#:') anyway
zhukzucraft · 3 days
=> Mumbo: Make your choice
Mumbo: Oh what the hell! If they choose their green life over me, then-
Mumbo: then we're square!
Mumbo: It's fine!
Mumbo: Right?..
Mumbo: ...
Mumbo: Oh boy
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Mumbo: Here goes nothing!!
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sachart · 14 hours
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Oh dear god it's Barricade Day again
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cowlvent · 1 day
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obsessed w the doctor fully turning his back on clara after this statement (physically and emotionally cutting himself off) and, feeling unmoored, pulling the console lever to exert some kind of control over the situation. he then continues to put space between himself and clara only to spin around, having undone several jacket buttons, and specifically shows off the red lining interior—symbolic of his emotional vulnerability in this moment. he asks her what she thinks of him (as a person), disguising it as a question about the new outfit.
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bluepandadraws-log · 7 hours
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PregnancyMaxxing(inspired by @the-mic-drop and @actuallyjustabiscuit 's fuckin' hilarious comments on the Fallen Over comic)
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stardink · 2 days
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So much (for) Stardust
Day 1 of ISAT month "Stardust"
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fiona-fififi · 2 days
Suddenly thinking about Buck, after he and Eddie finally get together, accompanying Eddie to his pick-up games every now and then just so he can sit on the sidelines to cheer Eddie on.
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zxomon · 3 days
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I wish I had wings I could curl up in. And then sit high up on the roof of a gothic castle. And then fly around in the moonlight, scaring people to cheer me up! (But also help people who's lost in the woods and stuff, maybe by scaring them so they run in the right direction)
A midnight/early-early morning doodle, while thinking about a lot of things, being awake because I slept too much too recently. But it'll be fine. Just fine. Fine.
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smedenn · 23 hours
A reenactment of my average daily adventures in the post-full moon helluva boss fandom
Me on the internet: The Full Moon was CRAZY! We saw so much of how both Stolas and Blitzo feel. I feel so bad for Blitzo, he’s finally not running but he’s getting his perspective ignored-
Some weirdo: YEAH! Stolas is HORRIBLE to him!!! Not listening to Blitzo at all, and then throwing the blame on him - he’s manipulating the situation! What he did was absolutely unfair!
Me: oh well no that’s not really- Stolas has his own faults, sure, he could learn to listen to Blitzo more- but he’s also hurting so much. Blitzo hasn’t been very mindful of Stolas’ feelings lately- that plus the fact that he’s not very good at communicating. Stolas has his own traumas with the yelling-
Some other weirdos: YEAH I HATE BLITZO! He’s TERRIBLE! I’ve always hated him! He’s always so mean to Stolas and Stolas does NOTHING but just LOVE HIM ALL THE TIME my poor baby bird boy-
Me: Okay so- um, well that’s not entirely true. Yeah, Blitzo’s been mean but it’s because he’s guarded and scared- not because he actually wants to hurt anyone. Also, Stolas hasn’t been a saint either. A lot of his early actions were belittling- which reinforced Blitzo’s insecurities and established an uneven power dynamic—
The weirdos from before: oh you mean how Stolas FORCED Blitzo to do sex work against his will!!!!
Me: no- no no that’s not-
The other weirdos from before: Don’t you remember how Blitzo verbally ABUSED Stolas-
Me: NO that’s not- that didn’t-
Both of the weirdos: *screaming and fighting*
Me: they… they both— they both have their faults- and their shit to work through— they both-
Me: *sigh* you know what never mind
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arttsuka · 2 days
augustus gets transferred to the new york museum
augustus: (wearing a shirt saying "New York Or Bust!") "get it? because i'm a bust?"
jed and octavius: *groans*
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Jed is rubbing off on him
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whathorselegs · 12 hours
The holy trinity of BSD men who made their war trauma everyone else's problem instead of going to therapy
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little-pup-pip · 1 day
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fredoesque · 1 day
i've always thought "you could have just joined up," funny as it is, wasn't actually a true statement, since they only took abs (min 4 years of experience) as sailors. however i just remembered a theory* i read that irl gibson signed up as a steward bc he didn't have the experience to be an ab. so anyway new nightmare au dropped where hickey ends up as a steward instead
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darkcreamz95 · 2 days
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Kudos to @incorrectjokerout for this incorrect quote
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birdskullz · 3 days
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reject modernity, embrace cringe 🪓🔪🪓
the urge to draw my old creepypasta oc from like 2014 was too strong to resist, so meet max murder (get it? bc she kills people with an axe?? awful pun i know lmao) + a jeff and an ej for funsies
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fruity-pontmercy · 2 days
cant believe Barricade day crept up on me AGAIN
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neverevan · 1 day
tbh I am trying so hard to not let this shit get to me... but the fact that people are now doing things that could be classified as a felony (yes, really) over some fictional men dating... and then trying to ride the moral high ground while actively being queerphobic and sending inadvertent death threats to real people and dogpiling poc on twitter over liking a fictional man... idk fam it doesn't just make me wanna not engage with that side or fandom, but also the ship itself.
and if I feel like this, just imagine how the actual creators of the show must feel like... I know no one who is actually stupid enough to do all that will see or understand what I'm saying here, but it sure makes being in fandom feel like crap sometimes
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