#( c: sophie turner. )
jcesjcnas · 2 years
text → baby mama
Joe: I'm going to head to the store to get Willa some snacks and stuff for both our places now that we're back in LA. Then I'll be back at your place. Do you need anything?
Joe: Also A++ job at the birth game. Best baby mama ever.
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carifletch · 1 year
“I loved being back in the studio today, but I’m so happy to be back home to you and an empty house.” @sophbelindadreams​
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margelise · 3 months
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——- From our time together tell me i wasn't a good date . i think you really enjoyed yourself — which speaking of we need to hang again when we have a chance . also did i see right on socials that you went out with zoey deutch ? talk about a beauty . care to share about it ? i'm nosy sometimes but in turn i'll tell you about someone as well . ( @sophiethills )
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vcnessamorgcn · 1 year
I think your fiance has finally stopped hating me for flirting with you that one time. Growth. @sophsbelindas​
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notquiteahitman · 11 months
❛   now will you please sit on my face already ?   ❜   - From bad verse Becky to any of your girls 🥺
@apphrodite sent a meme I think I deleted, sorry!
Their friendship was perhaps a little unconventional, but there was nothing wrong with that, right? Sure, Becky was definitely far less shy and more brazen than Sophie was. She wasn't afraid to say what was on her mind or stand up for herself or be loud if she wanted to, and Sophie was perhaps almost the exact opposite. Looking at the pair, one might not expect them to be friends - but friends they were, and Sophie valued Becky's friendship immensely.
Sophie felt she knew Becky quite well by now, but those words had certainly come out of nowhere. They startled the redhead so much that she almost dropped the teaspoon she was holding, halfway through making herself a cup of tea. She turned around on the spot to face the blonde, her cheeks rapidly turning pink as she spluttered, entirely unsure how to respond yet somehow feeling rather flattered nonetheless.
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"U- uh, I- um-" She swallowed, desperately trying to find some words that actually made sense. "I j- I don't- e- excuse me? What?" She hadn't intended to be rude, but... well, in all honesty, she wasn't entirely sure she had heard correctly.
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leafjoon · 6 months
Between the Lines - pt. I
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tbhc!alex x reader this chapter is bascially a slow burn, fluffy vibe charged w some sexual tension between the reader who is in college n our beloved alix who becomes her editor. warnings: age gap, alex is 33, reader is in her 20's, cursing, alcohol.
In the heart of the university campus, a quaint café served as a haven for students. Seated at a cozy corner table Y/N and her best friend, Sophie, found comfort in the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the hum of hushed conversations.
The soft glow of pendant lights cast a warm ambiance over mismatched wooden furniture, creating a warm atmosphere. Amidst the rustling of students immersed in textbooks and the distant murmur of espresso machines, Y/N and Sophie navigated the labyrinth of academia.
"Ugh, I suck," you groaned, holding your English lit paper in your hands.
"You don't," said Sophia.
"I got a C, Soph."
"Didn’t you do this on three hours of sleep?" she looked at you.
"Yeah," you grumbled.
"You'll do better next time."
"Ugh. I know. It's just such a blow to my confidence," you said, sipping on your ginger tea.
"I know. But this grade doesn't determine your skills. You're great at writing," she said, swirling her spoon in her iced coffee.
"Well. That's debatable," you replied.
She glared at you.
"Fine, fine. I'll stop talking shit about myself," you rolled your eyes.
"Good." She said pleased with your answer. 
You scanned the coffee shop and saw students going about their normal routines. Some of them were hurrying to get to their lectures on time. Others were lazing around in their seats, talking to their friends. Chatter filled the room as you let out a stressed out sigh. You sulked, not knowing how you were gonna recover from this grade.
"Anyway, as I was telling you. I asked my dad about Mr. Turner. He said you can give him a call and ask him to check out your novel."
"Oh god,” you groaned. “I mean-thank you so much. I don't wanna seem ungrateful, I just-I don't know. It feels awkward showing someone my short novel. If you can even call it that,” you rambled.
"I get it. I get embarrassed when I show my tutor my paintings. And he always has something to say," she said, rolling her eyes.
"Soph, your paintings are incredible. And your guy is good."
"That's true," she said, a light blush coloring her cheeks.
You smiled at her. You loved your best friend. You met in high school and became close friends senior year. You used to spend hours at each other's places, watching shows and mulling over the characters. She was one of the few people who was there for you through thick and thin and you weren't afraid to show your vulnerable side to her, insecurities and all.
"I'll send you his phone number and you can contact him whenever."
"Okay. Will do." You said, scrunching your face.
"If you don't do it, I will.”
"Ugh, I'll do it, I promise."
"I'll hold you to it."
"I can't wait to go out on Friday. I need to get drunk and forget," you groaned.
"Same. We've been too stressed out lately. We need to let loose," Sophie added.
You and Sophie had a tradition. No matter the circumstances you always went out on the weekend. You often drank alcohol at your favorite bar or club and danced until your feet were numb and your hearts were pounding. Then you stumbled to one of your dorms and ate junk food or watched a shitty movie.
Sophie looked down at her phone, her clock reading 1:47 PM.
"Well, I have to run. I have Literary Criticism soon,” she remarked.
"With Mr. spits when he talks?" you replied.
"That's the one," she said, letting out an exaggerated sigh.
You chuckled. "Good luck."
"I’ll see you later," she leaned down, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek.
You, on the other hand, finished your lectures for the day. Your Mondays weren't as rough, consisting of only two lectures in the morning and god, were you thankful for that.
Your eyes darted to your phone screen, after you received a notification from Sophie.
Alexander Turner
+378 09 998 890
Anxiety gnawed at you. You took a deep breath and told yourself It’s fine. He gets paid for this kind of job. He’s probably seen worse writing.
You decided to be brave and text him as there's no way you were calling him.
Hello Mr. Turner. Peter Herring recommended you as an editor. I am currently working on a short novel and I am interested in hiring you. Would you be interested in that? Thank you in advance.
You typed it out, reading it again. You erased the words ‘short novel’ leaving it blank. 
"Ugh." You said out loud. You decided to retype it and send it without thinking too much, letting out a sigh of relief.
As you were scrolling on your phone, it suddenly started vibrating and a number appeared. It read Mr. Turner.
Oh god. Why the hell is he calling me? Doesn’t this guy know how to text?
You answered your phone hesitantly, bringing it to your ear.
"Hello?" you said.
"Hi." a low voice spoke.
"Um. Is this Mr. Turner?"
"Yeah. What's your name, love? You didn't introduce yourself," he said in a thick British accent.
"Oh-um, I'm (Y/N)."
"Alright, (Y/N). You're interested in hiring an editor, is that correct?"
"Great. How's Wednesday evening work for you? 7pm, my office? We can discuss the details then."
"Um, Wednesday evening? Yeah I'm good with that," you said.
"Alright. I'll send you my address then. Don't forget your novel," he added.
"Yes. Thank you," you sputtered.
And with that he hung up the phone. You stood there bewildered at this phone call. You just agreed to go to this random man's office on a Wednesday. You had no idea he was british. Why didn't Soph tell you he was british?
Well I guess you have an editor now.
In the sanctuary of your dormitory, you and Sophie nestled on your sofa as you found comfort beneath your favorite blanket.
"I had no idea he was british! His accent was so thick Soph. Like, I had never heard it before."
Sophie was laughing at you. "I thought I mentioned it."
"Well you didn't. Nothing could have prepared me for that. He was so swift and straight to the point. Skipped all the usual bullshit."
"Yep, that's Turner for you," she replied.
"How did your dad meet him again?" you inquired.
"Oh, he was his student in college. Mr. Turner lived in London for a few years and then moved here after my dad recommended him for this sort of writing position," she shrugged.
"Huh. That's interesting," you said. "Hey, what does this guy look like?" you asked, your curiosity peaking.
"Hmm. Let me show you his Facebook," she said. 
"His Facebook?" you asked, furrowing your brows in confusion.
"What? He doesn't have Instagram. He's in his 30s." she added.
"Right," you nodded. You got up and sat next to her, both of you staring at her phone. She found his Facebook page and clicked on his photos.
"He's kinda cute," you said, breaking the silence. Sophie chuckled at your reaction. "He’s good looking," she shrugged.
He had big brown eyes and medium length hair that went past his ears, down to the nape of his neck. His beard seemed neat and trimmed.
"Don't get any ideas now," she looked at you, teasing. "I'm not. I want to see how he looks like so I'm not completely blind sided when I get there."
"Anyway," you continued. "Do you wanna sleep over tonight? My roomie's not here."
"Oh my gosh, yes. I'll go grab my stuff," she exclaimed. "Okay," you said in a singsong and slumped down on your sofa, stretching out your legs.
You couldn't help but feel jittery for Wednesday. You let your thoughts wander for a little, wondering what he was like.
The week was passing quickly, and it was finally Wednesday. You were preparing to leave and go to Mr. Turner's place. To say you were a little nervous would be an understatement. Your palms were sweaty, and you weren't sure what you were wearing was appropriate.
You questioned if you looked like you were trying too hard as you opted for baggy brown suit pants and a red shirt with long sleeves.
Ugh. I'm sure he doesn't give a rat's ass about what I'm wearing.
As you put on your big leather jacket and wrapped a black scarf around your neck, the words he spoke echoed in your mind. "Don't forget your novel." As you went back to your room, you made sure to grab your novel and quickly stuffed it into your tote bag as well as your dorm keys. You couldn't help but wonder if any of his clients had ever forgotten theirs.
You decided to take the bus to his office and followed the instructions he texted you.
102 Ave Street. Nr. 32. If you have difficulties finding it, call me.
As you strolled around the neighborhood, you spotted a house with the number 32. You walked past his charming little garden and couldn't help but admire how nicely maintained it was. 
Now, standing in front of his door, a mix of excitement and nerves crept over you. Unsure of whether to give a knock or press the doorbell, anticipation filled the air. You decided to knock.
As you took a moment to take in your surroundings, the sound of the door being opened reached your ears. Stepping into the view was a figure of a pale man.
"Uh, hello," you said, extending your hand for him to shake. "Good evening," he said, a slight awkward smile on his face. He glanced down at your hand for a few seconds before finally reaching out to shake it.
"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Turner," you said, maintaining the handshake. "Likewise. Please, come inside and feel at home," he invited you.
"Thank you," you quietly replied as you stepped into his house, though a slight feeling of uncertainty lingered. It almost felt like intruding. "This way to my office," he directed, gesturing towards the left.
"Would you like a drink? Coffee or tea?" he asked. "Uh, tea would be fine. Thanks."
As you walked into his office, you settled into one of the inviting chairs positioned near his desk. Your gaze wandered to the oak wood bookcase that adorned the room, its shelves overflowing with a collection of books. Your eyes were drawn to the carefully placed plants that created a warm and inviting atmosphere. You wondered if anyone else lived in this house, although it seemed empty by the looks of it.
"Here you go," he interrupted your thoughts, setting down a mug with hot tea. "I brought you ginger. I don't know if you like it or not," he said with a serious tone. "Oh, that's my favorite actually," you said, smiling awkwardly.
"Great. Careful, it's hot," he looked at you and gave you a half smile. You blushed a little and brought the mug to your mouth, taking a sip. "So, did you bring your novel?" he said, staring at you.
You tried to speak and swallow at the same time and ended up choking on your drink. You coughed for a few minutes as Alex stared at you, his face laced with concern.
"Erm.." he shifted so he could tap your back. "Try to look up. It should help," he said.
You followed his instructions and looked up at the ceiling, coughing. Your throat seemed to calm down.
"S-sorry," you barely managed to say. "No worries. You alright?" 
"Yes," you exhaled and took out the novel, handing it to him, trying to move past the awkward situation. "Thank you," he muttered.
He took your novel and opened it, setting it down on the desk. Your legs were only a few centimeters away from each other. You shifted slightly, not wanting to invade his personal space.
You realized he hadn't asked you to send him your novel and wondered if you had made a mistake. Perhaps you should have asked him about it.
"Um... should I have sent a digital copy of it to you?" you questioned. "No, it's quite alright. I prefer reading it in front of my clients," he said, his gaze not leaving the book.
You felt awkward, to say the least. It wasn’t pleasant having someone read your work right in front of you. Especially when you thought editors usually familiarize themselves with your work beforehand.
You fumbled with your fingers, unsure what to do with yourself. Bringing the hot mug to your lips, you took a few sips. Your eyes wandered around the room and settled on Alex. He looked like he was studying your work, wearing a serious expression on his face, his eyebrows furrowed.
He looked handsome. When a few strands of hair fell on his face, he tucked them behind his ear. You felt your cheeks heat up and looked away before he could catch you staring. 
As you anxiously awaited his response, doubts clouded your mind about whether any of the sentences you wrote were coherent. You nervously retrieved your phone from your bag, feeling the clamminess on your palms. However, before you could reach out to a friend, he abruptly spoke up.
“S’good,” he looked up at you nodding. “Really? But you didn’t read that much.." you weren't sure what to say.
“I don’t need to. I can see that it’s straightforward and has a clear direction. It’s a bit wordy though and needs some work.” He added.
“Oh, okay,” you nodded. He noticed you slumped a little and found it endearing. He had to remind himself of your age and sensitivity.
“But don’t fret. It’s nothing we can’t fix,” he said, a slight smile tugging at his lips. “Right,” you smiled politely. You looked at him for a split-second and then glanced down at your hands.
“Well. I need to read the rest of your novel now. I only wanted to give you a clear picture of what we were gonna do in the upcoming weeks and how this works,” you nodded.
“For now we can meet once every two weeks and then see how your work progresses. Does Wednesday work for you, around this time?” “Uh-yes. I can do that.”
“Perfect. I want to recommend two books for you to read that could help you with your writing. Could you grab “On Writing”, by Stephen King from the bookshelf there?” he pointed to a book with a brown hardcover.
You stood up and spotted the book he was talking about. “This one?” you asked. “Yes. And also the “Bird by Bird” on your left.” You looked around but didn’t see the book he was talking about.
He stood up, approaching you, his chest pressing lightly against your back. His hand reached out just above your head, and a tantalizing scent reached your nose. The subtle blend of cigarette smoke and lavender emerged from his clothing.
“That’s your right,” he said behind you, amused. “Oh, right,” you chuckled awkwardly.
He got back to his desk and handed you the book, your fingers grazing his.
“You don’t need to read these in over a week. This isn’t school,” he chuckled. “But they should help you improve and explore different methods of writing.” 
“Thank you, Mr. Turner,” you mumbled. “Oh, feel free to call me Alex,” he said. “Okay. Alex,” you replied.
You felt strange saying his name in such a casual manner. It felt like you were talking to a friend your age, not a 30 something year old accomplished editor and god knows what else.
“Oh uh, how do I pay for this?” “My secretary will contact you for that. The first session was meant for us to get acquainted and make sure that we are a good fit."
“Great,” you said.  “Alright.” He looked at you. “Right. Then I’ll be going. Thank you, again. It was nice meeting you,” you mumbled. 
“It was nice meeting you too,” he smiled and guided you to the door. You waved goodbye, and exited his house, the cold autumn air surrounding you. Well, now you really have an editor.
Alex didn't expect, well, you. He knew you were younger but god, were you a pretty little thing. His usual clients were a lot older and well, half of them were men.
He tried not to get carried away as his mind swirled with different thoughts about you. He didn't want to be creepy and he never wanted to give you that impression. So he tried his best to be professional.
But you were making it so hard. With your pouty lips and your fumbling hands every time you waited for a response from him. You wore these perfectly fitting tops that hugged your body. Occasionally when you moved around, the fabric would subtly reveal a glimpse of your midriff, making it impossible not to gawk at you. He thought you were simply adorable.
"So, how are your classes going? Anyone giving you trouble?" He asked, genuinely interested. "They're going well," you trailed off, sighing. 
"It's one of my professors. I don't think he likes me," you murmured. "Who?" he asked. 
"Professor Miller," you slumped a little. "Oh. Well I don't think he likes anyone if that makes you feel any better," you laughed. "No but seriously, what’s the problem?" he asked.
"I have the lowest grade in his class," you said, rolling your eyes, a little embarrassed to admit. "Grades aren't everything (Y/N). I've had my fair share of shitty grades too."
"What if I just suck though?" you asked, finding it unbelievable how comfortable you felt talking to him after knowing him only for a few weeks. "Nah. I would have dropped you by now," he teased you.
You gasped. “I’m only joking. You have a lot of potential,” he said, softly gazing into your eyes.
You smiled, feeling at ease.
"If you want I can help you with your assignments. Give you tips and such. Free of charge," he joked.
Both of you couldn't help but notice that your knees were touching but you felt comfortable staying close.
"Are you sure?" you asked. "Yeah. What else am I gonna do with my time?" he said. "Thanks," you said, feeling like this is beginning to border on inappropriate. But you didn't care.
"How about tomorrow, after your classes, you come by and we can see what we can do."
You nodded. "Okay. Sounds great." 
You had entranced him. He knew it was inappropriate. He was your editor, after all. And much older than you. But he couldn't help it. He couldn't stand the idea of any of these college guys having you. You were too good. Too sweet.
He wanted to be the one who owned you. He often imagined what it would be like to graze your delicate skin with his fingers. Make you shiver under his touch. Or how you mouth would feel around his coc-
"I hate writing!" you exclaimed, getting up from his couch and pacing around. You guys had moved from his office to his living room. He wanted you to feel comfortable.
He listened to you intently as you explained what you meant to convey in your latest pages. He could have easily done this over an email, but no, he had to see you. Your low voice, sweet like honey, reached his ears.
You sighed. "I don't know. I feel like I'm losing sight of my story. I have no idea what to do next." You said, biting your lip.
"Maybe you should leave it be," Alex replied.
"Huh?" you questioned.
"Well you've been working really hard at it lately. When was the last time you did something else you were passionate about?"
"I-," you paused, "I don't know," you mumbled, sitting down next to him again.
"See? You need to forget about it for a while. Create some distance."
You mulled over his words. "Is that what you do?"
"Course. Every artist does."
You looked at him like the world hung on his lips.
"Yeah. I can try that," you said, a worried expression on your face.
"No," he laughed. "Don't take this as another assignment. I mean really forget about it. Do something that doesn't make you think about writing."
You thought about it for a while and asked "Like what?"
He hesitated. "Well." Fuck it, he thought. "I have two tickets to the theater tonight," he raised his eyebrows slightly. "One of my friends canceled on me and you can join me if you want.”
His gaze met yours as you registered what he asked you. He looked at you, biting his lip, worrying if he had been too forward.
"What's the play about?" you asked, caving in. He tried to contain his smile and continued "It's ballet. The last swan lake."
"Oh, I've always wanted to see that," you said. "Great. We can meet in front of the theater at 7:30. That alright?" he asked. 
"Yeah. Sounds good," you replied, trying to contain your enthusiasm. "I'll see you later then."
As you were getting ready in your small bathroom, you couldn't help but feel nervous about tonight, butterflies swirling in your stomach. We can meet for a drink beforehand, if you want. My treat. He told you a few hours ago, wearing a shy smile.
You had reluctantly agreed. You wanted to spend time with him so badly but you felt like you were doing something wrong. You hadn’t even told Sophie yet.
You got dressed, slipping on your silky tights past your legs. You decided to wear a delicate black dress with long sleeves that exposed your plush thighs. Pairing it with your leather jacket and your red scarf, you slung your small handbag over your shoulder, getting ready to leave.
You decided to take your earphones with you and listen to music to calm your nerves.
When you arrived at the charming bar he had picked, you flung the door open and entered. lThe cozy ambience enveloped you as you stepped inside, a welcoming contrast to the crisp evening air outside.
Alex, already seated at a secluded corner table, looked up from his menu, a genuine smile spreading across his face as he caught sight of you entering.
As you made your way towards him, the gentle flicker of candlelight played on the edges of his features. "You made it," he said, rising from his seat and pulling your chair out for you.
“Thanks,” you mumbled, your cheeks rosy from the cold. You sat down, not knowing what to do with your hands or where to look. This felt strangely intimate.
“What do you want to drink?” he asked you.
“Uh. What are you getting?” you replied.
“Probably a beer.” He said.
“I guess I’ll get a glass of white wine then,” you replied, feeling somewhat awkward. You didn’t expect in a million years to have drinks with your editor.
“You sure? You can get anything you want. Like I said, it’s my treat.” He smiled.
“Thank you. Yeah I’m good,” you replied bashfully.
After the waiter brought your drinks you started delving into conversation.
"So, um, tell me more about yourself," Alex prompted, his gaze lingering on you.
You giggled, sipping your drink. "Well, there's not much to tell. Just a struggling student trying to make it out alive."
He chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. "From what I've seen, there's more than meets the eye."
You met his gaze, and the air shifted, charged with an unspoken tension. "You know, I never expected my editor to be someone who could make me forget about writer's block."
He raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. "Maybe I'm just that good at my job."
The conversation flowed effortlessly, weaving between discussions of literature, shared interests, and personal anecdotes. As the night progressed, the topics ventured into more intimate territories, the subtle dance of words revealing layers beneath the surface.
"You have this way of making the mundane sound interesting," you remarked, now both on your second drink. You could feel your face heat up from the alcohol.
Alex leaned in, his gaze intense yet inviting. "Maybe it's the company that makes it interesting."
The words lingered in the air, a palpable tension settling between you. Unspoken desires sparked beneath the surface.
"Well, I find the company interesting too," you replied.
A hint of a smirk crossed Alex's face as he took a sip of his drink. "Careful now," he said. "Interesting company can be quite... distracting."
A subtle blush crept onto your cheeks. "Distracting can be a good thing." you replied.
"What are you distracting yourself from?" he asked, his gaze lingering on yours.
“I’m not sure. Everyone has problems, I guess,” you looked down at your hands.
“Anything you want to share?” he asked. 
“Wouldn’t want to bore you,” you chuckled. 
“You could never,” he replied, his tender eyes meeting yours. You stared at each other for a few seconds before you cleared your throat and looked at the time. “Oh, I think we should get going,” you said.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” Alex said and he gestured to the waiter for the bill. You thanked him for the drinks and promised you would return the favor next time you saw him. He agreed but knew he wouldn’t let you pay for anything, especially since you were just a student.
You had an amazing time seeing "Black Swan" at the theater. The ballet was captivating, and the music was incredible. You also noticed Alex glancing at you a few times throughout the show. 
After the show, Alex walked you to your cab. Under the streetlights, there was a quiet moment filled with something more than words. You exchanged a look that said it all, a shared understanding between you. As you got into the cab, Alex stood on the sidewalk with a thoughtful smile and waved goodbye.
When you arrived at your dorm, your phone vibrated. 
Did you get home safely? - Mr Turner. 
Your heart fluttered.
Great. Good night. 
After washing your face and brushing your teeth, you huddled into your bed and drifted off to sleep, embracing your pillow. The night ushered you into a world of dreams.
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o0oooooo0o · 4 months
uttara bhadrapada is all about honing that cool crystal center within. ppl will find that in association with these natives “most” is the word you will often see next to their name and not always in a socially acceptable way. These natives leave behind gifts to humanity transcending the boundaries of good and evil.
‧₊˚✩彡 🙀
-losing people close to you
-being non pc
-extreme wealth and 💸💸💸💸💸
-reptilian beings (dragons, snakes,…)
-aquatic beings (mermaids)
-cold, frigid, aloofness, indifference, apathy
-loneliness, disconnect
-collateral damage
-secret societies
-control & restriction
-reluctant leader
-deep space, the unknown
-two faced
-high technology
-destiny & fate
-skeletons in the closet
-in plain sight
-plastic surgery
-the end
-the chosen one
-being ahead of your time/creating something timeless
-out of touch
-cold blooded
-ethereal essence
-abandoning humanity
-being the brain/face of capitalism ngl
-the ocean
-for the greater good
-tying together future/present/past
-being afforded a greater, more terrible purpose
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Grimes (confirmed*-ish) sun & moon in uttara bhadrapada
other notable natives (moon)
-hillary clinton
-kim kardashian
-anya taylor joy
-antonio banderas
-rooney mara
-gemma ward
-rick owens
-tyra banks
-salma hayek
-daniel radcliffe
-joaquin phoenix
-lil kim
-rebecca ferguson
-Luca Guadagnino
-sujan stevens
-janet jackson
-steve jobs
-bill gates
-catherine zeta-jones
-andré leon talley
-anna wintour(*)
-eugenia cooney
-ash stymest
-blac chyna
-travis barker
-riley keough
-wiz khalfia
- jay park
-timothee chalamet
-samantha morton
-Josh McDermitt
-anton riize
-belle kiss of life
-aidan gillen
-josh o’connor
-salvador dalí
-sophie turner
-hayao miyazaki
-ed sheeran
-kendall jenner
-jessica white
-Satoru Gojo!
-alek wek
-nick offerman
-dev patel
-james cameron
-city of los angeles
-harry potter
-wanda maximoff
-jeffrey e*stein
////(disclaimer, lowkey i’m pretty good at guessing between naks but i can’t say for sure that they r ubp moon some of these r just my own intuition/pattern recognition/symbolism unless their birth time is confirmed and i can flat out get their placements wrong but also ppl lie even about their birthday so it is what it is)
///*I will keep updating this list
billie eilish ubp asc (like ??? the rating is aa too but still ??)
alexander mcqueen (ubp sun+rahu)
lisa (ubp sun+venus+ketu) +saturn*mercury in revati
quentin tarantino (sun+mercury+jupiter)! …
shakira (ubp asc and venus)
brie larson (ubp asc)
cha eunwoo (sun+venus+ketu+saturn)
lady gaga ubp sun
diana ross ubp sun
yasmeen ghauri ubp sun c mercury revati
mariah carey ubp sun c rahu *mercury pisces pbp
eren yeager ubp sun
steven tyler ubp sun
karina (revati sun c ubp mercury+venus gemini moon ruler ubp mercury)
ketu in ubp-
zoe saldana
bella hadid +ubp saturn
jaehyun +ubp saturn lagnesh saturn in ubp
fernanda ly
rahu in ubp-
abbey lee kershaw
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On the double standards of Taylor’s love life and Swifties’ role in Taylor’s reputation
{Fair warning: this is kind of long and I actually originally wrote it during the Ratty stuff but it’s relevant now and this post from @9w1ft (specifically the tweet) made me think that maybe this needed to be really laid out there. }
Disclaimer: I am in no way claiming to know what Taylor’s sexuality is definitively, nor am I suggesting that every relationship she’s had with a man was fake, or that she is a lesbian. I myself have experienced enough bi erasure and biphobia to know better, but I had to put this out there explicitly so hetlors don’t have that as a “gotcha”.
Swifties have the lowest possible standards for whom they consider to be a boyfriend of Taylor’s.
Their standards are a) the media has to stir something up b) they have to interact distantly in some public capacity before they c) walk around together (holding hands or not).
I can give you the names so many women with whom Taylor acted like that, often for longer periods of time and with more interaction than a couple dinners and pap walks or whatever she’s done with those men. And that’s without time to go do research which would doubtlessly turn up more names.
To name some examples:
Karlie Kloss, Diana Agron, Selena Gomez, Gigi Hadid, Blake Lively, Cara Delevingne, Martha Hunt, Sophie Turner, Lorde, all three Haim sisters, Zoe Kravitz, Emma Stone, Camila Cabello, Lily Aldridge, Lily Donaldson.
(To be clear, I’m not suggesting that Taylor dated all or most of those women.)
Now, I have no doubt that if most swifties looked up photos of Taylor with a lot of those women they’d go “they aren’t even doing anything in that picture” or “they’re just walking side by side” or whatever else.
I’m 1000% sure that if you photoshopped a man into basically any of those pics people would assume they’re dating because they’re walking together.
Almost all of Taylor’s supposed boyfriends have had significantly less interaction with her than those women, but people don’t hesitate to say she’s dating the men. Her team can and will deny it, but swifties will add a name to their list anyway, and that creates a whole other problem.
The sl*t shaming:
In my opinion, the sl*t shaming that Taylor has experienced for about the last 15 years has been, at least in part, because of swifties who jump to conclusions about men she’s seen with. When her own fans believe she’s dated however many guys, it’s that much easier for the media to repeat that and twist it to be negative.
If you wouldn’t look at a random guy and girl standing within a few feet of each other or walking together and come to the conclusion that they must be dating, why do you assume that about Taylor? Or, for that matter, does every person of the opposite gender that you associate with have to be your SO?
[And yes that can easily be turned around on Gaylors, but the whole point is that we aren’t solely using proximity to link potential exes or lovers to Taylor. We actually do the analysis of the lyrics, we break down the connections, we do the research.]
My point is that swifties have contributed on a large scale to Taylor’s sl*t shaming in a way that should make them think twice about who they claim she’s dating. Unfortunately as we’ve seen with this M*tty situation {and now the football guy}, they don’t seem to have the self awareness to realize how they’ve aided such a disgusting campaign of hate.
One more thing: you can say that no one will say those things now anyway because Taylor is on top of the world and they wouldn’t dare sl*t shame the Queen of Pop or “The Music Industry”. You might even be right. But if you do this and feel no guilt or shame over how your actions may have played a part in the several intense periods of sl*t shaming that Taylor has gone through previously, you need to think about why that is.
Taylor said it best in her speech at the Grammy museum in September 2015. She was introducing Blank Space and talking about the situation that made her write the song.
“In the last couple of years the media have had a really wonderful fixation on kind of painting me as like the psycho serial dater girl… It got pretty out of control there for a couple of years because… every article would be like, Taylor Swift Standing Near Some Guy. Watch Out Guy!”
That sounds insane, and it was definitely worse then than it is now, but the fact that it’s happening right now at all is ridiculous. Swifties need to stop helping the media tie Taylor’s name to men as if that makes her relevant. She’s a highly awarded singer, songwriter, and performer who has set and broken records (and then broken the ones she’s set) countless times. Swifties need to stop pretending that dating someone is what makes her interesting or we’re no better than the people who think she only writes breakup songs.
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kellyvela · 13 days
Do you think you would be as big of a Sophie Turner fan as you are based on her other works alone and not Sansa? I ask b/c i think many ST fans (myself included) have become biased in Sophie's favor and tbh not sure she deserves the unwavering support she gets simply b/c she played Sansa Stark.
Sophie's Vogue interview was a shock b/c the lies she told that could be easily disproven as well as being incredibly disrespectful to her kids. Throwing the pregnancy test to her husband and then contemplating abortion b/c her 20s were a time to be frivolous - what was the point in making that story public? All it does is hurt her daughter who will no doubt be bullied by her classmates once they learn how to Google. Sophie is not a planned parenthood ambassador so really the story was fruitless to make public. She should have waited until her daughter is old enough so she hears it from her mother first then if ST decides to share it fine but to do it this way seems selfish and disrespectful to her daughter. The other albeit frivolous lie she told was how she was so used to going with her ex to the LV shows yet last year she clearly went by herself and she went by herself in 2016 when she went for the first time.
Lastly, Sophie's whole having fun dating lie. Sophie lied about barely dating b/c a simple Google search (2019) shows that she said she said on the record that she dated so much that she was ready to marry. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but her actions say otherwise. Sophie soft launched Peregrine at her first public work event not even 2 months when her divorced was filed. Her brothers and dad are huge rugby fans, why did she take someone she barely started dating or is being frivolous with where he would be photographed? Celebs don't take flings to places where getty photographers are esp in the middle of a divorce/custody battle unless the guy is serious. But what shocked me was when she deleted her IG post to launch Peregrine. If her marriage was already crumbling why did she do an IG story wishing her then husband a happy birthday (in a gushy way right after their fight) then then proceeded to do an IG post where she's kissing his hand which she only deleted to post her ski post with Peregrine and his friends?
I will always love Sansa esp book Sansa. I say that b/c maybe you can provide counter points to everything I said which is why i'm doing the ask. Sansa is an amazing character that deserves love and Sophie well for as fun and cool as she appears to be, her actions show she's prob the exact opposite of Sansa.
Maybe a lot of Sophie fans love her mainly because she played Sansa Stark, but in my particular case, I started loving Sansa Stark because of Sophie Turner.
But right now, I care about Sophie Turner for more reasons than Sansa Stark. Since Game of Thrones aired the irrational and undeserved hate for Sansa Stark that surpassed the fiction to reality and became irrational, undeserved hate and bullying for the actress, made me very protective of Sophie Turner. So I decided to love her even more, and protect her, and defend her, and support her career after Game of Thrones, and wish for her happiness and wellbeing.
I'm not saying she's perfect and never did wrong, but I won't judge her because at the end of the day I don't know her personally, I don't know her reasons, I don't know her circumstances, she's not my best friend.
Now, about the *lies easily disproven* and being *incredibly disrespectful to her kids,* that is your opinion, and I doubt whatever I can say to you will change that opinion.
It would be easy to argue every one of your critics and accusations against Sophie, but I think it's pointless, not only because you can think whatever you want, but because you pretty much sound like one of those Sophie haters from Twitter that is really a fan of her ex.
However, I recommend you to actually read/re-read the interview and stop repeating the clickbait headlines that took lines without context and/or twisted her words.
Have a good day.
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theblogtini · 6 months
So I follow Fauxmoi on Reddit (I know, I know) and there was a post today about Sophie turner dating and people always like to comment that she shouldn’t have been treated badly by Joe Jonas but they aren’t a fan of her because of anti-mm posts she liked (they were posts by Gary Janetti who made that hbo show). Anyway…
In the comment section today people were basically saying Sophie blew all her goodwill from fans by dating an aristo and slamming her for the anti-mm posts. How do these people blast Sophie for dating an aristo yet support Meghan who married a royal at the same time??? The cognitive dissonance makes me dizzy sometimes
Sussex fans do the most intense mental gymnastics trying to justify their ridiculous behavior. It's not even worth trying to rationalize it b/c none of it makes sense.
Sophie - bad for dating an aristo
Meghan - angel on earth for marrying a prince and becoming a royal duchess and therefore being in the upper echelons of aristocracy.
Yuuuuuup okay.
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moonslesbology · 1 year
The Lucky One
finnick odair x eleanor eves
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Summary: In which a soft hearted girl from district 4 would do anything for the people she loved and a wounded boy from the 65th Hunger Games would do anything for the girl he loved.
warnings: canon level violence, domestic violence, prostitution, child abuse, descriptions of C-PTSD, sexual humilation, brief mentions of homophobia both external and internal
link to the fanfic on wattpad !!
link to the fanfic on AO3 (COMING SOON)
Character aesthetics
eleanor eves - played by danielle galligan
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finnick odair - played by sam claflin
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annie cresta - played by sophie turner
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carifletch · 1 year
“I still can’t believe you surprised me a day early, you little shit. I love you.” @sophbelindadreams​
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jackoshadows · 2 years
Why do you think there’s such a strong fixation on Jonsa? I watched the whole series and didn’t see it. I just finished A Game of Thrones and didn’t see it. I’m a big supporter of Jonerys (although I don’t think Kit and Emilia had very good on-screen chemistry but that was partially due to a bad script) but I’m very curious about the mindset going on with people who enjoy other Jon pairings. I can at least see where people are coming from with Jonrya even if I’ll never be able to see them as anything but siblings. They’re very close and think of each other often but at least in book one, Jon and Sansa’s relationship is non-existent. I guess Jon and Dany’s is even more non-existent, but the show at least planted a seed of what could be, and the same cannot be said of Jonsa
I think you are the nonnie who send me the Dany ask and I always hesitate to answer these (rather sensible and intelligent) asks because you have not finished reading the books and I hate to spoil the story for you 😂!
Have you read Pride and Prejudice? The equivalent of the Jonsa ship would be like shipping Darcy and Jane because one likes Jane Bennet and then argue that Darcy actually falls for sweet, gentle Jane and not Elizabeth and that Darcy/Jane is canonical. And if we disagree with this it’s because we are sexist Jane haters because Jane’s a girly girl. Absurd right? That’s pretty much the absurdity of Jonsa for book readers.
So why is Jonsa so popular? Briefly, Jonsa is the result of Sansa stans not liking the canon suitors the author has given the character in the books for various reasons. They want Arya's canonical relationship with Jon possibly turning into a romance for their favorite character Sansa or they want Jon and Sansa falling in love instead of any future romance between Jon and Dany. Which is why 80% of their blogs is devoted to tearing down Dany and Arya and involves an unrecognizable mess of a character they call Jon Snow.
Sansa is also the typical beautiful girl who is into romance and songs and fashion and knights, feasts and tourneys - that’s why she gets shipped with everyone. I think she’s the most shipped character in this fandom. And that’s always been a thing since this series started in the nineties. SanSan or Sansa/Sandor Clegane (The Hound) was one of the most popular ships of the series and GRRM has even commented on it.
[As an aside the funny thing is that GRRM is trying to subvert tropes and also write romance for the non conventional girls like Brienne and Dany and Arya (Lyanna is the equivalent of Helen of Troy and Arya is a mini Lyanna) and still this fandom disparages girls like Arya as being ‘male-coded’, ugly and undesirable.]
With the show, they totally ignored SanSan (Which makes sense considering Rory McCann was like 40 or something on the show and Turner is so young - the show cannot go where the books do in terms of these relationships) and instead gave Sansa the story of another tertiary character in the North. Combining characters meant that she got dumped into Jon Snow’s plot and now all of a sudden we have these two good looking actors Sophie Turner and Kit Harington sharing scenes and Jonsa is born (Despite their characters fighting and arguing in 90% of their scenes, and Sansa lying and betraying Jon).
Benioff and Weiss’ Sansa fanfiction meant that Sansa now gets all of Arya’s story beats and narrative themes on the show. And instead of treating it like a crack ship/AU fanfiction, they try to shove this ship into the books and attack anyone who tries to point out how absurd this ship is. And despite GRRM insisting that his story is different and going in different directions, they think that the garbage writing of the show is going to happen in the books
I would also like to point out that, from my experience in fandom, most Jon Snow fans don’t ship Jonsa. And I am talking about fans who genuinely like book Jon Snow. Not the one’s who claim to be a Jon fan and their blog is 90% about Sansa.These two characters have nothing to do with each other in the books!
Jonsa is a Sansa ship for and by Sansa stans. Jon is simply a prop there for Sansa to become QITN, get a direwolf Ghost, get her disney princess happy ending with ten babies. Their version of Jon Snow has nothing in common with the book character.
To refer back to my original P&P comparison, to make Darcy fall in love with Jane one would have to change Darcy’s entire personality.  If Darcy falls for Jane’s beauty and gentle nature instead of Elizabeth’s wit and intelligence, then that’s no longer Pride and Prejudice is it? That’s an AU version of Pride and Prejudice. Or fanfiction based on Pride and Prejudice.
A Darcy who falls in love with Jane Bennet is not the Darcy in the story Austen is writing. In the same way a Jon Snow who falls in love with Sansa Stark is not the Jon Snow in the story George R R Martin  is telling.  
For Jonsa shippers their Jon Snow will be repulsed by Arya Stark and does not care for her, only helps out his friends because they are stand ins for Sansa, is shallow and self-loathing because he thinks he’s not good enough for beautiful Sansa who ignored him because he’s a bastard and craves for the approval of the woman who abused him, Catelyn Stark.
In fact, the Jonsa fandom came up with one of the worst, most nonsensical iterations of Jon Snow I have ever seen in all my years in this fandom. Let me introduce you to the horror that is Political!Jon. You can google it.
Political!Jon is Littlefinger 2.0, a sociopath who will pretend to love Daenerys to get her dragons, deceive her and then kill her, all his true love Sansa Stark can become QITN. And oh, because he does not want his true love to take care of any undesirable bastards, political!Jon will also give Dany some moon tea to abort her baby - that’s abortion!Jon. And Jonsa shippers think that Jon Snow seducing a rape victim, stealing her children (the dragons), aborting her baby and then killing her for Sansa is all so romantic!!
And if not Jon Snow, then it will be Arya who will kill Dany. That’s the whole point of the sword Jon gave Arya - it’s not about their bond and their love and being symbolic of home and identity for Arya. No, Needle is so that Arya can kill Dany and Jon and Sansa can get together! Arya will then turn into a Jonsa cheerleader and fuck off into nowhere on a ship.
I have always compared the Jonsa shippers to the flat earthers of this fandom. Some of the most ridiculous and absurd theories have come out of that side of the fandom and debating with them is like debating with a wall. One can smush all the book text and quotes in their face and they will still be there talking about how Jon Snow loves Sansa because some snow fell on her face in one of the chapters....
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witheredoffherwitch · 8 months
I think a lot of the anon hate you've been receiving is from team black crazies. The Tatemond thing is a meme they've started on Twitter (just search for that term there and you'll see) and it looks like they've moved onto Tumblr to harass people. For some reasons they seem to believe Aemond and Aegon are the Westerosi equivalent of the Tate brothers...
Hi nonnie, hope you're doing well!
I have already made a post on how this notion is absolutely ridiculous but going off from here, I would simply say this to my fellow TG fans: IGNORE these idiots! I received one more ask hammering on that same 'Tatemond' line (I assume it was the same anon from earlier) - and have promptly ignored it after addressing it the first time. These idiots will be laughed off just like that 'pearl of the realm' tweet... BECAUSE literally for everyone else, these claims are downright absurd!
I think most of us fans forget that normies don't consume media like the rest of us who get too deep into the sauce. We barely make 2% of the total viewing class, and these kinds of absurd claims only get circulated amongst us losers who still lurk in these corridors long past the building's been vacated LOL. I remember how some Sansa fans were genuinely shocked at how popular and well-liked her character is during this recent Sophie Turner's divorce fiasco. Similarly, the other side was just as shocked by the pushback when Emilia's old quotes resurfaced where she said that Jon was let go easy because "he literally got away with murder". The common reply on that side was 'Jon didn't do anything wrong - killing a genocidal queen was the only decent thing he did all season.' I think it's important to remember that most viewers don't become so invested in a single character that they forget about the bigger picture.
While Aegon might not retain much favourability with the normies, Aemond is definitely a fan-favourite post season 1. His motives are well established, and unlike B&C, Luke's death followed after years' worth of bad blood and their king's jurisdictional error. Even though we felt Aemond did wrong, we can still empathize with him because of their complicated history.
I have trust in both Ewan and TGC to deliver the most gut-wrenchingly tragic storylines for their individual characters. Despite how Aegon is portrayed, it is fair to say that he is second only to Aemond on the popularity scale from that third-generation line-up... and this guy is shown to be an absolute piece of shit! So let them say whatever they want at this point because we know how the story will actually end during the Dance and for the Targaryen line in general.
That's all! 🤗
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sixcostumerefs · 2 years
Tallest and Shortest Possible Six Casts
I know I did this at some point a few years ago but I can’t find it and it’s definitely outdated now, so...remake time. As always its based on limited info since not everyone has their height listed online.
Shortest: Aragon: Nicole Louise Lewis (4’11”) Boleyn: Andrea Macasaet (4′11″) Seymour: Jasmine Forsberg (5′) Cleves: Brittney Mack (4′11″) Howard: Sophie Isaacs, Rebecca Wickes, or Nicole Lamb (all 5′1″) Parr: Viquichele Cross (5′) Alts: Zara MacIntosh as A/H (5′1″) Ayla Ciccone-Burton as B/C (5′2″) Shannen Alyce Quan or Tamara Anne Morgan as S/P (5′1″) Rehearsal alts:  Alize Ke’Aloha Cruz or Alyssa Gianetti as S/H (5′3″) Lois Ellise Reeves as A/P (5′3”) Sadie Hurst as B/C (5′3″)
Tallest: Aragon: Rae Davenport (5′9”) Boleyn: Kelly Sweeney or Liv Alexander (5′7″) Seymour: Amy Bridges or Shelby Griswold (5′8″) Cleves: Genesis Lynea (5′8″) Howard: Tsemaye Bob-Egbe (5′9″) Parr: Meesha Turner (5′9″) Alts: Cassandra Lee as A/C (5′9″) Abbi Hodgson as B/P (5′8″) Leah Vassell or Collette Guitart as S/P (5′7″) Rehearsal alts: Adrianna Glover as A/C (5′7″) Emily Harrigan as B/H (5′11″) Jasmine M Smith as S/P (5′7″)  and for most extreme differences: Aragon: Rae Davenport (5’9”) Boleyn: Andrea Macasaet (4′11��) Seymour: Amy Bridges or Shelby Griswold (5′8″) Cleves: Brittney Mack (4′11″) Howard: Tsemaye Bob-Egbe (5′9″) Parr: Viquichele Cross (5′) Alts: Cassandra Lee as A/C (5′9″) Collette Guitart (5′7″) OR Zara MacIntosh (5′1″) as B/H Shannen Alyce Quan as S/P (5′1″) Rehearsal alts: Emily Harrigan as B/C/H (5′11″) Adrianna Glovers as A/C/P (5′7″)  Sadie Hurst as B/S/H (5′3″)
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aethelflaedel · 1 year
Thoughts on Show Sansa?
I'll try and keep it as brief as possible, since this could last a while 😕
it's not all bad!! there's a lot of elements of show sansa that I like, and I think sophie turner was an excellent choice for her. like most characters, I definitely prefer her in the earlier seasons- and again, sophie's acting during the king's landing arc was just incredible. my issue is with the seasons afterwards.
firstly- I was SO excited for alayne stone and the vale... except it was only a thing for what, half a season??? this is where we see sansa really start to come into her own politically, and her and littlefinger have one of my favourite dynamics, so it was super disappointing.
now, onto the shitshow that was ramsay bolton. a) it was so stupid and out of character for lf to give her away, to RAMSAY BOLTON no less? b) the whole 'rape made me stronger' sentiment was just vile and unnecessary, and c) it just shows that d&d had no idea what to do with sansa.
overall, I liked sansa as queen of the north- and unlike other people, I didn't mind her hostility towards dany, since it made sense. I just wish they were less catty (but again, d&d just don't seem to get girls).
I think the main flaw of show sansa is the fact that d&d can't see strength that isn't brute force, or traditionally 'masculine'. what I love about sansa is that her best qualities are ones that everyone can have: empathy, awareness and the ability to adapt. to make her 'strong', the show basically just rendered her cold and unfeeling, which I feel like completely undermines her character.
not to forget her love for her family, which the show seems to disregard. yes, she wants to assimilate into southern culture in the beginning, because it's what she's been taught is fashionable and desirable. but sansa is northern at heart, so her returning to winterfell is one thing I do stand by from the show.
in conclusion: this ended up a lot longer than I intended, but I hope it made sense. I think she's one of the characters who's adaptation from book > show was okay! I think she just suffers from what all the female characters do- misogyny 😔 thanks so much for the ask!!!
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