#(like we see in the mogami arc)
bandtrees · 11 months
ONE: ok guys here’s an arc about mob, in his growth as a person, being confronted with an ideology he’s unfamiliar with, and he has to learn from it but also understand why it’s unhealthy and bad to properly grow from it and choose kindness in the end, albeit in a more nuanced way than before, and this will make mob more able to confront later problems in the season that can’t be solved with mere kindness and require a deep understanding of loneliness and solitude, something he hasn’t had much room to speak on until now. To express mob being shown this villain’s ideology we have a sequence where we see how mogami views the world and by extension how he sees mob, by putting mob in the kind of sad fucked up world he thinks exists, but mob will overcome it with the knowledge that in the real world he has people he cares about and that even the people who make the world bad sometimes can change and nobody is a static evil and kindness and courage when you’re going through hardship goes a long way. despite the darkness this is ultimately a very uplifting experience for him and a show that life is always more than its darkest moments, and also how picking yourself up instead of wallowing in your own suffering and trauma is hard but a very courageous act and what makes mob stronger than mogami
mp100 fans with tunnel vision: Oh so mob was tortured for six months and is sad? He’s literally so sad and traumatized and nobody is talking about this?
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scribefindegil · 1 year
"Only in the darkest depths of fear can true courage shine" is obviously about Mob but I keep thinking about it in reference to Dimple's actions in Mogami arc. He was so scared! He started shaking like a leaf as soon as he recognized Mogami and he begged Mob & Reigen to leave, but he STILL faced Mogami head-on in Mob's body as a distraction and voluntarily entered Mogami's mindscape to get Mob out! The trust conversation hits even harder when you remember that this isn't an abstract danger they're up against; it's an entity that Dimple has very specific trauma about!
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zukkaoru · 1 year
okay but actually i think one of my favorite things about mob psycho is that. mob is very autistic coded, right? but he's just. he's a normal kid and he has so many friends and everyone loves him!! when he wants to get in the top 10 in the school marathon, no one tells him that's an impossible goal; they all try their best to help him train and encourage him every step of the way! he isn't the butt of the joke, and even when reigen does try to tell him he's misreading things and the people he thinks are his friends aren't actually his friends, that is 1. proven not to be true, 2. not portrayed as a funny haha joke moment, and 3. reigen faces consequences for saying it. mob is autistic coded, and no one treats him any differently for it. it's just one of the many things that makes mob who he is, and no one dwells on it. and it's so nice to see a character who, in pretty much any other show, would be an awkward loner and a loser and an outcast, have so many real friends. mob isn't popular, he's awkward, he doesn't always read situations correctly, he's a middle school boy who has never fit in with his peers. but he has so many friends and so many people who care about him and maybe he's not the most popular boy at school but he has more real friends than tsubomi, who is clearly the most popular girl, and at the end of the day, popularity doesn't matter. being happy does, and mob is happy. like,, it's refreshing to see a school friend dynamic where there's a middle ground between "popular" and "social outcast" and it's also so nice to see a neurodivergent-coded character treated just like any other middle school kid in the show. he's no different because of his autism. it's just a character trait
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candyskiez · 2 months
Thinks about how genius it was to have Mogami arc and Separation arc happen right next to each other btw. This will be incoherent because I am sleepy.
It sets up how unfair it was to isolate Mob because we just saw how painful the isolation was for him. We also see how hard it is for him to step up and say no or defend himself at all.
Establishes "people need other people" right before Reigen loses the one person he has, realizes he has no friends, and has to realize people noticing him is what he really wanted. He needs people and no amount of fame or surface level shit is going to fill the void. He needs to let himself be known.
Has Mob realize sometimes people are just...awful, genuinely. But nobody is worthless. No one, no matter how bad, is worthless. Other people can be awful and still deserve to be saved. People can suck so fucking hard and it's not just spirits or something supernatural. Sometimes people are awful, even good people. This sets up him being able to go "No. How he's treating me is fucked up. He's treating me like shit. I'm not dealing with this." While also being able to accept that he wants to change.
Mob forms his own conclusions and opinions. Mob is making his own decisions now and is his own person.
The themes of change and how isolation and extreme trauma changes a person.
"I truly am blessed to have the people in my life" (paraphrasing) right before Reigen is a dick about his friends.
Mob comes out stronger than he's ever been and more convicted than ever. Reigens still Reigen. Contributes to Reigens realization *he's the one that never grew up.*
We see Mob grow and be able to accept that sometimes people suck and people also can change and be good, and also the themes align SO well (loneliness, how people change when they're in a terrible situation and what can bring out the worst in someone, people reaching rock bottom and reflecting on what led them there, realizing what they hadn't realized they'd been lucky to have until it was gone, community is what really matters) it's just. Do you get me. Do I make any sense. Guys. Gu
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hellolulu · 2 years
MAN Shigeo has grown.
[WARNING Another long post about Mob Psycho 100. Contains spoilers for s3 of the anime]
In season 1 any small situation was cause for a sudden +30% or more, and any danger immediately overwhelmed him and put him straight to 90%-100%. He was so easy to upset and anger, and we know that's because a. he's a teenage boy, b. he's not like the other kids, and c. he was always subconsciously trying not to feel anything, so as to not cause anyone any trouble. And anyone who has ever done this knows it is absolutely the best road to destruction.
Then in season 2 he started thinking more about himself - his place in the world and what he wanted. Accordingly, his % climbs (though still fast) were smaller, or at least took a longer time before hitting 100%. He had more control over his feelings but was still easily overwhelmed or swayed by the thoughts and feelings of others.
I think something that goes a little unnoticed is that during season 2, when he met Mogami, who was stronger than him and technically won their battle (but technically he gave up to Mob's ideals instead, which definitely impacted Mob's thought process of "I can help people by talking to them" which he never gives up on) - he learned an extremely interesting and unnoticed lesson from the guy; sure, he re-learned that he loves his friends, aw, but also, he learned that he of all people is easy prey to become an evil spirit - I think that's a big reason he spends the whole season considering his own feelings more, enough to argue with Reigen, based on Mogami's story, but I can talk about that in another post or this will get REALLY long. He also met that spirit family and realised some spirits just Live Here, which definitely pushed him to question his ideals on spirits and people blah blah (this happened before meeting Mogami, in case u need the refresh, and once again, I can talk about this in more detail another time).
He also met Suzuki senior in season 2, someone that he felt he could have an equal fight with. He enjoyed the fight, and finally got to have a feel for his powers. For a moment, he stopped ignoring the extent of them, truly feeling his powers out and letting them be destructive, even if only for one battle (the manga readers will understand my deeper meaning that the whole story is literally teaching him how to handle the final arc, anime watchers hold onto your hats - it's Good.) He was grinning and having fun, fighting someone that could match his energy (until he couldn't aha Suzuki senior loser moment) but when he remembered the people who needed him to protect them, he calmed himself down. And he really did!! Underrated Shigeo moment! He remembered his goals and he refocused himself toward them after being carried away by his feelings for much much longer than ever before!! Boss energy!
So in short, he spent the whole of season 2 questioning what his powers really mean to him, how much they are a part of him, and how despite them, he can live as a person just like everyone else. He's discovered that it is possible to be an esper and a person, and he goes into season 3 balancing these two sides of his life much better.
And now we already see in season 3 (there are only 5 episodes so far as of writing this) that Shigeo is not only able to think coherently about how he feels, and able to contemplate on much more complex, abstract thoughts, but he's also consciously able to choose how he wants to express them. He uses his powers in a new way through the season, moving and thinking at the same time, confident in his powers AND the way he wields them (the first instance of his gentle-but-powerful power show was probably during the end of the separation arc tbh, using it on all the cameras and such in front of a big crowd of people - able to show his powers in front of people, knowing with confidence that he's in control of them. Again, I can elaborate later).
And geez, the things he's encountering in this season would have made s1 Shigeo climb to 100% in a heartbeat - Hanazawa earnestly trying to fight him again despite being his close friend; everyone he knows being brainwashed in a way that leaves them intact but makes him their enemy; Dimple trying to push him to fight while also pulling his punches - the complexity of these situations are things s1 Shigeo definitely wouldn't know how to deal with: season 1 mob would be a mess. And WHEW, he would NOT have been able to calmly move past Ritsu getting brainwashed (regardless of Reigen's impact on him, s1 mob would have handled it much worse).
But s3 Shigeo is out there, consciously trying to understand the situations he's encountering, his own feelings, and the complex feelings of those around him, figuring it all out while he's in the moment. The extremely slow incline of 1% at a time again and again throughout this episode (s3e5), is so new to see, but it proves that he's got himself handled, and it's a true testament to his growth! He's in control of his own actions and feelings now, because he knows with confidence that he won't use his powers to hurt people unless he makes the conscious choice to - and he knows when it's appropriate to fight, to talk, and to run. He won't hurt people because he chooses peace.
Man, just, he's grown so much from the boy who was afraid of losing control at any given moment, and I'm really proud of him. That's one cool protagonist.
Side note: I cannot WAIT for the people who haven't read the manga to see what's coming in the rest of the season - it's incredible and I'm already losing my mind with excitement.
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halcified · 5 months
third mp100 post of the night but a theme i dont see discussed a lot online is just how fucking lonely these characters are
serizawa and reigen are easier obvious examples-- one was locked in his room for 15 years and the other is left without his middle schooler employee for a few days and is devastated socially, whereas its harder to remember that despite how fast mob collects people throughout the series, but mob started out alone
the mogami arc displays it best-- even when these characters have communities that support them, the isolation theyve dealt with (esp in regards to whatever allegory you want to apply to them, but most potently the autistic ones) stick with them. forever. they can still grow and change but its a part of them in a way that is never scoffed at or laughed away.
ritsu, shou, and teru... are never seen to have friends. acquaintances like kamuro or the awakening lab kids or each other-- but not Friends. its easy to assume they have people they hang out with that we (as the audience) never see but i think the themes of this show are so much more powerful when you consider it to Be purposeful
like, maybe the reason teru is never seen with the black vinegar gang kids or that girl he dated is less because of character development (because they couldve developed, too) but more because teru never really liked them and only wanted to appear more successful socially than he was. or the reason why shou is alone isnt because hes less involved in the narrative as everyone else but because he grew up in a violent group with kids who have only ever been treated like tools by his dad, or expected to be treated like tools by him. that maybe ritsu doesnt like tsubomi or reigen not because hes bitchy but because... hes a traumatized teenager who doesnt trust a lot of people
and obviously i could say more on each of them, but thats what makes the themes of community in this show so goddamn powerful-- theyre coming from characters who have either given up on connection or have never been given the opportunity to thrive within it. so when you see all of them celebrating together in the end, supporting each other... you believe that its possible, too
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lavendori · 1 year
mob psycho + ‘changed for good’
in this final arc of mob psycho, we are about to see the culmination of each character’s development upon meeting mob and getting to know him over the series. and actually, for all of season 3, everyone is getting their moment + closure, starting with dimple, then tome, then teru, and now suzuki fam + ritsu this week. each character gets a fitting conclusion that all ties back to how emotional connections in community, specifically with shigeo, change you for the better.
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ONE said mp100 began with the idea of “what would happen if a powerful esper was going through the woes of adolescence?” and BOY i have never seen anyone explore that theme as uniquely and hilariously as ONE has done. let’s take a look at the characters and where they were at in the beginning of the series.
like most good stories, we get to know mob out of order, with his past trauma with ritsu introduced slightly later in the early stages of the manga. instead we meet mob when he’s already working for reigen, at an age where puberty and psychosocial development starts to challenge shigeo and really shake his steely determination to keep a tight lid on ???%. here, we are immediately introduced to reigen, who’s obviously a fraud, dimple, who wants to be a god, & tsubomi, who seems to be the symbol of mob’s unattainable distant dream. this is the beginning of mob starting to lose control after a few years of trying to contain the storm inside him (yes, he and ritsu are TOTALLY like elsa and anna, but way more interesting).
for the first half of the series, as we mob continues to meet new people in this phase of his life, it becomes clear that everyone he encounters has an Opinion on how he should use his powers (except body improvement club lol, and tsubomi). some, like reigen and dimple (and to some milder extent, mezato and tome). reigen’s is obvious from the start: he’s been using mob to help him get more customers. dimple wants to use shigeo’s powers to become a god. tome wants to find aliens. mezato wants to make mob the god. teru, mogami, shou, & suzuki the older & co all had strong Opinions on how powers as strong as mob’s should be used, too.
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ritsu, as his lil bro, is a bit of a special case. he’s certainly always had Opinions on how those powers should be used, and he envied mob for it, developing an inferiority complex along the way. this is multiplied tenfold by the tension that stemmed from the traumatic event they shared. mob started withdrawing and trying to contain himself so he’ll never hurt ritsu again (elsa without locking herself up & speaking with no one lol) and ritsu Felt that. ritsu is an intuitive boy, he knows mob holds everything inside out of care and it’s hard to deal with because he can never be there for mob or interact with him like normal brothers who might occasionally have little fights. he definitely has a bit of a growth arc in s1, and today’s episode shows more of how that development has been actualized (more on that later.)
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in this entire final season, we see the culmination of where their development has led them now that they’ve all been impacted by mob. we see everyone recognize mob’s power for what it really is.
1) dimple gets his deepest ambition fulfilled and seizes his god moment but once he starts to grow more powerful, he realizes how important shigeo has become to him & that all along, he just wanted friends. he also recognizes mob’s powers more fully than before and acknowledges that it’s SO much to hold, and that being a god with that much is actually pretty costly!
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(spoiler alert but this is also what shou and his dad realize too!)
2) tome was serious about starting telepathy club to find supernatural beings but she also feared disappointment & felt bad for dragging others along. she convinced mob to stick around the telepathy club (sorta), dragged him out a couple times to find other espers, but given how her friends sometimes still don’t take her seriously, she had some underlying fears about wasting everyone’s time. in the end, for her, she got to have her exploration day and learned through that adventure that it was about the friends she made along the way— right before her wish to meet aliens actually came true.
3) teru started out as an arrogant prick whose confidence was built on his powers & he never really saw harm in using them to subdue others because he also enjoyed the social power/control it came with. mob exposed the insecurities beneath all that and pinpointed teru’s overcompensation due to his fear of being weaker than others. through that first battle, mob taught him that he’s no more special than anyone else, and to accept himself without powers. that was a huge growth arc of course, but during the middle of the series, he still saw himself as inferior and wanted to reach mob’s level and be worthy of calling him a rival. teru recognized his weakness in comparison to mob, but therefore it seemed like he kinda idolized mob for that sheer power (that “you’re amazing” line even when brainwashed :’) lol.) the reason he said “i win this time” after facing ???% & getting his ass kicked is bc he won philosophically. last time, mob’s moral ground of not hurting others & not relying on psychic powers for self-worth won by a landslide. for teru, acknowledging his commoner-ness was humiliating defeat. this time though, with the same hilarious conditions of fighting mob until he’s naked & bald, teru’s determination to not harm others stayed strong, even making sure to put barriers around the citizens. (funnily enough, he also adds the line that “it’s okay if people laugh at you” LMAO. rip teru always getting humiliated.) he thus truly recognizes mob’s commoner-ness too, in parallel with mob’s sheer power, & ends the series content that he can call mob his rival.
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4) RITSU and his inferiority complex. as mentioned before, ritsu always struggled with living under the shadow of his extremely powerful brother. he never felt like he could compete or even BE THERE to understand mob and his burdens. secretly, despite everything he said in his lil rebellious arc, he’s always wanted to be strong enough to shoulder the weight of that overwhelming power with mob. now that he’s gotten powers and has been using/practicing them, his big culmination of his arc gets realized when he is able to face, without fear, the ???% side of mob that has been repressed this whole time: “I was seeking psychic powers for the sake of this moment.” this moment being that he is now unafraid to compete with mob and listen to him, which means he finally has the capacity to use his power to help shoulder his brother’s emotions.
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5) REIGEN. now this one deserves its own post. even if mob has a lot of important people in his life as a character, as far as mob psycho 100 AS A SERIES goes, reigen is definitely the deuteragonist and the second most important development of this entire manga, so there is A LOT to say about his arc, as the whole story basically is about reigen’s and mob’s influence on each other. but. for now i will keep it brief.
why is reigen always the last line of defense for mob? after everyone got brainwashed, mob didn’t fully go Dark until reigen also got affected. at the end of fighting ritsu, ???% says that NOTHING can stop him, followed by a shot of reigen pulling up. when we think back to the beginning of mp100, the whole story of mob’s growth into adolescence starts with him being used by reigen. as much as reigen cares about his success + money, he finds himself deeply impacted by mob and his pure earnestness to be a good person. all along, reigen’s hated his real self, knowing he’s got a terrible character (and ironically, as reflected in his own fears, is kind of cockroach-like).
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when he finally sees everything mob’s been holding inside, how all that destruction is basically caused by HIS OWN LIES, it’s a huge wake up call that his treatment of mob has real consequences, and he needs to take responsibility for it. over the course of the series, we’ve seen him grow into caring for mob and putting his own selfish desires aside to spare mob from any further harm. but this lie, the first one he started their mentorship with, is the most dangerous one he needs to make right.
so he goes after mob, despite not having any powers. he lets himself get buffeted and pushed around by ???% (and ironically, since he doesn’t have psychic powers, ???% can’t absorb them from him lol).
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and the most beautiful thing after seeing how much reigen despises himself, is that he finally comes clean to mob and becomes utterly vulnerable at his wake.
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and at long last he tells mob that regardless of all of that, he has the freedom to accept himself. he doesn’t need reigen at all anymore.
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and although ???% came out due to his overwhelming desire to confess to tsubomi in the wake of shigeo going unconscious, the ultimate thing that he wanted was to be accepted - not by tsubomi, but by mob himself. reigen assumes responsibility and forcibly removes it from mob’s shoulders, allowing mob and ???% to be able to merge peacefully together.
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hootpoop12 · 11 months
Random Mob thought:
Season 2 has a couple things that "contradicts" things from season one that I like. In season one Reigen scolds all the adult espers and we get that iconic scene about the cursed katana guy saying he had a rough childhood. It's played off as a joke because "nice motive still murder" which is absolutely true but in the Mogami arc that narrative is taken much more seriously because at the end of the day having a rough childhood/life and it affecting the way you perceived life is extremely real. It's uncomfortable but it's not totally the person fault for being like that. Mob and Reigen get to preach about "the right way" because they were legitimately lucky in life.
The other thing is that Reigen told Mob to run away at the end of season one because he's a kid and bears no responsibility which is true. In season 2 we see with the fight with Touichirou that mob twists that man like a wet rag because a huge part of season 2 is about mob considering his feelings more and standing up for himself. You can't just always run away or be a door mat.
Like, the whole point is that it's all not so much as contradicting because they're all legitimate world views. I don't think it was One accidentally going against stuff he established because the comic is about how the world is filled with different perspective and views of things. Two opposing views doesn't necessarily mean one is wrong there's a balance. One also mentions that Reigen isn't there to teach mob the "right" view but to more teach him the ability to choose what's right for himself. Mob is thankful that Reigen points out the option of running away in season one but I love in season two we see Mob choosing the other option of staying and fighting of his own volition because mob is finally able to start to decide those things for himself without Reigen.
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mobofficial · 1 year
what can i say about mogami keiji that has not already been said !!!!!!!!!!!! he serves as a really well written foil to mob and introduces concepts and ideas that- while he does execute to the extreme due to his inability to accept change or offer chances of redemption instead of teaching permanent lessons- do hold some valid points muddled within his whole nihilism deal that resonate within mob and are important to the story actually.
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like this is really interesting!!!! granted mogami keiji is hyperblasting projections onto mob due to the way he lived in life as a victim of circumstance compared to mob who had people who loved him to fall back onto struggling with slightly similar gripes surrounding his psychic powers that mogami is insane about but he does sort of make a point here.
whether mob really realizes it or not despite his attempts to live as psychic power free as possible when it comes to his interpersonal relationships they DO have an effect on his life and mentality. subconsciously he does have a last resort when it comes to solving his problems and the mogami arc really focuses in on mob learning to embrace this part of him that others have chosen to show kindness to. while having psychic powers doesn't make you more or less special and doesn't determine your worth circumstances can change how prominent or significant it is in your life. leading back to the message about how others who love you unconditionally will love every part of you and embrace them as a core part of you rather than see them as obstacles or things to be wary of.
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also really interesting is how. genuinely sad mogami's worldview is. for all we know this might not even be the case and spirit powerscaling could rely on something completely different emotional response or not but the way mogami turns completely towards stress and negative emotions being the cause for immense spiritual power using himself as an analogy has a lot to say about how miserable he is.
a big chunk of mogami arc is focusing on how stewing in all the negative aspects of the world and refusing to embrace change makes you. a sad person. life is about living girlies and making attempts to heal and be vulnerable and honest to others to form emotional connection is something difficult but brave. and to value the connections already established in our lives is something to be grateful about and cherish
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lot to say about mogami keiji being a victim of circumstance and his unbridled pessimism taking over both his life and afterlife until he starts to pursue settling grudges as a way of self validation and gratification under the guise of vengeance but what i will say is that though bad people exist in this world good people do too and to cherish those who treat you kindly will do you many favors
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love you mob psycho forever and always. anyways uhh uhhhh your qualities don't make you special or determine your worth but they do impact how you live your life and the connections you make with other people both positively and negatively. and it's important to cherish people who accept these qualities as parts of you and embrace you as a whole because i don't know go live laugh love
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mangysah · 6 months
one part of me is a bit upset that mogami arc isn’t recognized in full ever again and we don’t get to see anyone bring it up even though it’s like definitely traumatizing and can be talked about in one way or the other, but the other part of me is also upset that people seem to not understand the full significance of the arc and chalk it up to “mob sad boy forever…” instead of the fact that bc of this arc he is so grateful for his actual life and the people he’s surrounded himself with
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bandtrees · 1 year
my opinion on the manga-to-anime mogami arc adaptation changes depending on who im talking to. when it’s people who lament them getting rid of the more brutal parts i have my whole speech about how mogami shouldn’t be this cartoonishly violent strawman who just wants to play dirty and an important part of his character is that, while he’s wrong, he has genuine points that mob needs to hear that help further his development through the season and that’s better expressed when mogamiland is more down to earth and realistic and not just senselessly brutal and knife twisting
however when it’s people who discredit the arc just because of its darker tone and because bad things happen to mob i just go like “YOU KNOW WHAT? THEY SHOULDV KILLED TWO CATS”
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scribefindegil · 1 year
god. i’m still real fucked up over Manga Mogami Arc, and not for any of the reasons people warned me about. like, Mogami’s world ramps up the violence above what they could show in the anime (which, thanks Bones, I personally could not have handled watching that so I’m glad they toned it down), but that makes sense for him. he’s a powerful evil spirit who’s created a hell dimension. it’s brutal, but it isn’t unexpected.
what got me was what happened before that.
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[Image ID: A partial page from the Mob Psycho 100 manga. Panel 1: A psychic picks up an ornate staff and says, “So she beats us to death, one by one ... or we beat on her, all together.” Panel 2: Another psychic, sweating, asks, “You really think the client would agree to that ...?” Panel 3: A closeup of the first psychic, veins bulging and eyes narrowed. He says, “The client is currently bleeding out on the floor. Open your eyes. This is no time for questions about morals and ethics ...” Panel 4: Dialogue continues, “It’s looking more like ... kill or be killed.” The crowd of psychics looks distraught. Panel 5: Reigen, with a horrified expression, thinks “Things were already bad, but ...” End ID]
So for those of you who haven’t read the manga, there’s a point after Mogami has trapped everyone in the basement and revealed the extent of his power where some of the other psychics decide that their best strategy for getting out of this situation is murder! Cool! (Does someone point out that Mogami’s spirit has already jumped into a different vessel and there’s nothing to stop him from doing it again? Yes! Does this give them pause? No!)
I think this is really interesting, because in the anime the real threat in this arc always comes from Mogami himself, even if it’s enacted through his spirits in the mindscape. But in the manga there’s this part that still takes place in the real world, with regular people who aren’t being controlled or possessed, and because their lives are in danger they’re willing to try to kill a middle-school girl to save themselves. Mogami must have been so chuffed. Here are these people all ready to prove his point about the darkness at the heart of human nature and how no one really cares about anyone but themselves, and he hardly even put them up to it! It reminds me of the part with the astral projection stalker, where it’s one thing to see this kind of behavior from an evil spirit, but it hits harder when it comes from living humans.
Also really important to note that they got this idea because of Reigen. Obviously he was not encouraging murder! But it was his successful knee-strike exorcism of Jodo that gave the other psychics the idea that they could defeat Mogami by doing physical violence to his host.
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[Image ID: Jodo lies unconscious on the floor. Someone says, “You saw what just happened. Jodo was possessed ... but that dude’s kick took him down! We can try the same thing against her.” End ID]
And Reigen can tell that he won’t be able to talk them out of it! He freezes up! It’s Shinra who, very bravely and very stupidly, runs forward and tries to stop them and gets his face bashed in for it (i’m not screencapping this because it makes me too upset).
It just. It’s already so much in the anime when Mob refuses to accept Mogami’s worldview after six months in his world. It’s even more when the last things he experienced in the real world were so bleak. But he’s so, so brave and so, so stubborn, and he’s willing to believe that all those people deserve the chance to change too.
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quirkle2 · 4 hours
love your mogami arc thoughts… do you think there’s a parallel between the irrationality of mogami’s actions and how ritsu acts in big cleanup arc? Like neither of them make sense really but it doesn’t have to because it’s an expression of deep seated stress and guilt
it took a couple of watches for me to actually Get cleanup arc, but i do think clean up arc makes sense. maybe not from a logical point of view, but given ritsu's history of trauma and perfectionism, pressure to never act out or upset his brother for obvious reasons, and desperation for control in his own life, i think ritsu's actions made sense. they were Terrible actions, and they definitely go against the logic and hindsight of an outsider's perspective, but it was all the result of that stress and guilt and secretive hatred toward an aspect of his brother that caused it, and maybe a little bit of grief for a sibling relationship he wishes was still intact
u make a rly interesting point tho, bc Yeah, on your first watch, neither of these guys make sense to you. at least they didn't for me. i understood part of ritsu's reasonings at the beginning, but it sorta delved into... quoting ritsu, "violence for the sake of violence." and honestly??? i don't know Why ritsu's arc is sm more compelling to me than mogami's, bc rly, they're very similar in that way
at least it seems that way? im,,, honestly convinced the exposition for mogami arc was just,, rushed, or incomplete for whatever reason, bc it feels So Close to making sense, but it's just missing a couple of pieces. ritsu's arc has more substance to it, i think. i believe the biggest difference here is that mogami blamed other people for his misfortune, and didn't see anything wrong w what he was doing. ritsu made no such excuses. he Knew what he was doing was wrong, and he kept doing it. and that, to me, is Fascinating
even ritsu's "violence for the sake of violence" motive makes some sort of sense to me. he said it himself: "i was just tired of being myself. maybe i wanted to find out what it would feel like to be a fool." when u break it down, it's him exploring.... other options. until 7th division arc, he's of the mindset that if he had psychic powers he'd be Better, in all aspects, that he's nothing without psychic powers. he puts his entire identity and self-worth on having the abilities of an ESPer
now that he has them, he feels limitless, he feels unstoppable. he's so tired of being himself, of being perfect, of being the well-behaved younger brother w perfect grades and perfect attitude (bc let's face it, he's definitely a gifted kid, and gifted kids tend to develop habits of perfectionism, and eventually become exhausted). so he switches tactics, to find out what it would feel like to be a fool.
i honestly think cutting mogami's messy backstory and making him "evil" for the sake of being "evil" woulda been better. im sure not everyone agrees w me on that, and i can absolutely see why, but sometimes simple is "better" (imo). an underdeveloped villain is better, to Me, than a villain that is trying too hard to have a compelling motive. mogami's character feels like it is trying too hard, and branching out in too many directions, and it ends up just feeling,, stretched thin
i like shimazaki more than mogami. hell, i like shimazaki more than Any of the villains, and we all Know it's not because he has a good backstory (or one at all). he's not even very compelling to me, i just think he's cool, and i'll forever be stoked about how they let a character use teleportation powers right for once. sometimes simple is better
i'm not a fan of any of mob psycho's other villains, but they serve their purpose, and yaknow what, mogami serves his. i think seeing him as an "unreliable narrator" instead is a rly fun way of looking at it
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candyskiez · 17 days
What gets me about Mogami arc is that it would've been so easy to say that Minori was being mind controlled and that she wasn't actually like that. That's what I was fully expecting to happen. But the fact that she IS like that is both way, way more interesting and also way more fitting with the themes. Like if they'd gone "Nobody is worthless and the idea that you are allowed to decide who lives and who dies or who is beyond redemption is fucked up. You do not decide other people's worth. You do not decide if people are capable of change." but then had Minori being actually really nice, that wouldn't have had nearly as much impact.
Because sometimes people are fucking awful! Sometimes people do horrible, fucked up things for selfish reasons that you would have every right to never forgive them for! And you still don't get to decide if they deserve to die for it, because you do not have the right to decide what someone's life is worth. Community means community for everyone, even people you despise. You can decide to never see someone again, like Mob did with Minori, but you do not get to decide if they should lose everything for it. Because that is a dangerous mindset to have.
And Minori actually realizing the consequences of what she was like and all she could say was sorry, knowing it wasn't nearly enough? That shit was devastating. She knew an apology wasn't nearly enough. But what else could she say? He just saved her life after she'd been horrible to him. And it's not about if Minori deserves forgiveness. It's about the fact it's better for her to be one more person trying to do good than for everyone she met to suddenly be grieving. It's about the fact that now one more person is trying to put good into the world, and might help more people, and might end up becoming a good person. It's not about if she deserves it. It's about the fact debating whether or not someone deserves forgiveness doesn't help. Pretty much everyone has someone who views them as not deserving to be saved, so the whole "punish everyone who does something bad" idea becomes even more dangerous when you take that into account.
I really like how MP100 handles it because it isn't about whether or not Minori deserved forgiveness, it's about the fact that the idea that there's a point where your life stops mattering because you've done enough shitty things is really messed up, and ultimately encourages people to stop trying to change at ALL (as we see in separation arc. God the way this story is structured is ridiculously good.) It's better for there to be one more person trying to do good than for yet another loss that will have massive collateral damage. It's better to trust that people can be good, even if you never want to see them again.
I feel like one of the reasons this arc gets me so hard is because it essentially shows Why someone would be pushed to behave like how we see Mob start to. Of course you'd stop holding back and being kind to people if you weren't given a reason to believe it'd work out. Of course you'd become jaded. Of course you'd turn out like that. It puts you in that situation and makes you *get it*, and goes "Horrible things will happen and it will make you feel like there's no point being good, because it will only blow up in your face. But doing that will only hurt more people. You will only become someone else's reason for giving up. Keep going. There are things that are worth trying again for." And I want to bite a wall over it.
I don't have the words to explain it right now but like. I also feel like if Mogami was a pure evil villain it wouldn't have felt as hopeless. I don't know how to explain it. I really want to explain it but I don't have the energy right now. Do you get what I mean. Help.
This is incoherent because I have had A Day, but. Mogami arc good. Have I mentioned Mogami Arc good yet. I love mogami arc guys .
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dykeyaoi · 1 year
I love love thinking about auras and psychics-- to what extent do we think they're hereditary? it seems common knowledge to little Mob that Ritsu will someday get powers too. when he does, the Kageyamas' colors are almost the same, they just emphasize different ones. their textures are different but I think that's all personality-based. we can look at Teru and Toichiro for some pretty potent examples of that.
I want to believe that color can change short- or long-term depending on what happens in your life because if you look at Claw, the VAST majority of those guys have red and/or purple in theirs, which are apparently the Evil Colors. but what my brain does with Serizawa and maybe the show does too is make him a LOT more purple-- the Less Evil color-- after he starts working at S&S. Ritsu's aura typically has more blue in it than Mob's, but if he's really stressed out, more purple seeps in. because he knows his brother would be powerful enough to handle the situation? because he wants to protect Shige? Shou's aura is much more red when he's with his dad during the Confession Arc than when he's emotionally fighting him in the Seventh Division & physically fighting him in World Domination. when a character's REALLY emotional, the range of their color expands-- see: Mob 100 % (adds green and red), Shou fighting Toichiro with his charge bomb (goes much heavier on and a little farther to the yellow side than usual), Ritsu 100% (adds red and green). so if color is circumstantial as well as familial, it'd make sense that texture is solely personality-based.
but how are psychics themselves inherited? do Mom & Dad Kageyama have latent abilities? is Teru's family super strong? it wouldn't make a ton of sense for him to think he's so special if his parent(s) were as powerful as he was. why the hell is Mob SO cracked when Ritsu is the weakest of the main four kids (though this could be an issue with the fact that he hasn't had his powers available for very long)? why was Shige able to reach ???% even before suppressing his emotions? Mogami and Teru and Mob, probably Shou too, have been able to use their powers since birth. what determines whether you can do that, or have to have them awakened?
Teru is infamous for his tendency to pick up psychic techniques like pebbles from a creek. he makes the air whips and telekinetic explosion his own after only seeing each once. but he never seems to get the hang of Shimazaki's teleportation. some ESPers like the Awakening Lab kids can only use one or two techniques because they're not super powerful, but Minegishi & Matsuo don't exactly seem to have any aces up their sleeves either. is that by choice? are their powers simply of another category that no one (except Mob and spirits) can figure them out?
we've only ever seen Shige and Toichiro share their powers with non-ESPers. my guess is that you have to be insanely strong to do that, with enough psychics to spare that your own body/mind don't even care that they're missing. what I'm interested in is the fact that Mob didn't do it on purpose, and that he seemingly gave EVERYTHING to Reigen. that part has to be more trust than anything, right? I have so many questions but it's the most fun thing in the world to speculate.
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isa-ah · 2 months
What's your favorite mp100 episode and why?
oh this is HARD. my favorite small, contained arc is around that family of spirits that mob refuses to exorcise. it sucker punches me every time i watch that interaction. that said, that’s a very small part of the actual episode… mogami arc is a given as good. & i really enjoy the divine tree arc a LOT! it might be my favorite? and confessions arc too bc plural mob makes me crazy. the first time i saw the literal headspace and two of them talking within it… we have never gotten to FEEL that before.
but then there’s the ramp up to the end of s2 where mobs unconscious getting tossed around and protected by different people and that’s a FANTASTIC bit. from his shoe popping off to a moment of ekubo mob and reigen, to like, musashi telling him how inspiring he is.. it’s just so good. you love to see it lol
if i had to narrow it down to one arc, i’d say divine tree. if it had to be one EPISODE… the teru and dimple fights happen in the same episode right? that one…
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