zhivchik · 2 months
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save-the-data · 1 year
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reunion: the sound of the providence | s01e04
Chinese Drama - 2020, 32 episodes
EP:- 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10 : 11 : 12 : 13 : 14 : 15 : 16 : 17 : 18 : 19 : 20 : 21 : 22 : 23 : 24 : 25 : 26 : 27 : 28 : 29 : 30 : 31 : 32
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dmbjexchange · 3 months
DMBJ Lunar New Year Exchange Reveals
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Happy Lunar New Year!
The treats for the Year of the Dragon DMBJ Lunar New Year Exchange have now been revealed! You can find them all here on AO3.
Happy reading/watching!
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shijiujun · 2 years
重启之深渊疑冢 (2022) | Direct webmovie sequel to 重啟之極海聽雷 Reunion: Sound of the Providence (2020)
Starring Ji Chen and Ji Xiaobing as Hei Yanjing and Xie Yuchen respectively!!! You can really tell it’s a continuation of Chongqi because the cinematography and the look is literally the same!!
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Reunion: The Sound of the Providence
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Episode 28
Erjing en Wu Xie hebben een gesprek waarin naar voren komt dat Wu Xie wist dat Erjing de mol was maar dat hij het niet wilde geloven omdat hij hem als familie beschouwde. In dit gesprek komt ook de motivatie van Erjing ter spraken.
Ze zijn in de stad van de zuid zee koning aangekomen en we zullen gaan zien wat de schat van koning der stormen in gaat houden.
Under the Skin
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Episode 18
Shen Yi vond dat Du Cheng verdacht gedroeg en had een vermoeden dat hij betrokken was in M's moord.
De dood van M was inderdaad geen ongeluk, waarin Du Cheng betrokken was. Blijkbaar was er inderdaad een derde persoon betrokken.
Gelukkig hebben ze die suspence niet voorbij deze episode laten gaan en zal de zoektocht naar de laatste puzzelstukjes van de organisatie op de voorgrond staan.
Founder of Diabolism
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Episode 11: The Massacre
The Lotus Clan wordt uitgemoord. Als moeder en vrouw vond ik haar niks, maar ze was a badass toen haar clan werd aangevallen.
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Episode 12: Loyal Heart
Wuxian doet zijn best Wanyin in leven te houden terwijl ze wegvluchten van de Wen clan.
Ning is een schat van een mens. Samen met zijn zus de enige met wat scrupules binnen de clan zo ver ik kan zien.
Till Death Tear Us Apart
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Episode 06
Waarom verder vluchten van bommen als je wat kan eten in het bos?
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Episode 07
Lijkt me lastig als je go-between een warhoofd is. Yaohua staart zich nog steeds blind op het verleden en doet zijn best om Yusheng in de watten te leggen.
Love in the Air
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Episode 07: Sky After Rain
Not Rain saying: The only on that can screw me is Payu! 🤣
De rest van de episode was a lot of cheese en cringe. In de eerste helft wordt er een eind gebreid aan het verhaal van Rain en Payu waarbij Payu toegeeft dat hij Rain al leuk vond voordat hij hem uitdaagde om hem te verleiden. Wat ik al vermoed had. Voor de kijkers was het vrij duidelijk.
Zoals de titel suggereert zal er vanaf deze episode meer aandacht besteed worden aan Sky. Komt u maar....
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De muziek is erg mooi en het verhaal eromheen erg interessant.
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Pagina's 52 t/m 100
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welcometothejianghu · 10 days
Welcome to another round of W2 Tells You What You Should See, where W2 (me) tries to sell you (you) on something you should be watching. Today's choice: 重啟之極海��雷/Reunion: The Sound of the Providence/The Lost Tomb Reboot/this thing has too many names
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Reunion (I'm just going to call it that) is a 2020 action drama about the most specialest little babygirl in the tomb-raiding world, his two husbands, and the cadre of assorted weirdos they pick up as they try to follow a set of directions left by a dead (?) man in the thunder.
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Imagine if someone showed you the Mandalorian, and you were like, gee, that was a neat little sci-fi one-shot! because you'd never heard of Star Wars. That was basically my experience watching this show, having no idea that the Lost Tomb franchise (DMBJ) was even a thing. Turns out that not only is there a whole big continuity out there with these characters, but that Reunion takes place a few years after the main story's resolution. Don't worry, though -- Reunion doesn't spoil you for that resolution. It doesn't spoil you for much, period. Look, DMBJ has a weird relationship to endings, okay?
I have written a more thorough where-to-start guide for DMBJ as a whole, so if you want to consider other entry points, well, that information is there for your consideration. Yet it is my opinion that this is the best entry into the overall franchise, and a fun thing to watch just in general, and I'm here to make my case for both of those.
The rest of this rec will assume that you have no familiarity with the DMBJ series. That's okay; you don't need any. All you need is to trust my five reasons you should watch this.
1. Old Man Yaoi
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As you begin this show, you are introduced to the Iron Triangle. That's them in the picture up there. Left to right, you have: Xiao Ge, magically tattooed immortal hottie who just got back from ten years in [scene missing]; Wu Xie, our protagonist, who's just a little guy and it's his birthday; and Wang Pangzi, the literal best.
(And yes, Wu Xie is in his 30s and Pangzi is in his 40s, which is not technically old man anything, but ... look, if you watch, you'll see why I think I'm justified in calling it that.)
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They are extremely married. They are a disaster trio of disasters so disastrous that no one else should ever be subjected to their chaos. They're going to make sure lots of people are, though, don't you worry about it. Sometimes those people even deserve it.
However, because the show (tragically!!) decides that Xiao Ge has somewhere else to be like 95% of the runtime, most of the relationship you get to see is between Wu Xie and Pangzi.
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I'm saying this now as an old gay nerd who just this year celebrated her 15th wedding anniversary: I have never, never felt so represented in media as I have watching Wu Xie and Pangzi interact. There's a little wake-up song they sing together near the end of the show, and it just ... it packs so much character development into thirty seconds. These boys have been living adjacent lives for so long that they've made up their own little shared songs about the mundanities of daily living. That is just what happens when you marry your best friend and then decide to get old and weird together. Ask me how I know.
Look, if you want to know whether this show is for you or not, watch to the end of the first episode, to the part where Pangzi flips over the table. If your heart is filled with joy (as it should be), keep going.
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Love makes a tomb-raiding syndicate family.
2. A fun-filled action-packed romp of nonsense!
If you're familiar with Hellblazer canon, this will make sense to you: Reunion is Dangerous Habits. If you're not familiar with Hellblazer canon, try it like this: Reunion is a terrible place to start because it plays on your extant affection for a character who gains a terrible status effect almost immediately. It's a also great place to start because it throws you right in the action with measurably high stakes and gives you a reason to build that affection very quickly.
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I'm also going to warn you right off the bat: The plot of this show got cut to ribbons by censors.
See, the DMBJ books, being books, are allowed to get away with supernatural shit! So you've got zombies and ghosts and curses and monsters and immortality and all your other standard ooky spooky semi-urban fantasy trappings. But the DMBJ adaptations, being live-action, are heavily regulated in their content. This is why, in the early Reunion episodes, our heroes are menaced by human-looking creatures that are actually ancient mannequins made of leather that are piloted, mecha-style, by evil clams. Because evil clams are more scientific than zombies. I guess.
So yeah, the plot of this book already had to get mangled into a more "science"-compliant shape even before it made it to filming. The real problem is that a whole lot more of it got cut after it was all filmed and put together. I have read an explanation of what the actual storyline was supposed to be, and yeah, if you know what you’re looking at, you can see (and hear) the scars where major elements got hacked out with a weed whacker.
Therefore: You cannot expect this plot to make sense.
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But that's okay! You're not here for the plot to make sense! You're here to watch some characters you love run around through ridiculous and sometimes beautiful labyrinths, trying to solve puzzles you're never given enough information to understand, all in search of the resolution to a mystery that had half its guts torn out before you got to see it -- and you are here to love it. If you have ever laughed and cheered your way through a Mission: Impossible film without pausing to care too much about the plot holes it’s dodging left and right, you are in the correct frame of mind to appreciate this. Just believe that whatever engaging nonsense the show tells you is correct for the time being and go with it.
You cannot watch DMBJ and care about the laws of physics. You simply cannot.
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Do not, however, let me give you the impression that the shoddy plotting is accompanied by equally shoddy performances. A major part of this show’s incredible watchability comes from how the cast is shockingly good. There are some serious heavy hitters among the actors. A major part of why this Wu Xie and Pangzi are my favorite together is the incredible chops both Zhu Yilong and Chen Minghao have, to say nothing of their real-life affection for one another. (See that scar on Wu Xie's neck? That scar is there because Zhu Yilong commits to the bit.) Effortlessly charming Mao Xiaotong turns potentially irritating wunderkind Bai Haotian into a perfect precious weirdo baby. Wu Erbai's entire second-season character arc could have been unintentionally comedic, but veteran of queer cinema Hu Jun sells even the undignified moments as relentlessly tragic. And of course Baron Chen absolutely kills it with...
3. This giant fucking loser
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This is Hei Xiazi. That's not his name, but it's close enough. Allow me to do a dramatic reenactment of my watching his first scene:
[camera pans over to him]
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me: Ugh, I recognize this kind of wannabe badass character design. I hate his type. He's self-important, hyper-masculine, and just a big jerk, and the show thinks he's soooo cool. Barf.
[thirty seconds later]
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me: Oh no. I was so wrong. I love him forever now.
This is because he is (as indicated above) a giant fucking loser. Yes, he's a good fighter who knows lots of things. He's also a wet potato chip of a man. Sure, he can get you into a headlock, but he can also annoy you into submission, and that's honestly more fun for him. My wife has used the phrase “Vash the Stampede-coded” to describe him. My wife is not wrong.
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And the kind of ridiculous thing is, being such a loser is what wraps back around to making him cool again. He's a loser because he just doesn't fucking care. His masculinity is the opposite of fragile. You tell him to wear a dress and makeup, he'll do it -- and sure, he'll complain, but only because he enjoys complaining. He has no dignity. He’s tits-out. He's gender. He's the worst and also the best.
Hei Xiazi is a major character in the other installations, to the point where he and his boyfriend (more on him later) even have their own movie. But of course, I did not know this on my first watch, so I kept expecting the show to explain his whole deal. It does not, but you don't really need it to. He sees better in the dark. He doesn't age. He's a thug for hire. There, that's all the bio you need.
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One of the things that makes him great is that he is the least sexually threatening person ever. Across all the properties he's in, he spends a fair amount of time with women -- sometimes in very close quarters -- and they are perfectly safe around him. I actually wrote a whole post about it once upon a time (warning for tiny spoilers for a series that isn't this one) wherein I claim that not only Xiazi but Reunion in general is the television equivalent of the shirt that says I RESPECT WOMEN SO MUCH I DON'T HAVE SEX WITH THEM.
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That said, this loser does get a sort-of romance plot here -- and honestly, I find it very cute! It's not even the only instance in this series of a bisexual guy in a long-term same-sex relationship getting a girlfriend, and I like that other one too! Look, the handle of my DMBJ sideblog is @katamaricule because I joked that Wu Xie treats polyamory like a katamari, and if you don't move fast enough, you're going to be rolled right up into his gay little cuddle puddle.
This is not a show for exclusive ships; this is a show for inclusive ships. The Jiumen Association is a polycule. You don't even have to know what the Jiumen Association is to know it's true.
4. The power of friendship
This show has a lot of characters.
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I'd say the supporting cast is divided into three categories: characters who have been in previous installments, characters who have not been in previous installments, and characters who probably should have been in previous installments (or at least mentioned) but who were only created for Reunion so we have to pretend like we've known about them all along.
There is no way to tell which is which -- which is part of my argument that this series makes a good entry point to the franchise.
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Take Huo Daofu. Huo Daofu is a brilliant doctor masquerading as a donut stand operator who treats Wu Xie with all the cold disdain of a man confronting the person who left him at the altar years ago. On the one hand, yes! We do know Huo Daofu from a previous series, and we've known he's both a doctor and a bitch. On the other hand, oh, we have no idea why he's like this about Wu Xie, and we probably never will. The show just treats it like it's for an excellent reason, and you know what, from what you know about Wu Xie, it probably is.
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Consider also Jiang Zisuan. One of the show's principal antagonists, Jiang Zisuan turns out to be the brother of ... well, let's just say it's someone whose having a brother really should have come up before this. It has not come up. (And that's even before we get into the issue of his surname.) His stated identity as that person's brother is so bizarre that my favorite interpretation is that he isn't actually that person's brother -- all the flashbacks we see are just his delusions about a relationship he's completely invented. But there's no way you'd know how fucking weird this is on your first run.
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Then there's our friendly little support himbo, Kanjian, who shows up to all occasions with two tickets to the gun show and not a thought in that beautiful head. (His name just means "vest," which is par for the course when it comes to the author's naming conventions.) He was a lot more menacing in the last series (where they kept putting sleeves on him, geez), where most of what we learned about him is that you can loan him out to other tomb-raiding families. Now he's a golden retriever with great aim and a slingshot. It's an upgrade.
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The trick is, you cannot be surprised when someone shows up and the show treats them like you should know who they are, even when there's no possible way you could know who they are. I mean, for heaven's sake, Liu Sang arrives in the middle of an obvious beef with Pangzi, the origins of which are never satisfactorily explained, while also having a giant do-I-want-to-fuck-him-or-do-I-want-to-be-him crush on Xiao Ge, which is also never satisfactorily explained. Whatever, you just roll with it. He's got good hearing, a bad attitude, and questionable taste in idols. Now you're good to go.
(I should throw in a special note here that Liu Sang is many, many people's little meow meow, and not undeservedly. For a fuller explanation of why that is, please consult this other post I made.)
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Part of the fun of this big cast is the adorable interactions you get. All the characters have appropriately big personalities, and the show loves letting people you wouldn’t expect bounce off one another. It’s not your typical action-hero show where nothing happens without the protagonist in the room. There are lots of exciting combinations and tons of charming dynamics! Unlikely friendships form all over the place! Enemies become allies! Allies become friends! Friends become friends with other friends! Some friends become enemies again! You'll need a scoreboard to keep up!
This is not to say the show treats all its characters perfectly or equally -- one of the precious few main female characters doesn't even get a real name, for heaven's sake, and the less said about the brownface racism, the better. It is, at its heart, a dude show for dudes made in China, with all the troubling decision-making that implies. Where it does deserve credit, though, is in understanding that its supporting characters are actual people with personalities apart from their function in Wu Xie's narrative. Sometimes the show just asks "what if [random character A] and [random character B] had to interact?" and has fun considering the answer! Which is almost always a delight to watch, and sometimes even breaks your heart.
5. Amazing rewatch value!
And by this I mean the experience of watching this show is remarkably different once you have any understanding of the rest of the DMBJ universe.
For instance, there's a point where two characters are scuba-diving past some submerged coffins, and one character tells the other whose coffins they are. Working only on information Reunion has given you, you're like, oh, that's where they buried the guy who built this creepy place, that's a little weird. Once you recognize that name from other series, though, your reaction is far more, excuse me, they did WHAT to WHOSE corpses?
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Or another point where a character you've already met is on a train, and there's a handsome gentleman who just happens to be riding with her. He hands her his business card! Aw, that's sweet, he seems like a nice guy! Well, no, Xie Yuchen is not nice, but he is one of our allies, and he's Hei Xiazi's boyfriend, and a lot of what he's doing hits real different when you have a fuller grasp on why he's doing it and for whom. (Honestly, a major reason to watch Reunion first is so you're not fully and appropriately upset by how your black/pink gays merely have one teeny tiny scene together.)
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From the way the series treats the persistent absence of Wu Sanxing, Wu Xie's third uncle, I absolutely, 100% assumed that he was a completely new character to this installment of the series, an extremely long-lost relative that we've somehow conveniently managed to never talk about before now. So imagine my gobsmacked surprise when I went to watch a different series, set much earlier in the timeline, where the opening scene prominently features Wu Sanxing as an actual character in the present-day narrative! ...Well, sorta. Look, there's a lot of fuckery with his identity in earlier parts of the story, and fortunately you need to know none of it to understand Reunion. But when you do, it suddenly makes a lot more sense why Wu Xie talks about someone who was a major part of Wu Xie's adult life like he died when Wu Xie was nine.
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AND THE FLASHBACK SCENE WHERE A-NING GETS KILLED BY THE SNAKE, AND YOU'RE LIKE, OKAY, AND THEN YOU WATCH ULTIMATE NOTE AND IT WASN'T LIKE THAT AT ALL look, I know there are kinda reasons for this, different production companies and all, but seriously, what the fuck
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All of which to say is that the experience of watching Reunion the first time is, hey, this self-contained romp is a lot of fun! The experience of rewatching it after watching any of the other DMBJ installments is a transcendently wonderful head-clutching avalanche of one moment of recognition right after another.
And here's the thing: You will watch more. Reunion is a gateway drug. If you are interested enough to make it through all 62 episodes, you're going to be interested in watching more. Which is great. The English-speaking fandom needs more people. Come down into the tombs. It's great down here. We've got snakes and arguably unintentional homoeroticism. Join us. Join usssssssss
Are you ready for an aventure?
There are a couple different ways to watch the first half, but there's (weirdly) only one way to watch the second, so for both of them, I'm going to send you straight to iQiyi: Season 1 (32 episodes) and Season 2 (30 episodes).
And just so you’re ready when Reunion is done, here’s how you find the rest of the DMBJ series, in the absolutely non-chronological order in which I, personally, think you should watch them:
The Lost Tomb 2 (AsianCrush, YouTube)
Ultimate Note (iQiyi)
The Mystic Nine (iQiyi, Viki)
Sand Sea/Tomb of the Sea (Viki, WeTV, YouTube, also YouTube)
Also, there's a lot of movies and side series and other pieces that are worth seeing, and even a couple of full series I've left off the list, and you can just slot them in wherever. And maybe we'll get Tibetan Sea Flower someday? Look, hope springs eternal.
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They're so perfect. Perfect triangle. Perfect boys.
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yuzukahibiscus · 1 year
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花組TOP STAR柚香光以一身白色軍裝開啟 2023 年。1日起主演兵庫寶塚大劇場公演的《梅耶林》《ENCHANTEMENT》。
劇是一部以奧地利皇太子為主角的著名作品。秀是她穿著弗雷德・阿斯泰爾風格的衣服跳舞。 她選擇了漢字「結(ぶ)」(連結、聯繫人們的意思)。 由於公演受到疫情衝擊,導致10日-16日停演,等到30日寶塚的千秋樂再演。 2月18日至 3月19日還將在東京寶塚劇場舉行公演。
「9年! 那是我穿著軍裝邁出的第一步。但那時我已經覺得魯道夫是一個充滿魅力的人。從太子的立場,就好像從他出生的那一刻起,他的命運和重擔就已經註定了⋯」
以她9年前的經歷和閱讀同一本書《泡沫之戀的真實》為基礎,拍攝了(海報)。 她還回顧了過去的公演影片。 說到「從(麻実れい主演的)初演中學到了很多東西」,以此鞏固了魯道夫的印象。她還與負責潤色和執導的小柳奈穂子商量。
「(上次和這次)對我來說,魯道夫皇太子還是同一個人。穿著軍裝很難表現出軍人應有的身體線條。(表演時間是)1小時30分鐘, 所以考慮一個士兵如何使用他的肌肉是至關重要的因素。即使有沒有肌肉的地方,我也必須像有肌肉一樣使用我的身體。」
不僅是穿軍裝,重點也是不能錯過。 這次的(衣服)設計很簡單。 為此,「既然皇室成員經常穿(軍裝),他們不覺得他們穿起來合身嗎?」這是一種讓您感嘆「啊,很合身啊」的設計,變得更容易融入皇太子的角色。」借助服裝的力量, 她會打造「魯道夫有良好教養」的形像而努力中的。
「我認為有必要徹底塑造他接受過嚴厲的教育,並且生活在慣例之下的情況。 為什麼他會露出疲憊頹靡的模樣,跟一般人完全不一樣? 但是我使用肌肉的方式或表現出疲憊的樣子不應該脫離那個「皇太子」的形象。」
「序幕是浪漫的,充滿魅力。 我會穿著(我最喜歡的)弗雷德 · 阿斯泰爾風格的帽子和西裝,並搭配瑪麗蓮 · 夢露風格的星風まどか。 這個場景是我們在紐約街頭相遇,是一個瀟灑又俏皮的場景,所以我很高興我們能在這個場景中跳舞(笑)。」
即使是編舞難度高、對體力要求高的場景,她說「我覺得有很多場景是大量運用身體,所以感覺「我們總是在跳(這些舞蹈)」我真的感到我的身體也覺得很開心。」 而笑。
去年,她表示,這一年是「得到很多人的支持和指導,是學到很多東西的一年。 我會珍惜所有這些經歷,並向前邁出每一步。」而且,今年,她對 2023 年的想法是—
「是「結」。 我想把公演和我自己、角色和我自己、所有工作人員和我自己、觀眾和我自己之間的聯繫—所有這些都變得更牢固、更溫暖。 能將這些連結聯繫起來,我非常感激。是的,所以我想把所有這些聯繫在一起。」
從秀名稱可見,是以香氣為主題的。在她的整個職業生涯中,她喜歡的香水一直在變化。 「我以前喜歡強烈的味道,但最近喜歡甜一點的。我也喜歡香草味的。」幸好導演野口幸作會在排練場帶上各種樣本香水,「因為他會帶這些好聞的香水,讓人心情好,讓人懷舊,讓人想去度假。」擁有香氣的力量,她繼續努力排練的。
◆ 浪漫音樂劇「梅耶林」(劇本=柴田幸弘;精化、導演=小柳直子)以克勞德 · 艾勒的小說「梅耶林」改編,描寫奥地利皇太子魯道夫與男爵的女兒瑪麗之間的一段悲傷戀情。初演於1983年,這部寶塚歌舞劇經典作品重演的意義在於首演以來的40年,時隔上個大劇場作品已經是30年。
◆寶塚Spectacular「ENCHANTEMENT –華麗的香水–”(編劇兼導演 = 野口幸作)。在法語中,「ENCHANTEMENT」在法文,是「施展魔法、使人沉迷」之意 。秀以調香師レイ灑下魔法香水開始。
☆柚香光,3月5日,東京都出生。 2009年進入劇團。分配到花組。 她在2014年獲得了她的第一個新人公演主演。同年 6 月還獲得了她的第一個BOW HALL主演。 2015年出演奧斯卡,2017年首次出演外部主演《花樣男子》,2019年東京出演《花樣男子》,同年11月成為花組TOP,與華優希成為控比。 2021 年夏天,她與星風まどか成為控比,並於去年出演了「TOP HAT」。 她的身高是171厘米。 她的愛稱是れい。
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festivids · 7 months
Fandom Disqualifications for Festivids 2023
We evaluated fandoms that were disqualified or borderline in the past few years of Festivids and generated a list of 122 fandoms that we have disqualified in advance of this year's festivids. Please check this list in advance of nominations to ensure that you don't waste a nomination on a disqualified fandom!
Festivids Disqualifications 2023.
Fandoms that are disqualified during nominations will be added to the same spreadsheet.
If you disagree with our disqualification for any reason, please comment here to let us know. We do our best to evaluate fandoms fairly, but we are not familiar with every fandom we screen and we can make mistakes.
-- Two fandoms that were disqualified last year are now eligible: Silver Linings Playbook (2012) and Elementary (TV).
We also evaluated a few fandoms from 2023 to give a sense of fandom scale:
New fandoms that are disqualified for Festivids 2023: Red, White, and Royal Blue (2023), 방과 후 전쟁활동 | Duty After School, and 长月烬明 | Till the End of the Moon, and One Piece Live Action.
New fandoms that are eligible for Festivids: The Bear (TV), Dungeons and Dragons Honor Among Thieves (2023), and 长相思 第一季 | Lost You Forever (eligible on youtube, which is our main search site, although there may be 150+ vids on bilibili).
There are also a few fandoms that are particularly borderline or that we're still evaluating: Spyro (video game series), Miami Vice (TV), Schitt's Creek, 重啟之極海聽雷 | Reunion: The Sound of the Providence (Lost Tomb Reboot), and 일타 스캔들 | Crash Course in Romance. We'll update when we're done re-checking these.
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mouniassn · 17 days
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conan13541 · 3 months
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來貼之前在 Threads 發過的影評
還是 Tumblr 好呀 長文還可以嗑電影動漫
哭點: 滿分★★★★★★★★★★
驚險度 :★★★★★★★★
▶開頭與以前動作片差不多,先把ICPO 公司的人爆頭,事發在義大利
在少年偵探團排隊時,特別描寫芙紗愛·坎貝爾(阿笠博士的戀人)限量徽章&設計展,小哀是最後一個排隊拿到的,看老婆婆沒拿到,便跑去送給老婆婆。(乍看還以為是M19 的婆婆,但臉比較圓。)園子以為小哀是個冷漠的人,沒想到還會去幫助別人,感到很欣慰,於是獎勵少年偵探團去八丈島。
▶柯南發現日本警視廳之所以到基地,是因為今天要讓日本監控與世界連動的日子,在這套系統中,還有「全年齡偵測」這項功能,表示不論男女老少,只要被監視器拍到,經過頭骨模型建造、AI 計算以及大數據統計的比對,就可以判斷這個人的身份。
Pinga 是個+9都被柯南嘴,有夠好笑💀
5.山路有夠像馬祖 ,金龜車居然能飆速行駛
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預告 2024 M27
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peterchiublack · 6 months
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save-the-data · 1 year
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Reunion: The Sound of the Providence | s01e01
Chinese Drama - 2020, 32 episodes
EP:- 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10 : 11 : 12 : 13 : 14 : 15 : 16 : 17 : 18 : 19 : 20 : 21 : 22 : 23 : 24 : 25 : 26 : 27 : 28 : 29 : 30 : 31 : 32  
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dmbjexchange · 1 year
🐉 Year of the Dragon Lunar New Year DMBJ Treat Exchange - Sign ups open🐉
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Sign ups for the Lunar New Year Treat Exchange are now open!
The sign up form is here, and sIgn ups will remain open until October 30th.
You can view everyone’s sign ups here. These will remain vieweable through the entire exchange period, and you can choose any prompt/request to fill at any time.
Please add all fills to the exchange collection on AO3. This collection will remain unrevealed until the Year of the Dragon Lunar New Year.
Rules, guidelines, and exchange information can be found here in the initial announcement post.
If you have any questions, please contact @dmbjexchange​ or @thetombraidersguild​ here or on Discord.
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haynorman34 · 10 months
如果我們購買2500萬福林的房產,我們只需繳納剩餘1000萬福林的稅款。 即將購買第一套住房且尚未滿35歲的年輕人也可免稅,但房產的營業額不能超過1500萬福林的夢想上限。 老闆有自卑感,他通過大喊大叫來反擊。
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瓦澤特起初是下埃及的保護者,後來全埃及統一了。 早期,女神被描繪成一條眼鏡蛇,後來她纏繞在雷神的頭上的描繪也流傳開來。 我們服務的收費表可以在接待處清晰可見的地方找到。 訂閱我們的時事通訊,我們每週都會向您發送來自技術和科學領域的最新、最有趣的新聞。 摩托艇每天從 Siófoki Boat Station 的 8 號站出發數次。 美觀與實用的結合——現代、高品質的解決方案。 選擇自由的多焦點鏡片,享受遠近的日常生活。 門票、餐食和保險的價格,以及每人 1,500 福林的註冊費,必須在辦公室支付。 巴士旅行、匈牙利語的組織和團體陪伴。 4、工作人員對滑梯的使用進行監督,對使用者進行教育,保證滑梯的使用不受干擾,到達水域免費。 它為可能受傷的人或有需要的人提供幫助,並在必要時停止滑梯或體驗元素。 檢測載玻片技術狀況的變化並採取措施糾正任何錯誤。 在綜合體區域,允許使用行動不便的電動和機械輪椅,並且我們提供將人們提升到沐浴水中的結構。 卡塔爾有280萬人口,有37.2萬名基督徒,其中大多數是外來工人或移民。 真相還包括該國約百分之八十的人口是外國人,大多數基督徒來自菲律賓和印度等地,希望過上更好的生活,通常持有臨時工作許可證。 根據他們的信仰,在這座教堂裡所做的祈禱一定會被哈索爾女神聽到。 它實際上是一座建於5世紀的大教堂,忠實地展示了當時科普特基督教建築的特色和裝飾。 外牆上還描繪了小荷魯斯的誕生,它是在埃及被羅馬帝國吞併時建造的。 相關服務單位將為該地區數百人提供工作機會。 約400個座位的露天文化活動場所的建立,與樹木繁茂的環境相融合,極大地促進了聚落乃至該地區的文化生活。 投資期間,除了現有路面外,還將在該地區修建新的道路和人行道。 長廊是開發中不可或缺的一部分,因為它們構成了高品質的旅遊景點綜合體。 市政府將對在此期間未經許可停留在指定區域的任何人(儘管有禁令)啟動賠償程序,以防造成損害。 幾乎沒有水供應,休息很少,幾乎沒有陰涼處。 世界杯現在在冬天舉行,因為無論是球員還是球迷都無法忍受夏天的酷熱。 我們的客人可以按抵達順序使用水療中心有頂棚、封閉式建築、泳池和休息區的日光浴床、椅子和豆袋椅。 Balatonvilágos 的 Club Aliga 地區的翻修工程已經開始。 該建築群最近經過全面翻修,新開業的咖啡館進一步豐富了本已豐富的可能性,但在內部,您會找到一整天健康所需的一切。 Kraljevi Cardaci 公寓面積 60 平方米,設有兩間臥室、起居室配有一張雙人沙發床和一間獨立浴室。 吹風機、冰箱、有線電視,當然還有覆蓋整個建築群的 Wi-Fi 連接都是標准設備的一部分。 撥筋 Glirex 陶瓷複合體在一年中的任何時候都提供了獨特、有趣、可定制的隱秘迦南,但特別是在炎熱的夏季,它提供了絕佳的冷卻選擇。 回到屋頂,古埃及人在慶祝活動時使用西邊的樓梯,然後從東邊筆直的樓梯下來。 此次投資後,港口泊位數量將增至213個,其中賓客泊位12個。 這也將有助於方便遊客通過水路到達該綜合體。 經過近兩年的準備工作,隨著規劃階段的完成,巴拉​​頓地區最重要的旅遊開發項目即將在巴拉頓維拉戈斯開始實施。 作為特別投資的一部分,將建造一座頂級酒店,徹底更新巴拉頓維拉戈斯港口,並修復海灘。 除了創建集市以履行主廣場的功能外,規劃中還包括創建住宅和休閒區以及開發多功能文化中心。 該公寓可舒適地容納 4 人,是度假通行證、家庭度假以及全年居住的絕佳選擇。 房產收購方最遲可以在徵稅繳款令生效之前向國家稅務機關申報建造住宅樓的意向。 一家外觀獨特的酒吧,提供獨特豐富的杜松子酒選擇。
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bjerringdougherty58 · 11 months
如果我們必須在上一位客人之後清理剩下的食物殘渣,那我們甚至都不應該坐在那個地方,因為那不是一個好兆頭! 在最新一期的 Minőségi Borok Ételek 雜誌中,有兩篇文章可以歸功於副國務秘書 Endre Horváth 博士。 從文章中,我們可以了解到一個好心人,他想為匈牙利的好客做點什麼,我們要注意他的言行。 在第二篇文章中提到的由 Endre Horváth 博士構思的 Harkány 晚宴上,MVI 的代表是 Tamás Háber 和 András Gombás。 “獲得國際認可的匈牙利旅遊質量獎等願望得到了政府的支持,”他說。 他補充說:“基於此,我們可以相信我們可以發明使我們更具競爭力並互相幫助的系統。 MATUR 布達佩斯分會第 8 次就國內旅遊政策的當前問題發表公開的專業立場。 將分數相加,如果總分達到最高可能分數的 80%,那麼我們就可以在有利的條件下開始招待所——至少從營銷的角度來看是這樣。 為了開辦一家成功的鄉村民宿,值得考慮的是提供哪些條件,尤其是哪些條件是潛在客人會堅持的條件。 市政當局與 CIVINET 網絡的連接增加了學習和應用優秀範例以及專業發展的可能性。 通過開設餐飲服務,您可以在某些場合擔任餐飲服務商,使其成為最好的兼職企業之一。 您可以在 Airbnb 等在線網站上執行此操作,讓度假者付錢給您,讓您在指定時間段內留在您的家中。 對網頁設計師的需求與日俱增,因此這對於副業來說將是一個非常好的主意。
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對許多人來說更相關的第二個版本是我們將收入與收銀機混合存儲,無論它來自收銀機收據還是可能來自增值稅發票。 是的,但如果 NAV 審計員追究我們的責任,我們可能會在檢查期間遇到不愉快的時刻。 市面上的軟件很多,但是我們不知道有哪一款軟件是通過聽取軟件用戶的開發思路而提煉出來的,並且非常清楚的商店需要什麼。 7 年的時間,它幾乎完美地開發了很多小步驟,但你一定會有好的想法進一步幫助軟件的開發。 如果您熟悉這些問題,Smart-Cash 基於雲的庫存管理軟件就是為您設計的! 同時管理 12 個收銀員,一個即時的雲數據庫,您可以從世界任何地方查看您的員工並保持控制。 接下來,您需要打開 Fibaro Finder 應用程序。 只要您沒有為公寓訂閱互聯網,您就只能通過連接到公寓內的本地網絡來訪問您的智能家居。 Michael O'Leary 在談到對航空公司徵收額外利潤稅時毫不​​猶豫。 我們是位於布達佩斯的網站設計和營銷網絡工作室。 我們還幫助進行營銷定位、內容營銷和創建網上商店。 您自己的營銷活動可以包含一個極其廣泛的調色板,我們會詳細處理其中的每個元素。 鄉村客棧營銷的目標是讓客人在特定地區或定居點內選擇我們。 可以通過住宿使用 SZÉP 卡,由客人提供 按他的要求幫他買的,只是服務中介,不符合條件 計劃等)尚未被視為單獨的旅行套餐,因為它們用於住宿 週末在 Kunszentmiklós 舉行了一項傳統活動,這是首次舉辦第一屆全國酒店業工人節和博覽會。 順便說一句,該國的蛋糕必須滿足非常嚴格的條件,其中包括必須由傳統的匈牙利原料製成,並且不能在 8 月 20 日之前在任何地方銷售。 根據 TÁRKI 代表旅遊顧問 Everguest 進行的一項調查,國內旅遊也可能在 2022 年打破記錄。 世邦魏理仕酒店業務負責人表示,根據第一季度的數據,歐洲旅遊業的複蘇速度明顯快於此前的預測。 五年前,男性俱樂部的獨立社會組織發起了一項倡議,即一年中有一天父親可以帶孩子去上班。 Vállvetve Apavál 日——今年 6 月 20 日星期一——每年都獲得越來越多的認可和歡迎,儘管 Covid 流行病使社交體驗變得更加困難。 國際傳播諮詢組織 ICCO 正在為 35 歲以下的公關專業人士發起一項新的全球競賽,匈牙利預選賽將由 MPRSZ 組織。 服裝設計師 Györgyi Szakács 是周一在 Katona József 劇院舉行的匈牙利劇院公司對話系列節目“好問題”的第一位嘉賓。 在布達佩斯經濟大學、匈牙利工商會和國家稅務與海關總署的專業支持下,NEXON 第十次組織了薪資管理行業最大規模的競賽。 在傑爾地區大學網絡-歐洲大學為期一周的計劃中,工作包負責人將介紹該聯盟的全部目標,伊斯特萬塞切尼大學的葡萄牙、愛爾蘭、奧地利、荷蘭和芬蘭合作機構將在該計劃中展示將舉辦。 今年,我國將舉辦第十屆規模最大、越來越受歡迎的垃圾收集活動,志願者可以從 4 月 20 日開始報名。 獲獎者於 2022 年 four 月 26 日在內政部大理石大廳舉行的頒獎典禮框架內領獎。 人力資源行業最大的會議之一 HR Fest 將於 4 月 28 日在 Kecskemét 舉行。 專業賽事的主要贊助商是 Viapan 集團,該集團作為一個公司集團正在慶祝成立 10 週年。 維斯普雷姆-巴拉頓歐洲文化之都 (ECF) 2023 計劃系列也將在與巴拉頓湖和德國首都有關的參與者的幫助下在柏林推出。 一旦我們完成註冊,個體企業的啟動就會發生。 我們從 NAV 收到我們的個人企業家註冊號和稅號。 外燴 推薦 如果我們已經在市政當局和當地工業協會註冊,我們就已經是正式的獨資經營者,所以我們也有納稅義務。 瑞安航空歡迎匈牙利政府支持廢除有爭議的稅收,這將導致對乘客不公平地雙重徵稅,並危及布達佩斯機場的發展和創造就業機會——閱讀為該活動發布的聲明。 通過開一家小企業並銷售您的商品,您可以創建完美的兼職企業,因為它只需要您投入多少時間。 但是,您需要向公眾充分推銷,讓他們了解您的手工產品以及他們應該向您購買的原因。 外燴 推薦 歐洲文化之都計劃的專業人士歡迎已經加入或希望加入該計劃的定居點的市長、他們的機構代表和感興趣的各方參加 5 月底開始的一系列論壇。 人工智能和 5G 技術是 BME 高等教育與產業合作中心組織的 6 月 9 日創新日的中心主題。 Győrfi 家族發現了西巴拉頓最美麗的地區之一。 國家救護車服務中心的發言人介紹他的妻子和孩子們打高爾夫球。
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robertshays49 · 11 months
綜合大樓的中心是一個擁有各種農場建築的農場。 在 Spectrum Optics,有大量適合不同個性和風格的眼鏡框樣式,因此您可以找到適合運動、工作或會議的眼鏡。 摩托艇每天從 Siófoki Boat Station 的第 eight 站出發數次。 美學與實用的結合——現代和高品質的解決方案。 選擇多焦點鏡片的自由,遠近享受日常生活。 帶有藍光濾光片的顯示器眼鏡可有效幫助抵禦電子屏幕發出的可見藍光的有害影響。 本券不可與其他優惠疊加使用,不可兌換現金,僅適用於上述優惠。 龐培紀念柱只不過是羅馬的凱旋柱,是為紀念戴克里先皇帝而豎立的紀念碑,位於埃及亞歷山大港。 中央聖殿周圍共有 eleven 座較小的小禮拜堂,其中幾座供奉著各種神靈,但聖殿後面是最重要的禮拜堂之一,即“聽眾”禮拜堂或哈索爾禮拜堂。 根據他們的信仰,在這個禮拜堂裡所做的祈禱一定會被女神哈索爾聽到。 相關服務單位將為該地區數百人提供工作機會。 約400個座位的露天文化活動場所的創建,與樹木繁茂的環境相得益彰,極大地促進了定居點乃至該地區的文化生活。 為了提倡積極的生活方式,港口也將設立自行車租賃點(提供同時為三代人服務的電動自行車和車輛充電的可能性)。 起初,瓦澤特是下埃及的保護者,後來統一了全埃及。 早期女神被描繪成一條眼鏡蛇,後來纏繞在熱神頭上的描繪也流傳開來。 最近在 Corvin Mátyás 學校舉辦了一場特別展覽。 前 BRG 工廠的模型、工作服和廣告海報等可以在學校看到,直到週五。 BRG 工廠於 1961 年在 Kecskemét 成立,由於那裡的員工和製造的物品,這對許多人來說都是美好的回憶。 客人對進入時移交給運營商的設備承擔經濟責任。 1/ 運動場區域只能攜帶適合在運動場內進行的體育活動的運動器材進入。 2/ 使用服務時,必須避免使用手機。 佔地 30 公頃、風景優美的區域於 5 月 1 日至 9 月 30 日開放。 13個不同的體驗池、游泳池、造浪池、漩渦池和兒童池可供老少皆宜,海灘以6200平方米的水面而聞名,是中歐最大的建成泳池。 地中海海灘的沙質海岸和棕櫚樹保證了在沙灘上沐浴的體驗。 教堂建於它早在托勒密時期就已開始建造,但僅在奧古斯都皇帝統治期間才被奉為神聖。 神廟幾乎完全朝北,僅略微偏東,海拔75米。 神廟建於古朱尼特或坦特雷(希臘坦圖里斯)地區,是一個重要的宗教中心,是省會。 公元前一座教堂仍然矗立在 2300 年。 在超出經營者權限採取行動的情況下,經營者有權請求警方或其他當局的幫助,有關各方必須配合其指示。 違反規定被驅逐的客人不得向經營者提出任何索賠。 8/ 由於客人的興趣,不能因生病、旅行或其他未使用而延長通行證。 如果體育中心因官方或其他原因關閉,我們只能延長通行證。 24/ 經營者可自行決定修改或補充這些《入住須知》,他將通過張貼修改後的《入住須知》通知體育中心的客人 25/ Primefit 的運營商保留在綜合設施的全部或部分舉辦私人活動的權利,一般客戶除外。 26/ Primafit 的這些《入住須知》可免費獲取,所有使用該服務的客人均可在酒店前台查看。 27/ 使用服務即表示自動接受入住須知! 外觀獨特的酒吧,提供獨特豐富的杜松子酒。 許多人甚至不知道杜松子酒有多少種可能性和口味,這正是其他人喜歡它的原因。 位於布達佩斯市中心的 GinCorner 酒吧開啟了杜松子酒世界的新維度,在這裡您可以在舒適精緻的環境中享受優質飲品的神奇體驗。 - 每天早上服用的 doTERRA Mito2Max 支持天然、可持續的能量,讓您度過漫長的一天 該團隊還發現了雕刻的石塊、一幅描繪加冕鳥的畫作以及用於儀式的器皿。 到目前為止,學校的學生都是在物理課的框架內查看它,因為所有年齡段的人都能看到這些工具很重要。 在位置方面,有點遠,他們不會說匈牙利語,這對我們來說畢竟不是問題,因為我們會羅馬尼亞語,但有其他客人在入住期間有點難以理解他們想要什麼一頓飯。 浴室裡有吹風機,但你必須在洗手池裡放很長時間的水才能得到熱水。 原則上可以把車停在院子裡,但車位很少,也有靠圍牆停車的可能。 整骨推薦 台中 整骨
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