faithful-diaries · 1 month
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dihalect · 1 month
for months, MIT has been punishing students who speak up or protest for palestine. last week, the undergrad association held a referendum to establish solidarity with pro-palestinian activists on campus, to call for a ceasefire, and to tell the administration to sever ties with israel.
over 40% of undergraduates voted, and the referendum passed!
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(you can read the text of the referendum here)
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vicktheickart · 2 months
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If you don’t think that the SYMBOL OF PEACE would be on Palestine side, you’re dead fucking wrong !!
(Remember to email/call your reps and donate where you can to families that need it! Mar. 2nd is protest day! Buy e-sims for the Palestinians! Make all might proud!!)
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Over 29 thousand Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces since October 7th, however this didn't start on October 7th it started in 1948 imagine how many people have been killed by Israel in 76 years? Over 700,000 Palestinians have been displaced since 1948 imagine how many children were scared and called for there parents only too find out they were dead, how many homes villages Towns were destroyed, how many people have have to die before you realize? What's happening right now (real life that in the future your grandchildren will ask you about) this whole thing happened in Germany they killed over 6 million Jewish people and now the same thing is happening again right now! Why don't you care? Is it because they're Muslim? Is it because it's not a European country? WHY DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT THEM! What happened too 'never forget' and 'we'll never let this happen again'? Because that's what everyone says yous preach about how you'll never let anything like the Holocaust happen again yet you support Israel? This isn't even the first time it's happened what about in China when they put Muslims in concentration camps? You didn't care then and you don't care now, why? Palestinians need are help there voices aren't being heard WHEN WILL PALESTINE BE FREE?
(Sorry for any wording mistakes)
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hybridgirleverr · 7 months
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Reblog if you stand with Palestine
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It didn't start on October 7th.
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aphrodite1288 · 6 months
Support Palestine, Save Ghaza
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The only thing Israel is actually trying to defend itself from is accountability.
Free Palestine.
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onyxisnotuniqueenough · 6 months
i have 35 followers on this account.
and while 35 is not a lot, this is the most amount of people i can reach. i should have been doing this sooner but have been FUCKING STUPID about it and have kept silent about it on tumblr to maintain some kind of semblance of escapism for myself here. but my escapism doesn't matter. can palestinians enjoy the luxury of escaping their situation right now? are they LITERALLY able to escape the bombing. nevermind escape, survive any of the tactics pulled by israel to ensure their genocide?
there's a sense of guilt looming over my head telling me that i should be doing more, but in truth, there is not much i can do to help. telling me that i shouldn't take for granted the roof over my head, the safety of my loved ones, food, water, electricity, the ability to literally communicate with the outside world. so let me do the best i can and spread the message with as many people i can.
if you're also wondering what you can do to help, here are some things i am doing and am in the process of doing :
- follow news about gaza through livestreams from the outside : multiple sources have provided access to a livestream of what's going on in gaza. israel has cut off all communication and electricity in gaza and i have a pit in my stomach telling me that they just want no eyes on them for whatever they want to do. all we can do is watch from afar. stay updated.
- watch tiktoks from people who have signed up for the creativity fund on tiktok or similar stuff on other platforms : if you're not able to donate yourself, you can find lots of creators on tiktok using their 5 seconds of YOUR watchtime to donate to help palestine.
- continue sharing, promoting, and "liking" content about palestine : israel is literally doing its best to keep us and palestinians in the dark, metaphorically and literally, from what's happening and what they're planning to do. raise palestinian voices, help them grow, share their stories. everything is forever on the internet ? great. take advantage of that. sharing is a way to ensure that all information we have on the situation stays alive and can't be shadowbanned or deleted or anything. the more people palestinian voices reach, the harder it would be to silence them. it also makes it accessible to anyone and everyone to see the horrors committed by the state of israel, and debunk any fucking idiotic shit their twitter accounts is trying to spew with their photoshopped cartons of milk, their very false infographics and their general flow of lies and propaganda.
- if you can, email or contact your elected representatives. they're...well...supposed to represent you, and their position is more advantaged to get something done. here's a video on tiktok that i found explaining the importance of emails (specifically in canada, bit i'm sure it applies to other places too) :
- boycott brands that support or fund israel. now first, let me tell you : the 729 or 871 you find at the beginning of a barcode is not a certain sign the product has been manufactured in israel. this has been debunked since the origin of this lie in 2021 :
if you have a doubt, fact-check whatever company owns the product to buy, it only takes a few clicks.
second, if you think that boycotting is useless because you're just a grain of sand in the universe : that's absolutely not true. humanity is just a bunch of grains of sand. humanity is a COLLECTIVE. stop thinking your actions don't have an impact. they absolutely do. that's how we've been capable of making such an imapct on companies' stock already!
you probably already know about Starbucks, McDonalds, and Disney. Here are some more companies and brands to stop giving your money to :
- HP : Hewlett Packard helps run the biometric ID system that Israel uses to restrict Palestinian movement.
- Siemens : is complicit in apartheid Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise through its planned construction of the EuroAsia Interconnector. This will link Israel’s electricity grid with Europe’s, allowing illegal settlements on stolen Palestinian land to benefit from Israel-EU trade of electricity produced from fossil gas.
- Puma : Puma sponsors the Israel Football Association, which includes teams in Israel’s illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land.
- Sodastream (has been bought by Pepsico) : Soda Steam is actively complicit in Israel's policy of displacing the indigenous Bedouin-Palestinian citizens of Israel in the Naqab (Negev). SodaStream have a long history of mistreatment of and discrimination against Palestinian workers.
- Ahava : Ahava cosmetics has its production site, visitor center and main store in an illegal Israeli settlement.
- Sabra : Sabra hummus is a joint venture between PepsiCo and the Strauss Group, an Israeli food company that provides financial support to the Israeli army.
these are the first results that popped up with a simple google search, but that's not all. There's also L'oréal, Garnier, Nestlé, and so many more. it's hard to keep track of all of them and jaw-dropping to see just how many of them are involved and actively supporting Israel.
here are some more links for brands and companies to boycott :
multiple instagram and tiktok pages also
if you've already purchased products from them, obviously, don't throw them away. If any product from one of these companies is absolutely essential or if you don't have any other viable choice, it's understandable. Do your best, and whatever effort you make on your scale is helpful. This is also an opportunity to support local shops and businesses, diy your own beauty products, cook more on your own, and instead of directing your money towards genocide, you could direct to donating to aid-to-palestine charities or literally to your pocket. but honestly, the idea of a 70+year ethnic cleansing and literal genocide should be enough.
- now this seems like the most obvious one so that's why it's the last bullet point : donate to charities that support palestine, sign petitions, etc.
there is footage out there of thousands of trucks that cannot cross palestine/"israel" borders because. well. of israel. these trucks contain food, water and hygiene products that donations were supposed to provide. this is heartbreaking that the help you hoped to provide couldn't reach the people it was supposed to reach. if you're thinking your donation is useless, well, i get it. i am having trouble even saying anything about that, because I myself am worried that it could be useless. But you have to stay hopeful, cause that's all most of us have right now. I would say to absolutely continue donating whatever you can to charities that support palestine, that provide water, food, shelter, and emergency medical care. You have to hope that it'll somehow reach them. You have to hope that it'll somehow stop.
At the time of writing, voting results at the UN General Assembly show a margin of 120!! to 14 (and 45 abstinents) for a ceasefire and immediate humanitarian truce between Palestine and israel. And now while that might seem like amazing news, let's remember that the General Assembly is for non-binding resolutions. FOR A BINDING RESOLUTION, the decision must be made by the Security Council. I'm not gonna explain everything, but the permanent members of the UN Security Council are fucking it over. here's full context :
Also, the letter tO THANK Biden that countless celebrities ??? disappointing too. some names on that list really surprised me, and i'm disappointed that people i have supprted in the past have turned around and thanked biden for supporting a genocide. it's so stupid and disappointing.
of course, feel free to tell me if i've cited the wrong sources, if i've missed something, or have said false info in anyway.
i'd also like to add that arab palestinians are not the only victims and that countless innocent jewish people have also been affected by the genocide. that the press vest has meant norhing so far. and that israel is not looking that closely into who they're killing. as Daniel Hagari said, Israel's method is "destruction, not accuracy."
BTW : I am not open to conversation with zionists or pro-israels. keep your anon asks very very very far away from me. i will not lend a ❤️listening ear❤️ to someone who ignores or defends genocide, and i don't see anything wrong with ignoring that kind of rhetoric. fuck you.
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cindersfireplace · 3 months
This is a Pro - Palestine blog 🇵🇸
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shoujofish · 6 months
I hate when I get told theres “two sides to the israel and palestine conflict both are in the wrong” and then on one side there’s people in their intact cites and homes in a country with the 3rd largest military who’s soldiers are making tiktok’s dancing and celebrating committing genocide and on the other side I’ve seen nothing but footage of orphaned children, bereaved parents, schools and hospitals getting bombed, and cities being completely flattened all coming from a country that has been undergoing violent occupation and colonization for decades. I’m supposed to believe there’s two sides to this???
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i-never-grew-up · 3 months
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The world didn't end when I was a teenager but it did for them
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And so many more yet the world still stays silent, why? If it was London being bombed there would be riots, the whole world would suddenly stop and immediately help but why not for them? How can you sit there in your homes and support Israel when there are children in Gaza who haven't eaten for days, when there are woman in Gaza who are having too use material from their tents as menstrual pads, when there are people in hospital who had a chance to survive but they were bombed by the idf, when there are doctors who will stay behind for their patients and still be killed, when there are people who have futures and have thought about what they want too do only for it too be destroyed by Israel, when there are mums and dads doing anything and everything too protect their children only too be killed, how can you sit there everyday from the comfort of your homes and support Israel knowing how many people have been tortured, rAped and murdered? Ask yourself why you're not posting about it, ask yourself why you only exist online and not outside at protests, or sending emails too your government demanding a ceasefire, or boycotting major companies. Free Palestine from Israel 🇵🇸🇵🇸
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wickedwitchofthesouth · 2 months
I'm sorry but if your a zionist and you interact with my blog in ANY way I'm going to block you. I DO NOT CARE FOR YOUR OPINION ON ANYTHING AT ALL LET ALONE THINGS THAT INTEREST ME! So go ahead and fuck off
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alyceinwonderland777 · 2 months
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Loki Laufeyson says Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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