hiptobeitalian · 1 year
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❛ Okay you look-a right here! I baked that into a pizza ONCE and nobody can ever know. Not even the health inspector. Capeesh? ❜
> Independent & Semi-selective, dash only...for now... > Open to any fandom, verse, and all sorts of OCs > Check the Carrd here for rules, about, and everything
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ninetwelves · 9 months
idg this one opinion i saw on all stars 7 being bad bc the back ups they had to me make no sense theyre like all stars 7 was bad bc it didnt have enough early season winners like omfg wherw is the self awareness
bebe was on all stars 3 should could come back but thats kinda debatable ik they bring queens back 3 times( and even 4 times being jimbo) but maybe its more debatable for a first all winners season
tyra is cut out for her bomb threats to drag con she gets left out the winners circles
obviously sharon gets left out the winners circle and what clasifies as early season winners for me itd be 1-3 or 1-5 bc 6-8 or 9 feel a bit mid season (def not in quality) bianca wont do it, bob wasnt invited but thank god she hosted pitstop
violet would do it and maybe it wouldve been good if she did bc shes out here huffing paint of booting raja for not wearin corsets fjndjfnfnfn
alaska wouldnt be invited back
trixie wouldnt do it
sasha velour wouldve been cool but if they make a second one they cant use all their best queens and sasha art is great but maybe they were thinking best tv personalities w chemistry (bc all stars 8 lacked that MAJORLYYY) bc i think they did pic best tv personalities together like sure certain queens i absolutely would gag but i strangely wasnt mad at the cast for how robbed manila was (and she was robbed like imagine manila in that season but thats the all stars format riggery fault) but yk monet and trinity were some of the mosg entertaining thank god it made me fall in love w monet???
like thats debatable tho for some queens coming back but unfortunately for early seasons there was genuinely not a lot of options BUT IM SO GLAD WE GOT THE TWO BEST ONES ESP FUCKING RAJA (BC BOY WHAT THAT SEASON DID TO ME IT MADE ME FALL SO DEEP LOVE FOR RAJA SHES OFFICIALLY MY MOTHER GF BF AND AUNTIE ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY) and yk the first thing i fell in love w that season was raja + jinkx and all the newer winners holy fuck did i ever love that sure it was def a bit rigged theyre not the most stand out lip syncers of the bunch but god did they both ever pave the way for them all there (esp raja) and i believe it was so needed to show that respect
and raja and jinxk r good lip syncers stunts arent everything song choice is important
it def wasnt the strongest lip sync season ill admit that but yo i adore watching lip syncs ppl dont think i care about fashion in drag race but i really do this season is my fav for a reason raja is my fav for a reason it wouldve been sm more perfect for me if the lip syncs were so top tier but idk fuckin raja vs viv was so fun / perfect raja vs jaida was so so fun
raja had no chance for yvie im super biased that im glad she won but idk raja still slayed its just yvie oddly ur going against maybe ru hated yvies wigs or smth (listen i love yvies shes one of my favs) i dont disagree w the track record vs lip sync bc i guess itd depend on the lip sync and track record and entertainment to the season ofc u cant please everyone, it makes it a lot less predictable altho imo jimbos win as much as its deserved is waaayyyyyy too predictable and not even cute bc at least w season 15 the other queens of so many different styles of drag and diversity and experience and worlds kepts sasha on her toes a bit she shouldve won more but damn i just love me a season w milfs ok IM JUST MILF BIASED LET ME HAVE THISSS
ok also the cast was good (despite manila being robbed in as 4) they didnt need to rely on villian edits or drama which im not against for drag race but thats how good their chemistry and personalies were like that is so important a goooooood ass cast can carry and i dont think all stars 8 delivered (i even think all stars 1 delivered that sm more than 8)
but idk i think my all stars ranking that some places can be flipped is
all stars 7 (fav season EVER)
as 2
as 3 + 4 tied
all stars 6
all stars 5
all stars 1
all stars 8
and im gonna be real cast chemistry/entertainment/personality/humor is like the first thing thatd enjoyable about the show fuck ill take bad runways even bad lip syncs usually a season will have one or the other or at least one good runway or lip sync bc i can trust the queens tonpull thru on that more than the producers holy shit
and yk bad lip syncs and runways to me can be so fucking funny like jigglys garbage dress, kennedys cyrstalized chicken, the i will surive lip sync in s8, the 2 messy ass lip syncs in s3 (like it had 2 of the best lip syncs in the show and 2 of the worst but the worsr were so fuckjng funnyfbfkdhd)
but yk you want better lip syncs?? actually pay attention to ur front runners styles of performance, rewards all styles of lip syncs, and pick ur song choices more off that.
also snatch game being good is quite important all stars 7 fucking DELIVEREDDDDDDDDD
i get more peeved when a cast of a season has no age and drag style variety (which theyve always delivered drag style variety and age usuall like season 14 im sorry did not deliver that 4 me enough) variety bc whats the point u did not respect where drag came from, the veterns, and ofc the new queens for the future of drag like come bring in at least one milf drag queen one milf per season IS ENOUGH FOR ME
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e-dubbc11 · 2 years
Hey Jealousy pt. 2
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Gifs aren’t mine
Pairing: Matt Murdock & Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: Pretty tame. PG-13. Love triangle sort of, little bit violent, swearing, tiny bit of smexy time, definitely not a 3-way! I can’t even write regular smut let alone throw an extra person in there. The warnings will be the same for all 4 parts even if some aren’t in the other parts (does that make sense?) I don’t fuckin know
Word Count: 2.8k-ish
Summary: Continuation from part 1. The aftermath of your date with Billy Russo and Matt trying to find out more information about your mystery man. Billy stops by your apartment after work, couple of surprises.
A/N: Part 2 of 4. The title is a Gin Blossoms song. It doesn’t follow any particular storyline. As always, comments are always welcome and thank you for reading! I appreciate you! ❤️
Read part 1 HERE
Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, Matt followed Billy to a parking garage but lost him as soon as he got in his car and drove off.
He then spent the weekend trying to find out something about the mystery man who was spending time with you, he couldn’t do any of that without a name though.
He had heard the name “Billy” when he was listening from the rooftop the night you went out on your date, but no last name.
His jealousy was getting in the way of him thinking straight and left him wondering why? Why did you go out with someone else? Why did you being out with another man make him so anxious and insecure?
Matt couldn’t stand it and you being out with someone else really solidified the fact that even though the two of you hadn’t been together long, he loved talking to you, he loved making you laugh, he loved touching you and kissing you—he just loved…you.
He knew that now but he needed help. Something about this guy didn’t sit well with him but he still needed a name and since you weren’t taking his calls, he called the only person who could possibly help him out.
“Goooooood morning, sunshine! Why are you calling me so early on a Saturday?”
“Foggy, I need your help with something—it’s important.”
Monday’s lunch break was spent in the courthouse’s cafeteria. In between bites of your salad, you were trying to finish going over some notes before going back to the office to type them up. A friendly familiar voice caused you to look up from your papers.
“Hey y/n!! Do you ever stop working?” You wondered if Foggy was ever in a bad mood.
“Good day to you, Mr. Nelson. How goes the battle?” You said as you looked up at him with a warm smile on your face.
“Ah you win some, you lose some, you know how it goes…I’m glad I ran into you though.” His expression turned neutral as he pulled up a chair. “I was wondering what the deal is with you and Matt. I thought the two of you were, ya know, a thing?”
He sounded concerned and your heart fluttered at the mention of Matt’s name.
“I know both of you have been working a lot and haven’t had a chance to see each other in a while but the rumor goin’ around is you met a tall, handsome stranger here the other day and also went out on a date with him.”
When Foggy said that, you were a little surprised but not really because this place was just one giant gossip ring, like any other workplace.
“Oh...you mean Billy?”
“Yeah what’s his last name, I might know him.” Foggy asked with a straight face.
“Russo…Billy Russo.” You answered.
“Yeah ok I don’t know him, anyway—Matt found out about that ya know. He called me over the weekend.”
Your whole body went numb and the light in your eyes disappeared. The light was replaced with guilt. “Was he jealous, Foggy?”
Foggy’s eyes widened and he threw his hands up. “I’d say jealous is the understatement of the year!! His voice was pure rage and I had a hard time calming him down.”
Your fight or flight mode kicked in and your voice was sad but firm. “Yeah well maybe I wouldn’t have gone out on a date with Billy if that court reporter wasn’t all over Matt at Josie’s a couple weeks ago.”
Foggy looked confused. “How do you know about that, you weren’t there?”
Tears burned the back of your eyes “I wanted to surprise Matt and show up for the standing date you all have but when I looked through the window and saw her with her hands all over him, I—I left.”
He moved his chair a little closer to you and rested his hand on top of yours. “Ok, number one she’s had a thing for Matt for a while and just showed up uninvited and number two, you obviously didn’t stick around long enough for Matt to tell her about you.”
He reached into his briefcase to pull out his phone.
“He needs to know about this and it’s just a big misunderstanding—“
You interrupted him “No, no Foggy I don’t want you to tell him, I—I need to do it. I was hurt and angry and I—“ A tear ran down your cheek. “I miss him…I really miss him.”
A tiny smile emerged across your face. “Jeez, all this for a man I haven’t even slept with yet—oops, sorry Foggy, that’s way too much information. I’m sorry.”
He laughed a little and said “He really likes you too, y/n. I’d even go as far as to say he’s already in love with you. He’s been miserable since you stopped taking his calls and quite frankly, he’s been a total grouch monster and Karen and I are tired of dealing with it, that’s why you have to tell him, our sanity depends on it.”
That made you laugh and your tears went away. “Well thank you for telling me all of this, Foggy. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions, it just was hard not to.”
“Sooooooo, are you gonna call him? I’m not leaving here until you say yes!” He sounded so excited.
“Yes, I will—later today when I get home from work.”
Foggy was satisfied with your answer, the two of you said your goodbyes and he left, however he didn’t go very far, just far enough away where you couldn’t hear him and called Matt.
“I just want you to know that I felt incredibly dirty asking her all those questions but I got the name you wanted—Billy Russo.”
Matt said “thank you, Foggy.” And he hung up.
Trying to dig up dirt on Billy wasn’t going well—on paper he was clean. His service records, his company, Matt was coming up empty. There had to be something—or did he just want there to be something?
Now you were sitting alone with your thoughts, the two men heavy on your mind. Hopefully Matt would understand when you explain that the reason you went out with Billy was because you thought he was out with someone else but then your thoughts moved on to Billy and how much you liked him too but he needed to know how you feel about Matt.
Before you agreed to go out with Billy, you explained the situation with Matt and you didn’t quite know what was going on and then you heard Billy’s voice in your head “You’d never have to guess what our relationship status is if you were with me.” He’s not wrong, you shouldn’t have to guess and both of you should have talked about it and not kept it inside but it’s too late for that now, you needed to talk to Matt, and soon.
After clocking out for the day, feeling exhausted, you made your way home, and all you wanted was to kick your shoes off and relax with a glass of wine. You had every intention of calling Matt when you got home, however the wine induced nap you had got in the way of that phone call and you woke up to the sound of your phone ringing. Hoping it was Matt, you turned the phone over and looked at the screen “Billy Russo” and your stomach dropped, just out of pure nerves but you answered anyway. “Hey Billy, how are you?”
“Well hey there beautiful…I got worried for a minute when you didn’t answer my text.”
You didn’t hear the text notification while you were sleeping. “Oh my goodness, I am so sorry, I fell asleep after I got home and I didn’t hear my phone.”
You could tell he had a smile on his face. “Well I was in the neighborhood and I thought I’d drop by and say hello, I’m downstairs.”
“Oh you are?” Genuinely surprised, you sat up on the couch and then got up and went to the door. “Ok, well come on up, I’ll buzz you in.”
I guess the phone call to Matt will have to wait.
Billy brought over beer and some food from the bar close to your apartment, they made the best chicken wings. After your first date, he seemed to have picked up that maybe you weren’t a super fancy restaurant kind of girl and you were happy just eating bar food and drinking beer.
You greeted him at the door with a smile and wearing your fuzzy slippers and lounge pants, so embarrassing. He walked through the doorway, kissing your forehead and asking you…”Would you mind holding this stuff for a minute while I take my shoes off?” He’s making himself at home? Or is he just being polite as to not track dirt into your apartment?
Matt hadn’t even been up to your apartment yet and here you were with another man that you’d only been on one date with, what were you doing?!!
But you ignored your inner voice. “Go ahead and have a seat on the couch, I’ll get some plates and glasses.”
He took the food and beer back from you after removing his shoes…”No, no let me help you.”
You apologized for your appearance. “I’m sorry for the way I look, obviously I wasn’t expecting to see anyone after I got home.”
Billy laughed a little—“Don’t apologize, I think you look adorable.”
After finishing a drink, enjoying the food, and asking each other how the day was, you could feel your cheeks getting warm as you asked him—“What made you come over here, Billy?”
“I just wanted to see you, is that wrong?” His voice was low and tender and he grinned like a Cheshire cat.
“You did?” You were always so surprised when anyone wanted to actually be around you. Billy was so handsome, your self-esteem wasn’t very high, and you felt like you didn’t quite measure up.
“Why is it so hard for you to believe that I really like you and want to spend time with you?” He asked with a puzzled look on his face.
Always the skeptic, you still felt the need to say “You weren’t just in the neighborhood though, were you. ANVIL isn’t anywhere close to my apartment and I—“
But he cut you off with his lips brushing against yours, both hands cupping the sides of your face, you closed your eyes and dissolved completely into his kiss. He leaned back onto the arm of the couch, you were on top of him now, allowing his tongue access to your mouth and yours intertwining with his.
Stroking his beard with your thumbs, you could still taste the beer on his soft but firm lips and then shifted your hands from his face to his hair so you could brush your fingers through it. One of his hands moved to the back of your head, into your hair and you went to push his suit jacket off of his shoulders.
What were you doing? What about Matt? The little voice in the back of your head was nagging you but Billy felt so good. His other hand progressed from your cheek to the hem of your shirt and you felt his long slender fingers trace up and down your lower back.
Nervously, you loosened his tie and started to unbutton his dress shirt while his hand traveled from your hair, down your back, and around to the front of your lounge pants. His fingers started to untie them but before he could feel just how wet you were for him, you snapped out of the spell you seemed to be under and felt like you had to come clean.
“Billy…Billy.” You whispered in his ear as his lips went down to your neck and you pulled away from him. “I’m sorry—I need to stop.” He looked completely deflated as you were fighting back tears, you felt awful.
“Billy, I’m sorry but I can’t do this.”
He wasn’t angry, he seemed genuinely concerned, as he caressed your shoulders.
“Ok, ok—can you tell me what’s wrong? Did I move too fast?”
You moved a stray piece of hair away from his face and grazed his beard with your thumb. “Oh no, no, it’s nothing you did. It has everything to do with me, I’m sorry.”
With his long legs still on either side of you, the two of you sat up slowly and he placed one leg on the floor and ran his fingers through his hair and he looked at you through his long thick lashes while you talked.
“Remember that ‘complicated’ relationship I mentioned? Well I’m trying to figure things out with Matt, I feel terrible because I do really like you too. It just wouldn’t be fair to you if we went any further. Please Billy, I never wanted to hurt you.”
He kissed you again, his lips were red from a combination of your leftover lipstick and kissing you furiously but again, he wasn’t angry.
“Hey, it’s ok y/n—really it is. I’m just glad you told me before I fell for you even harder than I already have.” He said through a slight smile.
His words gutted you, the dejected look he had on his face was something that you never thought you’d be the cause of. It wasn’t your intention to hurt him like this, your heart was usually the one getting broken not the other way around.
Before you could say anything else, he got up from the couch, put his suit jacket back on and walked towards the door. While he was putting his shoes on, he told you—“Ya know, a lot of women when they meet me think I’m damaged or broken because of my time in the service or being a foster kid. You gave me a chance, I just wish I could have met you before Matt did. He’s a lucky guy.”
As he said that, he opened your door, turned around to give you one last kiss on the forehead and was ready to take off down the stairs.
“Billy…I really am sorry.”
He smiled, his dark brown eyes stared at you for a minute before he said “I sure hope Matt knows what he has.” And with that, he winked and disappeared down the stairs.
After Billy left, you had a good cry on the couch. But then decided to compose yourself and try and call Matt, not noticing how late it was, he didn’t answer though. While cleaning the kitchen, you couldn’t get either one of them off your mind and after your shower, trying to fall asleep was even more difficult.
The cold night air woke you up, you didn’t remember leaving the window open considering it was October. And it wasn’t just the chilly air that woke you up, it was the crash you heard coming from your living room. You got out of bed with your baseball bat in your hands and tip toed out from your bedroom and there he was, dressed all in black, the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen—in your living room.
“I know who you are but what are you doing here?” Before he could answer, and noticing he was holding his chest, you thought you heard the slightest of drip noises. “Are you—bleeding?”
The Devil had a low voice, almost a whisper as he staggered towards you—“yes sweetheart, I need your help.”
“Sweetheart?” That tone was so familiar—“Matt?!!! Oh no, you’re hurt!! What happened?!!”
His breathing was heavy when he collapsed on to the floor—“Your boyfriend—he cut me, he got me pretty good too. AH!”
“Boyfriend? Were you spying on me?!! Matty what are you talking about?” There was panic and slight anger in your voice as you fell on your knees beside him.
“Russo—I followed him—he must have sensed I was tailing him because he ducked into a warehouse after he left your place and he got the jump on me, I don’t know how but he did.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing and seeing right now. “Ok he’s not my boyfriend, first of all and what did he stab you with!?” You thought about it for a second, how did he know Billy’s name? Foggy said the rumor was I had a date but no mention of a name—Dammit, Foggy told him! You’ll have to worry about that later.
“I didn’t notice any kind of weapon on him when he was here earlier. I don’t understand, Matt!”
His breathing became labored and he had a hard time spitting words out. “It came out of no--nowhere, from under--underneath his sleeves, he must have hid it in his--his outside coat. He’s not the person you think he is, sweetheart.” And that was the last thing Matt said before he passed out.
Tag List: @freshabogados @skvatnavle @phoebe-danvers @moonlarking @shedaresthedevil @mindidjarin @matt-erialgirl @nelson-et-murdock @elgrandeavocados @carters-things @myguiltypleasures21 @saintmurd0ck
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lumpiya · 2 years
mates and shaw pack (mostly mates) gc but its stuff that me and my friends have texted
Team Jacob
stinky: testing its ya boi
devil: testing testing
devil: is this thing on
cloth: poop poop
cloth: doop doop
stinky: NO
devil: IM DOING THIS TO PROTECT MY FRIENDS (who i sure hope survive this lmao gl guys)
Team Jacob
stinky: we TRIPPIN-
Team Jacob
stinky: we miss you guys :(((
devil: did u know that the wife of Cormac McCarthy, renowned writer of the novel The Road, pulled a gun out of her vagina and threatened him when they were talking about aliens?
stinky: nvm i don’t miss you
Team Jacob
devil: wait… if yall have internet again… does that mean… WE HAVE WORK TOMORROW
cloth: fuck lemme just drive milo’s car into the cable shit
cloth: dw i got everything under control
Team Jacob
cloth: its so fuckin cold
devil: hollup
devil: why tf are you up
cloth: it was so cold i woke up
cloth: WHY R U UP
Shaw-tys like a melody
babe: how did everyone sleep?
babe: WHAT ARE WE SCREAMING FOR?!?!?1!1!??1!?
sweetheart: BALLS?🤤🤞🏻‼️‼️‼️
angel: BALLS!!!!!!!!!!
david: what the actual fuck is going on
Team Jacob
cloth: ill bring the biggest thing i can find
cloth: that i can smash your head with
devil: the biggest thing you can find is deez nuts in your mouth
[devil has been removed from the group chat]
Team Jacob
stinky: if i hear “dyna NA NA NA NA NA NA NA hey!” one more time im gonna plant a dyna NA NA NA NA NA in your little HEY
devil: CAUSE I-I-IM
stinky: istg angel i will literally bust your knees backwards
Team Jacob
stinky: i would rather be caught for tax evasion than get chased by a humanoid daddy king legs
stinky: if sweetheart runs, i hide
stinky: they may not be fast but its scary
Shaw-tys like a melody
darlin: the audacity to assume i like butterflies
darlin: they are pretty bitches, but if they are a flying bitch, i will make sure they cant be a flying bitch
darlin: they’ll be a walking corpse
darlin: whether you are a pretty hoe, if u piss me off, its on sight
sam: all i did was ask if they wanted to go to the butterfly walk with me at the zoo
Team Jacob
devil: get a ass shoved up your dick
devil: wait a minute
devil: did i just
Shaw-tys like a melody
angel: soooo we are just going to order roasted dick from HK cafe
angel: WAIT
angel: NO
milo: WHAT
angel: NOOOO
Team Jacob
stinky: are you ok
stinky: [pic of angel’s discord and they’ve playing mc for 5 hours]
cloth: they’re sad no one came to their birthday party
stinky: this you angel?
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kakakakashi · 4 years
AURORA - runaway // Uchiha Madara
Dude, when I listened to this song, I was like, “Oh, shit. This is gonna be goooooood!” Then, I was like “Oh… but I have to come up with the idea… and then I have to write it… oh no.”
Also, I know we just did a piece with dreams & nightmares, but when I heard the part about the painting, it just felt prophetic, and the percussion of the song reminded me of waking up in the middle of the night to hear a leaky faucet in the unsettling silence. So, then, I was like “Okay, but like… what if… someone has one of those dreams of the future… but like… combined with the sharingan…” (Idk if you’ve ever had one of those future dreams before, but they’re fuckin trippy, fam. I had one once, and when it came to pass, I nearly had a panic attack.) This one’s different, though. You know, creative liberties.
You’re watching the sun rise with your warm tea in your hands. The meditative and reflective state you were in was only interrupted when Madara shuffled to your side where he joined you. He’s content to sit in silence with you, but you know you can’t allow that if you are in fact right.
“I had the dream again,” you state blankly. There’s no real way to read your words. Even your gaze is fixed on the warming horizon. Madara mirrors your stillness, but he stays silent. “If I can even call it a dream.”
Your dark Uchiha eyes burn with lack of sleep, but every night you see the vision behind your eyelids, sleep eludes you. That’s part of why it never feels like a dream. Ascending into another plane of existence is what it feels like. It feels like an out of body experience where you float above the battlefield, the man beside you taking down an army like it’s nothing. It’s not an army you’ve seen before, tough. They wear these green vests, and they all have this metal plate sewed onto a headband.
“Just…” You can’t help yourself. “Promise me, Madara, that you won’t ever let your hatred get the best of you.”
“I promise.”
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the-love-i-crave · 3 years
okay u listened to fatal love which is my favorite album BUUUT now you gotta listen to follow - find you (my second favorite album though i have a lot of trauma associated w it, as most monbebes do.... i'll tell u abt it later)
ALSO we love and support wonho and his girlboss solo career, so please listen to love synonym #2: right for us!!!
its been like over 20 hours since u sent this ask and u are already regretting getting me into my monbebe arc. suffer <3
anyway heres my opinions. pretty sure theres an mv for follow as well? or another song? didnt watch it tho rip.
find you - watching the mv alongisde and WHATS UP WITH THEM AND CAR CRASHES WBHBHWBW :((( im not going to lie i almost started crying bc um, *bites lip* dealing with topics of loved ones dying when a loved one of urs died is not sexy (all /lh bc im good HAHA). love the group mocing in with the main guy, polycule truther over here <3 AND THE TIME TRAVELLING STUFF? ??? YOU WERENT KIDDING WHEN U SAID THEY ARE INTERCONNECTED. god now i wanna get into timelines and shit. anyway, i do absolutely love the vibes of this song and im not rating them bc i cant decide for ratings, my ass is fat what can i say
follow - LOVE this song so fuckin much. im a sucker for it, oh my god. even the rapping part.... sir yes. so far my favourite one. JOOHONEY MY BELOVED!!! DEAR GOD. BIAS? MAYHAPS. WELL SEE
monsta truck - i cant believe one of the trucks is hung. anyway, vibes are immaculate. such a good song, advocating for pegging rights. i truly love diversity. love wins <3
(yes ik its supposed to be them being ridden, but? “fill me, fuel me up” shownu pegging king? checkmate atheists, i win)
U R - i absolutely love the song but GOD. SOME OF THE LINES IN ENGLISH. PLS WHAT IS “stop shakin my tree, i just want this so deep” KING WHAT??? DONT DO THAT  “come to me the way” pls i cant do this. but all in all this is a good song..... will admit id rather listen to gasoline than this one :thonk:
Disaster - joohoney i- please. please. i love you. changkyun please my other beloved. please. i am vibing HARD with this one. yes bitch i AM a disaster, but on in the fact that im a goddamn mess. really love the end part of it
really good i liked it a lot :) one of my favs for this album
i cant finish mirror and see you again tonight, nor that wonho song, bc my attention is not getting taken away too much so im checking them out tomorrow but i do actually really love this album so far. i love the vibes from the very soft, rather tragic, beginning to.... horny. they really said “lets get hrony instead of sad” and i RESPECT IT. i dont respect changkyun though what the fuck is “stop shaking my tree i just want this so deep” king just say you want to get pegged
also pls tell me what that trauma entails. im terrified to find out
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bae-science · 4 years
I heard you're taking roast--I mean, review requests now. What do you think of Uprising's drivesuits?
boy oh boy i sure hope this becomes a thing because let me tell you this is better than any kind of therapy. hey everyone this is the disaster in question:
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so i’m not like. a fashion designer, or a historical clothing expert, or a costume designer, or any kind of professional in this field, but i am gay so i feel like i have the qualifications to. not nitpick but like, be validly upset. lemme run through some quick questions for uh. lizz wolf, apparently. real nice google photo, ramona flowers. anyway she will not be hired back for pacific rim three and here’s why: why does each abdominal muscle have a separate fucking plate. you bend over that shit is literally gonna dig into your stomach and restrict movement oh my goooooood there is no proper protection here the entire torso section is a fucking mess. there is a REASON medieval knights and every other armor in history ever has not sectioned off the chest and stomach protection with gaps in between, and that is because you are BOUND to get wounded there if you leave space. and i don’t CARE that they’re in a jaeger, everybody in pr1 had full coverage sets of armor with proper interlocking pieces that didn’t look like plastic halloween costumes straight outta halloween city, there is ZERO excuse for this shit. and why are the SIDES of their thighs covered??? and not the plexus or genital area?? and no coverage at the sternum or the elbow jesus fucking hell it’s like they picked all the fleshiest, most vulnerable areas and said “okay!!! you get a sexy cat costume and that’s it!!! good luck reproducing or, like, staying alive!!!” this is why the ppdc never gets anything done without a pentecost telling everyone what to do, these people have worms for brains. WOOOOOORMS. get these bitches to bikiniarmorbattledamage stat. actually @bikiniarmorbattledamage you’re smarter than me go the fuck off. anyway big fuckin qualm: where did the visors from pr go that was a good idea what happened to them. where is the fun yellow juice and the statistics displayed to each pilot to provide individualized targeting and information based on neural position and fighting style. if my memory serves all that shit shows up on the screen in front of them, but that is SUCH a bad idea because y’see lizz all those pretty lights are BLOCKING THE KAIJU THEY ARE FIGHTING. also their faces aren’t protected AT ALL and that’s like the number one injury spot in this movie. facial wounds are like oprah; you get a lip cut and you get a cheek cut and you get your face exploded and die. sorry kid from disney channel’s jessie. guess it doesn’t feel like a party every day. finally my biggest problem is this: they’re all recolors. this is lady avenger (thanks for the slur update by the way, steven, why don’t we hit all the minority insult buttons today) and if you want to know what ANY of the other jaeger drive suits look like, change the armor color, and you’re done. every jaeger in pr1 had an entirely different AESTHETIC and DESIGN based on the country and the pilots’ personalities and fighting styles; CHERNO ALPHA HAD FUCKING GOGGLES. GOGGLES. COOL AS FUCK. here it feels like a bunch of generic, watered down battle suits made to look cool and be easily producible on toys, which, oh wait, was the general idea when making every single aspect of this fucking movie. don’t do this to my man john. star wars did finn dirty with wardrobe, you had such a good idea with the bathrobe in the kitchen scene!! he’s fun he’s thotty he deserves a badass suit that fits his personality!! which honestly might not even be possible come to think of it; barely any of the cadets beyond vik and amara (and even them just crumbs) got any development and personality, so the jaegers honestly fit them all quite well. blank, cool-looking slates made to appeal to a broad market without any of the charm or style of the original. give my girls a pink and orange jaeger named Mo’s Revenge and give those poor kids some tactically placed metal on their little pubescent frames. why the fuck doesn’t lady’s cockpit have any stickers.
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i4z-0892-il · 4 years
Monster House 7
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Summary: Posing as Newlyweds Sam and Y/n set out to investigate what’s killing the visitors of a secluded Inn, and attempt to keep their working relationship professional.
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Word count: 4884
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ Only, suggestive themes, language, smut
A/N: tropes, tropes, tropes!! Well here’s another wall of text y’all! 
Immerse yourself in the story, Buy Sam’s Scent Here from @scentsfromthebunker (And damn does it smell goooooood)
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
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No one wants to tell you how much effort is involved in digging up a six foot deep grave armed with nothing but a couple of old rusty shovels and sheer willpower. No one wants to tell you how long it takes either. The Sun was going to be up in the next hour or so, and the cover of darkness was a necessary precaution when it came to gravedigging. When Sam’s shovel struck something hard and hollow you could not have been more thrilled. Your eyes met his, as he moved to get a better angle. 
Sam jammed the spade of his shovel between the lid of the coffin and the side prying it open with creaking wood and a crack of relief as the lid came loose. 
“…The hell?” Sam’s face twisted in confusion as he lifted the top, hazel eyes moved back to you as he shoved the lid to the side of the hole revealing an empty coffin.
“Well that can’t be a good sign.” You announced, just as puzzled as Sam.
“You’re sure he said he was buried here?”
“No Sam, I just made it up so we could pointlessly dig a hole in the middle of the night for fun.” You rolled sarcastic eyes at him.
“Hey, I know how much you love digging holes. So if he’s not here-”
“Then just where the fuck is he?”
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Together, you and Sam dug up the next grave, Mrs. Wellington’s body- also gone.
 In less than an hour the night sky would turn and Sunrise would come all too quickly. Time was up, none left to double check the coffins of the children, but the conclusion was that it would be a fruitless effort regardless. They would likely be gone. The two of you shoveled the dirt back into the holes and set to hike back to the Inn.
“So… How do we stop a ghost that doesn’t have bones?” You asked, wiping sweat from your brow with the back of your dirty hand.
“Better question is what took them?” Sam replied. 
The snap of a branch echoed through the trees and you both stopped in place, cautious eyes scanning the woods around you. In an instant you were transported back to the Wilderness of West Virginia, that fateful day. Had it followed you? Was that even possible? Was there more than one? You never spoke about it, never spoke aloud what happened to your family in fear that the White Thing would somehow find you again to finish the job. 
Sam put a large hand on your shoulder, gathering your attention and pointing about thirty yards north to a little blip of light strobing between the trees. You certainly weren’t alone, but your anxiety quelled at the notion of it being literally anything other than the White Thing. When you and Sam moved it was in stealth, following the light back to the rotting house you found the day before. The light turned off, and the shadow of a tall man wrestled with the lock on the door for a moment before the loud clattering of chains fell to the forest floor.
“Same guy from yesterday.” You said. Same height, same hunched over posture. The bag he dragged behind him had a body in it no doubt. The stench from the kitchen was far to foul to be anything other than a body, it wasn’t a far leap to guess what this bag was filled with too. He disappeared into the house followed by the sound of clacking locks. You followed Sam to the back of the house to the busted basement window. It was easy going in when no one was home, far harder to screw up the courage when you didn’t quite know what was locked in the house with you.
“Are you strapped?” Sam asked, you gaped at him. What nerve. You tugged up the back of your shirt where your handgun was tucked into the lining of your jeans.
“Uh, yeah Sam. I’m not an amateur.” You snarked, it came out a little bitchier than you’d intended, but Sam didn’t seem too bothered giving you a dimpled grin in response. To be fair you had a right to be sarcastic. You’d been doing this just over half your life. Left home at 15 and never looked back. It was rough in the beginning, learning the ropes. Thankfully you were a pretty quick study; save for some bumps, bruises and scars along the way, you managed. 
Sucking in a deep breath you readied yourself to climb back into that dank basement. Sam was looking at you, you could see him in your peripheral, sizing you up and gauging your reactions. Surely he noticed your hesitation, but he gave you the much needed moment before offering to step in for you. The idea of Sam, gigantic, humongous, Sam trying fit through that tiny ass window? Ha! You’d pay good money to see him try but now wasn’t the time.
You let out a huff, breath coming out as mist dissipating in the air, before setting to your task and climbing into the window again. Boots hit the dirt floor with a soft thud as you allowed time for your eyes to adjust to the pitch. Barely visible shapes of shelves bloomed in your sight, your hands slid along the wall careful of your surroundings as you tried to make it blindly to the cellar door. Sam watched you disappear into the dark, moving to the door for the tell tale sound of the log being moved. 
A full minute passed, and the edges of paranoia crept in. You were still trying to find your way, it was too dark in there, he should have given you a light.
30 more seconds. He’d give you 30 seconds to find the door. Much too impatient for that he stepped back to the broken window, whistling a bird call. When you didn’t reply with a call of your own his panic was full blown. Something was wrong. 
He wouldn’t fit through the window. He couldn’t break through the log sealing the cellar doors, and even if he thought he could, it would waste too much time trying. The open window on the second floor was too high, even for his height. There was no way he’d break through the locks on the front door. The windows were all boarded from the inside. The scenarios whipped through his head like a meteor shower, all of them landing back exactly where he was, helpless. 
A loud crash from inside the house ripped him from his thoughts, then gunfire. And another crash. Before he had a chance to think again his feet moved, following the sounds of struggle, and pain. Fingers dipped into a soft spot along the outside of the wall, he stopped on the spot, brow furrowing in thought. The wall was squishy there, bloated with water, mold, and old termite damage. He pressed both hands into the wall and like a sponge it gave way, just enough to give him hope.
Another scream ripped from your throat, and it was all the confirmation Sam needed to plow his shoulder into the wall, and tear through it like tissue paper. He stumbled into the room with the closet pulling his gun from the back of his jeans. Another scream, more in pain than the last, and he rounded the corner into the kitchen, a struggling body writhed on the table, as something pinned it to the table face down.
“Y/N!” Sam shouted, unloading three rounds into the back of the shadowed figure. It stood upright, and turned on heel to face him, taller, and broader than even Sam was.
“Sam! Ghoul!” You screamed as you rolled off the table , hitting the ground with a thud. Sam adjusted his aim, Ghouls meant headshots. With a bang the silver bullet let loose ripping through the forehead of the shadow, reducing it to a heap on the ground. Over as quickly as it had begun. On instinct Sam found you, pulling you into his arms.
“Hey, you alright?”  He asked, helping you to your feet. Out of breath and exhausted you let out a laugh.
“Just fuckin’ peachy.” You muttered. You snagged the ends of the body filled plastic bag the Shadow had drug in, clutching the tender spot at your side with a grunt. “Lets’s get the fuck out of here.”
Sam agreed, grabbing the body of the Shadow, and leading the way out the front door. The moonlight illuminated your attacker. Probably the groundskeeper based on the coveralls, and the smell of sweat, dirt, body odor and death; you were now sure the putrid scent wouldn’t wash off no matter how many showers you took.
“Jinkies. Why is it always the groundskeeper?” You said, enthusiasm lacking severely in your tone. Sam crouched tearing a hole in the black plastic trash bag. Sure enough, a body,
“Nolan…” He sighed, disappointment setting in. The man from the parlor earlier that night. “He said his wife was sick, he looked pretty rough himself.”
“Worse now.” You replied.
“How did this happen right under our noses?” Sam questioned. He should have seen it coming. Sam usually got more involved in cases than you did. He always found a way to connect with people, always cared. People trusted him, it was the puppy dog eyes you thought. He just had a specific charm that cut through the walls of anyone. You loved that about him. Other people loved that about him. On the other hand, you were not so warm and fuzzy. Of all the descriptors in the world “people person” was not among them; you never knew what to say to make it better when he beat himself up over a loss. But you admired that he gave a damn enough to still feel anything anymore.
“Sam, we were out digging graves all night. We couldn’t possibly have known. Hell, we were pretty sure it was a ghost until like literally right now.” You said, dropping a hand to rest on his shoulder, giving a comforting squeeze. Looking past him at the body it became clear what Sam meant. The body was still warm, but Nolan was sickly looking, not just the dead kind of sickly, spent, and sallow, greying in pallor even for a freshly dead body. The Ghoul hadn’t even gotten the chance to chomp into him yet. “Did he say how long he was sick for?”
“No. But I got the impression that whatever the Wife was sick with hit her pretty quick.” Sam said with a shake of his head. This explained how parts of the bodies were being found. The Ghoul ate what it wanted and scattered the rest throughout the grounds.
“ If I’m right, and I usually am- If this was the groundskeeper, how much do you want to bet he was talking to one of the Overly-Friendly Innkeepers yesterday?”
“Think they’re in on it too?” He asked.
“I have some suspicions.” You answered. Fucking. Esmeralda. That woman rubbed you the wrong way from the first second, if there was something else fishy going on you’d stake your life on the claim that she was behind it. Something wasn’t adding up, and it stunk, like Esmeralda. Ugh, no. She probably wears designer perfume and smells amazing.
Disposing of the bodies was quick but messy. Nolan deserved to be salted and burned, but the ghoul… just to be sure it was dead you and Sam dismembered it, and buried it in the dirt basement. Time seemed to speed up with the Sunrise, and you barely made it back to the Inn before the sky lit up entirely.
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Sam helped you shrug out of your jacket. A fresh, but shallow bite mark on your left shoulder was just one of two injuries you sustained, The other was a piece of wood sticking out just over your ribcage. That was going to suck. Bumps and bruises aside you walked away from the fight in pretty good condition. You’ve suffered far worse on hunting trips, this was cake.
“What happened in there?” He asked, the shame in his voice was palpable. It was guilt. Guilt that he wasn’t the one who climbed in and got hurt. Guilt over the fact that you didn’t even want to be there, that you hated this job, that you hated this lifestyle, and he put you in danger. It should have been him.
“I don’t know- he grabbed me out of the black, and the next thing I knew he was trying to take a bite out of me.” You answered. Sam’s  fingers brushed over the supple skin at the back of your neck raising goosebumps in the wake of his touch as he pulled the collar of your blood soaked shirt to the side to inspect the bite. Turning into a monster was the last thing you wanted to worry about, but you couldn’t remember if Ghoulishness was communicable or not. No, of course it wasn’t. Well… maybe. No. It’s not. But it could be. How the fuck were Ghouls even formed? You couldn’t think straight with Sam’s hands on you. “Is it bad? I’m not going to turn into a Ghoul am I?” 
“Uhm… I don’t think this is a bite.” Sam replied, humor in his tone, as he looked at three large dots in a perfectly straight line just above your shoulder blade. Either it was the oddest bite mark on Earth or…
“Well what is it then?”
“Best guess. A fork?” He answered.
“It uh- it looks like you were stabbed with a fork. You’re up to date on your tetanus I hope?”
“Are you serious? I got fucking stabbed with a fork?” You questioned, standing up to inspect it yourself in the mirror hanging on the wall. 
“Better than being bitten right?”
“Ah ha ha ha. You think you’re funny don’t you?” You snarked, a pleased little smile graced Sam’s lips as he poured alcohol over the little punctures, like pouring lemon juice over papercuts, and then placed a single wide bandaid over it. “Thanks, Doc, am I cured now?”
“Not yet, let’s see those ribs.” He commanded. A little more than happy to oblige you struggled to tug your soiled t-shirt over your head. Some of those stains weren’t coming out, and it was one of your favorites. Sam stepped up to help, fingers grazing over your bare skin as he freed you. There it was, over your left rib cage a large black and purple bruise, with a large chunk of wood buried deep under the skin and out the other side. Hed it been any less intriguing to look at his eyes certainly would have fixed lower than you face. He could see you half naked a thousand times and you would never stop taking his breath away. But he was a gentleman, and you had made your professionalism clear, even though you called to him in your sleep. 
“Oh gross.” You exclaimed upon seeing the biggest splinter you’d ever gotten. No, not a splinter, you straight up got stabbed with a piece of wood. 
The struggle was real, he caught you completely off guard, you didn’t hear him, didn’t know the houl was down there in the dark with you until he clamped a large hand over your mouth and wrapped you up in arms too thick and strong for you to do much. But he wasn’t counting on you giving him the struggle of a lifetime. 
“I’ve never had living flesh before.” He taunted. Kicking and biting all the way up the stairs you finally saw an opportunity and dug your feet into the doorframe refusing to go any further, pushing back hard enough to knock him off balance and drop you. You hit the floor and rolled yanking your handgun from the back of your jeans and unloading 3 rounds into his chest, but he kept coming stalking towards you getting angrier with each bullet. He whipped a hand across your face, before grabbing you by the shoulders and slamming you onto an end table which collapsed beneath you splintering into shards, then pain. Yanking you up by the hair he threw you into the kitchen table and then he was on you. That sick rancid smell of rotting meat and death permeating every sense. Until gunfire, and Sam.
“You know this means we have to stay longer.” Sam stated, as he set to work trying to figure out the best extraction method. It was deep but nothing punctured, a clean through and through. Best thing to do was just pull it out. 
“Yeah, I figured as much. I’m not thrilled about it, gotta say.” You replied. Sam responded with a  half smile, focused on the task at hand, with a quick motion he yanked the shard of wood straight out of your side. “OW!” You yelped, and shoved his shoulder in mock offense.
“Hard part’s over now.” He said, before pouring more whiskey over the open wound. With a wince you shoved him again. Sam just smiled, and began the less than fun process of sewing up the two large puncture wounds. It would have been easy to watch him work forever. It would have been easy just to watch him do literally anything forever.
“Why are you nervous in the woods?” He asked, out of the blue, and feeling like walking straight into a wall.
“What kind of question is that? You know why, you know what’s you there.” A half truth. Sam saw through it, saw through you.
“Yeah, but I don’t think it’s just that. You’ve been on edge since we pulled in.”
“To be fair I could be back home stuffing my face with pizza rolls with a six pack, binge watching Outlander. But instead I spent the night digging graves. You should be on edge too.” Mmm… Jamie. You had a full docket, wasn’t that enough reason to not want to go traipsing around the woods digging up empty graves under the scrutiny of the weird Staff and getting stabbed with a fork? It was more than justifiable to you.
“That’s how you’d spend your week alone?” Sam asked with a chuckle, snipping the ends of the suture.
“Pfft, I’m not telling you all my secrets.” You replied. Oh but he could imagine the things you might do by yourself. Did you ever think of him? Just once even. What he wouldn’t give for confirmation. The little sounds as you touched yourself, the things you might be thinking in your own head. The thin layer of sweat glistening in the cool night air. His name falling from your lips in a gasp as you came apart. But there was only one secret he was truly interested in.
“Okay, then just tell me one. What’s going on with you?” He said snipping the ends off of the final stitch.
“Look, Sam I’m not going to give you my damn- origin story. I just don’t care much for the woods is all.” You snipped. End of conversation. Shut that shit down. You never told anyone what happened. It was something you intended to take to the grave. It was something you intended to keep locked away even from yourself. So much time and effort went into fighting the memory of that day, you couldn’t just drudge it up for anyone. Sam wasn’t anyone. Could you do it for him?
“Okay. Maybe I misread you. But- uh… If you did. Want to give me your origin story, I would be more than happy to listen.” He reassured, taking your hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. Suddenly you felt guilty for not sharing. It was your story to give if you wanted to, but now it felt like you were just hiding something.
“It’s violent, and bloody, and traumatizing, like everyone else’s. There’s nothing more to it.” You dismissed, moving to grab clean clothes to sleep in, and a towel.
“I don’t think you’re like everyone else.” Sam replied, stopping you in your tracks. If you turned around, if you looked at his face, you’d cave. So you didn’t.
“That doesn’t matter. It’s the same old song and dance. You see something, you lose someone, you search a little too hard and then you get sucked in.” You said and disappeared into the bathroom.
After a night like this, the best cure for any ailment was a steamy shower with the water cranked as hot as you could stand it. Letting it wash over you, carrying away the dirt, the blood, the sin, it was as close to tranquil as you’d ever get. And you were not one to miss out on a shower at a nice hotel. Great water pressure, perfect temperature. Ah, it was like heaven. The nagging in the back of your mind was impossible to ignore. Open up. Just tell him. Just do it. You might feel better. You’ve only kept this secret for a decade and then some. Speaking it into reality doesn’t make it any more or less real or true. It happened, it couldn’t un-happen. You can’t undo it, and it wouldn’t make the pain of that any more bearable if you shared it with someone. And of all people… it was Sam. 
Stepping out of the bathroom finally your eyes immediately landed on Sam pouring over John’s journal. There you were again getting lost in his visage, still covered in dirt, and exhausted beyond measure. You walked up behind him and leaned over his shoulder, between the sweet and floral scent of your shampoo and the feel of your breasts as you leaned against him, he could have melted into your arms. Soft, and warm, if he paused in his mind he could trick himself, for a brief moment, that this was how it always was. 
“Someone’s been busy.” Your eyes scanned the various papers and notes spread over the table in front of him, picking up one of the papers your brow nit at the list. “Vampire, Vetala, Djinn… What is this?”
“I don’t think Nolan and his wife were sick. You saw his corpse he looked sucked dry. I’m trying to find anything that takes the life force to feed. It happened fast, but over time. So it’s not a wraith, or Okami, or a Banshee.” He explained. Something just wasn’t adding up for him, but he couldn’t quite put a finger on it.
“That’s a pretty short list.” 
“No kidding.”
“You’re brilliant, it’ll come to you.” You said, dropping the paper back on the table, and moving to the chair beside him. Pausing and starting and pausing again, you struggled to find the words. Being vulnerable was not a speciality of yours, in fact you did your damndest not to let yourself feel that way. It only led to pain and digging up shit you’d buried for reasons.. But with Sam you weren’t afraid. You knew his story, yours was just as unbelievable, it was only fair. “So, uhm… When I was 15, I was walking through the woods behind our house, it was basically a straight shot home from school, and I used to play in those woods, like… all the time as a kid. But one day it was like the forest was alive and threatening me.”
You made the mistake of looking at his face, fixed in confusion, concern, maybe even adoration. He’d dropped everything, the monsters in the book before him suddenly meant nothing.
“I know how it sounds, but trust me, they- the trees moved, and switched on me, and I got lost, and then. Then there was this stillness, like a vaccuum sucked out all of the air, you could hear a pin drop. And the… White Thing. “ A chill ran down your spine, raising goosebumps, he took your hands in his. “And it was the most terrified I’d ever been, I thought I was going to die, but it handed me this little stone.”  He didn’t believe you, or you were convinced he didn’t. Either way it didn’t matter, you had proof. You stood and walked to the bed, yanking your bag from under it, and rifling through the pockets, finding it with an ah-ha you returned to the table and set the little green stone with a carving in it on the table. Sam’s brow creased as he picked up the stone, his mouth moving to speak, but you cut him off.
“I left it there in the woods. I didn’t touch it. I ran straight home, and eventually passed out I guess. In the morning I got up and uh-… I went to find my brothers, and my parents, It was a blood bath, They were dead, all of them, and this stupid fucking rock was left there. That thing killed them, it was in my home… I was asleep. I didn’t even know.” Sam gave your hands a reassuring squeeze thumbs running over your knuckles as he leaned in until there was nothing but him in your vision. There was empathy in his eyes, no pity, or disbelief. You took in a breath to steady yourself, emotions beginning to peak more than you were comfortable displaying. You sniffed back the tears that threatened to gather.
“I tried to throw it out, back into the woods. Down a well. I buried it. I smashed it. I threw it into a river, a lake, the ocean. I threw it out of a car. Sam I’ve tried to get rid of this thing for almost 15 years. It just keeps coming back.” You said with an exasperated sigh attempting to catch your breath, gripping his fingers tightly. “Anyway… It wasn’t long after that I went searching for answers, and found the life.”
“And here you are.” He said, eyes like a field of sunflowers fixed on yours mesmerized by you.. Heart jumping into your throat you leaned in, closing the space between you to practically nothing.
“Here I am.” You whispered. He was close enough you could feel the warmth from him, you could practically taste him. You wanted more than anything in the entire world to know how his lips tasted. More than anything he wanted to know what yours tasted like.
Knock! Knock!
Nearly jumping out of your skin, and now boiling you turned a rage filled head to the door stomping to it more than happy to give that perfect little shit a piece of your mind. It was barely past 6am and Esmeralda was already trying to sink her claws into Sam? Yanking the door open you started in.
“Look I don’t know what your deal is but-” It was Derek! And he looked mortified. “Oh, shit I’m sorry! I  thought you were someone else.” Not that it made it any better.
“Good morning, Mrs. Wesson, I thought you might be awake. Pardon the interruption. Breakfast will be served shortly, but I wanted to deliver you this. For the Masquerade Ball tomorrow night.”
“I’m sorry, did you say Masquerade?” The dumbfounded look on your face must have been entertaining because Derek chuckled and handed the box to you. Sam stood up and walked to the door, hearing Derek’s voice and hearing about a delivery was more than enough for his interest to pique past disappointment at what just transpired- or rather, what didn’t. He stepped in close resting a hand at your hip, happy to play the territorial husband.
“Yes, in carrying on the tradition set down by the Wellington’s. This year’s theme is Heaven and Hell.” Derek explained.
“How charming. If there’s one thing I love more than a Ball, it’s a Masquerade. What is this box for?” What’s in the box? What’s in the boooxxx?! Brad Pitt. No, but really there better not be a human heart or something weird.
“Well, forgive the assumption, but you don’t strike me as the type to typically shop for such occasions, I sent for a few things for you.”
“You- I’m sorry, you sent for a few things?” You clarified, because clearly there was blood in your ear or something. Peeking into the box you gasped, and shook your head trying to hand the box back. “This is like a lot of money’s worth of a few things Derek. I’m sorry I can’t accept this.”
“But I insist, you may return them after the night is over, but in the meanwhile I think they will suit you.” Derek said, not taking no for an answer and stepping away from the door.
“Thanks…” You replied, unsure and a little confused. Turning to face Sam you kicked the door shut.
“There’s a really fancy dress and jewelry and stuff in this box.” Panic. You were in panic mode now. You were expected to wear that stuff- and lets not even touch how creepy-weird it is that the fucking Innkeeper just “sent for a few” really expensive, but also really pretty things for you! Ew! Weird! Pretty… You were expected to wear high heels.
“Well, if we’re going I guess I need to go into town later.” Sam said.
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blue-fluff-elf-blog · 7 years
shout out to all my toe-walking buddies out there who have to pay a fuckton for a pair of walking shoes if a) you want them to last more than 6 months and b) you don’t want them to fuck up your arches
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rawiswhore · 4 years
Various WWF Wrestlers x Fem Reader- “Love Train”
There are some hot men in the WWF in 1997.
Granted, there were hot men in the WWF 1996, 1998, 1999, etc. and maybe even a few hot men before 1996, but there are quite a bit of sexy men in the World Wrestling Federation this year in 1997.
And especially, some men in the WWF are getting sexier in 1997.
What do sexy men make you wanna do?
Fuck, fuck and fuck!
In June of that year, you've confronted every man in the WWF you thought was sexy and told them a plan you have in mind with them, and they do enjoy your idea.
During that same month, you invited various sexy male wrestlers into the WWF to the locker room, during a time when you and these other wrestlers had free time.
You had seen something in porn that's quite popular, especially in the rule34 community, known as the "glory hole", which isn't just where people drill holes in bathroom stalls and men stick their dicks out of those holes.
It can also be something where people can stick their upper bodies inside huge holes while some guy plows them from behind.
Yes, even in the 90's, glory holes and glory hole porn existed.
However, there really isn't a cuticle in the locker room drilling a hole wide enough for you to insert yourself into, and that isn't a fat joke/reference.
So instead, you're deciding just to bend your bare ass over and show it off to these various male wrestlers, specifically the ones going to fuck you.
On the other hand, they're not gonna fuck you up your asshole, you even told them that.
Up first in this line was an up and coming, barely legal cutie pie named Jeff Hardy.
He didn't have his iconic goth look he had at the height of his popularity, and was a young jobber without a gimmick.
You want to start this train off with a wrestler you find sexy.
Jeff had pulled his pants down, he had a (ba-dum-tssssh) hardy hiding underneath his pants, and his erection slowly and carefully slid into your twat hole, while his hands were resting on your hips, his hands pulling himself further to your ass and his cock sliding further in your pussy.
Your eyes rolled to the top of your head as his cock entered your cunt, your mouth dropping open, releasing a moan over how good this feels.
Jeff soon began to thrust and buck his cock back and forth inside your twat, holding onto your hips, thrusting in and out of you.
You were trying to keep your balance while he thrust and pumped his cock inside your pussy.
The other hot male wrestlers were behind Jeff, waiting in a straight line like they were buying tickets at a movie theater.
Some of them were stretching their necks and heads sideways, looking over at you getting fucked by Jeff.
Ear to ear smiles were spreading across their faces while Jeff was fucking you, some of them were clapping their hands and shouting "yyyeaaaaaaaahhh!!!".
They weren't the only ones enjoying this, some other wrestlers were observing you get banged, they roaring "yyyyyyyyeaaaaaahhh!" and pumping their fists in the air.
They probably want to jerk off on your face and wait in line to fuck you next, amongst other things, but nooooope.
Jeff's hands began to slide and roam all over your body, his touch making you feel tingles that felt so good.
Your moans were filling up the locker room while he fucked you, your tits were wobbling back and forth as he banged you.
Speaking of tits, he stopped at your breasts once his hands reached your chest, where he proceeded to squeeze and fondle your tits, sometimes even play with your nipples, tweak and squeeze them.
"Ohhhhhhh yeaaahhh, Jeff!!!" you moaned and cried. "Fuck me harder! Hard and deep!"
Jeff increased the pace of his thrusts, his cock slamming and pumping inside your twat, his genitals colliding and crashing into your ass cheeks.
"You're so fuckin' wet!" he exclaimed as he thrust.
His eyes were shutting tight, his face looked like he was in pain almost, while he slammed in and out of you.
Jeff is definitely the hottest Hardy Boy, but in June of 1997, he wasn't really that hot.
You're imagining Jeff in February 1997 banging and fucking you.
The other wrestlers in line behind Jeff were trying to contain themselves, not jerk off to this and whatnot.
Wrestlers not in line to watch this couldn't believe there's actually a line of men waiting to bang you.
"Oh God, this feels soooooooo goooooood!" you moaned and cried.
His hands caressed your tits, you told him you wanted him to do this to you since he's so hot and sexy.
"I'm gonna cum!!!" you cried out, and suddenly, your pussy released some creamy, salty cum out of your twat, the inside of your clit beating while he still fucked you.
The bottom of his hair was swinging back and forth while he jammed his cock up your cunt.
Pretty soon, his cock and balls couldn't take it anymore, and when he came, he released a groan out of his mouth letting out a groan from his mouth.
That wasn't the only thing let out, the slit at the top of his penis head released his official seed out of his dick, his sperm will travel to your ovaries, but nope, you've taken a birth control pill.
His hands were trying not to grab onto your breasts when he came, and he did a good job of doing that.
Hearing that groan out of his mouth meant that he's now officially came inside of you.
He moved himself a few inches backward, his penis also crawling backward out of your pussy hole until it existed out of it.
His hands slipped away from your tits, no longer cupping them.
He then walked around you and in front of you, where next in line was a sexy wrestler crossing over to the WWF: Rob Van Dam.
The WWF is seriously thinking of hiring him, and you wish they did, because he is hot, easily the sexiest man in ECW.
You wanted someone equally hot to follow up someone hot and sexy.
Rob pulled his pants down as he walked up to your pussy, letting out his erection waiting to fuck you.
You opened your eyes, and standing right in front of you was Jeff Hardy.
His penis had become limp and flaccid, drenched in cum, probably your cum, anyway.
But that isn't a problem for you! Why?
You'll find out!
Rob's penis entered inside of your gaping pussy hole, the inside of your twat gooey, salty and wet, having Jeff's seed spill out of your cunt hole before.
You could feel Rob's cock slide in your pussy, and pretty soon, Rob began to pump his dick inside your twat, his shaft thrusting back and forth inside your cunt.
Like Jeff, Rob put his hands on your hips to hold onto you.
You, however, tried opening your eyes to look at Jeff's penis in front of you, but it was difficult since Rob was fucking you from behind!
Jeff inserted his flaccid penis in your open mouth, you could feel his dick in your mouth, which made your lips wrap around his shaft.
You proceeded to try to suck his dick while Rob was fucking you, not just that, but your tongue wrapped around his shaft, licking up your salty cum on his penis.
You love the taste of your pussy juice.
While you were being fucked by Rob, you kept moaning on Jeff's cock while it was still in your mouth, your breath warm on his penis.
Honestly, you love Jeff and all, but you don't want him to get another erection.
Your tongue licked up his shaft, trying to get all of the cum off of his dick and clean it.
Your mouth and tongue were wet with plenty of saliva, helping clean his cock off.
Some of your cum was seeping into your tongue.
Rob's hands, meanwhile, slid up from your hips to your breasts, where instead of grabbing onto them, his hands and fingers gently caressed them.
His hands smoothed and fondled your breasts, you could feel the palms of his hands brushing up your areolas while his hands played with your tits.
Jeff was looking down at you licking his cock, and he was enjoying the sensation of your tongue licking his shaft as well as his mouth sucking up your cum on his dick.
He also loved the feel of your breath all over his shaft.
You having his cock in your mouth while you moaned on it sort of made your mouth and lips vibrate on his shaft, which tickled his penis, and he didn't mind the feel of this.
While giving fellatio to Jeff, his penis did taste a little strange, not because of your cum, but because his genitalia was crashing into your twat, and above your pussy is your asshole, which luckily isn't smeared with shit and filthy and dirty, and luckily didn't have any fecal matter up your anus, but it still did somewhat collide with your anus.
Thankfully, his cock didn't get up your asshole.
Wonder if you should tell the next men to wash their dicks before you suck them?
Though, you won't be able to taste their cum!
Rob began to run the tips of his fingers around in circles on your areolas over and over again.
Your areolas are very sensitive and you absolutely love the feel of him doing this to your nipples.
"Ohhhhhhhhh yeaaaaaahhh, Rob!" you moaned while Jeff's shaft was still inside your mouth.
Jeff walked backwards a few inches until his penis flopped out of his mouth.
He looked down at his dick, no longer drenched in your cum, but instead your saliva.
You noticed his cock leaving your mouth, and you probably have sucked his cock for too long anyway.
You regret not telling Jeff to wash his cock before you sucked it.
Jeff walked away from you and Rob, and while Rob was busy banging you, the skin on his face was turning pinker from banging you quite vigorously from behind.
Speaking of doing things for too long, Rob has been banging you for quite a long time, such a long time, that he officially came inside your pussy eventually.
Likewise, his hands didn't grip onto your breasts when he came.
You heard him release a throaty groan out of his mouth once he came.
Your moans were louder than his, drowning out his quiet moans murmuring from his lips.
He tilted his head back and his mouth was agape when he released that throaty groan escaping to get out of his mouth and throat.
He then pulled his penis out of your vagina, his seed dripped out of your pussy hole and onto the floor.
He walked around the left side towards in front of you, looking down at his cock dripping cum and stopping when he stood in front of you and, and the next man walked up to you.
It's a wrestler known as RockaBilly, a wrestler whose gimmick is a country western rockabilly singer, and the man who played RockaBilly would eventually join the New Age Outlaws and D Generation X.
Yeah, this next man walking up to you is Billy Gunn.
Luckily, RockaBilly now has his blond hair back, and that's a great thing, because that brown hair he had was so unflattering.
While RockaBilly walked up to you, he had his adorable, pearly white smile spreading across his face, and you love his smile, too bad you can't really see it.
He was also pulling the zipper of his jeans all the way down as well as popping the button out of the button hole, pulling his jeans down to his thighs when he approached your ass.
He could see your wide, gaping pussy hole in front of him, waiting to be fucked.
Meanwhile, you opened your eyes, and in front of you was Rob Van Dam, his penis now flaccid and limp.
Before RockaBilly could insert his cock in your cunt, you leaned into Rob's penis and let his cock enter your mouth, where you proceeded to suck his dick.
Your lips were wrapped around his shaft, your damp, wet mouth cleaning his cock off with your saliva.
Your tongue was also licking up his shaft, roaming around his penis.
Like Jeff, Rob was looking down at you performing fellatio on him.
You've got such perfect "dick sucking" lips as they say.
While your tongue was licking up his shaft, cleaning the cum off of it and swallowing it, you soon felt something slowly crawl and enter inside your pussy hole, that something was RockaBilly's dick.
Your pussy in general was wet and slippery, courtesy of so many men jizzing inside of it, and it was easy for RockaBilly's cock to slide into your cunt.
When his cock was completely inside your pussy hole, his penis began to thrust and pump back and forth inside your twat hole.
His hands were wrapped around your hips and stomach, holding you up.
While he was banging you, his pretty vigorous thrusts were pushing you, specifically your face, into Rob's genitals, courtesy of RockaBilly's crotch rocking back and forth.
Your mouth was pumping up and down Rob's shaft, sucking the cum off of his dick, transferring his jizz into your mouth, and swallowing it.
Your tongue was snaking around Rob's shaft, licking up and down his shaft like it was a Popsicle, making sure
As RockaBilly thrust his dick back and forth inside your twat, you were moaning while Rob's penis was inside your mouth, which tickled his shaft.
Your eyes were closed while RockaBilly was fucking your cunt, your eyes had rolled to the top of your head.
When Rob could see his shaft, he put his hand under his penis and pulled it out of your mouth, looking down at his cock in the palm of his hand.
No cum, thankfully!
You felt his cock leave your mouth, and speaking of leaving, he walked away from you.
"Ohhhhhhhhhh, mmmmmmmmm!!!" you moaned and cried out loudly while Rockabilly was fucking you.
RockaBilly saw the other men slide their hands all over your body, so he may as well do it as well.
His hands slid across your hips and roamed and traveled all over your body.
RockaBilly loves women's tits, so much, his hands roaming your body stopped at your breasts, where his hands proceeded to fondle and squeeze your tits.
He had a huge smile on his face as he caressed your breasts, his smile lit up the locker room.
The inside of our pussy was tickling and brushing his shaft, which felt so good for him.
The tips of his fingers also played with your areolas, running them around in circles on your areolas over and over again.
His fingertips ran over and over on your areolas like a vinyl record on a turntable.
Your areolas are very sensitive, and his fingertips were pleasuring and tickling your areolas.
You wish you could cum again on anyone's penis, but you don't think that's the case for you.
Speaking of cum, after thrusting in you for quite a long time, RockaBilly eventually had an orgasm, his eyes were closed and his mouth was open, making a pretty hilarious facial expression.
And likewise, the slit of his penishead released some jizz out of the tip of his cock.
He remembered not to grab onto your tits when he came inside of you, good for him.
He took some time to catch his breath since he pumped his dick inside of you back and forth, and he slid his penis carefully out of your twat hole.
His seed dripped out of your wide pussy hole and onto the floor.
He then walked around the side of you and stopped walking when he stood in front of you, and walking behind you was Bart Gunn.
Bart was RockaBilly's former partner in the Smoking Gunns tagteam, and while Bart didn't look as sexy as he did the next year, he was pretty cute.
At least Bart looks better in 1997 than he looks in 1994.
Bart walked up to you, pulling the zipper of his jeans down as well as unbuttoning his jeans, and once he was done with doing those things, he pulled his jeans down to his thighs, freeing his genitals from oppression.
Before Bart's dick could slide into you, you opened your eyes and wrapped your fingers around the bottom of RockaBilly's shaft, pulling his penis into your mouth, your mouth open as his cock was slowly entering it.
During this little threesome as well as the up and coming threesomes, Bart was fucking your pussy doggystyle while you licked around and up RockaBilly's shaft, sucking the cum off of his dick, making sure no cum is on his cock and transferring it to your mouth.
RockaBilly was looking down at you while you sucked him off, he had his signature pearly white ear-to-ear smile across his face, enjoying this.
"That's it, baby girl" he purred, his voice low and husky, putting the pads and tips of his fingers under your chin and holding your chin up with them.
One thing Bart did the other men didn't do was play with your clit, and the pads of Bart's fingers were rubbing up and down your clit, sometimes even making and rolling circles on your clit.
While Bart was fucking you, you were imagining someone hotter than him banging you, like Shawn Michaels, or even some hot actor or rock star.
Though, Bart is pretty cute.
It was your idea to get spitroasted by RockaBilly and Bart Gunn at the same time since they're the former Smoking Gunns duo.
RockaBilly eventually pulled his dick out of your mouth with his hand, walking away from you.
After Bart had came, he walked around you and stopped when he was in front of you.
Walking up behind you was Bret Hart, yes, Bret "The Hitman" Hart.
He wasn't really as excited as the other men were, specifically men like Shawn Michaels.
But he will admit to finding you quite beautiful.
Bret was pulling the zipper of his jeans down as well as his jeans down in general as he walked up to you, and once he was close enough for his genitals to meet your vagina, his cock slid into your twat hole and he proceeded to start banging you.
Likewise, you were sucking off and licking Bart's cock as Bret banged you.
You were imagining the way Bret looked sometimes in 1996 while he was fucking you, that was probably the sexiest you've ever seen Bret look by far.
Bret was imagining he was fucking a better woman in general than you.
Bart, meanwhile, was looking down at you, smirking at you licking and sucking on his flaccid cock, though he doesn't mind you at all, even if you're sexually promiscuous.
Your tongue was licking up his shaft, snaking around his shaft trying to taste any cum there.
There was some cum, yes, but you licked it and sucked it off and even swallowed it!
Bret's hands were caressing up and down your hips as he fucked you and banged you, and you salivated on Bart's shaft, wetting it.
Later on, after Bret was done fucking you, he walked up to you and it was your turn to suck on his cock whereas a former Hart Foundation member was banging you next, that member is arguably Bret's British equivalent, Davey Boy Smith.
He has such a hot British accent, he said some pretty hot, sexy commands while he fucked you, which turned you on.
And after Davey jizzed in your pussy, he was the next one to get his dick cleaned, whereas yet another Hart Foundation member was going to fuck you while you polished Davey's knob, and that member was Brian Pillman, probably the least sexiest man in this train.
Brian was acting no different from his signature nutcase he plays in the WWF, and he was so much faster than the other wrestlers when it came to fucking you, he fucked you like an animal.
As Brian banged you, you imagined someone hotter fucking you, though you did imagine Brian a few times while he banged you.
Davey, meanwhile, put his hand on top of your head and pulled you into his genitals, which took you by surprise, so much, you had to open your eyes, only to look up and see it's just Davey Boy Smith.
Brian's hands were squeezing your tits quite hard, and when he jizzed in your pussy, he grabbed onto them pretty hard.
And after Brian splooged in your twat, he walked up in front of you, and up next to bang you was Brian Christopher, who just so happens to be Jerry Lawler's son.
You wanted to get spitroasted by two Brian's!
As Brian Christopher banged you, he actually put his hands on your nipples and flicked them like they were light switches, which is strange and even childish.
While you were cleaning Pillman's cock off, you didn't look up at him, though you couldn't since you were busy getting fucked.
When Brian Christopher was fucking you, you imagined someone hotter like Rob Van Dam or some sexy actor or rock star banging you, though you did imagine sometimes Brian Christopher fucking you.
Brian Christopher looks like a Great Value Brand Davey Boy Smith.
And once Brian Christopher had came inside you and Brian Pillman walked away with a saliva cleaned dick, Brian Christopher walked up in front of you, whereas Bob Holly (the same Bob Holly that became "Crash Holly" in the Attitude era and once played Sparky Plugg, a wrestler whose gimmick is a racecar driver) walked up to your cunt next.
You're calling him Bob even when you're having sex with him, his name Sparky is so corny and so was his gimmick throughout the 90's!
Bob is kind of attractive, but as he's banging you, you're imagining someone's hotter fucking you, whereas you're also imagining you're performing fellatio on someone hotter than Brian Christopher.
At least Brian Christopher looks better than his bloated, creepy, Trump supporting, statutory rapist father Jerry "The King" Lawler.
Bob's arms were wrapped around your hips while he fucked you, and while he is holding you, the way his arms are wrapped around your hips makes him look like he's trying to give you the Heimlich maneuver, and that's not sexy and hot.
Brian Christopher was looking down at you cleaning his cock off, having a huge, cheesy smile across his face like he usually has.
Brian walked away from you when his dick was cleaned off, no more cum on there, and after Bob Holly came inside you, he walked up in front of you and stood right in front of you.
The next man to bang you was Scott Taylor, who a few years later would become Scotty 2 Hotty in that 2 Cool duo during the WWF's Attitude era.
Yeah, THAT Scotty 2 Hotty who did the worm in the ring and had bleached blond hair.
Too Cool were pretty much the New Day of the Attitude era.
And another fun fact: Brian Christopher was also in Too Cool, his moniker was Grandmaster Sexay.
Scott Taylor was pretty handsome and attractive in 1996 and 1997, at least he looks better in those years than when he had that dorky mullet with bangs like Jim Carrey in "Dumb and Dumber".
Scott proceeded to fuck you from behind, his erection banging your twat, and you were cleaning off Bob Holly's cock with your tongue, mouth and throat.
While these 2 men spitroasting you aren't Bastion Booger levels of ugly, you wish hotter men could be banging you, but don't worry, that'll be for later!
Actually, you wanted Scott to be one of the last men to bang you so the next guy fucking you can be sexy while you suck a cute guy's dick!
Bob was looking down at you performing fellatio on him, enjoying what he saw.
Bob walked away when you couldn't taste any more cum on his dick, and you just stood there, letting Scott fuck you.
Pretty soon, Scott came inside of you, and you got so happy and excited for the next man who was gonna fuck you.
Who is it?
Hunter Hearst Helmsley!
Even better, Hunter's hair is flowing completely down, no little braids tied behind his head, no hair tied in a ponytail, just his long beautiful locks flowing down, just the way you like him.
Scott walked around you and stood in front of you as Hunter walked up to you, he was so excited to bang you.
Hunter proceeded to start fucking you in your twat, his hands grabbing onto your breasts but not hurting them.
His hands were caressing and fondling your tits, sometimes rolling circles on your areolas with the tips of his fingers.
That wasn't all Hunter did, he also leaned to the back of your head and kissed the back of your neck and tops of your shoulders.
You told Hunter you wanted him to do this to you.
While Hunter was busy fucking you, your tongue was doing its best to lick up the sperm on Scott's shaft, licking up his shaft like a Popsicle, sucking his cock like a vacuum cleaner.
Scott's dick eventually was cleaned off, and you let Hunter fuck you and bang you, until he jizzed inside your twat.
Despite that Brian Pillman grabbed onto your tits quite hard enough to leave red marks when his hands lost their grip on your breasts minutes ago, your breasts were still feeling a little sore, and you want Hunter to be the one to caress them and ease the pain.
After Hunter came inside of you, there was one more man to fuck you.
Who was it?
Shawn Michaels!
The sexiest man in the WWF, especially in 1997.
You saved the best for last, and saved the best 2 for last.
Shawn and Hunter had been friends long before DX formed, and they're 2 of the sexiest men in the WWF this year.
Shawn was so excited, smiling his adorable pearly white smile when he walked up to you, he waited throughout this whole time to fuck you.
Hunter walked in front of you and stopped there, and you proceeded to suck and clean his cock with your tongue and mouth, whereas Shawn was behind you, fucking your pussy with his cock.
Unlike Brian Christopher, you weren't imagining fucking or sucking anyone else, you were letting Shawn fuck you and sucking off Hunter!
Shawn's hands were sliding all over your body, feeling the touch of his caress, as well as stopping at your breasts, caressing your tits gently.
He also rolled the tips of his fingers in circles on your areolas as well as tweaked them sometimes.
You moaned Shawn's name loud and proud.
Hunter was looking down at you suck him off, loving your blowjob.
Shawn also leaned his face into the back of your neck, where he kissed the back of your neck as well as the sides of it, kissing on top of your shoulders.
He even purred and called himself "Daddy" as you fucked him, where you moaned and cried out "Daddy" as he fucked you.
The other men were pretty jealous, why does she get to call Shawn "Daddy" but not us?
When Shawn came inside of you, you finished him off by giving him a blowjob, cleaning his cock off.
You actually told these men who fucked you what you wanted them to do to you and you told them in order which one will fuck you.
You actually would love to be in a stall with these holes drilled in the cuticles and these wrestlers you've banged this afternoon stuck their cocks through those holes, and you jerked off their dicks and sucked and licked them, but bathroom stalls are disgusting.
'Tis a shame that Leif Cassidy (not to be confused with 70's teen heartthrobs David and Shaun Cassidy or another 70's teen heartthrob named Leif Garrett) had to grow some facial hair, because in 1996 he was kinda cute, and Leif's tagteam member Marty Jannetty had left the WWF (that rhymed) in 1997 to join WCW.
While Marty's nowhere near as hot and sexy as his former Rockers tagteam partner Shawn Michaels, Marty is a cutie and a horndog at that, even he's wanted to fuck you.
I actually wanted to publish this fanfic yesterday, but I had some things to do yesterday, not to mention the reason this fanfic is pretty short is because I didn’t want it to be so repetitive, although some might say it is repetitive...
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sanpatron · 4 years
It should be of no surprise that The World is Yours was already beginning to see a swarm of people slowly make their way into the building. The weekend had finally arrived, of course, and what better way to celebrate than by spending your hard earned pay at one of the most fabulous nightclubs this side of Spirale had to offer.
As the club’s patrons entered the building, each one of them heading towards their respective location to let this night of hedonism commence — drinking, partying, dancing, flirting, doing each and every single thing one could imagine to indulge in the sheer pleasure of it all — they would notice a familiar man leaning over the railing towards the back of the club, watching over all of them like a king would his subjects.
What could this be? Was he there to announce something? Maybe just oversee how things were going? That was more than likely the reason. The man known as Victor Dumont sure had been coming here quite often ever since the club’s usual manager, Shaundi, had decided to take a vacation. Hadn’t really done much other than walk around the entirety of the club every so often and greet people, catching a drink or two here and there whenever he felt like it.
But what really stood out to people would be the fact that in his hand was a microphone. Something was up, that’s for certain. Yet no one would really have an idea what that something was exactly till the man finally went through with whatever the hell he must be planning.
And thankfully enough that would be right about now.
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“ Goooooood evenin’, people. My god is it so good to see each and every one of you out there today. Can’t begin to tell ya just how happy it makes me. This building here is meant to be a sanctuary for all you wannabe hedonists out there. A place where you’re free to indulge in whatever vice you could imagine, and truly let the animal inside of you out. ” A pause. “ However, seems to me like there might be a little bit of a problem. ”
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“ Ya see, I’ve been noting a lack of energy ‘round here whenever I stop by. Oh sure, it’s pretty fuckin’ obvious just how much of a good time y’all are having, that I can’t deny. But I’m starting to think the lot of you don’t really understand the wider appeal this place is meant to have. ” There’s a few murmurs here and there before he continues.
“ When I step into a joint such as this I’m expecting a certain type of crowd. A certain type of vibe that really lets me know this place is doing what it needs to be. And while I’m absolutely thrilled to see a full house practically every weekend, I think y’all need to take whatever restraints you might’ve put on yourselves and really start living a little. ”
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“ And just to clarify, I’m not telling you guys to start going batshit crazy here. We wanna keep this a fun but relatively safe environment. Nothing kills a good mood quicker than inconsiderate shitheads who’re only looking out for their own needs. Which I mean, understandable, but you ain’t the only people in here trying to get wild and loose. ”
So where exactly was this all going? What kind of grand master plan was Victor Dumont trying to pull?
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“ So hear me out; tonight and every night that comes after I want you beautiful people to start really indulging in what this place has to offer. Drink as much as you can till you’re toeing the line of what you can normally handle, dance your fuckin’ ass off cause you’re trying t’ put the moves on somebody you thought was super hot. If you wanna sit back and just vibe with the music then you sure as shit can here. You wanna go spend a couple of minutes with someone gorgeous in the VIP section and feel like a celebriuty? By all means! ”
The crowd has begun to slowly get pumped up. There’s a newfound energy that’s starting to build. It’s precisely what the Boss has been looking for; a reflection of the nightlife he’s always been closely intimate with back in his own universe. “ Yo, DJ! Turn that shit up! Get these motherfuckers dancing! ”
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“ Each and every one of you is a god damn superstar just waiting to shine. So go ahead and start making some memories here, alright? If not, then why did you even fucking bother coming? ”
And that was that. With a newfound resolution to party as hard as they can, the patrons of The World is Yours would begin truly living the and indulging themselves in every which way possible. The Boss soon tosses the mic over to one of the club’s employees and sets off to do his own work, happily singing along to the beat of the song blasting on every single speaker you could think of.
If this island’s nightlife was dealing with an unsteady pulse, then the Boss was sure as hell going to do whatever he could to get that thing beating faster and harder than ever before.
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soopticboop · 5 years
Goooooood morning family!!
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sandsmudge · 5 years
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inkstaineddaughter · 5 years
OH MY GOOOOOOOD!!! LET HIM BE IN A FUCKIN PLAAAAAAY!!!! Jesus Christ, let the man do his job and go home! He’s probably tired as shit and wants to go to bed. He’s supposed to have a literal 2 year old child at home and y’all crazy asses want to keep him up all night so you can force him to sign playbills/pose for selfies/accept your old retainer or whatever spooky “gift” you’re trying to shove at him. You know, you KNOW that kid is going to be climbing all over him, pulling on his ears at the buttcrack of dawn and somehow you still think that you’re entitled to all these pieces of him?
Please. Don’t take an actor that I’ve grown to really and truly appreciate beyond his irrevocable tie to a character who, I admit, I have questionable obsession with. But Kylo thirst aside, don’t taint Adam Driver with fandom toxicity. Keep him intact. Please.
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springblush · 6 years
85 questions tag!!
tagged by @kimzeuswoo i love you more than anything adfsjodsifaodi lets go eat chicken nuggets together!!!
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
♡ Last…? ♡
1. drink - iced water
2. phone call - to my mom? (i think)
3. text message - one of my mutuals :)))))
4. song you listened to - kangaroo ~ triple position (wanna one) gUYS go listen to wanna one’s comeback, its so goooooood
5. time you cried - yesterday :’))) rip me
♡ Ever…? ♡
6. dated someone twice - ?? ive never dated
7. kissed someone and regretted it - also have never kissed someone before (romantically)
8. been cheated on - no
9. lost someone special - yes
10. been depressed - yeah 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - im still a minor
12. fave colors - pastels!! chromes!! holos!! bright and happy colors!! idk i just dont like green, purple, or browns, but as long as theyre pretty!!
♡ In the last year have you… ♡
15. made new friends - hELL yes a lot of them :)
16. fallen out of love - never been in love....unless you count a bias?
17. laughed until you cried - adsjfoiadsfj every five seconds 
18. found out someone was talking about you - in a positive way? yup. in a negative way? yup.
19. met someone who changed you - yup yup!! lots 
20. found out who your friends are - yUUKI and cHRIS and a loooooot of other people (love yall btw)
21. kissed someone on your FB friend list - ? dont have a fb ? 
♡ General ♡
22. how many FB friends do you have irl - refer to #21
23. do you have any pets? - nope! i actually dont really like animals....
24. do you want to change your name - nope! i really like my name?? i know im weird
25. what did you do for your last bday - had a HUGE bday party with a bunch of school friends
26. what time did you wake up today - 7:30 am, had to go to saturday school :(
27. what were you doing at midnight lastnight? - watching the mbc music show thingy
28. what is something you can’t wait for - idk?? im on summer break so maybe the wanna one concert in san jose cuz i think im goingggggg aiodfjadsoifjad
30. what are you listening to right now - a.c.e. ~ take me higher (it! is! a! fuckin! bop! guys stan talent stan a.c.e.)(theyre also kings of fanservice, like wanted a.c.e. in crop tops? you got it)
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - i dont think so?
32. something that gets on your nerves - people who arent understanding, people who dont listen, or people who are ignorant. they hurt me more often they think they do.
33. most visited sites - tumblr, youtube, google drive (livin the life of a procrastinator lmao)
34. hair color - chocolaty brown with lighter brown highlights
35. long or short hair - both!
36. do you have a crush on someone - nope! havent had one in awhile
37. what do you like about yourself - nothing lol 
38. want any piercings? - i want more ear piercings but im deathly afraid of needles
39. blood type - also scared of blood, so i dont really know
40. nicknames - just my viet name and chinese name
41. relationship status - single af, dont plan on a relationship for awhile unless someone can meet my insanely high standards
42. zodiac - libra, monkey
43. pronouns - she/her
44. favorite tv shows - we bare bears (a gOD-TIER SHOW CHANGE MY MIND) otherwise i care more about my music than my tv shows
45. tattoos - reALLY FUCKING SCARED OF NEEDLES (like im super severely scared of needles its really bad)
46. right or left handed - right
47. ever had surgery - no, and i hope i wont have to get surgery ever
48. piercings - ears (2 piercings, one on each)
49. sport - taekwondo, does working out count?, dance (something i only do w my sis nothing big)
50. vacations - i! love! traveling! like i’ve gone a lot of places
51. trainers - ? shoes? gym? training? i’ve trained for taekwondo? this is so vague?
♡ More general ♡
52. eating - spicy seaweed
53. drinking - nothing atm
54. i’m about to watch - ??idk??
55. waiting for….. - someone irl to care about me
56. want…. - money, happiness, to be talented, to have the ability to have anything i want, clothes, albums, more money
57. get married - yeah i think i want to have a double wedding with my twin sis
58. career - idk something that pays well and makes me happy
♡ Which is better ♡
59. hugs or kisses - both! im hella touchy soooooo
60. lips or eyes - both
61. short or taller - taller
62. older or younger - im good w both
63. nice arms or stomach - s t o m a c h (do you know how hard it is to get and maintain abs?)
64. hookup or relationship - relationship? im not the hook up type
65. troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant aF im a good child
66. kissed a stranger - i have never kissed someone romantically in my life
67. drank hard liquor - im a minor
68. lost glasses - nope im good at keeping them
69. turned someone down - yeah
70. sex on first date - minor??
71. broken someone’s heart - yeah
72. had your heart broken - yes
73. been arrested - no 
74. cried when someone died - yes
75. fallen for a friend - yes
♡ Do you believe in…? ♡
76. yourself? - no not really
77. miracles - im not supposed to but idk sometimes
78. love at first sight - no
79. santa claus - uhhhhh no?
80. kiss on first date - maybe it depends
81. angels - i have a lot
♡ Other ♡
82. best friend’s name - vyvi (hate you ****), angelina, angel, ira
83. eye color - dark brown
84. fave movie - big hero six!! also a lot of other disney movies
85. fave actor - dont have one, i probably worry more about my favorite song than my fave actor
uhhhhhhh im tagging: @taeyoming @playfuldisaster @wonboowoo @mlmlucas @godrics @majinstic @smiley-yuta @jeno-screaming @tojaehyun @runjen @wootrble @yoonjisung8th
also dont do this unless you want to and im sorry if you’ve already done this and lastly ignore this if you want to im annoying i know
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senseisyfr · 6 years
Secrets Lead You To Unknown Places
In a park, Center visibly waiting, impatient.
Center : Where is she goddammit..!! (Trying to call Nezumi but it goes straight to voicemail, a personalized one for each caller, often changing depending on the mood)
"Hey. I don't plan being polite with you. You're bothering me right now, so leave your fuckin message and get lost, bitch !!! GOT IT ??!! FUCK YOU !!!!"
Center : This one was rude, hey !!!! I'm not your dog !!! Wait just a bit when I see you..!! Ok if she doesn't want to be with me anymore she should just tell me face to face not waiting for me to hear her voicemail !! Seriously !!!
Center leaving the park, rushing to Black's home but ran across Choukoku who was training.
Center : Ah, Choukoku !!
Choukoku : Oh. Center... you wanna fight ?
Center : RAAAH COME ON !!!! IT'S NOT FUNNY !!!!
Choukoku : Hey watch your tone when you talk to me, kid ! What's going on again ?!
Center : It's about Nezumi...
Choukoku : She's dead ??!!
Center : No !!!! She doesn't answer when I call her, I don't know where she is ! I left a message but her voicemail was pretty aggressive...
Choukoku : Well, I'm not surprised. She's somewhere conning some people again, don't you know her ?! This girl is a trader anyway, when it's about money.....
Center : No, this is serious !! Things... are tense right now between us, so it's complicated...
Choukoku : Sorry, I'm not interested. (Leaving) Your love problems are not my concern.
Center : Choukoku, wait !! Try to call her !!!
Choukoku : (Stops, turning to Center) Hey... if she's mad right know it's better to leave her alone for a while, just saying. Also, she's still angry at me because I have to pay off my debts since the last time with my mum who was hospitalized... so I think this is not a good time for me to call her, you see.
Center : Wait you haven't solved this problem yet ?!
Choukoku : Fuck you, I'm not rich !! She asked me to pay 900 000 000 you know !!! She's pissing me off I live on the streets right now !!
Center : HAH ???!!!! But..!! Why aren't you going to... I don't know, Kojiharu or Black and Gekikara's home ??!!
Choukoku : Kid, are you fuckin serious ?! Black is with her ex boyfriend, she left Gekikara ! Kojiharu, this girl is nuts and everyone has its own life you know. So enough drama for me and fighters never ask for help... they sort themselves out ! (Definitely leaving) Bye.
Center : Eh ???!!! Raah !!! Great. Guess I have to take care of this myself... (Nezumi calling her) Finally !! It's about time !!! Well, no I'm not picking up. I'm mad too. Let's visit Gekikara... (Leaving)
Meanwhile in the streets.....................................
Nezumi : Not picking up ?! Ok. (Throwing her phone away, scaring 2 girls who were around her at the same time !) Fuck !!! (Phone destroyed, taking her 2nd one) Sorry girls.... (kissing the 1st one) Here's the money... Thanks for the drugs....(kissing the 2nd one) (Leaving, walking a few meters, thinking, a bit worried) Damn, I was rude with Center... I was so angry that I tossed her out like a sack of garbage ! I'm on drugs too so... I have to look for her... mmmmmh smells goooooood, I'm so high...!! 100 baggies hahahaaa !!! Business is so fuckin good hehehe... because I'm Nezumi.
1st part of the story. Thank you for reading :) !
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