#—— ▊[ 🩷 ]▓▒░ >>>[ FEEDBACK. /INBOX. ]
thisismeracing · 8 months
*sees meeting corinna and gina on the masterlist for king of my heart*
(in all seriousness i love this series and i dont want it to and any time soon and take all the time in the world to write and release anything associated with it)
(hamilton!reader interacting with mick’s family is so fucking good and i need more of it in my life)
hihihi I actually started to reeeally work on this extra two days ago, it’s coming soon!!! 🩷🩷🥳
I am so so happy you like it, nonnyyyy! Komh was the first thing I published so it holds a special place in my heart.
(Feel free to send scenarios/extra suggestions if you have any! *mwah*)
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joocomics · 4 months
i’m still stuck in what seungmin would say . i cannot move on whatsoever and this is YOUR fault dinna what have you done 😞
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i’m not sorry
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pinkrvst · 3 months
😶 [FACE WITHOUT MOUTH] — careful, 💛 [YELLOW HEART] — considerate, 🧁 [CUPCAKE] — sweet
how would your muse describe mine? (positive associations)
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[ 🩷 ] >>> ❝OH---❞
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(still she's... thinking about these for him, too.)
☺️ [SMILING FACE] — friendly 🎶 [MUSICAL NOTES] — upbeat 📖 [OPEN BOOK] — open
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deanscherrypie69 · 3 months
Tell Me You Love Me D.W.🌧️
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Dean Winchester X!GirlfriendFemaleReader
Warnings: 18+ is advised! language(maybe like twice?) angst sm angst- sad Dean and Sad Reader. I’ve been trying not to use Y/n in many of my fics but.. lmk if you like this way better!! Pls don’t post my stories anywhere except tumblr 🩷
Feedback is always appreciated!! Don’t forget to comment and reblog!! My inbox is open (Not for requests tho!)
“Just say it Dean, for me?"
You watch as Dean knocks back another shot. "Can't-" He says twirling the small glass between his finger.
You’d been poking him for hours, you knew he felt the same way… right?
You groan hoping off the bar stool. "I need some air." You mumble grabbing your jacket off the chair. Dean feels the cold air hit his back. He looks over his shoulder and watches you disappear outside.
He had known what you had wanted him to say it But he couldn't. He couldn't bring himself to do it. Part of him was sacred. Scared of loosing you.
🌧️🌧️🌧️ Once outside you tugged your jacket closer to your body, it had been a windy day in Kansas. It was about to be fall, your favorite season.
You watch as the leaves begin to fall from the trees.
The bar wasn't to packed tonight. There had been a few cars in the lot including Dean’s
You press your body against the brick of the budling. A stray tear falls down your cheek. It had been threating to come out. You had been with Dean for about two years now.
You have loved him, a lot. And he knew that, you even told him.
"I love you Dean."
The words you had told him after a bad hunt. You remembred him looking at you, he didn't say anything. And that hurt you the most. So ever since then. You'd been begging him to say it. But he wouldn't.
Why were you two even togther then? You thought.
Leaning off the brick wall you storm back into the bar.
Dean was still where you left him, instead of shots he had switched to a beer.
"Why are we even togther?" You breathing was ragged as you stood behind him. His body face the bar.
Dean spins around in his chair. "What.” He says with a confused tone.
"Why. Are. We. Togther." You repeat. Your voice was laced with anger. A few people had turned around in your direction.
Dean reaches into his pocket. Hr throws a few twenty dollar bills on the counter for whatever he was drinking, and for the half of beer you'd had earlier.
"Come on." Dean says reaching for your arm, but you quickly pull away. He knew he was in deep shit. Never once have you not wanted him to touch you.
Dean opens the door to outside, letting you step out first. The cold air hits his face, oh how he hated this type of weather.
Once outside you spin to look at him. “What are we doing Dean!” You shout throwing your arms up in the air.
Dean huffs and reaches into his jacket pocket, pulling out his keys.
“Get in the car it’s cold out.”
You roll your eyes and follow his orders. Walking to the passenger side door you open it. And slide inside.
Dean follows suit. He closes the car door behind him.
“What are we.” You say turning to face your boyfriend.
The green eyed man turns to look at you.
“You’re my girlfriend.” He says with a smirk. You can smell the alcohol on his breath.
You shake your head and begin to fiddle with the sleeves of your jacket.
“Doesn’t feel like it.”
Dean adjusts in his spot.
“Dean-“ You shake your head. “You know I love you right?”
Dean nods at your words. “I know,” he says reaching over to put the keys in the car.
“Why won’t you say it-“
Dean puts the car in drive and begins to drive away. “Seatbelt.” He points.
You huff and ready over to put it on.
“You can’t avoid the question Dean.” You say with an attitude.
Sure he can, he always does. He thinks to himself.
Dean reaches over and turns on the radio. Something Def Leppard by plays softly.
Your anger has begun to boil back up. Why had he been avoiding the question. All you wanted him wanted him to do was tell you he loved you.
“Stop the car.” You say reaching to pull your seatbelt off.
Dean doesn’t listen he continues to drive.
“Stop the car!” You repeat.
Dean presses on the break. The car door flies open. You fling off your seatbelt then exit the car. "Dean!" You scream, looking up at the night sky. You felt a few rain drops on your face. "I can't keep doing this." Your voice cracked, with hurt.
You look over to see Dean leaning on his car with his arms crossed, "Why won't you tell me?" You say with a sniffle.
Dean 's eyes don't meet yours instead the meet the ground.
"Just say it Dean, please." You give the green-eyed man one last chance.
He lifts his head to look at you, "I can't-" he says his voice breaking.
You nod, slowly backing away from the man. You begin to walk down the darkened street.
"Where are you going!" Dean shouts.
Not responding you walk faster, the heels of your boots clicking on the road below you.
You gasp when you feel a hand on your arm. You freeze in your spot. You knew it was Dean, you could smell his cologne. You felt his breath on the back of your neck.
Dean spins you around to look at him. "Let me go Dean." You warn.
His eyes were soft. “You wanna know why I can't say it??
Dean huffs, “I’m scared Y/n I’m so fucking scared-“ he begins. You watch as Dean swallows hard. “I’m scared of loosing you-“ he says with a shaky breath. “Everything I love, eventually.. leaves me. Or- something worse. And I don’t want that happening you. I couldn’t live with myself if it did.”
Dean had a stray tear slip down his cheek, you reach your hand up to wipe it away.
Before you could reply, rain starts falling down on you both hard.
Your eyes never leaving Dean’s, “you’re not gonna loose me Dean, I’m not gonna let that happen.”
“How do you know?” Dean says.
Both of you were soaked with rain but you didn’t care.
“Because I love you, and I always know that you’ll be there to protect me, no matter what.” You say with a laugh. “You’re not gonna loose me Dean Winchester, cause I’m not going anywhere.”
Dean nods at your words, his tears were mixed with the rain. “I love you.” He says grabbing the back of your head, bringing your lips together.
Dean was the first to pull away. “I love you too.” You pull away from him and begin to dance in the rain.
“Dance with me!” You squeal jumping around.
Dean doesn’t leave you hanging for long he begins to swing you around and around.
He loved you. And you loved him. You couldn’t ask for anything more.🩷
Lmk if you’d liked to be added to my Dean tag list!!🩷🩷
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rascal-xo · 1 year
Living in the Shadows | CoD Series | One
Pairing - TF141 x Female Reader (Callsign Dagger)
Romantic Pairing: Simon Ghost Riley x Female Reader
Series Warnings: Violence, SMUT, Language, ANGST, Gore, Smoking
Chapter Summary: Amidst an ongoing conflict, you’ve been called in to work along side TF141 in Urzikstan…
A/N: Ahhh i’m so excited to start posting this series i’ve been working on! I hope you all enjoy :)) and if you have any suggestions for chapters or any feedback I would love to hear it in my inbox or in the comments! 🩷🩷
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You stand tall in a well-pressed uniform, surrounded by the crisp walls of the military briefing room. The air is tense with a mixture of urgency and anticipation, a silent prelude to the news that awaits.
As the door swings open, your commanding officer Colonel Briggs strides in. You snap to attention as his eyes sweep across the room before settling on you.
“At ease, Sergeant.” He takes his seat at the small conference table and so do you. He clears his throat, projecting his voice with a stern, yet composed tone. "I’m sure you’re aware, tensions have escalated in Urzikstan.”
“Yes sir.” You say, letting him continue.
“Extremist forces have risen, threatening not only the stability of the region but our security as well." He pulls up a display on the screen behind him. Standing up to manipulate the features that are projecting images of war-torn landscapes and armed militants.
"These are the current hotspots in Urzikstan," he says, pointing to various areas on the map. "Our intelligence indicates that, Al Qatala has taken back control of strategic positions, posing a grave threat to both local civilians and our interests in the region."
You lean forward, your gaze fixed on the screen, absorbing every detail. The gravity of the situation becomes more apparent with each passing moment.
"We've been in close coordination with our allies, including Captain Price's and the 141 Task Force, to devise a strategy for retaking control and neutralizing the key targets. Your combat expertise, Sergeant, has earned you a place on this mission."
A surge of pride and determination fills your chest. Being chosen for such a critical assignment is a testament to your skill and dedication.
“When do I ship out, Sir?” You ask, taking in the scene on the screen in front of you.
"Our forces are preparing for immediate deployment," Colonel Briggs declares. "You will join Captain Price's team on the ground in Urzikstan within the next 24 hours.
In the following hours, you meticulously gather your equipment, ensuring that every item is in its proper place.
The sun dips below the horizon, casting an amber glow on the tarmac where aircraft await, engines humming with anticipation.
As the transport aircraft touches down on the rugged terrain of Urzikstan, you feel the jolt reverberate through your body. The ramp lowers, and you step out onto foreign soil, the air thick with a mixture of anticipation and tension.
You tighten your grip on your weapon, adjusting the weight to find comfort in its familiarity. Taking a deep breath, you push forward, your eyes scanning the surroundings of the base.
You slow down when you see a soldier leaning against a humvee. “Sergeant Y/L/N!” He calls out, his accent aggressively scottish.
“You must be Soap.” You smile, reaching your right hand out to shake his. You recognize his face from the file dossiers given to you by the Colonel as apart of your mission brief.
“Right on. Laswell says they call you Dagger.” He replies, nodding with approval.
“She would be correct.” You know Colonel Briggs gave the whole rundown to Kate before choosing you for this mission. Hell, they probably already knew you inside and out.
“Well then Dagger, let’s get you situated so we can get this show on the road, yeah?” He says, swinging his rifle over his shoulder and leading the way.
Main CoD Taglist: @pukbadger @fiveshelmet @myguiltypleasures21 @madamemelaninn @emmaadlerrichtofen1 @swissy23 @thatchickwiththecamera
Series Taglist: @glitterypirateduck @swissy23 @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago @ner-dee @your-antares-universe
A/N: My CoD taglist form is linked in my masterlist which is pinned to my profile! If you want to be added to the Series Taglist LMK!
This was just chapter one which is why it’s not too long. I cant wait to post more and hear what y’all think :))
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clementinegreye · 2 months
clementinegreye's masterlist and navigation station:
you can make requests or simply come chat to me; here
💌 criminal minds:
🍋 aaron hotchner
the sweetest sin of all || 3.4k
the sweetest sin of all (part 2) || 2.6k
who'd have thought aaron hotchner was a man so consumed by longing (lightly inspiredin the midst of investigating a serial killer who chooses victims based on the seven deadly sins, aaron hotchner finds himself entangled in more than just the case (inspired by hozier's new song 'too sweet'):
more coming soon!
🌷spencer reid
safer dreams || 2.3k
it's not easy to keep someone safe in your nightmares, something Spencer knows all too well.
false god || 1.2k
it's never a good idea to reminisce about a relationship, especially one that ended with betrayal left you with a permanent scar
some stuff about me and my writing below the line:
about me: hi! my name’s soph, im 23 and an aquarius.
some quick fire facts about me; i’m a cat person, i have a chronic illness, get anxious a lot and my favourite show is criminal minds (in case you couldn’t tell), im trying to get back into reading this year, i have an abnormal amount of jellycats (yes the soft toys) and i love fruit (all fruit)! 🍋‍🟩🍓🍒🍊
i’ve been writing since i was 15 and i’ve been posting my work for a few years now, albeit under different blogs and i post some of my stories on Ao3, which i’ll link below.
writing/requests notes and guidelines:
i currently only write for criminal minds. i’m happy to write angst, fluff, hurt/comfort etc. just be specific in the ask what you’d like and i can try accommodate it!
i use she/her pronouns and therefore feel comfortable writing from that perspective (or gender neutral.m). i’m hesitant to write male!reader as i don’t want to inaccurately portray something i have no experience with.
as a guideline i definitely won’t write anything containing rape, incest or child abuse, non-consensual sex or anything including minors or those underage. i am also hesitant to write abusive situations.
i’ve never written smut but if the topic came up i guess i could give it a go. i would just have to be comfortable with the context and the setting. if you’re request it and i don’t write it, i’m probably not comfortable with it. 🌷☁️🐚
my requests are OPEN and right now and i’ll write for any criminal minds character (i’m most used to writing for spencer and hotch, but i’ll give anything a try) if you want to request something or even just come have a chat and get to know me better my inbox is always open!
i always appreciate feedback and comments, likes and reblog also! but if you just fancy reading something go ahead, there’s no pressure on this blog to interact, it’s always appreciated but i know how i sometimes interact with things on tumblr so i understand. 🌟
note: i do not support AI or using AI to write, i’ve been practicing writing for many years and i think it’s a shame to use it and it feels like it undervalues the hard work people put in to writing. while AI might be a useful tool for some things my writing does NOT include it and my writing is my own. (i do use grammarly to check my spelling because i can be a silly goose and miss things because i edit all my fics myself but that’s it). my works are only posted here on this blog and on Ao3, if you see them somewhere else please let me know. 🩷
you can also find my work here on Ao3:
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bethelighthalazia · 2 months
Good afternooneveningmorning everyone 🩷
I got some little things to tell y'all:
1. MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS, STAY AWAY FROM ME. My works are not all nsfw, but I do post such,so this blood is NOT minor friendly!!!
2. If you added yourself to my taglist, please go and look over it again, because I changed a little in the form. Make sure to tick all boxes you want to be tagged in for the fics 🩷
3. Please check out my request guidelines (link in the pinned post and my bio) and send in requests whenever you wish! I always appreciate when you guys drop into my inbox 🩷 (even without requesting smth, please drop in and give feedback or something 🩷)
4. I'm always very thankful for feedback on my fics, so I can improve my writing 🩷
Lovely greetings, kat <3
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tarotwitchy · 6 months
❕To those still waiting for their reading, rest assured they will be answered as long as they're in my inbox. I'm finishing up all the asks that are private in nature just so that I won't make an accidental mistake of publishing them publicly simply because I'm answering both private and public questions simultaneously.
❕Also, thank you very, very much for the people who sent me feedback! I see you, and I appreciate you as well. I won't be posting them online since majority of the people who sent me feedback are those who asked for a private reading. In respect to your privacy, I won't be responding to them. But please know that I love you all dearly, and I appreciate your kind words! 🩷🌸
Thank you once again for your patience!
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thisismeracing · 7 months
just read the mick x sick!reader !!!!
its so cute and has def made me feel a bit better! colds clearing up too, was up early for work (sigh) and was able to watch the race!
max is so hot like damm, charles my man, he needs a break, but that p2 was smoking hot of him. thanking everything that lando is okay, was pure shitting it when he went off.
penalties and safety cars galore today!
much love
Im glad you liked it, honey!!! Im also happy ur getting better and that u were able to watch the 🫶🏾 it was a tad chaotic, but we knew it would be, I was truly worried about lando when everything went down but Im so relieved hes up and okay again.
lots of love 🩷
(Read I’ll always take care of you — here)
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joocomics · 5 months
can I just say that lights off is the right amount of sweet and steamy? I really enjoyed it it and I loved of playful ode was, I'm glad I voted for this option :)
you’re so sweet, thank you so much for this kind message <3
this is what i was going for, so i’m really happy to hear it 🥹
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pinkrvst · 3 months
POSITIVITY TIME ! drop a ✦ in my inbox and i'll tell you at least one thing i like about your writing, portrayal, headcanons, world building, blog aesthetics, whatever it is i like about your blog, writing, & portrayal!! if you can't see the symbol, send 'star'!
// dan is such a cool character fr, i love his design + his personality as well ? he can be quite silly sometimes but get serious when needed, he has this special touch you just can't not like him ??? and oh my, your portrayal is wonderful. it makes one feel eager to see more ! :']]
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mrm0rgansw0man · 3 days
hellooo, i recently found your page and let me tell you i am obsessed with it🩷 love how creative you are with your writing :) keep up with the good work!
omg this says it's a day old but it didn't pop up in my inbox until just now!! so sorry for not responding!!
anyway, thank you so so much!! it means so much getting feedback like this you have no idea :) Xx 💗
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Hi Jane!
Spud here, just stopping by to spread a little bit of positivity in your inbox 🐸🩷
Firstly just wanted to say a massive thank you for always being so sweet about my writing. Really means a lot to me when you leave your comments, so much appreciated!
I LOVE your blog and your moodboards. They're so cool. To curate a good one takes a lot of time and thought and you do it brilliantly! I pick out some pics for each chapter of my fics and I know how rough it can be to find the exact one you want hehe.
Anyway, hope you have a great day and thank you for being such a great presence here on this hellsite. Really appreciate you. Sending hugs! 🤗
Spud, you are the absolute sweetest!!! Seeing this absolutely made my day :) I'm so glad that I get to give feedback on your jaw-dropping showstopping amazing fics, because they are truly out-of-this-world sensational! I also appreciate the positivity you put out on your blog. It's always so refreshing when scrolling through my dash!
I'm so glad you enjoy the moodboards! They are such a joy to make, even though I don't have quite as much time for them during the school year. I've got some new ones coming out today, and I hope you'll enjoy them :)
I hope you have a great day as well! Thank you so much for the kind words and for starting this sweet challenge! Hugs and love your way! <3
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moonjxsung · 7 months
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first, i wanted to say i read 'seasons' and it's an amazing piece. it's so well written, and youve captured everything so well, especially the scenery of the town.
not sure if you've heard of this town before, but i went there to visit my grandpa when i was a young teenager, and Ember reminded me of it. it was almost scary how close the descriptions were. anyway, the town is called Beacon. it's a pretty small town in upstate new york that gained more popularity around the last decade or so, and i've uploaded a few photos of the town that i found on the internet (not sure if they worked ive never uploaded photos on an ask lol).
but yeah! this was just smth i wanted to get out of my head because i've been thinking about it all day! really sorry if i got the description of Ember totally wrong btw, feel free to let me know if i did :) have a good week!
WOW thank you for this message, I genuinely smiled so hard finding this in my inbox! 🥰🫶 first off that’s INSANE how spot on you interpreted my descriptions!!! It’s identical to the Ember I conjured up in my mind! I also want to visit Beacon at some point in my life now, it looks so charming 🥹 thank you sm for sharing and now I have a new destination added to my “want to visit” list before I die hahaha 🩷 also thank you so much for reading and leaving such lovely feedback and sharing this with me. it really touches me to know that my words are allow people to conjure up a vision in their own minds if that makes sense, like I’ll write them and I feel like they go into a void and then when I get feedback like this I’m like !! Someone else is perceiving my work!! And it’s truly the best feeling. Thanks again and I hope you have a lovely week as well! 🩷💕♥️🫶👼
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zyafics · 17 days
It is kind of crazy how we never actually like our work, right? Or maybe we do, but not as something that is good, just something that we really wanted to read(?) Idk if that makes sense. However, i'd like you to know that the mean voice in your head telling you your work is not  good is not true and it's not you. I'm really glad you liked my ask, I only tell the truth. And I meant what I said about Play Fake being my favorite story <3. I actually consider it an entire universe in my head. I have some ideas about those moments that we don't see in the story, you know?  Maybe we can see some drabbles about those scenes, huh, huh... what do you think?  *pleading face emoji* 
Also, I'd like to ask if you ever thought about Cameron Twins... you know, like TWO Rafes? Two brothers who share... everything. Oh, wait...what was I saying? Oh, yes, yes, I love your work. 
P.S.: I might or might not have forgotten my tumblr password hahah   (don't worry, I'll remember it... I hope so.
- T.
for me, it's definitely because the voice in my head cannot comprehend that people like my stories. i always hyper-analyze every little details when i post—why i didn't do x, or why reader is doing x and is it too annoying, or something about the way my writing feels stiff and unnatural. i'm trying to get better at it, i swear!! honestly, hearing you guys feedbacks and sweet words honestly motivates me to keep going. like i'm on part ten right now and i feel so stuck but i keep rereading all the nice asks and comments people have left and i push forward 🩷🥹 but omg, having a whole universe in your head is crazy!! tell me about some of the drabble ideas you have! i would love to write them 🙂‍↔️
also, woah?? did you read my mind?? i swear to god, this morning, i was walking and toyed with the idea of cameron twins. it's down the darker route, but like, what if one twin died and one had to take up the role of the other brother? forcing himself into that lifestyle and have everything the dead brother had—including his gf? it's twisted, but it was definitely there!
and ily!! seeing u in my inbox again warms my heart and i really hope you remember your tumblr password (i, too, had that problem when i forgot my phone's passcode. i was in shambles 😭)
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aejeonghae · 17 days
Hi hopefully not too many 😅 (I literally had to write a list so I wouldn’t forget) 11, 12, 16, 27, 31, 32, 33, 36, 43, 45
jabwhshshs nick 🤣 it's never too many lol (i also had to write them down) thank you so much for asking (and always listening to me complain about photoshop lol)
11.     do you listen to music when gifing?
-- yes! usually soundtracks from games or recently i throw on reaction/playthroughs for bg noise lol
12.    favorite place to work
-- my living room couch lol my cat is usually beside me
16.    What gif/gifset was the easiest for you to make?
-- oh this khem set! i knew almost exactly what i wanted to do with it and it actually came out surprisingly not bad!
27.    best feedback you’ve ever got
-- tbh anytime someone compliments my gifs in the tags/on the post/in my inbox that becomes the best feedback 🩷
31.    easiest part of gifing
-- since getting an account on avistaz? downloading the ep(s) i need. otherwise photoshop is a nightmare.
32.   longest you’ve spent working on a single gif
-- on a single gif... maybe an hour? two?
33.    longest time you’ve spent on a gifset
-- my kinnporsche monstrosity took me 7.5 hours 🫠🫠
36.   Single gifs or gifsets?
-- i am but a simple gifset creator 🩷
43.   any gifsets you would want to expand upon/make a “sequel” to
-- so waaaaaay back in the day i used to do tons of prose/poetry sets for robron and evak. sometimes i think of doing that again lol
45.    Share an idea for a gifset you haven’t finished yet.
-- my final khemwela gifset is brewing but i don't have too much of an idea for it as of now.
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