#<- the second verse is soooo fun
muirneach · 1 year
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ohbo-ohno · 9 months
SORRY BUT MORE ON FUSSY AND KEEPING HER IN HER INSTINCT!! the internal battle she fights in your regular verse but multiplied by a billion when she's in abo heat because its not just about enjoying it anymore, she needs it!!! craves it!!! her omega has her begging her kidnappers to knot her, breed her. right before her heat comes on she's extra bratty because she knows she's gonna be whining and crying for them soon but simon smells it instantly and pulls her into his lap cooing about their needy omega and her body just getting ready for them. (meanwhile soap is setting up the prettiest nest)
hey jsyk im in your walls
you've put perfectly into words what makes dark!abo sooooooososososososo endlessly fun. because it's like taking stockholm syndrome a step further - your own brain is literally working against you. as in, there's half of you that's working on the side of your kidnappers
"right before her heat comes on she's extra bratty because she knows she's gonna be whining and crying for them soon but simon smells it instantly and pulls her into his lap cooing about their needy omega and her body just getting ready for them" shut up shut up shut up like OMG!!!! it's like you just don't care about my mental wellbeing!!!!!!! shame on you
simon is so annoyingly perceptive, he'd have that shit clocked the second you look at him with even a hint of negative emotion. shuts it down real quick too, doesn't let you mope around and get all sad about the best part of his month (idk how often heats are in abo lmfao). he's got you cuddled up instantly, big arms wrapped around you and keeping you trapped right against his chest while he sends johnny off to get the nest ready
(btw johnny can never get the nest right and he tries soooo fucking hard. watches exactly what you do, every time a heat comes on he tries to set it up just exactly how you like, and every time you get all huffy when you see it and have to take it apart and start all over again. hurts his feelings lol)
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konic0 · 10 days
The first act is out and recency bias towards saga 5 has passed. let's go lesbians
I would like to express that just because she is last she isn't bad, ok? The worst Epic song is better than your fave's entire discography, let's not get it twisted. That being said, Polyphemus is by far the weakest for me. It's just too slow, and like, of course it is, it's the build up for the plot defining moment of the show. It has to be slow to contrast with the explosion that will come right after. But it's soooo much and so not the vibe for me. Still love her tho
Not gonna lie, this song is only this low because they changed the "We could be caught of guard" verse. It was SOOOOOOO much better than the melodic version, like, that was a giga downgrade it really upset me and my homegirls ngl
Again, a queen, a trendsetter, a trailblazer, we love athena, but her songs in the beginning of the musical are kinda not my thing. Warrior of the mind sounds so weird to me in its saga, i struggle making it fit in my head.
17 - STORM
Wait, wait hear me out, hear me out! Don't shoot! It lacks flavor. It lacks a spice, it lacks something it. I really wasn't feeling it much in the tiktok teaser days of this one, and while the full release is good (again, there is no such thing as a bad epic song) storm left me wanting more, not in a too good of a way. It felt like there was something that needed to be there, a je ne sais quoi, idk
I think i might get doxxed for this list, but it is my truth. TBH we reached a point in which i have no qualms with the songs. Survive is definitely not bad but like, it gets outshone by literally everyone else in the list so it goes here.
Ooooooh boy. I hate that she is so low. I do, I really do. The second verse just doesn't do it for me as much as the first, and it sucks because the intro and the duet are a fucking masterclass.
The numbers are treatcherous because, yes 14 is in the lower spectrum but like, we are already in No Skip territory. I didn't think I would like Puppeteer but the intro with Ody and Eurylochus is simply perfection. The feels, the almost love confession that was cut off, the wordplay is just INSANE, love her
What do I need to say about Underworld that wasn't already said in every corner of this website? Putting your IRL mom to play Anticlea is VILE, 10/10 fuck you jorge
She was gagging me since tiktok. Perfection. Bonus points for being Penelope and Telemachus first appearances in the show (SHOW ME THE TWINK, JORGE). Also, "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODYSSEUS OF ITHACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
I talked shit about athena's sons in warrior of the mind and I was about to put this in 16th place wtf, it didn't feel right so i did a re-listen and holy shit this song is phenomenal, omg THE JUST A MAN LINE? CINEMA
Steven Dookie, the man that you are. This song is so fucking good, holy shit. It's cute, and fun, It's everything. It encapsulates why the first quarter of a musical is always my favorite, because of all the setups, the motifs, the weapons it creates to shred our hearts
She is perfection, she is serving pauleira, she is giving me everything I want. By far the best outro in the show, argue with your mothers.
The harmonies, the character intros, the simplicity, the naïveté, the HARMONIES, YES, AGAIN THE HARMONIES. Troy saga best saga, and if you disagree you can eat my ass
This song is what truly hooked into epic so Just a Man could reel me in. The drama, the irony, the implicit horniness, the fact that i found out they were dating IRL around the time this was announced, truly divine (ha)
Wig? Snatched. This was my favorite song for a while, I even auditioned for it lmao. Deffo my favorite one to sing, still. Mason DEVOURED this track, and the prophecy? Odysseus's scream? Setting up Monster, AKA one of the best things in this show? Gagged me, your honor.
We are reaching greatness here you guys. The duet with Zeus gives me chills every time. I just know this + Just a Man as INTROS (REALLY LIKE, THIS IS THE INTRO) are gonna make pussies throb and ppl cry in the theater
Hermes is my favorite character in the show, and this (and Dangerous) are my most anticipated songs EVER. The tiktok snippets really did it for me.
I mean, come on. Do I even have to say anything? When he quoted Poseidon. The venting about all he lost, THE CONFIRMATION THAT HE DID, IN FACT, KILLED THE BABY. HE BECOMING THE MAN TIRESIAS SAW IN HIS PROPHECY. I MEAN, COME ON
Chills. Literal chills. When this song dropped I was INSUFFERABLE. Ask anyone close to me. She was on repeat for WEEKS. Steven Rodriguez's voice is so fucking insane, so fucking SEXY (I ain't afraid to say it bitch, that man can get it). But like, Poseidon as a character, Odysseus being an idiot, "Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves" like HOLY SHIT. And now, all i can think about is how Get in The Water will sound in his voice. Just thinking about it gives me chills. I just know he is going to devour it.
Remarkable, showstopping, absolutely the best song ever made. The lyricism, the production, the poetry, vocal performance, I really don't have much to say because it's not needed. All of my favorite moments in this soundtrack, unreleased songs included, are moments in which this song is referenced.
The "Monster" chants in The Underworld and in Monster, "after all you're just a man" in My Goodbye, the entire song of "Monster" is he becoming the Monster he is asking about in this song, like, DO YOU GUYS UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS SONG? My life's dream is to go to broadway once to see this fucking song live, and i know it will be life changing. Just a Man is the most beautiful thing ever.
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inawearyworld · 5 months
little things in the wonka score/soundtrack that get me every time: a post made by a music major with severe brainrot (seriously it’s getting bad)
• even though i’m not sure how to feel abt what they did orchestrally to pure imagination when it was sung in full, i loved the way it was interwoven until then-the opening credits, the clock tower chiming its intro, etc
• when the intro to hatful of dreams ends and the instrumental HITS. that was the moment i was sitting in the theater like “…oh i’m going to be so charmed by this movie huh”
• something abt the way timmy sings “i’ve put everything i’ve got into my choc’late”. see above bullet point
• welcome to scrubbit’s has no right to be that much of a banger
• the low brass in scrub scrub HELLOOOOO?!?!? the chromatic slides. the muted trumpets. abacus’ bass moments (go off king). the song is literally about laundry and yet IT GOES SO HARD
• walk into the club on a friday night like FIRST YOU PICK UP THE APPAREL AND YOU
• the instrumental of ynhclt that plays while everyone’s flying is so cheesy and so golden-age-of-hollywood-children’s-musical and i cannot help but smile
• the cuh-lassic “one instrument at a time” opening of sweet tooth
• mathew baynton’s voice. that’s it that’s the bullet point.
• #GiveTheCartelMoreTight3PartHarmonies2k24
• well we’ve got lots and lots and lots and loTS AND LOTS AND LOWHY AM I SINGINGGGGGGG
• somethin about how the “noodle noodle” countermelody is a sort of arpeggiated outline of each chord, like a vocal warmup, like he’s letting her take the melody bc he knows she will in time. i’m gonna sob they’re literally family
• the orchestration of for a moment, esp while they’re dancing on the rooftop, just SOARS. idk if anyone here has seen mr magorium’s wonder emporium but that movie shaped my childhood, it’s probably my favorite film score ever, and this instrumental bit is SOOOO reminiscent of it
• clock tower. a fifty-second masterpiece
• CHOCOPOCALYPSE. (for those of us who were on the theatre kid side of the internet in 2018, i think chocopocalypse should be the new calculust. hear me out)
• mat’s voice gets a second bullet point bc what the hell man. literally the sonic embodiment of dark mint chocolate. h e l p m e
• …#fickelgruberisathinmint2k24
• noodle’s portion of ynhclt, while she’s teaching willy to read, has a few instrumental nods to mozart’s famous sonata in c, a typical piece for piano beginners-kids-to learn. in the 1971 film mrs teavee incorrectly identifies mozart as rachmaninoff. this MOVIE
• i wish there could have been more, and more involved/complex, ensemble vocal moments
• charlotte ritchie <3 (okay i’m biased sue me)
• the new orchestration for the oompa loompa song is straight fire
• the LEITMOTIFS the fucking LEITMOTIFS!!!!!!!! the opening fanfare that became the basis of hatful of dreams popping up here and there. the melody to a world of your own playing whenever he thinks of his mom. every time we think willy’s safe from the cartel, ope there’s that descending major sixth again.
• (now that i think about it. sweet tooth is in g major of all keys, rather atypical of a villain song. most of the intervals are major too. it’s the trembling strings that give it that “evil” sound. and it fits so well-like, “we’re not completely immoral! time for a fun little tango! there’s colorful lights! killthisguyplsOH LOOK CONFETTI!” they’re so sinister i love it)
• the way that the intro to a world of your own echoes the intro to pure imagination
• the!! chromatic!! basslines!! in!! that!! song!!!!!!!!
• the fact that the bridge comes before the second verse-name any other songs where that happens i dare you. just another example of willy changing the narrative in every way
• the fact that sorry noodle is AN ENTIRE *OTHER* COUNTERMELODY that then falls back into the for a moment melody at the end what the FUUUUUUUUUUUCK
• the monks chanting “giraffe. a massive giraffe”. so fucking funny
• stripping down pure imagination to its essence while willy sings it to noodle was a thousand percent the right decision. and the lyric changes for the situation are sooooooo clever
• as someone who grew up with the 71 movie and has been utterly enamored with its music her whole life, i’m not the world’s hugest fan of this version’s pure imagination orchestration; i get they felt they had to do something different, it just feels slightly too modern/disneyesque, but it had the vibe that they intended for the end of the movie
• anyway god i love this score
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hangmanbradshaw · 6 months
guess this is the first time I send you an ask so HIIIII STEPH!
gonna go for the song 52 on your spotify wrapped for hangster 🩷
p.s.: your christmas stories are giving christmas movie-watching tradition vibes! still gotta read them but my heart always gets warm when a new notification arrives on my email
Omg HI!!!!! Welcome, welcome :D
(omg I hope you love them when you read. they're definitely warming my heart writing them....enjoying it way too much)
Oooh 52 omg excellent choice. It's Don't Blame Me by Taylor Swift soooo this was too much fun.
Jake froze where he was leaning against the bar as a warm body pressed against his side. He didn’t have to look to know who the voice belonged to- it was a sound that haunted his every thought, both waking and dreamed. He didn’t bother turning, hardly even flinched a muscle on the outside even as his heart pounded hard in his chest, turning his ears to cotton.
“Mickey, I’ll have another.” He said to the bartender, signaling at his empty glass. “Top shelf, on him.”
Mickey nodded and swiped the most expensive bottle from the shelf, pouring the amber liquid into his glass and sliding it over. Bradley didn’t argue it, he never did.
“Heard you were back in town. Take care of that business in LA?”
Jake hummed as he ran his finger over the edge of the glass. He kept his eyes focused there as he replied, “You know I did.”
“Hope you didn’t miss me too much.”
“I didn’t.”
It was a lie. They both knew it.
Bradley didn’t signal for a drink, but that wasn’t surprising. He liked to be in control, hyper aware of everything despite how cool he always played it. He leaned his elbows back against the bar and looked out at the crowd as he said, “Rumor is something big is going down. FBI’s been raiding your places. They’re saying your dad’s lost his touch.”
“Are they now?”
“Sure are. A couple of your people have come to us, asked to pledge new loyalty.”
He finally turned and faced him, leaning on his own elbow as he stared at the deep brown that was focused on him. Bradley looked the same as he always did- short curls pushed back, dressed down in jeans and a ridiculous Hawaiian shirt compared to Jake’s perfectly pressed three piece suit. Two sides of the same coin, he’d always thought. The son of power always dressed like it verses the son who dressed it in his own way. If anyone else had tried to wear an outfit like that, they’d be laughed at. Bradley was revered. 
“Any chance you’re gonna tell me those names?”
Bradley smirked, those eyes warming. “No way in hell, Hangman.”
“Mm. I’ll find them my own way.”
“Oh, I’m sure you will.” Bradley replied, lips curling smugly. “They’re scared, you know.”
“We’re dealing with it. You might as well hold off on dancing on our graves, cuz we ain’t dead yet. We still run this city.”
“Half of it. For now.”
He hummed again and shot his drink back in one go. Mickey raised the bottle in question, but he shook his head and tapped the bar as he stepped away. The crowd was thick, but they parted as easily as the red sea as he walked, waving his men off. He didn’t have to look back to know Bradley was throwing some bills on the bar and following, the sea staying clear for him as well, his own men hanging back.
The cold air of the city winter burned his skin as he pushed out the back door into the alleyway. He barely had two seconds to feel it before he was being turned and pushed back against the brick wall. A hand cupped the back of his head, protective and possessive as lips pressed against his. He let Bradley kiss him, let him have his fill just enough to quench his thirst before he pulled back. Bradley blinked at him, eyes wide and dark and still so thirsty, those massive hands of his scalding on his hips. 
“How bad are things, really?” 
“I told you, we’re handling it.”
One of Bradley’s hands moved to cup his cheek instead. He ran his thumb over his lip and said, “I’m not gonna let anything happen to you. If the infamous James Seresin finally falls, I’m getting you out.”
“Good luck with that.”
“We’ve already crossed every other line, what’s one more?”
He pulled back a bit and studied him for a moment. He was sure the surprise had to show when he said, “You’re serious. Fucking around with your rival’s one thing, you can’t seriously think-“
“My dad’s offered yours a deal.”
It stopped him dead in his tracks. Bradley’s words were rushed, serious. “What deal?”
“The bureau’s on your asses. What’s to say we won’t be next? You have half the city, we have the other…it’s time we remind them who’s in charge here.”
“You’re talking about joining forces?” He asked with a blink. “They’re never gonna go for that. No way in hell is he gonna trust that, not when you didn’t ask for anything.”
“We did though, and he agreed.”
“And what’s that?”
“You.” Bradley replied as he kissed him again. He pulled back and whispered against his lips. “The youngest son of James Seresin for the heir in waiting of the Bradshaw empire.”
His heart damn near froze in his chest. He pushed him back so he could look into his eyes when he said, “You traded for me.”
“I did. It’s you and me, baby.” Bradley said as he cupped his cheeks and ran his thumbs over the skin there. “We’re gonna run this fucking city."
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ashonheavenscloud · 6 months
⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆ seventeen members as baekhyun songs:
a/n: again, this is a very random idea that is mainly for my own enjoyment but i hope you guys get what i’m saying here🤣
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☆ seungcheol:
Drown: look i can explai- OKAY YES THE SONG IS SEXY AND SO IS SCOUPS. HAPPY?🤣 but seriously the strong chorus paired with cheeky verses is perfect for him. i take no arguments. the second verse into chorus ESPECIALLY makes me think of him
☆ jeonghan:
Candy: AHHHH THIS SONG IS CUTE AND PLAYFUL AND A LITTLE BIT SEXY and that’s jeonghan to the CORE. and the way the song switches up so much and plays around with the melodies and structure of a typical song EEEEE that’s jeonghan idk idk. also think he’d so perfectly fit doing this kind of bouncy, fun choreo. i HAD to give Candy to him
☆ joshua
Stars: look. maybe i’m just in love with him JANDJDJ but he’s a romantic guy and this is a romantic song😭 “i’ll make a promise under the stars” hello??? he WOULD. also this song feels very cozy wintery to me and i’m not sure if anyone else associates joshua with warm hot chocolate on a snowy night and whipped cream dotted on your nose for an excuse to kiss it off but I DO
☆ jun
Betcha: oh this song is just SOOOO FUN in the same way that jun’s personality is very playful and pure. and a crushing stage with him (imo) would feel a bit like tag or cat and mouse. it’s teasing, it’s half confident and half full of buzzing nerves and somehow that’s exactly how this song feels to me
☆ hoshi
Psycho: besides the fact that sometimes i wonder if hoshi is actually insane AJHSJD, the intensity and power of this song is perfect for him. also just how epic this sounds, idk i associate hoshi with epic things. he’s an epic guy!
☆ wonwoo
Love Again: i’m always on my domestic lover wonwoo agenda (to the bane of my bestie’s existence😘) and this is no different AHHHHH this song feels like soft love and tender touches and okay maybe i’m in love with him too- but i think this is also the kind of song that wonwoo himself would really love!
☆ woozi
Privacy: i don’t know if i can explain this one because it’s so odd and i feel like this only makes sense in my mind ASHDJJD but something about the structure of the chorus’s production feels so right paired with woozi. and my woozi biased sister confirmed this so. do with that what you will🤣
☆ dokyeom
Amusement Park: oh here we go. if this isn’t the most dokyeom song i’ve heard idk what is. the whole concept screams soft soft adoration and what else is there to say really. and dokyeom would 1000% take you on an amusement park date, or somewhere with that kind of vibe like a carnival or festival or something. also i haven’t been the same since he covered this song. roman empire kinda thing😭
☆ mingyu
Get You Alone: This one is the VIBESSS MAN it’s so secret glances across the room, lingering eye contact, TENSIONNNNN. and mingyu as a falls first and HARD kinda guy😩 i should really just write something about this LMAO but for now i hope you see the picture i’m hoping to paint.
☆ minghao
UN Village: again, the VIBE. this includes the mv because to me they are intrinsically linked and i could not separate them in my mind. and the minimalistic but deeply artistic feel of both the song and the aesthetic of the mv? that’s absolutely hao. it’s subtle, it’s dark, it’s chill. it’s perfect for him
☆ seungkwan
All I Got: okay first of all the vocal capabilities displayed in this song alone made me think of our main vocalist🫶🏻 but i think the style of singing and melody sounds a lot like seungkwan too. and seungkwan is such an all or nothing guy in my eyes, like he never puts in less than 110%. all i got is TOTALLY him
☆ vernon
Stay Up: ohhhh this song is so chill and sexy and definitely something vernon would have in his playlist. the first postchorus is really cool stylistically (smth i think he’d appreciate) and the bouncy, yet smooth beat of the song throughout feels like vernon IDK WHY🤣 plus the feature of beenzino just adds to this by giving it an extra vibey, hiphop feel. THIS SONG IS VERNON ISTGGG
☆ chan
R U Ridin?: there’s so much freaking swagger in this song dude and if that isn’t dino idk what is. it’s a song that is equal parts playful and sexy, and it for some reason the pace and tone of the song feels very dino. and thinking about dino dancing to a track like this like mannnn he’d DEVOUR
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there-must-be-a-lock · 2 months
I was tagged by @mightymightygnomepriest!
WIP I’m actually working on: I'm about 20k deep in the Highway sequel, which is incredibly exciting as long as I don't think about the fact that I'm maybe a quarter of the way through it.
WIP I keep open in the background so I don’t feel guilty: Heh. See above. The notes doc, drafting doc, and full-draft doc are all perpetually open and have been for a few weeks. But also, I frequently type like 10 words at a time on my Jason/Bucky/Slade fighting-as-foreplay fic that's gonna be a gift for @notherdeadrobin. That's high on the to-do list.
Imaginary project: A WinterHawkHood hockey + Twitter bit of silliness that is entirely concept at the moment. Also, a Lost Days AU where Clint as a SHIELD agent is sent after Jason.
Passion project: Highway sequel again... very passionate about that motherfucker. But also, another part of the All The Devils 'verse that's gonna get insanely angsty and is gonna hurt like a bitch to write. I think it could be amazing if I do it justice but it'll be a rough process.
WIP from 3 months ago: Last opened the third chapter of the Roy/Jason/Clint threesome a little over three months ago, apparently.
Side WIP: I keep scribbling out bits and pieces of the werewolf 'verse. It's soooo fluffy and comforting and full of love, it's just really fun to write. Already added one little JayRoy timestamp, but there are a few more on the way - Frank/Slade, Bucky/Clint/Roy, and Matt/Jason, among others. Also a second part of the main fic, which I'm really excited about.
Zero pressure tags - @noxnthea @wyxan @drgrlfriend @kangofu-cb @bittercape @bill-longbow @notherdeadrobin @safelycapricious @oliocelottafanfics
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tomorrowillbeyou · 3 months
do u have a song thats just your enemy like you hate it so much. its your enemy
answering this before ur other ask because it's sooo much easier.... from maybe the 4th or 5th time i ever heard it i have DESPISED crazy=genius by brendon urie. it pisses me off so bad that in high school it used to be my alarm because i would hear the first like 2 seconds and jump out of bed to turn it off. the stupid heyeyey part makes me genuinely fucking lose it. i HATE the lyrics sooo much they're stupid and smug and like sooo quirky omg and the fucking brian wilson shit makes me SEE RED and then the way he says "DENNIS wilson!!" like it's the coolest thing he ever thought of . some of the instrumentation is kind of decent like in the verses and bridge its kind of fun but every time i think im getting into it i get interrupted by brendon urie wailing about how he's soooo crazy and u can't take him anywhere ! and the whole attitude pisses me off like in an alternate universe u could write a song called crazy=genius and it would be an actual interesting take on the idea presented in the title but whatever . ! and actually no (the reason im saying so much is because i went and listened to it to be accurate and realised i had way more to say) the whole chorus is so dumb "if crazy=genius then im a fuckin arsonist im a rocket scientist" 1. Ur not an arsonist ur some fucking guy from utah who got big off someone else's songs and r superficially acting like u can still put out the same quality while having nothing interesting to say like he did (sorry for bringing ryan into this i prommy this isn't about him or anything like that it's about the song i just had to mention) .. like the way this has a slight tinge of fever abt it in some aspects of the style (im mainly thinking theres a good reason...) makes me even more mad because it reminds me how fever was actually good and had something to SAY!!! and this feels like him jingling keys like hey guys remember that ! i can still do that 😀 no u can't! and 2. doesn't even make logical sense what do u MEAN. if crazy=genius then im crazy and also im genius ? NO u havent already established that ur either of those so the conclusion DOES NOT follow from the premise!! u could be neither and im starting to suspect thats the case!! ANYWAY THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE 3 SENTENCES! MY APOLOGIES!
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Tumblr media
*grits teeth* I am normal I am normal I am normal this is clearly a joke they specifically are not the reason media literally is down I am normal-
WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOURE SURPRISED BY HORROR IN HORROR PODCASTS ITS A HORROR PODCAST. I can’t even say something like tell me you’ve never listened to another podcast besides TMA without telling me because TMA was NOT a fun little thing about gay people it was 99% HORROR. In the horror podcast.
Jar of rebuke canonically ace. Malevolent canonically will not have a relationship. I am in Eskew straight. Silt verses aroace lead and no mains are dating. Archive 81 only has brief second hand accounts of lesbians the rest of the show canon things are straight.
Like genuinely what the fuck are you talking about. Not to be pretentious but it is soooo hard not to get stupid about this kind of thing like. No I don’t want a gay romcom I WANT horror in the horror podcast. If it is also gay nice but why would you be SURPRISED the label has what’s labeled? Do you open a jar of peanuts and then get surprised by the lack of Carmel and chocolate bc you assumed may contain nuts meant it was part of a candy bar? I am seething
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i discussed this on discord a little bit ago but relistening to it has gotten my brain whirring again, so here's my casting for tlt musical goes wrong
percy: max. classic goes wrong humour comes from max causing chaos, and what better opportunity for him to cause chaos than when he's playing the main character. also goes well with grover and annabeth (you will find out in a second, but i bet you can guess). also max "easily distracted" "problem causer" bennett gets a little bit too into singing good kid (love me some angst). this does cause a little bit of concern within the cast.
grover: dennis. chris casts him because he hoped that if max and dennis played characters who were best friends, dennis might have an easier time understanding what's going on (a flawed theory that does not work). i just think it would be fun <3
annabeth: sandra. obviously sandra just loves playing the leading lady, and obviously we love casting max and sandra as love interests (even if they're not at that point in the musical) but on top of that, "my grand plan is that i will be remembered" "i tend to stand my ground, i found i can never give in" "someday soon the world will notice me" soooo sandra-coded. like come on.
luke: chris. chris is going to love casting himself as a pivotal character, but if max going too hard on good kid causes a little concern, chris almost YELLING while singing luke's verse of the last day of summer is fucking terrifying (especially for max, who is acting alongside chris but is not sure if chris is even acting anymore). there's a lot of emotions running high. when they try to check in on him afterwards, chris denies that anything was wrong.
sally/silena/oracle/charon: annie. this is purely self-serving because i want to hear her sing d.o.a. thank you 🙏 but also i think her and max as sally and percy is sweet.
clarisse/katie/mrs dodds: vanessa. partially just because it was the last part left, but also some of my favourite goes wrongisms are when they cast someone as roles that they don't have enough attitude or spunk for, and i think vanessa trying to be really intimidating as clarisse and not doing a good job at it is funny.
chiron/poseidon/hades: jonathan. i don't know man it fits! it makes sense in my head!
mr d/ares/other roles: robert. okay so going off of the off-bway revival/broadway casting, there was going to be one person that didn't have a set character to play, since there's 7 roles and 8 cornley actors. so my thought process is that while chris would get dennis to play grover, he would not want him to play mr d, since that doesn't really fit and dennis is going to struggle enough with one character. so he gives that to robert. i also don't think chris fits as ares, so robert can also play him. from there, robert plays as many of the more minor characters as possible (this possibly takes place during a chris/robert feud where chris is trying to snub robert?). idk any of those roles that are a bit too much for the others. (once again, purely self-serving, but robert as medusa. hear me out).
thank you for reading and please listen to tlt musical <3
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lunarifie · 1 year
Hi can we remember that characters are Multi-faceted
Rant based on the atsv fandom. I promise I’m not seething. This is very dramatized and my mood will change the next day. Don’t take this seriously.
Edit: I was right, its been 5 minutes and the agony is over. I have found fun funny people.
(VERY minor spoilers. More under cut)
- I am soooo disappointed in the early fandom of spider-verse right now. Maybe its because Ive been hanging around Tiktok when I really shouldnt, because its MOSTLY them with the bad takes but WHY are they SO bad.
- Im just going to start with the controversy with Gwen. Because thats happening for some reason.
- All over tiktok people are treating her as irredeemable and undeserving of Miles, as if she hadn’t gone out of her way to see him even though she wasnt allowed to. Even though the writers gave her a conflict with her father that was supposed to pull the audiences heart strings.
- Its as if people can’t see characters as anything more than one-dimensional. I appreciated every character in spider-verse because they were all so multi-faceted with their own flaws, positives, and motives.
- It just irks me to see people put down Gwen simply because she was slightly stand-offish with Miles. She had so much going on and it made SENSE for her to not want to risk everything she was given. The gift of traveling dimensions, of being safe from her father and to make friends that understand.
- Branching from Gwen, MIGUEL. I love him, he’s great, his backstory is so unique and explains his motive and character perfectly. Again, he’s multi-faceted, and I appreciate that SO much.
- But why is every fanart on tiktok I see JUST him and how hot he is. I understand, hes hot, and thats fine! Its also great because it gives fans something to talk about other than spoilers. But its the ONLY thing I see. Gwen was practically the second main character other than Miles in this movie. We were introduced to her conflict and then her resolution.
- Why not talk about Peter B. and how he must be feeling with Miles in danger?
- Why is Miguels hotness talked and drawn more than that, more than the PLOT. On tiktok AND tumblr. And I can bet that if I check instagram it’d be the same.
- Secondly, the love triangle. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that there was relief at how there was no true love triangle. The spiderverse characters did so well in making romance a component but not the main focus. So why are some fans trying to FORCE a love triangle?
- Examples are: People hating on Gwen, saying she was playing with Mile’s heart by fooling around with Hobie.
- People saying Miles had 100 times more chemistry with Morgo/spider-byte than he ever did with Gwen.
- I love ships, im very big on the fact that people can ship whoever they like as long as its not incest or pedophilia. Im not even the biggest Miles x Gwen shipper. But putting down ANOTHER ship just doesnt sit right with me, especially since its false? The writers are amazing, and they DID amazing at giving Miles and Gwen cute subtle chemistry. All these ship wars just seem like another play at hating Gwen.
- Spiderverse is amazing, and I love that the first movie was a great hit. But it was praised for its story-telling, art, and worldbuilding. The second movie just, isn’t, and I wish it was. Of course, with show and movie fandoms expanding, theres gonna be toxicity introduced. Like this one person who was revulsed by the idea of Gwen being trans, even with her trans pin on her backpack, her protect trans kid flag, and her signature colors.
- Its expected, I just wish it wasn’t.
- Maybe im just on the wrong side of social media, maybe I should wait until I can wedge my way into a spider-verse sub-community fandom I wanna see. Or maybe I just have to wait until this all blows over and then the fandom will revert to character and plot loving. Who knows.
- Im usually not the type of person to be hung over something like this, and I truly don’t think this beginning view of the movie will stick. I promise I don’t hate when people have fun in fandoms.
- Thoughts just needed to be put down and perhaps heard. Soooo if you read all of this, congrats! You have been hit with my very temporary negativity. Don’t let it drag you down! Enjoy the good parts of the fandom as I try to wiggle into those sections!
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vampvelour · 7 months
Bestie what are three songs by Nine Inch Nails you’d recommend for a new listener??? I’ve only heard the classic Closer. ☺️👉🏼👈🏼
oh i’m actually SO glad you asked me this question. however this is like asking me to choose between my favorite children so i’m actually going to give you FIVE songs by nine inch nails to listen to. mwah <3
head like a hole — not my favorite song off pretty hate machine but i’m pretty sure that it is the most well known song off their first album. very fun song, guaranteed to get everyone around you hyped, and even though phm is more synthpop than industrial i do think it’s a good introduction to some of nin’s heavier songs.
march of the pigs — more of trent yelling, which i love. heavier than head like a hole but still fun to dance to. (and trent looks soooo fucking good in the music video which is besides the point but VERY important to me personally)
wish — another one of their more popular songs but for GOOD REASON because it SLAPS. (also a very iconic and historic music video). they won a grammy for best metal performance in 1993 for this song and say “fist fuck” in the second verse. definitely in my top ten favorite nine inch nails songs ever.
hurt — one of nine inch nails’s most vulnerable songs. famously covered by johnny cash and prompted the birth of the saying “once johnny cash covers your song, it’s not your song anymore.” hurt is much less abrasive than the previous songs mentioned and in a lot of ways more raw. i actually can’t listen to it without crying so it’s not one that’s on many of my playlists, but it’s important to the Band Lore nonetheless (and also just a really beautiful song that everyone should listen to at least once).
she’s gone away — this is one of their more recent songs (released on their 2016 ep “not the actual events”) and is one of my faves among their newer stuff. kind of reminiscent “the fragile” era in terms of the harrowing nature of it. it does this thing that i’ve noticed in a lot of my favorite nine inch nails songs where trent’s vocals are very clear and raw while the instrumentals feel almost far away. it sounds apocalyptic in a way, which is exactly what i want from my industrial rock.
i hope i gave you a good introduction <3 (even though it was a lot harder than i thought it would be to choose only five songs)
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goneahead · 5 months
I was tagged by @radiowrites and @stephmcx thank you♥️!!
Hi! I am @goneahead on tumblr. I am also goneahead on A03 and goneahead over on dreamwidth (see links in my pinned post - my internet has gone wonky again)
So, this was definitely not one of my better years. I have three WIPs and while I plodded away at all three, I was never happy enough to post new chapters.
What’s really sad is I finally hit 1 million words posted on dreamwidth—and then I pretty much struck out this year. I’m mostly posting this cuz I think its good for newer writers to realize that yes, even experienced writers have years where things just go all pear-shaped.
My grand total for fanfic was: 1,513😳
I don’t keep track of my poetry word count, but I started the year writing poem #926 and ended the year writing poem #947
Total Number of Fanfics: about 150
Total Number Of Completed Works: this year? 0
Total Number of WIPS worked on this year: 3
How Many WIPs do you still have: 4
Looking back, did you write more than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? Much less. In fact, this year was pretty much a bust.
Did you take any writing risks this year? Well considering I spent all year writing three fics and wasnt happy enough to post anything….
Biggest Surprise: I would love to say I was surprised at how little I posted, but I am a disorganized idjit and—yeah. nobody is shocked.
Biggest Disappointment: see above😆
Do you have any writing goals for the new year? Finish Home verse. Let’s see how that goes….
Fanfiction Questions Below! (if you don’t write fanfiction feel free to skip or rework the questions for your original works.)
Fandoms I’ve written in this year? Hawaii Five-0
Your most popular story of the year? sadly, I didn’t post a new story, just a poem and a tiny addition to another verse.
The story that was easiest/or most fun to write? Still enjoying my MIB AU. Now if I could actually finish it…
Hardest story to write: Lead Me Through the Fire from 2022 was one of those fics where all the different pieces of the plot had to fit together just so. I spent more time than I’d like to admit second-guessing myself on how I arranged the chapters.
Your sweetest funniest story: I have a soft spot for Hawaii Five-0’s Eric Russo. The character is very funny and often wildly inappropriate. I wrote a scene in one of my WIPs where Eric is just soooo Eric
Your saddest scene: I didn’t write anything sad this year.
The sexiest moment you’ve written this year? again, nada.
Your favorite tag: diplomatic javelining😆
Most unintentionally telling story: hmmm. I can’t think of anything too revealing in my fic? Except a tendency to write too many AUs?
Are any of your fics named after/heavily inspired by music? Yes. A lot of my fics have their own playlists and that music definitely influenced those fics. I don’t usually share these songs—or name my fics after songs—because I listen to a lot of obscure stuff most people have never heard of.
What’s your own favorite story of the year? I continued to get a lot of interesting and thought-provoking comments on Care and Feeding of a Super SEAL this year. There are many amazing fix-it fics for S10xE22 written by insanely talented writers—so its crazy and humbling that people are continuing to read and comment on mine.
Fanfiction risks you took this year? sadly, none.
My favorite part of fandom this year: We had new people join our fandom!
You know, I really don’t get what has happened to fandoms these last few years. It used to be that fans just shrugged and continued to write, create, and have fun—even their fandom didn’t have any new content being made. Am I the only one who thinks its weird that most fans now book it for the nearest exit as soon as a show is canceled or a movie series is over?
letsee, tagging um, @cowandcalf @bennyokelly @itwoodbeprefect @stellagioia @redgoldblue
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thetrashbagswasteland · 7 months
character hcs for des and saren you know i gotta ask
I'd expect nothing else at this point and like fair warning you're the one who's inspired a good portion of my hcs for both these dramatic little tarts soooo
Sexuality Headcanon: DESOLAS: Bisexual, in the very turian 'why should i give a fuck about gender we're both here and consenting to have fun' way SAREN: Demi, actually! In my verses, Saren honestly wasn't big on anything sexual nor interested in dating until Nihlus came on scene and then after some time as friends, it was like "oh. oh". Yeah that was a big revelation for him 😂 Gender Headcanon: i think it's fair to say that for both of them, they're cis given that their consideration of gender hasn't gone beyond 'i'm comfortable with my assigned-at-birth gender and associated pronouns' A ship I have with said character: DESOLAS: i mean, i'm assuming desabrudas is a given, naturally, but failing that look, letting him and adrien victus fuck nasty sounds hilarious. Is it hatesex or is it just an excess of competitiveness they need to work out before anyone can stand to be around the pair of them/ who knows, they sure don't! SAREN: Kryterius aside, because that's a given. Castis/Saren has, despite my best efforts, consumed too much of my thoughts to no longer exist outside of crack discussion so... let's just go with that. A BROTP I have with said character: DESOLAS: (DEEP BREATH) he and Pallin served together at some point before the latter was injured and made the move to c-sec. Yes, he sometimes gets shitty messages telling him what his brother's been up to on the Citadel, no it's not sometimes the funniest fucking thing ever, no, no way, why say that? Venny is the 10/10 perfect grumpy friend to tease and get drinks with when they're in the same place at the same time.
SAREN: look we made it this far, you know what was coming - Avitus. No, he didn't go out expecting to end up with a friend when he started student shopping but, alas, this dumb varren is cling as fuck and won't leave him alone. Aaaand after a while, he's forced to realise that they are, in fact, friends. Goddamnit why this one? (It's because he's a great friend to have, loyal and great at balancing being amusingly annoying without being stressful to spend time with.) A NOTP I have with said character: DESOLAS: honestly, I haven't seen any ships for him that I don't like, whether that's just because I'm immensely lucky to have missed it or because people with bad opinions haven't touched him, I'm not sure, but there we have it lmao SAREN: Shepard, Benezia, basically any non-turian character in canon. Idk what part of prickly xenophobe the fandom doesn't get but just. No. A random headcanon: (going with no-reapers crustyverse here) DESOLAS: A month before the birth of his daughter, he hands in his resignation and leaves, middle fingers raised, to be a very comfortable stay-at-home-dad. (Nearly) everyone says he'll be bored within the year, he laughs in their faces and loves every second of raising his (feral) child. Really, given how he most-of-the-way raised saren, everyone should have seen that coming. Just because he's older doesn't mean he's any saner. SAREN: This bitch has an unhealthy addiction to being squished into not being able to think or breathe. Multiple weighted blankets, thick duvets and, in the later years, Nihlus. The more crushed he is, the more comfortable he is actually. General Opinion over said character: (Holds both of them very close, squishes them until they suffocate) wonderful baby bastards, dramatic tarts, I wanna chew on them.
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heademptynothoughts · 12 days
ok i've had enough time to process post human: nex gen and i think this is one of my favourite bmth albums ever. it's so good and i love the concept.
so song-by-song thoughts below (not including [ost] dreamseeker bc that's just an intro and too short)
the first time i listened to the album i was honestly surprised that this was the first song. it's a lot calmer than i was imagining for the intro into the album. it also has a really hopeful tone which i wasn't expecting. after listening to the whole album though, i think it's the perfect first song. the lead into kool-aid and the rest of the album too turns it from hopeful to sinister, and makes me think that youtopia is actually the cult that’s overarching this whole concept
fuck i love this song. i think it would be awesome to hear live, especially with the chanting of "is this what you wanted? no! do you want some more? yeah!" it's just so fun
top 10 statues that cried blood:
this is my favourite of the new songs. the chorus is perfection and i will fight anyone who says otherwise. the breakdown is also soooo good. 10/10 no notes
limosine (feat. aurora):
i love the tempo and melody of this. i think aurora's voice blends so well with oli's and her verse is probably my favourite part of the song. the switch up at the end is great too
another banger of a song. heart-wrenching lyrics. nothing more to say
a bullet w- my name on (feat. Underoath)
i really love this song too. second favourite of the new ones. i don’t actually know underoath, but holy shit that screaming is awesome. also the lyric “the beat in my chest sounds like a swan song” just hits and the gun shot at the end… oof
[ost] (spi)ritual:
distorted cult chanting with an added "oh shit somone's coming," what more could you want? it's a great lead into n/a too, like were the people chanting also the group meeting?
i’m sorry, i know it’s just what people say at n.a. meetings, but i can't hear the beginning without thinking of i'm not a vampire by falling in reverse. it is what it is. more heart-wrenching lyrics. the melody is so fun though. i love the juxtaposition of dark lyrics with a fun melody that makes you wanna jump around
another chorus i absolutely love. this song just resonates with me, i feel it in my soul. also the breakdown breakdown is top tier. saying “i think i’m gonna breakdown” in the breakdown, hello???
heard this one live last summer, so amazing. i love the line “we’re dying to live and we’re living to die”
rip (duskcore remix):
this is such a good hate song, high school me needed this. awesome bridge. and then the lead into amen! with the funeral speech👌
amen! (feat. lil uzi vert, daryl palumbo & glassjaw)
this song goes hard, a heavy banger. also i can’t believe we’ve had the title of the album for a year and didn’t know it. all hail nex gen
[ost] puss-e:
i don’t even care what the deeper meaning of this is, the absolute ridiculousness of one of the only clear audio snippets being “what would you do for puss-e?” is fantastic
what do you mean this song has been out for 3 years?? what is time?? also heard this one live and again so amazing. i adore the bridge
dig it:
ending it with probably the most conceptual song of the album. “life is a grave and i dig it.” the lyricism. the glitches and distortions throughout are very smart. and then the minute and a half of absolute silence. i had to check to see if the album was over my first listen bc i knew there was no way that was 7 minutes and i was so confused. m8 has such a cute robot voice (i know that’s not the takeaway here, but it’s my takeaway lol). i think it’s the perfect way to end the album and drives home the post human concept.
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wrongcaitlyn · 22 days
Ok so I have to admit the amount of like Conan Gray= a kind of tyt variation of Nico ig?
So like I know that you’ve mentioned like some of Conan’s outfits and his voice are similar to Nico so I rlly kinda fell down a like rabbit hole of research and stuff so here’s my findings:
-first, honestly just his looks?? Like you’ve mentioned how long his hair is growing kinda long and curly, and Conan’s hair during his Superache era honestly matches that soooo well. Also, how Rick kinda mentioned Nico has like a sleeper build, SO DOES CONAN. But like honestly how Conan got a haircut recently, I can’t totally see everyone pressuring him into getting it cut and the posts that Conan did for that is like so himmm idk.
-OK NEXT. Songs omg. I’ve literally been repeatedly releasing to his discography lately and I literally see so much as some stuff Nico would write if he was like less pop ig? Here’s the list:
Family Line- LITERALLY JUST HIM here’s some lyrics
“God, I have my fathers eyes But my sisters when I cry” like omg??-“It’s hard to put it into words How the holidays will always hurt..I watch the fathers with their little girls..And wonder what I did to deserve this, how could you hurt a little kid?..I can’t forgive, I can’t forget you..Cause now I’m scared that everyone I love will leave me”
Literally so abt Biancaaa and Hades. And the now I’m scared that everyone I love will leave me?😭 Tell me Nico didn’t write that I dare u. But honestly just that entire song I see as tyt Nico
Summer Child- I know you’ve listened to this one bc it’s a chapter title so I’m not gonna go into serious detail but like, so him and kinda Will? Idk I feel like the first and second verse r abt Nico and the rest r like Will
JIGSAW- Omg I see this as so much abt Nico’s struggle with being trans but also like kinda wanting Hades just to love him “If being less insane would make you stay..Then I’d be more like my sister..Say thank you maam and mister..For youuuu” HELLO? So abt the comparison Hades had with Nico and Bianca
There’s literally so many songs and I can’t get through them all so here’s some shorter summaries. Disaster- abt being scared of confessing to Will and it ruining their friendship. People Watching- about blending in and like just silently observing. Best friend and The Exit you already have so I don’t need to explain. Comfort crowd- abt Will and a bit of Leo being there for him. Checkmate- honestly I think this is just more of the pop tyt has, he and Apollo would have sm fun making this song. Affluenza and BurgerJesus(idk how to spell it)- abt the world he kinda grew up in and like the kids at his hs. I kinda see him being so petty abt it and another song that they’d had sm fun doing. Winner- just the song, it’s him and Hades, I literally don’t make the rules I’m sorry. “Packed my bags at 14 I hadn’t planned on leaving.. But you haven’t been back home for days” Just. Yeah. OK IM ALMOST DONE. Lastly, his connection with his fans and stage presence. I think they both like value so much that connection and vulnerability with their fans through their music, which is such a love abt an artist. Also I feel like their fan bases r rlly similar? Anyways that’s it I’m so sorry it’s this much😭 I just like felt rlly compelled to tell you idk?
thank you for doing the lord's work. this is all entirely accurate.
SLDKFJSD NO BC LITERALLY I SAW A VID OF CONAN ON MY EXPLORE PAGE TODAY AND SENT IT TO MY FRIEND BEING LIKE "i love ni- conan so much i love conan" like they are��😭so similar😭😭and i realize that is partly bc of how i already had conan kinda in mind when writing this😭😭but like every day every interview every video every picture conan just proves the point more
YES YES YES I LITERALLY IMAGINE CONAN AS NICO ALL THE TIME😭his hair especially it's just exactly how i imagine nico's - and im gonna be honest i have no idea what a sleeper build is but they're looks are just. very alike.
OKAY OKAY LITERALLY ALMOST ALL OF THESE SONGS ARE ON MY PLAYLISTSDJF will spoil some: family line, summer child, and comfort crowd are already on playlists, and i HAD affluenza, disaster, winner and checkmate on playlists but then had to remove them bc i had too many songs HOWEVER youre literally so right about all of these and if only i could include them all😭😭also BURGERJESUSSKDJF ive been just calling it boygenius and i absolutely love all the mispellings that song is so iconic (i will never know how to spell it right)
AND YES YES YES. that's one of the things that makes me so like ahh i just truly do think that nico would be an incredible popstar because of the connection that he'd be able to make with his audiences, like i think he has this dry humor that's very similar to conan, and is incredibly sarcastic + also private, while still making such vulnerable and personal music - and that's EXACTLY one of the things that i love about conan, and what i also think makes his fanbase so amazingskdfj i also think there are just so many inside jokes throughout the fandom- OH OH OH AND CONAN'S LIVESTREAMS. THEY ARE. SO NICO.SDKF i can't they're literally one and the same and now that i think of it there's probably a joke somewhere in the talk your talk universe of them being twins or something
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