chaotic-equal · 6 months
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losrtphu · 8 months
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link to part 1
What's a dream that you've had recently?
RYUICHI: I had a dream where i was put on fire. i was on the rooftop of a building and i was talking to the sky and a random guy came and burned off my left arm.
SUGIZO: I don't remember.. i have a lot of dreams though.
INORAN: When we we're recording i was asleep dreaming about arranging songs.
J: I'm still dreaming now. I'm a boy who's always dreaming (laughs)
SHINYA: I always dream when i go to sleep so i don't know (laughs)
How would you describe what God is?
RYUICHI: Someone who knows everything
SUGIZO: God is the creator of everything, and all knowing. but his form might be all humans as well.
INORAN: ...I wonder where he could be
J: God's real form...i feel like it would be something inside all of us not a figure like Christ or Buddha
SHINYA: Something that is really important/precious. i have a really strong sense of faith so I've never missed hatsumoude (first shrine visit of the year).
What is something that lasts forever?
RYUICHI: I still haven't found it.
SUGIZO: The idea of space. but there might not be anything that lasts forever, but on my level of thinking i would say space
INORAN:hmm... i would definitely say love
J: That is something that I've always been searching for
SHINYA: Something that is endless would have to mean that it's something that you have to pursue but i guess that would also make it impossible to reach.
How do you spend most of your nights and from what hours?
RYUICHI: The time that i do spend in my house is very short. around 12pm i take a bath, have dinner, watch a video on cars. yea i probably do those the most.
SUGIZO: I am always up until the sun comes.
INORAN: I turn the TV because there's always something always going on , but by 4am I'll definitely have NO energy
J: Around after 12pm I'm usually drinking and rolling on my sofa listening to music.
SHINYA: I space out while thinking about a bunch of stuff, while watching TV.
Favorite 3 CDs that you've been listening to during this recording period(TN: genuinely thought i was going insane because only shinya names CDs, everyone else just names the artist for some reason???)
RYUICHI: I haven't had any to listen to recently. I've kind of stopped listening to CDs.
SUGIZO: what I've been listening to is "ICE" and "DREAM DOLPHIN", but "TRICKY" has been my favorite since last year
INORAN: There's quite a lot so i cant pick what's my top 3, but i would probably say john Coltrane's album
J: Smashing pumpkins, Silverchair and John Osborne (TN: I'm guessing he means Ozzy Osborne)
SHINYA: none. when recording i only listen to our music, if i were to say which, style, mother and Eden.
Whats the first thing or person that comes to your mind when i say "quiet/still" ?
RYUICHI: I know a woman who is the exact meaning of the word silent, if i were to say an object..maybe a clock and i would also say that the waves of the sea feel still.
SUGIZO: The moon. the thought of death. I feel that if something is quiet/still it is like death, and not in a negative way but in a beautiful way
INORAN: I don't know...i think stillness coexists with movement
J: Me... why are you laughing??(laughs)
SHINYA: I think i would say God. i feel like he has a very still/quiet image.
Name a moment in the past when you've been the most angry
RYUICHI: I get pissed off when I'm denied to live the way i want to.
SUGIZO: Betrayal in human relationships, there's so many people that i would kill if i met them again.  
INORAN: I get angry often so i honestly don't know (laughs)
J: Around high-school because i had to suddenly decided my own future
SHINYA: At the Budokan live a typhoon blew away the set, i genuinely went insane. (TN:pretty sure this was also their first Budokan live)
Name something that you want right now
RYUICHI: I know perfect things don't exist, but i want an honest love
SUGIZO: Sometime for my mind to go blank.
INORAN: Endless time.
J: Myself, time to be alone as myself.
SHINYA: A medicine that that makes me able to be awake all the time, sleeping is just a waste of time.
Name a book/s that you read often
RYUICHI: I think i have a lot of car books, the books are western so they have a different feel.
SUGIZO: Phillip k.dick books.
INORAN: I don't read books.
J: A book called それから(TN: no Eng title but I'd translate this as "after that/and then") which is a collection of stories by Akemi Edo
SHINYA: The books that i have, have lately been collections of short poems, its more like "Oh i have nothing to do so I'll just read"
A person who has your ideal lifestyle
RYUICHI: No one, I guess that would mean that person is myself.
SUGIZO: Jim Morrison, or Mike Tyson. I think after he came out of prison his performance has been amazing.
INORAN: The life that I'm living right now is the most ideal.
J: Someone who doesn't give up no matter what life throws at them.
SHINYA: Someone who enjoys life, as in, no matter what they do they have fun, i think that's wonderful.
What makes you want to hug someone?
RYUICHI: I really love casual gestures. gestures that come out without knowing.
SUGIZO: When I love that person so much I can't help it.
INORAN: When i want to hug them.
J: There's lots of different cases so...i guess when i want to hug them (laughs)
SHINYA: After a performance. i can't explain it well but after I've used everything up/got everything out of my system i start to feel like i need to hug someone. (TN: proof -> 1:40 https://youtu.be/VAQ20Qoqgm0?si=QWOcF5rK2Md42-CF&t=101)
What do you think is a sin?
RYUICHI: I don't think anything outweighs the sin of lying to yourself.
SUGIZO: Betrayal, and also suicide.
INORAN: Betrayal.
J: Lying.
SHINYA: It's not something you can count, because living as a human at the core is a sin, if we can all live while being conscious of our actions i think the world would be a better place.
What have you lost recently?
RYUICHI: I think when you stop lying to yourself you have to make sacrifices....so there would also be a time where you have to lose friends or partners.
SUGIZO: Time (laughs)
INORAN: There are probably a lot of things I've lost, in order to gain something you need to lose something.
J: Nothing.
SHINYA: Even if i had lost something i don't really care, if I've gained something I've probably lost something in the process (laughs)
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madamcrimson · 1 year
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LUNA SEA (1993)
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rtej-60s · 1 year
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2022/12/18(sun) こんばんは、普段から黒服限定をやっているオタクブラックくんです。 いや〜今回の黒服限定GIG、大概ライブはいつもどちらかの日しか行かないんですが、今回は無理してでも両日行くべきだったかもしれません。 何故ならば恐怖!ずっとINORANパートを弾き続ける男!ことあのINORANさん(当たり前や)が唯一ギターソロを弾く曲、JUNK(もう死んだふりさせない)が1日目に32年ぶりに演奏されたからです。見たかったよ〜でもまたCYでやろうってMCで提案があったからそのうちやってくれるかも🙄 とまぁそんなことは言いつつ2日目も最恐なセトリでした。久しぶりに下手側だったけど今日は特にJのゴリゴリベースが堪能できたのでマジたまんなかったっすね。ありがとうございますって感じでした。 5月にいよいよ声出しライブが解禁されるみたいですが悩むなぁ。どうしよう🤔 #lunasea #lunacy #黒服限定gig2022 #さいたまスーパーアリーナ #slave #ryuichi #sugizo #inoran #j #真矢 (さいたまスーパーアリーナ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmTzlK7SxhwDjJVmetyouLUWa61oyZoFrxedMA0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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【LIVE/真矢】PUMP IT UP!!!(サポート)
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日時:2022年12月10日(土) OP17:30/ST18:00
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oh-sunny-sun · 2 years
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ロック・フジヤマ・バンド | ロック・フジヤマ
I started listening to today's music on this album.
2022年10月11日 火曜日
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kamezaemon · 5 months
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soymilkwithyuri · 7 months
I finished watching revstar # 3 GROWTH so I drew tendou maya as warm up
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hellopropicture · 6 months
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sendanpurple · 6 months
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fantoomette · 1 year
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"But the rain that day never stopped, it still wets my cheeks to this day. That day's rain came down so hard..."
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chaotic-equal · 5 months
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losrtphu · 8 months
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link to original scan
Link to part 2
What is sports do you guys like?
RYUICHI: Surfing,boxing and tennis. I'm the type who has to play the sport themselves or they wont be satisfied.
SUGIZO: Boxing, ah but I'd like to try scuba-diving or sky diving!
INORAN: If it's just watching sports then i like them all
J: Soccer. watching the Olympics (laughs)
SHINYA: i like watching people play sports, because you can feel that person's determination and passion while watching
What is your favorite time of the day?
RYUICHI: Right before falling asleep.
SUGIZO: At night. my body gets a surge of energy, even the rough nights, the lonely quiet nights, everything starts at night.
J: It has nothing to do with the time of the day, but whenever I'm in my bed i feel happy
SHINYA: Morning, when I've just woken up. It's rough, but i enjoy thinking about what to do for the day.
what's your favorite brand of alcohol/cigarettes and how much do you drink/smoke?
RYUICHI: I don't smoke. as for wine i drink white Italian wine or white German wine. for whisky i enjoy 12 year old Canadian club whiskey.
SUGIZO: for cigarettes, JPS. my recent favorite is a vodka base cocktail, or like a vodka martini.
INORAN: about 3 boxes of Kent milds. for alcohol as long as it's good Japanese sake I'm fine. how much i drink/smoke depends on the time and place (laughs)
J: 3 boxes of caster milds. for alcohol, lots of beer, vodka, wine, honestly anything (laughs)
SHINYA: i smoke Rothmans. i don't know about alcohol but i drink watered down whiskey a lot.
name a movie that moved you.
RYUICHI: I think I've been moving away from watching movies...
SUGIZO: This year i would say "STRANGE DAYS" but my all time favorite is probably the 007 series or "BLADE RUNNER". and also "GODFATHER"
INORAN: Hmm i haven't watched many recently. but i want to watch "LISBON STORY" and "HEAT".
J: I haven't watched any recently but "RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT" was really heartwarming, i liked it.
SHINYA: I haven't had time to watch movies. i have a sets of laser discs but i haven't watched a single one of them.
What's your ultimate dream woman?
RYUICHI: A girl who seems normal at first but when she talks she seems a bit stand offish, but a they still have a childish part about them.
SUGIZO: Vanessa Paradis or Sophie Marceau. oh! and Carole Bouquet, for some reason they're all french..
INORAN: I don't have an ideal and I don't really care about appearance, I just want someone who can sympathize/empathize(TN: honestly not sure if the difference matters here lol) with me
J: i think that someone who is put together/independent and is actively trying to fulfill their goal is wonderful.
SHINYA: I admire the idea of being a women. because emotionally speaking it's something i could never be, so i want to know more about them.
Do you guys have any pets, and if not what pet would u like to raise?
RYUICHI: I've started raising 2 dogs, one's a Pomeranian and the other one's a miniature sheep dog.
SUGIZO: Turtles. They're a something-something akamimi turtle (red ear slider) or something like that, they're really cute! by the way they're names are Mickey and Malorie ((TN: he named them based off the two main characters in the movie "natural born killers"))
INORAN: 2 cats. there's a lot of animals that id like to have as pets though, like a dog or a fish... oh yeah, a wolf.
J: I'd want to have a dog as a pet but having an owl as a pet also sounds nice cus they're awake at the same time i am (laughs) letting them sit on my shoulder and then going for walks (laughs)
SHINYA: i have a hamster. if i were to have a pet in the future probably a big fluffy dog, like a golden retriever.
name some items that are near the entrance of your house.
RYUICHI: The first thing you see when you walk in my house is probably the lights, but i do have a stone statue placed there as well.
SUGIZO: I have an art piece that my friend made.
INORAN: i have a lot of stuff, like pictures, framed art, lamps etc
J: I don't have a lot of decorations in my house. ah! but i do have a bass that was made the year i was born laying around.
SHINYA: Mine's filled with car goods, like the emblems of mini-cars or jaguars etc
at 9pm, yesterday, what were you doing?
RYUICHI: I was driving, on my way to go eat.
SUGIZO: starting to check the photos we'd took in the studio (this is after the shooting had ended, this interview was done in a Denny's at 7 in the morning)
INORAN: met with friends and drank
J: I think i was holding a phone?while napping
SHINYA: I was sleeping at home. i was tired after recording something for TV and got home and just finished watching downtown "GOTTSU "A" KANJI" (laughs)
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pins-pin · 1 year
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commissioned a year ago
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leatherroseofficial · 2 years
【LIVE/真矢】Cathouse Japan 〜Year of 28th anniversary〜(サポート)
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日時:2022年8月28日(日) 17:00-22:00
予約は真矢個人SNSのDMにて承ります。Twitter or Instagram
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