#((Thank you for sending this in!!))
firein-thesky · 1 year
hello! i hope your day gets better <3 i’d love to get your thoughts on diluc + dawn for your writing game!
hello hello my friend!! thank you, it is at least not getting worse! which is good too! 💕
im so glad you sent one in for diluc!! i love him 🥺
diluc + dawn
cw: blood, injury
"you're hurt!" you gasp.
the figure in the arch of your doorway shifts, wincing, hand at their side. he let's the blue light of dawn in behind him. you can hear the birds chirping, sweet, wings fluttering.
"not too bad," diluc grunts and yet he has still come here, instead of returning to the winery. no doubt it is too far with this wound.
you usher him inside, closing the door behind him, closing out the world with it.
you try to maneuver him carefully into your space, slipping your arm around his wait, avoiding his wound and letting him lean onto you. he nearly shrouds you, big in the shoulders, all heavy and corded muscle.
"were you sleeping?" he asks, "i'm sorry if i woke you–"
"diluc, you're bleeding, don't apologize–"
"i'm not dying, though. really, i just need a little help is all. i–i didn't know where else to go."
you pause if only for a heartbeat. you don't know what it means or how to take that he fell injured and all he thought of was you. that he dragged himself here, to you.
you carefully ease him onto your settee.
"kaeya's close too, you know."
now, he settles his gaze into a dry glare.
a smile hitches up at the corner of your lips but before he can respond, you disappear to find what you'll need. you return a moment later, with bandages in hand.
you work off his shirt carefully, with some fuss, but minimal pain. the first rays of the sun settle in your window, over your wall, over him. pale skin littered with scars, laid plain in the soft light. the wound is thankfully shallow. but it looks painful, a sharp stinging little thing.
your hands flit and hover, to and fro. diluc hisses when you bring the wash cloth to the injury, muscles jumping, swiping delicately at the blood. but otherwise, he is good for you.
"i'm glad you were awake. i was worried–i was worried you wouldn't answer."
you set the bandage to his skin and glance up at him through your lashes. you think he comes up short, breath inhaled a little sharp. and maybe while you were admiring him in the dawn light, he was also admiring you.
"well, i'm glad you're okay–" you smile, earnest, and happy that it was you he came to at all. you straighten up, face to face with him now, with eyes molten and soft from the early morning light.
"diluc," you say his name with honey and gold, "you know i'd always answer for you, don't you?"
give me a character + time of day (dawn, dusk, midnight, etc.) and i'll write a small blurb!!
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wander-over-the-words · 10 months
for the fanfic game: "Benny always loved the sound of the roulette wheel spinning—the clickety sound of luck coming his way"
Send me an ask with the first sentence of a fanfic and I’ll write the next five. (AAAAAHHHH THANK YOU FOR SENDING A BENNY PROMPT <33)
Now, if only his baby could share that feeling…
“I’m gonna lose again,” Ethan says, sitting sideways across Benny’s lap and staring glumly at the spinning wheel, then adds, “I told you: I’m unlucky.”
Staring at Ethan’s disappointed face, Benny hums once in reply, then his gaze slides over to his right before his head is quickly turning in that direction and he’s pointing and exclaiming, “Geez Louise, baby - look at that!”
With a confused “Huh?”, Ethan does so, looking over his shoulder, entirely distracted as Benny nods at the wheel and fixes a stern look upon the croupier, who’s quick to catch the rattling ball skimming the edge of the wheel and deposit it into the slot of one of Ethan’s desired numbers.
When Ethan turns back around, his gaze drifts briefly over the wheel, he double-takes, and when he gasps and excitedly exclaims, “I won!”, Benny can only smile and reply, “See, baby - your luck’s turnin’ around.”
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warmblanketwhump · 2 years
hi!! could i request a whumpee who is overly sensitive to the cold? you can throw in the good ol 'coming down with something' too if you'd like....;)
ooh, this is a favorite of mine!! sorry it took so long - I just wanted it to be perfect haha 🤩
not at all inspired by the time I didn’t dress properly for a hockey game and shivered for three hours afterwards
The outdoor ice rink was cold enough A could see their breath, and they huddled deeper in their thick winter jacket, crossing their arms to conserve warmth. They’ve even got a blanket tucked over their knees, but the cold metal seat underneath still saps the body heat right out from them. Compared to B, who’s dressed in just a sweatshirt with a jacket thrown over it, they look like a marshmallow.
Truth be told, they hadn’t felt very well all day, and the idea of being outside in damp, cold weather for hours wasn’t exactly their first choice of an enjoyable evening. But B had been so excited to go to the hockey game that A couldn’t bear the idea of letting them down. So they’d bundled up in layers, pulled a hat down over their ears, and vowed to bear it for B. Besides, B didn’t need to now how badly they handled cold temperatures. Not yet, anyways. 
At the very least, the game is exciting. B tries to explain the rules, and it’s adorable to see them leap out of their chair whenever a goal is scored. It’s a close game, too, and A finds themselves catching on to bits and pieces of how it’s played. And at first, they really are having a good time.
But even with all their layers, the damp cold eventually gains back its ground, sinking its teeth into A and slowly freezing them from the outside in. By the final period, A’s chilled to the bone, their limbs stiff and achy, teeth chattering as they shiver from head to toe. It’s what they’d expected, but it doesn’t make it feel any less miserable. Making matters worse, a brisk wind picks up, cutting through all their layers like a knife down to their core. When the final buzzer blares, they could nearly cry with relief knowing that it’s finally over.
B’s so caught up in talking about the last few minutes of the game as they leave the rink that they barely notice the way A’s hardly saying anything at all - just hunching deeper into their coat and clutching the blanket around their trembling shoulders with icy fingers as they walk home.
But when they stop at a crosswalk to let traffic by and A answers B’s fifth question with a mumble, B starts to notice something’s off. “...You feeling alright? You’re pretty quiet.” 
A shudders, wrapping their blanket tighter around themselves and leaning against B. “Fine. Just can’t wait to get to your place and get warm.” 
B wraps a comforting arm around A’s shoulders and rubs them. “We’ll be there soon. Just a few more blocks.” 
When they get to B’s place, A immediately slips away to shed their layers and thaw out in the longest, hottest shower of their life. They step into the steady stream, wincing as the scalding water hits their cold skin. But 20 minutes in, it’s still not enough, and they continue to shiver even as the steam wraps around them.
When the hot water finally runs out, they step out of the shower, goosebumps prickling on their arms, and they tightly wrap a fluffy towel tightly around themselves. Instead of being blissfully warm, they feel flu-ish and shivery all over - skin overheated from the shower, with chills running up and down their spine, a burning ache in their legs. It’s the same feverish feeling they get when they’re on the verge of getting sick (a thought they hastily shove to the back of their mind). A rubs the goosebumps away as they hurriedly dress in the overnight clothes they’d brought: an oatmeal-colored thermal, some soft flannel pajama pants, and a thick pair of socks.
Stepping out of the steam-warmed bathroom isn’t any better - it’s at least 10 degrees cooler in the rest of the place. As they pass by B’s room, they spot their favorite oversized sweatshirt of B’s on their bed and slip that on, too. When they get back to the living room, B’s flicking through channels, eventually settling in a movie they’d been wanting to see.
“Though you’d fallen in. Looks like you were just stealing my stuff,” B teases gently, scooting over to make room for A on the couch. “Still saved you a spot, though.” 
If they’re honest, A was planning to bid B a quick goodnight, crawl under the covers of a warm bed with a heating pad, and call it a day. But B looks so earnest, so they slide in next to them and curl into their side, at least grateful for their shared warmth. 
As A presses closer, B can’t help but notice the way A’s tightly hugging themselves, even bundled in B’s thick sweatshirt. Suddenly, A shudders and weakly rubs their arms.
“You sure you’re warm enough?” B frowns in concern - even after ages in the shower, A’s still pale and drawn, hands tucked into the sleeves of their sweatshirt, knees pulled to their chest so they’re a little curled-up ball.
A shakes their head, closing their eyes wearily. “Do you have a blanket? That damp chill got in my bones.”
“Of course. Why didn’t you say so?” B grabs a throw from the arm of the couch, wrapping it around A. They rub A’s arms lightly, pulling them into a hug so they’re lying against B’s chest. “You sure you’re okay, A?.” 
“Just need to warm up. That’s all.” A tucks themselves closer to B and wriggles closer so they can steal a little extra body heat, wincing as they shift their achy joints. It’s a bit of an understatement - they’re bone-chilled, the heat of the room unable to warm their core, and the shivery feeling and tickle in their throat that’s plagued them all day is only worsening. 
They watch TV for a bit longer, A clinging to B, B gently rubbing their back and arms and hugging them tighter. They feel plenty warm to B, but A just buries their face in B’s neck and inches closer. After nearly an hour of listening to A’s chattering teeth, B knows something’s wrong. “A, be honest with me. How do you feel?”
A buries their face in B’s shoulder and shrugs. “I just can’t get warm,” they whisper, voice small and shaky. They sound as desperate as they feel - the cold’s so, so deep within their bones, and they can’t stop shivering. “I’ve got chills all over.”
B frowns, flicking off the TV. “We can watch this later. You need to be tucked in bed so you can warm up.” They expect protests, but A just nods, resigned.
B scoops A off the couch and bridal carries them to their bedroom, sliding them under the covers and tucking them in up to their chin. A immediately cinches the layers tighter, chafing their arms under the covers. “Sorry about this,” they croak through chattering teeth. 
B sucks in a sharp breath.“Don’t be sorry. I’m the idiot who made you freeze at a hockey rink for three hours.”
“It wasn’t bad. Promise. I wanted to go.” And it’s true. Though they’d nearly frozen solid, it had been well worth it to spend time with B. 
Still, B drapes an extra blanket over them, and A murmurs their thanks. For a moment, they both sit in silence, neither quite sure what to do next. Despite the blankets, A’s bones still feel like ice, and they know it’ll take hours to feel warm again.
B speaks first. “Is there anything else that usually helps?”
A averts their eyes. “I don’t want to be annoying.”
“A, I’ll do anything. What’s gonna help you feel better?”
A sighs. “Sometimes tea helps. Or maybe…a hot water bottle? Or a heating pad? Just something I can curl up with that’s warm.” They shudder again, curling up even smaller. “I just can’t get any heat in my bones.”
B nods, and dutifully returns a few minutes later with a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel and a mug of tea in the other hand.
“Here. Nice and warm.”
They slip it under the covers, and A grabs it and hugs it close, sighing with relief. B reaches out to stroke their hair gently - and they’re surprised to feel a damp sheen of sweat on A’s forehead. Something in B’s mind shifts as they look at A a little longer, and they slip into their adjoining bathroom and return with a small thermometer.
“Open up.”
A side-eyes B. “Why? I know I’m freezing.”
“Just gotta make sure your temp is going the right direction.”
A shoots B a look, but does as they’re told. A few minutes later, the truth is out.
“Fever of 100.6.” B clicks their tongue. “Well, that’s definitely the wrong direction.”
A tries to sigh exasperatedly, but they’re wracked with a violent shudder that rattles their teeth. “I’m so sorry - I ruined it-“
“I ruined it. I ruined the night. It’s my fault - I should’ve known I was sick - I should’ve-“
“Hey, shhhh….none of that now. Take a breath.” A obeys, taking a short, shaky inhale. “You’re alright. We’ll hunker down in bed for a few days, see a doctor if you need it. But you have nothing to be sorry for.” A just sniffles miserably, but they nod, and B leans closer to rub their arms and shoulders.
After a few minutes, A sniffles again. “Can you come closer? Like when we were out on the couch? It felt good when you were holding me.”
B obliges, sliding across to the opposite side of the bed and propping themselves up. A just burrows into their side, so deep under the covers that only a few tufts of hair were poking out, and B angles themselves so A can rest their head on B’s chest. This close, B can feel the ripple of constant shivers in their body, and they’re so small and vulnerable that it makes their heart ache.
“There you go. You curl up and get warm. I’m not going anywhere.” B cradles A’s head closer, stroking their feverish forehead, massaging soft circles on A’s achy shoulders.
And while A knows true warmth is a long time coming, something in B’s quiet tone is the anchor they need to finally relax into rest.
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tickles-tea · 1 year
H e a d c a n o n s ok Is2g Vash's plant marks are stupidly ticklish. Like even if he's not that sensitive on a spot (psh as if, a walking tickle spot--), once his marks show up he MELTS into a giggling hiccuping pile of goo from just the most gentle of traces along the lines. And Wolfwood loves doing it sdfgkl like I like to think Vash unconsciously lets the marks glow when he's like actually tired but ofc he refuses to sleep bc he has to take care of everybody else but himself, so Wolfwood just pulls his needle noggin in his lap and starts following the marks with his rough fingertips and Vash immediately loses all his strenght to fight back and just lays there giggling oh so sweetly, and if he tries to protest Wolfwood just "Shush dumbass (affectionate😌), you need rest too so I'm gonna help ya get that rest since ya won't get it yourself lil firebug" and pretty much as soon as he stops Vash falls asleep in his arms with a little relaxed smile still on his face
And if Wolf deems the area safe he'll keep Vash in his lap and takes a nap with him...
ASHJSFJH you guys sent these in right when I decided it was probably a good time to go to sleep so I apologize that I’m just getting to these now BUT FUCK YEAH LETS GOOO
Sleepy tickles are so fucking cute so I am all over this
First and foremost, the plant marks glowing when Vash is truly exhausted works so well bc he’s such an honest and open character at his core, his feelings are literally on his sleeve 😭
Anyway, Vash wants to protest when Wolfwood pulls him into his lap because it’s okay, really, you guys are the ones who need rest but it really tickles but it also feels really nice ;;
Cue Wolfwood fighting back a fond smile because this guy is seriously too cute settling down like a giggly kitten
He’ll usually be nice and trace along the marks like a maze, just following the pattern over Vash’s forehead, down his cheeks, trailing down his neck to make Vash giggle and shiver. But if Vash is being particularly stubborn, Wolfwood will trace over the same area over and over and it doesn’t matter where it is, after a few seconds Vash will be squirming in earnest and sputtering like “w-wait, wolfwood, d-don’t ehehehe!”
Ahhhhh the mental image of Vash snoozing in Wolfwood’s lap and Wolfwood falling asleep with his palm a comforting weight on the nape of Vash’s neck * sobbing *
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soracities · 1 year
oh if we're talking about cheating our brains into focusing, i always put on the lord of the rings soundtrack and that works (my spotify wrapped this year is going to be...interesting)
oh i think that is going to be a phenomenal spotify wrapped no matter what way you look at it!
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survivor-positivity · 2 years
Not positivity but I didn’t see any relevant “culture is” blogs so I thought you might share
In my opinion it’s a thing about survivors or people with (c)PTSD, to state you can not consume certain media. And stating it as such, instead of hedging
And it’s, frankly, a healthy boundary. So I encourage you all: just say no. Just say “I can not”. Don’t feel guilty. Don’t feel like you have to vindicate your boundaries. No; I will not; I can not - are all full sentences on their own
I’m in my mid-twenties and whenever a TV series has too direct sex-references, I can not watch it. And I have said and will continue to say “it’s not like I can watch it”.
++ if people don't respect your boundaries that's not your fault, you deserve to have your feelings honoured
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tennessoui · 5 months
Hello there Kit!
I’m a big fan of your fics!! I just wanted to tell you chapter 2 of a more perfect union had my crying tears of laughter while also being like “anakin🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️”!!! It was a wonderful read today and I can’t wait for the next chapter💞💞
I love how much this story has caused people to be like “🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏽🤦‍♂️anakin 🤦‍♂️🤦🏽🤦🏼‍♀️”
truly exactly what I was going for!!!! Tune in hopefully next week for the conclusion of when anakin gets a clue because his wife and his master take turns beating him over the head with it!!!
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childotkw · 1 year
First, let me apologize for the size of this monster ask. Sorry.
The POTC fic ate my brain. I can think of nothing else now. Just... the sheer possibilities, ya know?
With Tia Dalma, I always thought Jack, though fond and always respectful, was mindful to maintain a certain distance between them, careful to not pay any offence. With fem!Jack though I see their relationship being much, much closer. Close as sisters perhaps? Or even a mother-daughter relationship (where is Jack's mother in this AU? Still a mumified head being carried around in Teage's pocket?). How does she react to Jack's deal with Davy Jones? Is she mad that her former lover is once again trying to chain a woman to his side? Or does she laugh, because the man has clearly not learned his lesson?
And Davy Jones himself is a whole other can of worms. Does he look at this bright, wild young woman, clearly favored by Calypso, and wants to claim her as the best addition to his crew in decades or simply as a way to get vengeance on the goddess? Or worse, does he look at her and think of a child that never was, a bittersweet what-if that could have been if only Calypso had waited for him on land all those centuries ago...
As for Barbossa, I want to see this man have Regrets (TM). I want him, cursed and desperate, to see Jack alive and well after abandoning her on an island and feel... things. Outrage, anger, disbelief. Amusement. Immense relief. Want him, back and alive again, to long for that short, fond, teasing 'Hector' instead of the cold, indifferent 'Barbossa' that greets him everytime. Does he lie awake at night, a part of him, no matter how small, yearning for that time when he sailed the Black Pearl under the banner of the Captain Jack Sparrow?
And Becket and Salazar! I have no words for these two, everything about their relationships with Jack fascinate me.
In the movies, the tension was THICK between Jack and Becket. I always thought those two had Real Respect for each other in the beginning. Jack who thought he had found a Actual Good Man to work under. Becket who thought he had found someone who, with a little time and polishing, could stand just behind him at the top of the world, the closest to an equal a man like him could get (tolerate?). Which really, only makes the betrayal from both sides even worse. Jack, who finds out the man he thought was good was actually even worse than the scoundrels he grew up with ("People aren’t cargo, mate"). And Becket, who finds out his little protégé, whom he had such high hopes for, actually has morals and a free will that don’t (and never will) align with his plans/worldview.
I wonder, with this fem!Jack au, were there rumours of Jack being the future Lady Becket? I wonder, later, after all's said and done, when Jack is tied to a burning ship with Becket looking on in the distance, is there a ring somewhere on Jack? On Becket?
And even later, when whispers of the Black Pearl start cropping up in the docks and inside darkned pubs, along with her Captain, does Becket have to sit down (with anger? Relief?) or does he stand and stares out the window of his office, towards the wide open sea and tries to imagine where his wayward (friend, enemy, lover? His, certainly) pirate is and how he might get her back, this time permanently
... did this just turn into a Davy Jones and Calypso ver. 2.0??
As for Salazar, I loved the idea of him from the get go. After we got the backstory of his and Jack's first (and last) meeting I was gone for this spanish ghost. The chase, the obsession. The way this encounter marked and changed both of them, one literally died and had to spend decades waiting in purgatory for a chance at revenge while the other spends this same amount of time forever know by the name coined by El Matador del Mar, the Spaniard's little bird who flew away...
Does Jack being female in this AU change anything for Salazar? In the minutes before being tricked and killed, did he think of her less as a pirate and more like a young woman led astray, perhaps even forced into this life? Does he think of himself as a savior for Jack (lol)?
Also. I'm all for a threesome happening between Jack, Elizabeth and Will. I think they deserve a threesome.
No don't apologise - this is great!! I'm glad I'm not the only one who's excited for this one 🤣 I'm going to break this up so I can keep my replies on track!
For Tia Dalma and Jack - that respect and wariness is definitely still a core component of their relationship! But you're right in that they'll be a lot closer in this AU than in canon. While it might not quite be a full mother-daughter dynamic, there will be maternal aspects to how Tia Dalma treats Jack. Jack's mum is still technically alive for most of the story, even if Jack doesn't see or talk to her. Once the movie timelines come through, that's probably when I'd say Jack's mother died.
But Tia Dalma is uber pissed when she sees Jack for the first time after her deal with Jones. She goes quiet and wrathful, staring at the unseen mark on Jack's soul - the brand that shows her debt to Jones for anyone with the talents to see. And Tia Dalma mourns Jack long before she dies because even with all her power, not even she can break a soul-deep deal.
As for Davy Jones - it's six of one, half a dozen of the other. He genuinely wants Jack's skills on his ship, and knows she's unparalleled as a helmsman. But he also is a petty, bitter man, and knowing that Calypso thinks Jack as hers also plays into his decision. It's very 'you like this thing so I'm going to take it from you' mentality. (Though I am intrigued at the potential and completely fucked up implication of Jack-as-a-stand-in-daughter. I'd need to think on that!)
And oh do I have plans for Barbossa! He definitely ends up having something maybe like regret!
One of the things I rambled about in discord was wanting the Black Pearl crew to suffer some consequences for mutinying against Jack. After all, Jack is a Pirate Lord, and though it isn't widely known, the daughter of the Keeper of the Code. She is a good captain, respected, and generally well-liked, and mutiny is serious fucking business for pirates. A lot of people are angry at Barbossa for what he did, and in those ten years after the mutiny against Jack, the Black Pearl crew were considered persona non grata. They weren't really welcome at any pirate stronghold, and a lot of the older generation were chomping at the bit to avenge Jack.
The only reason no one did anything was because Jack, essentially, spread the word that if anyone was going to kill Barbossa, it was her. And they respected that.
And because Barbossa and his crew were scorned by most of the other pirates in the Caribbean, they didn't exactly know that Jack survived and was gunning for them.
So, the first time Jack and Barbossa see each other, his shock is genuine - as is the strange rush of adrenaline he gets because Jack's presence is still electrifying and keeps him on his toes. It's his irritation at her calling him 'Barbossa' catches him off guard, and it takes him a minute to remember that Jack was the last person to call him Hector - because he crew would never be that familiar with him - and he hates the part of him that mourns that. He had liked Jack during the brief time they had sailed together, found her engaging and brilliant, but his ambition had always been stronger than any affection he might hold for other people, and so this was where they ended up.
And Beckett. Oh, Beckett...you're absolutely right in that the tension between them was *chef's kiss*
Even without the deleted scene, you could tell that those two had history the second Jack stepped in the room. And I think, for me, the most telling aspect that these two knew each other and knew each other well was that Jack didn't even try to be a fool in front of Beckett. Yeah, sure, there was some joking and posturing - but it was so half-hearted in comparison to other interactions Jack has.
Jack's masks were stripped back when speak to Beckett, and I find that fascinating. So, in this AU, there will definitely be a hell of a lot of implications between them.
There's respect, naturally, and an acknowledgement that they're intellectual equals. Beckett doesn't underestimate Jack (as even Barbossa and Will and Elizabeth are still prone to do despite knowing Jack's track record), and Jack doesn't insult Beckett by pretending to be something she's not.
But there's also that very acute bitterness and betrayal between them. Because Beckett tried to turn Jack into something she wasn't, tried to get her to compromise on her morals, and he burned her ship; and Jack broke Beckett's belief that he'd finally found someone who could understand and accept every facet of his being.
There's disappointment as well - that their partnership didn't work out. Because they had liked each other, and admired each other, and though they never progressed beyond a 'professional' relationship, Beckett knows that if he were to marry a woman it would have been Jack.
And that sense of ownership Beckett has over Jack is incredibly dangerous - because in his eyes if he can't be the one holding Jack's leash, than no one could. Jack was too big a threat to remain free, so she had to die.
It's all very poignant. Behold:
And Jack knew what men typically wanted from her. They saw the wildness in her dark eyes and the tangles of her hair and the freedom in her blood and it made them itch. It made them want a taste of it for themselves - or drove them mad enough to want to take it from her.
Put her in a cage and clip her wings and to crow as if they had tamed the sea itself.
But Beckett was different. He didn’t want to tame her. He was too clever to think he could. That anyone could chain her for long.
Cutler Beckett wanted to break her, if only so he could put the pieces back together in the way he wanted.
For Salazar, I don't think I'd change it much from canon. I don't think Jack being female would change his perspective much. He'd still be enraged at being beaten as he was by this slip of a pirate girl. The obsession would remain, the impact they had on each other would remain - Jack as the ultimate 'prey-that-got-away', and Salazar being the one that completely redirected Jack's path in life, propelling her into captain-hood and giving her her name.
Either way, they haunt each other.
And for the ship - there might be elements of Jack/Elizabeth/Will, but it's not gonna be a prominent thing, unfortunately. I already have a main pairing in mind for Jack for this one 😂
(And no, it's not Norrington.)
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gloryseized · 8 days
i don't have much time to explain, but i'll try.
Impa to Link
Meme Tag -- @devotedsheikah
Brows pinched together slightly, he fisted hand bobbed in a nod before he placed his flattened palm over his chest, running his hand in a circle over his heart. << Yes, please. >>
Link wasn't used to being confused, he was used to being prepared, but the again, the more time he spent around the more science-minded Sheikah and even Princess Zelda, he only found himself more and more confused. And now he couldn't help but wonder if something very serious had happened to one of those strange machines.
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arachnidiots · 3 months
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peter parker’s fashion style! featuring his collection of iconic and questionable tees, sweaters, and many green jackets
@danversiism sent ✎ ( pencil ) for a fashion moodboard for my muse
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prydon · 20 days
6, 17, and 39 for the fic ask meme!
6. What's the last line you wrote?
the anticlimactic answer is that it was a random line of the most recent chapter of a matter of perspective which is already posted, and i don't remember which. so i'll just give you the most recent couple lines i've written that aren't already posted:
Nureyev had seemed in good spirits as well; he’d even allowed himself to get slightly tipsy, a sight that was completely new to Juno. The only tangible effect it’d had on the thief was to add a slight rosiness to his cheeks and some clumsy gesticulations alongside his words, but it had been cute to see him like that. The perfect master thief, ever so slightly unraveled, genuinely enjoying himself for once.
(wow... out of context you'd have no idea that this is from one of the saddest fic concepts i've ever come up with!)
17. Do you have a writing routine?
nah, i just write whenever i have the time and energy for it. recently i have been doing a lot of sprints, though (aka using a discord bot to time me to write for a short period of time without stopping and record how many words i write in that time). because my brain's been so dead that it's the only way to force myself to do it.
39. What's your most self-indulgent WIP?
of my posted wips, probably my slipetya fic enduring moral core. i have a lot of habits and neuroses that make it difficult for me to write stuff that is purely self indulgent, but with that fic i've tried to let go of a lot of things that i usually get caught up in and just write what i enjoy writing. aka, not getting hung up on why/how slip is alive and allowing myself to time jump between chapters and change povs to get to whatever i find most interesting to explore.
of my unposted.... idk. probably the one with the snippet i posted above. but i can't even state the concept behind that one without spoiling the whole thing, and i've only written like two paragraphs of it so far.
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xx-sharpfawngz-xx · 9 months
oooh can i get 🛼 for ia and/or vedra please?
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writingonleaves · 6 months
could we maybe get long live for the wip ask game? it’s one of my favorite taylor songs 😭
absolutely!! this is the cliche draft fic i have planned for the blue au bc clementine and the hughes brothers are my favorites. it highlights all three of their drafts, along with some other surprise special moments. haven't gotten too much out of this one yet so a short excerpt below <3
2018 - dallas, texas
As if he knows that she’s about to go too deep in her thoughts, Luke pulls on her ponytail. She shoots him a look as she’s swallowing her bite of pasta. “What?”
He beams. “Nothing.”
She rolls her eyes, but smiles nonetheless. Luke will always be her baby, but it’s moments like this when she faces the sudden realization that he’s growing up so fast. As Quinn laughs at something his dad said and she watches Luke’s eyes drift towards him, she bites her lip. Soon enough, it’ll be Luke in his oldest brother’s shoes seeing what team will draft him. 
She blinks as a hand waves in front of her. “Earth to Clee,” Jack says. 
“What’s up?”
Jack gives her a hopeful look. “Can I try some of your pasta?”
“Cut me a piece of your steak and then we’ll talk.”
WIP Tag Game
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liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
"Babe I promise there's a good explanation for this-" for the title thing jdjsjdkks
Give me a fake fic title, and I'll tell you what I'd write for it!
Blupjeans and taakitz one :3
So Taako and Lup come back after doing something: shopping, crime, hanging out with friends, whatever, and they come back to the smell of fire and burning fruit. And they're like, what the fuck, as Lup and Barry's kid runs up to them like Mommy! Mommy! Guess what? We blew up the microwave! And Lup is just like ??? So they all make their way to the kitchen, and Barry and Kravitz come out to meet them looking sheepish as they all survey the broken microwave with the door blown off and a biiigggg pink sticky mess inside and chunks of watermelon all over the floor, and Barry's like, I can explain.
And the explanation basically amounts to, lil baby blupjeans, who shall be given a name later, was wondering the age old question, why do people not eat grapes hot and microwaved lol and Kravitz was like, that's a good question. So Barry explains the plasma thing and decides to give a short demonstration which then lead to, what if you put a BIG fruit in the microwave? Like a watermelon! And Barry's like >:3 let's find out! And Kravitz is like, I have a feeling of where this is going, please do not. And Barry is like Science! Is! Good! Let her mind Grow!
So they popped a watermelon in the microwave, and they had to rush lil blupjeans out of the room when the microwave exploded, so everyone is fine, they just need a new microwave, and lil blupjeans is like IT WAS SO COOL YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE!!! :D
And Lup and Taako just look at each other like :( And Lup's like, why didn't you wait until we got home so I could have at least tried to contain the explosion? And Taako's like, did you learn nothing from when you exploded the kitchen on the Starblaster after trying to microwave the Light of Creation??? And Barry's like 😓 ...no and Kravitz's just like, I did try to stop him, and Taako is just Not Angry But Disappointed and Lup just sighs because while she is disappointed in them because it happened and Barry knew what would happen and did it anyway, she is also disappointed that she wasn't there to see it and help do it anyway lol
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cyphers-and-sunspots · 5 months
for the spotify thingy:
Sorry for not answering this sooner, but I’m here now!
Song: First Date by blink-182
Favorite Lyric:
Do you like my stupid hair?
Yes, this is what I ask my partner a lot. Yes, it’s a stupid lyric that has very little meaning. For a long time, I struggled with my hair and expression. I’ve always liked it short and I absolutely hate when it’s in my face. For a bit, I thought my hair was cut in the absolute worst haircut in the whole world. Honestly, I just like this lyric because it’s something I ask my friends and family a lot.
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gwyns · 3 months
One thing I don’t get is why people would want Elriel to be endgame after the BC, the way Azriel sees Elain is so not how I’d want to be seen by “the love of my life”, it’s legit my biggest pet peeve when it comes to Bryce and Hunt, they have a bond but they mostly see each other in such a carnal way that it’s off putting to me? And pls, this is not to say wanting to boink is a bad thing, it’s not, but inner monologue about how horny someone makes the character is never going to make me giggle and twirl my hair. Idk I think I’m rambling, but this is legit why my fav romance book is Ellipsis by Ellie Owen , like the author shows that difference in wanting to fuck vs caring about someone? The way Az saw Elain in that BC is icky? Its kinda similar to how Tamlin saw/treated Feyre?
i personally think bryce and hunt have a good balance of sexual and romantic attraction and they're probably my favorite confirmed sjm ship so i'm not going to comment further on that if you don't mind
as for tamlin and feyre, this might be controversial but i do think tamlin cared for feyre. he just... didn't go about things the right way, he didn't know how to go about them the right way. but that's a topic for another day
as for elain and azriel, while sexual attraction is important in a relationship (if you feel sexual attraction that is), trust, openness and communication are the foundations of any good and healthy relationship. and yeah, there might be some fuckups along the way but that's why there should always be love involved, nobody's perfect, but if you truly love your partner you can get through the bumps
e/riel however, has exactly zero of these. elain doesn't know the extent of what az does and he doesn't even know her favorite flower, like that's a basic thing lol. not to mention how he constantly tries to undermine what she says she wants to do, he's speaking for her and that's not sexy at all and it's definitely not love either
elain and az are acquaintances at best and just because they wanted to fuck once, doesn't mean they're good for each other
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