#( and links to old headcanon posts in a couple stuff )
vhstown · 7 months
miles g morales ★ general headcanons
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warnings: sort of angsty, mentions of his dad's death, money being tight and such 😞
a/n: hi my little piranhas im feeding you today say AHHHHHHHH.... all my random non-relationship miles g thoughts dumped into one! he has 6 lines but less is more right 😁 im okay i promi
Let me just geek out about his non-existent gear functions for a moment 😞 Miles is all about little modifications and improvement so when he messes around with his uncle's gear he decides to make some adjustments to the design and also the functionality. Has his own spin to all of his gear cause a part of him really wants to be like the superheroes he sees in comics with their own sort of persona. But of course it has to be functional so...!
All of his gear is coordinated and he has a mode where he can turn off all the lights for stealth and such! The lights are actually off most of the time but he puts them on to show off mostly or make himself known when he's bored of waiting.
A really cool function would be if he could redirect or offset his lights so when he's fighting in complete darkness he can easily confuse his enemies. Tends to scope out places and mess around with the power supplies — uses the occasional smoke bomb too. He's in his element in dark, maze-like places, which essentially makes Brooklyn his concrete playground.
Scarily good at lockpicking. Has broken into his own house multiple times from forgetting his keys. He can open most doors with simple tools and disable electronic locks with a little work.
Can I just mention his shoes as well... they're like the jumpy shoes from Subway Surfers you can't prove me wrong until the next movie comes out like— Okay no but seriously I imagine he can stick to surfaces and things and maybe they can propell him upwards? You see those glowing lights idk figure it out 😞
Also somebody (I have no idea who but here's the link to the original post) had a headcanon that he'd have a high auditory intelligence, so for a while, he spends time developing a voice modulator. He likely has one anyway to keep his identity a secret, but what he really wants to do is is create a device that can replicate other people's voices.
Because he's good with sound and physics he makes it work in no less than a few weeks. The first voice he tries is his uncle's and he says a bunch of dumbass stuff. (Aaron is a little annoyed but more proud of his nephew than anything.) Eventually it gets to the point where he can calibrate it with a couple clicks since he has such a good ear for frequencies and the like that deceiving villains is no trouble at all.
I think Aaron and Miles would still have that cool uncle and nephew relationship but its also a mentor and student one. While Miles is good at the tech stuff I think he's a pretty lousy fighter at the beginning and Aaron has to teach him a LOT.
Uncle Aaron probably used to fight for sport back in the day (boxing mayhaps? 😁) so a lot of Miles' technique stems from MMA due to its versatility (anything hand-to-hand at least.) Even then, most of the problem is being able to think quick and act quicker, so Miles goes through lots of practical training (so he's being chased by the Sinister Six from day one 😭) It's well worth it though because without the Spider-powers he has a lot of catching up to do.
While training with Aaron he's exposed to a lot of his old records and develops a taste for jazz. He comes to associate certain manoeuvres with the way the music goes, so he tends to hum to himself while casually knocking the wind out of people. His uncle finds it just a little creepy, but again, he's glad to see Miles coming along.
In fact, Aaron is relieved. His nephew had been reserved and was pretty much holed up in his own room for weeks after his dad passed. Of course the passing of Jefferson was hard on Aaron, but Miles has it even harder. Eventually, they decide to paint the mural together, and Miles lets Aaron know what's on his mind. He's always been close to his uncle but especially then spending time roaming the streets, painting, boxing and listening to old records was his lifeline.
Miles figures out his uncle is the Prowler before Aaron even lets him in on it. After seeing how determined his nephew his is, that's when it all started.
But with everything going on in his vigilante life, his normal life is something he has has to be careful not to fall behind on. At the age where college applications are coming up, Miles is driven to the bone with school, despite not actually being there half the time. Still, he's somehow averaging As and the occasional B, easily the top of his class in AP Physics and Calc.
He doesn't try to talk to people in school like he might've before, but he's not antisocial by any means (sometimes his bluntness is mistaken for talking back though 💀)
He's also the type of dude to do homework as soon as the teacher hands it out, because he knows he will not have time later (and to avoid all the night-before crises of freshman year.)
Rio is being pulled thin too, always covering shifts for her colleagues at the hospital just so she can have a little extra pay. She's been saving for Miles' birthday since his last one, always checks his clothes for holes or if they still fit, and makes sure there's something in the microwave if she can't be there for dinner. Rio makes sure he always has everything he needs, even while paying bills and rent. They're not struggling too much, but it's not like they can do whatever they want.
Despite that, they're managing; what she doesn't know is that the sigh of relief she breathes every month is because of him. Miles always makes sure to take care of his belongings, put in any cash he makes from his "part time job" into her account, just doing whatever he can to help. Also, he's become more and more protective of his mom, and he always takes the opportunity to do errands for her, especially when it's getting dark outside.
Miles is actually more paranoid than her when it comes to saving. Even when it's winter, and she tells him to turn on the heating whenever, you best believe he's throwing on his jacket in his own room and firming the cold. It's entirely unnecessary of course, but he can't shake the guilt when he feels the only reason his mom works so hard is because of him. They've moved twice already and there's no way they're moving again, so if the landlord gives them trouble he'll just give them hell (let's just hope it won't come to that.)
Miles learnt how to treat his own injuries from Rio. She taught him basic first aid at the very least, and on a couple of occasions he's tried to learn things himself with the clunky old first aid kit at home. Rio never asks why the stitch on one of their pillows is done with dental floss, and looks strangely like that of a suture (a very bad one at that.)
His Spanish also improved a lot too. After his dad's passing, he met a lot of relatives from his mom's side that he doesn't remember ever seeing before, but it encourages him to learn how to speak better. Long gone are the days of silently observing family drama over the phone — he has to keep up now, and he'll defend his mom cada día de la semana (even if she's somewhat embarrassed by it.) Essentially he's at that level of fluency where he can be rude without being rude 😭 (just saying some of the things his relatives say are NOT helpful.)
With all of this going on in his life, it's no surprise that sleep doesn't come easy. Or maybe it is, considering how much he works his body. Either way, he's left staring at the ceiling or curled up on his side most nights, the untouched toys and collectibles in his room to keep him company. Miles used to sleep at 8pm on the dot and wake up at 6; that was when things were good, and he didn't have his whole universe on his shoulders. All his bed is now is a place to collapse, and close his eyes until it's light outside. Most days, he's exhausted — bone-tired — but the most he gets is a light, forced, uncomfortable sleep. It's one in which he wakes up more tired than he was the night before, but he presses on, getting exercise in during the morning and trying to make breakfast for his mom because he knows a slice of toast is the most she'd bother to have.
And despite all that's changed since his dad has passed, Miles is still a kid. He has a thousand pictures from the time he went to Comic-con, a sketchbook full of drawings he never finishes, meticulously-organised playlists, college applications — all in the midst of a city that's falling apart at the seams as much as he is.
But he's okay, for now. As much as he can be.
"Keep your head up, son."
It's what his dad would've wanted, at the very least.
@phoenixinthefiles @qiupachups
forget miles IM being pulled thin ... half of this may or may not be projection... schrödingers headcanons anyone 😞 anyways ive been like busy. so . SOON! (lying in 4K)
reblogs appreciated!!! 😘 FIND MY MASTERLIST HERE and urrrr my 42 x reader headcanons here if you're interested ?
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starlitangels · 7 months
Redacted Boi Social Media Headcanons
Vincent only really uses Instagram, but is required by the Department to have it private because his human name is legally missing-presumed-dead and his face has a risk of being recognized if someone from his human life stumbled upon his Instagram. That said, he doesn't really screen people who request to follow him
Darlin' and Sam don't use any social medias. Darlin' has a Facebook from teenage years, but they deactivated it. But not fully deleted, so they can still be tagged in all the group photos posted to the pack page. In high school, Darlin' was the person who got a lot of unsolicited DMs because they were hot but they hate attention so they blocked everyone but their pack and deactivated. Darlin' reluctantly keeps their Discord for the pack server
David hates social media. He maintains the pack's private Facebook group and Discord server (though the latter is really more Asher's job, David's just in charge) but will not touch anything else. David's favorite social media is YouTube because he can lookup tutorials for anything and not have to ask anyone for help
Milo's a borderline Instagram influencer. He's got a gazillion followers (who all think he's hot, and he is). His Instagram is directly linked to his Facebook, so every picture and caption he puts on IG gets automatically posted to FB too
Marie comments only on Milo's Facebook (she has and kinda uses IG, but doesn't comment). She's the one that will leave the heartfelt comments with "Call me" at the end. She knows that's a meme among younger people that their older relatives leave "what a beautiful couple. Call me" comments, but she does it anyway. And guess what? She does it because it works. Milo👏 is👏a👏Mama's👏Boy👏 and he will call her when she leaves those comments
Asher doesn't use social media much, but is perpetually on Discord. He mods the pack's server, and like 6 others just for fun. He does post lots of pictures of Babe and selfies of the two of them together on the pack's Facebook though
Damien used to get into arguments on Twitter with randos. Huxley thinks it's funny to pull them up from when Damien was a teenager
Huxley was never much into most social medias but I like to think he'd be like that one TikTok dude who pops up on my Tumblr dash occasionally who explains how to do calisthenics and other workout stuff in a really simple, easy, modified way for people who are just getting started. People started following him because he's hot, and then realized he's actually like the nicest dude and doesn't know he's popular
Lasko's a Tumblr boy. I'm not taking constructive criticism on this
Gavin refuses to get an Instagram because he knows he'd get too addicted to it. He knows he's ridiculously good-looking and would amass a following supernaturally fast, and that's why he won't. But he has his old Facebook from when it first started to be popular. He got rid of all his old friends list and now just has Freelancer, Huxley, Lasko, Damien, and a handful of d(a)emon friends who also have Facebooks like Crux
Avior doesn't have any social media at all
Neither does Caelum and Gavin and Freelancer have decided not to expose him to the negativity of the internet
Vega refuses
Cam keeps a few things for professional purposes, but doesn't use them much
Guy is a Tumblrina. Guy is a Tumblrina. Guy is a Tumblrina. Guy is
Aaron's favorite is LinkedIn. This is a joke.
Elliott uses Pinterest a lot for aesthetic inspiration for dreams. He doesn't use much else
Blake is on like every social media all the time. Mostly for CloseKnit. But he also stalked Bestie from afar for a long time
James had to get rid of all of his when his job started getting more secretive and he had to have limited contact with the rest of the world
Morgan doesn't have any social media just as a way to keep himself and his magic safe. The Department protections didn't require it, but he thought it was for the best
Porter totally isn't jealous that Vincent has a higher IG follower count than him and his account isn't even private. He's always trailing like 20 behind
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 11 months
So post Beyond the Spider-Verse. Miles and Gwen have things patched up, you know those two are EXHAUSTED and Peter B. is gonna turn around from whatever celebration they're having (they BETTER end this movie with a cookout if Miles' parents learn he's Spider-Man) and you've got Gwen curled into Miles passed out while Miles is snoring. Gwen's got her hood pulled up to keep the lights out of her eyes and Miles' jacket is spread across them.
I like this idea, mind if I write a bit about it with some variants?
Headcanon: Gwen when she is sleepy defaults to following people who she is close to; Miles may be closer to the top of the list that he may realize.
AO3 link
In a liminal space, we still find ourselves reaching for each other
As much as Miles wanted to kiss his parents goodnight and hit the bed, Peter's proposition to stop by his house to recharge seemed like the best idea.
He still needed to tell his parents that he was Spiderman, and maybe would be better to do it when he is less beaten down and with some sleep. Miles isn't sure when was the last time he slept; dimension hoping made time very confusing.
As they stepped into the house in Queen's (Miles assumed it was the living room but he couldn't be too sure,) Mary Jane stepped in from another room. It was kind of weird knowing who she is without even being presented first.
"Hi, I'm-" He started, a bit slower than he would like to. Too many hits in the head for one day.
"Miles" She completed seamlessly, smiling brightly at him as she put her hands on his shoulders "I had heard so much about you," And out of nowhere, she hugged him "Thank you for bringing him back to me," she told her in a really low voice, one he wasn't sure if it was meant just for him or not.
As tired and beaten down as he felt, he couldn't help but smile fondly as he awkwardly hugged her back. It was a good reminder too, that some of the greatest things he did weren't for being Spider-man, just by being Miles.
"C'mon honey, let the kid breathe," Peter says as he walks up to them.
"And you-" Mary Janes puts a finger on his chest, she doesn't look especially pleased but not too angry "I imagined it was serious when you went back to leave Mayday with me, but what happened? All of you look like you were thrown into a blender."
"Is a loooong story," Peter said, putting his hands up as he is trying to placate her anger, "Speaking of which, I promised them they could crash here until they recharge, hope that's okay-"
"Hmph," Mary Jane crosses her arms, looking at her husband unimpressed "I prefer a little bit more of a warning when you invite people, but I guess this was an emergency. Help me out to get some stuff for our guest."
"On it ma'am," He said with a mocking salute, to which she rolled her eyes before going to what seemed to be the kitchen. Despite how tired Peter B should be, he smiled brightly at them and said "Relax guys, my house is your house."
"Don't need to tell me twice mate," Hobie said as he looked around for a place where to drop dead, which seemed to be everyone's idea. They were all beaten down.
Miles, despite being ready to sleep for an eternity, followed Peter B and Mary Jane because even half dead his upbringing was stronger than any tiredness could be, and he could hear his mom in the back of his head saying "Be polite, bring a gift, and ask if you can help with anything they may need when you are visiting someone!"
Sadly he couldn't bring anything after trying to defy fate and time itself, but at least he could still be nice.
Aparently the couple didn't realize he was following them, because when Mary Jane turned around with cups in her hands she said "Oh Miles! Do you need anything?"
The place was homey, almost in an old-timey way. Pictures everywhere, a floral wallpaper that reminded him of white old ladies, but the warmth he feel around wasn't exactly for the warm lighting.
The kitchen seemed to have the same vibe, kind of similar to the one the Aunt May of his universe had.
"Um, I was going to ask if you guys needed any help?"
"Oh you are sweetheart," She said cheerily, before softly shaking her head "But you don't need to do anything, you are our guest and you had done more for us than you can ever imagine; please go to rest."
"You hear the lady, sit this one out, we will handle it," Peter said as he patted his back, before looking behind Miles and saying "Hey Gwen, you want anything?"
Miles turned around once he saw Peter looking behind him. Gwen stood at the entrance to the kitchen, she has been so quiet Miles also didn’t hear her come.
At the sound of her name, Gwen straightened her back and blinked a bit, as if she has been falling asleep on her feet, yet somehow she has decided to follow them here for some reason.
As she looked on to the front, she seemed to have the faintest blush, before she groaned and scrubbed her eyes “No, I- sorry, I guess I need some sleep.”
“Oh you can say that for all of us,” Peter laughed gleefully, before leaning his head to the side for Miles “You guys go to the living room, we will see if we can whip something quick to eat and see what we can do about emergency sleep arrangements.”
As they went to the other room, Miles realized that everybody has somehow found an answer to that last issue.
The living room had two loveseats and one armchair, and everyone more or less had found a place. On the loveseat that closest to the entrance, Noir was sleeping with Peni and Ham in his arms, Peni’s robot was turned off in a corner, and on the arm closest to Peni’s and Noir’s head was a hologram that read “Say ‘Spider-byte’ to bring user’s attention. P.S: Don’t wake me up unless the dimensions are collapsing.”
Pavitr has decided to go on the armchair, and you would believe he has been sleeping there for a long time because his head was hanging on the side, one of his legs was on the arm of the couch and the other lying against where your back is supposed to go. If it wasn’t because he was breathing fine, Miles would have thought he lost conscience and someone drop his body from the ceiling.
Speaking of the ceiling, even with one more loveseat available, Hobie had opted to make a hammock out of webbing as close to the ceiling as possible, on a corner of the room. From his position, Miles thought Hobie was using his mask on; maybe he needed more darkness to sleep than he needed to breathe properly.
At least it meant his decision was easy.
Dragging his feet on the ground, he let himself fall onto the side of the loveseat, he would have rejoiced in glee at how soft the couch felt against his beaten body if he himself wasn’t so tired.
Yet he didn’t have time to even sigh before he felt someone else not only fall right beside him but had her head leaning towards him. Miles felt himself go still as he felt the warmth of Gwen right beside him.
Despite the loveseat being big enough to have space for both of them.
How rigid his body was must have alerted Gwen because her eyes fluttered open, and seemed to look a bit confused towards him before she almost jumped on her spot and moved away enough that their bodies weren’t touched anymore.
“Shoot,” She muttered to herself before she hit her forehead “Sorry, when I am sleepy I just- sorry.”
Perhaps is because he was tired and his mind was making stuff up, but somehow things were starting to click in his head. The sleepiness in Gwen seemed to make her follow someone, and for reasons beyond his understanding, Miles has been the person she has decided to attach herself to, even if subconsciously.
“That’s different” Gwen had said to him before in the Williamsburg Tower, saying it as if somehow what they had was different from what she had with anybody else. That conversation felt like a lifetime ago, and yet his heartbeat raced all the same.
There were still a lot of things to talk about, of the lies and the secrets that she has keep, and how he has been feeling about all of this. Even now he wasn’t sure what to say.
“Is fine, we are all tired,” He said casually, before raising the arm that was closest to her side, “Come here, we can catch some zzz together.”
And regardless of all of it, he felt himself wanting to reach out to her too, missing her warmth even if he only got to have it for a second.
In a way, that’s what had ended up happening to him, wasn’t it? She came for what should have been just a blink in his lifetime, and he still was unable to let her go.
Her eyes opened slightly, as if she was surprised he had actually said that; probably thinking all the same things that were still between them and neither of them had the brain to talk about. He saw the hesitation in her eyes, as if she herself wasn’t sure if it was okay to accept.
Maybe it was a bit of wishful thinking on his part to think that way, as he said “Is okay, you can lean on me Gwen.”
Miles has really meant that in a literal way, even if deep down, he knew he meant it all the way. As upset as he was, he couldn’t bring himself to be mad at her, not when they were like this.
That seemed to be all the encouragement that she needed, because she quickly went back to his side, in fact so quick he was a bit shocked.
“Thanks,” she whispered to him, bringing her knees up to her chest as she rested her head on his shoulder, one of her arms hugged Miles’ waist as her other hand was left between her knees.
As it was the most natural thing in the world, his arms went around her, holding onto her as he rested his head on top of hers, “No problem.”
Despite the pain, the couch and still being in his suit, it was the best sleep he had in months.
This was supposed to be a drabble, oops?
I Will upload this to ao3, may as well. I like it more than I expected for something that I made on a whim.
Sorry for not having any analysis yet, I am kind of sick and I feel my brain is fried 80% of the time, HaShem knows how I managed work like this.
Hope you guys like it!
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lazinesswrites · 4 months
I saw a post of someone saying Wrecker was probably the one to insist they keep Crosshairs gear around just in case, and how the poster wanted a scene in s3 of Wrecker giving the gear back to Crosshair and all. I was trying to reblog the post but then tumblr crashed and now I can’t find it again 🫠
Anyway, what I wanted to say was - yes. It’s always been a headcanon of mine that they kept it, based on that one scene where Omega accidentally drags out a crate that turns out to be Crosshair’s weapons kit and everyone is Sad. I’m glad to learn that bit is actually canon now. And also, yeah, I definitely also want an emotional scene of Crosshair learning they kept it this whole time. OP of that post that disappeared, if we don’t get that, just say the word, I’ll come with you to fistfight the people responsible.
I now also want a Missing Scene type fic, probably set some time around the whole ‘selling Echo as a droid’ thing, of someone (maybe Hunter?) suggesting they sell parts of Crosshair’s armor/weapons, because it’s that or starve. And no one is happy about it, not even Hunter himself, but Wrecker throws an absolute fit because that’s their brother’s stuff! Those things are Crosshair’s and their armor is basically the only thing that’s theirs and they want to just get rid of Crosshair’s just because he’s not there at the moment? Are they not planning on getting him back?! And of course the others want Crosshair back too, but Crosshair made his choice and— But Wrecker is just not having it and they end up keeping it. And maybe they have the discussion a couple more times later on, when someone’s armor breaks, and that time they give Crosshair’s old comlink to Omega, but Wrecker keeps insisting Crosshair will need it again, and no one really wants to fight him on it. They all hope he’s right, even if they don’t really believe it. (The thing with the comlink is an exception, because there’s one both in the vambrace and the helmet so Crosshair will still have one even though they give one to Omega, and Omega does need one, too.)
And then of course Wrecker is right and Crosshair comes back and needs his armor and weapons again.
If anyone recognizes the post I’m talking about, please link me. EDIT: I FOUND IT! It's this post, from @omglisalithium.
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belong2human-kind · 1 year
I just LOVE how all these times, being a Sabine and Ezra shipper, I would imagine this fluff stuff of Sabine wearing his clothes daily because... have you ever borrowed a male clothing before??? Like any??? THEY ARE SO COMFORTABLE
And ofc, to give it some sniffs too because THE SCENT OF THE PERSON YOU stole it BORROWED FROM IS THERE, and you will genuinely feel so close to them. And this isn't strictly related to lovers, no, it can be anyone who you have a strong bond and relationship. I've had my best friends (male, female, nb, all my closest ones) clothes and when I'd miss them too much, I'd give their clothes hugs and sniffs, but I won't lie that this surely happens waaaay more and more frequently with my boyfriend.
And yes, I made THOUSANDS of unfinished fics (promise I'll post them here or on Ao3 someday) where Sabine will walk around with his shirts, pants, jackets and everything she can while he is still around to tease her bc of it and ESPECIALLY since he went missing, where she is just using to feel more close to him now that he is gone and guess what???
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Tell me this isn't one of his long sleeve shirts! It's TOTALLY HIS! I mean, why wouldn't it be??? She is living in HIS OLD HOME, his refuge and shelter during all the worst times of his life, his safe place to meditate and be alone with his self, with the memory of their parents who used to fight against the empire using the communication tower, the area he keeps his helmet collection, sleeps in, keep valuable things from his past, a place so meaningful to him and SHE IS LIVING THERE LIKE HE LEFT IT FOR HERE TO DECLARE HER OWN, GUYS SHE MADE IT HER OWN HOME!
She lives in his home, has his saber, painting a huge wall in memory of him so she could STROKE GENTLY HIS CHEEKS (yeah don't say that during the epilog was the first time she ever done that, I won't buy it) and also spent 10 years taking care of everything he loved and gave his life to protect, his planet and people, like SHE WAS ONE OF THEM! Like they almost meant to her as much as it meant for him. Also, should I keep going and say that her pass time is to turn on the holocron to re-watch his message with the white loth-cat she just adopted??? The one creature that was the most connected to this man????
She for sure is wearing his clothes. She seems to be wanting to be a part of him, just like when she painted a Loth-Cat, the white Loth-Cat on the core of her phoenix symbol. It's like what @jessicas-pi said about the mandalorian's marriage vows, like she want her and him to be one, together or apart, one.
And I am so happy because I've been imagining this happening in my headcanons since the end of the series, listening to the song Hoodie, and now this song and this gift, man, they give me life. I need to see them reunite as much as I need food to survive.
And if they won't turn out as a romantic couple like a lot of people want, I'll be sad but conformed with platonic because in my head they will always be canon, they will always be the best f*cking duo and partners I ever seem. Their connection is stronger than a kiss in screen, and although I'd live and love to see that, they don't need it. They never needed to be so linked with each other, to be so in sync. They do love each other in a way that maybe we can't even label or describe, and that's for sure.
They may never be romantic, but they surely are one, together or apart, they are one! 💙🧡💜🤍
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alpaca-clouds · 11 months
My fucked up Belmont family headcanon
Or: Let me talk about medieval religious persecution!
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Okay, my exam is done, weekend is near. And a couple of days ago @autumnmobile12 posted about the child skull in the Belmont family hold.
So let me use this chance to talk about my headcanon both about the Belmont family - and the role of dhampirs in the Castlevania anime universe.
Please note, this at times outright contradicts the game canon. But in quite a few ways the series already does that either way, so to quote one Trevor Belmont: "I don't care."
When the trio comes to the Belmont Hold, Alucard expresses his disgust saying it is like a museum to the eradication of his species. And it kinda seems even more than that, given there are also quite a few other skeletons and what not from other monsters littered throughout the hold.
And, well... That is kinda messed up, right?
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Now in the games the story somewhat goes "Leon is a knight and friends with Mathias, fiancé gets kidnapped, lays down his title, Mathias turns into Dracula, Leon swears to kill monsters, Belmonts become monster hunters." And while this gives a nice through line tying the family to Dracula... historically speaking it is also kinda boring.
So, I decided to tie the entire story back to something else.
And yes, this is mostly just another excuse for me to talk about history. Sorry about that.
Let's talk about Constantine and the late Roman empire.
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If you have read up on your history of Christianity, you might know that first Christians were in fact a persecuted minority, who would in fact often be killed and burned by the Romans. But then in the late Roman period, Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and suddenly Rome was a Christian empire. Now, there are myths and legends around why he converted. Stuff like him receiving prophetic dreams and what not. But in the end it does not matter. What matters is, that Rome was Christian now and Rome did its damnest to spread Christianity. Moving the capital further East to be closer to the holy land and what not.
Now, with Christianity suddenly being the main religion the tables were turned. And suddenly Rome began to outlaw pegan religion, which included the old Roman religion. You know, the one with Jupiter, Juno, Venus and what not. First it was just small stuff. Like animal sacrifices became outlawed and temples were taxed. But it quickly escalated from there, with temples getting looted and burned. And then, not too many years later, Theodosius I was the new emperor and the violence against the pegans escalated. Temples were burned down and pegans were hunted down, forced to convert or killed.
You might ask now: What does this have to do with the Belmonts?
Well, I will tell you. See, when we look at history, we usually do our damnest to distinguish fact from fiction. But that is usually not history is written down. Especially not religious history. That always comes with a good helping of god-killing.
So, yes. According to myth in fact there were heroes, that came the high medieval period would turn into knights, who went out to kill monsters. And I mean, probably everyone can name at least a handful of dragon slayers at least.
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In real history of course we see these myths are embelishments and symbolism. As myths. But... If we look at the Castlevania world, we can obviously see that in this world monsters are real.
Sooooo... My headcanon for the Belmont family is, that they were in fact employed by the Vatican in the early medieval period to hunt down those monsters as the Vatican saw these monsters as an offense against God. That did not only include vampires, but all sort of other creatures that often were linked to old pegan believes of all sorts.
This means that in my headcanon the Belmonts did in fact hunt monsters before Mathias became Dracula. Even more so: Mathias was a monster hunter as well, which was what gave him the knowledge to become what he became in the first place.
In fact the church had them hunt down monsters of all sorts, making monsters all but extinct by the late medieval period. Which is in fact why the church turned on the Belmont family. They had lost their use and at that point the Belmont family were a constant reminder that those monsters at some point had been real.
To put it differently: The Belmonts have actively partaken in the genocide of several - at times intelligent - species. And have done their utmost to also eradicate vampires and their dhampiric offspring.
They didn't do that out of wickedness or anything like that, but out of religious fervor, because they did in fact believe that they were doing the right thing.
The entire Mathias-Leon-Thing mostly just lead to them having it especially out for the vampires.
Funnily enough though, this also meant, that within Europe where all the monster hunters were, the places that became safe for monsters and other supernatural creatures were either those areas ruled by vampires because vampires did not care too much if there was a griffon living up the mountain as long as it did not hunt down the humans. The other safe place? Granadia, aka the place that later on would become Spain. Because it was under majority Muslim rule and while Muslims were rather stern about not practicing sorcery they did not persecute religious minorities and did not have it out for the monsters so much.
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See, my issue is that the entire "Belmont good, Belmont hunt monsters" does not really gel with what we see in the series. While in the game canon we see that monsters and vampire are creatures of pure evil, this is not what the show is depicting. Vampires are as much complex persons, as the humans are. And as such they absolutely can decide to be good.
And yes, that very much means that I have Trevor later grapple with the fact that maybe his entire family history is not quite as heroic as he had believed it to be before. And that in fact his family also did not quite know as much about the monsters, as he had believed, given that after he has made friends with vampires he finds out that quite a few things he had believed about vampires are just plain wrong.
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strawberrycircuits · 10 months
》 ♡ 《
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hi hi hello! my name is strawberry (or strawb)! (i also use the name roz sometimes!) im queer, trans, 19, and neurodivergent, and this where i scream about robots and gay little nintendo characters. i use he/him, it/its, ze/zem/zeir/zemself, and co/code/codes/codeself pronouns! itd be so so sooo cool if you could please interchange these. thanks!
i dont know what my gender is and honestly i dont care (and neither should u)! just dont call me 'she' please! if i had to label it id say my gender is whatever the hell nintendo was doing with all those see-through consoles in the 2000s. look at these sexy sexy boys
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my art tag is #strawberryscribbles, my tag for cool art made by friends or made for me is #talented ppl tag, and thats about all i consistently tag anymore (aside from content warnings. if you need something content warned, lmk!). my art blog is @strawb-artfolder and my oc blog is @cultivatingyourfuture (though that project is on an indefinite hiatus due to signifigant rewrites, lol). im not great at art but i like growing and improving and showing you all that process, so im going to keep posting it anyhow! cringe culture is dead and its decomposing slowly in my backyard.
heres some things about me!!
my main interests are computers, old electronics, adventure time, portal 2, and nintendo (particularly mario, splatoon, and the legend of zelda!). i also reblog half life, tf2, and mlp stuff from time to time. i am, in fact, critical of all of my media interests. fuck nintendos business practices and fuck the way they fetishize arabic cultures 👎👎👎
send me asks!!!! about whatever!!!! it makes my day every time!!!!!
im not a linked universe fan or a linkverse fan in general. i might engage with that content because i like the designs and want to support artists but dont ask me about it i dont go there lmao (bonus links fucks hard though i will say that)
i dont tag spoilers. sorry! youre free to unfollow or block me at any time :)
wanna know what music ive been listening to? heres my main playlist! maybe youll find something new!!! (and if you shoot me an ask saying u found a new song u like bc of me.... tell me! itll make my day!)
ive had people ask me a couple of times, so let me go ahead and say-- i like to refer to characters i have specific pronoun headcanons for WITH those pronouns! i usually garner confusion about this when i talk about oot zelda (he/she), botw link (she/he/they), and oot link (she/her). theres not really a reason, i just like to! (when i talk to people about their specific interpretations, i use whatever hcs theyve assigned them instead). if you wanna know how i hc any other characters, 🔫 me an ask!
im not going to sift through every blog that interacts with me or apply widely misused terminology to give an idea of what i do or dont want in my circle. im just going to say these things outright. i believe in radical queer acceptance (yes, even for whatever "weird" identity youre about to pull out as a gotcha), all transgender people and asexuals and aromantics and xenogenders and neopronouns are all valid, otherkin/therians are cool as hell, objectums are my friends, i want all pedophiles to die by my hand, youre weird as shit if you romanticize incest or pedophilia in any context, and i believe in reclaiming words like queer, fag, dyke, and tranny, which i will not content warn for. ok cool 👍
im a stupid broke college student and i can barely afford to feed myself most days so if you wanna help out heres my CA.
ermm i think thats all. heres a bunch of people i think are so so cool that you should go visit: b0nkcreat down-thedrain seagullcharmer syntheticspades trashedump basillica-gel dykevirgo cherrylavendertea localvoidcat thebleedingeffect gardnwater our-reality mackthecheese angstyvylene-i three-bunnies-in-a-trenchcoat unironicallycringe idiot-synergy michpat6 korokposting effervescentleaf pidgefudge avidcollectorofdust merriclo
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maurice-memes · 6 months
Welcome to Maurice Memes!
It's been 3 years, and I haven't made an intro post yet💀 Maybe it's time... this post is subject to change btw!
Who Am I?
For those who are already familiar with me, I'm most well-known in this fandom as Maurice Memes! But you can also call me who I actually am, AtomicStarCat (<-main blog link) (or Atomic)! I can go by anything you want me to, even Maurice's Funky Purple Socks!
I use any pronouns you want to use with me! Call me anything you'd like!
I'm currently 18 years old, but sometimes I still feel like I'm 12 *cry*
I am ace-aro, but I really love making friends!
I'm really bad at reaching out to others in this fandom and being consistent with liking posts, but I really love everyone here, and I'd love to know you better! If I'm not following your LotF blog, please let me know!! I'd love to see more content! I don't talk much, but I promise that if you reach out to me and talk to me, that would make me so happy!! I really want to become closer to everyone here! I'll do my best to appreciate you all better!
I'm kinda off and on in every fandom I'm in, so I'll post consistently for a while, then disappear for a while, but I'm never gone forever! This fandom means so much to me, I'd never forget it!
What Do I Like?
Lord of the Flies! Why else would I be here?
mostly children's media, like Digimon, Powerpuff Girls Z, Precure, and Legend of Zelda! But I won't post about that here^^
About My Art and Requests!
I'm an artist! I draw mostly on Notability, but I sometimes make finished pieces on Ibis or make sketches on Freeform!
I mostly sketch silly things and mini-comics, but I have done some character memes in the past and may do some in the future.
Requests: I will most likely take any and all LotF character/LotF ship requests! I can also draw your designs for the boys if you ask me! I'd love to see them!
I also look at trades for LotF characters, LotF ships, and OCs, just ask! (I always consider OC trades, but won't always accept)
I also have a dead Percival ask blog, @percivals-mailbox, but you can still send stuff in if you really want to!
About my LotF!
My active ships: Jack/Ralph, Roger/Simon, Maurice/Sam, Platonic Maurice+Piggy, Bill/Robert, Percival/Mulberry Boy, and Johnny/Wilfred!
I don't particularly dislike any ships as long as they're portrayed respectfully and healthily! Just don't ask me to draw something weird like a bigun/littlun ship😅
I headcanon Ralph and Mulberry Boy as brothers, and I post about them sometimes without context haha
I have one(1) AU called LotF Academy that's slice of life, which also includes gender bends of all the characters as separate entities in the same world! You can ask me to draw them together!
I don't post very often explicitly about my headcanons, but I will talk about them if asked!
I only have a couple rules!
Respect me, yourself, and others on my page.
I don't support discrimination of any kind, incest, proship, basic DNI, etc., or endorse anything 18+ on my profile. I say endorse because I don't have problems with healthy 18+ content, just that it makes me uncomfortable as a sex-repulsed ace.
Do not use my fan art on any of my social media without clear, linked credit, and do not use any original art on my social media without explicit permission under any circumstances!
Find me elsewhere! OC requests are always open on toyhou.se! I’m also on Art Fight!
Thank you for reading my long intro! I'm so happy you found your way here, and I hope you will continue to visit for years to come! I can't wait to meet you!
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sunnydaleherald · 2 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, April 7
BUFFY: Y'know, I never stopped thinking about you. RILEY: Me neither. All I had in there was this one little part of you. (Gives her bandana piece) BUFFY: It's just the scarf part of me really. RILEY: Sure it is. Just knowing you were out there...that you cared...
~~This Year's Girl~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Pieces by CoffeeHunt (Fanged Four, M)
Research by skargasm (Xander/Spike, T)
Poem: the spark by LiraelClayr007 (Buffy/Spike, T)
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Untitled ("big anya problem") by scooby-group-texts (Xander/Anya, not rated, worksafe, posted as an image)
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Partly Cloudly, Eclipse 1999 by Saranac (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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First Day by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy, anthology rated PG-13)
Me and My Shadow by Chelle (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Surviving Together, Ch. 17 by ionlylikebadboys (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Something Lost Something Found, Ch. 8 by Safire (Buffy/Spike, R)
Love Lives Here, Ch. 46 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Rebehold the Stars (Love from the Other Side of the Apocalypse) Ch. 11 by Asokatanos (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Wilderness Retreat OR Super Mega Happy Kill-A-Rama! Ch. 3 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Gargoyle, Ch. 2 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Boyfrenemy, Ch. 5-8 by Lady Emma (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Celebrating You, Ch. 5 by DeamonQueen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Scoobies in Neptune, Ch. 30 by Buffyworldbuilder (Veronica Mars crossover, FR7)
When Ethan Rayne made Rambo, Ch. 9 by SplitEnz (Rambo crossover, Xander, FR15)
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An odd Couple of grumpy old Brits, Ch. 11 by Julikobold (Giles & Spike, Buffy/Spike, G)
Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy, Ch. 29 by Slaymesoftly (Buffy/Spike, R)
To All We Guard, Ch. 11 by simmony (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Perfect Clarity, Ch. 25 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Tarot card design: Andrew my little strudel Page of Cups by isevery0nehereverystoned (worksafe)
Meme: Positive reminders 🫶 by shewhosleepsalotincemeteries (Faith, probably worksafe, canon-typical manslaughter)
Giles/Jenny screencaps captioned with text posts by vampswritings (probably worksafe, somewhat nsfw text in a small font)
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I tried drawing Drusilla from memory. Thoughts? by Coochie_Von_Moochie (worksafe)
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Queer Buffyverse Moodboards by MadeInGold (Buffy, Dawn, Darla, G)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Fredless by evolutionleftovers
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Buffy S7E2: Beneath You | Booze & Buffy
Superstar by Buffy the Vampire Straya
Pop Culture Role Call: Angel Series & Buffyverse Wrap-Up
[Recs & In Search Of]
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All time favourite Spuffy fanfics recced by williamprattz
[Community Announcements]
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alexsrousseau made an 18+ Buffy/Giles BtVS server
[Fandom Discussions]
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People are too harsh about Kennedy from btvs by explosionshark
So Jesse’s death was supposed to be a twist right? by nicnacsnonsense
Watching the episode with Marcie... by nicnacsnonsense
I feel like ppl write the Slayer off too quickly. by theredpharaoah
I was thinking about Willow's will-be-done spell from S4... by ashmaenas
Re: favorite BTVS character arc? by breathing-and-stuff
Xander becomes such a compelling character when you imagine... by felixsfishnets
AU... where Spike is just a little more overtly bisexual than he is in canon, and Andrew gets turned... by lierdumoa
Re: If you could have given Riley a B-plot in an episode he didn't have one... by riley-summers
Riley ship opinions, pt. 3, Polyship edition by riley-summers
Tara and Riley friendship headcanons by riley-summers
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Andrew - comic man-child or naive nuisance? (cont'd) by multiple people
Re: Where are people from, do they write, and has upbringing or location affected their work? by DeepBlueJoy
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Which [AtS] “bad guy” character deserved another chance? by buffyangel468
willow x faith could have actually worked by Saturneinyourhead
How do the vampire origins, ubervamps, The Master, and Kakistos all work together in the Buffyverse lore? by cre8ivemind
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otomiyaa · 7 months
Questions & Answers
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Hi hi, finally some time to write this! Due to recent events I've been getting some questions from various people and I also have some questions for you guys so I'll try to do this in 1 post 😸
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My answers:
Are you really not planning to write fics anymore?
That's the plan *nodnod*, but you know me. There's always a 'but' and a clown mask ready in my storage to put on if I happen to go against my own words. But the intention is to stop posting fics here, I'm too tired of it now lol. I might post a fic or two on AO3 once in a while, maybe write a collab with Mia if I feel like it. It's just... how do I say it.. my motivation to write more fics basically got washed down the drain together with blog #1. Let us see for how long that motivation swims in the sewers...
Can you reupload [fic name]?
If it's on my AO3, I won't. If it's not, hmm.... I probably also won't. But! It depends on the fic. Always feel free to ask, but please don't get angry when I say no! ^^ For now I have an exception: commissions. More about this down below in my question to you guys.
Why won't you try to get your old blog back?
It would require filing an objection against the copyright claims against me with all the legal risks, submitting my personal info from home address to name, and consenting to USA legal law stuffs bluhblahblah... :") For me too much of a hassle. I don't think my blog is worth it. Even if I don't know the exact details, I'm sure they're not wrong. Whether it's fair or not, most fandom stuff has copyright issues in the end, so I can't protest against the claims with 100% certainty it won't get me in real trouble. More info about this soon in another post!
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My questions:
👇 only for those interested, feel free to comment, send ask or DM if you have can help :)
Do you have reblogs of my old posts?
To everyone who has some posts left on their blog that were mine, whether it's a headcanon, fic (still accessible one, so not a broken 'keep reading'- link), manga or anime scene, ask game, gif set or translation, if it's not too much trouble could you maybe comment on that post and @ me? Or... send me a link or smth in DM? Doesn't need to be every single trivial post. Maybe just the ones you liked most, or something... idk. I just might want to re-share a couple of posts here and it's so hard finding reblogs of my anonface-blog through search functions and stuff. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
P.S. I also found a lot of old posts, or posts that I liked (such as tickle art etc.) in the archives of @ticklygiggles, @ticklishdreams, @infrequent-creator - I hope you guys won't mind me making use of this (also thank you for the awesome support through the years afihs;ogojjoihgjn)!
Did you have a commission that was on my blog and do you prefer if this is reposted or not?
Some people 'bought' fics back when I had a shady kofi shop running and those fics were posted both on my AO3 and Tumblr (+ were sent in PDF format if requested). No matter how much you paid for the fic, part of the deal was that it would be posted on Tumblr so if by any chance you lost a commissioned fic and wish for me to repost this here on the new blog, please let me know...:3
Anything else? 👀
Well... With the loss of my account there were more things that went lost than just my fics, such as asks that were still in my inbox, DMs, personal stories and more. I did not back up anything and have zero overview and my memory is shit. If I am forgetting something, if you once sent me something and it's now gone (and you still have it), or if there's anything else I am missing smh, please let me know.
However please note that I am not planning to turn this blog into a copy of my previous one. If you submitted a fic to my old blog, I won't repost it here sadly (I hope you saved it). But if you posted an irl tickle story (I'll still accept these), a headcanon for your fav character or pairing or something else, I'll gladly accept it even if it's a copy of what you once sent to my old blog! With that said, I'll go back to finishing that second-to-last tickletober fic of mine... after I eat dinner. muhahah.
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solradguy · 1 year
Mr. Radguy,
I love Guilty Gear and fighting games and drawing fanart, but I have no community to share or talk to people about any of these things. Do you have any recommendations?
The community's a lot bigger over on Twitter than here so you might have better luck over there tbh... But that also means that posts in the tags here will be visible for MUCH longer than they are on Twitter or Reddit. There are a couple public Discords where you could post your art too:
GG Lore Rev (lore/archives server but they've got off-topic, fanart, and general channels): INVITE LINK
Missing Link server for the handful of people still playing GG 1998 haha There's a fanart channel in this one too as well as the home of the Minus R mod for Missing Link, which fixes balance issues/bugs: INVITE LINK
Robo-Ky Containment Chamber (general GG server with all sorts of different channels, including some for art): INVITE LINK
GG2 Overture server. Just found this one recently! They have tournaments and stuff for Overture (& an art channel): INVITE LINK
Obviously you don't have to join all of these, just whichever seems the most interesting to you/the games you like to make art for. There are a few more servers than these too, these are only the ones I'm in.
Tbh just throwing messages at people asking them about characters n stuff's a pretty good way to form a little community of your own too. Or posting about your headcanons/character interpretations. Sometimes people will dig 'em and add on to it or ask for your thoughts on other aspects of a character. Especially for some of the less popular/lesser known characters
Don't be afraid to repost/reblog your art a whole bunch too. Tumblr's great in that it's amazingly easy to get eyes on old posts by queueing them or reblogging them. Most of my queue at any given moment is old posts haha
Good luck!! Hope this helps you out a little
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yuukei-yikes · 10 months
really liked your headcanons on how the dan would treat hibiya!! theres just so many stuff you can explore when the friendgroup is bunch of traumatized teens plus traumatized child i was surprised i couldn't find much about them :') i can see after maybe a hibiya breaking down (bcs that gotta happen cmon dudes 12 he has to explode sometime) the others would go 'oh shit right you are a kid and not the sams age as us i forgot that for a bit'
THANK YOU hibiya is literally their little guy
hibiya sooooo breaks down to me i think i talk abt it in that post (idk cuz i got a couple of hibiya posts) but heh. hibiya being an ass to haruka just bc he misses konoha and he's such a 12 year old about it. and eventually breaks down and kicks and screams bc he wants konoha back. love
also idk if youve read the novels but mannnn hibiyas chapter GETS me. like....he's so small. he's alone in a place he doesn't know going through terrifying things and he is alone. i wrote a whole post talking abt this im just linking it bc id just be saying all the same things but IT GETS ME IT GETS ME SO BAD
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mythicalartistx · 11 months
Link Tree
This Tumblr blog is for my fandom-based art, various fandom discussion topics, and reblog. I'll probably mainly post and reblog about Kingdom Hearts while occasionally talking about some of the other fandoms or things I like.
This is includes but not limited to The Legend of Zelda, TWEWY (The World Ends with You), Fire Emblem Three Houses (FE3H), Pokemon, Final Fantasy VII and various hyperflexations
Along various shows and animes that are too many to list
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My posts are either tagged with #reblog if it is a reblog and I try to tag my art, my art and any analysis will be tagged accordingly.
In regards to kingdom hearts which I mainly talk about, I ship Soriku the most, however, I also ship AkuSaï, RepliNami, Xehaqus, Vanipliku, Kailette, Zemyx, and Rizora.
Asks are open for various thoughts, headcanons, or opinions in general.
Also I have a legend of zelda focused blog based on Zelda stuff @linksfandomgmxreblogs
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KH Headcanons:
1. Riku is in denial of being gay in COM
2. Riku is a slight Tsundere
3. Repliku is bi and knows about Riku
4. Mickey is Riku's therapist (mostly silly idea)
5. Xion is genderfluid
6. AkuSaï
• Nobody knows if they're really together but everyone assumes they are
• Act like that old grumpy elderly couple, fighting over stupid things
• Constantly getting divorced/breakups and then getting back together soon afterwards
7. Sora is bi and thought he was supposed to or had to like Kairi when he really ends up liking Riku COM/KH2+
8. Repliku is also bi as he sometimes teases Sora
9. vanipliku is reversed Soriku and would mess with Riku for chaotic fun
#soriku #akusaï #Zemyx #Xehaqus #Vanipliku #Kailette would be about those ships
#kh #loz #fe3h #twewy ect would be about various fandoms
<I'm open to any questions>
Atom Bio
Might edit later...
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ryan-rts · 1 year
Hello there! Long time no see?
Before I talk about this model I do have to apologise for not uploading since my last post, life and mental health took over a lot and I just didn't have time nor motivation to post anything. However I'm going to try and make this a more constant thing rather than just whenever and whatever. I still need to plan out stuff, however I'll update you all when the time is right.
Anyway, today's model is of a locomotive I've taken some interest in, this is a 9F.
British Railways 9F class No.92250 was built at Crewe Works in 1958 and became the last steam locomotive to be fully constructed at Crewe. It was intended to be the last 9F built, and on top of that the last steam locomotive built by BR, and on technicality, if we're going off locomotive numbers, it is. However, 9F No.92220 'Evening Star' became the last 9F built and overall the Last Steam Locomotive built in 1960, by Swindon.
Despite the factor Swindon officially built the last 9F, I've never had a soft spot for Evening Star. However, after coming into ownership of a couple 9Fs, I was wondering what to do with them. The first one I got was a Single Chimney 9F which, as I have my own Railway Series Headcanon, will become some form of my Murdoch, and the second one, which was this one, was a Double Chimney Variant, but the loco only, with the tender it has coming from a Standard 5. The latter 9F was going to be a project by my friend Amethyst, known on Twitter as Merry Hampton Productions or @/B661Sutton (link at the end of post), to turn into a Double Chimney member of the class based around Tyseley.
Now, I had 251 9Fs I could have chose to turn this one into, however, as I work in Crewe, am quite local and also have taken interest into a majority of locomotives built there, I thought that 92250 would be the best fitting.
The first thing this model required was a new chimney. The later batches of 9Fs were all built with the Double chimney and blast pipe arrangement, however, 92250 was a little bit different.
In the 50s, Dr. Adolph Giesl-Gieslingen (what a name) designed and produced a type of chimney and blast pipe arrangement that would use steam more effectively which would help reduce the amount of coal an engine would intake. It was fitted to many engines in service and Preservation, a famous example being No.4 'Edward Thomas' on the Talyllyn Railway, and his Sudrian Counterpart Peter Sam.
92250 was built in 1958 and a year later in 1959 was fitted with an oblong Giesl Ejector. This chimney offered the same level of draught for a reduced level of back-pressure or created an increase in draught with no performance loss elsewhere. There was no change in the usage of coal either, so overall the chinmey made little difference to the 9Fs already stirling performance. 92250 retained this chinmey until withdrawal in 1965 and was Scrapped at Cashmores in Newport.
The chimney I used on my model of 92250 was a white metal one from RT Models. The chimney is designed to replace the ones on the Hornby Austerities and is more fit for industrial locomotives, so on the 9F it's a little bit short, however with little reference to how long it is, I removed the old one, cut down this one, and fitted it. It still looked the part however from some angles compared to pictures you can tell its a little too short.
After this the model was painted Black. For my black paint I use Revel Aqua colour. Their matt and gloss blacks have some good coverage, and as they are the colours I use most, I can go to my local Hobbycraft and pick them up easily.
After painting, I had to scrape most of the Factory Weathering off the Rods, add the numbers and Crests, which are all transfers from Fox Transfers (link to the numbers and crests bellow) and a nice coat of Humbrol Matt Varnish. I went for Matt as it was to hand and also as it would dull back the very glossy effect of the paint.
So that's all it was for 92250, a rather quick and simple project, which anyone could do as a good starter project.
Here is a link to Amethyst's twitter, where you can go and see her lovely modelling projects:
And here is a link to the Transfers I used from Fox Transfers:
Picture credit from below are to their respective owners on Flickr
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hostica-a · 8 months
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𝓥𝖊𝖈𝖓𝖆 ; The Upside Down
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I'm  due  for  a  big  old  rambly  headcanon  post  so  lets  do  it.  In  light  of  a  couple  updates  on  the  Stranger  Things  Writers  account,  including  them  promoting  Evil  Dead  as  relevant  to  Stranger  Things  in  some  way  and  recently  adding  a  picture  of   the  novel  "A  Wrinkle  in  Time"  for  the  same  effect,  the  brain  worms  are  wiggling  again !!   I've  personally  referenced  the  Evil  Dead  multiple  times  regarding  my  theories/thoughts/headcanons  on  the  Mindflayer  so  the  ST  writers  account  confirming  "some  part"  of  the  Evil  Dead  universe  is  reflected  and  taken  for  inspo  in  Stranger  Things  excited  tf  out  of  me,  and  the  content  found  in  A  Wrinkle  in  time  continues  to  further  add  to  my  personal  theories  on  that  in  particular  as  well. 
I  mean,  A  wrinkle  in  time  is  also  loaded  choc  full  of  religious  and  spiritual  themes,  tied  hand  in  hand  with  the  supernatural  and  science  fiction  and  I've  mentioned  that's  precisely  where  Stranger  Things  is  thematically  ( Although  the  fandom  doesn't  seem  to  believe  it. )  The  dark  amalgamation  of  religious,  cosmic  and  sci-fci  horror  is  genuinely  my  favourite  thing  about  Stranger  Things  as  a  series.  
Although  being  honest  my  PERSONAL  headcanons  and  portrayal  on  Vecna  and  the  Mindflayer  are  not  necessarily  meant  to  promote  Christian  values  or  Christianized  views  on   morality  or  good  vs  evil  as  is  the  case  with  a  Wrinkle  in  time. More  to  the  opposite,  actually. 
As  I've  been  over  in  another  headcanon,  personally,  I  more  display  the  Mindflayer  as  "god",  or  an  allegory  of,  rather  than  an  allegory  for  Satan  as  seems  to  be  more  the  case  with  "The  Black  Thing"  in  "A  Wrinkle  in  time"  and  could  very  well  be  the  case  with  Stranger  Things  canonly,  but  I  also  wouldn't  say  thats  what  Stranger  Things  is  going  for  given  we  can't  survey  season  5  or  how  anything  with  Vecna  and the  MF  is  going  to  go  just  yet.
But  none  the  less  I'm  excited  by  the  little  "updates"  and  the  "clues"  they're  giving  and  I  wanted  to  talk  about  a  few  of  my  insane  weirdo  takes  as  well  involving  Vecna  and  the  UD  specifically.
I've  surely  mentioned  some  of  these  things  before,  some  in  great  detail,  but  others  less  so, so we're gonna run over some stuff again. 
So,  essentially  as  far  as  it  goes  in  my  HCs  RN  Vecna  is  the  one  who  "shaped"  the  Upside  Down  to  look  like  Hawkins.  Like,  I  actually  have  two  theories  on  this  and  I  like  them  both  but  I'm  using  the  slightly  more  insane  one  for  my  own  writings  and  thats  the  one  I'm  mostly  gonna  be  rambling  about. 
As  far  as  my  headcanons  go  and  the  one  I'm  CURRENTLY  working  with  in  threads  and  such  is  in  a  nutshell  I  think  the  "yellow  /  red  world"  we  saw  Henry  and  the  Mindflayer  in  is  more  of  a  pocket  dimension  to  ultimately  what  became  the  Upside  Down.  I'm  probably  not  gonna  be  making  a  whole  lot  of  sense  here,  especially  if  you  haven't  read  my  other  HCs  about  the  Mindflayer  and  Vecna,  and  the  references  I  take  from  H.P  Lovecraft,  specifically  Azathoth,  Nyarlathotep  and  the  Crawling  Chaos. 
But  anyway,  essentially  the  Shadow  /  Cloud  mass  isn't  the  mindflayer's  true  corporeal  form.  Its  more  a  manifestation  of  the  mindflayer's  "Astral  form"  or  some  fragment  of  it  anyway.  And  it  was,  shall  we  say,  "trapped" in  this  "pocket  dimension"  before  Henry  linked  up  with  it  and  freed  it. 
Because  again,  taking  heavy  inpso  from  Azathoth  and  myths  surrounding  the  being  from  the  HP  Lovecraft  universe,  there  is  a  concept  that  Azathoth  was  somehow  "imprisoned",   although  as  essentially  the  creator  of   all  reality  it  can  never  really  be  contained  or  "stopped",  Azathoth's  omnipotence  remains  even  in  its  discombobulated  or  'unconscious'  state. 
And  I'm  very  much  going  for  the  same  vibe  with  the  Mindflayer.  Its  true  corporeal   form  is  simply  incomprehensible,  and  it  interacts  with  the  world  through  its  'dreaming'  or  'astral  form'. Another  fun  bit  of  info  is  if/when  threads  come  up  where  Henry  references  concepts  such  as  Inari's  Web  or  figures  in  creation  myths  such  as  the  Spider  Grandmother,  they're  all  actually  related  and  connected  to  the  concept  of  The Mindflayer  and  my  likeness  of  it  to  Azathoth.  The  mindflayer  is  a  thing  that  simply  exists  across  and  between  multiple  dimensions. 
Though  parts  of  it  have  been  "contained"  in  some  places,  although  how  it  got  trapped  in  some  places  I  haven't  decided  or  specified  yet  but  I  like  to  think  it  had  less  to  do  with  other  cosmic  deities   deciding  it  needed  to  be  stopped  and  more  to  do  with  its  own  "mindless"  hunger. 
So  anyway,  as  I  also  mentioned  and  continuing  with  the  weird  horror  theme,  I  portray  the  Upside  Down  as,  quite  literally,  a  living  organism,  ( I  have  done  a  pretty  lengthy  post  on  that  in  particular  floating  around  on  one  of  my  blogs )  and  potentially  part  of  the  mindflayer's  actual  corporeal  form,  a  bizarre  world  that  is  the  inside  of  a  gargantuan  deity  that  represents  all  reality.   
A  world  that  happens  to  be  sitting  parallel  to  the  "cursed"  town  of  Hawkins.  Where  Henry  originates  from.  Truly,  Henry  coming  to  live  in  Hawkins  was  the  worst  thing  to  happen  to  Hawkins   and  probably  the  world  because  Henry  was  born  "sensitive"  in  my  HC.  He  was  born  with  clairvoyant  abilities.  ( Its  been  suggested  Victor  could  have  been  somehow  "sensitive"  as  well  given  he  is  the  only  other  character  in  the  Creel  family  apart  from  Henry  who  had  the  sense  of  a  "presence"  in  the  Creel  house. )  
Due  to  Henry's  clairvoyant  abilities  he  was  able  to  receive  "transmissions"  from  "the  Mindflayer",  currently  residing  in  the  otherworld. It  was  because  of  the  Mindflayer's  influence  that  Henry's  powers  heightened  the  way  they  did.  You  could  even  say,  in  a  way,  it  gifted  him  those  powers  and  groomed  him  to  take  his  eventual  path  with  them.  Not  helped  by  Brenner,  and  the  Lab  at  all  of  course  because  they're  another  huge  factor  in  this. 
The  Mindflayer  "chose"  Henry  to  be  it's  intermedium.  And  I'm  not  going  to  say  the  Mindflayer  always  wanted  to  "Destroy  the  world"  or  that  its  "evil"  or  anything  so  "simple",  because  more  the  reality  is  that  its  just  "hungry."  It  rots  and  consumes  Hawkins  for  that  far  less  morally  aligned  reason.  Its  indifferent  to  humanity  and  morality  because  both  of  those  things  are  entirely  beneath  it.  ( As  Dustin  explained  in  season  2,  the Mindflayer  thinks  itself  superior  to.... Everything  and  if  you  are  in  fact  an  ancient  cosmic  deity  wheres  the  fault  in  that  logic  exactly ? )  Destroying  the  world  isn't  its  goal,  rather,  its  not  destruction,  its  renewal. 
Because  as  I've  also  mentioned   many  times  before  I'm  defo  taking  some  inspo  from  the  Legacy  of  Kain  series  and  the  depiction  of  the  entity  known  as  the  elder  god.  Essentially  the  Elder  god  has  an  influence  over  life  and  death  because  it  feeds  on  death,  or  rather  it  feeds  on  souls,  but  its  not  so  simple  because  by  feeding  on  souls  the  "elder  god"  also  "spins  the  souls"  back  into  the  "wheel  of  fate",  hence,  while  everything  is  destroyed  by  the  elder  god  it  is  also  renewed  by  the  elder  god.  It  is  essentially  the  "cycle  of  life"  or  "fate"  personified  as  a  monstrous  squid  like  abomination  that  resides  in  the  "otherworld",  that  is  depicted  as  a  dark/warped  version  of  normal  reality  full  of  monsters. 
AND  that  is  also  a  kind  of  aesthetic  I'm  going  for  here  because  I  think  it  works  and  LOK  is  just  another  thing  that  I  would  be  VERY  SURPRISED  if  the  Duffer  bros  and  the  ST  writers  didn't  actually  have  in  the  piles  of  inspo  because  it  def  has  so  many  similar  elements  to  ST  going  on  BUT  THATS  for  another  post. 
Because  ultimately  I  haven't  fully  decided  if  the  MFs  intentions  are  anything  beyond  "eating",  I  think  its  something  that  simply  EATS  and  eats  and  death  and  destruction  feed  it,  so  it  has  a  bit  of  a  habit  of  influencing  the  world(s)  around  it  to  create  death  and  destruction  again  for  no  big  reason  outside  of  this  is  its  nature  and  its  simply  hungry  but  part  of  its  feeding  leads  to  'renewal'  because  technically  it  is  reality  itself. 
Which is  also  Henry/Vecna  comes  into  it  for  me.  Because  as  the  human  intermedium  he's  given  this  a  human  element.  He  brings  the  "human"  side  in.  We  cant  fully  comprehend  why  and  how  the  mindflayer  does  what  it  does,  but  Vecna's  different.  He  was  human  once,  he  still  has  somewhat  human  goals.  In  my  HC,  Vecna's  aware  of  what  the  mindflayer  is  and  he's  heavily  on  the  side  of  "renewal".  Which  is  another  human  aspect  of  him;  he's  seen  the  good  and  the  use  in  this  unfathomable  omnipotent  thing  that  just  rots  and  eats  everything  it  touches.  Ultimately,  Vecna  understands  what  the  Mindflayer  is,  and  he  serves  it,  however,  he's  also  using  his  link  to  it  for  what  he  thinks  is  good.  He  wants  to  change  and  "renew"  the  world  and  the  Mindflayer  is  the  key  to  that.  Its  a  tool,  but  so  is  he.  They're  tools  for  each  other.  
The  Mindflayer  brings  about  judgement  and  destruction  onto  mankind  and  the  corruption  of  human  civilization,  allowing  Vecna  to  "reset"  it,  in  his  hopes  into  something  better,  meanwhile   the  Mindflayer  uses  Vecna  to  open  the  gates,  to  free  it  and  thus  supply  it  with  a  massive  supply  of  "food"  during  all  this  that  continues  the  unending  cycle  of  life  and  death  across  all  the  universe. 
But  I  haven't  completely  decided  how  much  of  Vecna's  goals  are  influenced  by  the  Mindflayer's  "corruption"  or  direction  because  I  also  think  that's  an  element  as  well.  Cos  for  example,  I  think  while  Henry  always  wanted  to  use  his  powers  to  make  a  change  in  the  world  I  don't  think  he  ever  wanted  to  destroy  everything  to  rebuild  it.  
Another  thing  I  personally  take  reference  from  and  will  be  VERY  shocked  if  the  ST  writers  aren't  as  well,  is  Silent  Hill,  which  I've  mentioned  a  lot  of  times  specifically  surrounding  the  link  between  Henry  and  Will  and  Alessa  and  Cheryl  and  the  similairties  I  think  there  could  be  there,  but  another  element  here  for  me  is  the  fact  Alessa  and  what  was  done  to  her  is  considered  the  catalyst  for  much  of  the  terrifying  shit  going  on  in  Silent  Hill  and  its  link  to  its  "dark  mirror",  the  other  world,  which  looks  near  identical  to  Silent  Hill  except  dark  and  twisted  and  full  of  monsters,  and  the  lapse  in  dimensional  barriers. 
( Also as a  fun  note  the  "otherworld"  of  Silent  hill  is  also  depicted  as  the  place  "god"  lives,  so  yeah ). 
And  this  does  in  fact  mirror  Henry  in  a  way  given  we  can  definitely  say  Eleven  pushing  Henry  through  to  the  Upside  Down  really  "sealed  the  fate"  of  Hawkins  and  brings  me  to  the  fact  that  yeah,  I  headcanon  Henry  is  the  reason  the  Upside  Down  was  reskinned  to  look  like  the  Dark  Mirror  of  Hawkins. 
Why ?  Because  he  wanted  to  build  his  own  world,  his  idea  of  a  better,  safer  one.  This  just  becomes  a  little  more  literal, supernatural  and  psychological  with  Vecna  and  the  Upside  Down.  There  is  a  heavy  "foreshadowing"  to  this  in  the  scene  with  Eleven  and  Henry  where  Henry  says  "We  could  reshape  the  world.  Remake  it  in anyway  we  see  fit." 
Henry  reshaped  the  Upside  Down  to  look  as  if  it  was  Hawkins.  And  I  wonder  if  a  part  of  him  did  this  to  find  his  way  home,  since  he  returned  to  the  Creel  house  and  seemingly  stayed  there.  We  also  know  Vecna's  version  of   the  Creel  house  and  the  actual  Creel  house  are  not  just  direct  copies  of  each  other  but  they're  also  apparently  in  the  exact  same  place  as  each  other,  and  a  lot  of  the  Upside  Down  could  be  seen  as  a life sized  "map"  of  Hawkins  in  a  way.
But  I  also  have the  headcanon  that  after  Vecna  reshaped  the  UD  for  whatever  reason  or  REASONS  he  did,  that  was  it  for  him.  He  exhausted  the  power  he  had   and  went  into  hibernation  mode.  This  feels  like  it  could  also  be  very  true  because  there  is  no  sign  of  Vecna  anywhere  until  the  back  end  of  season  3.   
And  I  feel  like  canon  could   have  explained  this  with  when  they  had  Will  mention  the  Mindflayer  doesn't  "activate"  its  minions,  so  to  speak,  until  it  needs  them.  It  wouldn't  have  necessarily  needed  Vecna  during  season  1,  because  Eleven  had  accidentally  opened  the  gate.  The  gate  was  "closed"  in  season  2  but  a  small  fragment  of  the  Mindflayer  that  had  been  expelled  from  Will  had  already  escaped  and  went  on  to  wreak  havoc  in  season  3.  
Season  3  apparently  follows  the  Mindflayer’s  attempts  to  kill  everyone  of  a  threat  to  it  ( Specifically  Eleven ) and  reopen  the  gate ,  which  fails,  and  then  suddenly  Vecna  comes  into  it  full  force  and  opens  the  gates  for  it,  and  given  the  way  the  D*ffers  and  the  writing  crew  have  worked  to  tie  S4  and  the  previous  seasons  together.  I  don't  think  Vecna's  absence  and  appearance  is  coincidental  or  that  Vecna  was  always  just  sitting  around  twiddling  his  thumbs  waiting. 
So  what  I’m  saying  for  now  is  basically  that  Vecna/Henry  made  the  Upside  Down  look  like  Hawkins.  I’m  not  giving  specifics  for  why,  outside  of  the  fact  he  had  a  longing  for  his  own  “ safe  world“  but  Hawkins  was  the  only  place  he  "knew"  to  based  it  off,  and  that  Vecna  also  wasn’t  an  “active”  presence  in  the  UD  or  the  initial  invasion  of  Hawkins  during  season  1-2. 
During  season  1-2  Vecna  didn’t  have  the  power  to  actively  participate  in  this.  He  was  drained  from  using  his  powers  to  reskin  the  Upside  Down  and  was  in  a  semi  comatose  state.  ( Although  he  is  still  present  within  the  hivemind  and  thus  had  some  understanding  of  what  was  going  on  through  the  mindflayer's  interactions  with  Hawkins,  the  party  and  the  demogorgons. )
The  mindflayer  officially  “reawakened  him”  due  to  needing  him  to  “reopen”  the  gates  and  he  could  do  this  after  the  Mindflayer  absorbed  Eleven's  powers  and  transfered  them  to  him  to  give  him  a  jump  start.  The  initial  opening  of  the  gate  in  S1  was  an  “accident”  that  occurred  because  of  Brenner’s  meddling  with  Eleven’s  powers  and,  to  put  it  in  a  very  oversimplified  and  condensed  way,  once  the  mindflayer  got  “a  taste”  of  the  real  Hawkins,  it. wanted  more  and  started  upping  the  ante  when  it  came  to  trying  to  “break  out”  or  rather  “merge”  Hawkins  with  itself/the  UD  and  perhaps  this  was  always  where  it  was  leading  to,  given  if  Henry  continued  to  use  his  powers  the  way  he  was  he  would  also  break  the  barrier  of  the  UD  and  Hawkins.  
So  I  also  wanna  say  Vecna’s  actions  of  reskinning  the  Upside  Down  may  have  ALWAYS  been intended  to  to  be  part  of  a  merger  between  Hawkins  and  the  Upside  Down  but  he  ran  out  of  juice  before  he  could  finish  the  job  and  it  just  so  happened  that  Eleven’s  contact  with  the  Demogorgon  finally  popped  a  big  enough  hole  in  the  barrier  between  the  UD  and  Hawkins  to  really  get  the  ball  rolling  on  things  again. 
Anyways,  like  I  said  I  do  have  OTHER  theories  and  tbh  I  constantly  think  about  the  way  the  Demogorgans  behave  in  the  VR  game  and  it  just  throws  me  out  on  a  lot  of  stuff  because  you  don't  know  how  disappointed  I'm  going  to  be if   the  writers  do  some  generic  shit  like  the  Upside  Down  was  just  an  alien  world  that  was  conquered  bc  teh  evils.  Like  that  would  feel  very  lame  to  me  and  hopefully  I'm  just  reading  too  far  into  the  few  seconds  we  got  from  the  VR  game  and  NONE  THE  LESS  my  own  personal  headcanons  seek  to  generally  disregard  whatever  canon  might  be  doing  with  any  of  this  anyway. 
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tothedarkdarkseas · 1 year
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#hoping to have fun with this phase and excited for the concert and all but i simply don't think i can work the cult into something grounded
My Top Posts in 2022:
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A couple more Stu edits. (Neither flawless, but enough to spark the imagination!)
17 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
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A Damon-Stu, just for the fun of it.
20 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
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Hand size comparison, aka it’s the Violent Femmes “big hands, I know you’re the one” of it all.
37 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
Summary: “Meth mouth. S’when your tooth enamel melts and they go all sideways and fall out.” Murdoc taps a fingernail on his incisor, punctuating where Stu’s are missing. He earns an unimpressed look.
“I took some tweaker’s crap car to the face, what’s your excuse?”
“I’m English.” A commission about Murdoc's oral fixation.
Rating: Explicit. Lot o’ mouth stuff.
Notes: Hi! Bit of an unexpected post here, probably! This is actually a commission that I was contacted for by Suburban, but hopefully if you’re interested in Murdoc’s oral fixation you’ll enjoy it as well!
38 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Summary: It puts him in mind of seeing his parents or his old girlfriend after the accident, their eyes glassy and voices trembling. He remembers how he’d blinked through the dull red film that coloured his hospital room and said he was sorry. Sorry for what he put them through.
It felt unfair then. It seems unbearable now.
A character study of Stuart as he records The Fall during the American leg of the Plastic Beach tour, reworking the Gorillaz plot around the real touring timeline; or, thoughts on trauma in transit, who we are to strangers, and the link between sugar cravings and opioid dependence.
Rating: Explicit (references to sexual content and explicit substance abuse.)
Warnings: Quite a few, please check AO3′s warnings for more detail. Primarily substance abuse, unhealthy coping mechanisms born of an unhealthy relationship, and mental health issues.
This is it, the white whale of a fic finally conquered. I’m nervous, and excited, and disappointed in old writing and proud of new growth. It’s a lot of emotion for a story, I know. More notes are provided on AO3, but I’ll just add-- thank you for the support, and I hope you’ll enjoy.
44 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
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