lenbryant · 1 month
Bill Maher once was funny, but he’s evolved to be a conspiracy spouting, elderly scold who wages his war on woke. I canceled him off my DVR queue.
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tripleyeeet · 7 months
Stop, knave! 🗡️😈 Unhand a Diatribes snippet ♥️
hark! a delinquent! here take my snippet! (unedited so pls don't kill me over some silly little mistakes!)
As soon as you hear his laugh reverberate through the hall, you can feel that last semblance of calm tipping over the edge. Devolving into a mess of anger that has you turning on your heel and narrowing your eyes, watching him strut towards you. 
“I see the courts still have a sense of humour,” he says, his lips turning up into that all-familiar smirk that has you frowning in response, scanning the fabric of his darkened coat as the arm of it slips against your side. “Been a while.” 
“Not long enough.” Immediately side-stepping from his grasp, you knock his hand away and glare, feeling your chest begin to tighten at the absence of his touch. Or, more specifically, at the way your mind stupidly longs for it after it’s gone. 
“Preslamin case, I assume?”
You nod through gritted teeth, attempting to hide the obvious displeasure of his question. “Same as you?”
He looks at you almost surprised. “Interesting."
"How so?” 
He clicks his tongue and looks you up and down, all while shaking his head. “Didn't take you for the type to defend murderers," he says then, causing your blood to boil, knowing how hypocritical he sounds.
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mumblelard · 2 years
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finnie and ev and i took a road trip over to clarke county, georgia to eat fried chicken, drink dr pepper, and pay our respects to the tree who owns herself
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guerrilla-operator · 6 months
Napalm Death // My Own Worst Enemy
So many times For no reason So many promised punches For what reason? Ceaseless decay Parallel obscene and flagrant Ceaseless decay Restrained my mind coils
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fredericolimablog · 2 years
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"Devemos lembrar quem somos e que nome carregamos, e nos esforçar para direcionar nossas ações apropriadas de acordo com as demandas de nossas relações sociais."
— Epicteto in Diatribes 4:12
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garnetstonewitch · 4 months
Fereldan's Flower, Mistress of Fereldan, Hero of Fereldan, Arlessa of Amaranthine, or, as she likes to be called: Lady Aster Lavender Cousland (1st):
Welcome to Diatribes - I would say essays but we aren't that formal here. I don't have the energy to display information academically anymore. So we will be breaking down my character and the lens through which they see the word - which probably means the lens through which I chose to see that world for that time through that media.
So part one? I guess?
She's a rake. In the Victorian Sense. Definitely has second child sibling thing going on, but mostly she's a look at privilege. After all she and Zevran are together before Alistair and she didn't treat him all that well to begin with, seeing the infatuation and dragging him along. She ends up with both of them anyway, because I like having my cake and eating it to - but it's mostly because Zevran and Alistair are better at emotions than she is.
What do you do when you've lost your family? For Aster it was lean into the things she was good at, sleeping with anything that moves and ignoring her pain with a drink in her hand. Her being a warden just meant she needed more wine and slept with people longer.
Oddly though, this world is more forgiving of sexual behavior than our though. Less trip-hazards and taboos. She takes advantage of that and it's nice to see that side of Zevran as well - and to headcanon stuff for Alistair, since the game in question doesn't give us a whole lot to go on besides 'virgin'.
She calls everyone darling, she walks through the world as if she is not in it. Of course she's not perfect, nobody is, but there is something beautiful about learning to love when your entire life has been shredded. In this timeline, love does in fact conquer all, in the novels if the rake has a heart of gold he gets redeemed by the woman who sees the truth of his heart - and that's true of Aster too. She just needed her boys to see her heart of gold, and don't we all deserve a chance to be seen for our heart of gold?
It just maybe shouldn't take an arch-enemy to destroy your family to have it happen.
This one admittedly is messy - I'm trying to figure out how exactly I wanna talk about my OCS because I don't do templates well. Apologies
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And an Image at the bottom, I can't draw so picrew it is
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ir6sz8jnzv9h · 1 year
Animated Sex Best Of Animated Porn Varios orgasmos con el dildo taladro Rough sex with slut gf pull hair dick in ass doggy and cum on face Hot Teen ass dancing arabic ass twerking nalguita Me follo a mi suegra mientras su esposo descansa Asian tgirl sucking cock Lick own cum from ass Teen pussy is better than Viagra pill and makes older boss horny at the office BBW Brandy sucks and titfucks a dildo
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t00thpasteface · 3 months
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my beautiful princess with a disorder
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turbinepaints · 2 years
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mothpawbs · 4 months
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i wear my scary mask when i'm afraid i don't belong you can't read my brain until it's off, not coming off
what if chameleon... but inscryption. basically.
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apollolynx98 · 1 month
Born to be "Wasteland, baby!", forced to be "Unreal Unearth".
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animalinvestigator · 9 months
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happy 8 years
i will transform so i don't die
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mochinomnoms · 3 months
rook and jade would find the lyrics of ‘in a week’ so romantic, like ‘let’s rot together and let our bodies return to the earth babe!’
To love someone so much that you'd rot into the ground with them, knowing that your last moments with them will be spent in their embrace as you pass and your body becomes one with the earth. It's fine, because as long as you're with them, their heart is happy and full They hope that when your bodies are found in the far future, nothing remaining but your bones preserved by the earth enclosing you two and fossilizing your embrace, that the world will know that they were home.
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guerrilla-operator · 6 months
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fredericolimablog · 2 years
"O que me confundirá ou me agitará? Ou o que me parecerá aflitivo? Não usarei a capacidade que recebi, mas lamentarei e gemerei por causa das coias que me acontecem?"
— Epicteto in Diatribes 1.6
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emiko-matsui · 11 months
girls when they get hozier tickets
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