#( light -i like you so i will kill you last- yagami everybody )
tobiasdrake · 1 year
Kinda obsessed about Junko Enoshima lately.
Junko is the kind of villain that is uncomfortable even to win against, because it's hard to come away from a Danganronpa feeling like any victory has been had. Even in the big cathartic final showdown, there's nothing triumphant about defeating Junko.
She's not a villain that really can be defeated. She can only be survived. And less than 2/3 of the characters introduced at the start of the game will survive her.
That's the real horror of Junko Enoshima as a character. Who she is and what she's about robs the story of its catharsis the moment you take the time to think about what's really transpired here. She'd already won by the time the doors closed. Everything that happens in the Killing Game is simply deliberating the extent of her victory.
Like. This is kind of a thing with killers, specifically, as villains. Yeah, we get to have the big Triumph of Hope over Despair finale and that's very nice for the five or six people who are alive to see it. But everyone else died a horrible, gruesome death and you can't take that back by defeating the latest incarnation of Junko.
Like. Beating Junko doesn't unkill Sayaka. Sayaka witnessed what was probably the corpses of the people she held more dearly than her life and was so traumatized by it that she tried to murder Leon and frame Makoto for it, in an act that went so horribly wrong that she wound up stabbed to death in Makoto's bathroom.
Sayaka bled out against a cold concrete wall, her last thoughts probably terror and despair for never truly knowing what happened to her idol group. She died in desperation and terror, and nothing will ever change that. You can't unkill people by thwarting the mastermind. These lives, ended in despair, belong to Junko now.
Makoto's story may end in unmasking Junko and bringing an end to the first Killing Game. But Sayaka's story ended right there in that bathroom. Sakura's story ends in a bottle of suicide. Kiyotaka and Mondo, best bros for life, end their stories in blunt force trauma and a spinning wheel of doom, respectively - After Mondo ends Chihiro's story in a fit of jealous rage. But we're all very happy that Makoto got to live, I'm sure.
This is kinda what the whole twist in V3 was about: You can't really win the Killing Game because its very existence is a net loss for human life. The players in the game aren't Junko's opponents. They're her victims.
It's a very different dynamic to a lot of other types of media. It's why I find myself going back to Light Yagami a lot. Junko plays for keeps, and you can't really thwart that. You can only bring an end to the carnage so that no one else will have to suffer. There is no victory to be had over her; Only a cessation of the pain she's causing. You can't bring back the people who didn't deserve to die.
And that. Hurts. It's hard not to come away with a deep nugget of remorse for the harm that couldn't be prevented. It hurts so much that the creators of the DG3 anime took advantage of the fact that DG2 happens in a simulation to go back and unkill everybody, even though DG2 explicitly said that its deaths count for real. That's how bad the realization that Junko won messes with people.
She did.
All she wanted to do was to cause harm. Her sole motive is that she's an emotional sadomasochist who gets off on inflicting and experiencing trauma. And over the course of every Killing Game, she gets to inflict an awful lot of trauma. Every time someone dies in despair, Junko wins. Every time someone breaks from the grief, Junko wins. And she wins a lot more than she loses.
And that's why she stays with us. According to the Guiness Book of World Records, Junko Enoshima holds the record for most cosplayed video game character. Because even if she's unmasked in the end, we can never truly forget the pain she made us feel along the way.
Hope may prevail in the final moments, but Despair has a real good time getting there.
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fredhot23 · 1 year
Light's first contact with L.
I've always loved how the first match with them goes. On national television, a man introducing himself as Lind L. Tailor and as the great detective "L", makes a call-out post to the serial killer "Kira", calling him "evil" and that in the name of Justice, he will capture him.
Somewhere out in the suburbs, Light Yagami, genius high school student, serial killer "Kira", and aspiring "God of this New World", hears the transmission at home and takes it well, screaming at L that he, Light Yagami, is Justice and kills him instantly with a heart attack, laughing as L seizes his chest and his head falls limp. The Great Detective L, dead in a minute! That's what happens to those who oppose the God of this New World!
Then the broadcast cuts to a black screen with the image of a stylized "L" and a different man's voice speaks. He introduces himself as the true legendary detective "L". Taylor was merely bait, a death row inmate in disguise meant to lure Kira into revealing himself. Similar broadcasts had been shown all over the world, including the area of Japan Light is in. With that, he now knows the general area where Kira is and will try to narrow his efforts there, rather then spread it across the world. The transmission ends with Light and L proclaiming that they will find and eliminate the other first because they. Are. Justice!
First contact with L, the first round of their life-or-death match, and it's a loss for Light-and a big one. Before this trick, L had no real clues on where Kira is operating. He could be in on any continent in any part of the world. Even if you managed to narrow it down to Japan, that itself doesn't tell you much as Japan isn't exactly the Virgin Islands. Without any idea of Kira's M.O, you can't say how close they have to be to kill these prisoners. Now, he knows the general area to try to track down Kira rather then having to cast his net all across the world and search in every corner he can. One of Light's biggest advantages is gone from the onset.
And it doesn't get better for our proclaimed deity. While he manages to evade and dodge around L and the investigation, even the F.B.I, for a while, they never stop getting closer and closer to him, closing the distance between them. L uses the times of prisoner's deaths to deduce that Kira is a student? Light changes the times, which makes L suspicious as to why Kira changed his system so quickly after the deduction and starts to suspect an insider in the police. L enrolls at the same college as Light (I lol'd at how L looked like such a freakazoid when surrounded by everybody else, who look positively mundane) and tries multiple small tricks and questions to support his suspicions: a tennis match, questions about the "shinigami like apples" puzzle pictures, all of which Light tries to get around but he falls into the trap anyway, keeping L suspicious. He even manages to pick-pocket Misa's phone from Light right when Light was about to call Misa, the second Kira and Light's human accomplice, thinking that the two have joined forces.
Over and over, Light dodges, L pursues, until Light and Misa are tied-up and held somewhere secret by L to finally prove if Light is actually Kira by way of elimination: if no heart-attack deaths happen while they're holed up, then that's it for them. By that time, Light...concedes the fight.
He gives up, in a way. The memory gambit he institutes to finally defeat and kill L does work but it's an admittance that Light Yagami, God of this New World, cannot deceive or trick L any longer. The long battle of wits is given over to L at that point until Light regains his memories and the God of this New World comes back for a final and fatal attack on L and Watari, his caretaker, ending the battle between them with L dead and Light posing as the legendary detective himself.
L finally managed to corner Light in their duel of wits Light but due to the other uses of the Death Note, Light manages to finally be the last one standing. It was still amazing to watch as Light just couldn't shake L off his tail, no matter the attempt, until he had to go back to being Light Yagami to get a chance.
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hebescus · 3 years
remember this ship ask? yeah, i wanna do them all with lawlight bcs they control my brain. but it's a happy no death note au bcs it's me. oh and this shit is long plus it's 3 am rn so my words are very messy. but enjoy.
(i skip some numbers that i answered and the ones that i can't think of btw)
pre relationship :
How did they first meet?
L's investigation hq. he was a suspect of L, still, but this time he told soichiro to bring this 18 yo boy to the hq to test him, asking light to work with all of them. he ends up not guilty ofc, but L still wants to keep him…around.
What was their first impression of each other?
ah, the good old 'what the fuck dude???' from light and the 'oooh he got a big brain' from L. it's hard to get out of canon in this one.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
L. But it's more like thoughts, rather than feelings. It's just these random thoughts that pop out in his head like 'i don't mind kissing this guy, if he asks' but not like 'i want to kiss him' yknow what i mean? idk this is just something i experience a lot lmao. it develops to feelings once light falls for him and L can see that. So in terms of ideas, it's L, but in terms of feelings, it's Light.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Oh our favorite light denial yagami. Of course he's cursing himself for having feelings like this but once L calls it out he's over. 
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Light would laugh it off, and be like "i don't like him that way you know". L would shrugs be like "well yes that's possible, i don't think i mind". 
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
boring, lonely, empty, you name it
(more under the cut)
general :
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
hmm, they both initiated the relationship? ykwim? They both notices they had feelings for each other and just...go from there. they never have like a relationship talk, they just go with the flow until at some point they starts to get comfortable to refer the other as partners. They basically can read each other's mind, after all.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Yes, sort of. A tennis game! And a coffee sesh after, just like canon. They plan this to be just "let's just relax, this case has been really exhausting, take a one day break, L" but when Light got home, sayu asked "how's the date going?!" He immediately said "it's not a date, you watch too many dramas it's rotting your brain" And sachiko gave him a smile while shaking her head at this statement and when he's back to his room he immediately calls L and was like "hey does that count as a date?" and L answers with "depends, do you want it to be?" with a smirk that light can hear.
What was their first kiss like?
it was late at night, light was helping L with the case when everybody went home. they were sharing their view about this certain criminal when light notices L staring at his lips, first he ignored it but it happens again and again to a point where their face just got real close and then...kiss, somehow. idk lmao.
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
First person who can understand each other and are equals, the only ones who can tear the other's wall down, and just practically soulmates in any form that even their sun & moon signs mirroring each other's? YES. 
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
i hc L as just a little bit taller than light, but it's not like you can see it through the hunch anyway. ofc we all know the 6 years and 4 months age gap
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Sayu likes L, Sachiko is kinda surprise Light doesn't date a typical pretty person, but it only makes her heart fonder. L doesn't mind them, he thinks they're nice, light grew up in a good place. Soichiro? Well, he might me a bit reluctant but he loosen up slowly, his son is happier than he ever was, after all.
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Light, obviously. Because he's a charmer and if L takes control, the person they speak to would run immediately the first 2 minutes.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
it is a universal knowledge that L does this. like, come on, count the fics, you can't, there's just so many. he loves to break that perfect wall and make light feel 🥴😳. it's entertaining. But he knows when to stop. too much of that will be embarrassing in light's part, and he respects his boy's dignity.
love :
Who said “I love you” first?
Light!! The thing is it was said over the phone. He gets more and more comfortable talking with L through calls, since every now and then L travel frok countries to countries. One time he just like "yeah, safe flight. love you, bye" he expected L to say goodnight to him as a response as usual but L was silent and he realised what he just said and realised that he fucking mean it. L seems to still be able to read his mind even thousands miles away so he replies with "i love you too, goodnight". they never missed seeing each other more than that night.
What are their primary love languages?
we had a discussion for this! but as we see in canon, they're both very acts of service with a little hint of physical touch here and there. quality time is also important. words and gift aren't really needed for them.
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
L. Only to annoy light. It's terrible that he almost cringed to himself, but it does bring a good laugh for light.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
PDA is a not their preference, they just love being in private more. They might hold hands sometimes, butmost times they won't. Altho they always stand or sit reaaaaally glued to each other even though there are so many space. 
Who initiates kisses?
both. they want it, they got it. but light gives light kisses (ha) more, not necessarily on the lips, usually when L was really busy working, keeping his feet on the ground.
Who’s the big and little spoon?
They don't spoon a lot, they prefer not touching at all or cufdling face to face, but when they do, Light is the little spoon because being a big spoon makes his sleeping position kinda uncomfy, he feels awkward with his legs, it's just not. thankfully L thinks cuddling light this way is very calming.
What are their favorite things to do together?
Tennis and solving cases, duh. Or sometimes they play video games fighting each other. Anything competitive and/or challenging that make their brain grow 10 times bigger. But sometimes, a comfortingly peaceful and quiet dinner with hushed words thrown here and there about random things feels like the best thing ever.
Who’s more protective?
L. For identity reasons, ofc.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Physical. They can read each other's mind, they knew it by gesture, touches, and glances. 
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
IT'S MY TIME TO SHINE. venus by sleeping at last fits them so well, that song is in the background of multiple cozy couch smooches sessions or even when they're slow dancing (please listen to this tho song it's so good). also i think they would like persephone by the tragic thrills too, L would be like "this song reminds me of you" and Light answers with "i'm persephone?" "Yeah" "i'm a fucking badass then" "yes you are". oh and first day of my life? lover of mine? pink in the night? sweet creature? the lakes? oh god i have too much answers
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
they don't do nicknames, really. although, L sometimes called light with some snarky tony stark styled nicknames when he feels particularly playful but annoyed at the same time.
Who remembers the little things?
They both do. Big brained assholes they are.
domestic life :
If they get married, who proposes?
It's not really a proposal, they didn't  even remember who said it first. But one sleepy night after a hard case, someone said "hey you wanna get married" and the other was like "sure, why not" "really?" "yeah, i think i'm ready, you?" "me too" "great" and then they go to sleep. at breakfast the next morning L called watari from across the room and said "wammy i need you to prepare [enter marriage stuff here], and light, you must call your family after this". poor old watari chokes on his tea.
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
The wedding is in a secluded little place near the wammy's house, L used to go there a lot as a kid. With just light's parents, sayu, and watari. Well, not until Light caught Mello, Matt, Near, and Linda peeping from the bushes
Do they have any pets?
A chunky cat the wammy's kids feed daily but never try to keep them in, because no animals are allowed inside the orphanage. L saw it and was like "light let's bring this bitch home" she is, indeed a little bitch, but light and L loves her dearly. her fur has light brown and black colors, like both of their hairs, so she becomes their daughter, L gave him a weird ass name but i can't think about it rn.
Who kills the bugs in the house?
Light because he's the one who's actually bothers to. They ofc annoyed L but he cpuldnt care less to actually get rid of them.
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
L. He rarely sleeps and once he did, he wakes up very fucking late and will pull light back to the bed if he's woken up by the empty space beside him.
Who’s the better cook?
Light. L is a spoiled brat. But Light can't bale for shit, that's Watari's job. Light grow up learning and helping his mom making meals for the family. He's not the best, but it's good enough to make L craves them in between his sweets.
Who likes to dance?
None of them. But they would slow dance on rare, sentimental occasions. And it's like so fucking romantic bcs all the lights are off except for a candle or a table lamp or a cabinet lamp whatever that has yellow-y dim light. And they don't speak, they just casually move against each other, but heart ready to combust like i do when i the mental image came into my head.
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strardust900 · 4 years
I am spilling the tea: My favourite character in Death Note is Matsuda.
Being positive in that hellish scenario that Light created is not stupidity. It’s amazing he is still so willing to laugh, to resist, to have a future worth of living.
And let me tell you, everybody else is so pessimistic, gothic like and bitter to an extreme.
They do it like it was aesthetic, even in hellish situation humans are known to be sarcastic, funny, even to just kill the tension. It’s normal, it means not letting the bad guys win, to try to live instead of just surviving.
The other characters cannot phantom that and so simply arrive to the conclusion he doesn’t understand what’s happening, that he is stupid.
Guys... he is not. He is a policeman. He was one of the few that didn’t resign even when he found out Kira could and was willing to kill him.
He is not patient as we saw with the whole Yatsuba incident. But he wanted to help the team and when he thought he could to it he just did without thinking about the consequences.
He is loyal. He is so goddamn loyal.
He is so loyal to L, even after years he died.
He LOVES Light. To him Light is perfect, a friend, someone he could count on.
But he believes in L. He believed in L so much that AFTER YEARS he still brought that damn gun wherever he went. Even when Near told him to not bring weapons. And maybe L understood that, because he gave the gun to Matsuda. To him and not the other members, because he saw in him a loyal soul. And that’s a lot given the fact that L is so paranoid.
When Light revealed himself as Kira he was heartbroken.
He pulled the trigger.
He shot a friend.
He shot Light.
He got Light.
With eyes full of tears.
He couldn’t see well, he was shaking moments before, his world crashed on him, he found out he lived a lie, that Soichiro Yagami who he saw as a leader and a father figure was betrayed by his own fresh and blood.
He always defended Light, he loved him and I am sure that he would have died for him.
He shot once and put Light in his place. He told him the truth “ How could you? You were loved, you were so much loved. And you killed them. What about Sayu? She is your little sister and now she is traumatized and you don’t care. “
Then he shot him again and again. Perfect shots. Everybody always told him he was a shitty cop but he is an hell of a shooter.
Never a killing shot. Until the last one because he wanted to watch him in the eyes while doing so.
When Matsuda is stopped he seems almost relieved for it. Someone saved him from killing Light. Thank God.
Then when Light runs away he calls for him.
He doesn’t says: stop.
He says: Light!
He doesn’t see a suspect or a criminal.
He still see Light. Not an hero, not a God, he is not even a perfect man anymore.
Minoru is the only other character that could be considered good in the same way. He could have acted horribly but he didn’t, he didn’t hurt anybody, he didn’t want to. He still was egoist and irresponsible to sell the note to a greedy pseudo dictator but I believe he was sure someone ( like L ) would have stopped the President from using it.
And then years later Matsuda shows his face and name in TV like nobody business when there’s a new Kira at large.
Matsuda knows he could get killed and also how but he still say: don’t buy the note it’s illegal!
He is a simple person but a good one.
And that’s the important thing
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the-mic-drop · 4 years
Shonen Jump Rap Cypher by Rustage
Lyrics below the cut
If anyone wants to break down some lines that you think not everyone will get, please feel free!
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Monkey D. Luffy- One Piece (Performed by Rustage)
Starting with the number one, hey
How’d a pirate get this long, hey
‘Cause I eat the gum-gum, see them run run
when I hit that gun, hey
Sailin’ I’m taking no breaks when my crew’s on the move as we pillage the grand line
Looting the treasure we can find
I’m blowing up like a landmine
Going gear second, I reckon that I’m a weapon
I’m wrecking up those who threaten in messing with my own brethren
Stay reppin’ look where I’m headin’
No question the Yonkos sweatin’
I’m bettin’ in words I’m yellin’
I’m the king and there’s no forgettin’, UH
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Gon Freecss- Hunter x Hunter (Performed by Fabvl)
I’ll jump the competition, really there’s no contest
Channeled future Nen and most of y’all ain’t even bomb yet
It’s nonsense
Pro exams completed as a child
Hisoka, I think these clowns are living in denial
So don’t make me power up, I’ll call the thunder at my right hand
If you want the strongest Shonen, then you called the right man
They might stan
Treat you all like Pitou, it won’t take long
Name is Gon and this time, I’mma make sure that you stay gone
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Naruto Uzumaki- Naruto (Performed by None Like Joshua)
Oh, better believe it’s Naruto
Who’s the best hero? All of you know
My legacy is happening, I got a type of running named after me
while you’re slow
Can’t keep up with my chakra flow
Except Hinata, I’m her Ho
All I did was call her and I told her to come over ‘cause my parents are not home
Out of these ninjas, you can watch my dub
Even all my filler is so far above
When it comes to Boruto, why y’all givin’ up
like I did with simpin’ on Sakura?
Killer B’s rapping, but I get the encore
With the power that I bring, I don’t really want yours
‘Cause I came from the swing, everybody shunned more
Now you’re looking at the king of this Jump Force
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Yami Yugi- Yu-Gi-Oh! (Performed by Connor Quest!)
I’mma master, you be
practice newbies
That’s a doozy
for Yami Yugi
Puzzle did something like a hadron tunnel
‘cause now I got Atem through me
Champ of the match see fans fawn, no matter what hand’s drawn
I’m kicking up dust, metal tanks in land form
When we d-d-d-d-duel there’s sandstorms
Cards are flippin’ I need an answer quick
and I might find my Dark Magician
If I wish, and believe hard enough in the heart that’s in ‘em
(Heart of the cards)
I see Seto’s fear
Pull the fifth part of Exodia
Guess it’s all came to a head, so clear
that your deck’s gonna get X’d, oh dear!
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Asta- Black Clover (Performed by Eddie Rath)
Welcome to the magic
It’s a tale that’s tragic
Filled with a pain that’s harder than plastic
especially when you discover you don’t have it
When I started I was less than amazing
But now that I’ve been chosen by the Grimoir, I’m rising to the occasion in a blazing flame of
Ain’t no Hocus Pocus and Abracadabra
Not a wizard you joke with
This is not Gandalf the Grey, but you shall not pass hopeless
Better be ferocious
Was the poorest orphan living in darkness
but now that I’m focused, I be thanking all my hardships
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Ichigo Kurosaki- Bleach (Performed by IBDL)
Uh, hittin’ back with that Bankai
Got that power like I came out of the Dangai
Pops passed the torch; now I’m the fam’s Don guy
Think you Aizen, but you lookin’ like that Don guy
Y’all like Soifon, your raps barely sting
My bars are Getsuga Tensho, got that masterful swing
They say, it ain’t over til the fat lady sings
But you’ll know it’s really over when that black lady sings
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Koro-sensei- Assassination Classrom (Performed by CDawgVA)
Mach speed
Blow up the moon and now I’m making these children write essays
Comin with tentacles teach you a lesson in why you don’t mess with the sensei
I amaze
Used to be the Reaper, now I run this class
I can turn a loser to assassin, do it real fast
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Light Yagami- Death Note (Performed by Zach Boucher)
I think I’ve been out of my head
Gift was given, made some poor decisions, that I wish I didn’t, but I’d do it again
Feeling different, I was on a mission to achieve my vision with a page and a pen
Sit and listen to the words I’ve written
I ain’t even finished ‘til I see that they’re dead
Don’t even try to pretend
There’s no malicious intent
Stay in my thoughts, stick to the morals I’ve got,
and kill everyone who is not
Just never get caught, ‘til every criminal rots
They’ll consider me as a god
At whatever cost, that’s how I excel
Cannot be stopped, even if I fell
I’m taking them off if you couldn’t tell
I gave up a lot to give you this L
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Shoyo Hinata- Haikyuu!! (Performed by Shwabadi)
Yah, here comes Hinata
When I’m on the court the enemy has got their guard up
Never gonna fall off, bet I’m gonna pop off
Way short, but I’m packing punches like a sawnoff
Hot like a sauna, this ball of fire don’t know nada
but I’m gonna chase desire to go farther
every jump will take me higher
They put walls up, so I had to learn to fly
Putting up points, spiking it, or clearing the way
Best decoy, got a little something to say
to anyone that doubts that I’m here to stay
Only got one goal, that’s to play the game
Underestimated, I’m the ace, you just wait
when I spike it past the net, you might take it to the face
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Izuku “Deku” Midoriya- My Hero Academia (Performed by Divide Music)
Coming in with 100% of me
I got you all trembling
Oh just with a flick of a finger
put you back where you’re supposed to be
I’m not, holding back
I got you so calculated. I’m
one step ahead, One for All gon’ be demonstrated
Get it? Got it? Good.
Nothing better and you should know
Started at the bottom
but I made it to the top so
Step aside, I’m climbing to great heights
with All-Might by my side
Reppin’ U.A. with pride, oh
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Yusuke Urameshi- Yu Yu Hakusho (Performed by GameBoyJones)
Giving you the finger, Spirit Gun
Send you off with Botan, then you done
Hit you with the stick, and I didn’t need a grip when I’m pulling from the hip, then click!
Because I’m, locked loaded, the clip is ready to go
Got a, shotgun in my hand that’s ‘bout to blow
Cause I’m hittin’ you quick fast
givin’ you whiplash
wearing these Spirit Cuffs
You could be human or demon, cause honestly, I just don’t give a fuck
If you’re looking for the best, just know there’s no other
‘cause I’m flexing out here like I’m the youngest Toguro brother
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Gintoki Sakata- Gintama (Perfomed by Shao Dao)
They call me, Gintoki, slim not stocky
Lemme Shonen Jump on your leg and your body
Odd Job Gin, don’t mess with my possee
If you touch my hair, then you will be sorry
Ne, boge (Hey, bloke)
Nanikore, uruseena (what is this? Not good.)
Cause you’re way too sloppy
Got a silver soul, Shiroyasha
Swing my sword and Amanto scatter
Gintama, not Kintama
Tell Shinpachi we need money
If Kagura or Katsura bring more trouble, we keep running
Pay rent? That’s a waste of time
That weather girl, I will make her mine
You can beat me up and that’s fair and fine
But if you hurt my friends, then prepare to die
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Tanjiro Kamado- Demon Slayer (Performed by DizzyEight)
Look, slayin’ demons that’s what we do
If you filled with evil, then my blade is highly lethal
If you comin’ at my people, pray to god I never meet you
Ever mess with Nez, you KO’d when I see you
I’ve grown stronger from that fateful day they found me
I trained hard to hone the skill, the progression so astounding
My style like breathing water, that mean you can never drown me
Whirlpool, that mean I’m slicin’ everything around me
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Emma- The Promised Neverland (Performed by FrivolousShara)
E-M-M-A 63194
Listen to what I’ve gotta say
The others walked, seems now we’ve gotta run away
Don’t you talk, adults are the enemy
You can break every bone in my body, I won’t falter
and if the plan fails, the idea simply alters
Ah, these demons scheming, but they ain’t the only monsters
Our combined IQ breaks the safe, strength in numbers
Now we’ve woken from the slumber
Never ending perfect Summers
Across the farm, you can’t help but wonder
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Soma Yukihira- Food Wars! (Performed by DiggzDaProphecy)
See I’m the anime Raekwon
The chef baby, stay calm
You can’t stand the heat
Stay out the kitchen, get a day job
Word, and the finale’s superb
I take a sec, put on my band, an’ I’ll be happy to serve, uh
So ma, tell me what you like and I can hook it up
Ya boy’s got them recipes the best couldn’t cook it up
And she gon’ bust from the taste of my meat
Chef, boy are these boys always cookin’ up heat
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Jotaro Kujo- Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (Performed by Dreaded Yasuke)
It’s my go, they call me Jotaro
Don’t get me mad, I’mma go fat only with jabs you go through silos
Got that drip from Cairo, girls will simp my silhouette
I know think it’s a typo fighting with a platinum psycho
None of y’all is a threat
What you gotta say in your breath
Better speak with a bigger chest
Now you lyin’ down with my pet,
while Iggy piss on your neck
All types of disrespect, what you expect?
Go against a vet, better get your techs
wanna get swept through the complex,
now who is next?
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Bobobo- Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (Performed by BassedOlaf w/ ThighHighSenpai)
Bobobo making the foes stare
Call me the master of nose hair
Look at the hair on the heads of these anime characters,
brother, it’s no fair
But I’m better than these guys, don’t you understand?
I came second place at screaming face-to-face with desk fans
Afro is full of surprises, look at my power’s immense
Leaving beauty screaming-
(Bobobo, that makes no sense!)
Hunting hair hunters, Saitama, I’m coming for you
Don Patch a better Super Saiyan God than Goku
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Son Goku- Dragon Ball (Performed by DaddyPhatSnaps)
Oh they went and called Kakarot
had to be danger
Leave em flat-footed like they in the gravity chamber
I’m just looking for a challenge, can you battle me stranger?
Shonen legend in the saddle and the power is major
Level up on the track, flow Ultra Instinct
Bye bye bye fusion dance is always in sync
And they wonder why I’m last on the song
‘Cause when all of y’all were talking
I just formed a Spirit Bomb
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onlyyyariii · 3 years
Death note 2
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“Light wait for me!” I say, running up to my best friend and jumping on his back.
“Ow, Chi you are a lot heavier than you look.”
I gasp and jump off, “That’s not funny Light Yagami!”
“Sorry,” he sends me a small glance with a little smile before leaning over and kissing my forehead.
I blush a deep red and look down at the ground, “Are you going to headquarters today?”
“Yeah, Ryuga wanted to go over some more things.”
“Ryuga? Is that another alias of his?”
“Yes, L has quite a few. If only we could learn his real name...”
I glance up at him, confused, “Why would it matter? Neither of us are Kira, plus I think it’s smart that he chooses to use an alias.”
“Chinami, it’s not about being Kira. If he completely trusts me than he should have no problem whatsoever with me knowing his real name.”
“Light, Ryuzaki is just being careful. No one else on the task force knows his real name. I think using an alias would be the best way to go, I know with being a very valuable detective and all, I would use an alias too, if I were in the same situation that is.”
He looks very taken aback, “Who’s side are you on in this Chi? I’ve been your best friend for years and you just met this guy a week ago. You two haven’t spoken a word to one another besides that one day and now all of a sudden you’re in love with the guy!
I gasp and cover my face, I am not in love with Ryuzaki! How could he say such an outrageous thing?
“I am not in love with Ryuzaki! Why would you say something stupid like that you big oaf?!” I yell, slapping his shoulder many times.
“You wouldn’t be acting like this if I said you were in love with Matsuda.”
“I’m not ‘in love’ with anyone! You know you’re such a jerk sometimes! I’m going back to my place. I’ll see you at headquarters.”
As I run the opposite way we were walking I hear Light shouting from behind me, “Chinami, you don’t even know if you’re allowed to be there!”
Once I arrive at my apartment, I run in and shut the door behind me. I’m seventeen and living on my own. My mother was killed in a car accident when I was a baby and my father left for America a few years ago. He told me not to worry, he’d be back. When I came home from school the next day, he was gone. I’ve been on my own since I was twelve. There’s no problem with it, I can take care of myself. I get a check every month that is supposed from my father but I don’t buy it. I don’t think he’s actually sending the money. But the money pays for the rent and all the utilities. I have some left over to buy food and after that a little for myself. I used to use it to buy clothes and things but I’ve been saving it.
“Stupid, stupid Light. He always says the stupidest things. I am not in love with Ryuzaki! I just met him. Of course I could hold a conversation with him but what would say if I did? I’d just make a fool out of myself.”
I walk into my bathroom intending to take a shower. I glance at the clock on my desk, 5:37 pm. Perfect. I have about half an hour to get ready before jumping on a bus to headquarters. I smile and proceed with my shower. I make sure to clean everywhere and shave. When I get out of the shower I smile at my reflection. Having self care days are what allow me to feel good about myself all of the time. Feeling good about myself, is my key to happy living. Especially when I’m by myself most of the time.
I get dressed in my usual black dress and stockings and I’m off to catch the 6:15 bus to headquarters. I smile at the driver as the bus doors open.
“Here’s my pass sir.”
“Thank you miss. You may sit anywhere you’d like.”
“Thank you sir.”
I sit in one of the front seats seeing as my drop off is one of the first ones. It takes about twenty minutes to get there. Once the bus arrives I stand up, ready to make my departure.
I turn towards the driver before stepping off the last step, “Thank you for the ride sir.”
“Of course, have a nice night young lady.”
“You too sir! Don’t push yourself too hard.”
I smile and wave as the bus driver pulls away. Turning around, I smile at the building before walking up to the doors. I pull on one of the handles but the door stays closed. Huh? I pull on it again, it doesn’t budge. I push and once again, no movement. I glance inside and notice an old man walking past the door.
“Hey! Hey wait! Sir could you let me in?” I knock on the door twice to get his attention.
He glances up at me, and walks towards the door. As he opens it, he speaks to me, “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize anyone else was supposed to be showing up tonight.”
“No no it’s quite alright. Is Light inside?”
“Yes, but-“
“How rude of me! I’m sorry I never properly introduced myself. I’m Chinami Misora, and you are?”
He glances at me, “Watari.”
“Well it’s very nice to meet you Watari. I’m actually looking for the Kira Task Force. Would you happen to know where they are?”
“Why, yes. I could take you to them.”
“I would very much appreciate that.”
I follow the old man down a set of hallways.
“You shouldn’t introduce yourself to everybody. Real names and faces are dangerous right now.”
I glance at the man, “Huh?”
“Kira, he needs a name and a face. That’s all. They figured that out last meeting. I just want you to be careful. You seem like such a nice girl.”
“Thank you very much Watari. Are you saying I should use an alias?”
“I wouldn’t say a complete alias. A shortened version of your name will do.”
“Chi? Hm Chi Misoni?”
I hear him hum, I suppose that’s a sound of approval.
“Yes Watari?”
“Would you help me with this tray of sweets?”
I turn towards the man to see him grabbing a tray off of a cart. The tray has many chocolate covered strawberries along with cupcakes on it.
“Are those for Ryuzaki?”
He nods his head.
“Could I- could I try one?”
“Of course.”
I smile and grab a strawberry from the corner of the tray. As I bite the tip of the strawberry a mixture of sweet chocolate and strawberry juice fills my mouth. Strawberries just so happen to be my absolute favorite.
“Mmm these are really good. I think Ryuzaki will love them.”
“Yes, he does have a particular taste for strawberries.”
“So do I! They’re my favorite.”
I see Watari form a small smile, “Alright let’s bring these to L.”
We walk down a few more hallways before Watari opens a door. I peek around him to see Light, L, Chief Yagami, Matsuda, Aizawa, and a few others from the task force.
“Ryuzaki, you have a visitor.” Watari says, stopping.
“Huh?” Ryuzaki turns to look as us, “Oh hello, you’re back.”
“Um,” I walk towards L and set the tray of strawberries in front of him, “These are for you. Watari said to bring them to you.”
He looks up at me and gives me a small smile, “Yes thank you, I quite enjoy strawberries.”
“Chinami! What are you doing here? I told you that you weren’t allowed to come!” Light says, pushing me away from L and standing between us.
“I- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude I just-“
“Light,” starts Ryuzaki, “move aside please.”
Light looks behind him at Ryuzaki and glares but steps aside none the less.
“Chinami, come closer.”
I take a deep breath and step towards L, “Yes Ryuzaki?”
“What do you think about the Kira case? I’d love to see how you feel about this whole thing. I will stay here and go over the notes that we have with you. Than I will ask you for your thoughts and I want you to be honest about everything.”
I nod my head and give him a small smile.
“Alright, Matsuda grab a chair for her, you are all dismissed. You may all go home.”
“No way!”
I turn around to look at Light.
“No way in hell am I letting her stay here with you Ryuzaki! For all I know you’ll question her about me and then she’ll feel uncomfortable here. I don’t trust you with her.”
“Light I’ll be fine, Ryuzaki doesn’t scare me. I promise I’ll be okay.” I say, walking up to Light and hugging him. As I move away I feel him kiss my forehead.
“Are you sure? I’ll stay I don’t-“
“No Light, I’ll be fine,” I lean up to kiss his cheek, “thank you though.”
I see a light blush form on his cheeks. He nods and let’s go of me. Most of the other team members have left. I wave to Light and his father as they walk out. Turning back to L, I find him already looking at me.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” I say, hurrying to sit in the chair beside him.
“No need to apologize, I was just thinking.”
“Thinking? About what?”
“Your relationship with Light. Is he usually like this? Very protective of you. How deep are your feelings for each other?”
“Oh,” I glance at the floor, my face turning a bright red, “um Light is just my best friend. I did sort of have a crush on him a while ago but I don’t feel anything like that anymore. I’m not sure about Light though, every time I say your name he gets mad at me and-“
“You two talk about me?”
I look up, my cheeks even hotter, “No that’s not what I meant! I-“
“Hey,” he touches my chin, “that’s alright. Calm down. How about we begin going over the case?”
I see Watari smile out of the corner of my eye.
“Um L?”
He turns his head towards me, “Yes?”
“Can I- can I have one of the strawberries? I’m sorry to ask but they are my favorite treat.”
I look over at rhe half eaten tray and wonder when he ate all of those. He smiles before picking one up and handing it to me.
“Thank you.” I say, sucking on the chocolate.
“Alright, so about Kira...”
This is part two of my little DeathNote series. I wanted to let you guys know that I will be writing the twins still but I’m taking a little break seeing as they have announced their “retirement” so to speak of posting YouTube videos.
Taglist: @grantzarrr @dolan-habits @blindedbythelightt
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twinfanfics · 5 years
The tale of the three head beast. The marching fishes (17/20)
Second part of the tale of the three head beast series, you can read the first part The chosen children Here and here, or look for the tag  3t3hb  on this blog.
Resume: Three years had pased since Taichi won the hand of princess Sora and both get crowned King and Queen of the living land, now they must faced the duty of the monarchs, but the King is must worried about cover his affair with royal guard. The war started on the Honest Island, does the King Joe would manage it?. Mean while at the other side of the sea Takato and Ruki stronger their forces.
And you can read all past chapters of the marching fishes in the links below
ACT 2. SCENE 3: MOTHER | **warning suicide attempt**
ACT 5: SCENE 1: THE WIDOW After the cut
Everything that could hurt her, hurt
Her body had been shattered, her legs felt weak, the throbbing pain of her missed eye made her crazy; on her right, covered by a thin white sheet her son slept, the scars of his lost childhood were visible on his face.
He would never run careless to the rain again
On her left her daughter suck out of her breast,  the tiny girl was sweating from the effort, Mimi could not help but cry every time she looked at her, she was such an ugly baby,her skin had a greenish hue, not a single hair peeked through her head, so small, so weak, so lucky to be born alive.
The queen did not breast feed her first child, a nurse took him by her arms as soon as she asked for it, she was bathed  in rose water and fed  with red fruit and nuts before she asked to see him again. So she had no idea it would hurt that much, that it would leak and stain the sheet around her, that her arm would be cramped by the effort of carrying her newborn  for so long.
Two children lying on the bed next to an exhausted mother, she would like to sleep too, to dream that her husband would return, that he would take her back to his castle with baths of roses and red fruits.
Joe Kido, the pacifier; what a beautiful title, she remembered the exact moment when she fall for him: in their first dance, when he introduce himself not as a warrior but as a healer; Mimi had know so many warriors, killers, soldiers, but never a man as Kido, a man with the promise that his children would never knows the war.
But he lied, a man who seek justice cannot escape from the battle; she  wanted the strength to stand up and fight along him, the opportunity to...
An explosions sound at the distant, the little girl cried; as she could she pick her on her arms and hold her closer, even that movement brought pain to her body, the noise of the battle shook the walls, she expected  for the worse, and the worse happened.
Soldiers of the light army stormed on her room, bright armors splashed with blood and dirt, the King himself appear at the door, triumphantly; the wolf knight by his side with the face of a broken man.
That could only mean one thing
“The Sea King is death”  The King of all land said
A scream died in her throat, and she thanked the goddess that the children were asleep
Taichi Yagami didn't expect to found her like that, one-eyed, weak, pale, haggard, with two children hanging from her arms; she saw the pity in his eyes and make the greatest effort of her life.
“he got…” she barely could speak “what he deserve your majesty”  
The room make silence to her statement, the lies comes from her mouth in a attempt to save her own
“What did you said?” Yamato Ishida step forward, all him was intimidating, Mimi look at him and then to the King, did they really expect that she respond to a knight?
“he.. he allies with the men” her heavy breath interrupt her words “with the men who imprisoned me and.. and my son”
“Did you mean this men?” With a movement of his hand Taichi impart orders to his soldiers, immediately they drag Ken and Iory inside, Ken was gagged and Iory was crying, their hands were tied and their spirit broken
“Yes, no “she correct, her mouth was dry “ they don't …”  her hand hold her missing eye “not only them, Akiyama…”
“It's good to see that you have not forgotten about me honey”  he was there,along with the soldiers of the light with Davis by his side, none of them were tied
Instinctively she hold her children, if the looks could kill Ryo Akiyama would be death
“before it defeat, my master and I leave the rebellion” Davis mutter shamefully and the few blood that still remain on the queen body boiled  with rage
“You betrayed the rebellion” Iory spoke between  tears “you didn't just leave”  
The King raise one hand and they gagged Iory too
“We are not here to discuss the fate of Davis and his master” Taichi continues as the interruption didn't matter “Both of them are forgiven”
“Your highness!” Yamato exclaim but he also was ignore
“We are here for the last wish of Joe Kido” everybody keep silent for a moment, the wolf knight spoke next
“Don't kill the children”  his blue eyes turn to her, to her babies “that was a mistake we made the last time”  and he held the broken sword tightly, it leaked fresh blood
A sudden revelation “You killed him” she whisper, so slow that almost nobody could hear her
“I'm a merciful King, i would forgive the infants” Taichi voice sound over his trusty ally “Take them”
The soldiers move faster “No please!” they come closer to her “Please don't take my children!”  she didn't has the strength to resist
“They will be raise on a light temple, with the sister of the light…”
“No please….” she beg
“You will be imprisoned  and judge for yours crimes again the crown”
“I never committed treason to the crown! Look at me!” her arms  moved frantically “I am a prisoner, they kidnapped me! mutilated me! and then somehow they convinced my husband to fight for them! " heavy tears follow her screams “Please!”
One sight of his hand and the soldiers left the kids on the bed
“Promise loyalty to me, bend a knee and you will return to rule over the islands, the tributes for the capital will be doubled and the banders of the light will raise over the land”
“Yes…” she mutter, calming the children “wherever it takes your highness”
That would be enough, she thought, but he awaits for her, everybody did
She had not gotten out of bed since the birth of the girl, as she could she crawled to the edge and slid her feet to the ground, as the tips of her fingers touched the floor, slowly she tried to support her weight on her legs but the movement disorient her,  she grabbed hold of the rail feeling that her skin could not contain her body.
Nobody came to help her
She bent the knee and crashed to the floor.
“Lift her” the hands of her husband's murderer put her back in bed “return her to coral palace, is time to leave this Islands”
“Your majesty” she barely could spoke “Can i have a request?”  
“what more do you want beside your throne and your children?”
“Revenge…” her words come spiteful from her mouth “I want those who started this to rot in the dungeons of my palace, I want, when my health allows me to be the one who executes the traitors of the islands "  her sloppy eyes turn to Iory and Ken
“Davis and his master had been exonerate for his war crimes”
“Yea i know...” inexplicable she smile “i'm sure they would be fine following you to the capital, living the rest of theirs lives under the light” she closed her eye afraid to faint “please allow me to punish at least the ungrateful childrens of the islands”
“Ichijouji and Hida will remain under your custody, the wolf knight will take care of that”
“The wolf knight?” she laughs “that's such a cute name for a wild who bite his chains” her voice become deep and scratchy “he is not a protector… “ she babble “he is Kings´s predator”
and after those words she lost consciousness
When she woke up she was back in her bed, she smelled roses and a glass of strawberries shone on her table, her son, although awake, still curled up on his right, his daughter, still small and weak, was crying on her left
"Majesty, allow me" a Maid approached to take the baby but she stopped her.
"No one is going to touch my children again" and she held the tiny creature on her hands, ready to fulfill that promise.
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perfectackeracy · 6 years
“When the story stops sucking...”
Ok so you’ve probably noticed my lack of reviews and activity in general. Even the anime didn’t make me raise my voice more than usual lately. 
I’m gonna make it short: my lack of activity on meta and theories is mostly due to a lack of passion and interest regarding the manga events. It’s been since April that I haven’t written anything globally consistent, and it was mostly because the chapters were devoid of an interesting topic to elaborate upon. Everything I wanted to say was scattered in my asks and I had no motivation to sum everything up.
When I first started this blog, I mostly held theories about what was going outside the walls, what were the enemy’s true motivations and how the story could end. Even after the dull battle that was RtS, there was still something to elaborate upon: who was Zeke? What’s going to happen to Reiner and Bertolt from now on? What’s located inside the basement? What is the truth behind the world? Back in the day, I was more passionate on character analysis and what lies behind their motives.
The first major ragequit I’ve experienced was two years ago: two of my favorite characters died for some cheap, unnecessary drama (that wasn’t that unnecessary when you analyze Isayama’s words). At that time, when the basement’s secrets were revealed, I was more interested in how things can turn dark on Paradis than attachment to what’s left of the characters, since my favorites were on the other side of the ocean, dead or dead inside. Still, the prospect of a dark Eren following the wrong path because he can ws interesting enough to keep me interested.
Then we’ve got the Marley arc. An arc I was more than happy to follow, with an exclusive point of view from the fighters located on the other side, a team which has my favorite and a bunch of kids I came to appreciate. Naturally I would deliver as I’ve always delivered up until a certain point. You had Reiner dealing with the pain and the guilt accumulated through these years, the interactions between the group of warriors, an empire on decline, Zeke’s questionable motives, Eren’s presence that will ultimately cast doom, not only on Marley but also on the rest of the world, including Paradis. 
Then the SC came and things weren’t as interesting anymore…
It’s almost as if the SC’s reintroduction brought anything I didn’t want out of the series: we’ve got the same dull fights since RtS, the same plot-armored cast, the same sob comedy we had an arc ago and Zeke’s character who currently looks like an expy of Light Yagami and his 456138D chess consisting in anticipating everybody to accomplish his goals. The entirety of Vol. 26 was more a deception than a satisfactory volume.
We’ve transitioned from a geopolitical festival to a full-fledged battle with a twist at the end, as well as some flashbacks, and the whole thing was either dull or laughable. Let’s review this point by point to show you how disappointing this whole mess was.
The action sequence
To summarize the whole battle: Eren transforms into the Attack Titan, the Warhammer had him cornered, Mikasa saves him at the last minute, Jean and co. barge in and defeat the Marleyan troops, Warhammer has more resources but Eren can put two and two, Porco comes to Sister Tybur’s rescue but overestimated Paradis, Porco was saved by Pieck, Zeke comes in, Zeke has to act, Armin nukes the harbor, Porco gets distracted and fucks up, which leads to Zeke being captured and Pieck fucking up, as Pieck was about to be finished, Falco and Magath interfere, the kids hide Pieck, Porco fights against Eren but panics in front of the zeppelin, screw up and allowed Eren to use him as a nutcracker, Porco almost dies but is rescued by a suicidal Reiner, everybody boards up safely and fuck off from Liberio with Zeke, another titan power, and the last remaining cadets, one of them successfully killing a soldier who had death flags on her for a long time.
To be frank, I’m not sure how people can think it’s a good battle overall. On one hand, you have a bunch of soldiers in gear with titanium plot armor and on the other hand you have a team of warriors who need to be ridiculed through and through and pass for incompetents as Eren does his job without suffering any consequences during the battle. The most active, Pieck and Porco went from careful to suddenly disoriented, being put down by their enemies just like that, not making this fight even equal. It’s not even close to RtS’ sense of battle, where the SC was backed against the wall before returning the situation with crappy tactics. Here, we’re witnessing an emergency plan working rather well. Too well even. 6 deaths in total? Really? On the other hands, you’ve got Marley depleted from two more titan powers, Pieck’s panzer unit and a couple of soldiers.
Concerning titan fights, Porco and Lady Tybur held their own against Eren but were wrecked not so long after they gave their best. Porco in particular is a huge contradiction, who went from prideful (vs. Levi) to careful (to Pieck) to outright rushing everything (seeing the Colossus and seeing the blimp). It was a bit embarrassing on his behalf.
The battle also recycles some common elements that are quite tiresome to watch: Mikasa saving Eren when he’s getting backed in a corner, Armin’s basic plans -that nobody could ever guess-, always working while everybody acts like a clueless moron around him, Jean being contradictory… For an arc supposed to illustrate the divergence of the main trio, there wasn’t much to show except both Mikasa and Armin being disappointed in Eren’s actions.
Even the major deaths of this arc were neither shocking nor impactful. The most shocking deaths I can recall were Udo and Zofia’s because they were kids, but they weren’t painted as prominent characters in the cadet batch unlike Falco and Gabi. Next we had Willy Tybur, whose death was expected in the same chapter he died in, his sister, who had a fair chance to only serve as a placeholder to be eaten, and Sasha, who not only had red flags being painted all over her (killing the guards in front of Gabi, being the only one not wearing a breast plate), but was the subject of Isayama’s planned death (from Oita’s Q&A, March 2018). Sasha was already a non-character at this point, and him spending a whole funeral (when no other character got this privilege) was just plain obnoxious.
The characters
I’m still amazed -and not in a good way- by how bland the main staff became. Supposing it was remotely entertaining to make me root for them, my thoughts would’ve been something other than “Jesus fucking christ when will someone die already Gabi please shoot these fuckers”.
In simpler terms, Eren is by far the most entertaining character of the SC so far. While I understand the need to oppose Eren to his comrades in terms of ideology, his opponents are either uncaptivating or uninteresting to watch.
Armin is, of course and by far, the biggest offender. From the victim of Eren’s actions, he’s the one who opposes Eren’s individualistic views, but his character -or rather, his lack of- makes it hard to sympathize with. Simply speaking, a simpleton like him would’ve been better if he didn’t enjoy himself like an idiot after not only inheriting the CT, but also living at the price of Erwin. His unexplainable mastery of the CT at the same level than a natural like Bertolt, as well as a poor copypaste of the sad giant who never wanted this feels at the same time forced, redundant and bent over for the character’s convenience. The way a gary-stu would. To add more on the injury, Hange, the commander, passes as a complete buffoon in front of him, going as far as to praise his basic plans and compare him to Erwin. When you combine Isayama’s interviews and his position in the story, the way he comes off as a special snowflake feels unwanted. Even more when he got to live at the expense of two -potentially- more interesting and more popular characters.
In the end, we’ve got an amalgamate trying to narrate the story to Annie, who wasn’t seen for six years, but who was used as a confidence pillow. Considering Armin is a grown man who, in the end, chose to go with Eren and used gary stu nukes against Marley, am I supposed to sympathize with this? You know, it’s a good thing Armin tanked in popularity. His character was borderline insufferable in the former arc, and in this one, you just wish someone would mercy crunch him.
Fortunately Armin is by far the worst, but other members have their characters suffering post-timeskip. Special mentions to Hange and Levi. Hange either switched between the eccentric clown and the serious commander. While I’m ok with them being less competent than Erwin due to the pressure, they’re also a vet losing all their team members and yet displaying the personality they always did before timeskip. It’s no longer the squad leader specializing in research, but the commander, sometimes incapable to maintain a serious side, like when Yelena introduced the anti-Marley soldiers. While there’s a certain pressure coming from Zeke’s directives but also Eren’s decisions, their whole character is somewhat lackluster. Going from almost leaving the strategies to Armin to outright try and be friendly with Eren while he’s, once again, jailed, right after scolding him.
Moving on to Levi, while he held his promise for later I’m under the impression he became a meme without convictions more than anything. All he does in these chapters is threatening Zeke, which can be fun the first time but quickly becomes annoying, since we’re getting back in the old ways where Levi lacked development and was simply the clean freak, who also happened to be Paradis’ strongest soldier. He doesn’t have much usefulness in the story except being the sharp razor cutter of the group. Considering what Isayama said in the character directory it had to be expected, but it’s still annoying.
The character I’m feeling sad for so far are Historia and Reiner: Historia because she still doesn’t know what she really wants and bends again to someone else’s demands, even giving her body to fill the conditions of a potential savior, all at the expense of her freedom, pride and happiness. I’m surprised she agreed with Kiyomi’s conditions so quickly, however. Meanwhile Reiner was feeling suicidal up to the point of letting himself die. Had it not been for Gabi and Falco calling him, Porco would be dead. Still disappointed the volume didn’t end on his point of view. Besides, I was expecting him thinking about Bertolt during his coma, since Eren picking him up was similar to how Bertolt picked him up as they were kids. Yet another blueballing moment for Bertolt’s closure… Oh well.
Jean is more or less okay. His character is consistent, but he feels to much like an underdog in comparison of other characters who have been put in front. He’s still the same guy who acts tough but still has a moment of hesitation. I still don’t get why he’s used for convenient survivals, especially when he decided to not toss Gabi and Falco away from the blimp. Gabi, a trained soldier, killed Sasha, who was one of your besties for a long time? Ok let’s not throw them out and blame Eren on this whole fiasco!
I’ve said my mind about Floch, but him becoming a fanboy of Eren was unexpected and I’m curious to see what role he’s going to play in the future. Connie’s reactions to him teaming up with the man who was responsible for his village being devastated is too lackluster. Still, him describing Sasha’s loss as a part of him dying was touching.
Sasha was practically a non-character whose death would’ve been more impactful if it was set on for earlier. Isayama let her not only for the sidelines for way too long, but she ended up being the only “major” death on Paradis, with a couple of death flags on her. The result was not only predictable, but quite obnoxious with the over-extended funeral. Her character never got past the food jokes and Isayama is adding another layer of grief and mourning. Layer that could be shortened and used for something else. If there was another one I’d say ok, but this extra mourning is just really unnecessary. No character, not even Erwin, had this treatment before. Is it happening because Sasha doesn’t require much plot significance like Marco?
Gabi deserves my appreciation however. Her motivations to become a warrior were touching and understandable if you’re a member of a minority who strives to be accepted among other folks who sees you and your upbringing as inferior.
Zeke is a complete enigma. His actions are the ones impacting the plot the most and I really don’t know what to make of this. His movies are clear and at the same time they aren’t. Clear in the sense that he plays everybody like a fiddle to reach some goal. Unclear in the sense we don’t understand precisely what this goal is and what pushes Zeke to do this. Whether it’s for the common good or his own safety. The keikaku master exposition is becoming old if we keep exploring yet again what’s happening on Paradis on the third year. It’s cool Zeke is at the origin of both solutions and conflicts, but nothing is really explained.
The current plot
Or more accurately, monkey shenanigans 2.0. They’re not really the most compelling but they’re interesting enough to follow the series monthly. Despite that, we’re getting more questions than answers with all these chapters. If Zeke sides with neither camp, what is he fighting for exactly?
Since vol. 26 was mostly battles, not much questions have been answered to, and in the end, we’re spending more time with Paradis’ cast, getting more and more unlikeable with each chapter, falling into their own ways, rather than finishing with Marley, a cast we’re accustomed to since vol. 23. It would’ve been much better to end the battle of Liberio on Marley’s point of view first, then explain the flashbacks after. Engaging on an exposition dump was a clumsy move, and ending the battle to see a bunch of soldiers attacking another nation like terrorists acting like a bunch of clowns feels off compared to the settled tone.
Plus, so many scenes could’ve been shortened or skipped to insert other character moments instead. Sasha’s funeral comes to mind. You could’ve cut it half and have Historia thinking about Ymir when Kiyomi made her a proposition. The food jokes are outdated anyway and they make the story feel more embarrassing to read than comical. Same thing as Levi threatening to make a sopa de macaco. Still a tier better than food jokes, but still annoying.
The sudden transition to Paradis really makes me wonder, overall, why I should care about these fucks while the Marley arc started with another perspective? You just can’t let things unfinished and have an exposition dump in the meantime.
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panda-noosh · 7 years
Are you still taking requests for L? Well if you're doing so, I have this idea where his female s/o has suicidal tendencies and a suicide attempt like violet from ahs because, well not any apparent reason, 🤔 if you are not comfortable with it it's okay. Love ur writing
    Lalways believed he had no weaknesses.
   Youalways believed you were his one weakness.
   Lalways saw you as a light for him at the end of tunnels, the giftgiven to him by God, a thank you for all the good he had done for theworld.
   Youalways saw yourself as the thing he tripped over, getting in the wayduring his cases. That was why he sent you home sometimes, right?That was why he often spent days without talking to you, his eyesglued onto the computer screen. That was why he could go days withoutseeing you, and still be okay, even when you missed him more than hecould ever know.
   Youand L had been together for a year and a half now – a year and ahalf of bliss for him, a year and a half of anxiety for you. Youloved L with everything in you, but the anxiety that you had beensuffering with for years always found ways to ruin your happiness. Itnever just let you live.Ithad to come up with some excuse to show it's sour face in times wheneverything seemed good.
    Andyou knew that dating somebody like L was making its job easier – ithad so many excuses to choose from now.
    Sometimes,things did gettoo much. You often found yourself crying in your and L's sharedbedroom – if 'shared' was even a word you could use to describe itany more – sobbing into your hands because the idea of L not caringabout you was enough to drive you to the edge. There had beenmultiple times where the medicine cabinet just seemed to taunting.
   Notwelcoming. It would never look welcoming – but it was there. It wasan option. And the moment it became an option, a reasonable thing inyour head, was the moment you knew you had gone too far. The momentyou knew you needed help.
   Itwas just a matter of getting said help, because it was a lot easiersaid than done. Actually telling someone that you're depressed ispossibly the hardest task you've ever had to do, the fear of beingseen differently bubbling in your stomach.
   Whatif it looked like you were doing it for attention? What if it was nobig deal and you were just being a brat?
   Youhad to protect your ego over everything else. If you happened to bepushed to the edge at the end of the day, then so be it. It wouldhappen, and you wouldn't be around to see the repercussions, so whatwas the issue?
   Itall happened on the Sunday night following Light's lock-up. You wereon guard duty again, assigned to look over the security footage of ascreaming Light, who was constantly claiming that he was not Kira,begging L for his freedom. It was such a weird change of mood that itstartled you beyond anything. Looking at him with your knees bunchedinto your chest, forcing the thoughts of him only being 17 out ofyour head. You had to forget about that kind of thing – he offeredtobe locked up.
   Andbesides – you had a lot more severe things on your mind than LightYagami.
  Nothinghad happened. No big disaster, no insult was given to you. You hadgone to work, just like any normal day, and had done your job andeverything was fine. You had laughed whilst you sipped tea withMadsuda. You had discussed plans with your boyfriend, pretended youhad an interest in anything he was saying about anything any more.
   Youdidn't. You used to have an interest in it, but it was difficult tocare about anything whenever all you can think about is death.
    Thatwas what did it for you, though. The realisation that you neededhelp. The fear of getting that help. Ending it just seemed like themost obvious option, a simple solution to a problem which had beenhaunting you forever.
   Soyou did it. You caved. Snapped. You left the computer running, thesound of Light screaming being the last thing you heard before thepills were being lodged in your throat and everything was spinningand your head was slapping off of the tiled bathroom floor before itwas like the galaxy had swallowed you up, leaving you to just beanother failed attempt at happiness.
    Ldidn't want to visit you at first.
    Hewas finallygettinga rest from sitting and staring at a screaming 17 year old all day.He was finally being able to catch up on every other aspect of thecase, focus on some more people, perhaps get an even larger suspectlist.
   Butthe thought of you being in his office on your own was daunting tohim, and so he persuaded Watari to let him go and see you, if onlyfor a moment.
   Ofcourse he had noticed your change in mood as of recently. He wasn't astupid man. He saw how your smiles lasted shorter and shorter, howyour eyes no longer lit up whenever you laughed, the way your handswere constantly shaking.
   Youwere always anxious, and always needed that little bit morereassurance than everybody else, but it was getting to the pointwhere he was beginning to worry.
   Onlyyou could make L worry in the way he currently was.
   Andit wasn't a simple 'anxiety' feeling. It wasn't just nerves. It wasgenuine worry – a worry to leave you alone. It wasn't normal toworry for somebodies life just because they had nobody to occupythem.
   Sothe moment he walked into his office to see the computer screen stillblaring but you nowhere in sight, his entire being crumbled aroundhim. The bathroom door was slightly ajar, a small light being seenfrom beneath it.
   “Ohno, Y/N,” he whispers, before launching himself towards thebathroom door. It was like somebody had shaken the monotone,slow-moving personality out of him, leaving only the worried state hewas currently in as he pushed open the bathroom door.
    Henearly stepped on your hand – yourhand. Sprawledacross the bathroom floor, foam bubbling at the corners of yourmouth, your eyes shut.
   Lhad seen multiple dead bodies in his time. He had seen overdosevictims, heart attack victims, murder victims that were so brutallykilled that you couldn't even make out their features. But seeingyou, not even dead, laying on the bathroom floor in this state wasworse than any of those put together.
    Awail escapes him before he can even catch it. He crumbles to hisknees, immediately getting to work on checking your pulse. Relieffloods him as the soft thump of your pulse grabs at his fingertips,but it isn't enough. You aren't awake, and if he were to wait anylonger, he would no longer be able to feel your pulse.
    Hewatches you get carried into the hospital room. He stays in thewaiting room for days, refusing to leave. Criminals are being killedon the daily, and the suspect list is still short, and Light is stilllocked up, and his co-workers are still panicked because of the fateof the world.
   Ldidn't care. He wasn't leaving.
    Theday you finally woke up, L made it a priority for him to be the firstperson you saw when you were stable enough.
   Hesat in the corner of your hospital room, watching you pull yourselfawake after your final surgery was successful. The pills had beenpumped from your stomach, but that still left the long-lasting damageof the failed organs you had suffered through. The doctor hadinformed L that only her liver had failed due to the time it took forhim to get there – he meant it in a good way. A way to say “Itcould have been much worse had you not showed up,” but L stilldidn't feel like it was enough.
    Youshouldn't have felt the need to take that amount of pills in thefirst place. He should have paid more attention.
    “Don'tfrown like that, Ryuzaki,” you croak out before your eyes are evenopen. “You look like a slapped bulldog.”
   Lcontinued to frown, looking at you with sad eyes. Your eyes peelthemselves open, finally making note of the oddly-sitting man in thefar corner of your hospital room. A sigh escapes your lips – one ofembarrassment, one of shame, one of guilt. You were almost positiveyou had taken enough pills so this meeting wouldn't have had to havehappened.
   “I'msorry,” you say. “I'm so sorry. You look so tired. I didn't – Iwasn't thinking.”
   “You were thinking,” L interrupts, thesound of your cracking voice too much to bare after everything he hadseen you go through in the last two days. Surgeries, mental healthspecialists coming in and out of your room as if you were about totell them everything whilst you were in a damn coma. “You were justthinking about the wrong things, and that's okay.”
   Youclose your eyes and tilt your head back. “How do you always dothat?”
   “Justforgive andforget. Iput you through hell, didn't I? I was being selfish, and you just sitthere and tell me it's okay.”
    “Because it isokay,”he insists. You look at him now, full and front. His beautiful ravenhair which always manages to be completely out of shape, his crispwhite shirt which hangs off of his body loosely, his pale skin. “It'sokay to feel bad sometimes, Y/N. It's okay to be depressed.It'sokay to have mental health issues. But it's not okay to think it'sthat much of an issue that you have to try and end it completely.”
   “There's no need to be,” he mumbles, ducking hishead down. “I just – I need you to know that there's easier waysto handle your bad thoughts. They may take longer, and they may seemcompletely helpless at first, but I'll get you help, Y/N. The bestkind of help, because I cannotgothrough what I just went through again. I can't.”
    Yourlip wobbles, emotions grabbing at your chest. “God, I love you somuch, Ryuzaki.”
    Hesmiles, and it's faint, barely there. Filled with exhaustion, thoughthat's nothing different from what you're used to seeing. “I loveyou too, Y/N.”
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Everybody Hates Death Note
That anguished sound you’re hearing? That’s the collective howl of a thousand Death Note readers reacting to Netflix’s brand-new film adaptation of the phenomenally popular manga, which debuted last night. The project was controversial enough to attract interest from major media outlets like Variety, The Guardian, The Hollywood Reporter, and The New York Times. While many news organizations have been kinder to Adam Wingard’s movie than rank-and-file fans, critics more knowledgable about the source material have taken issue with Wingard’s efforts to transplant Tsugumi Ohba’s story from Japan to Seattle.
Writing for GQ, for example, Joshua Rivera praised Wingard for his diverse supporting cast — brilliant detective L is played by Lakeith Stanfield — while noting that the Americanized Light “is an angry, disillusioned young white guy who might as well be a faceless Redditor who gains the power to kill people via forum posts.” Other reviewers — such as Forbes critic Dani Di Placido — took issue with the way that Ryuk was reimagined as “a malevolent force, pressuring Light into murder and pursuing his own private, twisted agenda.” Di Placido noted the strong contrast between Wingard’s interpretation of Ryuk and Tsugumi Ohba’s original creation:
In the original, Ryuk is simply bored. That’s it. That’s his motivation. He hangs around in the world of death, bored out of his mind, until he decides to give his Death Note to a random human and just … see what happens. To his delight, the tense game of cat and mouse that ensues is the most entertaining thing he’s ever witnessed.
Ryuk is supposed to be a spectator, just like the audience, standing beside Light and giggling at the human’s plans. He doesn’t have a horse in the race – he just likes eating apples and watching the chaos unfold. I really loved that aspect of Ryuk, and again, it’s a shame that his character had to fit the Western perception of demonic entities.
Roger Ebert contributor Brian Tallerico was less charitable in his assessment than Di Placido, awarding Death Note a measly one star rating and arguing that “it doesn’t feel like any of these alterations to the source material, and there are many of them, had true artistic or thematic purpose.” His sentiment was echoed by BGN critic Jamie Broadnax in her aptly titled review “I Watched Death Note So You Won’t Have To,” in which she catalogued the film’s myriad problems, from frantic pacing to an ill-conceived love story. Broadnax’s most trenchant comments, however, addressed the race-bending of the story’s principal characters:
…the whitewashing of Death Note is problematic as hell and it was even more egregious to see Asian actors used more for set dressing than actual principal characters. And as much as I love LaKeith Stanfield and I stan for most of what he does, racebending L and listening to him speak very bad Japanese is not enough for me to forgive the whitewashing of Light Yagami.
Also addressing the whitewashing issue at length was Pajiba’s Kristy Puchko, who shared Broadnax’s frustration that the film’s Asian American actors functioned more as props than people:
Wingard transported the story from Japan to Seattle, then decided to cast white actors in the two lead roles of Light and Mia. (Because people of Japanese heritage don’t live in Seattle?) “Kira” is still used as a pseudonym as it means “killer” in Japanese, but it’s presented as a misdirect to keep the cops off Light’s trail. Yup, the white hero is hiding behind an assumed Japanese identity. Aside from supporting character Watari (Paul Nakauchi), the greatest representation for Japanese actors is the slew of dead yakuza members, and their molls, who are clad in skimpy lingerie, dead or alive.
I give the last word to Anime News Network’s Jacob Chapman, who joined his fellow cinephiles in panning Death Note while arguing that Wingard’s film has a unique integrity:
It’s hard to imagine Death Note aficionados being pleased with something so flagrantly disrespectful to its source material, but there’s still reason to rejoice in the specific flavor of badness we were gifted. Rather than being dull or disposable, Death Note 2017’s desire to be different no matter the cost gives the movie its own maverick charm, inimitable by the flood of safe remakes we forget one week after they hit theaters. (Lookin’ at you again, Ghost in the Shell.) There’s a trashy kind of triumph that rises from the uniquely poor decisions holding Death Note together, and every fan should watch it just once for a one-of-a-kind example of how adaptations can go wrong.
If you’re in need of a palette cleanser, VIZ has you covered: on September 5th, the publisher will release a 2,400-page Death Note omnibus for a wallet-friendly price of $39.99 — which, as the folks at Gizmodo helpfully observed, translates into a per-pound cost of $1.50. As an added incentive, VIZ will include a new epilogue chapter that hasn’t been published in English before. Pre-order it here.
By: Katherine Dacey
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tobiasdrake · 3 years
Existential Ramifications of Dragon Ball Wishes
In the final arc of the Dragon Ball manga and Z anime, Majin Buu exterminates the entire human population of the planet Earth. He kills everyone, save for Tenshinhan and Mr. Satan, the former of whom dies when Majin Buu destroys the planet shortly after. For a period of time, Mr. Satan is the last human alive.
However, as is typical of Dragon Ball, it's all undone by the end. Using Dende as a proxy, Vegeta makes a wish to Porunga to recreate the Earth and resurrect everyone who has died since Babidi arrived on Earth, except for the evil people. The wording is carefully chosen; by not specifying "killed by Majin Buu", Vegeta makes it possible to resurrect tournament attendees that he, himself, killed as Majin Vegeta. Similarly, by not specifying that they have to be on Earth, both Vegeta and the Old Kaioshin are able to be revived, the latter of whom hasn't even set foot on the planet.
About six months later, another wish was made on Shenron to make everyone forget about the Majin Buu crisis, allowing Mr. Buu who separated from Pure Buu to enter society.
The story doesn't dwell on it, but this is kind of existentially terrifying.
Long Live Alien Jesus
First, let's talk about the revival. Dragon Ball takes place in a populated universe. There are enough planets with sentient life for Frieza to be a second-generation inheritor of a planet-killing real estate business.
The Majin Buu fiasco was localized entirely around the planet Earth and, at the very end, the Kaioshin world located somewhere in the afterlife or divine realm or something. With the exception of the Namekians who somehow heard something was up and assembled the Dragon Balls on standby just in case, nobody else really knew that this was happening.
But consider the wording of the wish. It was not limited by location or relevancy to Majin Buu. Every person who meets the criteria of a) having died since the specific point in time when Babidi arrived on Earth and b) not being evil has been resurrected. The narrative focuses on Earth, but how many aliens may have died by perfectly mundane circumstances around the universes in that time span?
Imagine that. You were shot in an alley on Planet Vorklut. You were walking across a space street and got hit by a car. And suddenly you're waking up on a slab in the alien morgue, healed of all injury, and no one will ever know why. You died within the time span and Porunga judged you non-evil, so you receive a miracle you can't possibly explain.
I wonder how many religions Vegeta inadvertently founded?
The Chaos on Earth
But Alien Jesus has the least of the confusion. Think about those wishes. Everyone on Earth was resurrected too, as was the intent, except the evil people. The human population on the planet Earth has been purged of everyone Porunga judged to be evil.
"Wow, we're back! Except Frank. Where's Frank?" What Frank's friends don't know is that Frank is a rapist. But Porunga knows.
Furthermore, the later wish to Shenron erased everybody's knowledge of Majin Buu. Nobody remembers that they were attacked by an eldritch horror that slaughtered the planet, then mysteriously resurrected by an unknown force related to Mr. Satan's eleventh-hour battle with the creature.
So what happened to the people that didn't come back?
So far as anybody knows, the entire Earth has been subjected to what can only be described as "Light Yagami with the Infinity Gauntlet". Every evil person in the world was abruptly deleted one day, almost certainly inflicting mass societal chaos given how often such people find their ways into positions of political and corporate power. And just like Alien Jesus, no one will ever know how or why that happened.
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twinfanfics · 5 years
The tale of the three head Beast. The marching fishes (13/21)
Second part of the tale of the three head beast series, you can read the first part The chosen children Here and here, or look for the tag  3t3hb  on this blog.
Resume: Three years had pased since Taichi won the hand of princess Sora and both get crowned King and Queen of the living land, now they must faced the duty of the monarchs. The war started on the Honest Island, does the King Joe would manage it?. Mean while at the other side of the sea Takato and Ruki stronger their forces.
And you can read all past chapters of the marching fishes in the links below
ACT 2. SCENE 3: MOTHER | **warning suicide attempt**
  The sun will rise soon.
The prince Takeru was still holding the door of the Queen.
It was an honor, his brother always said it. It was also a great excuse to nap during the day. How ever, the prince never did the full night, he take the begining and the end, just for the Queen to see him. Or he just let Takuya do the whole night, who cares?  A lot of The Crown duty was to pretend things. He has to pretend that he likes to be the royal Knight, that he cares about the royal guards, that his thought were on the job, that he wasn’t  scared by the dark words of his mother, that he did not pray for his brother to don’t sacrificed his life for one of the Kings, that his heart don’t break every time that he saw Hikary running away from him. All of this mess will do great poetry. How long ago he did not write?
HIkary wants to be a sister of Light. Pass the day praying, helping the needed and lecturing everybody about the sin. She had jumped off the balcony because she preferred to die to don’t be a sister of Light. There is something that he would die for?
The Prince was waiting for the sun to rise, and then, as a mystery, HIkary comes to see him.
Beautiful Hikary clothed with the Light habit and something that want to be a smile on her face.
“Takeru” The damsel said and the chest of the Prince grown at the calling.
“Sister” Takeru said as he did the bow that you had to do when you saw an enlightened sister alone.
And there were the tears of the girl, the trembling hands and the true smile.
“I hadn’t… I´m still not…”
“But you will be. You will be Hikary”
“Look at you, you are already doing miracles, coming to talk to me”
She laughs and he still enjoyed. He was charming and she was paralyzed by that. For a moment the Prince aloud himself to think that there were something else, something else that the youth and the easies to be together. Maybe it was something that could survive all that mess.
“That is not the only miracle that I made”
The damsel get close to him, her eyes shine and her skin was almost glowing.
“The Queen is going to convert at The Light”
Takeru turn over himself and open the door of the Queen’s room. No one was there.
“She had a sudden revelation” Hikary said “She is in the temple, praying, she finally saw the light Takeru”
Takeru stand by the door incredulous.
“If only all could”
“Hikary, you know that I don't…”
“You follow the light at your way Takeru” The girl said prontly “I’m talking about the queen mother”
“Aunt Toshiko?”
“She didn’t take well the decision of The Queen, she kept herself on her room”
Takeru could imagine the tantrum of his aunt, he don’t want to imagine how it's going to be said it to his own mother.
“Could you please… Just make sure that she would attend the ceremony? It would mean the world for The Queen.”
“Ceremony? “
“The summon alchemist is taking care of everything. Tomorrow, at noon, it would be beautiful”
“I take care of it, don’t worry”
“Thank you” Hikary said with affection “And… I’m sorry, Takeru… for everything”
“Don’t, don’t apologize” He said while his only wish was to heard other apology.
She left and he stayed. He saw the sun rising from the big window in the Queen’s room. The empty room that he had pretended to guard so many nights.
The ceremony started when the sun was highest on the sky. The sisters of Light had covered the patio of the palace with white flowers, the army had invited at nobles and peasants to saw the ceremony. The warlocks and witches on the capitol had started to move to the periferia. The veto ended
“Ridiculous” Princes Ritsuko said since the balcony “This is a fraud, Gennai is twisting on his graveyard right now”
“Mother, please” Princess Takeru said “I sure that Sora… “ but he had nothing kind to add “yes, this is weird”
“Weird nothing my son. This is a down hit, even for the House of Love. I had to know that the apple didn’t fall to far of the tree. The Queen is a liar hungry for power, just as her mother”
“Mother!” The boy said, as if the princess didn’t know that he is the one who must arrested by saying those words.
“Don’t make a mistake, my son” his mother said as she get close to him “The fate of The Light is a trick to had control over the people, the alliance between the crown and them is for mutual necessity; I know a conspiracy when I see one and what we are seeing now is one of the worst kind. We can only hope the corpse that would bury today wouldn’t be ours.”.
The Prince remains silence at the last comment of his mother. It would be really the worst for the kingdom that he married Hikary Yagami? This is the move of Sora to remain on the throne? If everyone were betting for the death of the King how was his brother? He fixed his armor on place and walked to saw his aunt, if his mother was mad he don’t want to imagine the mood of the Queen mother.
HIkari finished to put the white flowers over the pink dress. The girl was smiling all the time.
“You look divine your majesty”
<This is prettiest that my wedding dress> The Queen thought. But quickly her mind goes to the last time she saw it, covered with the red blood of her mother. When she get back to reality, HIkary had been gone and  the summon alchemist was on her room.
“This is a woman’s dressing room” The Queen said with annoyance, but the man just smile at her.
“I am trying to imagine your feelings, the grief could be hard. But believe me, this are good news for you”
“It wasn’t a murder” Sora said. Mostly because he was the only person that she can said it.
Compassion is something that Sora couldn’t think the summon alchemist could fake.
“Yes, I know. But the world had ways to kill the weaks and rewards the strongest, the smartest, the worthiest” and there it was, the real man behind the curtain “We had to take the chances that the life gifs to us. One day you are going to remember this day as the beginning, and the death of your mother as the end of the life that you hated.”
The Queen walked at the center of the courtyard. There were music and flowers. Her people were looking at her. She was tired and scary. She did the steps until the center, where Izzy Izumi was waiting with the Holy water on his right hand and a soldier of Light on each side. She knelt, the water fall over her head and the summon alchemist recited the old baptism lore. If god is going to talk to her this was the moment.
But what she felt was the sudden movement. A sword unsheathed on her right side. She evaded it for so little. Her brown eyes found the black’s of a foreign, dressed as a Light´s soldier. He listen the scandalous scream of the summon alchemist “heretics!”. She get her attacker for the wrist and stolen his sword, with a twist of her arm she asset a hit on his face. The other guard ran towards her, but he slashed his throat and nail the sword over the torso of the first man as he was still on the floor.
There were blood on the holy water.
“Your majesty!” The scream of Prince Takeru broke the silence “Someone had kill the Queen Mother!”
Sora felt her blood boil over the look of her cousin, who had seen her slaughtered two men. Just as the rest of the kingdom.
“Our enemies had send assassins to murder the royal family” the summon alchemist said with a loud voice as turning to the audience  “But a miracle! A miracle had happen today! Our Queen had received the force of the true God of Light. No man can kill her now!”
The people cheer and acclaimed her when she rise the sword of his enemy. And slowly, the screams were forming words that resonated inside her. “Saint Queen!”
When the Queen came back at her room there was a golden armor waiting for her. A phoenix was graven on the breastplate, embroidered on the cotton of the skirt was the symbol of the The Light and on the hip, rested the sword of her father.
No guard kept her door anymore.
The next day the audiences begun, she sit on the throne of The King and the Sisters of Light actually cried from happiness. At first command she made Izzy Izumi kneel in front of her and swear be loyal as her royal adviser.
“Were they really assassins send for our enemies?” The Queen asked quietly when he stand next to her.
“Yes, of course” The royal adviser answered “not the most brilliant if I could tell, they didn’t notice that they walked on a trap”
The enemies are coming for her and she had never felt more ready.
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twinfanfics · 6 years
The tale of the three head beast -The Marching Fishes 6/20
Digimon GoT AU
Second part of the tale of the three head beast series, you can read the first part The chosen children Here and here, or look for the tag  3t3hb  on this blog.
Resume: Three years had pased since Taichi won the hand of princess Sora and both get crowned King and Queen of the living land, now they must faced the duty of the monarchs. The war started on the Honest Island, does the King Joe would manage it?. Mean while at the other side of the sea Takato and Ruki stronger their forces.
Pairs: Taiyama, taisora, Joumy, daiken, and sooo so many others
ACT 2. SCENE 2: BROTHERHOOD. (after the cut)
Iory stopped by Mimi’s cell before gone at the war boats. She was sitting with her back on the wall, uncomfortable for the pregnancy, she was hugging his son, both dirty and hunger, but at least the angry yelling had stopped.
“This is going to end soon” Iory said. But Mimi didn’t answered, she kept there, with his son on her arms “I never intend to…” He know he didn’t own her any apologized. “I know Joe Kido is a good man, too good to be King” her eyes were full of tears and he was full of words “but Taichi Yagami on the big Throne are  bad news, a puppet of The Light, the same Light that kills homosexuals and heretics, how much time has to pass before The Light will came at the Honest Islands and started to burn our idols and books.” she closed her eyes and kissed his son on the front as he tied the hug and Iory kept talking “My own father fighted against the capitol, he was trying to independence our home and he ended killed by the sword of the Wolf Knight, a peasant whose only achievement was won the throne for Joe Kido.” The Queen trembled “This is the best for the Islands” Iory said at last.
“Liar” The Queen said at Iory’s back.
The blood of the Forgotten Prince boiled.
The Ikkaku’s Island was at just some kilometers apart, the last defense before the Grand Island. Joe kept all the zone fierced guarded, but now Iory was sure that Joe would give up.
He was wrong.
“War boats at the horizont!” Davis yelled since the watchtower.
The sea was calmed and the warriors ready. The two flotillas encountered each other in the middle of the blue, and the battle started.
“Take the boats and get as many prisoners as you could!” Iory yelled the orders.
Davis jumped from the watchtower and the rebels scream, his sword was fast and certain, his hair was an orange flame that run over the battlefield, no for nothing he was his master’s favorite. Even then, Ken Ichijouji was the first on boarded the enemies boats.
Blood was draining to his sword, sweat all over himself and the screams of his enemies didn’t stop, some of them crying, more of them cursing his name. Ken felt alive on the battlefield, actions and quick thinking, kill the enemy, take the rudder, it was easy. Easier that the other things of life.  
Ken was guarding the cell when the Queen wake up. She found herself trapped, with his son still unconscious next to her over the cold floor. She searched for the weapons under her dress, but they had taken each one of them. She found just the smug face of Ichijouji looking at her. The swerwords of his dying enemies were nothing compared at the treats of the Queen. One beat at the bars of the cell and she stopped the yelling.  He was expecting questions, an opportunity to insult her and make her felt as the vain insect that she was. But the Queen started sobbing without help, uncontrollable murmurs that sound to much as a prayer, but wasn’t the name of god on Mimi’s lips.
“Joley… sister… please… “
“How you dare!” Ken scream.
His angry eyes found her quizzical look.
After everything how she dare to say that name, to called the sister that she betrayed. She had seduced the Sea King to choose her over Joley, when she knows that she was breaking her younger sister's heart. Because Joley’s heart was precious, Ken knows that. Memories of that far warm night assaulted him, the hot skin of the princess of the desert, her enthusiastic kisses mixed with all that alcohol. How long has been? three years? Would he ever seen her again?
Davis blocked one enemy attack against Ken´s back. The young knight turned to saw the face of his lover, Davis was so handsome with that bravery on his eyes, his sword moving gracefully, his mouth yelling at his enemies.
“We had this battle won” Davis said so full of confident that he even had time to kiss Ken before entering at the weaponry room. The smell of the gunpowder and the fire begun.
Davis Motomiya set the boat on fire and watch how his followers did the same with the rest of the enemies ships. His arm over Ken’s waist and both jumped at the principal ship, where Iory was looking them with proud. They had captured all the enemies that hadn’t jumped at the ocean or died on the fire (or in Ichijouji´s blade). His boyfriend was hugging him as his brother and the rebels celebrate the victory. Freedom, justice, the spirit of the Honest Islands will survive and conquer all.  The Queen had been wrong when she told him that he doesn’t belong there.
Davis had been in charge to give the food at the Queen. Ken was always yelling at her and Iory was a prince, he hadn’t had to do those things.
He didn’t understand his brothers, Mimi wasn’t rude at him. If something she looks scary and kept a child in jail was a discussion that he had lost. Back when they were small children The Sea King would had reasons to imprisoned them and he showed mercy instead, because they were children.
“Where are you from?” The Queen had asked after the third or fourth time that he had given her clean food.
“The Honest Island” Davis had responded. The Queen hadn't been looking so convinced. “I can guess that my parents are from some place else, but I am not”
“You guess?”
“Master Ryo bright me at the Honest Island when I was a baby, I don’t remembered live far away of this ocean” Davis had been talking easily “When the King accepted to training me as a Knight I won a place, and when the other King kill him and forgive my live, I won two brothers” Mimi shivered at the mention of the old battle. Maybe after those days with the knights she could understand the story of the Honest Island. Davis himself didn’t understand that much.
“I had been trying to do the same thing” the Queen had said sweetening her voice “I try to belong”
She had been sitting on an old chair, her son had been on her lap hugging at her big mom’s belly. Somehow she made the all thing looked like a throne. Suddenly Davis had been feeling so uncomfortable, Iory maybe was a leader and the right heir, but he had never seen that… royalty.
Mimi didn’t deserve that cell. The Queen moved her big eyelashes and his son coughed a few while Davis’ heart get smaller on his chest.
“You know you don’t belong with them, right?” the Queen had said while Davis had his hand resting over the cell lock “The Sea King had been so generous to you”.
A moment of hesitation. The keys were holding on his waist, he know that his brothers weren’t on the building. Did he really would be able to…
Something hit him. The Queen hit him with the chair. He hit the floor and the hand of the Queen had stretched to grab the keys, and she almost got them. Davis rolled at the floor, give up and dared to watch at Mimi’s eyes, and then, he understand why his brothers refused to see her.  Any of them would brake before her.
He had been left the room as Mimi yelled at him many variants of fool. But she had been wrong, he belongs at the Islands, at this rebelion, with his brothers: Ken and Iory, his lover and his prince.
The rebel flotilla was celebrating the triumph while Ryo Akiyama was watching the Queen‘s  cell on the rebels quarters.  There was something comforting at watching at the Queen. Maybe it was the obvious hate that the Queen felt for him or maybe was the red hair and the purple eyes that remembered him at his own wife. The women of the desert were something else.  
“He is going to kill you” Mimi said with no hesitation.
“Excuse me?”
“He adores at that children, but you… the King despise you”
Ryo laughed a little before answered.
“Oh darling, on this days, everybody call himself a King”  
With no more explanation the assassin left the Queen’s cell. Ryo walked through the building until his room, he closed the door and the windows, making completed darkness, he unveiled the big old mirror, recited the old canticle and slowly, a figure formed on the other side.
“Love of my life” he said as Rika´s image appeared.
“You fool” The woman said with the biggest smile he had seen in her since the first day Takato hold a sword.
“You look happy”
She inclined to pick something of the floor.
“Look this” she said as showed him a baby dinosaur moving on her arms “Takato found saurios! my child is the chosen one”
“For the Light God!” Ryo hide his jealousy behind his surprise. “I hadn’t seen one of those on years” the smiled of Rika only grown “But what about them? for when they grow up enough to be useful on combat MY CHILD had been conquer all the continent”
“Yeah sure” She dismissed him “Your plan is obviously not stupid. How is your lame rebelion going?”
“My apprentices are at two battles to won the Grand Island and when Iory will be King of this place, it will be only matter of time to send his army against the capital. Davis will be King of all the living land before the next summer solstice. You had to see him Rika, the people adore him”
“Well, Takato is a King already”
“A indulged King” he said making her frowned “ You had given him everything, Davis is a survivor, a natural leader”
“You are always over complicating everything” She said “two battles you said”
“Two battles to conquer the richest land of the continent”
“Made yourself sure that Izumi didn’t interfere” She said without hidden her concern.
“I assure you Rika, the Capital bigger mistake is dismissed this war. We are gonna win”
“For the glory of the Courage house” She said as a goodbye.
“For the glory of the Courage house” He repeated.
Ryo allow him to rest a little. All their fights and patience were paying off.
He remembered that night when Rika decided that felt compassion was part of their jobs. She give up everything for a baby that she believed was the chosen one, but he had never been much of fairy tales himself. Takato could had lucky, but his brother, Davis, had been talented since the first time that Ryo founded him hidden under the crib. Rika hadn’t see him, that itself was marvelous. He is going to be King, Ryo would make it. Captured the Queen had been a winning move, they are going to conquer the Honest Island in no time.
Far away, the knights of the Islands shared his master confident, not as his knowledge. The Forgotten Prince leadered the insing ship as Ken and Davis make out on the watchtower of the boat. And then, they see them: The Light banners all over the Ikkaku’s Island, and all their confidence banished.
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twinfanfics · 6 years
The tale of the three head beast
The chosen children
So, its a little late, but here is the chapter. As always, thank you for reading and you can found it on fanfiction and Ao3. 
Chapter 12: The Weedings:  Two weedings celebrated on the living land, one on the brilliant capital, where The Light get stronger and the other on the beautifull land of Piramide. Love and politics covered the ceremonies. 
Piramide was opulent, there were food, music, women in large dresses, men in bright colors, everyone singing, everyone eating. It was a caoss.  All that champions death and the cups so full of whine.
Takato was overwhelmed, sitting next to his queen, who look at him with that brown eyes and speak the most sweet things.  Henry laughts every two sentences, tyred of the corny of the couple. Takato was shure that the man deserved a gift at least.
Suddenly, the music stopped, all the lights go out and in the middle of the arena The Lion lit a huge torch. It was Rika, covered with a exotic yellow fur coat. She raised her cup and started her speech.
“Long time ago on the land across the sea my people lived on peace. The Light worked aside us, The Army of Shadows, serving at the magnificent house of Courage, the choosen for the goddess to rule the living land. Until the day when The Light get corrupted, they became allies with an insurgent force and tried to kill at all the chosen family.”   every phrase was followed by a pause,  where The Lion repeated the words on the language  of Piramide.   “I, the bravest warrior of the Shadow Army, rescued a baby and come with him to this land to training him and lecture him about his true right to rule over the world. Today! we are one step closer to that victory, with Piramide on our side, he will reclaim his birthright and this country will expand itself all the way across the sea” Rika raised her cup one more time “For Takato, the survivor, King of Piramide, and next King of the Living Land”
Takako rise his cup and turned to watch Yuri. She turned to him.
“Cada hombre y mujer que alcanzas a ver te sirve ahora, tan pronto y yo tenga un heredero podremos zarpar y tomar el trono que deseas, Takato” She said full of devotion.
Takato listen the words of her wife trought Henry “Every man and woman that you can see is now loyal to you, and as soon as the queen had a inheritor you could ship away and take your throne, My King”
Takato turned to the people, the torches lit again, revealing warriors, celebrating the new King, the promises of a new war. Brown people of big eyes, everyone who he could see was swearing loyalty to him, on the center, his mother, his rescued, Rika, brighter and prouder than ever, with The Lion aside her. Takato was overwhelmed, with his new Queen, his old war and  Henry behind him, small eyes and golden skin on silence.
Across the sea was happening other weeding.
The princess Sora arrived at the cathedral. A suddenly gasp ocurred on The Sister of Light entourage. Hikary’s face was undone while his brother trayed to smiled with his eyes. The Queen’s weeding dress was white, with a scandalous v neckline and a huge symbol of the love house braided on the front,  the silhouette of the skirt was more relaxed than Hikary remembered,  the Queen could move with liberty and the belle was more translucent than it will be, as well that everybody could see Sora’s bright smile.  A whisper ran all over the church.
By her surprise Taichi was as fun as her.  His hands were sweaty but firm and he recited the votes perfectly.  He will honor her and the kingdom,  he will be true and strong and brave on the war time, he will be compasive and he will rule by the right of the light God.  
“And I will be devoted to you,  patient and wise and I will protect the peace that my father created and I will do my best to you,  our children and our kingdom”
Taichi lips were warm and his hands were big on her hips and shoulders.
The new King and Queen left the church.
The food was delicious, exotic recepies than Sora had never taste but that her husband could described with an unusual pasion.  His husband,  he likes food, he doesn't profes a hard faith and he was a good dancer.  As soon as her mother requested he had taken her hand and the both had been dancing together all the party that they hasn't  been receiving congrats  from all the nobility.  Or almost all. Not her new knight or the Sea King were to present their respect,  they were probably waiting until the next day when the audiences would start.  The politics excited more at the princess than the party. But now was time to be festive.
“For the new King and Queen” called a voice on the audience
“ Sora” her husband wishper at her “ he is the summon alchemist,  one of the wiser person over the living land and an old friend of the Yagami’s house”
“ Now it started a new phase over the living land” the short man continued “the second generation of nobility since the arrived of King Gennai.  We all remember how his tropes take this palace with the bless of The Light and exiled at the corrupt King and his Army of Shadows.  This marriage that we saw, it's the evidence that as long the crown live belong The Light it will last forever,  please your majesty, allow me and The Light to give to you more advises in the future” with that,  the summon alchemist rise his glass and did a brindis over the name of the King and Queen.  
Sora kept her commentary.  As soon as the position of King was occupied the next best thing started to be fighting. Who will be the next royal adviser?  Not the summon alchemist if she had a word about it.  
“What do you think?” Taichi asked when they were dancing again “ Izumi knows a lot about too many things”
“ My father always kept the light out of the palace”
“ But now you are ruling,  not your father”
“ And I’m wondering if you are ruling or is The Light”  Taichi missed a step.
“My sister suggested it”
After that, a noble from a far away land called them, and the subject kept floating on the air.
His sister, the enlighted girl, the one at who Takeru wanted to made queen. As if she would leave the spot to kept The Light rule. Sora moved around all the party, she talked with the gentlemans, introduced herself when The Light try to talked with Taichi, she stayed strong, with a smile and a fancy fan on her hand. His husband had chosen at the royal knight, if he choose the royal adviser she would be erased.
Sora stared at the pile of presents of the weeding,  jewelry and dresses for her,  a old book of good behavior for the side of the enlingted sisters.  She saw with envy the capes and swords of her husband.  Even the wizards outside the light had presented a beautiful sword,  sculpture with the old figure of the big monsters on flames,  an antique treasure of an old land.  
Taichi took her out her thoughts by taking her hand and both walked at the enlightened sisters entourage. Hikari Yagami smiles at her,  recited one of the spouses verses of the sacred book,  wished her happiness,  said a weird thing about how she is the luckiest woman for marriage her brother.  The summon alchemist introduced himself at the conversation and she could feel the complicity between them,  how they are both smarter than his husband, how they think that they were smarter than her,  she frozen the second she realized that they actually could be it.  
From where her father drew the strength to expulse The Light from the palace? If she let them step over her it means the end of the free cult on the capital,  the obligatory dress code for the woman,  the child marriage,  the old books on fire over the public plaza.
A bell ring on the principal escenario, Princess Ritsuko called for attention.
“We are all happy for the fortune marriage between the Light Knight and the new Queen Sora, but the sun is finally gone and our oldest tradition said that the new couple must retired at their room. The best of the lucky on your new ruled than the prosperity and love would always be with you as with the kingdom”
Sora could saw the despise of the light sister and the alchemist at the mention of a tradition that wasn't on the light book.
“your majesty you shouldn't have to… “
“of course we should” the queen interrupted at the summon alchemist,  took the hand of her new husband,  offered a reverence at the nobility,  other at her mother and left the saloon between aplausses and ovations.  
Princess Ritsuko followed them for the long corridor.
“Do you need something else dear aunt?” the queen asked.  When she turned around she could saw at the Wolf Knight behind the princess.  He was pale as he had seen a ghost and his eyes were nailed on the floor.  He hasn't the charm that he had during the tournament and he hasn't the haughtiness that Taichi had.  A selfish release stayed on the Queen.
“The duty of the royal Knight is to kept the door of the King and Queen,  we don't want that anything bad would happen to you on your wedding night”
“it isn't truly necessary…” Taichi said.
“Thank you very much, dear aunt,  the safety of our tradition is very important, I'm sure my new husband could wait after our wedding night to destroyed all”
She took Taichi at the room.
“Kept your position” said the Queen at her new Knight who looked at her with all the sadness of the world. God he lost the tournament, not the life,  he must get over it.
Inside the room she turned to her husband. Her husband.  The right gentleman, the kind of man at who her father wanted to married her since the day she born.  The one who would give her children.  The King, who would be king no when he win a tournament or ruled over the kingdom,  but when he do his right as her husband.  The rage escalated again inside The Queen.  
“Sora” He called her with a sweetness that she hadn't listened before. When she raised her head he was over the verse of tears “listen,  I know that…  we are both tired and you know…  we had all our life to...you know…  and I want to know you…  I promise that… ”
He only stopped when she started to laugh.
“You are going to tell me that you never tough about this”
“Well is not like that but…  my duty and God and… “
“please don’t pray”
“What? No,  of course not.  Unless my sister ask,  I’m actually supposed to pray”
“What exactly your sister is going to ask me? “
“That is,  Hikari is just,  nothing, really,  I’m just not in the mood for this conversation, can we please just sleep? “
Sora sat on the bed delusional. Delusional of what?  What did she expect?
“This wouldn't happen me with the Wolf Knight” Sora said with out thougth it and Taichi’s face turned three shades of red “It is not my intention to complain,  I mean,  you are a gentleman.  But over all I need a baby”
“A baby? “
“Yes,  you know a heritage is all the point of the wedding”
“Well if that is the case the best would be wait”
“why? “
“I know well that if a lady want to get in state the best she can do is pray the songs of the Holy mother, participate on the eating festive of the enlightenment sisters and go to the altar and make the right offer at the right time, but the summon alchemist know better than me” Taichi said with pride.  
Finally,  a smile appeared at the Queen’s face. It looks like as his wife,  Taichi likes the politic more that the festivities.
“I'm going to propose you something, your majesty” said the Queen as goes to change at her night clothes “ you are going to stop to mention the summons alchemist because I will be the one naming at the royal adviser and in return I will be patient and discret at your… insecurities”
“Didn’t you like Izumi? “ he said with caution.
“Who did?  He is too smart for his own good”
Taichi released his breath.
“Fine,  but if Hikary... If anyone ask you,  I really insisted”
“Your sister is going to be a constant on our decisions, right? “
“Just as your mother” Taichi responded with a smile.
“My mother is the mother queen”
“And my sister is the most enlightened sister of all the order,  if my parents will allow it she will be candidate to be the summon priest”
“How do you measure the enlightened?”
“I had no idea.  But I know that she is the best caring the sickness, I had listened that she is also the best midwife”
“she is not going to be royal adviser”
“God help us if she will”
When Sora recalled they were both under the sheets, with the night clothes on, each head over a pillow and she was laughing.  Taichi was warmed and funny.  And a gentleman.  This could be good,  this could happen natural,  his sons and daughters will love him.
“I was thinking about my aunt, the Princess Ritsuko” Taichi looked at her scared “what is it?”
“Nothing,  it’s just.  She didn't like me,  she didn't look like a responsible person”
“How you dare? “
“No,  I mean.  She was given me wine all the night,  she wants me to get drunk or something”
“She want you to enjoy the party”
“And what about that speech on the gala? that was classy”
“ Your Light love that speech”
“And all the bell thing on the last combat,  people is going to believe that we are returning her a favor”
“You win that battle with the bell unringed, it was your call”
“She is going to sell  both of us to make his youngest son king”
“He is her only son and believe it or not my family has honor, Taichi”
“However! I thought you would choose your mother”
Her mother?  Why she would do that?   All her life all that she want is to be free of her. But before she could continued the King get sleep.  Part of Sora wish something different, part of her expected the kindness of a fairy tale,  maybe one day they would found each other as well as the other marriage across the sea, were no word was necessary to transform the kindness in passion and the tender kisses on lovely touches under the sun of Piramide.  
Takato slept next to his wife,  even the terrible warm didn't stop them to hug each other during the night.  The princess had been sweet and lovable. His wife,  the Queen, the love of his life. The dream of revenge and conquer always had been far from Takato's imagination.  But know he can see himself as a King, ruling alongside his Queen, been happy, offering her the world. Suddenly,  a roar wake him up of his pleasant dreams, he can listened it across the window,  through the dense forest, a clean roar, different of anything that he has ever listened. An unnatural force was calling him.
“Takato” called him his wife.  She said the vocals slowly. Each other name was the only thing that they can exchange.
“Yuri” He said,  with a smile, almost sure that he was said it wrong.  
He come back to the bed, kissed at his beautifully wife and fallen slept as they both repeated their names whispering.
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