#(also definitely not because a cute guy works there)
sourmiguel · 1 day
Hi there!
Biggest sterek fan here, could you recommend any Alive Hale family fics where they love Stiles and want Sterek to happen.
Bonus point if Peter plays the matchmaker and tell Derek to stop being uptight
Pretty please 🙏.
Also thank you for the amazing work you’re doing with your blog, much appreciated 🫶🏻
Hey! I have so many Alive Hale Fam fics bookmarked it's crazy! I love them so much. I'm not coming up with any Peter ships Sterek specifically, but here is a wide variety of some fun Alive/Meddling Hale Fam fics:
Blind Date With a Book by thepsychicclam (wc30361, mature)
Summary: Stiles thought the Blind Date With a Book trend was a great way to drum up business for his small bookshop. He definitely thought it was a great idea after the hot guy kept returning and buying more blind dates with books. Derek didn’t know how he kept getting set up on blind dates by his family, or why he kept going on them. The highlight of his night was when the date was over and he could go to the little bookshop in town and buy something to read for the rest of the night. He wanted to read, not date.
I’m totally obsessed with this fic. So cute. I love Derek and his aversion to his blind dates. I love Stiles and how cute and eager he is. I love their game nights. I just love this.
Follow the Jelly Beans by @afailureandamasterpiece (wc5793, teen)
Summary: Derek waves hello to everyone else who is gathered around a bare tree and hops up the stairs to his childhood bedroom to put on his soft flannel bottoms. Gracie had picked them out especially for him last Christmas and he made sure to pack them for the traditional pajama decorating party. Only his pants aren’t in the bag. In fact, none of his belongings are in the bag. It’s not his bag at all. “Oh no,” he mutters, sifting through the contents. “Who the fuck packed this?”
I love: meet cutes, Hale family love, single father!Stiles, fluff. This has all of that.
Just a Hobby by kaistrex (wc3009, teen)
Summary: Five times Deputy Derek shelters his partner from the world of the supernatural and the one time he discovers he’s just been making a fool of himself.
Silly Derek, trying to shelter Stiles from the big bad world of the supernatural.
When You’re Close I Feel The Sparks by Leslie_Knope (wc39671, mature)
Summary: The guy is hot as hell, sure—leather jacket and glasses, Jesus, be still Stiles’ poor, bisexual, beating heart—but more importantly, it must really suck being new on the first day of senior year. “We’re adopting him,” he decides, tugging Scott and Kira by the elbow in that direction. “Let’s go.”
This is the best kind of HSAU - still in the ‘verse, just everyone lives. I love the progression of their relationship and the twists and turns of this fic!
Hale’s Modern Encyclopedia of Playing Cards (and Dating Humans) by thepsychicclam (wc49698, mature)
Summary: Wolves don’t date humans. And Derek’s okay with that. He’s got his Pack, his friends in the Pack network, and lacrosse. Plus, he plays cards with his grandma all the time. Stiles Stilinski definitely doesn’t factor into his life - no matter how much of a crush Derek has on him. But when bird creatures attack Derek, Stiles, and their friends in the Preserve, Stiles finds out about werewolves and things get pretty complicated. For Derek at least. And he thought school was his only problem, but now he’s grounded and Stiles is hanging around way too much for Derek to ignore him any longer.
I adore Derek and Stiles’s relationship and the growth it goes through in this fic. I think Derek with an uncontrollable crush that makes him wolf out in Stiles’s presence is so cute. I also love the Hale fam and the way Stiles (and Scott and the Sheriff) just get folded in after the crazy. So good.
Children’s Tales by @artemis69 (wc4690, general)
Summary: Be careful, little girl. Don’t go causing troubles in Beacon Hills, little girl, because the Hales live there. Keep away from Beacon Hills, little girl, or the Hales will destroy you. – Or: In a world where the Hales are alive and the protectors of the town of Beacon Hills, the humans politely fake ignorance of their not-really-human status, and they all live happily ever after. Then Kate comes in. Well. Tries to.
There are so many things about this fic that I love - the Sterek friendship, the Hales protecting the town, and the town protecting the Hales right back. So great.
Followers, let us know if you have any Peter ships Sterek / Alive Hale Fam fics for us!
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hangup119 · 2 days
12. #NOTACANNIBAL written chapter | 2.8k words
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“WHAT, YOU DON’T feed your plants?”
Seunghan tilts his head. “... Why should I?” 
“Then what the hell kind of owner are you, dude?” you accuse, adjusting the strap of your bag as the two of you head towards the car parking lot. “Who doesn’t feed their plants?”
Seunghan pauses, eyebrows furrowing, before a smile breaks out on his face and then he’s throwing his head back to laugh. He opens the door of the passenger seat for you, saying, “You mean, like, feeding them fertilizer? Wait, how often do you feed them anyway?” 
Seunghan looks concerned. “Um, I don’t think that’s right…” 
You shrug, hopping into the car. “My plant seems to love it, though. It has never looked this alive! That obviously means I’m doing something right, right?”
He blinks when the door finally shuts, wondering how that even works. What kind of plant do you even have in the first place to require fertilizer every single day? He thought it’d be just some room plant, something low-maintenance, but maybe you’re actually a secret plant-connoisseur since you’ve been keeping it alive all this time? Hell, for all he knows, you’re probably developing your own venus flytrap that could digest a whole-ass elephant or something… a part of some secret society with mad scientists obsessed with plants and Seunghan’s just none the wiser…
He promptly starts the vehicle, dismissing such thoughts. He really needs to stop watching those crazy Sci-Fi movies with Sohee every Wednesday. 
When the car finally gets out of school property, Seunghan takes one quick glance at you. “So,” he starts, hands admittedly a bit clammy as he steers the wheel and stops at a red light. “Anywhere you’d like to go? I was thinking maybe we should get some food, or something. We should have really planned this out, huh?” 
A notification ping suddenly rings out after he finishes; an awfully familiar sound at that. 
“Do not open your goddamn phone to play Pokemon Go right now, Seunghan,” you warn, and he immediately deflates at how easily you’ve read him. Then, you smile sweetly, “But, yeah, we can go get something to eat first!” 
He laughs anyway, swerving towards downtown. “Alright. Also, I wasn’t even going to open Pokemon Go. Just saying.” 
“Yeah, okay, and I’m definitely not going to jump out into oncoming traffic right now.” 
“Please don’t.” 
After spending some time eating at a nearby cafe Eunseok has been asking to go together with the guys, the two of you manage to get through a whole hour without glancing at each of your phones, too focused on the other to truly care whether or not there are pokemons in the area. During that whole hour of you casually attempting to flirt with Seunghan in your own little way, you find that perhaps he’s not as obsessed with the mobile game as much as you believed him to be—which is good, even though you do find it a little bit cute, but at least he’s not addicted or something. 
Seunghan pulls out his phone after you’ve stepped out of the establishment. “Holy shit? There’s a Piplup just a block away!”
“Seriously?” you squawk. 
“Yeah!” he excitedly responds, only to end up getting smacked on the arm. “Oh, not what you meant. Okay.” 
You give him a fixed stare. He returns it.
“Can we please catch it?” Seunghan pleads, forming his hands into a prayer. 
You falter, attempting to look at anywhere but his face. Hot nerds are a curse, you think miserably.
“Please, Y/N? It’s Piplup!” he continues, finally taking your hands in his. You flush, believing that he can just go ahead and go catch the damn pokemon himself but instead chooses to spend more time begging you to go with him in order to catch it together. Right. Because you’re on a date. And Seunghan isn't an asshole. Right. Guy who had a girlfriend for four years over here. Someone already cooked before you. 
“Okay, fine,” you finally surrender, mentally cursing yourself for going down such a rabbit hole. Who cares about his ex-girlfriend? She was the past, and you’re the present (hopefully)! “But just Piplup!” 
Seunghan laughs, crossing the road with you. “I promise I won’t make this a Pokemon Go date.”
He’s still holding your hand. Like a real couple. You have to mention it.
“You better not,” you say instead, squeezing his hand in return. 
After acquiring the stupid Piplup loitering by a fire hydrant next to a pissing dog, Seunghan leads you back to his car to spend a couple more minutes marveling at the 25th Piplup on his screen, before starting the ignition to make your way towards the arcade. There he finally pockets his phone and drags you towards the nearest racing game, where you both duke it out in a Fast & Furious racing game, with you ultimately ending up as the winner after two rounds. Of course, you made sure to rub it in Seunghan’s face for a good three minutes, before he’s dragging you towards the claw machines like every arcade date out there. 
Amidst the presence of screaming children and tired parents chasing after them, Seunghan holds your hand as if it was second nature, the sight of his back a constant reminder that he’s not willing to lose you among the crowd and the dirty, soda and gum-flavored floor. 
You wonder if this is what it would have felt like had you been his girlfriend in high school. Sitting next to each other in class while trying to ignore your friends’ teasing remarks, partnering up for school projects, doing community service together, or buying snacks right after school and heading to the arcade. Then he’d walk you home, or depending when he got his license maybe drive you, and you’d ask him to text you back when he gets back home. The little things that make up being highschool sweethearts, or whatever the hell he experienced with his ex-girlfriend before they broke up. 
Fine, you’re jealous. You’ve always been jealous. But who doesn’t? You’ve always liked Seunghan—everyone knows that—and you’re aware that the missed opportunities you could’ve had with him over the last four years are a result of your own cowardice and lack of assertion, but what gives? After four years, you can finally have him? Just like that?
They say that a man who yearns is a man who earns, but now that he’s right next to you, on a literal date with you—why can’t you take it? 
Because you cling too much to the past. Do you still like him as much as you did before? 
You’ve always believed that liking someone for so long is a stupid thing, especially someone who wasn’t even available in the first place. Why cling to someone who can’t look at you the way you want them to? And yet you held out for hope anyway, clinging to the possibility that maybe someday Seunghan can look at you like how he did his ex all those years. That perhaps you had a chance with the boy who was one day partnered up with you and your friends for that one project in AP World History, and unknowingly becoming the object of your affections for the next three years and still into college. 
“Just focus on my awesome skills,” Seunghan exclaims, rolling up the sleeves of his flannel as he steps closer to the machine. “I’m gonna get you that Pikachu.” 
You roll your eyes. “Of course you choose the machine with the pokemons.” 
“This is who I am,” he simply responds after inserting the token, moving around the joystick to situate the claw exactly to where he wanted it to go. “And what I am is a Pokemon fan.” 
“You do know that these things are a scam, right?” you ask, stepping right next to him. 
Seunghan curses when the plushie falls out of the claw’s grasp. “It works out, sometimes. You just gotta have hope, you know?” 
You spare him a thoughtful look. Funny how he says that. 
He goes for three more rounds to no avail, the Pikachu plushie never budging from its place next to the Charmander. Seunghan feels as if they’re mocking him from within the glass, and he feels embarrassed, but he promised (in his head, at least) to get you that Pikachu no matter what. And he won’t go home until he does. 
What he doesn’t expect is for you to push him out of the way. “Move, you’re just wasting money,” you say, inserting a token into the slot as he tries to regain his senses. “I will get you that Pikachu.”
Seunghan stammers, moving closer to you as you maneuver the claw to align with the lone Pikachu in the corner, before confidently pressing on the button. “There’s no way that’s gonna work,” he says, eyeing the descending claw. “It’s too far.”
“Just watch,” you simper. 
Much to Seunghan’s surprise, the Pikachu plushie makes it all the way to the exit without a hitch. “What?” he exclaims in shock, watching as you crouch down to take the plushie from the machine, dust it off, and proceed to hand it to him with twinkling eyes. 
“Ta-da!” you exclaim, pushing it towards him. 
Seunghan snaps out of his reverie, handing it back to you. “Why are you giving it to me? I’m supposed to be giving it to you.” 
The side-eye you give him is almost scathing. “What, like the girl can’t give the guy a gift?” 
Seunghan flushes. “That’s not what I meant!” 
But you’re already laughing, inserting another token into the slot while he’s just helplessly holding onto the Pikachu plushie you won’t take. "Sure, you fake-progressive."
"I am very progressive."
He observes as you focus in on the Squirtle next to an Eevee, before changing your mind and going for the upside-down Bulbasaur. Within seconds, you manage to get it again. 
“What’s your secret?” he wonders, taking the plush when you hand it to him as you’re already inserting another token to get the Eevee. “Why are you so good at this? Who’s controlling you? Are you even real?” 
You don’t catch the Eevee this time. You’ve also run out of tokens. 
“Nevermind,” Seunghan says with a smile too wide for your liking. 
You remember back in tenth grade when you were complaining to Sunoo about the upcoming project for history because you simply didn’t want to do it when you had a Chemistry test to study for. Miraculously, you ended up getting grouped with some of your friends and another kid, Hong Seunghan. You thought he was cute, sure, but nothing else after that. He was just some kid who had a huge friend group consisting of six other guys, which somehow included your childhood friend Anton, and the only times you’ve thought about him was when he and his friends walked too slowly in the hallways for your liking. 
But then a day before the submission day of the project, you had forgotten to fulfill your part after getting too caught up with your other classes. Knowing Sunoo would never  forgive you for tanking his grade, you ended up panicking throughout lunch trying to research and paste together a comprehensible summary of your research, hoping that if the group wasn’t getting an A then you would at least get a B. After getting your sources printed out in the library, the only thing left to do was find whoever had the physical presentation, which had been Jaehyun, but then he told you he left it to someone else’s care. Just great, really. You’ll only have a few minutes in class to assemble it, but surely you’d manage, right? 
Wrong. Your frustrations finally caught up to you, and you felt like a ticking time bomb with your unpasted sources and incomplete project. Sunoo was gonna hate you for not even being able to finish something so simple, and you’d be letting down your whole group. Nothing was going right, and you were gonna fail. 
But just as you were about to burst into tears from the stress and resorting to fess up to Sunoo, Seunghan came jogging to you five minutes before lunch ended with the physical presentation in hand. He started apologizing for hogging it, but quickly paused once he noticed tears streaming down your cheeks at the relief of seeing that all was not lost. As you frantically wiped away your tears, he had awkwardly taken the printed sources from your hands and began pasting them into the decorated cardboard, aligning them with wherever they needed to be all the while attempting to comfort you. 
Thinking back on it now, it was a very embarrassing situation. None of that would have happened if you had simply stopped procrastinating and actually did your work, but you hated the prompt your group was given, which lowered your motivation as well. Stupid, but you were just a stupid fifteen-year-old, too. 
Yet you would never forget that very understanding group mate of yours. Seunghan didn’t have to comfort you while he did all the work of gluing and cropping the pages for you, but he did it anyway because he noticed your shaking hands. He could have told you off, said a sarcastic remark about your mishap, but he never did. He did the work and walked with you to class, even offering to buy you a drink from the vending machine to calm you down all with a smile on his face. It doesn’t take a genius to know that what he did was very kind and very attractive, so naturally you ended up forming  a crush on him. 
What you didn’t know was that it would take almost four years for you to make a proper move, albeit indirectly. But it’s the little things that matter. 
“I guess this is it,” Seunghan says after pocketing his keys, walking with you towards your dorm building’s entrance. “I had fun today, Y/N. But I guess I should thank Anton for this, huh? I mean, he was the one who made it possible,” he clasps his hands into a prayer and looks up at the night sky, “whoever made Anton drunk that night, thank you.” 
If only Seunghan didn’t smile at you that day, then you wouldn’t be this hopeless in front of him. 
You snort. “We’re not even of age to drink.” 
“You really think there wouldn’t be any alcohol at Gigi’s party?”
“Fair point,” you shrug, the both of you pausing by the entrance. You turn to him, a gentle smile on your face. “Thanks for the drive, Seunghan. Please take care of Pikachu and Bulbasaur, but since you’re a major Pokemon nerd I’m sure that isn’t an issue for you.” 
Seunghan chuckles, rubbing his nape. “You know me so well.” 
“I wish I knew more,” you joked. “All those years in high school and we’ve only had full conversations three times.” 
He falters. “Ah, yeah… What a waste, huh?” 
“Goodnight, Seunghan,” you say, quickly turning around to erase the image of him looking so awkwardly in front of you. Why’d you have to mention that on the first date? God, you must be some grade-A idiot or something because— 
“Y/N, wait.” 
You pause, trying to ignore the way Seunghan tried to grab your wrist K-Drama style only to end up missing it completely. He fumbles at first at his mistake, attempting to hide the heat quickly rising on his cheeks. “Even if Anton didn’t set us up,” he starts, slowly, trying to find your gaze, “I’d have still wanted to go on this date with you. You’re really fun to talk to, and to hang out with… and you’re also really good at claw machines.”
You smack his arm, and he cracks up a smile again. “Idiot, that’s all you have to say?” 
“It’s true, though! Those things are a scam!” he reasons, before clearing his throat. “But seriously, do you wanna go on another date next time? I really had fun with you. I promise I won’t try catching pokemons at the randomest times ever again, and I’ll try to get you that Eevee plushie next time. And you said that I’m a good driver, so maybe we can catch a drive-in movie or something… what do you think?” 
Hopefully you don’t notice how fast Seunghan’s heart is beating right now, but that’s probably only because yours is beating just as fast. 
You shove him away gently, and he sends you a smile as he waits for your response. “Well?” he goads, but he immediately fails to hide the surprise in his face when you hold up your phone screen in front of him. 
“We can drive around and catch some pokemons next time,” you say, before turning around and walking away. “Bye!” 
And Seunghan watches just until you’ve entered the building, before tripping on the way to his car. 
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previous | masterlist | next
SUMMARY. pining after hong seunghan has always felt like an unachievable reality; however, just a few months into your first year of college, it seems that the gods have finally listened to your prayers when news breaks out that your long-time crush is single once again.
AUTHOR'S NOTES. idiots to lovers core
TAGLIST. @shoberi @miyawwn @starwonb1n @hwadejectedyoung @revehosh @alwayswook @rksbae @emohoon @nujeskz @ilovejungwonandhaechan @meowbini @nakam00t @siuewnb @cake1box @dearmarklee @kyusqult @snowyseungs @ffixtionista a @odxrilove e @hisrkive @saeist @lilysflower1 @seunghancore @eternallyhyucks @syzavxy @calumsfringe @yipyipmorals @user7520 @tojis-luver
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sleeplesssmoll · 1 day
May I request some suitcase family headcannons summer addition?
ill start
1. vertin is definitely rocking a button up pineapple shirt and those long a** dad shorts (Because she's our androgynous king 👑) with a straw hat to top it off
2 if they go to the beach instead of a lake in the suitcase there will be girls thinking vertin is a guy and trying to flirt with her
Confession: I don't like the beach so I didn't think about this at first, but now the brain is WORKING! Also, I love your ideas! You have me thinking about an entire scenario. Although, my mind focuses on Vertin the most lol so these probably won't be that interesting. This is more like a drabble than single HCs. The team heads to the beach because of a mission but they turn it into a vacation. Also, instead of a pineapple shirt, Vertin got this as a gift from the kids:
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Suits and Ducks
Vertin tried to go to the beach with her suit. Desert Flannel and Blonney argued with her for a while saying how hot it'd be and so on. Vertin reminds them she crossed a desert in a suit and survived a shipwreck in her signature suit. She'll be perfectly fine going to the beach in her suit. It was the kids who actually managed to get her to change. Sotheby and the others gifted a silly shirt with little yellow ducks on it. They knew she wouldn't wear a bathing suit but they wanted her to join them! Since it was a gift from her crew, Vertin treasures it and proudly wears it in public at the beach. Outfit complete with bermuda shorts and a boater hat with a ribbon around it. Desert Flannel and Blonney tease her at first but they prefer this casual outfit instead of the stiff suit. Vertin looks like a dork but she's a cute and happy dork so they're secretly happy too. However, they're not the only ones to think that. Instead of deterring attention, Vertin catches the eye of a few beach goers since the shirt is a conversation starter. You know how it goes after that, our charismatic Timekeeper has a way of pulling people in once she starts talking to them. Also, she's pretty. Even if she's being silly, people seem to like Vertin's face. However, they give up on her once they see her crew, which happens to be full of beautiful people (Sonetto, Blonney, Desert Flannel, Druvis, Bun Bun, etc). The bar is high lol.
Eye of the Storm, Center of Attention
Sonetto was shy about wearing a bathing suit since she isn't used to showing so much skin. Desert and Blonney helped her find a modest one-piece and cover up that she felt comfortable in. She turned quite a few heads at the beach. She doesn't like being the center of attention, but she didn't mind the familiar weight of Storm gray eyes on her back while she splashed around with Regulus and the others. She made eye contact with Vertin on the shore. Vertin immediately tilted her hat over her eyes and turned her attention back to the bucket of seashells she and Eagle collected together. Later, the crew painted these shells together and decorated the gardens in the Wilderness with them.
Inner tubes and Ice Cream
Regulus is the captain of a giant floating inner tube. However, the others swarmed her “ship” and stole it. The pirate captain was thrown into the sea! When she went to complain to Vertin, she couldn't find her best friend. Her first thought was the one time Vertin mentioned she's not a great swimmer. Did the ocean claim her when she wasn't looking!? Then again, she survived being thrown into the sea while wearing a suit of all things–
Vertin spawned behind her with popsicles and ice cream. On one hand, Regulus was relieved but on the other, Vertin went to the store without her! The betrayal. They usually buy goodies together so the pirate can show her all the good snacks! Regulus forgave her when she realized Vertin bought frozen treats for all of them, including her. Vertin didn't want to interrupt her fun so she and Lilya went together instead. Lilya wanted to buy more alcohol anyway.
Regulus enjoyed her “rock n roll rocky road”, moved that Vertin remembered her favorite flavor. However their friendship nearly ended when she watched Vertin BITE into her Creamsicle (orange and cream pop). Vertin doesn’t feel pain or sensitivity so she always eats them like that…
Sonetto attempted to eat her blue-raspberry popsicle the same way after watching Vertin and immediately regretted it.
Bunny Bunny’s BBQ smelled so good, other beach goers brought some of their ingredients over and offered to work together, kinda like a potluck where everyone brings something and the food is shared.
Night Fishing
Vertin doesn’t sleep at night because she naps during the day. She decided to try her hand at night fishing on the pier. She slipped out quietly so as not to wake her tuckered out teammates. Sonetto noticed she was gone because she hears everything that goes on in the Suitcase. She freaked out like usual until she found Vertin peacefully fishing on the pier. She sat with Vertin, using the Timekeeper's jacket as a blanket since she was still in her nightgown. Vertin tried to shoo her back inside since was clearly exhausted but she refused to budge. She ended up falling back asleep against Vertin's shoulder. However, Sonetto wondered if she dreamed the whole thing since she woke up in her bed the next morning. She didn't, Vertin carried her back the same way she does for the others. If Vertin is around, she sleeps like a log but if Vertin isn't around, she sleeps more lightly.
Vertin didn't catch much, but Satsuki prepared a Japanese style breakfast with it for her the next day. That breakfast ended up being “sampled” by so many other crew members that Vertin ended up nibbling on leftover BBQ to compensate.
She didn't let anyone touch her tea though. She'll share everything else but Satsuki's tea.
Of course, this beach trip wasn't really a holiday. They were supposed to be investigating sightings of a sea monster. They almost forgot about it until Druvis and Lilya mentioned it in passing. Apparently the sea monster interrupted them while they were flying together on Lilya's broom over the water.
They managed to scare it off, but they need to take care of it since it's still a danger to others. The Timekeeper sets out with her crew to fight the beast.
The Kraken Calamari (Pavia's idea) they made hit different. Vertin made sure to save a portion for Madam Z and Tooth Fairy to try.
When it was time to go home, Vertin decided it'd be nice to have a beach section in the Wilderness for the Summer. While she can't control the weather in her Suitcase, she can reshape the land. The others loved this idea. The Wilderness had other plans and it snowed on the first day of adding the beach. Imagine all these arcanists in summer clothes freezing outside (well, except the SPDM soldiers). They came inside and enjoyed hot chocolate instead lol.
They expected Vertin to get sunburn like some of the other arcanists, but she was fine. The Foundation's temperature training teaches them how to protect themselves from the elements with arcanum, which is why she crossed the desert and stuff without issue. Sonetto can do it too (she's really good at it), but she used sunscreen as a precaution.
Ms. Moissan made the children wear it too and used Sonetto as an example.
This means it was the young adults who suffered the most sunburn. Jessica was not happy about it. She didn't get sunburn, but Blonney did so she couldn't hug as much as she wanted.
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diorgirl444 · 18 hours
dallas x soc!reader is soooo please please please mv coded
you literally get it i have so many thoughts on this that i’m gonna share with you! (this is gonna be based on the mv and the moodboard that i made)
• okay first of all the long eye contact where they both meet. I’m picturing sheriff’s daughter reader working as a little assistant for her dad as there’s no way she’d ever end up in a police station. she’s definitely a goody two shoes, dressed in a pretty white blouse and a pink poodle skirt. and Dallas is being brought in cuffed by her dad and she’s just kinda like staring. she doesn’t even realise she’s doing it either till Dallas’s face stretches out into a lazy smirk and her face goes pink and she shyly looks away.
“like what you see doll?”
“leave my daughter alone you bastard” her dad’s snapping as he pushes him into a cell and she knows that she needs to see this boy again.
• till he’s bailed out they definitely sneak out behind her dad back. blowing kisses, sharing flirty remarks that leave her head spinning and throwing balls of paper to get each other attention. it’s very sweet and childish and both get a thrill out of it. dallas at corrupting the sheriff’s pretty little daughter and her at going behind her dad’s back. when he gets bailed out as he walks past her desk he whispers quietly to her that the first thing he wants to do as a free man is kiss her. and if she silently slips out the back telling her daddy that she needs some fresh air just so that she can make out with dallas winston than that’s none of your business thank you very much!
• i also feel that she very much got her head in the clouds. she’s not ditsy she’s very good in school and all that but her street smarts are rubbish so she kinda goes along with everything till it’s too late. like you know the scene in the restaurant in the mv where the fight breaks out. i’m picturing a similar situation at one of buck’s parties. and she’s completely unaware of what’s going on till dallas is beating a guy up and she’s kinda like “oh!”
• omg and can we talk about the scene where he like flinches as she touches his bruise that’s so dallas and soc! reader coded. he always sneaks in her bedroom with cuts and bruises that she’s always scared are gonna spill blood onto her pretty floral bedsheets and her dad will see. she happily patches them up though and 9 times out of 10 it ends in them making out.
• and they definitely argue about the fights he gets into. because she’s petrified that he’s gonna end up in prison for life or worse dead. he always manages to sweet talk her about of any fight though. because despite it all she can never leave him. they’re not toxic but they’re both definitely too obsessed with each other in some ways.
• and okay i feel like i’m gonna get told of by some minors can’t write smut purist accounts if i talk about the ending but like use your imagination. she definitely looses her temper with him once and does something like that and it’s out of character and so hot he’s stuck thinking about it for weeks 🫣
i might write a fic based on this mv at some point because it’s just so perfect but i feel like i need a little nickname for her because soc!reader isn’t that cute a tag for my page
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The crack post saga continues... =D
Warning: long, long post 😊😅
To be very honest though, for today's ep I will be getting serious more than usual, because it was quite significant in the flow of the plot, and also had moments of communication (this emotional constipation is what makes me yearn for Cherry Magic ah) that need to be studied a little closely.
HOWEVER, there will most definitely be crack because this group of friends is (unapologetically) batshit crazy and my brain refuses to not make comments at the most inappropriate times.
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The sheer panic in his movements, oh my gods. It should not be as hilarious as it is 😭😂
To be very honest though, I would've panicked a bit in his place too, with friends like those, they'd never let him live it down
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Peem is so cute 😭
Nothing to see here, just a guy getting shy over how his prince charming hom-ed him, and they kissed through his hand and cuddled all night hehe
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Phum: here he comes again :) *eye twitch*
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Peem's expression, how he's still holding his hands as if he has the cup, Kluen's disbelief, and Phum's smug af face-
I'm wheezing 😭🤣
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Kluen, I'm kinda starting to like you, but no.
You don't stand half a chance against them and their situationship.
Hope you find another boyfriend to fall in love at first sight with (and leave my boys alone please, they don't need any more complications) <3
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Oh, Fang knows too. Of course he does, that's his little brother right there
We all know how protective of his brother he is, there's no way he'd let anybody else take care of him... unless, he knew Phum liked that person
les voila
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Poor Tan, his theerak just ignoring him T-T
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*looks between them* yeah, pretty much the same pic 👀
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And here it is. The root of all his fears.
See, in this camp, almost all of them are paired up in the sense that they usually stick to that person. Even Beer has MIck. But then comes wild card Kluen, who's hogging all of Peem's attention as much as he can and that leaves Phum. Alone.
I will be getting back to this running motif of Phum being alone and how it changes through the ep in later scenes as well
Also, after they went back, both Mick and Beer asked if he really was okay, which made me smile, because maybe, Phum isn't as alone as he thinks himself to be. There are people who care for him, who are concerned, who'll support him, and of course, he always has Fang, his beloved phi
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My poor babie Tan 🥺🥺
Also, notice how the shot is taken in such a way that they're the only ones in the frame, and are also standing within one specific part of the wall? (Ignore Kluen's head and hands please). It reflects how they're in their own world with each other, especially Tan
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The nosy peeps gang strikes again!
Jokes aside, the synchronised strides, the background music together set the perfect levels of suspense and comedy
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Peem, smug: yes! that emotionally constipated dumbass is finally getting out of De Nile
Pun: wait... is my plan actually working? Ah, of course it is
Toey: head empty, no thoughts, but... DOES P'Q ACTUALLY LIKE ME OMG I'LL DIE
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Oh gods, FINALLY. I wish them a happily ever after. Sadhu 😌🙏🏼
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Pun forgetting all about being quiet when Toey finally confesses is so on character 😭👍🏼
Also... what's even the point of being quiet? Q and Chain have been friends with these idiots since high school, of course they know they're peeking
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Toey: *shooketh*
Gays in thai bl and staring off into the distance 😭
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This scene was so, so beautiful and also quite important for both Q and Toey
Q knew what was up, more or less, but his confusion stemmed from his knowledge of Toey
Would Toey really go to these lengths? For him?
"Why? Are you the only one who can tease me?" <- Q says this to tell Toey that he might have been angry, but now he understands that Toey didn't really have any bad intentions
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Hugs always get bonus points from me, and this was pretty up there
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Pun hiding behind Chain is so on point
His friends: you're an idiot so we had no choice but to intervene 😭😭
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Matt's (JJ) comedic timing is >>>>>>
Toey and Matt's friendship is also given weight in the series, and I'm happier for it.
Also revenge is sweet ehehe *coughs*
Moving on.
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If there's no live singing dedicated to your One True Love, is it even Thai BL??
We Are making generous use of MSP songs 😭👍🏼
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This scene.
The apology. It is at this point that they're leaving all the past pain, grief and anger in the past
Q makes sure to tell Toey that yes, he may have loved Milk Frappe Boy, but now, in the present, all his love was for Toey, his lovable annoying mentee
This apology is not only to Toey, or Milk Frappe Boy, but to himself as well, because by causing pain to a person he loves twice, he'd caused himself pain too
The perfect sweet and romantic moment, but also with a teeny bit of teasing, because that's who they are
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No joke, I gasped and nearly stopped breathing when he said this
Peem's reply, his soft but kind of hurt voice were just so painful to hear
But it's also this moment that Peem gives Phum a reality check – if he really didn't want to, he wouldn't be doing any of this, and Phum had no business trying to control his life
The conversation outside with Q was significant, but also a diluted reflection of Peem's earlier (in ep. 7) talk with Q
Even a few episodes earlier, Q would have gone ballistic on Phum for treating his bestie like this, but now, he asks Peem how he feels for Phum, tries to understand exactly what their relationship is
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It was at this point that he knew, he fucked up
Beer is a godsent. I love him <3
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I think Toey says "I asked hia Tan to blow it up for me."
Also, Tiw and his rubber duck floater from MSP anyone? 👀
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And, we are back to square one where Phum is left alone again
As I'd said before, this a repeating motif throughout the series, but especially the last two episodes
This is how it has always been in Phum's life: he has been left behind. He does have Fang, but now even Fang has a boyfriend. And while this does not affect his brother's affection towards him in anyway, it does introduce a new strand of lonliness for Phum because 1. no matter what, he loves his brother a lot, and knows how much he loves Tan, so he definitely will try to stay out of their way at least sometimes and 2. he wants a boyfriend too. Further, he wants Peem, but there's a push and pull there, and after what he said, in his mind he had pretty much ruined his chances with his crush
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This is the moment Phum starts to hope that maybe, just maybe, his feelings aren't as unrequited as he'd thought.
On the other hand, Peem is the one afraid here. What if the deal is all that's holding them together? What if without it, Phum will have no reason to be as close to him?
Peem, baby, for one, your groups are already merged, and secondly, this guy is head over heels for you, no way he'd stop following you like a lost puppy
(Apparently, it's not Peem's turn with the communal braincell this week 😭)
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Here, Phum is technically alone, but he's surrounded with friends, and he's smiling
He isn't left behind here, for once, he's sitting there by choice (to shamelessly ogle his crush, but shh we don't talk about that) with the comforting knowledge that when/if he jumps in, he won't be left out, Kluen be damned
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Once the floodgates of affection have been opened to Q, there's no going back <3
(Also, notice how Tan is already asleep on Fang's shoulder? 👀)
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Jokes apart, this moment is so, so beautiful. The kiss, the soft question "are you ready for my answer now?" (maybe Peem isn't, but hell if he denies this man his kissies).
Everything leading up to this point is also so very delightful
Phum helping them out in the cafe, despite probably having never worked a day in his life, discovering how Peem still kept the roses and finally, finally, the completed painting. This sight, above all, is what convinces Phum that Peem might have feelings for him after all; because which fool would lie about not having completed something that would free them from being a slave to someone? A fool in love, that's who
if they don't get together and have the fluffiest moments in the next ep, I swear to god, hands will be thrown *grumbles* they're already making me wait a whole damn week
Anyways, that's all for this week, see you next ep! (I cannot promise I won't be jumping around and screaming, but then again, this is supposed to be a crack post so-)
And if you made it this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here, have a bubble tea and a sandwich 🧋🥪
[If you'd like, here are my previous posts: Ep 8 and Ep 9.]
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anonymousbardd · 17 hours
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꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: The Life Created (4)
- The Third Trimester
↳ Various x FemReader
- The following characters are Gun Park, Goo Kim, Samuel Seo, Jake Kim, and Vin Jin
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꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: Gun Park
The last trimester was quite the challenge, Gun had already prepared your things and things for the baby in case you go into labor.
He also decorated the nursery into a sky-themed room, he added a lot of soft pillows in her crib afraid that the baby might fall.
He also put an extra bassinet in your guys' bedroom for the baby to sleep in at night.
He already bought a lot of baby toys for your little girl, and the both of you settled for the name Haneul, full name Haneul Park, English name, Heaven.
Gun also bought you a little fabric that helps you carry your heavy tummy, he also offers you a lot of back massages because he knows how hard it is to carry a baby.
Every time you're struggling he rushes home immediately, even though there's someone to take care of you at home, (A Maid he hired specifically for you).
When you went into labor, Gun thought he was prepared, but he was pretty much panicking inside.
He wasted no time to carry you to the car, the bag he packed was already there ahead of time.
He rushed you to the hospital and he was there with you the whole time.
He held your hand all the way through, not caring about the pain because it didn't hurt him.
When Heaven was born, he held you both in his arms as you cried looking at your beautiful baby girl.
Gun felt proud and accomplished that moment as he looked at the beautiful family he started.
꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: Goo Kim
Much like Gun, he was already preparing ahead of time.
He also turned the nursery into a mermaid and pirate-themed room, it was beautiful.
He had so much fun browsing for cute baby stuff on the internet that it got out of hand.
There's another room dedicated to their playroom and it's filled with toys and learning stuff.
He also bought a lot of cute matching clothing for the twins.
Goo kept buying a lot of stuff online which led you to confiscate his phone to keep him from getting more things for the baby.
He also struggled with trying to install the car seat but he eventually did it after crying inside.
Y'all named the babies Yoon-Ho and Yoon-Sik, full name Kim Yoon-Ho and Kim Yoon-Sik.
Goo kept a picture of their ultrasound in his wallet.
When they were born, he cried seeing them for the first time.
He held his baby boy Yoon-Ho while you hold your baby girl Yoon-Sik.
Goo definitely schedule a family photoshoot for all of you and constantly brags about your children to everyone.
꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: Samuel Seo
Samuel took you to a lot of dinner dates to have fun.
He paid for someone to take care of you while he worked with Goo.
Samuel did a lot of research to ensure your comfort and safety.
He decorated the nursery to be princess theme and got a lot of dresses and tiny little tiaras for the baby.
He also redid your guys' bedroom to make it look like a modern royal bedroom.
Samuel also reserved a hospital room and an ambulance just in case you're going into labor.
And when you did go into labor, he wasn't home, he was out running some errands.
He panicked and rushed straight home, almost getting a speeding ticket in the process.
Good thing the ambulance was there when he got home.
He was with you in the delivery room, holding your hand and reassuring you through every second.
You guys named her Gongju, full name Seo Gonju, English name Princess.
Took a lot of photos of her as a baby and framed most of them.
He would take care of her every day.
꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: Jake Kim
Jake did a lot to help you throughout the whole third trimester.
He began to get a lot of cute baby clothes for the child.
He decorated the nursery with a fnaf theme.
Jake got help from Lua to prepare a go-go bag for whenever you go into labor.
He always stook around, not wanting to leave you alone.
When you went into labor, the whole big deal waited outside the delivery room.
When baby Kim U-Jin was born, the members of big deal got in one by one to drop off their gifts.
You guys received a lot of toys for the baby.
Big deal also threw a celebration party for your son's birth.
You received a lot of help with the baby and other stuff.
Everyone was giving you a lot of support.
꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: Vin Jin
He had a lot of help from Mary because he really didn't know what to do.
Vin slowly learned a lot of things about how to take care of a child and is putting in a lot of effort so that he can help once the baby arrives.
He made a small jungle-themed nursery and created little mixtapes and mashups from lullabies so that he could play it for your guys' future son.
Mary was the one to make VIn prepare a baby bag so that you guys would have fewer worries when you go into labor.
When you did go into labor Vin was pretty much cool, but inside he internally panicking.
When Vin Jong-Su was finally born, Vin felt his heart melt but kept a straight face and acted cool.
You'd catch him acting all cute in front of the baby though.
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daydreamer3469 · 2 days
Levi x Fem!Reader
Summary - Levi is gone, what shall you do??
Content Warning! - Illness, Prostitution, Throwing up, Perverts, Blood,
Authors note! - I wanted to write a little story so my blog didn't look so empty, you know? Anyway, this is my first post, and this will NOT have a part two because it sucks! + Found the art on pinterest, I'm not sure who the artist is sadly. (I started writing this a whole year ago, I finally got back on Tumblr to finish it, but not really.)
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You had no idea what to do, and you were doing worse than ever. You weren't physically fit, and you certainly weren't cut out for stealing. It's not like you knew how to do it in the first place. Levi never taught you anything.
You sat in an empty, but spotless, house. You were in the habit of cleaning; it was practically rent when you lived with Levi. So, at least you had the cleanest house in the underground!
Oh how you miss him...
You obviously missed Farlan and Isable, but Levi was special. You knew him for a longer time, and he saved you. He even kept saving you, providing you with food and care, but not for free. You knew a great deal about medications and illnesses.
Your mother was a doctor, a good one at that!
Though, she was at the brothel when she wasn't treating patients. She met Levi's mother there. They worked together and were good friends. Your mother took you to her work since she couldn't leave you at home all alone. Fortunately for you, you didn't have to witness any of the dirty work; you just had to hear it.
Levi was ill and pale at the time, while you just appeared only slightly better. When your mother worked, you were in a small practically empty room with one bed; you had always assumed it was an extra room they very rarely used.
But you and him always sat in that room, on that bed. In almost complete silence, just the occasional sounds of the ladies working.
You were both just too shy to start a conversation but the company was nice. Though to you, it felt like you silently knew each other.
So when Levi's mother became ill, your mother was quick to offer aid. She visited the Ackerman's house frequently, bringing medication and other supplies to try get rid of what was slowly killing her friend. She took you there with her, not that you mined. You enjoyed getting to see your mother at work. You wanted to be like her, so you observed and watched.
As a result, you got to see Levi more. He didn't go to the brothel every day as you did, only on occasion. So it was nice to see your silent companion more often. It was also adorable to witness him do his best to assist his mother.
He was definitely a mama's boy.
But sadly, your mothers care wasn't enough, Levis mother came to realize she was wasnt going to make it. She asked that your mom stop coming to her house and wasting her medication on a lost cause.
No one even knew what illness she had.
Your mother grieved for a short while, but she had to keep going.
You didn’t see Levi for a while, it made you sad but you had hoped he was doing alright.
After a while your mother was killed while in cross fire from a few gangs fighting. It devastated you. You were now all alone, in the poverty stricken streets of the underground. The only thing you had going for you was your knowledge on medicine.
One day you were in some alleyways looking for scraps of food, anything was everything to you at that moment. You were in your early teens and vulnerable.
“Hey pretty thing, what are you doing here digging through garbage, don’t you think you’re to cute for that?” Your eyes widened and you quickly turned your head to the sound. Unfortunately for you 2 older guys were standing in the alley way, looking at you like you were prey.
You gulped and stepped back, getting ready to run. Only for your back to hit a wall.
You were cornered.
“I-I… leave me alone!” Your eyes were wide with fear, you didn’t know what to do, or what to say.
“I like them scared!” One smirked evilly while walking towards you. As they got closer the more you lost hope. You could’ve done something, fight, or at the very least try to run. But you were too scared, every bone in your body was frozen, you couldn’t move. You couldn’t even fight, you were so sickly and malnourished, you were practically skin and bones.
You closed your eyes as they got closer, trembling. You waited for something to happen. Getting grabbed or even stabbed, you didn’t know. But you waited.
Though, it never came.
You heard a noise but didn’t dare open your eyes. Until it stopped, you were breathing heavy but you could still hear footsteps getting close you. You peeked a eye open and gasped slightly when you saw a familiar face.
“L-Levi?!” Your eyes widen in shock, you couldn’t believe it. You thought you would never see him again. “Are you okay?” He looked concerned while scanning your body, a faint look of relief washed over him.
He looked better than the last time you saw him. His face was healthy and his body too. Unlike you.
You blush from embarrassment, he’s doing so much better than you were. “Yah I’m okay…” you look up at him again, he was cleaning the blood off his knife. But the most noticeable thing was the cut on his arm. Your eyes widen again.
“Your arm!” You rushed over to him and looked at his arm closer. You didn’t care about the situation anymore, you just wanted to treat the wound. “Oh it’s fine, nothing deadly.” He spoke while eyeing the wound.
"Kenny will be pissed though…" He let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. "It might get infected! Then you'll have to amputate it… or even... you'll get sick and die!" You rattle on about the various possibilities.
While you were talking, you missed the expression of fawness in his eyes, or was it familiarity? Whatever it is it helped him relax, now letting you hold his arm to examine it.
After a little pause, you elevate his arm above his heart and instruct him to keep it there. He looks at you puzzled, but he does what he is told. "We need to stop the bleeding, uhhhhh… um this could work!" You lean down and begin ripping the bottom of your tattered dress.
You begin wrapping it around the wound and tying it tightly. "That should be good until you get some water to clean it with.." You take a step back and sigh confidently at your work. He glances at you, baffled, then at the makeshift bandage.
"You didn't have to do that, it would have been fine…" he mumbles and lowers his arm. "Keep it up! It slows the bleeding!" You scold him but start coughing. You clear your throat and resume speaking more gently. "It's not that deep so no dangerous blood loss should happen." You smile gently and look him in the eyes. "Thank you for saving me Levi, I'm forever in your dept." 
He looks at you for a moment; no one in the underground was this nice and kind. In his perspective, you were oddly nice to him.
"I-It was nothing… no need to praise me." He mumbled and glanced down to the ground. It felt awkward since you didn't know what to say. "Well, I'm glad to see you're all right. After… you know… I was always worried about how you were doing." You blushed because this was the most you'd ever said to him. You were quite shy.
He didn't say anything and just stared at you. You assumed that making small chat irritated him. "I'll stop bothering you now," you said as you began to move around him, smiling. He just stood there watching you walk out of the alleyway.
"Hey," he spoke suddenly, making you turn towards him. "I want you to meet Kenny..."
That's how you officially met; he practically took you under his wing, if that's how you want to put it. He looked after you, fed you, and even comforted you when you had nightmares. Even when Kenny left, he made sure you could eat.
Through the years Levi managed to start a gang. It was small but the people were trust worthy and good at what they did. You were only really close to Farlan and Isabel other than Levi though. All the other members treated you well and with respect they sometimes even saw you like a little sister.
Farlan was like a sweet big brother, Isabel was like a sister you could gossip to. You’d stay up at night just talking about things like what you’d do if you were above ground, or how the boys (Farlan and Levi) were so annoying sometimes, but most importantly you talked about boys~ she even knew about your little crush on Levi, she wouldn’t stop teasing you ever moment she got.
Which is why it was so devastating when they went missing. The remaining gang searched for them for a while, not allowing you to go with them though, no matter how much you protested.
After a month of looking, all hope was lost. Some of the gang stopped looking and tried to get back into the swing of things without their boss. Some even kept looking, for your sake.
But no matter how long it takes or how dark the path may become, you will never lose hope in finding Levi, Farlan, and Isabelle. You refuse to believe that they're truly gone, clinging to the memories of your nights spent whispering dreams and secrets. Every day you search for clues, driven by the love and camaraderie you shared. The streets you walk, the shadows you pass—they all hold the promise of reunion. One day, you will see their faces again, hear their laughter, and feel their presence beside you. Until then, hope will be your guiding light, unwavering and steadfast, leading you back to your family.
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ecargmura · 2 days
Wind Breaker Episode 10 Review - Yesterday's Enemies Are Today's Friends
Did you know that only three days have passed in-universe? Episode 1 was a whole day. Episodes 2-4 are the second day and Episodes 5-10 are the third day. Crazy, right? It’s also crazy to have a picnic with your enemies, right? Well, that’s what Umemiya decrees, so it must happen. It’s like that quote, “Yesterday’s enemies could be today’s friends.” Come to think of it, that quote is heavily applied here! Bofurin and Shishitoren are now on good terms with each other!
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The picnic scene with Bofurin, Togame and Choji was nice. I guess my only little gripe was that only Togame and Choji were present and not Sako, Arima and Kanuma. I guess it’s a bit more meaningful if the two tops were there and not minions. It was still a missed opportunity for the anime to add the other three, honestly. Anyways, I do like Umemiya’s philosophy on what it means to be the top of a gang. He equates it to eating. He loves eating and wants to be with people as he eats. Having people gathering around him while he eats is the same as being the top of the gang. He gets to do something he likes and do it with others. He’s here because he has people he can count on and people who look up to him. Being the top wasn’t a solo effort, but a team one. It’s a good lesson for Choji as he once had people whom he could count on but chose to leave behind. It’s also a good lesson for Sakura who has always been alone and doesn’t understand what it means to not be alone. It’s a good growing experience for him. 
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The scene with Bofurin hanging out at Cafe Pothos was also a nice scene too. Umemiya wanted to know if Sakura was able to convey his words to Togame. However, Sakura never heard a voice or anything. It turns out that Sakura took his words literally instead of figuratively. What Umemiya was trying to get at was for Sakura to feel something for his opponents. I believe it worked because Sakura did try to punch Choji when he kicked Togame. I do believe Togame is the first time he connected with someone through his fists, hence why their bond is rather unique. He’s the reason why Togame was able to make amends with Choji and Shishitoren and deal with that comes after together. No matter how much Sakura denies it, he does like Togame which was why he was very fervent on wanting him to become a cool guy.
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Other than the good scenes with Bofurin, I also liked the parts with Choji and Togame. The part where they were prostrating and Sakura scolding them was so cute. However, my favorite part was when the two were sharing anpan together. When Choji was laughing and enjoying the taste of squished anpan, the scene moved Togame so much that he lied about the rain when it was bright and sunny. It reminded me a lot of the scene in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood where Roy cried at Hughes’s funeral and lied to Hawkeye about the rain. Since the anime, Togame has become one of my favorite characters and to see him cry over the fact that his sun has returned got me emotional. I’m so happy for you, Togame.
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However, the best part of the episode was Sakura spitting out his coffee at Umemiya and him actually reacting poorly to the coffee in his eyes. That part was the needed comedy in an emotionally heartwarming episode. Then, the part where Sugishita was threatening to throw a chair at Sakura was also hilarious. I’m surprised he hasn’t been banned from Cafe Pothos yet.
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Good news for Wind Breaker fans, there are thirteen episodes, which means that there are three episodes left. As a manga reader, I think there’s enough room to have a good conclusion for the first season. Who knows if a second season will be announced? I sure hope it does because next week is definitely the debut of Tsugeura and Kiryu who are also important characters, but it’d suck if they only get minimal screen time despite having high quality voice actors. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
(This isn't bait, and you don't need to answer it if you don't want to). What's your beef with heartstopper?
The author and I have the same favorite mangaka but they tried to claim her as a "one of the good ones defying all problematic elements (of the gross bl genre of course)" without knowing that . One of the only other scanlated works from same mangaka is a psychological horror incest BL with every trigger warning under the sun
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Also I hate white British people but that's on me #listening and learning
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sonknuxadow · 1 month
they werent lying that knuckles series barely has knuckles in it
#i pirated that shit Btw just so we're clear. also gonna talk about it a little bit in the tags#nothing too spoilery but also might not wanna read if you want to go in knowing absolutely nothing? idk#anyway he WAS a main character still he was present for a decent amount of the first couple episodes#but the amount of screentime he gets just starts dropping after that . hes barely there at all in the second half ???#and it feels like theres a lot of scenes mostly focusing on wade and his problems and not near as many for knuckles and his whole deal#overall it feels more like a wade show with knuckles in it than a knuckles show with wade in it. which sucks#and human characters having plot relevance isnt the problem here i dont mind human characters at all i think they can be really fun#its the fact that the human characters are taking over the story and spotlight when the show is called knuckles#and all the marketing makes it look like knuckles is the main focus#and i also would have preferred if they just went with a differnet character to be knuckles' human friend#because i dont particulraly care about wade. and the knuckles (and sonic and tails) i know would not be friends with cops </3#well at least the story wasnt knuckles training wade to be a better cop like a lot of people were expecting but thats like.the bare minimum#also aside from the issues relating to knuckles' screentime (or lack of screentime) i thought the ending was unsatisfying#regardless of all that though there WERE some parts i enjoyed or found kind of funny or whatever. because knuckles so cutesy as always#knuckles being a cute little guy is the most important part of the show actually#and i liked the parts with sonic tails and maddie even if they were only there for like 5 minutes#(i really wish those three had gotten more screentime. i feel like they could have easily worked in at least one more scene with them)#and its a minor thing but the opening sequence is cute. was honestly expecting just a title card or something#overall the show is just . kind of okay i guess. not the worst thing ive ever seen but still disappointing ? idk how to explain..#my expectations also werent very high in the first place#so maybe im being a bit more generous than i would have been otherwise. idk#and i definitely would not recommend this to anyone who already dislikes the sonic movies . youll probably hate this more#like people who thought the human characters got too much screentime in the second movie would lose their minds if they saw this
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rockband2 · 2 months
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hashtag knotting.
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p2iimon · 28 days
drawing more furry fnaf art. yknow just to keep you posted. i love posting in the tags sorry these ones got away from me
#sammy is a brown bear (like freddy). his mom is white like funtime freddy#then crying child is blue (like bon bon. and to go with lizzies bonnet pink) (theyre not twins in my au but they definitely act like it. so#its like cute.) mrs. afton is blue violet (rockstar bonnie) bc i was running out of colors. i had already assigned her blue anyway.#max is black bc i seriously ran out of rabbit colors. or! no wait shadow bonnie. thats totally the inspo and not i had made his ears black#already. i think thats literally every rabbit color available. the afton family is pretty big. ig vanny. who would go with vanessa. obvi bu#shes not in my au. or at least not an afton. and therefore not a rabbit. if she was though shed be white.#and if you havent seen any previously drawn ones henry and william are yellow (obviously. they already have fursonas. theyre the reason#everyone else gets one. LOL) micheals purple like classic bonnie (who... is purple even if it was then retconned. hes purple. look at#withered bonnie. i hate ppl who say its just lighting. thats a lie by big blue bonnie. he was literally purple and then he changed his mind#like i said lizzie is pink like bonnet. and then charlie is black like lefty. because duhh.#DONT ask me about how this shit works okay. the rabbit dated the rabbit and the bear dated the bear. bc thats what happened. theres not#here. the bears got divorced. and the rabbits. the yellow rabbit and bear are fucking#no um. i like willry but i think if they were really fucking. i just think things would go differently. henry's gay in my au i dont think i#he actually had a man to fuck he'd manage to have children. its not who he is to me. will is bi but he obv thinks henry is some exception t#him being perfectly normal and straight. everyone wants to fuck their business partner. otherwise youd do it yourself#ig they can fuck after. i hate when people do these boring aus where henry and william never get married and william isnt a murderer and so#like what? theres nothing? just a couple of guys? if im looking for fics where theyre fucking im not looking for a fic where everything is#nice and clean. be serious. can we at least have some angst about it being the 70s or are you too much of a bitch for that too#anyway.....#simons spouting#simons fnaf au#OH also if anyone reads this whats the stance on this stupid idea i have where sammy pretends he has a thing for michael to annoy max. bc.#their parents had a thing for eachother. and sammy and max have a more familial relationship. and michael and charlie have a familial#relationship. but michael and sammy have barely met and do not at all. is it pushing it? i was thinking yknow from sammys perspective that'#'his sons' dad but! like you can fuck your sons dad. that's not weird. unless thats the way youre phrasing it i guess LOL. but i guess#michael would be like. thats 'my sisters' brother. and that is not someone you fuck*. BUT this isnt michaels perspective its sammy being#annoying. and from sammys perspective that is NOT his sister and there for NOT his sisters brother. *also im pretty sure this is subjective#if youre just friends. yknow. the ethics of sammy using this to bother max is not on the table because i think he deserves to be a#a bit of an ass. anyway LMAOO fkdglfg. let me know if youd like ive got anon asks on. please dont judge me for not knowing this.
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friendrat · 10 months
Oh no... I was just followed by someone with a normal looking username and a blank blog... but the profile picture was a cat. Have the bots evolved again?! 😱
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Sorry, still following the serise. Just can't post much right now coz of real life commitments. So have a tier list -
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#heartstopper#heartstopper season 1#netflix#netflix heartstopper#alice oseman#tier list#yes i do think its funny that my fravriote characters hate eachother#well ok hate is a bit strong#tao just didn’t trust nick until the end of the season#& poor nick just wanted his boyfriends mates to like him lol#tori & imogen are listed that way#because Imogen will apprantly get character development later on#& tori has a whole book about her#so i hope she's not just regulated to quirky sister that pops up for 1 second an episode forever#darcy is hard because i do like her#she's just a little....loud for me#but i think it's good she's proud of her sexuality#+ as a teen it makes sense that she's not the most subtle person#& i think her “flaws” help her & tara work#like I can definitely see tara becoming more confident in her sexuality as she gets older thanks to Darcy's support#& i can also see Darcy becoming more mellow/tactful as she gets older thanks to Tara's influence#some people might not like tao very much#& i agree the hair has to go#but he was so cute/funny with elle#he ate harry up every time (not that he makes it hard the guy's insults are shit)#& while i don't like him hurting charlie#i think his insecurities & the way he deals with them#was pretty understandable & very realistic for a 14/15 year old#like I love nick but from Tao's POV i completely get how he could come across as not a good guy#think the rest of my listing is pretty self-explanatory so won't bother going over them
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
and you will listen to my halfway unmixed vocal synth covers. you will. my final message (dies in your arms)
all the virvox guys in voicevox humming! yume no tobira piano ver vsqx by leah ocarina and the instrumental is by 友紀!
#wip#vocal synth#voicevox humming#i will never stop posting unfinished covers!!!! never!!!!!#hfkjdjgskfdsd in my defense its because i get like 90% done a cover pretty fast#and then that last 10% takes me MONTHS HDJFKSJFS#and i have a feeling im gonna be messing around with these dynamics for. a while LOL#so listen to how it is now~ its not bad for someone who doesnt know what they're doing <3#i think some love live songs might be particularly good for voicevox humming like specifically the more 00s idol-y sounding ones#like some earlyish u's ones and such. because like theyre great and fun songs but theyre also#like less focused on super fancy voicework and more focused on like. charm. probably because they werent sure if it the#franchise was even gonna take off that much at the time and they were working with limited budgets and just kinda#figuring it all out? obvs there was so much talent front the get go. but in different areas#dance comedy acting singing pr etc. some vocalists had a lot of experience and some didnt have as much#so theres like this like. charmingly clumsy edge to some of the songs. less worry about pure vocal talent#and more focus on sounding like ur a cute anime character having the time of ur life LOL#in general thats been a big focus of the sound of the franchise -> sounding like ur having fun and#filled with passion above all else. which is why i think these songs might work for these guys pretty well!#(although u can definitely hear the noise. and how much these guys HATE su zu and tsu HJKSHJDS they're doing their best)#my beloved off-key makeshift boyband LOL you have to be nice to them. they're speaking synths pretending to be singing synths <3#dont ask how the lyrics about youth (seishun) pertain to the 50 year old man. its okay. dont bother him#also no tuning credits cuz. u cant tune in voicevox. so its all just the program LOL i thought about doing pitch correction#in fruity loops or smthng but i am le tired so i didnt <3 its part of the charm i say now. its the charm#i did go in and mess with the vsqx to change the timing and lengths of different syllables five separate times tho LOL#but thats because there are 5 dudes and i did Not want them to sound TOO much like theyre playing back the same midi 5 whole times#even tho thats what they are doing. you know how it is with this stuff HJKSHJKFDS
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hecksupremechips · 6 months
Mutuals I have a dilemma and I require assistance okay
I have a massive crush on someone that I am friends with and I want to shoot my shot cuz it’s getting like unbearable keeping this to myself lol but they were in a long term relationship that ended badly a while back and it kinda messed them up so I don’t know if they’d really wanna consider dating me, or if they even like me that way and I would just be like. Really sad if I got rejected and they’re such a good presence I don’t wanna lose our friendship but I’m like gonna explode if I have to keep this in any longer so what should I do and how should I go about bringing this up 🥺
#i am also just gonna talk about them a bit cuz teehee i just NEED TO#theyre so fucking cool theyre all punk rock they play the electric guitar and can SCREAM really good#theyre only a little bit taller than me and they got this pretty shoulder length dark hair#theyre really shy and dont talk much but theyre so funny they did these really good spongebob impressions to make me laugh#and i literally started happy flapping it made me so happy!!! and they like my impressions too!#and theyre so sweet like so sweet to animals they love animals so much they said its a fault#they have this baby orange cat named momo hes just the cutest baby i love him so much#and they work horrible jobs just because they needed to move out cuz momo was being forced to live outside in a cage#and they were just so upset they worked really hard to give momo a good life#and they took me to this cemetery where their family was buried for generations and like we found one grace that was broken#like the top had fallen off and they put the pieces back together and pat the top and was like ‘there you go buddy!’#guys i was like OHHHH like that was the final straw that got me down so bad#theyre really smart too they told me all about exotic fruit and this forest in utah thats the biggest organism in the world!#like all the trees are all connected its so cool!#and we played mario party they were donkey kong they spammed the button that makes thre characters laugh#going ooh ooh aah aah#and theyre soooo cute they have like nose rings and painted nails and a rose tattoo and nice hands really pretty lips 😳#they were trying to make a black denim skirt out of jeans and they cant sew well so it kinda fell apart#i definitely think im just gonna take it and sew it up for them myself cuz they were SO EXCITED to have a skirt and im just#IM NOT LETTING THEM BE ROBBED OF THIS EXPERIENCE I WILL SLAVE AWAY WITH THE NEEDLE IF I MUST#hnnnghh god i just like them so much i really just wanna kiss them and like cuddle and wrap my legs around them and uhhhh 🫣#like i dont get crushes much and even the ones ive had ive been skeptical to if they even were crushes#but i literally cant stop thinking of this person we talk like every day and just talking about them has my heart pounding#im just so worried about them not liking me back or them being too hurt from their last relationship to give me a shot#according to jackie i ‘got it bad’ so getting rejected would just be like. hnnghhh scary#WHAT DO I DOOOOOO
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