#((and considering the height difference between these two pokemon well))
just-jordie-things · 1 year
I know he's not your favorite but consider... #73 with Itadori... short reader has a crush on him but is too afraid to confess bc she knows he likes tall girls lol I think this could be super cute
kiss prompt 73: height difference kisses where one person has to bend down and the other is on their tippy toes
a/n: first time writing for itadori !!! ___
if you had to think about it, you'd had a crush on itadori yuuji since the day you met him.
after getting a call from megumi where he'd begrudgingly asked for your help tracking down a cursed tool that some spooky-loving school club had snatched before he could, you hadn't expected things to take the turn they did.
as soon as you'd run into the pink haired boy, it was like a daze took hold of you. megumi honestly could have believe you'd been poisoned with how you stammered over your words and moved awkwardly. he'd never seen you so out of it when exorcizing curses. you were sloppy, defensive maneuvers delayed, offensive maneuvers... megumi would have gotten the job done better when he was ten, so, let's just leave it at that.
but nothing would have stopped itadori from eating that finger, and, well, we all know what happens from there.
you were surprised with how quickly he adapted to an entire world he'd never known the existence of. he was an avid learner, eager to train, eager to educate himself. he was always asking you questions that megumi found silly having grown up in jujutsu society, but you'd been happy to talk to him for hours about the ins and outs of it all. that was how your friendship began to blossom, you supposed.
it was easy to crush on yuuji. he was kind, handsome, silly, and had a warm energy about him that just drew you to him like a moth to a flame. even with your harbored feelings for him, being around him was easy, and comfortable. you'd only known him a few months, but the way he treated you made you feel like you'd been close friends for years.
however, due to how close you'd gotten, you were well aware that you were not his type. he'd joked a few times about how he liked tall girls like jennifer lawrence, and you didn't exactly meet that standard.
after he'd casually let that information slip, you found yourself comparing the height difference between you two more often. it was no shock that he was taller than you, you could remember the first time you'd met him you'd tilted your head back to stare up at him- your eyes had been blown wide like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle. he'd just leapt through a window like it was nothing and fought alongside you like his entire reality hadn't just flipped upside down- but now that he'd made his ideal type clear, you'd frown when it would dawn on you that you were barely even an average height.
you'd stand up a little straighter when you were standing before him, but even still you'd tilt your chin so you could look at him properly. he'd noticed the sour expression on you a few times, but you always brushed it off as something else. it felt sort of childish to tell him that you were upset for not being taller.
it's one afternoon that you're out shopping with the other first years that you finally tell him the truth. not that you'd planned to, of course, you were ready to take this secret to the grave.
but you're wandering around with yuuji, half avoiding nobara who was on a rampage and throwing armfuls of clothes at megumi, and half looking at the display of silly hats. some of them were cute, but most of them were pokemon themed, or beanies with funny saying.
yuuji had excitedly picked up a fluffy pikachu hat, complete with the tall ears, and fluffy yellow flaps that hung down your face, ending in paw shaped pockets that you could stick your hands into. he was grinning as he turned to you to tug the hat over your head. you had half a mind to scold him for ruining what was a good hair day, but you keep it to yourself. he looked too happy to have you model the accessory for him.
and you'd thought it was cute, at first. then you take note of how he has to stoop over to reach your level in order to properly adjust the dorky hat, and you're made aware again of how short you are in comparison to him. of how small in general you are compared to him. his tall stature complete with broad shoulders and biceps that were starting to display how hard he'd been training himself- as appealing as he was to look at, you're frowning due to your own self pity.
and when he's done playing with the droopy ears on top of your head and sees the look on your face, he's frowning, too.
"what's wrong?" he asks, quietly, worriedly, like a good friend. "you don't hate pikachu, do you?"
it makes you laugh, even just a little bit, and yuuji gives you a small smile in relief that his joke worked to ease your sad expression, even just a little bit.
"no, it's not pikachu," you huff, pulling the hat off your head and placing it carefully back on the mannequin. "i'm just short"
his brow furrows, assuming at first that he'd heard you wrong, but when you don't say anything else and give him an awkward shrug, he realizes you're serious.
"so?" he asks, chuckling to himself. "what's so bad about that?"
you avoid his gaze while you pretend to take interest in the other hats on the wall, despite you not being a hat person, which he knows.
"it's pretty dumb" you say, running your fingers over a fluffy sylveon cap that was similar to the pikachu one.
"try me" yuuji smiles at you, leaning into the display to catch your attention again. his smile reaches his eyes, and he seems to genuinely hopeful to ease your foolish concern, that you find yourself giving in.
"promise not to laugh at me?" you mutter.
he raises a hand to his chest, drawing an x over his heart before raising his palms towards you in silent promise. you crack a smile at how serious he's taking this.
you take a deep breath before confessing the thought that's been plaguing your mind for the last few weeks.
"i know you like tall girls," you say, staring straight ahead at the sylveon hat like it had been the object of your desire for our entire life. "and i know i'm not even close to being called tall,"
yuuji blinks a few times, his brows raising as he processes this information.
you were upset because you didn't consider yourself his type? did he understand that right? so this was because... you wanted to be his type?
"well, maybe a fifth grader would think i'm tall," you began to mumble to yourself. "but that doesn't really make me feel better-"
"you think you wouldn't be my type because you're so short?" he cuts off your rambling, and she turns to him with a bewildered expression.
"well you don't have to put it like that," you mumble with a furrowed brow. "kinda makes me feel worse-"
"(y/n), i promised i wouldn't laugh," he cuts you off again, stepping forward to wrap his hands around your shoulders. "but that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard!"
you frown up at him, not comforted at all at his attempts to make you feel better.
"you're really bad at this" you tell him, and he begins to break his promise as a few giggles escape through his toothy grin.
"are you kidding?" he teases. "you're the cutest person i've ever met!" he reaches his hands up to your face, squeezing your cheeks together playfully. "i don't want you to be any taller, i like you just the way you are!"
your face begins to heat up under his touch, and with his hold on you, you have no choice but to stare back at him, only making your blush burn hotter.
"you are my type, even as a tiny lil' tater tot," he says, and despite his laughter, you can tell he's being completely genuine. you can see it in the shine in his eyes as he stares at you. "that doesn't matter. what matters if you're a really awesome fucking person, and a badass"
the knot between your brows begins to relax and your lips curl into a smile at his sweet words.
"you're not just saying that?" you ask quietly, just to be sure he wasn't spewing out bullshit just to make you feel better.
yuuji laughs at you, the corners of his eyes crinkling from pure joy. he doesn't respond, but he doesn't need to say anything else.
instead he leans over you, bending almost dramatically to reach your short stature in order to press his lips against yours. it's a short kiss, but it's sweet, gentle, warm- all things yuuji.
when he pulls away, before he can stand back up properly, you're shooting up to the tips of your toes, your hands flying towards his shoulders for balance as you return his kiss. it's fast, eager, curious- all things you. he can't help but smile against your lips as he drops a hand from your face so he can wrap his arm around your waist, keeping you close.
you both distantly hear a harumph! from a passerby in the shop, having forgotten you were still in public. you pull away with sheepish smiles and pink cheeks.
"you are short though" he tells you point blank.
"i know, yuuji" you huff.
"but i like it" he says proudly, and you turn away so he won't see how your blush is spreading down your neck.
you still notice the significant difference in your height often, but it's mostly due to yuuji pointing it out every time he bends over to kiss you from there on out.
a/n: i love him sm it's criminal that i haven't written for him :'( xoxo ~ jordie
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creatively-cosmic · 2 months
What up, Starry—You already know who it is! B)
Sorry about Tumblr being a buggy mess and crashing halfway through! I’ve experienced the frustration of losing writing due to crashes and it always sucks. But thank you for continuing to answer these questions and satiate my curiosity! Learning more about Missing Numbers is like reading a book that just keeps getting better and better and better with every new chapter. Also: don’t worry about the delays or how long responding takes! You come first and foremost. Your health/work/school/whatever it is ya got going on in your personal life, is infinitely more important than me getting an answer to a question. So please, take your time, as much as you need—I will wait.
(Also, young Red being just as much of a little shit as Blue was is surprisingly wholesome and I love that. And after seeing their heights I realized I’m the same height as Blue! That detail is not important in the slightest, I just thought it was funny.)
Anywho, let’s get into the meat and potatoes, shall we?
First things first: Y’all mentioned biology mechanics and the nature of Glitches? 👀 Well, guess what? I love that kinda stuff! My curiosity is piqued—please explain.
Second question though: What is Leaf’s Duty? What does she do and how do her powers(?) work? Are her abilities like how the move Imprison was in Fallen Leaf?
And third: What’s the relationship/dynamic between Leaf and Red? That comic y’all posted has me wondering what Leaf is warning others about.
That’s all for now though! Please take care of yourself. Have a good day/afternoon/night!
Ahh, thank you so much for your patience! its really appreciated,, im glad youve still been enjoying things- your comments (and your FANART OH MY GOD??) have still been giving us LIFE i truly cannot thank you enough!
Red and Blue’s childhood friendship and rivalry has always been something we’ve wanted to come off as just plain silly and enjoyable- I’m glad we’ve been succeeding in that, hehe. And Blue was actually originally going to be shorter (our height, actually), we just added a few inches to be nicer to him lol
Per usual now, we’ll keep the big stuff under the cut! It’s another long one: Consider this Leaf Lore Part Two.
For the Glitch stuff, we’ve been thinking and might make a BIG formal post going over all of Professor Maple’s speculation and studies, to make it a good access point for the worldbuilding of Missing Numbers. I can’t promise it’ll come soon, but! As a starting point, I do have a pre-written thing with information on different classifications of Glitch that should clear up a good bit to start with. 
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Unless we get any sudden further realizations, every Glitch, Corruption, and Anomaly in Missing Numbers (and arguably in Pokemon as a whole) can fall under these five classifications.
Leaf’s duty is the main aspect of what we failed to touch on in your previous question. So, I’ll finish that part of the story. :) 
To answer your questions, we first have to establish how she got her powers. When Leaf died, she did not get to rest peacefully. Most who die in this world don’t. The afterlife for the fallen and forgotten is not pretty. It is not merciful. There is no heaven for the ones who do not matter to God. 
The Distortion exists in layers. At it’s lowest, the farthest from contact with the main reality, is a void of unused, scrapped, and null data. A graveyard, or worse yet, a dump where things that can no longer exist in the surface world go to rot. Unused data. Scrapped NPCs. Removed characters, Pokemon, items. 
Assets of old games that never carried over.
Leaf's soul was discarded here when she was erased from existence at the end of Abandoned Loneliness. Left to rot with the unborn Ghosts that had haunted them both with the intent to drag someone of significance down with them. Hoping they too might escape. That they might receive mercy through her. 
Unfortunately, Leaf was the unloved child. So instead she fell to their ranks, swallowed up by the abyss that was their resting place- thrust as far from reality, from her home, from her friends, from her purpose as feasibly possible. Still conscious. Still aware. Still suffering.
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… Leaf was not one to accept things lying down. Leaf was a fighter. She hated injustice, unfairness. She wouldn’t stand for this. She wouldn’t lie down and give up. No matter how suffocating the darkness was. No matter how the bloodied hands tried to drag her further down. No matter how the chaos and corruption tried to break and dismantle her. 
No. Matter. What.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way. And if there was one thing that defined Leaf even more than her bleeding heart, it was that her will was unbreakable.
So she climbed. Climbing over the damned- the forgotten- the spiteful- the vengeful- everything trying to hurt her and pull her down. Focused solely on escaping, on going up. Until things began to become more tangible. Until she could see more than black and red. Until there was light, and color. Until data became form- albeit still broken, chaotic. Numbers. Misplaced bricks. Impossible plants. Incomprehensible collision. 
Glitch City.
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She broke through the floor of the second lowest layer of the Distortion, and though the surface’s light was still so far… She’d found solid footing. 
And here, though it may have been quieter… She wasn’t so alone.
The City had the odd few inhabitants. But the first that she met was a strangely familiar boy, a teenager that reminded her of someone she knew, but wrong. With a cocky, lopsided grin, unruly black hair, and bright red eyes. 
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Someone who wanted out just as badly as she did.
Leaf and Red never knew each other outside of Glitch City. But during their time trapped there together as children, they were friends. Leaf wasn’t the first person Red befriended there… 
But she was significant. They were allies with a shared goal, after all, and if one of them could find a way out, they could get out together! They worked in tandem to find hope, grasp at an escape. Everything they could, as a possibility. They were friends, after all. Right?
… Leaf didn’t wholly trust Red. It wasn’t personal, but there were things that were risky. She could see the instability of corruption plaguing him, and she wanted to ensure her loved ones’ safety more than she wanted to escape. The greater picture was something that she could wrap her head around, even if it was hard to grasp.
Red was not the same. Laser focused on his goal and uncaring of the consequences, it was a factor that, over time, divided them more and more as Leaf realized the severity of Red’s condition, and began to think…
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Maybe he was here for a reason. … Still, she tried to turn a blind eye. Let herself hope things weren’t that bad. 
The growing obviousness for his resentment towards Fire, though Red tried to hide it, didn’t help- her distrust towards him only grew, further clouded by her personal fears and dedication to protecting her loved ones.
And one day, while discussing a possible window for escape… She let a thought she’d been hiding slip. The final nail in the coffin.
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Afraid for her brother’s life, and angry seeing how Red reveled in the idea of hurting him, she left him behind and didn’t look back.
From there, we aren’t sure of the exact details of how she escaped. But we know she had help on the surface- from someone a little too curious about the nature of the Anomalous, who was all too eager to free a willing entity. Professor Ace Maple (specializing in “anomalies”, and original to the Missing Numbers story!) helped free her soul. 
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Of course, releasing a long-buried corrupted entity wouldn’t go unnoticed by the higher power that had put her there. But… It saw how careful she was. How she was now completely wary of all glitches. How she’d come to understand the dangers they posed to the world and the people in it.
So, the Almighty came to her in a Golden light. Extending an offer to her.
… Of course she accepted the bargain. It was all beneficial in her eyes. Her complete freedom, and the ability to protect those she loved most in ways she never could have before. What happened in their childhood would never happen again now.
Thus, Leaf was blessed with her body yet again. Rightfully hers, and aged to grow with her. Though she’d never again be a Vessel, that was okay. She was something far greater now. 
The chains could Imprison any code they touched, and they were completely under her control. With these, she could fight and restrain any anomalies necessary. She was also given the one-of-a-kind ability to freely move between the Main world, and the Distortion… To ensure that no activity occurred in either that could allow the escape of something catastrophic.
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Of course, things weren’t perfect. The world and the people in it had changed since she’d been gone. It had been years. People would be different.
Blue, for one. It was hard to face him again. Tensions never stopped being high between them. They both remembered, after all.
She mostly just cared about her brother, now. It took her a bit to find him, idle at the top of Mount Silver. 
It was heartbreaking to see the emptiness in his eyes. Him barely acknowledging her. The realization that he’d never… He’d never looked for her. Never tried to free her. 
Never even mourned. 
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She still loved him. She always would. He was her family. He was the only one who’d been anything like her.
It was okay that he got everything she had. It was okay that he’d completely replaced her. It was okay that he now had everything she ever wanted. It was okay that he wasn’t the one who looked for, found, freed her, instead of a complete stranger. It was okay that when he spoke it was soulless and objective and only reminding her of her duties. it was okay. it was okay. 
It was okay that he didn’t care. 
It was okay that he was living the life she should’ve wanted DESERVED that he was destined to.
It was okay that she had to protect him. It was part of her duty, after all.
She wasn’t bitter. She wasn’t mad. She loved him.
… And then there was Red- “Glitchy,” as she now called him, unwilling to give him the name that belonged to her brother. He never did give up on her. He was PISSED, mind you, that somehow she had escaped and left him and the others stuck down there behind- but he still refused to back down.
They were enemies now, though. As he grew more restless- and more powerful, much to Leaf’s horror- his imprisonment became a direct responsibility of hers. And as Professor Maple grew more curious about glitches, unknowingly bringing him closer and closer to true freedom, even though she felt indebted to them, she had to resist their studies. Warn them of everything- especially him.
“I thought you hated injustice. Don’t you think this is unfair?”
Still, she had to face him often. And even in his madness, and even in chains, Red could speak so… Persuasively. 
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“If you could escape, why shouldn’t I? You have the ability to free me.”
“And I know you’re hiding me from the others. Don’t they deserve to know?”
“You knew as a KID that Blue was looking for me. Doesn’t HE deserve it?”
“I think you know this isn’t the right thing to do.”
“You’re making a mistake.”
“But it’s okay. I’m not mad. I can be patient.”
“I’m sure you’ll come around.”
“After all, you’re just like me and you know it.”
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apocryphall · 1 year
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So, I have a lot of thoughts about Calyrex's relationship with Glastrier and/or Spectrier. Let's see if I can get them all down in one coherent post-
So off the bat, I have to say that their concept is really cool. The whole cavalry theme aside, there's definitely the big Wild Hunt motif at play. Interpretations of the Wild Hunt's legend vary by culture, but in one version (the Britain one??), King Arthur is the leader of it and it's more so emphasized as being a faery event than of ghosts or demons. Considering how Calyrex is viewed as a king and has heavy fae vibes, I'm sure it's all intentional.
Onto the main topic: their relationship itself as its depicted in-game. The story doesn't go TOO in-depth with the beginning, but it's at least implied that Calyrex subdued the horse the first time for the sake of Freezington's villagers. Since, the horse stampeded there and devoured their crops because it could. "Strength" is the only language the horse seemingly speaks, as Calyrex won its respect & loyalty just by overcoming it in battle.
Naturally, that's further proven to be the case since they literally ditch Calyrex once he loses too much power from the peoples' loss of faith. I guess the horse's loyalty is VERY shallow and superficial then? Which is funny. They did portray Glastrier/Spectrier as being arrogant and belligerent in nature throughout the story; calling them bullies n' such.
But, there's something real interesting about mounting and controlling something (or someone) you can assumedly understand & communicate with. That's like if you took a friend or acquaintance and started treating them like...a horse. Obviously that's pretty dehumanizing, but it takes a different shape for Calyrex and the horse(s). I'm sure they're genuinely intelligent, but they are still pokemon - a "beast". Meanwhile, I portray Calyrex as a fae, and it's 1000% in his nature to treat someone else as being beneath him - no matter how polite he might seem. He definitely has the condescending flavor of benevolence.
Calyrex treats Glastrier / Spectrier well sure, but he is the master and they are the loyal steed. There's a clear power dynamic at play between the two of them. Even more so, there are some things in-game that support the idea Calyrex can literally manipulate the horse's mind. He does have to keep their loyalty, but where does genuine loyalty stop and the bewitching spell-esque nature of the Reins of Unity begin?
Some might say there's some slavery vibes present, rightfully so, and others might say it's a symbiotic relationship. There's other details in canon that support the latter too, because their "fusion" empowers both Calyrex and the horse to new heights. They're strongest together instead of seperate. There's also the fact that their "fusion" is only possible thanks to a human weaving the Reins too, and by doing that, Galar as a whole gets a strong protector and entity who can cause plantlife to grow en masse.
So, I guess it depends on how you choose to interpret it all. Regardless, never forget that the horse can just up and leave Calyrex in the dust if they think he's a loser because he's gotten too weak lol F to the short king-
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seaboundsongstress · 5 years
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Man you know a franchise is popular when your muse who’s in it and has sparse activity keeps gaining followers on their blog. //SHOT
Anyway let’s get the honorable mentions going, shall we? :3c Note: Since 700 is a lot, my apologies if I do not mention you in the list. I still appreciate you as a person and you’re contribution to my followers list. <3
People I who inspire me to write and probably haven’t interacted with yet, but want to:
@thatscwewywabbit, @muirsiog, @evclvere, @bravepurplemouse, @wanttoshine, @aurasense, @thunderbclts, @shiningxdancer, @thunderstonereject
My Peeps:
@thewayfaringhero, @candylovinglightning, @cubonned, @oceanicmaestro, @and-they-succeeded, @grimastor, @priminpurple, @lunarisvesperaregina, @goldentelepath
Other fabulous role players:
@cacaohiime, @refreshinglikewater, @goxspxrks, @serenesunlight, @myst-ice, @flamebattled, @goldhecrted, @graceofaninja, @nullum-nocte, @dragerou, @bossbones, @smasherrific, @thcnderslam, @stygianmoondust, @smashmeltingpot, @crimsonchampion, @moonkxssed, @entomolo-gist, @hughhyuuhue, @pokepc, @redtoomuchintoit, @iceclaws, @blagck, @herradea, @thelonelyabomination, @hoomau, @gladionsgrownup, @unovastruth, @avesoblivion, @exspiravited, @truthfulideals, @didharm, @pokesquadron, @laurefortuna, @rivaltrainersilver, @navynebulous, @grimchances, @grimomens, @dojodarling, @rosybii, @rockiism, @sangmer, @nimbasah, @thebrokenbeasts, @poisoncrowned, @the-distortedvisage, @newspecie, @universalcarnival, @cartoonlonk, @floofymuses, @ycungandfearless, @empatheticaura, @mercenaryrocket, @asurising, @bondedbythesoul, @revexant, @leadcrcheren, @dawn-leaves, @spooksweet, @lylelyin, @forstrength, @marsh-and-mimic, @allpacafe, @uprootedxbud, @samuraisuncle, @estrellawn, @ghostlysands, @ofharmonics, @swordaserious, @timeblooded, @popgoesthesneasel, @pinktransceiver, @woodlandsecret, @undauntedbravery, @luganroc, @victorybunbun, @littlesilver-platinum, @littlesparkz, @kabancki, @propxnent, @pokechanncl, @cbscurum, @hoennbourne, @gingaprince, @sylveonnesmuses, @maxskulline, @skullgruntdana, @skulldxddy, @floralfiness, @aethersprincess, @dragon-prince-behemoth, @aura-with-me, @syntheticbeast, @spirit-of-all-consciousness, @afiredog, @eon-guardians, @musesbymeri, @depouilleros, @mohnday, @eternallycharming, @haluai, @eveelutionary, @pokestorage, @souledsilver, @gottamuseemall, @pokemonparade, @theswordsofjustice, @sea-mcnster, @sky-and-spear, @guardianofakala, @melemeleguardian, @magicmagikarp, @chaomhnoir, @mineralgirl, @surperior, @musnatchii, @masterprotector, @lukissed, @heartbxnd, @aognaidh, @mxdeofsteel, @ofnorthwinds, @ranseiuniter, @swordsandfeathers, @ferventwished, @xatudueye, @collectiingmoments, @rocketjameskojiro, @pokehxme, @eclipsebrought, @gamenu, @legendsbehold, @staticplumage, @rebornregionace, @nemekii, @worldsstrongest, @headedtodisaster, @poketfulofpokemuses, @aetherbeast, @leecherlady, @progenimon, @darkvcid, @antecessoris, @ofmidnightlights, @neuronjxlly, @eonpulse, @dracosidian, @psymulacre, @anemophilisms, @fushigikasai, @wishfxljikan, @unmaskedchimera, @thunderstonebaby, @loyal-pokemon-partner, @incinemania, @lycanrocspirit, @pyrewreathed, @dolilopunny, @hisxtranquility, @shiningxdeceiver, @pallet-proud, @shehasbunshun, @starcfaether, @aurorasofdxstiny, @willpowxr, @saviorofsinnoh, @vastxwhite, @idolizedstar, @mirrcredreaper, @lavenderrosepetals, @blastcr, @tsukiroc, @whxt-trial, @teamrocketcat, @iiwalani, @sunlcved, @frczenfox, @pheromxsa, @nightmarcher, @shevixi, @soul-silvered, @solhearted, @balsamina, @blazing-feathers, @electrifying-ideals, @regal-royalty, @shodown, @agentcatman, @rocketdouble, @mimic-pikachu, @frozeneon, @pom-pom-birdie, @grchmp, @nullisms, @denjyumokuu, @decidxeye, @sneabel, @ebullientechoes, @wxllpower, @lonalaa, @rock-empress-olivia, @dxstructionshumanform, @animaexignis, @pirouxtta, @sinus-amoris, @pikatwx, @scvercign, @cryostasia, @the-blaze-pokemon, @colorlcss, @toxistar, @truthfcund, @fairyxribbons, @brightresearcher, @cerebralpsychic, @gruntemilia, @manicinventxr, @geomcncy, @tothemccn, @litteniisms, @aioian, @mctherbeast, @collapingstars, @shiftingnxghtmares, @screnityrxge, @gingertrainer, @virtucus, @heartofaluxray, @jamesoftheroses, @of-twigs-and-flame, @yoo-bee, @interdreamed, @trenchpanda, @aromathxrapy, @fairymaiden, @gcrdevoir, @drxgonnoodle, @caelumpuclla, @frxstbiite, @hollerforhala, @professor-kukui, @ninctales, @tough-as-steelwing, @dxtiful, @abandcned, @gardevcirite, @creepingtxrror, @gengarible, @imhcme, @lostiiisms, @flcmingvictory, @youthfulflxme, @professor-abs, @iivoryiinnocence, @wheeling-ideals, @magicixn, @gymleaderbrock, @avemortem, @ecowarfare, @rufferpupper, @kami-tsurugi, @punkgrunt, @honoxtokage, @illuminatedbydark, @timidlittlenebula, @1rxd, @kahauna, 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neon-moon-beam · 2 years
Just going to throw this out there...
Ingo probably isn’t old/aged in Legends: Arceus.
This is just what I think, you don’t have to agree.
Please don’t send me your theories or headcanons; I try to keep to what is stated or shown in-game as much as possible, especially because a lot of people seem to want and need reassurance* regarding Ingo (even though this post isn’t exactly about that), and I’m just not too interested in being DM’d about these things from strangers. *I made a post with reassurance here, though it is subject to updating due to the recent content update, and in the case that a DLC comes out. Possible spoilers ahead.
So here’s why I think one half of everyone’s favorite Battle Subway muppets has not turned into an old man before our eyes. Some of this I’m planning on working into future posts about similar topics:
Just in case anyone does not know, Ingo and Emmet naturally have grey hair. This is a series where anyone can have any hair color, even though people do age and turn grey in the series.
Ingo and Emmet have never been given a canon age, but as of BW and B2W2, they’re younger adults, as in they haven’t hit middle age yet.
A goatee can take around a month to grow, depending on the person (I am not someone capable of growing a goatee so I googled this info).
We also see several older men in the game who have defined face lines. Ingo just has eye bags.
The bags under his eyes and his stooped posture are likely from exhaustion. Some people get dark circles/bags from being tired that can clear up once they’ve rested. It’s clear his memory loss bothers him from his dialogue with the player during the Scaling Perilous Heights mission. He barely remembers Chandelure, just that it was a fire type, and even uses the word “lure” when talking about being sure it could have guided them through the unlit cave. He remembers Emmet, but not his name or even that he is his twin, just a man that looks like him and loves winning. He almost remembers HMs, as well as remembers people trained and battled with Pokemon. He probably would spend a lot of time trying to remember more, staying up late or all night (aside from how in game you can go to the Training Grounds any time of day), or even awakening from dreams that seem more like half-memories. Not to mention just finding yourself in a place without knowing much of who or where you are or what happened would take a toll on anyone. And if you’ve ever been exhausted or seen someone who’s been exhausted, then seen yourself/them after getting enough sleep and cleaning up a bit, there’s often a clear visual difference. Ingo can maintain his attitude, but his appearance is subject to his exhaustion.
We also don’t know (yet) how his uniform got so damaged. Considering how Ingo usually is, it’s likely something happened to him. Maybe not his arrival, since he “found himself” standing and the Pearl Clan immediately found him. He might not have been in Hisui much longer than Dawn/Lucas (more on this later), but long enough to be seen as capable and trusted by the Pearl Clan. While the Diamond and Pearl Clans tend to be suspicious of outsiders, we see in-game how quickly they’ll trust someone who proves capable, reliable, and kind. One battle is all it takes for them to realize Dawn/Lucas keeps Pokemon in Pokeballs to keep them closer, not to contain them as tools, and Irida herself trusts the player as soon as Kleavor is quelled by them. Considering what kind of person Ingo is, he probably gained the Pearl Clan’s trust in a day or two. Also if Legends: Arceus takes place between D/P/Pt/BDSP and BW (as evidenced by Caitlin), then Ingo is actually somewhat younger than we originally saw him (and would have to be sent back to Unova at some point). So he might be younger than we’ve seen him before, just exhausted and refusing to give up his tattered uniform. After all, it’s the only tangible thing from his past.
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n6or · 4 years
the colours of our youth | raihan nsfw
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Rating: General
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Pocket Monsters: Sword & Shield | Pokemon Sword & Shield Versions
Relationships: Kibana | Raihan/Reader
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Breeding Kink, Rough Sex, Childhood Friends, Comfort, Mild Hurt/Comfort
Words: 4042
From an early age you had both been rather infatuated with one another, your parents cooing constantly over how sweet it was that you always held Raihan's hand or that he always chased away the birds you were so frightful of. From an early age, Raihan had always been keenly aware of his position in your life, knowing from the sweet age of five that he was destined to protect you from anything and everything;
One day, we'll get married! Is what he told you, grinning wide and exposing his little fang. You remember that day well, even know; many things you've forgotten with age, but that day wasn't one of them. We'll get married and we're gonna live happily ever after like those people in all those stories you read to me!
The days were so bright back then, coloured with warm saturations of yellow and orange, not a hint of anxiety or worry about—at least none that either of you were aware of. As childhood best friends, you were inseparable, but as the years began collapsing upon one another and age ripened the pair of you, things became complicated.
The promise of marriage seemed to blur into the stress of social cliques and the harsh realities and brutalities that was high school.
At first, every day was spent with one another: eating lunch, playing on the field, laying under an old oak tree up the back of campus… but slowly, as you both met new people, the gap between you both began growing wider and wider until the only time you ever saw each other was the mandatory gym classes on a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
You hated gym more than anything. It was one class you wished you could never show up to, but of course that idea deflated on its own when the teachers realised your recurring "nausea" was just a feeble attempt of evading the judgemental gazes of hormonal teenage boys.
By the age of fifteen, most girls in your grade had presented; a vast array of secondary genders littered your classes nowadays: alphas, omegas, betas, but of course you were yet to present. You didn't mind, though. Watching the stress of your classmates over the years (as you entered senior classes) trying to juggle their studies with their heats and ruts made you more than grateful that you hadn't presented yet.
Raihan presented proudly at the ripe age of sixteen, texting you (for the first time in weeks) about the update. Of course he presented as an alpha. At sixteen with the height of six foot, you wouldn't expect anything else. You sent him back a congratulatory text followed by a little kaomoji that he then teased you for.
You fell asleep with a smile that night, and Raihan fell asleep laughing after realising you had fallen asleep mid-conversation, but hey… slowly, the bridge between you both began to shift; slowly, the distance between you both was reducing.
It was in the eleventh grade when you realised something wasn't right.
Four years later and you still hated the gym, but were more willing to participate. Four years later and you still shared the same gym class as Raihan.
Over the years you have made two close friends that have stuck by your side through the absence of Raihan; Nessa and Sonia. Nessa presented as an Alpha female, and Sonia - much like you - was yet to present. Nonetheless, the three of you got along like a house on fire, having a group chat and weekly sleepovers, too.
As the three of you mozey into the gym, you feel uncomfortable. You halt momentarily, glancing around the gym when you notice a familiar group of notorious alpha's in the back corner, undressing you with their eyes. Over the year you had failed to notice the change in your pubescent body, but the other boys in your class hadn't. Time and time again your name was whispered amongst certain alphas, and time and time again a certain someone had threatened to shut them up if they didn't stop.
"Heya short-cake," You hear a familiar voice call, strong arms tugging you back by your waist. Raihan curls into your back, blowing a raspberry on your cheek.
You squeal, earning a laugh from all three of your friends as you turn around and shove the alpha off. You pout up at your best friend who merely grins a lazy grin, shrugging.
"Oopsy~ oh, by the way," He's shrugging his jacket off as he speaks, carefully draping it over your shoulders. "Don't worry about those dickwads. They'd fuck a piece of salami if they got the chance."
"Did you just compare me to salami?"
Raihan smirks. "Nah. You're waaaay spicier~"  
The punch to his gut makes him laugh louder as he tries to zip up the jacket. You miss the way he looks at you when you look away; cheeks red and puffed, arms folded over your chest, his jacket falling mid-way down your thighs; it acts almost like a dress considering your height differences.  
The lesson rolls past slowly and by the end of your mock volleyball match you had tied Raihan's jacket around your waist. Volleyball is fun; you mainly act as the libero (considering your stature), but you enjoy it, nonetheless—especially when you were on the opposing team to Nessa. You're both so competitive it fires everybody else up.
As the students file out of the gym, you offer your hand in packing up the nets and cones that decorate the court. You were just bending over to retrieve the last cone when you felt a sharp smack against your rear.
With a sharp yelp, you spin around and stumble back slightly at alpha that stands before you. Your breath hitches when he takes a step forward towards you, two sniggering alphas on the other side of the gym catching your eye.
"You've gotten real hot lately, pet." The alpha hums, continuing to back you up until your back meets the chill of the bricked wall. "What's with that? Y'still haven't presented yet? I can't smell nothin' comin' from ya but that stinkin' jacket." With a sharp tug, he rips the jacket from your waist.
"Oi!" You shout, shoving at his chest. "Give that back!" You grab his wrist in one hand whilst the other takes a fistful of the jacket. You notice the other two alphas beginning to approach and it's at a time like this that you can't help but wonder where the fuck the teacher's are.
"Don't speak to me like that, bitch!" He laughs venomously, realing his free hand back. Your eyes widen momentarily when you realise that he's about to hit you. Your body stiffens, and like a deer in headlights, you braces for impact.
"Ugh, what the fuck?!"
You tremble in place. It all happened so fast. One moment the alpha was plunging his fist forward, and then suddenly he was spiraling to the ground, blood seeping from his nose.
"What the fuck is right. What the fuck did you just call her?" Raihan grabs the boy by the collar and yanks him back to his feet, shoving him away.
"R-Rai…" You call, cursing the shake in your voice. You hold the torn jacket in your hands, feeling something inside you tearing as well.
"Why do you fucking care? It's not like she's your mut y'fuckin—"
Another disgusting crunch of skin colliding with cartilage echoes the gym.
"Are you dumb? Are you seriously that thick?!"
Again, Raihan grabs the boy's collar, but suddenly his body stiffens, stopping him dead in his tracks.
You stare at the now tattered jacket in your hands and bite back your lower lip. You don't know when you started crying, but suddenly you can't stop. It's all a haze to you, in all honesty. You remember Raihan cupping your cheeks, large hands smoothing back your hair as he talks to you. You don't know where your mind is, or why Raihan suddenly sounds like Isabella from Animal Crossing, but it's not long before your eyes are fluttering back open. When had they fallen shut? Had you collapsed? Where were you?
A small groan erupts from you when you slowly revive from your unconsciousness, head feeling swollen and stuffed with tissue paper. You feel a squeeze to your hand and suddenly a familiar brown beauty comes into your line of sight, breathing out a sigh of relief and then your name once he sees you.
"What happened?" You mumble quietly. "Where am I? Are you—Oh, Rai," you frown, shaky hands tracing the cut across his eyebrow.
"You're alright, I'm alright," is the first thing he whispers. He runs his free hand through your hair, smiling, but it wasn't as bright as usual. "The doctors said you got too stressed and triggered a, uh.. erm, a heat."
You blink a few times, frowning. "Heat? But that can't be possible? I haven't… I'm not a…"
"The doctors explained that, basically, the stress triggered the presentation and, uh, kinda… Y'know i'm not good at explaining," he whines. He notices the perplexed expression that colours your face and bites his lip. "I'm really sorry…"
You catch his gaze, noticing the sadness that swims in the cyan circles.
"I acted like a real meathead and basically put you here because I stressed you out…" His gaze falls as he plays with your fingers. You notice the way he frowns and glares and then sighs. "I just… seeing the way he was with you… i seriously—i was seriously gonna kill him. I don't know what's wrong with me… I know you can look after yourself, but seeing those pricks… and the way they look at you like you're some sort of—like you're a piece of meat!" Raihan drops his head on your bed. "I'm so sorry…"
Your heart twists in your chest at the sight, not liking how sad Raihan looks. You reach up, ignoring the dizziness that plagues you, and run your fingers through his hair.
"You saved me," you whisper almost laboriously. Heat travels from your face down your neck, red splotching your skin like a fever, sweat lining your brow. "I'm glad you gave that shithead what he deserves, because I tried to and…" You notice how Raihan's shoulders stiffen again, just like how they did in the gym. "Rai? Are… you okay?"
The tips of his ears are red. You're sure of it. Is he coming down with a fever? What if you weren't actually an Omega and this was just some really bad flu?
You frown. "Huh?"
Raihan clears his throat. "Said you smell good."
You continue to lazily play with his hair, frowning. Why wouldn't he look at you? Something inside you aches strangely; you don't know what it is, but it has made you want to cry. You need Raihan. You don't know how you need him, but you need him.
"Rai…" Your voice is tiny when it leaves your lips, soft and needy, you feel Raihan shiver beneath your fingertips. "Can… I have a hug? I dunno what's goin' on and I'm sorry to ask because I know it's probably inappropriate and-"
Your rambling is cut off once the alpha slides in under the covers beside you. Strong arms encircle your waist, holding your heated body flush against your own. A wave of relief washes over you once your nose naturally finds its way up into the crook of Raihan's neck, nestling against the scent gland.
He holds you so tight. You feel so safe, so secure, like you're being bathed in both his scent and security. He smells so warm and tender, like crackling wood during a winter fire, comforting and caressing your senses beautifully.  
He whispers your name, lips resting against the shell of your ear. "I'll stay with you, okay? I won't hurt you. I promise. You won't be alone through this…"
And alone you weren't. With the permission of your parents, Raihan was allowed to stay as a comfort for you during your very first and (very torturous) heat. The nights were spent clinging desperately to your best friend, whimpering softly into his ear, enjoying the way he squeezed your hips, the way he responded to your quiet calls with a low grumble of his own.
You didn't have sex that night, but you did share a tender part of your life together. Upon your quiet plead, Raihan's lips had found yours and satiated the desire that coursed through your veins. The kiss was slow and passionate and everything you could ever had imagined it to be. His lips were slow and supple and soft and even in your hazy state you knew they were addictive.
Raihan ended up shedding a few layers and coaxing you into his chest, surrounding you with his clothes in an attempt to appease your agony. It was a long and painful three days, but Raihan never left your side (unless it was to get you food or drink, of course).
During those three days, you became his girlfriend.
And four years later, he proposed.
Now it's winter. You're twenty one and currently dozing in the arms of your lover. Fingertips gingerly map his chocolate chest, tracing over every crease and every crevice of his muscles. He was sleeping now, lightly, of course, but the first two rounds had seemed to tire him out. There's a deep ache in your hips, but you don't mind. You'd take the pain any day if it meant caring for your alpha like this.
Your hands smooth back his tousled hair, sweat greasing the darker strands. You laugh to yourself quietly, leaning up to kiss along his hot cheek. Stirring, Raihan grumbles tiredly, rolling over so he pushes you flat onto your back and nuzzles his face into the swells of your breasts.
"Tch," you mutter as he lays atop your tinier frame. "So needy. What a hopeless alpha."
His lips drag against your right breast, the caress of his rougher lips have your back arching up off the mattress. You take a fistful of his hair, tugging it, enjoying the low growl that emits from your lover. One hand, large and tender, runs up your naked thigh, gripping the softness.
A sweet gush of slick wets your folds as his tongue rolls against your erected nipple. The way he sucks at you makes your eyes roll shut, a loud gasp being torn from you once the pad of his thumb presses against your twitching clit. Your hips press down against him when he begins drawing figure eights against your core, a familiar heat igniting in your belly.
"Rai…" You sigh, delighted.
The alpha slowly rolls you onto your stomach and props your hips up.
"Touch yourself," he all but grunts as he pulls away. You look over your shoulder at him, eyes slightly wider now.
"W-What?" The heat recedes to your now burning ears.
Raihan leans back on his knees, dick standing high and proud against his abdomen. A lazy smirk appears as he takes a fistful of your ass, digging his well-kept nails into the supple sphere.
"Touch yourself," he growls again. "And then i'll give you my cock."
A needy whine leaves you at the rougher treatment, the pleasure going straight to your core. Your head drops back onto the pillow, hot cheek pressed to the softness as you sheepishly reach between your thighs.
"Rai…" You find yourself whimpering as your fingers gingerly trace at the swelling of your clit. Your hips tremble, breath stuttering in your chest. You shyly watch over your shoulder, noticing just how hard those cyan orbs watch your fingers. It's always flattering just how enamoured Raihan is with you; even like this you're the centre of his attention.
You bite your lip, watching the tall man pant from behind you as your fingers explore the depths of your pleasure. You begin rocking your hips, fingers slowly inching back to sink into your sopping pussy. That's when you hear the low groan of your alpha. He really seems to be getting off on watching you play with yourself.
"Look, Alpha," you mumble, removing your fingers from your stretched hole; a line of slick joins your fingertips to your entrance. "So wet… All for you…"
You can tell he's barely holding onto his sanity; but truth be told, so are you. Over the years you've learned to quiet the voice of your biology, but sometimes you can't help to succumb to your inner omega and beg to be fucked until you're crying.
You reach behind with your free hand and pull one cheek apart, exposing your puckered rim. Your fingertips teasingly circle your upper hole, eyes focused on the way Raihan's widen. That seems to be the last straw for the alpha.
In a flurry of movements he has your wrists bound tightly above your head and tied to the headboard, his mouth absolutely ravishing your dripping sex. You're a writhing wreck once his tongue pries inside of you, relentlessly ravishing the sweet slick that pours from your throbbing entrance. You throw your head back, gasping loudly when his tongue licks at your ass, teasing the puckered rim with a smirk.
"G-Gah! N-No, Rai—Rai that's—oh fuck." You tighten your grip on the binds around your wrists, mewling loudly when his tongue pries your ass open. Your hips tremble. "S-So dirty… Y-You're so- ha~ so gross…"
A dark chuckle reverberates off each wall of the room. The wet appendage pushes deep inside you, curling and flicking as his teeth nibble at the sensitive muscles.
"You say it's gross, tell me to stop," he chuckles as he pulls back. He shuffles behind you, hands trapping your squirming hips that try to find some sort of friction. Slowly, with one hand on his cock, he drags the swollen head up along your folds. "But look how wet my precious little Omega is~ You really don't want it, baby? You really don't want me to fuck you again? Fill you with my pups and breed you like the beautiful little whore you are~?"
Your head has fallen back onto the pillow, tears now streaking your hot cheeks. "Please…" You choke out, pitifully.
Raihan lolls his head to the side, smirking down at you. "Look at me," His voice is so low when he speaks, the tinge of Alpha that colours his words awakening something inside of you. "Look at me when you beg for my dick."  
And you obey instantaneously. Looking over at him, your expression is wrecked; eyes teary, face wet, lips bleeding from how hard you had bit them.
"Please, Alpha. Please fuck me. Please fill me with all you have. I want to feel you inside of me-"
Your words die in your throat when the thick, girthy cock plunges deep inside you with one swift thrust. It's so sudden that all that leaves you is a strangled cry. Considering the past two rounds you have gone through today, your body accommodates the intrusion gladly, your self-lubricated walls hugging his cock snuggly.
"Fuck, baby…" he growls, head dropping onto your shoulder. "Even now, your body keeps suckin' me in. You really are my nasty little whore, huh?"
"Yes!" You choke, wriggling your hips. "Yes, yes, please don't stop."
And he doesn't. It's not long before a nice pace is set up, hips retracting before pushing deep inside you until your filled to the hilt with cock. Raihan's head falls back as he relishes in the warmth your pussy provides, sighing with nothing but absolute bliss.
"You feel so good on my dick like this. You're so small, but you take it so good," Raihan gives a harder thrust that makes you yelp before he's pushing you onto your side and opening your legs. He smirks when your eyes meet, one hand going back to caress the sensitive bundle of nerves beneath your folds once more. Your body jolts and, as Raihan picks up the pace, soon your voice becomes louder, moans toppling effortlessly from your lips. "I wanna watch you cum on my dick, baby. Be a good girl, yeah? Let alpha make you feel real fucking nice."
The first orgasm has you crying out his name loudly. Your body rocks through the violent convulsions that follow suit, body tingling and hips twitching to rock back and forth. Raihan is absolutely mesmerised by the way your body struggles; he always enjoys watching you struggle the most. He enjoys watching your face flush and your back arch and your muscles tighten as you ride out the pleasure that waltzes with you.
"Rai-- Rai, fuck!"
You try to pull away when his hand quickens against your front, rubbing you without mercy through your first orgasm. Truth be told, you love this treatment; deep down you love when Raihan uses you like this, you love when he fucks you like he's going to break you.
"No one can make you come undone like this," he sneers, lightly slapping your thigh before moving his hand. Reaching up, still entirely sheathed inside of you, he rips the binds from your wrists, carelessly discarding the now shredded rope to the bedroom floor. "Now, how badly do you want my knot, Princess~?"
"Please-" You squeak instantaneously, eliciting a loud bark of laughter from your fiance. You flush. "P-Please."
Leaning over your smaller frame, Raihan presses a chaste kiss to your lips before pushing you entirely onto your back. He helps you wrap your legs around his waist, reeling his hips back before plunging them forward. The rhythm he sets up is slow at first, his lips moving knowingly against yours. Again, you're already panting, head becoming gradually foggy.
The scene plays through, the echo of sloppy kisses and obscenity of skin slapping against skin. Your souls slowly become one as your bodies press flush against one another.
Raihan gradually loses himself, holding your hips tighter, digging his nails into your skin and decorating you with red crescent moons. His lips leave yours and eventually find your neck, growling as he sucks and bites a constellation of red down your expanse.
The pain makes it all the while better, and when Raihan angles your hips up so he can begin drilling his cock deeper, you find yourself coming undone yet again, totally unannounced. You cling desperately to your fiance, clawing at his back, leaving your own artwork behind. It's not long before Raihan follows suit, hips snapping harder along to a silent three-four rhythm. The expansion of his knot knocks the air from your lungs once he sheaths himself inside you. Your eyes roll back and your back arches back up off the mattress for the umpteenth time.
A loud, low growl leaves Raihan when you clench around his growing knot. Then, he's moaning shamelessly into your ear once his own coils of cum spill inside of you. He holds your hips tighter, biting into the scarred mark that adorns your neck.
The small yelp that leaves you results in Raihan lapping the skin with his tongue, collecting any spillage of blood that may so soil your neck.
"Such a good girl," he purrs into your ear, voice low and thick, dripping with an amalgamation of adoration and desire. "I love you so much. I seriously love you so much," His lips trail along your jaw and to yours, hands moving to hover either side of your face. He kisses you gently before awkwardly rolling you both over. The position shift makes you whimper, discontent with the movement of his knot. Considering you'll be locked together for a while, Raihan helps you lay on his chest, pulling the blankets up over your back. "I can't wait to marry you," he murmurs quietly, large hand caressing your lower back. He smiles when you look up, tired. "Seriously. I can't wait to marry you and start a family with you, (name)."
Your burning face hides away in Raihan's chest and you feel the rumble of laughter shake him.
It still blew your mind that one day you were going to marry this man.
Oh, how lovely fate had been to you during this lifetime.
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adultswim2021 · 3 years
Ephemera Week (2002)
I really wonder how effectively I’ll be able to do this in 2003. In 2003, Adult Swim started doing the black and white text bumps, where they give max sass and NO EFFS (fucks), so every week had unique content. I definitely don’t have the resources to catalogue every bumper or even come up with a decent “best of”. Ephemera Corner 2003 may look very different. To quote my good friend Zorak, “Brak, do you ever think about the future?”. To this I say, yes. Yes, Zorak, I do.
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Adult Swim Action (and other stuff) | February 23, 2002
February 23rd was the first installment of Adult Swim Action. Up to this point, Adult Swim aired a block of mostly comedy capped off with Cowyboy Bebop. This was the first formal separation of Action and Comedy. I remember the bitter rivalry between the two fandoms on various message boards I posted on. It really did seem like a venn diagram with almost no overlap; action fans hated the comedy shows (maybe they liked one or two but hated the rest) and the same went for the comedy fans, except most of the comedy fans I knew were devout anime haters.
At the height of my anime animosity an internet ex-friend of mine started a message board called ANIME SUCKS. It was an experience I’ll always remember fondly. At it’s peak it had over 1000 members. All but about a dozen of those members were actually ANGRY anime fans who just stumbled on the board and were FURIOUS at us for being anti-anime, and we’d just act like obtuse dickheads about it. Like, we’d act stupider than they were and just wind them up.
We developed a few tricks to really set somebody off. For example: they’d write an impassioned defense of anime as an art form, and say something like “it’s not all like Pokemon or Dragonball Z”, to which we’d reply “actually those are the only two animes I like”. This really got them. There was a special thrill to just replying “miyazaki is an idiot” to a guy’s 6-paragraph essay about why anime was “good, actually”, prompting an even longer response. It was really fun! We didn’t have to harass people online, they’d just come to us to get abused. I’ve never seen bait get taken so effortlessly. One day that guy just closed the message board, locked everyone out, and disappeared forever.
That was some aside, huh? Anyway, the arrival of Adult Swim Action meant that Adult Swim stopped airing the Thursday night repeats of Adult Swim Comedy, which was a shame. It Also meant Adult Swim’s Sunday night had an extra hour to fill, which they did with Rocky & Bullwinkle and the Popeye Show. People complained. I didn’t. Vintage animation is just a different take on the “adult” label. Besides, I was used to tuning out by 12AM anyway, so even if I didn’t like those shows (I did!) I wasn’t missing anything, really. But yes, if it were a full hour of Space Ghost repeats I guess that would’ve been better.
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The Lewis Lectures | May 19, 2002 - 12:45 AM
A repeat of Lewis Lectures? IT HAPPENED! But what was so different about this broadcast of Lewis Lectures? Well, they accidentally scrambled the SAP audio with the default English audio, causing the Spanish soundtrack to play in tandem with the English one. It was bloody well fucked mate. This is simply no longer England.
I remember becoming an Adult Swim completist and taping this, considering it some kind of void in my collection. Part of me wishes I saved the recording, so I could combine it with the inferior YouTube rip currently up and have a closer-to-pristine copy than the one that’s available. But also, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THIS IS LEWIS LECTURES WE ARE TALKING ABOUT. How much pain can I inflict on myself?
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Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law Mini-Marathon | September 15, 2002 - 11:00 PM
On this night they aired a little Harvey Birdman marathon of the 4 episodes. This was kinda baffling, as Birdman had 6 episodes to its name and they’d been repeated into the ground by this point. I guess it goes to show that Adult Swim kinda considered Birdman to be their prestige program. I’m hard-pressed to call any one Adult Swim show “smart” in a way that’s apparent on a shallow level. Birdman is set in a courtroom, animated the most competently out of all their other shows, and involved cultural references in a showy way. Like, Space Ghost having Dave Willis absurdly shout “UP THE CHAIN” in the background of a Space Ghost episode is almost just a weird easter egg. But Birdman? Birdman was name-dropping Hanna Barbera characters the same way Frasier would talk about whatever gay shit Frasier talked about.
They aired The Dabba Don, Shaggy Busted, Shoyu Weenie, Very Personal Injury in that order. I would’ve swapped Shaggy and Shoyu and for Bannon Custody Battle and Death by Chocolate, but that’s just me, I guess.
Adult Swim New Years Bash hosted by Carl and Brak | December 31, 2002 - 11:00 PM
Adult Swim officially ended 2002 with this: a night hosted by Carl and Brak in Times Square, watching the ball drop (which was FREAKING MEATWAD!!!!). I remember this night fondly. Unfortunately I can’t find the whole thing, but here’s a single segment I found on vimeo to give you some idea. I think I had it up at one point and Turner very annoyingly had it taken down.
I used to have this massive physical media collection; stuff on VHS and DVD and DVD-R that was meticulously catalogued. I ditched a lot of it in favor of digitizing stuff like this, eternally keeping it on hard drives that I meant to back up but never did. It seems more convenient, but it isn’t. If this were 2003 and I needed to show you this, I would be able to retrieve it from one of my many shelves. I might still have this, but would have no idea where to look for it and it would probably involve me getting in my car and going out to my storage unit and pulling every single box out. I turned it into ones an zeros and stuck it on a nondescript black box that could very well be dead. And now it’s not even on YouTube. Sad? Sure, it’s sad.
(phrase stolen from Grifthorse podcast)
Hey, here are some videos I found on YouTube in case you wanna go down a wormhole of watching old Adult Swim commercial breaks. May the gods of posterity keep them online forever:
February 4, 2002
Spring 2002
June 16, 2002
June 30, 2002
July 27, 2002
August 2002
November 17, 2002
November/December 2002
This ends EPHEMERA WEEK. We’ll do actual episodes soon!
What's the scariest thing you seen on adult swim?
I don’t know if I have a real answer for this. I don’t think I actually get scared by stuff in movies or TV shows. I can’t even come up with a funny answer. Remember the end of that Metalocalypse episode where the little sick girl is dead and her eyes turn into maggots and you hear that screechy voice was like I’M DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!!! I’ll just go with that even though it made me laugh really hard
Ever watch Limmy's Show
I am content just being vaguely aware of Limmy (no, I never watched his show. Seems good).
Please don't do such a big mailbag. I couldn't believe how many r-words wrote inane bullshit to you. Let keep this blog about the real stars: Master Shake, Space Ghost, Brak, Zorak, Meatwad, Frylock, Debbie, Black Debbie, Carl, Sparks, Stormy, Hesh, Moltar, Harvery Birdman Captain Murphy, Dr. Quinn, Paula, Marco,  Brendon, Jason, Melissa, The Mooninites, the Plutonians, Peanut, Coach Mc Gurk, Mentok the Mindtaker, Virjay, Antoin, Colby, Trotter, Adair WE ARE THE UPRIGHT CITIZENS BRIGADE :)
I can’t believe this IDIOT doesn’t get that by typing such a long message he very IDIOTICALLY contributed to the length of the Maili Bag... LMFAO, what a IDIOT
This is maybe the funniest blog on tumblr. You really think these nasty little cartoons are special, huh?
Hey than-- oh :( Yeah, I guess so :(
would you like master shake if he did the whole thing
I’m sorry what
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leavaloo · 4 years
hop x short delinquent trainer? like hop is only half intimidated cause of how short she is
Hello yes I love Hop so much?? Thank you for this absolutely blessed request
I uh. I might have gotten carried away with this request, lol. It’s basically a small fic. I had a really cute song in the background as I wrote this, so it ended up going from scary to cute, but hey! I’m real proud of this one. Hope you all love it as much as I do
Tw: Blood, blood mention, violence, fights, cuts, tending to wounds, implied gang situations, implied underground
There were reasons why Hop admired many of the people in his life, most notably Lee. For Lee, it was that despite his caring and carefree nature, he was strong and compassionate. Headstrong in some regards, goofy in others. But he was a leader, striking and heroic to many. In his ten years as Champion, he was a defender, a protector, and a friend to all.
Hop admired that.
When he met you, he was taken aback. You didn’t smile, nor did you give up your death glare. Lee was strong, yes, but his strength was warm, like a nice day in the sun. You? You had aspects of people that he admired, but you were still very... different. The brains of Sonia, the strength of Leon, the determination of Marnie and the straightforward thoughts of Bede. And yet, with all of those, you were cold.
Instead of Lee’s warmth, your strength was like being submerged into a freezing cold river. You were never afraid to speak your mind, and you didn’t need your Pokemon to beat the shit out of someone. Your fists could do the talking for you. Even without Pokemon, no one could beat you. People were scared of you wherever you went, which Hop found slightly amusing because you were an entire head shorter than him.
And Hop admired that.
Because of this, he decided that he wanted to understand what you were all about. It was a slow process, one that involved a lot of threats and glares in his direction. But no matter the bumps and bruises he got from you, he still stuck by your side. It was only after the first couple fights did he realize just how strong you were. You nearly beat someone half to death for touching you wrong, and as he watched from the sidelines, he could see that feral rage in you. That’s when he really started to get anxious around you.
You seemed to notice. Suddenly, all those death glares that you had sent his way just became really confused glances. Your threats became shallow, and you refused to go through with them. Hop had to stop a couple of times when you tried to make some jokes, but because of your nature they fell flat. He still laughed, partly to make you feel better, and partly because the shyness in your posture was so out of character for you. It was...
It was when Hop accidentally got caught up in one of your fights that he really saw your true colors. He was tired of people slinging insults at you. And so he threw some back. It was natural, almost. He didn’t realize how protective he had been getting over you. Maybe it was your height, or the fact that he was seriously starting to crush on you. But he did it, and ended up getting a pretty nasty cut on his arm from the opposing Fraxure from it.
Hop, having grown up in a fairly uneventful household and area, didn’t realize how things worked in your world. People were out to do damage, to prove a point and to gain dominance. Hop also didn’t realize that you were a big deal in that scene. So when he got hurt, he watched as you finally pulled out your Pokemon for this fight. Your Sylveon jumped into the fray, absolutely decimating the other team, while two other strange Pokemon stood over him.
Two dog-like Pokemon, one with a dark blue coat and rocks coming out of it’s mane, the other with a light purple coat and eight long, flowing tails. The perpetrators ended up running with their tail between their legs, as well as blood down their temple, but you didn’t care. You ran right up to Hop and dragged him off the wild area.
The two Pokemon weren’t in the region, you had explained. A Lycanroc and Alolan Ninetails from Alola. But after that initial explanation, you went quiet. You took Hop’s arm, sitting him down by the campfire, and got to work. Your blue coated Sylveon occasionally would help with her ribbons, and also giving occasional healing. It was enough to stem the bleeding and at least close up the wound enough for a bandage. The entire time, you both were very quiet, with only the crackling of the fire beside you on this dark night to give a conversation.
And you looked so sad.
Every time Hop winced, you looked pained and ended up muttering a small sorry, one that was barely audible. This must have happened often with you, since you already had all of the supplies at the ready. You managed to clean off the crimson from his arm, stop the bloodflow, and he just looked you over as you wrapped the bandage around his arm.
He’d never seen you with another emotion besides anger. And now this sadness and guilt in your eyes, was it for him? He winced again as you tightly wrapped the bandage, which almost seemed to make you wince yourself.
“Stop it,” he finally said.
You stopped mid wrap and looked at him, almost broken.
“You don’t need to keep saying sorry. I did this to myself.”
“No. Not buts. I started it this time, so stop it.”
You shifted slightly, looking down at the ground. “Y...You’re okay... right?”
That tiny question, the one that he could barely hear over the crackling fire, is what made his heart soar. You were worried for him. He could hear it not only in the question, but your quivering voice. He watched as you started to sniffle, and your shoulders started to shake. So he pulled you in for a hug. For once, you didn’t fight.
Your crying was very silent, so much so that he could barely even hear your sobs. And yet you clung to him like your life depended on it. He found his hand rubbing your back, and reassuring you that he was okay. Part of him was still intimidated by your strength, but he had to remind himself that you were human too.
“W-Why...” you got out, nose pressed against the soft fluff of his jacket. Hop stopped. “W-Why are you... s-so nice to me?”
He sighed. “Well, it was mostly cause I liked your strength at first... But then I get interested in what was driving you. You’re so powerful, and yet, you’ve yet to go and do the gym challenge. Everyone was so scared of you, and so I wanted to see what was going on.” Hop sighed again, not really knowing what to expect out of his next sentence. “A-And... and then you got cute.”
Your body tensed up, and your grip tightened on his jacket. He continued on. “I started seeing your real self little by little, and it was... really nice. I started to enjoy being around you and... color me crazy, but I consider you a friend.”
“A... friend...?”
“...I’ve never had a friend before...” you whispered.
Hop held you closer. “You have one now.” Even though I think I might like you more, he thought to himself. “Besides, I should be thanking you. After all, you’re the one that saved me back there.”
“You shouldn’t get caught up in my battles.”
“And are you going to stop me?”
“Hoooooppp,” you whined, groaning against him. He laughed, knowing that the answer was clearly no.
You pulled back, wiping the tears from your eyes and taking his arm again. To break any sadness in your eyes, he ended up starting to tell you stories. It was a gift to hear you laugh and to see you smile. This terrifying, tiny girl who had the capacity to kill another human being, enjoyed his presence so much that she wanted to protect him.
Over the next month or so, you started to change, little by little. Your jokes had more punch to them. You started to experiment with your style, and instead of dark blacks and greys, you started to put more color in. You two went out and ended up camping together sometimes in the wild area. You didn’t get in as many fights.
Maybe it was that you didn’t need to be so defensive anymore. You had someone to help and support you. But really, in Hop’s mind, this was ten million times more terrifying, because he knew where you kept all of your knives in your dresses. You really took cute but deadly to a whole new level. Hop idly wondered one night with you curled up against his chest if either of you really understood how close you were growing. He also wondered how much it would take to get you to battle Lee.
That would be an extremely interesting battle.
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alittlebitgoofy · 4 years
Pri-heat to 375° (lemyankajuice)
Juice is just trying to bake but Lemon decides it's time for attention, Priyanka finds this endlessly amusing and adorable.
hhhhh this is a ship concept, i felt the need to write it so enjoy 1.3k of pure fluff and some baking. i wrote this in like 3 days and it’s unbetad so take from that what you will, thanks to my beloved janon for suggesting that punny title, it's pretty iconic. 
light tw for mentions of burns, it's nothing too bad but it's there at the end
ao3 link
People looked down on the girls. Something about the three of them being too much trouble for once house, let alone the apartment they lived in. It didn’t stop them though, there was never a dull moment, even with Juice’s attempted baking, they found a way to spice it up with some chaos.
Juice was the only one permitted in the kitchen a lot of the time. It stemmed from Lemon setting the smoke alarm off trying to make toast and Priyanka not being allowed near anything that made a lot of heat after she had accidentally burnt their bedding with a hairdryer. It was also a safety issue, the kitchen was hardly big enough to fit three adult women, no matter how much Priyanka insisted Lemon and Juice were child size.
It was simple, the small blonde just wanted to bake cookies. That couldn’t be too much trouble. Could it?
Yes. Of course, it could. Juice underestimated the combined power of a particularly needy Lemon and excited Priyanka. Not easy to deal with on their own, but together was just an accident waiting to happen. It started easy enough, Juice left alone to focus on what she was doing.
For about ten minutes.
Although the recipe only took half an hour, including baking time. Juice liked to be thorough before she moved on to the next step. That was why the kitchen was the only place that was clean and organised. Three messy people in one small apartment was not a good way to keep clean, but the kitchen was exempt from the majority of the mess. Last time, a particularly sleep-deprived Lemon had wandered in, made toast and somehow left two different plates, a knife and the kitchen counter a mess. Jam left on the side, forgotten as she ate before promptly curling up on the couch to nap for three hours. Juice had never been that annoyed about something, the mess was normal for them. But Lemon learnt the hard way, an upset Juice was not a good thing to be around.
She knew better than to bother her small girlfriend, but there was a distinct urge for attention and who was she to deny what she wanted. Priyanka was nowhere to be seen, having had to take a phone call a few minutes prior. The yellow-haired girl bounced into the kitchen, poking Juice’s shoulder as she rolled out the cookie dough. The smaller girl turned around to see a particularly attentive looking Lemon, her eyes pleading for something that Juice didn’t have to question. She took the bright-haired girl and peppered light kisses all over her face until Lemon couldn’t hold back her delighted giggles.
Juice moved her face back to look at Lemon, face lit up in a giddy smile that would make anyone melt. Her eyes held so much love that made Juice’s become a mushy pile of soft gay feelings. Lemon pulled the smaller girl back towards her, connecting their lips in a soft, loving kiss. They stayed, distracted by each other until Priyanka came along; poking her head through the doorway and smirking at the sight.
“Well, what do we have here? Looks quite gay to me.” Juice jolted at the sudden voice coming from the doorway. Lemon glanced over her shoulder, her face lighting up with a grin.
“Pripri! C’mere!” Lemon bounced in happiness when Priyanka obliged, walking close enough for the yellow-haired girl to pull her into a hug. She looked up at the brunette, pressing soft kisses all over her face before turning to Juice and doing the same thing. Priyanka followed her girlfriend’s lead, leaning her face down to kiss the pair.
The affection continued, Lemon somewhat squished between her two girlfriends. She let out a content, happy sigh that made both the girls holding her melt and squeeze her somewhat tighter. Juice let out a soft noise a few minutes later, breaking up the long hug with a frown.
“As much as I'd love to cuddle you two for longer, these cookies won’t bake themselves.” Lemon pouted, while Priyanka nodded while trying to hold back laughter at Lemon’s clear annoyance at the interruption.
“Can I help?” Lemon looked at Juice pleadingly, clearly just wanting something to keep her occupied.
“I’ve done most of it, Lem. I just need to roll it out and cut out the shapes. If you two want to help choose the cookie cutters then that would be good.”
Lemon nodded with a grin, excitedly searching the drawer for various shapes. She pulled out a star, happily presenting it to her amused girlfriends. Juice turned to Priyanka, gesturing to the drawer with a curious look. The taller girl laughed before plucking a heart-shaped cookie cutter and placing it next to Lemon’s star.
“Alright, you guys don't need to crowd. You’re going to get in the way!” Juice huffed when both women only moved closer to her. “Hey! I mean it! I can’t get them onto the tray if I can’t move.”
“Oh, you’re so intimidating, Juicy.” Priyanka teased, patting juice’s head. Juice only pouted in response. “You’re so tiny it’s adorable when you pout” that only made Juice pout more, leaving lemon watching with intrigue and amusement. Something about seeing the tiny blonde glaring up at her made Priyanka want to squeal. She was adorable, and never someone she could take seriously due to the seven-inch height difference. Priyanka enjoyed towering over her girlfriends. It wasn’t hard to considering they were both quite short but the pure euphoria of patting them both on the head, only to be glared at by the two cutest girls she knew. It was something to be treasured. Especially in moments like this.
Moving past her girlfriends, Juice put the cookies in the oven. Lemon immediately directed all her attention onto it, as if watching would make the cookies bake faster.
“Now we wait, I know you two have no patience but it’s only going to be around ten minutes.”
“Pfft, who are you saying has no patience? Coming from the girl who yells at her pokemon game when something takes too long to catch.” Priyanka cackled as Lemon grinned deviously, delighting on the irked expression on Juice’s face. The blonde wanted to retort, but she knew that feeding Lemon’s antics would only make it worse. She stared at the yellow-haired woman, inwardly smirking when Lemon pouted about not receiving a response.
“You two really can be amusing sometimes.” Priyanka’s laughter broke the silence. Both girls turned to her curiously. They got pulled into a tight hug, one that made both girls’ faces melt into a soft grin.
“You’re really fun to mess with,” The brunette muttered, pressing a kiss to Juice before turning to Lemon to do the same. “and you’re adorably stupid.” the three continued, mumbling little jokes and hugging until Juice’s timer went off. She took them out of the oven, carefully sliding the cookies onto a plate to cool down before it happened.
The hot tray slid down her over gloves and onto her arm, burning it before she could realise what was happening.
“Shit!” Juice jumped, the tray clanging on the floor. Priyanka looked at her in concern, noticing her holding her arm and looking over it. The skin was red, Juice herself pouting and letting out a pained squeal when her girlfriend poked it.
“Juice! We need to put this under cold water.”
“No you don’t, warm water is better. There was some kind of study about it.” Lemon spoke softly, not looking up from her phone.
“Lem! Please pay attention when your girlfriend just burnt herself.” Priyanka scolded softly, smiling slightly when Lemon glanced up with a nod.
“Juicy you really are clumsy. How do you manage it?” Lemon giggled slightly, pressing a kiss to the blonde’s cheek as she ran her arm under the tap.
“Girl, your talent really is getting injured.” Juice scowled as Priyanka spoke, watching both her girlfriends burst into laughter at her expense.
Both of them came closer, cuddling up to the short girl once more. No matter what happened, the minor mistakes or the stupid jokes, they had each other.
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nailsalon75034 · 4 years
40 Best Nail salon in 75034 Place Designs 2020
In addition to fashion and makeup, making a beautiful nail model is also one of the endless passion of women. However, they are often quite lazy to "embellish" their hands when thinking about the cumbersome, old, inconvenient designs in daily life as well as looking a few years old. Here, we have a look at 40 nail designs in modern 2020 style that are both beautiful and youthful, can be used to go out, go to work.
Simple, gentle beauty will help you become outstandingly confident that attracts all eyes. Let's refer to the most popular nail designs in Korea below to refresh your hands. The simple models are being chosen by many women. Often combined gentle motifs and combinations of 1-2 paint colors to be elegant and good looking
For the sister association, besides clothes and cosmetics, beautiful manicure is also considered one of the endless passions. Because there is a girl who does not want to have gorgeous and gorgeous long fingers? However, just being slim is not enough, if you want to have a beautiful nail pattern, you should consult a lot
For girls who love to draw simple but still stand out, this will be a suggestion for them. However, if you want to catch the right color trend, choose to combine more coral orange tones so that it is harmonious and eye-catching. You know, the color trends every year change more or less. Obviously, when people themselves are probably bored with a color gamut that is in full use throughout the year, finding a new and different color is like blowing a new breath of style. The girls add more prominence and charm in their beautiful manicure
This French nail style is always trendy and never old. But it works best when you have a hand with long, small fingers and a large nail surface. Perfect for girls who want to maintain an average nail length or longer, Square nail designs make you look more luxurious, sturdy
With these beauty beliefs, in addition to taking care of her skin and hair, her nails are also paid attention. Therefore, it is always necessary to catch up with nail patterns and catch the trends of each season. Grasping that mentality, nail polish companies have released a series of colorful paints for their beauty followers.
The weather will be cold, besides updating fashion trends and suitable hairstyles, do not forget to choose these "hot trend" nail designs to refresh yourself. Guaranteed to make you always score and stand out, let's explore these colors! In the cold of the winter weather, warm colors such as reddish brown skin are always loved by beauties. Because it brings warmth and closeness. The blend of tan with orange-brown and sepia creates a trendy and eye-catching shade, especially with extremely flattering nails that make skin brighter
It's been boring with nail patterns that have been painted over the entire nail area over the years. Instead of following the traditional path, in 2020 the nail salon trend is taken to new heights with colorful nail patterns giving you a line between, creating personality lines and style, making beautiful nails. for her to be more impressive than ever
Because they want to be more beautiful, nowadays, more and more people are looking to nail polish specialists for their service. In addition to giving their nails shiny and clean, the experts also help them put on a new coat for better nails. In the trend of classic paint, not outdated, girls are also creative to make their nails more volatile and sweet.
is always one of the "top concerns" of individual girls. But how to choose color is beautiful "standard", light skin tone is not an easy problem. Choosing paint color according to skin tone will prevent her from getting dull skin error due to choosing the wrong nail color. There are certain guidelines for choosing a good nail model based on skin color
For a long time, "sparkling" fingers are a luxurious and seductive style that many girls love. More than ever, hands with iridescent lacquer or sequin will help you shine in every party literally and figuratively. However, the "inlaid" glittering glitter on all 10 fingers now seems a bit out of date. Korea's trend of sparkling nail polish only covers the shimmer and part of the finger sequin to create a slight patchiness. At the same time, the combination of multicolored beads gives you a more natural and youthful nail look
The gentle beauty is chosen by many women because of the gentle colors that show the feminine charm. This nail pattern is perfect for girls with deep, temperate personality. very suitable for coordinating costumes as well as makeup. With diverse designs, many colors, sparkling stones are dotted on the nails to create great appeal and great attraction for the user. Her luxurious and seductive looks will be beautifully adorned by these nail designs.
Inherently, these environments require politeness, courtesy in style, so finding a beautiful nail model when going to school is also limited a lot. Accordingly, the most suitable models should have simple designs and colors such as single-color paint, ombre or if you want to be a little fresh, you can choose simple nail designs to create highlights.
In particular, during the hot days of beautiful beauty to welcome this New Year, girls let the gentle beauty have the opportunity to shine, typically like "buying" a coral orange lipstick. Or not, "change to new clothes" for more beautiful nails with coral orange is also a not bad suggestion at all. Obviously, for the discerning ladies, there is nothing more fun than having a shimmering nail trim and paint, especially on special occasions like Tet.
For those of you with skinny fingers and brittle, brittle nails, you should keep this round. This is a very beautiful nail model suitable for girls who want to maintain short nails because of the nature of the work. The advantage of the round foundation is that it has no corners, so it is difficult to break and does not get caught in the work
We need to find out, what is nail polish? Literally it is a compound that contains many chemicals to create "color boxes" that have the ability to color up to beautify the hand nails more prominent and more attractive. There are two types of nail polish: regular nail polish and gel nail polish
In addition to using pure brown skin tones for your nails, you can also combine them with other colors and combine a little more shape to have a satisfactory nail set, not boring. Pattern painted patterns are simple but not monotonous. Don't be afraid to dotted your hands with impromptu textures and colors, you will definitely look outstanding and impressive.
Helps overcome short nail shortcomings to bring luxurious and mysterious beauty to girls. This is a great nail polish to appear at parties, or to school and hang out. She does not like to be fussy and too "confused", she can choose gentle coral orange tones for her nails. At the same time, a little emphasis with gold paint will make your "claws" become more attractive and outstanding.
This is also a nail shape similar to sharp nails but is modified to look more pregnant, preferable to those with short fingers, but this shape makes the fingers look quite weak so it is easy to break. If you prefer a lighter feel, don't skip pastel pink. This color gamut is both sweet, gentle, and a bit classic and romantic. Just that much is enough to make this pink tone beat her down in cold weather
Animal skin texture is one of the classic trends in a sexy and wild look. After a long "hibernation" period, the "leopard pieces" come back to stir not only from the runway floors but also in the beauty field. By harmoniously blending wildlife skin details with Korean-style color patches and stones, you will have a beautiful, delicate nail set than ever.
The atmosphere is gradually turning to summer and have you been able to update your seasonal fashion style? Try applying these beautiful nail designs for summer below to become even hotter. At the same time, the color when used should be monochrome, not too vibrant to avoid causing objection to the opposite person. Usually, the most popular colors are gentle colors such as white, pale pink, and beige, so when painted on, it will bring a very delicate and luxurious beauty to the hands.
If you like to adorn your nails with elaborate patterns, this will be the perfect suggestion for girls. Because the coral orange color is quite prominent, the designs that are not too colorful and complicated will make her nails look more fashionable and luxurious. girls who like the classic always choose this style. You must often decorate the surface of the nail with color paint or draw patterns because bare hands will be very offensive.
Although you really love the sweet, romantic color this tone brings, you are afraid it will not match the color of your hand skin. Don't worry, this is a color that doesn't pick your hands off, just adjust the color tone a little to suit your skin tone. Nail patterns are nothing strange to women, but modern girls always default nail styles that look pretty "cheesy". However, studded in Korean style will change your mind
Vibrant and vibrant beauty will bring you exciting summer colorful experiences. If the nail designs for partying, everyday life tend to create simple colors and accentuate the motifs are somewhat fussy, the patterns for the beach season will be a real breakthrough. About the color gamut that creates a lovely and lovely nail set
The girls who love the youthful, leisurely style will surely be "taken in" by these funny nail patterns at first sight. These can be nail designs drawn from cartoon characters like Doraemon, Minions, Pokemon or cute chibi drawings.
Not confident with pure coral orange, she can also choose red tone paint colors. At the same time, to add highlights to the nail, let's incorporate a few more finger to draw the patchy stone. Guarantee just like that is also very pretty.
Choose neutral colors instead of bold colors for sharp nail polish or you will be older and more intense than other nails. This nail model is best suited for girls with short fingers. Like tan tan leather, deep red wine color is always her first choice when the weather turns cold. It brings warmth but equally luxury and power. This is an extremely suitable color for a year-end party, especially for Christmas
Simple beautiful nails with diverse designs, many colors, sparkling stones are dotted on the nails to create great appeal and attraction for the user. Her luxurious and seductive looks will be adorned in a very subtle way. With this model, you can comfortably party or appear anywhere
nude, light pink, or white are chosen by many beauties. This is the color tone for girls who like a gentle style, not necessarily becoming the focus of attention. The nude or pale pink nail pattern is loved by the office ladies and chosen by the gentle, subtle beauty that is not too prominent, and trendy and not out of date
Combined with a variety of fancy colors combined with attractive shapes, summer seascape with coconut trees, trees, sky, birds and trees all contribute to creating a living picture. on the hands of each person. In addition, the paint colors that are often used to paint nails are usually colorful and prominent colors to help bring a youthful, playful look to the girlfriend. With this beautiful nail pattern, you can pair with clothes with a little light color
Or not, blow a new wind for their nails with their zodiac patterns. The combination of super trendy drawing fingers and ombre fingers will definitely make your hands stand out. As a combination of two square and oval nails, the Squoval style is stronger than the oval nail and is slimmer and more feminine than the square nail. This style is also suitable for all shapes of fingers because of its moderate length and rounded corners.
Traditional red wine is always a classic color when autumn and winter come. For women with white skin, do not miss this charming beautiful nail. There won't be a guy who can take his eyes off those beautiful hands. Look best on nails of moderate length, square nails, or light pedicures. In particular, you should stay away from neon colors if you have classic long, pointed nails because your hands will look scary if you combine neon colors with long nails.
Bring you good luck and is becoming a hot color chosen by many women. Try decorating your hands with this color and striking soft motifs. When Tet is coming, the women go back to refurbish their nails to catch up with the coming Tet atmosphere. The most popular patterns such as cherry blossoms, apricot blossoms, red color make women's nails more prominent and attractive.
Who said that only girls "banh beo" could create the momentum for their ivory hands? In fact, girls with strong personalities can still freely express their personalities through these beautiful nail designs. Having to play with all 10 coral orange fingers, she can "turn" the normalized slippery nails with white emulsion and top paint. In addition, the small metal details will definitely make your nails look much more stylish
Like its name, pointed but at the top has a square shape, looks like a pair of ballet shoes, this design is more suitable for luxury ladies and older people than young people because of demand. its wondrous and elaborate. You can recommend this "classy" nail pattern to your mom or aunt
If dark green has become a hot trend color this summer, it will be trendy until this autumn-winter time. is a comfortable and eye-catching combination. Adding a little ingenious combination with nail styles like gradient paint or ombre will make your hands not only unique but also help to pop up your skin tone.
Black nail designs bring personality and mystery to its owner. This is a great choice for parties and you can add a touch of color such as iridescent colors or nail polish. There are so many Hollywood female stars seen with this nail color, rock stars love it. Don't forget that black nails work best for short cut nails
Usually, individual girls will be more rational than emotions, so flying, dreamy images will not make them fall in love. Depending on the aesthetic of each person, most of the individual girls will be easily "fascinated" by logical, angular images such as zigzag-shaped, triangular nails or coated nails. unique mirror
Not fussy but still extremely outstanding, that is when she mixes orange with other basic colors like white or cream white. Half-nail varnish combines metal studded nails, this style is sure to make her nails look extremely unique. Easier in operation and suitable for girls who want longer fingers while still retain a youthful look
Like wine red, navy blue is also a classic nail model, always loved by beauty believers. This is a neutral color that is suitable for both winter and summer but perhaps this color will be more perfect in the cold of winter. Classic black is never out of style. Red is great for girls who have white hands, or have brown hands. Helping you create a strong impression of luxury, nobility and strong personality
These are gentle and elegant feminine colors that many girls love. Possessing a pink nail pattern will help you become softer and easier to combine makeup to go to school, go out or work. Depending on the different circumstances, the girls can choose different to suit. Especially, when attending a party, you have to become more sparkling and outstanding than ever
It's okay not to attach metal, but change the style of paint so that a beautiful nail pattern is not too boring. The style of paint splits like this is not new, but every time you paint on your nails, the girls will surely have to nod. A neutral color gamut for girls who love trendy fashion. If you have picky skin, this is a great choice.
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princepestilence · 5 years
The Cuphead ripoff scandal; or the artistic costs of imitation.
Okay, so since it’s been on my mind all week, I want to talk about the whole Enchanted Portals situation and you’re all going to have to suffer through that, you’re welcome. 
Basically, if you don’t know, it’s a Cuphead... fanwork, I think is the best way to say it. It’s what happens when two people loved Cuphead so much they decided to make a game about it. Specifically, they wanted to make Cuphead about it: everything from the 30s cartoon-inspired art style, jazz soundtrack, level design, game-play, and several bosses are direct and undeniable imitations of Cuphead.
Which frankly is itself interesting, for lack of a better word, because that’s a lot of work to make the closest thing possible to an existing IP without crossing legal lines and both creators have openly cited Cuphead as inspiration. (Unsurprisingly, no other games, though, to the best of my knowledge). I can recognise the work put in, because it takes some amount of skill and definitely a lot of time to make any game. 
But--because of course that was coming--I don’t think effort alone is worthy of success or praise in the absence of independent artistic vision. Just because something is hard to do doesn’t mean it justifies being done, and I think this game is a great representation of why nigh-plagiaristic imitation weakens a work. For one thing, when you imitate--especially so closely--another work, you put yourself in direct competition and comparison with that original, which in EP’s case is such a poor choice: the art, music, design, and overall flair is not anywhere near the level of polished, cohesive, or original as Cuphead, which will be reflected in critical reception. 
For another thing, it is a waste of talent that could actually be strengthened by original thought. As I said, these people clearly have some skill and the capability of making a Cuphead-like game, and the greatest failure here is one of imagination in my opinion: if they had leaned into their own art style, instead of an imitation of Cuphead imitating the 1930s tradition, I think this game would be 1. entirely clear of plagiarism and 2. a better game with its own unique and memorable design. 
Likewise, if they had chosen inspiration from another time-period for their soundtrack, they could have used this opportunity to showcase their original content and ability to compose interesting and, frankly, more fitting music given the “magic” setting, instead of simply being a worse version of Cuphead. Jazz is not the only frenetic, upbeat, frequently improvisational music style suitable for a bullet-hell type shooter--but it is the one that was at its height in the 1920s and is considered representational of the 20s-30s era, the same time-period from which Cuphead draws its visual aesthetic. These elements work together to create a cohesive whole, which is a key part of Cuphead’s overall concept. 
EP lacks this vision. It’s transparently clear that each element of design was chosen not to improve the overall work, or help it stand apart from all others, or to further an artistic goal, but purely to be similar to Cuphead, without any real understanding of why Cuphead itself has those features in the first place. Cuphead was first imagined as a game concept in 2000, then later began work in earnest from 2010 onward. A huge amount of consideration went into the creation of the work over its developmental lifetime, which is why the quality is as high as it is. 
By contrast: if we’re generous, the team behind EP spent the last two years learning how to imitate Cuphead. Not how to design their own game in the style of Cuphead. They have set out specifically to make a less polished, less considered version of Cuphead, and in that they have succeeded. But I personally don’t think that endeavour should be lauded or encouraged, because it is still a blatant ripoff. In our current media landscape, I personally feel that we should be asking for more from creators artistically, not simply asking for more of the same--especially considering the drop off in ripoff quality.
Ripoffs will always occur whenever anything garners enough attention and success and often the hallmark of ripoffs is laziness: poor quality animation, simplistic level design, and other instances where it’s clear that everything was done to the bare minimum just to get it out the door. While I’m not claiming the development of EP is lazy in execution--i.e., the art isn’t stolen, the animation is done by the team--I do feel that there is more than one way to be lazy when creating a ripoff. An absence of creative individuality in favour of imitation is itself laziness.
It’s hard for me to exactly pinpoint the core issue I have with EP’s development, the one underpinning these other issues re: creative integrity. It’s not lazy the way many ripoffs are, although laziness is evident in the goal of the project itself. However, I don’t have a problem with Pokemon ROM hacks and “original” games of that vein, and I don’t consider those to be lazy, which is where this whole situation gets hazy to figure out. I also feel that fanfiction or -sona style OC design is a legitimate and very acceptable way to engage with media you love, and some amazing creativity does stem from that space--including works that, with a little tinkering, eventually become original works in their own right.  
I’ve thought about it for a bit this week and I think the crucial difference between EP and fanfiction, and EP and ROM hack, is that EP is being presented as kickstarter: it is a purchasable game, not a homage or fanwork, such as a ROM hack or fanfiction. There is a clear attempt to make money from shallow, unimaginative imitation of one of the most creatively designed and financially risky games in the current market, and frankly I hate that. 
While EP claims to be doing this project out of love, I think the fundamental misunderstanding of what makes Cuphead as unique and interesting and successful as it is is something of an insult to StudioMDHR and the years of work they put into making the game. My personal feeling is that the backlash EP is receiving is entirely deserved and will hopefully encourage other game creators to resist the urge to blatantly plagiarise in favour of developing their own style and originality with the skills they have. 
tl;dr: Cuphead is a highly successful game/piece of art that imitates 1920s-30s music and art scene, specifically jazz and rubber hose animation that blossomed in that era. This game is a representation of how to do imitation and homage well without sacrificing your own personal artistic vision and flair. 
Enchanted Portals is a fanwork that imitates the superficial characteristics of Cuphead well, but fails to have any integrity or true originality in its design, because it isn’t trying to be a new creation: it is trying to be Cuphead, and in that attempt it utterly fails. This game is a representation of how to attempt to ride the coattails of a more skillfully and thoughtfully made game, under the guise of homage. 
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rhnuzlocke · 5 years
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Chapter Three: All Down the Line
“Renko! Kai desu!”
Ren scrambled up and slung her bag over one shoulder as Tāraki jumped to the other. Kai and Jay were standing in the doorway chatting with her mother when they came barreling down the stairs.
“Ready?” he asked.
“Let’s go!” she answered, pulling him out the door behind her. “Itte kimasu!”
“Bye, Mrs. Kosugi!”
“Ki o tsukete!” she called after them.
Ren only released Kai once they were on Route 101, and he took the lead as they plunged off it into the dense woodland. Tāraki skittered, climbed and jumped his way along in the most inefficient way possible while Jay trotted easily at Kai’s heels, tilting her head this way and that to carefully observe their surroundings. Tāraki wanted to challenge nearly every wild pokemon they stumbled across, but for once, Ren remained firm in her refusals, intent on reaching their destination without unnecessary delay.
Ren didn’t notice anything unusual, but Kai stopped and gestured for her to look. Quite suddenly, her mind picked up the pattern, and she murmured softly to herself in awe. What had at first seemed to be a mossy and fern-covered hillside was actually squared blocks of stone grown over by the surrounding forest, each nearly as tall as she was.
Tāraki scurried up them easily and shrilled back down at Jay to join him. The Torchic ran along its length to where the blocks marched into the turf and scaled the embankment that way.
“It’s called Maioro Rahi.”
“It does look like a big wall,” said Ren, marveling at the great tree that grew at the top, its roots snaking through and framing the stones below.
“Stories say no one built it, that it’s always been, so it’s probably the result of volcanic activity.”
“It’s awesome either way. Thanks for bringing me out here, dude,” she said and nudged his arm to break the slack look on his face.
They walked around for a while to explore it from different angles and climbed the tree with Tāraki. This time, it was Kai’s turn pull Ren up, and she laughed at how embarrassed he got when she remarked on his strength. She cajoled him into an arm wrestling match and won handily, though he was probably still too flustered and afraid of falling out of the tree to do as well as he could have.
They wound up tucked against the base of the wall for lunch and chatted easily while Kai scratched in his notebook, and Ren lay back in the leaf litter, tracing circles across the canopy with the toe of her shoe. Jay flitted in and out of view, bringing back seeds and other small items for Ren to examine and Kai to explain while he sketched them. Meanwhile, Tāraki busied himself chasing Taillow and Wurmple from the branches as he swung around.
Jay trilled, crest raised to full attention, and Kai squinted off into the trees where she was looking.
“Hmm. You’re right. Hey Ren, seems like a Poochyena has been watching us.” He pointed out a tree at a ways off which only partially obscured the wild pokemon.
“It looks different,” Ren observed. The base color was the familiar cool gray, but it had a black stripe down its spine and many more scattered across its sides, legs, and tail. It still had the black mask and throat, but its paws were gray. From the stiffening of its posture, Ren concluded that it noticed them looking, but it didn’t move.
“It’s a Striped variant. Almost all the ones around here are Cloaked. That’s because Stripers are usually the result of a Manectric or Arcanine cross. You see them sometimes along the inner coast or from breeders. So either this one has traveled a long way or some asshole is releasing the pups they don’t want.”
Ren blinked at the unfamiliar anger in his tone and sat up. “Jay, would you see if it will talk to us? I’ve got some food left.”
That let off some of the tension, and Kai flipped to a fresh page in his notebook while Jay and the Poochyena conferred across the distance.
“She asked that we not approach and just toss the food to her, but she’ll stay for a while.” Kai repeated for Ren’s benefit. Jay grumbled beside him, and he hummed in amusement. “Jay also adds that she is ‘kind of rude.’”
Ren chuckled. “Understood.”
The Poochyena slunk closer but stopped well out of range, and Ren tossed her the promised berry and a stick of jerky to sweeten the deal. The Poochyena sat and accepted the food, but her hackles remained stiff. From this distance, Ren could see a notch in her ear, pale scars on her muzzle, and a break in her fur that must have been a long slash across her shoulder.
“She came from north of here,” Kai reported as he made notes for himself. “The only Stripers she’s seen were her siblings. Now there’s only her.”
Tāraki clicked and squeaked. The Poochyena’s hackles stood all the way up, making her look far larger.
“Don’t scare her off, Tāraki,” Ren admonished. “I know she looks like a great opponent, but you’re only allowed to battle pokemon who want to battle you, too.”
The Treecko harrumphed and flopped to the ground, flashing his pale belly. The Poochhyena ignored this probable insult and relaxed a little, fixing her red eyes on Ren.
“Did she get those scars from battles?”
The Poochyena continued to look at Ren as she answered, even though she was speaking to Jay.
“She says that’s how to survive. Pokemon draw strength from battling, but it’s risky… Wow, that’s a pretty good summary of the current research. It never occurred to me to ask a pokemon if they thought about it that way.”
“Would you like to train with us?”
What made you ask her?  
“She’d been through a lot, and she seemed… lonely. I thought maybe I could give her a family again. And there was something in her eyes too. I knew right then that she’d never give up, that she’d always be herself and live the way she chose. I guess I admired her even then.”
That’s how you decided her name?  
“Yes, that’s why I chose it.”
Kai looked at her in surprise, and the Poochyena cocked her head.
“Tāraki could use a battle partner,” Ren explained.
So, not the answer you gave at the time?  
“No, not the answer I gave.”
Tāraki had stepped up to make the offer while they were distracted, and Jay stepped between them when he became incensed at whatever she said back.
“She wants to battle you and Tāraki first, because no matter how tough it is out here, she’s better off on her own than with a bad trainer.” Kai explained, then muttered to Jay: “I see what you mean about her being rude.”
“Sounds fair to me.” Ren stood. “Ready, Tāraki?
Tāraki nodded, muscles coiling. The Poochyena crouched.
“It’s over when I say it is,” Ren warned. “Pound her left shoulder!”
The Poochyena tried to dodge, but Tāraki was faster and sent her tumbling. But to Ren’s surprise, she rolled right back to her feet and came straight at him.
“Aim low!”
Tāraki hit her front legs, and she flipped from the momentum. Tāraki slammed her belly while it was exposed, but she grabbed his tail, and sparks flew from her jaws. Tāraki fell to one knee, trembling.
“Paralysis!” Ren murmured under her breath, then aloud: “Watch out!”
The Poochyena took immediate advantage of Tāraki’s immobility and barreled into him. He was knocked back but landed on his feet.
“You’re not going to be able to outspeed her anymore. Absorb!”
The Poochyena slowed as her energy drained, and Tāraki managed to roll to the side in time.
“Let her come to you.”
Tāraki seized up as the Poochyena came at him, and the Tackle sent him sliding back.
“Backflip!” Ren yelled.
This time Tāraki backflipped just as the Poochyena closed, hitting her jaws shut with his tail. She went reeling back and collapsed. Tāraki stood to his full height, readying an attack.
“Enough!” The force of it stilled him immediately, and he looked back at Ren. “Good job, Shima.” She reached into her bag and pulled out a paralyze heal. He hummed with satisfaction as the sparking stiffness left his limbs. “You’re an amazing battler.”
Tāraki let out a gurgle that ended with “Ren.”
Ren smiled at him and then blinked as it dawned on her. “Did I just understand you?”
Tāraki gurgled.
“You said my name! I heard you say my name!”
“Ren!” This time it was as clear as day.
Ren squealed and swept Tāraki up in her arms, hugging him tight.
“Ren! Ren! Ren!” he chanted, and she spun them around and around, tossing him higher and higher until he grabbed onto a low branch and stayed there.
“Tāraki!” she whined. “Come back down here!”
He snickered at her and stuck out his tongue, and Ren hopped around under the branch for a minute, full of energy but unable to reach him. She eventually calmed and turned back to the others.
Thankfully, the Poochyena had stayed through their antics, and Ren reached into her bag for a potion. She kneeled down, and the Poochyena eyed her cautiously.
“Let me heal you up, okay?”
She didn’t look away but did lower her head slightly and let Ren spray her down. Ren pulled out a pokeball and held it up.
“What do you say?”
The Poochyena’s red eyes bored into Ren’s for a moment longer, then she stepped forward and pressed her nose to the pokeball’s button. She was swept up in a flash of red light before disappearing inside. The pokeball’s indicator flashed green, and her nav played a little tune.
“Was it just me, or did she use Thunder Fang?” Kai asked as Ren looked down at the pokeball, a soft smile on her face.
“Guess you were right about the Manectric heritage.” Tāraki dropped back down to her shoulder. “Think you two can get along?”
Tāraki made a show of considering it but gave her a thumbs up.
Ren released the Poochyena from her ball. “I’d like to call you Akahana, if that’s alright?”  
She nodded once, and Ren’s smile broadened.
“Welcome to the family.”
Ren and her pokemon wandered through wild woods with Tāraki hopping through the canopy while Akahana trailed by Ren’s side. She lifted her head in Tāraki’s direction and let out a muffled woof. He replied with a smug negative. Soon enough, the trees began to thin, and sunlight thicken ahead of them. Balmy air swaddled them as they emerged onto open fields of grass. Kai sat on the bank of a large pond beside tall bullrushes and squat sedges that looked like tiny Nassy. Jay lay napping at his side but lifted her head as they approached.
“Hey Kai! How’s it going?”
“Good! Jay and I did some battling this morning. How about you?”
“We did some drills.”
“I feel great!” Tāraki piped, bouncing to and fro while Jay eyed him wearily.
“He’s still pretty hyped up.” Ren explained and sat down next to Kai, close enough that she bumped his shoulder as she settled. “Whatcha working on?”
Kai reddened and pulled his white beanie down a bit but tilted his notebook towards her. “I’ve been counting and sketching the different Masquerain variants on this pond. See, Masquerain sort of mimic their predators—mostly birds or other bug-types in the area. So, unlike most variants, they tend to overlap, and you often see several on a single pond.” He pointed them out to her. “So far I’ve seen Ninja, Kite, and Pale.”
“These are great,” said Ren, leaning in to see better. “You draw so well.”
He reddened even further. “Not really…”
Ren elbowed him. “Just take the compliment!”
“Okay,” he murmured quietly. “Thanks.”
“So many!” Tāraki exclaimed. He grabbed at Ren’s shirt. “Can I battle a few? Can I? Please!”
Akahana’s brow lowered, and her tail gave a derisive twitch.
“Aka’s right. Those things have a double type advantage on you. It’s one thing to battle Wurmples, but those mons have evolved. Maybe when we’ve trained a bit more.”
Tāraki groaned and danced from foot to foot before suddenly perking up again. “What about a Surskit? I could totally take a Surskit!”
“That’s a better match up. Do you mind, Kai? I don’t want to mess up your work.”
“Nah, I’m done here.”
Ren surveyed the Surskits skimming across the surface of the pond, and a gleam caught her eye. It came off a Surskit’s cap that looked more like brass than the pale yellow of the others and framed a bright red spot on its forehead.
“What kind is that one?”
Kai squinted at it, then whipped out his pokedex. “I’m not sure. It looks kind of like a Ninja, but that doesn’t explain the red spot.” He went back to looking through the identification photos. “That’s funny, there’s a different Ninja variant in Kalos that it resembles a bit too… See, the problem is that it’s hard to tell when they’re Surskits. The mimicry hasn’t fully developed. When they evolve—”
Ren threw out a hand to cover his mouth, and he went red again. The Surskit in question had noticed them staring at it and looked very nervous.
“Tāraki,” she said quietly, “why don’t you ask it nicely for a battle?”
Tāraki took a step towards the water and called out to the Surskit. “Want to battle with me? My trainer will heal you and give you some food!”
It glanced around in confusion and skittered back a bit, politely declining.
“Aw, come on! You have a type advantage.”
It stopped backing away and considered. Jay trilled and buffeted Tāraki with her wing, but he just snickered. Akahana sighed and rolled her eyes. The Surskit took a half step out and chittered.
“My trainer wouldn’t let me kill you,” Tāraki responded. “Right, Akahana?”
She gave a nod, and the Surskit skimmed up slowly, pausing near the bank.
“Took a little convincing, huh? Let her make the first move.”
Tāraki readied himself, and the Surskit crouched. The stinger atop her head glowed lime-green, and she launched herself at Tāraki. He dodged but she kept jabbing until she hit his tail. He fell on his side.
Tāraki spun, righting himself and knocking the Surskit off her feet. She responded by spinning on her stinger like a top and slashing him with her feet.
“Get out of range and use Absorb!”
Tāraki backflipped away and fired off a green orb. The Surskit slowed and rolled back onto her feet.
“Nice! Now Pound!”
Tāraki leapt forward, but the Surskit countered with another Fell Stinger. Tāraki shuddered again.
“Her side!”
This time Tāraki was fast enough, and the Surskit went rolling away. She slumped, and Tāraki jumped over to her, placing a hand on her head. She looked at the ground, clearly defeated.
“Nice job!”
Tāraki let her up, looking pleased with himself, and the Surskit began to shuffle back towards the water.
“Hey wait! Don’t you want some food or something?” Ren called. “Tāraki got you pretty good. Come sit by us for a bit at least so you can recover.”
The Surskit turned back, and Ren fished a berry out of her bag, placing it on the ground a few feet away from her. Tāraki sat down beside her and gestured encouragingly to the Surskit. She looked cautiously up at them, and Ren smiled. Akahana grumbled lowly, and Jay nodded in agreement, causing the Surskit to hide her face.
Ren worried for a moment about what they might be saying, but when the Surskit uncovered her face, she seemed happier and settled down to eat.
“She really is between the two,” said Kai now that he had a closer view. “She could be a mutt. It’s rare, especially in species like Masquerain, but it can happen.” He continued to explain variant mechanics, and Ren only half listened while she watched the pokemon socialize.
And what made you ask her?
“For a pokemon so skittish and fearful, she seemed almost desperately glad to have company to talk to. And that felt odd to me, with how many Surskit were around. I realized her looks must have made her stick out sorely, and I know how tough that can be.”
“Would you like to train with us?” Ren asked out of nowhere, startling everyone. “You seem a little shy, so maybe it isn’t your game, but I think you could be a battler.”
Tāraki passed this on, and the Surskit stood up, clearly disbelieving, and looked to Akahana for confirmation. The Poochyena seemed quite surprised as well but nodded. A tremble went through the Surskit but she stilled herself and marched up to Ren. She nodded fiercely and met Ren’s eyes for the first time.
“Awesome! Welcome to the team!” Ren held out a ball, and the Surskit tapped the button and flowed inside.
“Are you building a team now?” Kai asked.
Surprise and confusion passed over Ren’s face before her eyes narrowed and her jaw set. “Maybe I am!”
Ren walked up an embankment through the gently swaying reeds surrounding the estuary, carrying Tāraki in her arms. Iki the Surskit perched on her head, and Akahana trailed in her wake. Her eyes scanned the open space along the edge of the treeline. There was a Wingull with a pink underside sitting alone on a low branch about a field-length distant, and Ren stopped in her tracks to focus on it.
“Is that the Wingull variant Kai has been on about since I met him?”
“Well, um, did he say they were pink?” Iki piped, trying to be helpful.
“Rosy!” Ren confirmed and started tromping towards it. She felt Iki’s feet dig into her hair. Ren paused again at a respectful distance away to snap for Kai. “Could you ask it to talk to us for a bit?”
Iki hunkered further down on Ren’s head, though there was little chance it would make her metallic cap any less conspicuous.
“Relax, little bug, you’re with us now,”  Ren reassured her, glancing up with amusement. “You’ve got nothing to worry about.”
Iki fidgeted but called out a greeting to the Wingull.
“She says sure.”
“Great! I just hope Kai hasn’t turned off his nav… again.”
“It was quite a conversation. She told us all about the places she’s been and the things she’d seen. She told us about her colony and the chicks she’d raised, about her partner that fell prey to a Sneasel…”
And then she asked you.  
“Yeah, and it surprised me, but I suppose she wanted to start a new chapter.”
An orange sunset settled in over the trees behind them, casting its warm glow on the water below, by the time Kai came running with Jay in tow.
“I came as soon as I got your message!” he called across the shrinking distance. “Is it still there? Did you—”
Ren gestured to the Wingull on her shoulder. “No worries, dude. I got you.”
Kai squealed in delight, bouncing on the balls of his feet for a moment until his exertion caught up with him and he had to take a minute to catch his breath, hands on his knees.
“Kai, meet Panahi,”
“You caught her?”
“Yep! So let’s hold off on the interview until tomorrow. Or you could just read through my notes,” she said with a wink.
Kai sighed, melting on the spot. “You’re the best.”
“I know,” she said with a toss of her hair and then slipped her hand under his arm to pull him home.
“OH. Oh, wow. I’m such a bakayarou.”
Yes, I noticed some time ago.  
“Shut up.”
Akahana snarled, white teeth bared and black hackles raised. The big Zigzagoon opposite her shrank back ever so slightly before rushing her. The rest of the team watched Ren direct her from a nearby branch. Tāraki sat in the middle, allowing Iki to keep her distance from the new flying-type. Kai and Jay approached as Akahana lunged, sparks flying from her jaws, and grabbed the Zigzagoon by the shoulder. She tossed it, and it landed heavily on its side, legs too clumsy to catch it as the paralysis set in. It wisely stayed down.
“That’s my girl.” Ren stroked Akahana’s head. She offered a pair of berries to the Zigzagoon, who took them gladly and shuffled off into the underbrush.
Kai was still slack-jawed when she turned to greet him but stiffened when she met his eyes. The silence dragged as she looked him over, and her eyebrows met in puzzlement when he started to fidget.
“You alright?” she finally prompted.
“Yeah! Of course!” It was way too eager, not his brand of eager. “You’re all just improving so much! It’s kind of amazing. Not that—I mean you obviously know what you’re doing, and you’re really good at it, so I totally expected it. It’s just something else to see it, haha.”
It almost sounded like he was jealous, but she didn’t quite believe that. He’d won at least half their matches, and she was more than happy to teach him.
“We should train together some time. I’m sure Jay has a few moves she could show these gals.”
Jay puffed up a with pride, but Kai only looked more nervous if anything. He wouldn’t meet her eyes.
“Thanks for the offer, but I’m not sure we’ll have time. Jay and I should really start packing and stuff.”
She blinked, and her brows set even lower. “You’re going away?”
“Yes, well, yeah…” He cleared his throat and tried to force his tone into something more nonchalant. “We’ve got plenty of data on the area now, and there are a lot of other locations we’d really like to check out. We were actually planning to leave earlier, but then we were waiting to see if we could confirm the Rosy Wingull sighting and we already did that a while ago, so, um, yeah.”
“When are you leaving?”
“As soon as we can get everything in order. So, like, the day after tomorrow probably.”
For a moment, Ren couldn’t control her face but then she wrestled it into her best attempt at a smile. “Aww, I’m gonna miss you, dude!”
“Wha?” he blubbered. He swallowed before trying again. “Uh, yeah?”
“Of course I am, you dork,” she said softly. “We’re friends, aren’t we?”
He started fidgeting again and stared at the ground. “Yeah.”
Ren spread her arms. “Come here.” He didn’t move at first, but he had said it was okay before, and she chose to believe he had meant it, so she didn’t wait. He went rigid for a second but hugged her back. She straightened up and took hold of his shoulders, unable to let go as fast as he did. “Give me a call every once and awhile, alright?”
He tried to smile. “Sure.” She released him, and he edged away. “Ah, we should get going. Good luck with your training!” he called over his shoulder as he fled.
Jay nudged Ren’s leg, which wrenched her eyes down. The Torchic offered her a comforting rub and quiet little coo. Ren smiled back to reassure her, and Jay left, following in Kai’s wake.
Ren dried her hands after finishing the dishes while her mother continued to prep food for the next day. Ren sat back down at the table with her chin propped up by a hand her hand and groaned. Her father was sitting around the corner in the living room, reading a newspaper with his legs resting across his Ursaring’s back.
“I’m sorry to hear that Kai is leaving so soon,” said Asuka. “He’s such a nice boy.”
“He talks too much, but I’ll miss him anyway.” Ren muttered back in Nihongo.
“You know, you keep saying things like that, but I’m not sure I see it. He’s always perfectly charming when I speak with him.”
“I know. It drives me a little crazy actually. He’s so different when it’s just the two of us. He’ll be blabbing non-stop and all the sudden go painfully quiet. It seems like he’s having fun and then… I don’t know. Maybe my Anglic isn’t good enough.”
“Your Anglic is perfect,” said her father without looking up.
Ren rubbed at a spot on the table and said nothing.
“Did you know he was taught at home?” her mother asked. “His parents took care of his schooling, and he may not have had many friends his age before. Maybe he is not sure how to act around you.”
“He doesn’t have to act any different! I’m not—” She groaned and slumped over the table. “You’re right, Okāsan. I’m just annoyed he didn’t tell me sooner.”
“That’s fair. But for what it’s worth, I’m sure he didn’t mean to upset you. I think he’s very fond of you.”
“She knew. Of course she did. Okāsan knows everything.”
“Arigato, Okāsan.” Ren threw her mother a little smile and headed upstairs.
She could hear her parents’ muffled voices talking quietly as she and her pokemon spilled into her room and prepared to sleep. Ren changed into her pajamas while Akahana turned circles on the mini futon in the corner, and Iki climbed the dresser to her cushion. Panahi fluttered up to a padded basket hanging from one of the beams, and Tāraki hopped up on the bed. Ren leaned back against the edge of it, not quite sitting.
“So, I’ve been thinking, maybe it’s time for us to travel too.”
“We going after your boyfriend?” Panahi cawed wryly from the rafters.
“Okay, Ahi doesn’t count because she would have said that no matter what.”
That may actually be true.  
“And here I was getting all hyped because I could understand you already.”
“I’m sorry, Honey. I was just getting used to my new nest. But if that’s how it has to be, then that’s fine, I suppose.”
“Aw, you old fuss-pot. We can bring your bed with us. I’ll get a vapor box. But anyway, the actual reason is we can only get so strong if we stay. We’ve had, what? Two—three trainer battles that weren’t with Kai? With him leaving, we can’t have regular matches.”
“What about your father’s gym?”
“I thought we could do the Rustboro Gym first. That’s where Kai is going for his first badge, and I don’t want to miss it.”
“I didn’t mean for the badge—” Panahi started but Ren was already trudging onward.
“I think we’re good enough to support ourselves, and I’d like a little income of my own. Besides, there’s a whole region out there. That is, if you’re all okay with it?”
They were all quiet for a moment, and Panahi regarded her carefully with one golden eye.
“Didn’t think a trainer would ask,” said Akahana.
“It’s nice of you!” Iki jumped in. “If you think we’re ready, then we are.”
“Let’s do it!” crowed Tāraki, hopping around the mattress. “Back on my island, there was nowhere to go and now there’s a whole continent to see! It’ll be so awesome!”
“I already said I’m down for whatever,” Panahi offered.
“What do you think, Aka?”
“You’re right. We won’t get much stronger here.”
“Thanks, gals.”
“So when are we leaving?” asked Tāraki.
“It won’t take long to get everything together and do a bit of research, but we’re not going anywhere for at least a week. I don’t want to spring this on Okāsan. I’ll tell them tomorrow, and we’ll see how it goes.”
Everyone took that in stride, even Tāraki, and Ren left to brush her teeth before climbing into bed. Tāraki curled up next to her, and she finally drifted off to the sounds of her team’s snoring.
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dnalkaline · 5 years
I'm saying this as a 3D animator and someone who works with models and optimization and shit but like... the Pokemon games are kinda atrocious. We all know something funky is going on when 4 way battles/hoards lag like shit on the 3Ds when they probably could've fixed it and should have before releasing the game.
I wouldn't be irked about losing half the pokemon if it weren't for the fact the franchise is a huge fucking cash cow who can definitely afford to have more people on the team (or at least take longer to make the game), and this is supposed to be a main series game. People are saying "well it's not the first time you can't transfer pokemon" but like... I don't know how to tell you this but RBGS -> RSE was almost two decades ago. It would be one thing to me if they introduced Galar through something like Pokemon Ranger but after training people on "you're gonna be able to transfer pokemon EVENTUALLY" for core series games the fact that apparently they're not gonna do this anymore is like... Aight.
Not to mention the shit where each dynamax model is literally different. Like instead of making a separate cloud model and putting it above the pokemon based on the pokemon's general height, there's like 3 fucking models because there's one for each amount of clouds. And there's just something else about some of the rest of the game that seems kinda... unpolished? Again, for a game from a series that makes an absolute shitton of cash. They're pulling the "oh we're making new models for each pokemon" bullshit and there isn't much of a difference between them from what I can see so far. (Of course my observation on this one doesn't necessarily mean anything like maybe they're FINALLY optimizing the models and animation so there's less lag.) Again, I am saying this as someone who knows shit about 3D: these games are atrocious considering these people are professionals and this is by a really powerful franchise.
The game in general has made me uneasy from the get-go because it looks like multiplayer is going to be a huge thing now and according to those leaks it's going to be necessary for some gym trials. I think it's cool that there's more multiplayer options than just battling and trading but I don't want to have to use multiplayer and wait for other people so I can complete the main story. So now I'm still undecided on if I want to buy it or not. I probably won't.
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beanmaster-pika · 5 years
I ended up getting encouraged to talk about my aus so thank you all for enabling my self-indulgence
Swan Prince AU
This one’s the first one? And it’s more of a royalty AU, actually. Licht vacations in the Servamp kingdom every summer but one day he gets cursed by an evil magician (Touma) to turn into a swan. Hyde, who’s the same age as him and therefore his designated playmate when they were kids, recognizes it’s him and freaks out because if the Jekylland kingdom finds out they let this happen then there could be a war and no one wants that thank you very much.
I’m actually more interested in worldbuilding than the plot so :/ For reasons I have not thought up, there’s the ‘older bunch’ of Servamps (Kuro to Freya) and the ‘younger bunch’ (Hyde to Lily) and there’s like a ten-year age gap between the olders and the youngers, and then there’s Tsubaki, who’s twelve and illegitimate. Kuro inherited the throne at 17 when their dad disappeared and by the time Tsubaki’s mother showed up a couple years after with a baby that had the last king’s eyes, the kingdom had stagnated. However, a baker named Mahiru starts showing up at the castle to petition the king, and he appears so frequently and his words are so sensible (”He’s got to have studied statecraft,” Hugh declared. “There’s no way he hasn’t.”) that Kuro’s siblings up and offer him a job as the king’s advisor. After many arguments and finally a heart-to-heart where Mahiru learns that the last king once allowed Kuro to make a decision that almost led the whole country to war, they start to work towards understanding each other and cooperating and it’s tough, but by the time the present story rolls around the kingdom is flourishing. 
The older bunch all hold a place in court; Hugh is a minister of internal affairs, and he, Kuro, and Mahiru are at the heart of the kingdom’s laws; Jeje is the most knowledgeable about magic, especially curses, and works as both a consultant and investigator, though he’s sent to the Alicein kingdom along with Lily (16 at the time of the story, two years younger than Hyde) to serve as ambassadors and tutors to the king’s sons; and Freya’s the head of the army and the most terrifying person in the kingdom. The people love her. There’s a more even distribution of power than there was before Kuro inherited the throne - Mahiru’s influence and Kuro’s reluctance to be in charge of literally everything see to that - and provincial courts have juries put in place so that people are no longer solely at the mercy of sometimes corrupt judges.
On a different note, Hyde starts out as a sweet kid, but when his friend-and-maybe-crush Princess Ophelia two kingdoms over dies when he’s sixteen he goes wild in his grief and takes up with a group of bandits and starts hurting people. When confronted by his siblings, he declares that if the world is so cruel as to take Ophelia’s life, then his actions are just a drop in the bucket. Now, this is very much wrong and a problem, so Kuro manages to seal him temporarily into hedgehog form for a month (EDIT: yes he can normally transform into a hedgehog, no Licht doesn’t know at first, yes animal transformation is a common ability in their kingdom, and no the sealing is not a common or easy practice. It’s legitimate grounds for Kuro to self-prescribe absolute bed rest in order to recover from the drain on his energy, and he’s stronger than normal mages and had assistance to boot; a month is the very limit he can achieve with that) saying that if he’s lost his grasp on his humanity, then perhaps he’ll find it again in an inhuman form, and then they drop him off at the summer villa reserved for Prince Licht with Guildenstern as a caretaker. Now, unbeknownst to everyone, Licht arrived for vacation even though it’s midwinter, and he is absolutely taken with the hedgehog that’s wandering through the villa (”Oh Shit,” Guildenstern said. Hyde agreed. This was very much an Oh Shit situation.). It turns out that while he hadn’t known Princess Ophelia personally, he’d had mad respect for her for stepping up to enact a change in her kingdom’s politics even though it had ended in her assassination. He and Hyde end up having furious arguments over ideology (Licht still doesn’t know that Hyde’s there, and he doesn’t connect the voice with the hedgehog) and in the end, he helps Hyde regain his humanity - to be human is to desire, to desire is to dream, and to dream is to push your imagination past its very limits and work for it. That ends up breaking the seal prematurely, much to everyone but Licht’s relief. Licht’s pissed that the hedgehog turned out to be Hyde. And when Licht is cursed to be a swan, well, Hyde’s worried about it affecting relations with the Jekylland kingdom, yeah, but he also wants to do for Licht what Licht did for him: make him human again.
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Teacher AU
Because now they’re teachers.
This one has basically nothing in it yet aside from it being fun to consider what subjects they’d teach (Mahiru’s home ec; Kuro’s phys ed; Hugh’s history; Jeje’s art; Freya’s a counselor; Hyde’s literature; World End’s either a history or foreign language teacher; Lily’s a student teacher; Licht’s a piano instructor now; Otogiri’s the school’s doctor) and what everyone else would be (Tsurugi and squad are bodyguards; Iduna’s an engineer; Tsuyuki’s with the government; Sham’s with the government; Higan’s a wandering artist; Sakuya’s a psychologist; Ryuusei and Koyuki haven’t factored in at all oops; everyone else either has their canon profession or they’re college or high school students). One of the tidbits I actually spared thought to is that Kuro took a couple gap years and ended up in the same freshman Psych 101 class as Sakuya (who at present shares an apartment with Mahiru) and they somehow bonded and even after the class ended they became texting buddies (usually of memes) and hung out from time to time, but then Mahiru (after getting fired from his first school for some sort of reckless behavior) gets hired to the school all the Servamps are gathered at and starts out pretty argumentative with Kuro but eventually they gain a mutual understanding and maybe the beginnings of a relationship and Sakuya puts two and two together from conversations with Mahiru and texting with Kuro that the man he’s in love with might be in love with his texting buddy and he doesn’t know how to deal with that and so stops texting Kuro, and Kuro finds out about it from talking to Mahiru and then this happens
Kuro, throwing a chicken nugget at Sakuya’s window: why are u ghosting me Sakuya, opening the window: can u throw another
And they talk and all is well again. A poly ending is absolutely in the stars because Mahiru loves them both and they agree to it.
Also the other thing is this
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Pokemon AU
This is the one I like the most right now! I actually have a couple of chapters written for it that I haven’t posted yet but basically the whole Servamp thing remains, but the pokemon that they transform into actually have their own personalities - rather than a transformation, it’s a shared body thing, and the human form is a manifestation of the vampire (formerly human) soul. I haven’t ironed out all the details of why this is happening, but I like the idea of them never being alone, though I haven’t figured out quite how this will change them. Hyde’s gonna be fun and also painful to figure out.
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Fate AU
Mahiru’s uncle was going to take part in the holy grail war but Mahiru accidentally summoned instead and what he summoned was Kuro, a Lancer. Add to that that Sakuya is still his best friend, was meant to be a pawn of Touma’s but ended up being Master-napped by the Saber he summoned (Tsubaki), and Tsubaki wants vengeance on Kuro, and we’ve got another round of heartbreaks on our hands because Fate is nothing but heartbreaks. The Alicein brothers are also there, summoning the same Servants (Caster and Archer) that their grandfather and Mikuni’s mom summoned, and they know that the Grail is tainted so they’re out to destroy it. Their backstory is a little tweaked with Mikuni just stealing his mom’s command seals to protect Misono instead of killing her, and he grabs Misono and absconds to the Church where they stay until Mikage ensures that Mikuni’s mom can never hurt Misono again after the War. Misono goes home, but Mikuni goes to study at the Clock Tower and comes back just in time for the next war. (There’s more under the pictures)
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Tetsu summons Rider, but his sisters are the masterminds of the operation; they’re doing their best to restore their family in an age of declining mana, and Tetsu’s got the best Magic Circuits among them so he’s tasked with summoning, but they’re operating under the strict principle that if any of their lives are endangered, especially Tetsu’s, then they halt the project immediately and seek refuge with the Church. Hugh’s hyped about the whole ‘restoring the family’s magic’ thing.
Licht, on the other hand, comes from a family that’s at the very height of their magical power. He doesn’t believe in an omnipotent wish granter because he feels that it’s cheating, but to win the Grail is the goal of every mage out there so he’s in it for the glory. For a summoning catalyst he uses a bracelet that was supposed to belong to a martyr princess of old (”She gave her life for her goals,” Licht said in awe. “Yep, it’s very impressive. Please do not do the same,” Licht’s mother said.), but it turned out to belong to the other person connected to her legend, a man who was terrible and cruel, uncaring of others after he was driven mad in grief, and so Licht summons a demon of an assassin and Crantz (regular human) is left babysitting these goons while Licht’s parents hold down the fort in Austria.
Now, the Berserker team. I just want you all to know that the ones I was most excited about is the Berserker team. Tsurugi carried out the summoning here, Touma’s other pawn, and he added a madness enhancement, changing Freya’s class from Shielder to Berserker. Tsurugi, unlike Sakuya, is a highly trained operative and adult and one of the Church’s Executors, and he’s also completely under Touma’s thumb so he’s an ideal proxy even though Touma couldn’t snatch Sakuya’s command seals like he intended to. Unfortunately, Freya’s madness has just released her inhibitions and she’s this fucking close to pulling a Tsubaki and Master-napping Tsurugi. She does her best - in her limited capacity - to get Tsurugi away from Touma and it all culminates in Touma deciding she’s too much of a loose cannon and trying to take Tsurugi’s command seals away, but the seals instead go to Iduna somehow (haven’t figured that out yet) and Iduna and Freya spirit Tsurugi away to help him recover. Shortly after Iduna develops a magic item that’ll dampen the effect of the madness enhancement, more or less reverting Freya to her original class.
Now, this Grail War is an absolute clusterfuck by this point, mostly because all the summoned Servants are siblings, so a Ruler comes in - drum roll please - World End! Because who better to solve a sibling squabble than another sibling, even if he is the third youngest. This is mostly because I want World End to be included in stuff. World End’s in my Pokemon AU. I failed to elaborate on that but since that’s the AU I’m actually writing it’s all good. Anyway they’re all gathered in a sort of war council at a family restaurant to work out their intense family issues and then World barges in ‘WHAT’S UP THIS IS A PRETTY AWKWARD REUNION.’
This actually might be one of my favorites on account of being able to have them all be different physical ages but keeping their age hierarchy since Heroic Spirits can be summoned at whichever point of their lives was significant, and also this means that I can just make up lore for them. In ten, twenty years I’m probably going to look back on this and groan but for now I’m going to have fun with it.
For Kuro, he took down an entire army on his own at age eighteen and then retreated from the world. Hugh stopped a war when he was small (this threat of war surfaced again when he was older; this was when Kuro took down a whole army). Jeje became a famous outlaw. Freya overthrew a government in order to protect her soldiers. Hyde served a princess, but she gave her life for peace, and shortly afterwards his older brother killed their father; Hyde turned cold and cruel after that. World End inherited his sister’s kingdom after she died in battle and stood strong against threats from other kingdoms, displaying sharp wisdom despite his brash personality. Snow Lily used his illusions to carry out a large scale rescue operation on a child trafficking ring. And Tsubaki? Tsubaki was but a man who inherited a sword from his father, then vanished into the night when that same father was killed. He could have - should have - been summoned as an avenger, but for the sake of story convenience and keeping the war to the traditional seven classes, I chose saber for him.
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chloe-gayzer · 5 years
all of them for mitali (and adora, if you're feeling ambitious owo)
okay this was a lot but i am NOT weak and answered them all for BOTH
1. Age, Birthday, Star Sign
She’s almost 33, born April 20th, 2005. She’s a Taurus.
2. Gender Identity
Cis woman!
3. Orientation and Relationship status (single, taken (by who?), crush (on who?))
Lesbian, eventually taken by another OC, Savannah Wright
4. Race and Ethnicity
Mixed; Scottish and Indian.
5. Height and Body type
5’7, fit af
6. Headcanon VA
Haven’t terribly considered anyone but…… Claudia Black, with like, a scottish accent, would be Good
7. Occupation
Captain of Security
8. Weapon of Choice(?)
Bow and shotgun, for more “distance”. But fuck she loves her knifes.
9. Hometown and current residence
Bo’ness, Scotland. Prosperity.
10. Do they have any markings, piercings or scars?
Probably has her fair share of scars (newest one being from that gd crocodile). No piercings to speak of. A tattoo on her back that’s a dahlia and a transvaal daisy. They were each of her mother’s favourites.
11. Do they have any notable features, like horns, tails, or so on?
Not really, ha. Maybe her hair? It’s really long.
12. Own any pets?
A dog and a pig! She loves both Timber and Horatio.
13. Have any kids?
She wants to.
14. Can they cook? Can they bake?
She can cook pretty well but she usually doesn’t have the time. Baking, she hasn’t really been able to try. Not in a long time, at least.
15. Can they sing? Can they dance?
She can sing! Pretty well too! One of her moms was heavy into music and taught her a couple instruments. During their time in the bunker, she was taught a whole lot of songs on guitar. Might know a few dances.
16. Can they drive?
Yup! Best driver in the business ha
17 Can they fight?
That’s her main talent ngl
18. Have any special keepsakes?
She’s got her mother’s wedding rings tucked away. She never lets them away from her.
19. Hobbies
Nothing actually firm. She likes to read and there are times she likes to play music, but it can be sort of bittersweet for her. Hunting maybe, but that’s another survival thing.
20. Clothing/Aesthetic
She likes button-ups and to layer a bit. Enjoys soft blues and deep reds.
21. Fave food(s) and drink(s)
She misses salt and vinegar chips so much. Pretty partial to cider-- not the alcoholic kind-- but it’s harder to get.
22. Fave Color
23. Fave Genre
Romance lol
24. Fave Season
25. City or Country?
26. Guilty Pleasure
Tbh??? Finding someone to fight just to get some anger out.
27. What’s their family like? Who’s in it? What’s their relationship with them?
She had two mothers until she was around 16. After they passed, family wise she was alone for a very long time. Now, the Ryes treat her as family and, at some point, Savannah would be her wife. She’s close with Kim and she’d never let anything happen to Carmina. She’s fast friends with Nick when they get him back-- she’s always glad to see a good man who has no issue being soft or saying “i love you”
28. Are they literate? Did they go to school? How long? What level?
She went to school up until shortly before the bombs fell, and her mothers did their best to teach what they could in the bunker.
29. What was childhood like?
The first 12 or so years were in Scotland. She was pretty healthy and well balanced. She enjoyed music, knew some instruments and got voice lessons. She was pretty athletic too, planning to do something military-centric when she was old enough. She and her mothers moved to the west coast of the states when she was twelve. It was maybe a year before the bombs fell.
30. What was adolescence like?
The first couple years were in the “bunker”, which was barely more than a multi-roomed basement shared between her and her mothers-- their neighbor, who’d offered them the shelter, didn’t make it in. He hadn’t been home when the bombs fell. The food ran out maybe two years in and she got to spend a year with her parents above ground before they were killed. The rest of her adolescence was spent mostly alone, living in a small shelter in the woods. She rarely had contact with people, only ever to trade. Once or twice she’d lead people out of the woods. It wasn’t until she was nineteen or so that she joined Rush.
31. What’s their current main conflict?
Loooooooooooots of self-hatred. Sure, there’s the whole highwaymen deal, but her hatred of herself makes it hard for her to make friends because she honestly doesn’t believe she deserves to have them.
32. What steps have they taken to overcome this conflict?
She doesn’t, really, until after that whole deal with Joseph and the apple and the bear. She of the mind it was just a drug trip, but it did make her think about who she is. Made her afraid she really had become something monstrous. After a breakdown and some help from Savannah, she actively tries to be a better, warmer person.
33. How have they changed over time?
Her trying to change helps her a lot. She goes from being pretty quiet, pretty grumpy, and antisocial, to being a happier, more open, but still pretty quiet woman. She teaches Carmina some songs on the guitar and plays more often for the people in Prosperity.
34. What’s their room look like right now?
I mean idk how the rooming situation is in Prosperity, but if she’s able to have a room that’s more private, she probably shares it with Savannah, after a point. Might have some plants and her guitar leaning in the corner. If it’s a shared room situation, she probably sticks to the bare minimum as to not take up too much space. Maybe a trunk under the bed with her clothes and a couple trinkets.
35. What are they like as a friend?
Literally if anything hurts you she will hunt it down. If she considers you a friend, she’ll make sure you know it.
36. What are they like as a partner?
Romantic partner, I’m assuming, she’s loving and protective, but often restrained. She doesn’t like to overstep boundaries.
37. Do they have any phobias?
Water. She can swim but fuck does she hate the feeling of something about to get her. Selene’s quest did not help that.
38. Did/do they go anywhere special for vacations?
Her parents took her to Disney once, but otherwise no.
39. Your character walks into a cafe. What do they order?
Raspberry hot chocolate.
40. What time do they go to bed, usually?
Whenever she’s done with the work for the day and has the chance to crash.
41. What’s their morning routine like?
Wake up → unbraid and brush hair → get dressed → find out what needs to be done for the day. Food if she remembers.
42. What’s the dumbest thing your character’s done?
Go after Selene’s weed bag and get attacked by a crocodile, what the fuck, we can find you more weed, we can’t casually find Mitali a new arm.
43. What pokemon would your character be?
OOOOOOhhhhhh this is my kind question, I need to go look at pokemon lists. Oh fuck I’m back, she’s a midnight form lycanroc for SURE. Looks sorta scary, is cuddly, has the ability to maim.
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44. What’s their pokemon team? Try to pick all 6.
I love these questions holy crap. Midnight form lycanroc because DUH. Houndoom. Pignite. Gengar. Yamask. Zangoose.
45. Theme song (and a playlist if you’ve got it!)
Wolf by First Aid Kit.It’s not a whole playlist but also: She Said Maybe by Steam Powered Giraffe. Lion’s Roar, by First Aid Kit. Ghost by Mystery Skulls. Thistles by Mumford and Sons. For Those Below, also Mumford and Sons.
46. If this character was in a musical, what would their motif be (what kind of instruments do you hear, what’s the tempo, ect).
Oh this is pretty hard.... Violin-centric, maybe. And the tempo would be different depending on which point of her life. A lively one for early life, a mournful one for like…. 16-32. Happier again after that.
47. What was this character’s biggest turning point in their life, something that changed them almost completely?
Her mothers dying for sure! She went from being a hopeful young woman to almost spiteful. Killing the men who killed her parents was what sealed the deal.
48. What was their lowest point? What was their highest point?
Yup parent death is still gonna be lowest point. It was sudden and painful and no one involved deserved it. Highest point is when she finally breaks free of that depression and realizes she doesn’t have to hate herself anymore.
49. What are some themes tied to your character’s story?
Forgiveness, redemption, hope.
50. What are some motifs associated with your character?
Wild animals (mostly wolves), death and rebirth.
51. What were some inspirations for your character (people, movies, games)?
Big surprise but….. Mitali was definitely inspired in equal parts by Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross (so Lost Legacy, in a nutshell). Also some great wolf related aesthetic pictures.
52. How are you and your character the same? How are you different?
Well this is an unexpectedly deep question that I’m going to avoid due to my own self-worth lol
53. Expectations vs Reality: what did you expect and what did you get with this character?
I expected to have her be very heavily military, but I ended up with a woman who only really wants to be a wife and just love the woman she marries with all of her heart and she wants to raise a kid and just have a good and happy family.
54. What does your character want, and what do they need?
She doesn’t know what she wants but she needs love. Any kind. Platonic, romantic, whichever.
55. What’s your character’s core trait? What’s their best trait? What’s their worst trait? What happens when these all interact with each other?
Protective to a fault. It can be both their best and worst trait, but their real worst trait is her self-hate. The two things interacting usually lead her to cutting herself off from friends so they’re “better off without her”.
56. What’s your overall goal with this character? Will they get a happy ending or will they succumb to their faults?
FUCK I want her to have a happy ending so badly. I’ll have to see how New Dawn ends first, but end goal is her marrying Savannah and eventually having a kid or two. Maybe twins???
1. Age, Birthday, Star Sign
23, October 22nd 1994, Libra
2. Gender Identity
Cis woman
3. Orientation and Relationship status (single, taken (by who?), crush (on who?))
Lesbian and taken by Jess as soon as she possibly can be
4. Race and Ethnicity
Mixed, Brazilian and South African
5. Height and Body type
Lil bit on the shorter end maybe 5’4, and she's got a swimmer bod for SURE
6. Headcanon VA
Don't have one yet
7. Occupation
Deputy to Sheriff Whitehorse
8. Answered previously!
9. Hometown and current residence
Cascade Valley, Hope County
10. Previously answered!
11. Do they have any notable features, like horns, tails, or so on?
Her hair is big and curly, lovely afro. Other than that, maybe her newly given WRATH scar
12. Own any pets?
She left her pet cat with her dads when she moved, but now she's got a cougar, a dog, and a bear. Peaches is her favourite.
13. Have any kids?
in the future, she has a daughter named Masha!
14. Can they cook? Can they bake?
She's not the best cook, but she can bake pretty well.
15. Can they sing? Can they dance?
She's not a great singer but she dances well!
16. Can they drive?
17. Can they fight?
She's really scrappy, and a pretty big threat tbh
18. Have any special keepsakes?
Her dads gave her a star of david necklace before she left. she never takes it off.
19. Hobbies
She loves to fish!
20. Previously answered!
21. Fave food(s) and drink(s)
She's 100% here for pumpkin pie and loves pink lemonade
22. Fave Color
23. Fave Genre
Rom coms
24. Fave Season
25. City or Country?
Depends on the day, leans towards country.
26. Guilty Pleasure
Taking a break to fish when she should be doing something else. Also taking her hearing aids out when she doesn't want to listen to someone.
27. What’s their family like? Who’s in it? What’s their relationship with them?
She's got two dads! They're an older couple who are very loving. One is deaf. Recently I gave her a brother named Adam! He’s a cool dude. Bi and lovable.
28. Are they literate? Did they go to school? How long? What level?
She finished school up to get her degree! Finished at 22
29. Previously answered!
30. What was adolescence like?
She went through a lot of emotional issues during her teens, but her dads got her in therapy and were supportive and loving. A lot of who she is today comes from the love she got then.
31. What’s their current main conflict?
Joseph fucking Seed decided to mess around in lives he should've left alone and now she's gotta clean up after him and try to protect her new friends.
32. What steps have they taken to overcome this conflict?
In the words of the lego movie: “shoot shoot shoot bullet bullet gun”
33. How have they changed over time?
Probably the biggest change was early teens to late. She was angry and spiteful and pretty depressed.
34. What’s their room look like right now?
Her room at home is covered in posters. But her room during 5 is… a bunker she found and claimed. She keeps it stocked, managed to put up a lesbian flag, and brought in the comfiest pillows and blankets she could.
35. Previously answered!
36. What are they like as a partner?
Over affectionate to the max, both with romantic partners and her work partner Hudson. A bit protective. Jealous when it comes to romantic partners.
37. Do they have any phobias?
Most boil down to the death of loved ones
38. Did/do they go anywhere special for vacations?
She used to get to pick a vacation spot once a summer when she grew up. Had to be reasonable, but she got to go to some great campgrounds, a couple good concerts, and Mammoth caves
39. Your character walks into a cafe. What do they order?
A white tea and cookies
40. What time do they go to bed, usually?
Depends on the day.
41. What’s their morning routine like?
Wake up → try to sleep longer → eventually be convinced out of bed (either by herself or by Jess) → try to manage her hair if she didn't braid it → give up on that and wash face → get dressed → eat → start day
42. What’s the dumbest thing your character’s done?
“I won't get hurt jumping from that height”
43. What pokemon would your character be?
Whisicott! But shiny
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44. What’s their pokemon team? Try to pick all 6.
I seriously love these questions. Whimsicott! Of course! And a sylveon. Gardevoir. Shinx. Rapidash. And Cinccino!! She’s fairy-centric.
45. Theme song (and a playlist if you’ve got it!)
Dance Apocolyptic by Janelle Monae.
46. If this character was in a musical, what would their motif be (what kind of instruments do you hear, what’s the tempo, ect).
Hmmm… Piano. Something upbeat, most of the time.
47. What was this character’s biggest turning point in their life, something that changed them almost completely?
Therapy in her early teens. It helped her cope with the fact she suffered under her birth parents and realize she’s worth so much more than they tries to make her feel
48. What was their lowest point? What was their highest point?
It’s still gonna be centered in her abuse, but it could also be the grudge she holds on the Seed family (minus Faith). Highest point is probably something to do with Jess.
49. What are some themes tied to your character’s story?
Healing, unconditional love, leadership.
50. What are some motifs associated with your character?
Water, guilt, death, freedom
51. What were some inspirations for your character (people, movies, games)?
Adora is named after She-ra! Her brother too. Physically, I’m not sure. Mmmmaybe a little Nadine Ross, but even then, their hair is really the main similarity, and even then Adora’s is more afro than Nadine’s
52. How are you and your character the same? How are you different?
We’re about the same age? We both love Jess Black. That might be where the similarities end.
53. Expectations vs Reality: what did you expect and what did you get with this character?
I expected to have a gal who was nursing a crush on her partner in the force but instead i have a gal who’s a hundred percent in love with an archer she found locked in a cage by religious zealots.
54. What does your character want, and what do they need?
She wants some goddamn rest and the ability to go on a proper date with her girlfriend. She wants to see her dads again. She wants to be certain she won’t wake up and find herself kidnapped again.
55. What’s your character’s core trait? What’s their best trait? What’s their worst trait? What happens when these all interact with each other?
Is “sunshine” a trait? She’s a happy sort of person and likes to show it. Smiles a whole lot. Best trait is her willingness to trust. Worst trait… she can hold a grudge. For a LONG time. Holding a grudge can keep her from mending bridges, so it doesn’t act terribly well with happy & trusting. And when it does, she’s happy to hold a grudge lol.
56. What’s your overall goal with this character? Will they get a happy ending or will they succumb to their faults?
My goal is her to eventually have a happy life. She gets her “happy ending” in the shape of being with Jess until the day she dies, and even taking in a little girl to raise. She passes away in her sleep a long way down the line.
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digimonreviews · 6 years
Baby Digimon Sundays: Nyokimon and Pyocomon
Our two Baby Digimon for the day are Nyokimon and Pyocomon (or as it’s otherwise known in the US, Yokomon).
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Nyokimon and Pyocomon are best known as Piyomon’s Baby forms in the anime, but what’s interesting is that when Piyomon was introduced in the fourth virtual pet, Nyokimon and Pyocomon didn’t exist yet! Piyomon actually shared Baby forms with Palmon, which meant she evolved from Yuramon and Tanemon.
Obviously, this wouldn’t do for the anime, considering Piyomon and Palmon were both set to be main characters in Digimon Adventure. So Pyocomon made her world debut in the anime in March of 1999.
As far as the v-pets go, Nyokimon and Pyocomon didn’t show up until the second run of virtual pets, the Pendulums, and only in the fourth, Pendulum 4.0 “Wind Guardians”. Which allows me to talk about something we haven’t really discussed yet: Fields.
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Fields are, basically, very broad groups that a Digimon can belong to. They began with Deep Savers, Nature Spirits, Metal Empire, Nightmare Soldiers, Wind Guardians, and Virus Busters, and later added Dragon’s Roar and Jungle Troopers. Fields mostly factored into the various card games, but they conceptually started with the Pendulums. “Wind Guardians” include a lot of the Digimon who fly, as well as plant or forest-dwelling Digimon, and Pendulum 4.0 had Nyokimon and Pyocomon evolving into not just Piyomon, but Floramon and Mushmon.
This situation between the evolutions and pre-evolutions not being linked together at first would be shared between Piyomon’s other evolved forms, with Birdramon debuting in the second v-pet and evolving from Elecmon. Birdramon didn’t get connected to Piyomon until Digimon World, in January 1999, just a few months before the anime came out. This wouldn’t be the only time this happened with the original anime cast, and it shows just how different Digimon is from Pokemon in terms of the relationships different Digimon have with one another.
But enough background information. Let’s get to the actual reviews.
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Nyokimon - Seed Digimon |  Attribute: None Attacks: Seed Cracker; (Dub) Bubble Blow
A Seed Digimon whose body surface is covered in transparent tissue. Its real body can be confirmed to be within the transparent skin, and seems to be a variant of Botamon. It is thought that it is perhaps a species of Botamon whose appearance transformed into this herbaceous body. For that reason, it is not only a Plant-species Digimon, but it also has the potential to evolve to Dragon-species Digimon and the like. Its personality is extremely gentle, so it has a timid face. Its offensive ability is nonexistent, so it flings the popping seeds of its "Seed Cracker", then while the opponent is surprised, it quickly flees.
- Translation by Wikimon.
As you can see, they put a bit more work into Nyokimon’s profile than some of those early Baby Digimon. Nyokimon also gets a non bubble-related attack, with “Seed Cracker” being a sort of seed fireworks attack.
Conceptually, Nyokimon is a seed version of Botamon, which is an interesting angle. You don’t normally get these kinds of relationships between Baby Digimon, where species are variants of one another, so it makes it a bit unique. The part about Nyokimon having the potential to evolve into Dragon Digimon is unfortunately, as of this date, not something that’s been realized, save for a game where it can evolve into Koromon, who turns into quite a few dragon or dinosaur-y Digimon. Or maybe they meant this part gets realized through Piyomon, who can evolve into Birdramon? Either way, it’s an interesting angle.
All in all, I like Nyokimon for being something a little different from those early first stages. It has a bit more going on, due to being introduced a little later than most, so that helps it a bit. Nyokimon gets...
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Pyocomon - Bulb/Lesser Digimon |  Attribute: None Attacks: Soap Flower, Bubbles [Awa]; (Dub) Bubble Blow
A Bulb-type Lesser Digimon with a large flower blooming from its head. It is able to move by skillfully operating its root-like tentacles, and with its lightness it can rise into the air, but only to a small height. As it is brimming with curiosity, it is restlessly stirring and its appearance seems very cute. It has a habit of living together in flocks, and it is said that due to grouping the flocks will grow from a few to a few hundred.
- Translation by Wikimon.
Aaaand we’re back to bubble blowing. Oh well, at least they mix it up a bit with “Soap Flower” a little bit.
You may think that a plant evolving into a bird is a bit out of left field, and you’d probably be right, but remember that not only are a lot of these earlier Baby Digimon designed more loosely in regards to the stuff they evolved into, Pyocomon also pulled double duty as Floramon and Mushmon’s Baby forms. That being said, there’s some elements that connect Pyocomon to Piyomon, like color, it being able to float into the air, the profile mentioning that they tend to flock together like birds, and the anime “bird mouth” it has going on.
That being said, Pyocomon isn’t as interesting as Nyokimon. The profile doesn’t really add much that strikes the imagination, and we’ll be seeing a lot of plant-like Digimon that hit similar design cues as Pyocomon here. Sorry Pyocomon, you’re cute, but you’re just not as interesting in the end.
Pyocomon gets...
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Two Starmons! A dubious honor.
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