective, & loyal.
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■ . B A C K G R O U N D . ■
Gabor grew up in a middle-class farmhouse in Hungary with his two younger siblings, called Pine Hallow. Since Gabe was young, he was always expected to be his siblings’ protector and positive role model. Roles that he didn’t mind taking, truthfully, he adored his brother and sister; would do absolutely everything and anything for them. Some might say he’s a bit overprotective, but he would never care what others thought - he could even justify it as just doing his job. Though as time passed and his father grew weaker, the responsibility of his siblings and farm was beginning to land on Gabor’s shoulders, and more stress started to fill his head at night. Still, he was also too determined to show his worth to his father, considering the old man constantly taunted him about being too pretty to be a true Hungarian man. However, even after months of never failing the family’s farm and business or the responsibility of taking himself and his siblings to school - it still wasn’t good enough. Especially when Xena was diagnosed with a Stage-Three tumor in her lungs. After taking the young girl to millions of different doctors - there was still nothing they could do except make her feel comfortable. Six months, one week, and six days later - Xena died in Gabor’s arms after watching a movie. Though Gabe watched the medics take his sister’s lifeless body away, he didn’t wait for his parent’s disappointment to add to his guilt. Before they realized what happened, Gabor packed a bag and ran—never speaking to his family again. Weeks, hell, maybe even months after running away from home - Gabor worked for food and shelter but would never spend any longer than 2 or 3 nights in one place. He was only 19-years-old, and there wasn’t much he could do, so he set out to move to the country everyone talks about, the one that is vastly known as ‘The Land of the Free.’ Though only one problem - how the hell was he supposed to get there? Bumping into a man with piercing blue eyes and black hair and ultimately intimidating - he offered Gabe a ride on his ship…well, one of his ships, though in exchange for the travels, he would have to do things around the boat, chores no one else would want to do. Hell, he was a farmer for a decade, nearly two - how hard could chores on a ship be? Well, extremely hard, though as always - he was determined though…now his determination was more for himself than for someone else. Over time, Gabe was known as Poseidon's Trident’s cabin boy and slowly made a name for himself in the pirate universe. No, he never made it to America, but he unknowingly found a new home in piracy as he gladly accepted the promotion from the man who first brought him on board as a mate on the man’s ship, Dragon’s Plunder.
Being a pirate...it was the only thing that made sense to Gabe - there wasn’t a living soul on any of the Darragh’s ships that weren’t hiding from something or someone...especially the Darraghs, he built a family on Dragon’s Plunder -- a family that he swore to himself never to abandon. There wasn’t a day he never stopped thinking about his blood family...his family’s farm...everything he left in Hungary; however, he still had a job to do, and he wasn’t going to let his captain down now. A mission in Ukraine came up, and it was a mission that was personally assigned from the Dragon’s Plunder’s captain to Gabor...a mission that dangerous but essential to the Darragh’s fleet. To which Gabe gladly took - he was only 24-years-old, and he thought he was untouchable. Well, that belief was soon about to change. Being in Ukraine for only about four days, Gabor thought the mission was going well - at least until the floor became unstable. No matter how quickly his legs and feet snapped into action, it wouldn’t have mattered - he was in a motel on the second floor, and the ceiling was already starting to come in on him. Still, he thought he could make it outside safely, at least until he ran towards the toward and the debris from the ceiling fell in front of him and through the floor, so, when Gabe took that extra step to leave, he fell through the hole and landed on his back on top of hard debris. He could instantly feel his shoulder snapping out of place and a near suffocating pinch against his spine. Lucky enough for him, there was an off-duty cop there that helped him out of the motel and out of the way from the rest of the falling debris. Hardly able to walk, the cop had to carry him and lay him down in a safe spot till the earthquake was over. It lasted for only 45 seconds, but it truly felt like a lifetime at that moment, and hours till the paramedics finally arrived. Finally arriving at the hospital, his shoulder was simply popped back into place, but the real damage was done to his back. A fractured tail bone and snapped spine, needless to say, the mate was unable to move. Because of how severe his injury is, his captain and First Mate told him he could not return to the ship, not because they didn’t want him but because they couldn’t risk making his injury worse on the boat, seeing how a pirate’s job is more than just their job on the ship but to the crew and captain. In 12 hours, the Hungarian pirate….ex-pirate’s world was flipped upside down.
Gabor was a Dragon’s Plunder mate for seven years; for that reason, when he was released from the hospital, his old crew took him to Pierdut Isle as a civilian to rest and heal. Walking was still a bit tricky for him, but with crutches, it was...doable. All he wanted was to go back to the ship, to his second family. Settling into the Overwater Bungalow, only walking around the house to get his weak ass legs to start working again, Gabor was by himself for the better of a few weeks...possibly months - he wasn’t too sure. The only thing that saved him was knowing that Emily Pentali and Mason Rulolin were both on the island as well; he only left his new home to see them. Once he could walk without his crutches, Gabe changed into some gym shorts and a tank top and walked around the island. A couple of months later, the ex-mate was able to jog along the beach, there was still that tinge of pain in his back, but he still refused to be a cripple. The farmer and pirate in him wouldn’t let him just be a crippled couch potato. It was nearing the end of summer, and he was taking his routine jog on the beach when he ran into the most attractive human he’s ever seen. The spare princess of Hungary, Alexandra Kardos. Someone he’s known since they were kids, and even though she was a princess and he was a simple farmer - the two were always inseparable. Hell, he eve became her “bodyguard,” though they could find themselves alone most of the times, the more chance of them making out was higher. The two agreed to become Friends with Benefits, not realizing that the other had feelings for the other. They both knew how important they were to the other, but neither knew how deep either of their feels went. Not to mention, when he left Hungary, he didn’t tell anyone he was leaving - not even Alexandra.
Seeing Alexandra again became too much, therefore before Christmas, Gabe made arrangements for a ship to take him to Hungary to visit his family. People he hasn’t seen in 8 years. Every thought was only about the princess, and his feelings for her were only growing more substantial, and he didn’t know what to do...he couldn’t act on his feelings. Not when he learned that in the end, Alex would be marrying someone else. Plus, it’s been too long since he’s seen his family and knew it was time to see them and make amends. Of course, for the first few days, all there was, was bickering and arguing. Eventually, they could sit down around the dinner table and talk things out like adults. Gabe knew there were so many things he needed to make amends for. Allowing his sister to pass, leaving the second the paramedics took her away, losing all contact with his family and waiting eight years to reach out to them again. Trust him, he knew it, and he would gladly pay for it. Though his family, as always, were too kind. After hearing about his incident in Ukraine, they gave him chores that he could do without making a healing injury worse. Though it’s almost been a year, and even though when he was overworked, his back would hurt, and his lower back would turn slightly numb, but he swore he was able to do his old chores. After all, you couldn’t live on a farm and just sit around. One morning, before sunrise, Gabor and his younger brother saddled up their horses for a ride that was only for the Erdös’s siblings. A ride that he didn’t realize he missed till now. As the horses were eating the grass, the brothers sat on the edge of the cliff that overlooked the city that was a few miles away from their farm...waiting for the sun to rise and set a new day. The now youngest Erdös pulled out a gold chain with a locket that had an emerald gem in the middle of it. His brother was starting to explain, staring at the necklace, and it only grew Gabor’s curiosity. Though he began to listen to his brother, he soon discovered that the emerald gem was their baby sister’s ashes condensed into the gem and glued into the locket. Once the locket was in his hands, he opened it to find a photo of his family on the left and a photo of only Xena on the right. One of their favorite photos of her. Immediately he started to cry...his heartbreaking all over again from the loss of his sister and from abandoning his family right after.
Returning to Pierdut Isle a couple of months later, he settled back into his Overwater Bungalow and took many...many shots. Trying to work up the courage to talk to Alexandra again; however, it wasn’t Alexandra he ran into and ended up talking to...and more; though Alex caught him with another girl in his bed. There is only one person Gabor Erdös ever had feelings for, and that is Alexandra Kardos. Thus, the girl beside him didn’t mean anything to him other than a drunk hookup and mistake, considering now that every time he thinks of that night, he could only think about the betrayal hidden in Alex’s eyes. Gabor is still trying to mend the relationship between him and Alex, though he knew it would take a lot more than just confessing how he truly feels about her.
If anything else, at least now he has an escape back to his home to work/manage his family’s farm, Pine Hallow.
■ . I M P O R T A N T . C O N N E C T I O N S. ■
♢ Pete Erdös — The bond between the two was rocky, Pete expected a lot out of his first born son, for he was going to be the carrier of not only the Erdös name, but carry on the family's farm, Pine Hallow. Not to mention he expected Gabor to be a great role model for his younger siblings. When the youngest child and only daughter of Pete and Elena was diagnosed with cancer, he never blamed the death on his oldest - how he acted afterwards, however, is something he held him responsible for. Years later when Gabe came back, Pete knew he was dying a lot more rapidly then he expected and didn't have time to punish Gabe. By the look n his eyes, he knew his first son punished himself...and still is. Therefore, he embraced Gabe in a warm hug and formed a close bond with him that was apparently never there before. ♢ Elena Erdös — The bond between Gabe and his mom has always been different then Gabe and his father. His mom is the reason why he grew obsessed with learning as many languages as possible, and of course, being able to cook and bake mean dishes. His mom is a graceful woman and always felt protected and welcomed in her arms. Even after Gabe abandoned them with no word for 8 years. ♢ Hunter Erdös — While Gabor and Hunter's parents were in their lives, Gabe was the one to really raise Hunter. The one he went to when he needed help or just to talk to. He looked up to him but when their baby sister passed away and Gabe abandoned them. There was disdain settling into him about his older brother. However, as he reached out to him after 7 years - he vented his frustrations to Gabe and after a few long conversations, the two were beginning to become close again. ♢ Xena Erdös — The only girl Gabe was convinced he could ever unconditionally love. Since his baby sister's death he convinced himself that he was never worthy of love. Taking this hard, he decided it be best to run away and disown himself from his family before they had the chance to. Still till this day, he still mourns her and wishes he had just a few more seconds with her. ♢ Alexandra Kardos — Alexandra and Gabor have been close since they were kids. Which was odd considering Alexandra is the Spare Princess of Hungary and Gabe was just a simple farmboy. Nevertheless, the two formed a close bond where eventually he became her bodyguard, but also the only one to get-her-off as well. The two started growing a deeper bond than just friends having simple sex. Though when Alex caught Gabe with someone else on the island - Alex made it clear that she wants nothing to do with him. Though, Gabe is too stubborn to give up on her entirely. ♢ Emily Pentali — Mason, Emily, and Gabe they are the three-musketeers. They are inspirable on Dragon's Plunder. There was literally nothing and no one that could separate the three. With Emily, she reminds Gabe of his sister who had passed. The reason why he turned to piracy. Though this time he swore to protect Emily for as long as possible and harder than he ever protected Xena. ♢ Mason Rulolin — For eighteen years, Gabe believed he was straight. Granted there was a few guys he thought was attractive but he never had sexual thoughts about them. However, meeting Mason - he had completely changed that. After their first greeting, Gabe's thoughts and dreams were only about Mason in the most inappropriate of ways. But, Gabe knew himself and he cherished having the other's friendship more than just have a casual fuck with him. They are still friends...best friends and there is nothing he wouldn't do for him.
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pcper-fcntcsy · 4 years
If you had told a younger Chrissa that Melchior would grow up to be a therapist, they still wouldn’t have seen it coming. Their constantly curious friend was certainly not the type Chrissa would take advice from, but then again, they didn’t really take advice from anyone. That’s exactly how they wound up here in life, having to reconnect with him all these years later. More precisely, Chrissa did not think Melchi would grow up to have the most boring, grey apartment ever. “You could use a little color in here,” They traced their fingers across the wall, decorated with a few picture frames, “Ever though about taking the doors down and going with fringe?”
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briefinternetlady · 5 years
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Love is a game that two can play and both win.-Eva Gabor #TheLastEmpress this week's episodes we're filled with insightful events & obviously eps 33-34 were #ShinSungRok moments to acquire additional best actor awards,such an impeccable actor who can both nailed comedy & drama genre so well.🏆👏🏻 Woobin (WB) blunt confession of his feelings to Sunny lead him to receive a slap from the empress which eventually made Lee Hyuk's (LH) heart happy,yas,so love LH reaction.WB apologizing to LH was an interesting scene,their #bromance is confusing me,haha.the selecting of study mates of Ari,that was pretty mind blowing.Ari defending Sunny front of everyone was really cute.the changing of cookies for Ari was,that was intense.the truth about late empress Hyun,that was heartbreaking & how Shin acted that part was dang applaudable.Ari being so wise was so cool,she even kept a piece of evidence to help her mom,daebak!so LH was helping Jooseung to remember what happened in the past,nice twist.ep 34 started so humurous.love how Sojin was madly in love w/Woobin, #ChoiJinHyuk looked so dashing in every suit.the double date,haha,that was awesome.Leehyuk opposing his sister relationship was so funny,their convo was so hilarious,lol!WB & Sunny secretly gazing at each other was nice.LH treating Sunny w/so much care is making me sad,i really dont want him to get hurt, #secondleadsyndrome is cruel! their dance,my goodness,haha,how could they switch like that,lmao.Yura escaped w/Chief Jo was an expected turn out,grand dowager helping them was such a villian reunion,grrr.Leehyuk was so witty in finding the bracelet,haha.LH helping the Sunny regained her role was so touching.the latter part,that was so thrilling.love how Sunny saved her sister, #JangNara fierce acting was great.poor LH,trembling while reading the novel.Byun appearance is absorbing.👊🏻😶 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #koreandrama#한국드라마#드라마#한류#kdrama #koreanentertainment#leeelijah#황후의품격#empressdignity#sbs#sbsdrama#love#game#play #win#relationship#lovequotes#actors#amazing#fun #date#loyalty#man#life ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ p.s the confusion between WB & LH is so real,im kinda trading my loyalty to LH now.😅im in into the rumors of 52 eps!👐🙏🏻 (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsxOmamhGTG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jv604j0zfdrk
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beadsalt-blog · 6 years
i'm listenin 2 his under the skin podcast, the episode with gabor mate addiction specialist (whose TED talk i watched in rehab and L O VE him) and gabor starts talking about ayahuasca and he's like "russell what do u feel as a 12-stepper with me talkin bout plant-based mindaltering substances" and russell goes "I'M THINKING SHIT I WANT SOME OF THAT LEMME CALL MYSPONSOR AND SAY HEY I GOT A WRITTEN LETTER FROM GABOR MATE SAYING I CAN TOTALLY DO AYAHUASCA" wow holy shit i started l aughing so hard cuz during the convo before he said that i was thinking very seriously to myself "is it okay for sober addicts to do psychedelics? i shall gather proof to show my sponsor and make my case" and at the same time feeling like a guilty ass fuckin fraud for having those thoughts and the first instinct was HIDE HIDE NEVER SHARE THIS then of course the other addict in the room (podcast, speaker, whateVER) spoke my mind yo i was howling with laughter its not that deep man! i have nothing to hide! THANKS RUSSELL I FUCKING LOVE U the most GODLY MOTHERFUCKER
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pcper-fcntcsy · 4 years
“Thank you for being gentle.” - @mirrorbluemelchior​
One of Chrissa’s favorite parts of their job was the dressing up. No matter how painful the corsets, the heels, or the tightly wrapped hair was, nothing could make them love the reenactment game less, “Thank you, Melchi,” Chrissa could finally breathe as Melchior tied the last ribbon on their corset in a bow, through all breathing was relative when your torso is surrounded and constricted by whalebone and faux leather, “There’s no one I’d rather dress up with than you,” They blew him a kiss to make it seem like more of a joke, but Melchi really did know exactly how to be gentle with them, which was a nice reminder sometimes.
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briefinternetlady · 4 years
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“Love is a game that two can play and both win.”-Eva Gabor ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #Chocolate eps 8 & 9 was thought provoking,soul- stirring & was sensational.💙😌 the raspberries picking of Cha & Young turned into some kind of tragedy,the latter biten by snake & Cha fell.Kang looking so hard for her was nice & the piggyback was sweet.the story of the 2 old ladies,as a wife & mistress yet the best of friends is fascinating.Kang scolding Cha was fierce but i so liked it,yas!Cha's rice cake for granny was pretty,#HaJiWon looked like a real chef.the split screen in the series, i always liked it.Cha crying so loud at the rooftop w/out knowing that Kang was there was pretty comical.Kang asking her when she will leave is intriguing.Kang's discovery of Huiju case was a shocking twist,grr,the husband & mistress are so bad!Jun beating the guy is so good.Jiyoung last moment was heart wrenching,huhu,that was really so sad!!so Kang hated chocs since his mom incident.granny proposal to Kang is stirring,their granny is really a witch though.Kang & the kids convo was nice.ms Han trying to remember her cooking step was subtle. Kang weighing his options was stirring.the cloth stuff, that was nice,Jun doing a community service at hospice is pleasing.the anchovies thing,Jun was so handsome in such.the basketball play of Kang & Jun that ended on fistfight was so intense!#JangSeungJo & #YoonKyeSang both nailed that,bow down.the driving, Kang kept on beeping his car as Cha was w/Jun was extreme.Tae is sometimes annoying though.the sandwich eating & Min asking about Zika virus was funny,child innocence,lmao!Cha & Kang at car,Cha explaining things & Kang smiling was cute!😍 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #yooteo#minjinwoong#kimwonhae#love#sweet#life#amor#feelings#emotions#actor#game#lovequotes#kdrama#초콜릿#koreandrama#한국드라마#드라마#amazing#heart#한류#koreanentertainment#drama#loveis#smile ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ p.s ep 10 look like its heartbreaking,oh no!🤪 i want Chayoung to be mature somewhat,i mean,that she get to fight for her heart desires.😅 (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6m_BmUpJaf/?igshid=6w7tgm5yup42
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