resourcemakers · 9 months
hello! your emily ratajkowski gifs link to reese witherspoon pack
hello, sveja here! we get this message every so often, and it's not on our end. if you are talking about the gifs made by charlie that are featured on this blog, it links to the correct page. there isn't anything we can do on our end to stop this error as far as we know.
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olderfcs · 1 year
If it's alright to ask, what happened to the gif pack of Morena Baccarin in Ode to Joy? Is it possible for those gifs to be re-uploaded?
hello, sveja here! unfortunately, that pack got taken down as a part of the giant imgbb purge. ): if you'd like me to remake those gifs, feel free to request them again!
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svejarph · 2 months
emma mackey gif pack
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CLICK THE SOURCE LINK BELOW and you will find #238 245x150px gifs of Emma Mackey as Maeve Wiley in Sex Education Season 4 (2023)! These were created from scratch by Sveja. Do what you want with these, just don't repost/claim as your own, don't use them to play Emma, don't use in any smut/smut-based blogs, and like/reblog if using. If you like what I'm doing, feel free to commission me or donate to my ko-fi. Emma was around 27 during filming and is white (French, English, Irish).
tw: alcohol, drinking, funeral, hugging, kissing, pda
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dreamrutine · 1 year
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( ♡ ) by clicking on the SOURCE LINK you will be redirected to 400 gifs of 𝐓𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐎 ( tamino-amir moharam fouad ) in various videos. he was born in 1996 so cast him accordingly. all of them were made by me from scratch, please do not repost them or claim them as your own. TW:-.  
PLEASE DO NOT use them for crackships.
PLEASE DO NOT use them to rp something weird / smut rps / or wattpad
reblog if you use or like them !!! ( or you can buy me some coffee if you can / want )
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youaskwemake · 2 years
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Hello everyone! I just now realized that I haven’t made an intro yet!
I’m Sveja, a senior staff member AND an admin here. I created this blog to create a long-lasting team of content creators that most importantly wanted to create resources and meet others while doing it.
I, personally, am a college student who has been steadily creating RP content for well over 6 years. I am the most versed in rp icons and gif packs/icons, but I have done practically everything over the years!
Feel free to stop by and give us a request, question, new member/affiliate, or just to say hi!
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shardanic · 1 year
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Commish of a client’s OC Sveja Vael!
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amberharrisart · 1 year
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Sveja <3
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levysoft · 4 months
Franco Califano - Pier Carlino
E' sempre così, tu stravaccata a letto, Io a fa' nottata, ar freddo, giù de sotto, Pe' corpa de 'sto cane maledetto, Che se nun scenne caca ner salotto. Mo' poi vo' fa' le corse nel viale Insieme a me, chi perde è 'n animale! A vorte incontro gente e me vergogno Ma si 'n coremo lui nun fa er bisogno. Quanno je scappa è sempre mattinata, L'avesse mai 'na vorta anticipata. Spacca er minuto, ar primo chiaro 'n cielo, Pare che c'ha la sveja sotto ar culo. Chi se lo scorda er compleanno tuo "Comprami un cagnolino amore mio! Gli starò dietro, ha la parola mia"! Sei stata dietro a li mortaccia tua. Da quanno 'st'animale s'e accasato Nun ho dormito otto ore di filato E si consideramo che c'ha 'n anno Secondo te quando ripijio sonno? Fra dieci dodic'anni, quanno more? È ner frattempo dovrei pure core? Prima de fa' 'sta fine io t'ammollo, Che c'hai 'n gelone ar posto der cervello! Me casca 'n po' de cenere per tera E in du' minuti fai scoppià la guera, Vomita er cane sopra li cuscini, "Povero amore, ha male agli intestini"! "Mio Dio, cosa ha mangiato giù al viale?" Le palle de mi' nonno cor caviale! Io che ne sò' che magna 'st 'imbecille E che me frega a me se c'ha le bolle! Me frega più che da quasi 'n annetto Me chiamano "Er frocione cor cagnetto" Co' tutti quei riccetti, quer nastrino, Quer nome che j'hai dato: "Piercarlino!" Ma poi chiamallo un cane "Piercalino" Senza fa' 'nsospettì chi t'è vicino? Co tanti nomi belli, si ce penso, Potevi, che ne so, chiamallo... Stronzo! Come perché, perché nun c'ha mai sonno... Perché me fa' venì sempre l'affanno... Stronzo perché nun me fa' più dormire, Stronzo perché nun caca si nun corre... È lungo un parmo, arto mezzo sordo, E fa' casino più de 'n Sanbernardo! Ch'è maschio poi c'è ancora d'accertallo, Nun j'ho mai visto l'ombra de 'n pisello Ne' fra li peli 'n mezzo a le gambette Je so spuntate mai due-tre-pallette Hai fatto tutto te; "com'è carino"... "è maschio? ... lo chiamiamo Piercarlino!" "Sono la tua mammina, Piercarlino E questo qui sarà sarà il tuo paparino, Caro il mio cagnolino ... che bel pelo..." E paparino, ce l'ha avuto 'n culo! Giù ar viale, pe' accertamme der suo sesso, Je stavo a mette 'n po' le mani addosso; Me sento sfotte' da 'n amico mio: "Je voi da' 'n bacio! Te lo reggo io!" Capito come me so' sputtanato? 'Mo pure frocio 'e no me 'so stufato, Domani notte me ne resto a letto Er cane se cacasse pure sotto! Pisciasse sui divani ner salotto, Svejasse quelli dell'interno 8, Morisse de cimuro tutt'a 'n botto, Mica posso annà avanti a fa' 'sta vita! Ecco la morte, la porpetta avvelenata! Queste so' idee ma tocca realizzalle, 'Sto zozzo me lo levo da' le palle. Già piagni... sei distrutta dar dolore Te immagini si Piercarlino more? Carma, ma la porpetta s'a' dà fare Perché si tu voi er cane ar posto mio Vado a fa' 'n culo e me la magno io
(via Franco Califano - Pier Carlino (Vers. Originale) - YouTube)
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lokaleblickecom · 6 months
Kulturelle Bildung für Vorschulkinder
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Das Projekt „Jedem Kind einen Theaterbesuch“ mit der Burghofbühne Dinslaken wird fortgesetzt Die erste Aufführung von „Oh, wie schön ist Panama“ der Reihe „Jedem Kind einen Theaterbesuch“ findet am 9. November gegen 09:30 Uhr statt. Um 9 Uhr haben die Pressevertreter*innen noch Gelegenheit, die Projektbeteiligten zur Reihe zu befragen. Diese sind Guido Lohmann (Vorstand der Volksbank Niederrhein eG), Sveja Kosuik (Jugendmarktkoordinatorin der Volksbank Niederrhein eG), Mirko Schomberg (Intendant der Burghofbühne) und für die Stadt Kamp-Lintfort Dr. Christoph Müllmann (Jugend- und Kulturdezernent) und Ilona Haje (Mitarbeiterin des Kulturbüros). Für die Stadt Kamp-Lintfort ist die kulturelle Bildung von Kindern und Jugendlichen enorm wichtig. Deshalb startete sie schon im Jahre 2011 in Zusammenarbeit mit der Volksbank Niederrhein eG als Zuwendungsgeberin und dem Landestheater Burghofbühne als ausführendes Theater das Projekt "Jedem Kind einen Theaterbesuch". Es wird jährlich angeboten und ermöglicht jedem Kind der Kamp-Lintforter Kindertagesstätten einen kostenlosen Theaterbesuch. „Die Beteiligung von Kindern und Jugendlichen am kulturellen Stadtleben zu stärken, ist seit Jahren ein Anliegen der Stadt. Das Projekt „Jedem Kind einen Theaterbesuch“ wurde von Anfang an gut angenommen und ist fester Bestandteil im Kulturkalender geworden“, so Kulturdezernent Dr. Christoph Müllmann. Unter dem Aspekt der Nachhaltigkeit beschlossen alle Beteiligten, das Projekt nun zum dreizehnten Mal anzubieten. „Die Begeisterung für das Projekt ist sowohl bei den Projektbeteiligten als auch den Kindern ungebrochen", freut sich Guido Lohmann, Vorstandsmitglied der Volksbank Niederrhein e.G. An insgesamt 16 Spielterminen werden rund 600 Kinder die Stadthalle besuchen und in diesem Jahr das Stück „Oh, wie schön ist Panama“ von Janosch sehen. Handlung: „Oh Bär. Ist das Leben nicht unheimlich schön, sag!“ Da kann der kleine Bär dem kleinen Tiger nur zustimmen. In ihrem gemütlichen Haus haben die besten Freunde wirklich alles, was das Herz begehrt. Nur leider keinen Fisch. Und auch keine Pilze. Und auch sonst nichts Essbares. Dafür haben sie aber einen riesigen Hunger-Kohldampf und so müssen die Beiden wohl oder übel etwas zu essen suchen. Stattdessen finden sie eine alte Holzkiste, die, und das ist ganz wunderbar, von oben bis unten nach Bananen riecht und auf der in großen Buchstaben „PANAMA“ geschrieben steht. Panama muss also eindeutig und zweifelsfrei das Land ihrer gemeinsamen Träume sein und so beschließen sie sich auf die Reise dorthin zu machen. Dass sie nicht wissen, wie weit Panama eigentlich entfernt ist, hält sie nicht weiter auf. Auch nicht, dass sie den Weg nicht kennen, denn schließlich begegnen sie unterwegs ausreichend Cowboy-Mäusen, griesgrämigen Fröschen und eitlen Krähen, die sie danach fragen können. Und wird die Reise doch zu lang, können sie sich ja immer noch gegenseitig ein Stückel tragen. Beide wissen: So lange sie sich gegenseitig haben, brauchen sie sich ohnehin vor nichts zu fürchten. Und da haben sie verdammt ziemlich recht. Inszenierung und Bühne: Franziska von Knoblauch Ensemble: Particia Foik und Tom Gerngroß Read the full article
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resourcemakers · 2 years
Actor: Kim Ji-soo (Jisoo) Role: Yoon Tae-oh Show: My First (First) Love 1x06 Quantity: 106 gifs Size: 245x150px Created by: Sveja
trigger warnings: eating, food
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please know that this fc has apologized for bullying claims in school & has been previously accused of sexual assault (but as far as we know, these were made up, said by the accuser themself)
requested by ??? (if you originally requested it, please message @svejarph​ ! the draft got deleted somehow)  
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olderfcs · 1 year
Hi! Do you have any more Bobby Cannavale gif hunts hidden up your sleeve? love him, and love this blog! thanks babes!
Hello, Sveja here! I did a gif pack of him in Nine Perfect Strangers, and I'm planning on doing a gif pack of him in Spy! Unfortunately, that was the only pack I could find. ):
nine perfects strangers
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svejarph · 27 days
daniel di tomasso gif pack
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CLICK THE SOURCE LINK BELOW TO BE REDIRECTED TO A REQUESTING PRIVATE RESOURCES LINK. After filling out the form and receiving approval, you will be redirect to #24 245x150px gifs of Daniel di Tomasso as Trey in CSI: Vegas S3 (2023)! These were created from scratch by Sveja. Do what you want with these, just don't repost/claim as your own, don't use them to play Daniel as himself, use in smut/smut-based blogs, and like/reblog if using. If you like what I'm doing, feel free to commission me, donate to my ko-fi, donate to a palestinian organization, or buy an e-sim for gaza. Daniel was about 39-40 during filming and is white (Italian, English, Irish, Dutch).
tw: implied death, torture ; alcohol, cops, drinking, flashing lights, hospital, hugging, police, religious imagery, shaky camera, violence
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lepoesiedersandrone · 7 months
Ma che jè preso, stanotte, a sto mare? Ce sballotta, manco fossimo fuscello, Co n’artra botta, n’artro mulinello finimo tra li pesci sur fondale!
Eppure a la partenza, sarvognuno, sembrava de sciaqquà ner lavandino. Sta luna, sveja sopra ar commodino, ricordava de lo stommico er diggiuno!
Lamentamme io? Manco se me ‘mpicco… er marinaro pefforza era da fa’: è la speranza de quella libbertà che vale pure er rischio dannà a picco!
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youaskwemake · 2 years
it'd be cool if all the admins could reblog one or two examples of what they do so everyone can see!
hello! thank you for this suggestion! you can always look at our maker's blogs which are put on the sidebar on the desktop theme.
these will be reblogged, but in case people see this first:
see their blog for many examples of their gif sets!
derek klena gif pack
nicole huff gif pack
im jinah gif pack
ali oner gif pack
angelina jolie dash icons
pablo schreiber gif pack
literally his entire tag dedicated on his blog (can't choose just a couple)
it has everything from gif packs to rp icons to screencaps, etc!
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amberharrisart · 1 year
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Sveja <3
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fcresourcing · 5 years
hi!! i was looking for a banned fc list on your blog and i couldnt find one, but i was wondering if you could suggest teen daughters to robert downey jr? thank you so much!
Don’t worry, RDJ isn’t on our banned list. If you’re interested in checking it out, it can be found on the individual members’ pages. He’s Ashkenazi Jewish and white. I actually play a kid of his on my indie, so I feel your pain with trying to find teenage daughter fcs for him. It was h a r d. You also haven’t given any insights into who the mom is, so I’m kinda just listing things. These all should have resources in the teens/early twenties.
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Hailee Steinfeld - 21 - Ashkenazi Jewish, Filipino, African-American, English, German, Northern Irish, Scottish Bex Taylor Klaus - 24 - Ashkenazi Jewish, Ukrainian, German, Romanian, Latvian, Russian, Polish, Lithuanian Bel Powley - 26 - Ashkenazi Jewish, Engish Sofia Black-D’Elia - 26 - Ashkenazi Jewish, ItalianLily Collins - 29 - Ashkenazi Jewish, English, GermanNikki Reed - 30 - Ashkenazi Jewish, English, Italian, Scottish, Northern Irish, German, Swiss-German, Welsh, French Jennifer Connelly - 47 - Ashkenazi Jewish, Irish, NorwegianWinona Ryder - 47 - Ashkenazi Jewish, Belgian
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