danzoku · 5 months
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lisaris42 · 2 years
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マヨルカ島に来ています♩ #とうとうやっちまった #日本人で言うところのハワイ的な #ザ #リゾート #カナリア諸島の一番人気パルマデマヨルカでございます #まぁ良いと言われるだけあっていい #魅力がその辺に転がってる #色んな嗜好に対応してくれるオールマイティな島過ぎて今までの所謂偏見をあっさり捩じ伏せられた #ご飯美味しい人が優しい #それだけで普段の生活から解き放たれる #あれこれスペインに来る度に言ってるよね #どんだけ普段怯えて生活してんだって 🫢 #つかさ今日お手洗い目当てにテキトーに入ったカフェで頼んだハモンのバゲット #盛ることなく言うけど #発狂したよね美味が過ぎて #恐るべしイベリコ豚の底力 #街の雰囲気も素敵だったなぁ #カネモの別荘エリアってかんじだったんだけども #気取ってない感じで #今度来る時はこのエリアのアパートとか借りるバケーションが良きなぁ #船借りてか持ち船か知らんけど #沖でシュノーケルしたり #ただ単に船の上で寝そべったりしてて #夢過ぎる #つかちょっと毒吐いていいですか #カネモってやっぱり自己管理能力が極めて高いと思う #ビーチあるステキな街に違和感なく溶け込んでる #私の次のマヨルカ島 #ここに来れる自分でありますように #ってビール片手にベロンベロンで投稿しております 😑 https://www.instagram.com/p/CfmLdQ4qUpZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kohanakonohana · 3 months
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nmtn-kobi · 24 days
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pikahlua · 8 months
MHA Chapter 398 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 弟子にして下さい でしにしてください deshi ni shite kudasai Please make me your disciple.
tagline 1 No.398 八木俊典:ライジングオリジン  堀越耕平 ナンバー398 やぎとしのり:ライジングオリジン  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 398 Yagi Toshinori: RAIJINGU ORIJIN   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 398 Toshinori Yagi: Rising Origin  Kouhei Horikoshi
tagline 2 飛来するのは⁉︎ ひらいするのは⁉︎ hirai suru no wa!? As for the one flying!?
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sound effect キュウ KYUU [grip]
1 超酸注入 ちょうさんちゅうにゅう chousan chuunyuu Super Acid Injection
2 "ピンキー"‼︎ "PINKII"!! "'Pinky"!!
3 巻き戻ったそばから まきもどったそばから makimodotta soba kara "Right after you rewound"
4 腐食し続けちゃうなあ⁉︎ ふしょくしつづけちゃうなあ⁉︎ fushoku shi tsudzukechau naa!? "you're continuing to corrode, see!?"
5 オオルマイト OORU MAITO "ALL MIGHT" (Note: This line is written with nigori on each kana for extra emphasis.)
6 "生ゴミ"じゃなかったっけ!!? "なまゴミ"じゃなかったっけ!!? "nama GOMI" ja nakatta kke!!? "Didn't you say I was 'Raw Garbage'!!?"
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1 手伝わせて下さい てつだわせてください tetudawasete kudasai "Please let me assist you."
2 バカ言え"個性"も無いんだろ? バカいえ"こせい"もないんだろ? BAKA ie "kosei" mo naindaro? "That's crazy talk, you don't have a quirk, right?"
3 ついてくんな tsuite kunna "Don't follow me."
4 お願いします おねがいします onegai shimasu "Please [take me on]."
5 棒切れで半径3メートルを守りな ぼうきれではんけい3メートルをまもりな boukire de hankei 3 MEETORU wo mamori na "Aren't you protecting a 3-meter radius with a stick?"
6 家族は昔殺されました かぞくはむかしころされました kazoku wa mukashi korosaremashita "My family was killed long ago."
7 私もだ わたしもだ watashi mo da "So was mine."
8 他人の復讐につき合う程暇じゃない たにんのふくしゅうにつきあうほどひまじゃない tanin no fukushuu ni tsukiau hodo hima ja nai "I don't have time to get involved with other people's revenge."
9 …許せないんです …ゆるせないんです ...yurusenaindesu "...I can't stand it."
10 奪った者が得をする世の中が… うばったものがとくをするよのなかが… ubatta mono ga toku wo suru yo no naka ga... "A world where those who steal profit..."
11 奪われた人の悲しみが憎悪に変換される…この螺旋が… うばわれたひとのかなしみがぞうおにへんかんされる…このらせんが… ubawareta hito no kanashimi ga zouo ni henkan sareru...kono rasen ga... "and the sadness of those who are robbed is transformed into hatred...this spiral..."
12 ーーで?それをどうー…… --de? sore wo dou-...... "--So? What will you do about-......"
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1 皆が笑って暮らせる世の中にしたいです みんながわらってくらせるよのなかにしたいです minna ga waratte kuraseru yo no naka ni shitai desu "I want to make a world where everyone can smile and get along."
2 その為には象徴が必要です そのためにはしょうちょうがひつようです sono tame ni wa shouchou ga hitsuyou desu "For that, a symbol is necessary."
3 …何の …なんの ...nan no "...What kind?"
4 平和の へいわの heiwa no "Of peace."
5 どれだけ建物を生やして どれだけたてものをはやして dore dake tatemono wo hayashite "No matter how many buildings are rebuilt
6 復興したように見えたとしても ふっこうしたようにみえたとしても fukkou shita you ni mieta to shitemo "and things seem to recover,"
7 人は依然怯えて暮らしています ひとはいぜんおびえてくらしています hito wa izen obiete kurashite imasu "people still go on living in fear."
8 心は闇に覆われたままです こころはやみにおおわれたままです kokoro wa yami ni oowareta mama desu "Their hearts remain shrouded in darkness."
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1 …力を…ひけらかせと? …ちからを…ひけらかせと? ...chikara wo...hikerakase to? "...You're saying you'll put on a display...of power?"
2 皆半径3メートルで手一杯です みんなはんけい3メートルでていっぱいです minna hankei 3 MEETORU de te ippai desu "Everyone has their hands full with their own 3-meter radius each."
3 だから私がやるんです だからわたしがやるんです dakara watashi ga yarundesu "That's why I will do this."
4 "無個性"には "むこせい"には "mukosei" ni wa "Because the quirkless"
5 役割がないから やくわりがないから yakuwari ga nai kara "have no assignments." (Note: This word "assignment" means also "role, part, duties, etc." Yagi is basically saying that the quirkless have no assigned role in this world, which leaves him free to take on this task.)
sign 田等院駅 たとういんえき Tatouin eki Tatooine Station
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1 AFO雄英に更に接近‼︎ オール・フォー・ワンゆうえいにさらにせっきん‼︎ OORU FOO WAN yuuei ni sara ni sekkin!! "All For One is getting closer to UA!!"
2 ただ軌道がズレてる‼︎ ただきどうがズレてる‼︎ tada kidou ga ZUREteru!! "It's just that his trajectory is off!!"
3 オールマイトを追ってます‼︎ オールマイトをおってます‼︎ OORU MAITO wo ottemasu!! "He's chasing All Might!!"
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1 肋骨骨折 ろっこつこっせつ rokkotsu kossetsu "Rib fracture."
2 全身打撲 ぜんしんだぼく zenshin daboku "Entire body hit."
3 呼吸器ニ異常アリ こきゅうきニいじょうアリ kokyuuki NI ijou ARI "Anomaly in respiration."
4 私もかつて同じ"若さ"を持っていた おまえもかつておなじ"わかさ"をもっていた omae (read as: watashi) mo katsute onaji "wakasa" wo motte ita You (read as: I) once had that same youth. (Note: All Might is saying this to himself, hence he's calling himself "you.")
5 オールマイトという人間が オールマイトというにんげんが OORU MAITO to iu ningen ga The person called All Might
6 そのようにしか生きられぬのだ そのようにしかいきられぬのだ sono you ni shika ikirarenu no da could not live [his life] any other way.
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1 また少し幼くなったか…? またすこしおさなくなったか…? mata sukoshi osanaku natta ka...? Did he get a little younger again...?
2 自覚はしているのだろうか じかくはしているのだろうか jikaku wa shite iru no darou ka I wonder, is he aware of that?
3 探りを入れて我に返られるのも嫌だな… さぐりをいれてわれにかえられるのもいやだな… saguri wo irete ware ni kaerareru no mo iya da na... The injecting of the probe and returning it to me sure is unpleasant for him...
4 体内にぶち込まれた"超酸"を体外に出す為自損する程の負荷で"個性"を使った…とするとダメージによって加速度的に巻き戻しが進行する…? たいないにぶちこまれた"ピンキー"をたいがいにだすためじそんするほどのふかで"こせい"をつかった…とするとダメージによってかそくどてきにまきもどしがしんこうする…? tainai ni buchikomareta "PINKII (read as: chousan)" wo taigai ni dasu tame jison suru hodo no fuka de "kosei" wo tsukatta...to suru to DAMEEJI ni yotte kasokudoteki ni makimodoshi ga shinkou suru...? In order to take out the super acid that was driven inside his body, he used quirks with the burden of self-damage... If he does that, does the rewind progression accelerate due to the damage...?
5 ハハッ HAHA "Haha"
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2 間断なく持って来いエルクレス‼︎ かんだんなくもってこいエルクレス‼︎ kandan naku motte koi ERUKURESU!! "No pausing, bring it here, Hercules!!"
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1-2 人の役に立てて嬉しい ひとのやくにたててうれしい hito no yaku ni tatete ureshii I am happy to be of help to people.
3 がんばれっ‼︎ ganbare!! Go for it!!
4 がんばろうっ!!! ganbarou!!! Let's do our best!!!
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1 なあ⁉︎ naa!? Right!?
2 スラスター"ウラビティ" SURASUTAA "URABITI" "Thruster 'Uravity',"
3 "インゲニウム" "INGENIUMU" "'Ingenium',"
4 出力全開‼︎ しゅつりょくぜんかい‼︎ shutsuryoku zenkai!! "Power output at full throttle!!"
5 勝とうぜ! かとうぜ! katou ze! Let's win!
6 ーーーーーー… ------...
7 ーー戦ってる…! ーーたたかってる…! --tatakatteru...! --They're fighting...!
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1 オールマイト‼︎ OORU MAITO!! All Might!!
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1 緑谷少年‼︎ みどりやしょうねん‼︎ Midoriya-shounen!! Young Midoriya!!
tagline オールマイトの奮戦…デクに届くーー‼︎ オールマイトのふんせん…デクにとどくーー‼︎ OORU MAITO no funsen...DEKU ni todoku--!! All Might's struggle...reaches Deku--!!
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g-men-movie · 10 months
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moznohayanie · 1 month
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人前に出るからねと、毛を切って整えてる 後ろの毛たちは毛を切られることに怯えて固まりになってる
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whitefeather-mc · 1 year
Negai Yo Hiike - Make a wish Afraid of the dawn, I wish again and again Farewell to the lonely sky and the salvation of love My prayer is distant, illuminates the crimson lotus
Ringing bells, carry my wish Warm sleep, stretch your hand high today Oh, if only I could be forgiven Joy, sorrow, let us live together Shining human voices full of smiles Please, light, guide me, to the wondrous morning I've longed for
To the beautiful morning I've been waiting for When I wake up, let's start walking Along with my dreams
Ringing bells, carry my wish I dance from my heart in the city that blooms today Oh, now it's blooming beautifully Joy, sorrow, let us all sing together I dreamed so vividly of the love I shared with you Please guide me, let the light guide me
Into Tomorrow --------
Miedo al amanecer, deseo una y otra vez Adiós al cielo solitario y la salvación del amor. Mi oración es distante, ilumina el loto carmesí
Sonando las campanas, lleva mi deseo Sueño cálido, estira tu mano alto hoy Oh, si tan solo pudiera ser perdonado Alegría, tristeza, vivamos juntos Brillantes voces humanas llenas de sonrisas Por favor, luz, guíame, a la maravillosa mañana que he anhelado
A la hermosa mañana que he estado esperando Cuando me despierte, empecemos a caminar. Junto con mis sueños
Sonando las campanas, lleva mi deseo Bailo con mi corazón en la ciudad que hoy florece Oh, ahora está floreciendo maravillosamente Alegría, tristeza, cantemos todos juntos Soñé tan vívidamente con el amor que compartí contigo Por favor guíame, deja que la luz me guíe
hacia el mañana -------
夜明けに怯えて 何度も願う ひとりぼっちの空に別れと 愛の救いを 祈りは遠く 紅蓮を照らす
鐘よ響け 僕の願いを運んで 今日も温かな夢 高く手を伸ばして ああ もし許されるのなら 喜び 悲しみ 共に生きよう 輝く人の声 満ちている笑顔 どうか僕に 光よ導け
焦がれてた素晴らしい朝へ 目覚めたら歩き出そう 僕の夢とともに
鐘よ響け 僕の願いを運んで 今日も華やぐ街に 胸を踊らせてる ああ いま 美しく咲いた 喜び 悲しみ 皆で歌おう 該しく夢に見た 分かち合う愛を どうか僕に 光よ導け
あした へ
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おしりtheeDaddy @npmshn
posted at 16:50:21
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delicissors · 1 year
宮本氏:  ちょっと細かい部分は触れにくいんですけども……ひとつわかりやすい例を挙げるとすれば、今のゲームって完成しても、発売まで大体1ヶ月くらいあるんですね。その1ヶ月の間に、チーム内でご飯を食べたりしながら、そのゲームの「まずかったところ」をお互いに話し始めるんですよ。  ここはまずかった、あそこがまずかったって……「お前はネガティブなのか」と言われるかもしれないんですけど、僕はその「傷の舐め合い」が結構好きなんです。「あそこはこうしておくべきやった」、「工場に行って直せるなら今からでも直したい」とか……僕はその発売までの1ヶ月間で、「傷口に塩を擦り込んで楽しむ」ということを、必ずするようにしているんですよ(笑)。 一同:  (笑)。 宮本氏:  なぜかというと、発売後に人気が上がると全てが良かったような気になるし、逆に人気が出ないと大失敗したような気になるじゃないですか。  それは卑怯なので、「結果が出る前に、自分たち(制作側)の考えは固めよう」と決めているんです。これって実はすごく大事なことで、その作品の続編のネタや大まかな方針は、ほとんどそこで決まるんですよ。  だから、「ゲームが売れてからはあんまり右往左往しない」ということをいつもやっています。
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buttbii2 · 6 days
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Legendary tree deities (11)
Echo, the “sound” – How did she end up with only 'sound'?
Part2: Pan
In Greek mythology, Echo ("sound") was an Oread who resided on Mt. Cithaeron [Part1].
Among the many nymphs who Pan, the god of Arcadia (utopia) fell in love with, was Echo.
Echo was a nymph who sang and danced well, but refused Pan's advances because she did not like to fall in love with men.
The arrogant Pan, in revenge for her rejection, drove the shepherds and goatherds under his command crazy, partly because he had long been envious and jealous of her singing of her musical performances. Pan is the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, rustic music and impromptus, and companion of the nymphs. He has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat, in the same manner as the fauns (a therianthropic hybrid goat-like creature, god of the forest) and satyrs (bellicose, drinker, therianthropy).
They attacked Echo and tore the poor woman to pieces (they dismembered the verses of the 'song' she sang). At that time, even though Gaia (Earth) hid Echo's body, the scattered 'song verses' remained, and when Pan played his flute, the song verses came from nowhere in the form of an echo, often frightening him.
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伝説の樹木の神々 (11)
エコー「音」〜 彼女はなぜ「音」だけになったのか?
その2: パーン
エコー (“音”) はキサイロナス山に住むオレード・ニンフで、ギリシャ神話に登場する森の精霊たちのひとり(その1)。
アルカディア地方 (理想郷) の神とされるパーンが恋をした多数のニンフの一人のなかにエコーがいる。エコーは歌や踊りが上手なニンフだったが、男性との恋を好まなかったのでパーンの求愛を断った。尊大なパーンは振られた腹いせに、かねて音楽の演奏で彼女の歌に羨望と妬ましさを覚えていたこともあり、配下の羊飼い、山羊飼いたちを狂わせた。パーンは野生の神、羊飼いと群れの神、素朴な音楽と即興の神、そしてニンフたちの仲間である。ファウヌス (ヤギの半人半獣、森の神) やサテュロス (好色、酒好きの半人半獣) と同じように、ヤギの後ろ足、脚、角を持っている。
彼らはエコーに襲いかかり、哀れな彼女を八つ裂きにした (彼女のうたう「歌」の節をばらばらにした)。すると、ガイア (地球) がエコーの体を隠したが、ばらばらになった「歌の節」だけは残り、パーンが笛を吹くと、どこからか歌の節が木霊となって聞こえてきて、パーンをたびたび怯えさせたともされる。
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leomacgivena · 11 days
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lalunameli · 5 months
Hear the Voice of Thanatos!
Translation of this snippet on Lunatic/Yuri's character song 「タナトスの声を聞け」 (Hear the Voice of Thanatos) from the Best of Hero album.
I adore this song so much and listen to it a lot!
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Scans provided by @tnbscans and the rest of the article reviews the other songs in the album.
BONUS ルナティック
Bonus - Lunatic
"Hear the Voice of Thanatos"
Lunatic/Yuri Petrov (CV: Yusa Kōji)
The Dark Hero Lunatic, who is a sinner, performs the bonus track! It's different from his usual "cool" image. You may see an unexpected side...?
1 Koma Review
By: Takewakamaru
Kotetsu and Barnaby's comments while listening to track:
It's warm...
The performance...
This...this song is...!!
When I was naughty
And made mistakes
My dark past
It feels like it's being gouged out. Old Man, you too....!!
Lyrics Update 12/21/2023:
Replaced the transcription of the lyrics originally posted, with the official lyrics from the Best of Hero booklet courtesy of @tnbscans (Previously added scan of lyrics to this post).
Added Romaji
Tweaked some of the translation choices to match the official lyrics as written in the booklet.
Removed link to UTA.net as there are incorrect kanji
Bold - Original Japanese Lyrics
Blue - Romaji
Green - English Translation
"Tanatosu no Koe o Kike"
"Hear the Voice of Thanatos"
Lunatic/Yuri Petrov (CV: Yusa Kōji)
蔓延(はびこ)る邪心を 青き炎で鎮め
Habikoru jashin o Aoki honode shizume
Calm the spreading evil heart with blue flames
醜き悪には 月からの報いを
Minikuki aku ni wa Tsuki kara no mukui wo
Reward from the moon for the ugliness of evil
裁きの標(しるべ)に 罪人(つみびと)は導かれ
Sabaki no shirube ni Tsumibito wa michibikare
Sinners are guided by the mark of judgement.
テミスの秤は 平衡を取り戻す
Temisu no hakari wa Heikou o torimodosu
Themis' scale restores its balance.
Hibiwareta kurayamide tsukanda seigi ni
To the justice I grasped in the cracks of darkness
迷いなど何ひとつない それなのに何故
Mayoi nado nanihitotsu nai sorenanoni naze
There's nothing to lose, but why?
Kienai shirushi ga uzuku
The indelible mark hurts.
Onore no tsumi no fuka sa o azawarau you ni
Like laughing at the depth of your sins
Dare ga ichiban norowashii no ka
Who is most cursed?
Sasayakiwa mada todokanai
The whispers have not reached me yet.
棺はいらない 全て灰に変えよう
Hitsugi wa iranai Subete hai ni kaeyou
I don't need a coffin. Let's turn everything into ashes.
この手で与える 相応しき最期(おわり)に
Kono tede ataeru Fusawashiki owari ni
I'll give those deserving their ending, with this hand.
購(あがな)いは 唯一の残された道
Aganai wa Yuiitsu no nokosareta michi
Purchase is the only road left behind.
誰ひとり逃れることは 許されない さあ
Dare hitori nogareru koto wa Yurusarenai saa
No one is allowed to escape.
Ienai shirushi o daite
Hold the unhealable scar
非業の罰を我が身に科そう 怯まずに
Higou no batsu o wagami ni kasou Hirumazu ni
I won't falter to inflict the punishment of untimely death
Yahari aku wa horobiru sadame...
After all, evil's destiny is to perish...
Katsumokushi ima, kaerimiro
Look at it now, reflect on it.
業火でさえ 燃やしきれず
Gouka de sae Moyashikirezu
Even the fire can't be burned.
記憶の底 こびりついた
Kioku no soko Kobititsuita
The core of my memory is stuck.
Nikushimi goto yaki tsukushiteshimae ba...
If you burn up all the hatred...
Kienai shirushi ga uzuku
The indelible mark hurts.
Onore no tsumi no fuka sa wo azawarau you ni
Like laughing at the depth of your sins
Dare ga ichiban nowashii no ka
Who is most cursed?
Sasayakiwa mada tooi
The whispers have not reached me yet.
Ienai shirushi o daite
Hold the unhealable scar
非業の罰を我が身に科そう 怯まずに
Higou no batsu o wagami ni kasou Hirumazu ni
I won't falter to inflict the punishment of untimely death
Kore ga watashi no seigi no katachi
This is my form of justice.
Saa, Tanatosu no koe o kike
Now, hear the voice of Thanatos!
Scan of lyrics from "Best of Hero" booklet courtesy of @tnbscans
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Listen on YT here
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bnhaobservation · 3 months
What do you think the todofam will be like after the war?
It's something I've been wondering as well.
Let's start with a premise.
This story is aimed mainly to a Japanese audience which sees things according to their culture. Some things that for them are a given aren't for who's not Japanese and vice versa. So, it gets twice as difficult for us to follow the message Horikoshi wants to deliver.
Also... this is going to be long and actually should have been longer. I tried to keep it as short as I could but this might have caused to make it not perfectly clear so I apologize in advance.
Lastly, what follows are just my two cents, feel free to disagree.
Said so let's tackle the matter from a realistic perspective.
If BNHA were not a story but the real world, the Todoroki family is finished. Not because Enji abused his family, but because one of their members (Tōya) is a murderer.
A seinen manga "Theseus no fune" (テセウスの船) digs with what happens to a family of 5 after the father, Sano Bungo, was accused of murder.
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The mother, who was at the time pregnant, was denied hospitalization to give birth to her child.
They had to hide their identity because each time it was discovered they were forced to move. People would also refuse to hire them if they were to know of it. The main character, the youngest child of the man, the one that was born AFTER his father was accused of murder, and who should have been named Seigi (justice) is named instead Shin (heart) because "there's no justice for the son of a murderer", has to take his mother's surname (along with the rest of the family), have to wear a mask to hide his face to work, so that he won't be recognized, had to give up on becoming a teacher and, although he managed to marry, his wife's relatives refused to accept the marriage. When the wife dies during childbirth, her parents attend tot he funeral but claim they couldn't tell anyone about it because otherwise people would know she married the son of a criminal. They also demand their grandchild to be handed to them because she can't grow up with the son of a murderer.
Note that said son of a murderer, never had any contact with his father as the man had been arrested before his birth, and therefore Shin clearly couldn't be responsible for his father's crime.
We see something similar happening in BNHA for people who're involved in minor crimes.
Tobita tried to help someone but failed and was accused of preventing a Hero from saving him.
He was expelled from school and his family was implied to be targeted with bullying (see the graffiti with insults on the gate?)
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It got so bad even his family chased him away.
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Jin goes through something similar. Due to being involved in an incedent he's fired and no one wants to hire him ever again so he ends up homeless.
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It's implied the same happened with Himiko, though we don't know if she ended up on the run just after attacking Saito, knowing her parents wouldn't want her back, or after trying to go back home and being rejected.
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While Himiko's house might have been further devasted AFTER she joined the league, we can see that the gate was already damaged when her parents still lived there just after she had attacked Saito.
Note that none of the three over mentioned characters had yet committed murder. Tobita wanted to help, and the man who he had been unable to save will recover in 6 months, Jin ended up running over a guy who ran in the street without warning but only broke his arm and, as far as we know, Saito didn't die due to Himiko's attack.
Yet, they're shunned by society and with them their families who turn their back to them.
Now picture how much worse this would be for someone who committed murder.
Tōya/Dabi himself touches upon how bad they should have it now.
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'Hitotsu kikitēnda ga Shōto… omae ittai donna tsura shite? Obieru shimin to issho ni U.A. ni komotteiraretanda? ENDEAVOR no musuko Dabi no kyōdai yakusai no nikogori mite~e nate me ~e ga!!'
「一つ聞きてえんだが焦凍… おまえ一体どんな面して 怯える市民と一緒に雄英に籠っていられたんだ? エンデヴァーの息子荼毘の兄弟 厄災の煮凝りみてぇなてめェが!!」
``I have to ask you one thing, Shōto... What the hell kind of face were you wearing? Were you able to stay holed up in U.A. with the frightened citizens? Endeavor's son, Dabi's brother, it's like a broth of calamity/disaster/misfortune! !”*
*okay, technically he says 'yakusai no nikogori' (厄災の煮凝り) which litterally is a "jellied broth of disaster/calamity", but the fact he chose the nikogori is also due to how the kanji used to write it are 'ni' (煮 "boil, cook") and 'gori' (凝 "freeze").
The people in U.A. should have wanted Shouto in it as much as they wanted Deku when he first showed up there, not even a bit, even though Deku did nothing wrong...
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Something many fans often miss of this scene is that when Deku enters in U.A. all his classmates are there, except for Shōto, and that Heroes supporting Deku like Present Mic and Best Jeanist are there, but not Endeavor and Hawks.
Where are they? Just outside.
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It will be Ectoplasm who will call them in when all is finished.
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Why Shōto isn't with his classmates supporting Deku? Why Endeavor and Hawks remain outside?
It's not because they don't care but because they would make matters worse.
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And Shōto, poor kid, is completely innocent, Enji might have responsibilities for what Tōya did but Shōto? Whatever he did wrong?
Yet, same Tamura Shin from "Theseus no fune", he's likely hold accountable for his brother and father's crimes as well as the rest of his family.
The story glosses it over, we see nothing being done against Shōto or the rest of his family, and his classmates act mostly supportive so he doesn't seem to have it bad, but the story likely doesn't show it because, for Japanese people, it's a given Shōto would have it bad, it's unnecessary to esplicitly show it and it would probably be too dark of a subject so Horikoshi skims on it, as in Japan it's public knowledge.
That's why Natsuo said all that awaits them is pure hell.
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It was bad enough Tōya had killed people before but now he had attempted to nuke Japan and the Todorokis don't expect they will be 'forgiven' because they actually stopped him almost getting themselves killed in the process.
In a way Tōya has cornered them, their best option was actually to die with him.
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So if we go for a realistic ending Enji will have to drop his job and the same goes for Fuyumi and Natsuo, Shōto should leave school, the family should live in hiding, being bullied and ostracized and this regardless of them having saved the day and of Tōya's fate (if he dies or lives, if he gets jailed, sentenced to death or spared due to his body condition being so disastrous he might end up needing permanently hospitalized... assuming they'll be willing to hospitalize him).
They would probably do better change name and country and attempt to start a new live under another identity and away from Japan... if the likely scarring burns they gained will allow them to live in hiding.
Now... this is a realistic fate for them.
BNHA however is a story, and it's a story which is also making a point of criticizing society. It doesn't hold just the Todorokis but also society as accountable for what Tōya did.
It's a story with a moral and if society doesn't get 'punished' or 'redeemed', or, more specifically 'atones', the moral ends up being that society can do any sort of thing to people and it will never be punished and if you retaliate you'll be squashed down. Not exactly an uplifting moral.
The League of Villains is born by society's sins. Generally for me the most meaningful thing is this scene.
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Why? Because in my country if you are and adult and find on the streets an unsupervised kid of 5 and turn your eyes away, it's a crime even if he doesn't look in such a poor shape like Tenko.
All those people pretending not to see him would get in troubles. In Japan they aren't so strict but for me the scene looks particularly strong because it's basically a crime.
So I've really no sympathy for those people and, if the story wants to have an uplifting moral, society has to change, hold itself accountable for how it hurt Tenko and the others and atone toward them.
In the same vein society should reform and not mistreat the Todorokis the way it did with Tobita or Himeko's family but support them.
This however narratively presents some huge problems.
Society is a broad concept and BNHA didn't offer us one or more characters that could work as stand in for it.
The characters we get familiar with, often represent the best part of society.
For example we know there were corrupted Heroes, we know the HPSC had Lady Nagant kill corrupted Heroes but... did we ever met them? Nope.
Stain, who wanted to change society and erase corrupter Heroes who ended up attacking?
Some Hero who abused his power to commit crimes? Some Hero who actually was in league with criminals? Some Hero who actually was negligent in his work? Some Hero who, at least, throwed trash on the streets?
Nope. He attacks Īda's brother and Native... who overall seemed two decent guys.
This creates a clash of our perception in the story, the League attacked society but the characters we were presented with were usually great people.
The League undoubtedly perceives society as evil and worth being wiped out because they met the worse of it but... we didn't.
That's why many readers feel like the League should be jailed for terrorism but no one thinks the "Star Wars" rebels in the first trilogy should met the same fate for... the exact same crime.
In "Star Wars" first trilogy the empire is always represented as evil, all its soldiers are represented as evil and we've zero sympathy for them when they get wiped out.
But in BNHA society is not the empire, society is common people who've families and feel... innocent enough not to deserve what the League unleash on them, especially since BNHA had too few 'bad guys' among the good guys and, conveniently or not so conveniently, wiped out the HPSC before it could take the blame for many problems and we are instead way too often presented with 'good guys' characters.
So Horikoshi has to find a way to deliver the message that if said society ended up under attack, it was actually due to its shortcomings.
Tōya told Enji the past never dies and you reap what you sow...
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...but this applied to society too.
In response later on Enji will realize he'll have to atone to him and apologize to him.
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In theory society should do the same... so that the story could have an uplifting moral of society learning from its errors and never again repeating them so that people will be better and the League of Villain will never be reborn in the future... however... it's much easier for us to apply all this to Todoroki Enji than to the BNHA society.
It's very fairy tale to assume that society will say "hey but if we didn't mistreat those guys first, they wouldn't have done what they did, shouldn't we also make amends?"
I don't really know if Horikoshi will be able to pull this off in a convincing manner, or if he'll be allowed to do it because one of the problems in his story is he can't allow to come to pass the idea that what the League did was an acceptable response.
We see it in the attack at Central Hospital.
In theory the story should end with a similar situation.
Shōji acknowledged that the Heteromorphs were hurt and persecuted but turning to violence wasn't acceptable
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...and then somehow the Heteromorphs changed their mind and stop fighting and the people said they heard their voices today and they're sorry for not realizing it sooner and everyone cries and all's well that ends well and many readers hate this arc (for which SO MUCH could be written) and label it poor writing and it's actually a very minor bit so...
I don't know if Horikoshi now has used the people's response to it to perfect his ending in a way that won't have backlash.
So back to your question, what about the Todorokis?
Hopefully since Horikoshi wants to go to a positive and uplifting ending, the Todorokis will be spared from a fate that will be hell.
After all they made a big deal of how things were being recorded on videos. Society might be impressed by how this family came together to save everyone and might feel bad for them as well as partially responsible.
If society will come together instead than ostracizing and mistreating people, the Todorokis might not be end up driven into a corner.
In the same vein the Todorokis will likely come together as a family.
That is because I'm assuming that the idea Horikoshi wants to come to pass is that you've to PREVENT people from going bad, not punish them once the deed is done and by coming together they prevent the situation from worsening.
So, I'm willing to bet the plan is that Natsuo is wrong and no, it won't be hell for them from now on, though it likely won't be easy.
I don't know if Tōya and the rest of the League will survive, because it would be damn convenient for Horikoshi to have them die, so that he won't have to face the whole punishment thing.
If they're dead they can't be punished nor society can be asked to atone to them for what they did to them, and so Horikoshi can focus on society coming together and supporting the people who're less 'cuplable' and reforming itself easily enough in such a way that would fit the kind of fairy tale nature of BNHA.
At the same time killing the league off is such a goddamn easy solution for the problem I really pray he won't go for it... but I recognize with the League he kept the bar really very high.
So I would love for Tōya to survive and heal and be given another chance and this time, with support from his family and society, become a better person, and the same goes for the rest of the League, but I don't know if Horikoshi can, is willing and will be allowed to pull this off.
We can only wait and see.
For now, I think it'll probably be safe enough to assume that at the end the Todoroki family will come together and they won't be in hell but Fuyumi will be allowed to continue to work as a teacher and Natsuo will be allowed to continue to study and will marry his girlfriend. I aslo think Shōto will be allowed to become a Hero. As for Enji he might retire. I know people would want to see him jailed for his family abuse but since no one in his family is willing to file charges against him I'm pretty sure this won't happen. Likely he also won't divorce from Rei.
Tōya's fate through remains a mystery.
I'd like for him to end up hospitalized and for his family to stay and support him, for Enji to atone to him and finally look at him but well, we can only wait and see for this.
As much as I hate the idea we were told Tōya (who shouldn't have managed to survive away from Garaki's support) survived till now due to his grudge to his family, if he were to let it go he might just die... albeith in that case he would probably die in peace because he would finally feel loved by his family. We'll see.
Thank you for your ask!
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xx86 · 4 months
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