#too exciting; so I took some liberties of how big a whoopsie it would be lol
liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
"Babe I promise there's a good explanation for this-" for the title thing jdjsjdkks
Give me a fake fic title, and I'll tell you what I'd write for it!
Blupjeans and taakitz one :3
So Taako and Lup come back after doing something: shopping, crime, hanging out with friends, whatever, and they come back to the smell of fire and burning fruit. And they're like, what the fuck, as Lup and Barry's kid runs up to them like Mommy! Mommy! Guess what? We blew up the microwave! And Lup is just like ??? So they all make their way to the kitchen, and Barry and Kravitz come out to meet them looking sheepish as they all survey the broken microwave with the door blown off and a biiigggg pink sticky mess inside and chunks of watermelon all over the floor, and Barry's like, I can explain.
And the explanation basically amounts to, lil baby blupjeans, who shall be given a name later, was wondering the age old question, why do people not eat grapes hot and microwaved lol and Kravitz was like, that's a good question. So Barry explains the plasma thing and decides to give a short demonstration which then lead to, what if you put a BIG fruit in the microwave? Like a watermelon! And Barry's like >:3 let's find out! And Kravitz is like, I have a feeling of where this is going, please do not. And Barry is like Science! Is! Good! Let her mind Grow!
So they popped a watermelon in the microwave, and they had to rush lil blupjeans out of the room when the microwave exploded, so everyone is fine, they just need a new microwave, and lil blupjeans is like IT WAS SO COOL YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE!!! :D
And Lup and Taako just look at each other like :( And Lup's like, why didn't you wait until we got home so I could have at least tried to contain the explosion? And Taako's like, did you learn nothing from when you exploded the kitchen on the Starblaster after trying to microwave the Light of Creation??? And Barry's like 😓 ...no and Kravitz's just like, I did try to stop him, and Taako is just Not Angry But Disappointed and Lup just sighs because while she is disappointed in them because it happened and Barry knew what would happen and did it anyway, she is also disappointed that she wasn't there to see it and help do it anyway lol
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