#'is this about the seiyuu or the characters' both!
nagaruru · 7 months
im thinking about shinsoku ikkon today
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1000sunnygo · 3 months
Dressrosa Archives: Kappei Yamaguchi (Usopp) x Kamiya Hiroshi (Law) talk (2015)
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Here's another interview that was released during Dressrosa, Kamiya was hosted by Kappei (x). The conversation focused on Kamiya's experience voicing Law, analyzing characters (notably Law and Rosinante) and the studio's atmosphere.
It's a long interview that was separated in two parts (bless Kamiya's photographic memory). Starts below the cut!
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Yamaguchi: This time on Usopp's 'This is Real!', we have the talented Hiroshi Kamiya who plays Trafalgar Law - a character who has been very active in the TV series lately (applause)!
As we're reaching a crucial point in the battle against Doflamingo, we'd like to delve deep into Law' s character. Thank you for joining us!
Kamiya: Thank you very much!
Yamaguchi: Let's get straight to it. Law is still a character shrouded with mysteries. But what was your first impression of him?
Kamiya: No seriously, he was a mysterious fellow alright (laughs).
I believe Shabondy Archipelago 2 years ago was his first appearance. There was hardly any information other than being a "Rookie with a bounty exceeding 100M who leads a pirate crew aiming for the New World." I had no idea how to portray him. I felt like other rookies stood out more.
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Captain Kidd, for example, made it to the back cover of the manga. Since Namikawa Daisuke was casted for the role, I thought he might become a big character in the future.
Yamaguchi: But I felt that Law was the craziest one. For a mysterious role like this one...was there an audition, again?
Kamiya: No. I was approached by the producer from that time. Recently I was told by the producer that he didn't think the role would become so important!
Yamaguchi: Same here (laughs). Law really entered the spotlight during the Summit War, didn't he? That's where he got closer to Luffy, or that's where he might have started considering the off chance of an alliance...
Kamiya: You may be right. Looking back on his encounter with Luffy; after learning about Law's past and his relationship with Doflamingo, I think Law might have sensed some possibilities when he saw Luffy defy the Celestial Dragons.
If that's the case, just my personal speculation, it somewhat makes sense as to why Law saved Luffy during the Summit War. But back at that time I didn't know any of it. It was impossible for me to foresee Law's role there (in the war). I thought he would reappear after like 5~10 years (laughs).
Subsequently, when Law saved the passed out Luffy from Akainu's attack, I thought, "Is this why his character existed?" I was wondering if his role as a rookie pirate was done. But then at Punk Hazard... It was rather a quick reunion (lol)
Yamaguchi: Seeing him at Punk Hazard at that time, I was like, "Huh? Where are Bepo and team? Did he end up alone?!" (laughs)
Kamiya: Same here. I was like, "????" (laughs)
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Yamaguchi: Even though Law was a character veiled under mystery, he has gradually revealed his human side in the flashback. You played Law's childhood as well. How was the experience?
Kamiya: When I read the flashback in the manga, I really wanted to voice him. Initially, Law proposed an alliance with Luffy to take down Kaido. But there was also this desire deep down to crush Doflamingo himself.... All these make him rather a suspicious character with unclear motives from reader's perspective, right?
But after knowing his intense past that lead to that point, I decided "I want to portray Law's childhood too!" I was very eager to do it, I expressed my wish to the producer. It turned into an audition.
Yamaguchi: So that required an audition. (laughs)
Kamiya: Exactly. At that time, the manga volume wasn't out yet. So, they gave me a copy of the Jump magazine. After finishing the usual recording, I was reading some lines from it. I remember you asking me, "What are you doing, Kamiya kun?" and I said, "I have an audition after this." (laughs)
Yamaguchi: I remember too. I was wondering, "What audition?" (laughs)
Kamiya: Strictly speaking, it might not have been a traditional 'audition' - given that there were no other candidates. It was more like having my voice heard (by the staffs) and assessing whether I could voice the character.
Yamaguchi: It's common to hire a different actor for flashback roles to match the character visuals. But letting the same actor voice in flashback makes a character more consistent. Law's encounter with Cora san was a turning point in his life, you being able to play that role should become crucial for depicting his character from now onwards.
On this topic, did knowing Law's past influence your performance of his role?
Kamiya: I didn't consciously change my acting. But there are some differences in his portrayal when I know Law's past compared to when I didn't.
In the early days, I voiced Law with a subdued, cool tone; but as the story progressed and his character unfolded, I believe my tone range expanded.
Yamaguchi: I totally get it. Back when Law started interacting with the Straw Hats and yelled "I hate breads!" - it left a strong impression in me. I felt that line alone made him instantly more relatable and easy to like.
Kamiya: That's right. Actually, at the "I'm a doctor!" scene in the Summit War, I was told not to raise my voice. So I focused on acting cool. But I'm more comfortable being expressive and yelling these days; I feel like I've been allowed some leeway since "I hate bread!" (laughs)
Yamaguchi: (laughs) I remember "I hate bread" most vividly, but which line do you think left the biggest impression on you?
Kamiya: Not mine, but Cora san's "I love ya!" made me go, "Uwoh, so that's how it's delivered!"
As for Law's lines, hmm.. "I'm a doctor!" and "Drake-ya, how many people have you killed?" are memorable. Also, "I've broken the gears!" after slashing Suwabe san..No, Vergo.
(Junichi Suwabe: Vergo's actor. Currently acting as Green Bull.)
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Yamaguchi: Back when Vergo was slashed, none of us had any idea about the the two's real relationship.
Kamiya: Indeed. But the scene was remarkably balanced. While maintaining a calm expression, Law sliced through everything in the background in half, including Vergo. This spoke of how intense his deep emotions were. This scene really etched in my memory.
Yamaguchi: Amazing, it's still giving me chills!
Kamiya: Since I was under the request to not raise my voice, so I acted coolly. But seeing the intensity transmitted so well in the art... I felt glad.
Yamaguchi: Breaking the gears in Punk Hazard and tying up loose ends in Dressrosa – it feels like even after Dressrosa, Law's journey with the Straw Hats is far from over. They still need to reunite with Sanji's group and visit Bepo and team!
Kamiya: That's right. Hasn't it been about two years since Law mentioned them being left at Zou?
Yamaguchi: In real world, it's been about two years. But in the story, it's like the same morning?! (laughs)
Kamiya: Pretty much like just a moment ago. (laughs)
Yamaguchi: That was insane! When Law told Doflamingo, "You called CP0 this morning", all the cast members made faces like, "THIS morning!?" (laughs)
Kamiya: We've been through some insane times, haven't we? (laughs)
Yamaguchi: This conversation had been insane too. Sadly, it's time to wrap up. Thank you so much, Kamiya kun!!
Bonus talk (website special edition) : Child Law and the Donquixotes
Yamaguchi: Law's past is currently unfolding in his flashback. What were you particularly mindful of while playing Law's childhood?
Kamiya: Since he carries a tragic past, I was conscious of portraying the notion of "no belief in humans" and "humans only harbor malice." It's somewhat a tunnel vision of the world. But considering he was a child, I convinced myself of that. (laughs)
Yamaguchi: When the story transitioned back to present from the flashback, I was a bit sad thinking how I won't hear little Law's voice anymore. But then it felt so natural to hear adult Law's voice. I remembered, "Oh right! Kamiya kun had always been Law." (laughs)
Kamiya: I'm so happy to hear you say that!
Yamaguchi: Speaking of the flashback, Cora san plays a crucial role.
Kamiya: Yes. When I heard Cora san would be played by Yamadera san, I thought, "Woah, a freaking amazing person has joined!" As I mentioned before, his performance of "I love ya!" is so touching that just remembering it makes me tear up.
Well, my first impression to Cora san was "Who's this dude?", though (laughs). He's a guy who gets annoyed by children and throws them out...Frankly, it was hard to believe he's sane. It was inevitable for Law to be pissed off and yell "I'll kill him!"
Yamaguchi: From Cora san's exchange with Sengoku afterward, it seems he intentionally treated Law and the children harshly to keep them away from The Family... but there could be a better way to do it (laughs)
Regardless, Cora san struggled with many hardships from his childhood; I feel sorry for him.
Kamiya: He had a hard time due to his idealist father. His father was a goodie-two-shoes blind to reality, so to speak; unable to recognize the poor intent of others. I think he was the type of person whose survival was meant to be a struggle in the world of One Piece.
Yamaguchi: True. This caused his wife and children to suffer. I felt like telling the father, "you're too naive."
Kamiya: Actually, in the scene where Doflamingo's father says, "I'm sorry I'm your father," I couldn't cry even though it was a tragic scene of a parent being murdered. Instead I was very angry at him.
Yamaguchi: In that scene it's easier to resonate with Doflamingo: "What has father done!"
Kamiya: When I read the manga, I didn't feel much. But once it was animated and I could hear the lines, I really understood Doflamingo's feelings. "Ok, he's an idealist dumbass." "This man's is no good, I couldn't possibly keep up with him either!" (laughs)
Yamaguchi: Being sandwiched between these two, I pity Cora san.
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Kamiya: Cora san probably had perceptions of both a Celestial Dragon and an ordinary human since childhood. That's likely why he could handle special missions like being a spy.
Yamaguchi: Unlike Doflamingo who couldn't adapt to the world, Cora san didn't really do anything wrong but ended up being crucified anyway. I felt really bad for him.
Kamiya: The flashback elaborated quite well on Law's feelings. But the mystery behind why Cora san suddenly changed his demeanor after learning Law is a D is still there.
Actually, that's the only part that left me unconvinced. Why's that a man who hit him is suddenly saying let's pack up and run - I couldn't wrap my head around it. But Yamadera san's presence and persuasiveness left me feeling, "this person definitely knows something, I must listen to what he has to say."
Yamaguchi: I get you. Even though Yamadera san is no different from us and knows practically nothing (laughs). By the way, I'm really looking forward to how it'd go when the last bit of the flashback airs.
Kamiya: I'm curious about its reception.
Yamaguchi: Lastly, any message you'd like to share with the fans?
Kamiya: It was fun talking with Kappei san and sharing personal impressions and perspectives, but please forget everything I said! I want everyone to enjoy it naturally, I'll be happy if you continue supporting One Piece from a neutral perspective.
Yamaguchi: Kamiya kun, thanks for today!
Kamiya: Likewise, thank you very much!
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Interview #2, Studio Experience and popularity
Source: [x]
Yamaguchi: By the way, I was at the restaurant Baratie for an interview recently, and they were showing the first episode of One Piece. I saw your name credited among the cast and went "Gweeeh?!" (laughs)
Kamiya: (laughs) Yeah. In the first episode, I played pirate A.
Yamaguchi: One of Alvida's henchmen?
Kamiya: Yes. As pirate A, my role was to discover Nami sneaking onto the ship, and then immediately to get knocked out by a groin kick.
Yamaguchi: I didn't show up until episode 9. You were earlier than me! (laughs)
Kamiya: Actually, I debuted earlier than even Kazuya Nakai san (Zoro's seiyuu), since Zoro only had a brief appearance at the end of the first episode.
Nakai san came to tour the recording. I remember asking "what's up, Nakai san?" and he mumbled something like "Ah, well, um" and just quietly sat there.
Yamaguchi: (laughs) Did you have any other roles after pirate A?
Kamiya: I did a couple more after that, but the first episode left the strongest impression on me. I still clearly remember Luffy bursting out of the barrel in his debut scene. Deep down, I got excited during the recoding, thinking "Woah! One Piece has really begun."
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Another memorable role was Eddy, the four eyed helmsman of the Bellamy Pirates. It was strange to voice Law facing off Bellamy himself in the Dressrosa arc, having voiced one of his ex-subordinates long ago. (laughs)
Yamaguchi: Wasn't it in Mock Town? When Ueda Yuji san was there?
Kamiya: Yes. Ueda Yuji san voiced Sarquiss, the vice captain of the Bellamy Pirates.
After that was the story of Shichibukai meeting arranged by the World Government. Doflamingo appeared and used his strange power to make two marine officers fight each other to the death. The two marines who were made to fight each other - Marine Officers A and B, were played by me and Ueda san. They knew they were being controlled, but nobody knew how it was being done, or the power of something like Ito Ito no mi.
Yamaguchi: We didn't know anything either! Bet you didn't expect to end up fighting against the same Doflamingo years later.
Kamiya: That's right. I never imagined I'd get to play a character with a connection to Doflamingo. Moreover, at the time of Law's debut, I didn't think he'd be the one to with such connection. (laughs)
Yamaguchi: Seriously. Life is full of surprises. (laughs)
Anyway, changing the subject, how do you like the atmosphere in One Piece voice studio?
Kamiya: I absolutely love the atmosphere on the One Piece set! There are many seniors there who can be called legends, so of course, there's tension. But it's the type of tension that makes you feel comfortable as a professional.
Yamaguchi: It's okay to be honest, you know (laughs)
Kamiya: (laughs) But I am being honest.
In presence of legends like Mayumi Tanaka san who has been leading One Piece for 15 years, I'd always think that I have to give my absolute best. Of course, when it comes to the actual recording, being serious isn't an option for us. But only recently I've realized that it's okay to ease up and have fun outside the recording sessions.
Yamaguchi: Well, that's the captain for you. (laughs)
Kamiya: She's really something else! (laughs)
t/n:the strawhat VAs all call Luffy's VA Mayumi san 'captain.' I've noticed Kamiya doing the same few times. HMmm
Yamaguchi: The Straw Hat crews are scattered during Dressrosa and the team's brain cell Akemi Okamura chan, who plays Nami, isn't around. So, I personally consider you the only remaining brain cell in the current studio, Kamiya kun. You're the last straw that keeps the studio standing as a "workplace". (laughs)
Kamiya: What, really?! (laughs) That's a lot of responsibility. But I've recently realized that even if I'm criticized for it, it's best to get along the flow when I'm high on energy. (laughs)
(T/N: not confident with my translation for this sentence^)
Yamaguchi: (loud laugh) Come to think of it, you sure have been doing that a lot lately! I thought it was quite like Law.
Speaking of which, do you think the One Piece cast resembles their characters in some aspects?
Kamiya: Hmm... Law is such a serious character, so I always feel like I need to be firm with myself, but I often find myself like a puddle (laughs). Especially when Mitsuya Yuji san (Pica) and Mayumi san (Luffy) keep fooling around, I'm all over the place.
Yamaguchi: Those two... even though they're both in their sixties! (laughs)
Kamiya: I can't anymore... They say "Just ignoore", is that really okay?
Yamaguchi: I think it's fine. (laughs)
Kamiya: Even though they're like that most of the time, they completely change when it's showtime. It's amazing. Every time we record, I'm in awe, watching them carry the weight of the series on their shoulders.
Yamaguchi: Despite being small. (laughs)
Kamiya: ...Despite being small! (laughs)
Yamaguchi: Mayumi san's microphone is quite low, isn't it? Because she's small.
Kamiya: That's right. But I still get nervous when I think about using the microphone Mayumi san used. She's an amazing senior, but she also has this quirky side to her. I hope she stays this way forever. (laughs)
Yamaguchi: I also like Mayumi san's quirky sides (laughs) Once we start talking about Mayumi san, we could go on forever. So let's save that for another time!
Website Special Edition #2, More Law talks
Yamaguchi: Law is a cool and chill character, but I like how he playfully calls others "[ ]-ya". (laughs)
Kamiya: One Piece has many characters with distinctive speaking styles, as in the way they laugh or talk. Even a character cool at a glance can have this unique speech pattern that'd make them approachable. Law didn't seem to have any of that. At first I was worried - is this guy just cool? So when he started calling others with "[ ]-ya", I felt a weight off my chest (laughs)
But his accent is still a little troublesome, especially saying "Nose-ya" to call Usopp.
Yamaguchi: It seems he searches for someone's specific characteristic to come up with a nickname, like Luffy. But when he can't think of any, he just adds "ya" at the tail of their names (laughs)
Kamiya: Yeah (Laughs). Like how Nami becomes "Nami ya", Drake becomes "Drake ya". I find it funny.
Yamaguchi: This playful side is what makes 'the attractive guy' Law so endearing.
And he's insanely popular, isn't it? When I went to Universal Studios Japan the other day, there were many children cosplaying Law. Do you have a specific mindset when you're playing such a popular character?
Kamiya: Well...When Law ranked 2nd in the official popularity poll, I felt happy and pressured at the same time. Not because of the result itself, but because it made me more conscious not to undermine Law's charm in my acting.
On the other hand, I think it's a great privilege as an actor to be able to voice a character like this. If even one person becomes Law's fan after watching the tv series, I'll feel incredibly proud.
Yamaguchi: Yeah, I understand. It's a great honor as an actor when people start liking a character because of our performance.
By the way, how was the feedback from the people around you when you started playing Law?
Kamiya: Thankfully, the feedback from Law fans was amazing! On the flip side, the people around me were surprisingly chill. Like, "Oh, the ROOM dude?" (laughs).
Yamaguchi: "The ROOM dude"! (laughs) Which one is your favorite from Law's moves?
Kamiya: Got to be "Shambles." To be more specific, "Shambles" followed by "ROOM"!
Yamaguchi: The combination has such a catchy, memorable rhythm. To mimic Law, "ROOM" and "Shambles" are a must!
Kamiya: I'm a bit relieved. If such a catchy combination didn't gain attention, I would've blamed myself.
Yamaguchi: It's an awfully strong killer move. Depending on how it's used, the power can be invincible.
Kamiya: It's unfairly strong, isn't it? The fact that it can even grant eternal life made me think it's an outrageous Devil Fruit ability.
That said, it's not like magic - having known that using the technique depletes the stamina of the user. Cora san also mentioned that it's an ability that one can't handle without knowledge. Law must've been able to handle it because he studied medicine.
Yamaguchi: Indeed, like it was his destiny to eat the devil fruit.
Lastly, what do you think is the charm of Law?
Kamiya: Hmm, I generally try not to overthink about the charm of the characters I'm currently playing. If I understand the charm too well, I might start acting while thinking about things like, "This is their charm, right? So this is why they're popular?" So, I try to approach my work neutrally and avoid thinking too much.
Of course, there are times when I simply think Law is cool, but I deliberately don't dwell on what made him cool. I hope that when everything is said and done, I can look back and realize, "Wow, that thing Law did was ridiculously cool!", or "This is what makes Law so amazing!"
Yamaguchi: I see, that's an interesting perspective. Thank you for sharing all these insights today!
Kamiya: No, thank you so much for having me!
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Relevant stuff if you're in for more:
Mattew Mercer (Law's English dub va) talking about Law's unexpected relevance post timeskip (@ 6:10, not time stamped)
Hideyuki Tanaka (Doflamingo) hosted by Yamaguchi Kappei
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akkivee · 16 days
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remember how we were told from the very beginning that we were not supposed to take hitoya seriously at all lmao
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glitchdecay · 1 month
i saw this scene being uploaded in english the other day and i can't not rewatch the japanese version because, you know, seiyuu brainrot and whatnot. translations (completely my own) under the cut.
Prompto: What're you doing?
Noctis: Nothing, really. Just spacing out.
Prompto: Huh. I see.
[ Leave him alone / Talk about something random / Wait for him to speak ]
Noctis: Hmph—
Prompto: We went through so much today, huh?
Noctis: Everything's so new to us, too.
Prompto: You can say that again. Things have been super hard, but I didn't expect every day to be so much fun. Y'see, everything I see is new to me.
Prompto: I never expected things to turn out this way or to go out on a trip together.
Noctis: Yeah.
Prompto: How long have we known each other again? It's since high school... So five years?
Noctis: But I've known you for longer. Was it since elementary school?
Prompto: Eh? How'd you remember that?
Noctis: 'Course I'd remember. You stared at me so much.
Prompto: Ugh. [nervous laughter] You see, that's because I have my reasons...
Noctis: But you were still like, "Nice to meet ya!" at the high school entrance ceremony.
Prompto: I had to really brace myself to talk to you that time.
Prompto: [sighs] Kinda takes me back.
Noctis: You could've just talked to me, you know.
Prompto: I know it's easy for you to say— You wouldn't understand, Noct.
Prompto: Back then, I—
Prompto: Sorry, man. It really is nothing.
[ Ask him out of concern / You're concerned but you don't force it out of him / You won't get mad so ask him to be honest ]
Noctis: What is up with that? Just say it.
Prompto: [sighs] All right.
Prompto: You see...
Prompto: I used to be unable to reach out to other people.
Prompto: And I... didn't have anyone that I could call a true friend.
Prompto: I was always by myself.
Prompto: So sometimes I end up thinking maybe I'm not worth anything.
[ "You're joking." / "I kinda noticed." / "Didn't expect that." ]
Noctis: You've always gotten hung up on loads of things.
Prompto: Hehe.
Noctis: See? You're getting hung up on something right now.
Noctis: Like, "I'm the only commoner," or "I'm weaker than the others..."
Noctis: "At least I gotta try to make it so everyone feels at ease," so that's what you've been doing, right?
Prompto: Ah—
Noctis: Being considerate of others is pretty cool by itself. It doesn't come easily.
Noctis: The fact that you do that is just like you, and it's a good thing.
Prompto: Huh? You're saying I can just be myself?
Noctis: Yeah. What's wrong with that?
Prompto: Yeah... well... Sorry if I said anything weird.
Noctis: Besides, I'd never let anyone useless hang around me in the first place.
Prompto: Eh? Why are you mad about that?
Prompto: ... Thanks.
Prompto: Oh, man. I feel like a weight's lifted off my shoulders.
Noctis: Heh. What's up with that?
Prompto: Right, I'm gonna keep doing my best with the things I can do.
Noctis: I'd appreciate it.
[ Obtained the "Pop" photo filter effect. ] ※ Yep, you read that right: This photo filter is called "Prompto" in the Japanese version.
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white-nolse · 4 months
Let's play a game named:
what's the dumbest reason a character stopped being an f/o?
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bmpmp3 · 2 years
a lot of anime opening single b-sides get kinda overlooked but Everyone Should Listen to the b-side of fabiniku’s opening Refrain this song has been consuming my mind for the past 48 hours LIKE listen to it
the weirdass white noise/ darth vader breathing noise in the beginning and the quiet parts, the jazzy drums in the verses, guitar riffs that will make any dad who listens to too much classic rock air guitar his heart out, the vocals at around the 3:20 mark, the fantastical synth melody, THE FLUTE ASS SOUND are you listening to me are you listening to the FLUTE? the WOODWIND INSTRUMENT in the ‘refrain... refrain... refrain...” sections and the DISTORTION on the “refrain“s in the final seconds LISTEN TO ME listen to the woodwind instrument
#i havent actually watched this show (i've seen a couple clips tho!) but 1) im a big fan of anison in general like#there's a bajillion anime ops and eds i straight up know NOTHING about but i just like the tune or maybe a seiyuu i like sings it lol#and 2) i HAVE read the manga (its fantastic) and i do this like weirdass thing#or maybe its not weird? it might be normal. getting me to watch a television show is an exercise in futility#so whenever im interested in an anime i just read the manga or light novel if there is one#and then i just... look up the music for the anime later JKFKDSLJFLKDS i like tunes!!!#in practice i usually get a similar or somethings even better experience than the anime watchers#but sometimes some animes source material is like REALLY BAD and the anime basically toned down everything that sucked#so a totally different experience in some cases..................... BUT luckily it seems fabiniku is not one of those#i thought the manga was great at least. i get it now. i understand isekais#i always understood modern isekais in theory but in practice i couldnt quite get there#i was too stuck in proto isekais like old shoujo manga isekais or early mmo isekais so this new reborn in another world style#confused me a lot. i figure it was just wish fulfillment that wasnt for me. but fabiniku... i understand now#who knew the way to get me to fully deeply and completely understand isekais was to make the main character lgbt (every letter at once)#actually that makes sense like i love characters that have clear defined identities a lot BUT#i dont connect deeply with them the same way i do with characters like tachibana hfkjdsdfjkds which is fine!! its good to have both#types of characters because some people connect more with defined labels and some connect more with ambiguity (me lol)#and both are always interesting to read about either way~#anyway. fabiniku is absurd and hilarious and has one of my favourite romantic relationships ive seen in a manga ever thank you and goodnight
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reisakumaproducer · 1 year
I hope I am more than just the Rei Sakuma fan to you all but also a Roselia fan bc I will never shut up about them
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sasaranurude · 26 days
Okay. I've been playing Tokyo Debunker today, since the release happened to catch me on a day when all I'd planned to do was write fanfiction. I just finished reading the game story prologue (it was longer than expected!), so here's a review type post. If you're reading this post not having seen a single thing about this game: it's a story-based joseimuke gacha mobile game that just released globally today. It's about a girl who suddenly finds herself attending a magic school and mingling with elite, superhuman students known as ghouls. If you look in the tumblr tag for the game you'll see what appears to be a completely different game from 2019 or so: they retooled it completely midway through development, changing just about everything about it due to "escalating competition within the gaming industry."
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I'll talk about how this looks like a blatant twst clone at the end.
Starting with the positive: The story is charming. I enjoyed it thoroughly the entire time and am excited to read more. The mix between visual novel segments and motion comics was really nice--it broke things up and added a lot of oomph to the action or atmospheric scenes that visual novels generally lack. I like the art in the comic parts a lot. the live2d in the visual novel parts is... passable. Tone-wise, I think the story was a little bit all over the place and would like to see more of the horror that it opened on, but I didn't mind the comedic direction it went in either. The translation is completely seamless. The characters so far all have unique voices and are just super fun and cute. Of the ones who've had larger roles in the story so far, there's not a single one I dislike. It's all fully voiced in Japanese and the acting is solid. (I don't recognize any voices, and can't seem to find any seiyuu credits, so it seems they're not big names, but they deliver nonetheless.) Kaito in particular I found I was laughing at his lines a ton, both the voicing and the writing.
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He's looking for a girlfriend btw. Spreading the word.
The problem is like. The gameplay is the worst dark-pattern microtransaction-riddled bullshit I've ever seen. Hundred passive timers going at all times. Fifty different item-currencies. Trying to get you to spend absurd amounts of real world money at every turn. There's like five different indicators that take you to various real-money shop items that I don't know how to dismiss the indicator, I guess you just have to spend money, wtaf. Bajillion different interlocking systems mean you have zero sense of relative value of all the different item-currencies. I did over the course of the day get enough diamonds for one ten-pull, which I haven't used yet. Buying enough diamonds for a ten-pull costs a bit under $60 (presumably USD, but there's a chance the interface is automatically making that CAD for me--not gonna spend the money to check lmfao), with an SSR rate of 1%. BULLSHIIIIIT.
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There's like a goddamn thousand-word essay explaining the dozen different types of character upgrades and equippables and equippables for the equippables!! Bad! Bad game design! That's just overcomplicating bullshit to trick people into thinking they're doing something other than clicking button to make number go up! That is not gameplay!
In terms of the actual gameplay, there is none. The battle system is full auto. There might be teambuilding, but from what I've seen so far, most of that consists of hoping you pull good cards from gacha and then clicking button to make number go up. There's occasional rhythm segments but there's no original music, it's just remixes of public domain classical music lmao. I'd describe the rhythm gameplay as "at least more engaging than twisted wonderland's," which is not a high bar
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At least there's a cat in the rhythm bit.
And like, ok, I gotta remark on how derivative it is. Like I mentioned in my post earlier, this game is unabashedly aping twisted wonderland's setting and aesthetic. (That said, most of the stuff it steals from twst is magic school stuff that twst also basically stole from Harry Potter, so...?) However, it isn't exactly like twst: in this one, the characters say fuck a lot and bleed all over the place and do violence. Basically, the tone is a fair bit more adult than twst's kid-friendly vibe. (Not, like, adult adult, and I probably wouldn't even call it dark--it's still rated Teen lol. Just more adult than twst.)
Rather than just being students at magic school, the ghouls also go out into the mundane world to go on missions where they fight and investigate monsters and cryptids. Honestly, the magic school setting feels pretty tacked-on. The things that are enjoyable about this would've been just as enjoyable in about any other setting--you can tell this whole aspect was a late trend-chasing addition, lmao. So, yeah, it's blatantly copying twst to try to steal some players, but... Eh, I found myself not caring that much. Someone more (or less) into twst than me may find it grating.
Character-wise, eh, sure, yeah, they're a bit derivative in that aspect too, but it's a joseimuke game, the characters are always derivative. Thus far the writing & execution has been solid enough that I didn't care if they were tropey. If I were to compare it to something else, I'd say the relationship between the protagonist and the ghouls feels more like that of the sage and wizards in mahoyaku than anything from twst. There's some mystery in exactly what "ghouls" are and their place in this world that has me intrigued and wanting to know more about this setting and how each of the characters feels about it. I have a bad habit of getting my hopes up for stories that put big ideas on the table and then being disappointed when they don't follow through in a way that lives up to my expectations, though.
So, my final verdict: I kind of just hope someone uploads all the story segments right onto youtube so nobody has to deal with the dogshit predatory game to get the genuinely decent story lol. Give it a play just for the story if you have faith in your ability to resist dark patterns. Avoid at all costs if you know you're vulnerable to gacha, microtransactions, or timesinks.
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demonslayedher · 3 months
Not-very-spoilery thoughts on the movie release of Pillar Training (+SSV conclusion)
Behind a cut anyway just in case!
--Very nice to hear familiar background music brought back--Yuukaku themes when Uzui & his wives appear, Mitsuri's "Koi Kogare" BGM when she has a good batch of lines, Giyuu's BGM as he's like, "bye"
--I am very happy with the new OP, both sound and imagery-wise.
--One very short clip in particular made me, a fanfic writer, very very happy, but then there was more gratuitous focus that reminded me of another one of my best fanfics. The rewards of writing fic as closely based on canon as I could get them gives me the satisfaction of feel liking like canon-based imagery honors my fics by extension.
--Speaking of imagery in general, Ufotable is finding lots of ways to try to harp on the idea that everyone's wishes to destroy demons find their accumulation in Tanjiro, the Sun Breath user and first person in centuries to unlock the Mark. It is perhaps a little clumsy at times, but hey, that's a theme I like in this series.
--I was sad that Suma sounded so different, and had to look up afterward if she still had the same seiyuu. She does, but I think they might have given her totally different vocal direction so that she wouldn't sound too similar to Mitsuri
--Japanese crowds tend to be very quiet at movie theaters, but people could not contain their giggles at many of Mitsuri's lines
--I had the honor of sitting next to a huuuuuuuge fangirl who before the moving was saying stuff to her friends like, "(Hanae) Natsuki-san was at USJ the other day, and since it's a VR ride, you know, you have to wear the goggles, and I think, what if I wear the pair that he wore??? You know?? Our faces??? Would be so close?????" and then at the review of previous seasons at the beginning of the show, she started crying the instant the Mugen Ressha part started. Not loud crying, but crying.
--You can tell everyone was waiting for the "welcome back" scene, and although I thought Zenitsu would steal the show in that scene, it was indeed Nezuko. In the seiyuu greeting that was broadcast across all Japanese theaters on the opening day, Shimono-san noted that he thinks the audio was turned down on his performance of that scene. I think it was probably was too.
--So much happy daily life in this episode. If you have any friends who complained about last year's theater showing being a let-down because it was just regular anime episodes instead of a Mugen Train style movie, please tell them to just sit this one out and spare us their complaints. Most of this showing was just Tanjiro having a nice time after having a panic attack over Nezuko (oh, and like, killing Upper Moon Four, that too).
--Shinobu's hair seems distinctly longer. Giyuu's hair seems distinctly fluffier.
--Ufotable has put a lot of touches into humanizing Amane
--I wish Ufotable would stop trying to drive the "Zenitsu thinks Aoi is happy to see him (just because Aoi is a girl)" point. First off, yes, Zenitsu being a creep to girls is played up a bit in the anime. Second, the first fanbook states that the only kind of girl who is not so much his type is the Aoi-type.
--Also, on the promo art, I like the design they gave Shinobu's sword, but that's ignoring the fact that the four engraved kanji characters are on either side. Go ahead, Ufotable, hire me as your canon double-checker. EDIT: Oh wait, that is its sheath. Lovely, carry on.
--That said, the original filler they gave us? Gold star. Excellent. So happy with it. One... well, two tiny nitpicks that don't bother me much but stating it here would spoil it.
--One more non-spoilery thing to say about that filler: the people at Ufotable were probably like, "our fans are nerds. We already give them this, this, this, and that to nerd over. You know what else they are probably nerds for? Yeah. Let's give them that." Thank you, Ufotable. This nerd accepts and loved it.
--Tiny Nezuko filler as they set the stage talking about Muzan is probably looking for her? LOVE THAT TOUCH, at every level.
--Shinobu does have multiple goldfish, but they look a bit different?
--Genya's makes the best face in this whole episode
--Speaking of Genya, in the seiyuu greeting they had actors in big chibi costumes of the Kamaboko gang come out... PLUS GENYA. Giant chibi grumpy Genya was so, so, so, so freaking cute. Also, his seiyuu Okamoto got to join the stage with everybody and was talking about how he always used to scroll through his social media seeing the other seiyuu at KnY events and he was like, "sigh... sure looks like everyone is having fun..."
--Hanae Natsuki and his wife are big Genya fans, though, it seems
--Okamoto had a lot of trouble performing young Genya in the flashback, especially the emotional screaming. The desperation Genya always displays as he fights? That was Okamoto. --Meanwhile, Matsuoka always looks very overwhelmed at these things. I think having to embody the spirit of Inosuke terrifies him.
--Those actors in chibi costumes? The Zenitsu and Inosuke ones embodied them SO WELL. I don't usually care for those giant mascot character costumes, but these were legit so much fun to watch, like with Inosuke going right up into the cameras and Zenitsu trying to pull him back and then the two of them pushing and shoving. Zenitsu acting like he is being bullied and Inosuke showing off his muscles. I loved them. I am very sad that I will not be in town when they travel across Japan and come to my area.
--Also, the baritone voice of Oyakata-sama's personal crow? LOVED IT.
--Himejima at the the Pillar Meeting is such a statement. The new promotional material has a tag line that prominently uses one of the kanji in his name ("cry out"), and I feel like this is set-up for him to have a lot of impact later on in this season. Here's hoping!
--I am probably gonna go watch it again in a couple weeks, ufufufu
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mirikitakato · 2 months
[Translation] Skits of "Our magical party wiz you" and the staged reading ""A Mixer After the Mission"
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Good day, everyone! I have translated the skits and the staged reading from the “Our magical party wiz you!” (Mahoawa) event on January 28-29th, 2024. It took me a while, and this is not the full translation for the 2-hour show. There are also Q&A activities involving seiyuus and some additional skits with characters. However, I translated all the skits featuring CaiOwe and the 20-minute main skit "A Mixer After the Mission" written by the devil Tsushimi Bunta!
Please feel free to share the link to the translation or screencap it to react.
Characters: Oz, Arthur, Mithra, Rutile, Cain, Owen, Snow
(The Day’s skit)
Owen: Hey, are you kidding me?
Mithra: That's my line.
Cain: Hey there, you two. Let's not start off on such a tense note, alright? What's going on?
Mithra: The thing I just had for lunch is called Napolitan pasta. This guy has more bacon in his bowl than mine, not fair at all.
Cain: More bacon? How nice!
Owen: That's not nice, comparing to that pudding he has. Mithra's pudding is bigger than mine.
Mithra: Obviously, because I eat faster than you.
Owen: You were just eating everything randomly, weren't you? Ah, I feel sorry for that pudding, being eaten by someone like you.
Mithra: So you're not giving up? How unsightly.
Owen: Hah? You want to die?
Mithra: Just what I want.
Owen: Cuore Memini–
Mithra: Athrim—
Cain: Wait, hold on!! Let's not start a fight out of nowhere! You'll wreck the place.
Rutile: Ah, how about this? Since we're in a theater, why not have a competition fitting this place?
Mithra: A competition fitting this place?
Rutile: Let's have the spirits of this land as judges. Since they love singing and art, we could have a poetry competition. What do you think, dear spirits? (The audience applauds)
Rutile: Thank you.
Mithra: Well, okay. I'm the strongest at writing poems.
Owen: I won't go along with your ridiculousness. Such a stupid game.
Mithra: Oh? Is it because you don’t have confidence?
Owen: Aren't you just led by the nose?
Cain: Please don't start a new round of quarrels, guys. Owen, if you're not interested…
Owen: Fine, I'll participate. With Mithra's brain, my victory is assured.
Sir Knight, let's start quickly *kick*
Cain: Ouch! Why did you suddenly kick me?!
The theme is “Winter”. Owen, you first!
Owen: Eh? Me?
Cain: 321, GO!
Owen: The…the winter sun…on top of the sky…turns into…a frozen white jade…
Rutile: Wow, what a beautiful imagery!
Owen: On the snow field…there's…a fluffy dog…but his fur sheds…and vanishes with the wind…
Cain: Ahhh, he was so fluffy, though.
Mithra: That's it? Well, no surprise that you're at this level
Rutile: But the first part was great! I couldn't have come up with “frozen sun”!
Cain: I also love fluffy dogs, they’re like winter. When you see your dog getting shaggy, you know winter's here. It's a shame his fur fell out.
Owen: Oh, you like that? Then why don't I turn you into a big hairless dog and throw you into an extremely cold place where it snows all the time?
Cain: Why do you come up with words to insult me so easily?!
Cain: Next theme is “Northern Wizards”. 321, GO!
Mithra: On the snow field…there is a fluffy dog.
Owen: Wait, don't copy me.
Cain: It’s even the same dog.
Mithra: Standing there is a creature more majestic than a dog, a huge crocodile... and the strongest and most fearsome, me...
Mithra: Hmmm, sounds weird. Rutile, you are up.
Rutile: Huh!? Uh...if you step on the shadow...
Owen: Hey hey, it'd be cheating to ask others for help, wouldn't it? Rutile, don't say more.
Rutile: I'm...I'm sorry. I can't resist answering when someone asks me...
Mithra: Huh? Is there a rule against asking others?
Cain: Well...no, there isn't. Sorry, I forgot to set rules. But I trust the spirits (audience) will judge fairly. Let's hear Rutile's first.
Rutile: Yes! Owen's expression was particularly poetic, and Mithra was great at involving others.
Cain: I see. Both had unique elements in their poems. What do the spirits think?
(The audience applauds)
Cain: I see. Congratulations, Owen and Mithra, you share the victory!
Rutile: Congratulations!
Mithra: Winning was too easy. Poetry seems like child's play.
Owen: You just won without a fight. Let's start over.
Cain: The spirits seem pleased, making the atmosphere livelier and more energetic here.
Owen: That means…
Mithra: Then...
Owen/Mithra: *fighting each other* Cuore Memini/Arthim!
(The Night’s skit)
Snow: You're back too. Just walking around, not bothering anyone and not killing anyone?
Owen: You think I'm Mithra? I don't do those things. *sound of chewing*
Cain: What are you eating?
Owen: Dango from a nearby stall. It's right over there, by the red gate.
Snow: You're right, it smells sweet and delicious.
Cain: I noticed it too when I passed by earlier today. But I was so full that I couldn't eat anymore, so I didn't buy any.
Owen: Because you had too much Napolitan pasta, didn’t you? What a glutton, ordering such a large portion.
Cain: I couldn't help it! It was so delicious. After that, I walked around the streets with Rutile for a long time and started feeling hungry again.
Hey, give me one.
Owen: The song of hot dango.
Cain: What?
Owen: If you want one, sing. This is a payback for making me do weird things during the day.
Cain: Are you still holding a grudge over that...? Eh…Impromptu singing? I've never done that without a drink...
Snow: How about this? They also sell hot drinks near the red gate. It's slightly sweet and tastes a bit like wine, but it's actually non-alcoholic.
Cain: Thanks. Ohhh, it smells good. Now this can set the mood I need...
Owen: Cuore Morito
Cain: Ugh!?
Snow: Owen!? What did you--
Cain: ....He he he...there...is a pile of hot dango...~
Snow: Cain!?
Cain: Dango dango~~ Taran taran tan tan~
Owen: He's started drunken dancing and singing now. How clumsy and amusing.
Snow: Dear! Did you cast a spell on Cain? That kid took just a sip and he's already drunk.
Cain: Ha, ha ha...Let's take off our clothes to dance and sing, everyone...
Owen: Do it, do it~
Snow: Wah!!! Wait--! Noscomnia!
Cain: What just happened?
Owen: What, we were just getting to the good part.
Snow: Phew, that was close. Are you okay, dear? You were only dancing and singing, don’t worry.
Cain: I can’t remember…..But then that means I fulfilled Owen’s request?
Owen: Well, you could say that. Here, I'll give you a dango, catch it. *throw it away*
Cain: Ah! Hey, don’t just toss dango around like that!
The staged reading "A Mixer After the Mission" written by Tsushimi Bunta
Arthur: Look, Lord Oz, there are fireworks lighting up the sunset sky.
Oz: Indeed.
Rutile: It seems people are setting off fireworks to celebrate the resolution of the recent event. How beautiful.
Cain: Strange occurrences took place at Granvelle Castle. Although very dangerous and tricky, fortunately, we managed to solve them successfully.
Snow: That's right, the people on the street are also very happy. Beautiful music is coming from the square, it feels delightful.
Oz: Indeed.
Snow: Ah, dear Oz, the young wizards are all very happy now. You should sometimes respond to them with something more enthusiastic, like "Wow! That's fantastic!"
Arthur: Just watching the fireworks with Lord Oz makes me happy enough. And is this music the same as the one played during the inauguration ceremony?
Cain: Yes, the sound of fireworks, the music from that day, and the laughter of the people. Just hearing them makes me feel like I've been transported back to the day of the inauguration ceremony.
Arthur: The sages and their wizards gathered on the terrace of Granville Castle and waved many times to the people.
Rutile: After that, a lot of things really happened. Time has really flown by since then. Being able to become so close to Lord Arthur, Uncle Mithra, and others is like a dream.
Speaking of which, where are Uncle Mithra and Mr. Owen?
Cain: Hmm? Oh, I don't see them either. Weird, they were with us just a moment ago.
Snow: Maybe they went to confirm "The Legendary Wind Passage"?
Arthur: What is "The Legendary Wind Passage"?
Snow: The land in this area is blessed by the wind spirit, thus strong winds blow sometimes. The most famous one is a passage where there are always violent storms. It is said that only the strongest wizard can pass through this legendary passage.
Arthur: So it’s the strongest passage?
Snow: Exactly, the strongest passage, literally as the words imply.
Cain: I'm pretty sure those two are competing to see who can fly through that passage faster.
Rutile: I am very confident in my broom-flying skills and would like to participate too...
Mithra: Arhtim
Arthur: They're back. Welcome back, Mr. Mithra, Mr. Owen.
Mithra: We're back.
Owen: Ugh, that was the worst.
Mithra: Oz, it is said that only the strongest wizard can pass through the wind passage - the strongest path, and I have conquered it. In other words, I'm the strongest. Your strongest throne has been taken away by me. How about that? Don't you want to say something?
Oz: Wow, that's fantastic.
Mithra: Huh?
Oz: Wow, that's fantastic.
Mithra: What's that?
Oz: Wow, that's—
Mithra: Shut up, you're noisy.
Arthur: Lord Oz, your level of agreement is truly superb.
Speaking of celebration, it seems that Lord Oz, Mr. Mithra, and Mr. Owen have never participated in a mixer.
Oz: Mixer?
Arthur: A mixer is to celebrate an encounter. If possible, how about holding one now? I feel a bit regretful not being able to join the social gathering with Lord Oz and others.
I also want to plan a mixer for 22 people including the Sage.
But now that we are here, how about practicing this bonding event in advance?
Mithra: Interesting, I want to join this thing called a mixer or something
Arthur: Thank you, Mr. Mithra.
How about Lord Oz?
Oz: Yes.
Arthur: Thank you so much!
How about Owen?
Owen: I won't. It's boring.
Cain: Don't say that.
If we sit face to face in a social gathering, we can understand each other better and maybe become closer.
Owen: When did I say I want to get along with you?
Cain: I want to get along well with you.
Owen: I don't want to. As if I would go.
Cain: Uhmm okay, that's good then! I actually don't want to get along with you either, but I have to do this because my lord is here. Lucky for me that you refused me first.
Owen: Oh? So you actually don't want to get along with me?
Cain: Yeah, why should I want to get along with you? You took my eyeball.
Owen: Ha ha, what a pitiful Sir Knight.
Owen: Then I will reluctantly join this mixer. Let's get close to each other, shall we?
Cain: Is that so?! Thank you, Owen!
Owen: Huh?
Cain: That's good for you, Arthur.
Owen: What does this mean?
Cain: Everyone, let's join in the fun!
Owen: Hey? Hey!
Arthur: I see!
Speaking of which, the Sage told me once…in mixer, people are supposed to have some special events.
Rutile: Special events?
Mithra: No matter what those are, it’s not a problem for me
Arthur: I don't know the specific details. Let's try to find out.
Rutile: I think I have an idea! (Rutile starts singing)
Rutile: Why do you want to drink? Why do you want to drink? Because you want to drink, so you drink!
(T/n: He is singing a parody of なんで持ってんの, a japanese drinking song)
Arthur: *confused voice* W-what song is that?
Rutile: This is the kind of song everyone sings at the beginning of a mixer.
Cain: Somehow, it feels like I’ve heard it somewhere before.
Rutile: Really? I created this song, though.
Cain: Really? But it sounds a bit familiar… Anyway, since we have songs, there should also be dances, right? Like dancing in pairs at a ball.
Arthur: That sounds appropriate! Perfect for social occasions to celebrate new encounters.
Owen: So how about this?
Owen: We play a game where one person acts as the king and the rest are retainers who follow the king's orders.
Cain: This game might not be suitable for this event, right?
Owen: …it isn’t?
Cain: It could make the atmosphere tense. It doesn’t seem like a social game.
Rutile: Although it sounds fun, I don’t think it's suitable for social gatherings.
Owen:…Hmmm, whatever.
Arthur: So, what dishes do you think should be served at the party?
Rutile: Dishes, huh? If there’s a grand feast at the mixer, the atmosphere will be livelier.
Cain: You must be hungry, Rutile. How about roasting a whole pig or something?
Arthur: Sounds like the mixer will be quite lively.
Rutile: It does sound that way! A roasted whole pig would be nice at a mixer.
Owen: Hey, how about this?
Mixing a hot sauce puff into a plate of sweet puffs filled with thick cream.
Cain: Absolutely not. That's a terrible idea.
Owen: Why?
Cain: Well, it's just not feasible. People who eat the hot sauce puff would be in for a bad time. This is meant to be a rare opportunity to meet new friends, and doing this would definitely make the atmosphere tense.
Owen: …Wouldn’t that make everything surprisingly lively though?
Cain: No, absolutely not. This would make it difficult to warm up the atmosphere. Think about it carefully— putting hot sauce in the puff for people to eat. It's going to be very tense, I'm telling you.
Rutile: I would certainly feel nervous…
Owen: Hmmm, whatever.
Snow: Ah, now I remember!
Rutile: What is it, Lord Snow?
Snow: Dear Sage mentioned a "first impression" game that seems to be held at the mixer.
Rutile: A game of first impressions?
Snow: Yes, for example, a question like "Who looks the gentlest here, or the richest person," and then you point to someone intuitively.
Snow: I hope everyone points to me when being asked "Who is the cutest person here?"
Oz: He just blurts out his wish.
Mithra: I definitely don't think you're the cutest person. If you asked who the scariest person is, I'd probably point to you.
Snow: I'm not scary. I'm obviously very cute.
Rutile: Very cute, indeed. But since we’ve met before, it might be difficult to judge as if it were the first time.
Snow: No worries. If it's just for a short time, I can erase your memory!
Mithra: Hah?
Owen: Erase memory?
Snow: Noscomnia.
Snow: Great, now we can play the first impression game!
Snow: Okay, after preparing, let’s point out who the cutest person here is.
Arthur: What just happened?
Mithra: What kind of terrifying magic was just used?
Owen: Step any closer, and I'll kill you.
Owen: Cuore-- Mithra: Arthi-- Oz: Voz--
Snow: Wait, wait, don't be so excited yet
Mithra: What do you mean?
Owen: Who are you?
Oz: Voz–
Snow: I said wait! Now everyone is playing the First Impression game.
Rutile: First Impression game?
Snow: Yes, it is to determine who the cutest person here is in the first impression.
Cain: Hold on a minute, I don't remember anything, not even you or myself.
Snow: Well, don't worry about that.
Cain: Don't worry?!
Snow: Yeah, don't stress about it, it's no big deal.
Cain: Is it really okay?
…Well, I suppose it is!
Rutile: Great, I don’t remember anything either, so I feel relieved to hear you say that.
Mithra: What's going on? That boy's complete lack of any sense of crisis is making me irrationally angry. My stomach seems to be hurting too.
Rutile: Oops, brother over there, do you have a stomachache?
Drink some hot potion to soothe your stomach, it'll help. I'll warm it up for you now.
Ah, but... T/n: Usually Rutile calls Mithra "Oji-san," but he's addressing Mithra as "Onii-san" now.
Mithra: What's the matter?
Rutile: This potion is very bitter. Brother, can you handle it? Will it be difficult for you?
Mithra: Not a problem. If need be, I can even eat grass.
Rutile: Ha ha, you're quite the wild one.
My first impression of you, brother, is that you're a very wild person.
Mithra: Ah, thank you.
My first impression of you is that of a careless person.
Snow: Look like someone knows how to play the game already!
Arthur: Hm? If you look closely, you two have the same eye color.
Cain: Ah, you are talking about me?
Owen: Me?
Rutile: That's right. Maybe you guys are brothers?
Ah, I feel like I have a brother too.
Cain: Do I have a brother?
*look at Owen* Can I call you big bro then?
Owen: What a joke. First of all, how could I have a brother with such weak magic power?
Besides, just from the appearance point of view, my hair color is similar to that guy’s.
Arthur: Are you talking about me?
Owen: Your magic power is pretty strong. Maybe we really are brothers.
Arthur: …Big Brother!
Owen: What's wrong~
Oz: Wrong…!
Arthur: Ah. Oz: That’s definitely wrong, although I don’t know why. Arthur: You over there… Oz: …Are you talking to me?
Arthur: …Sir, you have been silent until now.
Can you say a little more? That way we can get to know your personality better. Maybe the cutest person here is you.
Oz: I have nothing to say to you.
Arthur: Why?
Oz: *Silence* Because I have nothing to say.
Arthur: But why?
Oz: *Longer silence* Because I don't have anything to say so I won't say—
Arthur: Why—!
Snow: So, you guys have nothing to say. Okay, I get it! Let's begin! When I ask who the cutest person here is, everyone points to me.
Mithra: Isn't this cheating?
Snow: Humph! Forget it, let's not ask you; let's ask the spirits of this land.
(Snow asked who is the cutest, who is the noblest, who is the sexiest, and who is liked by animals. The audience responded with Snow, Arthur, Mithra, and Owen. After that, Snow returns memories to everyone.)
Arthur: Where are we?
Owen: Feels like there's a gap in my memory...
Cain: And I feel like I just had a strange dream...
Snow: Ha ha, the first impression game was so much fun!
Oz: I don't remember anything...
Cain: I want to join in too.
Snow: But you already participated.
Cain: Eh? I did? My memory's a bit fuzzy.
Owen: Too bad for you, then.
Snow, did you cast some strange magic on us?
Arthur: I feel like Owen and I were brothers...
Oz: Wrong.
Snow: Ha ha! That was so fun!
Mithra: So, what about the mixer to celebrate our encounter? Is this the end?
Arthur: No, it's not over yet. It's been a while since we last met.
Let’s reminisce about the events from when we first met until now.
Mithra: Are we talking about my heroic deeds?
Arthur: Mithra, Owen, Lord Oz, Cain, Rutile, Lord Snow, and our other esteemed comrades. And let's not forget the heroic deeds of our dear Sir Sage.
Cain: From the Ancient Birds and Beasts to the Resurrected City of the Dead. Three monsters attacking Granville Castle. And the perilous adventures in the Western Kingdom.
Rutile: Too many to recount. Let's share our stories tonight as we delve into the memories we share with the Sage.
Owen: There might be some pages I'd rather forget completely though.
Arthur: Even so, these are the nostalgic scenes that shape who we are. No matter how embarrassing or heartbreaking they may be, let's hold them dear in our hearts. Like precious friends, let's cherish those dark pages with tenderness.
Oz: That’s just like you, who is good at loving others.
Arthur: It's thanks to you, Lord Oz, and the watchful eyes of everyone else, that I'm able to do this. Now, everyone! Let's prepare some warm black tea and sweets. Get ready for our trip down memory lane, with the sound of fireworks and the music we love, while listening to everyone's laughter.
--- END ---
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project-sekai-facts · 6 months
Do you know which of the voice actors knew each other before prsk? I saw someone say that Mizuki’s and Shiho’s went to the same elementary school before or something and was wondering if more of them knew each other before somehow.
Furirin (Airi) and Hiichan (Mizuki) voice characters in Love Live! Sunshine!! who interacted frequently. They had a focus episode and a centre song together. Tomoriru (Kanade) also voices a Love Live character but from a different generation, although all of them performed at Love Live Fest (not together admittedly). Hiichan and Tomoriru also both voice characters in revstar but I don’t know if the characters ever interact or if they’ve done any shows together.
Imai-san (Akito), Daichan (Tsukasa), and Tokishun (Rui) all voice characters in A3!. I don’t know anything about A3 but I remember hearing somewhere that Daichan and Tokishun were also in the same troupe in that game.
Honchan (Shizuku) voices a minor character in BanG Dream!, while Yukki (Shiho) voices a major character from that franchise. However their characters do not interact, so I doubt they ever did.
Ruirui (Mafuyu) and Minoringo (Ena) knew each other for years before both being cast in proseka, though I'm not entirely sure how they knew each other. I know that Minoringo is also good friends with Imai-san but I do not know if they knew each other prior to proseka.
According to the wiki, multiple seiyuu have voice characters in iDOLMASTER. According to the imas wiki, this list gets longer. imas confuses me there's a lot of seiyuu and i don't entirely know how the whole thing works out but here you go.
From Million Live there's Ueshama (Honami) and Komachi (Nene)
From Cinderlla Girls there's Yukki, Minoringo and Ruirui (oh I'm guessing that might be how they knew each other)
and from SideM there's Tokishun and Itoken (Toya)
as far as I'm aware these all predate proseka. Isobe-san (Saki) also voices a character in imas Shiny Colors but again I don't know anything about imas so not sure if she ever would've been given the opportunity to interact with the others.
also apparently there's multiple seiyuu who have done work on Uma Musume.
yeah in other words I don't know who knows each other personally outside Yukki and Hiichan attending the same school I just know who's done voice work in the same media and might've interacted.
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dialovers-translations · 11 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.8 Mukami Yuma Animate Tokuten CD
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol. 8 無神アズサ アニメイト 各巻購入特典ドラ
Source: Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene Vol. 8 Animate Tokuten CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kishio Daisuke
Translator’s note: This is one of those tracks where you get diabetes just from listening to it because Azusa is just such a cutie patootie. It was super adorable to see him get a little more assertive as well because he got jealous of the MC thinking of his brothers while they are out on a date, lol. Honestly, this boy needs to be protected. 
“It’s the first time...we’ve come to the amusement park to view the Christmas lights, isn’t it? Both the trees...and the buildings...are twinkling...It’s amazing...”
You note how it’s very pretty. 
“Mmh. I honestly...didn’t think it would be this pretty. Hey, Eve...Check that out. ...The lights over there...change color...It’s rather romantic...don’t you agree...?”
You mention how it’s a shame the others aren’t there to see it as well. 
“Eve...I thought we were out on a date together today...Yet you’ve got the other guys on your mind...?”
You ask him what he said.
“No...It’s nothing...Hey, Eve. Why don’t we go a bit further that way...?”
You nod.
“It’d be bad...if we were to get separated in the crowd so...So let’s hold hands...?”
“Fufu...Just follow my lead, okay...?”
“There aren’t...any people over here...Even though you’ve got a great overview of the lights from here...I guess it’s a secret hotspot...?”
“Ah! There’s a bench over there...Let’s sit down, Eve.”
The two of you take a seat.
“Say...Can I scoot...a little closer?”
You nod.
“Thanks...You really are too kind, Eve...That’s why I can’t help...but seek out your affection...”
He leans against you. 
“Ah...Am I being too clingy? Or maybe...I’m heavy? In that case, I’ll move back...”
“Fufu...I’m glad...Right, Eve. Look my way?”
You turn your head.
You seem surprised.
“Fufu...Your surprised face...is adorable too. Eve...Come closer.”
*Rustle rustle*
“...It’ll be fine. There’s nobody else around. It’s just the two of us...so there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”
You note how he is acting somewhat out of character.
“That’s not true...I’m no different from usual...”
 You seem skeptical.
“Ah...Uhm...It’s just...I got a little jealous, that’s all...”
You tilt your head to the side.
“...Because earlier...you mentioned something about wanting to come and see the lights with everyone...”
You say sorry.
“Ah...Please don’t apologize! I didn’t want to make you sad or anything...!”
“Eve...I love you. ...Hey, please let me hear those words too?”
You express your love for him.
“...Mmh! Thank you. I really...love you so much!”
“Hey, Eve...You should wrap your arms...tightly around me as well. I love it...when you hug me tight.”
“Ah~ It’s so warm...Doing this really helps me calm down...”
You tell him it gets you a little nervous too.
“Fufu~ You’re right...Your heart’s racing, isn’t it...? ...Your face is completely flustered too, how cute.”
Music starts playing all of a sudden.
“...? What’s going on? The lights are flashing on and off...Woah~! Amazing! Everything around us is turning a pink hue...!”
 You look around.
“It’s almost...as if he we have set foot into a whole new world...Besides...the lights are reflected in your eyes as well...How pretty. Give me a...better look?”
“...Fufu~ Just as I thought, it looks stunning...I feel so very blessed right now...to be here together with you in this moment...Thank you for coming here with me, Eve...”
You sneeze.
“Ah...A sneeze...Maybe it’s because we were out watching the lights for so long...? The wind got pretty chilly at some point too, so you probably got cold, didn’t you...? Give me...your hands?”
The blows on your hands.
“Haah...Haah...How’s that...? Did that help heat them up a little...?”
“Your fingers still feel cold. One more time...Haah...Haah...Hm...? Huh...?”
The music stops as you notice how the lights have gone out.
“Yeah...Seems like the lights went out over there. I see...It’s closing time, isn’t it? I guess the ones over here will turn off soon as well? That makes me...a little sad.”
You agree.
“...Ah. Really? You don’t want to...go home either?”
You nod. 
“I want to be together as well. I want more time together where it’s just the two of us.”
You tell him that you wish you could stay here forever.
“But...Say we stay here...and you catch a cold...I wouldn’t like that. Right! I’ll warm you up, okay?”
You tilt your head to th side.
“Scoot closer...?”
He wraps his arms around you.
*Rustle rustle* 
“Today, we’ll spend the whole day together...”
You nod and close your eyes. 
“Fufu~ I love you, Eve...”
ーー THE END ーー
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akkivee · 1 year
hypster fc uploaded short post live interviews and bat’s was part of day two’s release!!!!! it had me crying from the get go LOL
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they briefly mentioned this during the live itself, but in the video, sakikihara-san and takeuchi-san talked about their duet!!! they’re so used to performing as a three unit, when faced with needing to perform their duet, they were both stumped on what to do on stage for it
it was hayama-san that stepped in during rehearsals and gave them their stage direction; had them circle the stage in a slow swirl until they met in the center, so the duet wound up still being a bat team effort!!!! 🥹🥹🥹
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dia-souls · 9 months
DIOBOLIK LOVERS Imajin Tokuten Drama CD "Haunted Mansion scary event"
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Original title: お化け屋敷怖いイベント
Source: Fanmade Tokuten Drama CD
Story by: Admin Irsa
Seiyuu: Midorikawa Hikaru, Morikubo Shoutaro, Tomoaki Maeno & Rie Suegara.
Authors note: I always wanted a Drama CD based upon boys going to somewhere which is Haunted so instead of waiting for such CD to be released I used my imagination to create one myself. I hope you all will like it. I will try portray all boys true personality of course in this drama they will be whipped for Yui. Kino, Shin and Ayato are chataoic characters, I like their interaction in many drama CDs that's the reason I choose them for this CD along with Yui.
_The scene starts in class.
Yui: Hah! Finally the classes are over I better pack my things up and go home.
*Rustle* *Rustle*
Kino: Ahh my princess wait!!
Yui: Kino-kun.
_Kino approaches Yui while she is packing her things.
Yui: Kino-kun is there something I can help you with?
Kino: No I actually want to take you somewhere!
Yui: Take me somewhere?
Kino: Yes!! You see I heard this rumor about a Haunted mansion I want to explore that Haunted mansion so I am inviting you to come with me.
Yui: K-kino kun a- a Haunted mansion I-I can't go there with you!
_Yui said as her eyes were filled with fear.
Kino: Hmm why?
Yui: You see I am scared of ghost and supernatural beings.
Kino: Supernatural beings? Hey! Are you scared of us?!
_Yui remained silent.
Kino: Say are you scared of me? Huh your silence gives me an answer.
_Kinos face comes closer to Yui. Yui face flushes as she noticed the closeness of his face with her.
Kino: Hum!! If you really are scared of me then consider this as order not invitation.
_He said it with a smirk. Yui turned her chin but kino grabbed her face with his hand to make her look at him and not breaking eye contact.
Kino: So, you are coming with me! right my princess??
Yui: Y-yes.
Kino: Great then let's go right now!!
*Rustle* Rustle*
???: Oi!!! Oi!!! Where in the world are you taking her??!
Yui: kyah!!
_She screamed as she was suddenly yanked away from kino.
_Kino was grabbed by his back collar.
Kino: What the-- hey dude!!?
_Kino turned to look at Ayato.
Ayato: It's our turn to live with her where are you taking her it's against the rule!!?
_Ayato stood between Kino and Yui he made space between them and fitted himself in that space.
Kino: Hey-what is wrong with you!!
_He said as he looked at Yui who was now covered because of Ayato large frame.
Ayato: I waited 3 weeks for her to live with us. No way I am letting you go with her!!
Kino: Princess isn't coming to live with me. We both are just going on a date.
_He said as gave confused Yui a wink.
_Ayato turned away from Kino and grabbed Yui by her collar.
Ayato: YOU!YOU!!! How dare you try to betray Ore-sama you unfaithful women you tried to back stab me with this extra !!!!!?!
Kino: Hahh!! what did you called me!??!
_Yui eyes were now filled with fear she looked at Kino who now grabbed Ayato by collar. Yui got between them before thing got worse.
Yui: STOP IT! Please you two!!
_Kino let Ayato go and Ayato let Yui go as well.
Yui: Ayato-kun me and Kino-kun are actually going to Haunted Mansion that is rumored to have a male demon inside.
Ayato: Oh!! So you both aren't going on date.
_His eyes now filled with sense of relief.
Kino: We were actual_____
Yui: Yes!! We weren't we just want to check it out!!
Ayato: Than let Ore-sama join you!!
_He said as he grabbed Yui by her arm and started walking away.
Kino: Wait!! Wait a minute you aren't supposed to be here. HEY !!
_Kino runs to catch up with them.
Kino: Is it really necessary for him to third wheel!!
*Running sounds*
Ayato: Tch!! If you really want to go then you can go alone why take her with yourself huh?
Kino: Hah don't tell me you are scared that's why you are targeting me?!
Ayato: Pfft!! Me sacred that impossible!
Yui: Please you both stop fighting! Since we three are going how about we enjoy it instead of fighting beside the more people means more fun.
Ayato: Me and having fun with this guy don't be stupid-
Yui: Ahh we are almost there.
_The scene shifts towards the haunted mansion. They approach the entrance of the mansion.
Kino: Wohh this really looks scary!
_Yui's face changes into fear as she continue to see the mansion.
Kino: Ayato what happen you suddenly went quite? Don't tell me that this mansion is scaring you?!
Ayato: Hah as-s if something so stupid could scare o-ore-sama!!
???: Hoh really!?
Yui: Kyyahhhhhhh!!
_All three covered their ears upon hearing Yui shrill voice.
???: Ahhgh!! women watch your voice I have sensitive ears!
Kino: Uwu I think my ears might bleed.
Ayato: UGHH!
_Ayato yelped lowly as he heard the intruders voice. But it was masked by Yui screams.
Yui: S-sor-ry! Shin-kun you scared me!!
Shin: Hmm.... Did I?
Yui: Yes! but Shin-kun what are you doing here at this time?
Shin: Oh!! me I was just strolling around here I saw you here so I decided-
Kino: To stop by and say 'hi' don't give me that idiocity okay!!?
Shin: Then don't buy it and me saying hi to likes of you-
Ayato & kino: Liar!!
Ayato: You are about miles away from your mansion and you telling us you are taking a stroll over here!!?
Shin: Look it might be away from my mansion but I really was-
Kino: In the middle of unknown forest and this time of the day!!
Ayato: Don't play with us!!
Yui: Guys please stop fighting I am so tired of telling you this again and again!
Shin & Kino & Ayato: Hmph!!
Kino: I judged your presence as soon as we entered this jungle. So why are you lying huh.
Ayato: Since we enter this jungle- why didn't I judged.
Shin: Because you were busy bothering her that's why you didn't judged my presence I saw that you were taking her out of the school feeling suspicious I followed you all.
Ayato: What are you stalker eye-patch?!
Shin: Excuse me I don't have enough time to stalk likes of you I was just not going let you have her to yourselves.
Yui: Ehh me?
Kino: What did you say?
Shin: You really think I will let the only women who can secure our race to hangout in this creppy forest with inferior beings like you. I don't want something to happen to her that's why I decided to follow you all.
Yui: Ummmm.
Shin: And you!!
_Shin steps closer to yui.
Yui: Kyaahh.
Shin: You are really that stupid you should take care of yourself you know that whom you are going with this lower and filthy specie looking at you with them boils my blood.
Ayato: Hey!! hey!! stop there what are you doing huh?!
Kino: How dare you make us feel like third wheels!!!
Shin: Tch.
Yui: Guys I think we need to hurry and go home others will be worried.
Kino: Yeah! let's go inside and explore it princess!
_Kino intertwined his hand with Yui and went inside completely ignoring the duo.
Ayato: He-yy!! Wait for me you extra!!
*Running sound*
Shin: Tch!
Kino: This mansion is really old.
Yui: Achoo!! achoo! It is also filled with dust.
Shin: What is this disgusting smell!
Ayato: ..........
Yui: Ayato-kun what happen? Why are you so quit??.
Ayato: That painting!! That painting is so creepy I am sure it is Haunted !!
Shin: Hmm that painting.
Kino: It's a painting of the owner of this mansion. The demon which is now trapped inside of this mansion.
Yui: A demon!?
Kino: Yes a demon he used to be human the rumors says that he has deep hatred for men.
Ayato: Hatred for men but why?
Kino: Well he doesn't hate all men's he only hate specific types of men.
Shin: Specific types and what are those type?
Kino: Well he hate guys with red and peach hairs you see..
Shin: You-- they aren't peach you filthy pureblood.
_Ayato grabbed him by shoulder.
Ayato: You want to know which type of men Ore-sama hates most!!!?
Kino: Hey!! let go of my shirt you are ruining it!!
Yui: Kyahhhhhhhhh!!
Three of them: Ughhhhhh!!
Shin: I told you to stop screaming so loudly.
Kino: Princess your screams are echoing so avoid doing it.
Ayato: Ore-sama doesn't mind your screaming in bed but don't do it in open.
Shin: ..........
Kino: .........
_Yui face becomes redder at his words.
Yui: H-he means when he is sucking my nothing else.
Shin: I will kill you!! Right here and right now and bury you!!
_The painting beside slammed on the surface. There was silence everywhere as soon as the painting slammed.
Kino: T-that might be beac-cause of the wind.
Shin: Win-dd but the windows are closed.
Yui: Ahhhhh!!!!
_Yui started running towards the entrance to get out of the mansion only for the entrance gate to shut by its own.They saw a shadow appearing at entrance and sound of males grunt.
_Now all of them were running hand in hand with each other.
_Kino and Yui continue running leaving Shin and Ayato behind. They came to halt and run inside the room and lock it.
Kino: Hahh! That was close call.
Yui: Shin-kun and Ayato-kun are left behind I am worried about them.
Kino: I need to find a way for us to get out.
Yui: We need to help them Kino-kun.
Kino: Is there any window around!?
Yui: Kino-kun are you listening to me!?
Kino: Look my princess I get it that you are worried about them but we both need to get out because we will be in danger.
Yui: But___
Kino: I didn't invited them they came because they wanted to and I am not taking any responsibility-
Yui: K-kino-kun please do something I am scared!!
_She said as she drew closer with kino.
Kino: Look-k I mi-ight be demon but I don't know how to handle such-h demons. We need to get out of here.
???: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!
Kino: Wait isn't it a girls scream what is a girl doing here?
Yui: Let's check out.
_They saw Shin and Ayato, Shin was covering his ears.
Shin: I am going to bleed from my ears because of your screeching!!
Yui: Ehh? Shin kun and Ayato-kun are you both okay?
Kino: Wait a minute don't tell me that girly scream was given by Ayato?!
Shin: Of course it was given by him.
Kino: Hahaha!! you talk big look at you getting yourself worked up over something like this!
Ayato: S-shut it-t. Ore-sama was just startled!! Beside this eye patch also screamed when he heard voice.
Shin: Whe-n No-o I didn't!!
Ayato: Ohh! So you don't remember when you started clinging to me you disgusting man!!
Yui: Guy-s I think we should get out off here instead of arguing I am really scared!
Kino: Hmm but I think we should explore it more!
Shin: If you still want to explore it then do it alone I am taking her!!
_Shin grabs Yui and tugged her towards him.
*Glass Shatters*
Ayato: The-e h!!
Kino: Oh no! I think the male demon here is upsetted by our presence!!
Yui: So-s wh-at sh-hall we do?
Kino: That male demon hates mens because his own lover abandoned him for her lover he couldn't believe it so he always thought she was manipulated by the man,thats why she left he is still in this delusion that his lover will return one day. He started taking revenge on every man he sees.
Shin: .........
Ayato: Wah!! So what do we do for it to let us go!!?
Kino: Hmmm the solution is simple he needs sacrifice of men for some reason he let couple go...
Yui: Sacrifice of men's.
_Yui looked at three men's surrounding her with varying eyes.
Ayato: You unfaithful and vile women!!!
Yui: Ehh! No I wasn't thinking of sacrificing you all I wont-
Shin: Shut up we can read what you are thinking!!
_Ayato grabbed Yui.
*Rustle Rustle*
Ayato: Come on we are getting out of here right now!!
_The ground start vibrating.
*Sounds of footsteps drawing closer*
Yui: Lo-oks l-like it's coming here!!
*The atmosphere becomes chilly and sounds of male angry grunts are heard.*
Ayato: I think it will kill us all!!
Shin: We need to get out!!
Yui: Aren't you all demons can't you do something!!!?
Kino: We can but with some one who has body not someone who is invisible and is dead!!!
Shin: Get out of the way!!
*Slam Slam*
Kino: What are you doing!?
Shin: Are you blind can't you see I am destroying the wall for us to get out!!
Kino: The-e wall-
_The entrance is away the demon is coming this is the best option!!
Ayato: Ore-sama will help you too!!
*Slam Slam Slam Slam *
*The sound of wall breaking is heard *
Shin: Let's get out of this place!!
*Running sounds*
Yui: Hahh finally we are out of there!!
Kino: Ehh I wanted to tour it more. What a shame.
Shin: Why are you keen to tour it huh!?what are you a tourist!!?
Kino: F-for no reason!
Ayato: Now that you talk about it you said you heard this rumor around school so how we never heard it and how do you know its exact location huh?
Shin: This means you have come here before right?
Yui: ......... It feels so weird that out of everyone you two putted the pieces together.
Shin: Hahhh I knew it!! The way you were most calmed one throughout the chaos the fact you even knew the directions is so weird.
Kino: Looks like I am busted!!
Ayato: You twik!! I will teach a very good lesson!!!
Kino: Excuse me!! Do you have any right to say that to me huh! I only invited her you came like out of nowhere, third wheelers!!
Yui: It was threat not invitation!
Kino: You all also ruined my romantic moments with her by your idiocity !! You have the nerve to say that! The only good thing that happened was I get to see you both getting fooled!!
Shin: You__
*Rings Rings*
Kino: Shut up!! Yes Yuri? uhuh oh we are now out of the mansion.. Wait.. What!? But that mansio--Yuri don't go there I repeat cancel it don't go there!!!
Shin: Hmm what happen you look like as if you saw a ghost?!
Yui: Kino-kun are you okay did something bad happened?
Kino: I just got call from Yuri he said that he is going to be late to set things up in the mansion!
Shin: .......
Yui: ..........
Ayato: So? whats bad in it?? tell him to take his time!!
Kino: .........
Yui: ............
Shin: ........ You Red head stupid idiot.
______ The End ______
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rimicchan · 4 days
Noir Bouquet Ep 1 Watch Party Notes
They had the merch from the cafe in front of them!
It was advertised that all the seiyuus would be there, but Murase (Tuxam's seiyuu) was late, or something. (Expected, to be honest.) They joked that he ran there.
They ran another little quiz for the voice drama.
They spent some time introducing the Fragaria Memories project, the characters, and a basic plot for the drama (we all know this).
(They introduced Pikero as a "outrageous" Fragaria… and someone called Lily sexy and it started a minor squabble, lol)
They're doing the Seeds thing during the little game they have in the livestreams again.
(I have… no idea why Arupek's seiyuu was just. Panting. I have no idea what Pikero's seiyuu was doing or what he drew. Why did Hangyon's seiyuu draw a box with the kanji for love in it??? Why was Badobarm's seiyuu panting too??? What was Chaco's seiyuu doing???? What the hell happened??????)
Okay… I think they were miming out or drawing "hints" for the plot. (Is this okay, Sanrio????????)
Break happened here
Oh hey Murase's here. (He took a taxi but it's Japan on a Friday night.)
Turns out Chaco's seiyuu was the one controlled by the Seeds in the earlier… charades game.
They chatted about the voice drama for a while. I think Hangyon and Pikero both played the boke to Tuxam's tsukkomi. (I lost focus here, to be honest.)
New song, Charcoal White! Chaco song that was previewed on Twitter earlier. (And is premiering… pretty much as of posting this. It'll be available on streaming services at midnight locally.)
More info about Wish is…! Seems like Murase will be there on the second day during the day performance! (He's pretty busy for a Fragaria seiyuu, so the fact he's there at all is surprising!)
Collab cafe information! It starts tomorrow at Shibuya PARCO! You get a paper placemat for free, and I think every order comes with a random paper coaster you can take home.
They tried the dishes in real time… Badobarm's seiyuu scoffed it down, lol. I wish I could say the other seiyuus ate and drank their dishes normally, but we all saw the face Pikero's seiyuu made when he bit into the donut. Badobarm's seiyuu is losing his mind over the cold noodle dish for some reason. Arupek's seiyuu also drowned Arupek in his drink.
They're staring a series of 4koma from 13/05!! It'll be uploaded to the Twitter!
There'll be a performance at Animelo Summer Live on 31/08! All of them… except Murase…
Tomorrow's Knight Link will be the same cast as last week; Cielomort, Klarkstella, and Louterstella! (I hope they archive the cast side somewhere one day, that'd be neat.) The week after that will be Tuxam, Hangyon, and Pikero!! They previewed the cast side in the watch party stream after they said bye.
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 10 months
I want to hear the niche anime recs
Oh I GOT you. Most of these are all short watches, 12/13 eps, and absolutely worth anyone's time--there's also enough genres here that I hope there's something you like.
Do you like thrillers, bright colors, and edge-of-your seat scifi dystopia action? Akudama Drive had me so hooked I watched all 13 episodes, no breaks, and then it broke my heart at the very end as a parting gift. Fuckin incredible pacing.
Want a silly crime show that's an easily digestible buddy cop until ep7 takes you for an absolute ride with a skyrocketing body count and tonal whiplash? I watched Millionaire Detective: Balance Unlimited just for the seiyuus originally but the cast made me soft for them. 12 eps, not very high octane, and very sweet.
Interested in a vampire romance that somehow manages to quietly deconstruct heteronormative, allonormative societal constructs about falling in love on top of sick character designs and a gorgeous atmosphere? Call of the Night is a brilliant 12 episodes that had me absolutely whipped for the chemistry between the two leads.
Do you want something dark that nevertheless doesn't take itself too seriously? Hakata Tonkatsu Ramens is an anime about hitmen who play baseball on their off days, but it's also about found family and the lead is a crossdressing, grumpy assassin who ends up in a funny roommate situation as the premise of the show. Fantastic use of the style where each arc is a case, and the characters are both hilarious and heartfelt. Thanks to @neon-snail-city for the amazing rec.
Okay, picture this: sci-fi crime/psychological thriller, except you don't know if the twist is time travel, seeing the future, or something else entirely. Captured criminals take a deep dive into the minds of serial killers in order to catch them in Id:Invaded and it's such a brilliant overlooked anime that I can't believe it's so under the radar. I've heard it's similar to Psycho Pass but I haven't watched that yet, so I can't confirm.
Hear me out here: Interspecies Reviewers may be an ecchi pushing the boundaries of how much titty they can show on TV, but it has the most nuanced and intelligent exploration of kink, sex, and boundaries that I've ever seen in anime. And it's batshit hilarious, so if you like dirty humor, this one is a fun ride.
I can't make a niche anime rec list without Mars Red, either. Another vampire anime, except this one is a lot heavier. If you're a fan of anime that deals with grief, what it means to be human, and how to survive in a fast-changing world, Mars Red has some heart wrenching stories to tell you. I've talked a lot about it on this acc if you search the Mars Red tag :)
If you're a magical girl fan who enjoyed Magica Madoka and you're looking for something else bonkers to fill the void, check out Princess Tutu. It has some of the rawest writing I've ever seen, and it's about characters deciding if they want to fight fate or follow it in a crushing exploration of the fairytale genre--it's incredibly meta and self-aware as its main gimmick, too.
This one was popular enough to get a second season, but I love Snow White with the Red Hair too much not to put it here. It's a sweet shoujo romance with a fairytale setting and the female lead is one of the most badass, headstrong women I've ever seen. She doesn't take shit lying down and the male lead is head over heels for her, plus the side characters are super endearing.
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