#-will be either sympathized with or demonized depending on whether this person is informed about exact specifics of your neurodivergence
katyspersonal · 4 months
Absurd how someone might hold the time I reacted very poorly two years ago when someone who's been overly friendly and supportive to me blocked me out of blue against me, as an "evidence" that I am evil dangerous monster who is off to harm when I don't get my way (not exagerration, their hateful claims exactly as they are)
But then the same type of people will hear someone who slipped up a similar way go "shit sorry my [insert diagnosis] be damned" and act all supportive and understanding and willing to let this person struggle to do better. Shit like this is why I still stand on my ground that ableism will never, ever, EVER go away. There is just inherent hatred and hostility towards neurodivergent people, even from those with the same neurodivergency often. And people only put in effort to show empathy and compassion when they're given a concrete term/diagnosis/whatever. So, they won't show mercy unless restricted with the fear of being accused of ableism, and this is a BAD sign. You are not supposed to only show understanding and patience to "be a good ally" in the eyes of the public, you are supposed to do it because it is the RIGHT thing to do.
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deusexlachina · 4 years
There’s a lot of empassioned discourse on who the best Dragon Age: Origins character is. It is with a heavy heart that I must make it all obsolete, because it is Jowan. (Spicy Spoilers) In this essay I will
HA! You didn’t think I’d write an actual essay, did you? But I did! I wrote a whole essay defending Jowan as the best character in the game, for the same reason I think Jowan is the best character in the game: I am utterly mad.
Jowan is quite possibly the least responsible character in the entire series. He basically just wants to have a nice life, within the restrictive rules of the Circle, and to stay out of trouble. There are lots of real bastards in Dragon Age, and they’re often very powerful, too. Compared to all the people who have goals like turning everyone into demons, turning everyone into darkspawn so they can turn more people into golems with no free will, or screwing over elves even more than they’re already screwed by the narrative itself, you would think that a pathetic man with such humble ambitions wouldn’t be such a threat, or even a big deal.
And yet, the frankly impressive, almost heroic, lengths he goes to stay out of trouble end up making him one of the single most dangerous and influential people in the entire game: * From the get-go (Mage Origin), his very first conversation with you is him asking you about your secret wizard hazing ritual, which both of you, and everybody in the tower, know you’re not supposed to talk about.
* His main goal, from the start, is not to be wizard lobotomized (as your teacher has authorized because he suspected of practicing blood magic, which he is not allowed to do) and run away with his girlfriend (whom he is not allowed to have, because when Jowan breaks the rules, he goes all the way). A simple and compelling goal, and gives you an awesome escape sequence to save this silly man so he can be with his less silly girlfriend. If you privately ask him if he is a blood mage, he says no, and his girlfriend believes him.
* Incidentally, the escape involves destroying the tracking device the templars use to hunt runaway mages, which is magical, and uses the mages’ blood. You might even call it blood magic, except blood magic is illegal. This flagrant hypocrisy on the part of those enforcing the rules he breaks does make me sympathize with Jowan a little more. * When the escape goes south (either because you inform on him or, if you didn’t, just because it’s Jowan organizing the escape), he sheepishly admits he “dabbled” in blood magic, and then kills a whole bunch of templars with his extremely dangerous and potent blood magic, i.e. the entire reason people wanted to wizard lobotomize him in the first place, to protect his girlfriend, who immediately dumps him for using blood magic, which he is not allowed to use. She doesn’t resist being taken to prison, presumably out of the sheer shame of trusting Jowan.
* Later in the plot, there’s a zombie apocalypse that threatens to overrun a whole town. This is the work of a demon that’s possessed a little boy, because fucking Jowan was his magic tutor. Jowan also poisoned the boy’s father, because Loghain, aka the overarching villain, told him it would be good, and, according to him, he trusted Loghain. The numerous crises in Redcliffe, for which he is almost single-handedly responsible, can easily take more of the game to solve than any other part of the game, including the Deep Roads.
* But...he’s really sorry (and also sorry for lying to you, and especially for his girlfriend going to prison because he convinced her he was innocent) and wants to fix it, honest!
* At this point, I actually believed him, and I probably wouldn’t have, if not for having seen firsthand that he’s enough of a chucklefuck to be genuinely shocked by the not-at-all shocking consequences of his actions, and so pathetic that I couldn’t imagine him successfully engineering anything, much less this ghoulish scenario. So I let him go, on condition he clean up his own mess for once in his life.
* And, son of a gun, the lethally irresponsible manchild actually does fix things! If you freed him, he’s the one to come up with the only method of solving this crisis that actually spares Connor, and he offers to do it himself. Being Jowan, his particular suggestion will get someone else killed, but it does at least work! In some ways, it even makes more sense than travelling to the Circle and back and hoping the demon doesn’t do anything bad while you’re away, even if that somehow results in one less person dying than trusting everything to Jowan. This is not a very intuitive quest, and Jowan being genuinely helpful is the least intuitive part.
* If you take the even sillier decision of just freeing Jowan and outright permitting him to just run, he will somehow still prove himself helpful, saving a bunch of refugees from near-certain death. Unfortunately, in true Jowan form, this is bugged in all versions, and the quest is only actually accessible through hacking.
* But if you don’t just free him, after helping out he gets sent back to the Circle! The whole place he was trying to avoid, he ends up anyway, primarily through his own actions. Depending on whether he does end up wizard lobotomized or recruited into the Grey Wardens like he was originally supposed to be (you never hear from him again over the course of the actual game, Tranquil or otherwise), as well as how much you like Jowan, this can either be kind of tragic or comedy gold.
In all cases, Jowan has, at least potentially, a more compelling and satisfying character arc than many NPCs, and some actual companions (Who I won’t name, mainly because I cannot judge anyone’s favourite Origins character, since mine is Jowan). He spends much of his life avoiding the consequences of his actions, and in the end they finally come back to bite him, or he finally starts taking responsibility, or both.
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theholycovenantrpg · 3 years
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Admin Jen: There aren’t enough words to capture the sheer magnitude of your portrayal, but I would say your writing definitely gets the job and speaks for itself, Jade. You have such keen insight into Judas and the various intricacies that play into his character, and you explored it all so beautifully in your app. My favorite part was certainly the plots and the limitless possibilities they posed for Judas, but every other portion of the app only added onto it and propelled your vision further. It was so compelling to read through, and it left me so unbelievably excited to see Judas prowling and scheming on the dash! Please create and send in your account, review the information on our CHECKLIST, and follow everyone on the FOLLOW LIST. Welcome to the Holy Land!
Alias | Jade
Age | 27
Preferred Pronouns | She/her
Activity Level | My schedule is nothing if not predictable these days! Covid has me almost exclusively sitting at home on the couch, so barring the time that I spend with my husband, I’m usually around. I don’t always have it in me to write every day, but I think it would be reasonable to expect me on the dash multiple days per week.
Timezone | PST
Triggers | REMOVED
How did you find the rp?  |  Through Rosey’s grapevine!
Character | The infamous, the great betrayer himself — Judas (ju-da-ah-ahhhhh!!)
What future plots do you have in mind for the character? | Where do you see this character developing, and what kind of actions would you have them take to get there? 3 future plot ideas would be preferable.
Judas’s ultimate goal, once the last wars have been waged, is to claim the Holy Land for himself. Sorry, for demonkind — but, ruled by and submitting to, himself. He formed Infernum’s government with intention, hiding the monopoly of his power amongst a consortium of others who allegedly hold sway as well, allowing Damien to be the face of the revolution while his hand guided from the shadows. For some time, it has served him well, but contentedness is a poison he cannot swallow. He looks towards the Holy Land and greed takes his reins yet again, his hollowed stomach in knots thinking about a world in which the people bow to a power he does not hold firmly between his teeth. There are a multitude of ways he might go about it, and I’d be eager to plot out the possible angles with other writers, but I do believe that Judas will, at some point, make a play to claim the Holy Land. That might be through political division — sewing lies amongst the people, breeding distrust in the Tridium and their current way of being. It might be through betrayal, tried and ever true — to sell the Tridium out to a rogue set of Heretics, an insurgent with a grudge.. whoever might be interested, really. Or, if all else fails, perhaps by declaration of war.
He’s no fool. He knows the value of a blank check with Dmitri’s name on it, and he’s been waiting patiently for the right time to cash it. While Judas doesn’t yet have his exact ask envisioned, he knows one thing for certain — when he calls upon the favor he’d earned by saving old Conquest, it won’t be for something as small as a discounted price on a hit. No, it’ll be saved for the moment he makes his play towards the Holy Land — war times, when he’s sure to benefit most from the protection of the healing horseman. Until then, he finds such a wicked joy in taunting Dmitri with his silence on the matter.
I imagine Judas carries a heavy interest in just who is going to be selected as the Stars, and will be doing what he can to sway mortal perception in favor of whoever he feels will best represent the demons’ interests. Azazel plays her part, but a loyal mortal amongst the Tridium would serve Infernum well, particularly in keeping Gabriel at bay. He’ll do what he can to put the right person in the position — and if that fails, he’ll be sure to slither up alongside who is elected and make their close acquaintance.
Should Judas decide that sewing distrust in the Tridium’s ability to maintain peace and safety is the best move, I imagine he may try to use the world’s hatred of the Heretics to his benefit. I could see him providing rogue groups of Heretics or Heretic sympathizers with information about or access to gatherings, parties, political events, what have you. Surely, a resurgence of the Heretics would cause a panic — one that may make the populus question whether their leaders are the best leaders. Who might he set them on, though? Maybe he’d give them an opportunity to assassinate an angel, or even one of his own. Maybe he’d sick them on innocents. The precise move would depend on what’s happening in-game, but this type of betrayal is surely possible!
There was a reason he’d reached his hand up to Azazel from the pits of hell, pulled her down into his kingdom and taught her all he could. He’d seen what could be forged from a thing like her — the way she could enchant, the way she inspired adoration. She made for a Moon both palatable and unthreatening — a beauty that begged to be worshipped by the masses, and a mind that cared not for the politics of it all. While she wears the crown, Judas sees the strings as his to pull. I imagine him very much attempting to use Azazel as a means of enacting his particular will amongst the Tridium. He trusts that she’ll continue to represent the interests he instructs her to, so long as the praise keeps coming — and oh, he’s aware of just how key praise is in getting anywhere with Azazel. I see Judas showering Azazel in attention and blessings, all the time, even when there isn’t something he’d like her to get done in the Holy Land. It makes it far more likely she’ll be agreeable when there is.
Should all mentioned above work without a hitch, I don’t see Judas finding a reason to betray Azazel aside from sheer boredom — though, don’t discount that as a very, very real possibility. I think Judas keeps a particular watch on Azazel, most notably on where her interests lie. If he begins to notice her prioritizing the Tridium before Infernum, things change. If she’s no longer a use to him, she’s a target, and there are plenty of ways I can see Judas trying to target her. As a prominent political figure in the Holy Land, something bad happening to Azazel would cause some sort of political uprising that Judas could surely take advantage of — maybe he arranges her kidnapping, maybe her death. Maybe he just sets her up to look incompetent and make a fool of herself. It would all depend!
From the moment he saw Damien, he’d had a plan for him — to guide the child towards his destiny and his father’s demise. He’d needed Damien as the face of his revolution against Lucifer, but more importantly, he’d needed Damien’s powers for war on earth. Through whisper and trial, Judas had crafted the Antichrist into the weapon that would destroy the Morning Star. Though peace has persisted for years, Judas sees another war ahead of them — one in which the demons stake their claim on the Holy Land, and in that war, he needs Damien’s power of devastation more than ever before. I see Judas subtly preparing Damien for another war, planting seeds of anger and fight in him, winding him up and preparing to unleash him on the world yet again. But, this time, when a new order is established, I don’t imagine Judas sees Damien as any sort of king. No, when the Holy Land is conquered, it will be with Damien as a war general, and Judas on the throne.
As time ticks on, Judas grows more and more resentful about the invisible crown Damien seems to be growing a bit too comfortable underneath. While he views Damien as an instrumental piece in his eventual takeover of the Holy Land, and one of his most cherished weapons, Judas’s patience could easily be tested if Damien begins to grow a bit too power-hungry. I could see a legitimate rift building in Infernum, in which some sort of civil war erupts between Judas and his protege for the true crown.
In Abaddon, he sees something almost resembling an equal. He trusts her with the keeping of the Cells, he trusts she’ll allow him the kind of access and influence over the prisoners that he needs, while never aspiring to threaten his rule and supporting all his endeavours. Ever an opportunist, I think Judas uses Abaddon to keep a close eye on who’s currently in lock-up, and how they might prove useful. I imagine him either prowling the cells alongside Abaddon, looking for abilities or gifts that he could weaponize, or unfortunate souls he can use as scapegoats in various plots, or heretic sympathizers to manipulate, conspire with, and unleash. While he’d never say it explicitly, I imagine Judas is silently keeping an eye out for some sort of being with a power he could one day weaponize against the Antichrist himself, should the need ever arise to deliver Damien his ruination.
As Abaddon struggles with the duality of her nature, wrestling with her angelic remains, I’m curious to see how Judas responds. I imagine he might view any further exploration into her angelic nature as a threat to her loyalty, and if he fears she’s disloyal, he’s not above throwing her to the wolves — perhaps locking her in her own cells if he suspects her of holding interests elsewhere, or unlocking a few doors and setting on her a legion of prisoners hungry for vengeance. You know, just an idea.
The one we’ve all been waiting for — the plot in which the tables finally turn, and it’s Judas who’s blindly turned on by someone he’d made the mistake of trusting. While the details of this would be entirely up to other players and what they might have in mind, I would gladly offer him up to learn what it feels like on the pointy end of betrayal.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Should the circumstance be right, and I could still find a way to be a part of the group post-mortem as another character, I could be convinced!
Driving Character Motivation | What motivates your character’s actions? How does it define them? Where does this motivation stem from?
In a word, himself — more specifically, the advancement of the self, full utilization of every opportunity he’s given to climb ever higher. Within Judas lives an insatiable thirst for power, a desire to devour and rebuild in his name and image. No matter how many lives he holds firmly in his palm, there are always more to seize. A master strategist, with moves planned to be executed as early as tonight’s dusk and as far-away as the new era he’ll one day reign over uncontested, he sees the path of greatness he’s laid out for himself, and it propels him ever forward. His selfish, greedy, hungry soul has never rested, never waved a flag of white. He cast the Son of God out from the earth, and Lucifer himself from the pits of hell — and yet still, he craves more.. More power, more leverage, more shadowed spiderweb strings with which to puppeteer his ever-growing consortium of underlings. It’s not enough. Nothing will ever be enough. 
Both his most rudimentary nature, down to his rotting marrow, and God’s wicked predestiny may share accountability in equal parts.
We’ll first address what comes from within. Something dark and nebulous has always festered in the pits of him — an emptiness that knew only how to want. That blackness, rumbling hollow and empty, is sin itself, as entwined with his being as the ligaments and cartilage that held his human bones together. Amongst the reasons his eventual rise led him to the Conclave rather than an anointment as one of Damien’s vices, his most favored is that he simply cannot be reduced to a single manifestation of sin. A gluttonous appetite that the body and blood of Christ himself could not sate. A deep-rooted greed able to mistake the glint of silver for salvation. A silent pride so resounding he bathes himself in absolution, while wicked wrath condemns the rest. Even as he followed the Son of God and recited his teachings, the devil perched himself comfortably on his shoulder, whispering of selfishness, of indulgence, of power, and Judas drank each word until their voices became one.
The thing about sin is, it is inherently unsatisfied. It is the lacking of something, of glory itself — a hunger that wants to be fed, an envy that wants to seize. Sin is desire, and thus, he, sin incarnate, is desire perpetual. It’s a curse of his unholy nature that he’ll never truly be content. What is contentment, what is happiness, but a surrender? An abandonment of progress? The enemy of greatness? The end? He cannot simply allow dust to settle, nor allow the light peeking from behind the horizon to cast itself against his back and force upon him a life no longer concealed by shadows. He won’t have it. With each iteration of the universe, he’ll pick utopia apart bone by bone until he finds a reason to loathe it, foraging for discontentment, because it is his only way forward. What a cruel trick on God’s part, that He sculpted a creature who cannot stomach the taste of sweetness. He spits it back into the dirt, dissatisfied, and instead chews on the bitter, the propulsion of his own vileness, the most indulgent, comforting flavor he’s come to know.
Now, allow us to return to Him for a moment. All predispositions for blasphemy, Judas can blame on Him. Judas Iscariot had been born a man — human, fallible, like every waking creature of the Lord. And, as it did to all other humans, sin had crept its way into his veins and claimed him. He’d done what the man he’d betrayed had taught him to do — in his momentary guilt, he’d sought absolution, repentance, for having allowed the devil to take hold. Still, he remained damned on arrival, a pawn in God’s game with a fate predestined for ruin. Had God not sculpted Judas Himself? And He dared punish Judas for personifying His own design? All of it, pre-orchestrated back when the cosmos were but babes — and thus, all of it, exhaustive and fruitless to fight. If he was to be damned, then let him be damned. That damnation wouldn’t rule him. He’d rule it. Even now that God has been vanquished, and Lucifer alongside him, Judas is ever driven by his resentment and anger towards the paradox his maker cursed him with. That anger manifests in Judas’s unquenchable thirst to build himself an empire greater than any God ever could, to build himself into an entity more powerful, more feared. It’s the only way to prove himself bigger than God’s alleged all-encompassing predestiny, greater than a handful of verses written by men who would be but footnotes underneath his gospel.
Character Traits | OPTIONAL. Please list 3 positive traits and 3 negative traits that you identify in the character you’re applying for. 
+ | PATIENT  (see also: steadfast)
To blaspheme one of His virtues by wielding it as a weapon is simply in Judas’s gospel. Finding an innate way to corrupt even the most holy of traits, his patience has put time itself to the test. With an eternity to burn, and God to thank for that, he’s learned to control human impulses and embrace the power of ensuring things unfold at the right time. Ever with an end vividly envisioned for the selection of foes currently at odds against him, he strikes at the time of heaviest impact. Never too early. Never too late. 
+ | DIPLOMATIC (see also: persuasive)
He can convince anyone of anything. Including himself. His tongue can twist the vile and thorny, disguise it as something candied, dripping in nectar. It makes him an excellent representative, able to keep his head about him for the sake of maintaining relationships. He understands the importance of people, of connections — in the hands of one who knows how to properly wield them, they’re a far more powerful weapon than any sword or spell.
+ | STRATEGIC (see also: cunning, clever, perceptive)
He always has a plan — for everyone, for everything, at all times. One of two questions can be asked of everyone in his life — what value do you provide me, or alternatively, how might I destroy you? It’s only ever one of those two, and he’s often got a fully fleshed out strategy plotted either way. He thinks in terms of the war, not just the battle, planning moves that might not come to fruition for millennia. Once one goal has been reached, he finds another, and begins again.
+ | STRONG (see also: formidable)
Not one to be easily intimidated, he does not back down when challenged or threatened. In fact, he’s more likely to actively seek out a fight or rivalry, simply to demonstrate his fortitude.
+ | COMPOSED (see also: controlled, intentional)
If you can read the emotion on his face, it’s simply because he wants you to. He has a commanding sort of control over his composure, one that demonstrates discipline and demands respect. Not to say he can’t hurl insults and roar — but that when he does, it’s because he chooses to; because that’s what his analysis has decided will serve him best in the moment.
- | SELFISH (see also: disloyal, corrupt)
He’d drive a knife into anyone’s back if it would get him a single step further — he wouldn’t even hesitate. Ultimately, looking down another soul’s path does him no good, he’s decided. There is only him — his own glory, his own road to revolution. There are guests along the way, some he favors more than others, but he is the only thing that will persist and endure. The center of his world, that will always be his core — but he’s mastered the art of pretending otherwise. Despite the way he’ll swear his allegiance to a millennia-old friend, there isn’t a soul he wouldn’t sell. For those he has yet to, it’s simply because it’s not yet the right time, the right place, or the right price.
- | VENGEFUL (see also: ruthless, resentful, begrudging)
His anger is a quiet one, one that’s hidden in dark places, growing thorns, festering and rotting until a grudge grows so old its stench simply demands attention. He does not forget a single transgression, a curse for an immortal. His rage is cycled into revenge, and he enacts it gleefully. Perhaps not today, perhaps not tomorrow, but if you’ve wronged him, whether you know it or not, you can be assured he’ll strike — but not until it benefits him the most, and cuts you the deepest.
- | INSATIABLE (see also: power-hungry, greedy, indulgent)
He’s always been a bit of a magpie, shiny silver things calling to him — and everything celestial simply glows. He is a being made of wanting, hungry to devour lands and stomp his boot on the wreckage. No matter what he achieves, which luxuries he tastes, how much power he is truly able to seize, his curse is that none of it will ever satisfy.
- | MANIPULATIVE (see also: conniving, duplicitous)
While he may have a handful if favored pawns, everyone in his life is a pawn nonetheless. He’s prepared to scheme against and sacrifice any and everyone that stands between he and his ends, keeping his cards close to his chest, most often with true intentions known to himself and him alone. Oh, and he’s an excellent liar.
- | DESTRUCTIVE (see also: implosive)
Judas is not the kind that will ever find happiness in peace. In fact, he is not the kind that will ever accept true happiness at all. In his quest for ever more, he’s always striving for something, always needing to rip something content apart so he can sculpt something of his own in its place. I believe this translates to people, as well. He’s never known how to accept love; he actively rejects it. How could he not? Had God Himself not told him he was never destined for love? In time, his response to comfort and acceptance is always the same — to turn his back on it, to crush the heart offered to him. He did it to Christ, who welcomed him as his disciple. He did it to Lucifer, who loved him like a son. Should another make the mistake of loving him, he’ll do it again.
In-Character Para Sample | There is no minimum or maximum word count to this para sample, but we do encourage that you highlight your character’s VOICE and MANNERISMS within it.
It begins with a glint, a wash of light caught against the body of silver that’s piled neatly in three stacks of ten, blindingly beautiful. Then, a proposition — to surrender the one he calls teacher, Rabbi, friend.
Should they have negotiated in whispers in the dark, offering only empty promises of treasures to come, perhaps Judas Iscariot may have remained faithful to his so-called Lord’s teachings of honor and conviction. Alas, they don’t. No, he offers to betray his God under warm, bright lights, before a pile of riches that shine so bright he can’t see the blood that taints them. 
“The one I kiss,” he commands the lawmen. “He’s the one.” His head nods in slow, stern affirmation. His eyes remain locked with that bewitching stack of silver. What a transfixing, all-consuming thing greed can be, making itself at home in him once again like an old friend. Bewitched fingers snake around a single piece, the silver’s ice a delightful chill as he slides it into a pocket; one now, as a deposit. The rest later, once the deed is done.
As he throws heavy garden doors open, police following in hordes and numbers, he bears a smile that shines as bright as the piece that sits with comfortable, reassuring weight in his pocket. “Greetings, Rabbi!” he bellows, and as he steps boldly forwards, he places the Son of God’s face in his hands, pulls his lips into his, and is irrevocably damned. Mouth pressed firm against that of Christ, he does not taste divinity; it turns to ash on his tongue as he seals the fate God himself had promised.
He watches, proud, as the Lord is dragged away, as Christ’s disciples turn their swords towards the soldiers in retaliation and heartbreak, all the while, his hand in his pocket, twirling that single piece of silver between his fingertips.
Some present will come to say in their recountings that this is the day Satan entered Judas Iscariot, pierced him with sharp talons and claimed him for the hellions. These men lie. To give the Morning Star credit would be blasphemous to his gospel, for the greatest devil the world will know is not perched upon a throne in the fires of hell. He is born of the organic rot found only in the pits of fallible man.
In the forges of hell, riches take a new shape. The wealth he’d condemned himself for? Worthless in death, reduced to a river of shapeless molten sterling. He has no choice but to adapt. He allows that silver to coat his tongue instead, and in their union they both evolve and yet remain entirely unchanged. 
Infernal wings sprout from his shoulders and the devil himself casts his favor upon him, and Judas is acutely aware of just how unique he is amongst his new brethren — dare he say, simply, better? What feat is it to have manifested from nothing, to wield powers that were gifted rather than earned? Is the true mark of a demon not in his will? His ability to rely not on divinity to bring ruination, but on merely the curve of his lips and the void in his chest? 
The thought tastes poisonous each time it simmers to the surface — his dissatisfaction with Lucifer’s status quo, though it remains to be seen whether it’s hell’s regime in particular that he loathes, or the existence of any regime whose reins he does not hold. It’s not important, not as he gathers demons eternal and fledgling alike in crooked, cavernous shadows, whispering curated falsehoods to them in the dark until they claim his anger and hunger as their own.
“A kiss — that’s the signal,” he repeats to each of them, his words carbon. “Only then, is it time.” 
It will not be time for quite some time, though Judas lives every day as if it might be — sowing ever deeper his seeds of doubt in their liege, parsing Lucifer’s each breath, examining his hallmark overconfidence, watching the hellish love with which he showers his kin as he demonstrates he knows nothing of the revolution that his most wicked ward brews in the dark.
He wakes that day not yet aware that the day has come — not until he hears Lucifer beckon for him from his altar. “My Lord?”Judas asks, the word silken as it slides over his lips, wrapping all disdain in luxe and warmth. 
“I can sense it, Judas,” the devil smiles. “A soul on earth has proven themselves. Go to them, and drag them home with you.”
Judas pauses, and when he listens, he registers not the words Lucifer says. What he hears is: the day is now. It’s a straw as small as any that breaks Judas’s back — the most rudimentary form of disrespect, to task hell’s crown jewel with a hound’s fetch-and-retrieve mission. He cares not to see the love in Satan’s request; what is spoken in between the words of Lucifer’s decree is Judas’s value, his Lord’s pride in his work, his trust in him over all the rest. It is in loving him, that the devil gives Judas the power to destroy him.
“Yes, my Lord. I’ll set out at once.” He nods along with his empty assurance, and with a look upwards, he meets his maker’s eyes with finality, casting him a last glistening smile before laying palms on either of the devil’s cheeks. “Goodbye, my Morning Star,” he wishes, and he means it, pressing his lips to Lucifer’s and savoring the taste of sin.
He pulls away, and the devil’s eyes open to the same sight that had brought the ruin of the Christ child — Judas Iscariot’s beaming, prideful smile, an army at his back, swords drawn, but this time, led not by the Sanhedrin. It is the antichrist that carries the charge, his own menacing grin drawing nearer, as hell’s usurpers claim their new order.
The devil is dead. Long live the devil.
“Thank you for coming on such short notice,” he hums, allowing the thick iron door of the Conclave’s court to close loudly behind him. “We reconvene soon. I don’t have long.”
Lie. It is he who called the recess, and it is he who will decide when it ends. He shares none of this with Damien, who stands impatiently in the adorned hallway. “Then divulge,” the Antichrist itches. 
The echoes of both their tones resonate loudly, as deep and heavy as the invisible crowns each of their heads hold high — though, one brow seems to far better suit regality. He does not wonder which of them will topple beneath the weight of theirs first; he already knows. Everything when the time is right, and until then, he walks a delicate, intentional line as he addresses his pseudo-son, simultaneously wanting to stroke the boy’s drive and shatter his independence. He must feel powerful — to a limit.
“The Conclave has requested you assemble the Vices.” Judas, even-toned and composed, presents it as an ask; it is not. It’s a directive. They both know it. “Sources suggest a siege of insurgent Heretic sympathizers are gaining on the Palace walls, possibly with intention to break their own out of the Black Cells.” He can hear the way Damien begins to laugh midway through, but he does not stop speaking. 
“A handful of Heretics?” Damien sputters. “And you believe that calls for the Vices? Abaddon has kept larger threats at bay single handedly.”
Judas scoffs. “So you suggest we do nothing?” he deigns. “Wait until they claw at our gates? Leave Abaddon to face them alone?” In pause, his brows knit together, though he contemplates nothing. “Gather them, boy,” he states loudly, and this time, it is an order explicit. The moment of sharpness passes quickly, and a familiar grin toys against his jaw. Once again, suddenly, they are friends. “What use is the devastation you hold in your fingertips if not to defend what majesty you and I have built here?”
He feels resentment, bitter and cold, steaming in wafts off of the young halfling — but then, an acceptance just as cold. “I suppose it’s been some time since we’ve been out to play,” he concedes.
“I knew you’d make the right decision,” Judas smiles, placing a large, strong hand on Damien’s shoulder. “I’ll need you out the gates as quickly as possible. Do have some fun with it, won’t you?” And just as quickly as his smile had appeared, he rescinds it and turns on his heels back towards the court’s wrought iron doors. 
With a slow turn of his head, he locks eyes with his pupil, and arrogance claims him. “The Conclave wishes you the best of luck,” he bolsters, proud and booming — one last signifier that, in their clash of crowns, it will always be his that blinds brightest.
Extras | OPTIONAL. If you have anything else you’d like to include (further headcanons, an inspo tag, a mock blog, etc), feel free to share it here!
I’ve compiled some inspiration posts on this blog! Additionally, here’s a small selection of headcanons:
Judas’s wings are of feather and bone — raven-black feathers, some that are tipped in brilliant silver. In some places, feathers have been charred or cut during battle, and the bone beneath is visible. He prefers it this way. Bone, sprouting from his shoulders, is human, as he once was before he ascended past those demons who manifested from nothing. 
Judas’s greatest strengths lie in diplomacy, delegation, and manipulation. While he can wield a sword well in battle, it’s only because an eternity has given him time to practice. Truthfully, his skills as a swordsman are far below most of his fellows. Where he makes up for it is in waiting in the shadows for the right time to strike, rather than aimlessly wailing at a target out in the open.
He made it to Hell before Salome did, and yet her wings sprouted before his? He’s never forgotten it, and never will. His anger towards not having been the first of humankind to join the hellions is projected in its entirety onto Salome, and though he has yet to enact his wrath, he remains plotting.
2 notes · View notes
gg-astrology · 6 years
Park Jimin: Inner Planet Natal Reading
💕Hello today we’ll be trying to clarify/explain what it is his natal placement implies (and why people call him a demon-- which I disapprove of). As a full Scorpio/Gemini sympathizer I can’t let this go on anymore. We need to appreciate them, and not just for their sex appeal/attractioneither! Today, we love Jimin fully and completely as much as we can! 💕
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Other Posts 💕 
Taehyung Inner Planet Natal Reading | Taehyung - Members: Relationship Dynamics
Jungkook Inner Planet Natal Reading
Namjoon Inner Planet Natal Reading
BTS Rapline Mini Analysis | BTS Summary: Mars - Destressing
Virgo Boys (Namjoon - Jungkook) Masterlist
Masterlist (other groups, gg, soloist, co-eds)
*answered asks about BTS members romantic stuff is at the bottom of the masterlist
Park Jimin 
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October 13 1995 (Busan, South Korea)
💕Disclaimer: I’m not claiming to be an expert astrologer nor do I know these people personally. These are my interpretations and how they’re working based on my experiences/studies on them. Everyone has different opinions/studies in astrology, please be mindful of others and all interpretation/experiences is valid to an extent. However, feel free to make your own post or skip if you strongly disagree. There might be inaccuracy and difference in opinions. But the point of this post is to entertain and relate. I’m hoping to help people with similar experiences and get people excited about astrology. Also, since we don’t know most of their birth times, I’m using the standard 12.00pm💕
As I was going editing this, I realized that a lot of things tends to build up together to show how complex he really is as a person. A lot of the description below is ‘he can be this -at his primal level- but because of this -other thing- it depends on context of what the situation is/how he feels’ 
I’ve tried to clarify it as much as possible, but I just wanted to let you know that the depth of his character can’t be simplified to just these alone-- so please read with your own discretion! I’ve tried my best, and I think I’m happy with the result (for now). We’re going to be chewing a lot, so I hope you have an empty stomach.
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  Libra Sun | 19′ Degrees | 2nd Decan Aquarius/Uranus
Let’s start off this Libra season fully loving, and appreciating our local Libras today!
There’s a lot of hype around having Libra placements in ones chart, mostly because it makes one more ‘attractive’
But Local Libra Sun Natives needs some of that love too!
Over-simplification that ALL Libras are attractive because they’re ruled by Venus just makes Libra Natives feels abit nervous trying to figure out ‘what’ part of themselves is this attractive qualities-- this is because all their other qualities are under-looked, especially their hard-working nature, subtle tact and forward working traits (cardinal/air sign)
Least we forget Libra is a ‘masculine’ sign (polarity) and when it’s ruled by Venus --  Libra boys are especially under-looked and hyper-feminized because of association to Venus (let’s not do that anymore!)
In fact, the fact that Venus has this duality to it’s planet is pretty pointing that you can’t gender planets in the context of signs
Libra possesses this duality to them. Rather than shifting or switching between ‘feminine’ or ‘masculine’ they encompass both at the same time
Thus why, they are associated with ‘balance’ and part of the cardinal signs
Instead of limiting/restricting themselves to being at the center of the scale (taking up as less space as possible) they become all parts of the scale (the mechanics as well)
Libra natives might find themselves pulling the all-or-nothing kind of thinking, but instead of gobbling everything all at once-- they swallow things in increments (pace themselves, stead-fast approach)
They’re air signs, and this part of natural inclination, tactical thinking is just part of how they go about achieving their goals
Measurements of success comes from progress (seeable/observable) the shift that it makes to other people’s reaction/lives (noticing the subtle change in other people’s behaviour around them) and planning their next step (setting up/preparations)
There’s ambition inside of them, not for anything particularly materialistic, but rather to fully unfold their own potential and make something out of themselves from the inside out
Like-- there’s this innate appreciation for a certain qualities inside of themselves, and seeing how it affects people when brought out-- as well as how they could potentially take it to the next level drives them on
It’s not like a staggering overwhelming desire for ambition, but rather just a manifestation of themselves outward
That they can control and see to a level of satisfaction
Libra Natives-- rather than letting something fall into their lap, enjoys working within their own capabilities/potential in order to bring that out
They’re methodical like that, in just their initial approach to certain things about themselves-- there’s a sense of self-awareness and understanding to a certain scale here (haha)
Pretty much self-acceptance to a certain extent (standard/level), just enough to motivate themselves to work harder on those things and see it reach it’s full potential
See its not compromising, it’s acceptance. In imperfections (to a certain extent) they’re quick to pick up on these things, be alright with them but see/knows the full potential of what it could become if they work on it.
That’s what they apply to themselves, but also to others at the same time
Everything is one big ‘potential’ --people, traits, behaviors-- there’s always room for improvement and Libras are tuned into that
They can say harsh things, sometimes-- just trying to figure someone/something out, it’s not meant to be like-- malicious or anything, they’re just investigating something out loud and seeing how it shifts/change people around them through the reaction it gathers
It’s like-- prodding something, to see how much give/stiffness it has-- and if it’s resilient to all kinds of change, they just kind of leave it alone
If there’s no ‘give’ at all (again, pushing things into it’s fullest potential-- if it’s already ‘full’ then there’s nothing they can do about it/not interested in it)
There’s nothing malicious about it, but if your Libra friend happens to hurt your feelings (unsusceptible when they’re in this zone) -- be patient with them, let them know and then clarify/explain things to them. They’re learning too, and they’ll appreciate it a lot.
You might want to think of the Libra self-acceptance as this: without the ability to accept themselves they’re never going to be satisfied with what they’ve got, and the ability to really tune in with certain traits of themselves-- that they want to accentuate/emphasize outwardly-- helps them cope with the inherent need to please others and the lack of security/satisfaction within themselves as well
Let’s remember that if you’re using traditional astrology-- Libra is Fall in the Sun. 
It’s not like they’re exempted from the deep need to constantly improve themselves, not feeling like they’re at the top of their ability/skill set yet, or the constant comparison to social communities or those around them either.
In fact, the Libra is so self-critical they tend to feel like they can’t move forward without a certain dissatisfaction with themselves. 
This alertness and grind pushes them to help serve others, or other people who sees the value and motivation in the Libra-- which is what makes them attractive. (awareness, is part of what makes them attractive)
They’re aware of things that matters, intuitively and overlooked in society. At least when it comes to what other people tend to overlook/under-appreciate within themselves. Looking at a Libra makes other people realize the things they’ve been missing all these time.
Whether they’re conscious of it or not-- that acute proactiveness that they have in accentuating parts of their personality/features/skillset is what motivates others. And that’s where attraction comes from. It’s from reflecting things others are missing, in themselves (The Libra).  
Libra is like a self-reflection, but rather than being aware of themselves and things that will personally help them (the natives-- again, Libra is Fall in the Sun) they help other people around them realize/interact with their own skillset/self.
But like a mirror-- there’s no way for them to see that in their own self too (thus, why they still suffer from forms of insecurities/ indecisiveness sometimes)
There’s a difference between mirrors and glass, and Libras are specifically mirrors because they reflect others but doesn’t reflect themselves. 
They’re not like-- double sided mirrors. The things they project, shows and interact with others doesn’t directly correlate to helping themselves sometimes (hence the wishy-washy, indecisive traits)
The lack of transparency (like with glass) means there’s a processing of information that has to go through the Libra (mirror). Because there’s a reflectivity (quality) to them that needs to be translated-- in order to help themselves.
That’s why a pool of people to reflect these things off of (people using the mirror), and gather information from is important.
The more ‘materials’ they have to work with (their interactions they get from others after projection) --- the more concentrated/focused the solution is going to be (for themselves)
It’s like having sea water and the Libra is actively going through the process of purifying/distilling the particles--- separation in order to understand things fundamentally (away from each other) is important, before the overall picture/combination could be understood. 
(Again, part of their hesitant/indecisiveness-- needs to pull things apart and put it back together--- understanding things in term of relativity: Libra Mercury see below)
Observations are made, analysis are linked together several times through edits in order to find a conclusive solution.
The larger the pool is, the more time it takes (and with that comes indecisiveness). But with more materials, comes one singular process of long-term editing.
Imagine if a Libra has a smaller pool-- the materials (people) around them are smaller and the solution is more concentrated, right? 
That’s a good short-term plan, because they proceed forward with that solution and utilizes it until they need to further it (again, fulfilling the fullest potential) -- less indecisiveness, but with that comes stronger opinions/less tolerance for other people’s ideas/ability to emphasize with others fully as well.
Libras at the fullest potential are diplomatic people, but they need the experience/full exposure to large pool of materials in order to do that.
Short-concentrated pool only helps them at the beginning, it helps their ability to minimize the indecisive factor-- makes up their mind faster, proceed with action faster. 
Utilize all the skillsets they have (tact, sociability, engagement, observation, diplomacy) in order to take in new information and proceed with the editing process to their last ‘solution’ (it’s like an upgrade)
Consequences of short-concentrated pool means the Libra tries to manage and control what the outcome/solution to the problem is. To what they already know. 
Libras become increasingly critical of themselves and others, and thus can lead to a long arduous journey of second-guessing themselves, being hypocritical and a few self-sabotages because they’re not expanding their pool of possibilities/solution.
Large pool of materials comes with consequences as well, if they expose themselves too much to materials they have a hard time digesting everything all at once. 
It leads to limitless insecurities, staggering self-doubt and constantly feeling like they’re washed out/drowned out by others around them.
Thus why Libra is the sign of balance, being able to conquer/use both of these skillsets will help them adapt/overcome challenges/difficulties better.
(Not trying to compromise between the two, they need both of these skillsets to work together-- so it’s conquering both of them at once)
They feel a lot, and most of the time it’s not --- like, positive energy. From within themselves-- particularly in the Sun--they’re analytical by nature and are constantly trying to sink in information/synthesize them in order to adapt/utilize them better. For other people, and for themselves.
Libras sometimes find themselves being cornered or stuck in a rut, mostly because they’re one of the most-- deliberate and systematic signs out there. The things they do are concentrated and diagnosed into a system, whether they realize this or not.
Thus why when it comes to -- bigger solutions, bigger picture. They don’t tend to try to overachieve themselves that much into the future (project themselves into the far future-- think years, there’s nothing concrete or rational to stand on/climb to)
The balls they pitch are hard and fast, aimed to hit a certain spot and it’s strategic (for them-- artistically placed). 
So when it comes to loosening up their arms and trying for an outer-field pitch, they have a hard time understanding how to do an arc/curve to push it further into the future (like see everything manifest so far into their future goals/life).
Because they’re so thorough with everything right now (currently/present day->relatively close future) a lot of the intimidation that the years brings (far future) can also pull out insecurities in themselves as well.
Stability is something inherently wanted in most signs, and in Libra it’s there in their subconscious
It’s instinctive, to want stability in their life. Which is supported by how rational they seem to be with their methods/process of getting things that they want in the world.
Everything they climb and find potential to do-- is all for the sake of stabilizing themselves in the future. (Counteracting that fear)
Libra as the natural ruler of Venus find themselves using diplomacy and sociability as a way to garner respectability and up-hold their footing in the future.
Work hard now so that you can take in the scene in the future
(They’re never going to stop working, but being able to afford a little luxury is part of the goal here).      
Venus as the ruler of Libra adds a distinctive trait to the sign (much like how other signs can be contextualized/accentuated by their natural ruler for better understanding of their traits as well)
It shows how social relationships are served for other’s benefit more so than the Libra themselves sometimes (in terms of personal benefit-- they have a desire for it, and a need to serve it’s cause-- but for what?)
Sure, there’s the profit they gain from responses and being around others as well (collecting pool/material) but it’s almost 80-20 on how people-serving everything is (whether they realize this or not-- they inspire people more than they inspire themselves sometimes)
The energy is split if you look at it from an outsider’s perspective, the Libra Natives goals are focused, pin-point accuracy and concentrated. Yet their impact and effect on others are diverse, varies and on multiple different levels.
It’s not just skin-deep, it’s also on a level that has to do with personal motivation, goals, integrity and social conduct/habits as well. Libra’s focus has a range/impact on others more so than they tend to realize.
They’re an astoundingly motivated sign, although they have their faults and falters-- they always try their hardest/best to learn more and discover themselves as best as they can.
I hope you can see these traits reflected in Jimin. As a Libra Sun, he inspires others more so than just the attractive charm that he has. He’s motivational, inspirational and socially-serving.
He has his personal struggle, seeks empathy within others and within himself, but ultimately tries to drive himself forward anyways.
He faces consequences and fears of the unknown (future/small-large pools) his own internal struggle and motivation to build his own ego (Sun) and esteem up. 
He wants stability in his life in the future through future social relationships and upstanding skill-sets he accentuates within himself.
He drives forth and pushes his own focused, concentrated traits/skill-sets in order to collect material pools from people-- and use that, ultimately to conquer himself instead of choosing between one or the other (of what he wants to do)
Again, like all Sun Signs-- these struggles will come time and time again for us to manifest, see and face ourselves. 
Jimin has to learn, over and over again, how to fully feel comfortable with all the mechanics, and technical aspects of his Libra Sun in order to fully realize and feel comfortable within himself as he ages (and changes comes and goes)        
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Sun (Libra) - Trine - Moon (Gemini) | 3′ Degrees
Aaaah what a good dude
Wanted to emphasize, after all the heavy foundation stuff earlier-- on the better traits in Libra as well.
Jimin’s more soft-spoken nature (his shyness i guess??) is a part of his charm, it’s a combination of his Sun and Moon (Libra and Gemini) working together to fully think an idea through before he expresses it to others (like in bv3 ep. 3 --where he’s hesitant to share about his composition on camera until it’s fully hatched out)
Deliberate tactfulness and uplifting charm is a part of this aspect as well, which is why he’s so refreshing to be around (and considered to be part of the mediator/glue to the group-- this air-combination within him allows communication to rapidly pass between others in his social circle-- but not necessarily within himself/asserting himself.
He only clarifies and mediate, but doesn’t assert himself into the scenario necessarily)
When his ego/need (Sun) is combined with his emotionality/desire (Moon) -- he finds himself wanting to express himself more because it fuels his need/desires (both at the same time-- Sun-trine-Moon).
This makes communication a big part of his ego/goals (Libra/Gemini- air), and thus he works harder to be better at it (emphasis on learning languages to connect with others, difficulties comes from challenging aspects/Mercury rx-- but let’s quit the ‘jimin hates us’ jokes, he just wants to express himself well but he has a hard time doing so because it’s so personal to his desire/need)
This also means he wants to verbalize/express his better traits as well, when you have a lot of air in your luminaries (particularly with Libra-Gemini who are more sociable of the bunch) there’s a distinctive need to have some sort of stimuli/affirmation from others in order to fuel themselves (as a stimuli, something to bounce off from, externalizing themselves outwards--_
(Libra- sociability, in the sun it’s a need to be perceived-well by people they respect/admire, respectability is a pretty prominent deal, Gemini- mercury, wants to hear others say it verbally in order to re-affirm their affections/sentiments, self-connectivity as well as emotional gratification)
With air combo (especially in a trine) the natural affinity to serve others (communication/sociability) through their own skillsets/capabilities (like acting as a wire between channels) may become more prominent/enhanced because of this aspect (because it’s their luminary)
Since it’s in a trine, the natural asset/self-assertion becomes something the person themselves may lack awareness of (mirror reflection: see Libra Sun above)
Thus-- the responses they get from others helps them see this part of themselves, (re-affirmation but also guidance/mirroring back)
And that’s why it’s so important for them to get this reaction from others because it makes them happy to get certain things right
Having this air-air combo also helps him with externalizing/emphasizing with others because it’s in his luminaries (Libra desire, Gemini emotionality) he’s quick to point out other people’s experiences  (not necessarily good traits, just their genuinity through what he’s observed) and making a point to communicate other people’s experiences to an audience (public or a smaller groups of people: more as a prompter-- so the other person could retell the story themselves/mention it briefly-- instead of a story-teller)  
It’s a part of his charm, he’s more lovable because he’s able to communication/self-express his needs/desire to others as well (not for others, but to others--like his whining, unintentional aegyo and general playfulness that Jimin has)
Air signs have that charisma to them that makes them responsive to others, but also moodiness when they’re not open to receiving new information (*context is important: in situations where information in this case, doesn’t serve them well-- especially in the Moon (hurts his feelings), or if his Sun is agitated by someone (pre-formed opinions)
Because his Sun-Moon are aspected, he can find himself expressing emotions that comes through faster (such as anger, self-righteousness, intolerant of ‘selfishness’) and tends to expresses things in one big burst of verbal explosion rather than let it drag on for too long (from a social group he’s not that invested in/familiar with)
When things gets to him (short-term explosion/irritation) he can tend to sort it out through sharpness (wit) and being blunt/straight forward (*again, depends on context-- usually he’s nice and compassionate)
This is with the intention to reflect on another person’s emotionally/consciousness/integrity (Scorpio Venus/Mars) as well as just a reminder that this action (or inaction) shouldn’t be taken (again, self-righteousness- Libra Sun)
BV2 when he told Tae off for letting JK clean up alone, that’s a good example of how Jimin tells people off.
When he himself is nagged at-- Jimin can tend to find it harder to emphasize with what’s being told-off about emotionally (gemini-moon), thus playing up the ‘ok ok i won’t do it again’ but not fully understanding where the frustration is coming from (say compared to more receptive water signs like Hoseok or Yoongi)
He understands it logically, but in order to truly change (like how he directs his anger/intention on other people) he needs to have that emotionality (not built, but found within himself/locate inside) that comes from feeling truly ashamed of himself for it (if it’s not self-imposed by his own self-worth/understanding)
Thus why it can be a bit harder to get to him (*in certain context, he’s usually an empathetic and emotional person already-- Scorpio Mars: see below) it serves as a natural barrier as well.
He’s able to redirect and communicate what he potentially wants to achieve/fulfill/‘feel’ at necessary moments-- often with tact and through discretion -- showing that he’s graceful with maneuvering and expressing himself with sincerity to others (forthcoming) .
With an air-sign combo he has a need/want to think things through, fully, in order to express them out well. This is because he wants to do well.  There’s honestly nothing complicated than that (again, direct and forthcoming)
The end result matters to seeing his progress (Gemini Moon) and ability to affluent/reach out to others. (Libra Sun) It fuels him inside (personally) that much.
Thus why he’s a good communicator between the maknaes and the older members in the team, and part of why he seems responsible. With this innate need sated, he knows his positions and what he could use his potential to do for the team. It gives his sociability a purpose (Libra Sun) but also fuels him emotionally as well (to an extent-- a certain emotional gratification for his Gemini Moon)  
He’s easily more co-operative when offered the opportunity. Even if he doesn’t necessarily ‘feel’ up for it-- he’s going to try his best to use his rational/logical thinking (Libra Sun) to make sense of things anyways (’it’ll come in handy later’)
Anyways let’s talk more about the good stuff
Having his Sun and Moon trine doesn’t just means he exerts himself/his desire/needs easier than most (compared to like, opposition or squares who can have a hard time even identifying what they feel/need at all) --Jimin makes clear what his distinctions are, what he approves of and what he disapproves of-- it serves him to be respectable and seen as somewhat ‘level-headed’ in his larger circle (outside of his group/members) as well.
He can quickly read people, assess their motives and integrity (Gemini/Libra)  and also assimilate himself easily to them (communicative and playfulness) when he approves of them
This adaptability/changeability to his character (Gemini Moon), as well as assertiveness (Libra Sun) makes him high key such a nurturing person to be around-- but in a way that’s less serious/heavy and more willing to co-operate than others (say like a water sign in the luminaries)
Like after his initial ‘threat’ assessment, and when he adopts/adapt to someone he quickly picks up on things they lack and provide support for them in forms of co-operation, motivation and verbal affirmation (things he uses for himself/his own fulfillment as well)
Thus why he learns/adapts himself naturally to others-- with Yoongi, with Jungkook and with Hoseok.
He learns what they lack/need and what they project/desire (outwardly) supports them in a way that’s co-operative to them (for their own benefit).
With Yoongi and Jungkook-- their Virgo traits/strong placement, it’s catered to helping them with things they lack, or want to get better at or acknowledged for. With Hoseok who’s more about needing tactile support (Taurus Moon) and Taehyung who’s more about familiarity/stability (Capricorn) -- Jimin learns how to adapt to these people he’s ‘accepted’ and quickly utilize his skill-sets/capabilities to co-operate and provide for them (in order to gain stimuli for himself as well.)
(highkey-- sometimes, especially with double air signs luminaries-- there can be an over-exertion of themselves for others that they tend to lose sight of themselves too.
This nagging feeling of moving/changing too much and not feeling connected to their core/initial values stresses them out--it demotivates them, allows the deeper part of their psyche to come forth and be more vulnerable during times. Thus why Gemini Moon can tend to shift away from things in order to find that ‘inner connective-ness’ again.)
Having this particular Sun-trine-Moon combination (Libra Sun/Gemini Moon) may also come with a shift of moodiness and over-compromising themselves (again, over-exertion of co-operation) -- especially since Jimin is the one who’s usually laid back or at peace with himself in these instances (esp. in social context/interactions) he can tend to be too accepting/giving too much to others around him with less discretion (deceived, once he ‘accepted’ them-- or taken advantage of sometimes)
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Sun (Libra) - Square - Uranus (Capricorn) 
Stubbornness, present in both Libra and Capricorn. But more so than that is critical.
Being particularly critical of others around him, especially when it comes to being doubtful -- he can tend to low-key side eye people sometimes even if he keeps his mouth shut about it
Because Libra and Capricorn are present here, he is somewhat tactful of what he says/put out-- but with both Cardinal Sign there’s also an assertiveness/directness to how he expresses his desire/expression (won’t stand down-- makes for a sassy person unintentionally)
The kind of person who smiles tightly and nods but you can tell they’re clearly displeased with something because they just exudes it (Sun-aspect)
If he doesn’t want to do something, he can be pretty adamant about it. His expression/discontentment is absolutely readable to others especially if it’s something that has to do with his personal values (Libra Sun) integrity or social standard/change (Capricorn Uranus)
On one hand, with that Capricorn Uranus he has an understanding/sympathy for establishing things externally (socially/ so social structure) but on the other hand-- he absolutely won’t tolerate any threat/imposing on integrity/personal freedom-rights of others (Libra Sun)
Basically just imagine a bitchier, more aggravated Libra Sun side eyeing you with their arms folded, about to chew you out.
It’s refreshing because it’s direct, you know exactly when they’re displeased with something and you can kind of link it to what their personal integrity are (social balance is being ‘threatened’ by your choice of action, usually)
He sees flaws in others (Libra Sun/Mercury-Gemini Moon), and wants others to challenge their own way--- yet at the same time he remains stubborn in his own -- it can seem kind of hypocritical/self-righteous sometimes.
Despite not wanting to appear attached (‘too sentimental’) to things that ‘dont matter’ (things he’s not personally/emotionally invested in) he can sometimes be insensitive to other people’s feelings as well (best example: see Jimin-Taehyung and what they fight about/difference in interests --- but still managing to come together in the end, confronting their own faults/pasts)
This --- semi-hypocrisy (not wanting to commit fully to rebellion but wanting others to do it at the same time) can lead to a lot of passive-aggressive tendency, defensiveness or aggravated need to dominant others to be seen as ‘right’ sometimes.
It’s about wanting others to change but also wanting to be in control of themselves (of others) and of the situation at the same time.
Like as much as it’s about ‘not rocking the boat’ or whatever -- it’s also about keeping control of their life and things they can do (which sometimes over-extend or spill onto others/trying to control others as well)
Keeping a schedule, being on top of things, not having any ammunition another person can use against them (personal flaw) and remedying those flaws (see: when he works out so extremely in order to be ‘attractive’ around debut) helps expel their nervous energy/anxiety/stress but also lowers their defensiveness (not spill onto others) as well.
It’s also posing some difficulties to him in terms of -- learning languages or connecting to others at a cultural level? - because he understands things intellectually-- but occasionally not emotionally -- sometimes learning/connecting to others (Uranus) can be hard to establish for him.
There’s desire for sure, for his job, to be capable of talking to another and communicating himself/coming off well-- but at the same time he’s faced with challenges inside of himself on multiple fronts (this one, and also Moon-opposition-Jupiter below) -- so it might take time to turn this around.
Truly if he tackles this and tries to input some creativity, personal touch, inventiveness into his approach (to learning language/others-- like, what drives him on personally-- in order to learn this language, outside of the necessity for it in his job?) it’ll serve him well to be more adaptable/spread out evenly as well.
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Sun (Libra) - Square - Neptune (Capricorn) 
To get weirdly specific: Capricorn representing the father figure in the house of Neptune shows some idealism/expectation that may not reflect on reality for Jimin of himself (as a father, we all know we talks about being a father/family man sometimes)
We all know Jimin respects and admires his father greatly. He mentions him all the time, on variety show (Knowing Brothers) on his birthday (when he got the bouquet,etc.) he has a clearly positive image of his father and it’s reflective on how it affects his own expectation/inner self (Sun) as well
His father plays a role in who he is today, but because his Sun is in a square to his Neptune-- a part of it can be hyped up or be a little bit exaggerated (a little self-delusion) that he might have to truly confront this when he wants to reach a reality with himself (like, expecting himself as a father-- he’ll be a great father I’m sure, just that certain problems might be totally unprepared even though he thinks he’s thorough/prepared-- Libra Sun/ego-self confidence) as well.
Anyways, Sun-square-Neptune also talks about having certain expectations for himself that’s beyond reality of what he is/has. Something that is inspired by comic books, novels, web-toons, etc.
In terms of his drive/ambition-- it certainly helps him reach beyond what is ordinarily expected or someone. Possibly, reaching out to become an idol/dancer in the group is part of this Sun driving his Neptune to fulfillment.
Which is why sometimes it feels totally unreal or out of his own personal limit-- Neptune talks about subconscious, and seeing it actually becomes reality causes a bit of dissonance inside of himself that he has to confront sometimes.
Emotionally, and just-- the connective-ness of reality to his dream-scape is differently perceived. Thus why sometimes, to not overwhelm himself (through confrontation) he might find himself repressing certain things in order to truly let it sink in/cherish it later.
Remember when Jimin asked Namjoon to re-affirm that ‘billboard is something not anyone can just go to right’ (prestige/beyond the dream) -- he’s the type to suppress things a little in order to process them (Capricorn Neptune -- has to somewhat be functional in reality even if it’s their biggest dream)-- but later, with a glass of alcohol in hand, he probably has to Go Through It alone or with someone close to him in order to truly understand how it’s really reality for him as well.
His Sun (Libra) and the need to please others when aspected with Neptune also points to a possibly tendency to rely on bad habits in order to help himself. Whether it’s his initial extreme diet, or him being particularly hard on himself (Burn The Stage, just last year)
Even small things like just drinking on the regular or staying up late in the early mornings -- these are considered part of the ‘bad’ habits that comes with the activeness Libra (as an air sign) has over his need/desire.
Because Neptune brings escapist and semi-self destructive behaviors even if it’s used in moderation or for celebration (drinking for example) there’s always the susceptible harm of it escalating into over-compassing his life if he’s not careful.
This is because it’s aspected to the Sun, as part of his ego/sense of self when there are blows made to those reality/dreams he can become incredibly sensitive and thus defensive/aggravated at the same time (think: Jimin-Tae fights, Taehyung tends to be brasher than Jimin even though Jimin is much more directly aggressive/aggravated -- thus, with Jimin’s Sun in Fall -- his ego can tend to take a more emotional hit than Taehyung does sometimes )
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Gemini Moon | 15′ Degrees | 2nd Decan Libra/Venus 
A lot of people give Gemini-Libra placement a lot of crap but for what??
Expressiveness and supportiveness is one of the Gemini Moon’s best traits!
Honestly there’s no one else more supportive of you than Gemini Moons-- this is because there’s an innate need to learn/understand others, but NOT in a way that’s detrimental to themselves so it’s healthily supportive
Having a Gemini Moon makes a person much more accepting of co-operation between people, rather than like-- a mess of egos clashing, they’re one of the few True MVPS who will not bat an eye when it comes to actively helping others out if they care/approve of them
Let’s just be clear, that a part of what makes them healthy is because they exert their autonomy/independency across everyone’s face FIRST-- really upfront about it, like a ‘take it or leave it’ kind of way--- and if people can accept that and respect them for it (especially if they have their own independence too)-- they’re all in with sympathizing and supporting others as well.
They can be coy and shy about it, like a touch-and-go kind of vibing others out if they have certain placements leading up to that (like Jimin, which contributes to their ‘flightiness’ I guess)
It’s not antipathy on their part-- it’s just, they gotta make sure you can accept multi-faceted-ness/you’re not shallow as well.  
Gemini Moon with a Libra Sun are the type of people who sits with you when you’re down and rub your back for you
They’re also the type of people who will make faces with you (supportive faces, expressive) and motivate you/support you when you need them to
Because Gemini Moons (ruler Mercury) are rather fast-paced (whether they realize this or not) they’re quick to motivate you to get up off your ass and do something if they feel like you’re wasting time with a pity party that’s unnecessary
Blunt-- and straightforward are their best traits, at least when it comes to their own opinions, thoughts and feelings.
But combined with Libra Sun | Mercury, there are times when he is more soothing/supportive in a way that’s not as --- abrasive
See, Gemini Moon is the way he’s quick to point out how other people makes him feel (when it’s positive)
It’s also when he soothes them, typically through skinship or falling on top of them (like what he does to Namjoon-- stick his face close to him, or pull his cheeks)
It’s how they show affection, because believe it or not they’re quite affectionate people
Proud affectionate, it’s not exactly the sentimental kind but rather the extroverted/outwardly proud expressions of affection for another person?
With Gemini Moon it’s not soft touches or slow soothing words full of sentimental affection (Capricorn/Taurus) -- it’s comfort with someone else, being confident in themselves and maneuvering others to fit them the way things are supposed to be fitted.
That’s what proud affection means, like they’re proud to be seen with you and they’re proud to show off your relationship. Whether it’s subconscious (touchy) or not
There’s just-- a certain confident that they exude to relationship that gives it strengths. They’re the type to do things so nonchalantly (again, true MVPS) but touches others in a way that they’re oblivious to
Small things like holding someone’s hands, might mean so much more to introverted person. Or just being able to accept different opinions, when others tell them how grateful/appreciative they are of them-- the Gemini Moon is genuinely confused because ‘that’s literally basic stuff??’
They can sometimes be oblivious to their own strengths, or the aspiration they give to others (slow moving people, earth signs) -- mostly because they’re at a pace that is different and doesn’t tend to notice these sorts of thing.
It’s a good thing, but that also means some of their problems are harder to understand (different wavelengths) to others as well (like to earth signs, some water signs, a few fire signs)
What people don’t tend to realize/understand is that Gemini Moon also has lows. And they tend to be harder on themselves -- just as much as Capricorns, Virgos, Leos and Scorpios.
Because what they exude, how they act/say is categorized (stereotyped) by some people as ‘shallow’, the deeper parts of the Gemini (+ the different wavelengths at the beginning) tends to lengthen the rift even more.
Causes a lot of misunderstanding, especially since they’re partially confused/hard on themselves as well.
The deeper part of the Gemini (as its symbolized by a set of twins) is mercurial, cunning and sometimes a lot more paranoid
Because it is harder to control, and Geminis are supposed to go through constant change (versatility) coping with these traits-- amongst others potentially powerful ones (hence harder to control) can overwhelm the Gemini easily
Thus why sometimes Gemini Moon may seem so confused and contradictory inside of themselves-- it causes this deeper part to be repressed (when you don’t know what to do with all that) and thus-- sometimes the ‘lows’ tends to last longer than the ‘highs’
Repressing their deeper part (out of fear, out of not knowing how to start understanding them/fear that they’re going to use it for evil) means snubbing that part of them out in order to keep the happy, upbeat front.
That’s not the case, the repression causes their change cycle to stop. It causes a lot of harm to the normally versatile and changeable Gemini to go back into themselves and can suffer from longer lasting ‘low’s and self-destructive cycles even more
Everything has to come out, especially with the Gemini. Including learning how to wield and balance between the two parts of themselves.
Because the ultimate goal is to change (go through cycles) by balancing both at once (at the same time) only the deeper part can bounce the highs, and only the highs can make the deeper part more tolerable (to the Gemini themselves)
Much like how they treat people/world around them, the Gemini is forced to treat their own subconscious the same way. This can be parrying for the Gemini (because it tends to be a bit blunt/brutal emotionally) but it leads to certain self-awareness that can be used to improve, if they’re not fraught or fearful of who they are (during the backlash).
Gemini Moon-- when unable to cope with the depth of their own ‘low’s starts to question themselves. A lot of nervous energy (mutable/air) leads to paranoia, but also lowered self-confidence and vulnerability in the Moon.
They start noticing these things about themselves, their disorganization, their inconsistency, their superficial means (again, self awareness that comes from being forced to confront their subconscious) but they’re aggravated/frustrated with themselves about it-- and tends to verbally put themselves down
It’s like-- they put themselves down because if they do that first-- it gives them some sort of control. Other people can’t put them down because they already know all their flaws, but that’s not a thing they should be focusing on.
It comes from a place of deep-rooted fear, somewhat paranoia. Gemini Moon has to watch themselves not to make a habit of manipulating others, themselves or the situation-- because they’re only going to be self-critical (harder on themselves) even more when they realize what they’re doing. (A cycle that’s not necessary and only self-destructive)
It’s not self-deprecation at this point, it’s self-destructive because they rely on this cycle to keep them going/moving. And when the cycle is tainted by their feelings/bad thoughts -- they constantly engage in a systematic flaw that would recycle all their self-awareness/self-critical, paranoid nature right back at them again.
Cleaning out the system helps, learning how to tackle things-- stop the clog and totally do a deep cleanse of their entire cycle would help a lot.
With the Gemini, it’s not just a matter of ‘oh ok then i’ll just run away from it/drop it’ it’s a matter of actually sitting down and thinking/pushing ‘what can i do to make this better-- long term goals’ and self-motivation
Think of it as like, borrowing some Sagittarius trait in order to help their own flaw. Opposite signs tends to help with balancing each other out, so borrowing some of the things Sagittarius has/deals with would help the Gemini understand what it is they might need to implement/change to get back on track as well.
Gemini Moon also seems to have varying interests; sometimes one at a time and other times-- all at once.
With Jimin in particular (Libra Sun|Gemini Moon) it’s about social consciousness combined with pure curiosity/inquisitiveness.
Because Gemini Moon can tend to bounce from things to things, the emotional aspect of wanting to put 100% into something versus their lack of motivation serves as a problem.
It causes delineation of the mind that tries to compartmentalize emotionality away from logic-- in this case, it provides tact-- but also serves to make understanding himself (empathizing/loving himself) a lot harder as well.
When your emotions (demotivation) is separated away from the logic, you find yourself pursuing things on the principle of curiosity and ambition ( both air signs when combined accentuate these traits-- curiosity/Gemini, Ambition/Libra)
He might find himself having multiple enthusiastic interests in topics/subjects that helps him uncover answers he’s interested in. Discovery is a big part of this curiosity, it satiates his needs/desire to an extent.
This excitable and passionate drive, that is in combination with personal ambition (to potentially become more socially conscious)-- makes him seem like a confident dependable person, reliable and independent even if it doesn’t feel that way all the time.
Having your emotions separated from your logic can have certain benefits-- but for long term goals, as well as what really matters-- it might not serve to give him the satisfaction he needs (emotionally) nor will it help him empathize/pursue his true desire/need (social consciousness) on a level that he wants to be at (is supposed to be at)
See, when things are separated-- it keeps the person from a distance to their goals. That distance, emotionally and desire/need-- will make adjustment hard to pursue once they reach the end.
It builds up an ego that finds themselves confident and proud, yet the core of the problem is still unsolved. These tiny misalignment frustrates the Gemini-- so close to being who/where they needed to be-- and tries to force themselves to align without going back to fix the core of the problem.
Again-- it’s just, cleaning out the clogs. Geminis aren’t the type of people who are going to ‘sweat the small stuff’ but these ‘small stuff’ are things that they need to deliberate on, and truly conquer/swallow up in order to get to where they want in the end.
That’s why they’re self-destructive instead of self-deprecating, self-deprecating signs deliberate too much on the small stuff that they don’t tend to move enough. Gemini doesn’t deliberate enough on the ‘small stuff’ that they breeze through life and then go through a cycle of frustration with themselves (self-destructive) when the ‘small stuff’ comes to bit them in the ass.  
Personal freedom in the context of who he is/what he provides socially is important to him
With Gemini Moon-- their creativity/emotionality input can come in spurts so having control over that-- autonomy/freedom is important to them
Because it’s not consistent as like, a Capricorn or some other signs-- they have to create that control/freedom/space for themselves to work the way they do best (their own style of working) in order to feel conductive and not like-- they’re working any lesser than anyone around them (which is important to their self esteem as well - Sun-moon aspect)
Because they understand that things can come and go (without their control sometimes) they can react pretty temperamentally to themselves.
Again, Gemini Moons don’t get talked about for their lows and highs, which is actually a crucial part in understanding what Geminis go through specifically (we place the blame on Scorpio, or over-simplify it as ‘flightiness’ when its not just that)
He’s fully capable of staying committed, that’s not the issue here. Geminis (when they are committed to something) have an abundance of power/surge in order to fulfill/understand it completely.
It wasn’t about-- figuring something out and then leaving it, that’s not Gemini (that’s lowkey Aries). It’s about being able to create a ‘space’ for themselves within their commitment where they can let the ebb and flow of their emotionality run independently-- without feeling like it’s imposing on other aspects of their lives.
Like say a relationship, Gemini Moons can commit. When they hit their lows, they might need time/space to work/operate independently/work different than when they do in their highs. Doesn’t mean they switch from people to people -- it just means they need that-- space, for autonomy. They can be trusted, and they should be trusted.
Understanding and acknowledging that people do have drastic high-lows are important, and those who can accept this side of them (see; Taehyung who has his own struggle with Capricorn Sun | Aries Moon dynamic) helps the Gemini Moon immensely in staying committed in a relationship without feeling like they’re stifled or being pressured into something they’re not ready to give (which is-- honestly, kind of abusive cause?? you can’t force someone to give up something they adamantly don’t want to give up/autonomy-space in this case-- what the fuck??)
Gemini Moons are capable of pouring everything they have into something they place value in, and it’s not-- it’s not all or nothing it’s just-- an investment in their part.
Think of it as like, building layers. You pour one layer of your feelings and wait for it to dry, come back again and pour another layer so everything is set and stable and ready. Instead of like, everything sinking and being uneven-- by waiting for things to dry (going away for a hot second) everything becomes more even and stable.
That’s how they approach people/relationship and interests as well. Because ultimately the things that bothers them the most is their inability to fully concentrate on something for long-period of time even if they want to/know they have potential for (Scorpio Venus/Mars)
With Jimin it’s almost like--- he identifies himself with this Gemini Moon but he also finds it hard to cope with all the faults/difficulties that the placement has.
It’s like he’s not-- aware of all the hurdles he just crashes into it? If this was a hurdling race, he’s the one who realizes there are hurdles but doesn’t get through all of them without crashing a few down (or all of them-- sometimes, when he’s feeling extra vulnerable/self-frustrated)
It’s mostly just-- difficult aspects to his Moon itself (see below) besides that one fantastic Sun-Moon trine earlier that’s bringing a bit of self-awareness, it’s like tempering him or teasing him by not allowing him to fully handle/tackle these foreseen problems
(theoretically, he gets it. execution/applicability wise, he’s frustrated with his inability to deal with it.)
Let’s talk about some of the good stuff sdkjfns
Jimin actually makes a lot of silly faces in photos and this is part of the Gemini Moon being able to express themselves. (concert photo, chuseok 2018 photo)
Gemini Moon helps sharpen his keen wit, but also easily pick up on other’s mood and tends to tease others alot (see this gif of the recent iheartradio show and the gcf in newark when he teases Jin)
His analytical ability sky-rockets as well, with aspects from his Sun-Moon-- he can tend to read people easily and verbalize his own emotions/expressions outwards as well.
Feeling what he feels is a different thing all together, sometimes its like he soundboards/steam things out to figure out how he feels along the way (in contrast to water signs-- who feels things first and verbalize it outwards. This is like, talking things out to figure out how he feels.)
Because there’s a natural nervous/worry that they tend to carry with them, they tend to get restless when they’re doing nothing.
We know Jimin stays up later than normal, and he likes to read when he has the time (or play games). This is attributes of the normal Gemini Moon restlessness-- it makes the individual read, talk and think a lot more when it’s in their Moon.
This restlessness isn’t like a Virgo however, with Gemini their domestic scene can be a bit more scattered than what the typical Virgo would have placed their restlessness into doing. While Virgo is focused on doing something with their hands (mindlessly) for their environment because it helps them relax.
A Gemini is focused on the self (they share the same ruler-- Mercury) and while their living situation can be a bit looser than Virgo (a good sign since a Virgo cleaning means they might be stressed out about something else) they tend to put some effort in keeping things messily organized -- at least for their own benefit.  
Jimin as the glue of the group-- can provide for the team in what he knows (intellectually) as a need rather than feeling like they all need it.
Get-togethers and heart to hearts, without the influence of Scorpio Venus involved (*depends on context) can tend to be geared towards productivity and helping people rather than what they want to hear/need emotional support for.
There’s a natural buoyancy (again, combining their highs and lows) and quirky optimistic attitude that comes with Gemini Moons
Even if he’s feeling all sorts of lows, this natural attribute will still come through -- it serves as a fuel for misunderstanding, because other people tend to think ‘oh its a one time thing’ or ‘oh its not that bad’ (it is, you shouldn’t take someone at face value all the time as well, not everyone is the same-- and this is just how the Gemini Moon copes, please try to be consistently conscious of their feelings even if they don’t show it!!)
When they’re in their ‘lows’ sometimes they’re irritable, this means they snap at people with vicious words (mercurial sign)
But just as easily they’re often too afraid to even confront others when they’re in their highs. (due to their own insecurities ‘oh if they’re not saying anything about me then maybe I shouldn’t say something about them?’ again-- selective self-aware of their own flaws)  
Because of this double air placement, there’s a natural tendency to cope with humour (verbalizing their needs/feelings) even if it’s dark or stark sometimes (at themselves and with unfortunate circumstances-- to lighten up the mood)
Libra’s diplomacy is accentuated by the Gemini, and Gemini’s emotionality may tend to make him quick to reach out to solve things for others, or help smoothen things out because ‘rocking the boat’ (strain/conflicts in the norm-- disruption) amplifies the uneasiness his Gemini feels (nervousness/energy-- Sun-Moon aspect-- dictated by Libra’s need that is amplified through this aspect)
Because of this heightened need to please-- there’s also some disillusionment/idealism (Sun-Neptune aspect) along with the ability to ‘play roles’ for others or become completely detached (again-- emotionality separated from logic)
It doesn’t help with the frantic trying to figure out their own self-awareness, or identifying their individuality (especially with the Sun in Fall-- ‘weak’ sense of self) -- figuring out who he is when he’s not pleasing people and what part of him is his ego/individuality can be hard. Specifically finding balance, and conquering both the sides of his Gemini makes it harder.
There’s nothing wrong with learning from others, or taking information from others in order to build yourself (Libra sun- social relationships) and figure out who you are. Working with what’s already given is fine-- there’s nothing terminally wrong with the conduct of neither Libra nor Gemini.
It’s just a matter of cleaning out the clogs, making sure the equipments and system is squeaky clean. It can be hard, but by doing so consistently and constantly, he can gleam what he needs to reap in the end.
Don’t be frustrated with yourself if you have similar problems, or share the same placement/problems. Don’t hate yourself for your own traits, and don’t think that you can’t possibly push yourself to be the best version of yourself because of all your ‘flaws’ (like indecisiveness, inconsistency, etc.)
Change the things that needs changing-- that is, the oil you use, the system you’re using. Do a deep cleanse once in a while.
Think of it like this-- a clock is working perfectly fine with all the mechanics it has. It just needs tweaking sometimes, an extra help with a screwdriver on a loose nut, shaping of the system, minor part replacements. You only need to change one tiny thing in order to make everything work-- nobody goes around dismantling random parts.
(Change the things you can change, not the traits that you have basically-- learn to maximize it instead of just living with it/pulling yourself down because of it-- be a little more ambitious with yourself/your own self-confidence internally, instead of just for external things-- if that makes sense.)
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Moon (Gemini) - Opposition - Jupiter (Sagittarius) | 3′ Degrees 
One of his tightest aspect (without the birth time therefore, no angles we know of), which is also not helping his Gemini Moon and Libra Sun.
Because the Moon is part of our securities (how we feel secure/insecurities in our lives) having opposition aspect to Jupiter (Sagittarius) tends to dwindle and weaken the self-esteem/confidence (luminary-personal self/inner sense of self).
It’s like waiting for the ball to drop, for something to go wrong and people to barge in arms up in flames with whatever it is you’ve done.
It’s a feeling of constantly watching your back nervously (Gemini) and having your feelings/sense of self questioned and doubted by the public--- even if the majority of this feelings are imaginary scenarios sometimes.
One bad circumstance can have a long lasting effect on a person. The psyche (Moon)  can sustain this trauma for a long time, especially since they’re trying to be more self-conscious/aware of what they put out/what they do-- in order to not evoke the circumstances again.
When the personal Moon is in opposition to Jupiter, there’s a restriction placed on their hopes/dreams, that results in in-productivity of their tangible work/outcome (what they put out in the world/not exploiting their own full potential because they’re afraid they won’t be enough)
It strengthen indecisiveness, but indecisiveness is littered with self-doubt, and insecurities that comes from not thinking they’re good enough or not doing enough compared to others.
Things they hold personal/dear to them, things that fuels their self-confidence (in this case, his creative output/expression) tend to be worked on tediously (bv3 when he mentioned song writing to Namjoon) yet has a hard time coming out because the self-esteem/sense of self (Moon) suffers from thinking about their own potential/reach/public reception (Jupiter)
Jimin doesn’t release a lot of solo projects himself, but the effort he puts onto them are enormous. His emotional value to them are also deeply personal, the reception of others around him (again-- remember, air signs) are so important that he feels muddled.
Is it actually good? What will other people think? Is ‘good’ really good enough? All these decisions and muddled feelings leads him to possibly believe he might be unable to think clearly about himself, or evaluate his own work without emotions reasoning his logic (in this case, being too prone to separating the two serves as a factor in furthering this rift)
Being personally involved and emotionally invested in something scares him, for the first time it’s almost like he’s putting his own self (Moon) out there for the public to receive (Jupiter) -- and the fear of them hurting, the fear of not being ‘good’ enough or just ‘enough’ --is enough to make him second guess himself.
It’s not like he can just-- ok yes, a part of it is just him placing himself on a platter for the audience to take what they will from it. But with the Gemini Moon (and Libra Sun) he gains something/feels something from it as well.  Both of these prospect -- of laying himself out without expectations (good will) and the emotional responses he knows he’ll receive from it (internally/personally) scares him so much.
Overthinking, anytime during the process drains his energy. It demotivates him, Gemini Moon already works in a cycle and staying tedious/aligned with their cycle only serves to make the ‘want’ to work but ‘low’ part of their cycle even harder to bear. (self-frustrations, waiting “pointlessly” for their block to be removed again-- again, leads to separating emotions from logic to ‘motivate’ self)
Having Moon-opposition-Jupiter causes his vulnerabilities to feel even more exposed to him, like other people can see where he flaws at and increases sensitivity to his own emotions.
However it also causes him to be particularly protective over his vulnerabilities, in order to control this deeply personal emotionality he tends to give a lot to others (benefit of the doubt) -- even if it results in deception or being taken advantage of, at least it’s hurting on a part that’s NOT something he already feels insecure about (diversion of pain/vulnerabilities).
It’s a tactic that recycles hurt in case it happens, expecting things to hurt shouldn’t be the go-to method.
It’s not going to help him tackle how to be more forthcoming, or cope with his vulnerabilities better. Learning how to deal with this, and do his own thing with all of his vulnerabilities (not cutting it out) can help him conquer this aspect.    
Also, having this aspect in opposition and considering the Gemini-Sagittarius sister signs, he can tend to be ‘too much’ of something
In this case it’s probably too giving to others, or being too generous sometimes to the benefit of others more than himself.
Giving too much away is accentuated when Gemini-Sagittarius are aspected to each other, especially with Sagittarius Jupiter.
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Moon (Gemini) - Square - Saturn (Pisces) rx | 3′ Degrees 
Another challenging aspect, even though it’s squared, the prospect of this adds onto the earlier section (Moon-Jupiter)
When their inner self/emotionality feels vulnerable, it becomes protective/defensive of itself (Saturn)
This can lead to emotional distance from others in order to protect themselves, which if used chronically can lead to a general mistrust of those around them
Social relationship is important to Jimin, it fuels his Sun (Libra) -- but if he feels that he can only trust others with certain things about himself (burnt too many times) that fulfillment will have a difficult time truly manifesting
Thus, it’s a blow to his self-confidence/esteem as well. His Sun is already in Fall, when it comes to accepting compliments/genuine words of encouragement-- he tends to disregard them in lure of his own personal feelings (burn the stage; when he thinks he messed up)
It’s kind of like, when he becomes personally attached or feels vulnerable about something (in this case, his artistry)--- he’s overwhelmed with emotions for them he can tend to disregard others (selective hearing)
He’s quick to pick up on the wrongs or constructive criticism, but when it comes to compliment it’s hard to come by when he’s in this state (*again, context matters-- he isn’t like this all the time)
It makes the value of compliments/encouragement when he’s NOT vulnerable all the more valuable to him, but ‘fueling’ up on compliments isn’t going to help him resolve the issue of not listening to other people during his low-- it’ll help with balancing him out, but it doesn’t solve the issue.
Moon-Saturn manifesting in a person also shows some stiffness in reciprocating or totally showing vulnerabilities/affections with others sometimes. Most commonly it’s just-- not knowing what to do with it or how to reciprocate, abrupt movement and sometimes side-eyes.
As much as he tries his hardest to remedy this when he’s in a healthier state of mind, it might just come down to how he resolve the problem at it’s core as well.
Again, accepting both his duality will help. Instead of looking for short-term method, it’s about really reaching into themselves and fixing this by deep-cleaning their system (internally-- but not changing their core, just their system).
Sometimes Gemini Moon has a hard time just going back to do what they should do, and tend to try to resolve things moving forward only. Introspection and active work on their internal self would help a lot -- not everything has to be externalized or worked out externally all the time (*again, context. In this case, we’re talking about balance-- learning how to not be afraid of the inner depth/stop running forward into their outer ones-- balancing those two out)
Most of the problem with-- receiving genuine affections in these state of vulnerabilities comes from high ideals and standards (conditions) on what’s acceptable of others and themselves-- in order to feel like they ‘deserve’ to be complimented for something they put their heart onto.
Sometimes, unconditional love for themselves is harder to understand and demonstrated within themselves. Thus why, they can be harder on themselves and doesn’t know how to make it better without thinking ‘next time, I’ll do better’ (it becomes a cycle of ‘next times’ and that’s not-- that’s the self-destructive cycle again.)
With Jimin-- the emotionality and logic separation also serves to emphasize his rational thinking/mind as well. Although he prides himself in this (which is good! he has an affinity for it with the air-combo) he has to realize that it could only become a toxic defense-mechanism when he separates the two from each other.
Rigidity and inability to emphasize with others (out of fear that they themselves will get burned/not understand themselves) causes him/others to feel even more frustrated with the situation.
It can’t be good to resolve anything long term, by resolving both the Jupiter and Saturn aspect -- he can fully learn how to take the reign/control how he works and how he deals with things better as well (not the outcome, that wasn’t the problem in the first place. It’s how he handles things that’s the problem-- fear of expectations, fear of misunderstanding or being ‘too much’/’not enough’)
By really applying himself to reach out and truly expect more, work more (courageously) in putting himself out there and combining the highs+lows together (learning how to keep buoyancy) -- his natural positivity in Gemini Moon can truly relish, flourish and overcome anything (challenges) sent on his way.  
This aspects also adds to his insecurities with feeling neglected (Libra Sun/Gemini Moon) and needing reassurance (praises/self-encouragements)
Unlike Namjoon who shares the same aspects but with different placements-- Jimin’s air combo makes him verbalize it more, and his core inner need for social relationships (Libra Sun/Gemini Moon) when in harsh aspects to social planets (Jupiter/Saturn - Sagittarius/Pisces), creates an emotional/personal fear (Moon) that is terrified of the world around him-- reflected in himself (Sagittarius/Pisces also talks about duality-- the lows and highs, reflected in Gemini as well-- so this is about self-acceptance).  
It was never really about-- needing others reaffirmation, although those does help. It was always about being self-encouraged and self-secured.
Enough to pursue his social relationships comfortably. That’s why he can be a little bit shy, a little bit more reserved and nervous around strangers. There’s always that-- fear, and stubbornness in him that might have to be talked about.
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Libra Mercury (rx) | 5′ Degrees | 1st Decan
OK let’s take a break from all the heavy stuff skjdfnkjn
Jimin’s Libra placement is so interesting to talk about!
Libra has the potential, to fully embody an ability to mold themselves ‘emotionally’ to those around them,
Mimicry -- but more than that, because they are able to fuse emotionality and intellectually with others (both at the same time).
They’re intellectual signs who knows the way to understand people is to sympathize with them.  
Compromise and being flexible in attaining emotional sensitivity at least to a certain extent.
They’re like all the logic-based signs, but with the emotional intelligence to imitate water-signs.
With Libras (Namjoon as well) they tend to think in terms of relativity-- so certain things being comparable to something else in order to make sense of the world.
That’s why they can be poetic, or somehow has the ability to be tactful while imposing their thoughts/ideas on others at the same time.
Their directness comes from discretion within themselves, with Jimin-- it’s because he has a harder time not showing how he feels (even if sometimes he’s misinterpreted) his speech is somewhat more calculated to be ‘safe’ more so than Namjoon is-- because this is his natural defense as well.
Because everything is relative, there’s always the need to have a certain foundation to base their ideas around or bounce off of from. Thus why, Libra Mercury may find themselves seeking knowledge and intellectual conversations in order to expand themselves outwardly as well.
The abundance of things they have to learn is no problem for the Libra since they’re motivated (cardinal) to gobble them up, however the plethora of choices and ‘potentials’  can sometimes overwhelm them psychologically/emotionally and tire them out when they take in the scale of everything (thus, stagnancy/avoidance/procrastination).
Particularly with Jimin, who already has Libra Sun | Gemini Moon, his indecisiveness combined with this Mercury in rx makes his ‘stagnancy’ even more prominent sometimes (hesitancy, somewhat passive-aggressiveness, wanting to dominate others to control variables/outcome-- also just general clumsiness when his brain is farting sometimes).
If he’s NOT on top of the situation/outcome (thus working on it immediately or being proactive in participation) he can be prone to just laying around and letting the dread/anxiety eats up at him (thus-- motivation through fear of stagnancy, into Doing Something in order to control his fate/situation instead-> domination of others sometimes)
If he’s not being functional then he’s being dysfunctional, again that’s the all or nothing kind of deal with Jimin.
(thus why we should appreciate him more when he makes progress into reserving his thoughts/thinking and becoming more adaptable to progress instead of this initial intuition he can tend to fall into)  
Libras have pretty high-expectation of themselves, of people and of society around them. Because they carry their idealism with pride, they want to implement these ideas into reality through themselves as well.
Jimin wanting to be a police man and then a pirate and being inspired by the things he reads/takes in (Gemini Moon-- intellectually, emotional gratification) is indicative of this idealism he has about him.
But with high-expectation (because they always want to reach that ‘potential’ to the fullest with their skillsets) can come an urge to feel overwhelmed by a lot of things in the overall scope as well (time wise, and expectation wise).
Not only that, his Mercury here is in retrograde. Manifestation/difficulties in seeing progression in his vocal abilities and the way he verbalize stuff can be frustrating to him sometimes
In this case, it’s having too much tension and thoughts. Because his Moon (Gemini) governs Mercury (natural ruler) but it’s un-aspected
On one hand, he’s exempted from the emotional hardship his Moon brings (to an extent) but on the other hand-- he can tend to be pretty hard on himself when he’s thinking so much (Gemini Moon) and not feeling like he’s good at verbalizing/verbalizing enough.
It’s kind of contradictory because on one hand, he wants to see his potential to the fullest (Libra Mercury) and on the other hand, he doesn’t know how to achieve that (self-doubt as well, Gemini Moon)
Even when things are un-aspected, when reading someone’s chart they can tend to inform each other in a linear way? Rather than crossing each other and making that connection, it’s more like each placement has it’s own problem that activate another.
In this case, when he finds frustration with his Libra Mercury (thinking/mind/verbalization) his Moon comes into play (Gemini Moon) and certain aspects from the Moon makes the problem worse (Moon-Jupiter, Moon-Saturn)
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Libra Mercury - Scorpio Venus | Verbal Affirmation of Affection/Caring 
Wanted to say that, even if his Gemini Moon is being a Brat (aspect-wise) the Sun-Moon trine definitely contributes a lot to his overall lovability.
Like I mentioned earlier, Gemini Moons are uplifting supportive people. Their general positivity and upbeat-ness helps those around them, combined with Libra Sun’s strong desire to reach out and connect with those around them (self-exert) -- these two alone already makes him such a kind and caring person at his core.
With Jimin’s Libra placement, he has a strong Scorpio (actual water sign) in his chart, he can fuse and inherently understand/emphasize with stronger, forceful emotions.
Passion, drive, love, will and things he cares deeply about (or should) he have deep and often true feelings for.
Trust, friendship, loyalty and sincerity is something he’s learnt through experience and bond (from social relations with friends, family up bringing, etc.) to cherish and understand deeply.
At the same time, softer, more light-hearted or inexperienced emotions that he hasn’t thought about before is harder for him to comprehend.
He takes time warming up to these emotions and may resort to using his Libra Mercury in order to retain some kind of relativity (again, understanding things in terms of relativity) in his approach when dealing with someone he has this topic of conversation with.
He often appears at least intellectually adept and quick to accommodate them (Libra Sun) but ill-equipped to fully realize or understand what exactly the person is coming from (minor Cancer/no apparent Pisces) -- leaving his Gemini persona (Moon-emotionality) to mold itself into satisfying/imitating the ‘idea’ of the feeling for now.
This might be why he feels like he’s living a lie sometimes (given, the song shouldn’t be taken too seriously/personally), but it’s not-- it’s mostly just a Gemini Moon badly aspected thing, not every Gemini Moon goes through this though!
The fluctuation of his Libra, between the intensely compassionate Scorpio and the mercurial but versatile Gemini makes for a deep character who has an ability/potential to truly connect to someone on an emotional level (deeply empathetic) --yet has a hard time talking about themselves (their own emotions)
There’s no such thing as a  ‘middle ground’ but Libra accommodates this (not rocking the boat too much)
There are positive things that comes from Libra Mercury in rx, don’t worry too much about it!
(It’s mostly the self-doubt, from Moon-Saturn that’s truly fucking him up)
Aaah also-- giving gifts to others? such a Libra Mercury thing (especially with Scorpio or earth placements)
See, part of it is indirectness. Like in terms of expecting something from someone else and when they don’t get that-- they get really huffy about it
They expect dedication and loyalty from people, especially effort put into social relationships as much as they do
Verbal affirmation, nonverbal affirmation-- anything that shows them that other people care about them (Libra) and is paying attention to the little things as much as they are (effort put into social relationship) makes them preen a little.
But because they realize themselves that sometimes they don’t follow through with saying what they mean (when they expect something from someone else) they try to show that they care through material means.
It’s like-- a counterattack on their indirect-ness. Is to give gifts to others which can be an ‘effort for social relationship’ as it is as well
Especially with Scorpio placements, who wants stability and intensity (genuine affection) -- sometimes giving others gift is a form of therapy for them. It’s both a declaration and an inquiry-- can the other person understand the value of gifts other than it’s material quality? Can they match them in showing affection/feel fulfilled?
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Mercury (Libra) rx - Square - Lilith (Cancer) | 3′ Degrees 
Jiminie tends to hold himself back a lot, even if we don’t necessarily see it on broadcast.
He says things that needs to be said, becomes conscious/tactful of what the impact of his words are doing to others, and tends to pull himself back from verbally expressing everything he thinks sometimes
Particularly his natural frustration, anger, or other self-expression that isn’t “broadcast friendly” but is, you know, a natural charm he has that resulted in it being cut back on as well
It’s mostly just-- some parts of his insecurities and social expectations from himself. He treads on the cautious side of things (Cancer Lilith) because formalities and familiarities matters.
If he has certain control, even if it’s at the expense of his own ego being cut back or his own self-expression not being fully realized in the public-- he’ll do it.
This doesn’t really help with his insecurities or comparing himself to someone else, it might play a small part in learning languages as well.
Because he errs on the side of caution, practicing and using language even if he pronounces things wrong makes his insecurities even more profound.
He’d rather just play it safe, rather than throw himself into the risk of making mistakes/embarrassing himself because of his own incapabilities (personal ability and capabilities is a big thing with him)
It doesn’t help with his Mercury in retrograde because it might make him compare himself to others around him, particularly Namjoon who also has this Libra in Mercury
It’s not-- it’s not jealousy, it’s admiration but also self-awareness and hesitance (Libra) to explore new things, or new parts of himself.
Lilith makes one want to have more ‘guidance’ in one’s life, so relying on someone else as an example of what’s supposed to be happening, or is “healthy” is part of what this aspect might do
On the other hand, Mercury aspecting Lilith also points to someone who is charming with their words. They know how to attract people, and in this case-- show that they care/charm them (Cancer Lilith)
It makes him more nurturing, at least verbally and expression-wise. He shows/demonstrates that he cares for others, even if inside he might be a mess sometimes.
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Scorpio Venus | 4′ Degrees | 1st Decan
Although Scorpio is detrimental in Venus-- you can’t deny that Scorpio Venus tends to have a charismatic appeal to them
Most prominently in their stage presence, their self-expression and art-form/beauty shines when they’re focusing on something they love.
To all the Scorpio Venus out there, having this placement doesn’t simplify you to just ‘magnetic appeal’ and all the other stuff-- you’re so much more than that.
In this house, we appreciate Scorpio Venus’s hard work they put into their craft/whatever they do (feel passionate about)
Having Scorpio in Venus can be beneficial and good for the individual too even if it’s detrimental sometimes
Scorpio-- ruled by Mars and Pluto, works hard (physically) and wants to see transformation in whatever they put their work into.
They never want anything to come easily to them, because if it does-- then that’s highkey sus and they’ll try to find something wrong with it (investigative)
That’s why Scorpio is detrimental in Venus-- because Venus expects things to come naturally, with ease, harmoniously. But Scorpio’s here like ‘no that’s sus, whats the value?’ (this is a part of it, there’s more but just to keep this concise we’re going to just leave it at that)
In a way, it’s give or take. On one hand, they have to learn the value/lessons of Venus here-- which is to be content and comfort by what comes forth to them harmoniously
If they don’t, they’re going to find themselves never feeling like it’s enough, or never thinking like they’re enough for others (Libra/Venus- social relationships).
It’s going to cause them to stew inside of themselves (Scorpio- fixed) or move onto the next big ‘challenge’ in order to figure it out
Transformative, in this case, means constantly moving even they feel themselves reach some kind of ‘stagnancy’
With Jimin especially, because his Sun and Mercury is in Libra (ruler Venus) it causes the divide to be even more frustrating to himself (thus, enforcing this ‘rift’ in the Moon even more)
It’s just a lot of trying to figure out what to accept when it comes to himself, other people’s compliments and harmonious attitude-- and his own struggle with wanting/needing to do more to please/attain more from others as well (Scorpio Venus and Libra Sun-- Libra Sun is fueled by social gratitude and relations, while Scorpio Venus social relation tends to pursue/want to do more for others at the same time)
Sometimes when receiving compliments, especially with that Moon-Saturn-- he might just go ‘oh. It’s ok.’ because he might think he needs to do more  (Scorpio Venus) to achieve those compliments/reception everyone has for him (conditioned values given to compliments)
Which is why it can be hard to truly, sincerely compliment him when he himself feels like he need to do more to achieve that level of recognition/admiration from others (Scorpio Venus-- always wants to do more in order to ‘receive’ more)  
Ultimately what the Scorpio wants is to be self-satisfied/fulfilled. Feeling like they stretched the limit and came out victorious.
It’s that sense of-- grinding hard for what they want and not accepting anything less for themselves, having a certain standard and pushing it, reaching it and feeling awarded for it.
It’s self-contained in a way, but at the same time when it’s in Venus there’s also a need to share these accomplishment/victory with others (Venus).
The self comes first, before anyone else (self-acceptance/feeling accomplished inside of himself). If there was something else in his chart like Sagittarius or Pisces it might point to others becoming a bigger influence. But considering Jimin’s placements-- if he doesn’t feel self-satisfied with himself, none of the recognition would truly sink in.
Anyways, on the other hand. Scorpio Venus has certainly helped him achieve his dreams and artistic goals.
Without Scorpio’s motivation and drive-- a kind of passion that comes with tunnel-visioning themselves into what they love, putting tremendous love and effort into things to make it ‘personal’ -- his craftsmanship and artistry probably wouldn’t flourish as well as it does today.
It brings precision to his overall placement, a tediousness that comes with practice (Scorpio Mars as well)
Scorpio’s persistence in achieving their dream combined with Libra’s perfectionist streak (if not handled properly can be detrimental and self-destructive) makes a deadly combination and impact on Venus
It pushes the planet of self-expression, of craftsmanship and beauty and social relationships to reach the impossible.
Venus-- although whining to be content on what they already have-- ultimately benefit from this Scorpio’s drive and goals.
Seeing how far he’s come from just learning how to dance in middle school, to being supported/helped by his teachers and parents, to finally being part of BTS-- and doing this professionally-- Scorpio Venus certainly helps fuel his self-confidence to an extent.
At the same time, the duality of Scorpio should also be touched on. They’re a mix of self-deprecating and also self-destructive. And because they fuel his Sun to an extent (Libra ruler of Venus-- Libra Sun/Mercury)
He might find himself associating his ‘good’ days to his performances, social interactions with others and placing value on himself for his Scorpio traits more so than his other placements (or confusing part of his Libra to his Scorpio sometimes-- muddled together)
It’s not a bad thing, Libra Sun do drive/work best when social climate/relationships around them are going smoothly. The problem here is Libra’s perfectionist streak combined with Scorpio’s need to find value/break limits.
Because they’re so intensely passionate about something, they tend to put a lot of value on it. The downfall of this is that their lows are really low-- emotionally low.
Jimin’s already an over-thinker, trying to find a solution to a problem that sometimes wouldn’t be solved through intellectualizing something (or by doing something).
His intellectual low/demotivation/lack of interest sometimes (disassociation) from his Gemini Moon ---and feeling emotionally stagnant/low (Scorpio placements) -- adds depth to his character, but also makes it a steep ravine to climb up from (intellectually and emotionally-- which affects him in other areas of life, possibly psychologically/physically as well).
The problem here is the downfall, reaching the top of the peak by any means possible Scorpio can be prone to falling back on themselves/relapsing into stagnancy again-- and that part scares them
Because Scorpio -- as much as they transform, always have a purpose/goal they rush from point A -> B and may find themselves seeking inner stability by controlling the output/exterior environment.
De-stabilization or hitting that stagnant low is part of what makes them feel deeply within themselves (dwell in their mistakes-- again, Libra Sun/Mercury perfectionist streak vs. Scorpio Venus need to achieve)
That’s where Venus comes in, trying to teach it a lesson in balance and learning how to handle the stagnancy.
While Scorpio might prove to be helpful to his Venus, learning how to accept/conquer and utilize his Venus fully will help him balance them both out at the same time.
Like I mentioned earlier (in the Libra Sun section)-- it’s not about compromising, it’s about conquering both. That’s where balance begins to happen-- and he has full potential to fulfill it.
Also, Scorpio Venus are very committed people (fixed sign/water) whether they feel strongly for something, or if it’s just by principle-- they stick by it through to the end.
Loyalty and faithfulness -- to themselves and demonstrated in other people’s action (consistency/integrity) is important to them.
That’s why he reacts intensely to selfishness or inconsistent actions, he doesn’t understand why other people can’t commit as hard as he does (or well, at least he understands it on a Libra level-- but emotionally, sometimes he’s filled with rage yknow? Especially with Gemini Moon who’s fully supportive of everyone until they’re smite/wronged)
When it comes to social relationship-- and putting effort into others-- he gets really riled up by people being spited/wronged for terrible reasons (there’s also a reason with Scorpio, but this is felt emotionally rather than intellectually-- with Jimin, it’s probably both)
Sometimes-- it’s hard for any Scorpio placements (especially in Mercury or Venus) to truly express how deep their emotions/values run.
It’s hard to translate it outwards? As much as they suggest it, or put so much effort in demonstrating it to others-- not everything gets pulled out.
It’s a part of transformation, like from inwards to outwards. It’s a personal struggle, and something they have to learn how to do throughout their lifetime.
Also, Jimin’s precision and ‘knowing his angle’s/body-line when he dances? That’s Scorpio Venus tenacity.
If they can control the outcome (usually through practice) then that’s an external stability to them as well (reassures them, sees progression, hard work paying off in their crafts)
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Venus (Scorpio) - Square- Uranus (Capricorn)
Sometimes seeking stability can come as a challenge to him, particularly when it’s tested against ‘the rest of the world’
He might feel like his creativity, self-expression or innovativeness is challenged by other people’s ‘better’ idea-- which is all part of self-doubt.
Dissatisfaction with himself and his efforts,  particularly when it comes to his craft which leads to fear of showing the fruits of his efforts later.
As much as he wants to establish himself (which he can work through definitely) there’s also the challenge of doing too many things at the same time
Gemini Moons (particularly with air signs from sun to mercury) makes him want to excel at many areas he touches on, but Scorpio Venus here wants to put his 100% into all of them as well
And that’s just-- that’s just draining sometimes. When he tries to categorize and systematically (Libra Mercury) put 25% into different areas of his life-- in hope that it’ll reach 100% in the end--
That might’ve contributed to feeling demotivated faster, or struggling to work through a particularly difficult problem/challenge in his artistic ability/expression when he’s trying to save his efforts for something else
There’s no doubt that Jimin would probably want to be a perfectionist in all of his crafts-- from dancing, to performing, to singing, etc.
But the problem with working out a system in which he has the time-- or motivation to do things properly (in his eyes) is hard to come by
Remember that one vlive where he said he’s frustrated with himself, and wanted to take a year off just to practice singing
Yeah it’s a part of that
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Venus (Scorpio) - Trine - Lilith (Cancer) 
A great aspect, that definitely alludes more to his undeniable charm
To be honest, Jimin embodies a lot of magnetism in him because he has a combination of Libra (Venus ruler) and Scorpio that are kind of contradicting each other
As in, his Libra is in the areas where it’s not strictly ruling (unexpected charm/kindness) and then his Scorpio is in the areas where Libra would’ve possibly worked better ruling (surprisingly forceful affections)
The combination of this might’ve contributed to his allure, which is then magnified and possibly amplified by aspects to Lilith
Venus-Lilith aspects usually demonstrates a lot of inner depth to their person, especially from the perspective of those around them
With it being in trine, and his Lilith in Cancer-- it helps people feel like he’s truly more empathetic and there for others-- more than what his air-placements makes them out to be
Venus in a trine aspect here attracts others to him, in a way that truly feels like all his intensity (Scorpio Venus) is being used to connect to the other person
He readily accepts the darker side of their persona (Lilith) but also has an understanding/awareness (to an extent) of his own darkness as well (Scorpio/Libra)
It should be worked on, still. Because even if it’s in trine the Lilith can be hard to manifest/foresee completely
This Venus-Lilith aspects also creates depth to his feelings, it’s complex because it’s for a lot of different types of relationships.
Because he’s so committed and magnetic, and generally just a good person who gives others the time of the day (as well as staying dedicated/focused on them) -- he makes other people feel special, and that’s part of what the complication starts (like, being ‘flirtatious’ or ‘leading people on’ etc. etc. )
As fans, we know how Jimin pays special attention/dedication to the details. He makes sure to take care of the members in ways that are personal, he doesn’t have to go the extra length but he does.
That’s why part of his jealousy, or his whining/sulking (with Taehyung: about his Hwarang casts) is a by-product of his dedication to someone-- he wants them to feel reciprocated back (Lilith)
Maybe not to the extent of what he does for them, and he probably doesn’t even want to be shown in the same way (again, acceptance of others and of himself-- including personal style/flaws-- Lilith)
Any kind of reciprocation is accepted, but there has to be genuine effort and sincerity put into it (which is why he’s so affectionate with the members)
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Scorpio Mars | 24′ Degrees | 3rd Decan Cancer/Moon
Relentless practice, especially when it comes to things he puts his minds to/feels strongly about.
Whether it’s academics (air placements-- Libra Sun/Aquarius decan-- being creative fuels him) in the arts, in his physicality (attractiveness) or his singing/dancing abilities (expression/craftsmanship)
Nothing ever comes easily to Jimin, not even popularity and sociability (he’s shy remember)
Thus why, when he has things he feels like he could exert himself into (physically/by doing) and able to achieve great results because of it (fuels his Sun/Moon-- social consciousness)  -- there’s a sense of pride/joy and personal identity with this placement (a natural affinity/fondness for it)
Not only is Scorpio a natural ruler of Mars (co-ruler along with Aries, if you’re looking at trad. astrology) his Mars placement here has some of his strongest positive aspects that helps him counteract some of the hardship he’s faced (in earlier aspects)
It’s also part of the reason why he tends to be passionate and meticulous about the things he exerts himself into, because it has such a positive force in his life (and is working great) he can tend to use it/apply it to a lot of his other problems as well (challenges with Libra Mercury/mind thoughts and communications -- getting out of a creative funk, emotionality, figuring himself out)
An obvious example of this Scorpio Mars is how much effort and concentration he puts into practice-- we know Jimin works tirelessly at his craft-- and it shows
Physicality and embodying even the smallest details (pulling movement through to his fingertips, being conscious of his angles, being aware of himself physically) is a part of Scorpio Mar’s tenacity, but it’s also the emotionality (emotional attachment/values) he puts/placed into developing these traits that makes it special
To Jimin, his Scorpio placements are probably a part of his pride-- Mars especially, because it’s something he can actively work on and figure out-- it’s something he can improve on and be good at-- and this probably fuels his Sun’s usually teetering ego into something more solid.
It offers a place to meditate on his efforts, a cathartic placement where he can just push and do what he needs to do in order to improve everything in his life as well
That’s why when it’s his vocal ability that makes him question himself (Libra Mercury rx) he can’t exactly figure out how to transform or work with it emotionally as well as this Mars
Technicality takes realm in Libra Mercury, but with this Mars there’s an easier mix of emotionality in the concentration/work flow he uses-- a part of it is because it’s influenced by the Cancer/Moon here as well
Scorpio Mars, when in the decan of Cancer may exhibit a sensuality and allure to their movement that is mesmerizing to witness
They’re fluid, both Scorpio and Cancer are like water surface tension: it can ripple or it can break, it can smoothen out in waves. It depends on what’s being applied to them
Same with Jimin’s movement, there’s a more balanced nature to his Mars
Cancer gives Scorpio forcefulness in it’s movement-- but also subtlety. The hard exterior shell (defense) to Scorpio’s tumultuous storm (offense)-- and a shared compassion (Cancer) and depth (Scorpio) that he can use to emote his performances as well.
It’s not just performance, it’s also his long-term goal and ambition as well-- partially it’s his reactiveness (like, natural instinct?) to just tackling new situations (ones he hasn’t experienced before sometimes)
With Jimin, it’s always with a positive optimism (Gemini Moon/Libra Sun) but the Cancer here also soothes out the naturally suspicious Scorpio
He may still be critical of other’s performance (like, analytical and give constructive criticism) --but he’s much more aware of other people’s feelings/what they can take (read the atmosphere/act appropriately) -- he won’t be too harsh on someone, not unless he’s provoked to feel that way
Like one of those people who put 101% into their craft, but with others they know they can’t force them to do the same-- so they’re generally supportive but dependable to others
It’s also a part of why he tends to take on the care-taker/big brother role in relationships, to Taehyung and Jungkook especially (with the age hierarchy) but with his older members as well (Namjoon, Yoongi, Seokjin)
With Jimin there’s an ability to read certain clues off of people, particularly their body language (Mars) or their self-expression (Venus) sometimes even their facial features (Moon) or the things they aren’t saying (from experience -- Gemini Moon/Libra Mercury-- relativity from experience but also quick-witted-ness)
As kind and compassionate he may be, he’s still striving to fully embody a certain self-satisfaction/self-fulfillment inside of himself-- particularly in his skills and his work ethic
He has the latter on lock, but Scorpio Mars here tends to make individual quite critical of themselves as well. When things truly matter to them and they feel like they’ve messed up, Cancer decan in this Mars makes them emotional-- and much more prone to crying
Because he identifies (and has aspects) to this Mars, and it’s influenced by Cancer/Moon-- he may be quick to cry when he’s sympathetic, misunderstood, frustrated or faced to confront someone he cares about (Gemini Moon-- quick reactions, but backed by real emotionality because of this Mars even if it isn’t fully understood by the person himself)
Basically, he’s probably a stress-crier when he’s truly overwhelmed with something or someone. It helps him function better.
Since he strives to find perfection in himself (Libra Mercury/Moon-Saturn) he usually finds inspiration from others around him whom he views as ‘self-sufficient’ themselves
That’s usually Jungkook or Namjoon  -- depending on what context it’s about (singing/song-writing/composing)
They share a similar chip on their shoulders, which is mutual self-decrepitation and externalized vulnerabilities of their own pains/flaws/weaknesses
This softness to Jimin is singlehandedly part of Cancer decan and how his Scorpio Mars is working in his chart-- which is, pretty powerfully.
Whilst Jungkook tends to be more vulnerable from his Virgo/Leo Moon and Namjoon is more active from his Libra Mercury-- they aren’t afraid to express their vulnerabilities outwards (compared to the other members) in order to grow stronger/gain strength-- which is probably one of the benefit that comes out of decrepitation (*if done through the gears/view of getting better, not for the sake of itself)
See, it’s because they share positive/uplifting placements as well that’s why they’re able to bounce back and recover.
Decrepitation in this case is just expressing and showing emotions, and fully being engaged in it before they come back and tackle life again.
With Jimin it’s his Gemini Moon (upbeat, quick, witty) Jungkook’s Leo Moon (needs to stew a little, but comes back with strength/positivity) and Namjoon’s Sagittarius Moon (muses things, introspective, serene but also tries it’s best to externalize a happier attitude for others)
The difference between Jimin to Jungkook and Namjoon, is that he’s made up of air placements on his front (luminaries + mercury) and therefore tend to overthink/over-analyze the problem much longer than the other two usually do (coming to a conclusive result).
Mutable signs/placements actually tend to do that a lot, Yoongi does this too (abundance of Pisces-- mutable) and those with mutable in their charts (Jin and Namjoon -- Sagittarius) may find themselves working on past mistakes tirelessly in order to figure out an ‘end’ to everything (wrap things up, ties lose ends)
It’s part of being the ‘jumping point’ modality into the angular signs (next sign over from mutables->Aries, Libra, Capricorn, Cancer) again-- especially if they have angular signs in their charts along with mutables (Jimin, Jin, Namjoon, Jungkook) tying these ‘loose ends’ is a part of fueling their angular’s power-- so it may seem like a thing that needs to be resolve (from the mutable side).
Imagine those classic Mario pipe games-- you walk along the platform (fixed) until you reach the ledge (mutable), if you can’t jump from the ledge onto the next platform (angular) you fall into a pit and wait for death to ascend upon you (it’s not like that-- but visually, it makes sense for this scenario/context).
So jumping at this point becomes a necessary thing, and that’s how mutables probably sees it (thats why they have a ‘movement’ to them, to help utilize it in order to make a successful jump onto the next thing -- and that’s why you can also jump above the enemy in order to escape them --‘flightiness’ to not confront any dangers)
With Jimin-- it’s probably like being stuck between two angular ledges (Libra Sun | Libra Mercury) he has to make one jump (mutable/Gemini Moon)-- so concentration and deliberation here is important, that’s one way to look at the placements here
With Jungkook (just to contrast) is like making two jumps (Virgo Sun | Virgo Mercury - mutable sign) and that’s like, not helping his nervousness one bit. Jumping is hard, in this game-scenario/realm it’s like jumping off a cliff.
You don’t do that shit mindlessly, you usually want to be sure it’s a safe spot to jump off from and that you’re gonna land ok (in water or something-- please don’t try jumping off cliffs!)
Anyways going back to Jimin, because he’s constantly plagued with an expectation (from himself) to do well (Libra Sun - sees it as an chance to do something great but also cautious/nervous at the same time) -- he may take more time deliberating on certain stuff instead of acting on it
If he hasn’t practiced for it, that automatically reels it into the overthinking realm (Libra Mercury/Libra Sun -- his expectations and his mind calculating the probability/views others have of him) he wants to perform well, almost flawlessly (Scorpio Venus/Mars) so his other placements have to back that up as well.
It’s co-operation between his placements, lifting one another up in what they want to do and excel him.
Scorpio here is the idol/the main star, it wants to win and it wants to do well. While Libra/Gemini is like it’s manager/agents who keeps a look out for things it could do (sometimes-- a million and one thing)
The strength of Libra really shines through when it governs the head of house (Sun, Mercury) because it listens and wants to collaborate/co-operate with his other placements without pride in itself (weak ego-- sun in fall)
That’s part of why the Venus and Mars combination in Jimin (Libra, ruled by Venus in his Sun-Mercury, Scorpio ruled by Mars/Pluto in his Venus-Mars) balances itself out, there’s enough pressure/give on both sides that they can work well together-- and thus, part of his magnetic appeal
It’s like he has a natural potential/capabilities to conquer these placements already and truly be his fullest self-- it’s just the complications (Moon-Jupiter, Moon-Saturn, Mercury rx) sometimes that needs to be understood and resolved, just like anyone of us-- that makes the journey a little more worthwhile in the end (again, Scorpio-values)
Scorpio Mars here also makes him receptive to physical affection, but his Libra Sun/Mercury helps him instigate them (much more than Jungkook who’s still a bit nervous about owning his physicality sometimes-- or rather it’s like, a general nervousness about his appearance/self occasionally -- Scorpio Mars-Virgo Sun/Mercury).
(Jimin doesn’t suffer from this because his Scorpio Mars/Venus are owned better -- aspected better than his air-placements)
Mars in this case, learns (bodily, through routine) how to show tactile affection. From the influence of Libra and Gemini’s gifts.  
With a general Libra-ness to him, and his Scorpio Mars in Cancer decan-- he’s easily swooned by people who seems capable and has an easy affection to them (makes his admiration known)
However, like earlier section-- these needs to be reciprocated at some point. Because Scorpio Mars in Cancer decan can easily make their scorn known if they felt like they haven’t been treated properly in a long time.
Their affections are easier given than earned (self-assured/self-empowered - Scorpio-- own’s willingness/power to drive themselves forward-- thus, they decide if they want to give you affection and they are in control of that decision here)
When Scorpio Mars are in their elements (exerting themselves more than their other placements/comes to the forefront) they are self-confident individuals who seems to draw people to them magnetically (charismatic-- especially in group settings, they stand out amongst others because they seem so self-assured, dependable yet independent-- and thats part of why they have that magnetic charm that seems so sexy-- applies to Namjoon as well/Scorpio Venus)
It’s also part of why Jimin tends to show his anger under a cool/calm exterior. With Scorpio in Mars, their personal feelings/will-power is internalized-- that’s where their strength comes from (compared to Aries who’s impact is more successful externally)
They have strong gut-feelings for something, with his Libra, it’s probably a lot about selfishness, lack of social consciousness, lack of emotionality/empathy for other people that makes them boil.
The way he spat it out (his anger) is more Gemini Moon-- he spills it out in one avalanche of hard-hitting words (Gemini- Mercury, verbalize his expressions of anger) but fueled by Scorpio Mars it’s often a lot more passionate, maybe standing up to emphasize a point/becomes more impactful sometimes (intimidating-- at least body language wise. Tension prone-- so maybe some veins popping especially if they’re significantly aggravated-- with that Cancer decan)
He’s probably also a lot more prone to crying afterwards, after externalizing his feelings. Scorpios are still vulnerable, especially when it’s not in the 1st decan.  
This is only in certain context and situation, doesn’t apply to every fight he’s probably been in.
With Jimin, it’s more likely he deals with aggression in a calm manner, or try to reach out to people emotionally and intellectually than prolong the fight for a long time (again-- he will cry if the fight goes on for too long, he’s already overthinking a lot of things, if he has emotions on top of that -- chances are, he’ll try to find a way to remedy it somehow)
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Mars (Scorpio) - Sextile - Uranus (Capricorn) | 1′ Degrees 
This is one of his tightest aspect and it’s a positive thing to have (after all the stuff with his Moon)
Depends on how much he works on it and brings it out to front
But honestly, since his Mars is already working so strongly in his chart and it’s in Scorpio (natural ruler, trad.) having it aspect something is just relieving (especially in a tight orb)
When it comes to motivating/inspiring others with his own self-will
His demonstrations and just generally taking action (presenting self-drive/inspiration to work harder)-- he’s self-assured and a comforting presence to gain strength around
Jimin is just-- there’s a leader-like quality to him that’s undeniable sometimes, but it doesn’t intrude into the group age hierarchy because he already has Libra ruling his head and ego (co-operativeness)
With his demonstrations (Scorpio Mars) collaborating with his social consciousness (Capricorn Uranus) -- Jimin is more than perfectly aware, and capable of being a good role model for others (its kind of hard to explain skfn)
It’s-- more than just having a good head on his shoulders, he’s well-balanced in connecting back to reality with this aspect.
It counters his earlier doubts with himself (Sun-Uranus)-- because here, if it’s for others (and if he slows down his over-thinking) he starts acting more, and that self-assured quality he has in himself/in others makes him a great leader/person to be around
It also makes Scorpio intensity here and Capricorn Uranus more demonstrative in it’s ability, because it’s a pretty tight orb-- and it’s already kind of influential in his chart (of what we know w/o birth time)
His commitment to someone and demonstrating his preservation, his loyalty and his sincerity is heightened as well
Think of it like-- if you put yourself as Jungkook or Taehyung for a second-- and Jimin approaches you. Once you see underneath his bubbly-self and his giggly-nature, you start to understand through time (Capricorn Uranus) how demonstrative he’s been with connecting with you and committing to you (Scorpio Mars/Venus)
You start to appreciate him more, but in an approachable/inspirational way. And that’s the kind of charm he has on others.
He has a certain steadfastness to him, full commitment and full sincerity/reliability (maybe except for when he’s suffering from his own stuff-- air placements) to others/those he puts his loyalty into.
It also shows a lot more independence to him, because Jimin can come across as someone who’s people dependent on first glance (shallow evaluation on initial observation) but once you hang out with him for a while-- you start to understand that he’s not a doormat/pushover for others at all (even if he tries to keep harmony in relationships)
This aspects shows someone who has a lot of inner depth (Scorpio/Capricorn) that they can demonstrate/externalize outward pretty well (Mars/Uranus) but it takes time to manifest (Scorpio/Capricorn-- takes time to trust/comes out more when they’re more ‘settled’)
Jimin’s not a doormat, nor is he a push-over or is overly dependent on someone else. At least healthily (if his Libra/Scorpio isn’t fucking up) and in most context-- he tends to know how to keep a personal distance and separate obsession from self-sacrifice (as in, sacrificing his own independence vs. commitment to others--- Gemini/Scorpio)
It’s part of his hesitance but this time-- within this context-- it’s more like purposeful avoidance, Scorpio’s investigative and observational. Capricorn can be calculative and analytical.
But they both need time to commit to someone/something completely because there’s a strong sense of self/ego (in this case, pride in themselves) that makes them kind of-- watch others until the time is right (observe, kind of like circling an opponent/potential person they might want to commit to)
Being rushed or forced into something is only going to aggravate them, again since it’s Mars-- there’s some talk about pride here (especially with Scorpio Mars/Capricorn Uranus) that rushed nature isn’t going to appeal to them, especially if the argument is half-hearted or ‘not good enough’ (backed strongly enough) to be healthy for them both (again, Libra Sun coming into play-- co-operation, not compromise without consent on his side)
It’s a part of why Jimin is dominant with others as well, this independence when you think about Aquarius (which is also in his Sun’s decan) means being understood/others are receptive of them at least on an intellectual level.
Their personal freedom, style of expression, views and opinions on certain things (that they feel strongly about) should be accepted and valued, not put down or steered away from. It’s why he observes and circles instead of diving head deep into things sometimes, not just a sense of self-preservation but it’s an innate need to reach a true understanding with each other that he isn’t a doormat and he’s not going to compromise everything for someone else either (don’t take advantage of his kindness)
You can say it’s one of his best defense mechanism, mostly because it’s healthier and counteracts his own Moon stuff as well. This Mars externalizes a lot of his stress, and keeps him balanced/feet on the ground.
Mars aspecting Uranus also points to individuals who would benefit a lot more when they live life “a little on the edge”, by doing this they tend to overthink less and that would help him tremendously with everything else he has going on
Because Uranus talks about excitement, progressiveness, freedom and innovations-- being able to showcase those kinds of creativity through his Mars (dancing/performing at concerts) helps bring this aspects into practice (put it to the test and thus, he can work on it and see it flourish/feels better about himself as well)  
It’s also part of doing things (Mars) for the social benefit (Uranus) and being able to perform (Mars) is directly talking about it
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Mars (Scorpio) - Sextile - Neptune (Capricorn) | 2′ Degrees 
Another great aspect!
This balances the earlier Mars-Uranus, although great by itself with Uranus involved there are restrictions and impulsivity involved as well
With Mars-Neptune aspect, there’s a lot more sympathy and understanding for others even if he doesn’t get/feel where they’re coming from
It’s kind of like Pisces? the ability to empathize and be receptive/accepting of others despite personal difference
This aspects although might not necessarily means he’s calmer, it definitely gives him an unexpected serenity when it comes to certain situations/context
Specifically when dealing with things that are out of his elements, he reaches out and tries to understand where they’re coming from without being too intrusive or dominating
It’s more like-- he’s passionate with his response, if you were to spill your life story out to him and it happens to have some sad bits-- he’s the type to listen well and really lets it sink in
Sometimes a crier, Mars here still talks about tears too y know (since it’s a part of ambition/drive-- wanting to fulfill something therefore some disappointments, meaningful on a primal level)
There’s a lot of compassion here, because his drive/goal (Mars) is connected to his subconscious/truth (Neptune)
It also makes him very charismatic and has a certain allure on stage, think of Jimin’s charisma as layers upon layers of different types of things.
From just the forcefulness and fluidity of Scorpio Mars/Cancer Decan, to the playful inventiveness and charisma of Mars-Uranus/Gemini Moon, to the more harmonious yet graceful nature of Libra Sun/Capricorn Uranus-Neptune
And now to this, dream-like, serendipity-esque quality of Mars-Neptune (honestly it’s a combination of Mars-Uranus/Gemini Moon as well in serendipities)
It brings more sensuality to his passion, smoothen out the rough edges of Scorpio but like a veil-- semi-transparent and still letting his inner force through.
Think of it like fabric moving across skin, like one of those classical statues in art museums you can see the person’s features though it’s draped ‘fabric’ (made from stone)
It’s that kind of beauty, and magnetism that this placement brings.
And since it’s also one of his tightest orbs, he embodies this a lot.
Flexibility is one of the thing this might embody, as well as just a general gracefulness to someone’s movement,-- dancing (Mars) become story-telling or a narrative (Neptune)
But with Jimin’s Scorpio-Capricorn-- there’s still a sharpness to him.
Think of the slut drops he does, that’s the kind of fluidity versus sharpness this embody. That kind of grace and easiness within one’s body and soul.
Also--- since he’s much more guided through this aspect, and much more compassionate, he tends to cry easier through a good sob story as well
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Mars (Scorpio) - Conjunct - Pluto (Scorpio) | 4′  Degrees 
We have BOTH ruler of Scorpio here in planets that are ruling them
Even if the degree isn’t tight, the aspect still plays a large part in his life
Particularly when it comes to ambition and pushing himself
Although it can be harmful if his Scorpio is out of control (underdeveloped-- earlier in his life) when it’s gained some sort of understanding within oneself it can be a powerful driving force
He won’t settle for just ‘good’ it has to be ‘more than perfect’
And that goes into his effort as well, 200% or more every single time he does a concert or performance
That’s why Taehyung mentioned Jimin being one of the best performer he knows, because that matters to Jimin.
It’s where his effort goes into, his self-perception, his strength and how he evaluates himself/his limits
See, with Scorpio it’s like-- they’re always trying to push the envelope when they bite onto something. Delve deeper but also upwards as well.
It doesn’t matter how well they’re doing right now, they’re always going to aim to ‘wow’ others (for themselves) even further because that’s their inner-drive, their primal force and self-expression to them.
It doesn’t matter if they’re freight with self-doubt or overwhelming insecurities/confusion sometimes-- when they bite, they’ll do more than what’s necessary to push the limit/challenge themselves (for their own satisfaction)
For those who has the same placement/aspects (in Scorpio) look towards transforming yourself through helping others instead of letting it spill out of control
Sometimes, when they internalize it turns self-destructive and when they externalize it might turn into manipulation
Since you can’t control certain feelings/traits of this aspect-- try to consciously use it in a way that is focused on being forthright, selfless and morally conscious of others.
With Scorpios especially, there’s always an all or nothing mentality in the Venus/Mars placement so a constant reminder to yourself that there’s always a third option, or more options-- should help you use that calm observational quality a bit more.
Try not to manipulate others, or let your feelings/internalized resentment or subversive actions gets the best of you. Always try to choose the less of two evil (losing your head short term versus truly holding a grudge long term) -- it can be hard but it’ll be helpful to you!
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Other Placements
Cancer Lilith
Libra Chiron
Sagittarius Juno 
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You can’t deny that part of Jimin’s charm is his masculinity, it’s inherent in his posture, habits, even in his ‘feminine’ traits
Libra brings this out, you can’t deny how seamlessly he folds them together. Not just in his dancing, but in his every day life as well.
There’s just something about Jimin that makes him adorable (Libra/Gemini Moon) yet dependable (Libra/Scorpio) at the same time.
Libra’s perfectionist tendencies and insecurities is a part of seeing potential for something + working to fulfill it.
And the self-exertion to others is a part of their insecurities as well, but complicated even more because of other aspects/placements in his chart (again, context)
Sun-Neptune and part of his disillusionment seems to be a big topic in his life, it helps keeps the optimism alive but it’s also fearful of certain change in reality (potential “waiting for the shoe to drop”)
His Gemini Moon is the biggest part of his problem, because it’s interlinked to a lot of things (Sun, Jupiter, Saturn) that has a pretty huge influence over his emotional self (the orbs are one of his tightest even if it’s 3′)
Especially when you consider that he’s a public figure/idol so social planets influence on his emotionality/personal life tends to be a mess especially (nothing he can’t handle though, he’s already coping much better than before)
It’s already a mess by itself, although Gemini Moon can be hard to handle for natives who have them-- it’s not unworkable or unresolvable!
Please love your local Gemini Moon and air-heavy placements they need care and attention on things that matters (it may not be ‘conventional’ care but it’s still part of caring for others)
I think part of why people call him a demon is because we’re thinking of ‘caring’ as like-- the things water signs and earth signs provide. That’s conventional caring, it’s a part of self-care but it’s not the entirety of it. Fire/air signs ‘caring’ is different, but we don’t know how to cope/learn how to handle that
Understanding what they might be struggling with, or certain problems they go through might help us be more sympathetic and learn how to care for them better.
Have you ever met a Libra who’s not a little dramatic? They act like they’re normal but once you get to know them you Know they have a lot of flair to them (like a peacock) -- they just hide it very well sometimes, but they enjoy it. They enjoy having fun.
Oh yeah, and with Jimin if you look at his insecurities with singing (Libra Mercury rx and square Lilith) compared to his dancing/performance (Scorpio Venus/Mars) you can tell he’s trying to approach these things in ways that might not work out for him
Because Scorpio placements sees so much ‘success’ (what he considers success to himself) he’s trying to force his Libra to work in the same way Scorpio does-- which is to push himself harder, do more, figure it out, practice more. It doesn’t work the same way.
Libra need to be treated differently to truly reach it’s full potential-- Jungkook gets this, he balances Jimin out with his Libra Venus/Scorpio Mars.
Although he has problems himself-- Jungkook can help show him/demonstrate how to approach things differently than how Jimin usually does (like in Burn the stage where Jungkook gave some advice to Jimin before their concert on how to un-tense himself)
Other members does it too, Jimin learns and notices a lot of things he can accept/learn from the others. But his biggest enthusiasm is in what he can give to others as well.
Scorpio Mars plays a pretty large part in his life, they’re more benefic than malefic at this point (in this context)
Jimin’s truly a complex and layered person, he’s really like a rose petal where it folds over and over again-- but adds something new each time
He has a lot of depth to him, it’s like walking up one of those coiling towers, the stairs are the angular (Libra) the hole in the middle is the mutable (whoosh movement if you jump off-- Gemini) and you can stop at a platform/floor (fixed- Scorpio)-- every once in a while you observe something new about him every day.
It’s part of Gemini Moon’s littering sure, but it’s stabilized with his Scorpio Venus/Mars there as well.
Honestly, there’s a lot to discover about Jimin. And because he’s changeable/versatile (Gemini) we can look at the trend/bare minimum and work up from there.
Depending on what he chooses to show and what he’s finished conquering-- we may or may not get to see everything about him!
Rest assured it’s not like, malicious or something. He’s a normal person like the rest of us, and just as complex as we are as well.
Things like Scorpio jealousy/dominations, Gemini’s varying interests etc. probably should be addressed when there’s things that can be said about how to understand, accept and improve it. Instead of like, just a dead-end criticism y know?  
Also I’m sure I’ve emphasized this enough but he’s such a cry baby
The Mercury section is kind of short, but that’s mostly because I wanted to delve deeper into it (and some other part as well) in his mini series and I’ve already touched on it a little bit more with Namjoon
I touched on it with Namjoon’s Intellectualism and Kim Namjoon: Inner Planet Natal Reading more critically-- with Jimin, he shares similar problems but he has bigger issues to deal with (Mercury rx)
That’s it for Jimin’s Natal Reading!! I’ll be talking more about him in Jimin Season posts!
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  I hope you enjoy! 💕 I’m probably going to re-work some part of this (clarify it more) in his mini series-- but for now, I wanted to get this out. I hope this is understandable/gives some insight onto how they work-- and maybe help you emphasize with the signs a bit more. 
There’s some personal flaws-- as we all have-- since Jimin is so externalized (with some contradiction on transforming the internal outwards) part of his personal flaws tends to be social stuff/things that others can see/affect others more. Therefore, it’s not as self-contained as like Virgos who has to deal with self-criticism/nervousness or Capricorn/Taurus stubbornness. It’s more outwards. 
Still-- I hope we love him for who he is and truly appreciate him 💕I hope this helps a little with that, and also loving Gemini/Libra/Scorpio placements as well 💕
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have a parting gift before I go! 💕
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mittensmorgul · 7 years
A very random question but in your opinion, what's the difference between plot-drive and character-driven stories?
I’ve been staring at this message in my inbox for days now, and on top of being a long-debated question regarding writing in general, I think it’s also incredibly relevant to the structure of Supernatural specifically. And because of that I’ve been half excited about and yet half dreading trying to answer this.
Not dreading in a bad way, but dreading because I know this is gonna turn into some kind of patented Mittens Uses Too Many Words To Say The Thing sort of post. Because I have FEELINGS about this. :P
Let’s start with the basics, and I’ll explain why this is a much debated thing. Seriously, just google “plot vs character driven writing” and each link you click will offer a different assessment of what this means. I mean, just speaking about Romance novels as a specific, some people would characterize them as “plot driven” and others as “character driven,” depending on your understanding of what is meant by those terms. It’s… confusing.
Because a character driven story is one which obviously HAS a plot which advances throughout the story, but it’s the character’s emotions and choices and personal growth that DRIVE the plot forward.
A plot driven story is one in which the character may also experience emotional growth and make choices and everything, but in reaction to an external plot that draws the character along in its wake.
All stories incorporate both character and plot development (hopefully! or otherwise why would we bother reading them. This reminds me of my favorite English teacher who taught a class called Literature of Changing Times. I think I’ve mentioned her before *waves hi at Mrs. Proenza if you’re out there reading this. You are awesome, btw*. First day of class when we were going over the reading list, she said, “Ha! Jokes on the admins for approving this class, because ALL literature is about changing times, and this just gives me an excuse to teach y’all my favorite books!”
That was an awesome class, because it was obvious how much she loved every book we studied, and it definitely carried through in OUR enthusiasm for the subject. She basically was the one who taught me how to be passionate about stories.)
So yes, all writing will have elements of a plot moving forward, and characters who are hopefully relatable and whose motivations we understand and/or sympathize with, and sometimes it’s hard to tell if a story is more driven by the external plot or the internal character motivations because both seem important.
Now, specifically relating to Supernatural. Taken as a whole, the series has used both character driven AND plot driven stories, sometimes simultaneously. I’ve heard one description in an old meta ages and ages ago that SPN was actually telling us two different stories based on whether you were looking at it through Sam’s perspective or Dean’s.
Short tangent to explain: Sam’s story has largely been plot driven, and that meta I mentioned above compared it to the traditional story structure of the Horror genre. An external force acts on a character, the character is forced to react, make choices based on those outside influences, and thus growth and change happens for the character. Dean’s story (aside from during the MoC arc, when Dean was literally acted on by an outside force) has largely been character driven, similar to a character in a traditional Fantasy genre story where the character is the one who goes chasing after the plot, and his emotions and choices drive that plot forward.
But it’s more complicated than that, because of course it is. :P
Obviously that’s reducing things to their absolute simplest form, but Sam’s narrative began when an outside force literally acted on him, with Azazel dripping demon blood in his mouth. That obviously drove the plot forward, setting up everything that’s happened in the entire series in the opening scenes of the pilot episode.
But Dean’s story really begins (again, in the pilot episode) because he has an emotional need for Sam to help him find their father. That ALSO drives the action of the story forward, because without Dean’s internal motivation, the rest of the plot wouldn’t have happened, either.
Using the Carver Era (s8-11), you can really see the difference between a character driven narrative and a plot driven one. See by my personal bias in the following description if you can tell which style of storytelling I personally prefer:
Early s8 began with a HUGE dose of character driven plots. Dean comes back from Purgatory without Cas and is basically pining or in mourning. Sam’s been on an extended vacation playing house with Amelia. Dean’s internal drive to “fix the plot,” i.e. find and save Kevin, drives the early part of the season while Sam feels a little resentful of being dragged away from his “normal” life.
Then Cas miraculously turns up, they find Kevin, and suddenly they’re learning about other tablets that exist in the world. In a plot-driven world, they would’ve sought out the tablets and probably destroyed them. They wouldn’t start making these huge universe-altering decisions based on the information they learn from Kevin Tran, Prophet of Chuck.
The whole Trials storyline begins as a character-driven story. It’s their united motivations (Sam and Dean), their internal desire to accomplish this thing, that gets the ball rolling. And Dean intends to be the one to carry this burden of the trials, until fate hands that burden to Sam. Once again, outside forces have turned the course of the story. So Sam is the one who again must react TO the plot. Dean spends most of the rest of s8 reacting to Sam’s reactions, supporting him through the trials, but also emotionally attaching himself to Castiel’s story.
Cas spent most of s8 in a similar narrative position to Sam, except he didn’t even realize it. He believed he was acting on his own emotional choices much of the time (turning off Angel Radio, deciding to be a hunter, and then deciding to reconnect in order to answer prayers– we see him healing a baby and generally trying to do good in the world). Yet all along, he’s being acted on by outside forces and is literally being mind-controlled. So he believed he was driving his own plot, when behind the scenes his plot was being driven for him.
At the beginning of s9, Sam is again put into a situation much like Cas’s during s8 where he BELIEVES he’s in charge of his story, while unbeknownst to him he’s actually got an angel in the driver’s seat. Sam’s being dragged along by that plot again. But it was Dean’s internal motivation that directly put him in that situation.
Finally it’s Dean’s turn to make a choice that leads to a self-sacrifice he believes is the only way to regain control of the plot (Abaddon! Must! Die!), and takes on the Mark of Cain without reading the fine print. Thus begins what we BELIEVE is an internally motivated story for Dean, because for A FREAKING YEAR the show was telling us through parallels and the narrative itself that the Mark was a curse and what we were seeing was a change INTERNAL TO DEAN. Heck, it literally turned him into a demon. He wasn’t POSSESSED by the demon, it wasn’t an outside force acting on him, it was his very own most internal soul that had been transformed.
And then round about 10.15 the narrative pulled a 180, yanked the rug out from under a year’s worth of narrative buildup of an intensely INTERNALIZED (i.e. CHARACTER DRIVEN) story for Dean and said WHOOPSIE NOPE IT’S ACTUALLY AN OUTSIDE FORCE CONTROLLING DEAN! You thought he was actually growing as a character but nope we’re taking this one step below Fuckhands McMike territory and blaming EVERYTHING that’s happened on this big scary Dark external force! The plot basically pantsed us all.
Suddenly, after two and a half years of mostly character-driven storytelling, everything shifts and everyone’s chasing after the plot again. Dean loses ALL control over the thing inside him as he’s hopelessly dragged off by the Darkness.
And then in 10.23, Dean wrests control back over his own story by literally killing Death, while Sam and Cas have set events in motion that free Dean from the Mark of Cain and release it into the world at large instead.
Now obviously a huge portion of s11 is plot driven– their reactions to having released the Darkness and their scramble to fix what they broke as it spreads across the land. But even from the start of the season, the narrative gradually shifts into a nice balance between plot and character driven stories, where the two really begin to merge together (even on a subtextual meta level).
Another interesting aspect of Supernatural is the two types of episodes– the Mytharc (which are largely plot-driven) and the MotW (which are usually one-off monster hunts with an internal plot driven structure– MUST SOLVE THE CASE AND SAVE THE PEOPLE AND KILL THE THING!– but are generally propelled by a spurt of introspection and character growth. These are the episodes where they aren’t just acting and reacting to the Big Plot Things, but actually experience growth and change themselves).
And this is why I LOVE s12. It’s almost entirely character driven, even with the overarching plots. The main focus isn’t so much the motives of the Bad Guys and our Intrepid Heroes trying to save the world from them. It’s about the characters own personal emotional growth, how their choices affect the narrative (and yes, even Sam’s choice to work with the MoL is really a CHOICE and not something he was compelled by the plot to choose. His personal internal desires led him to that choice, and are now leading him AWAY from that choice, but it’s still been a real choice for him. Same with Cas and the choices he’s been making, and even CROWLEY, in choosing not to lock up Lucifer properly (or just kill him already ffs).
Dean is at the center of all of this, acting as that strange force of balance he’d achieved in 11.23. He’s not so much driving the story with his emotional choices, but sitting at a weird central axis while the story takes place all around him. He’s pulling a string here and there and waiting to see what budges.
I LOVE THIS. It’s glorious chaos, and I feel like Dean, sitting all zen-like in the middle of a huge unraveling sweater.
Okay, I confess. I don’t necessarily prefer one style of storytelling over the other (though I am a Dean girl, so I guess I probably do prefer a character driven story… and even Cas’s story has long been about his acquisition and proper application of Free Will, learning about humanity and making choices for himself, so while he’s experienced huge swaths of character development and growth it’s not entirely been character driven growth…). And I adore Supernatural’s complicated blend of the two.
I just really hated the bait and switch of late s10. You know that gif of Bart Simpson where he’s playing the video frame by frame and says something like, “you can pinpoint the exact second his heart rips in half?” Yeah. it’s like in 10.15 there’s a record scratch and suddenly we’re watching the freaking Stynes grab the plot by the short and curlies and yanking it in an entirely unforeseen direction. Like, out of left field. Like they picked up Baby off a coastal highway and plonked her down in a muddy field to spin her wheels, jarring. That’s what they did with the narrative.
After 10.23, once the plot had been suitably yanked around where they wanted it, the narrative structure AND the plot itself became about finding another way, a better way, a balanced and unified way. And since then it’s largely stayed on track.
How did I turn a simple question into this? It’s who I am as a person. I hope that’s okay. :P
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