#...I just really like when Fushimi betrays people okay
ridiasfangirlings · 11 months
I don't know if you've done something like this before...so Saruhiko loves Misaki, they're dating ig....buut unfortunately Misaki can't satisfy him in bed, let's say he isn't lacking only in height oops ;) but you know who is troubled by such problems? Mikoto 👀 So now we have Saruhiko who loves Misaki but he loves to do the devil's tango with Mikoto since his bf unfortunately can't satisfy his other needs. Please entertain the idea even if it may go beyond Saru's huge love for Misaki and may sound a bit OOC to you 🙏
Okay devil's tango made me laugh XD I do have some trouble seeing Fushimi doing something like this, since he'd be once again knowingly hurting Yata, but maybe looking at this less like Yata not being able to satisfy Fushimi and more Fushimi attempting to subconsciously sabotage his own relationship because he still thinks it's going to collapse anyway. Also maybe relating this to one of those asks I had in the past about attachment disorders, imagine Fushimi with more of a fearful-avoidant attachment disorder and so in this AU rather than avoiding touching strangers at all costs Fushimi's had a lot of sexual partners as just flings, basically his way of searching for affection while also rejecting anything with permanency since he assumes it won't last. Post-ROK Yata confesses his feelings to Fushimi and Fushimi accepts them but at the same time he's still dealing with all the old fears and doing his best to keep those from Yata, like he's simultaneously in love with Yata and terrified of Yata leaving him but at the same time he still can't bring himself to think this will last either.
When they start sleeping together Yata is of course a total virgin but say he's completely unaware that Fushimi is not, just assuming that the Fushimi who always hated being close to anyone certainly wouldn't be sleeping with other people while they were apart. Really though Fushimi's had multiple partners and he's pretty well aware that Yata is not, ah, well-endowed and also doesn't particularly know how to use it either, leaving Fushimi unsatisfied entirely. Fushimi doesn't say as much but it starts eating at him, like maybe assuming this is another sign they aren't compatible and he never should have let things get this serious. Assuming this is also Everybody Lives AU imagine this is when he ends up going to Mikoto, who has no idea that Yata and Fushimi are dating (because I think he'd absolutely refuse if he knew Yata and Fushimi were together). Even during the betrayal years Fushimi's had something of an 'not-quite-enemies-not-quite-friends with benefits' thing going on, like imagine Fushimi getting into some trouble at a bar once when he was trying to pick up a partner for the night, almost having his drink spiked or something, and Mikoto happened to be there and helped him. This spiraled into sort of a thing that Fushimi claims to hate but never actually did, and it's far too easy to go back into old habits (and maybe part of Fushimi is vindictively excited about this, cheating on Misaki with the same person he still feels like Yata 'replaced' him with). Mikoto isn't thrilled about the whole thing at all because I think he'd at least have some idea that if Fushimi's here wanting to sleep with him again there may be some emotional things going on but he also figures better him than Fushimi going to a random bar again.
Eventually Yata would have to find out about this and of course he'd be heartbroken (and Mikoto I think would be fairly pissed at Fushimi for not being honest with him, I could see him basically telling Fushimi to deal with his own problems and not draw other people into it, and that would be the end of things between them). Fushimi would just take Yata's betrayed look and part of him feels excited by it even as the rest of him is disgusted with himself, like I could see him in some twisted way thinking see Misaki this is how it feels when someone throws you away. But at the same time he knows he's just broken the best thing he ever had because even now he still can't bring himself to believe in anything permanent and isn't it for the best anyway, that Misaki won't be tied down to him anymore. I think it would be hard but not impossible for them to reconcile from this but Fushimi in particular would need some therapy or something, like he needs to face that he's purposefully hurting Yata and that he's allowed to have permanent things, he's allowed to be happy, and come to terms with the fact that what he really wants is for Misaki to stay by his side. Yata being more the hurt party in this situation I think more would have to try and understand why Fushimi's doing this, like to him at first it's unforgivable but when they finally talk and he starts to realize how afraid Fushimi is of everything to do with real intimacy and relationships he at least starts to realize what the reasons behind all this was and it gives him an outlet to forgive Fushimi if only Fushimi will ask him to.
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1-lightofjustice · 3 years
Choice and Fate
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("I made it in time to be with you at your final moment and share your destiny. I am satisfied with that.") -July, 1999
("It may come to be that you'll share my destiny and have to die with me." "Then so be it.") -December, 2013
Two Kings, two knights, and their shared destiny.
Pairing : Fushimi and Munakata, Habari and Zenjou. No romance but a very deep bond
Tags : Metafiction, Angst with Happy Ending, Zenjou Gouki P.O.V
Notes : I was re-watching Side Blue Seven Stories, and boy do I fangirling hard when Zenjou talked about "shared destiny" (It's the same word, unmei!). Especially since Munakata and Fushimi's secret plan is my favorite thing on K : ROK. Then when I read about previous Blue clan's tale, it occurred to me that Habari/Zenjou/Shiotsu really has some similar dynamic with Munakata/Fushimi/Awashima. Responsible and doting beautiful King, serious and disciplined Lieutenant and second in command, and the wild card "can't wear their uniform properly" private force of the King. Their situation is also somewhat familiar, but of course in Munakata/Fushimi/Awashima's case, they ended with happy ending *pats Zenjou and Shiotsu*
Link of this fic on ao3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/31751149
Throughout the surprisingly long life of a Zenjou Gouki, he has encountered many crazy situations. Hell, he managed to see the Kagutsu Crater incident right in front of him and stayed alive. But what happened last night can be included in one crazy thing that happened in front of his eyes after a long time.
It started with him following his current superior (not King, Munakata Reisi is never his King) to a small plain room. It was furnished exceedingly modestly, having only a desk and a bed. Zenjou thought that this boring place must be the perfect place to discuss something like a secret plan. Munakata seemed to notice his thought, informed him with a light tone.
"This is my private room. Not many people know about this room, so it will be convenient for our secret meeting.[1]"
"So you really have a place to rest. I've heard rumors about you are some kind of creature who doesn't need sleep." surprised Zenjou. Zenjou has heard many rumors regarding what a bizarre creature the current Blue King. From he has an infinite set of glasses to he lives inside network and doesn't need rest, because no single person ever see him in any condition except straight and sturdy. Although, he also never saw Habari slept either.
He wondered if that was Blue Kings' stubborn trait, to never let people see their crumbled form even on the brink of their death. Yes, he already knew the state of Munakata's Damocles Sword, but the current Blue King's eyes never waver in fear of his own fate.
Just like Habari on that damned day...
A disapproving tongue click voiced his thought, also turned his attention toward its source. Entered a lanky boy with a scowly face that maybe can rival Shiotsu. Of course, he knew immediately the identity of the boy. Fushimi Saruhiko, the number 3 of current Scepter 4. The wild card of the King, Munakata's favorite [2], who has given authority to act freely as his liking [3], much to the discipline Lieutenant Awashima's frustration.
("Zenjou, don't just face the enemy head out! I ordered you to wait, didn't I?!"
"So what? Habari said it's okay, didn't he? You're too stuck up, Shiotsu..."
"Sigh... Habari, you're too sweet with Zenjou.."
"It's fine, isn't it? This guy does a better job when he runs freely.") [4]
"As weird as he looks like, Captain is a human too. Obviously, he does things like resting and sleeping like the rest of us. He just works all the time like a moron and spouting nonsense like King doesn't get tired or something like that." Fushimi's sarcastic quip brought him back to the present. Zenjou has to tell Shiotsu that as delinquent as his past self, this boy is way way worse than him.
At least he never called Habari a moron.
Captain didn't look offended at the insult, though. He greeted the boy with his usual amused tone.
"Ah, Fushimi-kun, you finally came. Have you finished your work?"
The boy shrugged and sat on the only chair in the room, facing Munakata who was seated on his bed. Zenjou himself was content to stand leaning on the wall, away from any of them as possible.
"Tsk, after the alliance agreed on Silver King's plan, I have so many things that have to be prepared. You are the one who asked me to come to your room after today's work is over without getting noticed by other people. Do you realize how wrong it sounds?"
Munakata only smiled at Fushimi's insolent words.  
"I'm sorry, but there's something important that I have to discuss with you in secret. It's related to Silver King's plan that we've heard this noon. After listening to that, I am planning to make a backup plan in case his plan is failed."
Backup plan...quite a natural move for the current Scepter 4's Captain. For a Blue King, he had a quite pessimistic mindset. Once again, Zenjou ascertained that Munakata is not the same as his bright and optimistic Habari.
But, a doubtful thought entered his mind. Was Habari indeed always optimistic?  Suddenly he recalled his conversation with Habari about birds dropping, and Zenjou mulled, maybe Habari knew about his upcoming tragic fate earlier than he thought. [5]    
Fushimi looked at Munakata with a curious gaze, devoid of worry or mistrust upon Captain's words.
"You think his plan will be failed?"
"I can't say that his plan will surely fail, but for a King who runs in shadow all this time, it's weird for Green King to make such an open attack. I have a feeling that Green King has something on his sleeve and it potentially can mess up Silver King's plan."
"Why didn't you say something at the alliance meeting earlier?" asked Fushimi, fully aware that the usual Munakata Reisi should not hesitate to say anything on his mind at the earlier alliance meeting. Munakata pushed his glasses in a somewhat weirdly embarrassed gesture.
"Because I'm still not sure what is Green King's hidden trick so so that my suspicions can seem like paranoia for no reason. I also don't want to discourage other Kings before the battle. Anna-kun is still a child and Isana-shi seems to...have quite a weak mental strength. Besides, the fewer people who know about my backup plan, the better."
Fushimi scanned around the room, seemed to have just realized the absence of Lieutenant Awashima and other Scepter 4 members.
"Lieutenant and the rest of Scepter 4 members are not included in your plan?"
"Yes, I just need you, Fushimi-kun, and you, Zenjou-san. I don't plan to include other clans either but I can't control their action. Is there any more question?"
Looks like finally the curious youth ran out of his questions. Zenjou himself refused to say anything unless he was asked directly.
"Alright then, will the two of you hear what I have to say?"
Zenjou felt a sudden deja vu. Three of them, a king and two wild cards, this situation mirrored their meeting before Kusuhara's avenge mission.[6]
"Fine, let's hear about your plan."
"If our defense on Mihashira tower is defeated and the Slate gets stolen by Green clan, I need you to enter Green clan, Fushimi-kun."
Zenjou froze upon hearing the sentence. He threw his full attention toward Munakata, to see what kind of face he made after uttered such a crazy task. But Munakata didn't seem going to take his words. The current Blue King switched his gaze at the boy Fushimi, who had an unnaturally speechless look on his young face.
"Infiltrate Green Clan, get as close as possible to their secret quarters and the Slate, then give us chance to attack them."
Fushimi's shocked face lasted for a few minutes. Then he finally found his voice to spoke up.
"Let me get this straight. You want me to be Green King's clansman. That means betray Scepter 4. Betray  you ."
Munakata maintained his unshakable serenity.
"Yes, we will have a fake quarrel in front of everyone and you are supposed to leave me in anger."
The youth gradually lost his shocked face. In exchange, his mouth morphed into a twisted grin, and he let out a quite long crazed laugh. Captain just stared at him in silence with no intention to stop his subordinate's bizarre action. In the end, the boy regained his composure and threw Munakata a bitter smile.
"I see, it's such a fitting job for a traitor like me."
Munakata lowered his gaze, but his voice remained steady.
"Indeed you are the only one who can do this task, not only because you have switched clan before, but also I have complete faith in your ability to fulfill this mission."
"Faith, huh..."
Hearing his favorite subordinate's mocking tone, the Scepter 4 captain stood up and walked to the table near the boy. He gently put his hand on the table and spoke softly.
"But I understand that it's not an easy task to accept so you have all night to consider this. In the morning, please give-"
"I'll do it."
"Fushimi-kun?" Munakata's composure shook a little, jolted at Fushimi's resolute words. The person in question stared his Captain head-on with a determined expression.
"I accept this mission. Truly annoying, but I understand the importance of the backup plan, and your plan seems logical enough."
"Fushimi-kun, I advise you to think about this matter carefully. This is a mission with no guarantee that you would return alive. You can refuse it."
"Tsk, don't you say that you have faith in my ability?"
"I have absolute confidence that you can perform this task successfully. But after Green clan is aware of your espionage, you will be trapped in the middle of enemy's territory alone, especially since this mission is kept as a secret from everyone except me, you and Zenjou-san."
Fushimi took his eyes off Munakata and looked at Zenjou, as if just noticing the veteran's presence in the room. He looked at the scarred man slightly annoyed, probably because he didn't like other people to see his last (maybe) mental breakdown.
I don't want to see it either, kid. I don't even know why I am here.
"I understand to keep it from Lieutenant and others to make my betrayal will look real, but why does Zenjou-san is included in this plan?" protested Fushimi, not caring a little bit about Zenjou's demonic popularity. Then again, that kid once (maybe) deliberately passed him and taunted him with his own Captain's condition [7].
Truly no wonder that he's Munakata's favorite.
"After you give a chance to attack, I plan to confront Green clan and Zenjou-san, I need you to be my only companion."
If before Zenjou froze, now he felt like he was being doused by cold water. No one in the room didn't understand the hidden meaning of the Blue King's sentence. Munakata walked toward Zenjou and stared at him sternly, signified how serious the situation that Zenjou was getting into.
"I do not plan to include other Scepter 4 members since Awashima-kun and the rest should handle clan's matters in my absence. Zenjou-san, I will rely on your ability to give me the best possible protection while facing Green clan."
So he refused to say outright about the elephant in the room, huh. How hilarious. Voicing his thought, the youth snorted sarcastically.
"Pft, best possible protection, isn't he your executioner? Or what do you call him? Your Sword of Damocles, part of your destiny."
Wow, ain't that familiar words. So the boy overheard his conversation with the current Blue King on Kusuhara's avenge mission. Munakata didn't mind his subordinate's provocative words at all and firmly addressed the elder man.
"Zenjou-san, are you willing to accompany me and obliterate any threat that can harm humanity?"
Zenjou-san was well aware that the said humanity's threats meant by Munakata are not only about Green Clan and their grand plan. Munakata planned to push his Weismann's level past its limit to face Green clan, and when his Damocles Sword is at the risk of getting down, his life will be the obstacle that must be removed to prevent massive destruction.
(”Zenjou, you will always do the right thing. You will cut what needs to be cut.”)
"I will cut anything that needs to be cut."
"That's good then" nodded Munakata, who seemed satisfied at the confirmation of his own execution.
Silence engulfed the small room. Neither of them intended to open break the ice, probably busy with thoughts of each great burden on their shoulders. After a few minutes, the boy spoke up with an amused yet depressed tone.
"Lieutenant will not be happy about this."
"I bet she won't," chuckled Munakata softly.
"If somehow we can survive in the end, she will choke us with massive ankos."
The boy suppressed his giggle. He was aware of his impending fate, the high possibility of his death with his King...
And he laughed.
On  that day , didn't he also laughed at the possibility of his death alongside Habari? Wait, no, he laughed about how angry Shiotsu to be left alone and has to handle all the mess after their death. And in the end, Shiotsu still had to take care of all Scepter 4 matters because Zenjou after he cut his own king is truly dead in everything but breaths.
Glad that Shiotsu isn't obsessed with anko. Not that he dislikes anko, though.
Captain's chuckle disappeared, seemed that he didn't enjoy Fushimi's newest humor.
"Fushimi-kun, are you sure-"
Fushimi stood up to silence Munakata's mouth, fixed his eyes to his Captain steadily.
"Shut up, I said that I will do it, didn't I. Just like you said, I am the only one who can do it. Instead of nagging me, you should think about yourself."
Fushimi turned around, refusing to face his Captain. The boy muttered petulantly.
"....I am not the one who will walk toward a practically suicide plan."
Munakata sat back on his bed, staring at the room ceiling.
"Your mission has a very high risk, it can be considered a suicide plan, though. It may come to be that you'll share my destiny and have to die with me."
"Then so be it."
Seeing the despairing scene unfolding before his eyes, Zenjou looked away, hard. He didn't like it. The scene he saw right now, is too similar like on that day.
("I made it in time to be with you at your final moment, and share your destiny. I am satisfied with that.")
"Well, there's nothing left to discuss, right? Then I'll go, there are so many things that need to be prepared for tomorrow's plan, also for this new backup plan."The boy hurriedly walked toward the door, still refuse to turn back and saw his Captain.
The current Blue King took his eyes off the ceiling, focused his attention at his subordinate's back.
"If there's a time when you can choose your fate, please choose the best option for your safety."
The boy was silent for a few moments. Then, still with his back to his Captain, he grabbed the doorknob
"I'll keep that in mind."
The door was opened, and Fushimi was ready to walk out of that room. But, he turned back facing Munakata and stated with a soft yet clear voice.
"When the time comes, I have a feeling that my body will do what I think it's right to do, reason doesn't matter. Just like that night when I stepped to your side. So, I can't promise you anything that I myself can't understand."
"I see... Then, whatever your choice later, do not hesitate."
("Do not hesitate, Zenjou.")
"Yeah, I will not regret it."
I don't understand. Why did I must kill you that time, Habari?
The former right-hand of late Blue King silently watched as the youth's figure completely disappeared from the room. The current Blue King rose from his bed and also walked to the door.
"The meeting is over. Looks like we have so many things to be prepared, aren't we, Zenjou-san? Or do you have any questions?"
Questions? He has so many of them. He felt like he didn't understand anything at all. Blue Kings. Munakata.
But there's one thing he had to make sure of.
"You will not let the boy share your fate, aren't you?"
Munakata just smiled softly and walked out of the room, as if his smile is enough for an answer. But the right-hand man of the late Blue King understood the meaning of that damned familiar smile.
The answer is as clear as the blue sky.
King, Zenjou thought, is truly the cruelest being.
As Munakata predicted, Mihashira's plan was failed and Green clan succeed in stealing the Slate. As per Munakata's plan, he had a nasty verbal fight with Fushimi and the boy left in anger (he wondered how much it was acting and how much it was their scream to each other for the last time). Then, just like Munakata's prediction, the boy managed to be Jungle J-ranker, the current Blue King was fired from his job, and the rest of Scepter 4 were not allowed to leave home base.
The final stage had been prepared.
"I wish I knew what they were thinking, both Captain and Fushimi-san!"
A young energetic blue clansman's voice of frustration echoed in his ears, while he accompanied the Captain walked toward Green clan's base. Funnily, he wondered the same. He glanced at the current Blue King, hoped to catch a glimpse of emotion regarding his impending death. But the current Blue King walked straight as usual, there is no hesitation in his steps and his regal posture.
Habari, when you stood straight facing my sword, surrounded by destruction, what were you thinking?
Did he think about his duty as King to preserve society?
Did he think about his fate to die for everyone's sake?
Did he think about the benefit of his disappearance?
Is it... Is it so wrong for Zenjou to think the opposite?
To think that the world can crash and burn as long as he can be on his King's side?
("The country would be destroyed."
"I see... None of my concern. I fight with you, I die with you. That's all I need to do. Let Shiotsu take care of the rest.")
Losing on his thought, and let his body automatically slashed anything that came across their path, he halted when Munakata suddenly stopped in the middle of the road.
"Now we wait."
Wait, for what?  
Zenjou got his answer quickly after. The road in front of him trembled and shifted. Green clan members around them yelled in panic, confused why and how the gate of their secret base was opened.
But the former right-hand of late Blue King understood. The boy did it. He chose to stay on his King's side and fight for his sake, disregarding his own life.
This means that for the boy, opened the gate for his King is the right thing to do.
Again, he hurriedly took a glance at the King beside him. The Blue King smiled softly, relief in his eyes tingled with immeasurable fondness.
"Fushimi-kun. You have done it."[8]
("That's right, Zenjou. That's fine.")
As if his mind wasn't already filled with painful nostalgia, a familiar person appeared from the gate. Ootori Seigo, the Gray King, another person who lost his everything because of Kagutsu Crater.
"Good grief, the gate really did open. Nagare's foresight is quite accurate."
Of course, the Gray King acknowledged Zenjou as Habari Jin's right-hand man. It's been 14 years ago, but no one will ever forget everything that happened in the middle of Kagutsu Crater. Not that he had any business with Ootori Seigo, now.
He was Munakata's problem.
As the Gray King summoned Damocles Sword, Munakata also summoned his. The broken Blue Damocles Sword clashed with the solid Gray Sword.
The Blue King unleashed his sanctum, pushing his Weissman level.
Green clan had been aware of the boy's infiltration.
The countdown of their death has begun.
So far, everything has gone according to Munakata's plan. But then many unexpected things happened. The first was the arrival of the red and white clansmen who entered the entrance that had been opened by Fushimi. Indeed, the Blue King had said that he cannot control the movements of other clans, but what happened after that certainly completely deviated from Captain's prediction.
Scepter 4 members, who were supposed to be confined in their home base, disregarded the orders from above and came to assist their King. For a supposed genius, Munakata is truly stupid to think that he stopped being their leader after he was fired. As if any clansman will accept that a single piece of paper dictates them to abandon their King.
("Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau, Civil Registry Department, Annex 4 is just a facade. Our true identity is the proud Scepter 4 clansmen of Blue King, Munakata Reisi").
Supported by his clansmen's sanctuary, the Blue King rose from adversity and managed to turn the tide. In the end, he succeeded to land a fatal blow on Ootori Seigo and made his Damocles Sword disappeared. Every blue clansman rejoiced for it before suddenly Munakata's whole body crackled with uncontrolled Blue power.
Scepter 4 Lieutenant suddenly rushed to his side and prevented other people to come closer to her King.
"Everyone, stand back. You too, Zenjou-san."
Not too long ago, he challenged Lieutenant Awashima to kill her King. He didn't really think that it had to be her job to slay her King and stop her King's Damocles Sword. Maybe he was testing her. Maybe he was just annoyed because she nagged him about his role in killing King in the past (not that she was worse than Munakata about that). Maybe he was a little resentful because people like her remembered him best as the person who was credited with stopping Habari's Damocles Down by killing his own King.
No matter what reason, it was clear that Awashima took his words seriously. She immediately went to Munakata's side and kept everyone away from him.
"I am his lieutenant. If necessary, I will..." declared Awashima firmly, But her hands were shaking, indicating the heavy feeling raging in her heart.
("Zenjou, as always, you never do wrong things. You will cut what needs to be cut.")
The current Blue King just kept calm with his crackling body. Maybe he already gave up on controlling everything that happened around him and allowed himself to go with the inevitable flow of fate. What did he say before? 'There are times when you want to throw out reason and let fate take its course'.
"Awashima-kun, when the time comes, do not hesitate."
("Do not hesitate, Zenjou.")
Too focused on what was happening, no one noticed the gray king's departure from his previous place. Zenjou just noticed it for a while, and let him be. With the old man's battered body, Ootori couldn't do anything except mustered his last strength and limped toward his purpose of life.
"At least, he can die where he wants."
Which is certainly couldn't be said for Zenjou. All he can do is to live and observe the next tale of Blue. Blue that did not belong to him.
Wild power in Munakata' body was intensified. Crack in the huge blue sword grew exponentially. Lieutenant Awashima strengthened her grip on her sword, gritted her teeth.
Will history repeated itself?
Will the right hand of the King, the most devoted clansman of Blue, killed her own King?
Suddenly, crackles that enveloped the Blue King stopped. The broken Sword of Damocles disintegrated into blue sparkles, diluted in the clear blue sky. Lieutenant Awashima drastically relieved her tense posture, utterly grateful painted her pretty face.
Munakata himself didn't show any sharp change of expression. With the same serene and peaceful smile, the former Blue King whispered softly.
"It seems my life has been spared."
Munakata turned his back facing his Lieutenant. He noticed the strong woman's refreshed face, as if she was just relieved from a huge burden and all is well. That's exactly what happened, indeed.  
"I must admit that I was a bit curious to see if Awashima-kun would be able to slay me. However, I appreciate your efforts. Thank you."
Asshole. Even just after be free from the brink of certain death, the young captain is as cynical as ever. The Lieutenant's emotion didn't change much, but if someone looked closely, a spark of anger flashed her eyes.
"With all due respect, Captain. Your gratitude alone will not be enough."
"Excuse me!"
A loud, well-deserved punch, streaked Munakata's baffled face. Zenjou snorted, silently cheered.
Serves him right.
He was truly satisfied to accompany Munakata today.
A huge earthquake shook underneath them. The Scepter 4 Captain in everything but an official title (not for long) quickly ordered his clansmen to evacuate. He himself stayed in the place he stood, stared forlornly at the remnant of Green Clan base below him. Come to think about it, Munakata had been staring at the Jungle entrance ever since he defeated Gray King.
As if he dropped something precious in there.
Do you regret hoping that he doesn't share the same fate as you, now that you survived?
Suddenly, a green light appeared behind him, carrying the bruised but clearly alive Blue's youngest clansman. The newly former King turned around, and finally met his private soldier's eyes for a long time since their hurtful (fake) quarrel. There are so many things that happened to them, so many things that should be discussed, but the youth casually spoke up, as if they're in a normal day of normal daily Scepter 4 life.
"Mission accomplished, sir.."
"Well done."
Seeing the serene scene in front of him, Zenjou suppressed the bitter envy in his heart.
If only he and Habari's situation ended up like them...
Kagutsu bastard... if he wanted to destroy everything so much, he should destroy the damned Slate when he was at it.
"So, have you found your answer on the last incident?" asked a man with a scary face beside Zenjou. His name is Shiotsu, the former Lieutenant of Habari's Scepter 4 and Zenjou's closest comrade after Habari. They were on a drink together in the same oden store as the last time [7].
"What answer? I was simply watching the current Blue King." replied Zenjou while sipping his drink. Shiotsu scowled.
"You certainly watched him because of  that time . You said that you want to understand Habari after all.[9]"
Smoothing his frown, Shiotsu raised his glass and pondered.
"To be honest, I am curious too. How did he feel when he stood between his own life and massive destruction? How did he feel when he asked you to kill him?"
"Habari didn't ask me to kill him. I chose to do it."
The bespectacled man suddenly stated, put his glass down slowly.
"That's my answer I guess."
"What?" perplexed Shiotsu. Zenjou Gouki is the absolute loyal dog of Habari Jin. For him to admit that he chose to kill his King... the former Acting Captain of Scepter 4 couldn't believe his ears.
"On the recent incident with Munakata, The Blue-I mean former Blue King didn't ask Awashima to kill him. Still, she rushed to his side, just like I did in the past. She's prepared to do what needs to be done, for Scepter 4 and society's sake. On the other hand, that boy Fushimi chose to risk his life for Munakata, opened the gate that became the entrance for Silver King and his alliance to enter Jungle, and indirectly caused Munakata's Damocles to disappear. Both of them didn't move because of command. They just did what they think is the right thing to do, without hesitation."
Zenjou took a dejected breath, and continued calmly.
"At that time,  maybe it happened to me as well. All Habari did was to let me do my choice and accepted his fate."
Shiotsu was silent, stared at Zenjou's contemplative look. The former guard dog of Blue King's face was melancholic just like how he always is while thinking about their King, but he could feel that finally, his closest comrade found peace in himself.
"I see... Then, did you regret your choice?"
Zenjou smiled wistfully.
"Part of me still wants to die alongside him on that day, but I will try not to regret what's already happened."
Shiotsu still remembered the days after the Kagutsu incident. Zenjou's blank hopeless look, as if his soul went with his king to the afterlife. Zenjou who left Scepter 4 right after Habari's death, and withdrew from everyone. Zenjou who refused to come out, and chose to grieve in silence.
Looking that his friend's sorrowful yet serene smile, Shiotsu felt very grateful that his friend was still alive and sat in his side.
"Good for you, Zenjou."
Looking at his comrade's unusual fond smile, Zenjou chuckled.
"So you can make a smile with that scowly face, Shiotsu."
"Shut up. I was born with this face, but you and Habari's recklessness certainly didn't help me to hold back my scowl."
Zenjou let out a crisp hearty laugh. Then, as if he had just remembered something, he grinned.
"Speaking about recklessness, Lieutenant Awashima is also not happy with both the current Blue King and his boy's recklessness. She's so angry when knowing that they literally walked toward suicide plans without her knowledge, intended to leave her alone to stay in Scepter 4 HQ and handle Clan's matters after their death. The discipline Lieutenant punched his superior and tried to break the boy's back with her hug."
Hearing that, Shiotsu couldn't help but snicker. Oh, he knew the feeling of that Lieutenant's frustration and exasperation very damn well.
"Of course she is, and they deserved it."
"On  that day,  Habari left your side to face Kagutsu alone. I also followed him and tried to die with him. To think about it, perhaps we both could be that reckless because we know that you can survive and take care of the rest of matters after our death. Like Awashima, do you ever feel angry-"
A hard-boiled punch followed by a back-breaking hug answered Zenjou's question.
Reference :
[1] Case Files of Blue volume 2 chapter 3
[2] Fushimi Saruhiko side story
[3] Days of Blue Chapter 4
[4] Side Blue Oneshot- A Dog Reminiscence
[5] Zenjou Gouki ~ Dog Droppings, Bird Droppings
[6] K Seven Stories Side Blue
[7] K Countdown Chapter 6 : Damaged Blue
[8] K Return of King Manga Chapter 12
[9] K ~ Seven Stories ~ Piece 7: Habari Jin
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mistleto-3 · 6 years
Awakening: Part 10
When another crisis looms, Mikoto has to learn to navigate a world of Kings as a regular man.
AU in which Mikoto and Tatara survived the Colourless King incident.
Pairing: Mikoto/Tatara
3,255 words. CW for canon-typical violence, mentions of depression and other mental health issues. CW especially for anxiety attacks/PTSD in this chapter.
Apologies for the delay in updating - I was busy with Mikototsu week, and then busy over Christmas, and then January deadline season was kicking my ass.
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AO3 | Ko-Fi
It hadn’t been long since Anna’s birthday, but it felt like all of a sudden, the lull after the opposition to Homra reforming had shattered, and it seemed there was some new commotion every few hours. Rumours were that the Blue clan had it worse, but the change of pace had still been somewhat jarring. At the moment, though, there was a brief period of calm, and the Red clansmen had gathered to chill out in the bar as they had done so often before Homra had dissolved. Being busy was kind of nice, though - things almost felt like they were getting back to how they’d been before Homra dissolved.
“Hey, Yata-san… Looks like Anna and Tatara fell asleep,” Rikio pointed out. The two of were curled up together on one of the couches in the bar, with Anna’s head resting on Tatara’s arm.
“Guys, don’t just stand there, put a blanket on the little lady,” Yō interjected, picking one up to drape it over the sleeping pair.
“Yeah, it is getting pretty chilly these days,” Masaomi agreed.
“Chitose… I heard you and Dewa had a scuffle with the Blues last night,” Misaki asked.
Yō rested his arm on his friend’s shoulder, clasping a cigarette between his lips as Masaomi pulled out a lighter to ignite it for him.
“Oh, that was just a run-in with the pretty Lieutenant,” Yō explained.
“I guess they wanted to save face. But they were on our turf so we couldn’t back down. In the end, Kusanagi-san stepped in to bring things under control,” Masaomi added.
“I see.”
“Eric and I also came close to clashing with the Blues,” Kosuke interjected from the other side of the room. “At least it didn’t blow up into something bigger.”
“Those Blues had been on constant alert lately and keep poking around,” Eric said.
“You guys too?!” Misaki cried, exasperated.
Meanwhile, Shouhei turned to Saburouta, leaning over him and resting his hand on his shoulder to peer at the screen of the laptop he appeared to be concentrating intently on. “Hey, San-chan, what’re you up to?”
“Hmm? I’ve been noticing a lot of activity on the net…” Before he could elaborate on what exactly he meant, something appeared to catch Saburouta’s attention, and his brow furrowed. “Hey, what’s this?!”
Shouhei leaned forward, staring at the screen as he made a noise of apparent shock.
“What is it, Shouhei?” Misaki asked.
Whatever it was, it seemed to have him deeply perturbed. “Take a look…” he said, and the rest of the clan gathered around the screen of the laptop, muttering. They fell silent at the sight of the video on the screen, though.
Pixelated text reading “Homra is over” unravelled across the screen, then vanished, replaced by a Homra insignia, once again in a pixelated style, as though it was from some retro games console. It was accompanied by almost eerily cheerful-sounding chiptune music. Over the top, brightly coloured writing reading “the end of Homra” rose from the bottom of the screen, and then the screen turned briefly black once more. Immediately after, a short, video-game style animation played, showing the sprite of Tatara on the roof of a building, being shot by another sprite who was clearly supposed to be the Colourless King. Misaki glanced back over his shoulder at Tatara, who was blessedly still asleep.
“The weakest clansman really was the weakest…” the text appeared across the top of the video, and then the image changed once more to a sprite of Mikoto wearing a crown, approached once more by the Colourless King’s sprite. There was a flash and the Colourless King vanished, and Mikoto’s sprite flickered and got smaller like a character in a game who’d lost a life. The crown was gone from atop his head.
More text reading: “…But the foolish King became even weaker!”
The screen went black again, and large blue lettering reading: “KING HAS FALLEN, HOMRA IS DEAD” appeared, followed by the text: “GAME OVER.” The video finished on that screen.
There was a moment of quiet after the clip ended as the clan collectively seethed, almost too angry to speak.
Rikio was the first to break the silence, pulling out his phone and dialling Izumo. “Someone should go tell Mikoto-san,” he said as the phone rang.
When Izumo picked up, Rikio put him on speaker. “Kusanagi-san, we came across something…”
“Was it the video?” Izumo cut in.
“How did you know?”
“It was just broadcast across the city.”
“It was what?!” Misaki cried.
“Yata-san, you’ll wake…” Rikio started chiding, but as he turned to face the pair napping on the couch, he saw Tatara was already sitting up, and Anna’s eyes were open.
“Why does everyone have such serious expressions?” Tatara asked, still drowsy.
“Come see…” Rikio said gravely, and the two of them got to their feet and headed over to the screen of the laptop that Rikio was gesturing at. Saburouta hit play once more.
“I’m on my way back now, get Bandou on trying to track where the signal is being broadcast from,” Izumo said.
“On it,” Saburouta replied, waiting for Anna and Tatara to finish watching the video.
“Don’t do anything until I get back; we need to work out how to respond to this.”
The video’s end screen flashed up on the monitor as the clip finished its second playthrough, and Tatara sighed lightly, as though it was nothing more than a minor annoyance. “It seems like they’re just trying to get under our skin, like they want to provoke us. I agree, we should figure out how to deal with this in a measured way, otherwise we’re just playing into their hands. Does Mikoto know?”
As if on cue, the door that led upstairs to the apartment above the bar opened, and Mikoto stepped through. “Know what?” His hair was somewhat fluffy, like it’d just been blow dried, and it hadn’t yet been styled.
“Have you seen the video?” Tatara asked.
“It came on the TV.” There was a tension in his posture that betrayed his irritation with the situation.
Misaki, who appeared to have been stewing in his anger, finally reached bursting point and blurted: “We can’t just let them walk all over us! People have tried to make us mad before, and we’ve shown them that it’s a mistake, because when we get mad it ends badly for them, not for us!”
“It could be a trap,” Rikio pointed out.
“Our actions are up to Anna,” Tatara said gently.
She nodded, having remained in pensive silence since the video ended. “They want to provoke us, and we shouldn’t do what they want. We’ll pay them back for their disrespect, but we should wait for Izumo and decide what to do. We shouldn’t play into their hands.”
“I have the location,” Saburouta cut in. “It was really easy to find.”
“Isn’t that a bad sign? Do you think they’re trying to lure us into a trap?” Kosuke asked.
“It could be,” Akagi replied.
At that moment, Izumo opened the door, looking slightly harried, obviously having rushed to get there. “What’s the situation?”
“We’ve located the source of the feed, but it was suspiciously easy,” Tatara said.
“Depending on who it’s comin’ from, it’s either a trap or they’re just sloppy. My instinct’s the former,” Izumo said. “I doubt it’s from any o’ the smaller scale resistance we got when we first started reforming. They don’t have the resources for this kinda thing, and they’ve quietened down since we taught ‘em a lesson.”
“Who else could it be?” Eric asked.
“Jungle, maybe. Sceptre 4’s Lieutenant says they’ve been having issues with the Greens. If it’s them, it’s almost certainly a trap.”
“Well, it’s the only lead we have…” Tatara pointed out.
“Anna, what do you want to do?” Izumo asked.
“We can’t ignore the lead. We should send a scout ahead,” she said, looking at Misaki. “But the rest of us shouldn’t be far behind, so we have the manpower to fight if it is a trap. Show them we’re too strong to be messed with, and if they provoke us, it will only end up burning them.”
“I can do that,” Misaki replied enthusiastically.
Anna nodded her consent, and he rushed to grab his skateboard as Saburouta sent him the address, and then she glanced up at Mikoto, as though to ask if he approved of her actions. He gave her a small nod of endorsement, and the clan prepared to leave.
As they headed through the doors of the bar, Mikoto said quietly to Anna: “Ya don’t need my approval for everything. You’re your own King. Even if you do things differently, maybe that’s better.”
“…You’re doin’ a good job,” he added.
Anna smiled faintly. “Thank you.” She paused, then added. “You aren’t weak.”
He lay his hand on her shoulder affectionately, and what could have been the ghost of a smile flickered over his lips.
When the clan arrived at the location, it seemed Saruhiko had also been sent ahead of Sceptre 4, and predictably, he and Misaki were already locked in a heated scuffle.
“Yata, that’s enough!” Izumo called as they entered the building, and at almost the same time, Seri’s voice rang from the opposite side of the foyer as Sceptre 4’s special forces squad arrived.
“Fushimi! Stand down!”
The two disengaged with discontented grumbles, and re-joined their respective clans. As they did so, Tatara noticed Mikoto looking around out of the corner of his eye.
“We’ve been here before. While you were in hospital,” he explained.
“My my, you all seem quite upset, aren’t you, Homra?” Reisi said from the other side of the room, adjusting his glasses.
“Damn right!” Misaki shouted. “Mikoto-san and Totsuka-san were slandered. We’ll make ‘em pay!”
“Kusanagi Izumo, we want you to back down,” Seri said. “We will deal with the Green Clan.”
“Sorry, Lieutenant Awashima, but Yata’s right. Those idiots have to find out the hard way that messing with any of us means getting burned. And I mean literally,” he replied, pulling his lighter out of his pocket and toying with it between his fingers. “That’s the only way Homra will be satisfied.”
“If you put it that way, we’ve been taken for fools too,” Reisi reasoned. “This choice of place is no coincidence, don’t you think?”
Mikoto chuckled humourlessly.
Suddenly, Anna tensed. “They’re here!”
Reisi rested a hand on the hilt of his sword. “Don’t watch from behind the lines; show yourself.”
As he spoke dozens of figures stepped forward, looming from the balconies higher in the building – the upper floors were teeming with men in black and green masks, who seemed to outnumber Homra and Sceptre 4 put together 4 to 1. Most of them held PDAs in their hands.
“The bait was so obvious, and you took it!” an electronic-sounding voice called down to them.
The ambush began muttering excitedly amongst themselves, something about points, and the names of Red and Blue clansmen drifted down to them. The two clans in the foyer prickled with mistrust, anticipating a fight.
Another distorted voice broke through the mumbling with a gleeful shout: "So anyway, we have nothing against you guys, but it's all for the points! So die for us, will ya?"
The masked men were laughing, almost jubilant, as they pulled what looked like green parrot plushies from their pockets. It was eerie how eager they seemed to try to kill dozens of complete strangers, all for the sake of points on some phone game? The realisation of just how twisted Jungle's philosophy was settled uneasily over the two clans in the foyer as the Greens threw the parrot toys down onto them. As they hit the ground, they swelled as though they were about to burst, but before any harm could be done, the Blue aura swept outwards to envelop the members of both clans, knocking the toys away and forming a protective cocoon around the clansmen. Dozens of ear-splitting bangs echoed through the room as the toys exploded, seeming to shake the very air in the building, and clouds of thick, grey smoke obscured everything outside of the protective bubble of the Blue aura.
The smoke cleared with a rush of air, and the Greens looked down in shock to see the two groups of clansmen standing unharmed.
"What's going on?"
"Why aren't they dead?!"
"Such a vile and disgusting sedition," Reisi said gravely. "Our lock-up is not what you would call comfortable. I hope you're prepared."
"I can vouch for that," Mikoto added.
"You said Homra is dead? Don't you know? We have a new King. A strong King who rivals Mikoto," Izumo announced as Anna stepped forward, holding her head high.
"You disrespected and laughed at my family." As she spoke, her aura blazed around her, filling the room with crimson light. Her Sword of Damocles rose into the sky above the glass roof of the building, just as Mikoto's had all that time ago. "I won't forgive you."
The sight of her gave Tatara chills.
"Shall we begin then? For our cause is pure!" Reisi announced, and behind him, Seri cried out:
"Men, draw your swords!"
As each of the Blue clansmen raised their blades with a flourish and their aura sparked upwards from their feet, Izumo said: "Time for us too."
"Don't let those Blues get all the credit!" Misaki cried.
The rest of Homra didn't need telling twice. As the Red aura swirling around them burned hotter still, they raised their fists and stomped their feet against the tiles.
"No blood! No bone! No ash! No blood! No bone! No ash!" The chorus of shouts echoed preternaturally through the building.
Mikoto normally didn't take part in the chant as King, but Tatara noticed this time, he was joining in - he didn't stamp and punch the air like the others, but he murmured the words along with them. Something about the gesture was heartening.
"Do not let the Red clan outshine us!" Seri cried, directing her men forwards. The sound shook Tatara from his thoughts.
"Leave this to me!" Misaki shouted, running forwards to initiate the counterattack.
Meanwhile, the Greens had recovered from their initial shock and were preparing their plan B, pulling sub-machine guns from their backpacks and taking aim at the clans below.
Tatara had just enough time to freeze up at the sight of the weapons before the deafening chatter of gunfire began. After a second, he felt Mikoto’s arms wrap around him, pulling him in tightly against his chest, but the sensation was hazy, like Tatara had been out in the cold and his skin was beginning to go numb. He felt cold; the terror that the sound, so loud and so close, instilled in him was like ice water dumped over him, seeping into his veins. His legs crumpled beneath him, until Mikoto’s strength was all that was keeping him from slumping onto the floor. He was vaguely aware of an aura surrounding the two of them, but not whose or even what colour, and its presence brought him no comfort. The scar on his ribcage ached, and the fear was suffocating him, and he was hyperventilating and felt like he couldn’t breathe all at the same time. He was more afraid than he’d been that night on the rooftop when he thought he was dying, because then he’d been resigned to it, but now…
I don’t want to die I don’t want to leave them there’s so much I still want to do I don’t want to die I don’t want to die I don’t want to die
The panicked, half-coherent thoughts were almost drowned out by the gunfire.
Tatara only barely registered the fact that he was suddenly outside, evidently having been ushered out of the building by Mikoto. He was only alerted to the change of scenery by the way the wind made the tears on his cheeks feel cold.
“You’re safe. You’re safe,” he vaguely heard Mikoto reassuring him, but it didn’t quite register beneath the clatter of the bullets that Tatara barely even noticed subsiding as, one by one, the Greens abandoned their mission as a lost cause, spooked by the way the auras of the other clans rendered their weapons ineffective. It wasn’t until the echo of the shots ringing in his ears finally subsided completely that Tatara really understood what was being said to him.
“Breathe,” Mikoto said.
It took a while, but Tatara slowly forced his aching lungs to inhale and exhale in time with Mikoto.
“I’m… s-sorry…” was the first thing he managed to say.
“It’s okay.”
“I e-embarrassed… Anna…” Tatara’s voice hitched on his tears every other syllable. “They th-think Homra’s weak… I proved them r-right…”
“They’re running scared in there. They don’t think Homra’s weak.”
Tatara sniffled, wiping his eyes on his sleeve. His hands trembled as he did so.
“Do you want me to stop carrying a gun?” Mikoto asked softly.
“I can’t ask you to…”
“Yes you can.”
Reluctantly, Tatara nodded.
“I f-feel… stupid…”
“It’s not your fault.” As Mikoto spoke, he rubbed Tatara’s arm comfortingly. Somehow, the tenderness of his voice and his touch was helping to soothe Tatara’s racing heartbeat now that the gunfire had ceased. There was something about the way someone normally so gruff and frightening as Mikoto handled him with such gentleness that was deeply comforting. Still, Tatara didn’t know if he quite believed what Mikoto said about him not embarrassing his clan. He was embarrassed with himself, at least – it was rare the rest of Homra ever saw him upset. He was so careful to keep up appearances as a cheerful and carefree person, but it seemed like he’d broken down in front of everyone more times in the last few weeks than he had in all the years since the clan formed put together. It was endlessly frustrating, and Tatara didn’t know why he was struggling so much to keep it all in.
After a moment, the door opened and Izumo emerged.
“Totsuka, you okay?” To Tatara’s relief, Izumo only sounded concerned – there was no disappointment or anger in his voice.
Tatara managed a shaky nod.
“How did it go?” Mikoto asked.
“They turned tail ‘n’ ran as soon as they realised their weapons didn’t work against auras, didn’t even get a chance to fight ‘em. They disappeared with their tails between their legs before we could even get up to the higher floors of the building. Couple o’ the clansmen are giving chase to see if we can catch any of ‘em and interrogate them, and I think the Blues managed to round up a handful.” As Izumo spoke, he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Tatara. “No one blames you, ya know. I figure I’d’a reacted the same if I’d been through what you had.”
Tatara nodded slowly, wiping his eyes and blowing his nose. Somehow, hearing the confirmation come from someone other than Mikoto was more reassuring – after all, Mikoto was biased.
“Mikoto, there’s somethin’ else you should know,” Izumo continued.
Izumo gestured upwards at the two Swords of Damocles circling above the building, and the debris slowly crumbling away from Reisi’s. Mikoto’s brow furrowed.
“I figure you should talk to him about that,” Izumo said.
Mikoto grunted in agreement, a troubled look on his face as he watched the dust float down from the cracks in the blue Sword.
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jibuyo · 7 years
Might be a loaded question, but what would be your ideal Samurai Warriors game?
I think I would prefer the SW4 format - two characters per battle, several characters to choose from, special events (I like the SW4 era’s talking events, I wouldn’t mind getting a lot of them…) and special missions based on the character(s). And in battle encounter exchanges, between allies and enemies. I enjoyed that you could get Takakage + Mitsunari, Yoshitsugu + Motochika and Koshosho, Hideyoshi + Motonari, Hideyoshi + Takakage, Takatora + Toshiie, just you know, people who don’t normally interact. I also like that you could get Sakon + Kobayakawa Hideaki after Yoshitsugu died. So more of that please.
I’d like a main story and clan stories.
In short, give me one long story starting with Nobunaga becoming Oda clan’s family head and ending with Ieyasu destroying the Toyotomi clan. And then some nice Date vs Uesugi story.
More details under read more, because I wrote a lot about the story.
The main story would be from Nobunaga’s rise to power to Osaka castle. Something like we could see in Chronicles 3, but with more battles. So I would put Tokugawa clan to this main storyline, instead of giving them their own “clan story". Komaki-Nagakute would also be playable for both sides. While I wouldn’t mind having the 1st Ueda battle in the main story (Ieyasu acting as the enemy side, but the stage available for both sides), to have that Sanada connection to Mitsunari in the main story, I guess having it in the separate Takeda&Sanada clan story can work, if they would at least mention it in the main story (then the player could play the Sanada story for more background) and make Yukimura Hideyoshi’s hostage. I don’t necessarily need Honour trio (I love it, but with Masayuki added, I think it outlived it’s purpose now), I’d prefer Nobuyuki and Masayuki being closer to Mitsunari than Yukimura, but Kanetsugu and Mitsunari also being friends.
I would start the story even before Okehazama. Internal conflict in the Oda clan? Nobunaga helping Saito Dosan. Yes, please. I’d definitely like to see Kanbei getting captured by Araki Murashige (I don’t think Kuroda Nagamasa is needed, but I like Nobunaga ordering Hanbei to kill him and Hanbei keeping him safe story. But since I’d like other battles, not just Sekigahara around Sekigahara being added, adding Nagamasa would work - and it would add something to Sekigahara, actually, because Nagamasa was the one exchanging letters with Kikkawa Hiroie and worked on Kobayakawa Hideaki, so they could make it like he was the main person behind so many betrayers on Western army’s side; have him form some kind of friendship with Takatora and it would give something interesting to the Eastern army’s half of the story - I’d like to see Sekigahara from Eastern side as well, not just a sole focus on Mitsunari and then getting Sekigahara battle from Eastern POV. Actually, Nagamasa would definitely work as a new add.) 
I’d definitely want to see more focus on Katsuie and Toshiie during Nobunaga’s time. And overall just on Oda clan. I’d like to see Mori Ranmaru’s father’s death and Nobunaga being sad... which doesn’t fit SW Nobunaga... oh well. But then again, he cried over Mitsuhide in sw2...
I’m personally a big fan of Mitsuhide and Nobunaga’s relationship in sw2 (because it was just so funny) and 4-2, and just in general - Mitsuhide being smitten with Nobunaga and Nobunaga trusting him with important things, and then Mitsuhide being burdened with all the horrible things, and Nobunaga kind of pushing him towards the rebellion (I wasn’t really impressed with Mitsuhide and Motochika’s relationship, but Motochika and Gracia influencing Mitsuhide into rebellion is something I can get behind. It makes no difference to me if it’s Motochika, Gracia or Hisahide, tbh. SW!Mitsuhide would never make that decision by himself anyway, imo. And if he did, it would just end up being sw2 once again hahaha).
I’d like Hashiba Hidenaga to be added and Takatora serving under him when Hideyoshi and Hidenaga went to Chugoku fighting the Mori clan, i.e. being playable in battles Hidenaga participated in. While not necessarily making him playable during the attack in Chugoku, I’d like to see Mitsunari being there in events somehow, even if it’s just an errand boy role. I’d like Mitsunari and Takatora forming some kind of an understanding… one being Hideyoshi’s right hand, the other Hidenaga’s. I would dislike if Mitsunari was drawn as someone who doesn’t like Hidenaga (some fiction does that, but Mitsunari’s father-in-law was Hidenaga’s retainer, so it’s assumed that Hidenaga served as a go-between in his marriage). I would like Hidenaga to be seen as an important pillar for Hashiba clan and later for the Toyotomi rule (and Mitsunari knowing that). I’d like Hidenaga to be the one holding back some of Hideyoshi’s cruel decisions and after his death, I would like to see Hideyoshi going darker. While there were no important battles in Japan after 1590, they could incorporate the Sen no Rikyu and Toyotomi Hidetsugu incidents (they can just be NPCs, SW4/swc3 did well with NPCs like Kagetora and Dosan, even Naotora’s friend) and make them into battles, showing Hideyoshi’s darker side. They could also mention that Hideyoshi destroyed Hidenaga’s clan which would add more to Takatora’s hate for him. And after Hidenaga’s death the relationship between the Toyotomi proteges would just change - Hideyoshi getting darker, Mitsunari becoming more distant and secretive, which would not sit well with Kiyomasa and Masanori (also, I would have Masanori involved in Hidetsugu’s incident - and that would also serve as a rift between Mitsunari and Masanori), Takatora, while having a better read on Mitsunari than Kiyomasa, would go to Ieyasu even before Hideyoshi’s death, because he could see the reality for what it was and because he hated Hideyoshi.
I’d like to see a less naive Mitsunari, who is loyal to Hideyoshi (or to Hideyoshi’s dream? Creating the world where everyone could live and laugh…), but not blindly loyal. I’d like him to disagree with him from time to time (especially with the Hidetsugu incident, because in Mitsunari’s eyes Hidetsugu is important for the Toyotomi rule - since if Hidetsugu dies there’s only a baby Hideyori left/or no one depending on what the game decides to do). Even if Hideyoshi would change in later years, Mitsunari would still want to protect the world Hideyoshi aimed for - he would not be able to imagine that world under Ieyasu. Which would still make him pretty naive in the end. But that’s SW!Mitsunari, so… and while going blindly forward to protect that vision, he destroys it… not just for himself, but even for Kiyomasa, Masanori and Chacha.
(To be completely honest, I would like to see more magistrates and the council arguing and plotting, but I wouldn’t want a complete change for SW Mitsunari and it doesn’t fit with the musou style game, since everything has to be battled out. And other magistrates aren’t needed as new adds). BUT Toshiie vs Ieyasu should be a thing. I hate that Toshiie doesn’t do anything under Toyotomi rule.
I’d like Konishi Yukinaga to be added, but I didn’t figure out how it would work, since I’d like him to be bff with Mitsunari.
I’d like Odawara campaign to be separated into smaller ones, since it’s stupid to have everyone who isn’t at Oshi available at once at Odawara.
I’d like more Sekigahara campaigns too, perhaps Fushimi and Gifu, but I guess it would be boring to fight against generics? But with Gifu they could put Mitsunari, Sakon, Yoshihiro and Toyohisa there as reinforcement… you could even have some Naomasa/Toyohisa’s rivalry there, but I guess they can do this with Kuisegawa… but I don’t want Mitsunari at Kuisegawa. I’d prefer the Gifu castle, because it was the moment when Western army lost its momentum. And you can play as Eastern army.
As for the clan stories. 
Azai clan - I’d like if they showed more of a friendly relationship between Nagamasa and Nobunaga and Nagamasa betraying Nobunaga because of Asakura, not because of some naive dream. He can dream about ruling the land all he wants, but I would still prefer him to decide to betray Nobunaga because Nobunaga betrayed their promise first. I’d also prefer if Chacha wasn’t playable in Azai battles, but I wouldn’t mind Gou being added and having all the sister sad drama (if we can have brothers drama, we can have sisters one too, right? Right. Gou and Chacha could both fight at Osaka.) While I love Takatora’s loyalty to Nagamasa and Oichi, I would tone it down a bit (maybe his loyalty to Oichi might be bigger, because he would know her for longer. I’d like if Oichi could appear in Oda story after she was returned), because I’d prefer if Hidenaga would be more important to Takatora. I wouldn’t include Yoshitsugu in Azai, but since that is already established, just let him be “okay this is the flow”. He’s friends with Takatora, but he has no strong ties to Nagamasa and Oichi (I just have this headcanon in which Yoshitsugu only changes after he meets Mitsunari… and I mean in 4-2 when Yoshitsugu goes and saves Mitsunari at Komaki-Nagakute, Takatora pretty much says that - the old Yoshitsugu wouldn’t leave his position - and it kind of implies that Yoshitsugu wouldn’t save Takatora in the past, if Takatora would be in danger. But with years, Mitsunari and Takatora would become both equally important to Yoshitsugu)
Date clan - adding Masamune’s mother would be nice. She can be around from the beginning until Sekigahara and it would allow us to see another version of Masamune - overcoming the fact she hates him and then coming to save her when Uesugi attack in 1600. I’d love a focus on Uesugi vs Date as well and get more of Masamune and Kanetsugu’s rivalry and weird kind of friendship after Sekigahara (I love Masamune and Kanetsugu). I’d also like to see nods to Takatora and Masamune’s friendship. Kojuro keeping his sw4, 4-2 role is a given. 
Uesugi clan - just a more expanded story from sw4, I guess. Going from Kenshin (but giving him more battles, against Takeda, Hojo, Nobunaga) to when Kagekatsu becomes a Toyotomi follower. 
Also adding Mogami Yoshiaki, Satake Yoshishige or Yoshinobu, or Ashina what’s his name or whoever and just making some kind of a Tohoku story, wouldn’t be bad either.
Mouri clan - I’d like to see more of Motonari’s past battles (I have no idea what battles they were, but…) I’m fine with the Motonari, Takakage, Hanbei, Kanbei story, so just expanding more on Motonari (and perhaps letting him die when he was supposed to), adding a new character perhaps someone from the Kikkawa clan) and having some nice closure for Takakage and Kanbei’s relationship is enough for me.
I have no idea about what Chosokabe did at all, I don’t care about Hojo, and Sanada story was told again and again, so if my ideal game would just use Sanada as a plot point for Ieyasu, I wouldn’t care. They should also give some personality to Nobuyuki...
I’d like Imagawa Yoshimoto getting a short story, or just having him included in Takeda story or Hojo story. Just let him do something beside dying at Okehazama.
Something like this.
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emeraldwaves · 7 years
Title: Don’t Look Down DJ AU Chapter 12 (Read from beginning Here or Here) Pairing: Sarumi Rating: M Word Count:  6,138 AO3 Summary: When Fushimi Saruhiko is dragged to a club by some of his co-workers, he refuses to dance, earning him the attention of the lively, up-and-coming DJ, Yata Misaki. After a heated argument, the boys go their separate ways, never expecting to meet again. Little do they know their first meeting is only the beginning of their now intertwined lives.
Full Fic Under Cut. Thank you to @its-love-u-asshole for betaing!
"What the HELL is this?!"
Saruhiko jolted back against his seat the moment he heard Misaki's familiar yell echo throughout the hallway of his office. He probably should've expected this, Misaki knew where Saruhiko worked and where he lived, it was only natural he would show up to whichever place Saruhiko was at, depending on the time of day. Saruhiko had come to notice Misaki was impulsive, and reckless, so this behavior wasn't exactly out of the ordinary. Plus it wasn't like he had never done this before, Saruhiko thought, reminded of the many times he'd snuck upstairs to see Saruhiko at his desk.
But instead of answering, or turning around like he normally did, Saruhiko simply stared at his computer screen. He wasn't about to answer Misaki and start a fight in his office.
"What the hell Saruhiko, don't ignore me!" Misaki said, grabbing the back of Saruhiko's chair, attempting to turn him around, though the taller dug his feet in, not letting the chair move. "Stop...being so damn...stubborn...Saruhiko...you ass!" he grunted, tugging on the chair to get it to move.
Lifting his feet, Saruhiko let the chair swing around, Misaki falling backwards as he did. "Who let him in here?" Saruhiko called out, glancing around as Hidaka sank further into his chair, and Akiyama didn't move.
"Saru, you bastard!" Misaki snarled, stumbling forward as he grabbed his shirt, holding his phone up with the track he'd recorded with Nagare on the screen. "Answer me, what the hell is this?!"
"A phone," he stated bluntly, and watched as Misaki knuckles turned white as he clenched at the screen harder than before.
"No," he hissed, the air coming from his lungs in shaky waves. "Idiot. You know what I meant!"
 'Does it hurt? Does it make you angry?'
"Oh I'm the idiot, am I?" Saruhiko snorted and yanked Misaki's wrist from his shirt. "I'm not the one shoving a phone in my face begging to know what it is."
"I mean the song, you shithead!" People were staring now, or they were trying not to, but Saruhiko could see their eyes focusing on the scene in front of them. Misaki wasn't exactly quiet about his anger, or anything for that matter. "The song you sang with Nagare!"
"I KNEW it was you!" Hidaka said, standing up, but quickly returning to his seat when he noticed Saruhiko's eyebrow twitch in anger. "I told you..." A small whisper was heard as Hidaka turned away, Saruhiko immediately ignoring his coworkers.
"So you heard it I take it," he said, plopping back down in the chair.
"Of course I heard it you damn traitor!" Misaki yelled.
"Traitor? I don't recall signing any sort of contract with you," Saruhiko scoffed, folding his arms. "In fact, I seem to recall leaving and doing the exact opposite."
"What...the hell...Saru!?" Misaki growled again. "I...You...You refuse to sing with me, but you have no problem going to sing with Nagare?! You know he's my rival right now?! Me and Mikoto's song is going up against yours!" he growled.
"Is it?" Saruhiko hummed. "I had no idea." His voice was flat, uncaring.
"Fuck you, Saruhiko. Fuck. You. I was practically begging you to stay with us and sing with us. You know how much I enjoyed having you on my other song, why didn't you stay with us?!"
"You know why," Saruhiko muttered, not wanting to repeat himself and have the same argument over and over again.
"So you just...you just went and sang with Nagare, because you didn't like what I was doing?! You said you didn't want to sing anymore! Hell Nagare wouldn't have even asked you to sing if it wasn't for me and my song."
Clenching his fists, Saruhiko stood up, glaring down at Misaki. "Right, because it's all about you. Your song, my voice on your song. Me doing whatever the hell it is you want me to do! I never said I wasn't going to sing again. So I sang with Nagare, did you really think you'd be the only person I’d sing for?"
This was exactly what Saruhiko had wanted, Misaki hurt, angry, and abandoned by Saruhiko. Misaki had been the one to drag him into this world of music, performance, and singing, and Misaki had been the one to leave him behind. Saruhiko had never wanted this, never wanted to be a part of this world, and yet, he'd fallen for Misaki's damn persuasive enthusiasm.
"You're such a liar," Misaki growled. "I can't believe I ever thought I missed working with you. You're an asshole and a traitor!" he yelled.
"Then I guess you realized who the real me is," Saruhiko said. "You really are an idiot if it took you this long to figure it out."
"Yeah," Misaki said, his golden eyes trembling with hurt. "Guess I am an idiot." He shoved his phone into his pocket, and stormed out of the office, and Saruhiko noticed his coworkers staring as he turned his back to them, watching Misaki slowly disappear down the steps.
He'd done it to hurt him, and Misaki was so damn transparent so Saruhiko knew it had worked. Misaki felt betrayed and called Saruhiko a traitor, and he now understood the exact same emotions Saruhiko had felt when Misaki had been so willing to give up his own sound in exchange for the possibility of making a crappy song with Suoh Mikoto. Certainly, Saruhiko had sure taught Misaki.
He'd seen the way Misaki's eyes and hands trembled, the way he looked as though he'd already cried a few tears over this. Misaki was a fool, and an idiot, just as Saruhiko had always suspected.
Saruhiko knew he'd probably never see Misaki again, not that it mattered. He wasn't going to sing for him or anyone else ever again. He'd made his point, and Misaki could continue going about his life being a sellout for Homra and Mikoto.
He'd done it to hurt Misaki, and he had. It had worked just the way Saruhiko had planned. It should've been a success. So why the hell did it feel like Saruhiko's chest was about to burst from all the pain slowly building up inside his heart?
Done. Misaki was absolutely done, no questions asked. Actually, he regretted going to see the asshole. He wasn't sure what he had expected to happen, but he hadn't expected Saruhiko to be so damn cold. Did he really not care about anything? Any of the experiences they shared, or the fact they had been intimate with each other? Apparently nothing mattered to Saruhiko, nothing but himself.
It had been a week since then and Misaki was done with feeling frustrated, even if he couldn't seem to stop thinking about how shitty this whole situation was.
Clenching his fists, Misaki slammed them down on the keyboard in front him, the keys shaking with a strange sound, the notes clashing. He hated how much Saruhiko affected him, affected his music. He'd been staring at the piano blankly for almost an hour, trying to decide what to work on.
He should've been happy. There was no reason for Saruhiko to be affecting him as much as he was. Misaki and Mikoto's single had come out a few days ago, and already it was all people could talk about. The song had been been praised, and was staying on the charts. Misaki and Mikoto had already done an interview yesterday. A tour was practically guaranteed with how well the single was doing, and Mikoto's new album was projected to do equally as well, if not better. Plus, Misaki's involvement helped raise his own popularity, and people were already buzzing about what his full album would sound like. It was terrifying and thrilling, and Misaki couldn't believe it was actually happening to him.
He didn't have much time. If his and Mikoto's single continued to do well, he'd have to have a few tracks ready for the upcoming tour, and so far, Misaki had come up very short. He and Totsuka had recorded one song, but overall Misaki had nothing.
There had been a tiny, hopeful part of him which had hoped going to see Saruhiko would make the idiot change his mind. Misaki would've forgiven him if he'd apologized, said that Nagare wasn't as talented as him. Okay, he didn't need to say the last part, but Misaki would've appreciated being Saruhiko's number one.
But he wasn't, Saruhiko had made that very clear.
"Yata-san?" A knock on the studio door interrupted Misaki's groaning, and he quickly pulled his fingers back from the keyboard. He'd been spending more time in the studio at Homra, as opposed to his personal on at home, in hopes that being in a different environment would help him forget about dumbass Saruhiko better.
"Ah Totsuka-san, hi," he smiled, trying to look innocent after completely smashing the keyboard in.
"Izumo has been looking for you," he grinned. "He has some good news for us," Totsuka sang, twirling in the doorway.
Misaki immediately slammed his hand down on the keyboard, and pushed the chair up. "A tour?!" he asked quickly.
Totsuka smirked, biting down on his lip and nodding. "But you didn't hear it from me! And you know...Yata-san..." he chuckled, gesturing to Misaki's hands on the piano. "If you break one of those, Izumo will make you suffer a punishment...worse than death!" Totsuka leaned forward and menacingly waggled his fingertips.
Paling, Misaki jumped back, moving away from the keyboard. "I-I know! I just got excited!" he muttered, and yanked his beanie on, brushing by Totsuka.
"I figured, I figured, and don't worry, I won't say anything, but consider this your warning," Totsuka snorted, leading the way back to the main meeting room.
Following him upstairs, Misaki felt his heart pounding in his chest, and it took all his will to not bounce up and down on the stairs. They were going to go on tour, that had to be the good news!
In the meeting room, Mikoto sat with his feet rested on the table, rocking his chair back and forth, Kusanagi stood at the front of the room. "Nice of you both to join us," he smirked. "I'm sure Totsuka couldn't keep his mouth shut, so I bet you probably are already aware of what this meeting is about."
"Shouldn't've told 'im..." Mikoto muttered, kicking his boot back to place his feet on the ground.
"You're right..." Kusanagi sighed. "I don't know what I was thinking."
Totsuka giggled loudly, and took a seat directly next to Mikoto. "Aw c'mon King! It was exciting, how could I resist?" He leaned forward and placed his head on Mikoto's shoulder.
Mikoto sighed and nudged him. "No one expects you to resist anymore," he grunted, shaking his head.
"What's that supposed to mean!?" Totsuka pouted, but Kusanagi shook his head, ignoring both of them.
"Anyway," he began. "As you all have heard, the new single is doing well, we've been holding the top of the charts for this past week. We have been neck and neck with Hisui Nagare's new song," Kusanagi explained, and Yata couldn't help but let out a soft scoff. Any song they did would have to be better than any song Saruhiko was involved in. "Sometimes we're ahead, sometimes he's ahead, but either way, we're about set to be signed for a tour."
"YES!" Misaki yelled loudly, pumping his fist into the air. Though he quickly lowered it, looking a bit embarrassed about his outburst. "R-Right. I mean...yeah, awesome," he cleared his throat trying desperately to look cool.
Kusanagi laughed. "It's okay Yata-san, it's fine to be excited. Mikoto and Totsuka will be the headliner, but you will be a secondary headliner, rather than just an opener. Does this make sense?"
Misaki nodded rigorously, happy to even be anything. Admittedly, he would've settled for being the opener, but a secondary headliner was even better! "Yes! That's awesome!" he cheered eagerly.
"Wonderful. I'll be setting up the dates and locations in the next few days. The tour probably won't actually start for a few months, so this will give you both time to finalize your albums. Misaki, do you think you can have an EP ready by then? All you'd need is four to five additional tracks to the two solo ones you already have."
Misaki nodded, just about to jump up and run back to start on the new tracks now. "Of course I can," he smiled, giving him a thumbs up.
"Perfect. We can check back in once everything is all set, and we'll get started on promotional material, all of which will be run by all of you for approval," Kusanagi explained.
Misaki was trying his very hardest to listen, but it was a bit difficult. His mind was reeling with all the possibilities for songs he could write. New songs, songs he would sell and people would actually buy them. This was actually happening for him, he was going to be a real DJ and go on tour with Mikoto. It was hard to believe, and he wanted to pinch himself and see if he was dreaming.
"Alright," Kusanagi chuckled. "Time for you to get to work!" He saluted them, and moved away, heading back towards, his own office, while Mikoto and Totsuka stood up as well.
Misaki however, leapt up and ran to block Mikoto from leaving. Bowing quickly, Misaki let out a large breath of air. "T-Thank you Mikoto-san for this opportunity. I...I can't tell you how much it means to me, getting to work with you like this!" His hands trembled at his side, sure he was used to working with Mikoto before, but something about this made him nervous, thrilled and excited.
Placing a hand on his shoulder, Mikoto grunted. "You're talented. It'll be a good tour. Work hard," he said. "Though...I don't think I gotta remind you of that, seems like you'll do it anyway." He rubbed the back of his neck, sighing.
"Y-Yes, sir!" Misaki stood up, nodding quickly. Mikoto waved, and walked out of the room, followed by a pleased Totsuka, who waved as they stepped onto the elevator, disappearing from view.
Scrunching his face up, Misaki curled his spine over and shot out, as though he were a bomb exploding with excitement. He was going on his first tour! And who cared if Saruhiko didn't believe in him, Mikoto did, and that was all that mattered.
"Absolutely not." Saruhiko muttered, shaking his head as he spoke into the phone.
"Are you sure? It would pay very well," Nagare's smooth tone trickled into Saruhiko's ear, like a snake tempting it's prey. "So well in fact, you probably wouldn't have to worry about that silly little job of yours anymore," Nagare explained.
The words only made Saruhiko angrier. Why the hell did all musicians he knew feel the need to pressure him into situations he didn't feel comfortable with. He had regretted answering the call at all, but something about Nagare actually contacting him made him cave. But now, he felt like a moron.
"I said no," Saruhiko repeated bluntly. "It's not about the money."
"Mmm, I didn't think so. No, I knew for you, it wasn't about the money," Nagare hummed. "You know, I've heard rumors of Suoh Mikoto going on tour with up and coming DJ Yata Misaki."
"And?" Saruhiko clicked his tongue, not appreciating the direction this conversation was going in.
"If I have you with me, I'm sure my concert series will be far more successful than theirs," he chuckled.
"I don't care," Saruhiko said. "You can do your concert alone. I'm not interested in touring around the country to sing one song at every show."
"I'd be happy to put you on more tracks," Nagare continued. "And you realize it would be a free trip, you could see the world."
"I don't care," Saruhiko repeated. "I made a promise with myself that once I was done recording with you, I wouldn't have anything else to do with the music world."
"Well, isn't that too bad," Nagare said softly. "However, I think you'll be changing your mind."
"Doubtful," Saruhiko said, and pushed his phone off, slamming it down on the desk.
He had made his decision. He was done with the music world. He'd never wanted to be a part of it in the first place, and Misaki and Nagare dragging him in was exactly the opposite of what he wanted to do.
It had been a long damn week, and Saruhiko was looking forward to going home and working on some programming, maybe getting a little sleep if he could as well. Lately it had been difficult to sleep, and he hated admitting that part of it was because he had grown used to sleeping next to Misaki, and the empty bed was a lot bigger than he remembered.
Munakata had been out all week, which had been nice, the man often did this, looking for new clients, attending technology faires, etc. But especially with Misaki's outburst, Saruhiko was happy he hadn't had to worry about any sort of lecture from the man.
"Fushimi-kun! Glad to see you're still here." Perhaps he had spoken too soon, as he watched Munakata walk down the hall heading towards his office. It was late, and all the other employees had gone home. Even Akiyama had left, even though he often stayed later with Saruhiko, partially because he was working, but partially because he enjoyed keeping Saruhiko company, whether Saruhiko liked it or not.
"Sir, with all due respect, why are you here? It's Friday evening..." he muttered.
"Ah, well I just got back from my trip," he explained, "And I left a few work things I needed to catch up on this weekend in my office, so I simply stopped by to grab it," he chuckled, pressing his glasses up on his face.
"Right..." Saruhiko muttered. For anyone else, it would've been out of the ordinary to see their boss so late on a Friday, but this was actually unsurprising. If there was one thing Saruhiko and Munakata had in common, it was the level of how much they cared about work.
"Like I said, I am happy you were here. I was hoping I'd still catch you," he nodded.
Saruhiko clicked his tongue and folded his arms. "Still have more to say?"
"Indeed. I heard Yata Misaki stopped by the office earlier this week."
Of course Munakata didn't say from whom he had heard this information from. Saruhiko was convinced Munakata had to have some sort of cameras installed in the ceilings or their desks. Saruhiko glanced around the room instinctively, as though eyes were watching him.
"Yeah. He was mad about a song I had recorded with another DJ. It didn't matter though, I can record with whoever I please," Saruhiko explained.
"That you can," Munakata nodded.
Adjusting his glasses once more, Munakata cleared his throat. "So I take it neither of you apologized?" Munakata said, and Saruhiko simply clicked his tongue, scoffing. Sighing, Munakata stared directly at Saruhiko's blue eyes. "You know, Fushimi-kun, have you given any more thought to what we spoke about the other day?"
"I don't know how many times I have to tell people I'm not interested in doing music," he grumbled, glancing away from Munakata's intense violet hues.
"Mmm I see. It's too bad, like I said, you were quite alive on that stage, and actually it seems Yata Misaki brought a light to your life I'd never seen before. I did hope you two would work things out, but it seems I am but a dreamer."
Work things out? Work things out how exactly? Saruhiko wanted to ask, but didn't want to show any interest. Sure, he'd missed the good times he'd had with Misaki, but those were gone. The idiot was way too focused on Mikoto, and Saruhiko didn't feel like listening to it.
"Yeah, well, he's got new people to focus on," Saruhiko snapped. "He doesn't need me."
"Are you sure? Have you spoken to him? Perhaps you both need to have a good talk, and apologize to each other. Tell him how you feel," Munakata said, peering through the edge of his glasses.
That must've been some sort of a sick joke, as though Saruhiko was actually going to tell Misaki how he felt. He should've figured it out by now. And Munakata wanted him to apologize. Apologize...how the hell was he supposed to go about doing that? Misaki had been enraged, and Saruhiko really had been sick of the way Misaki constantly pushed him around, and tried to force him into awkward music situations he hated, so really Saruhuko hadn't been wrong. If anyone needed to apologize it was Misaki.
"I know what you're thinking," Munakata sighed, and placed a hand on Saruhiko's shoulder. "But the truth is, I think you both have things you need to say to each other."
Saruhiko's gaze flicked to Munakata's hand, and the older man removed it. "Anyway, Saruhiko, I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I will see you on Monday," he said, bowing to him before walking towards his office.
Saruhiko hated when Munakata got all cryptic like that. Recently, with Misaki involved it had been especially bad.
But Saruhiko truthfully didn't know what he would say to Misaki. He sucked at speaking about his feelings, and he'd been an ass...a purposeful ass. He'd only sang with Nagare, knowing it would hurt Misaki, and it had worked. Even if he wanted to apologize, it was way too far gone by now, and it wasn't like Misaki was going to magically stop worshiping Mikoto.
He was done, with music, and Misaki. There was no fixing what had become of them now.
Misaki was late, and he desperately tried to gather all his belongings, almost dropping his laptop when he went to shove it in his backpack.
"Shit!" he cried out, yanking his headphones off of the ground. His stupid room was too damn messy to find anything in it.
"Yata-san?" Kamamoto said, knocking on the side frame. "Are you okay?" he asked.
"I'm late!" he cried out, rubbing his head as he dug through his clothes to find his hat. He tossed sweaters about, groaning when the black beanie didn't appear.
"Do you really need your hat?" Kamamoto asked, tilting his head.
"Kamamoto, do you see my head right now? I'm presenting two new songs to Kusanagi today, and I don't want to look like a total idiot!" he said.
"Uh...right..." Kamamoto muttered, and Misaki finally found the beanie wedged between his desk and the wall. Holding it up proudly, he slammed it onto his head.
"Okay Kamamoto I gotta go bye," Misaki spoke rapidly before dashing out of the door, tripping as he stormed down the stairs.
He'd been working on these songs for a little under a week now, and he wanted to make sure Kusanagi approved of the direction he was going in. He'd done some test recordings himself, and now he was ready to present them to Kusanagi and Mikoto...
If he made it to the damn meeting on time.
Swinging around the railing of the stairs, Misaki dashed out the door and down the street. He was grateful he didn't live horribly far away from the studio, and he prayed being late wouldn't look too bad on him.
Misaki actually wasn't sure how he felt about these songs. He'd spent a great deal of time moving on from Saruhiko, seeing as the last few songs he'd written with Saruhiko in mind—which was infuriating. He wished he could've done all this without the asshole's singing voice trapped in his head, and so he'd tried to write these thinking of Totsuka. It had gone...decently, he thought. He didn't want to make any judgements until they heard.
He didn't know how this had happened exactly, his strange reliance on Saruhiko. He'd written plenty of music before Saruhiko, but it had been the song with Saruhiko which had sparked his career. Maybe that was why it felt like Saruhiko was his crutch?
But Misaki knew he didn't need Saruhiko anymore. He couldn't have him anymore even if he wanted to, which he most certainly did not. He could do this without him.
Swinging the door open, Misaki ran to the elevator, pushing the up button way more times than necessary.
"C'mon c'mon c'mon," he grumbled, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet.
When the elevator doors finally opened, he dashed inside, and rode the painfully slow lift to the top, only to stumble out when he made it to the 9th floor. He pushed open the door to the conference room and let out a sigh of relief when he realized Mikoto wasn't actually there yet.
Kusanagi however, was casually sorting through some papers. "Ah, Yata-san, take a seat before you pass out," he snorted.
"S-Sorry," Yata muttered, collapsing into one of the chairs. "I, uh, ran to get here," he admitted. "I was running late and..." he paused, deciding not to call attention to the fact that the reason he was late because he couldn't find his damn hat.
Kusanagi simply chuckled. "There's no need to worry about it. You have to understand...Mikoto runs on his own time schedule, and since he's our best talent, we sort of just let him. So when we set a meeting for a certain time, you can almost guarantee he's going to be late.
Staring, Misaki blinked. Mikoto just showed up whenever he wanted? Misaki felt a little foolish for rushing to get to the meeting on time.
"You know you're really late when Mikoto is here before you," he said.
"Right..." Misaki sighed. "Damn...what a relief..." he puffed out his cheeks and pulled out his laptop, getting it ready just in time for Mikoto to finally walk in.
"H-Hi Mikoto-san!" Misaki said, bowing his head.
Mikoto snorted and took a seat next to him. "Kid, you don't have to bow every time you see me."
"R-Right!" Misaki said, nodding quickly.
"You got your stuff?" he asked, folding his arms and shutting his eyes, as though he was absolutely exhausted.
"Oh! Y-Yeah!" he said, pulling up some audio files. "These are just tests, and obviously I won't be singing the final products cause uh, I am not good at singing," he explained, looking to both of the older men for some sort of answer. However, both sat staring, waiting for Misaki to push play.
"Right," he nodded, taking that as his cue to start the song.
The three sat, listening to Misaki's awkward vocals. Listening now, the song felt dry and even a little flat, as though it was missing emotion altogether, and it wasn't just his singing. He glanced at the other two listeners, but neither Kusanagi nor Mikoto seemed to have any sort of expressions on their face. They both stared at the laptop, unmoving.
Clearing his throat, Misaki leaned forward once the song had ended, and pushed play on the other track. As the song rolled through, Misaki focused on the seconds as they slowly ticked down, desperately wanting it to end. Just as the first song had been, Misaki felt this song was possibly even worse. Maybe it was just his vocals?
The ending came, however, and the silence stayed. The tension was thick in the air, and Misaki could tell they didn't like it...and neither of them had said a word.
"Mm," Mikoto grunted finally. "Play that second one again."
Misaki did as he was told, and waited for the taller to say something. Leaning forward, Mikoto paused it on his own after the first few seconds. "So...what happened?" Mikoto asked, and Misaki felt his heart sink. It felt as if his heart was glass and had shattered completely, his breathing painful as broken shards pierced at his lungs.
Glancing down, Misaki clenched at his fists in his lap. What had happened? Saruhiko had ditched him, but Misaki had put it behind him! It wasn't supposed to be affecting him anymore. "I..." he muttered, his voice catching in his throat. The last thing he wanted to do was cry in front of Kusanagi and Mikoto.
"You're better than this," Mikoto said, glancing out the window.
"I think you know it too, Yata-san," Kusanagi nodded. "You don't have to rush."
"I-I know..." Misaki muttered. "It's not that."
"It's that Fushimi guy," Mikoto said with a long sigh. "He's messing with your head."
"N-No! I already put Saru behind me!" Misaki retorted quickly.
Mikoto shook his head, and gestured towards the screen. "Obviously not," he grunted. "Look I don't know what happened between you and Fushimi, but seems to me you wanna talk to him."
"What?! Of course not!" Misaki blurted out. "I want nothing to do with the guy. I tried to get him to talk to me and he turned me down like the asshole he is!"
"Your music says otherwise," Mikoto sighed, gesturing to the computer screen again. "This was boring, basic. It's almost like you did it on purpose. Plus you sat here looking all dejected while we listened, you knew it was bad," Mikoto grumbled.
Misaki had never heard Mikoto talk so much in one go, and he was shocked quite frankly, his jaw dropping.
"It...wasn't that bad," Kusanagi urged, trying to soften the blow. "But we do know you can produce better music than this."
"You can do better," Mikoto shrugged. "It was dry. Like you cut off your emotion from yourself," he explained.
Pursing his lips, Misaki glanced away from Mikoto. For someone who rarely talked, he certainly had a lot of truthful insights. By cutting Saruhiko out of his songs, Misaki had kind of cut his emotions out. Saruhiko had evoked such intense feelings within him, and brought forth such new unique things in his music. Saruhiko was his muse in a way, and though he didn't necessarily need him to sing every song he wrote, not having the option was surprisingly stifling.
And it wasn't as though he couldn't make music without Saruhiko, he'd done it before, but this was all before he'd realized Saruhiko was completely done with him and music. He'd made it very clear when they had had their conversation, and since then writing music had been a struggle. Perhaps there had been a part of Misaki which had always hoped Saruhiko would come back.
"Maybe you need to think about talking to him again," Mikoto said, standing up to leave the room.
Sighing, Misaki placed his head in hands, but jerked up when he felt Kusanagi's hand on his shoulder.
"Mikoto believes in you, Yata-san, you'll figure this out."
Misaki tried to answer, but all he could do was nod.
"What the hell am I going to do?!" Misaki yelled, throwing his backpack on the floor as he explained the situation to Kamamoto once he’d returned home.
"Apologize?" Kamamoto suggested.
"To that bastard?!" Misaki growled. "I think he made his feelings clear!"
"Or...try and make something different?" Kamamoto suggested instead.
Misaki groaned, leaning his head back against the couch. "There's no way that will work, Mikoto is going to know, I just know he's going to know..." he muttered. "I mean he figured it out right away..." he whispered.
"I mean...you've seemed really tense and unhappy the past couple of weeks."
"I'm just...stressed about the tour and the album!" Misaki retorted, but he knew that wasn't true. If anything, those things should've made him happy, thrilled and excited to work on the thing he loved, and yet, it had just been a struggle.
And maybe it was because of Saruhiko and his emotions. His music was missing something, and to Misaki whenever he listened back, it always felt like he was missing Saruhiko. But how the hell was he supposed to get that back?
Sighing, Misaki stood up and began to pace about the room. "And what if...what if I did try and go find Saru..." he muttered. "I mean what the hell am I supposed to do? I'm not going to apologize to him when he was a huge asshole to me! This is mostly his fault, for doing that stupid song with Nagare!" Misaki yelled.
"Ah...Sometimes I forget how stubborn you are," Kamamoto chuckled.
"Oh, I'm so glad this is funny to you Kamamoto!" Misaki scoffed, folding his arms as he continued to walk in circles around the room.
"Sorry, Yata-san," Kamamoto said. "I just...I think it was better when you two were friends or...whatever else you were."
Misaki froze, blushing. He knew he'd had a strong connection with Saruhiko, and not just with music. He did miss it, and him. He didn't want to admit it to the asshole, but damn did he miss him. Hell, he would've taken Saruhiko back even if he didn't want to sing anymore. Misaki just wanted him, no matter what. When had he gotten so weird and desperate?
What had they even fought about in the first place? Misaki was having a hard time remembering. Something about Mikoto? Was it really so bad that Misaki had wanted to work with Mikoto? His sound hadn't changed that much?
But Saruhiko had been so upset...jealous even.
Then it hit him.
Saruhiko was jealous. Jealous of Misaki doing a song with Mikoto, just as Saruhiko had done a song with Nagare. Misaki had felt a surge of jealousy pulse through his veins, and even thinking about it now he felt a bit angry. He'd change the song every time it had come on. But Saruhiko had been invited to collaborate with them and said no.
"Look," Misaki sighed finally. "Even if I wanted to make things better...I don't know how. Saru wants nothing to do with Mikoto. I'm not going to stop working with him...hell, I'm going on a tour with the guy, and if Saru can't accept that..." Misaki trailed off. "Plus Saru said he wanted nothing to do with music anymore, and he especially wants nothing to do with me.
Kamamoto snorted, shaking his head. "And when has that ever stopped you before?" he chuckled.
Blinking, Misaki glanced from Kamamoto to his laptop, then he glanced down the hall to his mixing room. "You're right..." he muttered.
There were so many times he'd been overly pushy with Saruhiko, that was how their entire friendship had started in the first place. It was always Misaki's job to push and push, Saruhiko needed that to do anything different in his life. All this time, Misaki had been waiting for Saruhiko to come to him and apologize, but maybe he had been wrong all along. Misaki had always been the one to go to him, so why would this time be any different? Even if Saruhiko did owe him an apology...Misaki was never going to get it if he didn't do something.
Their fight was now leaking into his music, affecting his possible career. He couldn't let it go on like this. He had to get Saruhiko back in his life. He wouldn't force him to sing, but at least...spending time together, as friends or whatever...it would be enough to keep Misaki focused and not messing up songs.
"But he's never going to talk to me," Misaki said aloud, his jumbled thoughts finally growing clearer.
"You haven't even tried!" Kamamoto said.
"I kind of did..." Misaki muttered.
"What, running down to his office and yelling in his face? That's not really an apology..." Kamamoto teased.
Groaning, Misaki waved his hand towards Kamamoto trying to brush him off. "Yeah that's the problem, after that, he's really never going to talk to me!" he exclaimed. "I mean...we both said some awful shit."
"Sounds like you both need to apologize, and you know Fushimi-san isn't one to make the first move."
"I know," Misaki grumbled, "I literally just thought that. But like I said, even if I contact him he won't answer."
"And like I said," Kamamoto continued, "when has that ever stopped you in the past."
"It hasn't...I just feel like I need something to convince him..." he muttered, tapping his chin as he looked around the room.
Glancing down the hall towards his studio, Misaki's face lit up, the largest smile he'd had in weeks. "That's it, Kamamoto!" he cheered. "I have just the thing!"
And before Kamamoto could answer, Misaki disappeared into his studio.
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brynne-lagaao · 7 years
If Fushimi told Yata his true feelings when he decided to join S4, do u think Yata would let him go? It likes the way Yata accepted his mother's remarriage just because she had asked him before she recieved the engagement ring. Somehow i think the story would be even sadder although they could still be friends after that.
Interesting question! I’ll preface my answer by saying that there are a number of ways this could probably go, so this is my opinion based on my own analysis of the characters. Other opinions on the subject could be equally valid.
I think things would go better if Fushimi explained himself, but I don’t think they’d go smoothly. Because Fushimi’s side of things is so overt and clearly awful, I think some people overlook Yata’s side of things (and I’ve noticed that a lot of the people who don’t overlook it take it in a completely opposite direction and heap the majority of the blame on him). The problem when Fushimi tells Yata that he’s leaving is that Yata wasn’t in a mindset where anything other than “lol just kidding of course I’m not leaving Homra” would have made him feel better. His mindset is “Homra is good, not-Homra is bad” and it takes a while to shake that impression. He’s hearing his closest friend tell him he’s leaving and going to a clan that’s on shaky terms with Homra as it is, and so his emotions are going to be all over the place.
And thing is? Fushimi knows this. He’s very observant, so I think he’s more than conscious that nothing he says is going to make Yata feel less hurt and angry and betrayed in that moment, so he’s like “fuck it” and breaks things spectacularly rather than dealing with the reaction. It’s a horrible decision, and it shows callous unkindness to both Yata and himself, but he’s not a healthy person with healthy emotions, so…
Anyway, getting back to your scenario. Imagine Fushimi has healthy coping mechanisms and so he explains properly to Yata why he’s leaving (feeling stifled in Homra, afraid of Mikoto, fascinated with Munakata, etc). I think in this scenario Yata’s still mad and they part on bitter terms, but the words resonate and he gives more weight to the things Totsuka says to him afterwards. Yata’s not dumb, he’s just blunt and honest and bad with subtlety, and he cares about the people he’s closest to. In MOR we see him trying to make some sense of Fushimi’s feelings and why he left, but he’s still in that space of “if I understand, then you’ll come back, right?”
My main beef is that no one bothers to sit him down and be like “that is the problem”. I’ve seen meta that says “Yata needs to figure this out, and then everything’s okay”, a narrative that can kind of be backed up with evidence from ROK as that’s exactly what happens (with a little help from Munakata). But.. no, that’s not really the case. IRL we have no expectations of “this person should just intuit the problem and then everything will be sorted without the other person having to vocalize it”. We are expected to use our words to explain things when someone else clearly isn’t getting it. This is the other half of the equation, and I was happy to hear it acknowledged in their reconciliation, with Yata saying “how was I supposed to know that?”
Without one half of the Fushimi/Yata equation, the whole thing can’t hold up. If Fushimi explains himself, Yata will come around after some time spent thinking about it. The encounter in MOR would’ve gone very differently, or maybe they’d have a conversation even before that. It’d be awkward at first, but they could build on it. Actually, my theory is that Yata would go through a large part of his later character development early (trying to understand others instead of projecting his own feelings on them) if he starts seriously considering the reasons Fushimi left. This can only happen if he knows what they are. Similarly, if Yata’s “us vs the world” mentality wasn’t there, Fushimi wouldn’t be able to bait him the way he does in canon and their relationship would go a lot differently, forcing FUSHIMI to change his mindset. The fallout requires both halves of the equation in order to hold up, and it requires both of them to change in order to reconcile.
That’s how I feel about it, anyway.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Role-Reversal AU, with S4 Yata leaving for Homra, is interesting to me because I don't think he would have been able to just leave, the way Fushimi did. Like, Yata gets so attached to people and ideas, and I think the idea of "betraying" or "abandoning" his King and Clan would been a particularly hard pill for him to swallow, either unable or refusing to accept that S4 is simply not a good fit for him, and that that's okay.
I think the process of accepting that he wants to leave and join the Red Clan would be a pretty long and hard one, personally. And that he wouldn't leave without the blessing of both Munakata and Fushimi. Munakata would give it, of course (was likely even subtly encouraging this, having realized the problem long before Yata himself), but how do you think Fuhsimi would get to a place where he's willing to let Yata go? Do you think it would send him on another self-hatred spiral?
I feel like Yata would definitely want to get Munakata’s blessing at least, he hates when people betray him or leave without reason and he wouldn’t want to be that kind of person. I agree that I could see him struggling in that sense with the idea that he might be more suited to Homra, like when he joined S4 he thought they were so cool but maybe he’s been aware for a while that he’s not really fitting in. He’s been trying — I definitely think this is a difference between Yata and Fushimi, Fushimi doesn’t even try to fit into Homra but I could see Yata going the other way, being even a little annoying in his desperate attempts to belong. Yata wants to be useful to Munakata and stay by Saruhiko’s side but at the same time he feels so drawn to Mikoto, like every time they run into the Red clan Yata finds himself just staring after them. Maybe he even runs into some of the members while off duty and he knows he should hate them but actually he gets along with them so well and he doesn’t know what to do, he feels like Homra is somehow right for him but he can’t abandon S4.
Meanwhile I could totally see Munakata trying to subtly push Yata in that direction, assuming he has no use for Yata himself (the ‘Yata is his gift with purchase for recruiting Fushimi’ scenario, if he did have a place for Yata I think he’d be more resistant but in that case I don’t think Yata would feel so out of place in S4 anyway). Munakata isn’t exactly in the business of giving up his clansmen but at the same time he has no desire to see Yata unhappy and he has no place for someone who doesn’t truly want to be here. I imagine him finding some way to get Yata to admit that he would rather be in Homra, Yata almost doesn’t realize it himself until he’s blurted it out. He expects Munakata to be mad but Munakata is calm and accepting, I think it would actually mean a lot to Yata that Munakata doesn’t frame this as a betrayal of S4 but rather Yata going somewhere that better suits him.
Fushimi would really be the problem here, because even with being in S4 from the beginning I think he would have trouble letting Yata go. I’ve mentioned before in this scenario I think Fushimi would be unable to take Yata leaving as anything less than an abandonment, even with Yata fully explaining his reasons and his desire to stay friends with Fushimi despite being in separate clans. I could actually see Fushimi letting Yata go, because telling him to stay is admitting that Yata matters to him, but I think it would be more pretending that he has no need for Yata and trying to throw him away basically, like laughing in Yata’s face and claiming he doesn’t need someone as useless as Yata by his side so Yata may as well leave. In this scenario I see Fushimi throwing the ‘traitor’ word back at Yata, which really pains Yata especially since he tried so hard not to be that way. But at the same time he doesn’t know what else to do, Munakata said it’s fine and Saruhiko is laughing in his face and telling him to go and Yata doesn’t know how to fix this. He goes to Homra but obviously it’s painful for him, leaving Fushimi behind, and I could see him constantly trying to ‘make it up’ to Fushimi somehow, internalizing that this is all his fault (and maybe in this scenario it’s Fushimi who has to go save Yata, admitting that he’s never stopped caring about Yata and that he’s the one who broke things, not Yata). 
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
Slate War AU - everyone knows about the Dresden Slate, so there's constant war over owning it. Whatever country currently possesses it becomes the location where the fighting takes place. Adults are drafted into the war/students are recruited right out of high school. Yata is recruited to be a soldier, where Fushimi is taken to be a scientist to figure out how the Slate works. Yata goes MIA and Fushimi destroys the Slate in revenge for causing him to lose Yata. Yata is alive & Sarumi reunites.
I like the idea of Fushimi just going fuck it and betraying everybody in destroying the Slate just because without Yata around he has nothing to lose :3c So imagine the Slate as the great magical macguffin that everyone in the world wants, maybe in this AU it's a bit more compact though so it's easier to steal. The country who owns the Slate will receive great powers from it, say rather than Kings it's more like the unbound Slate that Hisui wanted, where the Slate just randomly grants powers to anyone within range and having it in your kingdom will cause more super powered people to be created. Those who have powers don't lose them though and even people outside the kingdom holding the Slate can gain powers too so it's like all the countries see this as if they don't own the Slate and have the most super powered soldiers than the other kingdoms will come and take them over. Whoever has the Slate will inevitably be attacked by all the other countries and so every country has a huge army, not just made up of people with superpowers but even kids right out of school are drafted to become soldiers.
Fushimi and Yata are a pair of high school friends who live in the current country that holds the Slate. Owning the Slate tends to be a double-edged sword, like the Slate triggers more prosperity among the people but it also means constant fighting on the border and those who can't afford to live in luxury have to join the army. Yata's super patriotic and ready to join the fighting, he wants to become a strong soldier who can fight to defend the country. Maybe when he was a kid the city where he and Fushimi lived was bombed by a rival country and they were saved by a young commander in the army, Suoh Mikoto. Yata's always looked up to Mikoto as a role model, the coolest person who saves those in need and fights for justice. Fushimi is more cynical, he thinks this whole war is stupid and doesn't get why having the Slate is supposed to be such a boon when all it leads to is fighting (and of course there's part of him that knows when it comes to fighting he isn't strong enough to protect Misaki, and he doesn't want Yata becoming an easily expendable cog in the war machine).
Right after high school though Fushimi meets up with a mysterious man named Munakata Reisi, who probably doesn't even ask Fushimi's permission before taking him away to become a scientist. Munakata's research department keeps an eye on all the students in the country's schools in order to pluck out the most promising, he's had his eye on Fushimi for a while and feels like Fushimi can become an extremely valuable member of their team doing research on the true nature of the Slate. Fushimi's belligerent at first, not wanting to help unless he gets to talk to Misaki. With Munakata's permission he's allowed to send Yata letters and they start doing the whole 'soldier and his sweetheart at home' thing, Yata sending Fushimi letters from the battlefield and Fushimi staying behind and learning all about the Slate and its properties.
Things are starting to get worse on the battlefield though, the country's leaders wanting to use the Slate's powers to destroy the other countries and pushing the researchers to find out more about the Slate. Fushimi notices that Munakata seems to disapprove but won't say anything, meanwhile his letters from Yata start getting fewer and further between. Eventually there's some big attack near where Yata was stationed and the letters stop, Fushimi's given Yata's belongings and told that Yata is MIA. Fushimi's hands tighten into fists, bitterly complaining about how useless this all is. He wants to get revenge somehow for Yata but there's no one he can fight, so instead he decides to use his research to destroy the Slate. He sneaks into the lab one night and just uses all the equipment set to a certain frequency and it causes the Slate to burst into hundreds of pieces.
This immediately causes an alarm to sound and soldiers show up, shocked to see what Fushimi's done. He's arrested and dragged to jail, where he's going to be put to death as a traitor. However before his trial there's like a coup and the country's rulers are overthrown by Munakata, who's secretly been plotting all this time to end the war. Fushimi is instead set free and as he steps out of the prison cell someone yells 'Saruhiko!' and tackle-hugs him. Fushimi's shocked to see that Yata's there and alive, he was being held prisoner by one of the opposing countries and has been set free now that all the countries have called a truce. Yata can't believe that Fushimi actually destroyed the Slate just to save him and Fushimi mumbles that he didn't do it for Yata, even as the way he's clinging tightly to Yata belies his words.
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
Sarumi AU Soulmates mark that their knows their soulmate’s biggest secret (even if it’s from the future)?
Imagine that maybe when soulmates meet they learn each other's biggest secret but they have no way of knowing at what point in time it will be their biggest secret, like it could be something that's happened already or something that will happen (this could get really messy if soulmates meet and one of them realizes that the other's biggest secret is like a mass murder or something and it's like okay so did my soulmate already murder tons of people or are they going to and why are neither of those options very reassuring). The thing that makes this interesting is when Yata meets Fushimi and the first thing that's revealed to him, the secret that Fushimi doesn't want anyone to know, is 'I care about Misaki more than anyone else, even myself, and I don't want him to leave me behind.' Yata knows it has to be kinda from the future right, since he and Fushimi have just met after all and Fushimi's still super standoffish to him, and it makes him a little excited at first thinking well things have gotta go well for us even in the future if Fushimi loves me that much. It doesn't even occur to him at the time to wonder why this is a secret, and not something that Fushimi would want him to know (and by the time the betrayal happens Yata worries that the time of the secret has already passed, that Fushimi definitely loved him before they joined Homra, but he also still wonders and hopes that maybe for all Fushimi pretends to hate him the biggest secret is truly that Fushimi still cares about Yata more than himself).
On Fushimi's end, the secret he hears is 'Even if he really did betray us, I still can't hate Saruhiko.' This gives Fushimi a complex right from the start, like the second half of that secret isn't enough to make him stop worrying about the first part. Knowing that someday he's going to betray Misaki just hangs over his head the whole time they're together, wondering when it will happen, why, what could have come between them so much that Fushimi betrays him. Fushimi also can't help but think that it must be something wrong with him, like he must be similar to 'that guy' after all if he could betray someone he cares about as much as Misaki. Then they join Homra and Fushimi starts to get this sinking feeling as he realizes what this must mean, the reason why he doesn't feel like he belongs in this place. He tries to ignore it, to tell himself that he and Misaki are soulmates and Yata won't leave him, but he sees the way Yata looks at Mikoto and Fushimi himself feels more and more like he can't breathe in this place, and every day it becomes clearer to him – he's going to betray Misaki, their important bond is going to break, and there's nothing Fushimi can do to make it stop. And it isn't until after the whole jungle mission when Yata saves Fushimi and they talk afterward that Fushimi admits the secret he heard and Yata just smacks him lightly on the head like 'you idiot, did you even pay attention to the rest of it? No matter what you did, I wasn't ever gonna be able to hate the guy who's my soulmate.'
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
Your latest post about Munakata died on Mihasihara attack AU is so heartbreaking, made me cry (for real, there are literal tears running on my cheeks). And made me think, isn't this AU too cruel for my baby Fushimi? Like not only he couldn't grief properly after Munakata's death to prepare his betrayal acting and mission, he lost his King and he had to remove himself from his place to belong for the sake of secret mission, he also has to receive power from people who killed Munakata, chopped vegetables alongside Munakata's killer, sleep with people who was responsible for Munakata's death. Oh, imagine Sukuna told Fushimi in front of the Slate "See this? It's the Slate that we stole from your previous king after he was defeated and died, the Slate that was guarded by your previous king but he was too weak so we killed him", how painful for Fushimi to suppress his anger and sorrow and said "Yeah, so? I don't really care."
So how about after he was rescued, he finally accepts that Munakata is really dead, in his shocked state Green power flows through his hands, and he totally freaks out, like no I don't want this, I don't want power from people who killed Captain. Hidaka gives Fushimi his uniform and sword to calm him, and Fushimi holds those things tightly like yeah, these are mine, I am Scepter 4 person, this coat are given by Captain this sword are named by Captain. Honestly at this point he needs therapy, after all he lives together with people who killed one of his most important person for a month
I mean he needs therapy even under normal circumstances so this would just make things even worse. I definitely feel that if Munakata died at Mihashira and Fushimi still went undercover that he would just be burying all his painful feelings as deep down as he can, like there's no time for grief or for thinking about how he just lost a very precious thing because he has a job to do. In a way I think focusing on the job would almost make it easier, like this is the last order his King gave him and Fushimi will carry it out to the best of his ability. Plus on top of that Fushimi just assumes he's definitely a dead man now, no one knows about the plan to infiltrate jungle except Munakata, who's no longer here, and there's no one who will come to save him when things go sour. So for Fushimi it's like he can just push away all the grief and pain for now, and he won't even have to think about later because he isn't intending to actually have a 'later.'
Even so it gets more difficult once he's actually a J-ranker and gets to be face to face with the people who killed his King (and I imagine him finding out somehow about the hand Hisui had in what happened to Mikoto and Totsuka too, like this man killed two of his Kings). It helps that Fushimi isn't exactly a share your emotions type of guy anyway so if he's standoffish no one thinks much of it, but it's still hard to do something so mundane as chopping vegetables with the Gray King who shot Munakata in the heart. When he gets the Green power from Hisui part of him balks at it and maybe he feels this sharp jolt of pain before he forces himself to relax and accept the power, like for a moment he let his emotions get in the way and tried to reject the power that killed Munakata. I imagine Sukuna constantly needling Fushimi about how they killed Munakata too, like trying to get a rise out of Fushimi (especially after Fushimi opens the door to the hideout and is revealed as having betrayed them, I could see Sukuna gloating that they killed Fushimi's King and they're going to kill Fushimi too, because the Green clan is so much stronger than anyone else).
Then afterward Fushimi gets rescued and say Munakata did leave some failsafe behind so that the clan knows that Fushimi never betrayed them. In the aftermath Fushimi's a little dazed, he's injured and here he's still alive after everything. Fushimi's feeling sort of numb, like imagine him just sitting in the back of one of the Scepter 4 vans staring at the wall and feeling like he doesn't know what he's supposed to do now. Awashima and the alphabet squad come in to see him and Fushimi's shocked out of his stupor, reflexively he summons power to his hands and it's Green that immediately comes to him. All of a sudden that pile of feelings that Fushimi's buried inside for the last month come spilling over and Fushimi tries to like turn the Green power off, shaking his hands as he mutters feverishly that this isn't what he wants, this wasn't from his King, this was the power that killed – and he trails off, eyes wide, hands shaking. Suddenly a blue coat is draped over his shoulder and Hidaka pushes the sword into his hands, asking if he's okay and telling him that they've kept these things for him, Captain asked them to hold onto this coat and this sword. Fushimi repeats 'Captain...' and then he pulls the coat closer over his shoulders, hands running along the hilt of his sword as he murmurs 'My King...is....'.
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
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I actually haven't ever watched all of Avatar but I think I can still manage this (I have seen Pocahontas and from my understanding it's nearly the same thing so it should be fine :P). So Fushimi is a scientist working on the 'avatar' project, maybe he gets dragged in against his will because his asshole dad Niki was a former participant who died and Fushimi is a perfect match to make use of Niki's avatar. Fushimi isn't thrilled with the idea of having to go to an unfamiliar planet and be turned into a blue cat thing but his mother Kisa is running the project and insists that he go because her company is trying to mine some super rare mineral that is only available on Pandora. Fushimi feels like he has no choice but his fellow 'crewmates' Awashima, Munakata and Shiro all welcome him and he figures well, at least he's away from all of humanity this way.
He's getting used to his new avatar body and to exploring this shitty planet full of trees and greenery and nature when he gets attacked by alien wildlife. Fushimi realizes too late that his avatar body doesn't get to carry hidden knives and he gets separated from the others. He's trying to think up a plan to get out of this when he's suddenly saved by one of the locals, an alien named Yata who was out hunting by himself when he saw Fushimi. He originally mistook Fushimi for one of his tribe but once he gets close Yata realizes that this guy isn't normal, he's one of those 'fakes' that have been coming to their planet to try and destroy all of nature. Yata decides the best course of action is to kill the intruder for the safety of his family and Fushimi just scoffs because what an idiot, caring about shit like family. It's not like Fushimi has anything waiting for him at home or any reason to want to fight back though and so he's just like fine, if I have to be killed by an idiot go ahead. Yata's all who are you calling an idiot, preparing to make the killing blow when he receives a sign from the divine that causes him to lower his weapon. Fushimi can't believe these people are so stupid they take any movement of nature as a 'sign' and Yata tells him to shut up, he's going back to Yata's tribe whether he likes it or not.
They return to Yata's home tribe of Homra, where Fushimi gets dragged before their spiritual leader Anna, who's only a little kid. Anna ignores Fushimi's scowl and bad attitude and decides that Yata should help Fushimi integrate into their society, because she can sense that the more Fushimi feels he belongs here the safer they'll be. Yata gets charged with being his caretaker and of course at first he's like wait why do I have to do it, he doesn't want to argue with Anna but he doesn't want to be stuck with this jerk all the time either. Anna smiles and says Misaki is best for this kind of thing, Yata deflates a little like 'okay...I guess...' and then he sighs and is all fine fine if you say that it's for the best I'll do it. Fushimi doesn't need Yata to do him any favors and Yata's like are all earth people assholes or is that just you.
So the two of them live together for a while and slowly begin to like each other, though Fushimi is of course reluctant at first. He finds clan leader Mikoto intimidating and Fushimi figures this place must just be filled with barbarians, which is why he's willing to comply when a mysterious parrot shows up and identifies itself as an envoy from jungle, one of the companies working on the avatar project with Kisa's company. Jungle wants Fushimi to gather info on the aliens so that they can eventually destroy the alien homestead in order to obtain the valuable minerals beneath their home, Fushimi figures no skin off his nose so why not. His decision begins to haunt him the closer he gets to Yata though, like he even meets Yata's siblings who think Fushimi is so cool and ask him all these questions about earth. Yata hates Fushimi initially but he's impressed by all the stuff Fushimi knows and he begins to realize that Fushimi's really just a sullen kid at heart who needs a friend. The two of them work really well together too, like they go out hunting together and Yata finds himself thinking that he's never had a partner he worked with as well as he does with Fushimi.
Fushimi meanwhile keeps getting more attached to Yata despite himself and soon he doesn't really want to have to report to jungle anymore but then he knows that if he stops he'll be pulled from the avatar project and he'll never see Yata again. Yata wants Fushimi to stay with him, even if Fushimi is a human Yata feels like the two of them are just meant to be together and he wants Fushimi to join the Homra clan, there's like a whole ceremony that would basically make Fushimi Yata's wife and Yata really wants Fushimi to go through it with him. Fushimi knows he's lying to Yata but he can't say anything because if he does Yata will abandon him and he'll be all alone again. Then maybe jungle finally comes for Yata's clan and Fushimi appears to totally betray Yata, figuring this will be better to break it off now rather than waiting for Yata to leave him. Yata's shattered and angry but what he doesn't know is Fushimi's just trying to destroy jungle from within, figuring that even if he dies at least this way Yata can be safe (and then Fushimi's saved by Munakata and co. and they all return to Pandora and eventually Fushimi gets fused with his avatar so he and Yata can live happily ever after together).
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
Can you imagine scenario where Hidaka yells "FUSHIMI-SAN IS WORTH AT LEAST 6 PEOPLE! MAYBE EVEN MORE IF HE FELT LIKE IT." I don't know if this would yelled towards Fushimi or in defense of him but just imagine Hidaka yelling that and Fushimi's "WTF" expression.
I’m thinking he just yells it out in the middle of the office directed at other people but Fushimi happens to be there and just like stiffens like what the hell is going on. I imagine this happening some time after ROK, like when Fushimi’s finally back on duty and the six people who were needed to fill the spot he left get sent back to their previous positions. Of course there’s a little grumbling when this happens, since only Munakata knew that Fushimi’s betrayal was all part of his Cunning Plan there were probably a few members who had hoped they’d found a path to promotion. On top of that there are of course some members who aren’t entirely convinced by that whole explanation of a secret mission and a fake betrayal, especially those who have always disliked Fushimi likely start up at least a few rumors along the lines that Munakata created a cover story in order to allow ‘Captain’s favorite’ to return to the fold without having to suffer any punishment or demotion.
So maybe Fushimi’s recently recovered from the wounds he sustained in jungle and he’s finally ready to go back to work normally. He immediately goes back to his usual job, complaining about the mess left behind in his absence, like he should have known he would have to fix everything as soon as he returned. Hidaka’s all excited like a puppy to see him back, greeting Fushimi enthusiastically and asking if he needs any help and is his leg doing okay, Fushimi maybe starts to blow him off but then pauses and kinda ducks his head a little as he murmurs that he’s fine and adds a quiet ’…thanks.’ Hidaka’s face brightens at that, hoping that this is a sign that Fushimi’s starting to open up to him a little. Fushimi clicks his tongue, annoyed at Hidaka’s stupid enthusiastic smile and he hands Hidaka a stack of papers, asking him to go copy them. Hidaka’s immediately like yes sir and hurries off to do his work.
As he’s passing the copier it happens there are a few of the guys who were briefly filling Fushimi’s shoes nearby. Hidaka starts copying and he can hear the guys gossiping, he frowns as he hears one of them complaining about the 'filthy traitor’ that was let back into Scepter 4. Someone else complains that it’s not as if they need Fushimi, like they were doing fine without him weren’t they. The other guys agree, Fushimi’s skilled sure but it isn’t worth letting a traitor back into their midst and really what should they have expected from someone like Fushimi who already betrayed one clan. They can’t understand what Munakata sees in Fushimi at all, someone saying that sure Munakata pulled in six people to take Fushimi’s place but that wasn’t even necessary, Fushimi’s only one person and he seems so lazy and rude anyway, does Scepter 4 need him so much that they’ll even forgive such a huge betrayal.
The whole time Hidaka is listening and getting more and more upset, like how can these guys just talk about Fushimi-san this way. Finally when the guys start agreeing that Fushimi doesn’t do anything and who needs him, wouldn’t it have been better just to let them all stay in their higher positions taking his place, that’s when Hidaka can’t take it any more and he just bursts out with 'FUSHIMI-SAN IS WORTH AT LEAST SIX PEOPLE!’ He’s so passionate about this that he yells just a little too loud and now the entire office has turned to stare first at him and then at Fushimi, who’s sitting stock still at his desk with this mortified look. Hidaka realizes that he just made a scene but he doesn’t care, very adamantly telling the gossiping members that Fushimi works harder than anyone and they shouldn’t call him a traitor, he’s getting himself even more worked up when finally Fushimi storms over there and drags him away by his sleeve. Hidaka even argues a little like wait Fushimi-san we can’t let them talk about you that way and Fushimi tells him to shut up and that it doesn’t matter. Hidaka’s about to argue more when he notices that there’s this slight blush across Fushimi’s face and suddenly Hidaka feels his own face getting hot, feeling tongue-tied now and maybe a little giddy as he lets Fushimi drag him away.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
okay, so what about an Hogwarts!Au where Fushimi ends up in Ravenclaw and Yata in Gryffindor and it's all like ''Why we are in different houses? There must be a mistake!''. But they are still friends, and suddenly Yata starts hanging out with Homra, an gryffindor group, and drag Fushimi along, but he's from Ravenclaw and fells unconfortable. Then one day Munakata, invites him to join the ravenclaw study and defence club, which has rivalry with Homra, and he accepts, making Yata feels betrayed.
So imagine Yata and Fushimi are cute small magic children who happento live near each other and become best friends. Fushimi’s from anold prestigious wizarding family that also happen to be assholes andhe hates them and he hates having magic. Then one day he’s outwalking by himself near his home and he gets accosted by these randombullies who try to hit him up for money, they don’t know he has magicand just think he’s that rich spoiled kid who lives in the creepymansion nearby and doesn’t go to normal school like the rest of us.Fushimi’s all ready to attack them with magic just to show them who’sboss when Yata rushes in to help him, thinking Fushimi’s beingbullied. The bullies turn on Yata and that’s when Yata accidentallyuses magic to chase them off. Yata freaks out afterward, askingFushimi not to tell anyone because if people find out he hassuperpowers he thinks he could get in some kind of trouble. Fushimiscoffs like ‘superpowers? Are you an idiot?’ and casts a small charmor something to show he can do magic too – maybe he like turns abranch into a snake intended to scare Yata away but instead Yata’sfascinated by it and thinks Fushimi’s the coolest ever.
After that Fushimi tries to avoid Yata but Yata won’t be deterredthat easily and they eventually end up becoming friends like incanon. Fushimi shows Yata all kinds of spells that he can do, Yatacan’t really control his magic much since he’s a Muggleborn butFushimi’s known how to do magic since he was small and he likeshearing Yata tell him how amazing he is. When they both get Hogwartsletters they’re super excited to be going to the same schooltogether, Fushimi tells Yata about the four Houses they can be sortedinto and Yata’s like 'I bet we’ll be in the same house and it’ll beawesome!’ Fushimi’s kinda secretly worried though because Fushimisare usually sorted into Slytherin and he knows that as a MugglebornYata won’t really fit in there but he can’t imagine being in adifferent House than Yata. On the day they’re supposed to go to theschool Fushimi goes to get them a compartment to sit in while Yatatakes care of their luggage, as Yata’s on his way back down the trainhe runs into Munakata and Mikoto talking to each other and doing thatpassive-aggressive kinda-flirting thing they do. Yata thinks Mikotois the coolest person he’s ever seen and Totsuka, seeing Yatastaring, starts talking to him about ow Mikoto’s the most infamousmember of Gryffindor. Yata is now all excited to be in Gryffindorwith Fushimi, though when he gets to the compartment where Fushimi’swaiting he gets interrupted before he can mention it.
Then they reach the school and the sorting happens, Fushimi is sortedfirst and probably immediately thinks 'not Slytherin.’ He’s sortedinto Ravenclaw instead, much to both his and Yata’s dismay becausethey both know the odds of Yata getting into a House known forintellect is unlikely. Yata ends up in Gryffindor and while he’sexcited to be in the same House as Mikoto he’s also upset that he andFushimi were separated. He insists that they’re still best friendsthough and so he always tries to get Fushimi to hang out with himoutside of class. The problem is that Yata wants to hang out withGryffindor too, so what happens is that everyone’s hanging out in theGryffindor common room with Fushimi skulking in the corner watchingYata and getting slowly more lonely and upset and feeling like he’sbeen replaced by all these other people. So then one day when he’sabout to leave the Ravenclaw dorm to go see Yata in GryffindorMunakata stops him and introduces himself, he’s the House prefect andhe would like Fushimi to join his study group. Fushimi declines butthen when he gets to Gryffindor Yata’s just talking and smiling withMikoto again and Fushimi gets pissed off suddenly by how stupid thisall is, how easily he was forgotten.
The next day he goes with Munakata rather than visiting Yata, Yata’sso confused and later confronts Fushimi asking where he was. Fushimisneers and starts mocking Yata as a stupid meathead Gryffindor, likewhy would a Ravenclaw want to hang out with the Idiot House, Misaki.Yata gets super pissed and Fushimi continues to mock him andGryffindor and Mikoto, stating that he’s had enough of humoring astupid Muggleborn who can barely do any magic (and maybe he burnssome kind of magic keepsake Yata made for him, like the first magiche and Yata did together was to make a flower bloom and the flowerstayed alive via magic, Fushimi’s worn it inside his shirt next tohis heart all this time). Yata is pissed off and betrayed, like hecan’t believe that Fushimi’s shown himself to be one of those snottyassholes after all and vows never to forgive him for it.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Manga artists Munakata and Mikoto and their feuding assistants Fushimi and Yata.
Yessss I like this. So imagine they are both super popular mangaartists who are always jostling for the top seller spot, like oneweek Munakata is top and next Mikoto is and it’s this huge rivalryeven between their fans. Somehow the two of them are always beingcompared even though they have completely different styles andgenres, like Mikoto writes an action-packed shounen jump stylefighting manga and Munakata writes a popular shoujo romance (if hehas a weakness in his drawing style it’s that it looks more like oneof those old-school style shoujo series were everyone has very shinyeyes and he overuses the sparkle screentones. The story is sogripping that he has a ton of readers anyway). The two of them alsohappen to rent the same studio and live in the same apartment whichmeans they are constantly running into each other and having tointeract, to say nothing of various events and interviews. Munakatalikes to make pointed comments about the complexity of his story andhow he has the next 1000 chapters planned out, all of his interviewsinvolve him dropping hints so subtle that there are tons of forumsjust filled with people trying to decode his words. Mikoto meanwhilewhen asked what’s going to happen next in his manga will just shrugand be like ‘dunno’ because he makes shit up as he goes along andit’s fine.
The two of them do have several assistants of course – Mikoto needsassistants, otherwise he’d never have time for sleeping on the couchwhen he’s got a deadline (OMG Mikoto totally has the Miura/Togashistyle 'one chapter and then TIME FOR A SIX MONTH HIATUS’ thinggoing on because he’s tired and needs a break. Munakata has releaseda chapter every week save holidays for years and never taken even somuch as week off). Yata is a young aspiring manga artist who looks upto Mikoto a lot, like he owns every volume of Mikoto’s first lesspopular series which was canceled halfway through and never finished.Fushimi is also an aspiring artist, the two of them meet in middleschool and make like their own manga called 'Small World’ which theyonly share with the two of them. They both manage to get hired to beMikoto’s assistants but Fushimi quickly finds himself having issues,Mikoto’s art style is very detailed and full of action lines andmeticulously choreographed fight scenes and Fushimi’s art style leanstowards clean and static, less action lines and more gorgeouslyarranged single panels and expressions. Plus on top of that Yata’sstopped having time to work on their manga and only talks aboutMikoto’s instead and how lucky they are to get to work on it. Finallywhen Munakata offers Fushimi a job Fushimi takes it, breaking thingsoff with Yata and destroying their art supplies in front of him(“There go your Prismacolors, Misaki”).
So not only is there a rivalry going on between Munakata and Mikotobut Yata and Fushimi are at odds too, and of course they always runinto each other because they work in adjoining studios. Sometimesthey’ll run into each other while bringing the new pages to thepublisher and they both argue over whose new chapter is the best,Fushimi’s always mocking Yata for only being able to draw boneheadedmanga about friendship and heroes while Yata thinks Fushimi can onlywork on frilly girls’ manga even though he maybe has been known toread it on the side sometimes just once okay his mom likes it shutup. Ooh and imagine both Munakata and Mikoto working Yata andFushimi’s issues into their comics, like one of the girls inMunakata’s comic betrays her best friend because she’s afraid oflosing her and tries to make the friend hate her but really she’svery lonely and feeling forgotten. Meanwhile one of the heroes inMikoto’s manga is betrayed by his partner and wants to hate him butcan’t stop wanting to know why he left and desperately wants him tocome back. Fushimi and Yata continue to work on the pages completelyunaware of the fact that Munakata and Mikoto are writing about themand meanwhile the fans are loving it and shipping it and writingletters begging for the two friends to reconcile. Munakata makesFushimi read the letters to him, Yata reads Mikoto’s letters becauseMikoto doesn’t have time for that he has sleeping to do.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Hi Ridia-san! I just wanted to point out an anime called Tiger & Bunny if you haven't seen it. The leads remind me of Yata and Fushimi. I wanted to see what you thought of them in that situation. :33
Superhero Sarumi AU? Superhero Sarumi AU. So say Fushimi’s a fairlypopular hero under the sponsorship of the Scepter 4 Corporation, CEOMunakata hires only the heroes who he feels have great potential.Maybe Homra and Scepter 4 are like rivals, all the most popularheroes come from one of these two companies and they’re constantlyjockeying back and forth over whose hero ranks as number one.Fushimi’s consistently a top ranked hero, never quite managing Kingof Heroes but always in the top three, he’s very popular despite hisless-than-TV-friendly personality and he manages to take down a lotof criminals. His main failing besides being a grumpy butt is that hetends to take bad guys down too quickly, like Munakata has toremind him that part of a hero’s job is putting on a show for thefans and if Fushimi just knifes someone to a wall and that’s itthere’s not a lot of excitement for all the people watching. Ofcourse Munakata’s perfectly happy as long as Fushimi continues tofight for justice, of course, but ratings are ratings and he has highexpectations for Fushimi. Meanwhile Yata’s equally popular on theHomra side, he’s a bit of an opposite to Fushimi in that his exploitsare always very flashy and he tends to take bad guys down with style,but he lacks efficiency and tends to have a smaller capture countthan some of the other heroes, plus he’s driving Homra’s accountantKusanagi to distraction with all the property damage that he tends toincur while defeating bad guys.
So then maybe Jungle TV (the station that has exclusive rights toHero TV) decides they need to have something to reignite the public’sinterest in heroes, like maybe there’s this big issue when anindependent hero Kagutsu ends up causing a massive catastrophe whilegoing rogue to catch a bad guy and now people are starting to turnagainst heroes and wondering if they’re really all that good for thepublic. Jungle’s CEO suggests having Homra and Scepter 4 collaborateto create a new partner duo, who would be the first real crimefighting team the city’s seen. It’s decided that Yata and Fushimiwill team up due to their similarities and also due to the littlefact that they were once childhood friends who broke apart after Yatawent to Homra and Fushimi to Scepter 4. Of course the two of them areboth none too pleased about this arrangement, Yata can’t believe thathe’s expected to work with that asshole Fushimi who betrayed him bybreaking their promise to become heroes together while Fushimidoesn’t want anything to do with that moron Misaki who only thinks ofhow cool Homra’s owner (and retired superhero) Mikoto is and didn’teven ask Fushimi’s opinion before taking on Homra’s sponsorship.Munakata assures Fushimi that they simply have to work together forthe cameras and that’s it while Kusanagi reminds Yata that after allthe property damage from his last battle Homra’s finances have takena big hit and they need something like this to fill the coffers backup. Yata feel guilty enough to agree but states that he’s notgoing to be friends with that jerk again okay, while Fushimi clickshis tongue and is like fine because he’s a professional and if he hasto fake working with Yata for television than so be it.
After that Yata and Fushimi end up being stuck together constantly,like not just for fighting bad guys but also even when they’re offduty, Munakata has decided that the two of them need to keep up thecharade so the paparazzi can get plenty of shots of the new partnerduo spending time together. Yata hates it at first but slowly itstarts to remind him of old times and it’s hard to remind himselfthat Fushimi’s really not back with him because he wants to be, thatit’s all for the cameras, but then sometimes even when they’re aloneYata spots Fushimi almost smiling or talking with Yata easily the wayhe used to. Fushimi meanwhile refuses to admit that he and Yata stillhave anything in common, even though as it turns out they’re stillperfectly in sync when defeating villains, like they’re alwayscovering each other’s backs without even having to think about it andFushimi can feel himself falling back into that old rhythm. Hedoesn’t want to be dragged back into that though, convincing himselfthat Yata’s only acting this way towards him because of the camerasaround and that once the stupid experiment is done Yata will just goback to worshiping Mikoto like always and Fushimi will be nothingagain.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
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I could see Fushimi being even more isolated if he was mute, like now he's even harder to understand and most people probably don't even want to try. Maybe he's mute due to some trauma Niki inflicted on him, he can make a few small sounds but he can't speak at all. He writes his own program in order to give himself a 'voice,' like imagine Fushimi programming his PDA to speak for him when he types things into it except he rarely uses it, Niki's always teasing him for not being able to talk and the other kids at school think he's weird because if it. Fushimi doesn't see the point in talking to any of them anyway so he starts getting more and more isolated, always sitting quietly in the corner of the classroom. He also uses his condition as an excuse to ignore the teachers even more than usual, like none of them ever call on him or ask him to demonstrate things because he can't speak and it seems easier just to let him be. Then in middle school when Yata saves him from the bullies Yata is all confused when Fushimi has no reply for him besides a tongue click. Yata keeps trying to get Fushimi to talk to him, like just talking about how Fushimi must have been scared and hey I know we haven’t talked much but I wanna be sure you're okay and finally Fushimi pulls out his PDA and starts typing vigorously, Yata stares blankly as a flat robotic voice tells him to go the hell away. Yata actually thinks it's kinda cool though, like wait you programmed this all by yourself that's amazing, Fushimi clicks his tongue again all annoyed because he doesn't need someone pitying the poor mute kid.
So eventually Fushimi and Yata become friends and maybe for Fushimi it's like the first time anyone's ever really understood him, like even when he doesn't type sometimes Yata knows what Fushimi's trying to say. This is fine until they join Homra and that's when things fall apart for Fushimi because no one in Homra understands him and they all clearly think there's something wrong with him so they don't even try. Only Totsuka and Kusanagi (and eventually Anna, who understands without him speaking) make much of an effort. He'd probably feel even more useless than in canon because Fushimi can't even really show off his intellect much, like if he tries to speak out about Homra making some stupid move he has to type it out first and half the time his robotic 'voice' can't even be heard above all the fuss. Plus Yata's stopped understanding him but keeps speaking for both of them, like 'Saruhiko says...' when that wasn't what Fushimi wanted to say and he feels suddenly more isolated than he has since middle school. It's also more painful for him this time because for a while he almost forgot he was mute and felt like he was in this small world where his voice could really be heard, and now it's being drowned out again.
Then he joins Scepter 4 and I think he would do better there. Munakata I’m sure would be pleased to provide him with the tools to upgrade his PDA voice software and even if Fushimi's tired and down to tongue click communicating Munakata's very astute at figuring out what Fushimi wanted to say. When Fushimi uses the voice software to 'speak' everyone stops and listens and he actually feels useful for once. Plus he goes on solo missions a lot where he doesn't need to speak and for Fushimi that’s a weight lifted off, that now he doesn't have to feel like someone who's less than everyone else and needs a special PDA just to talk, he's on his own and can handle himself.
In jungle I think he'd do well too, especially since the j-rank club is so small and everyone listens when he speaks. He can even argue with Sukuna just by typing, Hisui offers him all kinds of fancy technology to work on his program more and tells him that as long as he's in jungle he will always have a voice. Half of jungle's communication is through the net anyway, and maybe Hisui and Fushimi have this weird bond because for both of them the internet is like a way they can really be 'normal,' where the physical restrictions are taken away and they can be free. That makes it harder for Fushimi to betray them, knowing that if he stayed here maybe he would finally not be different from everyone else, but then at the same time he thinks Hisui's equal world is bullshit and Hisui constantly telling him he's special because of his issue pisses him off, at Scepter 4 he's just third in command regardless of what he needs to communicate and that's what he wants, to be normal.
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