#한국어 어휘
dreamer-hangugeo · 1 year
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If you're learning Korean, you might have encountered the word "어차피" (eo-cha-pi) at some point. It's a useful word that can be translated to "anyway," "in any case," or "after all." When you use "어차피," you're often indicating that something is inevitable or necessary, regardless of other circumstances. To use "어차피", you simply need to add it to the sentence. E.g. 어차피 늦었으니까 천천히 와. (It's late anyway, so take your time.) 어차피 다른 선택지가 없어. (There’s no other option anyway.) 그 사람은 어차피 나를 싫어하는 거야. (That person hates me, after all.) "어차피" is often used with grammar like ~(으)니까 or -(으)ㄴ/는데 to add more context. E.g. 어차피 해야 할일이니까 빨리 하고 끝내는게 좋지않겠어요? (Because it's something you have to do anyway, isn't it better to hurry up and finish it?) 어차피 시간이 없는데 일찍 가는 게 좋을 거야. (Anyway, since we don't have much time, it's better to leave early.) 어차피 지나간 일이니까 다시 말하지 말아요. (Since it's a thing of the past anyway, let's not talk about it again.) 어차피 밖에 비가 내리고 있는데 조금더 이야기를 나누자 (It's raining outside anyway, so let's talk a little bit more.)
🌸 🌼 🌻
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a-pop-of-korean · 10 months
Semester in SK: Summer in South Korea
안녕하세요 여러분! Here’s the last Instagram post I made while abroad--this one is a little bit about some popular summer activities in Korea! I hope you enjoy :)
Here is some useful summer-related Korean vocabulary:
여름: summer
바다: sea; beach
등산: hiking; mountain climbing  mg
덥다: hot
따뜻하다: warm
습하다: humid
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hangukkie · 9 months
졸업 🎓!! - Graduation 🎓!!
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캬아ㅏㅏ~~ 졸업했어요 🥹💐🎓!!
Aaaaaaa!! I graduatedd 🥹💐🎓!!
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ggomi · 4 months
🌵Essential Korean Idioms.
📍Unit 1
💡 걱정이 태산이다 to be worried sick
💡눈코 뜰 새 없다 to be extremely busy
💡머리를 식히다 to take a mental break
💡바람을 쐬다 to get some fresh air
💡발등에 불을 끄다 to take care of what's urgent or difficult first
💡손에 잡히지 않다 to be unable to focus on doing something 
💡신경을 쓰다 to be concerned, to be worried, to pay attention 
💡엉덩이를 붙이다 to keep at something for a long time (specifically an activity performed while seated)
💡첫발을 떼다 to initiate, to take a first step (in a new role or career)
💡피푸로 느끼다 to experience or appreciate firsthand
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samahkhaled96 · 1 year
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ddalistudies · 2 years
여행 🧳
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some travel-related vocabulary 🍃 💫 (i just wrote down some hints or emojis to help me remember better)
비행기 ✈️
경치 🌄🌌🏞🌇
야경 🌌🌃🌉🌠🎑 (밤 경치)
해돋이 🌅 (아침에)
시골 🌾
도시 🏙
호수 (l…)
강 (r….)
산 ⛰
화산 🌋
바다 🌊🏖
박물관 (m…..)
유적지 (historic site)
유학을 가디 (go study abroad)
휴가 (v…….)
극장 🎭🍿
도서관 📚
여권 (p…….)
숲 🌳🌳🌳
기차 🚂
공항 (비행기를 타는 곳)
경험 (exp…….)
온천 ♨️
섬 🏝
드라마 촬영지 📽🎬
민속촌 (folk village)
공기 (a..)
대사관 (embassy)
입장료 (a………) 표 🎟
궁전 🏯🏰
숙소 (lodging)
공연장 = 콘서트장
행사 = 이벤트
해양 = 큰 바다
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재미있는 시간을 보내다
인기가 많다
도착하다 (arrive)
떠나다 (hit the road)
사진을 찍다
계획을 세우다
여권을 준비하다
비자를 받다
숙소를 예약하다
비행기표를/기차표를 사다
가방을/짐을 싸다
환전을 하다 (돈 exchange)
물건을 싸게 사다/구입하다
즐기다 (enjoy)
구경하다 (watch)
참가하다 (participate)
예약하다 (make a reservation)
구입하다 = 사다
사람들이 친절하다
교통이 편리하다/불편하다
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realren90 · 1 year
한국어 단어 2
조심하다 - to be careful, watch out
출발하다 - to depart, leave
생기다 - to occur, to look, to form
잡다 - to catch, grab, take
이따가 - a little later
교통 - traffic
표 - ticket
말씀하시다 - to speak (hon.)
별로 - not particularly
코 - nose
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tte1bm1 · 2 years
건전하게 오래 연락하면서 친하게 지낼분 카톡:dhsm22
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iamlearningkorean · 11 months
공부 시간!
Hey! It's been... a while, I know. But I am back at studying 한국어 and it's time to study some vocabulary and practice by making sentences, so here we go!
어휘 (vocabulary):
방 (room)
교실 (classroom)
문 (door)
창문 (window)
책상 (desk)
의자 (chair/stool)
칠판 (blackboard)
지도 (map)
달력 (calendar)
시계 (clock)
거울 (mirror)
옷걸이 (clothes hanger/hanger)
컴퓨터 (computer)
텔레비전 (television)
책 (book)
공책 (notebook)
필통 (pencil case)
연필 (pencil)
색연필 (color pencil)
볼펜 (ballpoint pen)
지우개 (eraser)
돈 (money)
지갑 (wallet/purse)
가방 (backpack)
휴지 (toilet paper/waster paper)
신분 (identity)
증 (certificate/card)
신분증 (identity card/ ID card)
학생증 (student card)
휴대 전화 (cellphone)
사전 (dictionary)
잡지 (magazine)
여기 (here)
거기 (there [kinda far away])
저기 (there [far away])
이 (this [close])
그 (that [kinda far away)
저 (that [far away])
Okay! Now, let's make some 문장들 (sentences)!
For these sentences, the settings I have imagined are a 교실(classroom) and a 방 (room). Let's begin :)
1st scenario (방):
이 방은 누구의 방입니까? (whose room is this?)
내 방입니다. (It's my room).
그것이 무엇입니까? (What is that [kinda far away]?)
그것이 거울입니다. (That is a mirror.)
옷걸이도 있습니까? (Is there also a hanger?)
네, ���걸이도 있습니다. (Yes, there is also a hanger.)
2nd scenario (교실):
여기는 우리 교실입니다. 이것이 문입니다. 저것이 창문입니다. 책상들이 있습니다. 의자들도 있습니다. (Here is our classroom. This is a door. That [far away] is a window. There are desks. There are also chairs.)
지도가 있습니까? (Is there a map?)
아니요, 지도가 없습니다. 하지만, 칠판이 있습니다 (No, there is no map. But there is a blackboard.)
시계도 없습니다? (There's no clock either?)
아니요, 시계이 있습니다. 칠판하고 책도 있습니다. (No, there is a clock. There is also a blackboard and a book).
3rd scenario (교실):
필통에 무엇 있습니까? (What's in the pencil case?)
필통에 연필이 있습니다. 볼펜도 있습니다. (There is a pencil in the pencil case. There is also a ballpoint pen.)
지우개도 있습니까? (Is there also an eraser?)
네, 지우개도 있습니다. (Yes, there is also an eraser.)
색연필도 있습니까? (Is there also a color pencil?)
아니요, 색연필 없습니다. (No, there is no color pencil.)
4th scenario (방):
가방에 무엇이 있습니까? (What's in the bag?)
가방에 내 지갑하고 필통이 있습니다. (In the bag are my wallet and my pencil case).
지갑에 무엇이 있습니까? (What's in the wallet?)
지갑에 돈이 있습니다. (There is money in the wallet.)
신분증도 있습니까? (Is there also an ID card?)
네, 신분증하고 학생증도 있습니다. (Yes, there's also an ID card and a student card.)
가방에 휴대 전화도 있습니까? (Is there a cellphone in the bag?)
아니요, 휴대 전화 없습니다. (No, there is no cellphone).
And that's it for today! It's fun to study Korean again :). If you see any mistakes please feel free to point them out, thank you!
Happy studying everyone, I wish you all a nice day! <3
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ethrealstudies · 1 year
i can’t believe i started this blog in high school to help me self study korean and now i can finally say i’m going to seoul to study abroad this fall… it’s been my dream for so long it still hasn’t fully sank in. i can’t wait to take all of you along with me on this journey 🥹
in preparation, i’ve restarted my korean diary and will be adding any vocabulary i didn’t know to a quizlet set i will link below!
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mellowmyra · 10 months
번역하는 한국어 이야기 (연습) #3
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📄 제가 영어 번역:
TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean)
Today I took the TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) at the Korean Educational Institute. I could not sleep properly due to my anxiety about the test. I woke up at 6 a.m., did gymnastics, and washed my face. Also, at 7 a.m., I ate breakfast and headed off to the (Korean Educational) institute.
I entered the classroom. It seemed like all of the students were nervous.
In the 1st period, there was a vocabulary, grammar, and writing test. I wrote my name on the answer sheet using the marker pen, wrote down the test number, and started solving the questions. The questions, however, were not so difficult. In the 2nd period, there was the listening and reading field (of the test), but maybe since I often met with Korean people, the listening portion was very easy. Despite that, I was short on time for the reading portion. The sentences were long, and there were many words I didn't know. Regardless of any possibility, I had no confidence in the reading section.
📝 제가 배운것
A/V ~어/아/여서 그런지 = maybe (due to abc), probably (due to abc)
아무래도~ = regardless~ (of any possibility)
모자라다 (adj) = to be short of, to be deficient of
교육 = education
(한국교육)원 = center
불안감 = anxiety
체조 = gymnastics
(1)교시 = (1st) class period
어휘 = vocabulary
답안지 = answer sheet
컴퓨터용 = answer marker (pen)
풀기 = solve
영역 = field (of work), area (of work), section, domain..
자신 = (self) confidence
체대로 = properly, correctly
제가 몇몇 단어가 이미 알았던 것 있었는데 그 때는 의미가 생각이 안 났어요.. 잊었네요. ㅠㅠ 그래도 쓰기로 했어요. 아 그리고 "T/N"에 첫 번째 문장은 자신이 없어서 실수했으면 댓글에 남겨주세요. 저는 도움이 받고 있는 열려요.
그게 다예요 ! 다음 이야기는 아주아주 길 수도 있고 어려울 수도 있어요.. 다음 번에 새로운 배우는 것을 기대돼요.~
그럼, 다음에 봐요 !
마이라 💙
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dreamer-hangugeo · 1 year
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Respect is essential in Korean culture, and it's reflected in the language. Honorifics are used to show respect, and they indicate relative status within a group. When speaking to someone older or higher in rank, use the formal speech level ending with ~ㅂ니다. There are lots of honorific words in Korean, including nouns, pronouns, and titles. Here's a list of some common ones to get you started! 𝐍𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬 이름 –> 성함 (Name) 나이 –> 연세 (Age) 집 –> 댁 (House, Home) 생일 –> 생신 (Birthday) 말 –> 말씀 (Words) 밥 –> 식사 (Meal) 사람 –> 분 (Person) 아빠 –> 아버님 (Father) 엄마 –> 어머님 (Mother) 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐬 Rather than simply adding -(으)시다, the following verbs have a special honorific version. 먹다 –> 드시다 (To Eat) 마시다 –> 드시다 (To Drink) 있다 –> 계시다 (To Exist) 만나다 –> 뵙다 (To Meet) 자다 –> 주무시다 ( (To Sleep) 말하다 –> 말씀하다 (To Speak) 묻다 –> 여쭙다 (To Ask) 주다 –> 드리다 (To Give) 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐄𝐱𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬: 성함이 어떻게 되세요? (May I have your name?) 연세가 어떻게 되세요? (May I ask your age?) 처음 뵙겠습니다 (It is nice to meet you) 잘 부탁드립니다 (Please take care of me)
🌸 🌼 🌻
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a-pop-of-korean · 2 years
Vocabulary, Hanja, & Charts Masterlist
Click here for the masterlist of all my lessons!
Must-Know People
Must-Know Places
Must-Know Things
Must-Know Verbs
Must-Know Adjectives
Months, Days of the Week, and More
Clothing (옷)
School (학교)
Autumn (가을)
Autumn (w/Pictures!)
More Questions
House / Apartment (집 / 아파트)
Emotions / Feelings ( 감정)
Animals (동물)
Loan / Konglish Words
Food and Drink (먹을 것과 마실 것)
Parts of the Body (몸)
Modes of Transportation (교통 수단)
Colors (색깔)
Colors (with Pictures!)
Weather (날씨)
Winter (겨울)
Music & Instruments (음악과 악기)
Baking Gingerbread Cookies
Emergency (비상)
Hygiene & Bathroom (위생 & 화장실)
Indefinite Pronouns
Work / Office (일 / 사무실)
Spring (봄)
Coronavirus Prevention (코로나바이러스 방역)
How to Wash Your Hands (손을 씻기)
Time (시간)
Korean Cuisine (한식)
Summer (여름)
Summer (여름) w/Pictures!
Graduation (졸업)
Identity (독자성)
Korean Text Slang
Similar Words
Makeup w/Pictures! (화장품)
Family (with Pictures!)
How to Say “Still” and “Already” in Korean
Tastes & Textures (맛과 질감)
K-Pop Audition
K-Pop Fandom Terminology
Different Ways to Say “Change”
Flower Names
What Does 원래 Mean?
What does 오히려 Mean?
Hanja Lessons
부 & 불
Present, Past, and Future Tense
Question Words
잘 vs. 못 and Negative Conjugations
Future Tenses
-았/었던 vs. -던 (at end of lesson)
Some 받침 Rules
Giving Commands
Conjunctions and -아/어/여서 vs. -(으)니까
-(으)면 vs. -다/라면 and Different Ways to Say “And”
How to Say “Or” (at end of lesson)
Telling Time (at end of lesson)
Comparatives and Superlatives
잘하다 & 못하다 vs. 잘 하다 & 못 하다 (at end of lesson)
Comparing 잘하다/못하다, 잘 하다/못 하다, & 수 있다/수 없다
Irregular Verbs
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hangukkie · 11 months
한국어 일기 ! - Korean Diary !
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오늘 삼촌과 배터시 파워스테이션 쇼핑몰에 갔어요! 점심을 먹으러 고든 램지의 레스토랑에 같이 가서 엄청 맛있는 오리 샐러드 먹었어요! 쇼핑몰에서 파바도 봤어요!! 한국이에요?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 쇼핑후에 복스홀에 가서 삼촌은 저에게 맛있어 보이는 도넛을 사줬어요 😋 근데..사실..도넛이 좀 맛없었어요 ㅠ 왜냐하면 그 크림은 충분히 달지 않았기 때문이에요 😔 그래도 좋은 날씨를 즐기며 좋은 하루 보냈어요~🌞😌!
I went to the Battersea Power Station shopping centre with my uncle today! For lunch we went to Gordon Ramsay’s restaurant and I ate a reallyyy good duck salad! I also saw a Paris Baguette! Am I in Korea?? Lmaoo
After shopping we went to Vauxhall and my uncle bought me a tasty looking doughnut 😋 but..actually..the doughnut didn’t taste good 😭 it’s because the cream wasn’t sweet enough 😔 I had a nice day enjoying the good weather thoughh 🌞😌!
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ggomi · 4 months
🌵Essential Korean Idioms
📍Unit 2
💡 귀에 들어가다 to come to somebody's knowledge
💡눈이 높다  to have high standards
💡눈치를 보다 to try to respond according to feelings or moods of others
💡마음에 두다 to bear in mind, to hold in remembrance
💡문을 열다에 1. to start a business, open a store.
2. to open up to foreign countries.
3. to have an open hiring process.
💡보는 눈이 있다 to have an eye for something
💡얼굴에 써 있다 to show on one's face
💡시간 가는 줄 모르다 to lose track of time
💡온실 속의 화초 someone with sheltered upbringing.
💡한 치 앞을 못 보다 1. to have no foresight
2. to have superficial knowledge
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samahkhaled96 · 1 year
내가 걸은 만큼만 내 인생이다
وَأَنْ لَيْسَ لِلْإِنْسَانِ إِلَّا مَا سَعَى (39) وَأَنَّ سَعْيَهُ سَوْفَ يُرَى (40)
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