#'i just want people to have healthcare honey'
antique-symbolism · 2 years
The "that doesn't sound right but I don't know enough about X to dispute it" meme is so constantly relevant to my life in situations such as: trying to explain to a Tesla fanboy why I think Capitalism Bad
#it's fine because halfway through my guts exploding with chronic digestive issues in the bathroom i realized#there's only one person at this table whose opinion i give a shit about and it's not his#it stresses me out not because i don't like to lose arguments or look ignorant#like i don't LOVE that happening but in the end it can be whatever#it stresses me out because sometimes i wonder: DO I only think this because i don't understand the full situation?#am i parrotting other people's opinions without true knowledge of the facts?#for some reason he was under the impression that i was in the same mba program as our mutual friend#and he was like 'how could you have gone through an mba and still think this?'#I felt like Sailor Socialism in that Bernie Sanders rally video#'i just want people to have healthcare honey'#and he was like 'well what alternate system would you propose'#'if your goal is to change the government then it's never going to happen' etc etc#and I'm like i don't know! do i have to have the insight of God and figure the perfect plan for fixing all the world's problems just to say#'hey i think a system where people die for being poor and profits are valued over people is bad'??#anyway it's fine i let my guts do their awful chronic bullshit and then i returned to dinner to discuss books with my way cooler friend#it was a decent dinner party all things considered#Tesla Fanboy doesn't even seem like a bad dude#i just think we have some fundamental disagreements and it bothers me that i can't at least coherently defend my position
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Due to my obsession with the devils from abbadon (Phenix is underrated). I DEMAND (kindly ask) you to hand over all your headcannons about them.
Since you're asking so politely, I shall give it to you
Abaddon headcanon (Tw: Abaddon)
Since Abaddon is THE sex dangeon of all of Hell, and you can see public sex everywhere, I think that the people in Abaddon don't have the concept of consent. Everyone already wants to fuck and doing it in public with strangers is just the norm, so if any Abaddon nobles got a boner they'll just get undressed and fuck you right then and there
If we want to get really dark, we could even say that cries for "stop" and "no" are just taken as dirty talk. You can't tell me someone in Abaddon isn't into cnc.
Asmodeus likes seing his subjects fuck so he invites his nobles over and uses his powers to get them to rail eachother for his entertainment. Who needs porn when you can just make two of your people fuck for you?
Weirdly enough, Abaddon demons are actually very interested in romance. Their king was the only one that had a wife and kids, so they can do more than just fuck
Even someone like Phenix can be quite romantic when Asmodeus is asleep or something.
When Paradise Lost first became the ER of hell, it was filled with Abaddon demons because a) they're neighbouring countries b) they try very dangerous stuff for sexual pleasure and it usually fails
Abaddon was the first to lose healthcare priveledges and that's why Asmodeus and Lucifer don't talk with eachother.
Now they only have Marbas as the countries doctor
Marbas used to be just a normal demon before he was assigned to Abaddon. Since he was exposed to more of Asmodeus' charm, he started acting more violent and horny, so Lucifer had to tie him up
Asmodeus' charm is kind of like nuclear energy, where, the longer you're exposed to it the worse the symptoms get. And then you end up like Phenix.
The noble with the most one night stands to his name is Ronové. You can randomly ask a devil what their experience with Ronové was like and they'll have a story about it
Asmodeus used to take Ronové to meetings with him as an assistent, but he kept talking about how beautiful amputated feet are so Asmodeus gags him now.
Masturbating is a form of prayer towards Asmodeus.
Asmodeus is autistic and his special interest is sex. He's also a strong believer in learning by doing
Phenix was Asmodeus' caretaker when Asmo was little and that's why he's the most affected by his charms.
Asmodeus is the only demon in Abaddon that you can have a conversation with that doesn't involve sex. He'll still flirt tho
Abaddon demons can heal by having sex, which is how Dantalian got his kink
He got really badly wounded and was about to die before Phenix fucked him and his wounds closed off enough that he could walk himself to Paradise Lost
In that sense, Abaddon demons are healers but only to other Abaddon demons
Abaddon is the top honey moon destination in Hell.
The country they're closest to is Avisos because they have similar views on sex.
Asmodeus is the only demon king that can go to the human world at will without any complications. Even Satan gets shit for leaving for half an hour, but Asmodeus could be gone for days and nobody would complain.
He's closest with Belphegor but only by proxy. They're not friends, but they don't hate eachother so that's a plus in his book
None of the other kings really like him because when Asmodeus wants something, he would do anything to get it. And I trully mean anything. Nobody trusts this charming little back stabber.
Asmodeus has a statue of his former lover in the royal garden. If anyone tried to touch it he would brake all the bones in their body. He sometimes just stares at it and laments her death
He wouldn't even let the decendent of Solomon touch it. That's his wife and you can go find another.
He still has the makeshift wedding ring on his finger and he plays with it when he's bored. When Dantalian was little he stole it to try and get in danger with Asmodeus, but he almost shat his pants when he saw the absolutely terrifing glare Asmo had on.
When there's no battles to be had, Phenix goes to Asmodeus's chambers and humps his leg like a bitch in heat. Asmo sometimes picks him up on his lap and jerks him off while he works.
He'd be on a phone call like "Don't worry about the screams, my dog's in heat."
All electronics in Abaddon are waterproof... or more specificly, cum proof.
Ok wow, fuck this was longer than expected and I still have some. Abaddon is my second favorite country and we'll see if it because the first by Christmas.
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misschinablue · 3 days
welcome to the UK, where world leading healthcare is free at the point of use! hopefully you don't need it though. underfunding and shitty management of the public health sector by non clinicians mean you could wait up to six months for an urgent referral. hope all your organs are in good working order because you could die waiting if they're not :) and god forbid you should need to see a GP or a practice nurse for something more minor - the demand highly outweighs the supply and you'll be engaging in the hunger games to maybe get a 10 minute telephone appointment in September 2026 :) mental health suffering? well you are shit out of luck my friend - again, demand far outweighs supply - everything has been cut down to less than the absolute bare minimum - and the criteria for services is sky high now. make a cup of tea and take the crisis line number. you'll be fine right?
welcome to the UK, one of the richest economies in the world! how is it then that living standards are as low as they were in the 1970s, what with the old cossie lives and wages that were already laughably meagre now completely out of sync with how fucking expensive everything is?? i know you worked hard to get your education and onto your graduate scheme and did everything society asked of you to make it in life, but things are different now so here's your mouldy room in a shared house where the rent is a million pounds a month and lol what disposable income aren't you just happy to have a roof of your head?? stop going to Costa every morning for your soy triple shot vanilla latte you entitled little shit! it's not like we've had 14 years of complete mismanagement of the economy or anything! ps. aren't you so tired of hearing that it's all your fault?
welcome to the UK, where we have a welfare system designed to help people.in need, I.e. those out of work and those too sick to work! but good luck accessing that too. and if you want to try - LMFAO! oh honey no one LIKES working. but all this pretending to be too unwell to work ain't fooling anyone! come on mate drop that defeatist attitude and get on indeed.com. none of your conditions are even real. stop using your multiple sclerosis/depression/long covid/terminal cancer as an excuse. fucking sickness culture in this country. the high rates of mental illness especially have no obvious cause at all do they?
welcome to the UK, a tiny country that prides itself on tolerance and has historically seen great benefits to the economy and culturally from immigration! but god forbid we make this an easy place to live for trans people! this Woke has gone too far! and oh my GOD aren't all these refugees SO annoying?! they clearly just want to come here for the free healthcare (you know that non existent thing) and to get welfare benefits (you know asylum seekers aren't entitled to benefits apart from a pittance allowance from the home office right?) and they're absolutely not braving a life threatening journey to escape horrific conditions and persecution in their own country. but whatever. not our problem. off to Rwanda with you. human rights are stupid lmao. empathy? compassion? never heard of her.
welcome to the UK, where we support genocide and saying certain things in opposition of it is actually fucking illegal. i wish i was kidding.
welcome to the UK, where nothing works and everyone is sad.
welcome to the UK. god i fucking hate it here.
british tumblr - even if you don't think it will make a difference, even if you recognise there is just a lesser of two evils here, even if you don't trust any of them, even if you're fucked off and burnt out, i am BEGGING you to vote to get these absolute cretins out of power. we cannot have another five years under tory rule. there will be nothing left.
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anamericangirl · 10 months
Actually, gender reaffirming healthcare is not child abuse; you're just a transphobic piece of work who doesn't even know what real child abuse is. In fact, the real child abusers are actually transphobic assholes who abuse their kids for being trans. When parents give their kids gender-reaffirming healthcare, they're not abusing that kid; they're just letting that kid make their own choices for themself and actually loving them for it. As for abortion, nobody is killing babies, you absolute halfwit! There is a difference between an unfeeling fetus and an actual baby. Oh but of course, you just want to advocate forcing rape victims to give birth to kids they don't want against their will. Also, abortion actually saves lives, unlike your precious guns; guns just kill people and that's it. Yet you just want to prolong gun violence forever. Seriously, be careful what you wish for!
There you have it! Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Wow you managed to be wrong about everything great job.
Gender affirming care is child abuse because healthcare is not supposed to "affirm" things it's supposed to diagnose a problem and treat it. Having a boy say "I'm a girl" or a girl say "I'm a boy" and responding "That's right honey you're whatever you say are here take puberty blockers" which will permanently change their bodies in ways they can't possibly comprehend is abuse.
If a person walked into a doctor's office with two arms and said they only have one and the doctor chopped off one of their arms that would be abuse but I bet you would call it "limb affirming care."
There are choices kids should not be allowed to make for themselves. We don't let kids choose to smoke or drink or get tattoos but an 11 year old boy should be allowed to "choose" to permanently mutilate his body because someone convinced him he's a girl because he likes to play with dolls and put on a dress once? Nah fuck you dude.
As for abortion it is killing a baby. The only difference between an "unfeeling fetus" and an "actual baby" are the ones you arbitrarily assigned to it. Abortion has never saved a single life and has killed millions more people than the holocaust did.
And for real, you are a disgrace for using rape victims as a prop for your morally bankrupt and ignorant opinions. Rape victims account for less than 1% of the women who get abortions and you using them to pretend pro-lifers just want to hurt rape victims is disgusting, especially when you're the one hiding behind that weak, pathetic and thoroughly debunked talking point. Shame on you.
It's very sad to me that you would actually believe any of that. You are a perfect example of how deep the propaganda in this country runs and the extent to which it is successfully brainwashing people. I hope you learn how to think for yourself, see through the lies and follow the truth.
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andreablog2 · 1 year
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I just want people to have healthcare honey
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barclaysangel · 4 months
Okay....hear me out....Chucky/Big Hero 6 AU
Here's who would be who:
Jules ~ Sadly, I can Imagine him being In Tadashi's role as the supportive and Incredibly Intelligent Inventor big brother who dies In the fire at the beginning of the story and kickstarts the whole superhero team Idea
Junior ~ He'd definitely (and obviously) be Hiro as the Incredibly smart, but reckless younger brother who graduated high school extremely young (13 years old to be exact) and Is always getting himself Into trouble, but he has to try and work through his grief over losing his brother and meets a sweet and huggable robot that his brother Invented and showed to him shortly before he died
Lydia ~ I can maybe Imagine her being GoGo as the steadfast adrenaline junkie who's always on her feet and needing a piece of the action, but Is Junior's biggest supporter after Jules’ death. Only thing Is that she may just have to be a friend of Jules and Junior's rather than their cousin to fit Into the story
Lexy ~ Idk, she could most likely be Honey Lemon even though Lexy Is a reformed mean girl while Honey Lemon Is a huge ball of friendly energy. But she could still work by being the sweet and supportive friend (and eventual girlfriend) of Junior's that tries to be there for him as much as he can. I think that It'd be Interesting for her and Junior to start out as friends and maybe build up their relationship throughout the story
Jake ~ It took a bit of thought, but I really think Jake would be Wasabi as the smart and awkward clean freak that can't stand the sight of blood and Is always trying to keep things tidy. He's really anxious about a lot of things and thinks that Junior Is crazy for wanting to build a superhero team Initially, but he gives In for his sake and for the sake of keeping an eye on him for Jules. Once more, none of the Wheeler's would really be related except for Jules and Junior for the sake of the story.
Devon ~ Again, It took a bit of thought, but I genuinely think Devon would be Fred as the super nerdy guy who's not only Into true crime and comic books, but science as well. He just wants to give Junior as much comfort as he can and Is ultimately excited to be a part of Junior's superhero team
Baymax can stay the same as the loveable healthcare robot that Jules creates not only for the sake of helping other people, but for the sake of helping Junior the most, which definitely happens once Jules Is gone (Thinking of doing the scene where Baymax shows the testing videos of Tadashi to Hiro with Jules and Junior Is already making me wanna cry😭)
Nica could be In Aunt Cass’ role because my girl definitely needs more love. I can definitely see her being the lovable and supportive young aunt to Jules and Junior. Maybe Andy can be thrown In as their uncle just so he can be there, lol
Idk who would be Professor Callaghan (a.k.a the villain of the story), so maybe he can stay the same? Either that or Andy can be In his place?
But I really hope you've seen Big Hero 6 because It's my all-time favorite Disney movie and I really love this Idea and have been thinking about It for a while!
This is awesome!!!
Man, the first time I watched Big Hero 6, it made me cry for 20 minutes after it ended…
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In the wisest words of @bonefall: “Getting tweaked on purpose is practically the mark of a species' intelligence.” (Found HERE)
So I started looking into ways to get my fictional war kitty cats tweaked! :D
EDIT: If y’all enjoy this research, take a look at my rewrite!! I tend to dip down deep into a lot of various aspects, and end up including a lot of it into the story itself!! ^^
DISCLAIMER: Do not give any of these things to your real life pets to ingest in light of what is described below, especially not without doing research or asking the opinion of an animal healthcare professional. This guide is merely an attempt to share some fun knowledge and additional world building for a FICTIONAL society of cats. You should never try to give your real life animals things described in books or writhing unless they’ve come from people who actively know what they’re doing and have something to prove it.
With the easy access that these cats have to multiple trees, the syrups that they have the ability to make aren’t just limited to maple! Various nut producing trees (walnut, heartnut, butternut, etc) boxelder, alder, birch, and pine (amongst others) are all notable for their sap, which can, of course, be turned into syrup.
Though these sorts of syrups are primarily for flavor. The syrup that these guys would mostly be looking to for some fun times would come from other sources…
Namely valerian root syrup! If catnip can be compared to marijuana, then valerian root specifically might be a bit more like phencyclidine in terms of behavior, or isobutyl nitrite (rush) via chemical effects. It is commonly used in small doses by veterinarians to treat stress and anxiety in animals.
This is probably the only thing on the liquid list that might actually be safe for cats to ingest. But I want to stress again: Do Not give your pets anything from this list; I am NOT an expert in this field.
Mead is probably the easiest for these cats to make, should they have any sort of access to honey.
Rather than adding yeast, which can be harmful to cats alongside being quite difficult for them to get their paws on, mead is to be fermented! Natural, less harmful yeast comes from the air (room-temperature water and honey is the ideal for fermentation) or it can be added via fruits or spices.
This is not safe for irl cats, however in small amounts, or fictional feline friends can enjoy some ol’ fermented honey-and-water fun.
Since the cats have used the prefix “Apple-”several times, we can clearly see that they know of apples. Which in turn, I’m sure, means they have access to them.
A natural, non-harmful yeast lives on the surface of apples straight from the stem, and as soon as it’s pressed into juice, it will ferment and become alcoholic on its own when left in a contained space and at a steady temperature.
Depending on the time it’s left to it’s own devices, that will affect the taste.
Keep in mind that all of these liquids are pretty high in both natural sugars, as well as containing sugars purposefully added; excessive sugar isn’t healthy for cats, so should they be able to make these, the danger of overindulgence should be stressed.
Also known as Nepeta cataria, catswort/catwort, and catmint, catnip is an herb that is most well-known for its affects on felines.
It is most commonly used as a recreational substance and has been observed to have many different effects on various cats. One-third of cats have been noted to not be affected by catnip, and it seems that the behavior is linked to genes and age, and is usually hereditary.
The herb can improve relaxation, which may reduce anxiety, restlessness, and nervousness, making it a prime option in terms of medicinal uses. For recreational uses, however, it may cause cats to act in a number of different fashions, however the most common are as follows: excessive rubbing, rolling around, pawing, licking, and chewing when exposed solely to the scent, while consumption is followed by sleepiness, anxiety, bursts of energy, drooling, purring, biting, growling or meowing loudly.
MATATABI (Silver Vine)
While catnip is the most well-known, matatabi is reportedly more potent and effective. Silver vine contains more and different compounds that cats like and respond to, and, unlike catnip, silver vine’s effects are nearly immediate and last for a much shorter amount of time.
Also unlike in catnip, matatabi is most effective outright consumed, especially in the forms of sticks! Chewing on matatabi sticks, twigs, and shoots is not only a good way for cats to still feel the effects (which are the same as catnip’s, though with a more prominent lean into relaxation and stress-relief), but also an excellent way to keep up with dental hygiene!
Alongside being a a recreational substance, matatabi also has medicinal uses! It contains a significant amount of vitamin C, and is known to lower high blood pressure and provide relief from arthritis pains. In especially large quantities, its leaves may also have a mildly hallucinogenic effect.
Honeysuckle berries, flowers, and leaves are toxic to cats and should not be given to them under any circumstances. It is exclusively the wood part of the plant that is safe, and is most often used via scent sprays and toys.
Unlike catnip and matatabi, tatarian honeysuckle specifically has been reported to not possess the same age effective limits that it’s counterparts have. As such, it is a prime choice to stuff into toys (for our cats in question: at the center of moss balls, inside of fabric toys, stuffed into woven mats, etc), especially for younger cats.
Tartarian honeysuckle also has an extended growing season: producing leaves, flowers and berries very early on during spring, and shutting down only late into the autumnal months. It grows quickly and tall, however it is invasive and can very quickly choke out other plants should it be left to its own devices.
Raw mushrooms are difficult for cats to digest, so any mushrooms eaten by this guys should only be done so if they have been thoroughly cooked and softened up.
Psilocybin mushroom specifically can be used for this purpose. Some psychedelic mushrooms can also be used for medicinal purposes via treating some forms of treatment-resistant depression, obsessive compulsive disorder and other mental health disorders.
Most hallucinogenic mushrooms used for recreational purposes are toxic to pets, however. Look HERE for various listings of mushroom poisoning and toxicity, alongside any potential symptoms found in some pets for some of these mushroom poisonings.
Various seeds can be used and are safe in moderation for cats.
Raw, unwashed poppy seeds specifically are some of the most popular - and some we see used even in Warriors canon as medicine! The seeds are most commonly boiled and made into teas that supposedly relieve pain, while other teas are simply used in an attempt to wring out the “high” and relaxation from said poppy seeds.
Mulberries specifically are the only berries I’ve found that are safe for cats to ingest while also providing some sort of recreational reaction.
Ripe fruit is a nice snack for cats on occasion! The hallucinogenics come from unripened berries, mature leaves, and the white sap that they produce.
Unripe fruit may (and probably will) cause stomach discomfort, neurological system hyperactivity, and hallucinations when consumed.
Repeated Disclaimer:
DISCLAIMER: Do not give any of these things to your real life pets to ingest in light of what is described below, especially not without doing research or asking the opinion of an animal healthcare professional. This guide is merely an attempt to share some fun knowledge and additional world building for a FICTIONAL society of cats. You should never try to give your real life animals things described in books or writhing unless they’ve come from people who actively know what they’re doing and have something to prove it.
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fictionplumis · 4 months
So I went to a dermatologist last week, and I gotta say, we both definitely left an impression on each other. She proved to be a better rheumatologist than the rheumatologist I'm actually seeing, she left me with three stitches, and I'm pretty sure I traumatized her.
To preface, I am going through mysterious symptoms that I've had for about three years now, which suddenly got nearly debilitating these last six months or so. It hasn't been easy to see doctors due to my lack of insurance, the American healthcare system, and the fact that the only people with cars in my family work full time and can't take time off. I finally fixed the lack of insurance the beginning of this year, but, y'know.
Anyway, after some testing done at a very cheap local clinic for poor people, bless them for existing and offering labs for $3, they suggested I have an autoimmune thing and needed specialized tests, and referred me to a rheumatologist.
Now since I've had nothing but time to research my symptoms in a desperate hope I can save myself some money by going, "Hey, I think it's this, can we test for this?" me and my family have a theory that it's polymyositis.
Well, technically, dermapolymyositis because I have a rash on my back that my mom noticed six months ago by sheer coincidence. We don't know how long it's been there, I was helping her with something and the back of my shirt rode up and she saw it. Doesn't hurt or itch, I've tried three different prescription creams on it that do nothing, it's just there.
Keep in mind that me looking up my stuff up online isn't just, like... WebMD.
My mom is a medical assistant for a company that does house calls. My sister is a pharmacist who just finished her BA to become a physician's assistant. She's shadowed with my PCP for about three years and we have his personal number on speed dial in case any of us need anything. For regular medical stuff, I am SPOILED.
This rheumatologist is the first specialist I've ever had to see and apparently she doesn't want to be there because she would rather blame my symptoms on everything BUT something in her specialty. She's also apparently never seen a poor person before, because the ideal that I haven't seen every other specialist under the sun before her is just BAFFLING to her.
"Your heart rate is over 150? Have you seen a cardiologist?" NO. Because my PCP has done EKGs on me and determined that it's fast but not actually an immediate problem, and probably a symptom of a larger problem.
"You're shaky and claim you have muscle weakness. Have you seen a neurologist?" NO. Because the shakiness is a direct result of the muscle fatigue and worsens whenever I do any physical activity, and it's also not on just one side of my body, so we suspect and it's a symptom of a larger problem.
"You have a rash, have you had a dermatologist biopsy it?" NO. Because it's not causing me distress and we believe it's a symptom of a larger problem.
"You have problems with heartburn, have you seen a gastroenterologist?" NO. Because we believe it's a symptom of a larger problem and I'm fucking poor and don't have a lot of available rides to doctors, so we're starting with the most pressing issue, which is that I can't stand for more than 30 seconds without my legs shaking from the strain and after some blood tests we think it's autoimmune related.
"Do you have an exercise routine?" NO. I cannot. Physically. Just taking a shower is exercise.
"This could be because you don't exercise." HONEY. The week before this started I was building bookcases in the living room and toting heavy boxes to the garage in an attempt to reorganize my entire house. I am only 140 pounds, not that weight is any indication of health, but you seem like that kinda person.
"Have you tried doing water exercises in a pool?" The nearest pool is a fifteen minute drive, I have no one that can drive me there and back on a regular basis, no energy to struggle to put on a bathing suit, and plus I have to pay to enter.
"You marked down that you have depression and you're taking antidepressants, depression will do this." I also marked down that I've been dealing with my MILD depression since high school, I know what it does to me, and I didn't start taking those antidepressants until my symptoms got so bad I couldn't do any of my hobbies or leave my house for more than doctors appointments and thus was crying constantly because I was stressed, scared, and didn't know if this would ever get resolved.
"It's low B12." BITCH.
Anyway. We decided the dermatologist would be easy to see first, since that one would be a go in, get a biopsy, and wait for results instead of a ton of different tests and followup appointments, we did that first.
She asks if I've had any other symptoms besides the rash, so me and my mom explain a quick rundown of all that's been going on and the first thing the dermatologist-- wait, no, sorry, the dermatologist's PA because we weren't even seeing the actual dermatologist--she goes, "Have you ever heard of something called dermamyositis?"
Me and my mom just laugh.
So technically, Myositis is the actual illness, right? When you add poly to the front, it just means that the condition is affecting a ton of different parts of your body, like say, your kidneys making stones (I've had two, I'm not even 30), or your heart, or your nerves, or your digestion. When Myositis comes with a skin reaction, like a rash, you add derma to the front. If I have myositis, I would technically have polydermamyositis. Just a fun fact.
Unfortunately, she's not a rheumatologist, and the most she can offer is to biopsy the rash.
Now, I'm a cocky little shit with a very high pain tolerance and no fear of medical procedures unless they happen to be OBGYN related. I've had one medical punch biopsy done, and a dermal punch used on me four times in a non-medical setting. That's how piercers do microdermal piercings. They use a dermal punch to punch a hole in your skin and then they push the jewelry in. Without any lidocaine, mind you, because they're not a doctor.
So I'm like, "Look, I know the lidocaine burns, we can just forgo that. I have scars on my chest from piercings that used a dermal punch. Just do the thing."
And she was Not About That.
Not because she doesn't think I can handle it, she hastes to point out so my ego isn't bruised! But because she wouldn't be comfortable with it and it would terrify her.
I relent, and her nurse starts to prep the lidocaine.
And sutures. Which is when I get the sneaking suspicion that this is NOT like the other punch biopsies I've had done.
My mom picks that time to mention my very fast heart rate, which the PA is like, "Is it fast right now? We should check, now I'm curious, because you've only been sitting there talking to me for the last thirty minutes." She's fascinated about what's going on with me outside of her specialty.
She tries to check my pulse in my wrist manually to count it, but she's my holding my hand in a way that's making my thumb jerk and shake. Because it just. Does that. Sometimes. If my hand is turned the right way. If I point my foot, my whole leg will jerk up and down. It's a Whole Thing.
"Huh. Either it's too fast for me to count or your shaking is throwing me off."
They get a machine. My heart rate is around 120.
She turns to the nurse laying out all her stuff and is like, "Hey, can you, uh... Remake that lidocaine shot without epinephrine?"
Probably a good call on that one.
She plans on doing two biopsies. Her nurse gives me the shots, but it's weird because I don't feel the prick or the burn of the first shot, and I feel the prick but no burn on the second shot.
They wait about fifteen minutes and then the PA starts the procedure. It's a deep dermal punch. I was right about it being different. I was also right about the lidocaine shots being weird.
She asks me the typical questions doctors ask after numbing you and starting to do something. "You can't feel anything, right?" Clearly expecting the answer to that to be no, especially since I am Not Moving An Inch.
And I very calmly say, "No, I do."
To her credit, she barely pauses what she's doing but sounds very freaked out when she goes, "Wait, you DO? You DO feel something."
And I very calmly say, "Yes. I do. I feel what you're doing."
Probably not the whole brunt of it, but I've had stitches before. It's a weird tugging sensation that's only uncomfortable because you mentally know it's not a natural thing for you to feel. She's working behind me, so I couldn't see what she was doing, but it felt like she had done the punch and then had to dig around with her little scissor things to pry the chunk of my skin and fat out of the hole.
She wasn't. She was doing the inside suture but that's what it felt like.
I can handle pain. Unfortunately, my body has been doing this thing for the past three years, where about one in every three blood tests I have, it goes, "WE'RE DYING, WE'RE DYING, OH GOD THEY ARE KILLING US." Usually it's not a big deal. I just get really hot all over and feel kind of nauseous. I don't mention it to the person drawing my blood, they don't notice, it goes away a few minutes later, and we all move on with our lives.
So my body goes and has an absolute shitfit, only it's more than a blood test so it decides to be extra dramatic.
The PA asks if I'm okay.
My mom goes, "No, she's not."
I go, "No, I'm not. Can I get a bottle of water?"
I am clammy. My mom said I went sheet white, which I absolutely believe. She stands up to make sure that I don't tumble to the floor if I pass out. The PA, ever the professional, is still working but is asking me every questions every few seconds while the nurse goes to get me water.
"Are you okay?" Mhm.
"Still with me?" Yup. "Still good?" Still good.
Everything sounds like it's muffled in cotton. I eventually have to kindly push my mom back because I am overheated. The nurse gives me a cup of cold water which helps IMMENSELY. And when my theater kid of a body calms down, I'm like, "Maybe we should just do the one biopsy today."
I don't think the nurse got the lidocaine deep enough. I definitely felt the derma punch go in, definitely felt the first inner stitch and a dulled pain of the first outer stitch, but I didn't feel the second outer stitch. Hurt like FUCK, but it definitely bothered the poor PA way more than it bothered me.
Mostly I'm just upset that my body decided to embarrass me like that. Like bitch, c'mon, I was JUST bragging about how I could handle this without lidocaine and you had to do me dirty like this? Nevermind that I didn't realize this dermal punch would be big enough to need STITCHES, you couldn't just let me cool this ONE time?
I see her again in a few days to get the stitches out, I hope I didn't freak her out too bad.
But hey, she'll probably never think of me as "just another patient" and if you're going to have someone half-numbed who almost passes out on you in a medical setting, you probably want me, because I'll be super chill about it.
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softquietsteadylove · 11 months
I would like to do a request for the Doctor AU
How about some protective Thena?
She hears angry shouting from 3 woman in the waiting area, letting their anger out on Gil, even lashing out on him physically. He tries to calm them down but doesn’t fight them back of course.
They are angry because they are waiting so long (minor things nothing dangerous) and they saw how Gil came in with a patient with life threatening wounds just going passing them and they decide it was enough of waiting for them 🙄
And Thena won’t stand there and watch them!👀
Thena sets down her charts with a sigh. It's been a busy night for the emergency room, not necessarily by seriousness but by sheer volume. They can't seem to catch a break. It's been patient after patient, so far.
And she feels like she hasn't seen Gil in hours.
He's been on run after run for minor accidents and taking patients to other hospitals. He's texted her a few times between runs, but mostly they've commiserated about how busy they've been tonight.
She can't wait to get off shift and go home with him.
Not that they necessarily go home together all the time, now. And even when they do, it's not always a date...thing. Sometimes they really do just go home and fall asleep on the couch together. She doesn't know if that makes it better or worse.
Thena's heart leaps in her chest at the familiar greeting, and she tries not to look disappointed when she realises it's Ajak who said it and not a certain someone. She smiles, "hey."
Ajak holds her hand out and nods her head, "you're almost done right? Let me finish those."
Thena nibbles at her lip a little, looking down at her charts (arguably her least favourite part of the job). She peeks up at Ajak, "are you sure?"
Ajak just gives her a smirk and pulls the clipboard towards herself. "I'm sure, honey. You go and find that hot hunk of yours."
Thena rolls her eyes at Ajak, storming away so she won't know how embarrassing she finds it that Ajak knows all about their little secret. It's not like she told her!
She didn't have to.
Thena does leave the nurses' station and heads towards the main waiting room. Gil should be done his last run by now, judging by how long ago he texted. She reaches for the end of her ponytail idly.
"We've been here for hours!"
She frowns; it isn't uncommon to get people who are unhappy with the wait times. And feel happy to take it out on them (those still seeing them despite the global shortage on people in the healthcare profession).
"Why did they get seen before us?!"
"Or do these numbers mean nothing?!"
Thena rolls her eyes. A couple of Karens cawing up a storm like seagulls in a parking lot. Nothing new, and certainly nothing interesting.
"Ladies, please, we're doing what we can."
Thena picks up her pace until she's jogging towards the waiting room. When she arrives, there is indeed a swarm of women cawing about their wait time. But they're taking it out on Gilgamesh.
Gil is trying to look at all of them at once, holding up his hands close to himself as they swing and smack him with their hands and even their purses. He grunts a little, obviously not pleased but not exactly one to fight back, either.
"You call yourself a medic when you leave women with possible fractures waiting like this?!"
Thena storms over, moving between the women and Gil, who looks like a dog getting water poured on him. She plants her hands on her hips.
"Who the hell are you?" the one who thought swinging around her purse was appropriate behaviour.
"I'm the doctor here, and I want to know what the hell you think you're doing to my paramedic!" Thena snarls at them, not one to back down from intimidation, whether it be from a Karen or a Chad. She glowers at them.
"We saw him take people in there!" another one points with her pointy little finger. "When we've been out here for hours!"
Thena swats the hand away from them. "You are out here because of the degree of your injury and because the emergency room is understaffed. Every emergency room is understaffed!"
"Well, that's not our fault!" the third one huffs in her face. She holds up her wrist, "I have a wrist fracture that needs treatment! And you've taken three people in there ahead of us!"
Thena eyed the woman. If her wrist were fractured, she most absolutely would not be holding it up in that position. At worst, she had pinched a nerve between her ulna and tibia and it was being aggravated from being waved around. "Then put it down."
All three women looked aghast.
"Thena," Gil tried to put his hand on her shoulder, no doubt to talk her down from getting into a screaming match with the patient and her accompaniment.
"This is how you treat your patients?!" the purse swinger rages at her.
Thena doesn't take it lying down, though. If anything, it's taking everything in her not to give the wrist a hard squeeze to give her something to be genuinely hurt over. "For the treatment of my paramedic, you're lucky I haven't called security and ordered you to a different ER."
"Has other patients!" Thena steps forward, forcing the other women back with her sheer anger. She clenches her hands into fists, bellowing at them. "People who have been in accidents, people who are in need of a lot more than an x-ray and a compression sleeve!"
"Have a repetitive stress injury at most!" Thena barks at her. She puts more distance between them and Gil behind her. "And it's no excuse to treat him the way you have!"
The women are almost all the way back in the seats they vacated just to harass Gil. "We-"
"If I ever see you anywhere near him again, I will have every authority there is to drag you out of here! And you should count yourself lucky I don't do it myself!"
The women are practically clenching their metaphorical pearls. They eye her with disgust, "th-this is unacceptable! We'll call the hospital for the way you're treating us!"
"By all means, ladies!" Thena invites, moving from angry to practically manic. She wants to lie down so bad. "Name's Thena, and you can complain all you want! But no one lays a hand on him while I'm alive and breathing!"
The women turn on their heels, already huffing and muttering up a storm about their treatment. But Thena couldn't care less. They can try to sue her for all she cares. She tugs at her scrub top, "the nerve of people these days."
Thena inhales and finally looks up at her soft, precious Gil. He gives her a sheepish smile and she frowns again, reaching up to his cheek, "are you okay?"
"I'm fine," he laughs, leaning into her touch as they make their way out of the waiting room and towards the ambulance bay and parking lot. "It's a couple of mean ladies with press-on nails, honey. They're not gonna break me."
"Still," Thena grumbles, tugging at his work hoodie until it's less rumpled and sitting properly on him. She tilts her head, "if you have so much as a bruise I'm gonna find where those women live and-"
Gil kisses her.
She stills for a second, panic flooding her as she thinks about anyone seeing them. But then the cool of the ambulance bay and the wind tunnel it creates rushes over her. She melts into the kiss because she's not very good at thinking about other things when Gil is kissing her. She's tried--it never works.
Gil pulls away slowly, his lips leaving her oh-so reluctantly. He raises his brows at her, "what were you saying?"
She nibbles at her lip a little, turning shy not that he's doused the embers of her temper so lovingly. She looks down at their shoes as they keep walking, "just...making sure you're okay."
"I'm okay," he assures her, taking her hand in his once they're in the employee parking lot and relatively alone. He smiles, "thanks for the save, though."
"Hm," she nods, letting his thumb trace over her skin and chase away the last of her energy. She sighs, "let's just go home."
"Sounds perfect," he chuckles, kissing her temple as they head to her car. "Hungry?"
"Nope," she declares definitely now that sitting down is so in-sight. She digs out her keys and tosses them at him, "just sleep."
"You got it, baby," he chuckles, pulling her in for another kiss before letting her drift to the passenger side of the car. "Drive thru?"
"Fine," she groans as she throws herself into the car and yawns loudly, "you pick where."
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daydreamey · 1 month
get to know me 🌻
tagged by @krownest <33
do you make your bed?
yes! I love making my bed lol
what’s your favourite number?
don't have one!
what is your job?
pharmacy tech. it's kind of an evil mixture of a retail job and a healthcare job, so I can't say I recommend it lol.
If you could go back to school would you?
yes. I would love to go back and get a degree in illustration. additionally, I would also reaaally love to study either paleontology or zoology (with a focus on mammals).
can you parallel park?
yes but not very well 😂
a job you had that would surprise people?
I think the job I have now honestly! I have a BFA in drawing/painting, and had hoped/intended to get a job in the arts and. well. that did not happen. I certainly never anticipated working at a pharmacy lol.
do you think aliens are real?
yes! maybe not of the little green men variety lol, but yes, I believe they are real.
can you drive a manual car?
no! I would like to learn though!
what’s your guilty pleasure?
rotting in bed. definitely is a pleasure, and definitely makes me feel guilty.
no but I want some!
favourite colour?
favourite type of music?
hm. I like when genres kind of blend and overlap, so it's hard to pick just one thing I like best. however, if it has some element of jazz, funk, or r&b, I generally really like it! I've been really into listening to dj mixes lately, these are all really good: x, x, x!!!
do you like puzzles?
yes...but also there is no comfortable way to do puzzles, I feel like you always end up hunched over them. so, I like them, but never do them.
any phobias?
heights omg.
favourite childhood sport?
horseback riding! I didn't really compete that much, but I loved the horses and miss them so much :((.
do you talk to yourself?
all the time lol.
what movie(s) do you adore?
the lord of the rings trilogy. pride and prejudice. school of rock. spirited away. jurassic park. coraline. the others. moulin rouge. newsies. prince of egypt. the batman. rogue one. I know there are more, but I'm blanking hard rn.
coffee or tea?
tea!! black sweet tea with lemon my most beloved. vanilla chamomile + tart cherry + honey also reigns supreme. I never drink coffee, probably haven't had coffee in well over 5 years.
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
an archaeologist! I distinctly remember telling my mother this when I was a kid, and she told me not to pursue it because I would never make money with it..........so I grew up and got an art degree lmaooooooooo.
tagging: @vuulpecula, @mutantmayhem2023, @kananjarus, anybody else who wants to play😁
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Many Meetings (LU in Healthcare)
Well, here we go. :) Who wants Linked Universe in Healthcare AU introductions?
(Click here to read on AO3)
Time finished cauterizing and pulled the instrument out of the incision. Looking at the surgical fellow, he nodded. “Go ahead and close up, we’re done.”
Backing away from the table and the patient, he gave the fellow room to step in and begin working on closing the incision. He turned and saw Malon staring at him pointedly.
Time sighed in a longsuffering manner. He knew that look. That was the I’m still waiting for you to say something about this look. “What is it?”
“Twilight,” she said simply as she took the instrument from him and handed it to the surgical tech.
Time pointedly looked away, watching someone hang a unit of blood they had collected from the cell saver device. “Rusl and Uli said he’d be in town within the week. That could be anytime, Malon.”
“It has been a week since they said that. He’s my cousin’s kid, Time, we have to make sure he’s okay.”
Time didn’t know what to say. They’d had this discussion at least three times by now. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to help this Twilight person, seeing as he was family and all, but the issue was that no one had been able to contact him. Twilight was a grown man with his own life, and Time had never even met him, and now he was supposed to find this kid somewhere in Castle Town? Rusl and Uli had given Malon and Time the boy’s phone number but he never answered texts and calls went straight to voicemail. It was concerning, but the only other option they had was to call the police, which was a drastic measure to take if Twilight simply wanted to be left alone by people he didn’t know.
“What else do you want me to do?” Time asked, looking back at her as he started to strip off the sterile gloves and gown once the patient was closed. “I’m open to ideas.”
Malon grabbed a clipboard to start counting tools with the tech, ensuring that nothing was left behind in the patient. “Uli said that Twilight was likely going to be getting a job at the hospital. It would make the most sense given that he just finished CNA class. So we need to look for him here.”
Time bit his lip. He didn’t like that they had been completely unable to reach Twilight, but Rusl and Uli had been hearing from him sporadically throughout the week, which implied he was fine. This seemed a bit overbearing – he wasn’t sure why Twilight’s parents were so insistent that Time and Malon check in on Twilight, anyway.
Still, Rusl and Uli weren’t usually anxious people. Something had to be up. He just wished this was a bit more straightforward. All he knew was Twilight had been closed off, had announced his move abruptly, and Rusl and Uli were worried.
“I’ve got ten minutes to review notes from surgeries all day before we have another one,” Time finally said. “And then I’ve got to round on a few patients. I wouldn’t even know where to begin.”
“Oh, honey, I’ll start looking, don’t worry,” Malon said. “Just keep your eyes peeled for him.”
Wild grunted as he strained to reach into the dumpster. When his fingers finally felt the packaging he’d been eying, he smiled, pulling the bag out and inspecting his prize. He was astonished to find that it was still half full of chips.
“Wow,” he muttered. “People really will just throw things away like this. What a waste.”
But great for me! He thought with delight, digging in and taking a bite, savoring the sensation as his empty stomach finally had something provided for it.
Turning, he headed towards the end of the alley when he froze, finding someone around his age staring at him.
“Um,” Wild said awkwardly, and then he lifted the dumpster lid. “You looking to deposit or withdraw?”
The man’s expression was somewhere between bewilderment and exasperation. “You need food, friend?”
“Nah, I’m good,” Wild said cheerfully, showing his half-filled bag of chips.
“Like real food.”
“This is real food,” Wild argued. “Anything’s edible.”
The man sighed. “Look, my room’s not far from here, I can bring you food here or you can come inside where it isn’t raining and eat something legit.”
The offer was certainly tempting, but Wild wasn’t an idiot to just go into some random person’s motel room at the offer of shelter. He leaned against the dumpster. “Here’s fine.”
The man nodded and walked away. Wild was tempted to leave at that point, but he could defend himself well enough if anything happened. This wasn’t the best section of town, but it wasn’t the worst, either – a quick defensive maneuver and a call for help would get him out of danger.
When the man returned, he had a microwave dinner already heated and ready with a fork, holding it out. Wild took it with a grateful smile and a watchful eye. The food looked unmolested, the plastic covering still intact. He supposed it was safe to eat, then.
“I’m Twilight, by the way,” the man said, leaning casually against the wall. “You go by anything?”
Twilight laughed. “I can believe it.”
Wild paused from his bite, squinting at Twilight. “What’s with the markings on your face?”
Twilight shifted, suddenly uncomfortable. “Oh, it’s uh… they’re just tattoos. Cultural thing.”
Wild chewed his food thoughtfully. This Twilight guy was not the best liar, but he supposed it was nosy to pry further. The pair stood in awkward silence for a moment, getting steadily more drenched in the rain.
Eventually, Wild’s eyes noticed more details in the dim light. The black markings on Twilight’s face somewhat hid the dark circles under his eyes, making it seem like part of the tattoos, but they were still evident. As was the clear disproportion of bone structure to fat. Looking down at his food again, he held it out. “Do… do you want some? You look like you haven’t been eating a lot.”
“Says the guy who was dumpster diving,” Twilight shot back with a smirk.
“It’s a perfectly respectable hobby,” Wild huffed, but he didn’t continue to eat. “Seriously, you look like you need to eat this more than I do.”
“I’m fine, Wild.”
Wild crinkled his brow. This guy was too sweet, and he looked scuffed up.
Wait a second. Wild recognized him! He’d beaten up the jerks who were trying to steal from Beedle the other day! Wild hadn’t had a chance to thank him before he’d disappeared.
Straightening in determination, Wild asked, “Okay, where’s your room? We’re both going to freeze to death out here.”
Twilight’s smirk settled into a warm smile as he exited the alley. “This way.”
The pair didn’t walk far before they’d reached his door on the single floor motel. Twilight unlocked it and they headed in. The room was as bare as they came, looking like Twilight wasn’t even living in there, though there was a pile of clothing and a badge on the desk.
“You just get here?” Wild asked as he closed the door behind him.
“A couple days ago, yeah. Why?”
Wild hummed thoughtfully. “Well, I’ve lived at this motel on and off for a month, so you should know some pointers.”
“Let’s start with drying off first,” Twilight advised with gentle amusement, handing Wild a towel. “Then maybe a shower.”
Wild laughed. “All right, Dad.”
Twilight scowled. “I prefer Big Brother, thank you very much.”
Wild continued to chuckle at Twilight and then pointed to the badge on his desk. “Is that a Hyrule Hospital badge? You work there?”
“Yeah, just started. Why?”
Wild perked up. “I did too! I figure maybe the income will get me out of this dump.”
Twilight smiled at that. “Well, I just got here, but I figure it’ll help. Maybe we can both find a way to live somewhere a little less… sketchy.”
Wild barked out another laugh. Sketchy was one word for it. “I’m in transport, how about you?”
“Patient care tech on the floor. Figured I’d try my hand at pediatrics.”
Wild thought about it for a moment. Pediatrics would be fun because of dealing with the kids. On the other hand, seeing sick and dying children and dealing with their insanely stressed parents was… not as appealing.
“Well, I’m sure I’ll see you around there,” Wild noted.
“Oh yeah. But in the meantime, you want some popcorn? I’ve got a few bags we can heat up.”
Warriors rushed in with the code cart as the blonde nurse did compressions on the patient. No one else had made it to the room yet. He turned on their portable monitor/defibrillator quickly, placing pads on the patient’s chest, working around the nurse.
“Sorry, took me a bit to find the code cart. What happened?” Warriors asked.
“Oh, the usual, gave the good old v-fib shuffle and then he was off to Neverland,” the nurse remarked, sweat starting to glisten on his brow. “You new?”
Warriors couldn’t help the embarrassed flush that colored his cheeks considering he struggled to find the most important equipment in the unit, but in his defense no one had given him a tour yet. “Yeah. I’m also about to do a rhythm check, we can trade places after that if you want.”
“Perfect,” the nurse said, continuing his compressions, only pausing to deliver two breaths, and then getting back on the patient’s chest. He was waiting for Warriors to indicate he was ready.
The new nurse watched the monitor and then told the other one to pause. As they waited and watched an underlying rhythm of absolutely nothing slide across the small screen, Warriors sighed and swapped places.
“I’m Warriors, by the way,” he said just as he started compressions. “You?”
Warriors flashed a smile before reaching the thirtieth compression and giving two breaths. “Nice to meet you.”
On the other side of the department, Hyrule gasped in delight as he pulled out a small travel packet of pretzels. “Yes, they have food in the EMS room today!”
His little victory pose was interrupted when the door opened slowly, revealing a young man in a flight suit shuffling in, his eyes drooping. Hyrule recognized him in an instant – he was a pilot, the pilot who had given him a reassuring thumbs up when he’d arrived the other day to get one of Hyrule’s patients.
“Hi,” Hyrule greeted with a smile.
The pilot yawned, only remembering to cover it when he was halfway through. Then he gave a soft smile, tilting his head to the side. “Hi.”
The pilot walked by him, heading straight for the coffee machine, when he realized it had nothing in it. Pouting he, leaned heavily on the counter, groaning.
“Need some caffeine?” Hyrule offered. “I always carry some bottles of five-hour energy in case of emergency. If that isn’t your thing, I know a nurse who basically lives off energy drinks; he could probably give you something.”
The pilot turned to him, his eyes filled with hope. “Energy drinks?”
Hyrule nodded, pointing for the door. “Yeah, his name’s Legend. I’ll help you find him.”
The pilot followed him excitedly. “I’m Sky, by the way.”
“I’m Hyrule. I, uh, I don’t know if you remember me, but we met the other day.”
Sky’s smile faltered as he considered his words, and then he brightened. “Oh, right! You were that paramedic by the ambulance when we were taking off. You had blood all over you.”
Hyrule rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Yeah, it was a bit of a mess.”
“The flight nurse said you did a great job,” Sky noted, patting him on the shoulder briefly.
Hyrule felt himself grow even more embarrassed, and he turned a corner sharply. “O-oh. Well, I—it was nothing, really, I just—protocols, you know. Let’s go find Legend.”
Four grumbled as he hit the silence button on the ventilator once more. It was alarming because it was starting to run low on nitrous oxide, a medication used for pulmonary hypertension. He didn’t often deal with cardiac and pulmonary patients on his unit, but when the CVICU was full, the surgical-trauma ICU would pick up the slack.
Which meant he had to deal with this. Whenever the nitrous oxide tank got close to being empty, it would start alarming and Four couldn’t do anything about it except wait for respiratory therapy to arrive.
But respiratory therapy was always understaffed and overworked, and Four’s patient wasn’t the only one on a ventilator.
Sighing, Four turned to leave the room when he saw a teenager hovering in the doorway with a tank almost as big as himself being dragged behind him.
“Uh, hi. Can I help you?” Four asked. The tank looked like nitrous oxide, but who was the kid?
“I’m Wind. I’m one of the respiratory therapist students,” the teenager explained with a bright smile. “I’m here to swap out the nitrous.”
Four felt pleasantly surprised, and he huffed out a small, relieved laugh. “Go for it, Wind. Guess I’ll be seeing you a lot on the unit. You new to the area?”
“Yeah! I just moved here with my brother.”
Four smiled. “Welcome to the chaos.”
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(Dieter x horror loving female reader)
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Summary: you find out the hard way how Dieter does not have a driver’s license
Warnings: car accidents and ending up in hospital, all the pain and the crying and nausea that comes with pain, Dieter is a little chaotic but adorable
I know nothing of the American healthcare system so I will not mention it and pretend that people get good medical care in this world
Check out my masterlist here
The story of how you found out that Dieter Bravo did not have a driver’s license was a funny one.
Well, sort of.
It all started when you were driving home and ended up involved in a car accident. Nothing serious, mind you, but you ended up in the hospital with several bruised ribs, a sprained arm, and a slight concussion. Of course, you didn’t know or remembered any of this at the time; all you knew was pain and confusion along with pain.
The next thing you remembered was waking up in the hospital emergency room, fighting off the waves of nausea and hoping some pain medication would kick it soon. Suddenly, a crazy man appeared at your side and it took you a hazy minute to realise it was your boyfriend.
“Dieter? How did you…?”
“I got one of those emergency contact things that you were here so now I’m here and what the hell happened?”
“I think…there was a car and…” but the lights were making everything hurt and you had to shut them tight. Your throat felt like sand had been poured down it and you opened your eyes slowly to find some water. It seemed to far to reach but thankfully Dieter saw what you were pointing at and brought the precious liquid to your mouth. That made the nausea feel a bit more bearable.
“Has a doctor come to talk to you?”
“I don’t remember…”
“It’s okay honey cakes, I’ll go and find one”
He hovered over you hesitantly, then kissed your forehead so softly that you almost started crying so you closed your eyes instead.
When you next opened them, you discovered that you had been moved to a nicer, much quieter room. Dieter walked in carrying an armful of various candy bars and snacks.
“Hey honey cakes, I’ve had you moved to a private room, less noise. Then I found a vending machine and found some of your favourites. Are you hungry?”
You shook your head.
“That’s okay, we’ll save them for later”
He was hovering around so much he was almost buzzing.
“Your feet must be cold” He was kicking off his crocs and almost fell over getting his own socks off to gently place onto yours. “Your feet always get cold”
He was touching your toes so softly.
“Um, my PA said your car is being sent to get repaired and they’ll go and collect some of your things and bring my laptop so you can watch any of your favourite movies. I’m sure I forgot something, is there anything else you need?”
You managed to raise your arm at him.
“I need you. Next to me”
Dieter seemed torn what to do. “I don’t want to hurt you any…”
The tears then finally came.
“Dieter, I’ve had a crappy day. I feel crappy and I just want a cuddle from my boyfriend!”
He immediately was at your side, forehead pressed against yours and noses nudging, his arms running up and down yours and soothing you with shushes as well as…
“Dieter, are you trying to sing me to sleep?”
“Sorry, I’ll stop”
“No, I like it”
The hospital released you two days later and during those two days, you lived in as much luxury as a private hospital room could offer. Dieter’s PA had a basket of your favourite chocolate croissants brought in, along with some luxurious feeling pyjamas, fluffy socks included.
Dieter spoiled you with as many cuddles as you wanted while you watched some of your favourite films, with earplugs in. When the screen proved to be too much for you, he’d describe what was happening on screen while you listened.
And he insisted on wheeling you out in a wheelchair as you were still a little dizzy walking.
“So where did you manage to park your car?”
“I don’t know, my driver will come round the front to get us”
“Did you drive yourself here that night?”
It suddenly dawned on you.
“Dieter, do you have a driver’s license?”
“Used to, but never needed to drive myself for a while so haven’t been bothered renewing it”
“We’ve been dating how long now and I’m only just learning about this now?”
Dieter just shrugged as he helped you get up and lead you out the hospital doors.
“Four months, three weeks and five days”
You looked at Dieter in confusion.
“That’s how long we’ve been together. Not that I’ve been counting or anything”
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Steve Rogers is a socialist
This seems to be a rather controversial take among certain groups and after getting an ask today about it I thought "what the hell, why not write a post about why I think he is?". This all is subjective so keep that in mind.
This is super long (in fact I think it's my longest post to date) so more after the cut.
I'll go chronological because it's easier that way.
The First Avenger
I would like to start with this:
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This interaction here in my opinion doesn't get as many attention as it should. At the time it would have been pretty easy to say that yes, it does trouble him that Erskine is German. The Germans were nazis after all, why make a distinction with any of them? But Steve does because he understands how hard the situation was for Germany at the time, how Hitler had manipulated them, that not everything is black and white. And Erskine wasn't one of them, that much was clear, so no, his nationality is not a problem.
And the reason Steve wanted to go to war?
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He wants to help.
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That last line comes from a socialist. You seriously think a conservative would say something like that? The right wingers here would make a huge distinction depending on nationalities (among other things).
I mean, a kid with so many illnesses, who had been raised in the era of eugenics, you seriously think he wouldn't want free healthcare for everyone? His mother was a nurse!
The Winter Soldier
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He was very much aware of what the SSR had done and he even says "we" despite the fact that he had no involvement post-war and he didn't even know about Operation Paperclip until Natasha told him.
He can see the mistakes done and he wants to do better, that's why he's standing up to Fury.
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Honey if this isn't a leftist speaking then what is it? The first thing he says is punishment can't come before trial (right for a lawyer, etc) = faith in the justice system; the last is him showing his reluctance to believe the government should be given free reign to spy and terrorize the population.
He's also quite clear in that he understands the situation of immigrants (he's the son of immigrants himself!):
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And people call him the bastion for American exceptionalism... don't make me laugh. First he compares himself to them, then he says that just because the US is not at war with someone it doesn't mean that someone isn't having struggles of their own.
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It's always the last line.. I love it. Everything he says there is glorious but that last part? He has faith in other people, he counts on everyone else to do the right thing. Steve doesn't go around thinking he's the beacon of morality and no one else would compare, he knows other people can stand up just like him, all he does is use his words as some form of inspiration... then lets them act.
And just one quick snippet from AoU:
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That scene was deleted (video) but they should have kept it. He sees that and takes his helmet off. If this guy was really a conservative he wouldn't have done that, he would have probably hated the people of Sokovia for drawing that but he didn't, he took off the helmet because he understands where that comes from and why they feel that way.
Civil War
This movie was hilariously not about him but it still gave us a few things.
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This kind of thing doesn't come from a conservative. Steve doesn't defend the system and the status quo, he actively fights against it, whoever it is: the UN, the US government.... he's completely focused on protecting the lives of the people.
And that's just from the movies (I'm sure I must have missed a few!). In the comics it's far more obvious but I'll just add some panels.
Nationalism vs Patriotism
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Steve being pro immigration
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The value of life
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And how Steve defines himself: He's a man of the people.
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So yes, I do believe he's a socialist and a leftist because all these things are what I hear from my left-wing folks here, it's what I've always believed since I was a child, this is as socialist as it gets. He's so far from a conservative and would never even think of voting republican.
Steve is a socialist.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 1 year
Are your children unsafe? Why not just lie to them?
Quoth the article:
Recently, Morgan Hook's nine-year-old daughter Elise came home from school and took her family by surprise when she said the drills would not be much use if the gunman just shot down the door.
Mr Hook tried to reassure his daughter that wouldn't happen, but he thought back to a recent shooting at a private school in Nashville when the suspect did exactly that.
"Sometimes when you try to comfort your kids, that means you're lying to them," says Mr Hook, who lives in Saratoga County, New York.
Yeah. Don't have all the details there, but I'm not hearing a kid came home from school crying and screaming and needing emotional support. I'm hearing a nine-year-old correctly assessed she was being asked to participate in security theatre, and YOU tried to gaslight her into feeling safer, Mr. Hook. Do you feel better now? Does she feel better? Is anyone any safer? Does it even matter?
Sometimes, when you lie to your kids, they stop trusting you, and you lose any ability to comfort them at all. And sometimes, when you lie to yourself, you send your kids somewhere unsafe and they die. Odds are they won't, but sometimes they do. So who's lying to whom here?
What's the truth?
"Elise, honey, sit down. Mommy and Daddy and the school are playing a numbers game with your life, okay? You're basically like a bicycle we lock outside everyday. Probably someone won't try to steal you away from us, but if a bicycle thief/murderer finds you, we just want to make sure he kills some other bike, not you. So we want you to have the best U-lock we can afford! Someone could beat it with bolt cutters, easy, but maybe they'll go after another kid who's not lucky enough to be in a locked classroom instead. That's all Mommy and Daddy want, for someone to kill someone else's daughter, and not you."
"Do you not have anywhere to put me where I won't get stolen/killed, Mom and Dad? Could I go learn somewhere safe? Or stay home?"
"Well... It's complicated, but no. The only way we know how to socialize you and teach you while we do our jobs and take care of the house is to send you somewhere you might die. And it's too hard and expensive to make that place safer for real. Like, we would actually have to address systemic injustice, poverty, disinformation and mental healthcare - oh, and gun control! - but not enough people want to. Or maybe they do, but it doesn't matter because the people in power don't listen. So please just take a few minutes out of your day to practice these things that don't actually help. Mommy and Daddy will feel so scared if you don't."
"Sure, I'm happy to help you regulate your emotions and absolve you of your feelings of guilt, Mom and Dad. No problem. You don't even hafta ask!"
"...You're very sarcastic for an imaginary nine-year-old, Elise."
"Just tryin' to articulate the feeling of utter pointlessness that must be in the real Elise's soul, Mom and Dad!"
We've got households where the school is the only daycare they're gonna get and all the caregivers have to go to work - it is not fair to make these folks choose the form of their destroyer, poverty or gun violence. However, if you actually are afraid your child is going to die in school, you should be making noise about how unfair that is. For everyone. Not buying a bulletproof backpack and lying to your daughter's face with an equivocating smile.
At least validate their emotions and admit something is wrong. "You're right, Elise. I'm sorry. We're trying to fix this, but in the meantime, you're going to have to help the school and the teacher play pretend. The real thing is that sometimes bad things happen, but they usually don't, so we're able to be brave and keep going. If you're feeling sad or scared, we're always here to talk about it, and we'll keep you as safe as we can. And if something bad happens, all we can do is keep trying to be as safe as we can, and get through it. Are you okay with that?"
"Pretty much how I live my life every day, Mom and Dad. I'm a kid, that's my job."
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orowyrm · 2 years
being wxposed to television after spending all my free time avoiding ads and pirating shit is always so jarring. 90% of the time i’ve spent “watching” this hgtv show my mom left on has been sitting thru commercials that are all desperately trying to market a sense of identity to me and tying it to their product. lose 10 pounds in one week with our weight loss program and take your life back!!! buy this car and become a more exciting person!!!!!! this huge regimen of dietary supplements is SOOO empowering. this premium perfume will make your life beautiful again! have we mentioned our revolutionary new weight loss program???? oh and don’t forget to buy [brand] at [store] so you can be #sustainable #mindful #healthcore or whatever the fuck. our big chain mega franchise retail store is so community and local business, don’t forget to support us on our journey 😇 did you know for every billion tons of pollution we create, amazon plants One(1) tree? hey girl, your skin shows signs of a life lived! that’s disgusting!!! here’s fifteen different creams and concealers to smooth out all that horrid, repulsive skin. fuck it, you and i both know that won’t do anything, but you’ll try it anyway. also have you considered botox? OH AND BY THE WAY - are you suffering constant aches and pains from the multiple jobs you have to work to stay afloat? we gotchu girl!!! this painkiller will help you #girlboss your way through all that easily avoidable agony and maximize your slay so you can come home after a long day at the back pain factory and cook and clean for your husband and care for your children, because you’re an Empowered Woman who can do it all! are you stressed? do you have constant migraines? babe, that’s gonna impact your productivity!!! here, this pill will suppress that chronic health issue just long enough for you to power through your work day and not long enough for you to stop and consider looking into why you’re so stressed once you get home. are you having trouble sleeping because of all the STRESS??? oh honey, don’t you worry, this medicine will knock you OUT the moment you step foot into your home. gotta be rested for all your full time shifts at your multiple jobs!!!! uh oh, all that back pain finally catching up to you? cant find a doctor? our healthcare system is a nightmare! help shouldn’t be so hard to access— luckily we have just the app for you!!!!!!!! don’t forget to buy that luxury car btw!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh, you’re having trouble managing your finances even after all the work you’ve been doing? bestie, we’ve BEEN THERE. this totally legitimate stock app is gonna CHANGE. THE. GAME. vote for this politician in the upcoming primary! no wait, that politician is evil. vote for THIS one! you didn’t forget about our new weight loss program, right? just checking. look at all these totally average healthy people— DISGUSTING!!! but look, they lost weight! now they’re beautiful and worthy of love again! don’t look at these pictures too long or you’ll realize the only difference is better fitting clothes and makeup. don’t you want to feel GOOD about yourself again? don’t you want to be HAPPY? aren’t you TIRED? shouldn’t you feel more FULFILLED with your life? buy our product! download our app! subscribe to our premium membership! shop at our store! eat this food! take these pills! still not happy? what’s wrong with you!!!! just keep buying!! money CAN buy happiness, because you’re a #bossbabe and you’re WORTH IT!!!
and then you finally make it through the hellish advertising psychological warfare gauntlet and you get to watch some annoying white couple buy a perfectly nice looking older house in a perfectly nice little neighborhood and totally strip it of all its unique and beautiful features to turn it into the worlds tackiest furniture store showroom with blank white surfaces everywhere and fake succulents glued into planters all over and one piece of wildly impractical ‘upcycled’ custom decor that cost them thousands of real life dollars to make and that you KNOW nobody’s ever gonna want or use and it’ll just rot in someone’s closet or maybe sell for 15 bucks at a garage sale and then they sell the poor mangled corpse of that house for 25x the value of every other house on the block to another annoying white couple and pat themselves on the back for ‘making this neighborhood more beautiful’ but that’s only on for like ten minutes before the next commercial break and then the cycle repeats
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mbrainspaz · 2 years
hrrrrrrrrrrr I'mmmm simmering with poorly suppressed rage
⚠️swears incoming
the teenage coworker is coming in to work to cover for the other guy today because he and the only other worker are out sick. And both of those guys keep trying to come to work sick too. I told the one guy who made it in to get lost yesterday morning because he looked clammy as hell and I ended up working an extra 2 hours. That's 10 f*cking hours of farm work, alone, in a 120F heatwave. My blisters have blisters. Started to draft an email asking the boss if I could pretty please be paid for the 2 hours overtime I worked and thought better of it. Because I'm starting to understand that's not how things work around here. And turns out the other guys informed the boss lady only to have her be like 'well if you guys want to handle this among yourselves that's fine but I don't want to hear about it.' And they all just go along with that?! F*CK. This is so f*cking stupid. 'We have a great healthcare plan' my ass. If your employees are pressured to work with a fever and a cough your health plan aint worth shit. So this stupid teenage coworker who told me yesterday she has 9$ in her account is driving her truck 2 f*cking hours to come in this afternoon to help me get the barn chores done--on her day off--for ZERO DOLLARS. She's like, 'it's the spirit of teamwork! :D' Honey bless your heart but f*ck that. Farm and ranch work doesn't always have money to give but the people who run this place live in million dollar mansions, work in air-conditioned offices, and doordash every meal-- and we're out here hobbling around on aching feet for ZERO DOLLARS PER HOUR? For the spirit of teamwork. Boss lady recently told me, "You should simply only work 8 hour days." "Great plan Sharon. Who's going to feed the horses on time when it's my day off and all the other workers have collapsed from exhaustion because they were naive enough to buy into your toxic unpaid hustle culture bullshit?" I already have 8.5 unpaid hours logged because that's what it took to take care of the damn horses I'm supposed to be caring for. That's more than a day of work they just decided they didn't need to pay me for. Goddamn us americans we are so f*cking stupid. Not like I can do anything about it when they're letting me live onsite and that's the only way I can afford to f*cking live. But I'm not 19 anymore! I'm not the stupid idealist who was happy to work for crumbs and 'the spirit of america' or whatever the f*ck. Because look what that got me. I got the whole damn community trying to f*cking murder me. Multiple times, in ever more creative ways. Oh, and kiddo tells me "it's fine, I'll probably have to work 12 hours tomorrow." Like f*ck you will. Honey it's supposed to be a job, not a free trial version of hell. You're not earning or proving shit by working this hard for a dollar less than a living wage. You think this company cares that you show up 30 minutes early every day? That you do your job well? That you genuinely care about doing good work? That you cover for sick coworkers? They never will. The company--every company--will chew you up and spit you into the dirt, and call you ungrateful for not working harder--NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO. Hun there ain't no promotions for best grindset in the real world. There's only getting fired or laid off because your usefulness ran out.
(f*ck you tumblr for limiting the size of my wall of angry text)
But I'm not a monster so of course I offer to pitch in EVEN THOUGH I know I just picked up a second art contract due in 15 days. Ya know, my work that actually would make me enough money to live above the poverty line if I could ever just get a stable living situation. I need a drink so freaking bad. I can't afford to drink because I don't have a single spare minute to unwind ever, obviously, but I can't be sober 24/7 in a situation this goddamn stupid and not implode with righteous anger. Damn it. Why can't they just pay their workers?!?!!? Y'all don't want me to be sober. I will start a f*cking revolt. "There's just no money in the business budget waaaaah." "Yeah well there are no fucks left in my cynical overworked socialist heart Sharon. Have the salaried office workers tried eating fewer goddamn avocados?"
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