#((may edit the background and put the picture into a separate post later idk))
seaboundsongstress · 5 years
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Man you know a franchise is popular when your muse who’s in it and has sparse activity keeps gaining followers on their blog. //SHOT
Anyway let’s get the honorable mentions going, shall we? :3c Note: Since 700 is a lot, my apologies if I do not mention you in the list. I still appreciate you as a person and you’re contribution to my followers list. <3
People I who inspire me to write and probably haven’t interacted with yet, but want to:
@thatscwewywabbit, @muirsiog, @evclvere, @bravepurplemouse, @wanttoshine, @aurasense, @thunderbclts, @shiningxdancer, @thunderstonereject
My Peeps:
@thewayfaringhero, @candylovinglightning, @cubonned, @oceanicmaestro, @and-they-succeeded, @grimastor, @priminpurple, @lunarisvesperaregina, @goldentelepath
Other fabulous role players:
@cacaohiime, @refreshinglikewater, @goxspxrks, @serenesunlight, @myst-ice, @flamebattled, @goldhecrted, @graceofaninja, @nullum-nocte, @dragerou, @bossbones, @smasherrific, @thcnderslam, @stygianmoondust, @smashmeltingpot, @crimsonchampion, @moonkxssed, @entomolo-gist, @hughhyuuhue, @pokepc, @redtoomuchintoit, @iceclaws, @blagck, @herradea, @thelonelyabomination, @hoomau, @gladionsgrownup, @unovastruth, @avesoblivion, @exspiravited, @truthfulideals, @didharm, @pokesquadron, @laurefortuna, @rivaltrainersilver, @navynebulous, @grimchances, @grimomens, @dojodarling, @rosybii, @rockiism, @sangmer, @nimbasah, @thebrokenbeasts, @poisoncrowned, @the-distortedvisage, @newspecie, @universalcarnival, @cartoonlonk, @floofymuses, @ycungandfearless, @empatheticaura, @mercenaryrocket, @asurising, @bondedbythesoul, @revexant, @leadcrcheren, @dawn-leaves, @spooksweet, @lylelyin, @forstrength, @marsh-and-mimic, @allpacafe, @uprootedxbud, @samuraisuncle, @estrellawn, @ghostlysands, @ofharmonics, @swordaserious, @timeblooded, @popgoesthesneasel, @pinktransceiver, @woodlandsecret, @undauntedbravery, @luganroc, @victorybunbun, @littlesilver-platinum, @littlesparkz, @kabancki, @propxnent, @pokechanncl, @cbscurum, @hoennbourne, @gingaprince, @sylveonnesmuses, @maxskulline, @skullgruntdana, @skulldxddy, @floralfiness, @aethersprincess, @dragon-prince-behemoth, @aura-with-me, @syntheticbeast, @spirit-of-all-consciousness, @afiredog, @eon-guardians, @musesbymeri, @depouilleros, @mohnday, @eternallycharming, @haluai, @eveelutionary, @pokestorage, @souledsilver, @gottamuseemall, @pokemonparade, @theswordsofjustice, @sea-mcnster, @sky-and-spear, @guardianofakala, @melemeleguardian, @magicmagikarp, @chaomhnoir, @mineralgirl, @surperior, @musnatchii, @masterprotector, @lukissed, @heartbxnd, @aognaidh, @mxdeofsteel, @ofnorthwinds, @ranseiuniter, @swordsandfeathers, @ferventwished, @xatudueye, @collectiingmoments, @rocketjameskojiro, @pokehxme, @eclipsebrought, @gamenu, @legendsbehold, @staticplumage, @rebornregionace, @nemekii, @worldsstrongest, @headedtodisaster, @poketfulofpokemuses, @aetherbeast, @leecherlady, @progenimon, @darkvcid, @antecessoris, @ofmidnightlights, @neuronjxlly, @eonpulse, @dracosidian, @psymulacre, @anemophilisms, @fushigikasai, @wishfxljikan, @unmaskedchimera, @thunderstonebaby, @loyal-pokemon-partner, @incinemania, @lycanrocspirit, @pyrewreathed, @dolilopunny, @hisxtranquility, @shiningxdeceiver, @pallet-proud, @shehasbunshun, @starcfaether, @aurorasofdxstiny, @willpowxr, @saviorofsinnoh, @vastxwhite, @idolizedstar, @mirrcredreaper, @lavenderrosepetals, @blastcr, @tsukiroc, @whxt-trial, @teamrocketcat, @iiwalani, @sunlcved, @frczenfox, @pheromxsa, @nightmarcher, @shevixi, @soul-silvered, @solhearted, @balsamina, @blazing-feathers, @electrifying-ideals, @regal-royalty, @shodown, @agentcatman, @rocketdouble, @mimic-pikachu, @frozeneon, @pom-pom-birdie, @grchmp, @nullisms, @denjyumokuu, @decidxeye, @sneabel, @ebullientechoes, @wxllpower, @lonalaa, @rock-empress-olivia, @dxstructionshumanform, @animaexignis, @pirouxtta, @sinus-amoris, @pikatwx, @scvercign, @cryostasia, @the-blaze-pokemon, @colorlcss, @toxistar, @truthfcund, @fairyxribbons, @brightresearcher, @cerebralpsychic, @gruntemilia, @manicinventxr, @geomcncy, @tothemccn, @litteniisms, @aioian, @mctherbeast, @collapingstars, @shiftingnxghtmares, @screnityrxge, @gingertrainer, @virtucus, @heartofaluxray, @jamesoftheroses, @of-twigs-and-flame, @yoo-bee, @interdreamed, @trenchpanda, @aromathxrapy, @fairymaiden, @gcrdevoir, @drxgonnoodle, @caelumpuclla, @frxstbiite, @hollerforhala, @professor-kukui, @ninctales, @tough-as-steelwing, @dxtiful, @abandcned, @gardevcirite, @creepingtxrror, @gengarible, @imhcme, @lostiiisms, @flcmingvictory, @youthfulflxme, @professor-abs, @iivoryiinnocence, @wheeling-ideals, @magicixn, @gymleaderbrock, @avemortem, @ecowarfare, @rufferpupper, @kami-tsurugi, @punkgrunt, @honoxtokage, @illuminatedbydark, @timidlittlenebula, @1rxd, @kahauna, @tropiicalias, @gladiolxs, @strongeststuffedanimal, @mimickedshxdow, @heatedxdancer, @armxnia, @alolansunlillie, @travellinghapu, @hcrmony, @leafheld, @yabxi, @supremxcy, @blacksubmas, @puniichan, @bwarking, @wxterdeity, @electrxcdeity, @executeur, @glxciate, @trainerritchie, @siskull, @illunasionary, @anistarcityleader, @halolaowed, @beefymosquito, @collectorofcoresandcells, @teammimikyu, @alohalawaia, @askulloserette, @rotompedia, @anihine, @gcldskull, @beasthidden, @hoennbclle, @shiruvaldi, @normalprince, @lillieae, @luminositas, @skullbaddie, @herotruths, @guzmaniia, @subshitz, @thuggerysfinest, @subselene, @typenvlled, @thatgavemechickenskin, @icyelegance, @mysteriousassistxnt, @haleopapa, @shingetsushoujo, @sungaleo, @prxyingmantis, @pyrrhiiic, @akalatapu, @lavenderhaired, @aethermina, @cipherlead, @malkukuia, @scaredycatghost, @skullgrxnt, @shatteredperfection, @plumeriaxskull, @flamedreine, @kiaweofalola, @mamane, @shiroreign, @mallowofalola, @faerykissed, @thcnderbolt, @eiennosaku, @loyaldogfairy, @priimaltides, @shironax, @thievingsandslash, @gottakeepemall, @hxurglasses, @lilyofplasma, @knowspirit, @gxldenstreak, @emuspirit, @rocketmeowth052, @paradisxm, @eeveelutionist, @paciflos, @hydrophiilic, @kamuuryu, @ofmagma, @lunardancer, @jcyfillled, @ardentcrimson, @pokemondeliverer, @slowpcke, @scorchingsxcrets, @puffywarrior, @triplicatedcode, @mademoiselle-serena, @hoeinhoenn, @oblixion-wing, @boundaryresearcher, @himacchu, @flcwerpcwered, @batttlegirl, @dubiousevolution, @galladiite, @heuristi, @beareroftheblueorb, @eliite, @ki-pa, @nthetruthseeker, @emergingcataclysm, @lucaiism, @daringtosing, @champofpallet, @rubrendan, @violetdreamings, @aurasensitivescholar, @inversion-formula, @mezasepkmnmaster, @auroraicefield, @dividedharmony
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thefirsthogokage · 7 years
VIXX LR’s Whisper Blew Up My Brain
Ok, so I was initially just going to copy and paste all the comments I made on YouTube and put a declaimer saying that’s exactly what I did…But…then…stuff. My brain is so tired of thinking. So, so tired. So, this is stuff that I’ve noticed, a small amount of interpretation in places. This doesn’t even have everything that I’ve seen that also probably should be added to this list. I’m probably going to be posting links to other theories I find. Maybe a YouTube playlist. Idk, I apologize for all the confusing parenthesis, I’m still fried, too much so to even full-heartedly (or whatever) go back over what I wrote. However, I wanted a new friend of mine to be able to see this, so… (Good luck)
Important things that I know others noticed that have to be listed:
-The Blue book in the beginning with the L on it with the image of the room Leo is in.
-On the suitcase: The release date of Beautiful Liar, and the word ‘Fragile’
-The sound of the keys dropped when Leo dropped the bag is the same as the keys in BL
-The switch of the record colors; the switch of the colors lighting them up; Ravi wearing blue, and Leo wearing red, in the “outside/real world” while they wear the opposite colors on the “inside/inner mind,” and that one time Ravi was wearing white
-In Whisper, Ravi and Leo start out having the separate (black background) close ups, like in BL, then they are overlaid  
Things that I didn’t see other people notice when I initially wrote this:
-Night and dark settings in Beautiful Liar vs. day and light in Whisper. When Ravi’s in the bedroom in BL, he’s surrounded by lights inside, while Leo is surrounded by a sun-light room in Whisper. → The inner minds.-The suitcase looked like Ravi’s outfit from Beautiful Liar, while the bag looked like Ravi’s piano from Beautiful Liar. → Connecting the Key sounds: When Leo drops the bag that look’s like Ravi’s piano from BL, and in BL, the sound comes when Ravi grabs Leo’s hand. Dropping vs. letting go.
-When Leo picked up the books, it was Beautiful Liar (W&C by Ravi), with My Light (written by Leo & Ravi, composed by Leo) farther away (mostly represents Leo, so it’s Leo being kept away from the surface), and then finally picked up Whisper (again by Ravi). -Bookmark: R in Red and the L and the string are in Blue. (Someone has pointed out the red threads in the Depend on Me video) And, of course, the book has the track titles as chapter titles. → Multiple people have brought up Inkheart, a trilogy (and the connection with that which others have mentioned). A book, named after the song, with the track list as chapter titles, along with two other books with titles of songs from Beautiful Liar. This could be an indication that this video is part two of three in a trilogy. (It might not have started out that way, but it might be the plan now as long as “fans” don’t mess it up.) → → If this is a trilogy, it could be going forward (i.e. Broken, Healing, Mended), but it could also be going backward (Adulthood, Youth, Childhood).
-Ravi leaving the car with all of the writing behind (around 2:00): Narcissism, Burin’ It Up, and No Limit Limit → Leaving his old self, behind. EDIT: The out side of the car is white, and then Ravi's shirt is white for a short while.
-Around 2:10 when Ravi is trying to play the fake piano (when he only sat on one in BL), but the fake piano he’s trying to play looks more like the one Leo was playing in BL -The choreography for Leo and Ravi in BL had more contrast, while in Whisper it’s mostly a mirror image. -Around 3:5? When they fall back, it’s in the same positions as when Leo pulled Ravi back in BL -When they are seated next to each other in BL (0:52) they are on the same bed, instead of the separate beds in Whisper. Also, and not sure if this means anything, but the way Leo has his arms at that part is the same in both videos (minus the leg-hugging) while Ravi isn’t the mirror of that like he was in BL. He’s holding his arms here (and again no leg-hugging).
-The “Inner-Mind” Lighting: BL: Ravi is surrounded by blue lights on a torn-up bed that is surrounded by red lights. Whisper: The Red “thread-light” intertwined with the blue thread (that went through the piano) leading Ravi to the headphones and Leo. -Around Whisper 4:00, also, the mirror behind Leo is cracked/damaged, while the mirror behind Ravi isn’t. In BL, the mirror that Leo looks into is clear, while Ravi’s on the ripped up, - down to the springs, - bed. -This video also kind of seems like coming to terms with one’s self, whether you want to or not; Leo tries to walk away at the end, but he’s tied to Ravi (and that intersects near the bag which, again, looks like Ravi’s piano in BL). They are one in same…Maybe, if Leo’s the person inside this time (because he can’t go anywhere while attached to Ravi), Ravi doesn’t need the persona anymore, and realized they’ve been the same the whole time? Idk, have to think a bit more on that one. -Also, what does Leo’s shirt say at the end? Mania? Hmm… -Another little thing I noticed: blue lace on the wedding invitation in BL (which also had writing on it that I couldn’t entirely make out other than “twenty second…thousand and fifteen), blue string in Whisper. -Oh! And Ravi walking and fading away from Leo in BL, but at the end of Whisper, Leo’s attached to Ravi and can’t go anywhere.
-Ravi’s red eye-makeup is the same in both videos.
-The logo initially was white, but there was a gif somewhere that showed it as white, but with an overlay going back and forth between Red and Blue. Now the logo is Purple.
-Both videos: Outside vs Inside settings. BL: Leo mostly outside; Ravi and Leo have the embrace outside, and Ravi pulling back Ravi indoors. Whisper: Ravi mostly outside; Leo grabs Ravi’s wrist on the inside, but they flicker between outside and inside. Two different kinds of physical contact when inside and when outside vs. same wrist grab both inside and outside.
Sorry I keep jumping around…
Saw this on tumblr: At about 1:20, along with the two "whispered” highlighted on the righthand page, “real” is highlighted on the left hand page. ReaL vs. LiaR
A Direct Comment of Mine from YouTube:
My friend and I were talking about how different from all of VIXX/VIXX LR’s past music this song is. But, maybe that was the point. (Now, please forgive me, I can’t quite think of how we phrased things last night, I was half asleep.) My friend and I both agree that this is, - as a concept, - a continuation of Beautiful Liar (so, so many reasons why). However, we also thought that the musical style could be part of the concept as well. There is immense visual symbolism throughout this video, so why can’t the STYLE of the music be symbolic as well? If you see BL as a struggle between wanting to let the girl go so that she can be happy while being angry that she’s leaving, Whisper could be about the beginning of healing that pained mentality. Like, trying to be happier and move on. A bop is happy, a bop is popular, a bop is a shift in style; someone in the process of becoming happy, a shift from the way they used to think. The mental/emotional state depicted in BL is dark, while the mental/emotional state in Whisper is lighter and more positive (yet not completely united, which is a different conversation). I believe there are so many layers of this song to deconstruct, and the difference in musical style is just one of them. Hell, I might be overthinking every little detail of this video, but, then again, this is VIXX, so who knows. Maybe all of the puzzle pieces people have noticed so far aren’t even all of the pieces there are to be found.
A theory from the comments on YouTube posted by user mmlyuan (https://www.youtube.com/user/swimfreakats), reposed here with permission:
 (this is the first theory that I’ve ever written and would love to hear fellow ST★RLIGHTs opinions!!!! VIXX LR FIGHTING) 
 Did a little digging on the book that Leo reads in the MV. It’s “Inkheart” by Cornelia Funke. Per the internet: “The theme of Inkheart is that friendship can be found even among very different people. The main characters are from two very different worlds (reality vs fiction). Yet, they are able to find/establish a strong and reliable friendship with each other. Although their friendship is tested by lies and deceiving actions, they ultimately work together to overcome these obstacles.” Via “Inkheart”, the main character can call fictional characters from the book into ReaL life.  
From this, we can deduct that Ravi represents ‘reality’ and he calls upon Leo who represents ’fictional".  In the beginning on the MV, blue-RAVI has a BLUE BOOK (showing Leo’s room) belongs in front of him. This solidifies the notion that Leo is fictional/from the book (because he is later seen in this exact room). 
We see red-Ravi is wearing a headband that says “RealPeople” and at one point the ledge he stands on is covered with the word “ReaL”. Note: his surroundings is in an alleyway, with the sky/clouds, grass, buildings, car… with much more vivid lighting. On the other hand, blue-Leo is in the exact room as pictures on the book cover that blue-Ravi had at the beginning and is surrounded by books. You are limited to only seeing the room, with a stream of light coming in from “somewhere”. The lighting is much more hazy, giving it a much more dream-like feel (to contract[sic] Ravi). 
We also see Ravi following the red thread, searching for something. It ultimately leads him to the blue&red Gemini (May 24), while Leo holding the book flips to a page showing the same Gemini. The Gemini basically acts as the “summoning point”, because Ravi brings Leo into reality (we only see Ravi & Leo in the ally or on the streets with trees, we do not see them in Leo’s blue room.) 
FINALLY, we close out the scene, with R&L attached through the blue&red strings, meaning that despite how different they are (from different worlds), they are still ‘bound together by that common thread’, they are “tied together”. Friendship, brotherhood, music… 
START OF EDIT thanks to inspiration and contributions from lovely fellow ST★RLIGHTs 
The idea of different worlds (reality/fictional) is metaphorical for polar opposites: Left&Right, Passion&Calm. Ravi’s been saying in interviews that he represents “right” and “passion/red” and Leo has been saying that he represents the “left” and “calm/cool/blue”. But also note that magnets (+/-) tend to also be associated with the colors red and blue. We also have a saying that “opposites attract”. In that case, it kind of plays into the idea that they represent two “polar” opposites, but they attract and work well together. They’ve mentioned many times in interviews that Leo’s “color/style” is very different from Ravi’s. Same goes for their vocal range. But, thats what makes LR such a unique and amazing unit, because despite how “opposite” they may seem, they play to each other advantages making up the VIXX unit “LR”. They’ve also mentioned that their dance break in the MV is symbolic of 'two becoming one’ (2VIXX becoming 1LR). This MV essentially defines who they are as LR and I think its so amazing ‪♥‬! 
 Also, adding onto the “inception” idea (thanks to @Zemfira Safina for the idea/point) where Ravi starts and ends in Blue whereas Leo starts and ends in Red… 
If we say that the “start and end” is the TRUE reality/REAL, I see it as BlueRavi and RedLeo stands for how they may ACTUALLY be off-camera and off-stage (REALITY). Leo is known to show lots more aegyo to the members and is a warm/caring father figure for 4VIXX, which contrasts to Ravi who is known to be a workaholic and is known to be really immersed whenever he’s working on (or reading… recently) that he doesn’t even hear the members call out to him. WHEREAS, the aura and vibe that we sometimes get while they’re in front of camera or on stage is RedRavi and BlueLeo: passionate Ravi and calm/collected Leo. I guess the idea that they “switch” colors at one point shows that they both technically have both the blue AND red within them, so while they appear different, they still relate and thus connect. 
END OF EDIT (phew… my brain is worn out, trying to connect as much as I can… again, thank you to fellow ST★RLIGHTs for the additional inspiration!) HOW MIGHT THIS RELATE TO BEAUTIFUL LIAR? While in #BeautifulLiar Leo represents reality and Ravi is the voice inside (LiaR), this time their roles are switched (ReaL). note the R&L switches 
Thanks again to mmlyuan!!
What else have I missed? Like, did anyone see any interesting connections between the track titles of Beautiful Liar and Whisper…?
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