rehfan · 1 year
Billy knight request….reader x billy in new relationship. Billy is super protective and jealous. They go to their first party together billy gets nervous /jealous because of guy hitting on reader. He causes a scene then panics on their way home thinking he’s ruined their relationship. Reader is not mad at him she is very soft with billy she takes him home and shows him exactly how much he means to her fluffy sweet smut please ***billy definitely has a breeding kink****😊
A/N: My first Billy Knight request and I couldn’t be happier. I love this character so much. Thanks to you @harringtonfan4 for the suggestion - it gripped me by the throat and did not let go. I basically spent 7 hours straight writing this all in one go. Any typos or plot holes are all mine, unintentional, and you can go pick on someone else. Here we go!
Pairing: Billy Knight X Fem!reader; Billy Knight X AFAB!reader
Jealous!Billy Knight; Insecure!Billy Knight
Tags: fluffy, emotional hurt/comfort, jealousy, mental health issues, insecure Billy, minor physical altercation, minor mention of suicide, fluffy smut, smutty smut, blowjob, PIV unprotected sex (PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT - WRAP IT), unintentional edging, creampie, breeding kink, dirty talk, small instance of choking but not really.
Warnings: minor mention of suicide; small instance of choking but not really; Under 18? Move on, please. I did not write this for you.
Please do not repost this anywhere else. This is my work and mine alone.
Word Count: 7200+
Knight in Shining Armor
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You knew that you were the first major relationship Billy had ever attempted besides having schoolboy crushes on girls, sneaking kisses and holding hands and such, but nothing ever meant anything. He was in his mid-20s and should have had plenty of girlfriends before you, but due to a childhood trauma, he was debilitated and emotionally injured and needed time to heal. At least, that’s how he put it to you when you met and started dating him.
You bumped into him in the frozen foods section, dropping your frozen potato wedges when you turned and saw him there holding the freezer door open for you. He hadn’t meant to startle you, of course and looked so painfully shy and fearful about scaring you that it broke your heart a little. It had been months since your last relationship and while you weren’t looking for something new, you had a good feeling about him and told him that he could make up startling you by buying you a coffee from the station at the front of the store. He was happy to do it and that’s when it all began.
He was tender and caring, thoughtful and kind, and didn’t seem to have the same agenda that all your other blokes had had - mainly getting into your knickers. He seemed amazed to just have your friendship. And as far as Billy was concerned, that’s exactly how he felt. He didn’t see the sense in lying to you about anything, but he was terrified that you’d reject him. According to his logic, it was better to tell you up front about his institutionalization and mental problems; that way, you could push him away before he had a chance to fall head over heels in love with you.
But you didn’t push him away. Especially after he explained about the support system he had in place: his few friends who were also his flat mates and his psychiatrist, his medication, and his dedication to being a proper man in the world - one that could hold down a job and pay bills. He was on a good road. The only part of his life that was incomplete was having someone to share his life with.
His big brown eyes looked soulfully into yours when he confessed all this. It was your third date and things had been going well. He was in charge of choosing the location for this one and he chose a picnic at the dog park. He didn’t own a dog (one of his flat mates was allergic) but he liked them and he had made a few friends among the dog owners that came there. He smiled secretively at you as he produced a resealable plastic sandwich bag of dog treats and jiggled them.
“My secret way of making canine friends,” he said, looking almost embarrassed at his cleverness.
You couldn’t help but laugh. The whole day was perfect, even after Billy’s confession about his history. You explained that you had an uncle that was bipolar and had to be sent away for a while when you were a child. You knew something was wrong with him, but you were too small to understand what. But when he came out, he was his old self again and better. You have valued psychiatry and psychology ever since and you were entirely supportive of Billy and deeply grateful for his honesty.
In your second month of dating Billy you were both headed to a party thrown by old friends of yours. You had met each other in uni and had stayed in touch and you wanted to introduce Billy to them all as you were fiercely proud of him and his strides toward living his own life as his own man.
“We don’t have to stay for long, if you don’t want,” you explained as you walked up the path to the door, “If things get too much, you tell me the word and we’ll dash.”
“What word?” Billy asked, rubbing his nose, “And what will we say as an excuse? Won’t they be suspicious? Won’t they think me rude?”
“Hardly,” you said, placing a reassuring arm around his. You planted your chin in his shoulder and looked up at him. “I’ll do the explaining. And the word will be something you pick. What word would you like to whisper to me if you feel overwhelmed?”
Billy looked at his surroundings for a minute, his eyes darting about him. “Um, how about ‘cardinal’?”
You giggled. “‘Cardinal’?” Your eyes found what his had: in one of the front windows was a decorative hanging made of stained glass and containing a red bird of that name. “Oh I see. ‘Cardinal’ it is then. Excellent choice.” You kissed him on the cheek and rang the bell.
Billy was overwhelmed almost instantly. This wasn’t the small gathering that he was expecting - only three or four friends from your uni days - this was a gathering of well over twenty people. The conversation was a cacophony in the place and people seemed to be everywhere, sitting on furniture, standing in small groups, and even sitting on the floor around the low coffee table. Everyone had a drink and Billy was tempted to drown his panic in a G&T, but he knew he couldn’t with his meds. When the hostess greeted him with a slightly drunken kiss on either of his cheeks and offered to take his coat, he gave it over mechanically, his brain still reeling from the sensory overload.
You took his hand and whispered, “You okay, love? You look spooked.”
“So far so good,” he said unconvincingly, but he squeezed your hand and gave you a tight smile. He was going to try his best for you. You were the miracle of his life and he wasn’t about to lose you over his own feeble insecurities screaming their little heads off.
They screamed even louder when they saw all the men in the room greet you warmly. Most of them had other females standing by who were introduced as girlfriends and partners or wives and that was all fine as far as Billy was concerned, but the few who weren’t attached to anyone? Billy felt his hackles rise protectively as they snaked their hands around your waist in hugs of greeting.
The powerful jealously that reared its ugly head inside of him hit him sideways with its strength. He wanted to rip their arms away from you, smash their smiling faces with his fist, then run from the place with you hauled over his shoulder caveman-style. He knew he couldn’t, that he mustn’t. It wasn’t right. They were old friends and you were allowed to have old friends. And when you looked back at him with that beautiful smile and squeezed his hand and introduced him as your boyfriend even though you were only on your second month of dating, it caused sunshine to bloom in his heart and he smiled back at you and shook their hands and was so damned proud to be yours.
As the evening wore on, Billy was never far from you, but soon relaxed enough to seat himself across the room from you as you talked with your friends, occasionally turning to him to include him in the conversation. Your female friends seemed to like him, like his shy nature. Your male friends discussed the latest footy match with him and Billy found himself contributing to the conversation almost effortlessly. He couldn’t wait to tell Dr. Hammond, his psychiatrist, all about this little social adventure. Billy was sure he would be pleased.
It wasn’t until Billy had gone to refresh your drink that Toby walked up to you while you stood in the empty corridor that ran the length of the home and provided access between the main rooms on the ground floor of the house. You had just pointed him the way toward the kitchen at the rear of the building and turned to go back to the sitting room at the front of the house when Toby’s voice came from behind you.
“Thought he’d never leave,” he said.
You sighed and turned slowly back to him. “And there it is: that low voice you have that you always thought was seductive enough to charm birds from trees. I was wondering when you were going to make your move,” you said.
Toby was an old flame. One you had doused with enough water to flood whole valleys in the Yorkshire Dales years back. Still, Toby tried. It was pathetic really.
“And what makes you think it never has?” he said. He had had too much alcohol. It was obvious.
“You’re drunk, Tobes,” you said, giving his chest a gentle shove, “Please just leave me alone, okay? Billy-“
“Billy is a ponce and a welcome mat,” he said. “Wherever did you find him anyway? At the pound? Those big brown puppy dog eyes of his worm his way into your little heart?” Here he put a finger on your chest and pressed the flesh softly.
“He’s a good man,” you said. “Better than you ever learned to be.”
“Still angry about that? It was ages ago! And I’ve mended my ways: I only date one woman at a time now. No more cheating.” Here he crossed his heart. “Promise.”
“Once a cheater, always a cheater,” you retorted and turned your head, looking over his shoulder at where Billy had disappeared. You shouldn’t have asked him for a mixed drink. He was too insecure to bring you anything but perfection in a glass and he was taking ages. A thought occurred to you just as Toby’s head was angling down toward yours: “Besides, I thought you and Belinda were an item. Whatever happened to her?”
“Oh you’ll love the irony in this,” he said laughing, “She cheated on me.” You couldn’t help but gasp and laugh. He nodded. “Yep. With her yoga-slash-pilates instructor, no less.” You laughed again, even harder. He went on: “Apparently strength, stamina, and flexibility were what she was really looking for.”
You put a shameful hand over your mouth as you continued to laugh at what must have been a rude awakening for this lothario. “Well,” you managed, recovering a little, “I’d say ‘poor you’, but you sort of deserve it, you bastard.”
He responded by wrapping you up in a hug. “You mean you don’t feel the least bit sorry for me?”
“I don’t,” said Billy.
The hug broke apart and the two of you stood there staring at Billy who was staring daggers at Toby.
“I don’t feel sorry for you at all,” said Billy again. He passed you your drink without even looking at you. “And I’ll tell you another thing, mate,” the word dripped with anger, “You had better stay away from my girlfriend or I swear to Christ on high-“
“Billy!” you interjected.
“- I’ll… I’ll…”
Toby regained some of his smugness. “Or you’ll what? Scold me to death?” He laughed.
Billy shoved him hard against the corridor wall. It shook the picture frames.
“Just-“ Billy’s nervous tic of rubbing his nose with his wrist came back viciously in that moment. He was so agitated that it frightened you. “J-just keep away.”
You grabbed Billy by the arm and turned him toward you. “Cardinal,” you said. There must have been a look in your eyes, because Billy just nodded and looked instantly ashamed. He glanced back at Toby who had pulled himself away from the wall and was straightening his blazer jacket.
“Fine man you have there, pet,” he said to you. “Don’t suppose he’s had his distemper shots?”
Billy didn’t think, he just swung. His left fist connected with the side of Toby’s head and Toby stumbled back and fell into an unoccupied overstuffed chair in the hallway. “Fuck off, you cunt,” Billy growled.
Others had caught sight of this and were now populating the open doorways that led to the corridor you three were standing in. You looked around apologetically while tugging at Billy’s sleeve. Your eyes came across your hostess. “Gillian, I’m so sorry. I expect we’re just a bit knackered. We’ll call it a night, okay?”
All your friends smiled understandingly at you and wished you both a good night, turning back to their previous conversations. Billy put his coat and hat on silently near the front door when Gillian whispered a quiet word to you: “Hang on to that one, love. No man in this building has had the guts to smack the shit out of Toby the way he deserves. Good on him for doing what they couldn’t.” She winked at you and walked back to her guests.
You were quietly proud of Billy all over again as you made your way home. Gill’s home and yours were only about a mile apart and it seemed silly to hop a bus when the winter night in London was mild and you were with Billy, defender of your honor.
Billy, on the other hand, was eating himself up with guilt over his behavior. Dr. Hammond would definitely not think that this was a successful social interaction. Billy’s hand went to his nose again and he idly added up when it would be safe to take his meds again; he felt as if the chemicals that kept his brain untangled were wearing off.
He kept up a walking pace with you and tried to meet your eyes, but he was fearful of reaching out to take your hand and didn’t want to say anything to you lest you turn on him in anger and leave him on the spot, alone and lonely again in the middle of London. In the dark. In the cold. On his own. Again.
So he hugged himself and waited for you to say that he was never to see you again. But as the streets passed and you didn’t say anything, he wondered when it was going to happen. Or should he just throw himself in front of a night bus?
Or should he argue his side? After all, the man had his hands all over you! What was he expected to do when you introduced him as your boyfriend to everyone there? Was he just supposed to watch you laughing and joking with him and having him hug you and snuggle up to you when he’s supposed to be your one and only? Or is that what you wanted? Did you want Toby and not him? Was he the man you were waiting for? Did you bring him to the party to show off in front of Toby just to make him jealous? What did you want? What did he need to do? How could he fix this so you liked him again?
You turned away and toward the door of your building. You were home already. The mile walk had disappeared.
Billy shuffled his feet and didn’t meet your eyes as you held the door open. “Coming in?”
Billy shook his head and viciously wiped his nose against his wrist.
“Billy?” you said, your voice was so soft he looked up. His eyes were brimming with unfallen tears. “I’m not angry, you know,” you said.
He blinked at this and two fat tears streamed down his cheeks and into his beard. He didn’t bother to wipe them. “You’re not?” he managed.
You let the door close behind you as you made your way to him. “No, my love,” you said. You raised a hand to his face and wiped a tear away with your thumb. “If anything, I’m glad. It’s about time someone took a poke at Toby for all his machismo. I’m glad it was you.” You smiled at him.
Disbelief painted his face. “You are?”
You had to laugh. “Of course! He was a bastard to me when we dated years ago at uni. Cheated with this one and that. Always put me in second - and sometimes third - place. He deserved what he got.”
“And all your friends?”
“Gillian whispered to me just before we left that she was happy you did it,” you said. “I’m pretty sure that at least three other women at that party and two of the guys were happy too. You acted perfectly - if only slightly criminally.”
“So…,” started Billy, only beginning to wrap his head around the whole situation, “You’re happy? With me? With what I did?”
“Yes,” you said, “and as a matter of fact, I’d like to give you a small reward for defending my honor, my “Knight” in shining armor.”
Billy smiled at this. “Like what?”
“Come with me, good sir knight.”
You led him up the two flights of stairs to the flat you shared with two other girls. They were flight attendants and were hardly ever home. But they paid their rent on time and you all got along when they were home, so the situation was ideal for you all. This was the week that they weren’t around - one scoring the famous NY-LON flight and the other was off on a three week placement out of Sydney, Australia. You had the whole place to yourself for the next week.
Your room was at the back with two windows and a queen sized bed that almost didn’t make it in the lift when you first moved in. Of course, you paid more in rent for the biggest of the three bedrooms, but it was totally worth it.
You led Billy in and turned on the light at one of the two bedside tables. It cast a soft glow on you both as you took Billy’s coat from him followed by his jumper and shirt beneath.
You were on him with a passionate kiss, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and pulling him close. Billy’s head reeled with the sensation of you dipping your tongue in his mouth. He didn’t know where to put his hands, so let them rest on your hips gingerly as if you were made of spun glass. His cock shifted in his pants and he felt himself blush.
You broke the kiss with a wet smack and, a bit breathless, whispered, “If you want me to stop any of this at any point, we use the same word, okay? Do you remember it?”
“‘Cardinal’,” he said.
“Good boy,” you said, arching a salacious eyebrow at him. He smiled back at you, amazed that you were in his arms and that he was in your bedroom. His cock couldn’t believe his luck either and made another twitching lurch.
Your right hand glided down to his left hand and held it up, inspecting the knuckles. They were a bit red, but the skin wasn’t broken. “Does it hurt?” you asked. He shook his head wordlessly, eyes big as you kissed the ridge of each of his fingers and then the knuckles themselves. You looked up at him: “My hero.”
Hero? He was your hero? Really? Billy’s heart swelled in his chest and he knew he was smiling stupidly at you, but he couldn’t help it. You were kissing him again then and his hands fell respectfully back to your hips. Your hands, however, were ranging all over his exposed skin: shoulders, arms, the back of his neck and along his hairline, smoothing into his chest hair, until finally trailing fingertips downward to his belt. Alarm ran through Billy as he felt his cock twitch again and grow hard.
The chinking of the metal belt clasp joined the sound of you kissing him and you moaned with want. He leaned his pelvis away from you, his breath stuttering and his hands stopping your movements.
“What’s the word, Billy? Do you want to say the word? The one that stops everything?” you asked.
He stared into your face for a moment, frozen. Did he want this to stop? Was he brave enough to continue? He needed more information. “What are you… planning?” he asked. “What do you want me to do… to you?”
You smiled softly. “I’m planning on pleasuring you. I’m planning that you’re going to come. That you’re going to have a brilliant orgasm and sleep soundlessly in my bed until morning. And I’m planning to make you breakfast in bed.
“And,” you continued, “I’m wanting you to do anything you want to me. Just ask first, okay?”
Billy nodded.
“So are we stopping? Are you using your word?” you asked.
Billy shook his head.
“Then let’s start again, only slower. Does that sound all right?” Billy nodded. “What do you want me to do to you?”
You watched him as he swallowed hard and his ears got pink. Jesus God, he was adorable. You were used to men just manhandling their way into your bed, seeking out their own pleasure with your body, never worrying that you might not be totally enjoying yourself. This was new territory for both of you, it seemed.
“Can we just kiss for a bit?” he said. He seemed almost painfully ashamed to ask.
You smiled. How could you not? He was the gentlest man you had ever been with. Your hand went to his face and you kissed him softly, almost reverently, quietly thanking a God you almost didn’t believe in for sending you this amazing man. As the kiss broke, your faces were inches apart and you took the time to really look at each other.
He was fascinated by your face. Your eyes especially. The shape of your nose. The curve of your ear. Even your eyebrows were perfect and he smoothed one with the tip of his first finger, tracing it down and over to your ear and watching with breathless amazement as you pressed your face into the palm of his hand and closed your eyes. “Love me, Billy,” you whispered.
“Yes,” he whispered back and kissed you on his own this time, one hand to your face, the other wrapping around to the small of your back, both of you moaning into the sensation.
You tried to move closer to him, but he kept his pelvis away from you. Your hands found his ass and pulled him gently toward you, encouraging him to not be ashamed or embarrassed. When his hard cock came into contact with you, he whined and broke the kiss, gasping for breath.
“Was that not all right?” you asked, fearful that you had spooked him.
“That- that was- um,” his hand went to his nose again. You took it away from his face gently with both of your hands and kissed his wrist. Then you took his face in one of your hands and kissed his nose.
���I’m sorry if I went too far,” you said. “But Billy, I know you must be hard. I can see that you are.” You both looked down at his trousers where a very obvious tenting was taking place. You met his eyes again. “I’m not scared if you’re not scared.”
If Billy was honest, he wasn’t scared so much as he was terrified. He wanted to do well with you. He wanted to please you so badly his skin itched with it.
“Why don’t we get your first orgasm out of the way and… that might help?” you suggested. “You know, help with your nerves? What do you think?”
“Oh… okay,” he said, a bit confused.
You stripped off your top and bra and dropped to your knees on the soft shag area rug and made quick work of his button and flies. Billy hardly had any time to react when you placed your mouth along his clothed length and exhaled warm air against his member. The wanton groan that exited his mouth was everything you ever wanted to hear. “You just use your word if you need to, my sweet boy. And remember: I want to give you this. You deserve a blowjob for all you’ve done tonight.”
Your fingertips caressed his length as you spoke to him. He gasped when you lowered his pants and his cock sprang free. He was gorgeous. A light brown thatch of hair from his belly button to his shaft called for your fingertips to card through it. You kissed and sucked at the line between abdomen and thigh, teasing sighs and gasps from him. Praise fell from your lips as you scattered kisses along his lower belly and upper thighs: “Such a good man to me, Billy. So kind and gentle. Always so good. You want me to suck you off, don’t you, darling? You’ve wanted me for a long time now. Whole weeks! And now you have me. And this is all for you. For being my brave knight in shining armor.”
You lifted his cock out of the way with one hand and dipped your head to take his balls in your mouth, one and then the other, sucking softly as you did. You placed the surface of your lips against his scrotum and hummmmmmmed against his skin in the lowest tone you could manage. Billy groaned and threw his head back. His cock leaked with precum instantly, the tip swollen practically cherry red. You pulled his foreskin back even more and held your tongue out to catch the drip, locking eyes with Billy as you did so.
Helpless. That was the only word for the expression on Billy’s face in that moment as the precum hit your tongue and you licked up against it, trying to catch it all. Salty musk met your senses and you grunted. “Want to take you in my mouth, Billy. May I? Can I do that to you?” Billy nodded. “No no, love. Use words. Tell me you want this.”
“I want… you to… please. Please. I can’t say… exactly. I can’t. But please. Yes. Please.”
“Good boy,” you said, “That’s my good boy. Here we go. You let me know when you’re close, okay?”
Slowly, you took him in your mouth, the hot heaviness of his erection against your tongue, the scent of him deep and thick. You had to use one hand against him because he was just too thick and long for you to deep throat until you found your stride. You hadn’t done this for a while, but it wasn’t entirely unfamiliar. Some things remained the same like the sensitive frenulum under the head of his cock. You pulled off of him just long enough to press your lips there and hummmmmmm again, low and long and Billy’s head reeled at the sensation.
He watched as your mouth swallowed his length again and he could hardly believe he was standing there with his pants around his ankles and your mouth on his cock. Beautiful you, with your smile and laughing eyes. Lovely you, who was always tender toward him. Loyal you, who wasn’t angry with him for hitting your old friend - who wasn’t quite a friend after all.
Unbelievably, you were sucking his cock and enjoying it.
He placed a hand in your hair, not pushing precisely, but just holding you there and you raised your free hand to it, rubbing small encouraging circles into the back of his hand.
You pulled off him with a wet pop and stroked him. “Happy, baby?” you asked.
“God yes,” he replied, that same look of amazement on his face.
“You want more?” you asked, knowing full well what his answer was going to be. You just needed to hear him say it.
“Yes, p-please. More, love,” he said, desperation dripping from him.
You went back to work, your tongue circling his tip before swallowing him down once more with a moan. He tasted so good. Thick and long and right against your tongue, you could suck his cock into oblivion. His hand pressed against your head a bit more urgently, so you followed his lead, increasing your pace and taking just that bit much more into your mouth as you could.
Saliva coated your hand and dripped from your mouth onto your chest, but you didn't care. It was worth it all to hear Billy moaning above you. His breath stuttering in his chest was all you ever needed. He was surprisingly vocal too, his muttered words of praise finding your grateful ears.
“Fucking suck me so good, love. You are so goddamned beautiful. Don’t deserve you. So fucking good to me. Your mouth… God your mouth… I just… Ah!”
Here he stopped talking and the hand that was on the back of your head found your jaw and pulled you gently off of him. “Can’t let you… Can’t. I- I’m sorry.”
“You can’t let me what, Billy?” you said, a little hurt that he wouldn’t let you get him off. “I was all right.” You stroked his cock to keep him hard as you spoke, but Billy even put a stop to that by pushing your hand away.
“No, no,” he shook his head violently. “Can’t come in your mouth. Need to come in you… Just - in you.”
“Please?” his eyes held such longing. He gripped his hard cock at the base and you could see he was edging himself down away from his own orgasm. “Please let me?”
You knew better. You really did. But you were on birth control and you knew he was clear because you both traded that information ages ago. And, more importantly, you wanted him. You wanted him right then and there, naked and gripping his own erection begging you to let him fuck you.
Lord preserve us, you were really going to do this.
“Come here,” you said. “And take off the rest of your clothes.” You did the same, stripping yourself of all layers until you stood naked before him. You held out your arms and he filled them instantly.
The kiss you shared tasted of both of you plus the traces of the taste of his cock still present in your mouth. Your hands found his ass and squeezed, his hard cock pressing into you causing him to groan.
“Sweet girl,” he whispered. “Want you so bad.”
“Come to bed then,” you said. You were so damn wet in that moment, it wasn’t funny. Just looking at the way he looked at you, all amazement and reverence, it was too much to take in. His eyes held the universe and all you could see in them was your own reflection. It left you breathless.
He came into your bed after you crawled in beneath the duvet first. His warm body buffeted yours and his kiss heated you up from within, the curl of desire dwelling low in your belly and building slowly with every lick of his tongue. You rolled together, him on top of you, your legs wrapping around his hips, his thick hardness between your legs, tip tickling your ass right near your entrance.
Billy shuddered with the sensation of being so close yet so far away. “C-can I? Please, sweet girl? Please, pretty? May I?” He reached down and positioned himself at your entrance.
“Oh,” you moaned. “Clit first please. Right here.” You guided his hand so that his cock was lying between your folds.
He rutted against you with a snap of his hips and you both cried out. Billy’s forehead was buried in the crook of your neck as he satisfied his need for contact along your wet valley, the veiny ridges of his shaft dancing along your clit and building you to your climax.
His head lifted as you came, cries pouring from your mouth, cries that he put there, emotions that he caused, all of that for him. He could barely believe it. He almost came from watching you.
Gently he brushed the hair from your forehead. “Are you all right?” he asked softly. He stilled when you did, but you could still tell that he was achingly hard. He would need his release soon. Fortunately, you still wanted more.
You kissed him fiercely, sucking on his lower lip before releasing him. “On your back, boy,” you commanded in a low growl. His brown eyes went wide and he obeyed immediately, taking you with him.
You sat up and dangled your breasts over his mouth. “Suck on them, you beautiful man. Sweet boy.” He took you in his mouth and suckled gently, eyes closed, lost in the moment. You braced one hand on the headboard, your other hand carded through his hair and caressed his face. He looked so content.
Billy still couldn’t believe what was happening. The whole situation seemed like a fever dream. The day he met you, he had gone home on cloud nine. That night he had dreamed of holding your hand and maybe even kissing you, but this? This was more than he ever dared hope. His hands smoothed up and down and up again over your back as he sucked on your nipple, eventually one wrapping around the opposite breast and the other snaking between your legs to rub your clit once more. He wasn’t entirely certain of the exact anatomy, but he knew when he found it based on your gasp. There he circled his fingertips and knuckles against the nubbin and watched you through the slits of his eyes as you craned your neck back and then forward again, your hips undulated against him again. You were pornography come to life. And he was doing this to you. Just him, no one else.
It was a miracle. You were a miracle.
He switched to the other breast now, nuzzling underneath it, experimenting with nipping, licking, and sucking at the tender skin, listening to your delighted giggle, eventually swallowing your nipple once more, flicking it with his tongue and eliciting the most delicious moans from you as a result. His hands had traded places too and the wonderful friction he was providing for you was intoxicating. He was running on pure instinct and you were too, your hips lost to a primal rhythm against his hand. You could feel things starting to build again and you urged Billy to keep on doing exactly what he was doing.
“Gonna come again, Billy,” you panted. “Just…Fuck! Keep going, baby. Almost….God! Shit!” You cried out again, your climax washing over you as you rode his hand. Come dripped from you and over his hand; you knew you were a mess down there, but you didn’t care. As you sat up against his cock, he hissed with the contact and subconsciously raised his hand to his mouth. There he tasted you for the first time and his dark eyes blew wide.
Billy sucked on his knuckle and closed his eyes, relishing your flavor. When he finally slowly opened his eyes, you pulled his fist away and kissed him, sealing the taste of yourself - above and below - in his mind forever.
Slowly, achingly, you lowered yourself against his cock, never breaking your kiss. His hand went down to guide himself along and inside you. You were so slick and wet, his cock tip slipped inside you with a smooth squeezing thump that was felt rather than heard. It felt so good you wanted to cry.
Relaxing against the pressure, you allowed your body to accommodate his girth slowly, a sweet burn giving way to a sense of fullness that left you wanting more, to run deeper inside of you. As you slowly fell against every inch of him, he watched in fascination as he disappeared inside of you, resisting the overwhelming urge to pump his hips up into you, bracing against the moment when you would allow it by planting his feet on the mattress, knees bent.
When you bottomed out, you both stilled, your breath filling the room. You felt so right, smiling down at Billy, his adoring eyes on you, his hands on your breasts, slowly kneading the tissue, warm and comforting and…right. This is how it should be and you could stand a lifetime more of this.
“Welcome home, love,” you cooed. “Feels so good, doesn’t it?”
“You’re a miracle,” he said. “My miracle.”
Your heart melted. Tears welled up in your eyes and your hands found his. As you bent to kiss him, he slipped partly out of you and you rocked back against him, trailing your mouth against his, capturing his lip or his tongue here and there as you ground against him, feeling the pressure of him inside of you. Changing the angle, you sat up again and rolled your hips, your whole body undulating, slipping against his length and just hitting that sweet spongy spot inside you that made you gasp and crave more and more and more…
Billy watched you move, his hands slipping to your hips, his legs lifting against you, pressing up into you in the rhythm you set. It was sweet, slow, and sensual, the way love making was supposed to be in movies and books. You were truly unbelievable and he was really here, really seeing, hearing, and touching you. He was the cause of all the sweat on your body, that fine sheen that caused your skin to glow in the low lamplight. He was the cause of your low moans, your two previous orgasms - not to mention the third one that was building in you now. Riding his cock, fulfilling his dreams.
His own climax was building now, not that it hadn’t been over and over again. The image of you on your knees in front of him was seared into his eyelids forever. The sensation of your hot mouth on the tip of his cock was a memory to savor for a lifetime. You coming all over his hands and the heady salty taste of you would linger on his tongue until the day he died. But this? The wanton image of you riding his cock, head knocked back, hands gripping his knees behind you, abandoned to the sensation coursing through you… this was magic. This he would want to re-create over and over again, trying to replicate it, improve on it, and ultimately replace this memory with others, multiplying and multiplying over and over until the end of time.
He imagined busting his nut inside you, spraying your walls down with his spunk, fucking you like he was trying to breed you - and that’s when he felt his balls tighten. Chasing the sensation, he confessed: “Want to cover you in my come. Want to fuck you into oblivion. Want to mate with you and fill you with my babies. Shit!”
Your eyes flew wide at this. “You want to fuck me like a stud stallion, my brilliant boy? Like I’m a brood mare? Take me from behind? You want to rail into me, huh?”
An absolutely feral look came across Billy’s face at this. “You’d let me?”
“I’d beg you to,” you smiled, slipping off of him and turning around. He was on his knees behind you in seconds, pushing himself back into you, one hand on your hip, the other on your shoulder.
He leaned in close when you moaned and arched against him. He whispered, “I’m going to fuck you right through this mattress, beautiful girl.”
You turned toward him and nipped at his lips, one hand passing behind his head into his hair. “Yes please, sir knight. Please take me and breed me and spend yourself inside me.” He turned his head so his ear was at your mouth. “Need it, Billy. Need you,” you whined. “Make me yours.”
Billy didn’t need more encouragement than that. He settled back and started slowly, carefully, but soon gave in to his baser desires urged on by your lascivious whining, keening, and moaning. He fucked you hard, slamming against your cervix and, after a small positioning change of angle, that delicious sweet spot inside you. When he saw you reach for your clit, he brushed your hand aside. If you were going to come again, it was going be because of him. Only him.
You were his. His to fuck and to breed and he was lost to the thought of it all. His balls tightened again, all the edging he had been doing had been driving him mad, but now he got to just ride you into it. Slamming into you over and over and over had you oversensitive in moments. His small tight circles over your clit had you seeing stars. But his words left you helpless.
“Mine? You’re really all mine? Mine to fuck? And kiss? And love? You want this? All of this? Tell me to stop. Tell me you don’t want me.”
“Want you, Billy. All of you. Fuck me, love. Fuck me straight through this mattress. Need you, Billy. My hero. My knight. Please.”
His free hand was on your throat, pulling you upward ever so slightly, your back arching. his hips snapping up inside you. His breath was in your ear, stuttering and whining as he came hard inside you. “Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.” Over and over he told you what you were to him, each word stamped into you with the thrust of his hips. Your orgasm followed shortly afterward, burning from the insides where his cock was smacking your sweet center and you felt yourself come all over it, thickly flowing inside you and dribbling down your thighs.
You cried out and sobbed, coming down hard into the soft duvet, feeling his hands smooth down your sides and over your back as he sat up and drew himself out of you. You could hear him panting as he pulled you up at your waist and flipped you back to the head of the bed, resting your head on one of the pillows. He lay beside and behind you, spooning you from behind, his arms under your head, the other around your waist, hand on your belly.
He was terrified again. Scared about what he had said to you in the passion of the moment. He wondered if you wanted him to leave. He waited.
You leaned back into him, smiling. “That was amazing, Billy.” Turning your head, you reached back for him and he brought his face to yours. You kissed him lightly. “You are amazing.” You took his lips and felt his tongue tentative against yours as he lost himself in the kiss. Your hand found the back of his head, encouraging him deeper, moaning when he took the hint. “Make love to me again in the morning?” you asked.
Billy was breathless again. “Y-you don’t want me to go?” he asked.
Huffing a laugh, you had to ask: “Now why would I want to kick you out of this bed?”
“Dunno… I just thought… that now that we finished…”
You turned your whole body to face him. “Pay attention to what I’m about to tell you and realize that it is the unvarnished truth, okay?” Billy nodded, eyes wide. “Billy Knight, I adore you. And that was the most amazing sex I’ve ever had in my life. I am not kicking you out. In fact, the only reason I would ever kick you out of bed would be to fuck you on the floor. Understand me?”
Billy’s smile grew slowly but soon bloomed into a full ear-to-ear grin. He giggled. “You really are mine? Even only after two month’s worth of dates?”
“Hey,” you retorted, “I know a good thing when I see it.” Lightly you kissed him on the nose. “Now get some sleep, pretty boy. I have breakfast to cook for you in the morning.”
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forays-into-fiction · 2 years
I Want You So Bad I Can’t Breathe
You met Eddie when you first moved to Hawkins, Indiana it was an especially difficult time for you and Eddie was the one to stand by you, becoming fast friends. But then he was moving on to middle school and leaving you behind only to forget about you. You admire him from afar until Hellfire Club where you finally reconnect.
 Request fill for @harringtonfan4​ hope you like it, sorry if I went too hard on the negative self-image/insecurity stuff 😅
Minors DNI
Contains: Dom!Eddie/Sub!Reader, Slight Perv!Eddie Virgin!Reader, PlusSize!Reader, Insecure!Eddie, Insecure!Reader, Loss of Virginity, Angst, Major Internalised Fatphobia/Fatphobia, Bullying, Daddy Kink, Spitting, Dirty Talk, Fingering, Praise Kink, Innocence/Virginity Kink, Unprotected Sex, Drug Use (Weed)
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Fat. It was a word you’d heard more than half your life by now at eighteen. The first time someone called you fat you were seven, she was supposed to be your friend… your best friend, but her snide little, ‘Why are you so fat? It’s so gross!’ stuck with you.
 Looking back now you know you weren’t fat… you know it every time you look back, but you can never see it in the moment. And you weren’t fat you were just an average sized little girl with chubby little cheeks.
No matter how far back it’s always been ‘oh I used to think I was so fat back then, what I would give to go back to that size. But now, now I really am fat’
 Over the years this mindset had really impacted your life, you used to be more outgoing, you used to love to sing and dance, you used to live without constantly thinking about how everyone else saw you. Because no one wants to see the fat girl having fun, enjoying life right… better to hide away.
You had tried to lose weight, so many times… and you did, but every time you’d lose weight as soon as you’d hit a plateau your weight would sit there for a bit before slowly creeping back up and up and up. At least until you weighed even more than when you’d started.
 It wasn’t just your friend that had made comments about your weight, she was the first but she certainly wasn’t the last. You’d also had a bully around the same time, she had consistently tormented you every day. 
Day after day she’d drag you away from your friends, pulling you into a secluded corner to harass you verbally, physically, mentally… until one day you finally told someone. 
Your mum went off on that other girl, threatened her so badly every time you saw her since then she’d cross the road to avoid you… but the damage had been done.
You didn’t have to deal with the aftermath for too long, shortly after your parents had decided to move to Hawkins, Indiana to be closer to your grandparents. 
Your little brother was almost four now and they were going to need help taking care of the two of you, both of them working long hours and odd shifts just to get by. Also needed a bigger house to accommodate the needs of your growing family.
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You were eight when you first met him, he was ten both of you still in elementary school. You were new in town, that in itself already made you an oddity to say the least. 
Some kids had been picking on you, calling you names, pushing you around, you were on the verge of tears when he stepped in. He’d scared them off pretty easily, being both older and taller, buzzed head giving him a ‘tougher’ look.
 Once they had left, he turned to you, placing a hand on your shoulder looking into your eyes like you were the only thing that mattered in the world, “Hey, don’t pay attention to shitheads like that, ok? I’m Eddie.”
“Y/n…” You reply shakily.
“Y/n,” He repeats, “that is a very pretty name. Nice to meet you y/n.”
“N-nice to meet you t-too.”
“Wanna have lunch with me?”
 You’d spent the rest of that school year by his side he’d introduced you to this game he played, Dungeons and Dragons. He’d jokingly criticised your taste in music, telling you he’d show you some real music. 
You pout and protest that just because he doesn’t like your music doesn’t mean it’s not real music, but begrudgingly you listen to his stuff and find you actually like it… not that you’d admit it to him, you’d never give him the satisfaction.
 If you were honest with yourself, you’d been smitten with him since that day, but you buried those thoughts and feelings deep down, tried to ignore it.
But then all too quickly he’s moving on to middle school, the two of you promise to stay in touch but you don’t. You don’t want to push it either, he’s probably moved on to something better… someone better.
 In his absence you became closer with one Nancy Wheeler. Your brother and hers were in the same playgroup and your families had become closer as a whole. Both you and her were the same age, you’d bonded over the little things and she was a good friend to you.
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It’s not until another two years later that you see him again, you’re starting middle school and he’s in his final year there. His hair is a bit longer now, no longer completely buzzed, still cropped short but growing out. 
You admire him from afar, he wouldn’t remember you… why would he remember you? You couldn’t risk embarrassing yourself by approaching him now.
 Your brother and his friends have discovered Dungeons and Dragons, the game has changed a bit since you first played but you sit in with them for a few sessions, Nancy also joins on occasion. 
You DM until Will asks to take over one session, then they all take turns at being DM, each running their own campaign with your guidance. As Nancy starts to lose interest in the game, you feel you should stick with her rather than intrude on your brother’s group.
 And time slips by the year is over, he’s moving on to high school, leaving you behind once more.
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By the time you see him again you’re both in high school, his hair is longer still, becoming a bushy mane around his head, he’s really embracing the ‘metal’ look from what you can see and it suits him you think.  
 You hear he’s started a D&D group here at the school, Hellfire Club it was called. You were tempted to join, you had really missed him all these years, you doubt he would have even spared you a second thought… who would? Why would he care about that fat, little weird kid who followed him around for a year?
 You ask Nancy what she thinks, “I kinda know the guy that runs it, we were friends for a little while. It was before you and I really started hanging out properly, but I don’t think he remembers me. What do you think, should I join? Would you join with me?”
 “I think if you want to join you should, and it seems like you do… but I don’t know about joining myself, I kind of outgrew that phase. I’m thinking of signing up for the school paper though.”
“Oh, yeah that’s great you definitely should!”
“So, what about you? You going to join that club?”
“Ummm… yeah, maybe… I do want to, but I’m a little nervous.”
“I thought you said the guy that runs it is a friend, just talk to him.”
“Yeah, but we haven’t talked in years, I’m sure he doesn’t remember me.”
“It’ll be fine if you are worried about talking to him directly, I’m sure they’d have some sort of sign-up sheet, just go put your name down.” She shrugs.
“Yeah. Yeah, ok that doesn’t sound too bad.”
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And they do have a sign-up sheet, it’s hung just outside the drama room, but you can’t see a pen anywhere. You rummage around in your bag for your pencil case, but then he appears beside you and you jump. 
He holds a pen out towards you with one hand, the other on which he’d drawn a silly, little face comes up and he makes it ‘talk’ with a funny voice, “Need a pen?”
“Ahhh… yeah, thanks…?” You take the offered pen awkwardly.
His silly face hand drops, internally he’s facepalming, ‘why the fuck did you do that?’ he thinks pressing on despite this, “Eddie. My name is Eddie.”
You shift self-consciously avoiding looking him in the eye, “Yeah, I uhh… I remember you, Eddie. You probably don’t remember me-”
A broad grin spreads across his face, “Are you kidding, of course I remember you, princess. Sorry if I scared you earlier, by the way. So, you’re signing up for Hellfire, huh?”
You shrug, “Yeah, if you’ll have me, I guess.”
“It’ll be just like the good old days. You still been playing?”
“Umm… not so much lately, but you remember my little brother?”
He nods, you continue, “He and his friends are really into it now. When they first started I DM’ed for them, at least until they got the hang of it.”
“Awww, princess DM’ing… I woulda loved to see that.”
“I mean you still could… if I’m joining Hellfire…”
“Oh, no… no I am the Dungeon Master there, princess no one else. And I run a brutal campaign… you better prepare yourself. I’m not about to go easy on you, just cause it’s you.”
“We’ll see about that won’t we Munson, I can take brutal, you know.”
He just about chokes on his words at that, but manages to contain himself… barely, “Uhh huh sure you can, princess.”
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The next couple of years after that the two of you reconnect, it was like you’d never been apart, but again he’s coming up on his final year, about to leave you behind yet again. And then… he doesn’t, he doesn’t graduate, he fails his senior year. 
You’re torn on the one hand it means you get another year with him, another year before he disappears again. On the other hand, you hated seeing him fail, you knew how shitty high school was for him, constantly being mocked and teased. You hadn’t had it any better either, but having him there helped and now you’d have him for another year.
 But now, now you’re eighteen, he’s twenty and he’s failed again. So, you get to share all your classes with him, you feel guilty about how happy you are to still have him with you. 
Your little brother and his friends are just starting high school and Eddie takes them under his wing, inviting them to join you at your table. You would have done so yourself, but he’d beaten you to it and it reminded you of the day you met him, the way he stood up for you, the way he still stood up for you.
 Your feelings have resurfaced… or maybe they’d always been there, just bubbling away in the hidden recesses of your mind. You hated yourself for it, it wasn’t for you to have a crush… nothing could possibly come of it, you’d seen the way he’d looked at other girls, prettier girls, skinnier girls… he’d never want you, why bother? And every day you dig yourself deeper into this hole, torturing yourself.
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He’s driving you to school one day when you find yourself humming along to one of the songs on his radio and he is very quick to call you out on it. “Hey, I thought you didn’t like my, quote ‘shitty metal’?”
You give him a shove, “Fuck off, you know I don’t.”
“Oh, yeah then why are you fucking humming Metallica hmmm?” He grins smugly.
“I dunno, I guess it grows on you… like a wart… or a skin lesion… or you.”
“Hey, you take that back!”
You giggle, “Never.”
“Oh, really is that how it is?” He glances over at you briefly, taking one hand from the steering wheel he begins poking at you “Take. It. Back.”
You squirm away from his prodding fingers, but then instead of getting your arm or your shoulder he misses and makes contact with the swell of your belly and you freeze.
He knows he’s done something wrong, when he glances over again, the way your giggles die on your lips, the way you won’t look at him.
“What’s wrong princess?” He asks seriously.
“Nothing. Nothing, just drive.” Your voice sounds almost empty, but he doesn’t push any further.
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Nancy knows, even if you won’t admit it at first, but she knows about your not so little crush. When you finally do admit it, she encourages you to do something about it, but you can’t… you couldn’t, could you? What if it ruined everything between the two of you… after all why would he ever look at you like that…
 It does no good to dwell on these thoughts, but they come up, every time you’re in his van, every time he looks at you with that glint in his eye, every time you’re sat in his bedroom… on his bed, smoking and laughing and forgetting who you are for just a split second. It gives you hope, but then it all comes crashing down around you.
 When he shows you how to roll your first joint, you can’t take your eyes off of him. You don’t hear a word he’s saying, it washes over you without comprehension. He sits facing you from the foot of your bed, you sit cross-legged facing him, leaning in slightly. 
You watch his nimble fingers working away, the way his tongue darts out to wet the paper, his eyes never leaving yours, making sure you pay attention. It makes you feel hot all over, squirming as he’s twisting off the end giving you a little grin, proudly showing it off, “… and that is how it’s done.”
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“Uhh cool, thanks.” You move to pluck it from his fingertips but he snatches it away.
“Ah, ah, ah don’t you know the rules… roller’s rights?”
You look at him in confusion, he explains, “The roller always takes the first hit.”
“Oh, ok.” You mumble and settle back down into the pillows. He lights up the end then takes a few puffs before passing it over to you, you take a deep drag and choke almost immediately. He laughs before smacking you on the back, before rubbing in soothing circles “Hey, take it easy… just breathe.”
He reaches across you to the water sitting on your bedside table, “Here take a sip, it’ll help.”
You take a few sips of water and steady your breathing before he continues, his hand still on your back, “When you take a hit it’s just a few little breaths in, slowly, lightly. Don’t try to take too much at once, it’s not the same as smoking a cigarette, ok?”
“Yep, uhh huh.” You croak out.  
“And hold the smoke in your mouth first, then breathe in from here…” he rubs a hand over his belly, up high by his diaphragm.
“You wanna try again?”
You nod humming in response and he nods back for you to go ahead.
You follow his advice and it goes better, you try again and it’s even easier.
“Alright, now pass it back.” He holds out a hand and you hand it over to him.
“There, now give it a few minutes before you try again, it’s your first time don’t wanna go too hard, too fast.” He takes another puff.
You giggle, teasing, “But what if I want hard and fast?”
And then he’s choking, spluttering, coughing up smoke.
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“Jesus H Christ… princess you can’t say shit like that, someone might take it the wrong way one day.” He gasps out.
You roll your eyes, “Eddie, come on no one is thinking of me like that, get real.”
He hesitates a moment, “What if… what if I told you I thought of you like that?”
“Haha, very funny…” you reply sarcastically, but he’s not laughing, “… wait a minute you’re serious?”
“Yeah, you got no fucking idea…”
“Are you sure that isn’t just the weed talking, I mean I heard it can make people-”
He cuts you off with a fierce kiss, pushing his lips to yours forcefully, nipping at your bottom lip gently, the joint burning down steadily in his limp grip. When he breaks away, he looks at you with lust clouded eyes, “Oh, I’m real fucking sure, princess. I have been crushing on you since God only knows when.”
You look up at him through your lashes, bashfully, “Ummm I’ve been crushing on you pretty much since the day we met.” You confess.
“Shit… can I fucking kiss you again?” He breathes out.
“Yeah… umm, maybe just get rid of that first.” You nod down to his fingers.
“Oh, right… yeah.” He mumbles reaching for his black metal lunchbox, snubbing out the joint on the lid and tossing it inside.
He looks back over at you, leaning in slowly, you don’t know why, but you’re blurting out, “imavirgin…” the words meld together in your embarrassment.
“What was that? Didn’t quite get that...”
You take a deep steadying breath, making sure to enunciate clearly this time, you repeat, “I’m a virgin.”
He lets out a guttural groan, “Fuck, princess is that true? No one… no one’s ever touched you before?”
“Umm no never… never been kissed before either…” You admit shyly.
“That’s quite a few firsts tonight, isn’t it? Do you wanna tackle a few more?”
You nod, pouting at him, “Please Eddie, kiss me again?”
“How could I refuse?”
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He swoops in capturing your lips between his own once more, you feel his tongue probing for entrance you let out a needy whine and it’s slipping in alongside your own. 
You tangle your hands into his hair you gasp as he lifts you into his lap, you pull away, “Wh-what’re you doing, don’t I’m heavy…”
“Oh no, you are just perfect, you sit right there, right on top of my cock.” He emphasises this with a roll of his hips and the hard bulge of his dick grinds into your heated core. You whine again at the sensation, feeling a wetness pool between your thighs.
He pulls you back in for another kiss, sloppier than the previous and you grind back against him with a moan.
“Did you mean it?” He gasps into your mouth.
“When you said you want it ‘hard and fast’… or was that just a joke?”
“I dunno… it wasn’t entirely a joke…”
“You think you can handle it hard and fast, do you think you’ll still like me after, if I’m rough?” He growls.
“Please Eddie, I want you. I want you so bad I can’t breathe.” You gasp.
“Ok, but we’re gonna start off slow alright? Then we can ramp it up to hard and fast.” He chuckles darkly.
As he resumes kissing you his hands move to lift your shirt and you pull away suddenly.
“You ok, sweetheart? You change your mind?” Concern laces his voice.
“No… no it’s not that… just, could we maybe turn the lights off…?”
It’s like a switch flips in his head, “Oh no, no sweetheart I wanna see all of you… every gorgeous bit. The things I would do to you…”
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He groans his hands dropping to your plump legs that straddle his own, squeezing them softly, urging you to move against him more firmly, “Wanna bury my face between these thighs… so fucking gorgeous… wanna do so much with ‘em, bite ‘em, suck em, kiss ‘em… push your legs together and fuck them.”
He drops one hand to cup your ass, kneading the soft flesh, he growls, “Oh and if you let me take you from behind, I could watch your ass jiggle as I pound into you, maybe slap it a bit if you’d let me… would you like that princess? Want me to slap that fucking glorious ass of yours? You have no idea how many times I’ve been distracted by just that… thinking about bending you over and just taking you…” You’re panting desperately at his touch, barely done anything and he’s already got you absolutely wrecked.
 He moves his hand up to your chest, groping your breasts he lets out a guttural moan as you whine pitifully, “And these tits, don’t even get me started on those… absolutely perfect… shove my face into them too, suck on your nipples, pinch ‘em ‘til you fucking scream… oh god, I’d love it if you held your tits together… let me fuck em ‘til I cum all over your pretty face, watch it drip down your chin…” his filthy mouth has you soaking your panties, grinding down into him.
You barely register that he’s popped the button on your jeans sliding them down slowly until he flips you over onto your back and you gasp, you never knew he was so strong, the way he was manhandling you like it was nothing. 
He kneels between your legs, towering over you, you yelp as he grabs your jeans roughly pulling them the rest of the way down before you can protest. 
You unconsciously tug the hem of your shirt lower to cover yourself and he swats your hands away, “Ah, ah sweetheart none of that I wanna see you… how about this, if I take off my shirt you let me take off yours?”
You bite you lip as you consider it, God do you wanna see him… bare chest, tattoos all on display… you nod nervously, mumbling “O-ok… b-but you first…?”
He concedes, “Ok, sweetheart me first.”
He hooks a hand into the collar of his shirt pulls it off and tosses it across the room blindly, your eyes rake over him, practically salivating at the sight, lingering on the sparse trail of hair peeking out over his belt. He’s smirking down at you as you pout up at him, “Pants too?”
“What about them?” He teases.
“Wan’ you to take yours off too… ‘s only fair…”
He grins devilishly, eyes glinting, “How about you take them off for me, princess?”
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You sit up and place a shaky hand over his belt buckle, your fingers just grazing the hair of his happy trail. You undo the belt clumsily and unzip his jeans before rolling them down his thighs slowly. His baggy blue and white chequered boxers do little to hide his erection as it tents the fabric there. 
Before you can do anything else he’s pushing you back into the pillows behind you, “Now, I seem to remember that the deal was… tit for tat, or rather tats for tits you may say…” he chuckles.
You giggle and resist the urge to fight him when his hands drop to toy with the hem of your shirt, he leans in easing your shirt up, trailing kisses over your belly, your chest, until he pulls your shirt over your head and tosses that aside too, diving back in to kiss you eagerly on the lips. He pulls away leaving you breathless, humming in appreciation, “Beautiful…”
“Eddie stoop…” You whine swatting at him.
“Never, I meant what I said and I’m gonna suck on those tits ‘til you’re begging me for more… there’s uhh… something I want you to do for me though…”
“What’s that?” You mumble curiously.
“Don’t call me Eddie. Do you think you could… call me ‘daddy’ while we…”
You gasp, “Fuck… yeah I can do that for you… daddy.”
“Yeah, just like that, sweetheart.” He moans encouragingly before ducking his head to the crook of your neck biting, kissing, mouthing on it as his hands wrap around you. Calloused, ringed fingers brush against your back as he fiddles with the clasp of your bra, he gets it loose and slips it off down your arms. 
He trails kisses down your chest until he reaches a nipple, sucking it into his mouth, laving over it with his tongue. His hands join his mouth, pushing your tits closer together, pinching and rolling the other nipple between his fingers. Your breath hitches at his ministrations and you let out a shaky moan.
“So, fucking responsive… love that I’m the only one who gets to do this to you…” He growls against your skin. He takes the hand closest to his mouth and caresses your mound, before dipping his fingers under the waistband. He runs his fingertips through your slick, teasing your entrance before dragging the up to circle your clit.
“All of this is just for me…” He murmurs, pulling away from you chest briefly.
“Yes, just you… no one else.” You gasp in response.
“God fucking damn, that’s right. I’m the only one that gets to touch you like this, isn’t that right?”
You mumble in assent, “Mhmmm that’s right… daddy, only you.”
“Fuck, princess gonna make me bust a nut and we haven’t even started yet.”
Your legs quiver on either side of him as he plunges two fingers into you crooking them against your soft, spongy walls. You can hear his rings clink together and feel them bump against your entrance, the sound met with a wet squelch as your cunt takes all he has to offer. 
His thumb moves to press against your clit in clumsy circles, you grab onto his shoulders tightly, there’s a tension mounting, coiling deep in your belly.
“That’s it princess, you gonna cum for daddy? Cum on my fingers for me.”
Something in you snaps and the tension is released all at once, your walls flutter on his fingertips, your release gushing all over them as you moan breathily.
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He grins at you proudly as you gasp for breath, “So, another first for you… what’s that now, first joint, first kiss, first orgasm from my fingers… what’s next my tongue or my cock.
“Jesus fucking Christ Eddie…” he gives you a disapproving look and you try again, “please… please, daddy.”
“Please what, sweetheart… use your words.”
“Please… fuck me…” You whine.
“How do you want it?” He asks firmly, “Tongue. Or cock?”
“Wan’ your cock, wan’ you to fuck me hard, show me I’m yours…” You whimper in response, weakly reaching for his boxers.
“You on any kind of birth control, sweetheart?” He asks in earnest.
“Mhhmm… yep I am.”
“Good… that’s good… now you’re sure about this, right?”
“Yes, never wanted anything more in my life… please…”
He ducks down and presses a kiss to your thigh before tugging your panties down your legs. He looks up at you with a little grin, panties hanging off his finger, “Mind if I keep these?”
“You can have whatever you want so long as you make me cum again daddy…”
He groans in response eyes squeezing shut briefly, and he palms at his cock. He drapes your panties over his lunchbox before sliding down his boxers to join his jeans. His thick, weepy length bobs up between his legs, precum bubbling up at the flushed tip. You gasp at the sight, “You’re so… big… can I touch it first?”
“Gonna gimme an ego sweetheart…” he mumbles as he reaches out for your hand guiding it onto his stiff length.
His precum slicks the motions of your hand, he controls the pace, running your hand along his length the way he likes. You devote all your attention to his cock while he watches you appreciatively.
When you swipe your thumb over the head on the upstroke, he growls lowly, “That’s enough now, princess. This time you’re gonna soak my cock with that tight little cunt of yours.” He looks into your eyes, his own dark with lust.
He pulls his jeans and boxers all the way off dropping them over the edge of the bed.
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He pushes you back down into the pillows with a hand on your shoulder before moving to sweep your hair out of your face. He grabs your hand, slick and sticky from rubbing his flushed cock and holds it in front of your face, “Look you got your hand all messy. Lick it clean princess.” He orders.
He pushes your own hand to your mouth and you swipe your tongue over your palm before wrapping your lips around your fingers with a low moan. “Such a good girl for daddy.” He hums, you can taste him on your skin you whine as you imagine what it would be like to suck on his fat cock. 
He smirks down at you while he grips his shaft at the base, rubbing the head through your glistening folds. Then another image springs to mind, one he’d painted for you, of him fucking your breasts, losing himself completely and cumming all over your face… how high would it splatter, would it get in your mouth, would it taste like this.
He pulls your hand away from your mouth leaning in for a kiss as he forces his tip inside your dribbling entrance. He swallows up all your little whines and gasps as he drops a hand between you to rub at your swollen clit. He sinks into you further and further until he’s buried deeper than you ever thought possible.
“Gonna give it to you hard and fast real soon princess, but we gotta get you a little warmed up for me first…”
He rolls his hips thrusting shallowly as you adjust to the sensation.
“Please… hmmm… fuck, faster please daddy. Feels so… mhnnn… feels so good” You pant out, hips rising to meet his.
“With pleasure sweetheart.” His hands move to grip your hips bruisingly tight. As he increases the pace, you feel his balls slapping against your ass, the room is filled with all sorts of obscene, wet sounds. 
You twist your hand into his curls, gazing up at his rosy face, sweat dripping from his brow, eyes blown wide with lust. When you give a little tug on his hair, he lets out a deep, rumbling moan.
He hooks his arms beneath your legs pulling them up over his shoulders sinking into you deeper with this new angle, “You like being filled up, sweetheart? Feel so good when daddy’s deep in you? You gonna let me cum buried inside you?”
“Please… god yes, want it so bad daddy, want you to fill me up with your cum.”
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He brings a hand up to your chin, thumb sliding over it ‘til it rests on your bottom lip as you whimper beneath him, he eases his thumb between your lips and you suck on it mindlessly.
“You’re gonna take everything I give you right?”
You nod, mumbling around his thumb in agreement.
“Then open.” He forces your jaw down with his thumb, you look up at him a little confused.
Suddenly he spits in your mouth, ramming his cock into you at the same time, you whimper.
“Now swallow.” He demands and you do so, your saliva mixing with his as it slides down your throat and your walls flex around him of their own accord.
“Oh, you liked that did you?”
“Y-yes daddy.”
“Oh, you’re such a good girl for me. You do like it hard, don’t you? Gonna fuck you so hard you can’t walk.”
“Please… fuck, please gonna cum again.”
“Then cum for me. Squeeze on my dick, lemme feel it. Cum for daddy.”
You wail, chanting “Daddy, daddy, daddy… fuck ‘m cumming.” Your back arches, head thrown back gasping as you clamp down around him, your release running over his cock in rivulets and he continues to pound into you, fucking you through your orgasm. 
You fall back limply still spasming around him when he reaches his peak, he growls, “Yeah that’s it princess, you’re gonna take all my fucking cum… take everything daddy gives you.”
He empties his heavy balls deep inside you with a deep, strung-out groan, you can feel his warm seed flood your cunt, drenching your already slick channel.
He collapses on top of you, sweaty bodies pressed together and he tries to nuzzle in even closer.
“God, that was good sweetheart.” He pants in your ear.
“Yeah.” You mumble in agreement running a hand over his back tracing random patterns.
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He sighs and you feel his breath against your cheek while his cock softens slowly slipping out of you. You can feel your combined fluids leaking out of your entrance slipping down between your ass to pool on your bed. 
Eddie rolls off of you wandering off naked, when he returns, he’s cleaned himself off, approaching you carrying a warm, damp cloth, he runs it over your body soothingly, between your legs cleaning you off. 
He stoops down untangling his boxers from his jeans slipping them on as he moves to your wardrobe rifling around til he finds some pyjamas. He helps you into them gently and wraps the covers around you and turns out the lights before slotting himself in behind you. He presses a kiss to your shoulder and wraps his arms around you with a sigh.
You melt into his embrace and he wishes you sweet dreams, you return the sentiment. The pair of you doze off smiling contentedly in your post-orgasm bliss.
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Eddie wakes in very early hours of the morning, still happy and content, girl of his dreams wrapped up in his arms. His thoughts turn sour as he lays there, the demons in his head tormenting him…
Jesus Christ what have you done, that was her first time you fucking pig… you told her to call you ‘daddy’ what is wrong with you… fucking freak… shit that’s what everyone’s gonna think the freak and the fatty, both of you together that’ll send them all into a frenzy and her oh, she’ll never hear the end of it, do you really think she deserves that… do you think you deserve to be happy…
And he’s slipping out from under the covers shrouded in his shame, careful not to rouse you he dresses and collects his belongings. He pauses briefly before pocketing your panties, one last little souvenir. Sick pervert. He shakes his head as if to clear his thoughts before taking off into the early dawn.
You wake up a few hours later, sore, mumbling his name, hands searching for his warmth only to come up with nothing. Eyes snapping open you look around in confusion, you find that all of his belongings are gone all evidence that he was even here gone. 
He’d be back, for sure he’d be back. Why would he leave…? But he doesn’t come back, doesn’t answer any of your calls. This continues for the rest of the weekend, you convince yourself it’ll be different when you get to school.
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Monday rolls around, your stomach twists into knots, did he regret it, wake up next to you with a sudden clarity, no longer horny or high and realise he didn’t actually want someone who looked like you. Or maybe he was just worried what other people would think if he dated someone like you… good enough to fuck, but not good enough to keep around. 
You can’t believe that you’d let yourself believe that it could be something more for even a second. Tears sting your eyes and you swipe them away angrily, you huff sulking off into the bathroom, don’t be so fucking dumb, of course he wouldn’t want you just deal with it. You splash cold water over your face and take a few deep breaths to steady yourself.
 You end up late for homeroom, only just entering the room as the teacher calls your name. Eddie isn’t sitting in his usual seat, instead he’s sat beside Gareth chatting away about something to do with the band and their show tomorrow night.
He doesn’t look at you as you pass him, you slink off to the last available seats, it’s fine, it’s fine… more tears threaten to slip out but you bite them back.
He avoids you for the rest of the day, you don’t even see him at lunch, but then you pass him on your way out of the cafeteria, you call out to him, “Hey, Eddie there you are I’ve been looking for you all day.”
But he walks right passed you, blank-faced, staring straight passed you. It’s like a knife to your heart, your frozen can’t move, can’t speak, the tears you’ve been fighting all day spill out. Someone bumps into your shoulder and of course it has to be them, “Watch it fatass.” 
And there’s giggles as they walk on you can hear them saying to one another, “She was fucking crying did you see her, what a fucking loser… not even the freak wants to be seen with her now.”
That’s the final straw, you don’t even bother collecting your stuff from your locker you just… leave. You walk all the way home blindly, the tears stoped at some point leaving your eyes puffy and stinging, your nails dig into your palms leaving little half-moon impressions.
You let yourself in trudging to your room, stripping off your clothes and pulling on anything that’s nearby before crawling into bed burying yourself beneath the covers.
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Your mum wakes you when she gets home, you brush her off telling her you’re not feeling well, trying to pass it off as really bad period cramps. You tell her you might not go in to school tomorrow, she offers to bring you something to eat and a hot water bottle you nod mutely, you don’t really feel like talking much.
 You spend the next few days like that in a haze, numb to the world but acutely aware of the stabbing pain in your chest and the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. By the fourth day Nancy stops by to check on you, it’s not like you to miss so many days of school, let alone walk out in the middle of the day.
She enters your room tentatively calling out to you, she sits on the edge of your bed as you groan from your cocoon of blankets.
“You wanna tell me what happened?”
You give a little grunt, she brushes your greasy hair behind your ear gently, “Want a hug?” She offers.
“No, ‘m all gross.” You mumble pulling your self to sit up at the very least, but then the tears flow anew, that’s exactly why he doesn’t want you… fat, ugly, gross, loser… every insult ever hurled at you streams through your brain.
Nancy wraps her arms around you despite your attempts to push her away.
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“You know I can’t help if I don’t know what’s wrong. Your mum said you haven’t been eating properly, won’t come out of your room, i haven’t seen you like this since… well in a really long time.”
You breathe in shakily trying to stem the flow of tears, “I’m a fucking idiot that’s what’s wrong.”
“Hey, hey that’s not true, tell me what actually happened.”
You shake your head pushing away from her, “Can’t.”
“Tough ‘cause I’m not leaving ‘til you do.” She folds her arms over her chest giving you a determined look.
“Well, be prepared to stay a while then.”
“Don’t be stubborn.” She chides.
“You don’t be stubborn.”
“I’m just trying to help.”
“Fine, Ugh fine…”
“Go on I’m listening.”
“He doesn’t want me, doesn’t want anything to do with me now.” You can’t bring yourself to look at her while you speak.
“Who’re you talking about?”
“That’s not possible, that guy looks at you like you hung the moon. What happened? Did you tell him how you feel or…”
“No… well yes, but… ok, so he came over Friday night. You know how my parents went away?” She nods as you continue, “So, I asked him what it was like to smoke weed, like we always smoke together when we’re at his place, but never that and he was showing me how to roll a joint and god he looked so hot and I made some dumb joke about wanting it ‘hard and fast’ and he kissed me and told me he had a crush on me and I told him as well… and one thing kinda led to another and we ended up having sex and…” you trail off uncertain of how much detail is too much detail.
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“None of that sounds bad so far, where did you get the idea that he doesn’t want you if he’s already slept with you.”
“When I woke up in the morning… after… he was gone, he didn’t answer any of my calls the whole weekend but I thought I’d give him the benefit of the doubt… I dunno, whatever. Anyway then at school on Monday he acted like I didn’t even exist, walked right passed me and they had to see it, had to comment on it.”
You hazard a glance at her and you can practically see the steam billowing out from her ears, “I’m sorry he what?!”
“I just I don’t wanna talk about it anymore, the year’s almost over and just like before he’ll be disappearing from my life again… this time just a little sooner than planned.”
“I’m gonna talk to him.” She says firmly.
“What? No! Nance don’t… please don’t… promise me you won’t.”
“I…” she falters at the look in your eye, “Alright, fine I won’t.”
You shoot her a stern look, “Really, I promise I won’t.” She insist.
“I mean it don’t.” You finish firmly.
“Ok… have you eaten today? What did you have?”
“I did, I had tea and crackers.”
“Is that it? All day that’s all you had?”
“Yeah, it’s fine, it’s not like I’m doing anything today other than wallowing in bed and it’s not as if I’ll starve to death.”
“You know starving yourself is just as bad as overeating, neither of which is going to help you right now. Come on get out of bed go have a shower, I’ll make you something to eat and we can watch a movie… we haven’t had a girl’s night in a while you know.”
 You give in to her pestering and it does help to take your mind off things for a bit. She makes you promise that she’ll see you up and about next week.
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Nancy doesn’t break her promise at first, not exactly but she does go straight to Steve right after your little ‘girl’s night’.
“You want me to what?”
She rolls her eyes, “Oh, relax it’s not that big a deal just talk to the guy.”
“Why me? If it’s not such a big deal you talk to him.”
“I told you I promised y/n I wouldn’t so I’m not.”
“Still don’t get why it has to be me.” He grumbles.
“What are you scared of him or something?” She teases.
“No! It’s just weird you want me to talk to him about his sex life, c’mon that’s weird.”
“Hey, y/n is your friend too and she’s really hurting right now, just talk to the guy.”
“Why couldn’t it be one of those Hellfire guys instead?”
“Well, I don’t really know them, I know you… but I guess we could talk to them too. Maybe they could help, we can ask Mike where to find them.”
 That’s how they find themselves grouped together with a couple of the guys from Hellfire Club, on Eddie Munson’s front porch. Nancy knocks on the front door and Eddie tumbles out to greet them “Wheeler? Harrington? The fuck are you two doing here?”
He spots Gareth and Jeff just behind them, “Emerson… what the fuck is going on?”
Nancy pokes him in the chest angrily, “Inside. Now, Munson.”
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He holds up his hands in surrender stumbling backwards inside the trailer.
When everyone is inside, he tries again, “Right, so is anyone gonna fill me in here? What the fuck is going on?”
The boys let her go off on her tirade, her promise to you forgotten amidst her anger, “Don’t play dumb Munson, we’re here about what happened with y/n.”
“Shit… yeah I know I took things too far but tell her it’s ok, I’ll stay away from now on.”
“That is exactly the problem, why are you staying away?”
“Just imagine what people would say about us, the freak and the fatty…”
Gareth speaks up taken aback, “What the fuck man since when do you call her that?”
Eddie sighs “I don’t, it’s just what people would say and she doesn’t deserve that, she doesn’t need people judging her and they would if we were together. Why would anyone want to be seen with the freak nah she doesn’t need that.”
“Since when has that stopped her before, she’s with you all the time?” Jeff counters.
“Yeah, but that’s different it’ll be so much worse for her if we’re dating, this is for her own good, she’d be better off without me all together.” He protests with a tone of finality.
“Shouldn’t you let her decide that for herself? You don’t think you’re hurting her right now… acting like this. Imagine what she’s feeling, what she’s thinking. She’s alone in her room, hasn’t left for days, hasn’t been eating, torturing herself over why you’d do this.” Nancy attempts to reason with him.
Reality comes crashing down around him as he realises what he’s done, “Oh fuck I’m… shit I’m a fucking asshole. I let my own fucking insecurities get to me I didn’t stop to think how she’d feel, how she’d see it… fuck, fuck, fuck.” He paces back and forth tugging on his curls anxiously. His head snaps up, locking on to Nancy, “What do I do… what can I do?”
Steve speaks up for the first time, side-eyeing Nancy as he does so, “You fucking apologise man, take her flowers, beg for her forgiveness… whatever it takes.”
“Right… right.” He mutters to himself before his head pops up again, “You guys uh wanna like leave, or…?”
“Yeah, we’ll go.” Steve replies leading the way out of the trailer.
Nancy lets the other two go first before turning back to Eddie, “You fix this Munson… and I was never here, ok?”
He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, “Uhh… yeah ok.”
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He stands beneath your bedroom window tossing rocks at it til one connects. You peek your head out at the noise and see him standing there, arms laden with flowers and candy. You don’t quite trust yourself to speak first so you stare down at him expectantly.
He finally breaks the silence, “Can I come in? We gotta talk.”
Your despair solidifies into bitter anger, “Oh, now you wanna talk… fuck off.”
“Please… please just hear me out.” He calls back desperately.
“Why the fuck should I? I gave you so many chances, why now?”
“I’m a fucking idiot, I know that and I’m sorry I’m so so sorry. Please just let me in, let me explain and then I’ll go if you want, I promise.”
“Alright, fine. You better make it quick though… you know the way in. Come up.” You slip back into your room slamming the window shut.
He takes the stairs in leaps and bounds when he gets inside, hesitating outside your bedroom before steeling himself and opening the door.
The second he steps inside it’s like all moisture is wicked away from his mouth he stands there for a moment in silence. You prompt him to begin, “Well? You gonna actually speak or-”
He blurts out, “I love you…”
You roll your eyes, scoffing, “Yeah, sure you fucking do… not falling for that one again.”
He persists, “I’m really, really, really sorry, you have no idea. I uh got these for you.” He thrusts out the flowers and a box of candy in your direction.
You eye them sceptically, snarling, “And what some flowers and chocolates are gonna make me just fall right into bed with you again… ‘daddy’?”
“I never should have… I took things way too far for your first time I am so fucking sorry. I really do love you though.” He says in earnest.
Your voice cracks, “Why did you leave? Why do you always fucking leave me?”
“Because I was a dumb fucking piece of shit too wrapped up in my own insecurities… thinking I don’t deserve you, don’t deserve happiness… worried about what people would think of you if you were dating me, the things they’d say…thought you’d be better off without me.”
“It’s not on you to make decisions like that for me, you ass. The things people would say about me because I’m dating you… fuck that’d just fly right over my head ‘cause I’d be with you. And that shit about you not deserving happiness is just that, absolute shit… of course you deserve happiness. And by doing this you deprived both of us of a chance at happiness.”
“Is… is it too late… can I… can we try again?” He stutters out hopefully.
Your resolve slips, “You really hurt me Munson…”
His face falls, “I know, I’m so sorry… and I will spend the rest of my fucking life making it up to you if… if you’d let me?”
“It… it wasn’t too far you know, umm I actually really liked it… all of it.”
His eyes search your own desperately, “Does that mean…?”
“Yes Eddie, it means we can try again.”
His face lights up and he drops the flowers and the candy onto your bed, he moves towards you but stops suddenly, “Can… can I kiss you?”
You give a small nod and he dives in kissing you slowly, deeply, with purpose. He pulls away and asks breathily, “Can I stay the night?”
“Don’t push your luck.” You warn.
He gasps, “No! Not… not like that… I mean not that I wouldn’t want that, but… I mean, just let me sleep here, that’s it just sleep, cuddle a bit. Then in the morning I’ll show you how it should have gone the first time, like this past week never happened.”
“O-ok, yeah we can do that.”
“Thank you.” He hums pulling you against him, nuzzling into your neck.
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And true to his word that is all you do that night, falling asleep wrapped up in one another, peacefully. He wakes you in the morning with a sweet kiss, he says he’d offer to make you breakfast but the best he could do is cereal so he takes you out to the diner instead.
When you tell Nancy what happened she doesn’t seem too surprised, “Good I’m glad the two of you worked that out, I’m happy for you really… but if he ever does anything like that again you tell me straight away. I’ll sort him right out.”
You shoot her a suspicious look, “Nance, did you talk to him?”
“What? No! No, I promised I wouldn’t… it was Steve and a couple of your Hellfire friends I swear.”
“Uh huh and how did they know about it?” You probe.
She folds easily, “Alright fine I talked to him, I’m sorry but-”
“No, it’s fine. Actually, I’m glad you did, thank you.”
“No problem… so, now can we talk about it… what’s he like in the bedroom?”
You gasp mock scandalised, “Nancy Wheeler, how dare you…” you can’t maintain it for long and burst into giggles, “He is gooood I’ll say that much, very generous in every sense of the word.”
She raises a brow, “You mean…” and indicates size with her hands.
You nod “Oh, boy do I, and he knows what to do with it.”
She chuckles at your response, you ask about her, “How’re you and Jonathan?”
“Good, we’re good…”
The two of you chat long into the night, you’re glad of a friend like her, glad she stepped in when she did else who knows how things could’ve gone.
908 notes · View notes
harringtonfan4 · 1 year
Had to change the name back to harringtonfan4 and my photo. Apparently my attempt to personalize my blog backfired and everyone thought i was a bot I’ve been blocked by multiple accounts and reported lol
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10 notes · View notes
seidenbros · 1 year
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Excuse me?! Yes hello, this is so sweet? 🥺 Thank you so much, that really brightened my day, you wonderful person 💚
2 notes · View notes
lovejosephquinn · 1 year
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I needed this half way through my shift, thank you my lovely ✨🥰
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daleyeahson · 1 year
Omg thank you 🥹🥹
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melodymunson · 1 year
✨🌈☀️send this to ten people you're happy to see every time they pop up on your dash/notif and wish them a good day🌟🌈💥
thanks so much Jen you too! @harringtonfan4
0 notes
inourtownofhawkins · 1 year
I think you’re lovely 🥰 people who hide on anon are just key board warriors don’t let them get you down !
Thank you so so much <33
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rehfan · 1 year
Feeling down need something soft something fluffy and some gentle love making and make it plus reader or at the very least self conscious reader who just needs loves from eddie
I know I'm a slow writer, but here you go, bb. Hope your day/week/month is much better!
Rainy Day Lovesong
Eddie x fem!reader/AFAB!reader/self-conscious!reader/plus size!reader
18+ only please; minors DNI, friends to lovers; fluff and smut; hurt/comfort; emotional hurt/comfort; PIV sex; unprotected sex (DO NOT DO THIS); cockwarming; cuddling
His hugs were the best hugs. You didn’t care why, but you had your suspicions. Could have been that his mom taught him. Or he inherited the skill from Uncle Wayne - that man’s hugs were rare, but when he hugged you, you knew it mattered.
And that’s how you felt when Eddie hugged you: you mattered. You mattered to Eddie. Even though you were only friends. He made you feel like the only person in the world when you really needed it.
You had walked to his trailer. Your no-good, terrible, bad day had oozed into every corner of your life and when your car got a flat on the way home from the worst day at work EVER? You were done. Instead of heading home to a carton of ice cream & a bubble bath, you headed straight to Eddie’s.
It didn’t matter if you arrived unannounced. He never cared. You were always welcome.
But because the Fates hated you, they had to ruin your walk. The skies opened. You should have grabbed your umbrella from the car, but you hadn’t thought about it. You were too busy trying not to have a nervous breakdown. So down the rain came and you were sopping wet within minutes, your clothes sticking to you in an uncomfortable way.
You were never really at ease in your own skin, constantly comparing yourself to the other girls & women you considered attractive. Wearing baggier clothing was your version of armor against others who saw your flaws. But the rain & wind of Indiana made your clothing adhere to all your uglier curves, causing you to wrap your arms around your belly, not just to help keep warm, but also to hide the spare tire that would have made the Michelin Man jealous.
By the time you were squishing up the steps to Eddie’s place, you resembled a drowned rat more than yourself.
As soon as he saw you, his eyes flew wide followed by his arms. As soon as you saw him, you cried. “Eddie,” was all you managed before he pulled you into the warm and dry, wrapping you in his arms and swaying you gently back and forth.
He didn’t care that you were dripping wet, soaking him and the carpet beneath you. He didn’t care how you looked, your hair a mess, makeup washed away, sweaty, shivering. He didn’t care a damn. You needed him.
At first he just let you cry. You were too upset to form realistic English sentences anyway. You fisted at his shirt, screaming your frustration into his chest, abandoning all sense of propriety and dignity. The tears burned and your throat hurt, air and spit vying for access to your pharynx causing you to choke and sputter. Your nose was a snot factory. You couldn’t stop yourself. Every ounce of everything you’ve ever mourned came pouring forth from your soul. You ached with the exorcism of it.
Eddie just held you. Soft. Strong. Tender. Firm. Cradling you against him perfectly. The long, warm line of him solid yet swaying, rocking to soothe your fractured soul.
The pain moved over, around, and through you. Each of your cries renewed as wave after wave swallowed you under again. Eddie never wavered. Your rock to cling to. Your shelter. Your anchor.
You forgot the storm outside until you heard the first peal of thunder. It snapped you back to reality. Your sobs slowed and settled. You felt exhausted yet more clean. Finally, you just rested your cheek against his chest, aware of only your tandem breathing and the patter of rain on the roof.
His fingertips swept at the errant drops along your face, clearing them away. You shivered.
Warm lips met your forehead followed by a warm stubble-covered cheek. “Come on. Let’s get you dried off.”
He led you to the bathroom and sat you on the toilet, asking you to wait there. He disappeared only to return a moment later with an oversized sweatshirt, a pair of sweatpants, and socks. “Here’s a towel for your hair,” he said, handing you one from the tiny linen cabinet in the wall. “Get dressed. Your wet things are going in the dryer, so empty your pockets.”
He left and you could hear him rattling around in the kitchen.
You undressed and redressed slowly, drained from all the day had brought you. All the while, you marveled at his unquestioning patience with you. He didn’t even seem curious as to why you were so soaking wet. He just gave you dry clothes. He didn’t ask why you had absolutely bawled like a small child in his arms. He just stood there and held you.
You took a small moment to thank every god you barely believed in for Eddie Munson. How you and he were even friends was a mystery to you, but then, that was Eddie. If you weren’t his enemy, you were his friend. That’s just how it was. And if you were his friend, there was no half-assing it; you were his friend all the way.
Once dressed and mostly dry, your skin finally warming under the clothes he had given you, you brought your wet things out to the dryer and stuffed them in, starting the machine. He was cooking.
Inside of ten minutes, he had warm tomato soup and grilled cheese for two served up on the kitchen table. You sat and ate without a word, biting into the sandwich delicately. Burning your mouth would be the coup de grâce you didn’t need.
As you chewed, he supplied: “The trick is, you gotta use mayo instead of butter. Learned that from Granny Munson.”
“Why?” you asked, relieved to be talking about something so innocuous.
“More of an even toast,” he said.
“Didn’t know you were such a master chef.”
He tilted his head and smiled. “Don’t look now, but I think you might be smiling.”
You ducked your head, blushing a little. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Huh. Maybe my imagination then.”
You finished your food and Eddie cleared the table, filled the sink with soapy water, and dunked the dishes in. You came to him and hugged him from behind. Your “thank you, Eddie” was muffled, spoken into his spine.
He paused. “Don’t mention it, sweetheart.”
You could have fallen asleep standing up against him just then. He roused you gently, shifting against you, and said, “Check out my latest rentals, babe. Over by the VCR. Pop in something. I’ll be on the couch in a minute.”
You gave his torso a squeeze by way of acknowledgement and moved to the TV. Any distraction would be nice. Two horror flicks and a third, a western, we’re resting on the VCR. “What’s this? ‘The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence’? I’m guessing it’s Wayne’s.”
Eddie smiled, wiping his hands on a dish towel before flipping it over his shoulder and leaning on the kitchen counter, arms exposed, braced wide to support him, hips shifting. Your breath caught at the action. “You are as astute as you are beautiful, beautiful.”
Beautiful? Was he saying that to you? You paused before your next question, convinced he was just teasing.
“Can we watch it anyway?”
He shrugged and turned back to the dishes. “Whatever makes you happy, pretty girl.”
Pretty girl.
The words hung in the air, shimmering like a mirage in the desert. You heard the echo of them rattling around the walls of the trailer as you popped the tape out of its case and inserted it into the machine. You felt the words like a heartbeat, the dull lub-dub lub-dub replaced with pretty-girl pretty-girl.
He’d never said that to you before. Not even during a fit of sarcastic teasing. All the weeks and months you had known him never once. Sure, there was sweetheart, darlin', or princess when you were being a moody bitch, but never that. The words hit you sideways. You swallowed hard against a lump that was forming there.
You snuggled up on the couch with your insecurities watching the opening credits. “You can use the afghan if you want,” he said, “It’ll keep you warm.” He was drying the dishes now and watching you carefully.
“Thanks,” you murmured and pulled the crocheted blanket from where it lay along the back of the couch and draped it over yourself. He was right. Instantly you felt cozier.
Ten minutes in, he joined you. He sat at your left and offered a hug, extending his right arm out and behind you. You leaned in, hyper aware of the warmth of him and the scent of him and the feel of him and the sweet gentle loving care of him and you wanted to cry all over again… but you heard his heartbeat and your breathing followed his and you snuggled into him…and you let go.
You don’t remember the movie. You heard Jimmy Stuart’s voice and some others, but you weren’t following. Sleep covered and uncovered you, restless in its attempt to capture you. Like looking at the sun through the branches of a tree, which dappled the sunlight, varying from blocking it entirely, letting it shine muted through the leaves, and allowing its kiss full on your face, you were aware and not aware, trapped between a dream and the idea of a dream, constantly shifting and drifting, carrying you with it on the breeze.
Distantly, you felt his arm about you, hand rubbing up and down on your arm. His breath was in your hair, warming you further. In your mind, swimming between dream and wakefulness, you allowed yourself to follow your instincts. Your instincts told you to snuggle upward, nosing against the skin of his neck, lazily enjoying the feel of him and not quite grasping if you were dreaming or not.
He was so warm, so comfortable. You nosed further. Your mouth touched his skin, kissed it gently. You heard yourself hum, pleased with the sensation. Or was that you? There was a hand to your face. It roused you slightly.
A finger tilted your face upward. "Hey, pretty girl." His voice was heavy and deep. "You awake?"
Your eyes opened and focused slowly. Eddie's brown eyes were right there. And so was his mouth. You could see the stubble on his face so sharply. He had freckles. You hadn't noticed them before. He was smiling at you. Smiling like he knew something you didn't. You strained your memory, trying to think of what you could have done or said... did you drool on him? Did you snore? Did you-
"Oh shit! Ohh shit!" You pulled away from him like you had been burned by him. "Did I? Did I really just- kiss...?" The earth needed to swallow you whole. It needed to swallow you whole right fucking now.
"Hey! Hey!" He pulled you back toward him gently but firmly. You allowed it despite being mortified by your own subconscious lust. You hid your face in your hands. "I'm so sorry, Eds. Stupid of me. So sorry. I can't-"
"Hey." He pulled gently at your wrists, revealing your blushing face.
"-believe that I did anything like-"
"Hey." You couldn't meet his eyes, even after he dipped his head down to force your focus.
"-that at all. I mean you don't think of me like that. And I can't blame you because I'm-"
You stifled a sniffle. His fingertips were under your chin again.
"You know I like you, right?" he asked.
Your brain short-circuited. What he was saying didn't make sense. "What?"
He huffed a small laugh and his cheeks pinked up. "I like you."
"Well yeah. I like you too, Eddie, but I don't think what I did was appropriate considering-"
"No. No. No, sweetheart," he said, cupping your face in his hands. "You're not hearing me. I didn't mind it. I liked it. I like you."
"Not- like that though?"
His grin was stunning: shy yet bold all at the same time. How did he do that? How could he take the breath from your body and yet act like it wasn't a crime?
"Yeah. Like that."
"But I'm not, uh..."
"You're not what?" he asked. His eyes caught you running a hand over your stomach. "You're not... tall enough?"
You snorted a laugh. "No!" you said swatting your hand at him gently. "You know what I mean."
"Uh huh," he said, "Well. You mean... this." His hand skimmed over your belly. You couldn't breathe. No man had ever- ever-
"You okay, pretty girl?" he asked softly, his hot breath on your ear. "Talk to me."
"I- uh...," you managed. You couldn't manage more. You leaned into him. His head came around to capture your mouth with his. He was painfully gentle. Your senses reeled.
He likes me he likes me he likes me he likes me
His hand snaked under your sweatshirt. You were on fire from the inside; there was nothing but lava in your veins. He shifted his weight to the floor, kneeling before you. The hem of the sweatshirt lifted up and before you could react, his mouth was on your stomach. He pressed his face full onto your skin, his stubble scratching in the most delicious way as he kissed and hummed against the very place that made you so self-conscious.
It tickled. You wiggled against him, failing miserably in your attempt to not laugh. "Eddie!" He brought his head back to see you smiling at him.
"Hey... is this the same girl who was afraid that I didn't like her?" he said. Your smile was all the encouragement he needed to place comical loud sucking, smacking kisses to your belly. You didn't hold back your cackling laughter.
"Now there's my girl," he said. He leaned up and wrapped both of his arms around you, grinning stupidly at you. "That is- if you want to be my girl."
You faked thinking it over for a split second before kissing him full on the mouth. Oh you were his girl alright. Every single part of you.
Eddie was all too happy to show you all the places he appreciated the most. He had started with your belly, of course, but then he soon moved on to your boobs, nuzzling against the underside of your bra. "Do you have any idea how badly I've wanted just to motorboat the shit out of you?"
"And what's stopping you now, dungeon master?"
"Ohhh we've gotten bold, haven't we, sweetheart?"
You blushed at that and he laughed. "Come here," you said, scooting to the edge of the couch. You cupped his face and smiled at him. Then you removed that pesky sweatshirt.
"Jesus fuck," he marveled. "You are so fucking beautiful, babe." With a reverence you didn't realize that he was capable of, he nuzzled his nose between your mounds. He mouthed at your flesh, his stubble scratching, but it was a sensation you had wanted to feel for so long. You moaned his name and he grunted approvingly. Your fingers in his curls, this was the feeling you had dreamed of.
He sucked at your flesh and you knew he was going to leave bruises, but the marks he would leave would serve as a reminder of his want. You couldn't wait until they bloomed tomorrow. He was leaving a trail of slow sloppy kisses along your skin. You kissed his temple to encourage him.
"Sweet boy. Beautiful boy." He lifted his face to look at you.
"Oh yeah?"
"Oh yes, sir," you said. You captured his mouth again. "I've dreamed of this too. Dreamt of you. Touching me. Loving me. Despite..."
"Nope. Nope. Not entertaining those thoughts tonight, babe. Not tonight, not any night. Besides-" he said. Quickly he regained his footing and squatted. Reaching underneath you, he heaved once and pulled you up against him as he stood. You shrieked with the movement, your head just above his as he held you. Your legs wrapped reflexively around his waist and your arms squeezed around his shoulders. His head was right at your cleavage.
"Besides, pretty girl," he continued, a cocky grin on his face, "I've been lifting amps and drum kits for a few years now. You think I'm afraid of you?" He grinned widely and full-on motorboated you, his curls shaking all over you. Laughing, you brushed them back as he brought his face back up to you. "Wanna sleep over?"
"Just tonight?" you asked.
"Tonight and any night you want, my babygirl," he said. There was a softness in his eyes as he gazed up at you. It took your breath away.
"Take me to bed, Eddie. I had such a shit day. I- I just want you to keep me warm. Please."
"You got it, precious," he said, kissing you softly.
His bed was unmade when he carried you there, so it was no problem getting you under the sheets. As soon as you did, you shimmied out of the sweatpants and dropped them to the floor. He cast off everything but his boxers and he stopped when he saw you staring. He looked down at himself then back at you. "What?"
"You're so fucking hot I want to cry," you confessed.
He blushed and smiled and stammered and dammit if he hadn't made himself even more hot. "Does that mean I can join you?"
"You'd better," you said, "because I think if you don't, I may actually explode."
"Oof," he said, mock-concern on his face as he got under the covers with you, "can't have that. What would I tell Wayne about the exploded girl in my room?"
"I suppose it would be hard to get me out of the sheets," you mused.
He gave you a look. "What makes you think I want you out of these sheets?"
He was on top of you, kissing and snuggling and weighing on you. Your brain buzzed with all that there was to see and hear and feel and taste. His tongue against yours became the only thing you wanted to taste. His touch was the only thing you wanted to feel. His scent surrounded you and you wouldn't have it any other way. And his moans? You would have never pegged Eddie for a moaner, but he was. You wondered what he sounded like when he came.
His clever fingers unhooked your bra at the back and his eyes asked your permission. You nodded and kissed the tip of his nose. The material was soon cast aside and he pushed himself up on his hands to take you in.
A wave of self-consciousness came over you and your arms reflexively covered yourself. "Noooo," he said gently. "Do not block the most beautiful girl's body I have ever seen." He carefully took one of your wrists in one hand and raised it above your head, gingerly holding it there. He did the same with the other. You couldn't move. Panic built within you and he saw it. "Shhh... it's okay. I'm just looking. You are so damn pretty, sweetheart." Slowly, he released your wrists. You kept them up by your head, feeling his gaze on you like a touch. You closed your eyes and let him take his time.
"Don't go away, precious," he said. His breath was at your ear, his hair tickled your skin. "Stay here with me."
It took all you had to open your eyes. His were there waiting for you. You swallowed hard when you saw the adoration there. You felt the hot tears stream from your eyes to your ears and your hair.
"You're crying, babe? Did I hurt you?" He was so worried.
You shook your head. "It's just... I've never been so loved before. Never been called 'pretty girl' or 'precious' before. You're just... too much, Eddie."
His smile was soft as he kissed you again. "I don't mean to be. It's just that, well, I've wanted you for so long, I guess I'm just getting ahead of myself. I can reel it in, if you want."
"Don't you dare!" you said, your cry broken by your tears. Your arms wrapped around him and pulled him back down on you, your legs wrapping around him. "Need this. Need you." He was hard. You could feel it.
His head came back and away from you and you kissed along the line of his neck. He grunted uncomfortably. "Little girl, if you want me to take it any slower and not go full-throttle..."
"Want this, Eds," you said. "Want cuddles and warmth."
"There are certain parts of me that are beyond 'cuddles', babe."
"I know," you said. "Can we just... Here." You slid your panties off under the sheets and kissed him slowly, deeply, until you felt him melt into you. You reached between you both and took hold of his length. He hissed at your touch, his eyes filled with question and concern. "Trust me," you whispered.
You brought his hardness out from his boxers and guided the tip against your folds. "Oh fuck," he swore, his head dipping to your shoulder. You raised your hips and wrapped your legs around his hips. He sank into you. The burn of him splitting you was enough to cause your back to arch. He watched you as he disappeared inside you. "God damn."
Once inside you, seated fully, the burn dissipated and left behind only a complete sensation of fullness. "Oh welcome home, baby," you cooed at him. The lost look on his face was worth the world and twice that.
His body rested against you fully now. His cock twitched and he did his best to relax. He kissed your cheek. "Has your day gotten better?"
"Oh hell yeah," you said. "This is better than any tub of ice cream or hot bubble bath in the world. Yours?"
"I never dreamed it could be so good, pretty girl."
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harringtonfan4 · 1 year
Harringtonfan4———> Jenisnotlost
Changed the tumblr name 💋
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keeponquinning · 1 year
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and o
thank you sweetie! this is so cute.
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joesquinns · 1 year
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out 💖💖💖
OMG I'm just seeing this now - I'M so sorry but at the same time so thankful for this very nice message ♥
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melodymunson · 1 year
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and o
thank you hun @harringtonfan4
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unsolved-duvall · 1 year
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out 💖💖💖
thank you, sweets! love you 🤍
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word-wytch · 1 year
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Thank you, you’re so sweet 🥹
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rehfan · 1 year
☆ put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. It's time to spread positivity 💜🧚🏻‍♀️
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