#** (    interaction    ) ft. wanda maximoff
corruptedarkness · 2 years
Starter for @disastri​
Pietro looked at his sister’s worried face he never wanted her to know the ghost pains he had due to the bullets that pierced his body but then he hadn’t counted on collapsing as soon as he stepped into her home. “It comes and goes, and it’s getting better.” He mused to answer her question of how long he didn’t like thinking about it much less talking about it, the scars on his body were enough reminders for him. “Hey…I thought you promised me lunch? Please stop fretting over me I’m older that’s my job yeah?” He tried to joke it offer as he once again stood to his feet.
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aetcrnus · 2 years
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@oflightndarkness​ ; incoming transmission ⸻  💬 [ Stephen Strange and Wanda ]
       →   send 💬 for a random generated starter // accepting
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          ❝  This isn't just about you. It's about what's best for all of us.  ❞
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strawberrysvgar · 3 years
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( @underworldtm​ ) Everyone had gotten someone back, so it seemed. Families who had lost someone long before Thanos snapped were being reunited… Wanda was not so lucky. She was never that lucky. No, instead she’s battered again and again by a never ending tidal wave of grief. Yet she keeps searching, a childlike hope that sits in Wanda’s chest that for the first time in her life she’d get lucky. She lost her parents, she lost Pietro, and she lost the twins. She had nothing, yet here she is standing in another warehouse full of people on the outskirts of what used to be Sokovia. The city didn’t return, but the people did. Now with the world seemingly having double the population, the overflow was being kept in stadiums until governments could figure out what to do. This was the last place that Wanda could check. Everywhere else was void of her beloved twin. The woman pushes past people, standing on her toes trying to look over the crowd. Everyone is looking for someone, Wanda included. It’s almost too many voices, too much pain for Wanda to bare. She can feel so much of it, since returning her powers have felt... off. They’re heightened dangerously by her emotions and grief is all consuming. She’s not sure what she’ll do if Pietro isn’t here. She can’t be robbed of him, not again. “Pietro!” She tries to call over the crowd. “Pietro!” Her voice borders or desperation now, being choked up by tears. Wanda feels like she’s being drowned out by other cries of sorrow. “Pietro!” It’s an accident, the way her voice seems to burst from her chest, echoing off stadium walls. There’s a dangerous power behind it. It’s loud and the chatter dulls into near silence trying to find the source. But Wanda doesn’t care, she’s trying to use this quiet moment to spot her brother. “Please... please hear me.” She speaks to herself now, pushing past bodies in near anguish. 
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roachmattea · 3 years
your THEME i am GAY
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virtuousouls · 4 years
closed for @rosewaterdrunk​ | wanda maximoff
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steve set the plate of food down on to the table in front of wanda before placing his own down and taking his seat. “thanks for coming over,” he said with a smile. “with no explanation of how or why we’re here, or no sight on when we can leave, we may as well try and settle into some normalcy.” that and maybe it wasn’t healthy to obsess on the reasons why they were here. “plus, it’s just nice to see a friend. how are you, wanda?”
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forgcdasseta · 4 years
SUBJECT: starter call TO: @mxndwitch
          a lot had changed since the last time bucky had steve.  that didn’t even count the easier parts to remember, like before the war.  flashes of metal and glimmers of blonde hair interrupted some of his steps but he couldn’t say anything since he’d woken to find his arm in a vice.  new guy ( sam ) was twitchy enough as it was.  the daggers glared in his direction were pretty respectable.
          wanda was a little more difficult to read.  there was loss there, bucky could see it in her eyes.  impossible to tell what without actually having a conversation.  it also wasn’t his place.  many held their pain close to their chest just like he did or just like steve had the tendency to do.
         “ you, “ bucky cleared his throat when the syllable came out a little too rough.  “ you don’t have to be here, you know. “  he wasn’t worth everything his best friend was trying to put together.  bad enough there was an argument over him.  bucky could handle himself.  if he wanted to stay underground until he was able to clear his name then that was his choice.  no one needed to go down with him.  “ you don’t even know me. “
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forgttcn · 4 years
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       𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃𝐍’𝐓 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐄 it. could that be her? it really looked like her. “ morgan? ” as much as they had an uncanny resemblance, wanda wouldn’t be too surprised if the girl said she was mistaken. after all, the last time wanda saw the girl she was around ten years old, the woman in front of her was at least twenty years old. “ morgan stark? ” ( @lvstparty​ + morgan )
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tigerzcrd · 5 years
          Everything hurt.  Even his eyes burned from the intense flashes of light they’d been subjected to by the alien army that had blanketed the land.  There was a stabbing pain near his heart.  Orion could feel his bottom lip throbbing in time with the beat of his heart.  Holding a cigarette between his fingers like a lifeline, the Ranger limped his way onto the roof of the Avenger’s complex.  With a five year fight finally at an end he felt somewhat empty.  Quiet.  
         A familiar head of hair greeted him, causing Orion’s head to tilt to the side ever so slightly.  This was usually his sanctuary, though he didn’t have a personal claim on it.  In times of emotional duress he liked to lay on the roof and look at the stars.  Sometimes he spoke to his mother.  Other times he spoke to Andros.  Either way, the conversation was only ever one sided.
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         “ Is this roof taken? “  His voice is quiet.  Soft.  If his body didn’t hurt like it did, Orion would’ve turned around to find another hiding place.  Unfortunately, he’d expended all his energy walking up.  He had missed Wanda, though.  “ It’s good to have you back. “  ��//   @ofmgcks gets a plotted starter.
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quantumdanced · 5 years
          Before blinking back to what Hope was told five years later, she only knew of the Avengers by what she’d seen on television.  There were also random tidbits she’d picked up from the internet when she was looking around for information.  A lot had flooded out into the world several years prior when SHIELD came crashing down.
          She also knew that Scott spoke very highly of them.  
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           Wandering through the Avengers’ complex, Hope’s head swiveled side to side in order to take it all in.  The massive was a lot more quaint on the inside than she envisioned.  For some reason she thought it would look more like Pym Technologies.  All white and clinical.
          “ Oh, hey, “ Hope waves at someone she recognized from Wakanda.  “ I never did catch your name when we were fighting the giant eggplant. “   //   @mindmoves liked the s.c.
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plush-anon · 3 years
"who can create better prompts for their fandoms' fanfic-kers than they can write" Challenge accepted! What's a good MCU prompt?
Oh Anon... Anony-Nonny-Non.
Here, have 19.
1.) Snap!Swap - everyone who died in Infinity War (Snap or otherwise) is alive, while everyone who survived on-screen is now dead. Loki and Heimdall are the survivors while Thor dies; Gamora and the GOTG survive, but Rocket and Nebula are gone; Doctor Strange, Vision, Bucky, Falcon, and Spiderman survive while Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff, and Steve Rogers perish, etc etc. How do they work together to fix what happens - with Doctor Strange, do they explore alternate dimensions, or do they still stick with time travel? How do they come together to help the world recover in the devastating aftermath of over 4 billion dead?
2.) Dead Loki TDW - Loki died at the end of Thor: The Dark World as initially planned. Now, there is no Loki pretending to be Odin to save Thor from his father’s wrath -  only Odin himself remains. The father who sent soldiers to kill his own son when he committed treason and betrayed Odin’s wishes, and Loki is no longer alive to take the fall. Now Thor is the unfavored son, and Heimdall and the Warriors Three are banished from the realm. Hela is no longer released, but the burden of responsibility is heavy indeed.
3.) Fallen Loki, Collector’s Edition - at the end of Thor 1, when Loki attempts to kill himself, he doesn’t end up in Thanos’ grasp, no no - he ends up in the Collector’s. Reverted to his Jotunn form, suffering from head trauma, and growing horns, he lives out his days in the Collection fearing his brother’s wrath should he be found. After all, his brother only learned that genocide like he wished to enact was wrong - he didn’t learn to love the Jotnar. Surely he still wishes them dead?
Things change, of course, when the Guardians of the Galaxy first arrive with the Power Gem - now freed from his glass case prison, he ends up trapped/stuck with them for the rest of the movie, and becomes a Guardian himself.
4.) Pym!Ultron - Tony Stark isn’t the creator of Ultron in the MCU now, and Scott Lang’s Ant-Man never came to be. Infuriated by Stark’s apparent lackadaisical approach to saving lives, Hank Pym creates Ultron to supersede Tony Stark... but nothing ever turns out the way you plan, does it Hank? 
5.) Hela’s Rise - after Thor is banished in Thor 1, Loki finds his Jotunn origins and Odin falls into the Odinsleep to avoid THAT conversation any further. Unfortunately, instead of being handed the throne while Odin recovers, Hela breaks through Odin’s weakening imprisonment spell and arrives back in Asgard - and as Odin’s firstborn, she takes command of the throne instead. Blocking Thor from ever returning to Asgard, casting Odin in a permanent sleep, banishing Heimdall and the Warriors Three to Midgard with Thor, and imprisoning Loki and Frigga, it doesn’t appear that anyone can stop her - especially when her new suitor is more than willing to kill for her favor. Can she be stopped?
6.) The Tragic Death of Tony Stark - Tony Stark dies before he can cure himself in Iron Man 2 - and hoo boy, does this open a can of worms. Unfortunately for Tony, he gets to watch it all go down as a ghost - because of course his luck’s just like that.
7.) Dead Hawk Do Not Eat - Natasha Romanoff is left to pick up the pieces after Hawkeye sacrifices himself on Vormir. Between her job as the new Director of SHIELD, the painful distance his family has enacted, and an old threat from her past rising to meet her, the world has never seemed so gray.
8.) For Better or For Worse - at the end of Endgame, Steve goes back in time. But despite himself, he can’t help but fight to change the intolerant society he’s returned to... and his changes ripple forward in ways no one could have guessed.
9.) Cracking Open a Cold One with the Boys - Howard Stark unearths and defrosts Steve in the 1980s. Between the Cold War, reuniting with Peggy Carter, and uncovering a HYDRA conspiracy with Hank Pym, Steve’s being kept busy enough without having to deal with a persistent little fan in the form of Howard’s only son.
10.) A Stane on Your Good Name - Obadiah Stane survives the end of Iron Man 1, and lives to endure a public trial, where we learn exactly what led to him betraying the man who was like a son to him.
11.) Pepper Fire - in Iron Man 3, Pepper Potts was cured of her superpowers. But what if they remained even after being cured? Now she must navigate the world as a mutant CEO, and all the bad (and good) that comes with it.
12.) No Longer So Sweet - when Loki was adopted and glamoured as a Prince of Asgard, it was under the assumption that he was a runt. Not so. When he begins to grow bigger than Thor, and horns bud at his temples, Odin and Frigga cast him away and tell the realm he died of sickness.
Years later, Thor is made mortal and banished, only to be knocked out of the Bifrost and onto Sakaar. There he encounters a familiar (if blue) face, looming over him at 8 ft 5 - and both must work together to return to home... whatever that is now. (Technically one of my older prompts, but still one of my faves)
13.) World War Panther - T’Challa remained in his coma for longer than expected; Killmonger declares war on the world, and gets exactly what he wants. But as Wakanda struggles to maintain a 360 degree front battle, Erik finds himself doubting the path he chose, as he witnesses the damage unravel before his eyes.
14.) Blood as Red as Reality - after Jane absorbs the Reality Aether, she isn’t retrieved by Thor - she is retrieved by Ego, who reveals she is his long-lost daughter, and takes her to locate her half-brother Peter Quill. He should be able to help her with her new powers over the Infinity Stone - after all, he looked near identical to her when he wielded the Power Stone. Now Jane must juggle these new and startling revelations between learning how to control the Aether within her and interacting with her new family, all the while pursued by Malekith, Thor, and Thanos, who sees the (relatively) unprotected Infinity Stone with his two errant daughters, and figures he can crush two planets with one missile. At least she’s safe on Ego’s home planet... isn’t she?
15.) A Marvelous Daughter - Thanos captures Captain Marvel shortly after she departs Earth in the 90s, intrigued by the concept of infusing his soldiers with the Infinity Stones without reducing said stones’ power. And the acolyte he carves out of her will make a fine role model for her two new little sisters... one he isn’t so keen on letting escape when she flees with Nebula and Gamora in tow.
16.) According to Plan  - Zemo’s plan for revenge was never so complex as we saw; instead he decides to take three actions to ensure their suffering and demise. 1,heighten the death toll, 2, publish an article, and 3, get Bucky Barnes arrested under his brainwashing trigger commands. Because of this, the Avengers are not warned of their new boundaries until after the UN has passed them, causing internal strife and chafing at the political restraints. With the release of a breaking story on the death of the Starks, combined with Bucky Barnes’ ongoing trial, the Avengers are nearing the end of their patience and goodwill towards each other. What will remain after that?
17.) Never Rub a Ross the Wrong Way - Betty Ross reenters the picture when her father announces the Sokovia Accords, and declares war on him alongside her lawyer and close friend: Jennifer Walters.
18.) Mother’s Intuition - It is not Frigga, but Odin, who dies at Malekeith’s hand in TDW. Now, with one son in pieces, another imprisoned, an estranged daughter returning from beyond the grave, and a terrified mortal overwhelmed with ancient power, she takes the throne and proceeds to do things very differently to protect what family she has left, while making deals with people many would fear crossing. Whether that works out well is another question...
(bonuses for featuring: Frigga being a deeply manipulative ruler, depressed!Thor, Loki freed to teach Jane how to work with the Aether within,  and Hela bound by her mother’s magic - possibly an arranged marriage to Thanos? just go dark with it)
19.) When Loki falls and tries to kill himself in Thor 1, he lands on Earth with extensive memory loss in the year 1991, landing on top of a depressed Tony Stark (literally). His memories will not stay gone forever; but maybe, just maybe, he and Tony can change things for the better - for Midgard, for Asgard, and for Jotunheim.
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paradisecost · 4 years
hc. erik // main timeline 
ALRIGHT this bad boy is just over 1700 words long but I urge you to read it if you’re at all interested in interacting with my Erik. He is extremely canon-divergent in that DoFP, XMA and DP did not happen. I used to be fine with both DoFP and XMA but the more I think about them the more I’m like “wow, those plots are fucking ridiculous” and I’ve chosen to uh, throw them out the damn window. DP on the other hand was just unabashedly horrific fcKJNFKDNF.
TW: Non-graphic mentions of the following: the Holocaust, kidnapping, child abuse, child death, burning alive, imprisonment and isolation, and murder. Ya boy’s been through HELL but these are just mentions, as in ‘this thing happened- moving on’.
Early life // v: doomed from the start
December 31st, 1929
Erik Magnus Lehnsherr is born, presumably somewhere in Poland, to Jewish German parents. His mother nicknames him ‘Max’ when he is very young, and his father and friends soon pick up on it too.
He befriends Magda Eisenhardt at school as a young boy. The two become close, but are separated during the war, long before Erik is taken by Schmidt. Each assumes the other to be dead.
September 1st, 1939
Germany invades Poland; WWII begins.
Erik’s mutation manifests in short bursts throughout the next few years in moments of stress or anger, made worse by the overall traumatic and stressful living conditions associated with being Jewish at this time. His parents are the only ones to witness his mutation, and are desperate to keep it hidden for Erik’s own safety. Erik’s mother considers it a gift from G-d, and one he must use wisely.
Unknown date, 1944
Erik and his family are sent to Auschwitz. Erik’s mutation manifests fully when he is separated from his parents, distorting an iron gate in an attempt to reach them. He is subdued by the surrounding guards via a blow to the head and taken to Klaus Schmidt (later Sebastian Shaw), a German doctor and mutant. 
Schmidt instructs Erik to move a coin as proof of his mutation, shooting Erik’s mother in front of him when he fails. Erik destroys the surrounding room with his powers in a fit of rage, as well as killing the guards present. His rage quickly turns to grief, however, and he breaks down, allowing himself to be comforted by Schmidt, who claims they’re going to ‘unlock his gift with pain and anger’. Needless to say, the resulting years in Schmidt’s grasp are not pleasant.
 The Schmidt years // v: doctor’s orders
Erik is held captive by Schmidt for the next six years, subjected to frequent physical and psychological abuse in order to ‘strengthen’ his powers and improve his control over them. By the time he is seventeen he is capable of harnessing his abilities to perform to Schmidt’s standards, but lacks fine control over his mutation when not in a heightened emotional state. Throughout 1944 he is forced to work as a Sonderkommando alongside this. At the end of the war Schmidt takes him to a private facility in Germany, where Erik remains captive for the next several years.
Despite severe conditioning and traumatic bonding towards Schmidt, he makes a number of escape attempts throughout these years, as well as at least two attempts on Schmidt’s life.
Late 1949
The facility is bombed for reasons unknown to Erik. Erik escapes during the chaos, using his mutation to destroy anything and everything that stands in his way. As he flees, he looks back to see Schmidt absorbing an explosion. This is how he knows Schmidt is still alive afterwards, as well as having his longstanding suspicions confirmed that Schmidt, too, is a mutant.
Recovery and family years // v: we will not suffer here
Having been on the run lest Schmidt attempt to track and hunt him down, Erik finally stops running for one reason only: by sheer chance, he reunites with Magda Eisenhardt. Both are overjoyed to see the other alive, and they marry the same year. Erik begins using the name Max Eisenhardt instead of his birth name. The two are impoverished and starving half of the time, but they make it work: Max manages to find steady work here and there, and the two settle in Vinnytsa to build a home and a family together. 
Summer, 1951
Anya Eisenhardt is born. Max takes work from anyone that will have him as he struggles to keep the family afloat, but the sheer relief of being alive and in a position where people may help them if things take a downturn is more than worth the struggle. Later in life, Erik considers these years the happiest of his life.
Late 1956
Their home in Vinnytsa is set on fire after Max magnetically hurls a crowbar at his boss for refusing to pay him when he and Magda are desperate for the money. Max is not present when the fire is first lit: he runs home upon seeing the smoke, and discovers that Anya is still stuck inside the house. Max attempts to save her, using his powers to tear the house apart, but it’s too late. In his grief and rage, Max lashes out with his powers, murdering his boss, the people responsible for the fire, and numerous innocent villagers in the process. When he calms and tries to go to Magda, she flees in terror, calling him a monster. Unbeknownst to Max, Magda is pregnant with twins at this time.
The Nazi-killing years // v: red right hand
Early 1957
With nothing left for him in Vinnysta and at a loss for what to do with himself, Max opts for the thing that living with Magda and Anya had allowed him to set aside: revenge. He begins his hunt for Schmidt, reclaiming the name Erik Lehnsherr in an attempt to shed the ghost of his former life with his family. He resolves to find Schmidt or die trying, and becomes unable to visualise a future outside of that.
Unknown date, 1957
Somewhere far away, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff are born, without Erik’s knowledge. Magda Eisenhardt dies soon after giving birth to them, and they are taken in by an elderly couple who raises them as their own.
Erik tracks Schmidt by hunting down former Nazis associated with him. He leaves a bloody trail across Europe in his search, leaving no survivors, and never settles in one place for long.
 XMFC timeline // v: first class
Early 1962
Erik attempts to kill Schmidt, now known as Sebastian Shaw, nearly drowning in the process of trying to drag his submarine up from the depths of the ocean. He is saved by Charles Xavier, working with the CIA. He allows Charles to bring him on-board the CIA’s ship, practically refusing to speak to anyone other than Charles and questioning him endlessly on his mutation as well as other mutants.
Events of X-Men: First Class. Erik and Charles work together to locate other mutants, and the first group of X-Men are formed. The mutants work to hone their abilities, primarily with Charles’ assistance; Charles teaches Erik that pain and anger are not the key to unlocking his gift, and to help him, accesses a memory of Erik’s mother - one that, along with most of Erik’s memories from before 1944, had been repressed. Erik also forms a bond with Raven/Mystique, claiming that mutants should not have to hide who they are in order to be accepted by society.
October 28th 1962
Erik kills Sebastian Shaw with the coin he was ordered to move as a child. Erik proceeds to form the first incarnation of the Brotherhood of Mutants, taking the name Magneto. 
 Brotherhood years // v: rise up!
November 20th 1962
Magneto and the Brotherhood free Emma Frost, who joins them.
Following the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy administration authorizes the Central Intelligence Agency to establish Project WideAwake, a covert task force to investigate other X-Gene cases and their prevalence across the United States. While its mission strictly revolves around identification and research of mutants, it exercises paramilitary autonomy from the President’s mandates.
Edwin Partridge, a former Major General in the U.S. Army and a far right-wing activist, gains (through his contacts in the military) proof of mutant involvement during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
July 1963
Azazel and Angel are killed by Project WideAwake agents. Emma Frost is later killed by Sentinel prototypes.
November 22nd 1963
JFK is assassinated. Magneto has nothing to do with this because frankly it’s a stupid plot point, but is wanted for various terrorist actions related to pro-mutant shenanigans.
January 22nd 1964
Project WideAwake operatives are tasked with locating and apprehending Magneto. He is captured soon after.
February 11th 1964
A private trial takes place, which Charles Xavier and Hank McCoy are present for. Magneto is sentenced to two consecutive life sentences in a federal correctional facility without the possibility of parole, sparking the ‘Free Magneto’ movement.
 Imprisonment // v: isolation
1964-1973 Erik is imprisoned with only brief escapes over the course of nine years.
Early 1971 Having destroyed several prisons during the 60s, Magneto is finally permanently subdued by Trask Industries. He is placed in a specialised prison in the Pentagon, 1,320 ft below the Earth’s surface. It is composed of industrial-grade polymers and concrete.
1971-1973 Erik is kept in solitary confinement in prison (though he has been more or less stuck in one prison or another since 1964). He begins to speak almost exclusively in Yiddish and German, conversing with what he believes are ghosts of his parents (for whom he speaks Yiddish), and Schmidt (for whom he speaks only German). These are, of course, hallucinations, which he has experienced throughout his life in times of intense stress.
 Post-prison recovery years // v: the quiet years
1973 to unknown/variable date
Magneto escapes, somehow. He goes into hiding for a long-ass time and attempts to live a quiet, ordinary life, whilst also recovering from the isolation/prison-induced trauma of the past nine years. Charles Xavier is aware of his escape but chooses not to reveal it to the world so long as Erik does not resume his previous occupation of, uh, global mutant terrorist. At some point, Erik secures a safe haven for mutants on the island of Genosha, where he helps to build a self-sustaining community there.
Default timeline, aka mainverse // v: mutants are the future
Unknown/variable dates (these can literally take place at any time period after 1980 or so; the default is the present day)
Erik acts alone. The Brotherhood no longer exists, and Erik no longer lives in Genosha, though he visits it frequently and assists with its upkeep and maintenance when needed - as well as being more than willing to defend it, if necessary. Erik deals with threats to mutantkind as he sees fit, but is generally not the uh… comic-book villain he was post-XMFC. He and Charles Xavier are in contact with one another, and in some instances, Erik visits the school for a multitude of reasons.
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Marvel Fluff Bingo 2018
My first Marvel Bingo ever and I am so excited. Thanks to @marvelfluffbingo for this amazing card. This is gonna serve as my masterlist 
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Interacting with children: We Made Them (Sebastian Stan x Reader)
Firefighter AU: Smoke and Sparks (Steve Rogers x Reader)
Cuddling: Reconnecting (Sebastian Stan x Reader)
Neighbour AU: Her Home (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
Beach Day: My Sunshine (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
Bucky Barnes: Strawberry Ice Cream (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Single Parent AU: Choice (Bucky Barnes x Reader ft. Kobik)
Tickling: House of Chaos (Steve Rogers x Reader)
Tom Hiddleston: Heart of London (Tom Hiddleston x Reader)
Chris Hemsworth: Riding the Wave (Chris Hemsworth x Reader)
Coffee Shop AU: With A Little Help From His Friends (Steve Rogers x Reader)
Thor Odinson: Accidentally Worthy (Thor Odinson x Reader)
Free Space: The Makeup Challenge (Sebastian Stan x Reader)
Proposal: Starry Starry Night (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Teacher AU: Rose Gold (Bucky Barnes x Reader ft. Kobik)
Bed Sharing: The Real Story (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Watching the Sunset: Making It Official (Sebastian Stan x Reader)
Age Gap: Us Before Us (Stucky x Reader)
Woke up married: From Children, Drunk People… and a High Bird (Clint Barton x Reader)
Playing Dress Up: Busted (Steve Rogers x Reader)
Mutual Pinning: When They Had Nothing - Part 8: Sergeant and his Captain (Stucky)
Artist AU: Love Sees Clearly (Stucky) 
Stucky: Perfect Memories (Stucky x Reader)
Steve Rogers: Full-Out War (Steve Rogers x Reader)
Craving their touch: Silver Linings (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
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virtuousouls · 4 years
“What if I’m someone I don’t want around?“ from wanda to steve
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steve cocked his head in slight confusion at her words. “why would you say that?” he questioned softly. “you’re a wonderful person, wanda. i can’t imagine anyone telling you otherwise.” steve knew after lagos wanda had been struggling, but he had thought vision and clint had both helped her through that. “there’s nothing wrong with a little self improvement, though. if it’s for the right reasons.”
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missabnormal · 6 years
Also, about Infinity War (Spoilers)
Pretty much ignored Thor’s character journey and, well, almost everything that mattered in Thor: Ragnarok (including the point of Thor losing his eye and his hammer, and the fact that Thor was essentially a more powerful Thunder God without his hammer).
I mean, Thor’s Ragnarok personality was kind of there, just under a couple of layers of grief and anger. But, still, the rest of Ragnarok doesn’t really matter in this movie. 
Either ignored or forgot that Peter Quill has Celestial powers (EDIT: Peter no longer has these powers, my mistake)
Nick Fury burned his eyepatch--Russo brothers, that happened in one of your own previous movies.
I’ll admit, I liked how Doctor Strange was characterized in this movie.
I also did like how dark the movie ended because I actually felt it (which is mostly because this is the heroes’ first catastrophic loss, when they had “won”, to an extent, every other battle/conflict, with a few exceptions).
Damn, that Peter Parker scene at the end. Damn. 
Ever wondered what Rocket did with that eye he stole in the first GotG? Well, guess what.
Ever wondered what happened to Red Skull after The First Avenger? Well, guess fucking what. 
Scene transition sometimes felt weird/abrupt, but sometimes the use of music to indicate who the movie is transitioning to worked. 
Wanda Maximoff sometimes looked way too much like an MCU version of Jean Grey. 
A lot of the jokes were placed at the wrong place and at the wrong time and it kind of took out the seriousness of a particular scene. Funny, sure, but might have been better if they were placed elsewhere. 
The Bucky and Rocket interaction that everyone was waiting for, I guess. 
A lot happened with a lot of characters and that might have left some of those characters are the edge of things. There were times that I thought it would have worked out better it this was a Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 movie, ft. Thor and his Ragnarok gang. The Avengers movie could’ve then been about whatever happened after the Vol. 3 movie. A lot of these characters needed space to breathe and expand (when watching the movie, you’re paying attention to a lot so you might not notice, but after you finish watching it? You might start realizing that a bunch of the characters were just kind of there).
So all of this happened in one day, give or take a few hours. 
Man, if Ant-Man and the Wasp is supposed to happen before Infinity War, then the ending of that comedic movie’s gonna be fucked up.
I guess Captain Marvel is going to be a spiritual prequel to Infinity War.
At least the “current place” titles didn’t fill up the whole screen this time. 
Lots of torture (trigger warning?)
The Dark Order was also kind of... there.
Oh thank God Okoye and M’Baku (and Shuri?) are fine. 
Eh, they’re gonna be fine (except the ones who got outright murdered and not just turned into dust, maybe). 
That’s all I can remember for now.
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forgttcn · 4 years
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       𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃 this for wanda. they said it would make her feel better, that’d she’d be so much more relaxed when she finished and that if she continued, it could help her change into a better person. she felt nothing but impatience. who even enjoyed this? she huffed and sat down in her mat, giving up. “ yoga is nefarious. ” she confessed to the girl close to her. “ how can this be any form of relaxing? ” ( @thrillcrs​ + bubbles ) 
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forgttcn · 4 years
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       𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐆𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆 on with her? she was officially worried. she knew she went for a walk late at night... to clear her mind, she thinks. maybe she was sleepwalking, she had no idea now. and suddenly she’s waking up in a park bench and wow, her back really hurts. “ i didn’t actually sleep here. ” she reassured to the bystander. she had no idea why she was lying but her position could give her away. ( @slxycr​ ) 
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