#( orion facts. )
bloominglegumes · 1 month
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i love normal guys doomed by the narrative
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stareggie · 4 months
james: do u honestly think i like being a mother hen do you three idiots?
james: okay yes, it’s like crack to me.
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channnel · 6 months
MDHM au where everything is the same, but mc stepped on an anthill before meeting Alan.
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xxcherrycherixx · 7 months
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cupid's gals meet
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The famous Orion Nebula
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keferon · 4 months
Megatron and Orion Pax meeting for the first time:
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And then. When Future Megs talking to Past Orion in mtmte#36
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acid-harbringer · 5 months
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uncultured big brother
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adharastarlight · 2 years
*at 6am in the marauders dorm, the first time Reg stayed over*
Reg: what the fuck is making that incessant noise
Sirius: oh thats just James, going for a run
Reg: its six in the fucking morning.
Sirius: well, yeah. wait...why are you here at six in the morning!?!?!
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semprvivum · 5 months
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Echeveria 'Orion' flowers
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vanderilnde · 4 months
im normally not too keen on shipping price w anyone because it just doesnt work to me… but gaz. gaz is so patently eager-to-please him. price doesnt even have to try whorling him around his finger; gaz already looks up to him all credulous and naive and worships the ground he walks on. would use price’s sweat as his holy water if he could. so price shepherds him into some… crude, hedonistic quid-pro-quo. price gets what he wants (sexual release and a faithful pet) and gaz gets what he wants (to think hes gotten the romance of his captain).
ghost is off doing his own thing and soap is already drunk off of simon, so nobody notices when gaz and price start spending more time together. they attribute it to them having a close bond, and when price starts showing up to ops with a ruddy face and a blotchy neck, the others tease him for his “new Bird,” heedless towards the envious, bitter look on gaz’s face. disappointed, because he wants to be known as the pet that’s top in his captain’s good books
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kuzunoha-xiv · 4 months
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im just saying
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poisoninmyteacup · 2 years
Sirius making a joke about his brother being allergic to the sun and sweet, sweet James not understanding and worrying over Regulus being outside too long for months until Reg snaps and asks him why it’s such a big deal and James replying, voice full of concern
“Because you’re allergic to the sun.”
Cue Sirius being rushed to Pomfrey’s office for having an asthma attack from laughing so hard and a black eye from Reg
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mershellscape · 5 days
and if i said anderperry was a wolfstar variant
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chaoffee · 6 months
Hi, yes, if any of you like chat sims where you can rizz up a character (like imagine Error143 or Blooming Panic), please play A Date with Death.
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Man, there are just some things in life you just can’t make up. A few weeks after my little encounter, I went back to the docks to take a walk with my dog. We did our typical routine; walk for a little bit, grab a snack, and then go sit by the edge of the dock to watch the water. Thing was, as I was about to sit down, something jumped out of the water at me; turns out whatever it was that I had saved a few weeks ago was still here-It was also surprisingly friendly. It chirped and poked at me for a little while and then disappeared back into the water. I actually went back the next day and had the same thing happen; it seemed to like me. Maybe because I got it out of the net?
Either way, I’ve been going to the docks daily for some time now, and me and the thing have grown pretty comfortable with each other. I’ve taken to calling it Orion, after Orion the hunter, because it likes to bring me fish and other foodstuff that it catches (it’s also pretty good at it too; I saw it catch a seagull mid flight the other day). I’ve learned (and theorized) a few things about it so far:
- I think it’s male (this one has no proof I just kinda have a feeling)
- it seems to be a juvenile of some sort; it’s extremely playful and acts like a toddler
- it has fins similar to a manta ray
- it can catch sharks. Don’t ask me how I know.
- he seems to be alone; no parents, no pod (if that’s even a thing), no friends.
- he really doesn’t like nets, go figure.
- he likes to be rubbed between the eyes
- he picks up on behaviors really fast. I stuck my tongue out at him once and he’s started doing it every time I visit him. I got a picture of it earlier and taped to the top of the page. Honestly, this adds to my theory that he’s a juvenile. It’s also just extremely cute.
I kind of like being around him honestly; it’s a nice break from the monotony of everyday life. I wonder what else I’ll learn about him…
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theprongspotter · 7 months
Sirius: Did you know that a shrimp’s heart is in its head?
Remus: Wait, what did you say?
Sirius: Did you know that a shrimp’s heart is in its head?
Remus: Wow, you said that twice and I still don’t fucking care.
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