#(and for pnf in general of course! lol)
springsfordays · 4 years
Okay so this is entirely self indulgent and incredibly silly but I keep thinking about it so imma type it out lol!
Where UA is the best hero academy in the tri state area and is actually a middle to high school academy.
OWCA is one of the many hero agencies in Danville and is specifically made for heros who have animal based quirks.
Major Monogram
Quirk: not sure probably something with acrobatics.
while technically a retired hero in action he still runs his hero agency with an iron fist. (Eh or so he claims in reality he can hardly control most of his agents.)
Carl Karl
Quirk: Squirrel (anything a squirrel can do he can do)
While he is a 3rd year UA support course student he also interns at OWCA for first hand hero and support experience. Though the agency actually has him spend a lot of time there rather than school. It didn’t cause him too much trouble though cause of a couple new students he’s been mentoring at school.
Perry the platypus
Quirk: sentients
I was thinking about how could Perry be a animal based hero while still being involved with the Flynn-Fletchers somehow but I think I like the idea of him being a Principal Nezu of sorts. Where he’s an actual platypus but was experimented by humans and given the quirk of sentients but he’s also their pet still.
Pre-Support Course
(Just wanted to point out that all the kids in this au are 13-14 years old instead of like 10)
In this course middle school students have the chance to get a head start for their support studies. Not many apply for this class but there are a few. These students specifically help the pre-hero course students the most. And are mentored by Carl.
Most notably students are the very talented Flynn-Fletcher brother duo.
Phineas Flynn
Quirk: Work hands (he can turn his fingers into small work tools such as a blow torch, screwdriver, magnifying glass, essentially his hands are Swiss army tools. However he cannot do this for significant amount of time so he uses regular tools more often)
Phineas has always wanted to be hero since he was very young. But as time went on and he became slightly more realistic he realized he couldn’t be the hero he wanted to be. But he was fantastic at building and has been doing it since he was little. He then realized his talent and love for building gadgets didn’t have to be a hobby or a completely different career. He could support heros and make their quirks more powerful with his inventions.
Ferb Fletcher
A very quiet nearly mute young boy Ferb is but also an extremely intelligent one at that, with a knack for building. When he was younger he had been waiting and waiting and counting the days until his quirk would appear. But his ripe ages of 5-7 when most kids got their quirks quickly passed and upon examination was told he was quirkless. He was down for a while since he couldn’t be a hero but quickly followed his brother’s philosophy and decided that ensuring the safety and strength of heros so they can save more lives was good enough for him.
The brother duo are also still best friends with Isabella, Buford, and Baljeet since they’re all neighbors. The five grew up together and experienced one by one how they all got their quirks. Isa, Buf, and Jeet have amazing quirks which only made the anticipation and eventual disappointment of Ferb being quirkless that much heartbreaking. But never did any judgement hold up and the three used their quirks to defend their friends from constant bullying. And in return the duo were always coming up with new ways to help them advance their quirks.
Also Irving is in general studies and is still an obsessive fanboy. He keeps journals similar to how deku writes and analyzes heros and such. His quirk is camera eyes. (Which explains all his weird photos) He likes to hang around Phineas and Ferb since he really admired their inventions for the cool hero students.
Pre-Hero Course
In this UA the middle school side has a pre-hero corse where students can get a head start for their high school’s hero course but only accepts the strongest of students.
Isabella Garcia-Shapiro
Quirk: Firey Explosion ((Okay so this is basically bakugou’s quirk but a bit different sorry but his quirk matches Isabella’s firey determination plus her having a quirk that you wouldn’t expect for a little cute girl to have is funny to me,,,) a combination quirk since her mother had acidic fluids that concentrated enough can make small flames or tiny combustions and her father could sweat glycerin the two combined making Isabella create giant explosions from anywhere in her body. Since all her fluids, sweat, blood, spit, tears, etc have the acidic glycerin she can also create flames that come out of her body when she over uses her explosions that she usually has come out of the palms for her hands. (She can also breath fire because of this which makes a pretty cool surprise attack))
Isabella is one of the best and most powerful students in her class. She has always had a protective nature to her and is a strategic genius when it comes to battle. When her quirk had first developed she had used it to defend Phineas (she still has a huge crush on him lol) and Ferb, her best friends that were constantly made fun of for being ‘useless’. One day Phineas told her that she was his hero and from there she’s worked hard to one day become a hero.
Baljeet Tjinder
Quirk: Giganta Growth (He could grow into any size he desires even taller than most buildings and mountains. However he cannot retain size for very long and becomes extremely nauseous.)
Another top student in his class similar to Isabella. Most people cannot actually figure out his quirk sometimes and are extremely surprised when this turns out to be his actual quirk. Appearance wise he has longated fingers, ears, and feet. He has blue skin and monkey tail and even has fully red eyes. His blue skin, which is from his family’s genetics, is actually mostly gravity resistant so when he is normal sized he can fly. Not only that but he is remarkably intelligent. In fact when he was little he had zero interest in becoming a hero, he rather had been a scientist of sorts. But it was when two of his best friends couldn’t realistically become heros he felt selfish that he was given such a great power and he was choosing not to save lives with it, with that he decided to become a hero.
Buford van Stomm
Quirk: Wind Gust (From his lungs to his breath he can control the air around him to create powerful gusts of wind and manipulate air waves. But he must be careful with this because he endangers himself of collapsing or bursting his lungs.)
Buford just like Isa and Jeet is one of the top performing students in his class. This is because he can control his quirk pretty well and is great to have in battle. However he is still a bully by nature and most say he suits being a villain more than a hero. He considers this a compliment since this means most villains will fear him. His motivations of becoming a hero are entirely selfish. Wanting to be a star and make tons of money. He wants to blow away all the villains and become center of attention. (Also as a gross joke he’ll collect a bunch of wind and blow it out by burping which disgusts everyone)
Other students and advisors call these three the “Mini Three” modeled after the “Big three” who are in the hero course and are the top students in their class. But there are about seven others in the pre hero course so I’m just gonna name them off with short quirk descriptions.
Ginger Hirano Quirk: Wing growth (for this one just look to Stacy’s cause it’s pretty much the same since it is a hereditary quirk)
Adyson Sweetwater Quirk: Werewolf (Can change into a large wolf man at will)
Katie Quirk: Electricity (Essentially Denki’s I just like this quirk)
Holly Quirk: Hallo glow (She can exude out hallo like rings from her arms and legs stunning villains when they are hit by them)
Milly Quirk: Spikes (She can create large spikes from any point in her body and can even control them to create some forms)
Gretchen Quirk: Erasure (Like Erasurehead’s but she can erase multiple quirks at once but she has to use special glasses since it strains her eyes)
Django Brown Quirk: Vine Hands (He can shoot out vines from his hands)
Hero Course
I don’t have to many ideas for the hero course students but whatevs here’s the “Big Three” of the hero course!
Candace Flynn
Quirk: Sonic Voice (it’s Present Mic’s SORRY BUT COME ON IT SUITS HER SO WELL. But yeah she can make her voice create sonic booms in whichever direction she wants.)
A 3rd year student in UA. Ever since she was young she has always wanted to protect those around her especially her little brothers. She was almost slightly relieved when she learned neither of them could really become heros. But she always had a nervous breakdown whenever they’d build ridiculous gadgets that could potentially harm them. She became a hero mostly for fame and glory too but her natural protective skills puts her as one of the school’s best students since she can use her quirk so well. She also can do parkour pretty good which only makes her a better hero.
Stacy Hirano
Quirk: Wing Growth (As said before this is a hereditary quirk amongst the Hirano family. Basically  she has multiple pairs of wings on her body (one on each side of her head, two pairs on her back, and a pair on each foot. For reference look to Ryo’s satan design from devilman crybaby) but can only grow one pair from her back to any size. With her strength and agility she can use her wing growth to hit her opponents. She can fly extremely fast but growing too much hurts her ability to move her body)
A 3rd year student in UA. All Stacy’s life she’s wanted to impress her mother. Dr. Hirano being a highly respected doctor within the hero industry has high expectations for her daughters. So Stacy opted to become a hero and is shaping up to be a fantastic one. Even if she’s a little dopey at times she’s extremely agile with her wings making her a great rescue hero.
Vanessa Doofenshmirtz
Quirk: Demon Titan (She can turn into a gigantic demon looking titan, similar to Baljeet’s but her physical appearance changes entirely and she could only grow to one size. She can’t retain this for too long otherwise her muscles give out entirely)
A 3rd year student in UA. As the daughter of one of Danville’s top villains combined with her quirk and physical appearance most people think she’s a complete villain in the making. In her normal form she has blueish gray skin, a demon tail, large horns, completely white eyes and black lips. Most are afraid of her especially since she’s seemingly so cold and distant to everyone around her. But in reality she really does wish to right the wrongs of her family and help people around her. She interns at OWCA.
There’s about seven other students in their class as well but I don’t really know too much about them and their quirks but just know their classmates are Monty, Jeremy, Coltrane, Jenny, Lacie, Johnny, and Albert (he’s like the Mineta of their class).
Again haven’t put too much thought into this one but yeah.
L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. is still a villain organization in Danville and their main rival for control is OWCA.
Dr. Doofenshmirtz
We all know Doof’s incredibly sad backstory and it is still all that but with the more embarrassing tale of how he brings shame to his family by being quirkless. So he dedicates his life to learning evil science and to destroy the tri state area and heros all together. But of course he’s always thrawted by Perry the platypus. Even though he’s super disappointed in the fact his daughter wants to be a hero (who by the way looks nothing like him all her looks come from her mother) he’s still loves her the same and even supports her. He’s even attacked certain places in Danville just so she could get hero practice by defeating him. Which she’s super embrassed about.
And that’s about it for now. Just thought this would be a fun au to write about sometime lol. But yeah I love my hero and Phineas and Ferb totally is works for this super intellect society.
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noddytheornithopod · 3 years
2, 11, 12 and 13 (for any fandom that comes to your mind when reading the question) c:
(For this)
2. what fandoms were apart of that you aren’t any longer? I’d hesitate to say I’m no longer a part of any fandoms, but there are fandoms I’m rarely active in. Mainly thinking of stuff that hasn’t had new content in ages like Bionicle, Primeval or the Walking With series.
11. do you mind sex scenes or do you skip over them? All depends on the mood, I guess. If it’s just me I can manage, especially since depicted sex scenes don’t really become pornographic unless it’s like fanfic or something. If someone else is around, more specifically someone I don’t feel open about “adult” things around them... I’m probably gonna be more shy and skip.
12. if you could change one ending to a book/show/game/etc, what would you change about it? Hmm, this is pretty interesting to think about. Off the top of my head, I can’t really think of anything that’s big enough to make me really want to change something? I’m usually the type where even if I don’t like something, I can move on.
That being said... not crazy about the way Danganronpa 3 ended, but to say what I’d change I’d have to rework so much to the point it would take too much to think about for a simple ask, lol. Like, would it even be the same characters we focus on in the end? I definitely would like more thematic introspection though lol.
Thinking back, Primeval ended pretty dumb. At the very least get rid of the stupid tease of future(?) Matt at the end, and the way Helen and New Dawn worked together never really made sense to me.
I was also just reminded of Voltron, and even as a casual, fairly positive viewer... that final season sucked. All the theories about executive meddling make too much sense. Again though... there’s too much to start with, lol. At least don’t kill off Allura and Lotor like that???
Okay, I think I’ve found one thing I might feel strong enough about. It’s less an ending proper and more as it was called, an “emotional finale”, but... Act Your Age from Phineas and Ferb. That episode is still stupid as hell, sorry. For what I’d change, I think there’s a few routes. First is... not make it the ending. You can have all this questionable, messy shit... but use it to tell another story and explore deeper into these characters and why they ended up like this. If AYA was just a small part of a bigger story... maybe it could be salvagable (minus the bad sexist jokes of course :v)?
Another option is make a flash forward but with a more general premise. Have it be more optimistic too, just a nice look at the future instead of bringing it down with “adult” cynicism. Phineas and Isabella can just be a thing, we don’t need them being together to be a big event. Plus, more room to focus on the other characters.
My third pitch is... the show was ending anyway, don’t even bother with a flash forward, if you want the Phineas and Isabella storyline to have a big resolution, do it in the present, where it feels more important. I stand by what I said in that if there was no mind wipe at the end, Night of the Living Pharmacists would’ve been a perfect way to change the status quo. After they’re all cured, suddenly Phineas and Isabella have to face each other after she confessed in their darkest hour. Then boom, you have a lead in to Last Day of Summer. I wouldn’t change LDOS to be about them (okay with LDOS, I WOULD change Doof being cheated out of victory so he just thinks he succeeds tho, that wasn’t necessary, the audience doesn’t care about technobabble in PnF :v), but whether it be an extra episode (like an AYA half hour but in the present), a small series of episodes, or just a subplot in LDOS, having them face each other and come to an understanding, whether they get together or not would’ve worked better for me. Plus, I’ve always been a fan of having PnF be alongside Candace and Doof and experiencing the rifts, not just because it would be deliciously cruel to see Phineas watch Isabella forget him right after she confessed her feelings, but also because I think Candace and her brothers could have a more direct confrontation and THAT storyline gets resolved. Make LDOS two specials for all I care, I was never into post crossover MML or OWCA Files, lol (no offense to fans of those of course, I’m just trying to be economic in this hypothetical). Thank goodness for Candace Against the Universe for giving some closure on that front though, albeit in a way that didn’t challenge the status quo. I guess that’s sorta my point though - they broke the status quo with Doof leaving evil, so if they wanted they could do even more things.
13. do you mind sequels that are completely different with a new plot and new characters or do you prefer they stay with the same story and characters? All depends on the situation! Sometimes having characters and the same story return works, sometimes having a clean slate does. I don’t really have a preference.
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cometcrystal · 7 years
Honestly it was so freeing when i realized i could just...not like parts of my SIs and still love them overall Like, when pnf was my main SI, i kept insisting that there were no bad episodes. And then one episode ended up being so upsetting, i cried for a while after watching it. And even then, i still said that episode wasnt bad, it just had moments that upset me. The episode was bad! People were ooc, the girls were excluded, phineas was cruel and yelled at his sister for trying to help, and red skull was in it, a literal nazi, played for laughs. Not the nazi part, but he was still there. And there was a stretch of one season (cant remember which) where the songs and plots bored me to death in general. They were def weak episodes, but back then i said they were "awesome, but not as awesome as some other eps" But none of this means that I dont love pnf and that I dont hold it super close to my heart. I realized i could admit there were a few parts of it that i hated, and some parts that bored me, and me admitting this doesnt diminish my enormous love for the series. It just means I know what i like, and makes me appreciate the things i DO like more, and im not stressing about trying to make myself like things that i dont. The same applies to mh. Im gonna nitpick at the reboot bc i think it has a lot of problems, but I also think a lot of good has come out of it too. Mh is a very significant and special part of my life and it always will be, but it's not above mine, or anyone else's, criticism. Of course, it still stings when someone ELSE i dont trust says smth harsh about it, even if the claim is true, but thats another story LOL
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lokgifsandmusings · 7 years
So the closest real world counterpart to Kuvira is probably Chiang Kai-shek, Mao's fascist opponent in the Chinese civil war. With the whole socialist thing, remember that both the Nazis and Italy's PNF advertised themselves as socialist due to the popularity of socialism at the time and there are similarities in the whole state control thing. But I would say that Kuvira is definitely a fascist. The Nationalism, focus on strength, unity the masculine ideal, and focus not on party but leader.
I hear you and you’re not wrong, but at the same time there’s Bryke’s very conscious decision to use “re-education camp” (a specific reference to Mao’s laogai camps, and the way the immigrant profiling was framed in the context of potential dissenters, much like the political and religious violations used a grounds of imprisonment), plus her economic approaches not lining up with the usual autarkic push under fascist regimes (particular with regards to international cooperation on the rail lines and her general collectivism). Not to mention what you describe are also symptoms of nationalist authoritarian movements that rise up from the “left” (see: Russia). 
This gets back to what I was saying earlier about the spectrum being a sphere and extreme authoritarian socialism looking identical to naziism (which you’re right isn’t socialist, but rather rose from the extreme right). I’ve been calling Kuvira a “fascist” for some time and especially given today’s climate, quite comfortable with drawing those parallels, but I do think the hair the first anon split in terms of semantics was correct. Maybe.
The really damned difficult part of this is that in terms of ideology, a lot is muddy with Kuvira. We know she learned from Suyin, but then that lady is hypocrite in chief. We see elements of technocracy in Kuvira’s campaign, her pragmatism, and her own personal grievances, but it’s framed within the world of Bryke politics, and in the end a lot of her consistency is tossed for the sake of foiling Korra. 
Idk, dude. I’ll just leave you with this:
Suyin: What would you have me do? March into Ba Sing Se with an army? We'd be seen as conquerors and greeted with nothing but war.
Kuvira: There are already wars. The Earth Queen nearly destroyed our nation. This is our opportunity to change things
“War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun.” --Mao
dumbnameillprobablyregret said to lokgifsandmusings:
I don't really know much about Mao's rise to power but if i was going to compare Kuvira to a dictator I'd have to go with Franco. Government collapse leading to outside intervention leading to civil war Not to mention an anarchist uprising leading to the rise of a military strongman
This is less in my comfort zone, though it is notable that Kuvira was anti-monarchy prior to Zaheer. Definitely similar conditions with the rise... I wonder if she could have ushered in an “Earth Empire miracle.” Of course has their naturally occurring energy sources and...this is a rabbit hole.
Damnit, that short flashback through Suyin’s PoV was just really not enough, lol.
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noddytheornithopod · 5 years
MML Reaction: Abducting Murphy’s Law
oh so india got yet another episode lol
Cavendish’s story here was interesting. He was kind of annoying, but in a good way, if you get what I’m saying? Like, he’s being such a glory hound and is acting entitled to being recognised as a hero. Like wow, we even ended with him leaving Dakota and using that memory thing from Managing Murphy’s Law to make sure he can’t find him. I have a feeling Cavendish is gonna end up messing some things up now that he’s gone rogue, especially since he seems to want to be a hero no matter what. Like, what if he sees the aliens from this ep and tries to kill them because he’s convinced they’re a threat even though they make a point to show them as sympathetic?
Come to think of it, Cavendish wanting to be a hero kind of parallels *sigh* Doof’s attempts at the same. Doof is trying to be what he thinks heroism is and failing at it. However, Cavendish isn’t boxing himself into a role: he just wants the glory of heroism, there’s entitlement there. Are they going to draw attention to this? Is Cavendish going to end up causing trouble just for the glory of heroism? Time will tell.
We did get a few lousy gags TBH, I’m sick of the Doof sitcom one seriously.
Oh yeah, Doof’s in this episode a lot. Meh. I’m used to him appearing by now, but it still just feels so off, like he walked in from PnF and is refusing to leave MML. He’s necessary to the plot (tracking Milo does end up with him, Zack and Melissa in the right place to save him from falling to death), but I’m not sure if that’s better or worse. Better because at least he’s not just a shoehorned cameo, or worse because MML has already become too much of the Doof show.
On a small note, at least that Doof and Perry cameo is probably just out of order since they’re still apart here. Doof obviously misses Perry, and again feels betrayed because he feels Perry was there for his job and not because he actually enjoyed being with Doof. We obviously know that’s not the case, but they’ve yet to fix that issue.
A small but sweet thing was how Doof had a photo of him and Perry together on his desk, it kinda reminds me of how spouses have photos of each other on their work desks.
Doof and Dakota together at the end. I was indifferent to that scene besides “lol Dan talking to himself”. Doof and Perry do seem to parallel Cavendish and Dakota though here?
Zack gets turned into having Melissa’s body. I’m... not sure what to say about this. Bizarre commentary on whitewashing? Zalissa shippers will do something with this?
Come to think of it, Zack seems to be treated pretty poorly this episode. Like, he’s just there to be the episode’s chew toy for Doof’s inators. Not a fan TBH. In general I kinda wonder if they don’t really know what to do with him in these kinds of episodes, since he’s always just... there. I wish he was more active, contributing more in his own way instead of just continuously reacting.
Okay, Robo-Milo’s sass was actually pretty funny. Probably the highlight of that otherwise average subplot. Also using organic material to create androids, isn’t that a thing in Blade Runner?
The gag where the mistranslations made it sound like the aliens wanted to eat Milo was also funny.
Doof confirms his bad luck stems from him and Milo’s is *grumble* negative probability ions and that Murphy’s Law is different. This drew attention to something that makes me frustrated: characters like Doof have luck just as bad or even worse than Milo, heck you could argue Candace has it at least as bad as Milo (don’t come to me with any of that PnF effect crap, I’m talking strictly bad luck). To have only Murphy’s be the result of pseudoscientific ion crap is just kinda weird to me? Like, it just doesn’t really logically flow for me? Like, this is another reason why I don’t think they needed an “explanation” for Murphy’s Law. It’s also kinda weird because characters like Doof and Candace really struggle with their misfortune, yet Milo is the upbeat optimist, and yet his bad luck isn’t from genuinely real factors but... probability ions. This is all just really off to me somehow?
Milo gets abducted by the aliens, and they seem to want him for something on their homeworld. He almost sounds like some kind of prophetic chosen one to them? I can’t help but wonder if there’s problems at their home they need to fix, I get the feeling their motives might turn out to be sympathetic regardless of what it is they need Milo for. Still... not really into the whole “chosen one” thing.
The best part of the episode (wow it’s been a while since I’ve said that lol) was the alien subordinates going through the ship. Milo’s shown like some kind of monster to them, which alone was pretty cool because even though we know Milo isn’t such Murphy’s law is a force to be reckoned with. But then it turns out Milo actually helps them out, which I really liked. I think they’re making a point of having these aliens be sympathetic, it’s probably gonna lead somewhere. Though IDK how well it matches up with past episodes, I mean they don’t seem to like Cavendish and want him dead for knowing about alien life, and they still seem somewhat militaristic. If we’re getting someone grey as antagonists here, they’re already better than the Pistachions. I feel like they’re going to end up being well intentioned but still cause problems, probably (or only have the commander as the one that’s really militaristic)?
These aliens also seem to be unauthorised since Block doesn’t know about them? Wonder what is such a cause for emergency.
The aliens also escape and land on Earth. Definitely opens up many opportunities, though knowing how the show operates I don’t have many expectations for seeing them much before the finale. Are they gonna try and work with PIG to get off, or will Doof or PnF try to get them back in the air? But even if they’re going to need a way off, what is Milo going to do? He’s not gonna just give himself up to them obviously. Hopefully they discover why they need him and figure out a solution from there, that or they can’t agree and commander goes back to being hostile again. :v So basically I’m not writing them off being a danger completely, but I’m also expecting they could end up being friendly (the subordinates at least).
Once a season, lol. I thought it was just typical fourth wall breaking... but then they mentioned how Missing Milo was in Fall, and this is in Winter. It makes sense in-universe too. Fourth wall breaking admittedly is tiresome for me now since it’s done quite a bit, but at least there’s extra layers here. Though it really makes you wonder about the episode order.
Okay, Cavendish leaving Dakota itself is kinda sad. Dakota mentions the island thing which annoys me because of how poorly it was handled, but wow. Also I guess it does kinda shown how both have grown in a sense, while also showing how Dakota is more chill with his life while Cavendish always wants more.
Overall this episode was actually good, though of course it was plagued by the usual problems season 2 faced. At least it’s actually made me curious as to where they might go next though.
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noddytheornithopod · 5 years
MML New Episode Commentary Dump
There’s a lot of them soooooo
Lady Krillers:
“You recast all the men as women? You got a greenlight.” Ugh, it’s gonna be one of THOSE episodes.
Melissa is the voice of reason of course
“I had the most horrible dream... they were making a Krillhunter movie without Tobias.” Narrowly dodged a bullet there. And it continues through the episode. Too close, guys.
Tobias is wealthy, your gag just ruined any investment I had in this. :V
“Milo’s friend girl” bleh
Melissa is joining in, so much for voice of reason.
Okay, the alien fight in the background was funny.
“Lindana” we get it, Phineas and Ferb was a thing.
That song montage... it was uncomfortable. I’m cis so I’m an oblivious weirdo, but I do think there’s a couple of things that are kinda transmisogynist in here, with stuff like the shaving and the “lol ‘she’s’ strong ‘she’ put a guy down”. Not to mention it feels so sexist in that he has to be a woman in the most conventionally feminine way possible, bah.
Tobias puts on a shitty “guy as woman” voice, of course he does.
Okay this Cavendish and Dakota subplot is so forgettable I was literally zoning out. MML, what happened?
Tobias Trollhammer is embodying male entitlement, seriously.
The whole “she’s just like a female Tobias” thing is dumb too, it feels like it casts people out to want the exact same thing but women. These reboots are always new takes, or even outright new characters. And like... that’s the issue. Tobias isn’t irrelevant, he still has a fuckton of Krillhunter movies. I’m not interested in some whiny old dude with a million dollars. :V
He’s cast as the villain, ha ha ha.
“We do what we want with no regard to plot or character or making sense to the people watching.” MML, are you lowkey admitting something? ;P
The bison thing at the end is so lame. Seriously.
Okay... Tobias is actually satisfied with being the villain, and Milo is only concerned about the sudden character change. For a rather stupid episode, this is a surprising compromise. I’m not quite sure how to feel about it, TBH? It’s better than what I expected, but I’m not sure I’m satisfied.
Still though, this episode is dumb. The end.
The Goulash Legacy:
Goulash dude is meh.
“Humans and machines had a friendly relationship.” oh, so there IS some robot uprising at some point.
That kid finding the idea ridiculous seems to be the audience surrogate. :V
“Let’s go outside and see what Dr D is up to”. THIS IS TOTALLY NOT PNF GUYS
Doof sung the Moon ice-cream song... we get it, Phineas and Fe- oh wait Doof is here in general.
Norm is back... huh. He seems irrelevant though, just another invention.
Okay, chicken-replace-inator is eh, but Doof being insistent on how it works is kinda funny.
“Did that man just kiss his chicken?” What’s wrong with showing affections to pets, Miss Chase? :V
Zack is going in to get an inator even though they always fuck up... is Jackie supposed to be here again? Seriously, this feels so OOC. No reason for it, and he’s meant to be the most cautious.
Norm seems like he’s just a gag for now. Meh.
Diogee has four feet, why do his forelimbs have human feet now instead of usual dog feet, or even dog hind feet????
Zack is really carrying the idiot ball in this episode. You deserve better, man.
Diogee has hands... okay, that actually made me laugh.
Recurring raccon isn’t dead. SIGH.
So the Goulash robot comes to life. Okay.
“Paprika!” That’s going into outright so bad it’s good territory.
Love Handel. Seriously.
And the fucking robot gets stuck in a time capsule and also comes to life and is the statue at the start. Okay then.
Yet another “meh” episode. I kinda feel like the show is trying too hard to be weird now, TBH? Also seriously, Norm feels like his character is reduced to a punchline again and Zack was an idiot.
Also... I kinda feel like they treat MML on the same level as PnF too much when it REALLY isn’t.
The Dog Who Knew Too Much
Diogee episode, huh.
Lol I wonder why the museum of sharp objects doesn’t attract families
Perry is here at the talent show. Okay then.
Oh great, Doof being a pain at home, just what I want. Also... Sara has a few clothes lying around too even if it’s mostly Doof. :v
The mum thing is now even worse with Brigitte saying Doof is Sara’s brother. Ugh.
“Why does he live here again?” Because the writers said so.
The cops are targeting Murphys. Well then. Poor Martin though.
So Perry and Diogee escape from new random dudes because Diogee ate the USB shaped like a cookie. Okay.
Doof is still mad at Perry, and he just leaves. Okay.
Oh it’s that old lady again. K.
omg the eye balls lol
And Milo returns at the end. Wow.
Another meh episode, you know how it goes. Guess if you want a proper Perry and Diogee team up you might get something out of it. But eh.
Adventure Buddies:
“You’re spending too much time alone.” Just outright say he’s fucked off for too long and forgotten about you until now. :P
Oh, Vanessa reminding Doof of Perry, hmm?
The breakup drama, it’s glorious.
Vanessa is now gone, RIP. Guess like Norm it was literally just a “hey I still exist” moment. :v
Vanessa casually walks out and says hi to Brigitte. This is so fucking weird. So she’s visited before? Okay then. I mean good that Vanessa and Norm still exist, but it feels weird they’re still really neglected.
Doof is looking for Diogee now, K.
Milo looking dreamily at Zack- oh wait it’s just him having a thing written in someone’s book he’s happy about.
Brick and Savannah on Pistachio Duty is much funnier than the majority of the stuff I’ve just watched.
Doof waving to Vanessa at the start and saying to Milo to tell her he found an adventure buddy is sweet, not gonna lie.
Doof going on an adventure with Scott. Okay then.
Zack suggests a tetanus shot. Vaccination is good, kids! Vaccinate! Don’t listen to those Walking on Water founders or Greg Cipes, vaccinate!
I was starting to be lost on the Adventure Buddies thing but... Doof misses Perry and Scott with Mildred (who are clearly presented as a couple, mind you) doesn’t help things.
And they butt heads over it, with Doof even making his own girlfriend. Ooooh.
Professor Time mention. Fun.
Doof goes back home and he goes back to being all “I’ll go where they accept me” and it’s the Murphys. Granted they’re not into him being covered in sewer water, but this episode was setting up him realising how much he misses Perry, I swear.
This episode I felt was better... but then the ending came and fucked it up. So another to the mediocre pile regardless of Vanessa and Perry moments (which again despite being nice are still “why is there so much PnF?”).
Ride Along Little Doggie:
“Late in the season when the writers are tired.” Bleh.
Milo gets Amanda a drink, heh.
“I’m nominated for most tolerant friend.” “Is that a joke?” “Don’t push me lady.” WELL THEN.
Also... Zack pulling Melissa away when she was getting feisty. Kinda shippy if you ask me. :P
Elliot is fun thankfully.
Okay, I’m kinda tired of the Zippy gag now.
The recurring raccoon appears without the annoying theme song. This is a first. :V
Don’t tell me Diogee is gonna be a fucking cop dog.
Bradley is back with the stupid plant arm for a green thumb gag. Meh.
Yep, Diogee is a cop dog.
Murphy’s Law really stopping the award lol.
Greatest perseverance, what a surprise. Also lol, she kisses Milo and before she caught him. Are they a thing now?
Where the heck did Melissa go? And why wasn’t she staying around with the Murphys, nevermind Zack?
It was okay I guess? Pretty forgettable, but I had less issues than the other episodes. Milo subplot actually wasn’t too bad, it still had quite a bit that was just average but it had a few nice moments.
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noddytheornithopod · 6 years
Okay, here’s my full thoughts on the Phineas and Ferb effect, SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT:
My feelings are growing increasingly mixed. I want to make it clear that I DID enjoy the episode despite the language barrier, and it’s likely many issues I have could be fixed when we get English subtitles, but given how a lot of stuff was handled, I’m not sure how much is gonna be fixed. I mean, many people who watched the Russian dub of AYA didn’t change opinions at all when the English version finally came out. Time for specifics:
- Okay I know what you’re all wondering: how did I feel about Isabella’s appearance? My feelings are like the episode overall, mixed. When I saw her and the Fireside Girls show up to rescue the others I was pretty happy, and seeing her turned into a Pistachion now turned against Phineas and Ferb was quite terrifying. But then... I started to think. I don’t really have an issue with the fact her role was absurdly small (apparently Bradley has more lines lol), I mean based on the promos I was expecting it to be so. My issue was more how poorly integrated into the story she was.
Like, I can see an early version of the episode with her being with Buford and Baljeet (you know, what I thought was the most logical way to go :V), but then they wrote themselves into a corner with Phineas, Ferb, Milo and co being captured and someone needed to get them out. Ergo, Isabella was then written to go guerilla with the Fireside Girls (which does make sense at least) and then show up to untie them and drop off the Milo mech.
Like I said, in-universe this is all perfectly logical. My issue is how Isabella was basically just there to be a plot device, not only that but what is basically a deus ex machina to free the others. She did her plot things, and then all she was there for was to be transformed and brainwashed into a pistachion minion. And then after she becomes herself again, she doesn’t show up with the other friends at the end, which I find pretty weird. Like, okay, Isabella didn’t get to meet the MML characters properly so I can see the reasoning I guess, but it still felt odd that now things were normal she wasn’t hanging out with them? I guess Fireside Girl duties call for a report on the nut people invasion or something lol. Or the rift between her and Phineas is already beginning, cue Act Your Age music.
- SPEAKING OF DEUS EX MACHINAS... I don’t know if they set this up in any dialogue, but I kinda doubt it. But anyway... Professor Time. Besides some things I’ll get to in a bit, the way he resolved everything was my least favourite thing about the ep. Like, he literally just shows up at the end, picks up Orton and takes him back to 1965 to kill Derek. And like... if he was going to do that anyway, does this mean if nobody did anything and Orton just needed to be sent back to his time, everything was basically pointless? Like, I REALLY hope there’s dialogue clarifying this, because if Professor Time just shows up and goes and kills Derek with Orton anyway, it basically renders the episode pointless, which is pretty unfortunate.
This isn’t something I thought about at first, but it’s also pretty weird that we have such major information about Doofenshmirtz being dropped here after his show? Others have better articulated thoughts on this than I do, but it’s pretty odd. I think it was described to me like it was instead about this persona Doofenshmirtz has invented for himself instead of Doof himself.
- Probably the main thing I was initially disappointed with at first was Candace. At first everything seemed fine. I’ve seen some concern over whether she was in character, but so far everything seemed fine to me. Well, until she was captured. Then she was suddenly gone in the final act, only there to be tied up and turned into a pistachion. Like, the scenes with Candace and Milo seem great already, but then suddenly she’s not important. She’s basically THE main character of PnF, and she’s a complete non-presence in the final act. I forget if she even had any lines there. And like Isabella, she doesn’t show up with the others at the end, except with her it makes sense for her to since she got to know the others.
Seriously, she appears and is in the plot, but then suddenly she doesn’t even matter. It’s so messily written. I’ve been discussing her with other people too and they also find it odd that she didn’t really have much agency in the plot, which is probably because we’re used to her being a protagonist, she’s always there with her own strong plot or character arc for the episode while here she’s merely a supporting character. This isn’t her story, sure, but she doesn’t exactly get to do much here in terms of actual plot contribution even if she did suggest weaponsing Murphy’s Law. I also looked at reactions where she didn’t feel too in-character, and while I disagree with the idea overall, I do see that because she’s now a supporting character her defining traits aren’t really there? As a result, the lack of character focus means we don’t get to explore much of how she feels about this, which I guess people find off because she’s such a strong character who always has some major reactions to things. I felt like her pessimism towards Milo made sense, and I mean overall I didn’t think Candace was OOC, but I think it’s more that she was just given such a minor role compared to what she’s used to that she didn’t get much time to shine beyond the Milo interactions.
Also... her introduction was eh. I did like the shadow gag and I get she was focused on her phone and stuff, but it felt pretty random for her to just show up unassuming of anything going on (I mean, everything is fucking decaying around her lol). Also... Ducky Momo Go. It was such a serious “HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW KIDS?” moment.
- Say, speaking of “HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW KIDS?”... Baljeet dabbing. I have no words. BALJEET FUCKING DABBING. WHAT EVEN WAS THAT?
- Baljeet and Buford are... interesting. Baljeet was probably one of the better handled character in my eyes actually. Like, he wasn’t too big, but it made sense for a character like him. He had memorable moments interacting with Zack and Melissa (and... THAT), and he actually contributed to the plot by helping figure out how to do the whole Milo mech thing. I definitely want to hear his dialogue for sure. Buford on the other hand was completely pointless narrative wise. He was just there because we gotta have all the main Phineas and Ferb characters so we can have our big reunion and then make him an evil brainwashed nut dude in the climax.
- Alongside Candace the other PnF character I feel really got screwed over was Perry. Again, he shows up and is great (even if I was surprised how short his time with Milo was) and is there doing stuff, but then suddenly he’s sideline to the point of basically not even existing. When they go to the island, I forget if he’s even there. Doof could’ve used his company I feel. :V And again in the final act, he’s only there briefly and then is irrelevant once Phineas sees him. Like, he just shows up, beat up some pistachions, Phineas sees him and then he and Diogee disappear from the episode. We really could’ve used your help against Derek and his machine, Perry. :V And yeah, Diogee is similar. He just is there for a bit and disappears from the episode.
- The Island of Lost Dakotas reveal is something I’m going to have to wait on. The stuff we saw seemed good enough, but I’m definitely going to need the English dialogue to make a true judgement. I’ll say this though: I’m not sure if this was the right place to have this reveal. We didn’t get much time exploring Cavendish’s reaction before they got the Dakotas as their army to fight the pistachions, I feel like Cavendish discovering the island is something that deserves its own episode focused on it. In general Cavendish and Dakota were good though.
- Phineas and Ferb were mostly fine I feel. I did see some saying Ferb’s role felt minor, but I felt like he was at least there enough (and to be fair being the quiet one he’s also had this situation before, like in AT2D). That English clip where he says “nutjobbers” just feels off to me though. Like, besides Baljeet, they were actually there doing stuff and had a presence in the story. Milo worked as well I think overall, given he’s the protagonist and such. I did like what we saw of their interactions, and of course the idea of using positive PnF energy to weaponise Milo’s negative energy was really cool.
- Zack and Melissa are kind of a Buford and Baljeet situation. Melissa was there enough to warrant her presence and she was doing stuff, but Zack didn’t really have much of a presence. It wasn’t as bad as Buford, but he didn’t really have anything to do. Where Melissa and of course Zack fail though is the final act - they’re the other main characters alongside Milo in Milo Murphy’s Law, and like Candace their presence was barely there. They didn’t really do anything relevant in the final act after being freed except joining the brainwashed nut people horde. They at least were there at the end, but still I’m not exactly satisfied with their roles in the episode.
- All of the other characters were fine even if they were minor I guess. Minor characters are gonna be minor, lol.
- Most of the gags I caught despite the language barrier were funny. As said, I still enjoyed the episode even if I found its handling of the characters quite botched.
- The music department was good, I can’t wait to hear both Baljeet’s version of Chop Away at my Heart and the Orton and Doof duet. I liked the scoring too, some themes I did recognise from earlier PnF and MML material but some stuff seemed new, I’m not sure if I heard the rock score during the pistachion battle before (around when pnf and milo get the mech and derek is turning their friends into pistachions).
- Animation was fine, I guess? Some stuff looked a bit off but it might have just been lighting or a low budget. I think some of the closer details may be off but I’m not here to nitpick, I didn’t find anything super distracting.
- I think the issues with the characters and plotting are down to one big factor: it’s a crossover trying to cram too much into 44 minutes, that and also meant to resolve story arcs from Season 1 of Milo Murphy’s Law. They wanted to do this big special where all of the PnF and MML characters get to play off each other, but we unfortunately didn’t seem to get much of that (though maybe English dialogue will remedy that). Instead of actually getting to compare and contrast the characters and themes of the show, they had to focus on the plot to resolve the pistachion storyline (a plot solved by a deus ex machina no less). As a result, we get something that’s more plot driven than character driven, which is not what a crossover should be.
Also, this only really confirms my fears about Milo Murphy’s Law being stuck in Phineas and Ferb’s shadow. After seeing something that was this messily written despite being enjoyable, I definitely think Milo Murphy’s Law crossed over with Phineas and Ferb too soon. I don’t feel like they absolutely needed Phineas and Ferb in this storyline, not when they didn’t really get to explore the themes and characters of the respective shows. It’s like they were pushed to have the crossover too early despite always intending to have both shows in the same universe, and thus we get something where the PnF characters are here simply because they have to be instead of it feeling more natural.
Simple things that I think would’ve made it work better? If they had to do the pistachion storyline, give us less characters. It feels so all over the place and imbalanced. I would’ve been fine with just Phineas, Ferb and Candace in the A-plot to be honest. Less awkward spreading out thinly and more time devoted to the central characters of each show. But to be honest... I feel like a crossover shouldn’t have been plot driven like this. The characters here had to resolve a complex plot instead of getting most of their time to be themselves. They could still have some event to generate conflict of course, but it should be something where the characters interacting gets focus and they drive the story instead of it being something where they have to serve a plot first and all of that comes second.
Also I think it should be acknowledged: like Act Your Age (which I feel has shockingly similar parallels to this situation), I think hype backlash is certainly a possibility in how I feel. Like I’m not gonna lie, I am disappointed. Still though, even if it’s a factor, the fact that I’m able to pinpoint the issues I have so easily instead of it just being a vague emotional reaction is a shame.
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