#( i fucking conic )
onlyhereforangst · 2 months
bitch, smile.
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gschamig · 1 year
Noah fence but it's so fucking hot of me to have my very own niche on tumblr, insta & OF and to be known & loved for aesthetically pleasing content.
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Okay yall I can't decide, go nuts
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autogeneity · 4 months
me: it's annoying going up and down the mountain to get to a run; what if I just run the road that wraps around the mountain — that seems like a nice road, should be relatively flat, right?
this fucking road:
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dexaroth · 2 months
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marvellouspinecone · 2 years
I haven't clocked it on my first viewing of the film, but it's insane how Sofia is the only person who gets to call Katya "Ekaterina" now and again, trying to place a flimsy boundary of formality between them, yes, but also granting Katya respect of the full name, recognising her as an independent person and not just an infantilized trophy wife as outsiders seem to treat her. And with all that being opposed to Goncharov's affectionate, but, imo, somewhat condescending "Katenka"? Goncharov might love Katya but he will never understand her as Sofia does.
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professionaljester · 1 year
ok i was having fun with the funny sonic game until the final boss battle and now i have eye strain and might puke
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worldwright · 9 months
Isoris Day 6: Esky Snowpack and the Tyr Ice Shelf
Zone D6:
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Here, nearly at the southern polar cap of Sairus, we come to the Tyr Ice Shelf and its neighboring glacial flow, the Isky Snowpack.
To the east we see the edge of the Frostbit Passage, a fast-flowing body of polar water that remains ice-free on all but the coldest years.
While the Isky snowpack is generally structurally sound and safe to traverse, the Tyr ice shelf is ridden with barely-covered crevasses and abrupt cracks that swallow many an unwary traveler. The ice shelf remains uninhabited by humanoids and is ruled by the polar mammoths, snow serpents, and ice-burrowing ankhegs. The ecosystem thrives on a semi-magical form of crystalline plant life that resembles succulents made of colorful, pale quartz.
In contrast, the Isky snowpack is home to some of the most colorful societies of humanoids on Isoris. What with the months-long night and vast, colorless expanse, the small villages found here strive to stand out with vibrant dyes distilled from countless crystal succulents and the sound of cheerful bells made from magically-created silver. Their famously saturated textiles fetch a pretty coin in the fingers.
Though the Isky snowpack is structurally sound, it is still bisected by a large gap in the glaciers. Thick-furred draft horses help travelers traverse the switchback road down one side, across the three-mile gap, and up the other side. Families tend to stick together on one side or the other, though oftentimes young adults decide to "fly the gap" for a bit of space.
Vast and inhospitable, the southern ice fields of Isoris offer a unique bounty to those brave enough to dare them -- and clever enough to leave.
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neverendingford · 2 years
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The trouble with cones
Written for the @steddiemicrofic challenge, December 2023 edition
Prompt: pine, 508 words
Rated: M
CW: Explicit language
Tags: Coffee shop owner Steve; Tattoo studio owner Eddie; Flirting; Teasing; Sexual Tension
(Everything goes under the cut bc Eddie jumps right to the important question.)
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“Is that a butt plug?”
Steve pinches his nose and heaves a long-suffering sigh. Tries to steel himself for the sight awaiting him. Turns and realizes he failed.
Eddie is leaning in the door of his tattoo studio, mouth curled into a cocky grin. Sleeves rolled up, like the cold doesn't bother him at all, revealing lean forearms covered in ink. Snowflakes gathering in his hair, stark white against the dark curls.
“Fucking hilarious,” Steve rolls his eyes, just barely remembers to cap his window marker before he tugs his freezing hands into his armpits. “Don't you have better things to do?”
“Well…” Eddie's eyes crinkle. “I'm not the one drawing a butt plug on my window.”
“It's a pine cone!” Steve sputters, face lighting up like a furnace. It stings in the frosty air. “Jesus fuck- it's supposed to look festive, why would I draw a butt plug?”
Eddie watches him gesture at the cursed creation he has spent the last thirty minutes slaving over with an expression full of fond indulgence. When Steve signed the contract for his quaint little coffee shop, he wondered why there were no other bidders for the place …
“See, I wondered, but who am I to kink shame you?”
He is beginning to suspect the reason now.
“It is a pine cone,” he insists lamely. “It even has the- what d'you call them? The little nub thingies!”
Eddie quirks a brow. Steve turns and looks at his work.
“Oh fuck,” he groans.
Eddie pulls some hair in front of his mouth, but his shoulders are shaking treacherously. Steve thinks he dies, just a little.
“Here, lemme help.”
Eddie's hands are warm as he steals the marker from his stiff fingers. He whips his bandana from his back pocket to wipe the embarrassing evidence of Steve's total lack of artistic talent off the window, and then-
Then he works his magic. Steve watches him bounce to and fro before the glass like a manic blur of creative energy, brow furrowed in concentration, tongue poking out from between plush lips.
When he steps away, Steve doesn't say anything for a second. Too mesmerized by the image Eddie has thrown together with those quick, efficient strokes of his wrist. A steaming mug of coffee, surrounded by a cluster of artfully scattered pine cones, baubles and twinkling lights dangling above.
“Thanks,” he finally manages to croak. “It's… That really wasn't-”
And then Eddie grabs his arm and pushes back the sleeve of his sweater and he forgets what words are.
“Did you…” he squawks when he finally remembers. “Did you just write on my arm with window marker?”
“Yup,” Eddie says proudly, tugging the marker into Steve’s back pocket. “So that you know where to find me. In case you ever need my assistance with any conical objects again.”
He winks, and then he's skipping into his studio. Steve stays outside and stares at the numbers on his arm for a long time. The snow falls around him, but suddenly he isn't cold anymore.
Part 2
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jakeysbaby · 8 months
Overwhelmed - l.h.s
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Parings - student!heeseung x studious!fem reader
Word Count - 986
Warning(s)- unprotected sex (don’t be a loner, rap your boner) | stress fucking | finger!ng l finger sucking l nicknames (love, pretty etc). l cussing | prais!ng l teasing | begging | breeding |dirty talk|. ~lmk if more~
Genre - | smut | student studious!y/n, bad boybf!Heeseung, smut. ~lmk if other~
You sigh, looking at the piles of work you had all stacked up. Student conical work, Class President work, grade lead work, home work, all sorts of responsibilities set up all on your desk.
It was hard doing all that, especially when you had a boyfriend that was the total opposite of you.
Heeseung wasn’t dumb…but wasn’t smart either. He didn’t get his homework done, he didn’t join any special clubs and most importantly, he was beyond popular. He had all the schools worth of fame. Heeseung was rich, had good looks, a good personality and a father who ran the school.
So really..did he need to follow all the rules?
You think all this to yourself, pen in your mouth as your legs are lifted up to fit the desk. As you zone out your door opens, startling you to the most. It was heeseung.
You scan his body slightly as he wore a black sweatshirt with string-long gray sweats. He was gonna be the end of you.
“Hey love, what are you doing” he asked, sitting on your bed while giving you a smile. “Oh, um nothing. I was just finishing up some work, It’s pilled up lately.” You look at him, lifting up your glasses to see him better. “Mm okay. would you like to eat something, my hard working girl? I’m gonna grab some food” he asks, laying down on your bed as you laugh at his silliness. “Not right now baby, I’m busy. I have to get this completed by tomorrow and if I take any breaks, I won’t be able to do that” you say, rubbing your temple in stress. You hated school responsibilities getting between your basic quality time. But since heeseung was beyond a perfect boyfriend, he didn’t mind at all. He was just glad you were his.
“Aw my precious is stressed isnt she?” He comes up to you, taking a strand of hair and putting it behind your ear. He was the sweetest ever. you Couldn’t ask for More when it came to him. Suddenly, he comes up to your ear length, sending shivers down your spine. “You want me to fix that?” Heeseung whispers, leaving You in utter shock.
He slowly begins to kiss your ear lobe, sensitivity hitting your cunt as he places his two fingers on your pant-clothed pussy. You gasp, a moan escaping your lips while you rap your two arms around his neck. “Hee..need to get this done..” you manage to get out as the problem of work hits you. “Shush lovely, Just relax” he says, getting on his knees and placing a few kisses on your hips.
He pulls off your sweatpants, seeing the pretty pink panties you had on and how they were all soaked. “prettiest pussy” he gets out before placing a few kisses on your clothed cunt. The pleasure was unexplainable when it came to him, especially when you were left as his cumdump.
He unclothes your cunt, revealing nothing but wetness. Heeseung looks up at you, a smirk placed on his lips as he begins to take his finger and slowly makes It’s way to your pre-fucked hole. “aw dont tell me you were already thinking about me before i came into the room” he teases, putting his middle finger in your cunt. A squirm leaves your lips as he keeps it there for a second but begins to move it eventually. “fuck..all soaked for you” you say as you through your head back, sounds of wetness coming from below the chair. His pace moves faster, moans leaving your mouth as the familiar knot builds up in your stomach. “mm! Hee cumming” leaves your lips as you clench around his one digit. He leaves a few kisses on your cunt before getting up. he looks at you with seducing eyes, as heeseung’s fucked finger enters your mouth, leaving him laughing at how cute you were. “Look at you, so done for it. Imagine how pathetic you’ll look after I fuck you non stop” leaves his mouth as he slides down his grey filled pants.
He was right, you were already done for it. You couldn’t imagine how much of a mess you’d be after his length destroyed you.
He takes off his boxers, cock already hard with pre-cum dripping off his tip. “Fuck my love” he cusses, embarrassment filling his checks “I ran out of condoms, you have any?” He looks away, shyness filling his whole body.
Surprising for a guy who told you he was gonna ruin you.
“Fuck me raw” you speak as confidence felt your words. “w-what?” He stutters, looking at you dumb. “Fuck. Me. Raw.” You smirk up at him, taking his hand and putting his large tumb in your mouth.
Heeseung wasted no time, stuffing his tip in you as you hold onto his biceps for support. Eventually, his whole length was in you , tears filling your eyes due to the painful pleasure. “s’good” heeseung moans as he fucks your cunt raw and full. “Hee fuck! m-more” you yell out, eyes rolling back with pleads leaving your innocent mouth. His pace fastens, mouth open while tears fall beneath your face, most amazing pleasure coming from his cock. The knot comes back, filling your stomach as your fingers dig into your boyfriends, beautiful skin. “m’cumming” you moan, skin slapping noises slowing down by the second. His warm, fresh cum fills your cunt, breeding you in the loveliest way possible. “Mm love you” he gently falls onto you, hugging your body as it was still on the chair. You kiss his temple while playing with his hair. “ you feel any better, my love?” His face all in your neck as he questioned. “Mmm. Way better” you say, placing kisses all on his precious body while playing with his hair.
Even if you were overwhelmed, you knew just who to go to.
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angel-of-the-moons · 9 months
Jake Lockley x Fem!Reader!
TW/CW: NSFW, Fingering, Voyeurism (sorta), exhibitionism, dirty talk, grinding, biting, smut, Jake is a cheeky little slut we all know this
A/N: This is self-indulgent as fuck, to help get me out of the funk I've been in. This is also because I actually grow these flowers and some interesting things happen when you milk them. That and I love to tell people I milk flowers for shampoo, the confusion is great.
(Any Spanish in this fic is written in italics and largely translated by Google, since I still know only a tiny bit and don't know any Spanish speakers personally)
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Jake dropped his duffel bag next to the front door, sighing as he tugged off his jacket.
It was a quiet day, thankfully, because Steven and Marc left him to control the body today, to allow him to front by himself without their "chattering" in his ear...
"Muñeca?" He called out.
When there was no answer, he tried for you again.
"Alguien en casa?"
His brow furrowed when he was met with silence. You were home, he was sure of it. Your car was out front, the front door was unlocked...
That's when he noticed it, the sliding glass doors were open.
Hairs rose on the back of his neck and he automatically suspected the worst. He pulled his gun out of his chest harness, turning the safety off and he slowly crept to the open doors, finger off the trigger.
Just in case.
He inched his head out just enough so he could sweep the corners of the back yard, surrounded with thick shrubbery and trees, and flowers of various sorts.
Until finally, he looked at the farthest and most shaded part of the yard.
There, hunched over, you were. Your hair damp and hanging in clumped strands around your face, what appeared to be sweat soaking your face, dripping down your neck, and into the valley between your breasts.
Your whole look was alluring, really. You were wearing your biker shorts, your boots loosely tied, your tank top rolled up to reveal just enough of the tantalizing skin he adored to touch so much.
Jake tilted his head, running his tongue along his teeth as he leered at you a moment longer, a familiar hot feeling settling in the pool of his belly.
Well, it had been a few days... too long for his tastes.
He then noticed something odd, next to you was a small pail, the kind you'd see a child using at the beach. The particular patch of flowers were probably the ugliest ones in his opinion. He made sure you knew it, too. They looked like pinecones without the prickly bits, conical in shape (obviously) with small blossoms poking out here and there as green faded into a bright red-pink.
When he asked you why the fuck you wanted those ugly ass things, you giggled and said "You'll see".
Jake grunted and put the safety on his gun off, holstering it and hanging it on the coat rack by the door.
He put his gloved hands in his pockets and walked into the patio, and over to you.
"I was wondering where you were." Jake hummed when he was close enough, tilting his head.
You looked up at him, and instantly you knew.
"Jake!" You said, breaking out in a grin as you stood, knees dirty. You slipped your arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek; but of course, Jake being Jake, he turned his head and caught your mouth, shoving his tongue between your teeth to slide against yours with a soft groan; one of his hands cupping the back of your neck and the other going to grip at your waist, slipping beneath your tank top, the soft worn leather sliding up your back.
The smell coming from you was almost heavenly. Sweet, a little earthy, but almost like a cologne he wore, ages ago. It was a good smell for you.
"Jake." You breathed, separating from him, pouting up at him. "Can't wait, can you?"
"Mmm." Was all he said, his hand at the back of your neck moving to tip your chin upwards, his thumb brushing your bottom lip.
"Well too bad, you horndog." You giggle, pulling away from him, to kneel back in the grass.
"What are you doing?" He sighed, pouting like a child as he crossed his arms.
"Milking the flowers, duh." You grin up at him.
"Qué? How the... how the fuck do you milk a flower?" Jake asked, his brow furrowing as he kneels next to you.
"Here, watch." You grab a hold of one of the heavy flower heads, gesturing for him to lean in as you put your tiny pail beneath the flower.
When Jake leaned in, you gave a sudden squeeze to the flower, and some kind of clear gunk shot out and splattered on Jake's face, right above his eye and dripping down his cheek.
You broke out in a fit of giggles when he fell back on his ass, furiously wiping at his face and spewing curses.
"You're jerking off flowers!" He hissed at you.
You cackle some more and gently squeeze the flower, ignoring his comment.
Jake hesitantly sniffed his hand and realized...
"Did you put this in your hair?"
"Mhmm." You hummed. "It's a natural shampoo and conditioner. It keeps your hair shiny and fluffy... helps with bug bites and it can apparently be used as a massage lotion."
"....Where the hell did you learn that?" He squinted.
"YouTube. I got bored one day. It smells good, though, doesn't it?" You smirk at him as he rights his position now, making direct eye contact as you ever so slowly work your hand up the flower, the clear nectar dripping down the soft skin of your hands, into the waiting pail below.
He felt his cock stir in his pants as you turned from him and moved back down the flower, and back up again, squeezing out every drop you could.
You grab the handle of the pail and lift it, revealing it had been tucked inside of another bucket the whole time.
"It does smell... okay." Jake conceded.
"Just okay? Jerk." You snort, as you reach for another flower to start draining it into the pail.
"Mmmmh." Jake hummed, watching your slick fingers grip the flower head.
"You can go inside, y'know?" You sigh as his fingers reach out and grip your damp hair softly, the nectar from the flowers soaking your hair, the shiny fluid clinging to his glove.
"Don't want to." He murmurs, standing on his feet, looking down at you.
You don't have to look at him to know that he's smirking.
"Seeing as how you won't go inside and leave me alone, here." You hand him the pail full of the clear liquid.
"Set this on the counter in the kitchen for me?" You bat your eyelashes for extra effect.
Jake rolls his eyes, still smiling and does as you ask.
As he set the pail down, he leaned his hip on the counter.
He had a rather painful hard-on now. Watching your dainty fingers work at the flowers, all he could see was your hands wrapped firmly around his cock slowly stroking up, your fingers playing expertly over the tip, just the way he liked it...
Jake sighed and walked back out, and seeing you bent over as you milked more flowers sent a thought through his mind.
When you stood up, you were suddenly grabbed from behind, strong arms wrapped around your waist as lips sought the pulse in your neck.
"Jake." You sighed, your hand going up to gently grip his dark curls.
"Hmm?" He hummed.
It would have been innocent, a little cuddle and love nip.
If he wasn't grinding his hard cock into the curve of your ass.
"Jake!" You gasped when you felt one of his hands slide down the front of your shorts.
"No panties? Naughty girl." He grinned as he bit down at the soft spot in your neck, earning a moan that you had to swallow back down before it got too loud.
"Fff..." You hiss, looking around frantically as his fingers swipe over your clit, toying with the wetness in your folds.
"So wet for me. You're having more fun than you're admitting to me, muñeca." Jake growled, biting harder on your skin as he curls a finger into your waiting cunt.
"Jake! S-someone might see us!"
"Let em see."
Jake chuckled cruelly, shoving you forward into the large oak tree your flowers were planted around.
He turned your body until you were facing him, and he claimed your mouth, biting you lips and shoving his tongue into your mouth before you can protest, he pulls his mouth away from you, tugging the glove off his hand with his teeth, and shoved his hand down your shorts again and quickly pushed his fingers back inside of you.
He pressed the heel of his hand into your swollen clit and ground on it as he thrust and curled his fingers, making sure you writhed and squirmed; relishing in each contraction of your muscles as you gripped at the meat of his arm with your hands, biting your lip hard to stifle the moans.
You tried to focus on something, anything that wasn't your boyfriend's hand buried knuckle deep in your cunt.
You squeezed your eyes shut and leaned your head back, choking back your whimper.
You tried to focus on the bark of the tree digging into your skin, the pebble in your boot you kept forgetting to take out.
But all thoughts were brushed aside as you felt your orgasm being pushed, and pushed hard.
Jake was never the kind of man to half-ass anything. Especially when it came to fucking you. Normally he liked to work you up slowly, teasing you and eating you out until your legs turned to jelly, before fucking you on the nearest available surface.
Right now he was needy, desperate. You weren't sure what got him so worked up.
You gasped, and when you opened your mouth, Jake shoved his tongue back inside it, swallowing your voice in a hungry kiss as your muscles clamped down, spasming around his fingers as he thrust them in and out, fresh slick gushing around his digits as he fucked you through your orgasm, leaving you breathless and jelly-legged.
Jake pulled away from you, grinning like a shark.
You panted heavily. "You... you fucking shit--"
Your voice went dead when you heard your neighbor call out your name.
You yank Jake's hand out of your shorts and shove him away from you, fixing yourself as best you could when she walked through the gates connecting your yards.
"Oh! Hey, Joyce!" You say awkwardly.
"I was wondering if you finished getting that nectar?" The older woman asked sweetly, completely oblivious to what she just walked into.
"I... ah. Yeah. I kind of knocked over the second batch but I have some inside I can filter for you?" You cough awkwardly.
"Oh! That would be so nice thank you, sweetheart." She tilted her head, looking at Jake. "Oh! I take it your boyfriend has been helping?"
Your eyes widened in mortification, and you looked at Jake's hand, shiny and still wet.
The bastard didn't even try to wipe it off!
Jake gave you an impish grin and looked at his hand, playing with the lingering stickiness as he looked at Joyce.
"Sí, ma'am. But I was being a little careless and cost her the second batch." He replied politely.
"Oh, well, I'll be waiting! Take your time, sweetheart, no rush!" She hummed, turning to walk back into her own yard.
Jake waved the hand that still had your fresh slick clinging to it.
You grab his hand and yank it down, hissing.
"We're going inside. Now."
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losing-dog-art · 3 months
I just drafted all of this then lost it I'm going through a wall
Finished murderbot concept!!!
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With bonus version with clothes 🎉
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I have been making a lot of art lately (this is because I am procrastinating other things 😶)
Explanations below the cut (there was going to be a video but tumblr decided to fuck that)
So I have this old post about some head cannons for MBs appearance, but doing this full body design involved more thinking
I find it interesting that MB really only ever describes it's appearance when it's relevant to the plot/fight/scene, so anything that isn't relevant is left to our imagination. That being said:
MB says all it's inorganic parts are covered by a long sleeve shirt with a collar, pants and shoes. This means no inorganic parts on its face or hands
MB says it has no organic parts on its feet.
Slightly deeper cuts but MB mentions that it has inorganic and organic parts around its knees (I believe in exit strategy) and that it has an accessible company under its ribs (artificial condition)
People are often surprised when they see MB out of armor -- people who aren't familiar with secunits don't expect it to look as human as it does
MBs skin is canonically clear af (network effect I think)
Based on those handful of canon details, you can imagine Mb a lot of different ways -- this is great! And I've said before I think Martha Wells does this very much intentionally. So, that being said, here is some of my thoughts in this interpretation:
Based on that last point, MB looks surprisingly human. For me, this means soft facial features, eyelashes, and more organic parts than you might expect. Also, the inorganic parts are also round and nice looking -- this is partly just me thinking in a fun sci-fi way but also secunits are designed to be comforting
I've seen some people give it mechanical legs that are kind of bird-like or resemble running prosthetics. I think this is super cool and it makes a lot of sense-- those legs are basically a better form of bipedalism and let you run faster etc. BUT they would significantly change your gait. And thus be something MB considers when it is trying to pass as human. So I gave it more human feet, with the important toes and everything
I'm no expert on robotics or anatomy, but I really tried to think a little bit functionally. How would a secunit fold? How would it bend over, squat down, etc? I tried to give the look of some kind of shock system in the ankles, and conical-axis based joints. the hip area is probably the weak point in my design in this areas, idk, imagine ball bearings or something
For clothes, it's pretty straightforward. MB describes this more than a few times, but I tried to give some slightly fun sci-fi decoration bits
I tried to think about how androgyny might be generated in a silhouette in an unintentional way -- androgyny that is the result of functional design decisions and not aesthetic ones.
Idk. I had a lot of fun with this. This took about 4 hours (I've been trying not to overwork stuff lately and let the process show through) I might try and post the speed-draw video later? As a reblog perhaps. Idk Tumblr didn't like it the first time
Also a girl on bumble mentioned reading all systems red and I had to act so normal
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blondeboyfriend · 1 year
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[ PAIRING ] Zeke Yeager x f!reader [ AUTHOR'S NOTE ] A oldie from 2021. I did a little editing so if it seems different... that's because it is. [ SYNOPSIS ] You and your slutty boyfriend decide to smoke weed and fuck on his ugly couch. [ WORD COUNT ] 2.2k [ CONTENT ] Modern AU, marijuana, dubcon (fucking under the influence), hair pulling, oral sex (f + m receiving), unprotected sex, general Zeke bossiness, weed-induced paranoia, teasing, he finishes in your mouth.
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“So… How annoying should I expect you to be?” 
You were sitting on Zeke’s hideous suede green couch, playing with his lighter. The blonde was planted on the floor between your legs, hunched over his equally hideous oak coffee table.
“You want me to quantify how annoying I am going to be?”
You giggled and watched as he folded a crutch for the joint. It was cute how focused he was under the effects of two edibles. Brownies, to be specific. You had baked them yourself so the potency of said brownies was essentially a mystery.
Initially due to overwhelming impatience, the two of you thought they were shit and that you managed to bake plain, unexciting brownies. It wasn’t until Zeke was being significantly sweeter than usual and you were hyperaware of your fingers that you realized the brownies were a success.
“Did I stutter?” you asked, pressing your hand against Zeke’s back.
He wore a plain black v-neck that clung to his body. You couldn’t help but touch him in some way. You dragged your thumb down his spine. He shivered and you yanked your hand away.
He paused and turned to you, eyes filled with concern.. “Is there something on my back?”
“… Me? I was.”
“Oh. I thought a small animal was crawling on me.”
“I mean… It might as well have been.”
He shook his head. “No, I pictured like a small deer.”
“How high are you?”
He sprinkled weed into a rolling paper. “Not high enough.”
You peeked over his shoulders to get a view of his nimble fingers.
“Shit,” he whispered. 
You were wrong to assume he would retain his dexterity. The joint looked folded rather than rolled.
“Are you gonna be okay?” you asked.
You were legitimately not sure. It pained you to lack faith, but his jumbled hands were hardly promising.
“I—I don’t know. I really… I don’t know,” he sighed.
“Do you, like…” Your brain grew slower by the second. “Like, do you need...”
“Yeeeeaaaaaah,” you drawled. The word melted out of your mouth.
Zeke sighed and unfolded the joint.
“I’ll be fine. I got this. I’m going to do great. I just have to pretend that these are my own hands.”
You cocked an eyebrow. “Sweetie, those are your hands.”
“I’m well aware. They don’t feel like mine though.”
You didn’t say anything. Nothing you said would quell his anxiety. You rubbed his back, massaging your thumbs between his shoulder blades. A muted groan wriggled free from the depths of his chest.
“Fuck. That feels good.”
You let your hands roam past his shoulders, down his chest. You started to tug at his shirt.
His calloused hand grabbed your wrist. “Can I help you, ma’am?”
“Take it off,” you purred.
He went back to rolling the joint. He had greater success this time around. The joint was actually conical in shape. Not a depressingly flat rectangle.
“I don’t know. It’ll be fun?” You didn’t have a good reason, but it wasn’t like you needed one. You just wanted him as close to naked as possible. “Please humor me,” you continued. “I made the brownies. The least you could do is walk around shirtless.”
He shook his head and handed you the joint over his shoulder.
“Please?” you begged.
“This is demeaning,” he said, smirking.
He stood up and proceeded to take off his shirt. You stared at his god-like figure, unable to hide your lust. He blushed.
“Here.” He handed his shirt to you. “To my biggest fan.”
You held it like it was an Oscar. “Wow. This is truly a moment in history. People will be talking about this forever.”
“I can’t wait for the retrospective article in ten years.”
“Oh, it’s going to be incredible. I’m going to overanalyze this moment so fucking hard.”
“Heh. Hard.”
“What?” He sat down beside you and put his head on your shoulder. “Are you going to light that?”
You looked at the joint in your hand. “Did you hand me this?”
You rolled your eyes and held the joint between your lips, ready to light it.
“Wrong end, pet.”
You looked down and noticed you were two centimeters from fucking everything up.
“Thank you.” You proceeded to light the joint properly. You took a long drag and let the smoke drift from your mouth. “That’s good.”
You handed the joint to Zeke. He took a hit and exhaled, tossing his head back.
“It’s awful.” He hit it again, longer this time.
“Really? Awful, huh?”
“The worst weed I’ve smoked.”
“Can I?” You reached for the joint but he held it out of reach.
“No, no, no. It’s horrible after a couple hits. You wouldn’t like it.”
You stretched yourself over his lap trying to grab the joint. He laughed at your pitiful attempt. You looked like you were body surfing.
“Alright, fine. Since you’re so desperate.” He pulled on the back of your shirt, lifting you up. Rather than body surfing you now looked like a sea lion performing for a snack. He held the joint to your face and you inhaled eagerly.
“That’s good shit. It smells nice.” You took another hit. Zeke let go of your shirt and gently laid you back down on his lap.
“I was definitely expecting something disgusting. But I always expect something disgusting, don’t I?… I’m gross. I’m a garbage man. Don’t look at me.”
“I wasn’t. I can’t from this angle.” 
You were in fact facing away from him.
“Good. You shouldn’t look at someone like me. I’m… Ugh.”
“Are you going to be okay? Like, seriously? I’m concerned-ish.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.” He finally took a hit. “I just don’t understand why I was born, that’s all.”
You flipped over so you could look up at him. He gazed down at you.
“Please don’t look at me from this angle. You can see right up my nose.”
“You’re so self-conscious.” You sat up and started to toy with his hair.
“I don’t know what’s up there… My secrets could start leaking out.”
“You’re such a weenie. Gimme that.”
Zeke didn’t protest. He relinquished the joint. You took a drag and an idea hit you like a sledgehammer.
“Oh, no. I cannot drive anywhere.”
“No, Zeke, I’m not calling ‘shotgun’. I’m saying shotgun. As in, ‘Let's shotgun this weed.’”
He looked at you like a perplexed puppy. He clearly didn’t understand.
You rolled your eyes. “Oh my god.” 
You took another hit off the joint and turned his head towards yours. You placed your lips on his. You slowly breathed the smoke into his mouth. You pulled away and he exhaled. He met your eyes, but averted your gaze soon after.
“Don’t look at me.”
“You’re so sensitive.”
“It’s like you’re judging everything I do.”
You hit the joint. “What? No. I am totally staring at you and shit, but not out of judgment. More out of, like, I’m a huge pervert or whatever.”
He gave you an impish grin. You fucked up. You shouldn’t have admitted to such a thing.
“Is that why you wanted my shirt off?”
“Excuse me.” He stood up like he was giving a presentation and pulled off his grey sweatpants revealing his navy blue briefs. You were entranced by his shapely thighs. “Is this what you wanted?” He did a 360 degree turn so you could get a good look at his body.
“Hmm. Not quite.” You took a hit.
“What do I need to do?”
“You still have socks on.”
He took them off. You hit the joint again.
“Glasses,” you purred, letting the smoke roll out of your mouth.
He took them off and placed them on the coffee table.
He went to take them off, but stopped. “Hold on! Wait a minute. Nope. What is this?” It was like he woke up from a dream.
“Sorry, I took it too far. Let me get on your level. It’s only fair. Here. Finish this.”
You passed Zeke the rest of the joint. There wasn’t much left at this point. You shed all your clothes minus your bra and underwear.
“Alright.” He held the joint in his mouth and stripped off his underwear.
“Whoa! You, uh. I was kidding…” You paused and let your eyes wander down his body. “For the most part.”
His erect cock stared you down. Beautifully veiny with a pleasant pink hue, framed by trimmed blond pubic hair. It was picturesque.
You clasped your hands. “I swear every time I see it feels like the first time.”
The smug fucker smirked and finished off the joint. He stubbed it out in the ashtray on the table.
“You gonna take care of it?”
You nodded and quickly undressed. He walked over to you, stroking himself, as you reclined on the couch like a lounging goddess. You outstretched your arms and pulled him into your embrace. You kissed him, shoving your tongue into his mouth without warning. He hesitated for a moment but quickly reciprocated. He was operating on a slight delay. You felt the tip of his cock gently prod your glistening cunt.
“Not yet,” you murmured. “Go down on me.”
He lowered himself, leaving a trail of kisses down your stomach. He pulled down your underwear. He traced his tongue down your folds. His beard tickled your thighs. A small moan left your lips. You held his head in place, letting your fingers get tangled in his hair.
“Pull on it,” he demanded as he bit on the inside of your thigh. 
You clutched a chunk of his hair and pulled. He let out a voracious groan and gave your clit long, languid licks. A whiny moan burst past your lips.
You paused. “Shit. Was that loud?”
He stopped and looked up at you. “No. At least I don’t think so. Why? Did you hear something?”
“No… At least I don’t think I did.”
You stared at each other. The fear began to take hold.
“Hold on,” Zeke said in a comically authoritative tone.
He stood up and slowly approached the door.
“Do not open the door. You’re scary hard right now,” you hissed.
“I’m not gonna open it. I… am gonna glance through the peephole.”
He peered through the hole. And there was nothing. Not a soul.
“Oof. We’re losing it, pet.”
He walked over to you and went back to work as if nothing happened. He swirled his tongue around your clit, this time applying more pressure. He wanted to hear you cry out his name.
“Oh fuck, Zeke. Don’t stop!”
He didn’t. Waves of pleasure came over you. You bucked your hips against his mouth. You craved penetration; you felt like you would perish without it.
“Need your cock,” you mewled.
He lifted himself up and lorded over your body, leaving you in the shadow of his. He pushed two of his rough fingers inside your dripping cunt
“You’re so wet,” he said, curling his fingers and pressing the pads of them up against your walls. “And so easy. I thought I might have to work for it considering you’re high.”
“Don’t be mean,” you whimpered.
“Then don’t make it so much fun,” he replied before lightly biting your neck.
His hot breath against your skin was driving you wild.
“Do you want my cock inside you?”
You nodded, your eyes wide and needy.
“Say it. Say you want my cock inside you.”
“I want your cock inside me. Please.”
“Attagirl,” he grunted as he guided his cock inside you.
Once it was fully ensheathed he began to thrust. His balls clapped against your taint as he picked up the pace, his tip pressing up against your cervix.
“Fuck!” you yelped.
Zeke angled your hips upward and drove his cock into you. Ecstasy flooded your core. He held you closer to his body, his thrusts growing in urgency. His breathing labored. He caressed your breasts, his long fingers pinching your nipple.
“I’m close,” he choked out. His grey eyes were hazy with arousal.
“You can wait,” you exhaled.
He groaned and continued to plunge his length into you. His fingernails dug into your hips, adding to your bliss. You grabbed onto his ass and rutted up against him. Your orgasm overwhelmed you and left you seeing stars. You felt like you were hovering above the couch, your pleasure letting you defy the laws of gravity. Though that was probably the weed more than your orgasm.
“Open your mouth. Now,” he commanded, releasing you from the mindless rapture you were lost in.
You did as you were told, getting into position. You hungrily sucked on his cock, milking every drop of cum from him. It flooded your mouth, trickles of it spilling down your chin and onto your chest.
 “Such a messy little thing, aren’t you?”
You wiped your mouth and tried to stifle a laugh. “Not my fault you shoot a huge load.”
He grabbed his shirt and tenderly cleaned you up.
“What the fuck, Zeke?”
He tossed the shirt aside and gave you a confused look, eyebrows raised.
“What did I do?”
“You just got cum all over my award.”
You both stared at the dejected black shirt crumpled on the floor.
“My bad, pet,” he said, scratching behind his ear.
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rustbeltgothic · 9 months
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silascoke · 7 days
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Crush - Ethel Cain i fucking conic
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