#….les talisman
Pour faire revenir son ex, certaines personnes croient en l’utilisation de rituels d’amour, tels que la magie blanche. Cependant, il est important de souligner que la pratique de tels rituels devrait être effectuée avec prudence, respect et responsabilité envers les autres personnes impliquées. Il est toujours recommandé de prendre du recul et d’explorer des solutions possibles par le biais de…
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poplin-kitty · 10 months
Aqui su funeraria de galletas de confianza
Here is your trusted biscuit funeral home
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Le hice un talisman/taliamigo al collector yey :D
Es un zorro de dos colas ya que pues si creatura mitica para el ser ancestral (directamente inspirado en el zorro del principito)
Se llama Duvalin, su cambio radical al hacerce taliamigo de colle fue por este mismo (tengo un headcanon de que si un coleccionista tiene un palisman estos cambian de estetica radicalmente, como lo que paso con el talliamigo de luz que es un cambiaformas pero no tan asi, nose es complicado de explicar)
Si quieren luego lo explico más detallado
I made a talisman to the collector yey :D
It is a two-tailed fox since it is a mythical creature for the ancestral being (directly inspired by the fox from the little prince)
His name is Duvalin, his radical change when he became a friend of Colle was due to him (I have a headcanon that if a collector has a palisman they radically change their aesthetics, like what happened with the talamigo of luz who is a shapeshifter but not quite like that, it's not difficult to explain)
If you want, I'll explain it in more detail later.
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philoursmars · 2 years
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Retour à mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 53880 photos (nouveau compte approximatif !)
- Courtrai,. Un moulin dans les Flandres.
- les 3 suivantes : Bousbecque avec mon frère, pour le mariage d’une petite-cousine
- les 2 dernières : Douai et les premières répètes de l’Atelier du Tigre pour “Le Talisman”
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marabout-serieux · 3 months
Rituel pour trouver un bon travail
Vous êtes dans une impasse professionnelle ? Une cérémonie de magie blanche est peut-être la réponse à tous vos maux. Invoquant des forces supérieures, le rituel pour trouver du travail est adapté aux débutants de la magie . Cet acte de sorcellerie blanche est sans risque et facile à réaliser . DescriptionTrouver du travail grâce à un rituel de magie blanche facile et efficaceVous avez des…
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puissantmaraboutvihou · 9 months
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snailspng · 4 months
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Witchy PNGs, part 1.
(1. Toad teapot by Andy Titcomb, 2. Bat brooch by Meyle & Mayer, 3. Scene costume, 4. Tarot Egyptien, 5. Skull plant pot, 6. Mexican burrowing toad, 7. Pewter talisman art piece by Dave Caplan, 8. Morrisonite, 9. "Le Manoir des chats ailés" by Laura von Stetina)
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maraboutbadou · 1 year
COMMENT ATTIRER LA CHANCE ET SE DÉBARRASSER DE LA MALCHANCE L’Être humain conçu comme un tout, fabrique, par le libre emploi que fait sa volonté, des éléments qui lui sont confiés, de la chance ou de la malchance pour son évolution future. C’est le libre arbitre qui règle lui-même la destinée.La malchance persistante est à même de gâcher totalement une vie, d’en faire un chaos informe et…
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firebirdsdaughter · 2 years
I’m just…
… IGN: The trailer hints at a strange direction the series, the AC logo is shown made out of twigs and hanging from a tree like a talisman!
Me: It… It’s called ‘Hexe.’ Y’all… Y’all know what ‘hex’ is right? Right???
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mediumhounkpe · 2 years
Bagues ou talismans magique pour attirer la clientèle vers son commerce.
Bagues ou talismans magique pour attirer la clientèle vers son commerce.
Bagues ou talismans magique pour attirer la clientèle vers son commerce. La force des bague est tellement puissant que si on devait tout expliqué chacun pourras jugé un homme juste en regardant ces mains oui les bague sont tout oui il symbolise la puissance la force. C’est pour cela que je vais vous faire la présentation d’une bague qui peut vous aider. Cette bague est mystiquement chargé ce…
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arcane-offerings · 8 months
Talisman against storms, lightning, hail and floods (Saturday under Saturn). Vol. II. Les Clavicules de R. Salomon, late 18th century, MS 4670, Wellcome Library, London.
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annaofaza · 8 months
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This reminds me of this scene from TriStamp, where Legato's telling Wolfwood that in order to become the perfect tool for Knives and the Eye of Michael:
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Wolfwood doesn't need love and connections; those need to die to be the best soldier. Chapel's espoused it, too. It's a fairly common theme for others (mostly elders but that's another meta) to call heroes to not be tethered to earthly attachments. (We see it in Avatar, for instance, and Star Wars... And look how well that ended up for the Jedi and Anakin.)
Evangelicals especially believe that perfect faith means living to go to heaven. To be a true believer means to commit yourself wholly to worship. You're not an individual. I think of Jane Grey's last letter to her sister, Katherine, before she was beheaded after refusing Queen Mary's offer to convert to Catholicism to save her life:
"[This Bible that she sent Katherine] will teach you to live and learn you to die ... Now as touching on my death, rejoice as I do, my dearest sister, that I shall for losing of a mortal life, win one that is immortal, joyful, and everlasting..."
Legato believes himself the perfect soldier for Knives, to whom he's devoted his life. And we all know how pretty obsessed and rabid he is to the mission. (You didn't need to invent the killing game, buddy.)
But emotions and connections are what makes us human! Legato and Chapel's philosophies are what Vash rejects! That's what his friends, both alive and deceased, have come to believe, who are arguably richer for having those things in their lives.
And Legato himself isn't immune to petty, earthly desires:
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See also: Legato sobbing as he sees nearly-dead Knives post-July:
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What does Legato get for his tears, his (pretty much) life-long devotion? Disgust, Knives telling him that it's "annoying," and to basically shut up. SPOILER: And ultimately, his own death.
What does Wolfwood get?
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Still death—but genuine peace, knowing he's loved by his old home and his friend. Who buries him, who mourns him, who (figuratively—in '98, this is quite literal) carries him as a talisman to the end. I'd argue that Wolfwood is more fulfilled by his relationship with one of two so-called angels—in all his doubt, fear, anger, and cutting arguments.
And afterwards? SPOILER: Knives doesn't get a mourning panel for Legato or even a simple complaint of "you killed my best servant." Wolfwood is beloved. Wolfwood is remembered by Vash, by Livio, by the people of No Man's Land (so says "Les Enfants"). Wolfwood is the one who's immortal.
I mean, at the end of the day, you can argue: Who cares? Both of them are dead. That's fair enough. But I think Nightow is conveying much, much more than that.
Side note: In terms of full individual sacrifice, the Bible says different things. (What else is new?) Via Jesus: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” and also “Go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’” So fuck if I know.
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philoursmars · 2 years
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Retour à mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 53880 photos (nouveau compte approximatif !)
2013. Douai. l’Atelier du Tigre juste après “Le Talisman” : on embarque les poules empaillées et Laurent montre sa moustache au public. Puis on va au café pour un dernier pot ensemble.
Quelques temps plus tard, chez Thérèse où tout le monde reçoit un petit cadeau. Jean-Yves a fait une confiture rouquine spéciale “Le Talisman” et on a même un gâteau à l’effigie de la pièce !
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from-derry · 4 months
Il est 18h, vous entendez l’appel au centre bourg du shérif, diffusé sur les hauts parleurs, la sonnerie qui a dû servir d’alerte incendie il y a peut-être des décennies vous appelle à tous rentrer chez-vous.
C’est le deuxième et dernier rappel que la nuit va tomber, les adjoints et le shérif sont passés auparavant dans les rues en interpellant les gens qu’il était l’heure de ranger et se préparer pour la nuit. Vous accélérez le pas, vous n’êtes pas sûr d’atteindre la maison à temps – à trop vous presser, vous sentez que de votre sac tombe votre gourde (vous notez que c’est devant le diner, mais ne vous retournez pas pour la ramasser, elle sera là – peut-être – demain).
Vous n’auriez pas dû vous arrêter pour boire un dernier café avec Paul et Emily, et vous sentez votre cœur battre plus fort, autant par le rythme imposé que par le bonheur de voir qu’on vous attend à la porte.
Elle se referme derrière-vous et tout le monde se prépare pour la nuit, la mécanique est rodée, qui va cacher les fenêtres, qui s’assure que toutes les ouvertures sont fermées, qui vérifie que les talismans sont bien à leurs places.
« Chérie, tu ne vas pas me laisser dehors, c’est moi. »
Tous les regards se sont détournés de la fenêtre.
Bienvenue à Derry, petite ville d’une centaine d’âmes – au dernier recensement. Il y fait bon vivre, selon certains, la nourriture y est bonne, fraiche, les gens s’entraident, tout le monde est accueillant - tant qu’on peut vous voir à la lumière du jour. De toute façon, on ne quitte pas Derry – il n’y a aucune barrière, ne vous inquiétez pas. Il n’y a juste pas de sortie.
Vous pouvez suivre l'avancement du projet juste ici ou nous suivre directement pour ne rien rater ! ❤
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toffavoyance · 1 year
Retour affectif
Quelques soit la durée dont votre amour ou l’homme/ de votre vie vous a quitté il reviendra à coup sûr dans un laps de temps . Quelques soit la personne concernée il ou elle s’inclinera sous votre charme et vous aurez le parfait contrôle sur lui ou elle. Travail rapide, sérieux et garanti. Des résultats en prompte là où tous les autres ont échoués ! Retour affectif puissant et très efficace .
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contenteditor · 2 months
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'Les Nouveaux Talismans', photographed by Théo de Gueltzl for M Le Magazine du Monde, September 2019.
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pilferingapples · 10 months
(only answer this if you're in the mood for it of course) If you had to choose one colour and one single object for each of the five books in Les Miserables, which ones would you choose and (optionally) why?
oooh what a fun complicated question, I love this question! SHOCKINGLY I got long-winded about symbolism in the Long Winded Symbolism Book:
Tome 1: Fantine Color: Gold/ yellow gold for Fantine's hair, and also as a color strongly tied to wealth; no other volume is going to focus quite as much on finances as this chapter, from the Bishop and the wealth he rejects, to Valjean and his rising economic status, to Fantine and the commodification of her life to gain a few gold coins here and there. Object: a cart-wheel. I thought about the candle-sticks, and jet beads, and ships, and even teeth,but it's gotta be a cart-wheel. The wheels that carry the passengers and drivers of society but have no energy of their own; the wheels that crush anyone who falls underneath them, that take enormous force and energy and even demand the risking of life to move, break and splinter when needed to right injustice, and block all progress when stilled. The cart-wheels that stop when the horse dies, block off all hope of success at the Waterloo Inn, crush Fauchevelent and almost stop Valjean from saving his own soul. Frigging cart wheels.
Tome 2: Cosette Color: Black the color of a night in the dark forest, the inside of a grave or sunken road, Paris in the silence of a dark chase, a nun's habit. The color of despair, sure, the color of imprisonment, yes, but also the color of concealment, meditation, the unknown, peace. Object: I also considered: a water-bucket, a broken chain (for Cosette and Valjean both in this Book!), and Catherine the doll-- but it has to be a coffin. I'd say a tomb, but a coffin is more visually iconic and , of course, more immediately relevant to JVJ . LM is full of tomb and coffin imagery, but this is THE Tome of Tombs and coffins -- the impromptu tombs of the sunken road of Ohain, the chosen symbolic tomb of the convent itself (the nuns have to symbolically die and be reborn to fully enter!), the literal and ironically lifesaving coffin that Valjean is buried in. Tome 3: Marius MAN THIS ONE WAS SO HARD
Color: Green I REALLY AGONIZED ON THIS , it was Green or Blue though ; but the only real strong Blue imagery here is it being part of Marius' vision of Cosette
Green though! the color of growing things and spring and little seedlings just starting to grow, and flowers and Flora, and of Marius' secondhand coat , which looks black at night. New beginnings hidden in mourning , despite the losses of the past; flowers and growing things as signs of loss and loss as a beginning! It's what this Tome is all about, growth from grief and loss, and the grief and loss that comes from growth. Object: a piece of paper, folded into a letter. We won't get Marius' Epic Love Note until next Tome, but letters have enough of a starring role here as is! The letters Gillenormand burns to keep Marius apart from his father; the letter that doesn't burn that sends Marius to his father's deathbed; the note from his father that becomes his talisman (until lost); the letters that Thenardier sends to beg (and extort?) money, that connect Marius to Eponine and then Cosette again; letters as proof of status, proof that " we weren't meant to be like this--" ; letters as proof of identity, as love, as warnings, as traps. Letters as connection across time and generations and class and death. Tome IV: The Idyll and the Epic Color: Red Object: The Barricade look maybe both these options are stereotypical here but they are also correct. There's a whole song and years of Tumblr jokes about everything Red symbolizes and it's all in play here. It's desire and dawn and wine and warmth and death and revolution and warning and blood and fire and flowers and love. Especially love.
And the barricade is not just the single biggest Symbolic Object in the novel, it's especially the symbol of everything together, every loaded Symbolic Object in the whole book, wagon wheels and windows and doors and letters and stones and carts and yeah, probably coffins, the way this part of the novel is everyone's storylines coming together. A heap of joy and a heap of sorrows, all coming together to fight desperately for something better. Sometimes things are iconic for a reason.
Tome V: Jean Valjean Color: White White for dawn that's not the hour of waking; for Cosette's wedding gown; for a bottle of ink; for untouched marble and stone after the writing is washed away. Object : THE CANDLESTICKS I almost went with these for Tome I but no!! they belong here! in Valjean's Book! HIS symbols, that he finally gets to pass on , and oh geez if I get going on that I will NEVER post this, but you get it anyway right? you get it. It's gotta be the candlesticks, here at the end.
Thank you ! this was very fun to think about!!
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