celestial-narwhal · 11 months
[ BRAID ]:          sender, sitting behind the receiver’s back, begins to braid their hair.
[ Hook is going to give him a cute cat-shaped hair tie >:)c ]
Hair | Accepting ★
"Goodness, what a warm welcoming committee to find here on Jarilo-VI," he gently chuckles, relaxing his posture to allow the little girl easier access to his golden locks. His eyes are filled with a soft fondness, amused at the sight of such childlike innocence. It reminded him of a simpler time, a long, bygone era dissipated into dust and blown away with the wind.
Despite the rather destitute environment surrounding her, she bore a light akin to a hearth's fire, connecting those around her with the warmth of her smile. A stark contrast to the cold, biting weather here on Jarilo-VI, but a welcome one nonetheless.
He could only hope that she had ample people around her to preserve said smile. It was something worth protecting.
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"Might I ask for your name, little miss? I believe proper introductions are due."
@pitchdarkhook !!!!
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beautifulloverwitch · 11 months
By Fire, Sea and Blood
the untold tale of an approaching collapse
Act I: Chapter twelve: Depravity
Previous ///// Next
Summary: the realm gathers to mourn the death of a child they had long forsaken. As the commit her to ash and quickly send their condolence to the distraught heir, one question lingers in the air, what had happened to princess Daenerys?
A/n: Filler chapter, a lil something before the end of Act I!
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Daenerys Velaryon (Strong! Oc)
WC: 3.9k
Warnings: Rated +16, Death, Denial, implied rape, religious punishment.
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The silent sisters, the strangers' wives.
Stood clad in grey around the charred body of the young princess. Hands carefully adjusting the position she was burnt into, folding her curled hands over her chest, pushing her spine gently down so that it would straighten, adjusting the remaining bent leg to lay down against the cold stone, seeming terribly indifferent to what they were doing, for they had seen every horror left behind by their cruel husband for them to clean. 
They began their work, to their fortune it would not be long, for all that was left was bone and shrunken flesh. No organs to pull, nothing to stuff full of fragrant herbs and salts to hide the smell of rot. They placed a roll of hay where her right leg should have been, to make the wrapping part ever so slightly easier.
The tired Rhaenyra stood back as she watched the silent sisters set to work. Her wavy hair cascading down her back and hanging around her gaunt face, donning a mask of defeat with her black robes and velvet headpiece etched with embroideries of red. 
They grabbed a long strip of cloth and began at her foot, tightly wrapping it, ensuring it would not slip from its place and making their way up.  
Rhaenyras eyes stared at the head, it had been days before she had allowed for the Silent Sisters to begin their work. She did not even move to console her children in the short time since her daughters return. She had spent those days raking the blackened corpse for some inkling of her daughter.
There was not a thread of her chocolate brown curly hair adorning her scalp, no flesh covering her once full cheeks, and no lips to curl up into a smile nor a frown that Rhaenyra would have given anything to see again. 
Her gaze moved up to her eyes, or atleast where they should have been. The two inky wells making doubts curl around every nerve that controlled reason, where were her eyes? She would ask herself, as she remembered their glow and their ethereal nature. The flecks of blue and yellow that would shine within the pools of purple in the right light. 
This was not her daughter.
It could not have been.
While her daughter glowed, this body absorbed all light around it, a void. A void that called itself her daughter.
This was not her daughter.
While her daughter approached the world with open arms, this body greeted its home with curled ones.
This was not her daughter.
While her daughter's eyes gleamed with wonder, those two hollows radiated a terrible omen.
This was not her daughter. 
Her eyes fluttered as she drew her attention away from the body, instead landing on the face of the man she chose.
Daemon bowed his head, not meeting her gaze, not ever meeting her gaze since her daughter was returned to her. He was ashamed, for he had failed to fulfil his first promise to her as her husband, the husband she had chosen to protect her to strengthen her.
A certain anger at herself licked at her heart, this is who she had chosen, this is the man she had long longed for, and it only cost her only daughter's life.
She glanced back towards the table back at the body, but now it was wrapped in a beige fraying cloth, tied together by brown leather. There was truly nothing left for her to recognise only a body she was supposed to assume to be her daughter.
This is not your daughter.
“It’s time.”
A tired breath left her lips before she moved away towards the door, without Daemon. He sniffled as she walked past him, paying him no mind, driving the poisoned dagger he impaled into his own chest further.
Her handmaidens patiently awaited her outside, gentle as they fixed her up, brushing away the wrinkles in her gown, tucking stray hairs behind her ears, she had not let them do anything else to her mane. 
Elinda, her youngest and newest handmaiden stepped forth as the others all stepped back, her face a mask of sorrow as she pulled the black veil over Rhaenyras face. 
They parted a path for Rhaenyra to tread, towards the field where everyone had waited, all the guests she did not recall sending letters to, excusing her from bothering to greet them.
Her children waited at the door with big glassy eyes beyond it. The poor boys received no comfort from their distraught mother and barely any consoling from their now step father.
Their grandmother had offered them and their cousins her shoulder, doing all she could to soothe this terrible grief.
But besides that they had no one other than each other.
They were not told how she had died, a decision of the kindest intention, but it had left them to imagine what horror must have taken the life of their sweet sister.
The sombre and sniffling Jacaerys held his brother close to his side, a sombreness he found difficult to maintain. He knew he needed to be strong for Luke and for Joff, but who was to be strong for him, his sister was gone, his mother was beside herself, he was alone. 
Footsteps came from behind him prompting him to look away from the outside and towards the hallway. His breath hitched in his throat as he saw the shadowy silent sisters breeze past, in their arms, the shrouded body of his elder sister.
She was so small, so still, so quiet. 
Lucerys sobbed as he saw her, his voice so broken as her name fell from his quivering lips, calling out to her as though she would arise. He moved towards her but his brother's tightening grasp kept him in his place. 
Rhaenyra walked behind the three sisters, her red eyes staring blankly ahead of herself, refusing to meet the figure in the arms of the strangers' wives.
A quiet voice came from her right, she turned to look towards the source, her eyes landed on the curly head of hair that belonged to her son, Luke, how red his thin cheeks were, how deep the lines of his anguished frown had embedded themselves into his young flesh.
Her eyes then landed on the arms around him, trailing up and meeting the startled face of her now eldest child, a truth that tasted bitter on her tongue. 
She searched around them looking for the third head of brown hair but it was not there. A space marked where she once stood between her two brothers, a space that seemed so noticeable.
Lucerys sobbed, a fresh wave of tears flooding his still wet cheeks as his sister moved past. 
“Luke,” his mother called.
His vision was too obscured to realise the figure to be his mother, she was shrouded in so much black cloth that he had mistaken her for a fourth member of the silent sisters.
He tore himself away from Jace and ran to his mother. His arms tightly wrapped around her waist as he nuzzled his face into her stomach, wetting her dress with his unending tears.
Her hand moved from her side and rested on his head, brushing through his curly locks while she continued to emptily stare at the empty space between her sons. The faint sound of her dragon’s roars outside, ringing in her ears.
Daemon joined her side, hands tightly wrapped around Dark Sister “īlon līs ōregon kostōba gō zirȳ,” We must hold strong before them he muttered beneath his breath to Rhaenyra who snapped her head towards him.
She refused to look at him as he did her, instead nodding in acknowledgement and placing her hands on Luke's shoulders, gently prying him away and lifting his chin up to look up at her. Holding a stiff lip as she saw his face aged by grief “it’s time,” she grabbed his hand in hers, to which he rested his other hand upon as well pushing himself into her side, Frowning and squirming in discomfort at her coldness “Jacaerys?” 
Jace looked away from the body as it was set up upon the yet to be lit pyre, his eyes remained agape with horror as he looked back towards his mother who offered him her open hand.
He slowly made his way to her side, staring at the ground as he felt her brush his head before grabbing his limp hand in hers.
A shuddered breath left her lips and she moved forward with her sons in hand, to bid an unwanted farewell.
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The sisters descended into a field of stone that overlooked the angry seas. The sky was as solemn as those who had attended, there was no joy in attending the committal of a child. An itching guilt gnashing at their skin. 
As they passed the king a shudder of terror past his lips, for he had yet to accept the truth of this nightmare. Tears began to swell within his eyes again for his eldest granddaughter tightly wrapped in fine cloth, lifted to rest upon a bed of wood and wilted flowers.
Alicent refused to look, her wide eyed gaze plastered to the ground as she clenched the star that sat heavy on her chest. Whispers of safe travel for this poor child's soul falling endlessly from her chapped lips. 
Her whispers were challenged by the whispers of her disturbed daughter, who muttered beneath her breath a riddle over and over as she swayed around on her feet, knees daring to give way. Seemingly in disbelief of its falseness as she stared at the corpse ahead of her.
“The darkness has called and the seas have roared, to the tides she succumbs and from the tides she will rise, thrice more.”
She searched those words for comfort but they offered her none as the proof of their falseness was laid before her, so she decided to shut her eyes to the truth and trust that it would soon be proven a lie.
Aegon was quiet, uncommonly quiet, he stared at that corpse with trepidation in his eyes.
Beside him was his younger brother. Who stood tall by his brothers side, lips twisting and turning as he battled with his feelings for her. 
A twisting hurricane of hate and anguish swirled within him. He was anguished for having lost her, an anguish that denied him having ever come to hate her, but his hate for her kin, her craven brothers and her sorry excuse of a mother. It was their fault she had died, they had not kept her safe, he would even assume they had not treated her kindly. For why else would she have ever left? 
He wished that she had come to King's Landing, he wished that she had taken whichever ship headed that way. He would have kept her safe, and if she so wished it, he would have hid her away from her mother if she had come for her.
He had no sympathy for them for what right had they to grieve. ‘Twas their fault, may they suffer for it.
Many bowed their heads respectfully as Rhaenyra and her children passed by cutting through the field of umbrellas as they made their way to the front.
Syrax’s cries grew ever louder at the sight, crying out to the child that lay still and unmoving. Her song planted fear and sorrow within those who were around to hear it, some winced at how familiar it sounded.
Lances neck ached as they passed by, his chin touching his chest as he bowed his head, standing beside his father and brother. He discarded his armour for a change of noble black robes, lined with yellow. 
Rhaenyra stood ahead of her father, paying him no mind for she was too focused upon the unlit pyre. Preparing the word to fall from her tongue, but it seemed as though her mouth went dry the closer she had gotten.
The king frowned with worry as his daughter walked past. Glancing down to the two boys at her side “Jacaerys, Lucerys, here my boys, come here.”
The two sniffled as they looked his way before glancing up to their mother who squeezed their hands assuringly before letting them go, to huddle around their downhearted Grandsire.
Two more steps and all behind her had disappeared from her sight, leaving her feeling alone as she stood before that body. This felt all too familiar to her as she squirmed in her place, only now she had not her father to blame, only herself for this. 
She swore she could still here her yells, her shouts, her anger but it was all in her head.
What she would give for that corpse to rise and yell at her with her daughter's voice, prove to her that this was her daughter.
But no such confirmation would arise from it and hence, it made her next action so much easier.
“Dracarys,” she commanded her grieving dragon.
Syrax was reluctant to obey, turning to look towards her rider, croaking at her, as though she were advising her not to, to not turn what was left of her forever to ash.
A furious look crossed Rhaenyras tired face, tearing back her dark veil as she faced her dragon commanding once more “DRACARYS SYRAX!”
Syrax flinched at her command but complied nevertheless, stalking down from the stone hill she had stood on whining as  she grew closer to the pyre. A final roar passed her lips before she bathed the pyre in flames, making quick work of turning this already charred corpse to ash. 
The stiffness of Rhaenyras face quickly fell as she saw the pyre disappear into the flames. Taking steps towards it, reaching to grasp the ashes flowing about before being smited by the drops of rain pushing them to the ground.
A hand wrapped gently around her arm, pulling her back. 
She shook her head as she saw the flames clear, revealing nothing left but a broken and charred pyre. 
There was nothing, nothing left, all was gone, she was gone. 
Her body began to shake with sobs as she began to curl into herself, her mouth hung open as silent cries fell from her wet lips. 
Daemon wrapped his arms tightly around her, keeping her upright, keeping her strong, trying to be the pillar she could lean on when her knees gave way. But nothing could stop the wails that poured from her lips as she cried out her daughter's name, clutching at her rounding belly, that had begun to feel so terribly hollow.
A green little dragon looked curiously about the field as it watched from afar, croaking as a familiar scent reached its snout.
Many had returned back inside, away from the rain as the downpour grew heavy.
Rhaenyra sat beside the hall's hearth, staring blankly into its flames, her face still red with grief and her fingers bruising each other as they tugged at her rings. 
Daemon had left to wallow in his failures, finding no strength to stand by Rhaenyra after his terrible shortcoming.
Her sons had long departed her side, instead embraced in the arms of their grandmother, who had taken to comforting both them and their cousins.
Baela and Rhaena were beside themselves, exhausted by all this loss, only months ago they lost their mother and uncle, and now whatever hope they had for their cousin not meeting the same fate was so quickly smited.
In hushed whisper some have into their curiosity and began to speculate what terrible fate the young princess had succumbed to. Some said she was found beaten beyond recognition, the only thing that proved it was her were the shine of purple within her clouded eyes.
Some said she was found discarded in an abandoned house, her face untouched but her body defiled, and her eyes plucked out.
Some were daring and said she was burnt alive, spurned in her attempts to claim a dragon, Aegon would deny having entertained such speculation.
Lance kicked his feet against the ground as he stood beside his father and brother. Still a nagging shame gnawed at him every time he heard a sob fall from one of the Velaryon childrens lips. 
His younger brother, Alan, eyed him worriedly from the corner of his eye. He held himself tall besides his much taller elder brother. So that his elder brother would not be mistaken for being the heir to honeyholt.
He bowed his head towards his father “Might I fetch you some wine father?”
Lyman’s eyes fluttered before his face softened “that would be appreciated my boy.”
He gave him a tight lipped smile before grasping his brother's arm and pulling him along to the wine table.
Lance was surprised by the action, trying to pull his arm back from his brother. He may have had height but his younger brother had great strength. 
Alan let go once they stood before the assortment of wines, opting for honeyed wine, a favourite of his fathers.
“I know the occasion is solemn, but never would I have expected you to be in such low spirits brother,” Alan remarked as he poured three cups, offering one to his brother before taking one for himself “It has been a terribly red and wet spring this year.”
“A child has died Alan, tis not something to be pleased with,” Lance chided.
Alan raised his hands in the air “am I jumping and hollering?” He sardonically asked his brother “I am empathetic, I understand the weight of such a loss, but you, you’re acting as if you knew the princess.”
Lance squirmed, looking down at his cup as he recalled that night, feeling sick as he recalled the sound of her leg crumbling beneath his foot.
“I was one of the many that were appointed the duty of finding her,” he quickly excused, twas no lie “I am only dismayed that we had not found her sooner.”
Alan pursed his lips at his brother, resting a hand on his shoulder “You’ve been appointed an impossible task brother, for in no way does a girl survive a world like this alone,” he explained, trying to meet his brothers avoidant gaze “as bad as this may sound, I am thankful for your failure in your search, gods know I am not ready to mourn you and father yet brother.”
Lance felt a cold roll through him as he recalled hearing what had become of Mychael, felled by the hands of the Rogue and cruel Prince. Face caved in by his own helm. Lance swore he could still smell the coppery blood that had seeped and dried into the floor's surface.
“Why father and I?” he frowned as he asked, trying to forget the terrible fate of his superior.
Alan did well to hide his chuckle “Gods know his old heart would not be able to take it.”
A weak smile cracked the sombre expression on Lance's face, bowing his head as he shook it. 
Alan smiled at his brother, happy to see him smiling. He then hesitantly offered “I will be returning to Honeyholt after this, I had hoped you would join me, there is a place for you at my side, as my guard if you so wish to keep your sword and armour.”
Lance pondered his brother's offer, before recalling a task he had yet to fulfil “as thankful I am for the kind offer, I’ve still much to do here.”
Alan frowned, dismayed by his brother's answer “what else do you have to do?”
“Tis a difficult task to explain,” Lance said.
Alan breathed out a heavy breath through his nose, worry etched upon his brow as he whispered “tis not safe for you here, the dragons thirst for a toy to play with, and knights seem to be their favourite.”
Lance frowned, he would not deny the inkling of fear that had existed within him, but it was not enough for him to forget his mission. One appointed to him by the very man, who he owed his life to. He took his fathers cup and left his brother to continue his protests behind him.
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Alicent moved through the ground, the desire to leave this suffocating room growing so great. She felt the room's judging eyes bore into her as she lifted her seventh cup of wine to her lips. Her composure fraying at its seems as she shrunk beneath their stares. 
Do they know? She would ask herself, do they know of my prayers, do they know of the vengeance I had pleaded from the father?
A sudden breeze came from beside her and she froze, feeling the discomforting presence of a looming Larys. 
“Such tragedy…” he spoke, a note of pity in his often unnerving indifferent voice “such potential… wasted,” he went on, pursing his lips as he reminisced “she was a favourite of my late brother’s.”
Alicent tensed shuddering as she felt her hands go cold, downing another gulp of her wine to feel some warmth.
“I can only imagine what must have happened…” He nonchalantly trailed off playing with the handle of his staff.
Her eyes snapped to look towards him, a shuddered breath leaving her parted lips as she recalled their ominous exchange on the ship returning from Driftmark “you didn’t…”
He frowned, as though offended. “I would do no such thing my queen, your wishes have not lowered themselves to such depravity.”
Depravity, that word had nauseated her.
He watched her face pale, tilting his head credulously as he asked, curiously “have they?”
Her head began to vigorously shake in denial, before quickly making her way back to the kings chair “I shall retire to my chambers for the evening, my king.”
He frowned as he looked up at her, disappointed that she had yet to approach Rhaenyra to express her condolence, he waved her off.
She was quick to leave that room, tears flooding her eyes as she felt Larys’s slimy gaze follow her out of the room.
She felt disgusted.
She ignored the worried look from Ser Criston as he tried to keep up with her as she rushed to her rooms.
Entering she saw her ladies in waiting and roared for all of them to get out, tears already beginning to streak down her face.
She slammed the door behind them and fell against it. Sinking to the ground as she began to sob and cry. She was not depraved, she was a woman of faith, she would wish no such harm to befall a child.
Her palms began to bleed as they gripped the star on her chest tightly, the point of the father, the mother, the maiden and the stranger all piercing her palm. A punishment she would happily take if it would allow her to atone.
Taglist: @takemetotheweirdness @grungegrrrl @paininmyasgard @deadunicorn159
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Finding Home - Eris Vanserra - Part 6
A/N: Enjoy part 6! It's so lovely to have so many positive comments whenever I post! I'm so glad you guys are enjoying this story!
T/W: pregnancy, character death, fighting, talks of blood.
Pregnant, pregnant, pregnant. Those words kept running through Eris Vanserra's head as he winnowed back to the Forest House. He'd smelt the change in you as soon as he'd opened the door to the small cottage in Winter the two of you called home. He was cursing himself for turning and leaving, for not saying one word to you before he left as he strode through the halls of the manor. Gods how he despised this place, his father and brothers and he'd be damned if his child would grow up here, grow up like he did. His child, his. However, he longed for his child to grow up in Autumn, to know the forests and streams, the golden sunrises and sunsets but in his Autumn, not his father's.
He wasn't sure where he was going, just let his feet carry him as his head swarmed. You were his entire world, a world that was about to get bigger. His heart swelled as he thought of you and the babe you now carried, a babe he hoped that would take after its mother, not its father. Despite how you saw him, despite the mask he wore, Eris was a cruel man and he knew it but he would use that, use it to protect the two of you at all costs. For the two of you he would burn the whole court, burn the world and start it anew.
He wasn't sure how or when he'd ended up in his father's chambers, watching the hateful male sleep from the shadows in the corner of the room, if he could think of anything other than you right now he'd laugh at how he was using Azriel's methods of sticking to the shadows but he couldn't. He took three tentative steps towards the bed where his father slept, where his mother was forced to sleep next to the husband she despised. He stopped in his tracks when his mother's eyes opened and met his, she took one look at her son and silently got up from the bed and walked towards him. She took his face in her hands and looked him right in the eyes and gave him a look that said I know. She brought his head down to her lips and kissed his forehead, much like she did when he was a child.
She watched as he stepped towards his father again and gave no reaction as he brought his right arm down and slashed his father's throat with the dagger he didn't even know he was holding. Beron's eyes shot open, a gurgle escaped his throat and blood spurted like a fountain out of the wound on his neck, showering Eris and his mother in his blood from where they stood. "You deserve this, you deserve to die, I'll be a better father than you ever were." He said, voice cold as ice as his father's chest stopped moving.
Only when they were sure Beron was dead did his mother speak. "Can you feel it? His power?" Eris nodded and his mother bowed to him, to the new High Lord of Autumn. "Why now?" She asked as she took the bloodied dagger from her eldest son. "She's pregnant. I'm going to be a father." Eris said so quietly he wasn't sure if his mother had heard, but she did. "A grandchild?" She beamed at him as he nodded. "You take me to Helion, and then you go back to your mate and you bring her home. You tell the Court I killed your father, you never tell anyone other than Y/N it was you." He faced his mother then. "You'll never be able to come back here." She smiled gently at him. "My love, I don't want too, I've spent so many centuries here, I'd like to live the rest of mine with my mate." He smiled back at her as best he could. "Will he help me? I need him to ward Y/N, so no one knows about the babe until it's safe, until there's no hiding it anymore." His mother took his hand. "I'll go and speak to him, tell him what's happened, you go to her." She kissed his forehead again and winnowed away to her new life.
Your eyes were sore and you had no tears left to cry as you stared out of the front window of the cottage into the Winter that surrounded your cottage, there wasn't much to be seen, it was the middle of the night and your heart was aching for Eris. You wanted him to come home, to be with you, to celebrate the new life that was growing inside of you, but he left, hadn't said a word. Did he not want this? It was sooner than you had planned and there was the issue of his father but you thought, at least for tonight, he would be overjoyed. You sighed as you stood and walked into the kitchen to make yourself a tea, Blaze never more than three steps behind you.
You stopped in your tracks in the archway to the kitchen as the front door opened, a cold gust blowing through the house. Pivoting on the spot a small gasp escaped you when you faced your mate, who was covered in blood. The usually impeccably put together male disheveled. You took three strides towards him. "It's not mine. The blood." He croaked out as he fell to his knees in front of you. "Who's is it?" You asked gently as you peered down at him. "My father's. I killed him. He's gone." His eyes met yours and much like his mother had, you bowed to him. His hands reached towards you, finding their home on your hips. "You're having our child." A fact, not a question but you nodded anyway. "I know that it's not what we planned but-" He cut you off by placing a small kiss on your stomach and then he gave you a dazzling smile, the one you'd imagined him giving you when you told him. "I'm sorry I left, love. I should've said something. I hate myself for it but I needed to deal with my father before I let this be real." You joined him on the floor. "I understand. But I'm still upset about it." He nodded. "You have every right to be, love." You kissed him then and asked "You want to do this with me then? Have a baby?" He grinned. "More than anything." You couldn't help but grin back. "As you wish, High Lord." He groaned. "Don't call me that, the last time you called me that, this happened." He breathed out as his hand affectionately ran across your stomach.
"I need to go back to Autumn in the morning, to deal with my father's death. My mother and Helion will be coming here tomorrow, he's going to ward you, so no one will find out about the babe until we are ready for them to know." You rolled your eyes at him, overprotective male. "Then we will go to the Night Court, see if Rhys can tell, if he can't, then you can come home, we can have our mating ceremony and you will be crowned alongside me, as High Lady if you wish it." You kissed the tip of his nose. "I just want you, Eris, title or no title. If calling me High Lady makes you happy then that's what we'll do."
Helion and Eris' mother arrived the next day as promised. His mother wrapped you in the kind of hug you'd never received from your own mother and Helion was grinning at you like a fool. "Congratulations, little lady." You grinned right back at him as your hand subconsciously found its home on your stomach. "Shall we do this then?" He asked and you nodded at him. You didn't feel any different when he was finished but neither of them could smell you unless you allowed them too. Eris' mother hugged you once more. "You'll be a better Lady of Autumn than I ever was." You smiled at her. "You'll be a wonderful Lady of Day, where you belong."
Eris returned later that afternoon, a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hand. "Are you ready, love?" He asked, referring to the trip to Night to see if Rhys could break through the ward Helion had placed on you. "I want them to know, when we've figured out if Rhys can get through the ward. I'd like to tell them." You told him as you took the flowers from him and kissed his cheek. "Of course love, whatever you want." You took a deep breath and took his hand. "Let's go."
Cassian and Azriel were the first to greet you. Arms across their chests. Rhys winnowed in behind them, his usual cocky smirk across his face. "Resorting to murder now, Eris?" Rhys purred, Eris straightened his back, slid his hands into his pockets and shrugged. "It wasn't me." You kept your face as neutral as you could. "Don't lie to me, Eris." Rhys all but snarled, Eris smirked. "I'm not lying, I'm just dealing with the fall out, taking on my new role, you should know all about murdered father's and sudden power, Rhysand." You hadn't noticed Az sidle up beside you, his shadows gently wrapping around your wrists, as if to bind them. Eris said nothing as he turned, he just let out a growl and lunged for the Shadowsinger, protective mate and father instincts taking over. The two were throwing punch after punch as Rhys took your arm and dragged you towards Cassian. The Warlord gave you an apologetic look and murmured. "We won't hurt you." As his big arm wrapped tightly around your chest.
"Enough!" Rhys boomed. Eris was on his knees, his arms pinned behind his back by the Shadowsinger, a feral look in his eyes, thrashing against the hold Azriel had on him as he took you in, pinned to Cassian who had a dagger in his other hand and Eris went limp. "Please." He begged, his eyes darting to Rhys. "Don't hurt her." Rhys smirked. "Who knew it would be this easy to get you to comply." Eris met Rhys' gaze, a desperate look on his face. "Cass, please." You whispered to the illyrian holding you, he looked down at you and you let the ward down, enough for him to smell you and a look of concern and regret flickered across his face. "Rhys-" Cassian started, loud enough for all of them to hear but Rhys was already speaking.
"What really happened to your father?" He asked, looking down at Eris. Your mates eyes shot from you to Rhys and back again. He looked utterly defeated, truly ready to give up everything to keep you and the babe safe. You pushed against Cassian, who to his credit had loosened his grip but only slightly. Eris took this as a sign of you panicking, the rage he was feeling blocking out anything you were trying to send him down the bond. "I killed him." He ground out and Rhys smirk turned into a feline grin. "Let her go." Eris demanded but Rhys shook his head. "I thought we were allies, Eris, the plan was for me to support you when the time came." Eris gritted his teeth. "Plans change." Rhys hummed. "What could've possibly forced your hand?" You pushed against Cassian again to no avail. Rhys looked at you, his talons caressing the shields of your mind and hummed again. "She's warded. Why?" He looked at Eris and then back to you. "She's pregnant." The three Night Court males went still, Cassian released his hold on you as Azriel released his on Eris, your mate was at your side in seconds, checking you for any injuries and you reassured him you were unharmed. He pulled you into his chest and leveled a glare at Rhysand. "Can we talk like respectable males now?" Rhys nodded.
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fandomrulesall-blog · 8 months
Running Scared
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There was a certain pleasure in being the monster covered in darkness. You never have to fear the unknown because you are the unknown. You're the shadow in the alleyway; you're the whispers that disappear as the light turns on.
As a human you had been terrified of the darkness, rushing home from the safety of your car to the safety of your home. Leaving the lights on until you reached the end of the hallway even though you knew logically there was nothing there. After all, there's no such thing as monsters. Are there?
Kol had swept into your life like a gentle breeze, unassuming, charming, calm. He was so smart and funny and undoubtedly interested in you. You knew he was different in the way you know when you're in danger. But how could someone so beautiful be so dangerous?
It had been late November when you met, a chill in the air giving a handsome gentleman the opportunity to give you his coat. It was sweet and you had accepted bashfully. His accent music in your ears, was that English? Maybe but it was like no modern English accent you had heard before. He spoke so eloquently, that should have been your first clue that something was amiss. But you ignored it chasing him further into a darkness you mistook for sunshine.
His family had been your second clue that he wasn't normal, they were all so beautiful, but they spoke to you as if you were a servant. You saw it as overprotective siblings or perhaps because they were so rich that a lower-class girl like you simply wasn't worth their time. But that coldness in their eyes didn't grow from money. Rebekah was so cruel to Kol; you should have minded her words a bit more carefully. He had after all cost you your life.
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He sweettalked you into his world no compulsion needed, a smile and an apology the first time you saw the monster attempt to escape his skin. Dark veins and protruding fangs scared you, but sweet apologies and kisses gave you comfort. He could have anyone, and he chose you. You were so special.
He promised you a million lifetimes travelling, loving, exploring. But Kol needed excitement adventure, challenges. You were so sweet, and you loved him, and he loved that you loved him. But Kol was chasing a magic that couldn't be found in your love. He wanted a magic that had been stripped from his veins ripped out of his soul by the one person that was supposed to protect him.
Davina Claire.
She was so sweet and kind and she took him from you. It didn't matter that you waited for him, longed for him to come back from the dead. It didn't matter that you allowed his brother to turn you into one of these monsters in the hope of seeing him again. Because she had the one thing you never could.
So you became the monster in her shadows the hair raised on the back of her neck, you couldn't harm her. How could you harm the one thing that seemed to bring him happiness in his eternal darkness? So sweet Davina had earned herself her own personal monster bodyguard. You guarded her from witches, fought against Klaus, Marcel, even Kol himself. A curse meant to kill the one girl he had truly fallen for stopped by a vampire that couldn't stop loving him.
So, you weren't his muse any longer, you became his savior, his best friend. You protected him, you made connections gained strength and when the time came you hid him and Davina away.
She knew your torment, so she gave you freedom in a way that Kol was too selfish to do. She ran and allowed herself to be safe, so you didn't have to protect her any longer. You could leave with a phone number written down for her to call if you were needed.
But all you knew was Kol. All you knew was protecting him. Protecting the ones he loved. Who better to protect than his darling orphan niece? Where better to go than a school of children running scared who needed her to keep them safe.
No more running.
No more hiding.
You would teach the monsters that hid in the dark to revel in the sunshine. And if a certain headmaster there seemed to need an awful lot of protection lately, well who were you to deny yourself happiness?
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draguta · 8 months
.a court of fate and fortune | thirty-six.
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pairing: lucien vanserra x fem!reader
summary: | book two | lovers separated, powers that won't be controlled, a doomed wedding. with the threat of war looming over prythian, lucien, Y/N, tamlin, and rhysand's inner circle must scramble to find allies and prepare themselves for what is to come. but Y/N only has one aim; to find her way back to lucien, and protect him at all costs.
chapter warnings: canon level violence
chapter word count: 3480
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City Under Siege
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The music and rowdy laughter seemed to seep through the very stone bricks of that castle. Lucien’s heart was in his throat as he walked down the winding hallways toward the source, the labyrinth-like layout of the King of Hybern’s home making it almost impossible for him to find his way around. He’d had a swirling nausea in his stomach in the days since they had arrived in Hybern, and had done his best to keep to himself, locked away in the chambers he had been given - even the rooms here were cold and void of any comfort. There were no personal touches, nothing to suggest that this was, in fact, a home and not just a castle, only the blank walls and stone floors and cruel residents. But he couldn’t, not that night, not when the King of Hybern himself had requested his presence alongside the High Lord of Spring.
A party, the messenger had informed him, in honour of their new alliance.
But Hybern was so much like another court he had once been forced to endure living in. A court under a mountain, ruled by a ruthless self-titled High Queen, one who had stolen his eye from him. Who had nearly taken his life. Who had broken the female he loved over and over again.
Of course, Amarantha had been from here, he had to remind himself. She had grown up in Hybern, had been trained by the King himself, had been his greatest General. It made sense that their courts would be so terrifyingly similar, even if the comparison made him sick to his stomach.
The King’s throne room was packed full of people, music wafted from a small minstrel band in the corner, bodies pressed together, dancing without a care in the world. Barbaric laughter echoed from the walls, barked by males who held no respect for the social expectations of a King or High Lord’s court. As he pushed his way through the crowd, he saw those same brutes of men - large with pale skin and dark, hollow eyes - grabbing at the maids that served them, touching them in places that made him grimace. So similar to the treatment of Y/N Under the Mountain. So similar that he had to force himself forward, stop himself from turning around and making those males pay for their depravities.
Tamlin was already hovering at the side of the King’s throne, and the King himself lounged back in that throne of bones, watching the revelry with an almost neutral boredom written across his face. His eyes lit up for just a moment as Lucien approached, but he ignored the King, eyes settling on Tamlin who offered him a low nod as he took a place on the dais beside the High Lord. His eyes fell on Ianthe, flirting and batting her eyelashes at what seemed to be a Commander in Hybern’s army, close to the edge of the dais; he didn’t miss the way her eyes flickered up to the King every so often, as if waiting for him to notice her and extend to her the same invitation to stand by him as he had to Lucien and Tamlin.
But it was a loud clap that sounded through the throne room, silencing the talking and laughter and music in a second as all eyes fell to Hybern. He didn’t even bother to rise from his throne - didn’t even sit up and straighten his spine as he addressed the Fae of his court.
“Today is a day to remember!” The King called in an unmodulated tone. “Today we embark on an alliance with the Spring Court, who will help steer us to the victory that is rightfully ours!”
A sneering cheer came from the crowd, and Lucien tensed at Tamlin’s side as the King rounded on them, his grin snake-like and foul.
“A gift for you,” he crooned, extending a hand to the door to his right. It opened, and a moment later two of Hybern’s guards appeared, a female gripped between them. She thrashed and fought, but the guards were stronger than she was tenfold, pushing her to her knees before the King, who smirked in what Lucien could only assume was glee.
Lucien was thrown back to that day Y/N was taken Under the Mountain, thrust in front of Amarantha for the first time, when she had just been mortal. The day that he had lost his eye, and lost Y/N in one fell swoop.
“Perhaps you don’t know Merida,” the King snarled. “She only works in the kitchens after all.” Lucien tried not to snarl at the insinuation, his mind immediately flashing to Alis, insulted by the insinuation that she was any less because of her occupation. “Well, Merida here has been selling information to the enemy, haven’t you?”
“W-What?” The female Fae before him stuttered, glancing from the King, to Tamlin, to Lucien, and back again. She was pretty, Lucien thought, young with porcelain-like skin. “I-I never, Your Highness!”
“Don’t even try lying,” the King hissed, taking a step down the dais, closer to her. She looked so frail before him, so fragile and feeble. “My guards have told me that they caught you trying to flee, with a notebook filled with detailed outlines of our plans in your bag. How did you get that information? Did you eavesdrop?”
“N-No!” The female blanched. “I didn’t, I swear! I was going to the market to collect an order of venison for the kitchens. P-Please, Your Highness! I never did anything wrong!”
“Enough!” The King’s outburst rippled in waves of malice throughout the room. Every person there was silent, not a single word uttered, barely a breath exhaled. “You are a traitor to your people, to your Kingdom, and you will pay the price for it.”
One flick of his wrist had the female screeching - screaming in a way that made Lucien’s blood run cold. He wanted to run to her, to help her, to stop the King’s barbaric torture…but he couldn’t. Not now they’d made their alliance, not when the safety - the very life - of Y/N hung in the balance.
“P-Please!” The female screeched, her voice cracking and breaking from the pressure of whatever unholy pain was embedding itself into her body. She hunched over, her bound hands still tied behind her back, making it impossible for her to hold herself up as she crashed to the floor, writhing and thrashing on the floor in a futile attempt to fight off the pain. But it was internal, Lucien knew, and there was no fighting it, no getting rid of it. Not unless the King made the decision to stop. “Please!”
Her face turned a startling shade of red as the pressure within her grew too much. It was then that Lucien did the only thing he could think of, the only thing that he could do that wouldn’t jeopardise their alliance, or put his life at risk. He prayed.
“Cauldron save her,” he uttered under his breath, quiet enough that no one would hear him besides Tamlin. The High Lord shot him a glare from the side of his eye, but after a moment, Lucien was sure he heard the whispers of his friend mingle with his own. “Mother hold her, guide her to you. Let her pass through the gates; let her smell that immortal land of milk and honey. Let her fear no evil. Let her feel no pain. Let her enter eternity.”
And then the female drew her last breath, the veins in her forehead and neck bulging, her eyes an alarming purple, and her body fell limp to the floor.
The crowd, much to Lucien’s disgust, cheered. His lips curled up in anger, but he kept it inside. He didn’t want to end up like that female - Merida. Her name had been Merida.
The King swung back to them in a flamboyant flip, a poisonous smile on his conniving face. “And one more gift for our new allies.” He spoke with a low voice, one that didn’t carry over the raucous cheers of the crowd. And when the King uttered his next words, his eyes turning to Lucien with a harsh smile, he realised it was because these words were meant only for the two of them. “My forces are already on the way to the Night Court. That city of theirs will be dust before sunset.”
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Two days passed since the meeting with the Mortal Queens - since receiving the second half of the Book of Breathings. Rhysand had disappeared to Hewn City in accompaniment of his cousin to return the Veritas Orb and ensure Keir was preparing his forces for the upcoming war almost immediately after, and had left you with little explanation of what was happening. Feyre had simply muttered something about how you, “should’ve been more present”, before Azriel had returned you to the House of Wind.
That night had been spent sitting before the fire, tea filling your cup rather than wine, as Azriel debriefed you on everything you had missed. On the trip that Rhysand and Feyre had made to the Summer Court, and Feyre’s training, how they had honed the powers that she possessed from all seven courts. He explained about Keir and Hewn City, as well as the Darkbringers, which Rhysand hoped to utilise in the war. The Illyrians in the mountains who would form an aerial force against your enemies. How Hybern reportedly had his hands on the fated Cauldron - the one that so many had thought simply legend - and planned to use it against you.
His face had been taut with concentration as he had explained - as he had gone through every detail that he thought might be salient for you to know. And the Book of Breathings, the key to destroying the Cauldron, was in Amren’s hands, the code that would decipher the spell to hinder the Cauldron useless entirely still not cracked. Yet still, you and Azriel hypothesised, theorised, about what was to come. He talked you through battle strategies that he was planning to discuss with Cassian, spoke so fervently about how exactly they intended to win the upcoming battles. Discussed with you intel that he hoped to gather to help in the plan.
“And where exactly will I be placed during these battles?” You asked one afternoon. The pair of you were sitting in the slithering sunrays that trickled along the cobblestones like liquid gold, reminiscent of the Sidra that flowed only a few streets away. When Azriel had suggested that morning that you head into the city and experience a taster of one of the tea rooms in the Palace of Salt and Bone, you’d been hard-pressed to think of any reason not to. The walk along the Sidra had been a glorious moment of peace amongst the chaos that you had grown so accustomed to, and he’d even allowed you a moment to ponder a dress in the window of a seamstress’ - one of Autumn Court gold.
He paused as he poured himself yet another cup of lemon tea - one of his favourites, he had informed you just before ordering it. His head cocked to the side in confusion, as if he thought the answer should have been plain.
“You’ll be in the camp with Feyre,” he said slowly, hazel eyes scanning your face, gauging your reaction. You blinked once, and then pursed your lips, your brows dropping to a low frown.
“I won’t be on the battlefield?” You asked. Azriel swallowed and shook his head. “I had thought…I thought there would be a place for me within Rhysand’s ranks, if I had wanted it.”
He bit the inside of his cheek. “Well, that’s something you would have to bring up with Rhys,” he countered, resuming the pouring of his tea, although his eyes never left you. “And I’m sure he’ll make the choice your own, but I doubt he’ll be pleased about it, and if Cassian finds out he’s more likely to make sure you stay off the battlefield, rather than on it.”
Your jaw dropped slightly in protest. “So even if Rhys agrees to let me fight, Cassian will still prevent it?” You asked, tone laced with incredulity. “I thought Rhys was the one who made the orders round here.”
“He is,” Azriel said, slightly dejected. “But Cassian is the General of Rhysand’s armies. When it comes to you, Rhysand would never order Cassian to do something he’s uncomfortable with, and having you on the battlefield - someone that we all care about - would definitely make Cassian uncomfortable.”
“Why?” You countered, your confusion palpable. Azriel shrugged, hazel eyes boring into yours as he placed down the teapot and leaned ever-so-slightly closer to you.
“Because he’d be worried about you,” he explained matter-of-factly. “We’d all be worried about you, and we can’t fight to the best of our abilities if we’re too focused keeping an eye on you and making sure you’re not getting yourself killed out there. It’s the same with Feyre, although I don’t think Feyre has any intention of fighting in battle anytime soon.”
You let out a deflated sigh. “Then what the hell have I been doing all this training for if not to fight?”
He fiddled with the signet ring on his left pinky finger, the one that housed the insignia of the Night Court, twirling it round and round just below his knuckle. “To protect yourself,” he stated, face suddenly stern. “We can’t always be there to protect you.”
You bit your lip, your mind suddenly replaying everything the Suriel had told you. ‘In order for the High King’s destiny to come to fruition, you must sacrifice your life on the battlefield in place of his. And his destiny must happen, for the sake of all Prythian.’
You had to find a way onto that battlefield, regardless of if the Illyrian males agreed with it or not. It was your destiny, the reason, you presumed, that you had found your way to Prythian in the first place. There was nothing in this life that would stop you from making that sacrifice - that decision had been made already, whether you felt that you were ready for it or not.
You opened your mouth, ready to find some way of convincing Azriel that you had to fight, that you had to stand on that battlefield, staring down the enemy, no matter what. But it was then that a shiver ran up your spine, silencing your arguments before they had even left your tongue when the wind turned harsh, and the air colder. An alteration in the city around you, a tremor shifting down the river, leaving ripples in its wake.
Your eyes snapped to Azriel, but he was already on his feet, black scaled armour overlapping across his arms and chest, blue Siphons gleaming. “Get back to the House,” was his only command before he was shooting into the air, hovering above the rooftops, scanning the perimeter, seeking out a threat that had not yet come to light.
Your feet pushed you upward out of your seat and toward the river edge, careening over the railing. Your eyes scanned that river, the point where the glistening water met the seamless horizon - there was nothing there. The sky was clear and cloudless, the streets lively and vivid as ever, the residents of Rhysand’s hidden city cheerfully going about their day as always. Azriel remained hovering above, and in the near distance you were sure you saw Cassian doing the same, swooping low over the streets.
Heart beating rapidly, you swallowed down your dry throat, and that was when you saw them. A smudge in the sky straight ahead, coming from the ocean, wings flapping sleekly, cutting through the air with ease as the smudge split into multiples, and continued directly toward the city.
People began shouting then, pointing at those things in the sky, figures that grew and grew, wider and wider, more threatening with every inch they came closer. Pushing yourself from the railing, you dragged your feet across the cobblestones toward the nearest group of onlookers.
“Get inside!” You snapped frantically at them. “Get inside now, and take as many people as you can. Spread the word. Get to safety.”
“What is it?” One female said, dark midnight blue eyes widening at your panicked demeanour. Your eyes flashed back to the oncoming threat, breathing in a calming breath through your nose.
“Nothing good.” You hiked up your skirt, turning from them, shouting over your shoulder, “Go, now!”
The restaurants and cafés of the Palace of Salt and Bone whizzed past as you ran; the patrons and customers there seemed to sense the danger, perhaps from your frantic run, or those behind you who shouted to hide. To get to safety.
Safety. That wasn’t where you were going. You wouldn’t cower and hide, not this time. You circled through the streets, warning as many people as you could, until you reached that little tea room once again. The pot of lemon tea sat cold on the outside table, the chocolate torte that Azriel had bought for you untouched. But it was neither of these that caught your eye, but rather the glint of the meat knives on the next table, abandoned by the customer who had ordered venison for their lunch and scrambled to find sanctuary before even having their first bite. Two knives, sharp enough to cause some damage if used properly, but small. They would have to do, with no signs of any swords in any of the shops nearby.
A feral shriek sounded from somewhere further to the heart of the labyrinth of city streets. The arrows - they were shooting arrows from those flying creatures above down into the streets. The sky shone in bright bursts of red and blue as Azriel and Cassian’s Siphons bounced arrows back and away from the streets. But it wasn’t enough, you knew, to shield everyone.
A wall of red encased the city border where the streets met the ocean - Cassian on the far side, near the Rainbow of Velaris, guarding his home with everything he had. But those flying creatures - reminiscent of that nightmarish creature named the Attor that you had encountered Under the Mountain - lunged for it, pushing and reaching through it, battling with their every might to reach this city. Another wall of red, pushing some of those forces back, but the majority remained even as those that peeled away from the shield rained hell upon the city outskirts, the screams of those left outside of Cassian’s shields echoing even to your own ears from so far away.
You began running, not back to the safety of the city, nor the mountain that housed the House of Wind where you would no doubt be safe. Not even in the direction of Rhysand’s townhouse that would provide some semblance of safety. Rather, your feet began running directly toward that shield, down the path that paralleled the river. Azriel’s bellow of your name could be heard above the chaos, but you ignored it. You kept running, faster and faster, breaths coming out in pants, just as a gaping hole ripped open at the centre of the shield of red and Hybern’s legions leached through.
A swarm passed through that hole, like ants bursting from their nest, and each one carried with them a soldier of Hybern, each of them wielding a weapon that promised imminent death to whomever came into contact with it. Each street turned to a blur as you hurtled past them, one by one, and caught glimpses of Hybern Soldiers dropping to the cobblestones, weapons at the ready. The thuds of their heavy boots ricocheted down the spiralling streets. I tried to ignore the blood that splattered up my legs with every step, the trickles running between each stone. Even the air smelt of death and decay.
I reached the end of the street and hurtled around the corner - there was no intention in my mind of where exactly I was going, I simply had to be there, to defend this place as Cassian and Azriel were doing. Defend these people against the anguish that the enemy had brought upon them.
It was a few moments before you realised where you had found myself; the alley that homed Rita’s. But it wasn’t that little bar where you had spent so many days wallowing in your own misery that your eyes landed on, but rather the landlord of that establishment. Rita was stood on the front step of her bar, a fire poker in her hand raised up in front of her, the pointed end jabbed in the direction of four Hybern soldiers, their eyes gleaming with greed and hunger.
One deep breath, and you lunged.
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Complete: | @loveshineslikethesky | @elleclairez | @lostpirateinwonderland | @judig92 | @old-enough-to-know-better73 | @atrashsith | @chanaaaannel | @dream-alittlebiggerdarling
Lucien Vanserra: | @luna-foxglove | @lumos-barnes | @cumuluscranium | @dreamlandreader | @enrichmenttimeinmyenclosure | @rachelnicolee | @callmelovergirl | @lucifersnipnips |
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aegor-bamfsteel · 2 years
What do you think about Selyse Baratheon? Sometimes she gives me vibes of Cersei and Lysa.
I’m a fan of Stannis, but even I know that he treats her terribly, and he wouldn’t have been better to a “more attractive”, more pleasant, more fecund wife. You thinking of Lysa/Cersei makes sense because she’s an unpleasant person trapped in a loveless marriage, which helps show why Selyse is how she is (this is one of the strengths of the main series, how even minor characters have context for their actions). The difference between Lysa/Cersei is that not only is Selyse never attractive (men go out of their way to mock her facial hair, and she never has a loved one that softens her character), but she doesn’t matter as much. Cersei is queen and Lysa is Hand’s wife, daughters of Lord Paramounts, both of them become regents, both of them have sons they spoil; meanwhile, Selyse is the niece of a Florent, only chosen as a bride because Jon Arryn wanted to curb Tyrell power. Marriage to a king’s brother is supposed to be a great triumph for her…except the king deflowered her cousin in her marriage bed, she’s lady of an inhospitable island with few followers, her husband is more interested in ships and smugglers and can hardly stand to touch her, so the only child she has with him is a daughter, who had greyscale as an infant. She does the opposite of spoil Shireen, snapping at her to not talk about her cousin to Val, sending her to her room, kissing her on her unscarred cheek, Shireen wears her hood in her presence curled up away from her…It makes sense that she’d be so taken with the Rhllor religion. Suddenly she matters, her husband is the savior of the world rather than an embittered Master of Ships, all that has gone wrong in her life (Edric’s conception, Stannis’ coldness, her lack of children) can be undone by the right magic words and actions (even child burning). Whereas Cersei/Lysa found comfort in lovers (or pretend lovers), she found her sense of purpose in Rhllor, and thus will hold on to him to the end. She’s a lot more than “crazy lady with fetuses in jars” like the show depicted.
She actually has similarities to Stannis in their uncompromising attitudes and stiffness with people. However, just like Cersei/Lysa, she’s drawn much less sympathetically/impressively than her male counterpart. Petyr is one of the most formidable threats to House Stark in the series with little but his wits/money-making; Lysa is emotionally unstable, easily manipulated, and he kills her halfway through the series once she’s no longer useful to him. Tyrion and Jaime are hailed as two of the best characters in the series because of their complexity, and both are capable of bravery and even some kindness; contrast Cersei, who enables torture, murdered at a young age, is also vain and easily manipulated, runs her regency into the ground in less than a year, etc. GRRM says that Stannis is a righteous man for going North, he believes in meritocracy, and he has the most known victories of any commander in Westeros; Selyse…can you think of any redeeming traits for her? She mocks Cressen, advocates burning a child, wants to let the Hardhome wildlings die (so much for saving humanity), is classist and willfully misunderstands wildling culture, and she brings in the Florents who are incompetent (Imry) or cruel (Axell) leaders. Jon comments that she is always disappointing him. She has none of Shireen’s innocent openness, Stannis’ accomplishments and vision, Davos’ honesty and loyalty, or even Melisandre’s powers and showmanship. She’s repeatedly demeaned for her looks (as Lysa and later Cersei are), and I don’t think she’s made a sensible political decision in the series. But she doesn’t even have the “must protect my child at all costs” motivation of Lysa and Cersei, who do love their kids as more than just heirs to a seat, and took desperate actions to defend them. Maybe some of the ASOIAF theorists are right and she will show some love for Shireen at the end, giving her life trying to protect or avenge her, in a somewhat positive character twist.
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missingn000 · 9 months
Chapter 45 was so great! ✨️
The dynamic between Sukuna and Yuuji in TPG is so special to me.💖 I love the way you write it so much!✨️ Sukuna caring for Yuuji but being unable to show it to him (or anyone). The fact that he gave him a nice dream (that Yuuji probably saw as a taunt, some kind of "You'll never be this happy again" if he even figured out it's from Sukuna at all).
Yuuji trying to hide how much he suffers from his family (poor baby😔) is so sad yet so in character.
I love how Nanami tries to understand Sukuna and talks to him in order to help Yuuji. Like, it's not easy, Sukuna has the attitude of a feral cat that thinks it's God. Every single conversation he's a part of is painful for everyone involved (including himself), but Nanami still tries despite it all.
"I'll make the world hate me more than I hate myself." Sukuna is so lucky (or unlucky) that Nanami did not figure that one out.
"Have you ever considered that not caring is indeed possible, just not for you?" Nanami called him out so hard with this one.
Kenjaku get hit in the head with a brick challenge. I can't imagine being over 1000 years old and spending my time stalking a random family in order to ruin their lives and also to keep ruining the life of some dude (Sukuna). There is being a hater and there is whatever Kenjaku has going on.
Choso!✨️ The fact that he woke up and asked about his brothers before anything else is so cute and also so devastating at the same time (having no identity outside of being the oldest brother who must protect the younger ones must be tough) (but also how could he even have an identity outside of that, he was stuck in a tube in some basement).
Poor guy is not even 1 second old and is already experiencing gaslighting😔.
Uraume!🎉 Not here yet, but they're mentioned at least. "I love a bitch with a real frozen heart." Once Uraume appears is anyone gonna make a connection between the ice gremlin and every time Sukuna mentioned his love for the cold/ice? Because he does that in almost every chapter since he appeared. He said he loves them. King of not being subtle at all✨️.
I can't believe Yuki and Toji were this close to making it official only for Kenjaku to drop the "both of your ex wives died". Wow.
Yuki!💖 I love her so much! Her desire to be seen by Maki and Gojo as a mom, wanting to be called "mom" by them... It's very sweet, but also devastating knowing how much it hurts that both of them didn't tell her about Maki not being Toji's daughter.
The fact that Choso just approaches her and is like "prepare to die", but then has to remember why he is supposed to kill her💀. He is so funny without meaning to.
"This is for Riko." Wow, Kenjaku really went there. This is so unnecessarily cruel. He can act all he wants like his goal is to prove a philosophical point, but his actions are waaay past that. Tormenting Kuroi while wearing Riko's face, gloating to Wasuke, this whole thing just now... He must enjoy it to a certain extent, even if he doesn't want to admit it.
Poor Kashimo being stuck in that horrible work environment.😔 All they wanted was to fight Sukuna, but now they are discovering feelings and have to deal with Kenjaku on a daily basis.
HIII I AM SO HAPPY YOU LIKED IT 💞 god yeah yuuji and sukuna are SO devastating huh. it's like watching a tragedy play out every time they interact. yuuji tries to hide how much he suffers, while sukuna disguises his suffering as cruelty and malice, and the one person to whom he occassionally shows the truth both doesn't believe him and doesn't care. nanami's curious, but it's closer to morbid curiosity -- like driving past a burning car on the highway and looking to see who's dying inside, even though you know it'll upset you. those three all make me so insane.
I AGREE, FUCK KENJAKU MAN. he's so cruel and for what?? it's such casual cruelty too, which makes it so much worse.
chosoooo! he has arrived!! but at what cost lol. he cares so much about his brothers and has constructed his identity solely around that. which is a major theme of the upcoming fight!!
URAUMEEEE<3 im glad you caught the reference lol. sukuna is so fucking funny, bro is not being subtle at all with his love declaration yet no one has a clue wtf he's talking about, like always. the most undersharing oversharer in the history of time.
tojiyuki omg ikr ;__; so close and yet so far. stay tuned for more developments with them!!
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Reiji Maniac [08]
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ー The scene starts outside of Eden
Reiji: ...
Ruki: ...Wait. Where are you going? 
Reiji: ...On a short trip to the human world. I can count on you to look after Eden, correct? 
Ruki: I heard everything. ...Are you going to save them? 
Reiji: ...While they might be hopeless idiots, I figured it would be rather unethical of me to watch as they are slaughtered. 
...If the opponent is a resident of the human world, I should be able to deal with them using my powers. There is no reason I should have to offer them something in return. 
Ruki: You sound rather confident. 
Reiji: I am more powerful now than ever before.
Ruki: Hooh...?
Reiji: Do you not believe that those whose actions are not merely calculated should be taken care of sooner rather than later? 
For example...Imbeciles who let themselves get swayed by their emotions in particular. 
Ruki: ...I see. It appears to me that you want to prevent Eve from seeing her Father at all costs. 
Very well. I will go to the human world in your place.
Reiji: You?
Ruki: If you leave now, you won’t be able to protect Eden or the Vampire race. 
Eden responds to your powers after all. 
Reiji: ...
Ruki: Besides, what are you going to do about her?
Reiji: ...For now, I was not going to take her with me. 
Ruki: I believe it is way too reckless to go to enemy territory unarmed now that they have already threatened you. I have no words for this. 
Reiji: ...Allow me to tell you my reasoning. ...This story is related to father. 
Ruki: What does he have to do with it? 
Reiji: ...Since I came here, I have gotten an opportunity to witness the decay of Eden with my own eyes. 
I realized that its current situation is the result of Eden’s response to certain feelings I harbor inside my heart. 
Ruki: ...What are you trying to say? 
Reiji: Hypothetically speaking...If those wishing to wield these powers are not allowed any shifts in their emotions or even be emotionally moved at all. 
Then perhaps one is not allowed to experience feelings of sadness, nor love towards another individual...That is what I thought. 
I vividly remember the coldness in Father’s eyes as he would never outwardly express emotions towards any of the things occurring around him, but instead turn his back towards them. 
I am sure you do as well? 
Ruki: You do have a point...If that is the case...Then perhaps everything he did makes sense. 
However, if that’s the case, then you will also...
Reiji: ...I have come to realize that this condition is incredibly respectable and logical. 
Attaining power equals becoming God. 
While God is endlessly benevolent, he can be incredibly cruel as well. I suppose that is what allows him to govern over the World. 
To rid yourself of all personal, trivial emotions and no longer allow yourself to be affected by them...Might be a condition to become God. 
It is rather ironic considering learning to love was one of the conditions to become Adam. 
However, these powers I inherited from Father are irreplaceable...Therefore, it is my duty to learn to master them. 
Ruki: Then are you perhaps saying...That you want to accept everything and become God? 
Reiji: ...
I told you I was hypothetically speaking, remember? Please do not take my words too seriously. 
Ruki: ...I see. Everything finally makes sense now.
You have decided to push her away...in order to become a God capable of wielding those powers. As the one who was gifted them by that man. 
Reiji: ...You can assume whatever you want.
ー The scene shifts to the garden
Yui: ( I’ll get some fresh air. )
( ...Those are... )
ー The scene shifts back to the outside of Eden
Yui: ( Reiji-san and Ruki-kun...I wonder what they’re talking about? )
ー Yui walks up to them
Yui: Um...
Ruki: ...Aah, it’s you. 
Reiji: ...
Yui: ...Are you going to the human world? 
Reiji: Yes, exactly. 
Yui: ( He’s going to rescue the others, right? Thank god. But... )
→ Keep quiet
Yui: ...
( Since he didn’t mention anything about this to me...He wants to go by himself, right? )
( I wonder what his plans are? )
( If it comes to a full-on war between him and the people in the human world... )
( Will Reiji-san and Father have to fight? )
( ...That’s just too sad. I can feel tears welling up just thinking about it. )
→ Stop him (❦)
Yui: ( He’s going to leave me behind here, right? But, then...I’m sure somebody will get hurt. )
( I don’t care what he says...I just don’t want this! )
Reiji-san, wait!
Reiji: Why?
Yui: I...don’t want that. So...Don’t go, please...!
( ...Tears are welling up, I’m having a hard time speaking... )
Reiji: ...I won’t do anything for now. I simply want to scout out their moves. 
Yui: ...Really? 
Reiji: Yes. Of course, only if the Church does not decide to strike before that.
Yui: They would ne...!
Reiji: ‘Never’? Can you say that with confidence? 
Yui: ( ...I’m pretty sure I shouldn’t try to defend Father now. )
( Besides, can I say that they would never? ...I shouldn’t make claims based solely on my own hopes. )
( If I do...I’ll just get called a hypocrite again. )
Reiji: ...You swallowed your words? A fine decision. 
Yui: ...
Reiji: However, I have decided to have Ruki go in my place this time. 
Yui: Eh...?
Ruki: Exactly. Although I’m not sure if I’ll be able to meet your expectations. 
Reiji: I am counting on you. 
Yui: ( It being Ruki does not change anything. ...I want to have faith, but it will be too late after something happens. )
Reiji: Well then, you will be heading back with me. 
Yui: ...Okay.
Reiji: Lift your face. 
ー Reiji takes a look at her
Reiji: I cannot believe you would show yourself in front of me with red, puffy eyes like these...
Yui: I’m sorry...
Reiji: ...If all I’m capable of is causing you grief, then perhaps it is time to end this...
Yui: Eh...?
Reiji: ...No, nothing.
I followed behind (背中) Reiji-san while taking a deep breath,
in an attempt to calm my nerves. 
He’s right there, yet feels so far away. 
It’s those things which one by one,
continue to bring tears to my eyes. 
After asking him, I was informed that Ruki-kun
had headed towards the human world alongside Yuma-kun. 
I can only pray everything goes well (何事もなければ) and nobody will get hurt. 
I wonder if I feel this way,
because I’m but an ignorant, shallow-minded human? 
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tattiqyz · 6 months
Pov: Mary could not save her son from a cruel fate. Part 1.
When Nathaniel was first born, a whirlwind of conflicting feelings blossomed in Mary's soul. The first look at her son brought excitement and delight, creating incredible warmth in her heart. She hugged his small body with care, as if he were the most fragile treasure in the world.
The feeling of joy from the new life was mixed with tenderness and pride. Mary felt like a mother for the first time, and the experience was magical for her. Her eyes sparkled with inexpressible joy as she held her baby in her arms.
However, this joy also aroused anxiety. She was afraid of doing something wrong, worried about the future of her son. A sense of responsibility and uncertainty awoke with every cry and smile. But despite all these mixed emotions, tenderness and love for little Nathaniel flickered in Mary’s eyes, who became a bright point in her world.
However, even with Nathaniel's arrival, a shadow of fear lurked in Mary's heart. The glances at her son alternated with moments of concern: “Will I be able to protect him from all the difficulties of this world?” With each of his cries, it was as if a new wave of anxiety arose in her soul, as if she were capable of worrying about his well-being.
Fear was inextricably linked with the presence of her husband Nathan. There was a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes, a fear that the dark shadows of his past might influence the future of their little world. Doubts ebbed and flowed as she looked at her son, wondering about Nathan's ability to be a caring father.Thus, amid the joy of motherhood, there awoke the anxiety that the winds of uncertainty might disturb the serenity and security that she sought to provide for her baby.
Over time, Mary became a fierce protector of her son, using more forceful and brutal methods. Instead of displays of maternal tenderness, she began to build walls of cold determination around Nathaniel, as if preparing for battle in advance.
She actively used her knowledge to scare Nathan away and create an impenetrable barrier around her son.
The mother, who had turned into a fierce protector, began to show a severity towards Nathaniel that gave her protective measures a more ruthless flavor. She began to aggressively monitor his every move and take extremely drastic measures to avoid any potential risk.
Mary's eyes, devoid of the tenderness that was once inherent in motherhood, have become the instrument of a stern gaze that does not tolerate any concessions. Her actions became not only protection, but also a method of strict education. She tightened her control, as if molding her son according to her rigid idea of ​​security.
Mary used not only physical, but also emotional pressure to achieve compliance. Her defense became a tough and sometimes ruthless strategy, where the line between defense and dominance became thin and blurred. In this cocktail of rigidity and control, her son felt not only protection, but also the shadow of his mother’s ruthless power.
Mary, locked in a fierce determination to protect her son, became a ruthless guardian.She began to justify her rude actions under the guise of inevitable necessity, creating an atmosphere of strict submission around Nathaniel.
Her words became like a stone castle, protecting her son from the outside world. Mary did not admit weakness or doubt, arguing that cruelty was a necessary measure for his well-being. She became judge and executor rolled into one, imposing her will on her son in the name of protection.
Inside this bunker of rigid defense, Mary seemed to lose all sense of proportion, taking her defense to the extreme. In her quest to provide security, she often forgot that it was also important to provide freedom and opportunity for growth. This form of protection brought with it not only safety, but also a cost in the form of restrictions and emotional distress for her son.
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divine-donna · 1 year
are you on the square?
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as i wrote in an earlier post, here is a shitpost about which ghost songs i’d assign to the hotd cast. i am a massive ghost fan outside of hotd and have written my fair share of fics. :)
all of these songs tend to have catholic references (as is the nature of ghost). but some of them fit really well with ghost especially since the faith of the seven is based off of christianity.
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ser criston cole
from the pinnacle to the pit - meliora
in reference to criston soiling his white cloak, the man quite literally has a fall from grace. which i find aligns with the imagery present in this song since it involves an angel being cast out of heaven. but unlike the angel, criston has a savior to catch him.
“you are cast out from the heavens to the ground, blackened feathers falling down. you will wear your independence like a crown.”
daemon targaryen
darkness at the heart of my love - impera
daemon loves the people around him. but in a literal sense, his love is tainted. there’s something dangerous about his love (seen with rhaenyra). it’s only befitting to give him a song that mirrors the complexity of his love whether it’s love for his wife, for his brother, for his children.
“there’s a darkness at the heart of my love that runs cold, runs deep. the darkness at the heart of my love, so bold, so sweet. and all this time you knew that i would put you through the darkness at the heart of my love for you.”
rhaenyra targaryen
deus in absentia - meliora
deus in absentia is a song that questions the state of the world (and is part of the whole theme of meliora which interrogates a world without god). since rhaenyra has plunged westeros into war, it’s a song that fits with her worldview being challenged and for her to have to interrogate a world without her father.
“you’re so goddamn frail, failing for a change. you had just begun to explore the dark in the urban night. the world is on fire and you are here to stay and burn with me. a funeral pyre. and we are here to revel forevermore.”
alicent hightower
witch image - prequelle
alicent opened pandora’s box when she wore that green dress to rhaenyra’s wedding celebration. and arguably, she is responsible for the death of many people (even if done without her knowledge and whether or not she wanted it to happen). however the woman is willing to do anything to protect her children even at the cost of other lives.
“while you sleep in early delight, someone’s flesh is rotting tonight like no other to you. what you’ve done, you cannot undo. while you sleep in early delight, still your soul will suffer this plight. but like a mother would save her own child from digging a grave.”
aegon targaryen
absolution - meliora
as the oldest son, aegon has responsibilities. he has responsibilities of assuming the throne despite rhaenyra’s position as heir. he hates having these expectations and personally wishes that his sister would ascend faster. the meaning of the word absolution is a formal release from guilt, an obligation, or a punishment. and well, aegon wishes to be free from his obligation as prince.
“ever since you’ve been born, you’ve been dying. every day a little more you’ve been dying. dying to reach the setting sun. as a child with your mind on the horizon, over corpses to the eyes you kept your eyes on, trying to be the chosen one.”
aemond targaryen
spillways - impera
ever since losing his eye, aemond has felt anger and bitterness for most of his waking hours. it never goes away. and it all builds up over the years until it eventually begins to seep out and affect the people around him. it affected vhagar, it affected his mother. and he just lets his emotions continue to fuel his body and soul.
“all your faith, all your rage, all your pain, it ain’t over now and i ain’t talking about forgiveness! all your faith, all your rage, all your pain, it ain’t over now. it’s the cruel beast that you feed. it’s your burning, yearning, need to bleed through the spillways, through the spillways of your soul.”
helaena targaryen
ghuleh/zombie queen - infestissumam
queen helaena is a figure revered amongst the smallfolk. she is beloved by them. they see her as the rightful queen rather than rhaenyra. of course, her death becomes a morale boost for the greens and enhances aegon’s claim. she becomes a figure that lives in the smallfolk’s mind even after her death.
“the moon is full and shines. an evil blinding light. under a monolith, her likeness, marble white. zombie queen! zombie queen! black light guides you. ghuleh! ghuleh!”
jacaerys velaryon
hunter’s moon - impera
when he received news about the death of his younger brother, prince jacaerys swore vengeance on luke’s grave. he swore he would kill aemond. and the dance of the dragons is the perfect time for him to achieve that vengeance. he’s quite literally hunting for aemond.
“it’s been a long time coming, i’m coming back for you, my friend. to where we’d hide as children, i’m coming back for you, my friend. though my memories have faded they come back to haunt me once again! and though my mind is somewhat jaded now, it’s time for me to strike again. tonight, it’s a hunter’s moon!”
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adoiescents · 2 years
My fatal lover
Thomas Shelby x Reader. © adoiescent 2022. reposting or translating is not allowed.
Brown, like the gentle pair of eyes peering at him.
Hesitant, so careful and yet so confusing to read. Was it disappointment, anger, hurt or just an attempt to hide a laugh, that hid in them? Would they follow the moon if a smile drew on her face? The black sea in them, reflected only his shape, not the way his heart flared, or how the hair on his neck reached for the midnight sky. He wanted to see the brown shrink to only a ring of dust, while the black sea would flood her eye.
Brown, like the countless freckles decorating the tan of her skin.
Counting them was impossible, but he would still use every chance he got to follow his mind. He wanted to connect every shape and dot, every curve of brown, and every space between, and draw a map of the sky over it. He wanted to connect the unreachable with each other. She was in physical reach, but her heart had long belonged to the stars of the night. Whatever her face was made and full of, complimented the softer days of vulnerability, made her the one to shield and protect. She was a normal person, but to Thomas Shelby, she was an angel reborn, even if he scoffed at the countless sins she’d been accused of.
He, himself, had called women words full of malice and venom, had thrown gasoline at them, and saw the fire dance in their eyes. Some were brave, some used to it, and others simply turned away.
But with her, he took apologies to those words. He felt sorrow in his heart, and saw her different emotions suppress the one in charge. He saw her up close, far away and saw the version unresponsive to his heartfelt confessions. The one who withered away as soon as the sun set the world in red.
He hadn’t seen her grow, had only seen her hide.
Thomas Shelby was no man of dreams. Everything he ever had the fortune to think of, pulverized before he could reach out. Reach for the stars that were never his, reach for the love that was never his. Thomas Shelby was no loved man. He was an enemy, a son, brother and nephew. He was no lover to the end. All his hands made was war, so why would his longing and care result in anything less brutal?
But she was a star in reach. Gifted with a talent of grace, a dance of theater and stress. She was a storyteller in her core, a girl with little to dream of. Every step told a word of pain, every spin and twirl a frustrating parallel to the life she had. Gray fused with the sky, cold eating away the red of her lips. She was a girl with broken wings, doomed to be the role born to be.
The girl who would dance with bloody feet.
He wanted to reach out, keep her grounded at his level, so no wing would break further. He wanted no lights to turn away from her performance, from the twelve steps of her life. Every single one mattered, just one mistake would cost her both head and wing. She had no hand to reach for. She was alone in a world of wonders, only were the ones in her evening victim to a parasite. It took away her nights and time, took her hands and smashed them to dust. It took her wind and left her to fall. And Thomas Shelby can’t save everyone by a gun and cap. He watched her tumble and fall, and made everyone who dared to watch a dead man.
But now, as she looked for the sea in his eyes, for the warmth in the cruel waters, she saw only a barrel of a gun. Ready to shoot everything in his way, and a fleeting warmth left behind. Comforting people was no memory in his mind, he could offer no more than words of dismissal and a hug colder than the winter on the front lines. He was a winter storm barely contained, suffocating every soul in his reach. And he could only offer a coat of gray to help keep her warm. She knew he could only ever give something he had enough of. Coats were nothing for his pockets, every pound a flaw in on his shoe.
And if there was one thing Thomas Shelby hated, it was the absence of control. Similarities were few to nothing between them. She was warm and brown, her eyes, skin and hair a loyal follower to color. He was cold, eyes ice and skin pale snow. He was unattainable and out of reach, but found her every single time. If there was one thing the two shared, it was their desperation for control. She was nothing without it on the stage, and he was even less in the world, would control not sit on his shoulder.
Perhaps it was cruel of the world to put together the two of them, destined to be always out of reach for the other. Lives they spend separated, but each twirl and gun brought them closer in reach. Every glimpse of death made them smile, a rare insanity for closure and love. Love they could not attain from strangers, from doubtful family, and faraway lovers. They had hatred for every breathing soul and their tumbling actions, but the arrow never reached beyond their control. It never hit their heart, but living on was still filled with blood.
Thomas Shelby would drown in it, while she would tumble and fall. Destined for each others downfall, who still needed love? If love was the sky in their city, hatred was the water they drank. It poisoned them, but would kill them at some point. It was sugary sweet, to see your own death stain your lovers hands. Doomed from birth and first glance, you were a romance novel. To die by hatred or love, by a lack of control, you were a mad man to smile. Steer me right, or kill me now.
Thomas Shelby would only want death, once her return was assured. But he could never kiss her to youth, rub away the purple under her eyes, or scrub on the red of her lips. They were entwined for life beyond death, but what was it worth?
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secondsineternity · 2 years
Marvel Masterlist
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All Over Again - Bucky Barnes doesn’t remember you, but you remember him. So what were you going to do about it? You were going to make your James Buchanan Barnes fall in love with you all over again. [Bucky Barnes/Reader]
asylum. - asylum | /əˈsīləm/ | noun - 1. a protection granted 2. an institution offering shelter and support to people who are mentally ill [Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes/Reader]
The Avengers Go To Court - You, the daughter of a famous defense attorney and chief prosecutor, decide to take Loki’s case as you’ve been growing closer since he’s been back on Earth. With tensions rising, friendships forming and breaking, and surprise co-counseling guests, who will win the trial of a lifetime? [Loki Laufeyson/Reader, Ace Attorney Crossover]
The Beautiful and the Damned - As a young girl, your mother would tell you stories. Tales of a beast and his long-forgotten castle. The stories terrified you as a child, but you had since blossomed into a beautiful young woman. Now, as the fiancé to the cruel and abusive crown prince of the Enchanted Forest, you realize that it hadn’t been just some old folktale- it had been your destiny. [Bucky Barnes/Reader, Once Upon a Time Crossover]
Caught Up - After dating for nearly two years, you and Peter break up. Is there any way to save your fraying relationship before Homecoming? [Peter Parker/Reader, COMPLETED]
A Court of Widows and Espionage - Nesta is not her real name. Velaris is not her home, but she’ll be leaving soon enough. She’ll be going to find her real family, her real home. She’s done hiding, and she’s done running from her past. [Cassian/Black Widow!Nesta Archeron, A Court of Thorns and Roses Crossover]
Father’s Daughter - You’re the daughter of Tony Stark, you’re an inventor with an IQ that can rival your father’s, and you’ve just recently found out that you’re a half-blooded witch. You’re brought into the Order of the Phoenix by Albus Dumbledore to perfect your most recent invention, one that he believes could win the war. [Sirius Black/Stark!Reader, Wizarding World Crossover]
The Games We Play - Marinette Dupain-Cheng: Superhero. Student. Spy. When Agent Cheng is sent on a rescue mission for a woman named Emily Agreste, she is assigned to watch her husband on suspicion of criminal operations, and to protect her son at all costs. [Adrien Agreste/S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent!Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous Crossover]
Genesis - You’re the problem child. The kid that’s been kicked out of every alternative school in the region. The kid that gets in too many fights, despite being born Quirkless. When your adoptive brother Izuku is accepted into U.A. you couldn’t care less, until the day you’ve been kicked out of your latest new school… [Katsuki Bakugo/Scarlet Witch!OC, My Hero Academia Crossover]
Hidden Kingdom - Clara Shostokova is the daughter of the Red Guardian and an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.. As Elizabeth Draper she is just a new citizen of Hearthway Hollow, only she’s in search of a missing girl who’s recently been spotted in the town’s perimeter. Dimitri Kovalevsky is a Russian immigrant and previously feral werewolf who’s been trying to keep on the down low in Hearthway Hollow. The owner of the Hollow’s gun range, he’s seen as terrifying and cold. That is, until he catches a whiff of his mate- a girl who’s new in town. [Original Character/Shostakov!OC, Hearthway Hollow Crossover]
In Time - Tony Stark’s daughter has a strange ability. She can see the moment someone’s life changes- for better or worse- with just a touch, skin to skin. When a chance encounter with Doctor Stephen Strange leads her to see his Moment, she attempts to warn him of his incoming fate. It doesn’t work, of course. [Stephen Strange/Reader]
Justice - My life had always been a series of blurs. I’m a runner. One of my fathers had told me to hit the ground running and never stop for anyone or anything, because if I did there would be too much of a risk that I would never run again. So that’s what I’m doing now. Running. In truth, I’m running for reasons I don’t know yet.What I do know is who I am. My name is Kellarie Justice, and I will never stop running. [Simon Blackquill/SHIELD Agent!Reader, Ace Attorney Crossover]
Married at First Sight - When Sam Wilson is accepted as one of the four grooms on the television show “Married at First Sight”, he wasn’t expecting his audition to take him this for, to get him married at first sight. He wasn’t expecting to fall in love with you at first sight either. [Sam Wilson/Reader, Civilian AU]
Now That I See You - You’ve always been sheltered. By your father, by the Timekeepers, by the walls of the Time Variance Authority. When a new Variant by the name of Loki begins to work with your father, you finally see your way out- and you just might happen to fall in love along the way. [Loki Laufeyson/Reader, Fairytale AU]
Of My Last Love - When Diego Hargreeves returns to the Umbrella Academy to do anything but mourn the loss of his father, he doesn’t expect to nearly be murdered by a Black Widow. Angered, he hunts down the woman who tried to kill him- only to realize he’s loved her for a long, long time. [Diego Hargreeves/Black Widow!Reader, The Umbrella Academy Crossover]
Only You, My Girl - Soulmate marks. Everyone has them, including you. A flame surrounded by your magic rests in the palm of your right hand. The thing about soulmate marks is that only you and your soulmate are able to see them, and for the first time today, you saw your mark on a certain someone else’s body. [Dabi/Scarlet Witch!Reader, My Hero Academia Crossover, Soulmate AU]
The Savior & The Saved - During a drunken night-gone-wrong, you’re saved by none other than Captain America. Problem is, you forgot to ask him for his number. [Steve Rogers/Reader, COMPLETED]
Skye: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. - When Lana Skye receives a not guilty verdict for forging evidence of the SL-9 case, she knows that there is more to it than what it seems. She leaves the country to find that reason with Ema in tow, and it starts a whole new life for the both of them- as Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. [Ace Attorney Crossover]
Soulbonded - Professor-Student relationships are forbidden at Shield & Sword University, not even Soulbonded couples are allowed to date unless the student drops out or the professor resigns. When you walk into Professor Barnes’ history class for the first time, he begins to act… strange. What follows is a likely friendship that blossoms between you and your professor… a friendship that may bloom into something more. [Bucky Barnes/Reader, College AU, 16+]
Stolen - After being held hostage by HYDRA for a year, you are saved by a red-haired angel with a deadly past- and you seem to be in it. [Natasha Romanoff/Reader, 16+]
Thanksgiving - Thanksgiving is coming up, and you and your girlfriends, Natasha and Wanda, have decided to spend the holiday with your family, the Lightwood-Banes. [Natasha Romanoff/Wanda Maximoff/Reader, Shadowhunter Chronicles Crossover]
The Tightly Tangled Web - Lidia Cervos is a name known by none but her most trusted comrades. Black Widow, though, is the name her enemies are too afraid to speak. After a mission gone wrong, Lidia is thrown down a rabbit hole of endless questions, all of which turn into one in the end. Who is the Winter Soldier? [Black Widow!Lidia Cervos/Winter Soldier!Ruhn Danaan, Crescent City Crossover]
To The Grave - You are one of SHIELD’s best stealth operatives, one of the former Russian spies called ‘Black Widows’. As Ms. Sakuma, you are only the first-years of U.A.’s world history teacher. While keeping an eye on three certain U.A. students, you happen to also catch the eyes of two of your co-workers… and that’s not very good for a spy ready to disappear any moment. Not very good at all. [Shota Aizawa/Hizashi Yamada/Black Widow!Reader, My Hero Academia Crossover]
Tough Decisions - College is hard, abusive boyfriends are worse. Can Peter save you before you’re too far gone? [Peter Parker/Reader, College AU, 16+]
Unfiltered - You’re Tony Stark’s secretary and personal assistant- and you’ve got the biggest crush on him. Little do you know, he’s got a bit of a crush on you too. [Tony Stark/Assistant!Reader, COMPLETED]
Whisper - Being a spirit medium brings unwanted guests tagging along wherever you go. What happens when a spirit helps you forge a new friendship- or something more? [Loki Laufeyson/Fey!Reader, Ace Attorney Crossover]
Winning Her Heart - Bucky Barnes makes it his personal mission to win over your heart by the end of your senior year of college. But when a new transfer student catches your eye, feeling and friendships become strained. May the best man win your heart. [Bucky Barnes/Reader, Peter Parker/Reader, College AU]
The Witch and the Banished - Once upon a time, a boy fell in love with a witch, a witch fell in love with a boy, and they lived happily ever after. That’s how the story is supposed to go. Right? [Eddie Munson/Scarlet Witch!Reader, Marvel Crossover]
World Enough and Time - The first time he meets you is not the first time you meet him. [Steve Rogers/Stark!Reader]
Written In Fate and Destiny - Everybody has a soulmate, and it’s not unheard of to have more than one. It’s treasured, prized to have more than one soulmate. You have two. And you feel that it’s the worst thing that could have ever happened to you. [Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes/Reader, Soulmate AU]
XIX - You’re a YouTuber, a Sideman in fact. Unbeknownst to you, your biggest fan is the celebrity you’ve had a crush on for years. [Harrison Osterfield/Reader, Sidemen AU]
Crazy Kind - A spur-of-the-moment vacation leads to something you would’ve never expected. [Peter Parker/Reader]
Family Dinner - After getting home from work, all you want to do is cuddle up with your girlfriend Kate Bishop. But the universe never seems to make life easier for you… with a surprise visit from your sister, your night is turned upside down. [Kate Bishop/Black Widow!Reader]
i may have lost everyone but now i’ve found you - You and Thor have a very messy past. Now you both have the chance to fix it. [Thor Odinson/Stark!Reader, 16+]
In These Arms of Mine - You have a nightmare, and Peter helps you in the best way he can. [Peter Parker/Reader]
Midnight Hour - After finding yourself lost in the Avengers tower, a knight in shining armor comes to your aid. [Vision/Reader]
Play Date - After dropping off your brother Peter at Shuri’s laboratory, you and the King of Wakanda spend some quality time together. [T’Challa Udaku/Parker!Reader]
Sangria - There’s nothing you love more than to make the Black Widow jealous. [Natasha Romanoff/Reader, 16+]
Training - With Kilgrave back on the radar your friend Jessica Jones is determined to teach you self-defense, but all that fighting gets you a little heated in a different way than intended. [Jessica Jones/Reader, 18+]
You Say - Breaking up is never easy. The recovery is even harder. [Peter Parker/Reader, 16+]
Drunk Confidence - You- or moreso Michelle Jones- gets the drunk confidence you need to confess your feelings to Peter Parker. [Peter Parker/Reader, College AU, 16+]
Honey - Peter Parker loves the way your voice sounds like honey. [Peter Parker/Reader]
I Like You - You and your best friend Carol Danvers decide to share a secret for a secret, but yours just might change your relationship forever. [Carol Danvers/Reader]
The Impossible Stars - Shuri asks your brother Thor how to aak you out, and he has the perfect date idea. [Shuri Udaku/Reader]
Kiss the Cook - After a bad day at work, you come home to find your boyfriend Bucky Barnes cooking- or at least attempting to cook- for you. [Bucky Barnes/Reader]
Make Her Jealous - Steve Rogers hatches a plan with Sharon Carter to win your affections, but things don’t go as planned. [Steve Rogers/Reader]
Sleeptalker - Bucky Barnes has an interesting conversation with you while you sleeptalk. [Bucky Barnes/Reader]
A Spoonful of Sugar - Loki takes care of you while you’re sick, even if you don’t want to take your medicine. [Loki Laufeyson/Reader]
Sunset on the Mountaintop - You and Peter Parker go for a mountain hike and vacation to celebrate your high school graduation. [Peter Parker/Reader]
Domestic Avengers - It’s not always fights and battles for the Avengers. [General]
Jealous Avengers - The Avengers just can’t help but be jealous when it comes to you. [Multi/Reader]
Making Fun of Peter Parker With Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes - You, Sam, and Bucky have a bad habit of making fun of your youngest teammate, Peter. [General]
All works listed above © secondsineternity/glassandroses.
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the-whatcherof-89 · 2 years
Captain puffy
Captain “Daddy” Puffy the pumpkin bandit.
CR 16 N Humanoid (Native Outsider)
XP 76,800 (if used as npc for encounter) Aasimar (agathion-blooded) Swashbuckler 16
Neutral (with both evil and good tendencies) Medium humanoid Init +4; Senses Perception +18
AC 34, touch , flat-footed  (+4 Dodge, +1 Insight, +2 Deflect, +1 Natural, +7 Armor, +4 Shield, +1 Luck, +4 Dex) hp 146 (16d6+32)
Fort +12, Ref +17, Will +14
Speed 30 ft. Melee Rapier of puncturing+22 1d6+2 (plus bleeding)
Adamantine battleaxe+18 1d6+2 Ranged Light crossbow+22 1d6+1 (with +1 bolts) 
Racial Native outsider, Resistance 5 (acid, cold electric), +2 Diplomacy Perception, Darkvision 60ft, 1/day Daylight.
Traits Cautios warrior, Bitter.
Class features Deeds, Panache, Charmed life 6/day, Swashbuckler finesse, Nimble+4, Swashbuckler weapon training+3, Bonus feats: Combat expertise, Combat reflexes, Improved disarmed, Improved feint.
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 22
Base Atk +16; CMB +16; CMD +30
Feats Extra panache, Signature deed, Weapon focus, Slashing grace, Precise strike, Steadfast personality, Quick reload, Master crafter.
Skills Acrobatics +17, Bluff +23, Climb+10, Craft(alchemy)+10, Diplomacy +15, Escape artist +13, Intimidate+15, Knowledge (Local)+8, (Nobility)+8, Perception+18, Perform(sing) +12, Profession(Sailor)+8, Ride +11, Sense motive +21, Sleight of hand+18, Swim +19.
Languages Common, Celestial, Aquan.
Combat gear Rapier of puncturing, Trident of warning, Adamantine battleaxe+2, Light crossbow+2, 50+1 Adamantine bolts, Buccaneer’s mithral breastplate, Quick-block buckler, Ring of protection+2, Necklace of natural armor+1, Dusty rose ion stone, Headband of mental superiority+2 (Sense motive), Tricorne of the fortunate captain (as per the jingasa of the fortunate soldier), Gloves of dueling, Pirate’s eye patch, Belt of physical might+2(Dex, Con), Cloak of the manta ray, Robes of resistance+3, Duelist vambraces, Boots of friendly terrain, Manual of quickness of action+2(used), Pale lavender ellipsoid noun stone, 4 Potions of cure critical wounds, Feather token (2 anchor, 2 fan, 2 swan, 2 boat, 2 bird), MWK Harmonica, Sailor kit, Navigator kit, Swashbuckler kit, Captain’s log, Two parrots Greenbean and Firework. 
Background From a caring mother, to a bloodthirsty conqueror. The change of the emotions of the caprine captain Puffy was drastic and brutal. After witnessing 1 of his “sons” die (Foolish), another one resurrected (Tommy) and many of his best friends (Antfrost, and others…) become cruel at the hands the Egg, she went into a spiral of cruelty and bitterness that turned her into a warmongering individual with almost no remorse left. She left the lands known to her to rebuild her life and plan her future, alone. She went across the sea and spilled blood and set things on fire, lots of blood and fire. Finally, after all that  she found a quiet place where no one could find her and started planning what to do for the forcoming events. “Your plans will become a reality. But are you willing to jump into the unknown?” She was reading a map and that voice startled her: she was not alone? “I can make your dreams come true. There is but one requirement: come find me, if you can.” She didn’t know who that was but whoever it was it would have paid dearly for his intrusion. As soon as she chased that voice, the world shifted as so her being. She found herself on a wrecked but still floating ship in a ship graveyard in the middle of a stony archipelago with thundering clouds in the distance. “A wish limited only by your imagination. Yours for the taking. I will be waiting for you, captain.” Puffy thought about all those misfortunes that occurred to her and as soon as the rain started to pour, she grabbed whatever was left of that ship and steered the vessel toward the unknown. Her objective was simple: make sure that the egg never existed in the first place. And she will succeed, no matter the cost.
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Link for the image https://twitter.com/lustlilywander/status/1341455554955386888
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thathalloweengal · 2 years
Every character has two faces
Something which I don’t see discussed a lot about Goncharov (1973) is the fact that the characters’ dual natures play such a big role in the film. I mean take Goncharov himself for example, here’s a Russian farmer who has worked his way up the ranks of the Naples mafia and has been given the nickname Lo Straniero (The Stranger) - As Ivan he had nothing but an empty stomach, a loveless marrige and a crumbling farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. As Lo Straniero Goncharov however, he has banquets thrown in his honor, true love with Andrey and a exquisite manor to show off his status. All it cost was a lake of innocent blood, and he knows it, and his Ivan side hates him for it to the point that he doesn’t even try and fight when Andrey stabs him later on. He just relaxes into his lover’s embrace.
With Katya, she struggles with the opposite, she enjoyed her simple life in Russia, she loved that farmhouse, she loved sneaking over to the neighbour’s farm and screwing his wife at three in the morning in the barn, the lack of food and harsh winters were frustrating and her husband was just as cold as the weather, but it was still better than her childhood and she had coping mechanisms.
As Goncharov’s moll however Katya is thrown into a world so bloodsoaked and cruel she longs for death to claim her and fantaizes about her soul going back to the farm. The only thing that saves her is falling in love with Sofia but from that point on the old farmer Katya leaves centre stage. Katya starts talking in an American accent, training herself to shoot a gun, shaping herself to become a new version of herself, a version that can dismantle her husband’s crime empire, end his life, and protect the woman she loves. She still imagines her old self talking back to her in the mirror, still using her Russian accent, still looking like she did back on the farm but unlike Goncharov’s Ivan side, Katya’s other self has nothing but love and respect for her new self and wants to see her and Sofia happy and safe.
Even smaller character’s like Sister Isadora have this duality to them. On one side, a nun who has devoted at least fifty years to God and has nothing but kind words and wisdom to dispense to her flock, on the other hand, a sadistic General for Goncharov and the woman who literally used a network of churches to get the drugs overseas to New York where her boy toy priest is waiting to sell them.
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richincolor · 2 years
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July TBR Pile
I've finally (finally) made it to summer vacation, which of course means that I'll be tackling my mile-high TBR pile. Just me, an ice-cold lemonade, and a mountain of books. Here's what's on the very top of my July to-read list:
What Souls Are Made Of: A Wuthering Heights Remix by Tasha Suri
As the abandoned son of a Lascar—a sailor from India—Heathcliff has spent most of his young life maligned as an “outsider.” Now he’s been flung into an alien life in the Yorkshire moors, where he clings to his birth father’s language even though it makes the children of the house call him an animal, and the maids claim he speaks gibberish.
Catherine is the younger child of the estate’s owner, a daughter with light skin and brown curls and a mother that nobody talks about. Her father is grooming her for a place in proper society, and that’s all that matters. Catherine knows she must mold herself into someone pretty and good and marriageable, even though it might destroy her spirit.
As they occasionally flee into the moors to escape judgment and share the half-remembered language of their unknown kin, Catherine and Heathcliff come to find solace in each other. Deep down in their souls, they can feel they are the same.
But when Catherine’s father dies and the household’s treatment of Heathcliff only grows more cruel, their relationship becomes strained and threatens to unravel. For how can they ever be together, when loving each other—and indeed, loving themselves—is as good as throwing themselves into poverty and death?
The Charmed List by Julie Abe
After spending most of high school as the quiet girl, Ellie Kobata is ready to take some risks and have a life-changing summer, starting with her Anti-Wallflower List—thirteen items she’s going to check off one by one. She’s looking forward to riding rollercoasters, making her art Instagram public (maybe), and going on an epic road-trip with her best friend Lia.
But when number four on Ellie’s list goes horribly wrong—revenge on Jack Yasuda—she’s certain her summer has gone from charmed to cursed. Instead of a road trip with Lia, Ellie finds herself stuck in a car with Jack driving to a magical convention. But as Ellie and Jack travel down the coast of California, number thirteen on her list—fall in love—may be happening without her realizing it.
In The Charmed List, Julie Abe sweeps readers away to a secret magical world, complete with cupcakes and tea with added sparks of joy, and an enchanted cottage where you can dance under the stars.
The Witchery by S. Isabelle
Out July 26th!
Haelsford, Florida is a Hellmouth. Or at least, that’s what Logan, a baby witch struggling to control her powers, thinks as she arrives to the witchtown to begin the new school year at Mesmortes Coven Academy. She is immediately taken under the wing of the infamous Red Three. Iris is a deathwitch who wants nothing more than to break the town’s curse; Jailah is one of the most powerful witches at the academy but her thirst for power may lead her down a dark path; and Thalia, the talented greenwitch, is on the run from her religious family and a past that still haunts her.
Fear and prejudice still fuel the uneasy truce between humans and witches who are forced to work together when the Haunting Season begins and Wolves rise from the swamp to feed. With this approaching, two Hammersmitt boys prepare to make their first sacrifices to the witches in exchange for protection. But as they become involved with the Mesmortes witches’ plan to end the Wolves’ reign of terror once and for all, old dangers lie in wait. The cost to break the curse may be greater than any witch or human could ever know.
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joyffree · 6 months
Up In Flames, an angsty, bad boy romance by K E Osborn is now live!
An inferno. That’s what my life became the second I laid eyes on her. I’m ruthless, calculating, cold-blooded. Second in charge of an underworld establishment that men fear and the elite strive for membership—there’s no room in my world for an innocent like her. The Baton Rouge Bachelors run this town. Politicians, celebrities, and high society are known to use our services. But make no mistake, the Bachelors are cruel, brutal, and malicious. You need something done, we will do it—for a price, of course. But the women surrounding us need to be a specific breed. Hard. Built from tough stock. They can’t suffer fools. So when I meet Makaylie, and she is anything but, I know I must protect her from my vile world at all costs. Even if it means I have to watch everything I have worked for, everything I have built, go up in flames.
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