#(i DO listen while stoned but i do that all the time and it doesnt usually cause issues this bad)
ratbastarddotfuck · 1 year
I bet The Town Whispers would be a great podcast if I could just focus on it for more than 30 seconds at a time
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axelsagewrites · 2 months
Hey, how are you? Do you accept request for Otto Hightower?
I wanted something for "marrying Otto Hightower and being the younger sister of the late Queen Aemma Targaryen." Aemma's sister came to court her lost, however, things go wrong and Aemma ends up passing away and her baby also dies hours later. Otto Hightower, widower, hand of the King, with no heir (here, Otto and his first wife had no children, so Alicent was not born yet) and with the stain of his wife's terrible reputation hanging over him, Otto needs a second wife. What happens when he finds himself attracted to the late queen's sister?
Come on, it's supposed to be something light, where Otto doesn't have all that sick ambition to see his blood burning on the throne and having true friendship and loyalty towards Viserys and, of course, having sincere devotion and love for his dear wife. I hope this request reaches you well ❤️ (If I made you uncomfortable, let me know, i'm sorry)
Otto Hightower*My Honour
Pairing: otto x targ!f!reader
Word count: 1628
Warnings: mentions Aemma and her sons death, grief, praying to cope, angst
A/n: alicent doesnt exist in this one
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Often times you wondered if staying in kings landing was worth it. it was here you lost your sister and nephew not to mention all the previous children she had to mourn and never hold. You had come a week prior to her labour and eventual death to help but after you felt useless. Perhaps if Rhanerya had not begged you to stay you would have left these haunted halls. After all she was only eight when her mother died.
It was hard to even walk through the halls most days. Every stone, every path, every flower a reminder of her. the sting only grew deeper when Baelon died. A son, an heir, all for what?
You could see the grief etched into Viserys’ face but that did little to comfort you. It was hard to even look at the man you previously considered like a brother. most days the only one you spoke to was Rhanerya.
If people said hello in the halls, you bowed your head and smiled and walked on. When they approached with sympathies during dinners you did the same. Very few words escaped your lips especially since each greeting was met with a sorry look from the lords and ladies who didn’t even truly know your sister enough to mourn her. You weren’t the only one to have suffered a loss recently, however.
On your near daily trips to the sept to pray for your sister, nephew, and niece, you would see Otto Hightower deep in thought. He’d come to Kings Landing with his wife a few years ago to serve Viserys however she had died only weeks earlier.
You’d met her only once and while she was kind enough, she was not the typical wife of a lord.  She tended to walk a fine line of what was acceptable at court and if the rumours and what daemon himself had told you see it was rare that her husband was the one to share her bed.
The marriage had been arranged, like they all are. You understood his position. You had tried to love your first husband though you did not cry when he fell out the moon door during a joust. Still, you mourned like Otto did. Now even more so.
This morning was like all others. You ate with Rhanerya, helped ready her for her lessons, then walked to the sept. however, as you walked something different happened. “Good morning my lady,” Otto greeted as he caught up behind you.
You jumped a little having not heard his soft footsteps. “My lord, sorry I did not see you,”
“It is quite alright. The fault is mine,” he gave a tight-lipped smile you’d seen a few times from him. “Good day my lady,”
Otto went to increase his pace, assuming your silence was a want for absence, but you found yourself no longer able to be quiet, “My lord,” you called. Otto paused, turning to listen, “Would you care to walk to the sept with me this morning?”
A small smile quirked on his lips, “It would be a joy my lady,”
Each morning from then he would join you on your way to and from the sept. at first no words were spoken. Then only a few. Never about death though. It was refreshing as selfish as it sounded. A time when you didn’t have to think of those you lost. Soon it was hard to end the conversation.
“You must ride on the back of her one time. You’ll get to see all the fun,” you laughed after recounting a story of your dragon’s adventures.
Otto laughed but you could see a little green in his skin, “No I think my feet shall remain firmly on the ground, but your offer is very kind my lady,”
As you arrived the sept a small smile found its way on your lips, “You don’t have to call me that. I have a name you know?”
“Really?” he teased, “I must’ve forgotten it,” you rolled your eyes, feigning shock and ignorance as you told him your name like it was a scandal, “What a beautiful name. much better than a name like Otto,”
“You’re so right. Only a cruel person would name their son Otto,” you teased before quickly hiding your smiles when the septas walked out.
As you were both leaving the sept Otto was inspired by your previous affection to return the same, “It may not be as exciting as a dragon but perhaps you would like to join me one night for dinner?”
You stayed silent for a moment as you walked and Otto could feel the sweat gathering on his forehead, “Would this be one of your dinners with the king and other lords or a private affair?”
“Which ever you preferred,” he said, swallowing hard.
A small smile on your lips put him at ease, “I’m free tonight,”
Soon you were laughing in the halls again. Stopping to talk to people again. Having conversations again. Viserys took joy in this, glad to finally see you back to your previous state. Though he could not help being sceptical of Otto.
He trusted him with his life, but he did not know if he could trust him with yours, “Have you seen much of my wife’s sister of late?” he asked one night after all the other lords had left the high council meeting.
Otto swallowed the lump in his throat, “No more than usual. Why my king?”
“No reason. Her condition seems much improved as of late,” he mused, watching his friend’s reaction carefully.
“Grief is a wild beast,” Otto said, revealing as little as he could.
Viserys however needed to know more, “My wife made me swear when we married. ‘if we become family then mine becomes yours and yours becomes mine’. Ever since I’ve seen her as a sister figure of sorts.”
“You’re very kind to her your grace,” Otto shifted in his chair.
Viserys sat back in his, “I’ve had a few lords ask me about her hand since her fathers and husbands passing you know?” Otto went stiff, “all arrogant, obnoxious lords, Aemma didn’t even like when she was alive,”
“She was always a good judge of character,”
“I like to think I am as well,” Otto went to speak but Viserys didn’t stop talking, “I imagine the offers will stop when the rumours spread further,”
“What rumours- “
“Please Otto I am not blind!” Viserys almost barked making Otto go still, “if your attentions are anything but pure, if you think you can use her as something to breed-“ Viserys tirade went on though if anyone else was in the room you’d see his guilt was wrapped in the speech, “then you have lost your mind. She is not something for me to sell, I wont do it, I wont let history repeat. So Otto I swear to whatever gods may exist don’t think I will not replace you,”
The room went eerily silent and was only broken after Otto painfully cleared his throat, “I would like an heir yes however,” he spoke up quickly when he saw Viserys face harden, “However it is not my main desire. I wish to marry, marry someone I care deeply for, someone who I picked and who picked me in return, and to have a child, a child as beautiful as your own daughter who I could bond with like you have. I wish for a family Viserys but only with her. and if she does not want me then I shall leave her be. I don’t wish to cause more harm,”
The hardness washed off the kings face, “If she does not want you? Have you not been courting her?”
“Not officially your grace. The topic it hasn’t came up,”
“What do you even do?”
“We talk,”
“Yes. Talk,” he said, shuffling forward to gossip like they did when they were younger, “about anything and everything. About the flowers in the gardens and historical figures. Or the moon the night before or the sunrise that morning. We talk and talk and the conversation never dries up. She is charming and witty and more brilliant than any man- any person I’ve ever met,”
Viserys sat silently for a few moments, “You love her?” his words made Otto pause.
“I do. Even if she does not love me,”
“Then I think its about time you find out if she does,”
The walk around the castle gardens was only made better by Otto’s company. He listened as you told him about Rhanerya’s improvement in needle work and what you’d seen on your recent flights. However, his mind seemed to be wondering with each word. “Are you alright my lord?”
Your words snapped him from his thoughts and his mouth had never felt dryer, “May I ask you a question my lady?”
“You just did,” you teased, something he’d usually roll his eyes at, “but I will allow another,”
You expected a joust back but instead he took a deep breath making you pause in your tracks, “I was wondering if you’d attend the king’s birthday celebration with me?”
“I already told you I was going?” you said, head tilted to the side in confusion.
Otto took another deep breath. There was no going back, “I’m not asking if you are going. I’m asking if when we both attend, we attend together. As a couple if you will,” he stayed silent waiting for your response.
The blank look on your face made him panic but a small smirk slowly crept on your face, “Are you asking to court me lord Otto Hightower?”
“I suppose I am,” the smile returned to his lips.
“Then it would be my honour,”
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ganondoodle · 3 months
so, doing this as an extra post bc i dont want to spam op nor invite more disaster into their post (sorry)
(i get annoyed, i get frustrated, but i rarely get pissed off, so if this sounds aggressive to you, it is; i have had enough of arguing with people -even if most of that arguing has happened on twitter-)
someone had replied (and later apparently deleted) something along the lines of "well zelda wanted to restore hyrule at the end of botw and what is so bad about ganondorf always being the bad guy in the way that he is?"
so first off, while i know hyrule and KINGDOM of hyrule is often used as an equally interchangeable word to refer to the world there, i dont think she meant the kingdom or its or its monarchy when she said that (does she? i dont have the end in my head rn and pretty sure its a lil different than english anyway) and much more the LAND of hyrule, its still in shambles even if people have found ways to live with it- that is an interpretation of me mostly, you can think what you want in that regard idc
secondly .... im not gonna get into that rant bc you cannot be seriosuly asking what is bad about how ganondorf is presented, treated in the games (espeically in totk) and his role and "writing" (oh geez i dont know maybe all the racism and stereotypes?? also, frankly boring ass writing, if your villain can be replaced by a cloud of toxic goo incapable of speech and nothing would change except saving money for voice actors that dont fit the role that is not a great look- hes never gotten much but totk is a new low)
then theres this reply
astro-shark3113 replied: "You're kidding right? If she cared about reinstating the monarchy then why is the castle still in disrepair after five years? Why does she become a teacher and live in a cottage with her boyfriend instead of taking on duties as princess? She clearly wants to help people and be a leader but she can do that without wanting to be a Queen. Please be real"
i am not kidding and i AM being real, i think you need to look at the game without your rose tinted glasses for a second; the castle is still in ruin? what the hell do you expect, theres no soldiers and very few servants left, repairing anything is quite impossible in that time and frankly not a priority (not proof of her not caring lol) also there is a plan for it at the very least given the camps with the hyrule crest all over it in the ruins of castle town- we dont SEE her as a teacher, or living a "normal" life, that happens in between the game, its flavor text, what HAPPENS in the game is her being taught a lessson on who she needs to be and what hyrule needs to be (pretty in your face too, she gets sent to paradise past of the "first" king that is some supposedly godly thing from the HEAVENS and watches him and his queen die at the hands of the eviiil guy, the last scene in the game mimics perfectly the scene where everyone that god king got under his rule swears undying loyalty to her ffs); she does live in that house, but what other option is there, set up camp in the collapsing throne room all alone?? nigh everyone from that time is long dead and the only one she actually knows is link who happens to have a house (bc impa doesnt care i guess idk), with her ""boyfriend"" is also interesting, a "boyfriend" that apparently is locked in the basement, lives in the woods or straight up dematerlializes when theres no big bad in need of stabbing bc why the hell does no one fucking know him in hateno??? not even the kids that come to the house EVERY SINGLE DAY?? and taking on duties as a princess, she very much does? just bc she doesnt get physically carried around in a castle doesnt mean she isnt doing royal stuff (also, again, that happens BETWEEN the games, not actually in totk), she still sees herself as the princess, everyone calls her that, she herself calls herself that (if the memorial stones are anything to go by) and everyone listens to the most overtly stupid and nonsensical stuff that zelda puppet says (even her friends follow that order without even asking back???) after over 100 years of there not being a kingdom as such its pretty weird how everyone immediately, even the ones not alive for the calamity event, snaps into blindly following her orders
"she can still lead without being a queen", did we play the same game?? totk? TEARS of the KINGDOM?? (its zeldas tears, she IS the kingdom) that game?? the game couldnt be more directly telling you that its whole point is that royal family holy and good and how much everyone has to sacrifice to uphold the holy kingdom bc its the only thing that keeps evil man from overtaking it!! including turnign herself into a farmable, glorified stone pedestal for the entirety of the actual game and then that sacrifice not meanign shit bc she just gets deus ex machina'd back (i didnt need her to stay a dragon, though it would have been the better choice if she still didnt get an active part in the game i would kill for her to have been a capable companion instead of the stupid ghost sages, and you dont even get to actually do anything for it, it just happens), not even the nuclear pebble is lost, how great! she and everyone else that is a leader of their people has a nuclear pebble now!! they will not let a bad evil man be a threat ever again!! like the point to bring her back in that utterly unsatisfying way is that otherwise the royal line wouldnt exist anymore, its a blessing of her ancient ancestors!! woohooo!!
and the thing is, i LIKE botw zelda, i liked her character, that she wasnt the typically maiden princessy type, her struggle (even if i find the way she unlocked her powers lame), i do NOT like totk zelda, after the intro of the game she is a princessy maiden standing prettily at the side of the god king that rules the only thing keeping evil at bay, the level of how much totk disrespects her makes me mad on her behalf but i have ranted about that alone enough as well
and with this i am DONE talking about this game, i have ranted so much about it, made my points carefully clear over and over, said that i dont have the nerves left to be nice anymore about it given how much shit alone on twitter i had to live through just bc i dared mildly critisizing the damn game, if you comment some snarky "be real" thing again im just gonna go straight to blockign people bc i am done with this
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Can I get E, F, I, and W for the slenderman fluff alphabet, please? Your take on my favorite pasta cryptid of all time is so nice and interesting. Adds a certain depth I don't typically see.
Fluff Alphabet w/ Slenderman but it's these letters!
side thing but guys go listen to redoin by jerryterry its so fucking good im listening to it on loop while im writing this and its making my vibrate
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stone cold exterior, warm squishy interior. still hung up on the "slenderman longs for companionship just like everyone else but rarely gets that need met due to his nature and way of existence"
in other words he can be a passionate sap in regards to you, behind closed doors. he can wrapped up easily in things, so sometimes his passion can be mischaracterized as rage or annoyance but rest assured he's not angry with your existence
right in the middle of the "heart on the sleeve" and "cold and distant" thing, he feels he needs to keep up his image of powerful monster but he doesn't let you think at any moment that you're not important to him
i don't think he would want kids, and thats assuming he even can. in my au he was created by zalgo with the sole purpose to cause problems for people, i dont think zalgo was thinking about whether or not slenderman can reproduce when he making him
of course adoption is always an option, and who knows, maybe if you guys find some stray kid in the woods he might just take them in
this is where my take on slenderman strays a lot from the original since i personally think slenderman just. kicks kids out of the woods (which leads to them talking about him, which leads to slenderman being a known cryptid in universe) but thats mostly just me not wanting to dwell on child death + giving the dude some level of morals that at least somewhat align with the self loathing that comes with his "i dont want to eat people but i have to in order to survive" thing
but hey i think thats because i love those comics where people draw predator and prey animals where both sides are sympathetic
love shit like that
slenderman is only one part of this huge web that we call nature, simply existing because that's just how things are
whips and nae naes
rest assured that he will tear the world apart should someone or something ever send harm your way. god forbid you are mortally wounded or even killed
he knows some basic first aid stuff thanks to watching people for so so so long, but he's a kriller not a healer, he doesnt know what to do if youre losing a bunch of that red liquid that fuels your insides
oddly calm about it, though, though with the way he holds you you can feel his rage seething under his skin
he himself /can/ get injured but its rarely something to fret about unless its like, from some real powerful person or some human who knows how to take down a specific man eating forest demon; i've actually never really thought about what conditions would need to be met to outright krill slenderman but
when he's the one hurt he insists you not to worry, it's going to take a LOT to keep him down
if you're injured and its something he can treat he will make sure you take it easy but hes not going to baby you about it
okay so im writing this segment first because i can write a whole essay and really i dont know if theres going to be anything stopping me from doing just that. curse you jerryterry, the bops are so good. anyways onto the topic; a lot of my interpretation of slenderman is admittedly based around the early fandom characterization of him + a very specific fic that will remain nameless (though im more than happy to spill the link in dms, said fic also has some influence over my entire au/hc thing but thats not todays topic)
despite what many may think, i feel like, at least with my hyper specific take on slenderman, i feel like he wouldnt want you to fight along side him or be a proxy. only time i can see him date a proxy or fellow kriller is if you were already one prior to the relationship. in my au, slenderman resents his own existence for being what he is, and if he could he WOULD choose to be something else; however he cant rewrite the laws of this universe or fight against his biological functions
like i can go on an entire tangent, but my au is still so scrambled around that im not entirely sure where to start or how im going to make it make sense, but i feel like he would much rather keep you by him and safe (and even then i feel like thats pushing it, sure hes more than capable of protecting you but what if something stronger than him comes and fucks shit up? not all the creepypasta characters are buddy buddy)
but perhaps i will write a collection of loosely connected one shots one day detailing the world building and dynamics
i make no promises
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thealmightyemprex · 3 months
The Emprex Goofs on Piano Man by Billy Joel
SO I love Piano Man by Billy Joel ,its great classic song....But if you listen to anything too much you cant help but poke fun at it .This is done from a place of love
Before I begin heres the song for if its been a while and you havent heard it at all
LIstened to it ? Good,lets begin
"It's nine o'clock on a Saturday The regular crowd shuffles in"
Which is odd cause it was Nine AM
"There's an old man sittin' next to me Makin' love to his tonic and gin"
I think you can get arrested for that ,also dont touch that glass
"He says, "Son can you play me a memory?"
BIlly:No I am a pianist !I can play songs.Thats like asking a baker to make you a pastry made out of dreams ands rainbows ...Idiot
I'm not really sure how it goes"
Billy:SO you want me to play a memory .....YOu dont remember
But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete When I wore a younger man's clothes"
Old Man:Course that younger man is currently buried in pieces around Nevada -
La, la-la, di-di-da La-la di-di-da da-dum
Ah great Billys having a stroke again
"Sing us a song, you're the piano man Sing us a song tonight"
Billy:Ya know you dont have to be pushy
"Well, we're all in the mood for a melody And you've got us feelin' alright"
Way better then taking anti depressents
Now John at the bar is a friend of mine He gets me my drinks for free And he's quick with a joke, or to light up your smoke But there's some place that he'd rather be
He says, "Bill, I believe this is killing me" As a smile ran away from his face
John :Yeah can you get this knife out of my back
"Well, I'm sure that I could be a movie star If I could get out of this place"
John:SAdly due to my pack with Satan ,my soul is tethered to this bar
Oh, la, la-la, di-di-da La-la di-di-da da-dum
Billy I think you need to go to a doctor
Now Paul is a real estate novelist Who never had time for a wife
Did find time for a husband though
And he's talkin' with Davy, who's still in the navy And probably will be for life
.....You just wanted to rhyme Davey and Navy
And the waitress is practicing politics
Annnnnnnd insert your own joke here
As the businessmen slowly get stoned
Well he was a blasphemer
Yes, they're sharing a drink they call loneliness But it's better than drinkin' alone
No joke here thats just a good lyric
Sing us the song, you're the piano man Sing us a song tonight
Well, we're all in the mood for a melody And you've got us feelin' alright
Not great but alright
It's a pretty good crowd for a Saturday And the manager gives me a smile
Manager :
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'Cause he knows that it's me they've been comin' to see
Yeah the drinks are basically tap water and food is barely edible but the tunes are nice
To forget about life for a while"
Course its due to the fact the piano is cursed
And the piano, it sounds like a carnival
WEll duh look at the co owner
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And the microphone smells like a beer
Yeah sorry Billy,someone spilt a beer on it thing doesnt even work
And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar\
Billy :Id prefer money but Bread is nice
And say man what are you doin' here?
....Playing a piano ? Thats kind of his job
Oh, la, la-la, di-di-da La-la di-di-da da-dum
Sing us the song, you're the piano man Sing us a song tonight
Billy:WEll I am out of practice on my SOndheim but TOoooonigghht,tonight,it all began tonight-
Well, we're all in the mood for a melody And you've got us feelin' alright
You are profoundly adequite
Well that was a bit of nonesense I have wanted to do for years
@ariel-seagull-wings @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @princesssarisa @minimumheadroom @angelixgutz @amalthea9 @filmcityworld1
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kanohivolitakk · 1 year
Random thought I had: While most members of the Brotherhood of Makuta can be seen to have behaviors that are the antithesis to the Three Virtues (much like pretty much all the villains that were actual characters rather than mooks), I feel an argument could be made that some of them are perversions of the Three Virtues, and act as example of the negative effects clinging extremely to a virtue can have.
Unity is by far the trickiest since like many Bionicle villains most of the BoM dont really get along with each other and in fact are at each others throats, but I feel that Gorast and/or Antroz is the most fitting. Both of them are fanatically loyal to Teridax and are devoted to his cause. Their loyality towards Teridax ends being a major flaw however, as they didnt see how their leader was just using them and would discard them til it was little bit too late. Gorast is arguably the better fit since she is more defined by her loyalty towards Teridax and her blind loyalty directly led to her death as she refused to listen to Krika or Icarax warning her about Teridax, instead believing in Teridax and the Plan til the very end. That said either are good fits in my opinion.
While he isnt technically a Brotherhood member anymore, Miserix definitely fits the best as pervesion of Duty. I have spoken about this before, but I believe Miserix can be read as being largely defined by his loyality towards his duty as a protector of the Matoran Universe. To Miserix, duty isnt just his purpose in life bit rather his whole identity, it's everything he stands for, everything he is. So, when Teridax strips him of his duty, Miserix loses all his sense of self and personhod. He was so tied to his duty, he became nothing. Is it wonder the guy snapped and became a ragefilled murdeous monster by the time we see him in the actual story? But not only that, it could be argued that Miserixs fanatical devotion to his duty was his downfall as I wouldn't be surprised if thats a big reason Teridax wanted to overthrow him in the first place. Sure, Teridax was a powerhungry controlfreak with a god complex and desire for total domination of the MU, but I wouldn't be surprised if part of the reason for his coup had to do with his disatisfaction in how Miserix ruled things. I also wouldn't be surprised if Miserix one tracked way of viewing duty affected in how he ruled the Brotherhood, especially when considering what the canon tells us about his rule. So yeah, in more ways than one, Miserixs devotion to his duty led to why he became what he became.
Lastly, Krika can be read as the pervesion of Destiny. Krika is a fatalist, who believes that he is doomed to be evil because of his nature as a Makuta. While Krika does rebel against Teridax and the Plan to an extent, he never tries to change his own Destiny. Instead, Krika has accepted his lot in life: sure he laments it but ultimately he doesnt do anything to change it. Krika believes his role and purpose in the universe is set in stone, and thus doesnt do anything to revolt it. Interestingly enough, Krikas last act of warning Gorast is a act of defying his destiny as he actively tries to warn his kin of their death. Though in a cruel twist of fate, when Krika tried to defy destiny and be a good person, he faced his own death. Its as ironic as it is poetic.
All in all I find these three (technically four) characters representing the logical extreme of the Three Virtues really fascinating. It makes Bionicles moral framework much more complex, as it shows that its virtues aren't automatically good, and in fact can lead to distrasrous results if acted to extreme. All these characters ultimately fall because of how extreme they are with the virtue associated them:Gorast and Antroz fanatical loyalty to Teridax is what leads to them being betrayed him without even realizing, Miserixs devotion to his duty is why he gets overthrown and goes mad after loosing his sense of purpose and identity and Krikas fatalist worldview is why he refuses to change his ways and redeem himself in spite of hating his role as a villain. Its all so poetic in a tragically ironic way and just one of the many things that make Bionicle so fascinating to analyze and re-examine in spite of its seemingly simplistic writing.
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b0d1ly-st3w · 1 year
have my postal 1 dude headcanons because hes so meeeeee
tw for mentions of self harm
• hed just barely turned 20 by the time postal 1 happened
• a bit of a mallgoth, really loved nine inch nails and marilyn manson
• had a really bad self harm addiction back in highschool, he was 2 years clean by postal 1
• actually felt so bad for everything hed done, cant even hear fake gunshots without wanting to throw up
• i believe that the demon was responsible for his breakdown, it convinced him that everyone was poisoned and that he was the only one that could save them
• schizophrenic, has hurt himself before because voices convinced him to do so
• shy and selectively mute
• other postal dudes treat him like a kid because of his age (postal 4 dude is his parental figure)
• asshole dad who was never around
• smokes like a chimney, anytime anyone sees him he always seems to have a cigarette in his hand
• great with kids, thats why he couldnt bring himself to hurt them
• the funeral ending was a hallucination (ik thats redux but they are practically the same leave me alone)
• the most traumatised postal dude
• would probs be a mitski stan
• autistic, bites the other postal dudes
• loves cats
• bisexual and in denial (has a fat crush on every single member of nin)
• just starts screaming randomly, but not in a funny way like a genuine terror way
• stares at people with his autism eyes
• wears his sunglasses everywhere
• lives off cheese and vodka (hes like an alcoholic mouse)
• absolutely loves horror movies, gets postal 4 dude to watch them with him
• scared of corkscrew, but corkscrew really likes him and feels the need to protect him
• suffered from anorexia at a young age, sometimes has days where he literally cant eat anything without crying
• people pleaser, changes his entire personality to make people happy
• loves wool sweaters, practically lives in them
• always cold
• drinks to forget
• gets randomly angry for no apparent reason, will start punching the shit out of people and screaming
• against the big light prefers lamps
• will just sit in the corner and listen while people talk
• loves pepperoni pizza
• still has braces
• probably loves hello kitty but will never admit it
• shoplifts literally anytime he goes into a store, steals things for other postal dudes
• would violently sob to real men by mitski
• bullys postal 4 dudes music but actually likes it (can you tell i love the idea of them being friends?)
i added more because ive got so many headcanons for this emo loser <3
• really picky with what he can eat, will spit anything out he doesnt like
• his family where heavily religious, thats why he wears a cross
• can fall asleep literally anywhere
• defos a stoner
• practically lived at korn concerts
• likes hugs but also despises being touched
• corkscrew carries him about everywhere, gives him piggybacks all the time
• either completely stone cold or really giggly and happy, there is no in between
• uses :⁠-⁠) :⁠-⁠P :⁠-⁠O :⁠-⁠( when texting
• probably likes cannibal corpse
• chop suey! by system of a down is his anthem
• spins around in circles to stim, postal 2 guy joins in because funni
• steals peoples jackets
• would be absolutely cracked at hatsune miku project diva
• has a hyperfixation on music and plays bass
• i think he would be really soft spoken most the time
• when hes drunk hes absolutely mayhem, runs around and throws cushions at people
• tried to give himself a stick and poke and got mad when it didnt look good
• if postal 1 was set in the early 2000s i think hed be an emo
• goes nonverbal often, hardly ever speaks
• claustrophobic, will start crying if he feels trapped
• hates parades (unless its a pride one #ally)
• (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠) stares at people like this
• tooth gap<3333
• hates wearing bandages around his arms because theyre itchy and uncomfortable
• probably had an entire bag of bandaids on standby
• ik he canonically has sorta short hair but i like to think its really long
• wanted a mohawk
• wears eyeliner but will deny it even though its so obvious
• he did have a girlfriend at one point but she left him because he was strange (autism making him bitchless💀)
• ik this makes no sense but i think it would be funny af if he was scottish, like all the other postal dudes expect him to sound like them but then he starts speaking in the heaviest scottish accent imaginable (and before you say im only saying that because hes ginger im scottish so im actually projecting get it right)
• gave himself so many piercings but half of them closed up
• likes flavoured tea, his fav is peppermint
• would probably have a crush on tyler durden
• not really a hc but imagine him falling asleep on the sofa and postal 4 dude covering him with a nice fluffy blanket and giving him a little kiss on the forehead like dads in movies 😭😭😭
• wanted to be a musician growing up
• would watch the entire saw franchise in one sitting
• postal 4 dude always checks his arms and makes sure hes eaten, but he doesnt get upset with him if he does relapse or doesnt eat because he knows hes trying
• everyone tells him all their drama because they know he wont tell anyone (he knows everything)
• no one is willing to argue with him because he will either start crying or attack them
• probably bipolar
• signed postal 2 guys petition
• probably rabid/j
• really good at art
• scared of seagulls
• hes really lanky and tall
• (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) default facial expression
• red is his favourite colour
• hes an anti-shaggin moment/ref
• will just lay on top of people with absolutely no care whatsoever
• really bad at helping others, hed probably awkwardly giggle at someone crying
• he likes stuffed animals, has a whole collection of them because he was never allowed them when he was a kid
• if you asked him his pronouns hed probably bite you (he doesnt understand)
• if demon ever got a physical form all the dudes (excluding 1) would team up and beat its ass
• demon still appears sometimes and even tells 1 what to do, but he does his best not to listen
• one time postal 3 dude was just going downstairs to get some water and found 1 on the floor sobbing, hed had an episode and sliced his arm pretty bad, 3 did his best to help and swore he wouldnt tell 4 but he found out anyways
• hates chocolate cake with every fibre of his being
• paints his nails all the time, comes downstairs every day with a new colour
• one of the dudes got him a copy of pretty hate machine on cd for christmas and it was his most favourite thing for months
• loves little insects, willingly picks them up
• collects so much random shit its insane
i got more
• can never sit in pure silence because there always seems to be noise, but really its all in his head (this is based on some of the tracks from the redux soundtrack as obviously some of them are just unintelligible noise)
• picks at his skin alot
• used to skip school alot, but always did well in tests and exams
• cant swim
• actually really loved school
• salt and vinegar crisps man
• actually tried to quit smoking but failed horribly
• uses internet slang and postal 4 guy has absolutely no fucking clue what hes on about
thats all i got
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marinerainbow · 8 months
Hey! So while I was reading your Popshine/JessicaxRoger Switcheroo AU I was listening to that Steven Universe Song- Its Over Isn't It (And just a precurser- i havent seen this show i just like the song and am just taking context clues from it). And I've been stewing on it since, and can't stop thinking about a Shiny x Poppy x Psycho love triangle with this plot! Lots of angst ahead, I warn you 😅
Like, imagine both Psycho and Shiny are in love with Poppy and she cares deeply for the both of them too. Shiny can make a joke of this, playfully argue with Psycho any time he's around and bother him as much as she can- because she doesnt think she'll actually lose Pops to him but his presence does annoy her. Her heart is, inevitably, broken when in the end Poppy chooses him.
I was fine with the men-
Who come into her life now and again.
I was fine, cuz I knew,
That they didn't really matter until you.
I was fine when you came, and we fought like it was all some silly game.
Over her- who she's choose-
After all those years, I never thought I'd lose.
Poppy and Psycho then have the twins, and Shiny fades into the background (as much as she can, I mean. Poppy still loves her and wants to be friends of course)- until Poppy dies. I'm not sure how, considering she is a toon of course, but it was definitely tragic.
Now Shiny has to help Psycho take care of the twins because he can't do it alone (She certainly knows it), and she needs to keep the last bit of Poppy left over, safe.
Of course you're welcome to ignore this if you want! Just thought I should tell you since it's about your OC's 😅
Ok ok ok. Before I get into my response to this, I've got some headcannons for this little AU. So. Poppy is dead. Psycho is not only mourning the sudden loss of his wife, but he's also a father now. He's got two kids he has to figure out how to raise through the depression. This would be hard on anybody. But on someone as mentally unstable as Psycho?? Holy. Shit. He's gonna need a lot of help. Shiny knows this, and although she and Psycho aren't friends thanks to their little love rivalry (I like to imagine she and Psycho could get along on their own. Maybe not be best friends, but it's Shiny's whole damn job description to get along with everyone she meets. If they didn't love the same woman, she could have made an acquaintance with Psycho work), she steps in whenever she can. Being more than just the Godmother Poppy asked her to be for the kids; at this point, the twins are practically her own, too. And she's the closest they have to a mother figure in their lives.
In fact, I think in this storyline, Shiny would have offered to take Psycho's position in the Toon Patrol. Those kids need a parent who won't get pulled away because of a new job. Or could easily be killed on said job either. And Psycho needs to be able to focus on his children full time now that it's just the three of them. Sure, if he does die too, the twins will be under her care, but Shiny isn't going to deprive them of the father they need now. Not to mention that this is around the 60's-70's; burlesque clubs aren't very popular now. Not as much as they were in her time anyway. Shiny needs a new job. And hey, she already had one foot in the criminal life with her moonshine business. Why not kill two birds with one stone? (Sometimes Psycho does have to get called for a job that only he can do, though he is still mostly a stay at home dad.)
So to the twins in this storyline, Shiny is not just their cool aunt. She's involved in so much of their lives. Going to school functions with Psycho to support all three of them, celebrating holidays all the time with them, and just generally making sure he doesn't screw up as a dad. She and Psycho here don't necassarily like each other, but she's short of moving in with them from becoming a complete member of their household. It's partially due to her legal status as a godmother, and she herself has grown an attachment to Poppy's children. And it hurts her so much more because this is the family of the woman she loved, and the other man.
Because she's trying her best to be the stability this family needs, Shiny never got to really mourn Poppy's death and, as such, hasn't been able to truly move on. She feels like she can't truly talk about her position about this to anyone since she has to be strong for the kids. But eventually, bottled emotions have to come out one way or another. Why not let them come out in song?
Also, after our convo, I'm making widower gardener Psycho canon in this AU :)
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Warnings for: past character death, angst, plenty of cursing, a lot of crying. Also emotional singing (I don't care if it may come out as cringy- if I can't animatic Shiny singing this song, then I'm gonna write it!)
January 2, 1973
"Goodnight, Shiny."
"G'night, you little rascals. Don't forget to bite the bed bugs back for me!"
The two children giggled, Percival letting out a "That's gross!" around his laughter, before their father gently nose nudged them both towards the hallway. The twins gave him and their godmother one final hug before making their way to the back of the house to do as they were silently told how they could behave so well despite being raised by two hooligans, Shiny had no clue. It must be Poppy's influence. Usually Psycho didn't pay much mind to bedtimes, though it was late on an already long day. They all needed rest...
The grin on Shiny's face finally fell, only after Psycho glanced briefly towards her- telling the old dancer in his own way to go home now, before following his children. Now it was just her alone standing in the seemingly empty living room. It had been a long day for them all. Especially for the kids...
'Another birthday come and gone...'
visiting the grave of a woman that they didn't even know, but were supposed to. That would be scary and thought-provoking for anybody. No matter how old or young they were. Who knew what kind of shit was going through Penny and Percy's heads whenever they saw their mothers name on a tombstone?
But at least, they had as good of a support system they could get. All Penny and Percy needed to worry about now was what story their father would tell them tonight, and how many sheep they'd have to count to fall asleep. But they were getting older, too. And someday, they would lose the innocence that came with childhood...
Shiny's fists clenched, and an ugly frown tugged at her lips, choosing to glare at the floorboards as if they somehow spoke ill about her. Every year, this day was so damn hard for her. At least on the twins' birthday, she could distract herself with Penny and Percy's happy demeanor and what the day is supposed to be about. But on Poppy's birthday, all anybody could think of was how their friend was no longer with them to celebrate with.
The weasel woman growled a little before silently storming towards the front door, trying so hard to ignore the pain in her heart. She had to leave and go home anyway, but she also needed some fresh air. It was the only thing that could help her now- or at least that was what she could hope.
The former dancer's paw hovered over the doorknob in hesitation when she heard the familiar pitter patter of rain drops hitting the roof. Before she even stepped outside, 'Of course. Of course, it's going to be raining tonight.' If she were religious, she would have taken this as a sign that even the universe was sorrowful on this day. didn't bother with thoughts like that. They brought no reassurance or comfort to her despite so many people telling her it would.
Shiny just barely managed to not slam the door behind her before sinking down onto the porch steps. The night air was chilly, causing the rain to feel ice cold on her skin, not that Shiny cared at the moment. And the lamp across the street had gone out again. Shiny hadn't bothered turning on the porch light; it would just draw more attention towards her. More so than a wrech sitting on someone else's porch in the rain in the middle of the neighborhood would. At least the people around here knew to mind their own business.
That was one of the things Poppy liked about this place when they went house hunting; it was a valuable perk for anybody married to unlawful citizens. The perk for Shiny was that her house was just a few blocks away, and she could have visited Poppy and the kids more often...
"Fuck!" She roughly rubbed her eyes, trying desperately to get rid of the now familiar stinging before the floodgates started. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Why? Why? Why did it have to be so damn hard just to think of that woman's name? To think about a future that would never be reality now? She knew why, but why!?
Shiny sucked in a long, overdue breath and heaved it out before slumping over in defeat. Her elbows were resting on her knees, but they hardly supported her it felt like, as she hung her head. If she closed her eyes, she knew that Poppy's grave would be all that she'd see, so Shiny settled for just staring into the wet, muddy ground. Her voice was so soft, so fragile, she would have wondered if she actually said anything if she wasn't focusing on other things, "Why did it have to be you?"
God. So much had changed over the years. It was hard to believe they all had come this far. How much they all had changed. Sure, Smartass still had his gang, and the rest of the boys were still in it. But everything was different. And it wasn't just Psycho becoming a father and widower. She was different...
So much had changed. Nothing was the same. Or ever will be again... She couldn't even remember the last time she sang. Singing and dancing used to be one of Shiny's favorite forms of expression; it had been more than just a way to make money to her. But there wasn't a need for it now. She worked in the night under a very different career now. What point was there in singing anymore?
Shiny ran a paw through her hair it had grown longer over the years. She simply hadn't bothered to cut it anymore. She couldn't see the point in it nowadays before tilting her head to the left to look at the poppies lining the house. She was careful, despite her broiling emotions and shaky paw, when she reached towards the one closest to her and grazed her fingers over the petals. It was actually Percy's idea to plant the poppy flowers, 'so mom can be home' he had said. Just more proof that the little kit thought about things a lot more than kids his age should. Of course, planting your mothers namesake to try to keep her close wasn't how it worked, but who would care? Certainly not his father. Or her.
'You always loved my singing.' The thought wormed its way into Shiny's head before she could stop it. But now that it was there, she just... Couldn't fathom the energy to force it away. Not while she was out here alone, on her sweethearts birthday, with the cold rain and breeze as her band for the night, 'And I loved to sing for you... I'd give anything to sing for you again...'
But Poppy wasn't there to hear her sing anymore. It was no longer the same. Shiny had always thought that she sang for herself, which was partially true. But she found out the hard way too that she also needed someone to offer her voice to- something to sing about. But what?
"I was fine... With the men... Who would come into her life now and again..." It had been years since she had found it in herself to sing anything. Let alone whatever was on her mind. She somehow already knew what she was going to sing about before the words even left her lips, but right now, she couldn't care less, "I was fine... Cause I knew, that they didn't really matter... Until you." Her eyes narrowed into a spiteful glare, as she thought about that damn weasel inside the house now. She wanted to think of him as a homewrecker in all honesty. Though how could she when Poppy had never loved her the she had hoped she would?
A shaky breath, to try to calm her raging nerves. It was futile, but it was either try or just go all out and bat shit crazy in the rain. Shiny focused back on the flower, thinking back to all the stupid things Psycho and Shiny used to do to compete, "I was fine. When you came, and we fought like it was all some silly game... Over her."
Another crack in her voice. Another breath, "Who'd she choose..."
Shutting her eyes tightly, Shiny managed to tear her gaze away from the flower bed and lift her chin towards the cloudy night sky. Though it wasn't in pride, "After all those years, I never thought I'd lose..."
"It's over, isn't it?" It was, wasn't it? "Isn't it?" Now that she was never coming back, "Isn't it over?" After leaving behind so much, "You won. And she chose you. And she loved you. And she's gone..."
Only one thought crossed her mind as a droplet that wasn't from the current weather slipped down her cheek; if their silly little game was over now... "It's over, isn't it? Why can't I move on?"
Penelope felt restless, sitting upright in her bed and watching the rain pattering against her window intently, rather than laying down and trying to sleep. She always loved the rain. As long as she could remember. She especially loved it when it was a heavy downpour.
Though she was scared that mom's poppies would get ruined. Thankfully, dad was already on it, and had left real quick to make sure the garden had shelter for the night, "Percy?"
She didn't look her brothers way, but she could still hear the sleepy muddle in his voice. She didn't know how he was able to hunker diwn to bed so quickly, "Yeah?"
"Do you think mom liked the rain too?" Dad and unkle Wheezy had mentioned that their mother wasn't too fond of thunder a few times, but thunder and lightning were different... Maybe she had something in common with mom.
Finally tearing her gaze away from the window, Penelope looked over to the other side of the room, where Percival, in his own bed, was. The little weasel rubbed his eyes and blinked them into focus before he shrugged, "Maybe... Dad likes the rain, and they did a lot together. So she probably did."
"Yeah. That's right..."
Penny nodded, though Percival noticed how she looked to be frowning. He sighed, knowing exactly what she was thinking. It was something they both thought about, especially on days like this. How everyone they knew got to know their mother... Except each other.
Wordlessly, the kit crawled out of his bed and walked over to his sisters side of the room. He did hop on the bed with her, but he did reach over to hug her, which she returned silently. Neither of them spoke a word. They were young, but they still knew each other best.
"... I'm gonna get a glass of water." Penny decided after a moment, pulling away from the sibling embrace and sliding off of her bed easily. Percy decided to follow her. It sounded like they could use a drink- as their unkle Smarty would say.
The trip to the kitchen was relatively short. It wasn't even too bad when they had to get creative to reach the glasses in the cupboard; usually, dad got the cups down for them, but he wasn't around. So Penny just climbed onto the counter like she had seen dad do sometimes and passed down her brother the cups. They had done this trick a lot, much to their family's detriment.
Percival could only hear the rain pouring down onto the roof. Though he was reminded that he wasn't the twin that inherited their mothers hearing when Penelopes ears twitched and tilted towards a direction. He followed confusedly after her when she started walking towards the front door, "What is it?"
The rabbit child's ears were pointed toward the door, before her bright blue eyes widened, and she hopped onto the couch closest to the front window. Percy followed suit, searching for whatever it was that she heard. When he saw the familiar figure sitting on the porch, his eyebrows shot up to his forehead, "Shiny?"
"She was supposed to go home, right?"
The two shared a look. Silently asking the other the same question; listen? Or go back to bed?
In that secret language only siblings could understand, the two agree to creep back towards the front door and crack it open. Just a tad; not enough for Shiny to hear them, buy enough for them to listen to what she was saying.
Or rather, singing, "Shiny can sing??"
Lucky for the twins, the rain was loud enough in Shiny's ears to block out any other sound. Honestly it was a wonder she hadn't gone deaf from countless night in the past dancing along loud bands... Her heart ache might have had a hand in her lack of focus now, too.
The weasel gritted her teeth and tugged at some hair strands- which was getting wetter by the minute. Including her clothes and fur. But she just couldn't give a damn now. Besides, it allowed her to pretend that the tears streaming down her cheeks were just raindrops, "Who am I now in this world without her!? Petty and dull with the nerve to doubt her..."
Poppy was always naive; she always wanted and hoped for the best in this wretched world. But that didn't mean she was dumb. Poppy had faced her own suffering in her life, and she always looked out for the people around her, no matter how awful they truly were. The way she treated her criminal friends, how she treated her, was proof of that. Shiny knew that she could always trust the rabbit because of it. And that was what made Poppy stand out to her out of everyone in her life, and what she had loved the most about her.
But nowadays... She still loved Poppy, and she loved the twins. But sometimes, Shiny wondered what would have happened if she had tried to discourage Poppy from more of the choices she had made. Would it have been worth being more controlling if it meant Poppy would be alive now?
The singer shook her head at that, knowing in her heart that that kind of thinking was wrong. Besides, it's not like it would change anything, so what was the point? "What does it matter? It's already done. Now I've got to be there for her kin..."
From the front door, Penny and Perry couldn't believe their ears, and even shared a look. As if they had to verify with the other that what they were hearing was really real. Their aunt had always told them that she and their mother were close, but she never said anything about this. She never looked this sorrowful talking about their mom. She was always so cheery and strong; had she been hiding this from them all along? "Percy...?"
Their shared thoughts stopped in their tracks when Percy noticed Shiny standing up from the porch, and quickly gestured to his sister. The kits ducked behind the door, just in case she had planned on going back inside, or was about to glance behind her. They stayed there, holding their breaths, until they heard their godmother's voice again. Louder, almost yelling, and more strained this time. Like she was cracking under the weight of what she said next, "It's over, isn't it!? Isn't it!? Isn't it over!?"
They both flinched from their hiding spots, feeling the pain that Shiny carried through her voice. They slowly peeked back outside once they deemed it safe, and could see Shiny now stood up from the porch and off the steps, standing fully in the pouring rain now. It was hard to see with how dark it was, but it looked like she was trembling even. All Penny and Percy could do was continue to listen. It was all they knew what to do now.
The weasel felt like she was going to crack under the weight of all her pent-up emotions. Her breath huffing out all shaky and fists clenched so tight by her sides. She felt so weak right now, on her own, but all she wanted was to scream and shout and punch a pillow. Or better yet, a wall. Her vision felt blurry, and not just because of the tears in her eyes, and she wasn't even thinking about all of the painful memories like before. Right now, even though it felt so hard to do, all she could do was take in one long breath, and scream into the sky with all the heartbreak that she had pushed down all these years, "You won, and she chose you! And she loved you! Now she's gone!"
That's it. There was no turning back now. She couldn't take it back now. Or fault the ears of anyone who may have been listening. Blinking away raindrops and tears, as if that final scream had taken her voice, all Shiny could manage now was a soft, pained tune, "It's over, isn't it? Why can't I move on...?"
Quiet sobs escaped her lips as her head fell, now staring at the muddy ground. Her shoulders shook with her crying, but that didn't stop her from wrapping her arms around herself, trying to find some way to find warmth and comfort now, "It's over, isn't it? Why can't I move on?"
Letting out everything she had locked away didn't help in the slightest; all it left was cold emptiness. At least, that's what it felt like now. At least no one was here to see her like this...
Her eyes grew wide, and a gasp escaped her before she whipped back around towards the doorway. Seeing the two she had hoped would never see this side of her was bad enough, but seeing the utter confusion and worry on the twins' faces, worry they shouldn't have to feel for her, made her heart sink even further than it had. How much did they hear? "O-Oh! Hey, guys... Shouldn't you be asleep...?"
Usually, the kids would have some witty excuse, or at least what they thought was clever, and act innocent. It would make Shiny laugh every time before she called them out on their mischief and sent them back on the right path- doing whatever it was they were supposed to be doing. But now? Stepping fully outside and onto the porch in their pajamas, Penny and Percy didn't answer her. At least not with words. Though the many questions that they didn't ask- or didn't even know where to start- were clear as day in their wide, sad eyes.
They heard it all. Or at least enough. Enough where she couldn't make up a lie to distract them. Not that that would have stopped them. They were persistent little kits.
And now, because she couldn't keep a damn lid on herself, wasn't strong enough to keep it together, Shiny had no choice but to reveal the complete truth, "... I... Kids, I..."
But where does one even start?
I really wanted to add Psycho's reaction as well. But I couldn't figure out how to write it in while making it flow with the story. I'm kinda afraid that adding the twins in this already jumbled the flow of the drabble a bit- but I haven't written them yet, and wanted to try 😅
He is in the backyard, so I don't know if he could even hear her sorrow... Though maybe he came back inside last minute?
But anyways! I hope you like this answer, and I apologize for taking so long XD let me know what you think! ^^
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The Go Home Show, March 23rd, 1998
The March 23rd episode opens with a Stone Cold promo. He instantly tells Kevin Kelly to shut up because he doesn't want to listen. He mentions what Vince said last week about being champion, and he cant be molded into anything else. Austin will continue to do whatever he wants whenever he wants and nobody can do a damn thing about it. Austin is looking ahead to Mania.
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Slaughter informs Austin that he in fact DOESNT have the night off and will compete tonight and then he does his "Thats an order'' gimmick sayin Mr. McMahon gave the order. He then announces his opponent in The Rock and Austin replies "that's fine, he'll walk through all the trash". Slaughter then tells Austin that if he doesn't wrestle tonight he'll forfeit his main event at WrestleMania.
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Stone Cold has to remind Slaughter he just said he would wrestle the match..in a moment of getting annoyed he hits Sgt. Slaughter with a Stunner and i kid you not the man did a front flip. Old men just don't bump for the stunner like they used to.
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Later on in the night DX comes out to cut a promo. First Triple H wants to see footage from last week and we see his winning the championship.
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Triple H says at Mania Chyna will be handcuffed to "The Chin" (not going to lie I loved all the Slaughter jokes from this time). But it wont be a factor because he owns Owen and he should just stay at home, if the black hart shows up to Wrestlemania then HHH will put him in the wheelchair for good. Shawn points out a fan at ringside and makes fun of her huge boobs and calls her a skank,
all of which didn't phase her in the least bit. He addresses the back and forth banter between Austin and McMahon and compares it to a girl fight with pinches. He said there's a cat fight booked at Mania (probably referring to Sable and Luna in their tag team match with Marc Mero and Goldust). Shawn appreciates the fact that Vince doesn't want Steve to become champ but the truth is Steve doesn't care and neither does he (Shawn). Shawn tell Steve for forget about Vince and stunning Slaughter he needs to focus on Shawn at mania and there's only one way to accomplish his 8 year dream. Shawn says he's the same age as Steve but accomplished so much more throughout his entire run but he's going to give him that one opportunity at WrestleMania. Stone Cold has to overcome Shawn and he also has to overcome one more thing...after feigning amnesia he pulls Tyson into the camera frame and says DX's Mike Tyson is the special enforcer.
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 Tyson says hell knock Austin out if he gets in the way. Shawn asks Mike "who will walk out of WrestleMania STILL champion?" Mike say's
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So I guess he just gave Shawn a new nickname...anyway Shawn then asks whos the baddest man on the planet and Mike says "YOU ARE HEA..." No I'm kidding he knew Shawn was referring to him he says he is. And Shawn ends it by saying DX will rule the wrestling world forever and that's his last promo at least as a performer until his return in 2002.
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In the main event Rock and Austin go for a lock up and Rock gets Steve in the corner,
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Austin flips it around and breaks the hold flipping Rocky off as only Steve can. After more back n forth the camera cuts to DX watching the match in their locker room.
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The Rock gets Austin down but Austin pops up with a Lou Thez Press outta nowhere giving him a boost of momentum. The Rock then ducks a Stunner and bails to the outside. Austin attacks Mark to get at the Rock, he smashes Rock into the steps and once the action get back in the ring Rock begs for mercy but he gets a mudhole stomped in his ass. Rock ducks a clothes line and bails back to the outside. Austin grabs a chair to handle the members of the Nation of Domination at ringside. And while Austin is distracted Rocky comes from behind with a suprise attack and slams austin into the ring steps. Throwing him back in the ring The Rock kicks and chokes Austin in the corner, after letting up for a bit Mark Henry gets a quick choke in while the ref is distracted and the show goes to commercial break. When the commerical break is over Austin is shown having the Rock in a sleeper hold. The Rock escapes by running Austin into the corner and then boom we gets steve in the middle of the ring with the most electrifying move in sport entertainment.
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Austin kicks out so Rock applies a Chinlock, no submitting so Rock goes for another peoples elbow but Steve moves out of the way. Steve hits Rock with 3 clotheslines back to back
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and avoids a back body drop but caught that Stunner. Austin wins.. but D Lo tries to run and he too catches a stunner. DX music plays and they come out,
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Shawn says he already turned his lights out once with Sweet Chin Music but this sunday he's going to do it one last time. He leaves for a second before coming RIGHT BACK OUT... I don't know why exactly, but he's in a huff, too took his jacket off and everything lol.
All jokes aside Vince probably told him to go back out there...or he wont get his fanny pack back (sorry I couldn't resist)
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Triple h holds him back. Of course its to stall while the show goes off the air all for building anticipation for a show that really had already sold itself...
Next Stop.. WRESTLEMANIA!!!!
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Are you ready?
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writingmoth · 1 year
writing with "vibes" in mind is completely underrated tbh
ive thinking a lot about this bc ive playing a lot of games that use vibes to tell the story/to make gameplay moments stand out. and listen, i know games =\= books, but!!! i think it has merit.
under read more bc it got rambly. its just me wondering aloud about ways to write.
example 1: ffxiv, a fantasy mmorpg that relies HEAVILY on story. it's been out for more than 10 years, so the story is huuuuuuge (i spent like a month and a half just catching up when i started playing two years ago). there are callbacks to the base game in a expansion that came out 9 years after said base game. it makes the whole thing feel like a expertly drawn web of plotlines and characters... except that isn't that case at all. the writers have mentioned multiple times that things that happened in the third expansion (6 years in) weren't planned from the beginning. that is, they just threw paint at the wall back in the base game bc the colors (vibes) looked cool. they just had enough skill to make a painting out of it later.
i guess having a good grasp of your story's themes helps a lot with that, too, now that i think about it. it assures that the colors are at least complimentary when you are slinging them about at the start of the story.
example 2: destiny, which is a completely different game. destiny doesnt use story the same way ffxiv does, though it is important (somewhat)... but lore is where the vibes come in to play for destiny imo. they do so much with so little. still using the painting analogy, it's almost like negative space art - they fill in just enough to give you an idea of the figure but not nearly as much as you would need to discern the details. and still the world feels vast. most of the time you are shooting aliens while wielding space magic, but every weapon, gear, etc has its own lore piece, and whole plotlines/characters that never show up in game or in the main story can be told through them. it's basically just vibes - aesthetic, some character moments, letters/logs, etc. and it works! the world feels lived in, most of the characters are well defined and even though sometimes the main story kinda drags, there is enough to keep you interested.
(it kinda reminds me of how i write description, which i've talked about before, but for the lucky ones who don't follow my rambling nonsense on this blog: i have a lot of trouble visualizing places or people when writing (or reading tbh) so i usually use a lot of atmosphere and emotion to mask the fact that i have no fucking clue what this very important place/person looks like. )
there are cons and pros to this approach. by being so vague and focusing on small bits that seem an ocean apart, the game gives just enough for the player to fill in the blanks themselves. that is good, because then the player is more likely to fill said blanks with stuff they like. it ends up being more of collaborative effort - and i'm sure the writers behind the game use the players' "headcanons" as some sort of thermometer for what/how to write next. so its writers and players feeding off each other's ideas in a way.
buuuuut.... it can also be pretty bad. you risk never committing to a vision or plotline by writing like this. nothing is ever set in stone. retconning, which isn't bad by itself, can happen way too much to be acceptable. if something can end up being anything, what is the point of it existing anyway? why should you care if the spine behind isn't well formed enough to carry the story later?
another danger is that the actual canon and the player's canon can end up being way too different in the end. maybe you meant to write the story this way... but the player filled the blanks just differently enough that "this way" ends up being unsatisfying and wrong.
but the biggest problem, for me, is risking never getting a proper resolution. since so many story moments and worldbuilding elements end up coming from "vibes", you risk relying way too much on the rule of cool.... which sets up a lot of stuff, usually, but never concludes them. that's also my biggest problem with asoiaf, for example - so much of that series is about building up tension, foreshadowing certain battles or encounters or whatever... that the payoff is almost never there (which is only made worse by the loooong time between book releases). it gets to a point that nothing the author comes up with will satisfy what the reader is expecting of the story.
"vibes" (or themes & aesthetics if you will) do a wonderful job of touching a reader's (or player's) strings with imagery, emotion and promise. but whatever comes from it needs to be tied up into an actual storyline (most of the time, at least). ffxiv managed to pull it off with its last two expansions but destiny stumbled a bit with its last one. players were expecting SO much of lightfall after the expansion before it, witch queen, since it managed to nail both vibes and plot. witch queen and the seasons (kind of episodes) after it setup SO much stuff. it promised a lightfall that would be an explosion - a much waited confrontation between the players and the villain, answers given, mysteries solved... and it did nothing of the sort. confusion and anger soon followed.
which is to say... vibes can be very helpful when you pause to interrogate why they interest you so much. why do you like this particular aesthetic, this imagery, this turn of phrase? some elements just pull you in and its fine to go and write a chapter or scene that is basically just you going "wow this is SO cool" even though you have no clear idea why. it's just the vibes it gives. it just presses your right buttons.
... but you will need to wrap them up into something coherent eventually. and for writers i think it's easier - usually "later" just means "once the first draft is done" aka "no one but your trusted betas will ever have to glance at this mess". for live service games like ffxiv or destiny - or even regular rpgs like dragon age or mass effect - it can be very dangerous. writers come and go. turns out that vibes-fuelled story point someone cleared for release 4 years ago doesn't make sense after all! and yeah, hyping up certain characters and plot elements seemed like a great idea for player retention 6 months ago, but what the hell do we do now?
it's too late - the players have already played the thing, they have VERY strong emotions about the thing and they are waiting impatiently for you make the resolution of said thing awesome. and you've got no clue of how to meet said expectations.
(having said all that, i do believe authors can all fall prey to this in non-standalone works too. but we usually have the ability/autonomy to make hard decisions, which video game writers of huge ips like destiny/ffxiv/dragon age/etc usually don't have.)
and of course, using vibes can go very wrong in other ways. you know the negative art destiny does with its worldbuilding/characters? i think books can go way too hard in the opposite direction. i felt this way when reading stuff like acotar, for example. the story wanted to give me certain vibes BADLY, because vibes work!, but i could see right through it (and this is my opinion!) and there was no meat below the all the fanfarre.
sometimes your characters just havent earned the cool/interesting moments.
anyway!! tldr: ive been thinking a lot about just going with the vibes for my wip and i think that's a pretty neat idea actually!! sometimes tending to your darlings can lead to interesting realizations about your story's themes that you otherwise would not notice by being too stuck to rigid plotting and too much rationalization (does it advance the plot? is this scene truly necessary? how is this developing the main character? etc) - but only when you interrogate them enough to find that out and use this newfound knowledge to enhance the story in a revision/another draft.
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amygdalae · 2 years
my method for keeping minecraft survival fun and interesting (as some1 who has been playing for like 12 years as i have) is to find some overly complicated project to work on that would be a resource-intensive pain in the ass to make from scratch while trying to survive. and then build it
additionally extra fun if you start the game and build your base in a harsh/difficult to access location, and the project is something like a bridge, staircase, path etc. that’ll make navigating/resource gathering go more smoothly, but the amount of effort youre putting into it is unnecessary and youre doing it just for the love of the cubes
i built my base in the mountains on top of a long steep cliff so i made a spiral staircase all the way up out of stone brick and glass (had to scale the cliffs up and down to gather sand for the glass). all so i can boat over to nearby islands and lure pigs up the cliffside more easily. and it doesnt even look that good but i dont care i listened to Bela Lugosi’s Dead like 5 times when i was building it and had a great time
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hanni-simp · 2 years
Doctor!Stone and Agent!Robotnik headcanons
-Im gonna be honest, it isn’t too different from their canonical dynamic
-Robotnik always plans the schedule so that they have as much time working as possible during the hours Stone has enforced (he had to make a mandatory time frame for every day because Robotnik would have them planned working nearly 24hrs a day)
-Stone has holidays off and gives Robotnik a good amount of days off, welcomes using vacation days. Robotnik despises it, saying that it goes against all productivity and that he should be planning the schedule anyways so he should have the final say in this (he both shouldnt and doesnt)
-One day Robotnik comes into work, shivering and sort of dazed. Stone gets a thermometer and Robtnik’s temperature is 103. Needless to say, he is on mandated sick leave for the rest of the week. When he gets back at work he rants for the first half hour about the human body being stupid and fragile. When he’s done Stone just nods and goes back to work, muttering something about how maybe if Robotnik took care of himself his body wouldn’t be so fragile.
-Whenever Stone is doing work and Robotnik has nothing better to do he’ll stand behind and loudly point out every mistake Stone’s making. Usually saying something along the lines about the government and its habit of uplifting imbeciles.
-Stone is painfully patient with it all, asking Robotnik what he thinks would be an appropriate solution to the problem and saying nothing when Robotnik raises an eyebrow and says, “Isn’t that your job, Doctor?”
-Robotnik refers to Stone either as “Stone” or “Doctor”, never says sir. He doesn’t explicitly state why but it’s obvious to the both of them its because he resents being someone’s inferior so neither mention it.
-Stone, despite his patience, does sometimes have to make sure Robotnik remembers that Stone is still his boss. Once, in a meeting, Robotnik explodes and goes off on Stone, making a huge scene. During all this Stone just stares at Robotnik with a blank stare. When Robotnik finally finishes, out of breath, Stone speaks up. “Do not speak to me like that again, Agent. I can and will have you fired. Do not show up tomorrow.”
-When Robotnik does get back into work he is purposely subpar as a way to get back at Stone who says nothing about any of it. Instead, he just doesn’t smile, staring wordlessly at the mechanics with a blank face. This barely-a-reaction eventually gets to Robotnik and he steps up behind Stone to correct something he’s doing but not in the way he usually does it. He’s gentler, explaining the mistake in its whole. Stone listens throughout it, smiling afterwards and going back to the work.
-Nobody at the government knows why Stone hasn’t fired Robotnik yet. It bewilders most if not all of them when Stone, the government’s most prized secret, stands back and lets his assistant introduce himself first with a look of what could almost be adoration rather than annoyance. When someone has the courage to ask he just shrugs and says something along the lines of Robotnik being intelligent and a capable worker. What he doesn’t tell them about is the day where Robotnik got hurt and for the first time after he’d let Stone help him with no hesitance. What he doesn’t tell them about is the fact that when Stone had caught Robotnik’s sickness and was considerably worse off, ending up bedridden, Robotnik had hummed some tune and held him, stroking his hair and shushing him when Stone would twist in bed and cry out in pain. How when Stone was finally coherent enough to give a reliable answer Robotnik asked him if he was okay, how he’d held on a little tighter when Stone shook his head. What he didn’t tell them was that they trusted each other, and that they were as equal as any boss and employee could be.
-Robotnik is often mistreated or talked down to since he’s considered to be just an assistant. While Stone generally frowns upon making a scene in front of the higher-ups this is an exception, him having given Robotnik explicit permission to talk back when someone is treating him poorly. It amuses him to no end to watch it happen.
-Even though Robotnik isn’t as smart as Stone he is still very much a genius so when Stone is talking technical terms Robotnik, unlike most of the room, understands completely and has his own interjections. However, when there is something that Stone talks about and Robotnik doesn’t understand, he gets angry afterwards and nearly throws a fit (well, sometimes he goes through with it, but Stone mostly stops him)
-The whole Sonic thing doesn’t happen. Stone is much better with social interaction and manipulation so with him being the smartest man in the world that would most likely be amplified and he would be able to just manipulate Sonic into things instead of doing whatever Robotnik was doing (I love him but Robotnik is an idiot sometimes, man couldn’t catch a child because he runs fast)
-When they do eventually get together Stone has to use the whole “I can still fire you” schtick when he finds out that even though he’s been giving both of them a good, healthy schedule to be in and out of work, Robotnik has been staying up until four or five in the morning doing research.
-Robotnik makes Stone’s coffee ofc, he’s not perfect at it because he doesn’t think he should be taking the time out of his day to perfect something as mundane as coffee. Stone drinks it anyway with a smile on his face because Robotnik made it for him and that man is whipped.
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faerieismm · 2 years
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mammon headcanons!!
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tw: vaping, drugs, piercings? is that a tw??
genre: pretty lighthearted stuff??
type of writing: headcanons!
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the devs said he’s a party demon soooo i think he might’ve tried some ~things~
with things i mean the following
vaping, i think he might’ve liked that!
maybe did some party drugs too
might’ve gotten stoned once or twice too, but i have a feeling he didn’t like that as much
i hc he has piercings too hehe
his ear, maybe his brow, his lip and his nipples
lucifer was kinda pissed to say the least-
it does well for his modeling gigs tho
absolute sweetheart but we all knew that
takes his time with you if necessary
you two doing the most random things together
“mammon its 2am-”
guess what
you guys ended up getting a can of energy drink from a random vending machine
this boy has energy for daaaayssssssss
i also hc him as having adhd or add
i just-
as for pronouns…
he…./they? maybe?
i think he would be okay with he/him but-
this one is up for debate
i think he doesnt mind the gender for his partner
he’d date anyone
very good at maths!
i also think he can be pretty crafty
doesnt do it that often but
likes playing games tooo
sometimes he will just crash at levi’s and watch what he’s doing or ask to play along
always ALWAYS on your side if possible
and you guys DEFINITELY have your own handshake >:}
please praise him :(
really good big brother, but tends to push himself away from them because of the hating
maybe deepdown he knows its brotherly love
but it does hurt him
i think him and mc either talk eachothers ears off or don’t talk at all and just to random things while giggling
i think he likes pop rock or maybe even a little bit of metal sometimes
i can imagine his yelling along to this
very good song btw very good lyrics go listen
other than that, he likes pop and a little bit of party music too
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thats all i have for noww~ hope you enjoyed!
yours sincerely,
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mysticdoodles · 1 month
Besides working closely with aquariums, what do marine biologists do? Do you go to beaches and seas to check out fish as well?
(I hope this doesnt come across as nosy!)
It's not nosy at all! >u< I don't mind~ And that depends entirely on what sort of marine bio you want to specialize in, and what kind of work you want to do or find most fulfilling!
I spent a good year or so during my college education assisting an NOAA branch with tagging Coho salmon. They had a hatchery upstream of the designated trap point on the creek, which was within protected land for endangered species (like the Coho salmon), because the goal was to complete a study on the survival rate of hatchery-born juveniles vs. wild-born! We had to trudge through thick mud in heavy waders during the rainy season to reach the water, and it was a uniquely peaceful feeling to tag fish while listening to rain on the river stones and roof of the shelter. It was so much fun, and I'll never forget the time we pulled up a sparkling golden Steelhead trout- but ultimately, I decided that sort of work wasn't for me. I find my joy in caring for aquariums, like little (or big) cross sections of the sea!
As you suggested, it can also involve a lot of field work- we certainly go to beaches and dive in the ocean, for observation and sample collection! You do need special permits to take anything, and only in very specific designated areas, so don't get too excited xD But scuba diving is also an essential skill, if a bit expensive to purchase your own equipment. Sometimes scuba shops will offer discounts if you took the course they offered for the license (accredited organizations being NAUI and PADI), but it can still be a sizeable amount of cash. If you can afford it, it's absolutely worth becoming certified if you want to do anything involving a space larger than a 100-gallon tank.
A lot of marine biology studies at the moment tend to focus on the effects of shifting climate and over-exploitation of species valued by humans, such as tuna and other fishery favorites, on other, 'less valued' species. This can mean working closely with partnered or otherwise monitored organizations, such as the NOAA and other fishery management companies. A lot of colleges will also support ongoing student or graduate studies! Ultimately it all depends on who you ask, and the resources accessible in your nearby region.
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inkybinkyboink · 1 month
marauders weed headcanons bc guess what baybee??? im a free man motherfucker 🙇🏻
let's get it out of the way, peter hogs the joint. im sorry.
normally this like. doesnt bug me all too much but he's too scared to even smoke it
he just holds it and it just burns away
peter you're wasting good weed!!!
james is excellent at re-lighting the joint without a lighter (or magic)
sirius gets really fucking paranoid if it's not the right strain
remus is stoner extraordinaire (i will die on this hill)
sirius is the best at sneaking food from the kitchens when they all get the munchies
their favorite place to smoke is the shrieking shack
though, i reckon they probably plan their excursions bc can you imagine smoking in the shrieking shack and then realizing you're fucking starving but the castle is like all the way back up the hill
i would die
i would crave death
remus does more weed than the other three
it helps with his chronic pain and i wouldnt be surprised if he has some sort of special prescription for it
i know it's the 70s, but im not abt to figure out the specifics
remus and sirius are each others favorite pillows when they're both high
it helps james get to sleep and stay asleep
peter cant take more than like 3 puffs or else he gets weed shakes
the others will help him stay calm and massage spots on his shoulders to help him relax
i can also see them doing this for sirius though id assume sirius wants remus to do it more than the other two
sirius having a really bad high and remus walking him through it, trying to soothe him to sleep so he can sleep it off
remus having a pain flareup and calling it quits at like 6pm, going to hide somewhere in the castle to smoke and not think about how much his hips hurt
dude. listen. stoner room of requirement.
i mean its. the room of requirement. if im a stoner who requires a comfy place to hide out with a comfy couch and good lighting, in theory that should appear.
peter gets the most munchies
james has the craziest thoughts
sirius falls asleep the quickest
remus is the least anxious
god stoner remus actually makes me feel whole as a person
i feel like remus likes being alone when he's high, more than he likes a blunt rotation
god they rlly are the dream blunt rotation
them talking shit while stoned
when remus indubitably goes to live with sirius at 12 grimmauld place they light a joint "for old times sake"
thats a lie, remus never quit, he just wanted to help sirius unwind
remus helping sirius cope with what happened with him getting falsely convicted and sent to azkaban by smoking a joint with him every night on the steps and just talking
not about prison, or what happened, even
about anything sirius wants
it helps him re-familiarize himself with the world around him without getting too spooked.
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trainingdummyrabbit · 2 months
okkkk so ive been wonderingggg..... who are are the blue and the purple ocs you posted earlier 2day....i am so curious what is their lore
ouhg. ok. so. thats rose and wolfe, two of my lobcorp ocs part of a funy lil facility story im slowly ironing out :] um, nothing officials gonna come out of that, ijust write characters for fun, but they Do have an overarching.. Thing. going on. the lot of them.
but! those two mean a whole whole lot to me, theyve been on my mind a lot lately :] though um, their mess is. not as clear to me as some others', which is why i havent yet written up a loredump for them dkfjgndk;; but ill do my best!
wolfe is a character that Heavily self-isolates on account of not wanting to deal with anyone elses bullshit constantly. shes just kinda generally agitated at all times, snaps at just about anyone. which is on purpose, because if she has a reputation for being Scary and Unapproachable, well. people wont try. mostly.
unfortunately for her, rose is a character that Loves gossip and eavesdropping (under the cover of Simply Listening To People's Issues,) and That One Guy Who Sulks In A Corner And Hates Everyone is kinda prime material for digging into. And That She Does! Constantly. she is annoyingly persistent in trying to dig through whatever wolfe has going on, which she takes about as well as youd think she would.
rose posits it as Simple Curiosity, which wolfe doesnt really engage with, until eventually she nags so much that she starts giving one or two word answers just t get her off her back for once. ...buuuut that just means that its Working. and rose keeps trying. its just an on and on of pestering and shooing away and verrrry very slowly learning more about That Weird One That Doesnt Like Anyone.
and while wolfe keeps up that veneer of distance and disdain, its kinda.. weird. because even though it Is annoying, nobody has ever remembered what she talks about and builds off it like rose did. despite her own instincts to keep hidden, it Did genuinely feel like who she was was being respected for once. not as the caricature she put up, but simply As She Was. (she didnt know how to feel about that.)
on the other half of things, what started as a mostly disingenuous almost-game with herself ended up spiraling into genuine curiosity on rose's behalf-- she never shares much of herself much of ever, but she found herself unintentionally making exceptions with wolfe. every answer in between silences resonated in a way she wasnt really expecting. she keeps up her unruffled air, but... well, she does think about that one a lot. (that was new. and also an accident. huh.)
i dont really know what those two Have at that point in time, but They Have To Go Together, yknow?
um. dont worry about the issues. they dont exist if you dont look at them. nothing bad ever happens in lcorp.
anyway, you ever wonder what the difference is between an attack dog and a guard dog? which holds more beauty-- a prized flower or a weed growing through stone?
dont worry about it.
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