#-mechanics and layouts
1o1percentmilk · 10 months
some of u bitches gotta stop tagging stuff as roguelike on steam if it doesnt have PERMADEATH and PROCEDURAL GENERATION with GAMEPLAY THAT RELIES ON GENERATED STRUCTURES then i dont want to even BEGIN to hear it
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gushism · 3 months
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kitty city
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kyriathanatos · 14 days
Been thinking about the idea that playing a game extends outside of the game itself recently.
When I get on forums dedicated to the game, explain its mechanics to others using videos or pictures, engage with discussion and community around the game, devising strategies or learning more in depth means by reading wikis and such, could it still be said that I am actively” playing” the game?
To go off of the wonderful folding ideas video about WoW, I am at the very minimum certainly generating patatext for it that affects myself and the play of the game, either through myself or others.
It’s just kinda interesting to think about. There are a lot of games I feel like I have spent hours in, hundreds or even thousands, only to find I had spent maybe only a hundred in total but consumed or created this paratext for.
A good example of this for me is Dark Souls. I know that game like the back of my hand and have played it to completion at least 8 times. Yet, I only have just at 100 hours in it. But it feels like I have more, as I’ve easily watched quadruple that amount of hours in Dark Souls content on YouTube, as well as even more in discussions about the game and the genre. So do I only have my stated 100 hours in dark souls, or do I have much, much more through this “play” without physical play
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bibleyaoi · 11 months
I was born pure...
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...but that didn't last long
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ajdrawshq · 7 months
sometimes i cant help but think about the enemy pokemon u find in mystery dungeons and the in-universe reasons for why theyre Like That. like. i know we have a bunch of examples in each game for pokemon that attack u for various reasons (misunderstandings, guarding something, gone berserk from outside influence, just an asshole, etc) but whats going on with the hundreds of mons that spawn INSIDE the mystery dungeons. like those things are already weird even though theyre well known by most residents and they appear pretty much anywhere but theres tons of pokemon that straight up live in those places. and while some have good reason to wander and attack intruders there, some are just. why. why are there Enemy Pokemon in a Mystery Dungeon next to a School. who are you people.
#and like . ok pmd1 mons are influenced by the natural disasters pmd2 are influenced by time pmd3 by despair and pmd4 by. despair again ?#but theyre still like. sentient. right.#also the fact that there are canonically criminals in the pmd world but wheres the line between that and residents of a mystery dungeon#closest thing i can think of that vaguely answers any of this is the spiritomb from the dark future but even thats an extreme AND rare case#it feels like a weird cross between animals just being animals in nature and then. society and everything that comes w that#why are there even cops in pmd anyway..#more importantly why is there a mystery dungeon next to the school. was it already there when they built the school#or did they somehow generate one???????? theres no way right#why did they think that was a good idea. mystery dungeons are famously dangerous and these mons are like yknow whatd be great#what if we took a bunch of 10 year olds (maximum.) and let them explore one of the most dangerous things known to monkind#yeah thatll be a nice fun learning experience .#< psmd is so goddamn weird (i love it tho i swear)#i would love to know what mystery dungeons would be like without all the game mechanics.....#some of them wouldnt have floors necessarily like the forests n stuff but some would.. the ever-changing layout still applies tho..#would traps be a thing. or random items just laying around#would kecleon shops even exist inside dungeons realistically. i feel like thatd be awful for business#no no going back to the fuckin school thing. theres literal groups OFFICIAL groups of pokemon made specifically to traverse the dungeons#like most pokemon dont casually wander around those things unless they live there. so why on earth is there one for the SCHOOL#pmd
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Poles, as opposed to pantographs, were by far the most popular means of current collection for interurban lines in North America. The pick-up is held against the live overhead wire with about 28 points of pressure applied through a spring-load3d trolley base mounted on the roof. (This is why they are called "trolley cars" -- much to the amusement of the Brits 🛒). 2-rail DCC in HO scale may or may not have a live overhead, but getting the pole on the wire is one of the most fiddly bits of model railroading ever...
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"Poling" is something else entirely, where freight cars are shunted ...with a pole! One end of the thick pole is seated in a cast iron "poling pocket" on what the Brits might call the buffer beam of the locomotive and used to push against the same poling pocket hardware located on any corner of every freight car. Tight radius, incompatible couplers, adjacent tracks -- all problems that poling solved. Obviously not OSHA compliant, but it was railroading!
Andy Gautrey has done a bangup job of modeling North American traction -- Yakima Valley Transportation Company's General Electric interurban steeplecab freight motor and other very typical equipment and operations that were archetypal of electric lines, especially those that engaged in a large amount of interchange freight business.
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More vids on Andy's channel -- seems he's moved on so look for oldest vids…
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caterpillarinacave · 2 months
little announcement, I made a new sideblog @acaterpillarscupoftea !
It’ll be mostly things like fashion & art history, poetry, writing, paintings, baking, ect :)
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b-brightvc · 2 years
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yin anan icons
like or reblog if u save. don't repost pls! <3
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munchboxart · 5 days
Is anyone a mechanical keyboard head here
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shironezuninja · 9 days
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One of the 1981 Spider-Man cartoon series episode had a flight passenger having an alcoholic beverage. The stewardess had to take the glass away from him because he spotted Spidey outside his window seat.
So happy that the cartoon got away with content like that back then. And then there’s the gun in Episode 25. Ha ha again.
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jaedoesart · 2 months
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This goddamn textbox will haunt my nightmares i swear
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daemonhxckergrrl · 1 year
okay so tkl yeets your numpad and leaves your arrow keys, insert/delete/home/end/pg up/pg down and the vastly underused sysrq/scroll lock/pause keys
the numpad is only one key wider and has this handy "num lock" key that switches between numbers and..you guessed it..those very same arrow keys and navigation block.
so why. why tkl ? like hello every other smaller layout either loses functionality or requires hiding it behind function layers. there's always a compromise.
this layout (it's like 1800 but not quite) loses nothing. it uses a "function layer" that already exists. you don't lose.
alas, it's the one layout i can't find anywhere except the now-discontinued quickfire tk
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gwrlaris · 2 years
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icons and headers are mine!!!
like if you save; please, don’t repost
➳ credits: rosiesthv ☼
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sangm1n · 2 years
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War Wanarat (Mark in Love Mechanics) another protege of mine <3
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Let’s goooooo (I spent the first hour of work cleaning & organizing so I can finally focus!)
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yeoscorpius · 2 years
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young royals - love mechanics layouts ♥︎↜
like/reblog if you save.
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