#(at first I saved the regular image and then I was like ‘hm. needs noise.’)
kirby-the-gorb · 3 years
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sunseteyes · 3 years
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—an au where kai is not a killer, but a lover
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ㅤㅤ ↪︎ starring: kai chisaki (overhaul)
ㅤㅤ ↪︎ word count: 1.5k words | themes: pre & post world war II. yakuza au. fem!reader. mentions of women discrimination (not that harsh but still). fluff with a bit of angst (if you squint)
ㅤㅤ ↪︎ request: Hi this is my first time asking so i wanted to request a jealous chisaki kai fluff if that’s okay with you...heheh...bai —Anonymous
ㅤㅤ ↪︎ rozé’s voice: this took me awhile but here it is!! since i still have no banner for kai, i decided to do this in my new banner format! what do you guys think?? does it look nice??
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the moon was out and the sun was being swallowed by the horizon, saying its goodbye for the meantime as it circles its way only to rise again by tomorrow morning. his eyes glared up on the sky, the orange hues of the sun’s rays reflecting upon them as he waited, the clouds emitting a different shade other than pure white as a result of how the light resonate well with the other contents of the sky.
beneath the comforts of his home, kai found himself drifting into a river of thoughts, wondering where could you have been.
after the world war II, it became difficult to not let the fear inside of kai be eliminated, even if he was sure that you’d be able to make it through the day anyway. after all, you were not just an ordinary yakuza woman.
you were the woman of the group—the boss.
the group was originally your father’s, being the previous boss that ruled everyone and lead them into a success that gave them the ability to be confident to put their trust into him. the boss—your father, he unfortunately passed away and in turn, the responsibility was given to the sole member who carries his very own blood and genes, his only daughter—you.
kai could briefly recall the moment your father had taken him in as part of the group and he eventually met you, who was well-loved by the other members, sooner by him. he believed in your leadership skills and how you coordinated well with others thus, he supported you when you suddenly became a leader in just one day.
during those times, many believed that maybe he should be the one who should be the boss, not a woman. at least even if he was someone from outside, he was a man. however, as soon as he heard of it, he came to you and told you yourself that;
“i believe in you.” kai’s own voice echoes inside of his memory, one that contained a scene where he confronted you one day while you were greeting him like you would every day, whenever you can.
“hm? did you say anything, kai?”
“i believe in your skills in being a good leader.” he faces you then, exactly by the time your face switched into something he couldn’t read. it was one of the things that attracted kai to you—the fascination of being unpredictable. it thrills him; sending jolts in his veins to the tips of his fingers and toes, as if you were a lightning bolt that struck him and kept him impaled with your effect on him.
your smile—it was one of his weaknesses, and in that moment, kai imprinted that image in his mind, tattooing it religiously like a madman.
“thank you kai, i really appreciate you saying that.”
for the first few days of being the boss, kai was glad that you were coping, and that you weren’t letting anyone or anything hinder you from doing your responsibilities. however, that didn’t last much long for the topic of having a husband was brought out by one of the veteran members of the group—those who believed that there should still be a male leader that would keep the stability of the group, as if you weren’t doing that already.
kai only watched from afar as men approached you gradually, statuses from every part of the group coming by with the intention of getting your hand for marriage. as a large group, there was a huge reputation that you should uphold. thus, no one ever approached kai to push him to take you.
he was merely an orphan boy that the boss saved and gave a shelter to. he was nothing more.
when the world war II happened, it was the time you dated another yakuza leader. kai could remember how he felt the crunching in his chest when it happened. the hatred beneath his glares, the hisses in his tone, his temper always setting fire despite being under the rain—he could not stop them,
but since he couldn’t do anything but watch, he lets it be.
it was proved difficult when he saw your exhausted face one day and by that time, he just knew that you weren’t happy with the relationship.
day by day, it was as if your energy was being sucked off by the sun, always robbing you of your smile, the lively glow on your eyes, and the hue of life on your skin. slowly, kai could watched everything unfold.
his chest tightens of the dread of just approaching you, who was currently with your significant other. he needed to give you daily updates since he was basically the one you trusted most out of everyone else in the group, but as he was about to slide open the door to your office, the voices reached his ears.
"you look so tired, don't you think it's time to rest? let me do the paperwork for you."
"no, it's fine. these are my responsibility, you don't have to offer me such a thing." base on your voice alone, kai knew there was something hidden behind it—something only he knows.
so despite the churning on his stomach when he enters the room after being granted entrance, he looks at you on the eye and let the words slip out of his mouth without any other sign of hesitance.
“i think you should take their opinion, boss. it will be best if you rest for awhile if you don’t want to make it worse.”
there was a certain harshness in his tone and he’s quite sure you could sense it, yet despite of it all, you looked at him with the same gentleness that you do every other time, no sign of remorse or irritation that could have told him that something put you off.
it took seconds before you answered—seconds of your significant other glaring daggers at kai, most probably with how he might have ruined a moment that shouldn’t be shared to any other, the sense of their small bubble being popped by a sharp object such as him.
and even without thinking twice, it doesn’t scare kai if he were asked. it actually swells his pride more with how much insecure the other was at his mere presence. and it seems that faith has him on their side as the situation unfolds further.
“maybe you’re right.” you sighed, the noise of the chair dragging onto the wooden floor echoing in the room as you stood up. the person by your side guides you as you walk to the door yet you stopped in front of kai, offering a flustered smile that tells him countless of words that your mouth couldn’t speak of when you say, “thank you, kai. i’m leaving everything to you for now, i apologize. i’ll make it up to you.”
kai then realized that day how stronger the thumping of his heart was than the ache that it felt when he saw you with another person that was not him.
when the relationship broke, kai expected it, and he felt the need to step up when you were being pursued by the same person to get you back to them.
“thank you, kai.” you say to him with the same look that you’d always given him, an exhausted chuckle leaving your lips, “you’ve always looked after me. what can i ever do without you?”
without thinking, the words left his lips without restraint, his mind already set upon the goal no matter how much there was an unlikely others would think it could happen.
“marry me, (y/n).”
he saw how your eyes widen and look straight into his, your entire form frozen and surprised, even the pen that you had between your fingers were up on the air, its ink about to fall down onto the paper if it wasn’t moved away.
kai remained still, his expression firm and serious, his mind already decided and confirmed that he wouldn’t ever regret his question whatever your answer would be. on the outside, his arms were closed into fists, his short nails digging into his own skin from how tight he was gripping his own palm. it was even far worse with how his chest has a pounding heart that rings on his ears and affects the vein on his neck, a line of sweat by his hairline that he was having a difficult time not to raise his hand and get his handkerchief to wipe it off. he had never been this nervous before, nor does he think he will ever do in the future. this moment will remain imprinted on his mind, no chance of ever redeeming it back again.
the touch on his cheek brought him back to reality, his gaze finding yours that looked at him in a way you’ve always did.
“what have you been thinking, love?”
his own hand grasped your own and he sighs, the memories of before slowly fading away as he relishes on the feel of your presence, giving a sense of peace in his chest that surely nothing else could change. nothing should, not now that he has you.
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regulars: @kacchanori @chickynn @todominica @brinthie @sparkleswritings @bitchtrynafck @patricia-ceballos @giyuus-wife @kawaiinishii @moonlightaangel @mrs-kuroojinguji @meliorist-midoriya @minibobabottle @deephasoceanmagic @liliannyah @millie-mint
ㅤㅤ ↪︎ do feel free to send an ask/dm if you want to be included or if there is a specific fandom/character you want to be specifically tagged into!
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love cuddles
Belphegor x Gender Neutral MC
Fluff, Love Confessions, Making Out
You're studying at the RAD library when a demon starts bothering you, but fortunately unexpected help comes in the form of Belphie.
You let out a quiet swear word as you lean further against the bookshelf, struggling on your tip-toes solely to get the damn book you’ve been trying to reach for a few minutes now. Luck isn’t on your side, for there isn’t anything you could climb on around you, and it seems that you’ve reached the limits of your arm length.
You’re preparing yourself to jump, the embarrassment from being seen jumping in the RAD library be damned, when you see a hand reaching for the book that you were trying to get. Surprised, you fall back on your heels, and look up to see a tall demon looking back at you.
In any other circumstances, you would’ve said hi or simply asked for the book, but the expression the demon is wearing right now makes you shiver. There’s a predatory glint in his eyes that you’ve seen before when you first arrived in the Devildom and so many demons wanted to eat you up like you were nothing but fresh meat.
You’re about to say something, if only to break the uncomfortable silence that has fallen between you, but the demon is quicker than you.
“You’re the human exchange student, aren’t you?” he asks you, his suave voice sending more shivers down your spine. “Were you looking for this book, cutie?”
The petname sounds awful in his mouth, and you have to hold back from gagging. It’s one thing when Asmo calls you cutie or love because he means it in a friendly way, but you don’t know this guy and his attitude isn’t helping.
“I’m an exchange student, yes, and I was indeed looking for that book. May I have it? I need it for my homework,” you manage to answer without stuttering.
The demon quirks an eyebrow and his grin widens.
“You may have it, but I’m thinking we could probably get to know each other first? You look interesting.”
Ugh. It takes all of your willpower not to take a step back or run away, and you don’t know what to do. You’re considering kicking him and stealing the book when a familiar voice calls out your name. Surprised, you turn around and to your delight, see Belphegor.
“Belphie!” you exclaim, your tone betraying your relief.
As if sensing your trouble, Belphegor comes up to you two and looks at you, asking with his eyes if you’re okay. You don’t even need to answer, for your face says it all, and before you know it, Belphie has pulled you against his chest. You look up at him as you feel your cheeks redden, and the gentle look he casts upon you makes your heart miss a beat.
“Did you forget about our date today? It’s way past our meeting time.”
As you’re raking up your brain for an answer that would play along with Belphie’s excuse, you still, and you’re taken aback as Belphie leans down to kiss you on the lips. The kiss is gentle but firm, and you have to hold back a pleased moan as Belphie’s mouth presses even more against yours. He pulls away, leaving you a little flustered, and he smiles at you as if the demon isn’t still here watching you.
“Well, excuse them, they must have been too invested in their homework and they forgot we were supposed to meet today,” Belphie resumes, smiling at the demon, “now hand that book over and leave.”
You cheer inwardly as the demon does as told before disappearing among the shelves, and you beam at Belphegor.
“You saved me,” you tell him, your grip on his arm tightening.
“You really have a talent for getting into trouble, don’t you?” Belphie teases, still not letting go of you – not that you mind. “What if we got out of here? We can go back to the dorms for a nap.”
“You and your naps,” you sigh, amused, “but sure, that sounds good.”
Belphie only lets go of your hand when you put back your belongings into your backpack. After dropping by the counter of the library to register your borrowing the book you needed, you both make your way back to the House of Lamentation.
Belphie’s hand is warm in yours, and you can’t deny that you really like how your fingers fit so well with his, tightly intertwined. You thought you’d head back to your room or to his right away, but Belphegor actually leads you to the kitchen. You follow in his steps, not against picking up a few snacks before your nap.
The kitchen is surprisingly quiet, so it doesn’t take much time before you’re finally on your way to your room. You unlock the door and let Belphie in, and you close the door behind him. Hoping no one will bother you, you tell Belphie you’re going to change into more comfortable clothes real quick. He nods, a lazy smile spreading on his lips when you mention changing clothes, and you choose to ignore the way your cheeks suddenly feel much hotter.
You just got done pulling an oversized shirt over your head when you hear Belphie coming closer. You send him a shy look, a little embarrassed to be so close to him despite all of the numerous times you’ve cuddled and napped together before in your pjs. His smile is still ever present on his face, and he chuckles.
“I’m pretty sure I left some clothes in your closet, so I’ll change too.”
You make a strangled noise in the back of your throat at the sudden mental image of Belphie undressing in front of you, and you hurry to take cover under your blanket, still very much shaken by the unholy thoughts running through your mind.
Belphie is done changing pretty quickly and soon you feel the mattress dip under his weight. You gulp down as he settles behind you, wrapping his arms around you in a warm embrace.
“Hm… this feels so nice,” Belphie mutters in your hair, “much better than studying. School is stupid.”
“I-I know right,” you stutter, tensing even more now that Belphie is wrapped around you.
“Why are you so tense?” Belphie asks, “we’ve done this plenty of times before.”
“Sorry,” you whine.
You’re not sure what to say. There’s a lot of things you’d like to say, but you don’t know where to start, nor how. And maybe Belphie knows it, because he squeezes you in his arms and starts kissing your nape.
“I’ll help you relax, so trust me, hm?”
You nod, feeling goosebumps erupt on the patch of skin Belphie just kissed, and it gets worse as he starts caressing you. He’s very, very gentle, and you like it so much you’d be tempted to blurt out what you feel for him – but you’re still scared, deep inside. There’s still a possibility, albeit very low, that he doesn’t like you like that.
That said, it’s obvious from his actions that Belphie is very much awake, contrary to his usual sleepy cuddles. His touch, while light as a feather, is full of confidence, and it feels extra good. You almost let out a needy moan as Belphie makes you turn around to make you lie on your back. He’s still laying by your side, but he leans into you further so as to kiss you on the lips, just like earlier.
Pleasantly surprised by his boldness, you open your mouth as if by reflex, and this time you aren’t able to hold back a moan as Belphie deepens the kiss. Earlier, the kiss that you shared in the RAD library was nowhere as intimate. But now that the demon is sucking on your tongue while gently groping your chest, you’re starting to feel really good and relaxed.
Belphie keeps kissing you, not letting you breathe or take any breaks, and his hands are mapping your body some more, all gentle and teasing caresses here and there. You let him do as he pleases, too pleased yourself with the way things are evolving between you two, and you eventually circle his shoulders, bringing him closer to you.
It’s almost worrying how calming it is to kiss Belphie. You can feel yourself falling asleep the more you make out with him, and by the time he finally lets go of your swollen lips to kiss your neck, you’re feeling incredibly drowsy.
“Belphie,” you call out in a whisper.
“Yes?” he says, nuzzling his nose against your neck.
“I’m falling asleep,” you confess, and he chuckles.
“Is kissing me that boring?” he teases you, and that wakes you up instantly.
“Of course not!” you protest, cheeks reddening, “I love kissing you! It’s just that it feels too comfortable and it’s making me sleepy!”
“So you love kissing me, hm?” Belphie repeats, squeezing your sides.
Of course he’d only hear what he wants to hear, you lament. But that’s how he is and that’s why you fell for him in the first place.
“Let’s take a nap and we can kiss some more later, then,” Belphie finally decides.
He spoons you from behind like earlier, and you hug his arms against your chest, happily. As you’re listening to his regular breathing to fall asleep, you suddenly hear him whisper in your ear.
“I hope you know that this means I love you.”
You flush, your heart suddenly beating faster than before, and you squeeze his arms to let him know you heard him.
“I love you too Belphie, so much,” you whisper back.
“Good,” he answers, “as you should.”
You turn around enough to kiss him quickly, and settle back in his arms, smiling widely. You’re pretty sure that sleeping in Belphie’s arms will make you enjoy your nap even more.
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diyunho · 4 years
The Joker X Reader - “Ghost Driver”
When The Joker says you’re his, it means you’re essential to him because he needs your services for his own gain; it literally has zero affectionate connotations. Turbo is The King’s Ghost Driver and although she’s a legend, her life is far from perfect.
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Part 2
“Where’s all your stuff?!” Frost asks since the apartment is pretty much empty.
“Gave it to Adam,” you sulk. “He wouldn’t sign the divorce papers so I gave in; I don’t even care… I’m glad he’s out of here.”
Jonny gazes at you in silence, a million words rushing through his mind and The Joker’s henchman can’t articulate anything close to what he would like to vociferate besides foolish small talk:
“How are you holding up?”
“Not sure… I don’t even know what the hell happened to us…It used to be so great and then he started making comments about my weight, gossiping with his friends behind my back, then cheated… I couldn’t handle it,” Y/N confesses although Frost is already acquainted with the dreadful story of her crumbled marriage.
“Not what the hell happened to us,” he decides to underline his personal opinion. “I think the question should be what the hell happened to him: you didn’t do anything wrong. And I believe you look perfect,” he mumbles the last sentence.
“What was that?” you search the fridge for his favorite soda.
“Nothing... nothing…”
“Here you go,” you offer the cold Fanta to a distraught companion.
“Thanks, Y/N. Here’s the money for tonight,” he gives you the envelope. “As usually, half now , half after the job is done.”
“OK,” you accept the terms without issues because it’s how The Clown Prince of Crime pays for your services. “Jonny, why is there an extra thousand dollars in here?!”
“Ummm…” the man tries to find a reasonable explanation yet Y/N can’t accept his strategy.
“Should I text Mister Joker and thank him for the bonus?”
“Nope,” he bites on his lip.
“I appreciate it,” you return the extra cash to Frost. ”I’m fine. Really.”
“Well…” he takes the bills and stashes them in his wallet, “… let me know if you need anything, alright?”
“I promise I will, “ you smile. “I swear on my Turbo honor,” the joke makes him smile also.
“Hey Y/N… I was thinking… maybe one of these days, if you feel like it, we could… and it’s entirely up to you, no pressure… maybe you would want to… ”
Frost’s phone keeps ringing and he retrieves from his suit’s pocket, annoyed about the interruption.
“It’s Audra,” he huffs while declining the call.
“Might be important,” you sort of urge him to answer.
“Meh, I doubt it. She will chew my ears off regarding our relationship that ended 3 months ago. I’m not interested,” he strolls towards the exit due to another pressing matter he has to attend. “I have to go, Mister Joker has a meeting soon; I’ll see you later, Y/N.”
“See you,” you wave and lock the door when your cell alerts of an incoming text from The Joker.
Downloading two pictures… Pictures?!
“Oh…my… God…!” you hold your breath when the first image depicts a totally naked King of Gotham reflected in the mirror at his gym and squeal when the second one shows a close up of his mid-section.
“Oh my God!” you burst out laughing as you admire the unexpected missive. “Heeeelllo Mister Joker,” you mutter and actual phrases pop up on your screen.
“I sent these to the wrong number, Y/N. Ignore and erase them!”
“Of course, sir!” you immediately reply with no intention of doing it for the moment.
The hilarious error shook you up from apathy and it’s worth saving those pics for a bit longer since you can’t remember the last time something got your attention after the messy divorce.
11:49 PM
The Joker is the first one to get in the car next to you, firmly clutching to his suitcase full of diamonds freshly stolen from “Diamond Emporium” store on Glissan Avenue. You notice the other goons sneaking to the cars deliberately positioned around nearby streets for tonight’s robbery. How come J doesn’t go with them?
The dilemma is simple:
The green haired menace typically arrives with his regular crew when he plans heists but has Y/N pick him up after the job is done.
“Hi Mister Joker,” you greet your employer.
“Hey,” he acknowledges your presence. “Did you delete the pictures?” The Joker gets straight to the point.
“Yes,” you lie and tell the truth in the same time: you erased the whole body image but kept the close up one for future reference.
“Good. What did you think?” the hasty interrogation prompts a careful chosen response.
“You look very…,” and you pause in order to find the correct term since a tiny mistake could set him off. “… Healthy, Mister Joker.”
“I do,” he huffs quite pleased with your statement.
You wish to add more but Frost and the new hire squeeze in the back seat awaiting orders.
“You’re in luck kid,” Jonny places a box filled with precious gems at his feet. “Your first assignment and you get to meet Turbo.”
The young man opens his mouth in amazement as you move the fingers from your right hand in the air instead of a proper introduction.
“You’re Turbo?! I thought you’re a guy!” Nick blurs out and Frost punches him in the head, displeased with the observation.
“Sounds empty,” you growl while The Clown snorts.
“My Ghost Driver A GUY??!! Ha-ha-ha-ha!” the unnerving, screechy noises make the newbie shrivel up. “Turbo, A GUY!” he continues to amuse himself before giving Nick a psychotic glare.
“I’m…I’m so sorry, I meant no disrespect,” he nervously stutters especially since J called you “his”.
The poor bastard’s oblivious about what the label implies in The Clown’s universe: when The Joker says you’re his, it means you’re essential to him because he needs your services for his own gain; it literally has zero affectionate connotations.
“Where the fuck did you find this buffoon?” you chew on your gum, irritated.
“He’s Richard’s nephew,” Jonny sucks on his teeth.
“Uncle Panda is infinitely smarter,” Y/N barks at the revelation.
“I’m truly sorry,” Nick apologizes again and you cut him off.
“Save it!... … I hear sirens,” you slowly inhale and The King calmly articulates:
“I forgot to mention I accidentally triggered the silent alarm.”
Translation: he did it on purpose.
You snicker at the first lights blinking in the distance, excited to have some fun after stressing so much in the past weeks. The vehicles belonging to the gang scatter in different directions as you step on the gas pedal, accelerating towards the numerous police cars answering to the 10-64 code.
“That’s my girl!” J cracks his neck, already hyped at the adrenaline rush burning his veins: The Ghost Driver is perfect to offer him what he craves and she always delivers.
That’s why Turbo is his.
4:37 AM
“Hi…Mister…Mister Joker…” you attempt to talk without slurring.
“It’s Ella,” his girlfriend snarls.
“Why…where is he?” you guzzle down half of glass of wine, adamant in having a chat with your boss.
“Well, after you two had a merry time being chased by cops all over town, he came home and now he’s sorting out the diamonds,” the woman bitterly reports.
“I wanna talk to him,” you sniffle and drink some more alcohol.
“You just saw him. I’m sure it can wait until tomorrow.”
“I’m sure it can’t!” you shout. “I just received important information he’d be i…interested in,” you finally make it through the whole sentence.
Ella stomps in the living room, vexed at your behavior.
“It’s Turbo,” she shoves the phone in his fingers. “The bitch is wasted!”
“What did you call me?!” the appalled Y/N is about to burst when The Joker’s deep voice resonates I her ear.  
“Sir,” you correct your bitter tone. “I h-have very important news!”
“I’m listening,” J ignores his woman as she cusses you out.
“I have to tell you in person, sir. Let’s go on a date and I’ll reveal the entire shocking...”
“I have crucial information…”
“Quit repeating yourself!” The Joker interrupts. “You’re not making any sense. Go to sleep and we’ll catch up after you sober up.”
“But I wanna go on date Mister Joker,” you gulp the rest of the wine and prepare for a fourth round.
“Why, because I look healthy?” J mocks and Ella sighs, not understanding the odd conversation she’s witnessing. “… …. … Hello?”
A loud thud, then dialing tone at the other end of the line.
“I think she passed out,” The King of Gotham concludes, not particularly worried at the sudden halt of your monologue.
3 Days Later
The late meeting is almost done: the buyers already purchased the diamonds J had for sale, among them your ex-husband Adam that has a small crowd gathered next to him; he’s supposedly famous for his crappy attitude enjoyed by jerks sharing the same ludicrous humor.
“You know I’m sensible when it comes to challenges and I couldn’t grasp why she doesn’t want my help in shedding a few pounds. What’s the harm in that?! I love curves but sometimes I don’t, ya’ know?” he winks and the group laughs.
The Joker is arranging money in duffle bags, his concentration diverted by the impromptu comedic performance. What the heck are they yapping about?
Frost is certainly in a foul mood: J can guess his trusted henchman is worked up since the usual chilled Jonny can’t control his anger.
“What’s wrong with being voluptuous, hm?” he addresses Adam and it clicks for The Joker: this is about Y/N.
“Nothing at all,” he smirks and the laughter around the room dies out because not too many dare screwing with Jonny Frost. “I was merely emphasizing that if a woman can’t lose weight, she’s doomed. Y/N lost me, how is she going to get another stud if she…”
“Perhaps she’s not interested in pieces of shit; definitely had her share!” Frost grumbles at the absurd remarks.
The Joker has no clue about what’s going on, yet he won’t deny today’s entertainment is far from boring.
“Give me a break!” Adam scoffs. “Who’d sniff her tail if she refuses to get skinnier? Ooohhh, wait a minute, we might have an admirer,” he arrogantly slides your cell out of his coat. “I was browsing her pictures and what do you know? A gentleman sent Y/N a picture of his junk three days ago. I am deeply sorry, my bad. She does have somebody sniffing her tail. What kind of loser sends images of his dangling goodies to another dude’s wife?!” 
“Ex-wife!” Jonny sneers whilst J’s calculation leads to an easy verdict: you kept one pic.
“Whose junk is this?! Is it yours?” your estranged spouse accuses Frost without any evidence.
“It’s my junk,” The Joker’s serene revelation makes everyone freeze: they have no idea how to react at the puzzling escalation of events.
Is he bluffing?!
“I wasn’t aware I require permission in order to text whatever I desire to whomever I want.”
Awkward silence and Frost approaches Adam, boiling with indignation.
“Why do you have Y/N’s phone?”
Your husband doesn’t have a chance to justify his action: Jonny’s punch throws him to the ground, immediately followed by his unsettling ultimatum.  
“You son of a bitch, what did you do to her?”
Your former husband gets on his elbow ready to attack when The King’s stern inquiry stops his motion:
After 1 hour
Frost lifts you higher in his arms while you keep wheezing, trying to regain control.
“I’m sorry…I attacked you,” the weakened Y/N whispers. “I thought you were Adam...”
After being abducted and left to starve for the last 3 days, you had one clear purpose: to kill the guy that did it. Adam surely crossed the line with his despicable plan of making you lose weight: he creeped in your apartment, kidnapped you and took you to his home where you were chained in the cellar until Jonny found you. The basement was dark and you couldn’t see, that’s why you used whatever strength you had left in order to attack the individual responsible for your misfortune.
Turned out it was actually a rescue party although Frost is now the proud owner of a beautiful bump courtesy of Y/N.
“No problem,” Jonny takes you to his SUV, carefully laying you down in the passenger’s seat. “How’s your head?” he wipes the dried blood on your cheeks since Adam knocked you out unconscious while you were talking to The Joker after the heist.
“I’m OK,” you start crying, mostly mad at yourself for being such an easy prey, yet you didn’t see it coming.
“You know… It’s OK not to be OK,” Frost opens a bottle of water and gives it to you. “I’ll take you home, you can take a shower and I’ll have the doctor come for an emergency evaluation. Are you hungry?”
“I’m so hungry,” tears stream down your face and Jonny has a great proposal.
“I’ll order some food and if you want me to I can stay with you. After you feel better, we could… and it’s entirely up to you, no pressure… maybe you would want to…”
The Joker rolls his eyes, deciding to emerge from the shadows.
“Wow, this is painful to watch. Frost believes he’s still in high school: basically he’s asking you on a date. There, done. No need to beat around the bush. Jesus!” J scolds about a subject he shouldn’t mess with. “I have a heist next week, you better be good to go by then!” he gestures at the confused duo. “If you’ll excuse me, I have my own date to honor. We’re done here, yes?”
“Yes sir,” Jonny replies for both, unwilling to split hairs with The Joker and his obnoxious aberrations. “Here’s your cell,” he returns the item to you and you snatch it, relieved. You seem to have an outburst of energy as you unlock the secured folder.
“Where’s Adam?”
“I don’t know, we had an altercation at the warehouse then he scrammed,” Frost reports, ogling a strange looking Y/N typing on her phone.
“He won’t be able to hide,” you grin and send the attachment to The Joker.
“We’ll be late for dinner,” Ella kisses The Clown. “I’m not a 100% positive why we had to waste precious time and come for her,” she pouts and drags him after her towards their vehicle.
J’s phone chimes and he stops in his tracks, not expecting a message from you seconds after the encounter.
“Mister Joker, you were very generous to share pictures with me.
Allow me to do the same.
Your Turbo.”
Imagines downloading and he’s not sure what to do when pics appear one by one: frames taken by the private investigator you hired to follow Adam when you suspected he was cheating. The bastard was diligent, but he was eventually caught in the act three days ago.
Who’s the woman he’s with?
The Joker’s Queen.
“What’s wrong?” she frowns at the visible switch in his temper.
The Clown ruthlessly slams Ella against the hood while her cell also receives a text from Y/N:
“Who’s the bitch now?”
 Also read: MASTERLIST
You can also follow me on Wattpad and Ao3 under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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Survivor ~ Graydon
A/n: I didn’t know if his name was Braydon or Graydon so.... here goes I guess. Also it’s kind of a rushed ending and it’s just because I really liked this idea but like... I wrote this over like. Week and forgot some of the movie and lost momentum for writing it, so I hope that you guys enjoy this :)
Summary: Being locked up with your dad as you both wither away to nothing slowly but surely isn’t ideal. The first chance she gets’ she’s gone. When her father doesn’t follow, she makes an instant choice to bond with one of her rescuers, and it soon drives her to far reaches and crazy lengths. But who wouldn’t do whatever it took to survive with a cute boy, right?
Pairings: Graydon x female!reader
Song Suggestion: “Famous Last Words” by My Chemical Romance
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I didn’t have the energy to move, so when I heard the lock turning I just closed my eyes, accepting my fate. Dad had been wrong. They’d gotten smarter and had found us. Or they were just trying to see what was in here. Did they need clothes? Blankets? Or did the warmth in the blood they ate satiate their sensitivity to the cold? If that was the case maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to eat another person. My old man was milliseconds from losing it. It wouldn’t be a big deal...
The door opened and there wa as gasp, a hand on my arm. I whimpered, recoiling, waiting for the hold on me to tighten as hands dug into my abdomen and teeth sunk into my arm. Neither came. In fact, the hand dropped my arm immediately. There was a swish and my dad started so I knew he’d been exposed. I opened my eyes, looking over to see two men bundled up, trying to calm my flailing father.
Didn’t take the old man more than a second longer than it took me to realize these people were not one of Them. These people were too controlled, curious, and concerned. Too humane. My eyes moved as the hand come back, pushing my hair out of my face. “Hey,” a soft voice greeted. I smacked my lips, trying to talk and respond, but my mouth had long ago gone too dry to respond. “Let’s sit up.” He offered me his hand and I took it, letting him pull me to a sitting position. He then reached around and I tensed before he came back, a water pouch in his hand. “Here,” he offered. I took it, not caring whether it was poisined or not. I would die either way so who cared if I died of poison or of human limitation?
The second the water hit my mouth I was sucking it down and the boy next to me took it back again. “Whoa whoa whoa,” one of the other men by my father mumbled at the same time. “Don’t drink all of it in one go. Won’t do you any good if you’re weighed down and sick from drinking too much after you hasn’t had any in so long.”
The man not offering water to my father looked at the boy next to me. “Is she okay?”
“Yeah,” I croaked, wincing at the pain as the words bubbled through my raw throat. The second man smiled at me, nodding. He recognized my ability to, at the very least, answer for myself. A good sign. It also meant he now had to direct his questions at me.
He moved closer. “My name is Sam,” the man greeted. “These are my friends, Briggs and Graydon.” He pointed first to the man who had offered my father water and then to the boy ho had offered water to me. I filed their names into my brain, forcing them to stick. I would not forget the people who had saved me.
“My name is-“
“No!” My father croaked. I looked at hm angrily. “If you choose to ever listen to me in your lifetime, do so now,” the old man chided warningly. “We don’t know if we can trust these people.”
I rolled my eyes, my emotions coming back weakly as the words and warmth followed the water. “You’re paranoid, old man,” I snapped. “They saved us. We would have died without them. If they wanted to eat us we’d be gone and if they wanted us dead all they’d have to do is leave us behind. There’s no logical reason for someone who means harm to us to help us as they have.”
The old man glared back at me. “You’ve had your voice back for thirty seconds and you’re already back talking me.”
Briggs chuckled. “Father and daughter?”
“How could you tell?” I asked, my head lolling back as I slowly popped my neck, trying to stretch my joints as well as I could. “I mean I know the regular situation is ‘you have his eyes’ or ‘your noses match’ but I’m sure the insanity I inherited from him gave us away, huh?” The other men actually laughed and I could tell that we’d get along. Before everyone had died it had been teased that I was the sunlight in a dark world. Warm and caring and hilarious. A lot of people liked to have me around to cheer everything up. Now, after watching all of my friends and family be eaten alive, their screams still echoing in the back of my head and maybe not-so-much-of-a-joke insanity eating at the edge of my brain... At least my sarcasm and sass could make people laugh. I hadn’t lost my touch, just changed my strategy.
I leaned against something as the trio talked to my father, switching information and getting everyone caught up. Everyone moved toward the screen as my father went to show them the broadcast of Paradise and as the boy - Graydon - went to follow, he suddenly paused and then stopped next to me, craning his neck to see what was going on from his spot by my side. “Whoa,” he whispered, his body leaning forward, giving away how much he wanted to be closer.
“You can go,” I told him. “I’ll be fine by myself.”
Something must have given me away in my face because he looked at me a second before shaking his head. “You’ve been alone waiting to die for too long. I’m not leaving.” I didn’t know if it was him or me that took more comfort from the other’s presence, but I instantly felt better and didn’t urge him to leave again. He was right. I hadn’t completely alone in this room, but a lunatic like my father really wasn’t much company.
It made me briefly wonder if I was crazy and it just hadn’t manifested yet. I’d seen my dad stare at me like I was a meal and knew that if I didn’t keep an eye on him he’d turn on me. I knew HE was crazy by the things he bailed about and the ideas that came out of his mouth. He’d been crazy before They came. You could see it in the way he stood and the way he talked and the way he moved. You could see it in the folds in the fabric that made his body, soul, and person. How could you tell if you were crazy without that silent bodily context?
Graydon scooted closer, his shoulder bumping mine to try and knock me out of my thoughts. “Thanks,” I mumbled. He nodded.
When it was time to go, I volunteered to go first. Graydon helped me to my feet and then we were walking, him guiding me as I got the feeling back in my feet. They had fed us soemthing small too and I already felt my body arguing to lay back down but I knew that if I lay down I wouldn’t be able to get up again and then I’d rot away in this one room and die. Or worse, They’d find us and then I’d spend my last moments weak, helpless, and in complete pain.
When we were all out, I turned back to see Sam suddenly shoved, tumbling into me. I caught him and then he stabilized himself and returned the favor, catching me as my knees gave out. The door slammed and locked and we all turned to face it. “Shit,” Sam cursed.
“He locked it,” Graydon grunted.
There was a pause before Briggs looked at me. I shook my head, shooting down the question in his eyes. He won’t come. No matter what we do, he wouldn’t come. Briggs sighed. “Leave him,” he told the others. There was a loud knocking and I gasped, going completely stiff. Vivid images colored in sickly vibrant reds and suffocatingly dark blacks filled my head and I shivered. It was Them. Oh god I was out where they could get me again. I took a step toward the door then forced myself to stop. I had to get out. Hiding wouldn’t bring me anything but a slow death with a mad man I’d once called my father.
Briggs began to move toward the noise, Sam immediately following. Graydon went to follow and I reached out, grabbing his wrist. My heart was racing, fear coursing through my veins. “Don’t go!” I called, the three men looking back at me.
“Why not?” Sam asked.
“They’re down there,” I told him, my eyes begging them to understand the words I couldn’t form. “They... they eat... they killed everyone to eat.” I shivered again, leaving against the wall as my legs turned to jelly at the very thought of going toward where They were. “Please, it’s not something you can’t understand just from what I’m saying. It’s not something you need to see.”
Sam frowned. “They eat... people?” My hands curled, fingers turning into claws against the wall. I nodded and Briggs and Sam exchanged a look. I looked at Graydon who was already looking at me. He moved closer, trying to comfort me but not sure how to do it.
“You okay?” He asked. He immediately cringed. “I know you’re not I just mean... you’re willing to leave your dad behind?”
That surprised me. “I lost him a long time ago,” I reasoned. His frowned deepened. “Just... please don’t leave me.” I wasn’t one to be vulnerable, but I knew that I couldn’t lose him. Any of them. I’d already lost everyone else. I LIKED these people. If I was on my own again it would be absolute Hell. I hadn’t even been truly alone, not a single person around to look at in times of hopelessness. If they were gone, the loneliness is all I would have. And I don’t think I could bring myself to fight for that.
After seeing the look in my eyes, his face set and he nodded. “Promise.”
That set me at ease. Briggs moved, catching both of our attention. “Can you shoot a gun?” He offered me the weapon and I looked at it with the slightest of pauses before nodding, taking it. He stepped close, pointing things out. “Safety, trigger... pull that when you want to shoot. Safety’s off so be careful.” I nodded. “Let’s go,” he mumbled, turning away from the noise and toward the exit and I relaxed. “Let’s get out of here before they find us.”
We were moving again but a second after we took a step I heard my dad ram against the door, screaming my name at the top of his lungs. I gasped, skittering away. Graydon was immediately right against me, his body then moving in front of me.
After a few beats, Sam chuckled. We all looked at him like he was insane. “Got brave all of a sudden, hm, Graydon?”
Graydon glared but there was a sudden awkwardness in him that made me wonder how accurate Sam’s statement had been. “Guess it’s easier to be brave when there’s something to fight for,” I mumbled. “Maybe he didn’t want to come in or be here, but he has to get out now.” Sam looked at me like I hadn’t quite got what he’d meant and maybe I hadn’t. Sam’s smile and Graydon taking a step away from me seemed so out of place and nonsensical that it didn’t add up in my mind as I tried to draw a conclusion as to what Sam was insinutaing.
My dad started smashing against the door again, violent and loud. “Let’s go,” Briggs muttered darkly as I tensed, the split second of almlst light heartedness completely disappearing in a second as screeching voices echoed in the distance.
We were running now, me leading the group because I knew the layout of the base I’d once called home better than they did, especially while panicked and running. We were about twenty feet from escape when a body landed from the ceiling. I gasped, my eyes going wide as an arm tugged me back. All I saw was black as guns went off. My hands flew to cover my ears and I pressed my face into Grayson’s back. When the fight cleared, the groans echoing from behind us made me lock up.
Graydon turned, pulling me after him. No one had to say anything- the four of us took off. We ran and ran and kept running until we hit outside, where we only stopped because Briggs has to blow up the opening. "Keep going!" Sam yelled, motioning at me and Graydon when I whined, hopping from foot to foot. I didn’t pause, turning and taking off, and Graydon was only too happy to follow.
Running through snow was not easy. My feet kept sinking and catching in the holes and I almost tripped several times. When we finally got to the bridge, both of us were having a hard time breathing. We got across when I finally stopped, not able to go any further. "We got over the bridge," Graydon gasped. "Let’s wait here for Sam and- and Briggs." He said his words between gasping breaths. I nodded and he kneeled next to me.
The world was spinning and I groaned. "Graydon I... I don’t feel... so good."
He looked at me and then back at the bridge. There was a pause and then a loud explosion. I shivered as the air hit me from whatever had happened and then something hit me over the head and I was out cold. The world was gone and I fell into black.
It was dark when I woke up but unlike I’d g-them use to, it wasn’t cold. I was laying comfortably on soemthing soft, a thick blanket over me. A door opened and I looked over to see Graydon walking in with a bag in his hand. "You’re up," he greeted, smiling. He sat next to me on a beaten down chair, offering the bag. "Food. You hungry?" I nodded, taking it from him.
"Thank you." I reached in and pulled out a lumpy sandwich, smiling. It was the most delicious thing I’d laid eyes on in weeks.
I dug in and he chuckled. "Don’t eat too fast, you might choke." After a few bites and swallows, it was gone. "Shit, a girl who can eat her food. You continue to impress." He seemed awkward, a weird lilt to his voice that I couldn’t quite pin.
My head tilted. "Are you sick? You keep looking at me weird."
Graydon rose a hand, running it through his hair. "Guess Sam was right," he sighed. I rose my eyebrow. "I... know I don’t know you well, but... but I kinda- well-"
His face went red and I scooted close, pushing the blanket and the food to the side to plant my feet on the ground, leaning my elbows on my knees so I could reach out to him when I pressed the back of my hand to his forehead. "Now you’re red, and your face is kind of warm. Maybe you are-"
"You’re beautiful." I froze, my hand still on his head as I met his eyes. It was suddenly very apparent how close we were. "And you saved our asses back there," he added quietly. "We got out a lot faster than we would have if we’d ins[ected like they had planned and soemthing really bad could have happened. We’re back at base and Sam found the clearing where there might actually be a good place to restart normal life on Earth. We’ve been waiting for you to wake up so we can go. Whenever you’re ready, we-"
"You said I was beautiful." My hand dropped to my knee and he swallowed. His eyes were wide, full of fear, and I couldn’t help but note that he was very attractive. I sat back. "I’m flattered and... and I haven’t had real company in a long time. But Gray... I... I’m really messed up. Looks aren’t everything."
His lips tugged as he fought a smile. "I’m not asking you to have sex with me, it was just the truth. I would like to get to know you. You’re strong and brave- it amazes me. You sat in the same spot for DAYS and then got up and ran faster than ever I could in the far below freezing weather without proper warmth and you just... took it so well. We thought you were dead when you didn’t wake up for four days, constantly taking your pulse and checking your breathing... I don’t know."
A shyness I hadn’t experienced in a long time bubbled and poked, my body hinting at a possibility. His promise ring out to me, the idea of always having someone by my side at all times and through everything - especially in the way that I hadn’t had the time to allow myself to think of but had wanted for as long as I remembered - was promising. It was good. I smiled. "Sure, Gray. I’d love to get to know you."
"And no pressure," he added. "If we become just friends, then it’s just friends." He laughed, shaking his heads. "I didn’t think this was how this whole thing would go down but I also didn’t realize how awkward I was around a pretty girl, so here we are." I blushed and he reached out, the pads of his fingers gently moving across the tinted skin before slipping a piece of hair behind my ear. His hand dropped. "I like that nickname by the way. I’ve gotten Aydon but never Gray."
We sat in quiet for a few seconds before he pointed to the food and conversation continued as I picked up my sandwich again and continued eating. Despite the terrible circumstances we’d met under and the awkward beginning to our relationship... I didn’t mind. There was a lot more to someone than just looks, and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Graydon wasn’t just looks. We had a lot ahead of us but for now, this was fine. But, I have to say, I was excited for the future. For the first time in a very long time.
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kakiokuru · 7 years
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Chapter Twelve | Smoke and Mirrors
No one was surprised at the outcome of Sakurai Reika’s fight. Well, save for Majijo’s students. The details of how it was accomplished had been muddled and blurred quite a bit to save the girls’ face when they arrive back at Noborizaka. Nonetheless, it was a victory on paper and a victory well earned. As far as the world was concerned, the second step on the staircase of victory, much like the first, had been taken with ease. However, that in itself was a problem. News of the first Queen being taken down by the princess school's student president and assistant with little to no trouble spread like wildfire. Rumors of cheating or foul play were thrown around in casual conversation as well as who was going to be fighting next and against whom. Whether or not it would be a private of public match was yet to be seen. If Mai had it her way, they would wait another week before jumping into action again but with how quickly and easily they beat the first Queen and stair guards, of course Majijo wouldn’t stay quiet.
“Waka! You'll be next, right? Right?!” Kazumi bounced around the couch in glee, still ecstatic from the praise she was given after winning their fight. Once more all the girls were doing nothing other than lazing around in their clubroom, with the images of Majijo students projected onto the wall, a large red cross plaster over the fallen members.
“Hm? Ah, yeah. Sure, whatever.” Yumi nodded a couple times, her focus lost. Her eyes were searching unintentionally for the one thing not in the room.
“Idiot, we still have to prepare, it's only been a day. We need to recuperate and plan.” Erika interject, pointing her finger into her desk.
Mai exhaled softly with her arms crossed over her chest. “Magic is next. No doubt she will come to us before we go to her. Nishino, be prepared.” Mai craned her neck over when no response was given. “Nishino?” The room did feel a bit more empty, Mai looked to Erika for answers. Erika merely raised her brow in irritation, not having an answer.
“She isn't here.” Yumi sat up on the couch, running her hand through her hair. “She's probably on the roof, as far away from me as she can get.” With a low sigh, Yumi fell back once more with her forearm over her eyes. “Not my problem.”
“Eh, Waka–” Kazumi started.
“The shitty brat wants to play cocky and arrogant, let her.” Yumi finished.
There was an awkward silence, coupled with a heavy, uncomfortable tension looming in the room. Mai looked to Erika once more to urge her to slice the silence but pianist was too wrapped up in her frustrated feelings to even notice. Even Kazumi was burying her feelings in an extra large box of pocky she obtained at the convenience store.
“Well–” Reika opened her mouth to speak but was cut off quickly by the PA system’s melodic ringing throughout the rooms and corridors. Throughout the school, it started with a loud screech of feedback before the sound of sharp, foreboding clapping. All of the girls raised their head up in confusion, looking towards the PA speaker on the far end of their room. An announcement? Now? During free period? Unheard of. One that was so… bold? Something was off.
“Good morning, Noborizaka students.” A higher voice, taunting and arrogant in tone rang through the halls. “Today, your friend from Majisuka Girls Academy has a very exciting announcement! Today, the one and only Majikku Show will be performing for your special school!” The sound of clapping was heard before laughing. “However, it is invite-only and there’s only one premium ticket to the event and such ticket has be won by your very own Nishino Nanase-san!” Once more, laughter sprang from the speaker gradually becoming more and more grating on the nerves, purposefully so. “Nanase-san~! You’re the lucky winner! Congratulations~!”
Mai’s eyes widened perplexed. Here? Now? How did she just slip through the school’s security? The gates should have been closed and walls would have been too high for a regular yankees to make an effort to jump over. More than that, this girl had the nerve to infiltrate non-yankee territory and call out a fight during class hours? She clearly had no respect for Noborizaka or its rules.
The inside of Yumi’s chest churned with uneasiness, like a premonition, a sense that something horribly wrong would and will happen. She couldn’t shake it, couldn’t ignore it. Yumi rose to her feet, ripping her umbrella from the coat rack. “I'm going to look for her. That little shit couldn't have gotten far.”
“I thought you said not to bother?” Reika peeped up, just as she was about check the school’s security updates. Peeking from her tablet, she bit back her envy. “Even with an announcement like that, Nishino should be fine based on her skill evaluation. She’s fast so it’s very likely she could outwit Magic’s trick–”
“Forget what I said! I'm just… I need peace of mind.” She shut the door behind her without looking back. She couldn't place why she was so worried suddenly, but something felt grim. That she had to find Nanase, just in case something went wrong.
After a long pause, Magic’s voice rang through again along with a snarky giggle. “The time and location are a secret to everyone else, it's super private after all. Please look forward too it, Nishino-san.”
There was a loud click as the PA shut off.
Even on the roof, Nanase heard the announcement loud and clear with a playing card nestled between her fingers. The queen of hearts, seemed normal enough though much stiffer material than a standard card. Like glass. Upon further examination, she saw the perimeter of the rectangle sharpened to an edge, threatening to cut. That’s how she had found it stuck within the wood of her desk. History was repeating itself, she couldn’t help but anticipate that some sort of shitty trick or illusion would reveal where and when she was to show up for the fight. Nanase smoothed her fingers over the playing card, the final words echoing in the back of her mind. She held it up to the light and scoffed at it.
“How tacky.”
Nanase held it up under the clouded sun, light permeated through translucently to reveal words within the card, a classroom number and time. Class 1-G, 11:40AM. Even Nanase had enough respect for this school to not particularly enjoy fighting during class hours, especially on school grounds. However, she was called out and Magic made it a point to have the entire school know. More importantly, her team know. This was impossible to ignore, especially in the midst of war.
“Can't be helped…” Heaving a heavy sigh, Nanase pushed off the roof’s flooring. She carefully patted away any dirt that clung to her uniform before slinking out the door. She had exactly thirty minutes to reach the classroom and prove herself. Although, she had no doubt in her mind she would win. She hated cheap tactics, and always saw through them. This girl would be no different. She never believed in magic to begin with.
Nanase was always cocky. Just because the opponent was a Queen of the infamous Majijo, it didn't mean that would change. She took her time in reaching the destination classroom and slid through the door without a shred of hesitance. Across the room was a student peering out the window. She had a curly mess of hair atop her head, leather skirt over her dark uniform, thigh-socks, and shining pink jacket with its sleeves rolled up.
“It's a little early don't you think? Don't you need to wait a while to bury your dead and lick your schools wounds?” No response. Nanase scoffed to herself, walking forward. “Oi? You deaf?” Her hand fell on the girl's shoulder. Nanase went to turn the girl around to face her opponent, but lept back in surprise when she toppled to the floor as nothing more than a hollow mannequin in a wig. “What the fuck?” Nanase furrowed her brow in irritation, one that quickly boiled to anger when she heard the footsteps behind her. Thankfully with her speed, Nanase moved fast enough for the kick launched at her spine to completely miss. The real girl stomped her foot down, inches away from the Nanase with a confident grin.
“Nice to meet you. I'm Magic.”
The Majijo girl quickly swung her fist at Nanase, twisting her body to stop her from escaping but the scout already foresaw the attack. She leaned back, catching Magic’s arm with her left hand and from underneath, Nanase leaned out with a step back from her entrapped arm, giving her the same cocky sneer when she felt Magic’s resistance. “Fast, that's dangerous.”
Nanase wasted no time in slipping her own foot behind Magic’s, kicking out her ankle to crumble her balance but the magician caught herself on the scout. Using Magic’s falling weight, Nanase smirked arrogantly as she grabbed a handful of her opponent’s white collar and jacket, and then twisted her stance. Pivoting her body in the opposite direction, her back towards the Majijo girl, she used whatever strength need to judo-throw the magician over her shoulder to the floor.
“But I'm–” Nanase took a step back, tucking her medium hair behind her ears. However, when she lifted her head and opened her eyes, there was no body writhing in pain at her feet. In fact, there was never even the thud of a body hitting the floor. She quickly whipped around, trying to find her opponent. “Where–”
“Not fast enough it seems.”
Despite sharing similar skills in speed, Magic was Nanase’s opposite. The scout would normally allow the fight come to her but Magic wasn’t particularly confrontational as she was arrogant. Just like with Yumi, she would have to take the reigns and finish things herself. Across the room, her eyes narrowed as they found their target leaned against the teacher’s podium with a cocky grin. With a soft growl, she lunged forward at the magical student, swinging her heavy fists down against her but only to be greeted with a piercing, shattering noise as her fist collided with a standing glass mirror. Nanase cried out, gripping her hand as blood began to seep from her knuckles where shards embedded itself in her flesh.
“Ah–! Fucking… bitch!!”
From behind her she could heard the most aggravating laughter which were followed by intervals of clapping and gasps of air. “I heard you were one to jump the gun but are you really that stupid?” Magic snorted, having to hide her toothy grin behind her hand. “I can’t believe this, this is even better than magic.”
“Fighting dirty… why don't you come at me seriously!” Nanase took her bloodied fist, ignoring the stinging pain as she attempted another speedy swing, whipping the crimson liquid in every direction. One after another, Nanase aimed at her chest before slinking around her to launch knee her in the back. However,  before she could even make contact with Magic, the magician jumped forward with her hands up in a mock surrender. She twirled on her heels to face her again with a laugh.
“Another girl before you said the same thing! Something like ‘living without seriousness means nothing.’ Stupid.”
“What the fuck do I care!?” Nanase growled and rushed forward, kicking at her with her heel. And when Magic successfully dodged, Nanase would fling herself right into swinging punches again, gritting through her throbbing pain. Her annoyance and anger boiled over, not even realizing just how much strain she was putting her body through.
“Interestingly! We ended up as comrades. So Ill tell you what I told her.” Magic blocked her rival’s fist as it flew past by grabbing it with her own, slamming her fist into her opponent's stomach the moment she could. When Nanase groaned softly, Magic met her eyes with a confident smile. “This is my Majikku.”
Nanase snarled, the magician’s words grating on her nerves. She hugged the girls arm with her own now stained with blood and drove her back into the blackboard. With her body pinning the annoying girl against the surface, she ripped her hand from Magic’s grip and use it to grab the Majijo girl’s messy hair to trap her. Driving her fists against the girl’s lower stomach until she felt her slump against her arm, she stepped back and released her foot into her side.
Magic only forced laughter out with each painful hit. Bruises formed and blood spilled, but she allowed it, couldn’t care less. It was as if she was judging her character based on every action she chose to do. While Nanase was about to land a punch to her cheek, Magic gladly let the fist fall against her as her hand gripped for the scout’s school tie. With the close proximity, she forced the other closer, face to face with blood pooled from the corner her smirk.
“That hurt, you know.”
Nanase grinned softly. One thing was always true about her and that was she would never get caught unless she allowed it. She straightened out slightly, peering into her. “Good.” With the distance so short, the scout drove her fist into her side repeatedly until Magic tried to force her off. Even then, Nanase pushed her back against the wall, holding her by the throat with her right hand as her left continued its assault against Magic’s frame and face.
Magic beamed still. The pain was no more or less as painful as the pain Sakura inflicted the first time they had met. She knew exactly how to deal with it thanks to such an experience. It had made it all the more simple as to how to embed her way into her opponent’s head. With each hit, the damage became more bearable. “You really are an idiot.”
Nanase paused, her fist stopped mid-swing. Before she could question Magic, a cold, stinging liquid sprayed at her from her mouth like a puff of vapour. It smelled like a chemical of some sort, sour but peppery at the same time, still incredibly intense and intoxicating. It narrowly missed in the heat if the moment, yet some of its range landed into her eyes. She instantly jolted back, wiping at her eyes with the cuffs of her sleeves as she loudly groaned and hissed in pain.
“You know, you're a lot like Sakura, thinking you have an advantage as soon as you’re able to land a few hits.” Magic scoffed, walking around her and spitting out a mouthful of blood to the side. With her thumb, she rubbed the streak of thick crimson from her chin. “Please, I know how you fight better than you do.”
Nanase growled and threw her fists blindly towards her voice but missed each time. Even as to say she resembled a flailing fish. Her vision was blurred, watery and burning, opening them and exposing her eyes to air proved too painful. However, her stubborn nature refused to let her flame burn out.
Magic merely danced around her, laughing with successful dodge. She couldn’t help but be entertained with the display of blind desperation since Nanase had gotten a few really good hits in her after all. Though, after two minutes of fooling around she knew what little of the pepper spray that got to her wouldn't hinder her for much longer. Magic placed her hands against Nanase’s back and shoved her sharply into the locked supply closet near the back of the room.
Nanase snarled and rubbed at her eyes again, turning to make out her shape well enough to jump at her figure. But she was stopped. A bitter metal held her bloody mess of a hand to the supply closet handle. “What is this!?” Nanase squinted and wiped her eyes with her uniform sleeve as the burning began to weaken. Blinking out the blurred haze, she saw metal handcuffs were restraining her wrist back like a wild animal. For the first time she was caught against her will. Nanase pulled and struggled against the short chain, trying to break the steel, but here was a larger threat behind her. She snapped her attention over and lunged as far as she could and attempted to kick at the magician. And missed.
“You really think you could hit me?” With a scoff, Magic took a step back with every swing her victim attempted. “Not so easy this time is it, idiot?”
Nanase hissed venomously. “You really are weak if you have to use tricks and weapons to take someone down.” She pulled at the cuff more and more, trying to worm her way out, hoping at least the wetness from her open wounds would help her slide out of her entrapment. But to no avail. “A cheap victory like this won't be counted. Not with real yankees.”
“Only when my opponent is a little shit who doesn't know the consequences of her actions.” She crossed her arms, striding over. “You think I saw this as a real challenge for a second?” She took the opportunity to grip Nanase's chin with a smirk. “You broke a girl’s leg as a declaration of war. This is payback, nothing more.” Roughly, digging her fingers into her chin, Magic released her head first against the cold metal cabinet. Of course, after, she jumped back before Nanase recovered enough to come back at her.
Having her head slammed against hard metal shook her equilibrium, disorienting her balance and vision. Payback, huh? Possible brain damage in return for a broken leg. Nanase groaned, gingerly lifting her head while pressing her free hand to her crown as if to steady her spinning vision. She shook her head from side to side to rid herself of her dizziness, narrowing her eyes at the Majijo girl as her figure finally singled. Glaring daggers at her, an ebbing worry deep inside her told her that she may be in over her head this time, but she buried that feeling and masked it with anger and rage. Nanase was going to slaughter Magic, if she could.
“You know, I researched you a little before coming here.” Magic watched her attempts to grab at her and free herself with great amusement. “I found it really interesting!” This really was deja vu. Nanase completely resembled Sakura from when they first fought. Except this time, she was sure the scout before her didn’t have the strength to break out of steel cuffs. She laughed to herself, holding her side as it stung from the wounds. “Keep trying! I'm sure you'll get out!” Magic slid back over and gripped Nanase's tousled hair, ripping it back to meet her eye. “As if. You're not the protagonist. Don't flatter yourself.” With her venomous words, she drove home her point with a punch to Nanase’s temple the second she released her hair. Once more, she tangled her fingers in the mess of hair to make sure Nanase listened to her. “You're just a kid who thinks they can get away with anything and everything.” Magic snorted with a conniving smirk.  “You're not special. You’re strong but you don't fight for shit.” With the leverage Magic manufactured, she began her barrage of attacks as payback for the assault made on her. “Not for that excuse you call a team, not for that girl in the courtyard.” A punch to the chest, the cheek, at one point she stretched the girl out and drove her knee into the girl's stomach until she dropped to the floor. “You’re nothing more than an entitled brat who no one will miss.”
Nanase trembled and gripped onto the chain binding her, her breath shaking more and more from pain and the crawling sensation of fear. “What’s–” She paused to inhale sharply, grimacing at the floor. Even the slightest movement stung everywhere, the air stinging her wounds and broken skin. “What… what does that make you then? An old hag who can't even manage to graduate?” Slowly, She rose her gaze, still wearing that shitty grin through all of her bruises and pain. “You hardly even filled the last Queen’s shoes… and you said I won't be missed? Don't flatter yourself, you're trash.” Nanase coughed softly, laughing through the pain with her free hand on her stomach. “At least I–”
Magic narrowed her gaze. The Noborizaka yankee’s words had struck a nerve, the anger boiling in her and apparent on her face, all traces of humour was gone. In an enraged fit, she kicked at the girl on the floor, sending her back against the cold metal. “You fucking brat!!” Magic snarled, slamming her boot into Nanase’s chest with a sickening crack.
Nanase gripped the cabinet, crying out in pain. A new pain she hadn't known before, surely a broken rib, or at least a fracture. She knew enough about anatomy to deduce that on her own. Sure, she got the last laugh, but this was bad. That terror and worry was creeping back on her and she didn’t have to energy to fight it back anymore. Her entire team would be stopped here. Even worse than that, she would have disappointed them after talking so haught. She couldn't fight anymore. Her eyes fell closed, she expected another fatal strike but the pain stopped. She didn't dare open her eyes but faint grunting, loud banging, and yelps could be heard. Did someone come? She couldn't be certain. But her hand fell from the restraint into her lap, bruises and cuts finally being revealed across her wrist. Whoever had come, pulled the broken yankee into their frame with care and a loving touch, allowing her head to fall against their chest.
“Don't worry, I've got you…” The soft voice was whispered against the crown of her head as lips pressed against her unkempt hair. Nanase knew that voice.
“Yumi…?” She struggled to open her eyes for a second, looking up at the girl whom she assumed would have left her for dead. She was carrying her down the hall, arms wrapped around her so tightly, she had no fear of being let go. “Why…?”
“Don't speak, we're almost to the nurse office.”
Nanase had no room to argue, complying with her order just as soon as she had spoke. Her head gently fell against her chest again, letting her warmth sooth her sore muscles. The last thing she could recall was being laid upon a soft and cool bed before her world was safe enough to relax. Nanase’s work was done for today.
To be continued…
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shuuenka-writes · 7 years
Between the Lines [6.]
Paring: Okita Souji x Reader
Summary: Living in Kyoto these times got really interesting, right? Even for you, the bakery shop owner. It’s not like you could ever be bored having the Shinsengumi Captain around.
wordcount: 1188
pervious: [4.] [5.]
‘’Here, takoyaki as usual, Minamoto-san.”
“Hoho~ thank you, you always remember.”
“I wouldn’t dare to forget,” you smiled at elderly woman. She was your regular customer, every morning she came by to buy takoyaki. She was nice, but fiery old woman that lived nearby.
“Hm, haven’t seen that boy around lately? Lover’s quarrel perhaps?” she teased.
You blinked. It was a truth though. At first Okita was visiting you as usual, once a week or two. Then it became three weeks till you saw him. You thought that maybe he got caught in some mission or he was busy on the compound. But he never actually mentioned anything of that sorts. Usually he told you what he was up to, of course as much as he could. It wasn’t a lot, but still something. Then it became a month, then two, three and no word from him. Almost six months passed since you last saw Okita and you couldn’t be more worried. To be honest, even Chizuru’s visits have been less frequent. When you asked her about Souji-san, she ensured you he was fine.
You missed him, a lot. You never thought you’d be so lonely without that obnoxious, ever grinning man. You even caught yourself standing before your bakery and looking into the direction he used to come from. Or staring at some additional sweets you usually did for him when you knew he would have the patrol. Your house felt lonely, your porch felt lonely, you were lonely.
“Ah… That’s… I think he’s busy?” you answered uncertain after few moments.
“You think?” she looked at you strangely. All you could do was to smile in response and hide behind kimono sleeve. “Well, better do something about it, _____-chan, or he will run away!”
You laughed slightly. To think she would be so supportive of this non-existent, for you, relationship. Few years back, she would be threating Okita with a broom. She did that once, and almost hit him. It was at the beginning of your real acquaintanceship with Okita, when the Shinsengumi was seen as dangerous murderers. However when he chased away thieves from her home and saved her cat, she changed her opinion. Now, whenever she saw him, she was encouraging him to marry you. Much to his amusement and your embarrassment.
You shared good-byes with an old lady and waited for next clients.  In the afternoon Kaoru visited you and purchased some sweets. She was really supportive to you through these weeks since Kimiko’s death.
“Ahaha, _____-chan, why are you so against buying new kimono anyway?”
“That would be waste of money, I told you before.”
“But you deserve much more richer kimonos. You have posture of an lady,” Kaoru praised looking at you with a slight smile.
“Uh…haha, stop it, Kaoru-chan~.”
She was nice girl, ready to praise you and tell you compliments. You guessed she looked up to you and thought of you as of big sister. You weren’t surprised that much really, her being younger than you. And you too, started to think about her as little sister you’ve never had. Though sometimes her smiles creeped you out and unsettled you,  you dismissed it quickly. These days Kyoto wasn’t the safest place and you were simply paranoid. That’s what you liked to think.
A few days later you run across Chizuru and Todou. They were on patrol as usual.
“Chizuru-chan, how are you? Haven’t seen you around lately?”
“Ah, I’m sorry _____-san, the headquarters’ been busy and all…”
“Haha~ I see. Well, good to see you anyway. I’m on a shopping though,” you smiled back at her.
You recalled Minamoto-san’s words about Okita. You wanted to know something more about his absence. You got rather disheartened about constant assertion that everything is fine, when it clearly wasn’t. You didn’t want to pry into another people business, but you couldn’t just let that go. Not when that aching needle in your heart caused you more and more pain as the days were coming by. Not when image of blood of his hand was causing you paranoia.
You heard some noise from behind. Some men were causing a ruckus. Townsfolk rushed to see what’s happening along with Todou. Chizuru made a move to run towards the scene too, but you caught her sleeve. It was your chance.
“Chizuru-chan,” you said slowly. “There is a question I’d like to ask.”
“_____-san? B-but…-“
“Please,” you urged still holding her by a sleeve. “What’s happening with Souji-san?”
“I- Everything is fine…”
“Don’t lie to me!” you raised your voice. You looked into her eyes. “I know he’s not fine. Is… Is he…?”
“No! No, Okita is alive!”
“Then what…? Please tell me, is he ill?” you saw flicker of dread and confirmation in her eyes. She shook her head. You squeezed her hand. “He is. I’m right. That blood wasn’t just my imagination, was it?”
You looked at her in desperation. The turmoil on the street was of no importance to you at the moment.
“I can’t… I promised I wouldn’t tell you,” she whispered.
“Is it pneumonia…? No. Influenza?” you continued your rant. You knew you would find answer within her eyes, by now she was so easy to read. “T-tuberculosis? It is… It’s tuberculosis.”
Breath caught in your throat. Your mind went fuzzy. Tuberculosis. He was going to die. Okita Souji, was going to die from tuberculosis. Knowing him, he would laugh from the irony. You smiled bitterly. You didn’t even hear what Chizuru was saying. Finally you made yourself look back at her.
“I… Can I visit him…?”
“Ah, I don’t think it’s possible, I mean, girls can’t…-“
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be asking you. It’s okay.”
“_____-san, I can-“
“I think I must go, I… the shopping… See you later.” You turned around and without looking back you rushed through the street. You felt bad for treating the girl this way, but you couldn’t help it.
You turned into an alley and threw up in the corner. You stood there till you couldn’t vomit anything more. Tears of strain and despair run down your face. You didn’t know how long you sat there in the alley, but when you finally decided to go back home you felt like a wreck.
Agony of knowing what Okita was facing last few months left you on the edge. The image of him bedridden at the compound circulated through your mind. One thing you knew for sure. That you can’t leave him alone now. You would not sit and wait for some kind of miracle. You needed to see him. You cleaned yourself up and after sleepless night you understood what you had to do. 
You opened your chest with clothes and drew out a brilliant blue haori.
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