#( also vash cooking? yes )
melpcmene · 6 months
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god, livio and vash bonding
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beesinspades · 1 year
i hold out my hand to you. you deposit a sex-averse ace vash fic or comic on my palm. i look at you with tears of gratefulness in my eyes. i gesture to my own sex-averse ace vash fics for you to enjoy. we are now bonded for life.
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peachyloveswriting · 1 year
What would Vash, Wolfwood, and Knives do about sick reader? Like reader knew they had been getting sick for a few days but saying stuff like "I sneezed from the dusty sand" or "I choked on my spit. I wasn't coughing. " they keep coming up with stuff to say till they have a fever and collapse.
YES. MORE FOR KNIVES. I actually really enjoy writing for knives. He's such a complicated character to get right because he hates humans and more often than not the reader is portrayed as human. His feelings are so contradictory but I love it.
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You're Only Human (After all)
SUMMARY: Vash, Wolfwood, and Naï, find out that you've been hiding a sickness from them. The outcome feels like a nightmare come true.
NOTES: Vash and knives parts are very long. There's a shit ton of angst but there's also hurt/comfort. I'd say it took me 16 hrs total from start to finish and that's partially because a huge part of Kives original part got deleted and yeah... I couldn't remember some of it. Enjoy tho lol.
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Setting up camp for the night was no easy task, getting up to gather what everyone needs to sleep comfortably while helping Meryl set up her own tent. Yours always comes last and before you can even finish Roberto is asking you to help him cook. You never stop working and seize every opportunity to stay on your feet, the restlessness that comes with stagnancy kills you. Through constantly throwing yourself into work is painful and tiring, it's been even more so than usual.
"Hey kid. Come and help with this roast."
You ignore Roberto's request, too tired to even think straight much less give a coherent thought, only curling further into the backseat of the truck. In the back of your throat has settled an itch, one that's not quite there but prominent enough to make you force down a cough. It bubbles up suddenly, making you gasp for air in-between coughs. Your throat burns in pain and tenses as it stops.
Soft foot steps pad up to the open door. Meryl peeks in at you with worry before she fixes herself right. "Uh... Sorry if I'm bothering you but could you help me with my tent again?" She clasps her hands together, eagerly waiting for your answer.
Nick watches from the outside of his own tent, gazing at your still form while his hands blindly settle the cross firmly into the sand. He doesn't decide to speak until Meryl extends a hand to tap you. "I'll do it." He offers.
Meryl turns to look at him with a disgruntled smile. "Thanks?" He scoffs. "Yup. Don't mention it. And close the door while you're at it."
Meryl looks at your limp form, not wanting to close any limbs in the door she checks just to be sure before she carefully closes the door. Just before walking away she takes one last peek inside to see if she disturbed you but you haven't moved an inch. Taking a deep breath she turns to stand beside Nick while he puts her tent together.
The night carried on and with it came Vash. To everyone else the night went on as usual but to Vash, a part of him was missing. When he looked for your tent he was sad to find that it hadn't been set up at all. This only worried the blonde further. His stomach would churn with unease the further he looked around. There was no sign on you anywhere. Just as he was about to peek around the truck, a soft finger tapped his shoulder. He turned to find Meryl gazing up at him.
"If you're looking for them..." She points to the truck. "They've been there all evening."
Hia gaze follows her pointed finger to the backseat of the truck. Offering her thanks, he rushes over to the truck and pulls open the door. You lay curled up on the farthest side away from him, your face hidden and tucked away in your arms. Face softening, Vash climbs into the empty space by your feel and closes the door behind him, ensuring privacy.
"Mayfly?" He leans over curiously, his hand slipping under your chin to lift your face into view. You grimace, your head swimming in agony and dizziness. "Are you okay?" His cries crease in concern.
Lazily, you lift a hand to swat him away. Setting your head back on your arms he lifts the back of his hand to your forehead. "You feel hot. Maybe you should get out of the car. Get some fresh air." His hand brushes over your head in a soothing manner.
"I'm fine." He smiles at your half-hearted grumble.
"If you say so..." Swiftly grabbing your shoulder, Vash scoops you up into his arms with ease and scoots to press his back to the door. He spreads his legs and leans back just enough for you to lay comfortably on his chest. You're just lethargic enough that you flop against him, no resistance whatsoever.
He stayed with you until the morning, upset when he kept waking up to you practicing choking in your sleep. Every time he raises a hand to your forehead it burns his skin. You were certainly running a fever of some kind or at the very least sick, he's never seen you so lethargic before. You've always stayed on your feet, working yourself to the brink, till' your legs won't carry you anymore. This might just be one of those spells but you never left the truck. Even when he got out to help everyone pack up you didn't move.
When everyone gathered inside the truck, you didn't move, allowing yourself to get shoved around to make room for Wolfwood and Vash. As Vash climbed in, he scowled at the priest who shoved you about as if you were some object he could just discard. Gently scooping you far enough to slide in. he laid you back down in his lap and held you close, allowing you to get some rather comfortable rest. Hours later, you woke up in a daze. The heat consuming you from head to toe is unbearable, breathing comes harshly.
You can see legs moving through the sand below you as you wake up but very quickly realize they're not yours. You begin to feel hands under each of your knees and your body pressed against another. Below you, Vash's coat flaps into view, the edges of it tugging about with each step.
You groan, dizzy from the heat and disoriented. Your head is reeling about, begging to go back to sleep and crying at the same time. Every part of you aches and your throat feels like it's been grated like fine cheese.
"You're awake!" Vash turns his head to look at you nuzzled into his shoulder. Swallowing harshly, you lift your head to glance at him. "Where are we?"
You cringe at the sound of your own voice, sounding like a decrepit frog that smokes cigarettes. It feels like you haven't drank in forever and your stomach rumbles angrily. Suddenly Vash jumps to keep you up on his back, you whine at the sudden jolt and dig your hands into the chest of his shirt. He grimaces at your painful response.
"You okay?" Forcing yourself to right yourself, you begin to wriggle in his hold. "M' fine. Put me down."
Vash's brows creased with worry. "Are you sure? You've-"
Pushing from his hold you fall into the scorching sands. Hissing in pain, you jump to your feet jostling your brain into a wave of vertigo. Your hand shoots out to find purchase while your vision grows dark. Tingles flood your body as a low dull pain pulses in your head. Two arms scoop you up into security, keeping you from falling back into the hot sands. "Whoa!"
Vash steadies you as you lean against him limply for help. "Slow down. You're not well." His hands move to your shoulders. A long drawn out couch slips from your lips. You shake away from his hole to walk towards the group, they're way ahead of you occasionally glancing back to stop and wait. "I'm fine."
You trudge forward at your own discretion and Vash follows closely behind. "Let me carry you Mayfly." A hand comes to rest at the small of your back. Beneath you, your legs shake horribly, threatening to lose your balance. It's hard just to push forward in the sand without wincing from the sore ache that settles into your bones. "I'll be fine, Vash."
The desert becomes distant, a cold covering your whole body like ice. "I'm..." The sky began to darken, blotting out the light from the suns and the sand beneath you.
"oh!" Slipping forward, Vash stretches an arm over your chest to stop your falling body from collapsing in the sand. The over exertion is obvious and your body makes it hard to deny. Vash can see it clearly, the bleary look in your eyes as he scoops your bridal style in his arms. Gazing down at you with an unreadable expression, he shakes his head. "How long has this been going on?"
You roll your head into his chest, shielding your eyes from the suns. Breathing in to speak you choke out a cough, you can hardly catch a breath in-between. When you finish, your head falls back softly. "A few weeks ago." You mumble weakly.
A frown settles upon his lips as he looks ahead at the horizon, the glare on his shades stops you from seeing his eyes. Those are always a dead give away for how he's feeling. Those shades work wonders for him.
Taking a shaky breath, you relax in Vash's arms. "Don't worry. I'll take you to a doctor. You should rest until then."
You shake your head. "Won't you get tired of carrying me?"
He looks back down at you smiling softly. The smile reaches up to his eyes, softening his gaze and wrinkling the corners of his eyes. "I will. It's okay, I'm supposed to take care of you Mayfly. Just rest." His voice is so soft he's almost whispering. It makes a heat swirl in your chest as you close your eyes.
"I'm sorry Vash."
He chuckles. "It's alright my love."
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Sweat beads along your forehead as you follow the giant wandering cross in front of you. Your wavering pace slows you down even more the longer you push forward. It's so far away now. When was the last time you even had water? God, you can't remember. Trudging through the sands makes the ache in your already sore leg grow worse, you can barely lift your feet from the ground.
Breathing is a labor, it burns your lungs with each breath you take, the longer you go without calling for Nick's help the more dire this starts to become. The dull ache in your head is pounding with the intensity of the suns and your body grows weaker. You regret lying to Nick before he ran out of gas, you knew them you should have said something but the situation was bad enough. You thought saying something then would only cause more worry to settle in Nick's mind and you didn't want to burden him.
Suddenly, searing hot pain blossoms on your exposed skin and sand hugs your body as it lands. Your mind is foggy and blank, you watch Nick grow smaller in the distance not even bothering to look back at you. You rasp his name but your throat doesn't allow you to call any louder than a simple talking tone. After traveling with Nick everywhere, you never thought it would end like this, laying in the sand pathetically sick because of your irrational fear and Inability to ask for help.
Suddenly, in the distance. The space between you and Nick closes in. He runs towards you, tossing the cross all about on his back. Distantly you can hear him call your name for the first time ever, he's only ever called you by silly nicknames. You don't give much care to mutter a response and sink into the sand.
Panic squeezes in Nick's chest and he drops his cross beside him to tend to you. Grabbing your shoulders he turns you over and sits you up in his lap. "C'mon. Don't fall asleep." He begs.
You cough up a laugh. The concern in his face grows even more severe with your seeming obliviousness to the situation. "I'm fine..." You want to shrug him off so bad but even moving feels like hell.
Heart pounding in his chest, Nick swallows harshly "You haven't been fine since we got stranded, have you?" The back of his hand feels freezing as he presses it to your forehead. You grimace with discomfort and whine. "I'm not stupid." Carefully, he stands with you in his arms.
As he turns to walk away you spot his cross on the ground. "Your cross..." Nick acknowledges it with a hum. His face is stern, pointedly staring straight again with his lips pressed into a thin line. "I'll get it back later. You need medical attention first."
You smile. "So you're saying you care?"
His grip on you begins to tighten. *Of course I do! Don't fucking scare me like that again." He growls.
"Sure." Sleep tugs your eyes closed, pulling at your weight the less conscious you become. Nick glares down at you, squeezing you tighter against him. He feels your body grow limp in his arms, heart dropping to his stomach.
"What did I say? Don't fall asleep." You're jostled awake with a groan. "Just let me sleep. Please."
"And if you don't wake up again?" He's become eerily nonchalant. "What then?" The edge in his voice shakes with worry, tracing the thoughts of what might unfold after your death. His chest aches at the thought of losing you and he won't say it but he's scared of losing you. "It'll kill me..."
Nick will never admit it but you do more for him then he lets on. Your company alone could last him a lifetime, your smile, it could make him happy forever. Everything about you fixes everything bad about him and he's not ready to give that up. Especially not over some silly illness. Hearing his words and understanding what he means, you coo quietly and rest your hand over his heart. Your touch quells his fraying nerves.
"I drag you down Nico." Your heart weighs heavy in your chest. "It might be better if you leave me behind."
Stomach clenching wearily, Nick grunts. "No." Venoms laces his tongue. "You idiot. I love you too much to do that." You gaze at him in surprise. "Don't look at me like that. I said what I said. You should just be quiet and conserve your energy."
Hesitant, you gaze at him for a few moments longer before letting your head rest carefully against his chest. "I'll get you help. Just hang in there."
Millions Knives
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Sitting beside Naï, he plays the piano. Quietly, you watch his fingers dance over the keys as they belt out a dramatic yet familiar melody. It strikes the soul as misunderstood, you know it well. Many times has Naï played this song in your presence. You've heard everything he plays, as his words command you stay by his side under his watchful eye. Many of his followers take this as a sign of mistrust, a show that the human race will never take his attention. Naï has said to you before: "Hear me and believe my word. My trust in you is not misguided, I only wish to protect you from those who wish to harm you."
Despite hating humans, Naï knows his fair share about the ways they operate. He understands the delicacy of your body and handles it with immense measure and meticulous care. He keeps you near to prevent his followers from making a move to take your life. For him, he even strives to understand more about you, to protect you. His care for you and your well-being runs deep, although Naï doesn't quite understand why it's you he's so careful about, he understands that you make him feel something.
Naï, even in his own strange way, shows that he cares for you. He appreciates the company you keep him and he's not foreign with thanking you. Just the same your appreciation runs deep, he offers you friendship, safety, food, and a place to lay your head at night. Above all else, his friendship and company you find the most rewarding, to know so much about him is to see under his facade. Knowing that underneath all of those sharp blades, a gentle, and caring man resides. Only sparing himself to his closet confidants.
Beautifully, the keys fade into an epilogue, an ending to the story it once opened with. You find that as you watch with a smile your lungs begin to burn. A cough tries to bubble its way past your lips, it takes your breath away and chokes you on the way out. Turning away to cover your mouth, you find it hard to catch your breath and tears blur your vision. The melody that had once carried through the room now falls silent in the stead of your sputtering.
Worry tingles in Naï's chest as you gasp for air beside him, he's unsure of what to do or what this is. His knowledge might be expansive but he still has so much to learn, about sickness, potential threats, the many causes of death. His lack of awareness makes his heart quell with concern and his mind reel is fear.
"Are you alright?" His voice carries through the harmonious room. Tentatively his hand hovers over your back.
You wipe the tears from your eyes to see his angelic face clearly. "It's okay Naï, just choked on my spit."
Cautiously, he looks you over with care checking for abnormalities along your external appearance. Your eyes are dark and lightly sunken, despite noticing this fast Naï goes along with your word and nods in earnest. You feel scrutinized under his gaze, like he's judging every part of you without ever saying a word.
"Choked?" He queries. "Is this choking, dangerous?" His brows crease with worry.
"Well..." Recalling gasping for air, the onslaught of coughing as it keeps you from breathing in deep enough to catch your breath makes you choose your next words with ease. "Yes. It can be, depending on the circumstances. But it can also be prevented"
Intensely focused, Naï nods. "How can this be prevented?" His absolute attention is always divulged onto you anytime you talk, it's endearing, the way he listens to every detail. Nothing you've said has ever been forgotten by him, he remembers everything, making it a point to bring it up when useful later on. It tells you that he cares about what you have to say, knowing that makes your heart soar.
"Drinking a glass of water, or anything of likeness, then there's the heimlich. You should ask Con'rad about that if you want to understand it." Although many of the things that Naï knows about humans have been acquired through you, there are many things you can't find the energy to explain. Best someone else with more knowledge explains it to avoid any confusion.
"I'll go visit him then." Naï stands. "Come. I'll escort you to the room." Gently, you hold his outstretched hand, letting it guide you to your feet. He holds it gingerly as he pulls you alongside him. His hand is soft and warm, inhumanely so, you find comfort in his warmth.
The more time chugs along the more you begin to realize you've fallen I'll, coughing spells out of nowhere, extreme fatigue, loss of appetite. The coughing grows worse with intensity, burning your sore throat, your body wastes energy faster, and waking up in the morning becomes a difficult task. For longer times you would lay in bed seeking the comfort of your companion, Naï, despite hiding your growing illness from him. He's buying into what you told him, though it won't last for very long. If he's really that worried he'll seek the knowledge of Con'rad once again.
He knows your habits even down to the smallest details, including your sleep schedule. Though sleep is the only time he lets you spend alone, that's only in his room, the only ones allowed inside are you and him. As far as his knowledge goes, since you last went in about a day ago, no one has bothered to enter. Not even Naï himself would go to see you. He figured you only needed a little alone time before you might come out again to grace him with your company. The time rolled around for you to come out but the door never opened, Naï waited in anticipation, trying to stace off the minutes to spare you time.
The paranoia got to him before you could.
The whole time you've been inside he's only let the door out of his sight once, for only a short amount of time. Very few people would dare enter knowing what punishment would await them if he ever found out but just the thought of someone going in and hurting you... It makes his blood boil. He paces just outside with worry and frustration beginning to build just beneath the surface. He has to know you're okay, he has to hear you speak... No. No, he needs something more... He has to see you physically. Otherwise, he might just lose his mind wondering what awaits him inside.
Eager to finally see your face again, to hear your voice and feel your touch, he pushes the door open. Eyes scouring the darkness for your form he finally spots you laying still beneath the covers of his bed, you make no sound as the door closes and you stay still even as he says your name. In his chest, his heart begins to pound wildly, sending the rest of his body into a frenzy of feelings.
He rushes to the bedside, a singular blade extending to turn the lights on. The darkness cowers away at the flick of a switch and your form is revealed amongst his mattress. Almost stripped bare of your clothes you lay unmoving, almost as if the life from inside you has been drained. Chest straining, Naï climbs over top of your body lowering his head to your chest, your skin feels cold against his ear as he listens for a heartbeat.
Just underneath your delicate skin beats the rhythm of your life, it beats on even as you lay utterly still. Naï can feel his shoulders relax, the sound of your heart telling him that you're indeed still alive, but as he pulls away to further examine you he knows something's not quite right. it makes his stomach churn with unease. Your skin tone seems off, like something's not quite the same as it was before.
As softly as he can, Naï shakes your body. After the first movement he expects you to come to life with a groan but you don't move. If your heart is still beating, why won't you wake up?
"My flower, wake up. You've slept long enough. I need your company by my side." He shakes you harder this time. "Petal, wake up. I demand it." He tries to sound like he normally does when addressing everyone else but he can't seem to find it in himself to truly yell at you, to demand something of you. Especially not when you're stripped of your freedom at this moment.
Naï's throat tightens, his brows creasing with worry and fear. He's so confused, you usually wake up when he calls for you but now he's got nothing. It scares him, knowing just how fragile you really are, it aside now that he rushes you to Con'rad.
Before he parts to the lab, he envelopes your exposed body in his cloak and carries you in his arms. Nothing like this takes more than the blink of an eye, Con'rad barely even has time to process his master's sudden appearance. Everything is thrust at him at once, the fear and confusion that riddles Naï's face when he presents you to Con'rad, how he begs for him to find out what's wrong, to fix you.
Con'rad frowns at your unconscious body as he takes you from his master's arms. "Careful! Don't hurt them." Naï warns.
Con'rad can only cast him a glance before he sets you down on a table, he collects his supplies needed to check you over and watches as Naï retracts the cloak that is wrapped so tightly around your body.
To plants, a decade is only supposed to feel like a day. So why did Naï feel like it had already been years when it was only minutes. He stared at you intently, waiting for you to wake up, willing you to do something. But you didn't move at all. Naï was anxious from tip to bottom, so to quell his nerves Con'rad began explaining things to him.
"Like we discussed, humans are susceptible to many things, illness being one of them. Should a person go an extended amount of time without medication or medical attention, it can cause death. This happens to be the case with your friend. You're lucky you found them when you did Knives. I can still run this IV to get the right fluids in check. After, you can take them back to your room, the IV has to stay in until it's empty though." He eyes the bleach blond from the corner of his eyes as he tapes the IV to your arm. "Again. You're lucky. They should recover soon. But they'll need plenty of rest."
Naï steps away from the wall he had leaned on, the blades slither out from behind his back and circle you carefully until they meld into his cloak once more. Content, he carefully picks you from the table with ease, using another metal appendage to grasp the IV bag.
"Thank you." Naï bows his head to Con'rad in thanks. Before he can reply Naï is gone again just as fast as he appeared.
Returning back to the privacy of his room, Naï gently sets you at the edge of the bed where he could rest the IV bag beside you. Leaving you swaddled in his cloak, Naï climbs up the bed behind you. For a moment he's hesitant to touch you, like it's the wrong thing to do but he pushes forward. Softly laying an arm over your waist, he pulls you flush against him, his face tucked into the back of your neck. He would lay here until you woke, until then, Naï would relish in the feeling of your body against his and find comfort in your presence by his side.
He might lecture you when you wake up, or inspect you thoroughly for any other sickness, but he also might enjoy your waking company for a moment before he does anything else.
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alaskasmonsters · 1 year
hi! vash the stampede for the “put me down, i can walk” prompt? 🥹🙏
𝖕𝖚𝖙 𝖒𝖊 𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖓, 𝖎 𝖈𝖆𝖓 𝖜𝖆𝖑𝖐! (vash the stampede)
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pairing: vash the stampede x gn!reader
content: fluff, reader being carried, a little bit of bridal carry, vash being a bbg
a/n: i loved writing this! this prompt is so perfect for vash!! he’s so 💕💕💕 bbg frfr! i love that silly man sm 😭😭 might have to make him my pfp tbh 🙏🙏 also this is the first prompt i am posting for my followers event! <3
☁️ 1k follower event
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The heat was unbearable. You should be used to it at this point but you doubted it was anything anyone ever could get used to.
You’ve been walking for what seemed like hours, dragging your feet through the sand as the sun was burning down on your head, slowly cooking your brain from the inside.
Vash, your companion, seemed unbothered by the heat for the most part, it only seemed to get to your head and body as your muscles started to feel heavy and your strength keeping you up and going slowly left you with every step.
This was exhausting. You were getting tired.
You felt awfully slow, the heat muddling with your thoughts and perception of time.
So it took you longer than you’d liked to admit to process what was happening.  How your feet were suddenly dangling in the air, your view was upside down and your body was swaying steadily with every step Vash took…Vash!
You started to wriggle in the man’s grip. Because for some reason, one you’d hoped he’d explain soon, Vash had just taken it upon himself to throw you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
“Vash!” You cried out, some of your energy flooding back into your body in favour of letting you feel embarrassed.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got you!” Vash promised sincerely as if he thought you were worried about him dropping you.
Which was not the issue!
You said his name again, lowering your voice into what was meant to sound like indignation but ended up sounding more like whining.
You started kicking your legs.
Vash swayed in his step, his cybernetic arm that was holding you by your waist on top of his shoulder tightening its grip.
“Please calm down, my dear, we’ll fall.”
“No, Vash! Let me down.”
“Oh?” The man slowed his step, voice dropping “Is my shoulder uncomfortable?”
The genuine concern in his voice made you want to hit your head against his back. That was not the issue!
“No…Yes…I don’t-“ You groaned, pushing your face into your hands “Put me down, I can walk!”
“You said you were tired,” Vash echoed back, sounding confused.
Oh…you hadn’t meant to say that out loud.
“I’ll carry you until you’ll feel better.” You could almost hear the soft smile in those words and could actually feel the gentle pat he gave your calf with his other arm.
Your leg kicked out on reflex and you heard Vash’s pitiful whine as your foot collided with his thigh.
“Don’t kick me,” he complained with a sniffle and you felt instantly bad, you might even have apologised if Vash would let you down already.
“Just put me down already.”
Vash came to a stop.
“I don’t want you to over-exhaust yourself,” he explained gently.
Your heart warmed at his words and you let out a sigh. It was annoying how stupidly charming and sincere Vash was. It made it hard to deny him anything. Thankfully your feelings of embarrassment won over your affection for the blond…at least for now.
“That’s…nice and all but…did you have to throw me over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes?”
“Oh!” Vash called out, sounding embarrassed himself now.
He quickly manoeuvred you around before you could realise what he was doing. You slid down his shoulders and into his open arms as he adjusted you until he was holding you in a bridal carry…
“That’s better then?”
You blinked up at the man’s face. He smiled down at you, eyes closed and head cocked to the side. The sun behind his head made it look like he was wearing a halo.
The heat in your cheeks couldn’t be blamed on the sun this time.
“Vash, just let me down please,” you whispered, afraid your voice would break.
He obliged this time, setting you down on both of your feet before taking a step back to give you some space.
When you turned to look at him, Vash stood with his head bowed down and his back curved, eyes lowered to the ground. He looked like a kicked puppy. Oh no.
“I’m sorry!” He apologised, bowing deeper and you could hear the sadness in his voice.
You rolled your eyes, a soft smile tugging at your lips. How were you so lucky to meet such a sweet guy as him? It was almost unfair.
You closed the distance between the two of you.
“Head,” you ordered gently.
Without questioning you, he lowered his head more to make it easier for you to reach up and pat his head, fingers softly ruffling through his strands.
“I’m not mad. Next time ask first.”
Vash lifted his head a little and glanced up at you through his glasses. When he saw your soft gaze his expression immediately brightened again.
“Everything you want!” He promised, before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to your cheek with a loud ‘mwuah’.
You bit your lip to hide the goofy grin that action brought to your face.
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mediocreanomaly · 8 months
Creature!Vash train continues! :D
May we have some nsfw with mer!Vash please?
Authors Note: Yes of course! Sorry for the delay my creative brain was fried. Also theres alot of build up so uh...smut with feelings? Sorry if thats not your jam but Mer!Vash has customs you know. Enjoy! GN!Reader!!! I don't go into detail about the readers uh...equipment so you can read it as either or
Read the SFW Pt.1 Here!
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Mer!Vash X Reader NSFW
•It had been a tedious process for Vash to court you. He was doing everything in the book to show off how good of a mate he would be.
•He brought you lots of fish (dead this time after the last incident) to show he could provide food
•He scavenged lots of shiny objects to show you how good at finding resources he was
•He'd make you sit at the rocks and watch him swim for hours to prove how strong of a swimmer he was, and despite his missing arm he was in perfect health! He'd be a great mate for you, see?
•You seem receptive enough of the advances, always eagerly accepting the courting gifts, bringing him new foods to try when he visited, you had even bought a few cook books to figure out what he liked and although you hadn't gotten him a courting gift since the gold ear ring that currently hung proudly from his ear lobe he knew. It was time to make you his.
•There was one final step, a courting ritual custom for merfolk to see if you'd finally take him to be your one and only mate. He was equally nervous and excited pestering all the other merfolk he considered himself close with about it for days on end.
•Wolfwood is admittedly uninterested not caring about anything human related in the first place, luckily Meryl and Milly are more on the excited side letting Vash ramble away about his perfect future mate. Meanwhile Nai is fully against it, angrily telling him off anytime Vash even brings it up… but you can't please everyone!
•So Vash steels himself, pulling himself up on the rock the two of you have deemed your meeting place, only this time he has something special planned
"Come here!" He calls to you in his own choppy mimicking of human language, although he was getting better at it, he still preferred merfolk speak.
•You hear Vash’s voice and trail out of the lighthouse, confused why Vash is calling you out so late. Vash makes an excited chirp noise when he sees you and slaps his tail against the rock to encourage you to come closer
•You laugh and stagger over the rocks to get to him but before you can reach him he dives into the water, swimming under into dark. It's hard to see him this late at night but you sit down on the rock trying to make out the outline of the merman
•You were admittedly confused at the mermans antics. Vash had become more and more clingy lately, although you secretly didn't mind. You enjoyed the company more than you probably should and luck for you Vash seemed to enjoy you just as much if the increasing visits were anything to go by
•You were a bit confused on what he was trying to do though. Waiting for him to resurface so you could sheepishly admit that you couldn't see whatever it was he was doing under the water
•That is until you do see him. Bioluminescent markings beginning to shimmer through the water, a light blue running along his body showing the intricate patterns that Vash swims in. Your eyes go wide, watching as he swirls around streaks of blue dotting through the water. He moves so gracefully, it's mesmerizing. You can't seem to take your eyes off him when he begins making noise
•It's high pitched, but it's sweet. Like a lullaby you had forgotten, was he singing? He must be. You had heard him make all sorts of chirps and trills but this one was different, more melodic and pleasant. You let your eyes flutter shut as you listen to the song. For some reason you feel like you know the tune despite having never heard the song in your life
•After a couple minutes of listening to his song you hear the sound of splashing. You peek your eyes open to see Vash has popped his head above water, he looks...confused? Or maybe expectant? He sings again letting his song fill the air around you then he pauses looking at you waiting. You blink dumbly at him for a few seconds before you find your voice
"...oh! It was very pretty Vash I didn't know you could sing like that, is that all you wanted to show me?" you ask.  Vash blinks at you before his brow furrows as he makes frantic chirping noises. You startle, slightly caught off guard by the mermans distress. Did you say something rude? Before you can get an answer to that question Vash's glowing tampers off and he dives into the water leaving you alone on the rocks. You wait for a moment wondering if he'd pop back up after half an hour like with the earring, but hours pass and the dark is starting to make the air around you chilly. You frown and count your losses wondering what had gotten Vash so worked up.
•Vash is heartbroken. Had he miss read the signals? You didn't seem reciprocate his mating dance or his mating call at all! He had tried so hard too! Was his song not good enough? He was sure he didn't have the prettiest voice out of the merfolk but surely it was decent enough, right? Or maybe it was the dance? Perhaps he should have swum a different pattern? He had been practicing for weeks though...
•Nai is the one that finds him pouting making weak sad chitters as he lays dramatically on the sea floor.
•Nai is no help. Telling him the merfolk equivalent to "I told you so" and suggesting he just find another merfolk to court if he was so desperate to have a mate.
•But he wasn't desperate to have a mate, he was desperate to mate you. For the next few days Vash is a sorry sight, slowly drifting around the ocean, frowning every time he finds something shiny since he'd usually just give it to you. He just doesn't understand what went wrong...he shakes his head, he couldn't give up that easily, he had to try again, you were the only one for him, he was sure of it.
•You wait on the rocks till sunset again, hoping to see Vash swim up and explain in broken English that he had been busy or that he was off collecting rare human items. Then at least you could scold him for worrying you, then at least you could see his face
•Ever since that night Vash sang to you, he hadn't come around. You still weren't sure what you had done to upset the merman so much but whatever it was you didn't think it dictated getting the cold shoulder
•You began to wonder if maybe you were boring him. He was always coming here, sitting on the rocks, or pulling himself into the sand to entertain you. Since you weren't merfolk there was just some things you couldn't do, maybe Vash was starting to realize that, maybe you hadn't tried hard enough. You stew in the fact that maybe you and you alone was what had chased Vash off
•It's two weeks later when you've determined Vash isn't coming back that he shows his face again. You aren't even looking for him, instead coming back from the night market when you hear a familiar chirping noise coming from the light house
•The second you hear it you take off down the gravel path to your home racing to see if it's who you think it is, and there he is. Perched on the rocks, blonde hair, red tail and that damn gold earring still hanging from his ear, he looks apologetic and abashed as he makes soft cooing noises towards you which you think is supposed to be an apology.
•You dive for him, wrapping your arms around his wet shoulders trying to starve off the sobs you feel building in your throat.
"Vash! You scared me half to death! What if you had got poached! Or hurt! Or-"
•Vash cuts you off by nuzzling closer to you making a quick series of chirps with broken "I'm sorry’ s" mixed in. You grumble not yet ready to let this go but your more than glad he's safe. You sigh and run your hand through his hair and he gives you puppy dog eyes and a toothy grin. Idiot.
•Just as you get used to the weight of him laying against you, he shifts against the rock to get your attention before diving into the water. Again, his body begins to glow, the light glimmering under the surface, and again his song begins. The soft melody filling the air
•Ah, he was...playing again? You take a deep breath not wanting to disappoint him this time, you stand up on the rock and it seems you’re doing something right because Vash looks up at you excitedly, he sings the melody to you again then watches you, you blink and he grimaces before repeating the same notes-
•Wait a second. You tilt you head and try singing them back, mimicking the tune to him. His eyes go wide and a smile breaks out on his face and he makes a loud trill noise swimming in an excited circle before singing again, now that you know what to do you laugh and do your best to sing along
•He swims in lazy figure eights and you walk forward dipping your feet in the water, despite still swimming Vash keeps his eyes trained on you as if waiting on something, you pad into the water giggling thinking you finally understand this weird merfolk game when about waist deep in Vash grabs you
•You yelp as Vash drags you deeper into the water, trying to keep your head up. He's making excited noises nuzzling against your throat, you feel his tail begin to wrap around your legs as he presses you up against the rock, his clawed hands reach down the swipe along your shorts ripping them off in a single clean motion
•Oh. Oh. Everything clicks in your head all at once, the weird gift giving, the flustered state he was in when you gave him the earring, the dance the singing, Vash didn't see you as a friend, he saw you as a mate
•You blush at the idea but your mind is currently reeling from the merman currently being very eager about running his webbed fingers over your sex.
•You moan, a little nervous about the claws his nails tamper off into but it seems he’s also mindful of that, using his tail to keep you up in place against a flat rock as he focuses on pleasing you, making soft coos and trills as your writhe in pleasure under him
"V-Vash don't tease" you manage to whine out, pawing uselessly at his shoulder. He mimics a human laugh, and nuzzles against you, but luckily complies, he ruts against you and from the slit that sits pretty along his tail, what you assume to be his cock emerges, it’s a bit different than a human one, longer, thinner at the tip but it thickens up the further down the shaft it goes, and it's coated in something slick he seems to be producing
•It makes your mouth water, and you wonder what it would be like in your mouth...another time maybe, you'd have to ask him about it. As of now Vash lines the tip of himself up with you and you’re a little apprehensive about the fact he's about to do this with no prep, Vash seems to notice your apprehensiveness and makes comforting cooing noises before purring lightly and nipping gently against your neck, the vibrations flowing from his chest serve its purpose as you relax in his grip
•Slowly he presses in, it's actually not bad, the further he sinks in the more noticeable the stretch is but he goes slow enough that it's more erotic than it is painful. Vash finally bottoms out, pausing and cocking warming himself with you for a moment while you adjust, he makes various clicks and chirps that you’re pretty sure translate into some sort of merfolk praise. He could probably talk if he wanted to but from the way his irises are blow wide with lust, you’re pretty sure his minds too far gone to try and mimic any English right now
•After you settle and the ocean water lapping at your body begins to get a bit cold from the lack of movement you pat the blondes shoulder to try and signal him to move, he chirps and begins to slowly pull out, you whine at the loss now used to full feeling Vashs cock was providing you but it doesn't last long, as soon as it leaves he's thrusting back into your warm heat
•You aren't sure what you expected, perhaps considering the gentle way Vash treats you you had expected something a soft and slow. Something that, in foresight you should have known would be a falsity considering he was acting on instinct. A fact that was becoming evidently clear as he growled, movements fast and a little sloppy as the clawed hands holding you up begin to lightly sink into your shoulder and hip, the snarls only broken up by needy keens as he ruins you
•It's hard to think like this, the sounds of the waves mixed with the equally wet sounds of you and Vashs body meeting repeatedly is making your mind melt in the most wonderful way, the cold of the water, the warmth that’s blooming between your legs, you don't even realize your drooling until Vash moves his arm away to reach down and touch where you need him most
•You wail, scratching at his back while he makes equally loud noises, somehow speeding up even more as he chases release. You feel yourself teetering on the edge, near your tipping point as your body tenses in what’s sure to be the best orgasm in your life when your feel Vashs sharp teeth clamp down along your neck and- oh fuck
•You scream his name as your body milks him for all he's worth, mind blanking as you cum, Vash finishes with you, pressing in as far as he can as thick ropes of cum are pumped into you filling your impossibly fuller. He doesn't seem eager to let it escape either, staying in you even after he finishes trembling slightly from the over stimulation when the waves jostle your bodies together and licking over his mating bite in apology, purring and cooing at your body he carefully cradles in his arms
•You groan, recovering from...well everything when you lazily turn your head to look at the cursed merman, he offers you a sheepish smile a bit of your blood still staining his lips but the pride that's currently shining through his eyes lets you know he doesn't feel that guilty about the situation in the slightest. You huff in mock annoyance and kiss him, something he eagerly accepts, chittering happily against your lips only to sport a dopey grin when you part, causing you to laugh
•Well...there’s plenty fish in the sea, you're just luckily you ended up with this idiot
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vashsmunch · 1 year
Cooking mishaps
Eriks x GN Reader
Synopsis: you’re the cook at a local diner and a girl named lina demands you help a certain someone with his skills
Warnings: none
A/N: okay so TECHNICALLY this isn’t vash but i wrote it for a friend so don’t blame me (also why do yall literally have no content of him HELP)
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─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───  
You slammed your head into your pillow, forcibly trying to make your brain stop working. If only he weren't so handsome. How different things would be if he weren't the sweetest man you knew. You flopped onto your bed again, groaning loudly. Stupid fucking brain. 
It was a little past three, but you couldn't even be bothered to care at that moment. The thoughts had been haunting you all day, and no matter what you did, you couldn't get rid of them. You hated this. You hated this feeling of being so desperately infatuated with someone but knowing it would never work out. It was the cruelest fate the world could give, and you were tired of being its strongest soldier. A deep and heavy sigh left your chest as you eventually dragged yourself out of bed to get ready. Putting your clothes on felt like a chore, and at this point, it kind of was. To wake up every day and not have him with you felt like the end of the universe itself. Dramatic? Sure. Heartbreaking? Always.
But nonetheless, you walked towards your door and plastered on a fake smile before opening it. And there he was, right on the opposite side, leaning against the wall. Eriks smiled as he gave you a sheepish wave. "You ready to go?" He looked as unkempt as always, his long blonde hair framing his face like a cloak. But it was a rugged type of unkemptness, which only made him more desirable. Ugh, stop it.
You linked your arm through the crook of his and nodded. "I'm not the one who'll be paying for everything this time, right?" He chuckled as you stepped out of the house but quickly stopped after he saw you glare at him. Your last grocery excursion resulted in him forgetting his wallet and profusely apologizing to you all the way back home. It wasn't as if you would've minded had it not been for the catastrophe he left in your kitchen while attempting to make bread for the first time. You could still smell the smoke when you entered the room sometimes.
"Don't worry, I brought money this time," You swatted his arm, and he yelped, scrambling to finish his sentence. "Yes, enough to pay you back for damages as well."
These trips with Eriks were simple pleasantries, but you cherished them all the same. You were pretty surprised when he asked you one day if you could teach him how to cook. Well, coerced into asking you would be more fitting. The two of you met when he had just shown up in town; that girl Lina had dragged him into the diner where you worked, demanding that you help him. 
"He's hopeless; you're the only one who can help him. PLEASE help him."
Sure, being the line cook gave you some skills, but enough to teach somebody else? Absolutely not. But then you noticed his face: gaunt with sunken cheeks like he'd been through hell and back. It was this that persuaded you to go along with Lina's plan and nothing else. Not because he was handsome with his stubble or because he had given you the most pathetic and charming smile you'd ever seen. Not at all.
The two of you walked out of the store after half an hour of you dragging him through all the aisles, picking up household necessities and groceries. You insisted on carrying most of them, claiming he was too frail to pick them up. But as you struggled to walk the last few steps back to your house, he swiftly picked up the bags and walked inside. You stared at his back, your mouth falling open slightly. "Well, if you could've done that, then you should've done it to begin with, you bitch!"
Love was a horrible thing. You offer your entire being to someone and make yourself the most vulnerable you could ever be, only to pray that they don't smash you apart. Such a horrible gamble, but you indulged in it nonetheless. Being in your kitchen, giggling as you helped him learn to properly chop produce and not oversalt food. Watching him out of the corner of your eye, at his kind expression as he laughed along with you. Because in your heart, even though you knew he didn't feel the same, you loved this. Sometimes, he would stand over your shoulder, looking down at your hands, carefully kneading dough. The warmth of his body would overwhelm you and make you start blabbering and pushing him away out of embarrassment.
"A-anyways! Did you see how I didn't overwork it? That's because..."
It was almost childish how naïve you were acting, but you didn't care at this point. Anything to be closer to him. 
As the two of you finished your lesson, you sighed happily, dusting your hands off as you watched Eriks pull the finished product out of the oven with mittens. Giddily walking up to him, you softly punched him on the shoulder. "See? Not so bad, is it? Now you know how to make pizza all on your own!" You went to take the pan out of his hands when he suddenly snatched yours. 
Your face was instantly on fire as he stared at you from the top of his glasses with a gentle but stern look. "You can't just go touching hot metal things; you'll end up hurt." He let you go, and you slightly stumbled back, your hand still tingling from the sensation. You had always been the more touchy-feely person in this dynamic, making a point to hit him whenever he did or said something dumb. But he'd never done anything back, like a true gentleman (you supposed). While it made you swoon, part (most) of you wished for him to reciprocate. For some sign that maybe he possibly felt the same. And now that he had, your mind was running laps. God.
You tried to smoothly recover, covering your mouth as you coughed nervously. "I would've been fine. If anything, I'm surprised you didn't end up nuking the kitchen again."
Eriks let out a laugh, and you held your breath as he leaned down to meet your gaze. His eyes crinkled with amusement as he softly smiled at you. "That's so mean! But ya know, it's because I had an amazing teacher. You really are talented." 
The way he was looking at you... God, why did he have to be so oblivious? Were you simply not forward enough? Or could this all be a game to him? No, that was unlikely. As smart as he was, he could be a bonafide idiot at times. Maybe you just needed to be more direct. You exhaled sharply, drawing up your nonexistent courage, and leaned in closer, your faces inches apart. "So kiss me."
There was complete silence. "Huh?"
"You heard correctly. Kiss me."
He stared at you for what seemed like ages as your knees started to go weak with anxiety. You couldn't tell if he was actually opposed to the idea or not. He had always been an enigma in that sense. Even from the first time you met, you could tell he was hiding something. His expression was kind, but it lacked depth; like everything he was showing was only surface level. So it made this even more complicated because the two of you were just looking at each other, and more than anything, you just wanted to grab his stupid stubble-covered face and- 
You froze as he closed the distance, his lips gently pressed against yours. He was hesitant at first, like he was worried you would hit him again out of embarrassment or disgust. But as he felt you relax, he sighed in relief as he gently pushed you against the wall, holding your wrists above your head with one hand. You clenched your fists, trying to calm yourself, but it was impossible. His barely grown-out beard scratched against your face as his finger trailed down your cheek to catch your chin, tipping you closer to him. It was everything you'd imagined and more, and whether it had been minutes or even hours didn't matter. He was here, here at last. And as he pulled away, taking deep breaths of air, he quietly whispered against your mouth. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that. Thank you."
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ryanthel0ser · 4 months
My Reactions to Trigun Stampede After Watching the 1998 show
So I watched all of the 98 show in less than 24 hours and adored it so I went into Stampede cautious and yknow I liked it just a tiny bit (as I am writing this I am on my 4th rewatch, I watched it for the first time 3 days ago, I adore it). I decided to document my reactions cause I feel like a few mutuals will enjoy this.
Episode 1
awww hi Vash, lil guy <333
what are they cooking here, showing us the Rem situation immediately
Rem 😢
This is very much like Eva in DMC5
Oh they're reporters now?
i miss milly...
yep that's Meryl
VASHHHHHHH <333333 MY GUY <3333333
JOHNNY YOUNG BOSCH <333333333333333333333 (yes i watched the dub, it's good and I love Johnny Young Bosch)
only 6 million??
He's so sillay <333
MAJOR aesthetic difference
"Careful the kitchen's serving lead" queen
so weird to see a town not running Vash out
love that they're still mixing the music so that it's louder than the dialogue (not)
Knives you are so close to playing the Interstellar theme
I should really read the manga to see what they're adapting that 98 didn't
Ooo i love this song
Episode 2
I just noticed he calls him "Nai" euueueueueu
*insert catjam here* intro goes so hard
It'd be funny if Roberto went "man this sounds like Dante and Vergil"
Not him trying to cry his way out asjkdfjlkadf that's Vash for sure
I'm so glad they got Johnny Young Bosch for this I don't think anyone else could do it
July is still around??
noooo :[
"why'd they have to use this photo" it's a cute photo!
Did they model Rosa after Milly to atone for the fact she isn't here
Me seeing things that are identical to the 1998 one: excited pointing at tv while pogging
"Mm, Yeah no <3" I love him so much
"what's wrong with being a little timid" I want to hold you and never let go, you do not deserve what's coming
look at my boy dodging lets go
"I don't have any reason not to...eh, I don't really care...I told you I don't" Vash you deserve the world
hell yeah gunslinger moment
that smile AUEUEUEUEUUEUEUEUEU it really reminds me of 98
Episode 3
uh oh
well how we getting outta this
love seeing Vash angry some of my favorite moments are when he's pissed
oh this is a smart plan actually
"who's side are you on anyway" is this going to be recurring
man Knives you really arent holding back
the creators of this show went "hey we saw your twin angst in DMC Capcom and how much yall emphasize the twins so we'd like to do the same since you probably were inspired by Knives and Vash for the Vergil and Dante situation"
is Johnny Young Bosch the only returning voice???
this is the third ask for who's side Vash's on this is definitely recurring
uhhhh whatcha doing there
"you would shoot me?" lowkey wish it was still as funny as it was in the 98 version
He's living up to the Million Knives name
that is certainly a Million knives
Metal Gear ass name
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holy crap they quickly established the difference in serious tone oh my god, there is so much emotional weight here
also the music is gorgeous
yeah the stakes are much higher in this version, they are not afraid to kill characters
this is just heartbreaking
Vash 🥺
so will we get to see what happens to July or will it just not happen
Episode 4
hi Wolfwood
not gonna lie I don't like this fit, the pants specifically
where's your nose king, they took it away
oh well this aint good
Not a priest????
yep that's Wolfwood (lollipop scene)
he's much more emo here tho not as charming as 98
loved that animation of Vash looking at the bill
well Roberto isn't wrong, you did work for Knives
hey isnt that Meryl's gun
"don't worry I can see through his emo persona ^-^" "HEY"
woah cool design
we are getting so much more of these guys than we did in 98
that actually looks good, id eat it
"i can see it in your eyes" dont think i didnt notice that little parallel
im snorting those end credit arts like crack cocaine
Episode 5
Todoroki that you?
the radio spouting religious stuff and doomsday talk is giving DMC5 intro
It's so interesting that at some angles the style is identical to the 1998 show
Vash in particular, they translated his facial expressions perfectly
what's the deal with this kid
man they really are just tugging on my heartstrings in this show
"If God won't, I will!" STOP
Alice Angel that you?
same face as the 98 guy tho just with the scar
Oh Wolfwood doing that has so much more impact now
although in the 1998 version by having it not be someone Vash knew it added to how far Vash's ideals went and it caused Wolfwood to have introspection but this is a different arc
And in the 1998 version the situation is much more ambigous cause Vash is talking to the "kid" but he hasn't turned back at all yet and Wolfwood shoots
so it's more unclear who is right in that situation while in this you can see Rolo is sorta just frozen there and thinking so you're inclined to Vash's side more
what are they cooking, im so intrigued
Episode 6
"im like the cool big brother" tumblr does not agree
I have seen some art
this guy must be a bleach fan
i love this 2D style can I get an entire anime in this style
Little Wolfwood and Little Megumi need to be in a idgaf competition
tiny menace to society
stfu this is so cute, how will this go horribly wrong
smoking at like 7 years old asjkdfalfd
Woah Trigun, your mom lets you have TWO tragic sibling plots???
wow they made Wolfwood trip balls
man they did screw you up
they took his emo swag
S+ what is this Devil May Cry
they flipped Legato's design and put the spikes on the right side and the part the other way
Livio has become Sans Undertale
Wolfwood better have a tiddies out fit next season
they were POPPING in 98
that jacket was STRUGGLING
"Ryan you're objectifying him" yes I am
I want to see his tiddies hand em over
Not gonna lie Wolfwood, you calling Vash "blondie" isnt helping the allegations
Episode 7
if Buddy Daddies hadn't sucked me dry from crying so hard (i had just finished it the previous day) I would be weeping
he aint dead though i saw stuff about him
Legato not gonna lie I prefer your 98 version so far, like he made me shake in my boots a bit
Vash why is your arm made of the blown glass stuff they use to make little glass figures you see in the glass cabinets at the back of the PX or at a big gas station
that gun definitely hit something, just not the town bet
the title card of "Wolfwood" after he calls himself the punisher asjkdfjlaf
hello why am I crying at the scene of Vash with his hands against the glass in the plant
this just in, scene so pretty with pretty music that it made Ryan cry
not the first time
Episode 8
oh nooooooooooooooooooo
dont show me this
dont show me them being happy
my little baby boy auaueueueueueueueueueueueueueueu
"im mom to the sweetest boys in the universe" ONE sweet boy
The little blush on Nai dwaw
Plant lore????
Saverem? Really that's her last name??? Is this Metal Gear
actually not surprised that's Brad
"there has to be something special that only you can do" be the most babygirl anyone could ever be, though you gotta grow up for that
when is this going to go horribly wrong
Man they made Knives look EXTRA Vergil
Episode 9
epic piano, also how are you playing both parts by yourself
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i fully believe they're emulating the 1998 style just in 3D now, the side profiles give it away
well that's messed up, i can see why Knives hates humans
that doesnt explain why he crashed the ships though
"Millions Knives" i really do think you played Metal Gear
Knives I do wonder what your plan was cause how do you expect the plants to survive here
oh so the gun isn't custom made
98 THING HE SAID THAT KINDA IN 98 TOO ("all this time and you're still just as useless without me)
i appreciate them trying to keep the deranged faces Knives makes in 98
Now Vash is even MORE like Nero
oh nevermind, its been 150 years
a whole ship of passengers...I'm sure this won't be relevant later they're going to die arent they
oh my gosh that's right she's never seen flowers and such like this
more of this side picking stuff
I'm not ready for when he does kill again, that will actually break my heart
oh they are just bugs
Episode 10
I literally became a Trigun fan in less than 24 hours
Hundred Spoons lmaooooo
so weird to hear them talk about Earth, but it's not as much of a HUH like 98's
than you remember??? when did you come here last
I need him to say Love and Peace
please please say it
okay is Conrad aware Knives probably aint gonna let him make a new race of humans, like have fun with your experiment he does not want human to live at all
"they're disgusted by you" that is the most babygirl man ive ever seen
i have the exact opposite reaction
also his scars aren't as gnarly as 98...will he get more later
well that's what you get for mixing Knives genetics in that
El-what's her face got homophobia in her eyes
God Knives you drama queen with this piano
oh NOW he's a pastor
BRUH i cant
wtf did you do to him Conrad
also Knives's VA sounds so much like Vergil at times
it's not Dan Southworth but this guy can sound close
Episode 11
oh intro immediately you know it's gonna be intense
okay Wolfwood Im begging you next season at the very least change pants the skinny jean look isnt good
jesus kids these days
always wearing revealing outfits
man they aren't letting up the bible allegories
"dawn your crown of thorns"
1998 had more subtle ones and then the super obvious one with the garden of eden stuff
"we're going to reverse humanity's suicide by killing them all" do yall...do yall not see the problem with that logic
god this makes me want to read the manga now just to see how much this version pulls from it and how much the 98 version pulls from it
Knives what is your workout routine do you workout with Toji or something
"comparison is the thief of joy" SO REAL AND BASED
Knives yknow I have this gut feeling that Rem did mean something to you and you are just in SUPER denial
was it Knives was it? Cause you seem willing to sacrifice your brother for all this
Knives this is gonna backfire on you
Knives read the bible and took all the wrong lessons
dont think i didnt notice that the giant plant resembles Rem
Episode 12
"like a western, life on the frontier" STFUUUUUUUUUUU
ONCE AGAIN THE MERYL REM CONNECTION (referring to 98 when Vash sees Rem in Meryl)
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drunkenlionwrites · 1 year
Eldritch horror Trigun AU. Vash x Reader
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GIF by roseillith
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Sending thanks to @jelly-doughnut-drabbles for the amazing idea! This is less of a Dark Fantasy AU, more like an AU set in a canon Trimax Universe.
The reader here is just a character for exposition, but if I continue it, it will definitely be reader x Vash fic.
I want it to be more on par with Lovecraft’s eldritch horror/cosmic horror.
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The cold wind blew harshly - so strong, that your cloak did nothing for you, even if it was weaved with sturdy worm’s bristle. The grass caressed your bare feet, though wet with cold due, they were making you feel even more cold. The valley behind the Old City and the lake was not far ahead, so you persisted on your journey, determined to fill your jugs with as much fresh water as you can carry. Slipping among the ranks of Hunters outside was a hard task, but you just burned with desire to venture outside once again, even if the surface was swarmed with Prymaras. You’ve felt both excitement and primal fear pumping through your blood, making you feel bolder and more adventurous, as well as cautious and careful.
Once you arrived at the bank of the lake, you’ve hastily pulled the jugs out of the sack, filling them with water, both your hands submerged into the icy water. Now you just need to fill them all, cork and quickly retreat Home. When you’ve finished pulling the last one out of water, you’ve noticed a pair of piercing blue eyes watching you. Dropping it and falling painfully onto your bum, you tried to descry the creature watching you under the five Moons. It was an enormously tall man, wrapped in the red cloak. “The bringer of Ruin” you whispered to yourself in terror, your lips quivering, your limbs refusing to move. This is it. This is the end for you. You should’ve listened to didus’.
He slowly approached you, squatted down pulling the cloak from his head and held out his hand palm up, as if you were a wounded animal. He said something to you in a language you didn’t understand, his timbre gentle and coaxing. You just looked at him with wide eyes, filled with terror, at which he shook his head, sighed at started conversing in your own language. “Where did you come from, girl? It’s dangerous out here. You could’ve been captured by all kinds of creatures roaming out here. Are you one of the underground folk? Come, I’ll walk you closer to your home.” “You…you speak my tongue?” you managed to stutter out. “Are you him? The Bringer of Ruin”? He looked solemnly at you, saying “I have many names. I am not aware of that one, but I may be him, yes” he gave you a pained smile. At your terrified gasp, he looked into your eyes once again and slowly said “I have no intention of harming you, girl. Come, I’ll walk you home. Can you get up?” he asked, taking your sack with one hand and hoisting it up to the shoulder, his other hand stretching out to you...
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“Didus’!! Didus’!” you screamed on the top of your lungs, descending countless stairs. You’ve gotten your fair share of scolding by the gate guards, and as soon as they let you go, you’ve made your way to your hut as soon as possible, banging on the door still in shock. “What happened to you, child? Where have you been?” an old man opened the door, catching you into his arms, when you collapsed onto your knees as soon as the door opened.
Tears began streaming down your face, your small figure shuddering as you wailed in your grandfather’s arms. Your little brothers and sisters gathering in a small room, their faces full of worry and fear, inquiring from you and grandfather about what has happened to you, the younger ones also beginning to cry, with older ones trying to console them. Once peaceful cozy household descending into chaos for half an hour.
When you came to your senses, you told the whole story to your family by the old shell rock table, sipping on the mole soup grandfather managed to cook using the fresh water you brought. “Foolish, foolish child!” didus’ scolded you. “By the way you described him, it could have been The Bringer of Ruin. The fallen god of Past…No one who saw him has lived to tell the tale on how exactly he looks. Don’t you ever do such a reckless thing again! We can use the underground water just as anyone else. “It’s too dirty. I want them to eat more healthily so they can grow up being sturdier and stronger than I am” you pointed to your siblings with a move of your head. “Sestro, we will be fine! Just don’t go out…please…” the eldest brother said.“Who’s that dyadya the sister has met? Grandpa, grandpa, tell us! Younger children pestered the old man. He grunted after taking some time thinking about it.
“All right. But I’ll tell it to you just for the reason of making sure you won’t be sneaking away like your careless sister did, okay?” You silently crossed your arms at that, but did not dare to say a word, listening to your grandpa. You knew the tale, but no one has told it to younger ones. “This story is not for children, for it is as dark and gloomy as it is truthful. This is a story about our Universe and the Creation of the Old city and the New city.” Grandfather continued.
"The ones who lived before us has written that before the Ruin our land was full of sand and was scorching hot, warmed by the two Suns. People used to live on the surface, everyone was safe, and the land was relatively prospering, before the Old God sent two of his Angels to punish our kind for cruelty and greed our ancestors possessed. The ancient ones wrote that people used to rely on other folk, called Plants, for the land in the past was not prosperous and didn’t have enough food and materials for the folk to use. Those Plants could use their powers to create all kinds of things: provisions, eternal light, eternal water, eternal flame among other things. But people were cruel and greedy, so those two Angels were sent to bring the end of the cruel age, but one of the Angels fell in love with people on this planet and tried to save us, fruitlessly, from his brother, the second Angel, which took the Plants from people and doomed us to death, destroying everyone and everything he could so that he can build a New World.
The second Angel managed to save some people, which were our ancestors, so this is how we have ended like this. This was thousands of years ago, so our land has changed a lot. Some folks think that what we call “prymaras” used to be those “plants”, but they became corrupted by our greed and the Angel’s scorn for humanity. Now we are doomed to dwell underground, relying on strong and brave people among us to bring us resources from above. At least we are relatively safe here, so long as we can stay strong and train the best Hunters and Gatherers.
The thing you should be afraid of the most though, are two Angels, who still roam above. The Bringers of Ruin: the one who wears a red cloak and The Corrupted one. Even though it’s believed that one of them loves humans and there are tales of him saving some who almost perished above, the last seeing of him was so long ago, that no one among the living remembers it. He’s also called a bad omen. So, kids, learn from your foolish sibling and be nice, eat well, train well and everything will be okay.”
He smiled while finishing his story, his eyes closed and the whole face covered in deep wrinkles. His voice and the tale calmed the siblings, their tummies full of warm food, the light in the oven warming up making the hut feel safe and cozy. The whole story resembled a grim fairytale to caution little children to not do the things the adults don’t approve of. The household peacefully went into deep slumber after thanking their grandfather, the sole caretaker. They need to awake well rested and strong tomorrow, after all.
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Sorry I half-assed it a bit. It was just brewing and brewing in my head, I needed to spew out an exposition.I also used a few words from my native language, cause I have an idea that the new society kind of all came back to the native languages they used before coming to Gunsmoke. Just for fun. So the words are: Prymara - a ghost/ a nightmare Didus' - grandfather Sestro (from sestra) - sister Dyadya - an uncle
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Here's some of the lore of this Universe I have in my head:
Knives achieved all his goals. The Earth fleet has been destroyed, all the Plants taken from humans, with humans slowly dying out, only smaller portion staying alive with Vash’s help.
Knives beginning building his “Paradise” slowly terraforming Gunsmoke, first making it into a decent prosperous planet, but slowly going insane, still being fused with a big portion of his “sisters” and having nothing to live for anymore, no one to talk to.
Vash is hiding from his brother, helping the few colonies of people to settle underground, helping them to live their lives.
Knives finally has a psychotic breakdown and does something to the Suns, probably eliminating them (maybe closing them in a different dimension/destroying/whatever, which corrupts Plants and makes them into mindless constantly hungry creatures, needing life energy to continue existing (ironically), so they capture any living being that they can on the surface. The settling of the reader calls them Prymaras.
The society we have now is more of a family tribe style now, completely depleted of any kind of technology, relying on gathering, hunting outside, which requires the strongest specimen, with weaker ones weaving clothes, making simple furniture, tools and utensils.
They have limited knowledge on what has happened in the past, relying only on the notes of the ancestors.
They have health problems because of leaving underground and by not having a light source even if ascending on the surface ( I don’t care about the fact that the surface would be a striking cold temperature in reality not suitable for any form of life, it’s still a fantasy/horror, so it’s just like a Never-ending Night or something like this), that’s why they most value the physically healthy and strong individuals.
Humanity is no longer having contact with Vash, considering him a Bad Omen, guilty in the Ruin, terrified of him just as much as of Knives.
Vash wanders the planet all alone for thousands and thousands of years, seeking a way to restore the Suns and heal the Plants somehow, still refusing to kill. Still searching for penance.
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Song used while writing "Toumei" by Alber Karch, Ichiko Aoba
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Nicholas D. Wolfwood X FemReader
Rating: T+
Warnings: Shoot out, thoughts of suicide, violence, blood, angst (like tons of angst), steamy scenes (I needed a shower after writing them hoo boy), and some fluff
Word Count: 9.3k
Requested by @moon-esque​
(A/N:) Okay fellow Nicholas fangirls this request turned into an absolute monster! And I enjoyed every second of writing it! I also may have had a meltdown when I found the gif for it as well, as it’s absolute perfection. I am so thankful you gave me this request as I believe it may be my favorite one yet. As soon as I read it I got swarmed by ideas and I am really pleased with the way it turned out. I think I had a little too much fun with the angst tho. 😅 But I hope I did it justice and it’s everything you hoped for! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
Side note: Parts in italics are flashbacks. Okay I’ll shut up now! XD
Nicholas D. Wolfwood didn’t know how he earned such a wonderful life when he finally settled down. How he came across you so sweet and beautiful, he couldn’t explain that either. Or the fact that you had fallen in love with him and told him yes on that fateful day that seemed so long ago. Noman’s Land had taken so much from him and he couldn’t remember the last time he had been happy, until he had you. Like the sun you were warm but not harsh. You didn’t burn him or sap away his strength until he felt like he couldn’t take another step further. His heart ached as he looked at pictures of you he kept in his pocket, torn and worn from use and fights. He also couldn’t help but sneer at the stain of blood in the corner of his favorite photo. If it was his blood or someone else’s he couldn’t tell as so much blood had been spilled. He was just glad it didn’t mar your face in the photo as he didn’t think he could stomach the thought.
 He remembered those nights fondly with you, the little house you had picked out was perfect. Others would have seen it as cramped but growing up with nothing, it was a mansion to Nicholas. Home cooked meals every night with what little ingredients you could scrounge around for and afford tasted like a feast. But the moments he was happiest was when you both would go sit outside to watch the sunsets every night, hand in hand talking about your days. He closed his eyes his opposite hand rubbing across the palm you always held. He could have sworn that he could still feel your skin against his. Hot nights were ignored as he always wanted to hold onto you tightly. You tried shoving him away more than once but he stubbornly held on, toughing out your sweaty body against his. The desert had no remorse and neither did his want of you. You’d laugh, tell him that he stinks which only made him toss you into the old tub filled with precious water before he too would join you. You’d splash him once he sat down into the tub and he’d gently nibble at your digits. He’d kiss you despite the protests until your stubbornness was all but forgotten and your world was just filled with Nicholas. 
While you slept he would lay awake staring at the ceiling while listening to your slow breathing. He too would sleep if the nightmares would leave him alone for once. But every time he closed his eyes, his conscious was filled with blood and the screams of the people when he took their lives. He may have been called the Punisher but all he was punishing now was himself. You tried getting him to talk about it but he never would open up, the fear that you would find out the monster he was and is overwhelmed him. He just knew that if you found out that you would leave him and then he would have no one else, besides the group of friends he made and hurt on occasions. Vash was glad for his friend when Nicholas told him the news about the wedding, though Nicholas felt a little guilty dragging you into his messed up life. 
It turned out to be the best decision he ever made as the light started to come back in his life. Then the unthinkable happened, Nicholas left for work one morning and everything was normal. He finished his day, ready to see you and kiss you until you were breathless. But when he came upon his home it was dark, empty, and scorched. There was no sign of you and no answer no matter how loud or long he screamed your name. He beat at the sand, demanding that this forsaken land give you back to him. Blood coated the wood where it hadn’t burned to charcoal. Normally the sight of blood never made him sick, but the thought that it was yours had him retching stomach acid into the churned sand. He cried, tears streaking the grime on his cheeks until rage overtook him.
Nicholas came at anyone who he thought was possibly involved in your disappearance. He felt foolish believing that he could escape the Eye of Michael and it’s cronies. How could he bring you into something so terrible? Guilt riddled him as he thought of them taking you, subjecting you to whatever horrors they deemed fit as they had did to him as a child. His stomach churned in worry, but he couldn’t find any signs no matter how hard he looked. People either died to quickly or passed out from fear or the pain that he inflicted, he couldn’t get anywhere or come up with the answers he needed. 
Those nights sitting with you out on the little porch of your home was getting hazier and hazier as time passed, while being covered by the blood he spilled and smeared across his name. He became feared once more The Punisher walking again, toting his cross shaped machine gun with no remorse or pity upon his targets. Not even his friends could make headway let alone find him as Nicholas constantly stayed on the move. He couldn’t stop as the thought of finding you was his driving force, staying at the front of his mind at all times. Even Vash couldn’t seem to track him down and it just made the blond haired man more frustrated the longer time went on. 
A year passed since you disappeared, no trace ever came up again. No name, no breath of you, nothing. Nicholas finally cracked, despair swallowing him whole as he sat in a run down room in a sleazy inn contemplating ending it all. He refused to eat, he couldn’t remember the last time he had even bathed. He was unshaven, unkempt, and his clothes were beyond repair. But he couldn’t find the motivation to even care, you had become his everything his only sole purpose to breathe, and he had betrayed that abandoning you to whatever cruel fate had taken you. He unwrapped his weapon, searching blindly for the little pistol tucked inside. The weapon was perfect for him as it would mark his grave in a dark poetic sort of way. Though he felt like he didn’t deserve a grave, he prayed that they would just toss his corpse into the sand and let the worms have their share of him. Without you seeing him through, life held no meaning. You would have argued otherwise but you were no longer with him, you probably never even existed. He chuckled darkly, finally losing his mind as he was beginning to believe you had been some sort of figment the Eye of Michael had cooked up. Something to keep him complacent until the time came to rip you away and causing their greatest weapon to lose his mind and go on a search for revenge taking out the trash with him. 
He cackled insanely finally finding the weapon he had been looking for. He couldn’t keep on, the sorrow and pain finally too much to bear. He didn’t deserve to go out quietly or easily. A old man’s natural death had never been a part of his plan in the universe, and he didn’t deserve you anyway he decided. You were the exact opposite the light in the darkness, the steady island in a storm. While he was a never ending black hole that sucked everything good in the world and destroyed it. He held the pistol to his chin ready to end it all, though he knew that it was pure cowardice driving him. Pressure squeezed upon the trigger, he closed his eyes welcoming the end of his pitiful existence when the door slammed open. The lock uselessly tumbling to the floor in shattered pieces.
Vash the Stampeded stood before him in the doorway, pistol drawn. Vash wasted no time pulling the trigger, shooting the weapon from his friend’s hand. He was more surprised at the state of the strong man before him than anything else. He shook his head watching the dark haired man sink into the thin mattress, as he finally gave in. Nicholas tried to hide the tears but they wouldn’t stop coming. He had purposely been avoiding Vash and Meryl for as long as he had been searching for you. He knew they wouldn’t approve of his methods and Vash would have ended up being more of a pain than a help as Nicholas dished out his form of searching. But now that he had finally given up on you, fate had to set the red coated man right there at the time of his lowest. Without you he didn’t think life was worth living. Without you Noman’s Land was emptier and far from ever being the same again. Vash looked to Meryl the woman suddenly frightened by the Punisher they had been beside for so long.
“Go ahead and wait in the other room. I’m going to stay with him and I would rather you not be around if he tries anything else,” Vash said turning back to his long lost friend. Without argument Meryl left leaving the two men alone. Vash didn’t know even where to begin as Nicholas just laid there despondent and clearly not going to come around anytime soon. With Meryl safe, Vash felt more comfortable to do whatever necessary to get the undertaker back on his feet. Despite how grim everything looked on the outcome of finding you, Vash couldn’t give up. Not when it came to the person who had brought such joy to Nicholas’ life. Finally Nicholas passed out, the physical and emotional exhaustion taking it’s toll and sweeping him under the waves. Deep in his unconscious state he could still feel you, hear you, and touch you. At first it seemed to be too cruel to stand but now he took more comfort in it than pain. The memories you both had shared and made together keeping some parts of him together, though those were starting to crumble too the longer he went without you.
“Nicholas,” your voice called. Nicholas grunted trying to stay in darkened bliss, but you were relentless when it came to the pursuit of what you wanted. You called a little louder before starting to jostle him around a little. This time you got a groan out of him and you laughed. You rubbed his chin, the scruff of his unshaven face tickling your palm.
“Wake up,” you cooed moving towards his ear. Despite being obnoxious and playing with his earlobe, Nicholas stubbornly remained asleep. You stroked his black locks, thinking about giving them a trim before you huffed in annoyance. He could sense danger and be on his feet in moments, but in these moments where he truly got the relax and cling to you he was hard to awaken. You thought it was mostly from his rough way of life and never really having a place where he felt comfortable. So you never gave him grief if he overslept or was hard to wake up. This morning was different though as you were ready to start your day and couldn’t free yourself of your husband’s tight grip. So now you decided that desperate measures were going to have to come into play. Cupping his jaws you lifted his head where you could reach before kissing him deeply on the lips. He stirred more, trying to break away but you stubbornly refused to let him go. It didn’t take long until he was lazily kissing you back, his lips a little chapped from the heat and dusty wind. Dark eyes opened, groggily staring at you with a little gleam of annoyance shining through. You beamed obnoxiously at him, glad that you finally got what you wanted.
“I swear,” you laughed kissing him again. “You could sleep anywhere and through anything Wolfwood.”
“Can,” he grumbled, “and have. But it’s hard to sleep through an incessant wife that refuses to let her beloved sleep.”
“You can keep sleeping,” you poked his nose. “But I need to get up. There’s food to make and chores to do.”
“And let my pillow go about her day? No thanks.”
“Your pillow is retiring so let me up,” you wiggled and squirmed. Nicholas just continued to glare which wasn’t working as he was too cute with his sleep mussed hair and groggy expression. You snorted trying to fix the worm’s nest he called hair to no avail. He wordlessly lifted himself off of you but kept a secure grip so you couldn’t get away from him. You sucked in a breath as he gently crawled his way up to your face. His warm breath puffing against your skin he slid one hand down towards yours before interlacing your fingers. He squeezed gently before pressing his forehead to yours making you both sigh in bliss. This had become a habit between you two, that no one else got to see or know. Nicholas had been the first one to do it and it just had become a thing between you both. You couldn’t think long about the history behind his gesture before he was kissing you deeply, taking your mind off everything but him. You sighed sinking further into the mattress while he kept one hand in yours and the other keeping him up over your body. Knowing he had you right where he wanted you Nicholas released you, licking your lingering taste from his lips before suddenly crashing down on top of you. You yelped and grunted at the sudden weight.
“Nicholas,” you gasped trying to shove him off, “you’re crushing me!”
He huffed, maneuvering the majority off of you but refusing to let you go as he nuzzled into your plush chest. His breathing began to slow letting you know that he was on the verge of going back to sleep.
“Noooo don’t go back to sleep,” you shrieked causing Nicholas to grumble but it didn’t take him long before he was back to sleeping just glad to have you in bed with him.
Nicholas blinked blearily as the sunlight streamed through the broken window of the room he had rented. His machine gun was clear across the room and no weapon was within his reach. He moaned wearily trying to rise from the bed as his joints protested. After all the horrors he had put himself through, he was finally paying the price of pushing himself so hard. Without seeing, he knew he wasn’t alone as the thoughts of last night came flooding back. He shook his head trying to disperse the last of the memory that had decided to haunt him in his sleep before rubbing at his eyes. A familiar red coat caught his eye before he spotted the sleeping Vash sitting in a chair at his bedside. For just a few moments he allowed himself to glare at the man who had interrupted him from finally getting the freedom from pain he so wanted. Without you nothing in life was worth living. Vash would completely disagree with Nicholas’ outlook, but the blond haired man had always had a sunny outlook no matter how bleak things looked. Nicholas scoffed, earning a tired grumble from the man he had called friend for many years. He got up to cross the room back to his weapon but Vash woke up before he could make it there.
“Get out.” Nicholas snarled his patience worn thinner than ever.
“Good morning to you too.” Vash replied getting up from the chair and stretching his limbs. He yawned widely scratching at his messy blond hair before his bright blue gaze settled upon the other man.
“I didn’t want your help and I don’t need it either,” Nicholas suddenly shouted. He was sure everyone in the inn could hear but at this point he no longer cared about anything. “And why did you stop me? I didn’t ask anything from you and this is my business to take care of!”
Vash glared back at him, though his eyes weren’t filled with rage but a sadness that ran so deep nobody could explore the depths. He had lost so much and was still losing daily for so long that he couldn’t keep up with everything. Vash had become so close to the man they called The Punisher he couldn’t stand the thought of him just throwing his life away, especially if there was even a iota of a chance you still lived. “And let another one of my friends die? I wasn’t going to let you kill yourself. (Y/N) is still out there and she needs you. What good are you if you’re dead?”
His brother’s forces are people who he knew well. He couldn’t help but think you were still alive. In his own way he had been looking as well but if he wasn’t careful he would wind up getting you killed by Knives, if his brother knew Vash had interest in you. It was a horrible game they had played for so very long and Vash had learned to play it well. Nicholas was a different player though and he couldn’t tell him what to do. Everything was falling apart and you were needing the man you loved greatly now and he about snuffed himself out. Vash was relieved that he could intervene just in time before your last hope was taken away.
“I didn’t want you to find me and she’s dead.” Nicholas suddenly whispered. “It would be better if I just met her now in the afterlife.”
“She’s not dead,” Vash replied the conviction strong in his voice.
“I would have found her by now Vash! Nobody is talking and do you think you can extract information better than I can?”
Nicholas knew that Vash didn’t believe in his methods, but he didn’t care, not at this point. If he thought the Eye of Michael was going to give out information without spilling a little blood, he had another thing coming. Though Vash knew the members well he didn’t have the strength to do what Nicholas could, at least that’s how the undertaker saw things. He didn’t know deep down inside that Vash knew that if it would have changed things he would have done it.
“They wouldn’t be trying so hard to keep you away if they weren’t keeping her alive,” Vash tried again to reason with him. “They don’t want you taking her back as they know they can control you that way.”
“They don’t want me to go on a rampage.”
“You ARE going on a rampage Nicholas!” Vash couldn’t believe it as he felt like he was losing more ground than gaining when it came to stubborn Nicholas. Did he not realize how sloppy he had gotten in his rage? The proof was littered across the land in the form of blood stained sand. “Do you want to know how I found you?! The corpses you left behind, it wasn’t hard to track you.” Vash shuddered at the memory of half alive corpses being gnawed on by worms and scavengers as they laid there barely breathing. The haunted mutterings of a dead man gone mad about a black shape, of the Punisher’s return and his quest for vengeance and answers. “If I can track you the Eye of Michael really are, keeping just out of your reach. Do you know how fast word travels especially when it comes to word on the Punisher making his big return? You idiot no wonder you’re not getting anything done by yourself. Besides do you think (Y/N) is that weak that she would die so easily?”
“No.” Nicholas couldn’t help but grin at the memory of you saving him more than once.
“Exactly. So stop sulking and get ready to go, we have to rescue her.” Vash left no room for arguments, “But before we do you have to shave that stupid beard off your face.”
Nicholas glared, “She always liked it.”
“I knew she had poor taste when she married you,” he laughed slapping the undertaker on the back. He left Nicholas alone with faith that he was back on his feet and wouldn’t try anything rash. Meryl was waiting outside the door, her eyes were a little wet as she had heard the conversation. Vash embraced her trying to comfort her as he wanted her at her best as they tried to survive, to bring you back home. He had to find food as Nicholas was weak and still on the verge of collapse from not taking care of himself. It would be a hard battle and he didn’t know the horrors that laid before them, but no preparation could have readied them for what they would find.
You were dragging behind him, the exhaustion of the trip finally taking it’s toll. Nicholas tried to walk slower but no matter what pace he took, you couldn’t keep up. He couldn’t blame you as you both had been traveling for some time, it was getting to him but he couldn’t afford to show you that. He wanted to stay strong for you and help you through the blocks you stumbled across. He had known you for a couple years now and he was protective and he enjoyed the company. You were less annoying than Vash and despite having a sharp tongue like Meryl he found that he could tolerate your sharp wit better. Though he still teased you as harshly as he did the dark haired woman. He grinned at the though of you and Meryl having an all out battle of wits. He would pay good money to see that, though he’d have to put his whole wager on you. Once you got mad enough nobody was able to outwit you. He found that out several times and had ended up with a red mark on his cheek on one or more occasions.
 He smirked looking back at you, despite stumbling around you gave him a grin. You never complained sticking close to by his side, it always amazed him. When you both had first met it had seemed like chance, but now he could call it destiny as you had no reason to stay by his side. You were a bounty hunter and a good one at that. Your name traveled fast across Noman’s Land, that even he The Punisher knew just who you were. You had crossed his path, hunting another bounty when the people of the barely civilized town started shouting about the local orphanage. Without a word you and him sprung into action, taking no mercy upon the bandits that had decided they could pick upon the poor children and their caretakers. Nicholas watched in awe as you protected the little ones with no thought of your own safety, you’d even saved him a couple times that day. He grinned at the memory as you and he decided that day to not part ways but to become partners. He’d always worked alone, preferred it even. But since you came around he found that being alone wasn’t as fun anymore. You continued to carry your trusty weapon, but now using it for more than just money. You brought out the best in Nicholas and he felt better for it. He held out his hand to you as the sun begun to darken, his skin tough and calloused but still soft in it’s own way. You didn’t hesitate interlacing your fingers with his before he pressed his forehead to yours. You both continued to walk across the sand.
Vash was proving hard to keep up with to Nicholas now as his body was drained of all fight. But the stubborn man known as the Stampede refused to let his friend give up no matter what. Meryl stayed out of their way, afraid that any second Nicholas could lose it at any moment and that wasn’t far from the truth. Vash was the only one who didn’t fear him. 
Vash didn’t say much or explain he just lead his team with a strength that could only come from certainty. When he had first met you while traveling with Nicholas he knew that you were good for the Undertaker. It was a match made that benefited both parties but mostly Nicholas as he had never really had anything good in life and whatever good was ripped away in a horrible way. But now he was dealing with loss again and without proof of your demise Vash wasn’t letting the possibility that you drew breath go down in flames until he had solid evidence that you did in fact perish in the Eye of Michael’s bout of revenge. He worriedly looked back as the dark haired man stumbled, clearly losing the fight to continue onward. Vash would drag him, carry him if need be. He needed you and you needed him, it was cruel fate in this world that had brought you two together and the same fate had ripped you from him. Vash wanted to stand before fate, tell it that it wasn’t going to do such a thing to his friend, even if it meant that he had to rip you from it’s horrible grasp.
Vash had met you several years ago when he had come across Nicholas once more in his journey. It was hard for him to imagine the Undertaker settling down so quickly with one woman. But as soon as you had said your name and shook Vash’s hand, he knew immediately why Nicholas had kept you around. You laughed easily and you could turn in a second and be serious. Plus you could give The Punisher a run for his money when needed. Vash found you easy to talk to so as the fire he had built glowed in the night, Vash sat closely lost in conversation. You both exchanged stories while Meryl sat at Vash’s side. The only one who wasn’t sitting nearby the group was Nicholas. Standing in the dark, a shadow lost in the desert and the only thing you could see was his lit cigarette gleaming when he took slow drags from it. Though you couldn’t see him you could feel a slight tension in the air. You just shrugged it off mentally as him pouting for not being the center of attention. You found you liked Vash, not in the way you loved Nicholas, but the blond haired man was so easy going, he was a jewel to talk with. You forgot your problems in the midst of company and you felt like you could relax like you hadn’t gotten to in years. 
When the fire began to wane, everyone knew it was getting quite late. Vash helped you up from the sand with a gentle hand. You thanked him graciously and found your way to Nicholas. He glared at the retreating red coated man’s back. Jealousy was an ugly monster for everyone, but Nicholas had given in so easily. You weren’t going to put yourself forward to appease him as it was something that he was going to have to look on himself. You patted his cheek, leaving him there to go get yourself comfortable for sleeping. Moments later Nicholas laid down beside you, his body language stiff and full of anger. You rolled your eyes continuing to ignore him when he suddenly rolled you over. You found yourself looking straight into those livid dark eyes and without another word he kissed you deeply, putting all his frustrations out in the form of a rough and sloppy kiss. He left you breathless when he finally pulled away, pulling you possessively into his chest. He didn’t have to say a word as he felt like he had staked his claim once more. You laughed quietly letting him do whatever made him feel better. Vash was handsome but he couldn’t compare to your Nicholas.
Vash chuckled at the memory, looking back once more towards Nicholas. He seemed to be walking better now, his heavy cross no longer dragging him down so precariously. He seemed to have a new life being brought back with each step he took. Maybe hope was beginning to form back into his very being. Nicholas loved you like he had loved no other. He hid his feelings behind his cocky attitude or dark sunglasses. He refused to let anyone close or see the real him. Then he met you and he buried himself deeper, afraid that you would find the true being that hid inside. You forcefully drug him into the light, exposing all his darkness and you remained. You bared your darkness, showing him that he wasn’t alone. He wasn’t the only tragic being lost in the world. Everybody carried regrets, you were just created to help him through his. That’s why he married you, made you his officially. But just as much you were his, he was yours as well. 
He couldn’t afford to let people know of his tragedy and what he brought upon the people just trying to make their way in the horrible uncaring world. He chuckled darkly seeing the blood still dripping from his rough skin. You had wiped that away, where he could see hands to be proud of. Once you disappeared that blood reappeared stronger than ever. He was drowning in a sea of crimson and all he could do was poor more into the sea as he drowned. He didn’t care who stood in his way, if they were a part of the evil that he had once been a part of they would die. Slowly, painfully, he would wrought upon then a thousand times worse than they could possibly think of to do to you. Stealing you away from him, was going to prove being the biggest mistake that they had ever made. 
He grinned wickedly, madness once again taking over. Meryl shivered at the unhinged posture in Nicholas’ body, Vash just shook his head pain gripping his heart. You needed to still be alive, nobody else could shake him from this darkness swallowing Nicholas D. Wolfwood whole. Nicholas had once again become the man who was pushed by revenge and an objective to bring as much pain as possible to the people who wronged him. A true Punisher trekking across the sandy planet, staining it a deeper red with spilled blood of innocents and enemies alike. Vash needed your help, now more than ever.
They settled down when darkness coated the horizon and left them without a sliver of light to track. Nicholas sat far away from Vash and Meryl, preferring to be alone despite their protests. He looked up at the sky remembering looking at the worms dancing through the night sky with you. He missed those quiet moments on the porch with you. He could still feel you next to him, talking about mundane things you had done throughout the day. It made him grin as he never thought he would be able to have such a simple life with someone. The first night in the new house had been his favorite out of all the memories he shared with you.
It wasn’t much and it had been empty for so long that all the hospitality that a home brought had long ago left. But to Nicholas it looked like a mansion as he hadn’t known of much comfort in life. You were so happy to have a place to call home with your husband you adored. You wanted to be the best wife you could be for him as he wanted to be the best husband for you. You both worked together, cleaning what little you could with the little bit of supplies. There wasn’t much to eat but it felt like a feast as Nicholas sat across from you on the floor. You hummed in delight at each bite and it was catching as Nicholas began scarfing down his share. 
The night was quickly coming, darkening the few rooms to where it was hard to see. You had a couple threadbare blankets draped across the floor as a makeshift bed, but you only had one pillow. Nicholas searched for you in the dark, his hand finally finding your arm he pulled you to him. The silver light from the moons streaking across the floor and painted your smaller form in pale light. Nicholas licked his lips, finally having you to himself in private. A hunger had been stewing in his being and as soon as he closed the rickety door to the bedroom, it erupted and he had to sate himself before he went wild. 
You trembled slightly in his grip sensing his needs and feeling the same as him. Now that he could see you better thanks to the moons’ light he stroked your hair letting the long tendrils slip through his fingers while the other roamed your feminine form. You stroked his face, feeling the sharp lines of his jaw littered with a sparse beard. He explored you as he opened himself to you. He untangled his fingers from your soft locks to thread through your fingers. He kissed the back of your hand, littering every scar and callous with a loving kiss and making his way up your arm. Nicholas nibbled at your neck causing you to moan and moving your head to give him better access before he pressed his forehead to yours. He stood there for awhile just enjoying taking in your scent and the feel of your body against his burning one. He was an impatient man and when you tugged at the few buttons that he kept buttoned on his shirt did his patience fly out the window. Before laying you down on the blankets laid across the floor he removed the shirt that had you so desperately tried to remove yourself. Nicholas hovered above you pressing kisses wherever he could, losing himself to you in the darkness. You held onto him tightly, grasping his back as he devoured you.
Nicholas awoke to sunlight streaming through the window across him and your bodies pressed together. Your haired glowed like a halo in the light and your skin a caramel kissed by the golden rays. He sucked in a breath as he lost himself in your beauty. He could still fell your lips pressed against his while you nipped at his collarbone. Your body tattooed against his fingertips and scratches littered across his scarred back. He chuckled laying back but still holding you into his side. He dug a cigarette from his abandoned pants laying in a pile on the floor. He lit a match, igniting the cigarette and blowing a cloud up in the air. You groaned in your sleep, tapping his bare chest.
“No smoking in the house,” you mumbled causing him to chuckle.
“Let me have this just this once,” he replied. “You tired me out last night.”
“You’re the one who thought once wasn’t enough,” you glared sleepily but relented in the argument with pink tinged cheeks. He squeezed you, thanking everything he could think of that he had you laid beside him in his little world.
Married life became easier and easier as the days passed. Nicholas found a job where he could bring a little money home to you and you were able to stay home to greet him every day. That was his favorite time of the day as you waited at the door, the light shining behind you silhouetting your shapely form just for him. Some nights he would just kiss you, others he would spin you around before kissing you, if he was feeling really lively he would dip you then press hot kisses to your mouth before deepening them. But majority of the time he would interlace your fingers together, kiss you deeply, tongue stroking against yours, and then press his forehead to yours. You had said that those were your absolute favorite, so he indulged you with this type of affection every time he could. He remembered one evening you were beyond ecstatic for him to be home. You had your hands behind your back as you danced from foot to foot. Nicholas began to wonder if someone had put worms down your pants when you pulled a piece of fabric from behind your back.
“I sewed us some curtains so maybe the sun won’t bother you as much in the mornings,” you shouted gleefully. Though definitely not sewn by a professional with the stitching all crooked and imperfect. You were so proud of yourself that Nicholas couldn’t help but fall in love with you further and love the curtains you made for the home. The next evening you had made him a handkerchief that he wore in his pocket proudly. That fateful morning though when he left, everything had been normal. You sent him off with lunch and a quick kiss. You always stood in the doorway watching him leave until you could see him no longer, then you’d go back inside and do whatever needed to be done. 
Nicholas had been excited all day to leave work, to go home and see you as he earned a little extra income, so he stopped on his way home to buy a special treat for you both. With a slice of cake in tow for each of you he headed home. He expected to see you standing in the doorway like normal, waiting for his return. But instead of your form greeting him, he was met with smoke as his and your house smoldered from a raging fire. He screamed, dropping the treats into the sand while he stumbled down the dunes of sand between him and home. He called your name, screaming it until his throat strained. Still you didn’t answer, the smoke stung his eyes causing tears to stream down his dirty face as he took in his destroyed home. The curtains you had made so carefully fluttering in singed tatters. Still no sign of you remained just large puddles of blood and then a long streak that ended a few yards out in the desert. Nicholas knew immediately who had done such a thing, he found his machine gun he had put away just for you, scorched but still in working order and set off to destroy the people who took you from him.
Nicholas groaned in his sleep, patting at his side to try and find you lying right beside him. All his hand met was cold sand and the cool metal of his machine gun. He huffed as the memories of your disappearance rushed back all at once. He heaved a sigh pushing himself upwards and looking towards the horizon. The first pink light of morning greeted him as did Vash’s snores and Meryl’s quiet breathing. He pulled a cigarette and rose from the ground before lighting it. He smoked several before the other two even started to stir. He had thought hard about just leaving them again, but Vash had the uncanny ability of being exactly where Nicholas didn’t want him, so to save himself rage he decided to stay. Vash knew exactly where he was going and despite his best efforts Nicholas hadn’t made any headway in finding you. If Vash was correct that you still were alive, he’d owe that stupid needle noggin a drink. Several drinks. He scoffed throwing down the stub left of his cigarette and put it out with his shoe.
“Glad of you to join me,” he growled. “You two going to get up or do I have to start the day myself?”
“Breakfast first,” Meryl replied before turning over and falling back to sleep. Vash chuckled but Nicholas was not amused.
  Once they were back making progress Nicholas didn’t seem as anxious, though he was walking better today than he had yesterday. He couldn’t shake the feeling that you were close. His heart was hammering against his chest and he couldn’t fight down the butterflies in his stomach. His eyes darted around, trying to spot any movement or sights of anything particular. All he could see was the large expanse of sand stretching as far as the eyes can see. Vash was talking with Meryl, both laughing about something Vash said when Nicholas suddenly stopped and stiffened. He caught a scent on the air and the gleam of metal a few yards away.
“Get down,” he roared racing back to the others. He jumped, tackling them to the sand when a gunshot rang out. A high caliber sniper rifle by the sound of it. Nicholas returned fire, his stomach suddenly sick. The gunshots echoed through the sky, bouncing off the mountains miles away. Nicholas snarled, baring his teeth as he spun his weapon around.
“Sniper,” Vash yelled pushing Meryl back further.
“Thanks for the info,” Nicholas snarled. “I didn’t notice!”
“This is no time for being sarcastic,” Meryl screamed trying to protect her head.
“Then tell your boyfriend quit stating the obvious,” Nicholas roared again returning fire. Another shot echoed hitting the sand next to his feet. Nicholas danced around trying to make himself a harder target. Vash scurried around trying to keep from being hit. Shots were exchanged over and over again, filling the expanse with nothing but the sounds of gunfire like some sadistic orchestra. Nicholas panted, trying to reload as fast as he could, before he spotted a blond blur race across the sand. Nicholas cursed abandoning reloading to chase after the idiot. He should of known Vash wasn’t going to make this easy for him as he caught up to him.
“What are you doing?!”
“I can’t let you two kill each other,” Vash replied still running. Another shot rang out, hitting the sand between them. Vash yelped and Nicholas cursed again.
“You’re going to get yourself killed instead you idiot,” Nicholas threw an empty clip at him. Vash only laughed crazily while dodging the clip.
“Stop laughing!”
It was obvious where they’re attacker was laid up as they kept shooting at him and Vash while they raced towards where the shots were coming from. Nicholas was finally able to reload before they got there and the sight before them chilled his blood. The Eye of Michael had done it again. Thoughts of Livio raced forward churning his stomach but this time he couldn’t tell who the person was before him. It was a woman, the majority of her face covered by a metal mask. Her hair had been cut haphazardly, leaving it choppy and wild. Eyes that normally would show emotion and thoughts behind them, were blank and her movements were robotic. Nicholas raised, aiming at their attacker when Vash bumped into him.
“Watch it needle noggin,” he shoved him away.
“Don’t kill her,” Vash yelled once again racing forward putting himself in harms way.
“She’s trying to kill us!”
“She’s being controlled,” Vash tried to get Nicholas out of killing mode. The dark haired man wasn’t having it as he aimed again. But this time Vash stepped in front of the woman. Nicholas cursed, contemplating just shooting through Vash and killing them both in one go. At least he’d have some form of revenge against his attacker and get rid of a headache to boot. At last his more rational side tore through and he lowered the gun. But it wasn’t wasted on him that she pulled a pistol from behind her back, shooting at Vash who was still dodging bullets like it was some sort of deadly dance. Nicholas charged forward his feet churning up sand as he reared the large, heavy machine gun with his whole body and swung it like a bat. He hit the strange assassin at her side sending her sideways several feet.
“Quit playing patty cake with her,” Nicholas shouted. “You’re going to die! We end this now!”
“Don’t,” Vash panted. “Don’t kill her Nicholas.”
Nicholas racked another round into the chamber, “Yeah cause she’s so intent on making up and becoming friends.”
“You’ll regret it,” Vash tried to argue.
“There’s bigger things that I regret. Taking out another nobody is not going to be another one.”
She still laid sprawled out, trying to rise from the ground. Nicholas reared a foot back sending it into her side, cracking a rib and putting her on her back. She didn’t even cry out in pain due to the control she was under. It reminded him so much of Livio it made his arm tremble as he aimed. He put a foot on her chest keeping her pinned. He shook his head trying to rid himself of doubts, it gave her freedom to suddenly reach for her boot and pull a knife. Without a second thought she plunged it into Nicholas’ thigh. He grunted stumbling backwards as blood began to ooze down his thigh.
“You sorry,” he started but she ambushed him. Swinging and shooting, he barely kept up. Twisting his body, stepping backwards, and using his cross as a shield. With the barrage he couldn’t return anything until she stumbled. He swung across hitting her straight across the jaw. His hand cracked but her mask shattered. What he saw next caused him to sink down and scream out in anguish.
His (Y/N) stood right before him, her stare as blank as the dead. What made her her was nowhere to be found as she continued to rock from the hit he just gave her. Vash dropped his head feeling Nicholas’ despair coat the atmosphere.
“No! No no no no! It can’t be,” his voice cracked. All he could do was scream at the sky and curse everything that had brought him here to this moment. He wanted to find you so bad, but he never wanted to find you this way. Brainwashed and used for something you weren’t meant to. It was Livio all over again and he found it worse. They tainted you, stripping you from your humanity making you into a killing machine. He should have seen it, should have protected you. His failures all came crashing down burying him quickly to where he could drown from the overwhelming anguish.
“Don’t kill her,” Vash cried trying to crawl forward.
“I,” Nicholas heaved as he teetered on the verge of throwing up and taking his own life again. “I can’t! I can’t do it!”
“Save her,” Vash tried again.
“I can’t!”
“You can! Nicholas please!”
“Kill me,” Nicholas pleaded. “Vash shoot me please I can’t stand it!”
“She needs you,” Vash screamed tears flowing down his cheeks. Nicholas sobbed loudly, his tears staining the sand while blood spread around him from the knife still lodged in his thigh.
“They took her from me! Kill me Vash!”
“I am not shooting you!” Vash was growing angry. He had felt such despair like Nicholas was feeling, but not getting up and dealing with the problem was solving nothing. Nicholas couldn’t look at your face without the guilt eating at his insides.
“Nicholas she’s crying,” Vash finally made it to his side forcing the Undertaker to look up. Sure enough you stood before the two men, whole body shaking and tears flowing freely from one eye that wasn’t swelling shut.
“She’s still in there don’t give up on her. She’s fighting,” Vash shook Nicholas violently. “Get your stupid pigheaded butt up and save your wife right now or I may just change my mind and shoot you anyway!”
Nicholas rose, his legs shaking. He stumbled almost falling back down as his body fought the whole way. She was right there, not in a good state but he had wanted to find her. It had felt like his sole purpose when she was stolen from him. Now she was here and needed him now more than ever. He would have crawled through the very pits of torment to find her and bring her back. He had never thought about them turning her into a weapon. Before finding him she had been the best bounty hunter. She could give him a run for his money when it came to aim and fighting. It made him chuckle at their shooting contests before grimacing. She was definitely better on her game as he still was sporting her wound that made walking harder. He would lose all the blood in his body if it would bring her back, he would let her shoot him before he ever riddled her lovely body with bullet holes. He almost did and it made him sick. He was stupid he should have realized it was her way before he broke the horrible mask they had forced upon her.
“(Y/N),” he smirked before coughing up blood. “Come back to me.”
She shook her head, fighting for control but the programming was taking it’s toll as she reached for another pistol. Nicholas walked right into the barrel, encircling her wrist with his hand and lowering the weapon to point to the ground. She fought at first her strength waning as she tried to raise it back up to his face. He kept a steady grip keeping it pointed down while he wiped the blood on his pants leg off his other hand. He reached up stroking her cheek, she flinched from the touch before calming back down.
  “N…N,” she tried to speak and he shushed her. He trailed downwards from her cheek, sliding across her neck, and down her arm to where he could grasp her hand. Stroking at the skin on the back of her hand he gave himself time before threading her digits with his. She gasped in a breath, light going in and out of her eyes. He grinned taking his time with bringing her back to him. Leaning downwards Nicholas took in her scent, his hot breath puffing across the skin of her collarbone and neck. She shivered involuntary the old (Y/N) still under the surface fighting to get out. He took his time looking right into her eyes before he finally made it to his destination. Nicholas gently placed his forehead to hers.
“Wake up already would you,” he whispered breathlessly. She gasped in his grasp and fell to the ground. Nicholas caught her, grunting from the weight on his injured leg. You cried loudly, unable to move just laying limply in Nicholas’ arms.
“I’m sorry,” you sobbed ashamed to look in the face of your husband. “I’m so sorry.”
“No,” Nicholas shushed you kissing you deeply. “I’m the one who should be sorry. This is all my fault.”
“I tried to kill you,” you wailed. “You and Vash! And Meryl!” Tears wouldn’t stop flowing as they streaked the dirt and blood across your face.
“It’s not like you never wanted to kill me before,” he chuckled darkly.
You couldn’t help but laugh a little, “No never kill. Maybe stab a couple of times or something but I don’t think I could live without you.”
Nicholas grimaced moving his leg around a little with the knife handle still sticking up. “Well you succeeded in getting one stab in at least.”
You gasped touching the handle and causing him to hiss. “Still a little tender,” he winked.
“I’m sorry!”
“I’m not,” he whispered. “Thank you for coming back to me.”
“Thank you for bringing me back,” you whispered back. “Though you did bust my face up and break one of my ribs.” Nicholas grimaced but wasted no time in kissing you again. Vash stumbled back to where Meryl waited to check up on her and giving you two a little privacy. You tended to Nicholas and yourself as best as you could, you would need to get you both to the nearest town for an actual doctor to take care of your and his wounds. But for now you both wanted to just stay there for a little while longer and not think of all the horrible things that just happened. Nicholas cursed a little later when he remembered he promised Vash drinks if he was correct in your state. Though you hadn’t been yourself when found, you were still alive. You looked at your husband worriedly before he waved the concern away. You would just laugh at his dilemma anyway. Vash helped you two get back home after Nicholas and you had been seen by a professional doctor and cleared to go home.
You took in the state of you and Nicholas’ home, hot tears coming quickly at the state of the wreckage. Nicholas held you close knowing that you two were more than a house.
“Anywhere with you is home to me,” he finally spoke after you cried for a little while. “We’ll build it back better than ever.”
“We don’t have to,” you said worried about the funds.
“I’ll keep working and we’ll use it to build it however you want,” he kissed you. “Your wish is my command m’lady.”
“Can we get a room in town to stay until then?”
“Already on it.” Nicholas lead you towards the darkened city. “Vash is useful when he’s not being annoying.”
You laughed, “He’s your best friend.”
“Unfortunately,” Nicholas snorted. You laughed, refusing to let go of Nicholas. You had been so afraid that you would never get to see him again when you were captured. You had thought about him every moment of every day until they had stripped everything from you. Then all you could remember is the blackness that engulfed you. You shivered at the thought of the blank being they had created from you. Nicholas mistakenly took your shivers as you being cold as he held you tighter. He never wanted to lose you in such a way ever again. He didn’t care that his past had come back to haunt him, he didn’t care who he had to take out. As long as you were safe and by his side he needing nothing else. You were his everything his world that he wouldn’t give up for anything. He looked down at you with a warm smile.
“I think I need to catch up on the loving you’ve been holding out on me,” he smirked and you blushed.
You slapped his chest, “Pervert. Is that all you think about?”
“When it comes to you yes. And how am I a pervert when I’m your husband?”
You huffed looking away teasingly, “You just are it’s your natural mentality.”
“Like you don’t think about me in a perverted way.”
“I beg to differ,” he snorted leaning in towards your ear. “Remember that one night…”
“Stop,” you screeched blush rushing down to your neck. Nicholas laughed causing your heart to skip a beat. How you had missed him, you never wanted to be taken away from him ever again. You stepped closer intertwining your fingers. Nicholas bumped your forehead quickly as he didn’t want to stop walking. The desert was becoming cold and he was ready for a room to spend the night with you once more. He had found you and he didn’t care what he had done to get you back by his side. He never regretted anything and he would tell anyone who asked that he would do everything the same as the outcome had brought you back. He squeezed you tighter losing himself in your presence. You were his paradise, it didn’t matter where he was at as long as he had you and you felt the same way. The worms light the sky as you both came to the city, ready to rebuild your lives after the terror had torn it apart. Hand in hand you both faced the future bravely and ready for whatever arose.
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tenabrye · 1 year
SFW alphabet for Wolfwood plz? 👀
Tooth-rotting sweetness right here.
(wasn't sure which version, and even though this was done with the original in mind, it could also apply for his rebooted self)
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Very affectionate, especially with his partner. He usually shows it with little kisses on the cheek, nose, or forehead. He also loves hand holding and drawing little circles on the back of their hand with his thumb. Will also snake an arm around their waist and just keep them close to him.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He's a fun bestfriend for sure. Despite his childhood and upbringing, he still knows how to be goofy. The absolute BEST way for a friendship to start with him is definitely as kids. If not this way, then it's definitely someone having found him half dead in the sand and nursing him back to health.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
The cuddle KING. Well, next to Vash, of course. His type of cuddles are either side cuddles, with an arm draped over the person's waist, or he has them lying on top of him with both arms wrapped around them.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He would love nothing more than to settle down with someone, assuming he got out of his "work". I KNOW we weren't blind to that one episode where he helped that mom with cooking, so yes, he can cook. Very well, might I add. Makes them taste buds act up. Cleaning is just so common to him, as it's a basic need-to-know skill that everyone should know, so yes, he also knows how to clean, too.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It's not easy for him to end things with a partner, especially if he was emotionally invested with them. He most certainly ends things face to face rather than just simply leaving in the middle of the night. He's not that kind of man. The way he does it is bringing up that they need to have a discussion, but it's just so difficult for him and he knows that they know what's about to happen because of the expression on their face, which doesn't make it any easier to end the relationship. He'll force himself to continue, saying how and why they should end things and go their separate ways. He'll want to end it on a peaceful note, and he can't automatically cut off all contact with them because it's such a small world and he knows they'll see one another again. Maybe. He holds no grudges against them and hopes they do the same for him.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
If he commits himself to a relationship, then yeah, he HAS thought about future commitment with his partner. He likes the thought of loving just one person forever. When it comes to actually getting married, he doesn't want it to be fast. Maybe after a year, or a year and a half. He just wants to spend as much time beforehand with his partner and making sure it's also what they'd want before he pops that question.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
The second gentlest man ever, since the first is obviously Vash, but he would never bring harm, especially to his partner. Both physically and emotionally. His past has made him that way. That smile on his face is genuine, and don't think for a second that it isn't.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He loves them when he can get them, or give them. Especially if his partner wants some. He really only gives hugs out to his partner or to any children that seem as though a hug would make them feel better, with their consent, obviously. His hugs are secure, loving, and they bring relief to anyone enveloped in his arms. If he's in a goofy mood, he'll swing his partner around when trapping them into a hug.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Not as fast as one might think. He's the type to make sure things aren't moving too fast and that his partner actually feels the same before the words ever leave his lips. He doesn't understand the point in saying that to someone if they don't, or won't, feel the same about him.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Only ever jealous if he notices someone is making a move on his partner. He deals with it one of two ways. The first being that he'll insert himself oh so casually into the conversation the person is having with his partner, his arm wrapping around their waist in a possessive manner, which usually gives them the hint. The second way is that he just stands behind or beside his partner and practically glares at the person until they go away, only to go to his happy and smiling face when they run off and his partner turns around to face him.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are tender and loving, and they taste like whiskey and cigarettes. The lips are really his go-to when kissing his partner, but he loves kissing their forehead, cheeks, and even giving a quick, little kiss to their nose. If he's feeling extra romantic, he'll kiss the back of their hand, trailing said kisses up their arm before peppering their neck with them. He also loves being kissed in those exact same spots, but there's just something special to him about lip and forehead kisses. Can't put his finger on it, but he just loves them.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He's so sweet with them. He still lives by the fact that he doesn't believe all of them are inherently good, considering some do know right from wrong, but he can't help the little smile he shows when seeing them in town, playing as if they have no care in the world or about the issues of it. Perhaps he even envies them a little, considering what his own childhood was like. He isn't like Vash and won't play with them, mainly because he's a bit awkward with the whole faking being shot, but he'll happily watch his partner play with them instead.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Unless they have to leave town ASAP, he's having a lazy morning with his partner. Cue the sweet cuddling, the laughter from his partner as he peppers their face with kisses, his stubble tickling their skin. Will definitely lay in bed with them until noon, at the very least. It'll probably be one in the afternoon at most, but he just enjoys spending time with his partner like this. He never knows when it could be taken away from him in the blink of an eye.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Unless something keeps him busy, he's back at the hotel room an hour or two before dusk hits. He's a tired man and he enjoys sleeping early most of the time, but will actually stay up with his partner and just listen as they talk about their day, or tell them how his went if they ask. Obviously, he won't speak of the, uh, gorier parts of his day.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He most definitely has to have a certain level of trust within the relationship before he even thinks about opening up to his partner. At least six months, maybe seven, before he starts, because his past really is a lot to unpack for someone that hasn't gone through what he has. He's slow when revealing it, unless something like a near death experience or the like occurs, which prompts him into talking about it to his partner.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It's not so much anger as it is annoyance. We've seen how annoyed he can be at Vash at times, only ever really getting angry with him at the end when he had to kill the child and Vash voiced his opinions on the matter. Other than that, his patience is so-so, it just really depends on the situation. He knows some call for him to be calm and collected, but sometimes he can really just let himself go. Especially if his partner is thrown into the mix. He won't ever get angry at them, and if he does he doesn't stay that way for long. He takes the time to be alone and collect his thoughts, and to also calm down and think about the situation.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Has a very good memory and actually will remember so much about his partner. Birthday, their likes and dislikes, whether they're allergic or not and what they are allergic to if they are, etc. Never forgets ANYTHING.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Definitely has to be when his partner first helped him. The man never thinks to take any food or water with him when travelling through the vast, sand-filled desert, so he often gets into such situations as the one they found him in. He always refers to them as their little angel sent to save him. He'll never forget your kindness that day.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Very, my dear. He's killed a lot of people, so he really won't hesitate to stick a bullet in between someone's skull if they so much as touched his partner. Of course, he prefers to not have violence be the first option when dealing with someone, but won't throw it out if he sees it fit for the situation. Watching his back is what he sees as a form of protection for himself. His partner taking out any snipers or extras that he may have missed, or even saving his ass from getting his brains blown out leaves him incredibly grateful to them.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Considering he has an excellent memory, especially about his partner, he's definitely being romantic on special dates. The man kills people for a living, aside for his, y'know, holier duties, so he's got the money for those expenses. Candle-lit dinners, the finest liquor and meat for the occasions, and other pleasing gifts for his partner.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
His vices are definitely liquor and smoking, but at least he's not an alcoholic. Chain smoker? That's pretty debatable, depending on the situation. He also has a nasty habit of dwelling on past deeds, the real nasty jobs he's had to do, and often thinks of himself as such a lowly man in the end for having done the killings. Please, for the sake of his wellbeing, give this man a hug.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He's not concerned considering the fact that he does know how good looking he is, but it's not like he flaunts it around like a prick would. He could get punched in the face and have a black eye for a couple days, yet he wouldn't freak out over it having ruined his face until it heals.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Wolfwood kind of is one of those guys that would feel incomplete if his partner died or suddenly left him in the middle of the night. At least for a few months, because he's always got the questions of WHY on his mind. Did he do something wrong? Why didn't they tell him about it? Or, if they died, why couldn't he be more of a man to protect them? Poor baby beats himself UP if they were to die. But he knows they want him to keep living, so he does, until his time comes for him to hopefully join them.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Has a fear of roaches due to his childhood. That guardian of his most likely had this man sleeping in such a filthy room that was crawling with roaches and, because of that, he developed a fear of them. Please, please, PLEASE don't poke fun at him for it, because he associates each roach he sees with his childhood and his awful, deceased guardian, and he'd rather not think about that.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
In general, adults that are just way too positive in life. Do they not balance it out with the negatives? It, sadly, does rub him the wrong way because how can they live life so carefree and happy all the time? It's everything HE wants, so he dislikes it. When it comes to a partner, there's not much that can make him dislike them. Unless they had an absolutely annoying habit, but he's adaptable, so he'd think of a way to bypass it somehow. Won't fix the issue because that's what makes his partner them.
Z = Zzz (What are their sleep habits?)
His sleeping habit consists of cuddling with his partner at night, either listening to them telling him a story of sorts in bed, or him doing the same to them. His partner most likely falls asleep before him, to which he takes the time to smoke one cigarette and then sleep. He lets their soft snores put him to sleep.
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otaku-tyriq · 2 months
Hi again.....Thanks for answering my ask. Do you mind if I ask your top 5 (or top 10) favorite moments from any anime (can be series or movies)? Sorry if you have already answered this ask before.....
Ohhhh this ask is fun but also pretty hard to answer cuz there are so many anime I love! Anyways: SPOILERS FOR THESE SPECIFIC ANIME UNDER THE CUT: Promare, Trigun Stampede, Classicaloid, Yuuri on Ice, Moriarty the Patriot, Tiger and Bunny, Scott Pilgrim takes off, Vanitas no Carte, Naruto and DGray Man
1) The kiss of life from Promare
This and Galo saving Lio after he had been kidnapped just gives Galo and Lio as a ship major classic disney couple vibes like Sleeping Beauty or Snow White and has essentially sedimented Galolio as one of my favourite ships of all time for the rest of my days.
2) Because I am Vash the Stampede from Trigun Stampede
Literally the moment this entire series had built up towards, the two twins’ ideologies clashing and Vash proclaiming that no matter what he will always love humanity.
3) Every time Schubert says Beethoven Senpai from Classicaloid
It’s just pure comedy gold and cracks me up EVERY TIME!
4) Victuuri Proposal from Yuuri!!! on Ice
I mean…. It’s a canon gay proposal and one of the most influential queer representations in all of Anime. How could I NOT love this???
5) Live Liam from Moriarty the Patriot
I will admit this was a hard choice between the first time Liam and Sherlock meet and the "catch me if you can, Mr. Holmes” scene, but my final decision ended up being this one. Just the build up and Sherlock being too damn stubborn to even think about letting Liam become a Martyr. The speech of talking Liam out of committing suicide for the greater good and that he is not the monster he thinks he is aaaaahhhhhh i love it all. But I love this scene especially because I am a slut for characters jumping of high places to save their loved one.
6) You are not dying, Kotetsu from Tiger & Bunny
Literally the main reason why I ship these two and believe they’re in love. Just beautiful and tragic and Barnaby having learned how to cook Kotetsu’s favourite dish aaawwweeeee.
7) Wallace’s husband from Scott Pilgrim takes off
Is it the best joke in the anime? Nah there are objectively better ones out there. Does this line live rent free in my head regardless? Yes
8) That gay ass Dance Scene from Vanitas no Carte
9) Gaara vs. Rock Lee from Naruto
I had loved Rock Lee since the very moment he had shown up on screen the first time, but this moment right here, especially when he took off those weights, solidified him as my favourite naruto character for eternity. Just this boys unyielding determination to achieve his dream even without being able to use any ninjutsu is remarkable.
10) The Earl plays the 14th melody from Dgray Man
It’s …. Idk how to explain it, to hear a song previously associated with the hero of the show, being played slightly off key by the main antagonist sends chills down my spine.
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slothpoth · 10 months
Trigun Social Media Au: Usernames
I talked about it on stream for a while and now I have username ideas so TAKE IT !!!! (Some may be subject to change)
Vash ➬ VPeace143
“Omg sloth that’s so corny you should’ve just made it donutlover225367282” yeah we’ll are you gonna box me about it mf you don’t think Vash would have some corny ass user, dickhead???
ANYWAYS in this au he’s a youtuber so obviously he’s gonna get a very youtuber user
Like VPeace just rolls off the tongue in an intro like “Hey guys! It’s VPeace here and in todays video I’m gonna be seeing how many hot wheels it takes to carry a watermelon across the road without getting hit!”
Wolfwood ➫ cig.angel
Yes he’s emo how could you tell
He really is a Tiktokker who is either showing up in Vash’s videos or streaming
Can you imagine how funny it is to hear “Hey guys it’s me, VPeace with my compadre…” “….it’s cig.angel.”
He wanted to be edgy and now he has to verbally say it aloud over and over
His is really the one that’s subject to change because I feel like I’ll find something better than cig.angel and if anything it’ll be a canonical name change
Meryl ➬ MerylSpeaks
Get it? Like Meryl Streep and Meryl Stryfe?? She’s so creative Ik
She’s gonna be a drama/Reddit story youtuber/podcaster so they gotta know what’s goin on
She has an aesthetically pleasing layout on every social media and a color scheme don’t play with her
Milly ➫ MillsWills
I have given you the highest honor….rhyming username
Milly is gonna be a more chilled out general influencer who cooks sometimes, very cozy Yknow
MillsWills is such a Milly user isn’t it??
I think I’m gonna do the gunho guns + knives in a different post lol so look out for it (I also wanna make art for these)
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eggsaladsandwhic · 1 year
Ive been reading all these ungodly good College AU Trigun fics recently, and honestly think im just gonna write a whole fanfic. I likely post the Vash and Nai headcannons I have separately.
Some ideas I've been brewing and will just dump:
World building
- Future AU, but making it take place in the Midwest. Thinking interstellar vibes for this fic.
- Vash and Knives are still plants, and are trying to find a way to heal Earth.
- Rem is alive! She's wants her boys to get environmental science or ecology degrees.
- Plants are upper dimensional aliens, and the twins are the only ones tied to humanity.
- Seeds project is a private government sector experiment run by a council of scientists. (Rem being one of them)
- Fix it! fic
Yes There Will Be Romance
- Poly fic
- Snails pace slow burn
- I love platonic affection so there will be plenty
- No plantcest (sorry you weirdos)
- NSFW (I cannot resist not writing plantdick and maybe plantussy?) So minors DNI
- Vash x Original Female? Character x Knives
- OC is a whole farm kid, is her mother's daughter, but also grandfather's grandson type beat.
- Nurodivergent OC
- Environmental Science Major/ Geology and Soil science focused OC
- Low-key got some health issues though like asthma, anemia, and poor UV resistance
- OC works at a late night bakery
- (She/they) though if you called her one of dudes she'd be so happy.
- OC Hobbies: Rocks, Bones, plants, DND, video games, thought provoking movies, nature documentaries, tenor saxophone, and so much indie folk music
- Literally one of the few humans Nai can stand (she's literally an enigma to him, why is this human so soft and kind, but why is she so angry and nihilistic).
- OC meets Nai in environmental ethics...antics ensue.
- OC accidentally Pavlov's Vash (homestyle cooking be damned)
-you can def read this as a self insert but it makes it easier for writing
Some titles I'm thinking on
Anthropocentrism, Petunias and Bluebells, A Sky Like I've Never Seen.
Anyway gimme some suggestions and ideas I'm pretty open
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needle-noggins · 10 months
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okay @madnessmadness and anyone else within the venn diagram of ttrpgs and trigun: extremely long overdue explanation of how I accidentally made Knives in a Wizard Tower the big bad of my Dnd campaign:
So. I'll preface this by saying that I stumbled into Trigun after cooking up this particular guy. I saw the clip of baby Nai laughing as the ships fell and went Oh that's what I pictured for my campaign's backstory so I watched Tristamp and everything lined up a little too perfectly.
For starters, when my players and I sat down to start this campaign, we spent the first 6ish hours just building the world. They had a ton of input and came up with a few crazy things, like a giant desert filled with ancient tech that no one understands and some wild west towns; and the ancient tech was from a hypermagical society that mysteriously collapsed and there was genocide involved too? They basically set me up for this.
My big bad is a reflavored Karsus, the wizard in canon Forgotten Realms dnd lore who tried to become a god and fucked up magic for everyone else (Karsus's Folly -> the Spellplague). This also takes a lot of inspiration from Critical Role's Calamity, what with huge cities in the sky falling and the collapse of a hypermagical society thanks to drama between gods and mortals. I sprinkled in Prince of Egypt flavor and gave him a brother who tried to fix all the stuff Karsus fucked up. Said brother, Tarovir, was an accomplice to Karsus but tried to stop him when he realized how unethical Karsus' attempt at apotheosis was. This failed and Karsus essentially died horrifically, leaving Tarovir to wander a destroyed world and try to bury the essentially radioactive, corrupting magic unravelling around them. People distrusted him, knowing he had been on the Unethical Wizard Council and was Karsus's brother, but he keeps trying, fueled by guilt and shame. Some shit happens and Tarovir dies trying to send refugees through a portal to the feywild. Whoops.
Tarovir is reincarnated centuries later as our party's horizons walker ranger, who has no memory of his past life but is getting bits and pieces via weird portals back in time as the party travels around the map. This ranger is so fucking vash-coded. That was also unintentional. The player hasn't even seen Trigun, but she's playing a lonely half-orc who pushes people away and wields a gun and wanders the desert and has an inexplicable connection to the ancient tech that's being rediscovered from that era of High Magic... hm. Wait a sec.
Anyway. Karsus is back (party doesn't know yet) as what remained of him was discovered by a vampire (big bad #2, let's think of him as Legato but a male manipulator instead of a trafficking victim) who saw what was left of Karsus and went, yes, i'm imprinting on this guy like a baby bird, he was so powerful, let me resurrect him. This guy, Vaemyx... I'm just trying to say that he sucks (and not just bc he's a vampire). He has absolutely no empathy whatsoever and he's a little too obsessed with Karsus's delusions of power and his ex-girlfriend (the warlock's Feywild patron). Anyway. I think i got away from the point, which is that Karsus is now sitting around plotting how he's going to achieve apotheosis but better this time, and he's puppeting Vaemyx to do his bidding about it. He's going to get it right, and he's going to find the reincarnation of his brother, and he's going to use his brother's innate connection to magic again and harness the very essence of all magic that flows through the world and control it, damn it.
Oh shit, I also just remembered that our paladin was a former paladin of the cult that Vaemyx also controls and she's in the weird process of breaking her oath but also kinda towing the line to avoid repercussions (this is about to fail spectacularly). That player has seen Trigun and already connected this girl to Wolfwood and his inner conflict. Yay.
I'll also say that Karsus' method of trying to achieve godhood kills a lot of people and fucks with necromancy (of course) (very FMAB style) and he has no qualms about this because, actually, non-magical and non-high wizards are scum to him. So he really doesn't give a fuck about collapsing society as he knew it except for the fact that his attempt didn't work the first time. And Vaemyx shares a similar hatred for people and wants to prove himself/also has some fucked up rejection dysmorphia and decides to make it everyone else's problem.
Anyway. I made high fantasy trigun on accident. Sorta.
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chris-continues · 1 year
I've got something for you chris! taking tiny vash plushie out and about to have a field day on all the sweets his little heart can desire. that is all :>
The cutest companion
And also the softest!
Vash plushie and reader (PLATONIC PAIRING)
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How had you even ended up with a plush companion?
He truly was good company, though. Nights were far less lonely, and your travels were much more enjoyable.
Well, as enjoyable as trekking in the desert with blazing heat can be.
Vash wasn’t an extra mouth to feed, nor did you have to pay for an extra room at an inn for him, but he occasionally asked for sweets. In many cases, you’d have to turn him down..
It was hard. Having to say no to his absolutely adorable plushie face, the stitching forming a pout as he whined, but respected your choice nonetheless. You hated turning him down. While he couldn’t fight, he had definitely aided you througout your travels. An extra pair of eyes looking out for you, a great friend, someone who eased the loneliness that came with your life.
With travels came arriving in a new town, and thankfully you’d managed to come across a place with a sizable market. Several stalls made of crates and whatnot lined the streets, dust kicking with each step. Vash peeped out from your pocket, gazing with awe and wonder.
“Are you gonna get anything?” He piped up, little nub hands holding onto the makeshift pocket you’d sewn onto your jacket with leftover scraps. He deserved a comfy seat, and you wouldn’t say you did a bad job.
But you nodded, “Mhm. Remember how I did some extra jobs last town?”
“Yeah?” His little head turned to look at you with curiosity.
“We’re gonna get donuts.” You gave him a soft smile and kept looking, as he almost jumped out of your pocket in excitement.
“Really?! You mean it?”
“Mhm.” You nod, continuing to look as he buzzed with excitement- literally, you could feel it against your chest. “Calm down man, I’ll get you some soon, ok? You deserve it.”
He tried to calm himself down, looking with you before notifying you of something- “On your left! There’s some!”
You look over to your left, and by god there was a donut stall. Baked goods were a rarity, and this one looked pretty well off for a bakery on a sandball such as No Man’s Land. “Wait, can you even eat?” Doubt swelled in you as you approached the stall, planning on two plain glazed donuts.
“Of course I can! For enjoyment. I just like eating your cooking, you make everything taste good!”
You awed at him, patting his cute cloth head gently before turning to purchase your donuts, feeling the little guy buzz in excitement.
You’d found a secluded enough bench to sit him beside you and eat. He was so cute, little nub hands supporting the donut as he took little nibs, occasionally tearing off chunks into his mouth instead of biting.
“Thank you.. for staying with me.”
His embroidered and stitched cerulean eyes gazed up at you curiously, “Of course I would! You’re my best friend!” He squeaked out, scooting closer with the donut wobbling in his little nubs.
You smiled fondly, his glaze lips beaming up at you in return. “You’re my best friend too.”
Chatter and momentary silence filled your conversations, enjoying each other’s company. Vash truly was the best companion you could ever ask for.
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aubieinsanity · 1 year
Just spent way too much time scrolling around reading trigun meta and I need to scream to somebody I hope you don’t mind
I’m going crazy because I just realized how likely it is that tristamp!Eriks might think he killed Meryl and Wolfwood (and Roberto) since not only is his memory spotty, and he had zero indication that they actually got out of the city before it when kablooey. All he probably knows right now is that July is gone, 90% of the people who were there are dead, and it was his fault.
I’m so curious how they’re gonna handle Eriks since the circumstances around him are so different. July was significantly more traumatizing an event than the Fifth Moon, and that’s even not considering that this time, Meryl and Wolfwood, who are both the most important people in Vash’s life in every canon, got swept up in it. I doubt snapping him out of it is gonna be as simple as Wolfwood waltzing back in his life and giving him a stern talking to. Especially since again, it’s very likely Vash thinks his traveling companions are dead because of him.
also. I do think it’s interesting that this time around he’s missing his arm which adds to his more vulnerable state. Eriks is in much, much worse shape than 98/trimax no matter how you look at it.
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Hi anon! Apologies for the delayed response!! I am assuming this second ask was also from you, so I included it here.
Yes, omg, so much to consider with this retelling!!! Vash/Eriks is indeed in really bad shape, relative to where he was at this point in manga or 98. In all 3 cases, he retreats into a life as Eriks after causing massive destruction with his angel arm, which terrifies him and floods him with guilt. However, in the manga/98, Eriks comes about after he blows a hole in the moon; in Stampede, it comes about after he destroys an entire city, killing thousands of people, along with numerous plants. Big, big difference there. And, of course, by the time Eriks rolls up in manga/98, Vash has also already destroyed July, but seeing as his memory regarding the event is hazy, he doesn't face quite the same intensity of trauma. Tack on the presumed death of his brother, a missing arm, the thought that he may have also killed his friends in the blast...yeah. You're absolutely right. Ouch.
There's obviously uncertainty about how much, if any, amnesia Vash may be dealing with as Eriks. (Personally, I think he remembers mostly everything, except maybe his final skirmish with Nai; but I think he knows what he did.) You're absolutely right that he might wonder if he killed Meryl, Roberto, and Wolfwood. What if he doesn't remember Wolfwood coming back to get Meryl? And even if he does, as you pointed out, he has no way of knowing that they made it out. (RIP Roberto.)
Manga Vash and 98 Vash simply did not have to deal with the immediate emotional repercussions of destroying July. Stampede Vash does. (Not to diminish the other Vash's trauma; I mean, in the manga, he almost broke down completely when he remembered.)
One other thought that builds on a lot of what others have posted about / things the creators have said in interviews: In manga and 98, Vash is sort of fully-cooked when the story starts. On the contrary, Stampede Vash is still a little naive -- until going through his "awakening" in episode 12. He realizes who he is, what his brother has become, etc. And that alone is a lot to process. It's a lot to take in on top of everything else.
Re: Meryl: YES. Absolutely. She is playing a bigger role in Stampede, and the fact that s1 ends with her (minus the Eriks and post-credit scenes), shows her returning to July and honoring her old friends, tearing down Vash's wanted poster, etc... I would be very surprised if she doesn't play some part in finding Eriks. I kind of wonder if she might catch a whiff of something (news of the fake Vash, perhaps?) and drag Milly to that town (maybe even without permission) only to find Wolfwood has done the same thing. Then maybe WW and the girls discover Vash there together? I really really hope she is involved somehow. She went through so much with Vash in s1. She pulled him back from the mental prison Knives had him in; it seems like an obvious parallel for her to then help pull him back from Eriks (i.e. his depressive episode.) The only way I'll be not disappointed if it doesn't go down like this is if Meryl is off somewhere else fighting tooth and nail to clear Vash's name.
Speaking of Milly. Vash will likely have lingering guilt regarding Roberto's death, and Milly (who I am still assuming is related to Roberto) may serve the role of soothing his guilt and sorrow. Because I can just see that. Milly, with her sweet caring personality, assuring Vash that it wasn't his fault, that her uncle(?) knew the risks and had always done the right thing or whatever (idk, but I smell Roberto backstory coming!!) And oh gosh, I really hope it doesn't swing the other way and have Milly angry with Vash. Though I have a hard time imagining that; it's just not in Milly's character. And I wonder if, by this point, Meryl has told Milly all about Vash and July?
I should stop. xD Thanks for writing in! I am always happy to ramble about Trigun meta. 🤩
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