#✗ zoey bartlet. / general.
mihrsuri · 5 months
Superlatives of my Stories: 2023 Edition
I stole this meme from @petralemaitre
Leitmotif of the year: You get to be a survivor of sexual assault! You get to be a survivor of sexual assault! You get an OT3 and a Found Family! Or ‘that is yours, I am not’ across multiple fandoms.
My best story of this year: I think probably There’s Blood (On The Side Of The Mountain) which is the West Wing ‘CJ was kidnapped not Zoey’ AU, written from the POV of an outsider OC - it unfurled exactly how I wanted it to - an atmosphere of ambiguity as to what happened, what’s happening and what’s going to - also very narrowly focused.
My favorite and/or truest story of this year: My absolutely favourite thing I wrote was a tie between two Grishaverse stories - a Hunger Games AU and Get Wrecked Tante Heleen (tm) - Never Again (It’s Not An Act Of Love) & Karma (Is My Family)
They are both stories about found families, about how the narratives of those who abuse and hurt you aren’t true, about love as partnership - all kinds of love as well, about the gift of choice. Also stabbing some fuckers.
Story of mine most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: I think they’ve all been incredibly appreciated considering - actually possibly uneasy (with the semi divine) which is about Rings of Power Gil-galad and his attitude towards Elronds biracial identity which wasn’t not me as a biracial person having Feelings about it.
I would also always always love more comments on the Tudors OT3 Verse. More content in the OT3 verse in general but I understand it’s niche content.
Most fun story to write: Every single bit of You Belong With Us which was an absolute joy - there was so much love and trust and happiness (and then an undertone of sadness at not being able to express that love openly that I hope came through as well)
Story with the single sexiest moment: For me personally it’s House This Love (Of Ours)
Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: Did I write Scarlet Pimpernel OT4 fic with a definite villain Chauvelin who is in love with both Blakeneys? Yes. Did I also manage to write (fictional versions) of Robert Dudley/Elizabeth I knife kink fic? Also yes. I maintain both of those are fine ;).
The Thomas Cromwell/Anne Boleyn/Henry VIII Harem AU is the most Dead Dove Do Not Eat in all honesty - I was having a lot of very personal trauma feelings in that one.
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: I wrote the Bartlet Daughters in I Tried To Rewrite It (But I Can’t) and I think that really made me think about both Ellie and Elizabeth Bartlet in a way I never had before - even though it’s obviously an AU verse it got me to recognise things about them and about the way they approach their parents high profile in very different ways.
Hardest story to write: It could have been the Knife Kink fic (because kink (all kink) is a giant personal trigger for me) but I think it might actually have been the OT3 verse fic because there’s so much thought and preparation that went into it - though the actual writing of the story isn’t actually the hard part.
Biggest disappointment: have not in fact written more of Crown Of Ashes, the Tudors OT3 Verse AU AU of ‘what happens when Mary Tudor gets everything she thinks she wanted and it turns out it absolutely sucks and turns to ashes for her’
Biggest surprise: Did not expect to be writing knife kink and also did not expect to fall headfirst back into writing West Wing fic but for the latter I have to credit the lovely Discord People and also @miabicicletta in particular.
Most unintentionally telling story: It is almost certainly In Our Bedroom (After The War) or the giant Grishaverse Cuddle Pile ficlet.
Best title: Only Wore This Doublet (So You Could Take It Off) is the aforementioned Elizabeth I/Robert Dudley knife kink fic and honestly I am so proud of that title. A+ use of Taylor Swift lyric.
Story I haven't yet written, but intend to: The Sam/Donna/Josh fic told in social media posts.
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unseenacademic · 21 days
📚 Is it supposed to be a one-shot? Or have you planned multiple chapters?
💭 Is there a line or scene you can see clearly already?
📚 Is it supposed to be a one-shot? Or have you planned multiple chapters? I have many WIPs, but the one I'm 'covering' today is "Day Four", a collection of missing scenes from "Separation of Powers" and "Shutdown" from season 5, basically what happens between Abbey and Jed when she finally returns to the White House after she takes Zoey to NH post-kidnapping. There are going to be four chapters in this fic (how ambitious of me lol), one for each day of the Government shutdown and I'll probably write another fic, a post-ep for Abu el Banat which follows "Day Four". 💭 Is there a line or scene you can see clearly already? Yes! I think the world needs more fics with Millicent Griffith aka Millie, the Surgeon General and Ellie Bartlet's godmother (and Abbey Bartlet's friend, obviously), so Millie is definitely going to feature in this fic. I haven't finished this scene yet, I'm writing bits and pieces of dialogue as I come up with them, but I can absolutely hear Mary Kay Place's voice asking "Are you done feeling sorry for yourself?” which is, of course, directed at Abbey. Here's another one: remember that girl from "Shutdown" who appears on TV and complains: "It's not fair! We drove all the way from Huntsville to see grandma and the Constitution. Now we only get to see Grandma!" It's one of the funniest scenes in TWW and it always cracks me up. So, Zoey's watching that girl on TV and Abbey's like "Is that Annie?" with the implication that Annie wanted to see Grandpa (the President), but only got to see Grandma. Thank you so much for these amazing questions, friend! 💜💜💜💜💜
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larsulrichburneracc · 2 years
your favourite trait of abbey bartlet's character?
a Q of my own: is this for an ask game or just a general question? i don’t get many asks :)
ooh,, it’s tough bc i love her so very much she’s so complex n multifaceted there’s so much to love about her,, that being said: i love her resilience, bc it’s borne of both stubbornness and self-awareness, and most tww characters only have one of those traits
imo abbey is the most self-aware person in the show- perhaps bc she doesn’t work in the white house, she’s able to keep an outsider’s perspective- but she’s also just,, whip-smart and really understands the game. she understands how the other characters work (telling jed he can’t fix everything, telling jed leo will kill himself working post heart attack) and she’s not wearing rose colored glasses when it comes to the political system- but doesn’t let that crush her morals (john wilkes booth setting the leg scene).
i think a lot about dead irish writers, how she decided to give up her medical license because she understood the political reality: that she had to in order to keep the administration running. that must’ve been soul crushing and i wish we could’ve seen more of that arc but,, then we find out she’s working in a clinic !! she sacrifices smth important to her but has the moral character and stubbornness to keep at it (albeit in a smaller way) and the self-awareness to know it had to be done.
we see the same thing when she’s trying to get jed to sleep more in s6 (heartbreaking series of eps truly). like: she knows the political reality is that sometimes he has to wake up at 3 am. she’s under no delusions about what the job is. however, she’s stubborn- oval office fight, clashing with cj, refusing to let jed steamroll her on this. and what happens is a compromise that doesn’t leave anybody happy, but abbey keeps going ! bc she did what she could and there’s nothing left to say.
imo this applies to her urging jed to Not run for re-election too! she’s stubborn about it (we had a deal), but she’s Aware enough to know that he wants it badly enough to try anyway, and that maybe he’s the man for the job, even as he gets sicker. so, she’s once again steamrolled even though she’s probably right (1 term jed would mean no zoey debacle no china collapse no leo heart attack), but she picks herself up off the mat and continues doing her damndest to help both jed and the crew.
abbey’s more a reactive character than an active one (partially due to lack of screentime, partially due to her not working w the rest of the gang), but it’s fascinating to see how she operates, because there’s a tired resignation to her as early as hsfttt that the others don’t get til the later seasons. she’s too smart and too kind to not understand the world of the white house and the people inside it, and she’s just doing her best to stay on top of it all
hope this answer wasn’t too long and rambling and/or incoherent,, my dms are Always open to talk tww :)
ps i also like that she is bisexual but this is in my own mind
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storyofwhoiam · 1 year
@leschanceux liked for muse roulette plotting:
Amy Cameron - Matilda Wormwood/Honey: Amy is the social worker who ends up securing Matilda being able to live with Miss Honey
Julia Wicker - Yelena Belova: Yelena is given the mission of bringing down some sort of magical object/person/power
Catia Lucas - Frank Castle: Catia’s investigating the rise in vigilantes for an article she’s working on
Matt Baleman - Laena Velaryon: All I know is that Matt would want a dragon but should never be allowed one
Elsbeth Tascioni - Wolfgang Bogdanow: Wolfgang gets into some legal trouble and Elsbeth is his lawyer
Leah Jacobs - Ten: Ohh, I don’t know how they meet but Leah would love being a companion
Jack Harkness - Eve Polastri: This dynamic seems hilarious, Jack just generally being a little teasing at all times
Zoey Bartlet - Jane Foster: Jane gets some kind of presidential recognition and meets Zoey in the White House
Allie Novak - Asher: Let’s be honest here, Allie would offer herself up willingly to a vampire
Rosemary Leveaux - Steve Rogers: Meeting at some kind of celeb-y event; Rosemary would love to meet him
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iceman-maverick · 2 years
behold, modern cj cregg headcanons
moment of silence for the fact the west wing staff are mostly millennials and that jed and leo are somehow still boomers
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more modern west wing!
alright here we go, they'd build monuments to this woman if she was real
CJ has a nasty habit of panic cutting her own bangs the night before significant events like the State of the Union. Sam has tried to confiscate her scissors multiple times but it's no use.
Somehow, despite being one of the world’s foremost economists, Jed still hasn’t really gotten the hang of typing. He uses two fingers and hits the space bar 15 times instead of indenting. CJ has made it her personal mission to teach him, so she stays late some nights and teaches him over bowls of melting ice cream.
She is a devoted follower of the Call Me Daddy podcast. Donna and Carol can't fucking stand it and beg her to listen to something different, which somehow results in the three of them starting their own causal podcast called LiberTea.
During the re-election campaign, the opposing candidate’s teenage daughter ends up at the center of a personal scandal. CJ blacklists any and all questions on it because she refuses to participate in the witch hunt of a 16 year old girl who had the unfortunate luck to have a father in politics. She helps Zoey give a public statement in solidarity with the young girl.
Josh gets bored one day and makes an instagram account for CJ’s fish. He posts constant updates on her romantic life with captions like “Mother brought in yet another strange man. I tried to tell her she had mayonnaise on her shirt and something green between her teeth but alas I am but a humble goldfish who doesn’t speak English. Better luck next time, Mother”. CJ has reported the account 12 times but he's somehow managed to keep it up.
CJ is deeply invested in youth voter registration and generally getting kids interested in public service. The first thing she does as Press Secretary is set up a monthly press briefing with different student newspaper organizations from the surrounding colleges and high schools. It’s a resounding success, and honestly her favorite part of the job.
Saturday Night Live is constantly doing skits about the Bartlet Administration, and it's become a running gag to have different famous men in a bad wig play her. Timothee Chalamet was uncannily accurate, but CJ thinks that Jeff Goldblum was the funniest. She’s still offended over Eminem’s episode, even though Toby says it's his favorite.
It’s not always possible, but when she can, CJ tries to give priority to the news organizations that don’t hide content behind paywalls. Danny and her get into screaming matches over this often.
A conservative reporter threatens to out Josh as mlm during midterms unless CJ admits to a big hooplah military operation Leo has been trying to get her to cover up. CJ manages to reverse blackmail the reporter who naturally was having an affair with his intern and gets the jerk's car towed. She's the only one whose able to calm Josh down throughout the ordeal.
CJ is obsessed with Hamilton. She almost collapses when Toby introduces her to Lin Manuel Miranda during a fundraiser.
She takes inspiration from Danny’s passive aggressive twitter cropping, and tweets pictures of Josh with his eyes photoshopped progressively farther apart like so:
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okay that's it for now. i prob will be making social posts for the fish instagram LMAO
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jessbakescakes · 2 years
what is it about josh as a dad of girls that you like so much?
Oh thanks for the question!
SO MUCH ABOUT THIS IDEA. Josh, canonically, has really fascinating relationships with the women in his life. Josh and CJ are the Chaos Twins. Josh is Zoey's Big Brother. Josh is Abbey Bartlet's Idiot Son (affectionate). Donna runs his life and his office and he knows it. The Joey Lucas of it all! (We needed more of this friendship and I will die on this hill.) I also imagine that Joanie and Mama Lyman had a huge impact on who he is as a person, too. Josh is surrounded by capable, strong, amazing women he really does love and respect. and I just think him having daughters brings out a completely different side of him. They completely own his life and he's totally okay with that.
Dad Josh in general gives me these feelings, and I love many many variations of Dad Josh in many different headcanons! But Josh with three daughters, much like Jed Bartlet, the closest thing he has to a dad left -- I just think there's something really poetic about it. (Not to mention the fact that Jed brought it up not once but TWICE to Josh.)
Josh would just be the type of dad who would make sure his girls knew that there wasn't anything they couldn't do. He'd be so supportive and invested in their lives... he would be such a good dad to them.
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phoebe-delia · 2 years
West Wing Women. Ainsley Hayes and Joey Lucas are the BEST representation of women. They have their own voice and say what they mean. They have power and are yet compassionate. Ainsley's speech on why she is a Republican actually is what Republicans are MEANT to be. Brilliant writing and fantastic acting. Joey oozing confidence and accepting no crap. Just class.
This is really exciting for me because I think I've gotten...one other ask about the west wing before? So for that, I very much thank you because I am literally ALWAYS down to talk about my favorite tv show.
The women of the west wing are amazing. I totally agree about both Joey and Ainsley; I love them both so much. I LOVED Ainsley's dynamic with Sam and her introduction as a character is fucking iconic. I'm sad she left, but I would just LOVE to talk politics with her. She and I would disagree on some things, but her discussion of the ERA is what made me obsessed with the 14th amendment. (Also, Ainsley, Joe Quincy, and Arnold Vinnick are what republicans should be.)
And Joey, my love and my heart (also I just wanna mention Kenny, who is a gem). But Joey is just so smart and funny and insightful. She's always just like ahead of the game and knows what Josh needs before he's fully done asking for it. She's so smart and I love her and I wish she'd been on more often.
Okay I'm gonna talk about the other WW women for a sec.
No discussion of the WW women can take place without mentioning the inimitable CJ Cregg. She is smart, savvy and strategic and so caring. She's not perfect, and she's not meant to be, and I just really appreciate that she's not a Mary Sue. When she becomes CoS, she handles every challenge with grace and smarts, and hard work. As a woman in the workplace—and, frankly, in an Aaron Sorkin show—she deals with some sexism and harassment, and part of me is torn about it because while obviously, I hate that shit, it's also kinda realistic. I've experienced that kind of shit in a work environment, too, and watching her navigate it is really interesting, seeing which battles she picks and which she overcomes just by being better than the man who insulted her.
Now for Donna. She is so awesome, and watching her journey over time as she just BLOSSOMS and becomes confident and takes what she WANTS and gets away from Josh's office, she finally comes into her own. That scene at the end when she gets shown her new office makes me so emotional because she went from working at a tiny lil cubicle to having a gorgeous, large office of her own and working with the first lady. She's humbly brilliant and I adore her.
And Abbey Bartlet. She's also so smart and savvy, though I have a little gripe with her sometimes when she makes Jed's job harder. Ultimately, she wasn't elected, and while I'm fine with her having legislative priorities and pushing for policy, I think there are times she goes too far. But at the same time, I like that she's not perfect. I like that she pushes Jed to prioritize women more, and she's generally really supportive. And she's a great mother. And also, the staff can be kinda disrespectful of her. She's DR. Bartlet, and they call her Mrs. so often; she'd deserve that kind of respect even as an ordinary doctor, but Jed says she's a world-class surgeon. She's just as smart as Jed, and if she'd had political ambitions of her own I bet she'd have gotten really far if not been president herself.
I love all of the Bartlet daughters, but Ellie is my favorite. She's so smart and humble and relatable and her relationship with Jed is so interesting. I like Zoey, but I got frustrated with her for being with Jean-Paul, because fuck that guy. Also, I cringe so hard during that scene when Jean-Paul is debating the economy with Jed and she says "I love seeing my two men sparring." Like, *gags*
And Liz, oh poor Liz deserves so much better than Doug. Honestly, at first I thought people were too hard on him, but then when we found out he cheated I was like "oh FUCK that."
And Amy Gardner is so fun. She's also gorgeous and witty and smart and I love her dynamic with Josh. She knows what she wants and she goes for it, and I love when she fights for her goals.
Oh and you know who doesn't get nearly enough credit? Angela Blake. She gets such little time on the show and honestly, it sucks that she only comes on when Josh is slapped on the wrist before the shutdown. I wish she'd been brought back more or they'd found some other position for her so that she and Josh could do different but still important jobs.
Basically, the WW women are amazing and I love them.
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tww present-day headcanons
okay obviously this is like... if we ignore the offset election years and the mysterious disappearance of the bushes and no 9/11 and that little point in time where santos and obama would have overlapped and the fact that no WAY would the voters have put democrats in the white house for like almost 20 years. anyway, just suspend your disbelief lol
(also quick little disclaimer: i’m still figuring out my feelings about this administration--the real-life one, not the bartlet one. i, as always, don’t mean to glorify/girlbossify/stan politicians, etc. i’m also not trying to bully any members of any generations, simply making statements based on my observations of the world around me).
josh and toby co-wrote a series of op-eds for the washington post that absolutely read 45’s administration for FILTH
congressman will bailey is having absolutely none of marjorie taylor green’s shit. he was throwing verbal hands on any news show that would take him for weeks.
someone made a post about donna being a regular guest on news shows and i don’t remember who it was, but anyway donna shows up on rachel maddow at least once or twice a month
liz divorced doug (that one’s just personally important to me) and is regularly dragging the shit out of ted cruz on twitter because we KNOW she can
charlie and zoey have a youtube channel where they answer questions about politics (both about the political process and current events). they try to keep it as non-partisan and strictly informational as they can.
jed starts a podcast (honestly, how could he not?). every episode is him talking about a different niche topic for 30-60 minutes. liberal gen xers and older millennials think it’s the best thing to ever happen. #unclejed is trending on twitter for a couple days after the first episode
molly and huck have a moderate amount of tiktok clout and they literally ask their parents every single day if they can adopt claudia conway because they are Concerned about her
cj and jenn psaki have a little moment on twitter and huffpost and/or buzzfeed writes an article titled something like “passing the torch: former wh press secretary sends jenn psaki her love on twitter”
there’s a little portion of leftist tiktok teens/twenty-somethings that are like “josh lyman is a war criminal but holy shit he was/is hot”
ABBEY BARTLET-DR. FAUCI TEAMUP!!! there’s an ad that plays absolutely everywhere where they tell you to wear your mask and wash your hands, and they zoom into a few major news shows
less public ellie bartlet-dr. fauci teamup!!! she’s helping with research from home because of her kids and she’s killing it
kate became a foreign affairs correspondent for cnn and there’s this Look she gives the camera (for context, she was talking about how 45’s treasury secretary went to saudi arabia to speak with the crown prince even AFTER he supposedly murdered that journalist) that instantly becomes a reaction gif. there’s at least one tweet or something that’s like “found the female jim halpert on cnn” with her gif and one of his side-by-side
this might be a hot take but i think ainsley voted for clinton (sorry going back a little ways) because she was def supporting, like, john kasich or someone in the primaries, but she can’t fucking stand 45 and thought that someone with absolutely no political experience whatsoever had no damn right to hold the presidency. i mean, listen, she hated clinton, but what else was she supposed to do, not vote? she becomes a very vocal critic and she’s one of the ones that’s like “this isn’t what the republican party stands for”
sam, who was double-masking before it was cool, is just home writing the novel we all know he was meant to write. he’s less involved with politics. there’s a direct correlation between how much news he watches and how high his blood pressure is. he’s compromised with himself by watching rachel maddow every night (mostly in hopes of seeing donna) and nothing else. besides, josh would text him if it was something REALLY important.
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elliebartlets · 3 years
TWW REWATCH: Ellie (2.15)
• this episode makes me insane. I literally go through the five stages of grief while watching it. I am ready to get hurt again. no I’m not. Yes I am <3 no I’m not 🥲🥲🥲
• anyway I really only like this episode for Ellie.
• this episode really shows it’s age with the marijuana debate
• “what’s she talking about?”
“decriminalizing marijuana”
*kill bill sirens*
That’s basically the entire episode
• random but I like the color of CJ’s shirt
• all of them trying to figure out the time Bartlet arrives back from Tokyo and CJ goes “this isn’t happening” 😂
• Sam trying to figure it out reminds me of celestial navigation when he was guessing which route Mendoza would take to get back to DC
• “He’s gonna land in Washington an hour before he took off? And that’s not a story that beats the Surgeon General?” Lmao
• haha Toby’s wearing a giants baseball cap. I don’t remember that at all
• “It’s a beautiful scar.” Lol what
• “I’m sorry, but we need you to resign.”
Dr Griffith: no ♥️
• CJ does this little evil laugh after she says she’s gonna make that producer who called Bartlet a coward cry and it’s so funny
• “Eleanor?”
“You mean Zoey?”
“No, it was Eleanor.”
*10 seconds later*
“You mean Zoey?”
“It was Eleanor.”
Liz: am I a joke to you?
• Also Eleanor is a weird name to me, especially after it’s been said 6 times in the span of two minutes. I like the nickname Ellie though.
• “I gotta hand it to you guys, you pulled off a political first. You managed to win me the support of the Christian Right and the Cheech and Chong fan club in the same day.”
• “Charlie please don’t say the word “erotic” in the Oval Office.” Lmao
• it’s weird that Ellie goes through Leo’s office into the Oval and not the other way everyone else goes. although maybe they don’t want people to know she’s coming arranged it that way so she’d pass by less people?
• notice how happy Ellie gets when Charlie asks her about medical school and she’s talking about her professors and classes and then as soon as she hears her fathers voice coming down the hall she stops and looks kinda apprehensive.
haha that’s not relatable at all 🙃
• I love Ellie’s hair. I know I say that every time I watch this episode but it’s so pretty and wavy
• “I don’t know how to make you happy, Dad. For that you gotta talk to Zoey or Liz.”
I am hurt
• really nice touch at the end when Bartlet asks Charlie to give him a minute before sending in the Labor Secretary. he needs to process what Ellie just said to him.
• “You will summon your strength and you will listen to me for a moment.” Lol Andy
• Toby deciding to just announce Seth Gillette to the commission instead of nominating him is savage lol
• the director of the movie Charlie turned down went on a radio show called Imus and I think that was one of the radio people CJ was forced to talked to in The Midterms.
• oh my god Josh tells Donna “This isn’t good. The President’s not talking. He usually talks during the movie” and then after Bartlet has a conversation with Millie and decides not to fire her, he comes back and starts talking with Ellie about the different types of med school disciplines, to the point where she’s like “can you be quiet?” It just shows everything’s alright again. How did I miss that?
• “How come I’ve never been able to get her to like me?”
This hurts for personal reasons I will not get into.
• it’s funny, when Millie tells Bartlet that Ellie knows she’s not his favorite, he gets offended and insists he loves his daughters equally. But that’s not what she said at all. having a favorite kid =\= loving all your kids equally
• “my god, king lear’s a good play.”
I know the jist of king lear but I actually wish I read it in high school like I was supposed to so I could know the details and apply them to this
• what kills me is that Bartlet grew up with an abusive father who he was frightened of. There’s no way he wouldn’t have worried about becoming a father, of what kind of father he’d be, because of his own father. He knows what it’s like to be afraid of a parent, and then when he hears that Ellie’s frightened of him....god I wonder what that did to him. I need to lie down and I’m already lying down.
• “The only thing you ever had to do to make me happy, was come home at the end of the day.”
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• “Here comes the good part.” Love the double meaning
• hmm so for some reason I thought Ellie was in this episode more than she was. I’m kinda surprised by that.
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joysmercer · 4 years
hi! i am in life with tww- do you have any headcanons about the characters or ships? like how c.j. and toby met? sorry i just love talking about this show
no don’t apologize!!! I love getting asks like this 😄
Didn’t Toby mention in “Access” that he met CJ on a previous campaign? I may be wrong though
tbh I’m not that good with headcanons in general, but let's see:
CJ and Danny end up having two children. One of them is named Gail (after the fish that started it all)
Charlie proposes to Zoey the day she graduates grad school 
The tww wiki says Toby and Andy “reconcile” in season 7, but I don’t remember that happening…in any case, they do get back together romantically when Huck and Molly are around 6 years old. 
Toby doesn’t tell them much about his time in the WH, mostly because of how it ended.
Sam and Ainsley have a short fling after she starts working as WH Counsel for Santos. It ends once she realizes she’s too good for him
Josh proposes to Donna in February of 2008, exactly 20 years after she first started working for him. They have multiple kids, all of whom drive Josh crazy (but in the best way)
I have a few random thoughts about Josh as a father but I’ll save those for another post lol
Toby never fully reconciles with Bartlet but does with everyone else within a year or two of Santos taking office. 
CJ wins a Nobel Peace Prize the same year Danny wins a Pulitzer
Josh successfully runs Santos’s reelection campaign. He later takes up a professor position at Georgetown, where he stays until Charlie recruits him to his campaign a few years later.
He’s often asked if he would consider running for office himself, but he always declines. He’s better with behind-the-scenes work, and that’s where he likes to be, anyway
Donna…I’m not actually sure of what she does after Santos’s presidency, but it’s definitely something perfectly suited to her strengths
Bartlet hosts an annual Christmas dinner in New Hampshire. Everyone does their best to attend, but Charlie is the only one who never misses a single year
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smallblueandloud · 4 years
hi essbie!! you seem super awesome❤️❤️ if you would like to talk to me about the west wing i would love that! i’m watching for the first time now and i’m in LOVE with it- tell me all your thoughts! otps, favorite episodes, arcs, characters... anything!
oh my god, this is my FAVORITE ASK THAT I HAVE EVER RECEIVED EVER. i’m so happy to talk about the west wing because the fandom that’s still alive today seems to be TINY (although high-spirited!!). thank you for asking!! i will endeavor to talk a lot.... which isn’t hard for me, lol.
(psst, before we begin, can i recommend you check out @donnajosh, who posts gorgeous new gifsets of tww pretty regularly [and also has gifs tagged by episode so you can find the right post to reblog when you’re liveblogging, shh], @etraytin, who’s written some AMAZING multichaps that have gotten me through this very stressful week, and @cassiesinsanity, who’s just plain genuinely amazing?? okay. now that that’s out of the way.)
i tried to figure out from your blog where you are in the show, but i can’t find anything more detailed than “probably has finished in the shadow of two gunmen”, so i’m just gonna keep things anti-spoilers. there are some really, really cool plot developments in tww, and i don’t recommend you spoil yourself for things on purpose! but also like. i DEFINITELY spoil things for myself all the time. so what the hell, don’t listen to me lol.
(i tried to put this under a cut, but tumblr glitched. sorry, peeps who don’t care about the west wing. also, WATCH THE WEST WING.)
my ALL TIME, dearest headcanon is adhd josh. i just. i love my boy so much. i love my impulsive, ridiculously-sensitive-to-perceived-rejection, loud, hyperfixated boy so much. i don’t know everything about adhd, but from what i know josh is TEXTBOOK. or at least he’s a lot like me! and i’m reasonably sure i have adhd. so. i’m REALLY, REALLY into that headcanon and everything about it. (i actually wrote a fic in which i wrote him the way i see his adhd presenting, because i love him so much. hmm, i should write a fic about josh being adhd. what kind of stims would josh like??)
i love and adore josh/donna, like many many other people. i like zoey/charlie, just because i think they make each other happy and both of them deserve that. i... like cj/danny? sorta? i think they’re adorable, and they have some REALLY good moments (no spoilers but. oh my god. danny really out here chugging his respect women juice and i love him for it). but also i am EXTREMELY ATTACHED to cj/toby and more specifically cj/toby/andy.
HEAR ME OUT. cj has EXTREME wlw energy and cj and toby have A LOT of married energy but then toby and andy... love each other so much, it’s so clear, in literally everything they do, i don’t know if you’ve gotten to the end of s5 yet but i cry. so like?? obviously, because i am who i am, polyamory is the answer! basically the rundown is: andy and toby are a typical couple except that they fight a lot. cj is kinda in the middle. if gay marriage had been legal / socially acceptable in the 80s (because god knows this ot3 has been thinking about optics since they graduated college), cj and andy would’ve gotten married and toby would’ve come and gone depending on who he’d pissed off recently, and everything would’ve been perfect. instead, andy and toby got married and it didn’t work because they really just couldn’t function as a unit, especially since their getting married meant that cj isolated herself a bit more. definitely cj and toby have a couple of SCREAMING arguments about the whole relationship. idk.
but just like. imagine with me, if you will, cj and toby... not dating, while working in the white house, but being exes. friendly exes. friendly exes who are still in love with each other and know it. please imagine that and then think about “i love you desperately / i know” and “you wanna make out with me right now, don’t you? / well, when don’t i?” and “we had it good there for a while / yeah, we did” and then join me in the pit of sadness.
(sidenote i have a sense8 au for the west wing and the second story is just me being emotional about their cluster for 5k. i have another story vaguely planned that i’ll probably never write about the development of the ot3 and about their cluster and how it functions. but don’t read that story until you finish... the first half of s7? or thereabouts? actually probably you should finish the show before you read the sense8 au in general if you’re avoiding spoilers.)
(when i say “i’ll probably never write”, i mean “until the next time i get obsessed with the west wing”. which will probably be years from now. oh, well, we can all hope the muse actually does something efficient for once.)
so yeah. those are my ships. i know a lot of people shipped josh/sam, but i don’t really see it? sam always seemed Way Too Straight for that to work lol, although i DO like the idea of sam pining tragically for josh for years just like donna does. (can you tell i read such a winter’s day a few days ago? it’s amazing. i haven’t left a review yet because i have not been a human being recently, but go read it!! it’s awesome!!)
also, i love the idea of bartlet/abbey/leo, although i can’t really visualize it lol. but there’s some amazing fic for them out there. maybe one day my stupid brain will realize the angst potential and actually let me write something for them, hopefully within the sense8 au. (sam also has a cluster! and i would love to write about them! .....but my brain doesn’t do what i tell it to. ever.)
my favorite arc.... i don’t know. i really loved the early seasons, which were a little more episodic, but ALSO i actually really liked the tone after aaron sorkin left after s4? it takes some getting used to, but it’s WAY more emotional, and i am ALL HERE FOR THAT. i definitely have a least favoite arc, or at least a least-favorite way-that-they-handled-a-storyline (spoiler alert: i hated how they handled the end of bartlet’s presidency in the white house. like. SHE’S ALL ALONE IN THERE- anyways. trying not to give detailed spoilers!)
favorite episodes: hmm. i love the thanksgiving episodes. i loved any episode with the ainsley-and-sam dynamic. noel is a phenomenal episode. 26 could make anyone weep. the flashbacks are the best. the fucking- the fucking what’s next motif.
honestly, probably i’d have to say my favorite episode is either 4x20 (evidence of things not seen, for “stupidly noble cluster” reasons and cj/toby reasons and bartlet & charlie reasons. also i feel like there’s some good josh/donna there too but i can’t remember exactly?) or 7x21 (institutional memory, because i’m pretty sure the writers reached into my id and pulled out EXACTLY what i needed from them to be okay with the show ending. jesus CHRIST i have never felt so satisfied after an episode. literally everything i ever could have wanted happened in that episode. i’m STILL reeling. it’s a perfect episode.)
my favorite characters are... literally everyone? i know that’s cheating but i love them all SO MUCH (except mandy and amy, of course). josh is my favorite, always and forever, but i love cj more than words and sometimes i can’t breathe for love of toby. leo and bartlet and charlie and sam and donna- here i was thinking i was gonna resent will forever but i LOVE will. ainsley is an amazing woman. abbey is such a good character, god, talk about a flawed woman who’s allowed to be a good person.
AND THEN THEY MADE ME ROOT FOR A REPUBLICAN. again, i doubt you’ve gotten to s7, but the republican nominee in the last election... jesus christ. i love that man so much. arguably, i’m very biased, but also how D A R E they expect me to root against him. how DARE.
(i swear this will make more sense once you meet him. i just love the actor a lot, okay?)
anyways. this got ridiculously long. i would LOVE to talk about the west wing with you, feel free to reblog this with your own thoughts or tag me in your own post or message me or something. i would love to hear your reactions!! it’s such a good show, and such a smart show, and every character is so mcfreaking good at what they do and i adore it. enjoy the ride because there’s nothing as perfect and as quality as the west wing. if you’ll please excuse me, i’m going to go cry about 7x21 again.
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nightsung-a · 4 years
each name is a link,  liking this post will lead to nothing,  though you’re welcome to as a bookmark or whatever.  i’m not your mom.
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elizabeth comstock,  bioshock. jacqueline carlyle,  the bold type. jane sloan,  the bold type. leslie burke,  bridge to terabithia. beth latimer,  broadchurch. daisy hardy,  broadchurch. ellie miller,  broadchurch. gina linetti,  brooklyn nine-nine. rosa diaz,  brooklyn nine-nine. prince charming,  cinderella. fairy godmother,  cinderella. ashley seaver,  criminal minds. beth clemmons,  criminal minds. jennifer jareau,  criminal minds. logan huntzberger,  gilmore girls. lorelai gilmore,  gilmore girls. paris geller,  gilmore girls. rory gilmore,  gilmore girls. freya,  god of war. addison montgomery,  grey’s anatomy / private practice. amelia shepherd,  grey’s anatomy / private practice. april kepner,  grey’s anatomy. arizona robbins,  grey’s anatomy. charlotte king,  grey’s anatomy / private practice. cristina yang,  grey’s anatomy. meredith grey,  grey’s anatomy. teddy altman,  grey’s anatomy. sophie cromwell,  halloweentown. alice longbottom,  harry potter. hannah abbott,  harry potter. katie bell,  harry potter. nymphadora tonks,  harry potter. dani clayton,  the haunting of bly manor. flora wingrave,  the haunting of bly manor. hannah grose,  the haunting of bly manor. jamie,  the haunting of bly manor. rebecca jessel,  the haunting of bly manor. viola willoughby lloyd,  the haunting of bly manor. eleanor crain,  the haunting of hill house. theodora crain,  the haunting of hill house. elizabeth vaughan,  if/then. abby anderson,  the last of us. tess,  the last of us. beth march,  little women. meg march,  little women. eve baird,  the librarians. aragorn,  the lord of the rings. arwen undomiel,  the lord of the rings. frodo baggins,  the lord of the rings. peregrin took,  the lord of the rings. samwise gamgee,  the lord of the rings. cassie lang,  marvel. happy hogan,  marvel. jemma simmons,  marvel. jessica jones,  marvel. karolina dean,  marvel. mary jane watson,  marvel. michelle jones,  marvel. peggy carter,  marvel. pepper potts,  marvel. sharon carter,  marvel. steve rogers,  marvel. valkyrie,  marvel. miranda lawson,  mass effect. sara ryder,  mass effect. helen sharpe,  new amsterdam. lauren bloom,  new amsterdam. jessica day,  new girl. schmidt,  new girl. noelle kringle,  noelle. the oa,  the oa. alison hendrix,  orphan black. beth childs,  orphan black. cosima niehaus,  orphan black. gracie johanssen,  orphan black. helena,  orphan black. kira manning,  orphan black. rachel duncan,  orphan black. sarah manning,  orphan black. siobhan sadler,  orphan black. ben wyatt,  parks and recreation. annabeth chase,  pjo. jason grace,  pjo. sally jackson,  pjo. thalia grace,  pjo. amelia milton,  prodigal son. ainsley whitly,  prodigal son. christian milton iv,  prodigal son. jessica whitly,  prodigal son. jt tarmel,  prodigal son. carlton lassiter,  psych. juliet o’hara,  psych. karen vick,  psych. shawn spencer,  psych. pierre despereaux,  psych. mellie grant,  scandal. alexis rose,  schitt’s creek. david rose,  schitt’s creek. moira rose,  schitt’s creek. stevie budd,  schitt’s creek. amalia balash,  she loves me. ivy lynn,  smash. airiam,  star trek: discovery. amanda grayson,  star trek. freya moss,  star trek. jett reno,  star trek:  discovery. katrina cornwell,  star trek: discovery. keyla detmer,  star trek: discovery. po,  star trek: discovery. michael burnham,  star trek: discovery. paul stamets,  star trek: discovery. saru,  star trek: discovery. sylvia tilly,  star trek: discovery. number one,  star trek. beverly crusher,  star trek: the next generation. deanna troi,  star trek. william t. riker,  star trek. jadzia dax,  star trek: deep space nine. kira nerys,  star trek: deep space nine. b’elanna torres,  star trek: voyager. kathryn janeway,  star trek. seven of nine,  star trek. beckett mariner,  star trek: lower decks. d’vana tendi,  star trek: lower decks. kestra troi-riker,  star trek: picard. soji asha,  star trek: picard. dex parios,  stumptown. jack pearson,  this is us. kevin pearson,  this is us. lucy preston,  timeless. jessica riley,  until dawn. mike munroe,  until dawn. samantha giddings,  until dawn. charlotte hale,  westworld. dolores abernathy,  westworld. elsie hughes,  westworld. emily grace,  westworld. abbey bartlet,  the west wing. cj cregg,  the west wing. ellie bartlet,  the west wing. jed bartlet,  the west wing. toby ziegler,  the west wing. zoey bartlet,  the west wing. joan bennett,  zoey’s extraordinary playlist. maggie clarke,  zoey’s extraordinary playlist.
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etraytin · 4 years
Directors cut for “Ourselves and Immortality” (I sobbed, btw, the whole way through it. SOBBED. Especially when Donna has to ID people. But I loved it.)
Ourselves and Immortality is by far the most depressing fic I have ever written, but thinking about it makes me happy because I FINALLY got it finished, woo-hoo! It started out as a one-shot (just like Such A Winter’s Day, in fact), at the beginning of my 100-Day-Fic-A-Day back in 2016. I was in a very creative mood back then and taking pretty much any prompt anybody threw at me. My husband, who is only a very casual TWW fan but gives good prompts, tossed me “Roger Tribbey’s first hour as President.” 
“Wow,” I mused, “Everybody’s going to hate that.” 
But the idea was too tantalizing to pass up; it was so completely unlike anything I had written so far. Even just doing the one-shot involved a fair amount of research, figuring out where Secretary of Agriculture falls in the order of succession and such. Turns out, basically everybody else has to die in order for Roger to land in the hot seat. And if President Bartlet, Vice President Hoynes, and the Cabinet were going down, it seemed obvious that most of the staff would be gone as well. This fic prompt came along just as Designated Survivor was getting started, so I didn't want to go the "terrorists blow up the State of the Union" route, because that felt too done. Unfortunately (or fortunately for real life) there's really not that many ways to take out the government that don't also take out Washington DC and that don't involve targeted building destruction. 
(This got kind of long and involved, so I’m tucking it behind a cut.)
I wound up reaching back into my sci-fi reading childhood, to an original series Star Trek novel called The Pandora Principle. In that novel, the crew discovers an alien artifact and takes it to Starfleet Headquarters for research, only for the artifact, secretly a weapon, to shatter when it is scanned and release a bioagent that eradicates all the oxygen in the air like a self-replicating virus. Everyone in the building dies except for Captain Kirk, who for shenanigan-related reasons is in a self-sealing bunker under the building, and the rest of the novel is devoted to trying to nullify the agent before it manages to escape the hermetically sealed building. It's a great book, evocative and claustrophobic, and I definitely recommend it, but for the purposes of what I thought was a quickie one-shot, I stole the idea of a weapon that could asphyxiate everyone in a building nearly faster than they could realize they were doomed. As the story developed I had to cobble together a little modern-Earth science to flesh it out, but I hoped that the story would hold without much in the way of explanation of how everything had happened. 
One thing that helped was that OaI was not, at its heart, an action adventure story. It was barely a mystery, really. Our main characters were not the ones charged with solving the mystery or catching the bad guy. For the most part, they were not even in direct danger (except for Syl's brief action turn at the end). We spent one chapter with Mike Casper as he investigated and one chapter with the bad guy to get some important creepy exposition, but by far the character we spend the most time with is Roger. It's not Roger's job to know what the Asphyxiant is made of or its exact biological effect, and it's not Roger's job to hunt the bad guys down like dogs in the street. Like pretty much every West Wing story, it's Roger's job to keep the country running, and it's the job of the people around him to help him. The story had to be about what was happening in The White House, with the action-adventure plot clicking along offscreen and occasionally cropping up in a phone call or Sit Room briefing. I had to avoid a lot of temptation, but in a way it made the job easier. West Wing stories are stories about relationships. 
Writing the canon characters was very hard, especially in the beginning. The thing that never caught for me about Designated Survivor was how quickly the survivors moved on after the disaster. Their friends and colleagues were murdered, and there was little indication that anybody even cared. But Margaret, Carol, Mrs. Landingham, Danny and especially Donna, these people were gutted. Every single one of them was utterly devastated, but from Roger's perspective it was hard to see because all of them are so good at their jobs and so dedicated, they'd keep carrying on as best they could until they collapsed. I decided pretty early on that I would start spreading the point of view around so we could see what the characters were going through in their own voices, but that only Roger would get more than one chapter. (I did break this rule right at the end; Donna gets the first and last non-Roger chapters in the story.) Roger's narrative ties the story together but being the President requires one to stay largely in one place while being told things, so spreading out the POV also gave the story a little more momentum.
Donna's first chapter was probably the hardest part of the story to write, both because I am a hardcore J/D shipper and I'd just shut the pairing down in the cruelest of ways, and also because it was through her eyes that I had to bring the scope of the horror home without fully traumatizing the readers. My first draft of the chapter included considerably more time in the refrigerated warehouse with the FBI team, and a lot more detail about the last minutes of the lives of the senior staffers. I ended up going through and cutting a lot of it out, leaving the audience to understand how terrible it was by the way it affected Donna, rather than by my descriptions of it. And yes, it is one of several chapters I cried while writing. There's a reason (several reasons, but my own feels especially) that I had to let Zoey and Charlie live!  And yes, Margaret was speaking for me when she admitted to temporarily forgetting about Annie and Gus, but we got around to them eventually. 
OaI wound up containing most of the material I wrote for it, but it has one deleted scene and one crackadelic alternate ending. The deleted scene occurs shortly before the state funeral and is from Bonnie's perspective; she and Ginger are trying to pack up Sam and Toby's offices to allow the new senior staffers to move in. I got it half-written, then thought I lost it in a computer-related accident. It was so damn sad to write the first time, and it was all character work and only smidgens of plot, and I was really mad about losing the work, so I decided to skip over it and go straight on to the next thing, which I believe may have been Zoey's chapter. It turned out that I did recover most of what I'd written for the chapter, but by the time I found it, the plot had moved on. I tried to make it up to Bonnie by giving her a nice little character bit and a job promotion at the end of the story. 
The crackadelic ending is sort of a long story. Most of the reason that OaI got finished despite all my life changes and busy years and general creative slump is that my parents both fell in love with it. You may ask, "Doesn't having your parents reading your fanfiction make things awkward sometimes?" and in answer I will point you to the number of real sex scenes in my published fanworks, which is zero. And then I will nod enthusiastically. But my dad, especially, loved this story and decided that he ought to be in it. And that he ought to be the Chief Justice. My dad is a retired judge, so he felt this should not be too much of a stretch for him, career-wise. I tried to explain the concept of self-insert to him, but then caved and created a thinly-veiled expy of him to be Chief Justice, then gave him a little ceremony in-story and a few extra mentions here and there. I gave him that chapter as a Christmas present, and he was happy! For awhile. Then he decided that he ought to be the President. I tried to explain to him that this is not how governmenting works, which he of course already knew, but he was firm. His Chief Justice character was great, and he ought to be President. He is nothing if not persistent, and also nothing if not hard to buy gifts for, so for Christmas the next year, I presented him with Chapter 28: The Surprise Noncanonical Epilogue, which has never before been published to the internet. It is very silly. 
This has gotten very long and I still need to write today's Quarantine Journal, so I guess I'll wrap it up there. If you have any specific questions about the story or any other stories, feel free to toss them my way! 
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storyofwhoiam · 2 years
𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞.
name : amy cameron residence : scotland / australia / usa (various locations - verse dependent) number of blankets : also verse dependent because it at least somewhat depends on where she is/the climate/etc. generally at least 2 so that she has choices to switch or double-up number of pillows : 2 type of clothing : generally either nothing, boxers, or boxers and a t-shirt do they sleep with company? : yes - she’s quite content sharing a bed with friends/people she’s not having sex with if the situation arises do they sleep better with company? : depends how restlessly her company sleeps does it matter where they sleep : amy does like her creature comforts and whilst she can nap most places, she does like having a decent bed what do they do if they cannot fall asleep : scroll on her phone, chat to friends back in scotland (making full advantage of time difference), work, have a drink frequent dreams, nightmares? : nightmares aren’t frequent but when she does have them (the anniversary of her partner’s death can be a driver), they can really shake her deep slumber or naps? : more often somewhere in between, longer spells of lighter sleeping what could wake them up? : she can wake relatively easily and it is very dependent on her state of mind how easily she’ll fall back asleep
name : caita lucas residence : italy / usa / south africa / uk number of blankets : generally just one, but she does not like the cold and will pile more on if it’s cooler number of pillows : at home 4 - two on each side - plus throw pillows type of clothing : proper pyjamas - button-up top and matching bottoms do they sleep with company? : yes but does not appreciate tossing/turning or company that takes up lots of room do they sleep better with company? : depends on the company - catia’s perfectly happy to sleep alone though does it matter where they sleep : to get sleep, no - to get good sleep, yes what do they do if they cannot fall asleep : read or exercise, depending on why she can’t sleep frequent dreams, nightmares? : no, once she’s asleep she tends to sleep soundly deep slumber or naps? : deep what could wake them up? : not a lot - being too hot or cold
name : donna moss residence : washington, d.c. number of blankets : a couple of thin ones number of pillows : 2 - any more would get knocked out of bed type of clothing : underwear and very oversized t-shirt do they sleep with company? : not all that commonly purely because work means that she doesn’t exactly have a lot of time for dating do they sleep better with company? : it makes very little difference either way, except if she’s getting distracted by the attractiveness of her company does it matter where they sleep : not at all what do they do if they cannot fall asleep : it’s rare - stare at the ceiling frequent dreams, nightmares? : she’s more likely to have bizarre dreams than nightmares, though they become more common after she was caught in an IED in Gaza deep slumber or naps? : both - due to her work she usually gets short periods of deep sleep but can nap at the drop of a hat what could wake them up? : donna’s not a super light sleeper but is very much used to having to get up and be functional quickly
name : zoey bartlet residence : manchester, new hampshire (childhood) / washington, d.c. number of blankets : it doesn’t matter a huge amount. If zoey’s going to be able to sleep she will regardless number of pillows : 2 type of clothing : t-shirt and pyjama pants do they sleep with company? : she won’t usually sleep with another - in either respect - until they’ve been dating for a little while do they sleep better with company? : yes does it matter where they sleep : it’s rare that she’d try to sleep anywhere other than her own bed in her place / her parents house / the white house what do they do if they cannot fall asleep : if she’s somewhere where she can, sit curled up with a blanket and hot chocolate / herbal tea frequent dreams, nightmares? : yes - even before any of the many moments of trauma in zoey’s life affecting her directly (shootings, kidnapping), she has plenty of worry about her family etc. that causes all kinds of nightmares deep slumber or naps? : zoey can sleep well (when not impacted by bad dreams) but her schedule often means she doesn’t get as much sleep as she probably should and naps aren’t unheard of on quieter days what could wake them up? : it very much depends on the quality of sleep she’s getting / what stress she’s under
tagged by: @shcftingpieces (who should also do tommy) tagging: @shareourtruth @paedsmd @aftermathed @emcrse @katesgotabow
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The West Wing Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Zoey Bartlet/Charlie Young, Jed Bartlet & Charlie Young Characters: Zoey Bartlet, Charlie Young, Jed Bartlet Additional Tags: Family, Alternate Universe, drunk Series: Part 2 of West Wing One-Shots Summary:
Charlie has to get Zoey back home in one piece. Hopefully they don't get caught by her parents.
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bepoets · 4 years
Please make an appreciation post for an underrated TWW character
Okay I couldn’t decide if I should do Ellie Bartlet or Kate Harper but I decided to just talk about Ellie because you haven’t reached any Kate episodes yet
Most Underrated Character on The West Wing: ELEANOR “ELLIE” BARTLET. My favorite daughter of President Bartlet’s and honestly I think she’s got some of the most emotional and wonderful scenes. I adore her.
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The Middle daughter of a family where her mother is a star thoracic surgeon and her father who was in congress and then governor and now president and her ancestors basically founded New Hampshire and her older sister is married with kids and could step into the political limelight with ease and her younger sister grew up with the press and the cameras and will talk to anyone and everyone. And then there’s Ellie, reserved and introverted and shy and threw herself into her medical school and her work and hid away from the campaigns and the press because she’s scared she’s frightened and the pressure of everything is so much. Ellie who has this awful strained relationship with her father because they’ve just never really understood each other. Ellie who thinks she’s doing what’s right for science and medicine and for her dad and then she gets yelled at because somehow it’s not and Ellie who’s always been closer with Abbey. Ellie who gets nosebleeds standing up for a book report who couldnt and wouldnt dream of standing in front of the press pool to say anything ever. But Ellie who does it anyway because her mother inspires her and she knows she has to support her field and her research and it deserves to be heard. Ellie who loves her family so much and understands how weird their life is that she basically doesn’t get to plan her wedding at all and that’s fine she’s just really love it if her dad would walk her down the aisle if he could just...be there on time. Ellie who was there for her father, the father who she more often than not sits in unbearable awkward silence with, she was there for him when everyone else really just...wasn’t. Ellie who makes me cry pretty much every single time she’s on screen. I just love that she is very much the black sheep of this family and she obviously feels like she doesn’t quite fit but she still loves them all so much and the staff she’s very obviously close with CJ and I jusg love that. I feel like we could’ve gotten longer story arcs with Ellie also? Zoey gets a lot and when they’re there they’re lengthy, spanning a couple episodes more often than not. Ellie’s are usually like 1 episode long and she doesn’t have that many. Yeah she’s got more than Liz but like Ellie’s just a cooler character in general so. ALSO I simply cannot keep this in any longer...Ellie Bartlet should’ve been gay. I cant explain it but her character just gives off a Vibe or Not Straight and I would have sold my soul for her to be gay okay maybe I’m projecting but whatever I feel like there was perfect setup for it multiple times and then we got Vick the Fruit Fly guy she gets married to like what why why do that to her let her meet a nice pretty girl I’d even live with the drama filled annoying arc of the president and his gay daughter gasp the scandal bit they inevitably would’ve went with in the late 90s early 00s so long as Ellie Bartlet was gay. It’s what we deserved and I’ll die on that hill.
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